Publications - Soziologie 2


Publications - Soziologie 2
Dr. Magdalena Nowicka
January 2009
Companion to Cosmopolitanism, edited volume with Maria Rovisco (Ashgate, Aldershot 2010)
Cosmopolitanism in Practice, edited volume with Maria Rovisco (Ashgate, Aldershot 2009).
Von Polen nach Deutschland und zurück. Die Arbeitsmigration und ihre Herausforderungen für
Europa (edited volume, transcript, Bielefeld 2007).
Transnational Professionals and Their Cosmopolitan Universes (Campus, Frankfurt/Main and
New York 2006).
Journal articles (peer-reviewed)
Transcultural diversity and the recent migration from Poland to ‘the islands’: towards a new
research agenda of contemporary migration in Europe (with Kevin Robins, forthcoming).
Localizing global borders: ‘typical’ and ‘atypical’ mobility and new lines of social differentiation
in a European transborder region (forthcoming).
Heterogeneity, Borders and Thresholds - How Mobile Transnational Professionals Order the
World, in: Journal of Borderlands Studies 23 (2), 2008: 41-58.
Europe as a Common Social Space – Methodological Problems of Researching Society and
Integration in Europe: the Example of Spatial Mobility, in: European Studies 3(43), 2007: 27-54
(in Polish).
Mobile Locations. Construction of Home in the Group of Transnational Professionals, in: Global
Networks 7(1), 2007: 69-86.
Mobility, Space and Social Structuration in the Second Modernity and Beyond, in: Mobilities
1(3), 2007: 411-435.
Equality of women and men at labor markets of Poland and the European Union member
countries, in: European Forum Nr. 4 Summer 2002 (in Polish).
Social and economic aspects of the European Union's eastward enlargement: evaluation
of gains and costs, in: European Studies 3(15), 2000: 23-36 (in Polish).
Social and Economic Aspects of the European Union Enlargement to the East: Assessment of
Potential Costs and Benefits, in: European Studies Yearbook 4, 2000: 36-50.
Europe's search for identity, in: Euro-Listy - Bulletin of the Center for European Studies
Bratislava 2/2000 (in Slovakian).
Competitive society? Attitudes towards work in Poland and the European Union
countries, in: European Studies 4/1999: 51-73 (in Polish).
Book chapters
"Hängen geblieben": Bildungsmigranten aus Polen und ihre Zukunftsperspektiven in
Deutschland und Europa, in: Jahrbuch Polen- Migration, Deutsches Polen Institut, Darmstadt,
Zum Begriff der Migration, in: Bührmann, A., Fischer, U., Jasper, G. (Eds) Migrantinnen
gründen Unternehmen. Eine empirische Analyse des Gründungsgeschehens und die Entwicklung
innovativer Beratungskonzepte, forthcoming 2009.
Education migrants and the Generation Global, in: Research Network 1989 (Eds) Migration,
Higher Education and Professional Mobility in Europe, OAPEN, forthcoming 2009.
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Dr. Magdalena Nowicka
January 2009
Introduction. Making sense of cosmopolitanism, in Nowicka, M., Rovisco, M. (Eds)
Cosmopolitanism in Practice, Ashgate, Aldershot 2009, with Maria Rovisco.
Looking at the practice of the UN professionals: Strategies of managing differences and the
emergence of a cosmopolitan identity, in Nowicka, M., Rovisco, M. (Eds) Cosmopolitanism in
Practice, Ashgate, Aldershot 2009, with Ramin Kaweh.
‘Do you really talk about emotions on the phone..?.’ Content of distance communication as a
structuring moment of the modern world society, in: Anghel, R., Gerharz, E., Rescher, G. und
Salzbrunn, M. (Eds) The Making of World Society. Perspectives from Transnational Research,
transcript, Bielefeld 2008.
Einführung: Migration als Herausforderung für Europa, in: Nowicka, M. (Ed.) Von Polen nach
Deutschland und zurück. Die Arbeitsmigration und ihre Herausforderungen für Europa,
transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2007.
Selbständigkeit und Firmengründung - zur neuen sozialen Lage der polnischen Migranten in
München, in: Nowicka, M. (Ed.) Von Polen nach Deutschland und zurück. Die Arbeitsmigration
und ihre Herausforderungen für Europa, transcript, Bielefeld 2007, with Maja Zielinska.
