The Avalon Theatre Company “Blackbeard”


The Avalon Theatre Company “Blackbeard”
The Avalon Theatre Company
On 10th March 2011, The Avalon Theatre Company was invited to come to our school to
perform the following plays. It was such a
Little Red Riding Hood, for the 5th and 6th grades;
Blackbeard & the Lost Treasure Of Skull
Island, for the 7th, 8th and 9th grades;
Murder at the Manor, for the 10th and 11th grades.
In this page are some students’ opinions
he Avalon Theatre Company
performed another great
play in our school’s auditorium,
for the third time: “Blackbeard”.
I think they are such a professional company… and they are
only four actors who personify
so many different characters
and strange creatures through
the whole play. They are really
amazing and funny. During
their performances they always
interact with the students and
“make” us actors too, and we
feel like we are… even for only
some special minutes!
I’m always very anxious to see
their performances: the fascinating stories with these bizarre
creatures and some peculiar characters.
I’m really looking forward to see
them again next year!
Alina Mansukhlal, 8thE
he students from the 7th, 8th
and 9th grades took part in
a play performed by the Avalon Theatre Company in our
school’s auditorium. This play
was about “Blackbeard”, a famous pirate (who had a treasure
map) and his adventures to find
this precious treasure in a place called “Skull Island”. But, of
course, as all the pirates did, he
had an archenemy, Calico Jack
who stole his map as he also
wanted the treasure for himself.
Luckily, at the end, Blackbeard
recovered his map and found the
treasure… As we use to say: “All
is well when it ends well!”
InforCEF 62 – abril de 2011
So…! What can I say more? It
was a great play! There is always
a lot of interaction with the students and that is really nice! I
really enjoyed it a lot!
See you again next year, Avalon
Theatre Company!
Cassandra Cardoso, 8thE
think that the “Blackbeard”
story was interesting but I
consider the play a little bit childish and repetitive for our ages.
I mean, when some of us went
on stage, the play became a little
bit boring for the other students
Murder at the Manor
who were watching it because it
was always the same thing.
But, in the end, it was a good
performance because we could
develop our English by interacting with the actors and some
parts were funny.
Diogo Ferreira, 8thD
he 7th, 8th and 9th grades
went to the school auditorium to watch a play performed
by the Avalon Theatre Company, called “Blackbeard”. In my
opinion it was well organized,
the characters were well created
and the games that we (students)
had to do were creative.
ome students were excited
about watching the play, others were already bored saying
they wouldn’t understand it and
yet the play hadn’t started. Others just didn’t have any expectations at all.
Previously, in the English classes, we talked about what we
were going to see, so we could
have something in mind about
the play, but always keeping the
When the play started, I changed
my mind about it, because from
what we talked about in the
classroom, I thought it would be
more serious that it really was.
I think the actors were excellent
but the play should have more
settings. The characters that the
students had to represent had
cool names and their performances were very good.
My favourite part was when the
actors called members of the
audience to go on stage which
made the whole room share a
big laughter. However, all the
play was quite funny.
José Alexandre, 8thD
My favourite actress was the one
who acted as Penny because of
her facial expressions which I
considered amazingly natural,
but really, the whole Avalon
Theatre Company has a very
good quality.
n the 10th of March of 2011,
in the school auditorium a
play was presented by the Avalon Theatre Company. The name
of the play was: "Blackbeard and
the lost treasure of Skull Island".
This story talks about the quest
of a brave pirate named Blackbeard that is helped by the lieutenant Oliver Lovely. But their search for the lost treasure finds a
difficult obstacle to overcome, a
terrible pirate named Calico Jack
and his partner Anne Bonney, a
clumsy pirate, who are searching
for the treasure too.
They performed an interactive
play; it means that in some parts
of the story, especially when the
characters/actors needed help,
students from the audience were
invited to participate in the plot
to embody characters from other
series or stories. This is a very important and positive aspect of the
play, because it becomes more
comic, funnier and much more
interesting to watch as well.
In my opinion it was a very good
play with a nice story and very
good actors who captured our
João Gil, 9thC
This experience was very interesting, it was a funny and captivating way for us to learn and
improve our English and I think
that I speak for most students
when I say that more experiences like this one are welcome!
