indonesien / bali - GRENZENLOS Volunteering


indonesien / bali - GRENZENLOS Volunteering
Indonesien (AIA-Programm Bali)
Ein gutes Programm mit Projekten in den Bereichen Kinder und Bildung,
Renovierung, Gesundheit, Tierschutz.
Das Programm ist offen für alle ab 18 Jahren
– Anmeldung mindestens 3 Monate vorher
Dauer: ab 4 Wochen
Erforderliche Kompetenzen:
Grundlegende Englischkenntnisse, Offenheit, Flexibilität,
Lernbereitschaft, Eigeninitiative, Teamfähigkeit
Projektarten: Unterricht, Umwelt-, Sozial- und
Gesundheitsprojekte, Renovierungen,
Schildkrötenschutzprojekt, Yoga-Kurs
Details ab S.3!
Einsatzgebiete: Bali, Raum Ubud (im Inselinneren)
Vermittlung und Vorbereitung durch Grenzenlos:
Hilfe bei der Reiseorganisation, Seminartag und
Kontakt mit einem/einer Rückkehrer_in.
Eigenanreise, danach 1-wöchiges Orientierungsseminar. Unterkunft und Verpflegung bei Gastfamilien. Betreuung während des gesamten
Einsatzes. Nach der Rückkehr: Auswertung und
Returnee-Meeting durch Grenzenlos.
Programmkosten (€, incl. 30€ Anmeldegebühr):
verschieden, je nach Projekten; Standardprojekte:
4 Wochen
Je weitere Wo.
z.B. 8 Wochen
Enthalten sind die o.g. Inhalte. Nicht enthalten: Flug
und ggf. Visum, Impfungen, Versicherung
Die Experience-Volunteering-Programme von Grenzenlos sind offen für alle zwischen 18 und 99 Jahren
– unabhängig von Vorkenntnissen und Erfahrungen.
AIA steht für „Active in Asia“. Die AIA-Programme
sind gut betreute Einstiegsprogramme für alle, die
erstmals einen kurzzeitigen Freiwilligendienst in
einer fremden Kultur planen. Ideal sind 1-3 Monate
(für langfristigere Einsätze siehe ICYE!). Den Einsatz
verrichtest Du in Deinem Projekt zumeist mit
anderen internationalen Volunteers, die Unterbringung erfolgt in Gemeinschaftsunterkünften.
AIA beruht auf Programm-Modulen: Jedes Partnerland hat eine Auswahl an interessanten Tätigkeiten
und ergänzenden Kursen, die Du selbst wochenweise zusammenstellen kannst. Du kannst auf diese
Art auch mehrere Länder kombinieren!
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■
Über Grenzenlos
So bist Du dabei
Grenzenlos ist ein gemeinnütziger österreichischer Verein,
der seit 1949 zusammen mit seinen Partnerorganisationen
Freiwilligenaustausch mit aller Welt organisiert. Ziel ist die
Förderung von Frieden, Toleranz und Völkerverständigung.
Seit 2009 engagiert sich Grenzenlos auch verstärkt für die
Inlandsarbeit durch Schulworkshops, Erwachsenenbildung
und integrative Programme.
1. Infos holen: Kläre alle offenen Fragen in einem persönlichen Info-Gespräch mit Grenzenlos ab. Terminvereinbarung je nach Standort per eMail:
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected] oder [email protected] (Wien).
2. Online-Anmeldung über
unter „fix anmelden“ bitte das Online-Formular ausfüllen.
Du kannst darin Land, Zeitraum, Tätigkeitsbereich und sonstige Wünsche angeben. Anmeldungen bitte bis 3 Monate
vor Ausreise! Spätere Anmeldungen werden entgegengenommen, aber ohne Garantie auf ein Vorbereitungsseminar.
Über die Partnerorganisation
Active in Asia wird durchgeführt von The Green Lion, einem
Netzwerk von Organisationen in verschiedenen asiatischen
Ländern, die sehr ähnliche Programme anbieten. Geachtet
wird auf gute persönliche Begleitung, wodurch die Activein-Asia-Programme auch für junge Leute empfehlenswert
sind, die erstmals auf eigene Faust unterwegs sind.
