Information about Disbursement of Dividends


Information about Disbursement of Dividends
Information about Disbursement of Dividends
General Information
Should the shareholder’s meeting of the Austrian Post AG decide to disburse dividends from the profit
made in 2006, the Austrian Post AG will transfer these dividends on May 10th 2007 through the
payment office of the Raiffeisen Centrobank AG to the Österreichische Kontrollbank AG („OeKB“). The
OeKB will disburse the dividends to the individual deposit banks. A dividend disbursement by the
Austrian Post AG to be credited to shareholders not resident in Austria will be made through the
foreign deposit bank. The amount of the dividend will be reduced according to Austrian law by the
amount of the 25% withholding tax.
The board of directors has recommended, subject to the approval of the shareholder’s meeting, that a
dividend in the amount of 70 million EUR (=1,00 EUR per eligible share) out of the profits from 2006
should be disbursed.
In order for shareholders to receive this dividend the shares must be held in the securities account on
the 9th and 10th of May 2007. The date of the dividend is the 10th of May 2007.
Taxation of Dividends Paid to Foreign Investors
The Austrian Post AG will retain a capital gain / withholding tax in the amount of 25% of the gross
dividend for those shares owned by diverse shareholders, according to the stipulations of the Austrian
income tax law (§ 95 EStG). Exempted from this withholding tax are those investors who are exempt
from capital gains tax according to § 94 EStG (for example private foundations and trusts) or
according to § 94a EStG (mother-daughter guidelines for dividend disbursements on EU companies).
A lower level of taxation at source is stipulated in various double taxation treaties.
An exemption from capital gains tax at source is possible but requires specific documentation
according to the DBA exemption regulation (BGBl.III Nr. 92/2005). In particular, foreign recipients
must record their incomes on an official form (ZS-QU1 for natural and ZS-QU2 for legal entities) with
the data required therein, including a certificate of residence from the inland revenue office with
jurisdiction over this residence, and to confirm that the income will not benefit any Austrian
businesses. Legal entities must in addition fill in the potion of the form which declares that the
recipient is not a holding company.
An exemption and or relief from capital gains tax can be immediately taken into consideration (relief
at source), if the supporting documents listed above are provided in original (by mail) to the Austrian
Post AG, Investor Relations, Postgasse 8, 1010 Vienna, Austria, before the 4th of May 2007 and no
reason for denying the exemption or relief is apparent. The company is not, however, in any way
compelled to provide relief at source.
In the event of a tax deduction (either the complete capital gains deduction or the difference between
the full capital gains rate of 25% and the preferential rate in the applicable DBA) the shareholder can
file for a return at the inland revenue office Bruck-Eisenstadt-Oberwart with the official forms ZS-RE1
and ZS-RE1A. Address: Finanzamt Bruck-Eisenstadt-Oberwart, Neusiedlerstrasse 46, 7001 Eisenstadt,
The above statement is general information and not intended to cover all aspects of taxation.
Investors are recommended to consult their personal tax advisor about the taxation of dividends.
ZS-QU1: Declaration for natural persons for the purpose of DBA-withholding tax relief
ZS-QU2: Declaration for legal entities for the purpose of DBA-withholding tax relief
ZS-RE1: Application for the repayment of Austrian withholding tax (English only)
ZS-RE1A: Attachment to form ZS-RD1 (Dividends) (English only)
Lokales Speichern
Importieren von Formulardaten
Erklärung natürlicher Personen für Zwecke der DBAQuellensteuerentlastung /
Declaration by individuals for the purpose of tax treaty
relief at source
gemäß § 2 der DBA-Entlastungsverordnung. BGBl. III, Nr. 92/2005
und dem Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen zwischen Österreich und /
according to Sec. 2 of the ordinance on DTC-relief, Federal Gazette III No. 92/2005
and the Double Taxation Convention between Austria and
Name des anderen Vertragsstaates / Name of the other Contracting State
I. Angaben zur Person der/des Einkünfteempfängerin/Einkünfteempfängers /
Information on the recipient of income
a) Name und Vorname
Full name
b) Genaue Angabe der Adresse, an der die/der
Einkünfteempfängerin/Einkünfteempfänger ansässig ist:
Full adress of the taxpayer´s residence:
c) Verfügen Sie in Österreich über eine Wohnstätte?
Is a permanent home available in Austria?
ja / yes
nein / no
d) Falls neben dem in lit. b angegebenen Hauptwohnsitz
weitere ausländische Wohnstätten in anderen ausländischen Staaten bestehen, wird um Adressenangabe ersucht.
If apart from the main residence indicated under (b)
above other permanent homes should be available in
other foreign countries, please specify.
