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PDF-Flyer - Mohr Siebeck
Der Kannibalen-Fall
Verfassungsrechtliche Einwände gegen die Einstufung als Mord
und gegen die Verhängung lebenslanger Freiheitsstrafe
[The Cannibal Case. Objections Based on Constitutional Law to the Classi cation as a Homicide
and the Sentence of Life Imprisonment.]
Published in German.
The cannibal case in Germany is highly spectacular. It raises numerous questions in dogmatics
and constitutional law which even lecturers at American universities are discussing with their
students. The problem here is how to weigh the unique coincidence of the victim's request to
be killed against the perpetrator's perverse motivation and his abominable o ence. Jörg
Scheinfeld explains why the lawmaker allowed the crime to be classi ed as killing on demand
in accordance with the German Criminal Code. In addition, he shows that in sentencing the
accused to life imprisonment, the Frankfurt Criminal Division violated the principle of equal
treatment, and also violated the concept of guilt repeatedly. Using this case as an example, the
author develops basic principles for interpreting and applying all subjective criteria for murder
in accordance with the constitution.
2009. VIII, 89 pages.
ISBN 978-3-16-150116-6
sewn paper 19,00 €
Jörg Scheinfeld Geboren 1970; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Ruhr-Universität
Bochum; 2005 Promotion; 2012 Habilitation; seitdem Lehrstuhlvertreter und später Lehrkraft
für besondere Aufgaben an der Universität Mainz.
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