

globegarden Newsletter June 2013
Dear parents, globegarden friends and interested readers,
After a very cold and wet spring, we are all very much
looking forward to a beautiful summer. Therefore we
enjoyed every sunny day, which we could enjoy
outside in parks, the lake or playgrounds. Summer is
such a great season.
Warm regards and enjoy reading!
globegarden Basel Novartis
pedagogic head: Jenny Thoms
Lichtstrasse 29
4002 Basel
[email protected]
Certified Quality Management «International Education Excellence»
globegarden - a great place to grow!
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
From our globegarden…….…………………………………
Theme of the Month
This month was all about family, parents and our lovely
brothers and sisters. We expecially celebrated the
mothers day because we all know that our mothers are
so important to us and we wanted to show them how
much we love them. We prepared gifts for our mothers
and fathers and were all excited to give them to our
parents in the evening. When we gave them to our
parents in the evening, everyone was so happy and this
was the best moment of the day. We also collected
family pictures and played role family games where we
pretended to be our father or our older brother or sister. It was so interesting to think about how they
would react in certain situations and sometimes we even invented some funny stories that made us
laught a lot. We did not
someone else but we also
got dressed like our fathers
or our grand-parents. It
was such an interesting
moment to feel how it is to
wear a tie or to need a
stick in order to walk. We
also used the pictures of
our families in order to play
the “guessing game”. The
other children had to guess
who my parents were and I
had to find out who the
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
members of my friends were. Sometimes I knew it already and then it was easy but sometimes we had
no idea who the people on the pictures were. Nevertheless, it was a funny game and we were all sad
when the activity was over. Another activity was to guess how we looked like when were were babies
and we had to think about all the people who belonged to our family. Then I remembered how much I
missed my grand-parents and my cousins and I could not wait for our holidays to come in order to play
with them again. We could also enjoy a mother’s day gathering with our mothers and fathers at the
centre. We all ate together and it was nice to eat a snack and some juice at the centre with our family.
Discovering Day
As this month it was all about family we also had a closer look at our friends at the centre because they
also belong to our family – the globegarden family. We coloured our hands and obverved our
fingerprints on the windows. It was so interesting to
see how each hand is different. Some hands are
smaller, other larger, some finger are longer and
other shorter. We realized that each of us is unique
but that we are also similar because we have all five
fingers. We used different colours for this activity and
the rooms looked so colourful at the end of the day
that we did not even realize that it was getting darker
outside. We also painted different objects with water
colours and learned about different flower shapes
and different sky colours. We decorated the centre
with other crafts so that we could invite the spring
and summer to come. Like that we can at least enjoy
a wonderful season inside, even though it is raining
outside. We are sure that with these decorations the
summer will come very soon! At least we hope for
the best.
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
Trip of the Month
It’s Zoo time! We were all so excited to
see the various animals in the Basel
Zoo. We loved to look at the gifraffe’s
long neck and imagined riding on the
elephant’s back. We realized that the
elephants have a very tough skin and
a very long trunk. It was amazing to
observe how the elephants were
grasping the apples and eat them
within a few seconds. After the
elephants, we went to the peacocks.
They are amazing because they are
so colourful and you can watch them strutting around proudly with their colourful and big crest of uppertail feathers. We also did not forget to visit the reptils and were really glad that they were behind a thik
glass. Another amazing thing was the monkey house where we saw a monkey mother carrying her baby
on her back. We imagined how it looked like when we were carried around by our parents and could
actually find some parallels. The horses we also very interesting to look at and we realized that every
animal is so different and unique within its specie.
Idea of the Month
This month we enjoyed early music education in
the little Mozart group. We learned more about
rhythm in a playful way and also got to know the
different beats of certain songs. We could also play
on different instruments and realized that the
sound is different depending on the instrument
where it comes from. We learned how to dance to
different songs and now we feel like dancing
whenever music is played in the centre. Music
makes us happy and we realized that it is a wonderful way how to express one’s emotions and feelings.
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Education and Care…..………………………………………
Sonnenschutz für Kinder
Kinder dürfen unter keinen Umständen einen Sonnenbrand erleiden, denn der Eigenschutz gegen die
UV-Strahlung entwickelt sich erst in den ersten Lebensjahren. Jeder einzelne Sonnenbrand im
Kindesalter erhöht das Risiko, später an Hautkrebs zu erkranken. Ein schwerer Sonnenbrand kann
sogar lebensbedrohend sein und muss sofort ärztlich behandelt werden.
Keine Sonnenstrahlen für Babies
Besonders gefährdet sind Säuglinge. Sie sind der UV-Strahlung praktisch schutzlos ausgeliefert und
dürfen daher nicht in die direkte Sonne. Innert Kürze würden sie einen Sonnenbrand erleiden und ihre
Augen könnten Schaden nehmen. Verwenden Sie für die empfindliche Babyhaut keine Sonnencreme.
Schützen Sie Babys mit sonnengerechten Kleidern - und vor allem mit Schatten.
Sonnenexposition frühestens im 2. Lebensjahr
Im zweiten Lebensjahr darf Ihr Kind gut geschützt ein
wenig in die Sonne. Auch Sonnencreme können Sie jetzt
anwenden (physikalische Filter verwenden). Tragen Sie
eine halbe Stunde bevor Sie in die Sonne gehen eine
grosszügige Menge Creme auf nicht bedeckte
Körperstellen. Nach dem Baden muss sie erneuert
werden. Doch auch mit Sonnenschutz sollte Ihr Kind
nicht zu lange in der Sonne sein. Die starke
Mittagssonne von 11-15 Uhr muss auf jeden Fall
gemieden werden. Nutzen Sie den Vor- und Nachmittag für Aufenthalte im Freien.
Schatten und sonnengerechte Kleidung
Kinder müssen ab UV-Index 3 (mittlere Strahlungsstärke) geschützt werden: durch Kleidung,
breitrandige Kopfbedeckung und Sonnenbrille mit UV-Filter. Kinder sollten vorwiegend im Schatten
spielen, besonders zwischen 11 und 15 Uhr, wenn die UV-Strahlung am stärksten ist.
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
Die Kleider sollten aus engmaschigem Stoff und nicht eng anliegend sein. Achten Sie darauf, dass die
Schultern Ihres Kindes auch beim Baden mit einem T-Shirt oder Badekleid bedeckt sind. Vorsicht: Auch
unter dem Sonnenschirm kann die UV-Strahlung noch beträchtlich sein. Zusätzlicher Schutz mit
Kleidung, Sonnencreme und Brille ist notwendig.
Referenz: Bundesamt für Gesundheit; http://www.bag.admin.ch/uv_strahlung/10653/10685/?lang=de
Administrative News…………………..................................
Our globegarden will be closed on the 1 and 2 of August. The centre will then be open until
News from our nursery, preschool and generally about childcare is what we wish to share with you in
this newsletter. Daily activities are always shown on www.facebook.com/globegarden . Further
information about our childcare program, curriculum and learning is provided on www.globegarden.org –
don’t forget have a look there from time to time.
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Sharing every moment…………..…..……………………….
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
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globegarden Newsletter June 2013
Childcare Centers
General-Wille-Strasse 8
8002 Zürich
Tel. 044 536 55 32
[email protected]
General-Wille-Strasse 8
8002 Zürich
Tel. 044 536 55 32
[email protected]
Certified Quality Management «International Education Excellence»
globegarden - a great place to grow!