II. Angaben über die von der Besteuerung zu entlastenden österreichischen
Einkünfte /
Information on the Austrian income to be relieved from tax
a) Die/Der in Abschnitt I bezeichnete Einkünfteempfängerin/
Einkünfteempfänger bezieht Einkünfte von (Name und
Adresse der/des Schuldnerin/Schuldners):
The taxpayer mentioned in section I obtains income
from (full name and full address of the debtor):
b) Art der Einkünfte (z.B. Lizenzgebühren, Vortragshonorare):
Type of income (e.g. royalties, lecturing fees):
c) Höhe der nach inländischem Recht abzugspflichtigen
Amount of income liable to withholding tax under
domestic law:
ZS - QU1
Bundesministerium für Finanzen
III. Erklärung der/des Empfängerin/Empfängers der Einkünfte/
Declaration of the recipient of income
Die vorstehend bezeichneten Einkünfte werden für eigene Rechnung vereinnahmt (es besteht daher keine Verpflichtung, sie an andere
Personen weiterzugeben); sie fließen auch keiner in Österreich unterhaltenen Betriebsstätte zu.
The income stated above is received on own account (there is no obligation to transfer it to other persons) and they do not
constitute income of an Austrian permanent establishment.
Ort, Datum /Reference
Unterschrift /Signature
IV. Ansässigkeitsbestätigung der Steuerverwaltung des Ansässigkeitsstaates/
Certificate of Residence from the tax administration of the country of
Für Zwecke der Steuerentlastung hinsichtlich der in Abschnitt II bezeichneten Einkünfte wird bestätigt, dass die/der in Abschnitt I
genannte Abgabepflichtige gemäß dem zwischen Österreich und
For the purposes of tax relief concerning the types of income mentioned in Section II, it is hereby confirmed that in accordance with the Double Taxation Convention concluded between Austria and
Name des Ansässigkeitsstaates / Name of the Residence Country
abgeschlossenen Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen in diesem Staat im Sinn des Abkommens ansässig ist.
the taxpayer mentioned in Section I is a resident in this country in the sense of the Convention.
Ort, Datum /Reference
Unterschrift /Signature
ZS - QU1 - Seite 2
Lokales Speichern
Importieren von Formulardaten
Erklärung juristischer Personen für Zwecke der DBAQuellensteuerentlastung /
Declaration by legal entities for the purpose of tax
treaty relief at source
gemäß § 2 der DBA-Entlastungsverordnung. BGBl. III, Nr. 92/2005
und dem Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen zwischen Österreich und /
according to Sec. 2 of the ordinance on DTC-relief, Federal Gazette III No. 92/2005
and the Double Taxation Convention between Austria and
Name des anderen Vertragsstaates / Name of the other Contracting State
I. Angaben zur Person der/des Einkünfteempfängerin/Einkünfteempfängers /
Information on the recipient of income
a) Name sowie Rechtsform (z.B. AG, GesmbH, Verein,
Name an legal form (e.g. public limited company,
private limited company, association, co-operative
b) Genaue Angabe der Adresse, an der sich der Ort der
tatsächlichen Geschäftsleitung der juristischen Person
Full address of the place of effective management of
the legal entity:
c) Staat, nach dessen Rechtsordnung die juristische Person
gegründet wurde (Gründungsstaat):
State under whose laws the legal entity has been set
up (State of the entity´s foundation)
d) Übt die juristische Person eine betriebliche Betätigung
aus, die über den Rahmen der Vermögensverwaltung hinausgeht?
Does the legal entity carry out business activities
which go beyond the scope of enjoyment of capital
ja / yes
nein / no
ja / yes
nein / no
e) Beschäftigt die juristische Person eigene Arbeitnehmer und
verfügt sie zur Betriebsausübung über eigene Betriebsräumlichkeiten?
Does the legal entity employ its own employees and
does it have its own business premises to carry out
business activities?
II. Angaben über die von der Besteuerung zu entlastenden österreichischen
Einkünfte /
Information on the Austrian income to be relieved from tax
a) Die/Der in Abschnitt I bezeichnete Einkünfteempfängerin/
Einkünfteempfänger bezieht Einkünfte von (Name und
Adresse der/des Schuldnerin/Schuldners):
The recipient of income mentioned in Section I
obtains income from (full name and full address of
the debtor):
b) Art der Einkünfte (z.B. Lizenzgebühren, Beratungshonorare):
Type of income (e.g. royalties, consultancy fees):
c) Höhe der nach österreichischem Recht abzugspflichtigen
Amount of income liable to withholding tax under
Austrian law:
ZS - QU2
Bundesministerium für Finanzen
III. Erklärung der/des Empfängerin/Empfängers der Einkünfte/
Declaration of the recipient of income
Die vorstehend bezeichneten Einkünfte werden für eigene Rechnung vereinnahmt (es besteht daher keine Verpflichtung, sie an andere
Personen weiterzugeben); sie fließen auch keiner in Österreich unterhaltenen Betriebsstätte zu.
