x - darwin


x - darwin
Resoluções de Exercícios
Will you volunteer in a new drug test?
(8 )
Where did you work?
(1 )
Where did you study?
Usos da Língua – Parte IV
(6 )
Have you ever worked with computers?
(5 )
How many words can you type in a minute?
(2 )
Have you studied in a university?
01 As respostas a seguir correspondem às alterações de tempo verbal do
discurso direto para o indireto.
A) She said (that) he worked in a bank.
B) She told me (that) they went (had gone) out last night (the night before).
C) She said (that) she was coming.
D) She told me (that) she was waiting for the bus when he arrived.
E) She said (that) she had never been there before.
F) She told me (that) she didn’t go (hadn’t gone) to the party.
G) She said (that) Lucy would come later.
H) She told me (that) he hadn’t eaten breakfast.
I) She said (that) she could help me tomorrow.
J) She told me (that) I should go to bed early.
K) She told me (that) she didn’t like chocolate.
L) She said (that) she wouldn’t see me tomorrow.
M) She said (that) she is living in Paris for a few months.
N) She told me (that) she visited (had visited) her parents at the weekend.
O) She said (that) she hadn’t eaten sushi before.
P) She said (that) she hadn’t travelled by underground before she
came to London.
Q) She said (that) they would help if they could.
R) She told me (that) she would do the washing-up later.
S) She said (that) he could read when he was three.
T) She said (that) she had been sleeping when Julie called.
01 As respostas a seguir correspondem às alterações de pessoa do discurso
direto para o indireto. (As respostas podem variar, essas que estão
sendo apresentadas são sugestões de respostas).
A) his – my
E) our – his – he – my
B) his – his
F) he – her – she – him
C) he – his – her
G) his – him
D) he – our
01 As respostas a seguir correspondem às alterações adverbiais do discurso
direto para o indireto.
A) gone – there – the next day
B) a week before – that – that day
C) A week before – that
D) Two days earlier – there – the next morning
01 (Observar que as frases que se transformaram em YES / NO questions eram
IF / Clauses no texto da questão, e que aquelas que se transformaram em
WH-Questions eram embedded questions no texto da questão).
(3 )
Have you ever had problems with the police?
(7 )
Do you program better in COBOL or BASIC?
(9 )
How much did you earn?
(4 )
Have you ever borrowed money due to financial problems?
Why did you quit?
AP 2013 ING II V4 RESOLUCAO.indd 7
01 No discurso indireto há o uso do infinitivo, que denota ordem, por
isso o uso do imperativo no discurso direto.
A) Report to drill and field.
B) Clean the area for nearly an hour.
C) Don’t talk to each other.
D) May I go to the bathroom? (No discurso indireto há o uso do verbo
ASK, por isso o uso da frase interrogativa no discurso direto)
E) Return to your barracks.
01 A) No – explicação A
E) No – explicação C
B) No – explicação C
C) No – explicação D
D) Yes
F) No – explicação B
G) No – explicação G
01 Linha 1 – many se refere a uma elipse (people)
Linha 2 – few se refere a spaces
Linha 3 – number of se refere a Americans
Linha 5 – not all se refere a doctors
Linha 7 – quite a few se refere a doctors practicing in the United
Linha 8 – all se refere a physicians
Linha 11 – most se refere a doctors
Linha 13 – every se refere a hospital
Linha 13 – a few se refere a students
Linha 15 – many se refere a schools
Linha 15 – some se refere a hospitals
Linha 16 – a great many se refere a applications
Linha 16 – each se refere a available space
Linha 16 e 17 – a number of se refere a hospitals
Linha 17 – a few se refere a applications (linha 17)
Linha 18 – most se refere a uma elipse (residencies)
Linha 19 – a few se refere a uma elipse (residencies)
Linha 19 – some se refere a uma elipse (residencies)
Linha 21 – many se refere a doctors
Linha 23 – No se refere a doctor
Linha 24 – some se refere a doctors
Linha 24 – each se refere a area
01 As respostas abaixo são explicadas pelo quadro sinóptico da unidade
A) doctor – his / her
B) parent – wants – his / her
C) weekend
D) person
E) opportunity
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
INGLÊS – Volume 04
05/08/2013 16:32:57
01 (are) Homeless adjetivo que indica pluralidade por causa do THE.