Inês Marto, 10ºA,
urder at the Manor was performed by four gifted actors and six courageous students
who gave life to many characters.
The story happens in Giorgios
Smoothiakous’s manor. He gave
a party but it ended when the
host was murdered by one of his
guests. Then, inspector Clueless
arrived to try to solve this mystery. After endless interrogations
and many accusations, inspector
Clueless finally managed to figure out who the killer was.
In our opinion this play has
many benefits. First of all, it
helps us to improve our English
as the play has many interactions
with the students. So, it provides
to all students a moment of relaxation allowing them to forget
they still had a lot of work ahead.
Finally, as this play has moments
of comedy, it made the students
laugh and have fun.
Patrícia Neves and Iara Ribeiro, 10º A
««« »»»
he play consists on a crime
that took place at a party in
Giorgious’s mansion. All the
guests of the party had dark secrets that Giorgious knew so he
decided to blackmail all of them
and take profit of it. Then every
single one of them threatened
him. That´s why it was very difficult to find the murderer. However, the play was very interesting and funny because the actors
interacted with the audience.
They called a group of people
from the public to perform with
them on stage.
At the end, everything ended
well and we all had a good time
laughing. We hope to have more
plays like this one next year.
José e José Ausgustol, 10ºD
««« »»»
really enjoyed the play. In my
opinion, it was better than the
one we saw last year. The characters were extremely funny and
the play was complex enough to
confuse the audience who found
difficult to figure out the real
Tiago Pereira, 11ºD
urder at the Manor tells us
the story of a murder and
the need to find out the killer.
However, it won’t be an easy
task, once there are multiple
motives for murder and lots of
“dark little secrets”.
In my opinion, it was really interesting, especially in what concerns the interaction between the
actors and the audience. Their
performance was really good!
The characters had a strong personality and their problems and
feelings were vividly described,
which made you feel as if you
were one of them.
The plot was also fantastic. The
story could be a bit artificial and
far-fetched, but if you focused
on the characters’ behaviour,
you would be given a good perception of the story.
I think this kind of initiatives is
always a great opportunity for
the students to improve their
knowledge while they are also
having some fun. I really believe
we should be even more openminded to these challenges! If
there are some teens who claim
that it would be better if they
spent their time doing other
things, I can only tell them – go
and try it! You might find that
the play will take you out of
your daily life into a world you
will not want to leave!
Andreia Ferreira, 11ºA
««« »»»
think the way the actors performed the play Murder at the
Manor was the best way possible! They spoke slowly making
use of short sentences, which allowed the message to reach all
the audience. On the other hand
the repetition of some phrases
such as “make mine a double”
made the audience laugh!
After all, I think it was a great
experience, especially to those
who were invited to go on stage
because it was definitely an enriching experience.
I hope we can see more plays
like this in a near future!
Bernardo Melo, 11ºA
Vida CEF - II periodo
Dia do
No dia 14 de Março, o Clube
de Matemática do Centro de
Estudos de Fátima dinamizou o DIA do PI.
“No Clube estivemos a descobrir
as relações entre o perímetro e o
diâmetro de várias circunferências. Trouxemos fita métrica de
casa e medimos alguns objetos
tirando o perímetro e o diâmetro
e relacionando os dois”.
– Thomas Ribeiro, Guilherme Oliveira
7º C
“Com o dia do Pi ficámos a saber
que é aproximadamente igual a
3,14, mas é uma dízima infinita”.
Ana Margarida, Francisco Triguinho,
5º B
“Para percebermos melhor o
Pi, andámos na escola a medir
o perímetro e o diâmetro de
várias circunferências. Depois
dividimos e percebemos que
eram aproximadamente igual a
3,14. Também aprendemos que
ao longo da história foram necessários muitos matemáticos e
muitos anos para descobrirem os
primeiros milhões de algarismos
do Pi”.
Telma Moreira, 7ºD
“Gostei de participar. Foi muito
divertido e giro porque havia
imensos algarismos do Pi, de
muitas formas e engraçados”.
