Inspection Tours and Mobile Measured Value Acquisition


Inspection Tours and Mobile Measured Value Acquisition
Inspection Tours and Mobile Measured Value
Acquisition (M-RT) Using RFID
System structure
The Module “Inspection tours and mobile
measured value acquisition using RFID (MRT)“ facilitates and improves the acquisition
of measured values that are read, manually
acquired, and passed on to a central system
in the context of inspection tours. The
electronic data acquisition on site helps to
achieve an integrated work flow without
system interruption and paper printouts.
For a quick start, STEAG offers
recommended device types, which can be
used as PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
and server for the replication database. In
collaboration with the customer, differing
system configurations can be defined e.g. to
continue utilizing devices already in use.
This is possible because only standard
components available on the market are
Assistance in the data acquisition
The module includes the following software
components (cf. Fig. 1):
Client application M-RT on the mobile
Replication database with M-RT
server application for the supply of
data to the mobile devices
Bidirectional interface to synchronize
the mobile devices with the replication
Bidirectional interface with the CMMS
system (e.g. SAP, SI®, Maximo, or
To prepare for an inspection tour that serves
to acquire measured values, the server
application M-RT transfers the required
names and locations of measured values
from the central CMMS system and makes
them available in the replication database for
download to a mobile device. In addition, the
latest documented measured value is
provided. The users can download the lists
of measuring points onto their portable
devices by connecting the device via a
docking station to the central server.
Alternatively, they can synchronize the data
by means of a wireless LAN hotspot.
In an overview display, the user can get
informed about which measuring points are
to be read out and where to find them.
With RFID chips attached to the measuring
points, the operator guidance is even
simpler. Just by approaching the RFID
scanner, the input screen for the
corresponding measuring point is
automatically displayed on the screen of the
device. It is no longer possible to confuse
measuring points.
Inspection Tours and Mobile Measured Value
Acquisition (M-RT) Using RFID
The latest measured value is shown on the
input screen, so that the user on site can
immediately check the display for
plausibility and identify faulty measuring
Possibility to record faults detected
during the work
Identification of the measuring point
by reading out the RFID chip at the
Optionally, a specified step size or value
lists can be used for entering the
measured value into the mobile device,
making it unnecessary to use a keyboard.
Moreover, input errors can be detected
and avoided promptly on site by way of a
comparison with limits.
When the next synchronization with the
replication database occurs, the measured
values read out are adopted and
subsequently passed on to the central
CMMS system. The entire process thus
takes place in a completely paperless way.
Figure 1: Typical system configuration
Scope of performance
© STEAG Energy Services GmbH 2013, v4_05/13
List of the measuring points: the
name of the measuring point, the
corresponding description, the
location of the measuring point as
well as the sequence of the
Radio Frequency Identification
Mobile Messwerterfassung
Instandhaltungssystem der STEAG
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STEAG Energy Services GmbH | Rüttenscheider Str. 1-3 | 45128 Essen | Germany
Dr. Martin Stephan | Phone +49 201 801-4109
E-mail: [email protected]