(consist) Homeless adjetivo que indica pluralidade por causa do THE.
(consists) The first category - singular.
(its) Refere-se a administração de Reagan, singular.
(were) many, no sujeito, dá ideia de pluralidade.
(their) refere-se ao sujeito anterior.
(have / has) Number pode ser singular ou plural.
(it has / they have) A explicação anterior influencia o uso nesse item.
(are) O adjetivo antecedido por THE dá ideia de pluralidade.
(them) Refere-se ao sujeito anterior de plural.
(have) verbo referente ao sujeito anterior de plural.
(their) Essa cadeia de pronomes de 3a pessoa do plural refere-se à
The Unemployed.
(they) Essa cadeia de pronomes de 3a pessoa do plural refere-se à The
(they) Essa cadeia de pronomes de 3a pessoa do plural refere-se à The
(have) O sujeito É The Unemployed.
(their) Essa cadeia de pronomes de 3a pessoa do plural refere-se à
The Unemployed.
(are) Homeless, adjetivo que indica pluralidade por causa do THE.
(is) Sujeito do verbo é a 3a categoria de sem-teto.
(are) sujeito de plural the people.
(represents) sujeito this category.
(are) O adjetivo antecedido por THE dá ideia de pluralidade.
(has) Sujeito de singular the government.
(its) Refere-se ao governo.
(their) O adjetivo antecedido por THE dá ideia de pluralidade, no caso,
the mentally disabled e the addicted.
02 A) (The English *are* well-known for raising sheep[s]. There are over
sixty different breeds of sheep[s] in the UK.) A palavra English é
tratada como plural, pois designa os ingleses. Já a palavra SHEEP,
nesse contexto, pode ser usada no singular ou no plural.)
B) (Sheep *have* been raised in England for hundreds of years. Ninety
per-cent of the sheep *are* raised for wool. (See “Quantity Phrases”.)
Nesse contexto, a palavra SHEEP só é utilizada no plural porque
designa todas as ovelhas. As frases em porcentagem acima de 1%
são usadas no plural.
C) Annually, from two to thirty pounds of wool *is* produced by one
sheep. (a quantity). Nesse contexto, a palavra WOOL, lã, por ser
incontável, mantém o verbo no singular.
D) (Genetics *is* one factor that *determines* how much wool a sheep
will produce. *Lambs* produce[s] less wool than mature animal.)
A palavra genética, apesar de terminar em S, é uma palavra de
singular. Já a palavra LAMB, se estiver com S pode concordar com
o verbo no singular ou no plural, pois se referirá à classe de cordeiros. Caso a opção seja por manter a palavra no singular, deve-se
antecedê-la com artigo indefinido A.
E)(While *sheep* and goats have many similarities, they are different
species. Telling the difference between a sheep and goat *is* easy —
look at their tails. A goat’s tail goes up but a sheep’s tail hangs down).
A palavra SHEEP é sempre mantida no singular quando designa a
classe de ovinos. O verbo to be IS concorda com o sujeito “telling
the difference”.
F) (Most *goats* grow hair that *does* not require shearing or combing.
Most sheep grow wool that *needs to be sheared annually). A palavra
goat deve ser pluralizada pelo uso da expressão MOST e por ela ser
contável. Assim, o auxiliar que concordará com ela é DO.
G)One sheep, named “Shrek”, got out of its paddock and was not
found for seven years. When the owner found and sheared Shrek,
he produced 68 *pounds* of wool, enough to make 20 men’s suits).
A palavra POUNDS é contável, é uma unidade de medida.
03 B
go off (ring) / As outras alternativas: go on (continue); go down (be
remembered); go out (extinguish).
04 B
take off (rising into the sky) / As outras alternativas: take up (occupy);
take away (deduct, subtract); take over (assume management).
05 D
go with (look fashionable) / As outras alternativas: go at (attack); go
under (fail, ruin).
06 B
look into (research) / As outras alternativas: look at (see, focus); look
on (be spectator); look up (look for in a dictionary).
07 A
Look at (see, focus) / As outras alternativas: look into (investigate);
look over (review).
08 C
look up (find in a dictionary).
09 B
Take up (start a new job) / As outras alternativas: take after (resemble);
take down (write or record).
10 D
Take down.
