Bibliography - Powerhouse Museum


Bibliography - Powerhouse Museum
© Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia, 2000
Excavations reports:
Olympia: Die Ergebnisse der vom Deutschen Reich veranstalteten Ausgrabung I – V:
Adler, F., Curtius, E., Dörpfeld, W., Graef, P., Partsch, J. & Weil, R.,
Olympia I: Topographie und Geschichte, 1897/1966, Verlag
Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam
Adler, R., Borrmann, R., Dörpfeld, W., Graeber, F. & Graef, P.,
Olympia II: Die Baudenkmäler von Olympia, 1892/1966,
Verlag Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam
Treu, G.,
Olympia III: Die Bildwerke von Olympia in Stein und Ton,
1897/1966, Verlag Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam
Furtwängler, A.,
Olympia IV: Die Bronzen und die übrigen kleineren Funde von
Olympia, 1897/1966, Verlag Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam
Dittenberger, W. & Purgold, K.,
Olympia V: Die Inschriften von Olympia, 1896/1966, Verlag
Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam
various authors
various authors
Berichte über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia (volumes I – X),
1937 – 1994 (volume XI in preparation)
Olympische Forschungen (monograph series), (volumes 1 –
27), 1944 – 1998 (and continuing)
Ancient texts:
Diodoros of Sicily
The Oresteia (translated M. Ewans), 1995, J. M. Dent
The Library of Greek Mythology (translated R. Hard), 1997,
Oxford University Press, The World's Classics Series, Oxford
Bibliotheca Historica vols 1-12 (translated C. H. Oldfeather et.
al.), 1933-1967, W. Heinemann/Harvard University Press/Loeb
Classical Library
The Iliad (translated M. Hammond), 1987, Penguin Classics
Guide to Greece vol 2: Southern Greece (translated P. Levi),
1979, Penguin Classics, London
Selected Odes: Olympian One, Pythian Nine, Nemeans Two &
Three, Isthmian One (edited & translated S. Instone), 1996,
Aris & Phillips Ltd, Warminster
This essay is from the Powerhouse Museum’s website “1000 years of the Olympic Games”
© Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia, 2000
Modern works:
Ashmole, B. & Yalouris, N. & Frantz, A.,
Olympia: The Sculptures of the Temple of Zeus, 1967, Phaidon
Press, London
Barthélemy, J.-J.,
Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce dans le milieu du
quatrième siècle avant l’ère vulgaire, 1791
Blouet, A.,
Expédition scientifique de Morée, 1833-1838
Boardman, J.,
Art and Architecture of Ancient Greece, 1967, Thames &
Boardman, J., Griffin, J & Murray, O. (eds),
The Oxford History of the Classical World, 1986, Oxford
University Press, Oxford
Boetticher, A.,
Olympia, das Fest und seine Staette, 1886, Verlag von Julius
Springer, Berlin
Brommer, F.,
Heracles: The Twelve Labors of the Hero in Ancient Art and
Literature (trans. S. J. Schwarz), 1986, Aristide D. Caratzas,
New York
Brooks, R. A.,
Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece, 1991, Class Publishing,
Buitron-Oliver, D. (ed), The Interpretation of Architectural Sculpture in Greece and
Rome, 1997, National Gallery of Art, Washington/Studies in
the History of Art 49/Centre for Advanced Study in the Visual
Arts Symposium Papers XXIX, Washington
Caskey, L. D. & Beazley, J. D.,
Attic Vase Paintings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston I (text
and folio), 1931, Oxford University Press, London
Chandler, R.,
Travels in Greece or an Account of the Society of Dilettanti,
Corbett, P. E.,
“Greek Temples and Greek worshippers: the Literary and
Archaeological Evidence”, 1970, BICS, 17, 149-158
Finley, M. I. & Pleket, H. W.,
The Olympic Games: The First Thousand Years, 1976, Chatto
& Windus,
Furtwängler, A. & Reichhold, K.,
Griechische Vasenmalerei III Text & Folio, 1910/1932, F.
