M. Paula Roncaglia-Denissen Institute for Logic, Language and


M. Paula Roncaglia-Denissen Institute for Logic, Language and
M. Paula Roncaglia-Denissen
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC),
Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA), Science Park, 107, 1098 XG, The Netherlands
E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected]
 10/13- Postdoc at the Music Cognition Group, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation
(ILLC), Universiteit van Amsterdam (UVA).
 01/10-09/13: MaxNetAging PhD Student at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences, Research Group "Subcortical Contributions to Comprehension", Dept of
Neuropsychology, Leipzig, Germany
 03/09-12/09: Internship at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
 03/08-02/10: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) – Mestrado in Neurolinguistics
 02/01-12/07: Universidade São Paulo – Bacharelado in Linguistics and Portuguese Studies
 02/00-12/05: Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – Bacharelado in Journalism
 01/03-07/04: Philipps Universität – Marburg, Germany
 08/97-07/98: Andover High School, Massachusetts, USA
 Roncaglia-Denissen, M. P., Schmidt-Kassow, M., Heine, A., & Kotz, S. A. (2014). On the
impact of L2 speech rhythm on syntactic ambiguity resolution. Second Language Research,
 Roncaglia-Denissen, M. P., Schmidt-Kassow, M., Heine, A., Vuust, P., & Kotz, S. A. (2013).
Enhanced musical rhythmic perception in Turkish early and late learners of German. Frontiers in
psychology, 4.
 Roncaglia-Denissen, M. P., Schmidt-Kassow, M., & Kotz, S. A. (2013). Speech rhythm
facilitates syntactic ambiguity resolution: ERP evidence. PloS one, 8(2), e56000.
 Schmidt-Kassow M., Roncaglia-Denissen, M.P., Kotz S.A. (2011). Why pitch sensitivity matters:
Event-related potential evidence of metric and syntactic violation detection among Spanish late
learners of German. Front. Psychology 2:131. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00131.
 Roncaglia-Denissen, M.P., Bouwer, F., Honing, H. (2014). Investigating long-distance
dependencies in language and music. Talk presented at the ICMPC13-APSCOM5. Seoul,
South Korea.
 Roncaglia-Denissen, M.P., Schmidt-Kassow, M., Heine, A., & Kotz, S.A. (2012). Using
rhythm in L2 to facilitate syntactic ambiguity resolution: When is it too late to learn it?'
Poster presented at the annual Neurobiology of Language Conference. San Sebastián, Spain.
 Roncaglia-Denissen, M.P., Schmidt-Kassow, M. & Kotz, S.A. (2012). Syntactic ambiguity
processing: How rhythm facilitates disambiguation. Talk presented at 5th
in Flander (PiF). Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
 Roncaglia-Denissen, M.P., Schmidt-Kassow, M. & Kotz, S.A. (2011). Age of Acquisition or
inter-individual differences: what drive syntactic ambiguity resolution? Talk presented at
the annual MNARS Conference. Rostock, Germany.
 Roncaglia-Denissen, M.P., Schmidt-Kassow, M. & Kotz, S.A. (2011). Evidence of metric
and syntactic violation detection among Spanish late learners of German: An ERP study. Talk
presented at 53rd Annual German Experimental Psychology Meeting (TeaP). Halle
(Saale), Germany.
 Roncaglia-Denissen, M.P., Schmidt-Kassow, M. & Kotz, S.A. (2011). Evidence of metric and
syntactic violation detection among Spanish late learners of German: An ERP study. Poster
presented at the RPPW 13. Leipzig, Germany.
 Roncaglia-Denissen, M.P., Schmidt-Kassow, M. & Kotz, S.A. (2010). Event-RelatedPotentials
Reveal that L1 Phonology affects L2 rhythm perception. Poster presented at the Cognitive
Neurosciences society. San Francisco, USA.
Awards and Fundings
01/10-01/13: MaxNetAging. Stipend for PhD. Rostock/Leipzig, Germany.
02/08-12/09: CAPES. Stipend for masters research project based on academic excellency. Rio de Janeiro,
02/05-02/06: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) Stipend for academic
excellence, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Teaching experience
08/12-: Portuguese for beginners. Language Center of the University of Tilburg.
03/12-10/12: Supervision of Master’s thesis “Subject versus object preference in asymmetric nominal
phrase”, Leipzig, Germany.
01/11 - 08/11: Supervision of the Bachelor’s thesis “Syntactic disambiguation in rhythmic regular and
irregular context”. Leipzig, Germany.

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