Die Mittelverwendung
Grenzenlos berechnet als Non-Profit-Organisation die Gebühren auf Selbstkostenbasis. Bei Active in Asia werden pro
Person € 390,- für die Grenzenlos- Arbeit verwendet, € 40,für Überweisungskosten, und der Rest geht an The Green
Lion. Davon führen die Organisationen einerseits ihre Programme durch und entwickeln neue, andererseits finanzieren sie lokale Schulen und Kinderheime mit.
3. Vermittlung: Wir bitten Dich noch um eine Selbstbeschreibung für unsere Partnerorganisation. Die Zusage
erfolgt nach einigen Werktagen.
4. Vorbereitung: Dann erhältst Du
- eine offizielle Aufnahmebestätigung,
- die Einladung zu einem eintägigen Vorbereitungsseminar,
- Kontakt zu einem oder einer Rückkehrer_in,
- Tipps für die Reiseorganisation (Flug, Visum, Versicherung
und Impfungen) und
- ggf. Zusatz-Infos über Partnerorganisation und Projekt.
Bahasa Indonesia, über 700
Sprachen werden gesprochen
Muslim_innen 87%
Frauen 10%, Männer 4%
Frauen 75 Jahre, Männer 70
250 Mio. (26% unter 15 Jahren)
Größte Städte:
Jakarta (Hptst.) 10 Mio. Ew.,
Surabaya 2,7 Mio.
Mehr auf!
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■
Ort, Kosten
Auf Bali
Indonesia is one of most interesting countries in the world for
cultural learning and experiences. Bali is renowned for its diverse
and sophisticated art forms, such as painting, sculpture,
woodcarving, handicrafts, and performing arts. Bali boasts one of
the most diverse and innovative performing arts cultures in the
world, with paid performances at thousands of temple festivals,
private ceremonies and public shows. The Introduction week
packed full of exciting adventures, cultural excursions and
interactions. It includes language lessons, visits to various temples
around Bali, a walking tour of Ubud and the famous Monkey street,
local art and cooking classes, traditional dance shows and flower
arranging classes.
Auf Bali
The Kindergarten project is owned and fully supported by The
Green Lion Bali. It offers free kindergarten education to several 4-5
year old children from poor villages in and around the area.
The local children are warm and affectionate and would rather
spend time playing than learning. This project gives you the chance
to encourage children to learn and grow creatively. Apart from
teaching them language and communication skills, you have a
unique opportunity to sow seeds at this tender age from which
they stand to benefit for years to come. As you spend time teaching
the local children, you will be embraced by and become an
important part of the local community.
€ 125,- / Woche
Auf Bali
Our environmental initiative is driven through primary schools in
Bali. The “hands on” nature of our program encourages local
children to work together and do their bit, while emphasizing every
little counts. The project currently includes activities such as
planting trees, cleaning up rivers and beaches and campaigning
against the use and incorrect disposal of plastic. The Balinese
people have a long history of respect for and living in harmony
with their environment. These projects provide a wonderful
opportunity for people interested in environmental issues and the
preservation of our eco-system.
€125,- / Woche
€610,(inkl. aller
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■
Auf Bali
We offer volunteer programs based on teaching experience. You
will get tremendous experience in teaching English, Sport and
Games to local school children.The participants will have the opportunity to teach at the local School or The Green Lion teaching
centre. The participants can teach a variety of English Based subjects. Participants will also be able to teach whole classes on their
own or with other Volunteer. The average age of children are
between 4-7 years old for preschool. The average age of children
are between 7-14 years old for primary school. The volunteer will
have a chance to work in the local school and experience a different lifestyle. The volunteer should have a good level of English
and some knowledge and prior experience in teaching is appreciated, but not necessary. You have to love children and understand
their behaviour: you will be surrounded with loads of them daily.