Bruckmann A. G., Munich
Gantz, T.,
Early Greek Myth: a guide to literary and artistic sources,
1993, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore
Golden, M.,
Sport and Society in Ancient Greece, 1998, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge
Graf, F.,
Greek Mythology: An introduction (translated T. Marier),1993,
Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore
Grinnell, I. H.,
Greek Temples, 1943, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Grunauer, P.,
“Der Zeustempel in Olympia – Neue Aspekte”, 1971, Bonner
Jahrbuch, 171, 114-131
This essay is from the Powerhouse Museum’s website “1000 years of the Olympic Games”
© Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia, 2000
Grunauer, P.,
“Zur Ostansicht des Zeus Tempels”, 1981, X. Olympische
Bericht, 256-301
Herrmann, H.-V.,
Olympia: Heiligtum und Wettkampfstätte, 1972, Hirmer Verlag,
Herrmann, H.-V. (ed), Die Olympia-Skulpturen, 1987, Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt
Koenigs, W.,
Olympische Forschungen XIV: Die Echohalle, 1984, Verlag
Walter de Gruyter & Co./DAI, Berlin
Kurke, L.,
Coins, Bodies, Games, and Gold: The Politics of Meaning in
Archaic Greece, 1999, Princeton University Press, Princeton
Kyrieleis, H.,
"Zeus and Pelops in the East Pediment of the Temple of Zeus at
Olympia", 1997, in The Interpretation of Architectural
Sculpture in Greece and Rome, ed. D. Buitron-Oliver,
Mallwitz, A.,
Olympia und seine Bauten, 1972, Prestel-Verlag, Munich
Mango, C., Vickers, M. & Francis, E. D.,
“The Palace of Lausus at Constantinople and its Collection of
Ancient Statues”, 1992, Journal of the History of Collections,
4/1, 89-98
Mavromataki, M.,
Greek Mythology and Religion, 1997, Haitalis, Athens
Miller, S. G.,
“The Prytaneion at Olympia”, 1971, Ath.Mitt (AM), 86, 79-107
Miller, S. G (ed),
Nemea: a guide to the site and its museum, 1990, University of
California Press, Berkeley
Morgan, C.,
Athletes and Oracles: the transformation of Olympia and
Delphi in the eighth century BC, 1990, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge
Morrow, K. D.,
Greek Footwear and the Dating of Sculpture, 1985, The
University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin
Moustaka, A.,
Olympische Forschungen XXII: Grossplastik aus Ton in
Olympia, 1993, Walter de Gruyter/Deutsches Archaeologisches
Institut, Berlin
Olivová, V.,
Sports and Games in the Ancient World, 1984, Bloomsbury
Books, London
Palaeologos, K.,
“The organisation of the Games”, 1982, in The Olympic Games
in Ancient Greece, N. Yalouris (ed), p 104-113
Parke, H. W.,
Greek Oracles, 1967, Hutchinson University Library, London
Price, S.,
Religions of the Ancient Greeks, 1999, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge
Raschke, W. J. (ed),
The Archaeology of the Olympics: the Olympics and other
Festivals in Antiquity, 1988, University of Wisconsin Press
Ridgway, B. S.,
The Severe Style in Greek Sculpture, 1970, Princeton
University Press
Rose, H. J.,
A Handbook of Greek Mythology, 1958 (6th edition), reprinted
1991, Routledge, London
Sathas, C. A.,
Documents inédits relatifs à l’histoire de la Grèce au moyen
âge, 1880
Sergent, B.,
Homosexuality in Greek Myth (trans. A. Goldhammer), 1987
(reprint of 1986 trans. of 1984 French edition), The Athlone
Press, London
This essay is from the Powerhouse Museum’s website “1000 years of the Olympic Games”
© Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia, 2000
Sparkes, B.,
Spencer Stanhope, J.,
Spivey, N.,
Spivey, N.,
Swaddling, J.,
Taplin, O.,
The Editors,
Treu, G.,
Winckelmann, J. J.,
Yalouris, A. & N.,
Yalouris, N. (ed),
Greek Art, 1991, Oxford University Press
Olympia or Topography Illustrative of the Actual State of the
Plain of Olympia and of the Ruins of the City of Elis, 1824
Understanding Greek Sculpture: Ancient Meanings, Modern
Readings, 1996, Thames & Hudson
Greek Art, 1997, Phaidon Press
The Ancient Olympic Games, 1999 (2nd edition), British
Museum Press, London
Greek Fire, 1989, Jonathan Cape, London
What Life was Like at the Dawn of Democracy: Classical
Athens 525 - 322 BC, 1997, Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Va
“Die technische Herstellung und Bemalung der Giebelgruppen
am olympischen Zeustempel (The technical production and
painting of the pedimental groups on the Olympian Temple of
Zeus)”, 1895, Jahrbuch des kaiserlich Deutschen
Archaeologischen Instituts, X, 1-35
Anmerkungen über die Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums,
Olympia: Guide to the Museum and the Sanctuary, 1998,
Ekdotike Athenon S. A., Athens
The Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, 1982, Ekdotike
Athenon S. A., Athens
100 Jahre deutsche Ausgrabung in Olympia, 1972, PrestelVerlag, Munich
Terracotta akroterion from the workshop of Pheidias at
Olympia, made around 430 BC,
from Olympia II: Die Baudenkmäler von Olympia,
R. Adler, R. Borrmann, W. Dörpfeld, F. Graeber & P. Graef,
1892/1966, Verlag Adolf M. Hakkert (1966 reprint),
Amsterdam, Plate CCXXII no. 3
used with permission from Verlag Adolf M. Hakkert
This essay is from the Powerhouse Museum’s website “1000 years of the Olympic Games”

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