foot arch pain


foot arch pain
Information for the well-being of your feet
Foot and
toe deformities
more on page 2
more on page 3
Das Herz der Keramik
Gewinnen Sie mit!
more on page 4
more on page 3
High Heels
Relief Soles
Light and supple
Carola Esser is a model – from head to toe. The 38-year-old Frankfurt native
keeps her naturally beautiful feet fit with a balanced fitness and care
programme: plenty of exercise and care.
he renowned agency eastwest models in Frankfurt
added Carola Esser to their laypersons’ file. The
breakthrough came a year later, when a customer
was looking for an athletic model for a photo shooting.
“I earned well, and focused on modelling from then
on.” During a later photo shooting, a photographer
discovered the beauty of her feet. “I was walking
barefoot over a paper floor to avoid damaging it. The
photographer took photos of my feet.”
receive an appropriate
beauty treatment. Her
cuticles are precisely put
into place, and her nails are
trimmed to a healthy
length. “I usually apply
French nail polish. This
appears very well looked
Small feet
Then the photos get taken
– and it’s not a simple
matter. Details such as
Lastingly beautiful legs and feet need regular care.
angle and lighting are
important. It’s also often
strenuous for the model. “I’m often standing or sitting
This takes a lot of abdominal muscle work, since such
very uncomfortably for the various adjustments. I often
a position can only be maintained with large amounts
have to set my foot down only partially so that it looks
of muscle tension. For this reason, Carola Esser has to
supple and light.”
keep fit with a balanced sports programme, such as
jogging and regular visits to a fitness studio. “I wear
insoles when jogging so that my feet don’t sag. Too
much running isn’t good. I also swim frequently, since
this gentle form of sport places the least strain on my
Since her shoe size was also an ideal 37 and smaller feet
are regarded as more aesthetic in the business, one thing
led to another. Several agency customers saw the images
in her file and have booked the young woman for foot
photo shootings since then. Carola Esser brings her feet
into top form before a shoot. “Advance care is a basic
prerequisite, of course. That would take way too long on
set.” The beauty programme starts the night before. “I do
a scrub on my feet and then apply cream.” Her nails also
More than cleansing
or pure relaxation after everyday strains, a warm 10 to 15 minute foot
bath helps. Fill the foot bath with warm water (36° to 38° C), add
GEHWOL Foot Bath, stir and immerse both legs halfway up the
calves. The foot bath does more than cleanse and provide pleasant
relaxation – it can do a lot more with the right bath additives! GEHWOL
Foot Bath on a soda basis has proven itself particularly for sore feet and
severe callus, weals and corns. Essential oils from lavender, rosemary and
thyme promote the circulation. At the same time, the foot bath cleanses the
skin deep into the pores and provides a lasting deodorising effect. The feet
are thoroughly warmed and revitalised. Refatting substances render the
skin silky and resistant.
The care programme
Aside from engaging in sports, she also devotes an
extensive fitness and care programme to her feet. “I
probably look after my feet a lot more than other
people. I apply GEHWOL med Lipidro Cream to them
every night before going to bed. It’s super.” Now and
then the likeable Frankfurt native also treats herself to a
professional pedicure. But her permanent care
programme also means avoiding pressure problems on
her feet. “I wear almost entirely flats privately and pay
special attention to good quality shoes and a correct fit
when buying footwear. Carola Esser does wear high
heels for special events, “but only with pressure relief
From head to shoe
The human support and locomotor apparatus has its base at the end of the lower extremities.
Wrong and excessive pressure on the foundation of walking can lead to foot and toe deformities.
Often the problems are due to wrong and excessively narrow footwear.
like walking down mountains: the foot
slips forwards; the weight is transferred
from the heel to the forefoot, which
increases the pressure on the balls of
the feet. In order to compensate this
imbalance, the body changes its
posture and also the walking
movement, which in turn has an impact
on the muscles of the trunk and limbs.
Increased risk
Back pain, foot and toe deformities
often develop, since pressure is no
longer evenly distributed over the foot.
Pressure is normally evenly distributed
between the frontal foot and heel.
Uneven pressure distribution can have
painful consequences.
Foot malpositions develop when the
position of the foot deviates from the
normal foot axis or through changes of
the foot arch and musculature. These
problems often occur at the same time
(e.g. in bent and sunken foot) or are
interrelated. If, for instance, the
transverse arch drops due to increased
pressure on the frontal foot, the
metatarsal protuberances which are
part of it touch the ground even when
they are not under pressure. This forces
the toes apart, spreading the feet.
