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Too much govemment interference
i OATE:October1,2(110' PUBLICATIOil:
JoumalNews,The(Hardlton,OH)t SECnON:opinion
say too muc*rgo\,ernmert irterference?" The federal govefft|rEnt is mandatirE healthcare, taking o\€r
the auto industries,banks, ard telling us what kind of food we should eat. The list goes on ard on. l,low
our Gity Gouncil appears to be doing muchthe sarre. Vvhereis the outrage when council feels the need
to tell us how marrypets we are alloryedto ha\re?\MEt happenedto the freedom that we once knew in
this country? Council needs to watch the dollars that they are so freely spending. ... What s next, City
Counatt? Maybe how rnany cars a householdcan own or how many childrenwe can harre?Makes no
sense. when people are gettirg repair work dorE to their homes, they shotddcontact local home
improlement people. I ha\ie done this and had quite good resdts. ... Therc are quile a few people otlt of
work in Butler Cornty ard they corld use this type of work.
the American people are ignorant. lf you look at the labels where everythingis made, you find mthing is
made in the [JSA.Automobiles,electronics, appliances, shoes, clothing- you name it. You will not find it
made in the l.lSA. lf ifs not made in the USA, you have no Fbs. lf you ha\,e no ,obs, you have no tax
money to support our federal, slate and local governrnents.I feel sorry for our children ard grardc{tildren.
We are leavingthem the rybst povBrty-strickencountry in the world.
really shocked and surprised tiEt the Republicansha\ie hired sirch an incompetentad\iertisingagerEy to
do attack ads on the best go\Ermr thEt Ohio has tlad in 30 years. Fb at least desetues a firct-class ad
agerny. They are totally ridicldousarid unbelbvable. I guess it's not easy to hire a reputableagency to do
this kind of dirty work on a minister arid the best go\ienor that we ha\,e had in rnafiy years.
(c) 2010 Cox tleruspapers, lnc. ' The JournalNervs
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