11 D
let down (disappoint) / As outras alternativas: let out (release from confinement).
12 C
let up on (be less harsh) / As outras alternativas: let on (allow to be
known); let up (slow down); let off (free from duty).
13 D
go under (failed) / As outras alternativas: go off (to explode, make
noise); go after (pursue).
14 C
make up of (consist of).
15 A
go after (pursue, chase) / As outras alternativas: go away (depart); go
up (be under construction, be consumed).
16 D
get over (be surprised) / As outras alternativas: get about (move, be active);
get (to work or perform in harmony); get into (become involved in).
17 B
give off (radiates) / As outras alternativas: give out (emit, distribute);
give away (give as present, reveal a secret).
18 B
take a day off (take a holiday) / A outra alternativa: take out (date).
19 A
have on (wear) / As outras alternativas: have in (to ask a person to give
a service, to invite one’s home).
20 D
take in (deceive).
21 D
go over (review).
22 C
Make up (create).
23 B
01 D
make off with (escaped) / As outras alternativas significam: make up
(create / put on cosmetics / settle or reconcile / repeat); make off (run
away); make away (não existe, só existe com away with);
24 A
Take in (make smaller).
02 B
make up (put on consmetics) / As outras alternativas: make over (redo,
25 D
put out (extinguish) / As outras alternativas: put down (write, regard,
insult); put up (up items in their places).
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
INGLÊS – Volume 04
AP 2013 ING II V4 RESOLUCAO.indd 8
have on (present).
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01 B
Tempo é dinheiro, assim como em português.
02 D
é hora de parar.
03 C
O tempo voa quando nos divertimos, assim como em português.
04 D
O tempo está se esgotando.
05 D
Pedido de tempo em esportes.
06 A
Só o tempo dirá. Assim como em português.
11 She told me she was sleeping.
12 She told me they were working.
13 She told me she was coming to the party.
14 She told me he was talking on the telephone.
15 She told me Lucy was reading a book in front of the fire.
16 She said she wasn’t going out.
17 She said they were not visiting Paris during their trip.
18 She said she was listening to her new CD.
19 She told me John was working in a bar for the summer.
20 She told me she was not going to go on holiday.
07 D
Matando o tempo. Assim como em português.
21 She said she had never been to Brazil.
08 C
22 She said she had visited Paris three times.
Muito tempo livre.
09 A
Perda de tempo
10 B
O tempo acabou.
11 B
This means to avoid someone or not pay attention to them. For example, “I thought Mark liked me, but he gave me the cold shoulder at
last night’s party.”
12 B
Yes! This means to get scared or frightened. For example, “I was going
to give the speech, but I got cold feet.”
13 A
This means to sell really quickly. For example, “The new BMWs were
selling like hot cakes.”
14 A
This describes someone who gets angry easily. For example, “John is
really hot-headed. Everytime I try to talk to him about anything serious,
he gets upset.”
15 B
This means to sweat suddenly because of fear or anxiety. For example,
“I was so scared I broke out in a cold sweat.”
As questões de 1 a 50 seguem as regras de alteração verbal e pronominal do Reported Speech
23 She said he had read “War and Peace”.
24 She said she hadn’t seen Julie for ages.
25 She said she hadn’t been to school that week.
26 She said they hadn’t seen ‘The Lord of the Rings’.
27 She said they hadn’t eaten in a lot of different restaurants.
28 She said she had never tried skateboarding.
29 She said Lucy had drunk six cups of a coffee yesterday (that day).
30 She said Mr. Black had written three books.
31 She said she had gone to the cinema the day before.
32 She told me Jane had left the party early.
33 She said she hadn’t gone out at the weekend.
34 She said he didn’t like chocolate as a child.
35 She said they had visited Japan.
36 He told me she hadn’t bought the dress.
37 She told me she had travelled through India and Pakistan.
38 She said he had met his girlfriend in a café.
39 She said David hadn’t arrived until 10 o’clock.
01 She said she lived in New York.
40 She told me they had gone to the park to have a picnic.
02 She told me he worked in a bank.
41 She said she would go to the cinema later.
03 She said Julie didn’t like going out much.
42 She said they would meet the children at six.
04 She said she didn’t have a computer.
05 She said they never arrived on time.
06 He told me they often met friends in London at the weekend.
07 She said David didn’t have any children.
43 She said she would be late.
44 She said Lucy would definitely come.
45 She told us she would stop smoking that Tuesday.
46 She said John wouldn’t do that.
47 She said they wouldn’t be able to arrive early.
08 She said she didn’t go to the gym very often.
48 She said she wouldn’t come with me (you).
09 She said Lucy owned three flats in the city.
49 She said he wouldn’t remember to buy milk.
10 She said she never got up early on Sundays.
50 She said she was sure it wouldn’t rain.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
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05/08/2013 16:32:58
51 C
Informação em: I never catch anything – not even old boots.
52 D
Informação em: I always go home with an empty bag.
53 C
Informação em: You must give up fishing!
54 D
Informação em: I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing
nothing at all!
55 C
went / gave / sat
56 B
3a pessoa do singular, verbo flexionado com IES.
As respostas abaixo seguem o padrão das respostas reportadas. O
aluno deve considerar o tipo de pergunta, se WH-Question ou Yes / No
Question e proceder com a alteração dos demais componentes da frase
(verbo, referente nominal e advérbio, quando necessário).
Reported Questions – Answers:
01 She asked me where he was.
02 She asked me what I was doing.
03 She asked me why I went (had gone) out last night.
23 She asked me to buy some milk.
24 She asked me to open the window.
25 She asked me to bring the book tonight (that night).
26 She asked me to help her with her homework.
27 She asked me to bring her a cup of coffee.
28 She asked me to pass the salt.
29 She asked me to lend her a pencil.
30 She asked me to tell her the time.
31 She told me to do my homework.
32 She told me to go to bed.
33 She told me not to be late.
34 She told me not to smoke.
35 She told me to tidy my room.
36 She told me to wait here (there).
37 She told me not to do that.
38 She told me to eat my dinner.
39 She told me not to make a mess.
40 She told me to do the washing-up.
04 She asked me who that beautiful woman was.
05 She asked me how my mother was.
01 A
06 She asked me what I was going to do at the weekend.
07 She asked me where I would live after graduation.
02 B
08 She asked me what I had been doing when she saw (had seen) me.
09 She asked me how the journey was (had been).
12 She asked me if he arrived (had arrived) on time.
13 She asked me if I had been to Paris.
16 She asked me if I would come later.
17 She asked me if I liked coffee.
18 She asked me if this was the road to the station.
As ordens abaixo seguem o padrão das ordens reportadas. O aluno deve
considerar que a frase no discurso direto está no imperativo e proceder
com a alteração dos demais componentes da frase (verbo – reportá-lo
no infinitivo, referente nominal e advérbio, quando necessário).
Reported Orders and Requests – Answers:
21 She asked me to help her carry this.
22 She asked me to come early.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
INGLÊS – Volume 04
AP 2013 ING II V4 RESOLUCAO.indd 10
As duas charges ironizam o uso da linguagem da informática pelos jovens.
05 C
A ironia está representada pelo balão do pensamento do aluno, que
pensa como se fosse uma máquina.
06 E
O texto fala que a FIFA vai alterar a forma de classificar as seleções.
07 B
Não é apontado como critério a performance dos jogadores.
08 E
19 She asked me if I did (had done) my homework.
20 She asked me if I had studied reported speech before.
Os dois primeiros itens estão errados porque a menina tem um irmão
e demonstra descontentamento por ficar em casa. Mas, faz planos
para o futuro, falando de uma hipotética ida à escola.
04 A
14 She asked me if I could help her.
15 She asked me if I was working tonight (that night).
Deve-se perceber pelo uso de presente e relativa complacência na voz
da menina entrevistada.
03 D
10 She asked me how often I went to the cinema.
11 She asked me if I lived in London.
O aluno deverá perceber, pelo fato da revista ser destinada a crianças,
que foi feita uma reportagem sobre a expectativa de uma criança.
Trata-se de um verbo no infinitivo porque vem depois de uma preposição.
09 A
Informação em: “We have acknowledged the need for a substantial
10 D
Não são sinônimos: ter reconhecido e estar ciente.
11 A
O texto prioriza demonstrar o resultado de um experimento.
12 A
Informação em: “make several drawings of men”.
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13 D
They se refere a crianças.