GEHWOL pressure relief products relieve affected pressure spots.
hile 98 percent of people are born with
healthy feet, more than 60 percent have
anatomical foot problems as adults. Wearing
the wrong shoes is a common cause of deformities and
malpositions: too narrow, too big or excessively high
heels. Wearing high heels in particular can cause
serious problems. Walking in shoes with high heels is
expert advice about the anatomy of the feet, suitable
foot care and the right shoes. Experts recommend
wearing shoes with a maximum heel height of four
centimetres to avoid toe and foot deformities due to
high heels. For optimal statics in the locomotor
apparatus, the toes should not be squeezed within the
shoe, and touch the sole at least seven millimetres away
from the edges of the shoes.
Relief and aid
For those who nonetheless don’t want to do without a
fashion-conscious presentation, GEHWOL High Heels
Relief Soles effectively prevent deformities. They
reduce one-sided strain and distribute pressure 50:50
over the frontal foot and heel. In this way, the relief
soles, manufactured from flexible silicone gel, enable
the natural rolling movement of the feet while walking.
GEHWOL polymer gel pressure relief articles provide
relief for nearly all other pressure problems. They reduce
strain on affected areas and sensibly complement expert
treatment. Regular home foot care and exercise, foot
baths with circulation-activating additives, professional
foot massage and adequate, comfortable footwear play
an important role in ensuring long term foot health.
Numerous injuries
Frontal foot pain, weals or other
deformities such as hallux valgus or
bunionettes can also be caused by wrong footwear. In
hammer and claw toes, the muscles which bend and
stretch the toes are shortened. The toes are lifted and
overstretched upwards.
Foot care professionals and podologists are familiar
with these consequences of high heels. They provide
This hallux valgus shows an exceptionally extreme malposition of the large toe.
Polymer Gel
Whether it’s a corn, hammer toe or heel spur:
when the feet are squeezed, the GEHWOL
pressure relief articles provide optimal relief.
They are ideally adapted to the respective
problem and offer a highest level of wearing
comfort due to their optimal fit and a special
material: polymer gel.
olymer-Gel is odourless, skin friendly and
hypoallergenic, that is, it cannot trigger allergies.
Due to these characteristics, it was soon being
used for various medical products. The synthetic
substance is also eminently suited to protecting
pressure sensitive spots on the feet. It is soft and supple,
guaranteeing a pleasant wearing sensation. The
products are stable. This guarantees effective pressure
The right care
Medicinal paraffin oil is also worked into the GEHWOL
polymer gel pressure relief articles. It is continuously
given off when wearing and keeps the skin supple.
Another advantage of the material: it can be washed in
hand warm water and powdered with talcum powder
or GEHWOL med Foot Powder. With this care, the
pressure relief articles can be re-used for a long time.
But more than the material is special here. The production
process of selected GEHWOL pressure relief articles
from polymer gel is also sophisticated. Using the so
called injection moulding process, it is possible to
create products with detailed three dimensional forms.
This makes it possible to develop and offer products
which adapt to foot problems better all the time, both
in form and in hardness. Good examples include the
Corn Protection Ring G or the Heel cushion G.
Polymer gel is a plastic with special characteristics
and longer shelf life.
Das Herz
der Keramik
Wer kennt sie nicht, die typisch graublauen
salzglasierten Krüge und Vasen, die in der
ganzen Welt bekannt sind? Sie stammen aus
dem Kannenbäckerland, das neben der heute
sehr vielfältigen Keramik auch durch seine
zum Wandern einladende Landschaft besticht.
einen Namen verdankt das Kannenbäckerland
dem Ton. Denn aus ihm werden Tonkrüge
gebrannt beziehungsweise die „Kannen gebacken“. Das Vorkommen des südlich von Köln zwischen
Rhein und Westerwald gelegenen Gebiets gilt als das
größte in Europa. Die Nutzung des Naturmaterials ist
seit dem Jahr 1402 amtlich dokumentiert. Seit dem
17. Jahrhundert produzieren Töpfer, die im hessischen
Teil der Region „Dippemacher“ und im rheinlandpfälzischen Teil „Döppesbäcker“ genannt werden, die
Vorläufer der heutigen Glasflaschen.
