journal of near eastern studies


journal of near eastern studies
Beginning with the January 2003 issue, the Journal of Near Eastern Studies is available on-line at Back issues (vols. 1-61, 1942-2002) are available from JSTOR and are
accessible to JNES subscribers at JNES/journal/available.html. An index of vols. 155 (1942-1996), prepared by W. Randall Garr, is available at the JNES homepage.
BUCKLEY, JORUNN JACOBSEN. The Evidence for Women Priests in Mandaeism ........................................
DREWS, ROBERT. Medinet Habu: Oxcarts, Ships, and Migration Theories .................................................. 161
GALÁN, JOSÉ M. The Sed-Festival and the Exemption from Corvée ............................................................ 255
HOHLFELDER, ROBERT L. Beyond Coincidence? Marcus Agrippa and King Herod's Harbor ...................... 241
HOLO, JOSHUA. A Genizah Letter from Rhodes Evidently concerning the Byzantine Reconquest of Crete.
RITNER, ROBERT K. Innovations and Adaptations in Ancient Egyptian Medicine ....................................... 107
SPEIGHT, R. MARSTON. Narrative Structures in the ðadīth .......................................................................... 265
STEINER, RICHARD C. Semitic Names for Utensils in the Demotic Word-List from Tebtunis. .................... 191
TESTEN, DAVID. Conjugating the "Prefixed Stative" Verbs of Akkadian. .....................................................
TINNEY, STEVE. Notes on Sumerian Sexual Lyric .........................................................................................
VIGANÒ, LORENZO. Rituals at Ebla II, ì-giš sag: A Purification Ritual or Anointing of the Head? ..............
AKKERMANS, PETER M. M. G. Tell Sabi Abyad: The Late Neolithic Settlement: Report on the Excavations
of the University of Amsterdam (1988) and the National Museum of Antiquities Leiden (1991-1993)
in Syria. 2 vols. (Christopher Edens) ................................................................................................ 286
ALTHANN, ROBERT. Studies in Northwest Semitic (Mark S. Smith) ............................................................. 214
AMANAT, ABBAS. Pivot of the Universe: Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar and the Iranian Monarchy, 1831-1896
(John R. Perry) .................................................................................................................................. 233
ANDREU, GUILLEMETTE. Egypt in the Age of the Pyramids (Susan Tower Hollis) ...................................... 305
ARAV, RAMI - RICHARD A. FREUND. Bethsaida: A City by the North Shore of the Sea of Galilee (Rachel
S. Hallote) .........................................................................................................................................
ARIEL, DONALD T. - ALON DE GROOT, eds. Excavations at the City of David 1978-1985. Vol. 4. Various
Reports (Ron E. Tappy) .................................................................................................................... 299
ASKARI, NASREEN - ROSEMARY CRILL. Colours of the Indus: Costume and Textiles of Pakistan (Robert
D. Biggs) ........................................................................................................................................... 236
ASSMANN, JAN. Moses the Egyptian: The Memory of Egypt in Western Monotheism (David Lorton) ........ 202
AVIGAD, NAHMAN. Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals (Dennis Pardee) ................................................... 303
BARSTAD, HANS M. The Myth of the Empty Land: A Study in the History and Archaeology of Judah during the "Exilic" Period (David M. Fouts). ....................................................................................... 224
BARTL, KARIN - STEFAN R. HAUSER, eds. Continuity and Change in Northern Mesopotamia from the
Hellenistic to the Early Islamic Period: Proceedings of a Colloquium Held at the Seminar für
vorderasiatische Altertumskunde, Freie Universität Berlin, 6th-9th April, 1994 (T.J. Wilkinson)
............................................................................................................................................................ 207
BECK, ASTRID B. ET AL-, eds. Fortunate the Eyes That See: Essays in Honor of David Noel Freedman in
Celebration of His Seventieth Birthday (Dennis Pardee) .................................................................. 133
BECKMAN, GARY. Texts from the Vicinity of Emar in the Collection of Jonathan Rosen (Robert D. Biggs)
BEN-TOR, A. - M. AVISSAR - Y. PORTUGALI. Yoqnecam I: The Late Periods (Timothy P. Harrison) ......... 227
BEN-TOR, AMNON - RUHAMA BONFIL, eds. Hazor V: An Account of the Fifth Season of Excavation, 1968
(Alexander H. Joffe) ......................................................................................................................... 296
BIRAN, A. ET AL, eds. Aviram Volume (Rachel S. Hallote) ...........................................................................