06 B
01 I
Deveria ser: “Playing baseball and football are my favorite things to
do. (Uma atividade terminando em –ing geralmente concorda com
um verbo no singular, mas aqui há duas atividades).
02 C
(Aqui “team” refere-se ao grupo, não aos membros).
07 B
Deveria ser: “the Philippines which is pretty far away…” (Trata-se de
um país).
“People… are funny.” People é plural.
06 I
Deveria ser: “The 90 minutes… is a good workout.” (o sujeito da frase
é uma quantidade).
Deveria ser: “The police are our supporters.” (POLICE é um nome de
07 C
O pronome refere-se aos uniformes.
08 I
Deveria ser: “What we need to buy next is some new equipment.” O
sujeito da frase é a oração What we need to buy.
“The bat, ball, and catcher’s mask need replacement.” (Itens de singular
em série constituem um sujeito composto)
Deveria ser: “We hope to win our Little League World Series which
is…” O verbo to be concorda com Series, que apesar de terminar em
S é uma palavra de singular.
Cut back on significa reduzir nesse contexto. (back off = retratar-se) /
(come down with = perder riqueza ou posição) / (drop off = largar).
12 A
Do over significa consertar nesse contexto. (do in = cansar) / (put down
= descer)
13 A
Drop off significa deixar no lugar nesse contexto. (drop in = visitar)
(drop out = desistir).
14 C
10 I
Break in significa treinar nesse contexto. (break down = falhar) / (break
up = acabar) / (break into = entrar a força).
11 C
09 I
Put off significa adiar nesse contexto. (put out = extinguir) / (put back
= por de volta) / (put away = descartar).
10 B
05 I
Have to do with significa “ter a ver com” nesse contexto. (pan out
as = ser bem sucedido como) / (hold up to = apresentar como um
exemplo) / (add up to = ser razoável, plausível).
09 D
04 C
Call off significa cancelar ou adiar nesse contexto. (call on = pedir a
alguém para fazer algo).
08 D
03 I
Leave out significa esquecer nesse contexto. (keep off = ficar longe
de) / (pass out = perder a consciência) / (shave off = remover com
Play down significa minimizar nesse contexto. (settle down = estabelecer-se) / (back down = desistir de uma posição ou de uma opinião)
/ (break down = não funcionar, falhar).
15 A
11 The news is… (singular – only, –s is part of the word base).
Come across significa se encontrar por acaso nesse contexto. (draw out
= iniciar uma conversa facilmente) / (get across = fazer-se entender)
/ (make out = discernir ou ver).
12 What it does is… (A what-clause is singular in agreement).
13 Mattel… has a marketing… (A company is singular in agreement).
14 (A subject clause such as “Whether… or not” is singular in agreement).
15 Protects (The toy of the company is singular in agreement).
01 A) screwed up
B) spat out
C) stuck out
D) look up to
E) shurugged off
02 A) bocked out
B) backed up
C) heading for
D) shinning up
E) eyeing up
03 Na sequência: pulled over / pulled up / turned off / pump up / fill up /
04 Na sequência: shop around / thought of / snapped up / sold out /
01 A
Com a corda no pescoço.
02 B
Fazer mais e falar menos.
03 C
Respiração boca a boca.
04 A
05 A
Por os pés pelas mãos.
06 A
Lavar a boca com sabão. Assim como em português.
07 A
wrapped up
05 Na sequência: listening in / pass on / going into / take back / passing
on / leave out
08 B
Meu queixo caiu.
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
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05/08/2013 16:32:59
09 A
Get on significa subir em um meio de transporte.
10 A
Get out of significa deixar de fazer algo.
11 B
This means to completely stop using something, often a drug. For
example: “He used to smoke two packs a day. Then he just quit cold
12 B
This expression describes money. For example: “We don’t take checks
or credit cards-just cold hard cash.”
13 A
This means to be in a position of embarrassment or anxiety. For example: “When my teacher made me summarize the reading in front of
the whole class, I was really in the hot seat.”
14 A
This means to start a car without having the key. For example: “He
went to jail because he hot-wired his neighbor’s car.”
15 A
This means to be in a difficult situation. For example: “I knew I was in
hot water when my parents arrived home.”
Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias
INGLÊS – Volume 04
AP 2013 ING II V4 RESOLUCAO.indd 12
05/08/2013 16:32:59