Foto: Kannenbäckerland Touristik-Service
Bekannt ist das Gebiet vor allem durch Keramik in
blaugrauer Farbe: Krüge, Becher, Teller und vieles mehr
zieren quer durch Deutschland und Europa so manche
Küche. Die Hauptorte der Tonindustrie erstreckten sich
von Wirges hinunter zum Rhein. In Wirges wurde gefördert, in den westlichen Gemarkungen Höhr-Grenzhausen und Ransbach-Baumbach verarbeitet und am
Rhein bei Bendorf und Vallendar gelagert sowie die
Produkte in die Absatzmärkte transportiert.
Die Keramik prägt das sogenannte Kannenbäckerland und ist
heute genauso vielfältig wie seine Natur.
Töpfern wie früher
Wer die Geschichte der Westerwälder Keramik verfolgen möchte, kann dies zum Beispiel im Keramikmuseum Höhr-Grenzhausen oder im Tonbergbaumuseum
in Siershahn tun. Doch auch die heute noch vielfach
familiär betriebenen Töpfereien gewähren einen Blick in
die Anfänge der Tonkunst. Mittlerweile hat sich das
Gebiet zum keramischen Zentrum Deutschlands weiterentwickelt. Das Bildungs- und Forschungszentrum Keramik in Höhr-Grenzhausen und verschiedene Schulen
belegen die überragende Stellung für die Keramik. Und
so hat sich heute die Tonkunst weiterentwickelt. Zur
Bundesgartenschau 2011 überzeugten sich rund
200.000 Besucher von der keramischen Vielseitigkeit.
Foto: Hotel Heinz
Das Kannenbäckerland besticht nicht nur durch Ton.
Aufgrund seiner Lage zwischen Rheintal im Westen
und Westerwald im Osten, dem Naturpark Rhein-Westerwald im Norden und dem Naturpark Nassau im
Süden eignet es sich ideal für Aktivurlauber. Ein großer
Nordic-Walking-Park, eine Vielzahl an markierten
Wanderwegen sowie ausgewiesene, teils anspruchsvolle Radwege laden zur Bewegung für alle ein.
Die Natur lädt zum Verweilen ein.
Römischer Besuch
Sehenswert in der Umgebung sind zum Beispiel auch
das Schloss Sayn mit dem Garten der Schmetterlinge.
Das atemberaubend schöne Brexbachtal ist weit über
das Kannenbäckerland hinaus bekannt und in Hillscheid
bestaunen Besucher römische Geschichte. Dort wurden
ein Limes-Turm und ein Kleinkastell rekonstruiert.
Die katholische Pfarrkirche St. Bonifatius in Wirges
wird auch „Westerwälder Dom“ genannt und gehört zu
den imposantesten Beispielen neugotischer Sakralkunst. Einen herrlichen Ausblick über das Kannenbäckerland genießen die Besucher vom Köppel. Ein
weiterer Höhepunkt des Kannenbäckerlandes ist die
Sternwarte in Sessenbach, die unterschiedliche Instrumente für die Beobachtung des Himmels bereithält.
Empfehlenswert ist der Besuch einer der drei großen
Märkte. Den Auftakt bildet am ersten Sonntag im April
das Event „Höhr-Grenzhausen ... brennt Keramik“. Der
Internationale Keramikmarkt am ersten Wochenende
im Juni ebenfalls in Höhr-Grenzhausen und der Internationale Töpfermarkt am ersten Wochenende im
Oktober in Ransbach-Baumbach zählen gleichfalls zu
den Highlights der reizvollen Region.
Information und Buchung
Rathausstraße 10, 56203 Höhr-Grenzhausen
Telefon: 02624 -19433
E-Mail: [email protected]
Relief for the fans of high heels
Women hope to achieve long, slim legs and a
toned figure by wearing of high heels. However,
they are prepared to accept uncomfortable
shoes and in particular foot problems to
achieve this effect. GEHWOL High Heels
Relief Soles now provide relief.
earing shoes with high heels can lead to
serious problems as normally the pressure
distribution between the forefoot and heel
should be well balanced. The drawback of high heels is
that the focus of gravity is transferred to the forefoot.
Pedographic tests show that even in high heel shoes
with a heel height of 7.5 centimetres, approx. 75 percent
of the bodily weight rests upon the forefoot. Foot and
toe deformities, shortening of muscles and tendons
extending to backache can be the consequences.
To prevent such problems, orthopaedic specialists
recommend wearing comfortable and wide footwear, if
possible made of breathable leather with a maximum
heel height of four centimetres. This will achieve a
physiological load of the heel with the required
positioning on the ground.