The income stated above is received on own account (there is no obligation to transfer it to other persons) and they do not
constitute income of an Austrian permanent establishment.
Ort, Datum /Reference
Unterschrift /Signature
IV. Ansässigkeitsbestätigung der Steuerverwaltung des Ansässigkeitsstaates/
Certificate of Residence from the tax administration of the country of
Für Zwecke der Steuerentlastung hinsichtlich der in Abschnitt II bezeichneten Einkünfte wird bestätigt, dass die/der in Abschnitt I
genannte Abgabepflichtige gemäß dem zwischen Österreich und
For the purposes of tax relief concerning the types of income mentioned in Section II, it is hereby confirmed that in accordance with the Double Taxation Convention concluded between Austria and
Name des Ansässigkeitsstaates / Name of the Residence Country
abgeschlossenen Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen in diesem Staat im Sinn des Abkommens ansässig ist.
the taxpayer mentioned in Section I is a resident in this country in the sense of the Convention.
Ort, Datum /Reference
Unterschrift /Signature
ZS - QU2 - Seite 2
Lokales Speichern
Importieren von Formulardaten
Entry stamp
of the Austrian tax authority
under the tax treaties concluded by Austria
File No.
of the Austrian tax authority:
for the year:
Please indicate here your State of residence
2. Information on the claimant
Reference No. of claimant if
Full name, birth date (in the case of
Business name (in the case of legal persons)
Legal form (in the case of legal persons:
e.g. stock corporation, club)
(post code, town, street, number)
telephone or fax number, e-mail-address
Representative (if any)
(name, address)
telephone or fax number, e-mail-address
To be filled in by the claimant
3. Computation of repayment amount
(all amounts in Euro)
DIVIDENDS (according to Sheet A)
ROYALTIES (according to Sheet B)
OTHER INCOME (according to Sheet C)
4. Residence certificate of the foreign tax administration
For the purpose of obtaining tax relief in Austria it is certified that within the meaning of the Double Taxation
Convention Austria has concluded with the State indicated in Section 1 the claimant on the date(s) when the
income was received (Section 3) was a resident of that State and that the information on the claimant (Section 2)
is in accordance with our knowledge.
Bundesministerium für Finanzen
ZS-RE1, Seite 1, Version vom 21.12.2006
5. Information concerning the transfer of the repayment amount
The claimant requests to transfer the repayment amount to the account
IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
account holder
financial institution
BIC (Bank Identifier Code)
address (financial institution)
6. Declaration by the claimant
The claimant declares that the statements made in this claim form are true.
Place and date
7. Leave blank for the Austrian tax authority
repayment amount
+ interest on underpayment of tax
total repayment amount
ZS-RE1, Seite 2, Version vom 21.12.2006
Lokales Speichern
Importieren von Formulardaten
with regard to form ZS-RE1
A. General information
Did you maintain a fiscal domicile in Austria at the date(s) when the dividends stated overleaf
were received? If so, please state address:
Were you at the date(s) when the dividends stated overleaf were received entitled to the use of
the capital assets from which the dividends are derived and did you receive these yields on your
own account?
Did you receive the capital assets listed overleaf on the basis of a contract, option or other
agreement whereby you could be bound to resell or otherwise transfer these or similar capital
Is this your main residence?
Had you at the date(s) when the dividends stated overleaf were received a permanent
establishment in Austria or did you hold an interest in an Austrian partnership?
B. Special information in the case of legal persons
Does the legal person making the claim carry out a business activity which is beyond the scope
of enjoyment of capital assets? If so, please indicate the type of business:
Does the legal person making the claim employ its own employees and does it have its own
business premises to carry out business activities?
Do shareholders who are residents of Austria hold an interest of more than 10% ?
The income stated above is received on own account (there is no obligation to transfer it to other persons) and they
do not constitute income of an Austrian permanent establishment.
Place and date
Bundesministerium für Finanzen
ZS-RE1A, Seite 1, Version vom 21.12.2006
C. Computation of repayment claim
(all amounts in Euro)
1. Portfolio dividends
Description of the capital
Date of
acquisition 1)
Number of shares
Due date
Gross earnings
in Euro
Total gross earnings
% 2) thereof repayment claim
2. Intercompany dividends
Description of the Austrian
Date of
acquisition 1)
expressed in %
Due date
Gross earnings
in Euro
Total gross earnings
% 2) thereof repayment claim
Necessary only if acquired during the last three years.
Please enter here the percentage which is the difference between 25% and the tax rate according to the Double Taxation Convention.
ZS-RE1A, Seite 2, Version vom 21.12.2006

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