Dr Florian Urban - Glasgow School of Art


Dr Florian Urban - Glasgow School of Art
Last updated September 2015
Professor and Head of Architectural History and Urban Studies
Mackintosh School of Architecture
Glasgow School of Art
167 Renfrew Street
Glasgow G3 6RQ
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)141-353-4583
[email protected]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA
Ph.D. in History and Theory of Architecture
Doctoral Thesis: “The Invention of the Historic City - Building the Past in East
Berlin 1970-1990.” The thesis was also submitted at TU Berlin and is available
online at http://opus.kobv.de/tuberlin/volltexte/2006/1204/
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Master of Arts in Urban Planning
University of the Arts, Berlin
Meisterschüler (Master of Fine Arts in Sculpture/Media Arts)
Recent Books
Neo-historical East Berlin – Architecture and Urban Design in the German Democratic
Republic 1970-1990 (Farnham: Ashgate 2009)
Based on my doctoral dissertation at MIT (2006), the book traces the long-neglected history of
neo-historical architecture in East Berlin during the 1970s and 1980s, which was connected with
new ideas about historic preservation. In the book, I investigated how a socialist regime
developed and constructed the “historic city” according to conceptions that were surprisingly
similar to those found in other European and North American countries at the time. I argue that
architectural design before and after the German reunification has to be seen as a continuous
development rather than a break. Despite the different political and economic system in the
German Democratic Republic, East Berlin design politics during the 1970s and 1980s paralleled
the approaches in Western countries, where real and imagined urban history was increasingly
commodified and marketed to local elites and tourists.
Tower and Slab – Global Histories of Mass Housing (Abingdon: Routledge, 2012)
This book traces the changeful course of mass housing in Chicago, Paris, Berlin, Brasília,
Mumbai, Moscow, and Shanghai. Investigating the complex interactions between city planning
and social history, it thus shows how the modernist vision to house the masses succeeded in
certain contexts and failed in others, and how the serial block came to rouse harsh controversies
like few other architectural types in history. I argue that design is not to blame for mass housing’s
ambivalent achievements. The buildings did not produce the social situations they came to stand
for, but acted as vessels, conditioning rather than creating social relations and channeling rather
than generating existing polarities. The comparison of the apparently similar projects in seven
different cities suggests that their triumph or fiasco did not depend on a single variable but rather
on a complex formula that includes not only form and programming, but equally social
Last updated September 2015
composition, location within the city, effective maintenance, and a variety of cultural, social, and
political indicators.
Recent other publications (selection)
Peer reviewed articles
“Balmoral Castle – European Romanticism and Nation Building in the Scottish Highlands” [coauthored with Aonghus MacKechnie], Architectural History 58 n. 1 (2015), 159-196.
“La Perla – 100 years of Informal Architecture in San Juan, Puerto Rico“ Planning Perspectives
30 n. 4 (October 2015) “The Hut on the Garden Plot – Informal Architecture in Twentieth-Century
Berlin,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (June 2013)
“Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall and the Invention of the Post-modern City,” Journal of Architecture
18 n. 2 (2013), 254-296.
“New Tenements and the Image of the Past – the Crown Street Development in Glasgow’s New
Gorbals” Architectural Research Quarterly 17 n. 1 (March 2013), 37-48.
“Japanese Occidentalism and Postmodern Architecture“, Journal of Architectural Education
(March 2012), 89-102.
“Built Historiography in Glasgow’s New Gorbals”, Journal of Art Historiography (2011).
“Mumbai’s Suburban Mass Housing”, Urban History 39 (February 2012), 128-148
“Prefab Russia”, Docomomo Journal 39 (September 2008): 18-22.
“Friedrichstraße, 1987: Neo-Historical Urban Design in the German Democratic Republic”,
Planning Perspectives 23 n. 1 (2008): 1-28.
“Designing the Past in East Berlin Before and After the German Reunification”, Progress in
Planning 68 n. 1 (January 2008)
“From Obsolescence to Eternal Preservation”, Future Anterior 3 n. 1 (Mai 2006): 24-35.
“Rudolf Schwarz and the Speech of the Land – Grammar as a Political Device in Postwar Germany”
Journal of Architecture 9 n. 3 (Fall 2004): 251-266.