Andreia Fernandes, 5ºE
“No dia 14 de Março, dia do Pi,
estivemos a colar um algarismo
no corredor. Todos os alunos enfeitaram o seu algarismo como
Rafael e Manuel (6ºB),
Guilherme (5ºD)
Dada o interesse e participação
de todos os alunos, fomos surpreendidos por grande criatividade e não podíamos deixar de
premiar o melhor trabalho, por
Começámos a sua preparação algumas semanas antes
realizando diversas atividades com os alunos do clube
e, mais tarde, solicitámos
a colaboração de todos os
alunos dos 2º e 3º ciclos.
No dia, cada aluno colocou
um algarismo na parede,
por ordem, e demos a
conhecer parte da noção da
dízima do PI através de 585
algarismos espalhados pelos
ano letivo. A seleção não foi fácil.
Parabéns a todos pelo empenho
e criatividade.
Campeonato SuperT-matik
O campeonato de SuperTmatik, cálculo mental, é uma
atividade desenvolvida pelo
Clube, envolvendo os alunos
do 2º e 3º ciclos. Estiveram envolvidos todos os alunos do 5º
ao 8º ano, inclusive, no total de
485 alunos.
Foram realizadas ações de am-
bientação em todas as turmas,
por professores de matemática, dando a conhecer as regras
do jogo e permitindo o treino
de cálculo mental.
Seguiram-se os torneios intraturma e interturmas até ao
apuramento dos dois melhores, por ano de escolaridade.
Assim, foram apurados para
o campeonato nacional os seguintes alunos, por escalão:
5º escalão:
1º Mariana Neves Oliveira
2º António Miguel Braçais
6º escalão:
Anastasia, 5.º A
Ana Sofia, 6.º A
Marta, 7.º C
Tatyana, 8.º A
Pedro Casinhas, 9.º A
1º Alexandre Miguel Barbosa de Sousa
2º Marcelo Adriano Filipe
7º escalão:
1º Thomas Ribeiro
2º Irina Cristiana Pedro
1º João Pedro Carreira Gaio
2º António Miguel Jesus
fter the Carnival holidays,
nothing better than a great
play by the Avalon Theatre Company to start classes! It was spoken in English and the language
used was easy to understand as
the actors helped us with some
explanations and clues about the
meaning of some difficult words.
The play was based on Agatha
Christie’s novels and it was
named Murder at the Manor. As
the title says, the story is about
someone who is murdered at a
manor. The victim is Giorgious
Smoothiakous, who is a wealthy
blackmailer. As he is an important and influential person, he is
surrounded by people who want
him dead. This is the only way
they have to keep their secrets
protected without being blackmailed by Giorgious.
One of the funniest moments
was when six students were invited to take part and play the
guests’ role. The actors even
gave them some props, which
made them look like real actors.
The play was both interactive
and funny. We, at the same time,
laughed and learned. This was a
different morning that we won’t
forget so soon. Avalon Theatre
Company, please come back!
Carolina Verdasca and Celmar Garcia,
s usual the Avalon Theatre Company interacted a
lot with the audience and made
everything seem funny, which
caught people’s attention and
improved their understanding
of the play.
In my opinion, it was a good performance and it was important
to notice the persistence they
showed towards the students
they chose to play some roles
making them feel comfortable
and helping the audience have
a handle on what was going on.
In conclusion, I can say it was
a good way of learning English
and spending some time.
Catarina Alexandre, 11º D
s you can imagine, Murder at the Manor was full
of mystery, featuring a party
where the host, Giorgious Smoothiakous, was murdered by one
of his guests. The guests were
members of the rich society and
all of them had dark secrets and
multiple motives to murder
Giorgious. And, of course, there
was an eccentric detective whose
job was to find out the person
responsible for the crime, asking
the audience for help.
The actors were absolutely fantastic! They made everything
seem more enjoyable, especially
with their jokes and puns. Moreover, the participation of some
inexperienced students in the
play was hilarious, which made
it even funnier.
So, what else can I say? Well
Mariana Baptista, 11ºD
CEF - Centro de Estudos de Fátima – Colégio com Contrato de Associação
8º escalão: