VelsPol – Deutschland eV - EGPA


VelsPol – Deutschland eV - EGPA
VelsPol – Deutschland e.V.
Verband lesbischer & schwuler Polizeibediensteter in Deutschland e.V.
Das Mitarbeiternetzwerk für Lesben und Schwule in der Polizei
GUIDELINES for the EGPA-Konferenz 2014 in Berlin1
The EGPA Conference 2014 is taking place in Germany for the first time. We intend
to take part in the CSD Parade on Saturday, 21.06.2014 in uniform or with national
member association T-shirts on. The group ‘Police’ (VelsPol / EGPA) will attract considerable media interest. For this reason and due to the size of the group, the following rules, in the form of guidelines, must be set.
Participants have to agree to the rules when they fill in the EGPA Conference 2014
registration form. The organizer, VelsPol / EGPA, can prohibit participants from taking part in the conference and in the CSD Parade in the group Police.
The Police Chief in Berlin has already, regarding the Berlin colleagues, given his approval of officers attending the CSD Parade in uniform. Conference participants from
other countries will probably also take part in the parade in uniform.
For this reason, the following rules for the days of the conference, receptions and the
CSD Parade have been laid down:
The Conference
It is necessary for uniform or business suits to be worn at the conference and at receptions. The organizers can turn away or prevent participants from taking part.
The CSD Parade
1. Journey to and from the setting up point and end of the CSD Parade.
Participants in the police group VelsPol / EGPA will drive in small groups using
public transport to place where the CSD Parade will be set up and will therefore need a BVG (Berlin public transport) ticket.
The basis of these guidelines are the guidelines of the 2005 EGPA
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mitglied im European Gay Cop Network (EUGCN),
VelsPol Deutschland e.V.
Bankverbindung: Deutsche Bank Berlin – BLZ 100 700 24 – Konto 325 32 42
VelsPol – Deutschland e.V.
Verband lesbischer & schwuler Polizeibediensteter in Deutschland e.V.
Das Mitarbeiternetzwerk für Lesben und Schwule in der Polizei
2. Uniforms may not be worn at street parties, neither before nor after the CSD
3. Participation in uniform can only be granted after having applied for and
gained special permission from one’s own police force superiors.
4. Conference organizers will remind CSD Parade participants of codes of conduct on Friday (20.06.2014).
5. Criminal offences in the vicinity of the CSD Parade must be reported to the
Berlin police immediately.
6. VelsPol/ EGPA will, in good time, name a person who will be overall responsible for the parade and a person who will be in charge of operations for the
Berlin Police Force. They will be constantly available on the phone. VelsPol/
EGPA will make sure that marked folders are available to the group during the
7. Due to the presence of the media, we expect that all members of the VelsPol /
EGPA group, whether he or she is a police officer, police employee, partner or
friend, will display the utmost professional conduct that does the police force
8. Posing and publicly displaying affection for photos whilst in uniform is to be
abstained from as shots could be taken out of context and used in homophobic and anti-police media.
9. No participants – whether in uniform or in their national associationT-shirts may consume alcohol or food in public during the parade. Mineral water is allowed however.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mitglied im European Gay Cop Network (EUGCN),
VelsPol Deutschland e.V.
Bankverbindung: Deutsche Bank Berlin – BLZ 100 700 24 – Konto 325 32 42
VelsPol – Deutschland e.V.
Verband lesbischer & schwuler Polizeibediensteter in Deutschland e.V.
Das Mitarbeiternetzwerk für Lesben und Schwule in der Polizei
Participants who will be wearing the T-shirts of their national organisation.
1. It is forbidden to reveal one’s stomach when wearing national association Tshirts. Sleeves may not be rolled up either.
Suits and equipment for participants in uniform.
1. All officers in uniform taking part in the parade must wear their complete national uniform, including the hat. If a cloth jacket is to be worn, ties or, in the
case of women, scarves must be worn.
2. Subject to the weather, short-sleeved uniform shirts may also be worn.
3. Weapons
a. German police officers who are attending may decide for themselves
whether they want their personal weapon and handcuffs2.
b. Participants from other states who come in uniform are not allowed to carry
personal weapons, truncheons, handcuffs, CS spray or other protective
gear at the CSD Parade.
4. Sunglasses may only be worn for health reasons.
5. Joke articles such as furry handcuffs, water pistols, trumpets, scarves, feather
boas and masks may not be brought along.
1. VelsPol / EGPA representatives will carry out PR work during the CSD Parade.
Grounds: duty to prosecute
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mitglied im European Gay Cop Network (EUGCN),
VelsPol Deutschland e.V.
Bankverbindung: Deutsche Bank Berlin – BLZ 100 700 24 – Konto 325 32 42
VelsPol – Deutschland e.V.
Verband lesbischer & schwuler Polizeibediensteter in Deutschland e.V.
Das Mitarbeiternetzwerk für Lesben und Schwule in der Polizei
1. VelsPol / EGPA cannot accept liability for damage to uniforms or other articles
of clothing or for the loss of valuables.
1. VelsPol/ EGPA will supply mineral water if the weather necessitates it.
All participants in uniform must, at the end of the parade, return to the hotel for a debriefing and will be dismissed from there by the VelsPol / EGPA organizers.
Berlin, 01.02.2014
Thomas Ulmer
Marco Klingberg
VelsPol-Deutschland e.V.
Deputy Chairman
VelsPol-Deutschland e.V.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mitglied im European Gay Cop Network (EUGCN),
VelsPol Deutschland e.V.
Bankverbindung: Deutsche Bank Berlin – BLZ 100 700 24 – Konto 325 32 42