

Universität Rostock
Institut für Soziologie und Demographie
Sommersemester 2004
Dr. Gabriele Doblhammer
Seminar: Soziale Unterschiede in der Sterblichkeit
Literaturliste für Essays und Vorträge
Der soziale Gradient in der Sterblichkeit: Selektion oder Verursachung
Adler, N. E., Boyce, T., Chesney, M. A., Cohen, S., Folkman, S., Kahn, R. L., & Syme, S. L.
(1994). Socioeconomic status and health. The challenge of the gradient. American
Psychologist, 49(1), 15-24.
Davey Smith, G., Blane D., Bartley, M., Soziale Klasse und Mortalitätsunterschiede:
Diskussion der Erklärungsansätze in Großbritannien, in Mielck, A. (Hrsg), Krankheit und
soziale Ungleichheit. Sozialepidemiologische Forschungen in Deutschland, 425-451.
Leske und Buderich, Opladen 1994.
Pientka, L. Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit und das Lebensstilkonzept, in Mielck, A. (Hrsg),
Krankheit und soziale Ungleichheit. Sozialepidemiologische Forschungen in
Deutschland, 393-409. Leske und Buderich, Opladen 1994.
Erwerbsstatus und Mortalität
Dooley, D., Fielding, J., & Levi, L. (1996). Health and unemployment. Annual Review of
Public Health, 17, 449-465.
Kasl, S. V., & Jones, B. A. (2000). The impact of job loss and retirement on health. In L. F.
Berkman & I. Kawachi (Eds.), Social epidemiology (pp. 118-136). New York: Oxford
University Press.
Klumb, P. L. & Lampert, T. (2004). Women, work, and well-being. A review and
methodological critique. Social Science & Medicine, 58, 1007-1024.
Sen, A. (1997). Inequality, unemployment and contemporary Europe. International Labour
Review, 136(2), 155-171.
Bartley, M., Ferrie, J., & Montgomery, S. M. (1999). Living in a high-unemployment
economy: understanding the health consequences. In M. Marmot & R. G. Wilkinson
(Eds.), Social determinants of health (pp. 81-104). New York: Oxford University Press.
Bildung und Mortalität
Doblhammer-Reiter, G. (1996). Zum Ausmaß sozioökonomischer Unterschiede der
Sterblichkeit in Österreich. Demographische Informationen, 1995/96, 71-81.
Kunst: Internationaler Vergleich
Valkonen et al. Trends in Bildungsunterschieden
Familienstand und Mortalität
Gove, W. R. Sex, marital status, and mortality. American Journal of Sociology, 79(1), 45-67.
Mirowsky, J. (1985). Depression and marital power: An equity model. American Journal of
Sociology, 91, 557-592.
Robles, T. F. & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K. (2003). The physiology of marriage: pathways to health.
Physiology & Behavior, 79, 409-416.
Brockmann, H.; Klein, T.: Familienbiographie und Mortalität in Ost- und Westdeutschland
(2002), Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 35:5, 430-440.
Kinder und Mortalität
Doblhammer, G.(2000). “Reproductive History and Mortality Later in Life: A Comparative
Study of England & Wales and Austria”, Population Studies, 54,.
Mirowsky, J. (2002). Parenthood and health: The pivotl and optimal age at first birth. Social
Forces, 81, .
Smith. K., Mineau, G., Bean, L. (2002): Fertility and Post-Reproductive Longevity. Social
Biology 49(3-4): 185-205
Lebensstil und Mortalität
Klumb, P. L. & Maier, H. (2002). Daily activities and survival. MPIDR Working Paper.
Kripke, D. F., Simons, R. N., Garfinkel, L., & Hammond, C. (1979). Short and long sleep and
sleeping pills. Archives of General Psychiatry, 36, 103-116.
Wingard, D. L., & Berkman, L. F. (1983). Mortality risk associated with sleeping patterns
among adults. Sleep, 6(2), 102-107.
Lee, I.M. & Pfaffenbarger, R.S. (2000) Associations of light, moderate, and vigorous intensity
physical activity with longevity – The Harvard Alumni Health Study. American Journal
of Epidemiology, 151, 293-299.
Frühe Lebenserfahrungen (pre- and postnatal)
Barker, D.J.P. (2004) Developmental origins of adult health and disease. Journal of
Epidemiology and Community Health, 58, 114-115.
Finch, C.E. (1997) Longevity: is everything under genetic control? An inquiry into nongenetic and non-environmental sources of variation. In J.M. Robine et al. (Eds.),
Longevity: to the limits and beyond. Berlin:Springer
Bengtsson, T., Lindstrom, M. (2001): Childhood Misery and Disease in Later Life. The
Effects on Mortality in Old Age of Hazards Experienced in Early Life, Southern Sweden,
1760–1894. Population Studies (3), 263–277
Doblhammer, G., Vaupel, J.W. (2001): Lifespan Depends on Month of Birth. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98(5), 2934–2939
Preston, S.H., Hill, M.E., Drevenstedt, G.L., Childhood conditions that predict survival to
advanced ages among African Americans, Social Science and Medicine 47(9):1231-1246
Finch, C.E. & Seeman, T.E. (1999) Stress theories aging. In V.L.Bengstion & K.W. Schaie
(Eds.), Handbook of theories of ageing (pp.81-97), Springer Publishing Comp.
Mc Ewen, B.S. (1998) Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators. New England
Journal of Medicine, 338, 171-179.
Literatur zu Methoden
Preston , S.H., Heuveline, P., Guillot, M., Demography. Measuring and Modeling Population
Processes. Blackwell 2000. Kapitel 2 und 3.
Dinkel, R. 1984. Sterblichkeit in Perioden- und Kohortenbetrachtung. Zugleich eine
Ansatzweise Berechnung der Kohortensterbetafel für Deutschland. Zeitschrift für
Bevölkerungswissenschaft Jg. 10, 4/1984, 477-500.
Dinkel, R. Demographie. Band 1: Bevölkerungsdynamik. Vahlen 1989.
Zocchetti, C. Consonni, D., Bertazzi P.A. 1997. Relationship between Prevalence Rate ratios
and Odds Ratios in Cross-sectional Studies. International Journal of Epidemiology 26(1),
Sullivan, D.F., 1971. A single index of Mortality and Morbidity. HSMHA Health reports 86
(4), 347-354.