“Recovering Essence through Demolition – 'Organic’ Urban Design in Postwar West Berlin” Journal
of the Society of Architectural Historians 63 n. 2 (2004): 354-369.
“Picture Postcards of Urbanity – Reflections on Berlin’s Inner City and the 1999 Master Plan”
Journal of Architectural Education 57 n. 1 (2003): 68-73.
“The Spirit of the City – Transcendence and Urban Design in Postwar Berlin”, Thresholds 25 (Fall
2002): 84-89.
“Small Town – Big Website”, Cities 19 n. 1 (2002): 49-59.
“World Cities Online – City Representation on the Internet”, DISP – Documents and Information on
Swiss Planning 37 n. 3 (September 2001): 34-41.
Last updated September 2015
“Image – ein gestalterisches Element der Stadtentwicklung” Archiv für Kommunalwissenschaften 38
n. 1 (February 1999): 109-118 [edited by the Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (DIFU)]
Book Chapters etc.
“East Berlin” in Emily Makas, ed., Capital Cities in the Shadow of the Cold War (New York:
Alexandrine Press, 2015)
“Germany, Country of Tenants” Built Environment 41 n. 2 (2015), 183-195.
“The Märkisches Viertel in West Berlin” in Mark Swenarton, Tom Avermaete, and Dirk van den
Heuvel, eds., Architecture and the Welfare State (Abingdon: Taylor and Francis, 2015)
„The Friedrichstadt Palace in East Berlin“ in Alistair Fair, ed., Setting the Scene: Perspectives on
Twentieth-Century Theatre Architecture (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015), 219-36
“Public Housing in Europe” in Nicholas Bloom, Fritz Umbach, Lawrence Vale, eds., Public
Housing Myths: Perception, Reality, and Social Policy (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press,
2015), 154-174.
“Postmoderne als Konsens: Neo-historischer Wiederaufbau im Ost-Berliner Nikolaiviertel 1977 –
1989” in Georg Wagner-Kyora, ed., Wiederaufbau europäischer Städte. Rekonstruktionen, die
Moderne und die lokale Identitätspolitik seit 1945/ Rebuilding European Cities. Reconstructions,
Modernity and the Local Politics of Identitiy Construction since 1945 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2013)
“La ville divisée 1945-1989” in David Sanson, ed., Berlin – Histoire, Promenades, Anthologie et
Dictionnaire (Paris: Editions Robert Laffont, 2013)
“Mass Housing in Germany – Controversial Success and Ambivalent Heritage” in Jorge Lizardi
and Martin Schwegmann, eds., Espacios Ambivalentes: historias y olvidos en la arquitectura
social moderna (San Juan, Puerto Rico: Ediciones Callejón, 2012), 52-75.
“Erker im Plattenbau – Die DDR entdeckt die historische Stadt” in Frank Betker, Carsten Benke,
Christoph Bernhardt, eds., Paradigmenwechsel und Kontinuitätslinien im DDR-Städtebau
(Erkner/Berlin: IRS, 2010)
“Talking Japan,” in Peter Herrle and Erik Wegerhoff, ed., Architecture and Identity (Münster: LIT
Verlag, 2008), 91-102
“Mega-Tokyo”, in Megastructure Reloaded, ed. Markus Richter and Sabrina van der Ley
(Stuttgart: Hatje-Cantz, 2008) [exhibition catalogue], 87-96.
Newspaper and magazine articles (selection)
“Why History?”, Mac Magazine [Glasgow] (summer 2011)
“Der Slum als Standortvorteil: Wohnsilos gegen Wellblechhütten – wie man in Mumbai versucht,
die Wohnungsmisere zu bekämpfen“, Süddeutsche Zeitung 16 November 2008
“Sehnsucht nach der Platte – in der 16-Millionen-Metropole Shanghai erprobt man neue
Konzepte für den Stadtumbau“, Süddeutsche Zeitung 16 December 2007
Last updated September 2015
“Das Recht auf vier Wände – Peter Marcuse über die Zukunft des städtischen Wohnens”,
Süddeutsche Zeitung 11 July 2006
“Stadt in den Köpfen – Metropole und Megacity, die Konferenz Urban Age in Berlin”,
Süddeutsche Zeitung 14. November 2006
“Die globale europäische Stadt“ [in German, English, Spanish, Italian, June 2008], GoetheInstitute Online Dossier on architecture and urban planning, accessible at