€125,- / Woche
Auf Bali
"Our medical initiative is in its infancy and requires the skills of both
established medical and healthcare professionals and those
interested in teaching basic first aid and hygiene. This need for
having volunteers on either end of the medical spectrum arises due
to the great extremes in hygiene and health practices. Apart from
needing qualified professionals in order to conduct health camps
and dental checkups, we also need participants who can educate
people in the areas of basic first aid and personal hygiene. This
works towards the prevention of many avoidable health problems
and easily communicable diseases."
€125,- / Woche
Auf Bali
The Turtle Conservation project is located on the charmed island of
Nusa Penida, which is a 45 minute speed boat ride from mainland
Bali. The project is in its early stages and volunteers will contribute
to collecting vital baseline data on the turtle population on Nusa
Penida. Dependant on the time of the year (turtles do not nest all
year round), you may be identifying turtle species, collecting eggs,
monitoring nests or seeing hatchlings get safely to sea. During the
day, volunteers also teach English at one of the local schools on the
island. Few native English speakers have taught English here
before, so your experience is guaranteed to be an authentic one!
Volunteers must be prepared for a more basic standard of living on
the island, with fewer shops and attractions available (bearing in
mind the beach is practically at your doorstep)! Please note,
volunteers on the Turtle Conservation project must participate on
the project for a minimum of two weeks.
€250,- / Woche
The Building and Renovation project focuses on building and
renovating community centers, village centers, schools, public
libraries and playgrounds in villages around Ubud. Volunteers work
under a local foreman who provides guidance and training
alongside local families and other volunteers. The project involves
hard physical and manual labour, as you will be laying bricks, doing
carpentry, painting, laying tiles, and landscaping/gardening.
Auf Bali
€125,- / Woche
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■
Auf Bali
Balinese Yoga is a one of the most famous activities in Ubud Bali.
Since Ubud is Culture Art Center City and is surrounded with green
scenery. Bali Yoga and Meditation is a one of the most relaxing
program of Ubud, Bali. Balinese Yoga is about feeling and
appreciating the spiritual nature. A good combination of Balinese
Meditation and Yoga will make your body and mind feel more
relaxed. Our Yoga and Meditation week at Ubud, the cultural centre
of Bali, has something to offer to both the beginner and the
experienced practitioner. Although, you may have one or more
taster sessions during your program, we would highly recommend
an entire Yoga and Mind experience for you. Bali has rightly been
identified by many travelers around the world as a unique place for
reflection and contemplation. Ubud creates an environment within
which you can experience true tranquility. A week spent here
promises to provide you with lifetime of spiritual and physical
€250,- / Woche
Auf Bali
The Bali Adventure week is the perfect way to experience the
adventurous side of this beautiful little island. You will visit an
active volcano, take a cycle tour that will take you across spice
plantations and rice fields while offering you picturesque views of
mountains and landscapes. This week will also have you visiting
different beaches and the Turtle Conservation Village, hiking up
Mount Batur, rafting down river Ayung and a Balinese massage at
the end to refresh and rejuvenate you, getting you ready for the
next adventure you have planned.
€250,- / Woche
Auf Bali
A popular add-on package to our existing list of programs is the
Bali Beach Holiday at Sanur beach. Although restricted to a
minimum of 2 persons the Beach Holiday offers you a change of
scenery and the perfect getaway after a lengthy 3 week program.
Sanur presents you with quiet and idyllic beaches that are largely
undisturbed by the heavy influx of tourists to Bali each year.
A wide-range of restaurants that cater to every palate and budget
are to be found here. You could spend the entire week reading,
shopping and taking in the sights and sounds of Sanur or inspired
by its beauty you could take to a bit of photography or writing.
Who knows, it could draw out the hidden artist or poet in you.
Sanur also allows you the opportunity to pamper yourself at one of
its many local spas. And for those who don’t like the idea of
spending their holidays indoors, you may choose between scuba
diving, sea-kayaking, kite-surfing, parasailing and a host of other
activities that are on offer.
€250,- / Woche
Stand: 1/2015
Änderungen vorbehalten
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■

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