People who do not want to relinquish high heels can
now do something themselves to provide relief. The
new GEHWOL High Heels Relief Soles provide a simple and effective opportunity to relieve complaints in
the forefoot. The new relief soles help the body to restore
the natural upright position from the forward leaning
position that is customary in wearers of high heels. They
reduce the unilateral load and equally distribute the
pressure between the forefoot and the heel. In this way,
the relief soles, manufactured from flexible silicone gel,
enable the natural rolling movement of the feet while
walking. Thus high heels can be worn without any loss
of comfort.
The innovative and narrow
relief soles fit into all high
heeled shoes: available in
four different sizes, they
accommodate the shoe
sizes ranging from 34 to
42. They are even inconspicuous in high heeled
sandals due to the transparent material. The
self-adhesive base allows
the insoles to be easily
fixed in place, meaning
that they will fit optimally
and will not slip. The
new relief soles for the fans of high heels are available
only in foot care practices, cosmetic institutes and
Wonders of the locomotor apparatus
The foot’s ability to bear weight greatly
depends on the right pressure distribution. An
ideal bone construction forms the basis.
he human foot has a complicated structure: more
than 100 ligaments, 33 joints, 26 bones and 20
muscles determine its anatomy and numerous
functions. The longitudinal arch under the middle foot
and the transverse arch under the frontal foot lend it
stability, flexibility and weight-bearing capacity. This is
very important, since the feet bear great strain over a
lifetime: they hold the entire weight of the body – and
indeed many times the bodyweight when jumping and
running – and carry human beings about four times
around the globe.
Precise sequence
contact phase, the outer edge of the foot adapts to the
surface of the ground. This results in human beings
being able to stand securely. In the push-off phase, the
heel lifts off, and weight is shifted through the pads of
the large and smaller toes while stretching the toes.
Only healthy feet are able to handle this process
without problems.
High-pressure changes
During this gait cycle, pressure is optimally distributed
onto the surfaces as they form. It immediately makes
sense that pressure distribution changes when steps are
altered. For instance, wearing shoes with raised heels
drastically increases strain on the frontal foot.
Increased pressure in this area can lead to many
problems such as foot and toe deformities, circulation
problems, shortened muscles and tendons, and even
postural damage.
Walking and running follow a clear cycle of steps. In
the beginning phase, the heel has first lateral (to the
side) and then planar contact with the ground. In the
The very complicated structure of the foot ensures
optimal pressure distribution.
20 GEHWOL-Produktsets für gepflegte Füße und Beine
zu gewinnen!
So geht’s: Finden Sie heraus, welches neue,
innovative GEHWOL-Produkt beim Tragen
von Schuhen mit erhöhten Absätzen für
Druckentlastung sorgt, und gewinen Sie je ein
fünfteiliges Set mit hochwertigen GEHWOLFuß- und -Beinpflegepräparaten – zusammen
mit einem kuscheligen Handtuch.
it den GEHWOL-Produkten unserer Gewinnsets kommen Sie mit warmen und gepflegten
Füßen durch feuchtkalte Wintertage. Im
GEHWOL Wärme-Balsam sorgen Extrakte aus Algen,
Paprika, Ingwer, ätherische Öle aus Rosmarin und
Lavendel sowie belebender Kampfer für ein angenehmes Wärmegefühl und wirken durchblutungsanregend.
Trockene Haut wird mit GEHWOL med Lipidro Creme
GEHWOL Balsam (normale Haut)
GEHWOL Wärme-Balsam
GEHWOL Bein-Balsam
GEHWOL med Lipidro Creme
GEHWOL pflegendes Fußspray
zusammen mit einem kuschelig weichen Handtuch
intensiv gepflegt. Harnstoff, Glycerin, Sanddorn- und
Avocadoöl und ein belebender Algenextrakt bringen die
Haut in ihr natürliches Gleichgewicht. Hochwertige
Pflegesubstanzen in den GEHWOL-Fußcremes und im
GEHWOL Bein-Balsam stärken die Fuß- und Beinhaut
und machen sie weich, geschmeidig und widerstandsfähig auch gegen Fußpilz. Spray-Liebhaber genießen
eine ausgewogene und reichhaltige Pflege mit dem
GEHWOL pflegenden Fußspray.
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FUSSVITAL is published on behalf of Eduard Gerlach
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Editorial staff: Stefan Dudzinski-Lange, Stefan Dietrich
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