Feste Beziehung oder one-nightstand? Hochmobile und ihre Bindung zu Orten, in: Kreutzer, F.,
Roth, S. (Eds.) Transnationale Karrieren, VS, Wiesbaden 2006.
Eine für Immer? Eine Netzwerk Identität, in: Rehberg, K.-S. (Eds.) Soziale Ungleichheit –
Kulturelle Unterschiede. Verhandlungen des 32. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Soziologie in München 2004, Campus, Frankfurt 2006.
Feste Beziehung oder one-nightstand? Hochmobile und ihre Bindung zu Orten, in: Rehberg, K.S. (Eds.) Soziale Ungleichheit - Kulturelle Unterschiede. Verhandlungen des 32. Kongresses der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in München 2004, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt 2006.
Der kosmopolitische Blick. Oder: Krieg ist Frieden by Ulrich Beck, in: European Studies
Quarterly, Nr. 1(29) 2004 (in Polish)
After Amsterdam, before enlargement. Political panorama of the EU by Leszek Jesień, European
Studies Quarterly, No.2/1999 (in Polish)
Poland Country Economic Memorandum. Reform and economic growth on the Road to EU,
World Bank Report, European Studies Quarterly, No.3/1998 (in Polish)
The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order by Samuel Huntington, European
Studies Quarterly, No.3/1998 (in Polish)
Imagined communities by Benedict Anderson, European Studies Quarterly, No.2/1998 (in
Contributions to conferences
Studying (trans)cultural diversity in Europe - the case of the recent migration from Poland to the
UK and Germany, Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association, Cardiff, GB, 1617. April 2009.
Cosmopolitanism as a Mode of Self-Transformation, International Institute of Sociology World
Congress, Budapest, June 2008, with Maria Rovisco.
Looking at the Practice of UN Professionals: Between World-openness and Regulated Exposure
to Cultural Difference, International Institute of Sociology World Congress, Budapest, June
2008, with Ramin Kaweh.
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Dr. Magdalena Nowicka
January 2009
Bestimmungsmomente der Migration in kosmopolitischer Perspektivierung, Internationale
Tagung: From ‚Normal Entrepeneurship’ to ‚Entrepreneurial Diversity’?, Berlin, March 2008.
Transnational professionals and the nature of their presence in a city, The ULB-EESC
Conference on Cultural Policies in Administrative Cities, Brussels, December 2007.
A Question of Quality. ITCs and Their Role in Global Social Networks, Conference of the
Graduate School „World Concepts and Global Patterns” and the World Society Institute‚The
Making of ‘World Society: Transnational Practices and Global Patterns’, Bielefeld, November
Between Mobility and Local Binding - Highly Mobile Experts and Their Visions of the Local,
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin Summer Academy‚ Experts and Mediators of Knowledge in the
20th Century’, Berlin, September 2005.
Feste Beziehung oder one-nightstand? Hochmobile und ihre Bindung zu Orten, 32nd Congress
German Sociological Association, Munich, October 2004.
Eine für Immer? Eine Netzwerk Identität, 32nd Congress German Sociological Association,
Munich, October 2004.
Mobile Locations. Construction of Home and Sense of Belonging in the Group of Highly Mobile
Employees of an International Organization, Conference of the Association of Social
Anthropologist of the Common Wealth ‘Locating the Field: Metaphors of Space, Place and
Context in Anthropology’, Durham, UK, March 2004.
This could be anywhere. On mobility and spatial relations, Conference of the Center for Mobility
Research ‚Alternative Mobility Futures’, Lancaster, UK, January 2004.
Other contributions
Kosmopolitismus und Transnationalismus – neue Begriffe in der Migrationsforschung und ihre
analytische Stärken und Schwächen., lecture, Universität Hildesheim, 12 November 2008.
Internationale Migration aus der Sicht soziologischer Theorien, Akademie für Politische Bildung
und der Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung, lecture, Tutzing 24 September
Die Marktdynamik aus dem Osten seit der EU-Erweiterung 2004. Introduction, in Praxis-Guide
für Selbständige aus Osteuropa, Nexus, Nürnberg 2007.
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