BLEIBERG, EDWARD. The Official Gift in Ancient Egypt (Dimitri Meeks) .................................................... 314
BOHACK, GIDEON. Joseph and Asenth and the Jewish Temple in Heliopolis (Albert Pietersma) ................. 141
BOSWORTH, CLIFFORD EDMUND. The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual
(John E. Woods). ............................................................................................................................... 273
BRIANT, PIERRE, ed. Dans les pays des Dix-Mille: Peuples et pays du Proche-Orient vus par un grec: Actes
de la Table Ronde Internationale, organisée à l'initiative du GRACO, Toulouse, 3-4 février 1995
(Mark B. Garrison) ............................................................................................................................ 290
CAMPANA, DOUGLAS V., ed. Before Farming: Hunter- Gatherer Society and Subsistence (Alexander H.
Joffe) ................................................................................................................................................. 226
CARR, DAVID M. Reading the Fractures of Genesis: Historical and Literary Approaches (Dennis Pardee)
............................................................................................................................................................ 232
CARTER, ELIZABETH. Excavations at Anshan (Tal-e Malyan): The Middle Elamite Period (P.R.S. Moorey)
............................................................................................................................................................ 34
CLINES, DAVID J.A., ed. The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. Vol. 3 (Dennis Pardee) ...............................
CORS i MEYA, J. A Concordance of The Phoenician History of Philo of Byblos (Dennis Pardee) ...............
CROSS, FRANK MOORE, JR. - DAVID NOEL FREEDMAN. Studies in Ancient Yahwistic Poetry (Dennis Pardee) .................................................................................................................................................... 134
amministrativi della III dinastia di Ur dal Museo Statale Ermitage San Pietroburgo-Russia (Robert D. Biggs) ....................................................................................................... 218
DARLING, LINDA T. Revenue-Raising and Legitimacy: Tax Collection and Finance Administration in the
Ottoman Empire 1560-1660 (Rifaՙat Ali Abou-El-Haj) ................................................................... 156
Greek Jewish Texts from the Cairo Genizah (Joshua Holo) ............................. 231
DELOUGAZ, PINHAS and HELENE J. KANTOR. Choga Mish. Vol. 1. The First Five Seasons of Excavation
1961-1971. Parts 1 and 2. Ed. ABBAS ALIZADEH (P.R.S. Moorey) .................................................
DEVER, WILLIAM G., ed. Preliminare Excavation Reports: Sardis, Idalion, and Tell el-Handaquq North
(Alexander H. Joffe) ......................................................................................................................... 149
DOMBRADI, EVA. Die Darstellung des Rechtsaustrags in den altbabylonischen Prozessurkunden. Halbband 1. Die Gestaltung der altbabylonischen Prozessurkunden der altbabylonischen Zivilprozess.
Halbband 2. Appendix: Die Organe der Rechtsprechung, Anmerkungen-Exkurse-Indices (Marc
van de Mieroop) ................................................................................................................................ 123
Dow, MARTIN. The Islamic Baths of Palestine (John L. Meloy) ...................................................................
DURAND, J.-M., ed. Mari, Ebla, et les hourrites: Dix ans de travaux, première partie: Actes du Colloque
International (Paris, mai 1993) (Mark W. Chavalas) ...................................................................... 215
EPHՙAL, ISRAEL - JOSEPH NAVEH. Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century BC from Idumaea (Dennis Pardee) .................................................................................................................................................... 128
FEUCHT, ERIKA. Das Kind im alten Ägypten: Die Stellung des Kindes in Familie und Gesellschaft nach
altägyptischen Texten und Darstellungen (Gay Robins) ..................................................................
FILER, JOYCE. Disease (W. Benson Harer) .................................................................................................... 147
FINKELSTEIN, ISRAEL. Living on the Fringe: The Archaeology and History of the Negev, Sinai and Neighbouring Regions in the Bronze and Iron Ages (Alexander H. Joffe) ................................................ 224
FRONZOROLI, PELIO, ed. Miscellanea Eblaitica (Robert D. Biggs) .............................................................. 216
FRYE, RICHARD N. The Heritage of Central Asia: From Antiquity to the Turkish Expansion (Morris Rossabi) ...................................................................................................................................................
FUSSMAN, GÉRARD - DITTE KÖNIG. Die Feisbildstation Shatial (Alexander H. Joffe) ………..………….. 150
GEHLKEN, ERLEND. Uruk: Spätbabylonische Wirtschaftstexte aus dem Eanna-Archiv, Teil II: Texte verschiedenen Inhalts (Robert D. Biggs) ...............................................................................................
GITAY, YEHOSHUA, ed. Prophecy and Prophets: The Diversity of Contemporary Issues in Scholarship
(Dennis Pardee) ................................................................................................................................. 232
GREEN, S. CAMPBELL A. The Archaeology of Death in the Ancient Near East (Rachel Hallote) ................ 148
GUDE, MARY LOUISE. Louis Massignon: The Crucible of Compassion (Christopher Melchert) ................. 276
HUDDLESTON, JOHN R., ed. Divine Commitment and Human Obligation: Selected Writings of David Noel
Freedman. Vol. 1. Ancient Israelite History and Religion. Vol. 2. Poetry and Orthography (Dennis Pardee) ......................................................................................................................................... 133
HUDSON, MICHAEL - BARUCH A. LEVINE, eds. Privatization in the Ancient Near East and Classical World
(Marc van de Mieroop) ..................................................................................................................... 40
JACOB-ROST, LIANE. Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköy im vorderasiatischen Museum (Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.)
............................................................................................................................................................ 124
JOSEPHSON, JACK. Egyptian Royal Sculpture of the Late Period: 400-246 B.C. (William H. Peck) ............ 318
KAYE, ALAN S., ed. Phonologies of Asia and Africa (Including the Caucasus) (Dennis Pardee) ................ 210
KHAN, MAJEED. The Origin and Evolution of Ancient Arabian Scripts (Alan S. Kaye) ............................... 213
KRAUSPE, RENATE, ed. Statuen und Statuetten (Emily Teeter) ..................................................................... 203
KRAUSPE, RENATE, ed. Das Ägyptische Museum der Universität Leipzig (Emily Teeter) ........................... 203
KUGEL, JAMES L. The Bible as It Was (John C. Collins) ............................................................................... 135
KUHRT, AMÉLIE. The Ancient Near East c. 3000-300 B.C. 2 vols. (Mark W. Chavalas) .............................
LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY, CARL C. Beyond the Tigris and Euphrates: Bronze Age Civilizations (Alexander H. Joffe) ...................................................................................................................................... 219
LARSEN, MOGENS TROLLE. The Conquest of Assyria: Excavations in an Antique Land, 1840-1860 (Robert
D. Biggs) ........................................................................................................................................... 126
The Message, Form, and Background of the Old Testament. 2d ed. (Gary Long) ........................... 140
LEMAIRE, A. Nouvelles insciptions araméennes d'Idumée au Musée d'Israël (Dennis Pardee) ................... 128
LICHTHEIM, MIRIAM. Moral Values in Ancient Egypt (Vincent Arieh Tobin) .............................................. 199
LIEU, SAMUEL N.C. - DOMINIO MONTSERRAT, eds. From Constantine to Julian, Pagan and Byzantine
Views: A Source History (Paul M. Cobb) .........................................................................................
LINDHOLM, CHARLES. The Islamic Middle East: An Historical Anthropology (Paul M. Cobb) ................... 157
MADELUNG, WILFERD. The Succession to Mu|ammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate (Michael G. Morony) ..................................................................................................................................................... 153
MANDER, P. - J.-M. DURAND. Mitología y religión del oriente antiguo II/1: Semitas occidentals (Ebla,
Mari) (Robert D. Biggs) ……........................................................................................................... 127
MARINCOLA, JOHN. Authority and Tradition in Ancient Historiography (Matthew Waters) ........................ 320
MARINO-HULTMAN, PAT. Ancient Persian Metalwork: The Collection of Luristan Bronzes at Medelhavsmuseet (P.R.S. Moorey) ....................................................................................................................
MELLADO, ESTHER PONS. Terracotas egipcias de época greco-romano del Museo del Oriente Bíblico del
Monasterio de Montserrat (Dominic Montserrat) ............................................................................ 150
MILLER, CYNTHIA. The Representation of Speech in Biblical Narrative: A Linguistic Analysis (Robert Longacre) ................................................................................................................................................. 229
MYERS, ERIC M., ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East. 5 vols. (Robert D. Biggs)
............................................................................................................................................................ 36
NEGAHBAN, EZAT O. Marlik: The Complete Excavation Report. 2 vols. (P.R.S. Moorey) ..........................
NIGRO, L. Ricerche sull'architettura palatale della Palestina nelle età del Bronzo e del Ferro: Contesto
archeologico e sviluppo storico (Timothy P. Harrison) ...................................................................
OLMO LETE, G. DEL - J. SANMARTÍN. Diccionario de la lengua ugarítica. Vol. 1 (Dennis Pardee) …........
OTAVSKY, KAREL, ed. Islamische Textilkunst des Mittelalters: Aktuelle Probleme (Carol Bier) ................. 158
PARPOLA, SIMO. The Standard Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh (Robert D. Biggs) ...................................... 217
PEDERSÉN, OLOE. Katalog der beschrifteten Objekte aus Assur: Die Schriftträger mit Ausnahme der Tontafein und ähnlicher Archivtexte (Robert D. Biggs) ............................................................................ 73
PORTEN, BEZALEL ET AL. The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change (Dennis Pardee) ................................................................................................... 130
POTTS, TIMOTHY F. Mesopotamia and the East: An Archaeological and Historical Study of Foreign Relations 3400-2000 B.C. (Kaymar Abdi) ............................................................................................... 277
REEVES, NICHOLAS - RICHARD H. WILKINSON. The Complete Volley of the Kings: Tombs and Treasures
of Egypt's Greatest Pharaohs (Catharine Roehrig) .......................................................................... 195
REEF, STEFAN C. Hebrew Manuscripts at Cambridge University Library: A Description and Introduction
(David Marcus) ................................................................................................................................. 131
ROBERTS, BRIAN K. Landscapes of Settlement: Prehistory to the Present (Alexander H. Joffe) ................. 149
ROBINSON, FRANCIS, ed. Cambridge Illustrated History of the Islamic World (Paul M. Cobb) ..................
ROSE, KALINDA. The Vision of Transformation: The Territorial Rhetoric of Ezekiel 40-48 (Jan Wiersma
Halverson) .........................................................................................................................................
ROSE, PAMELA. Qasr Ibrim: The Hinterland Survey (Bruce Williams) ........................................................ 311
ROTH, ANN MACY. A Cemetery of Palace Attendants Including G 2084-2099, G 2230 + 2231, and G 2240
(Daniel Polz) ..................................................................................................................................... 143
ROTH, MARTHA T. Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor. Ed. Piotr Michalowski (Bernard
M. Levinson) ..................................................................................................................................... 119
SCHMITZ, BETTINA, ed. Untersuchungen zu Idu II, Giza: Ein interdisziplinäres Projekt (Ann Macy Roth)
SCHNEIDER, HANS DIEDERIK. The Memphite Tomb of ðorem|eb Commander-in-Chief of Tutՙankamūn, II:
A Catalogue of the Finds (Emily Teeter) .......................................................................................... 146
SINGER, AMY. Palestinian Peasants and Ottoman Officials: Rural Administration around Sixteenth Century Jerusalem (Judith Mendelsohn Rood) .......................................................................................
SMITH, WILLIAM ROBERTSON. Lectures on the Religion of the Semites: Second and Third Series. Ed. JOHN
DAY (Steven W. Holloway) .............................................................................................................. 137
STERN, E. - T. LEVY, eds. