Memoreren met liederen…


Memoreren met liederen…
Searching for a safe space with the
sound of silence…
Paul Goodman
Not speaking and speaking are both human ways of being in the world, and
there are kinds and grades of each. There is the dumb silence of slumber or
apathy; the sober silence that goes with a solemn animal face; the fertile
silence of awareness, pasturing the soul, whence emerge new thoughts; the
alive silence of alert perception, ready to say, “This… this…”; the musical
silence that accompanies absorbed activity; the silence of listening to another
speak, catching the drift and helping him be clear; the noisy silence of
resentment and self-recrimination, loud and subvocal speech but sullen to say
it; baffled silence; the silence of peaceful accord with other persons or
communion with the cosmos.
Maria Montessori
„Man sagt „Ruhe!“ Da haben wir’s. Das Kommando! Und gerade um „Ruhe!“ zu
sagen, schlägt man manchmal noch auf irgendetwas. Das ist wahrlich ein
Widerspruch. Es ist völlig unlogisch! Nun, wenn wir das Schweigen wollen,
müssen wir es lehren. Und bevor wir es lehren, … demonstrieren, kennen
lernen lassen muss. Weil man gewöhnlich die Stille nicht kennt, verwechselt
man sie mit einer gewissen Verminderung von Geräuschen, die gewöhnlich
auch eine Verminderung von Unruhe bringt. Trotzdem weiß man, vor allen
Dingen von der erzieherischen Seite her, dass die Stille einen sehr hohen
inneren Wert hat…“
(aus: Montessori, Spannungsfeld Kind – Gesellschaft – Welt, S. 67 ff)
Die Stille darf ausdrücklich NICHT als Disziplinierungstechnik missbraucht werden
Remembrance and commemoration in an
internationale context. A moment of
Bach, Matthaus Passion, 39. Aria A, Erbarme
Erbarme dich, mein Gott,
um meiner Zähren willen!
Schaue hier, Herz und Auge
weint vor dir bitterlich.
Erbarme dich, mein Gott.
Have mercy, my God,
for the sake of my tears!
See here, before you
heart and eyes weep bitterly.
Have mercy, my God.
Mourning in the public space…
Woorden, gebaren en voorwerpen…
grondstoffen voor symbolisering
Symbolic and diabolic way to deal
with sacred place…
What do you see?
What do you see in it?
Rouwen in
de tijd.
Van den
How can we commemorate?
With poems and songs…
 (Toon Hermans)
 (tekst Gregoire)
 ( clip Gregoire)
 (Bart Peeters)
A frame to work a commemoration
From 1’ to 1 hour…from 1’ to a long path of commemoration…
Macro: The international context (Mapping)
Meso: impact on pur colourful (school) communities (zie teksten)
Micro: The emotions (fear versus confidence) of he individuals…
The circle / the corner/ the playground, the school restaurant, the gym room
The intersection
Word, object and an action…
Le petit journal:
Hoe beelden kunnen ‘vervormen’? Kritisch omgaan met (internationale)
media! Leren beelden lezen…
De proef op de som!
 Welke vraag zouden we de juf willen stellen?
Snake or the snail?
Clock time (head) shock time (heart)
An extra exercise…
1.Invite the whole class together to come and participate in the “Exercise of Silence”.
2.Tell the children that they will be creating silence together. But in order to be silent, they must
not make a noise.
3.Introduce the silence board by explaining that on one side there is the word “silence”, and on
the other side, there is a picture of a peaceful and tranquil place.
4.Tell them that when they see the word “silence”, we can all begin creating the silence. When
we see the picture, we can stop making the silence.
5.Show the children where in the environment the silence board is hung.
6.Remind them that when we see the word “silence”, we are silent so we do not move.
7.Tell the children that you will then whisper their names one by one and they are to come sit next
to you as quietly as possible.
8.Ask the children if they are all sitting comfortably and remind them to breath quietly. Turn over
the board to show the word “silence” and begin the game.
9.Begin whispering their names before you feel as though the children can no longer hold the
silence. Once they are all sitting quietly next to you, turn the silence board over to end the game.

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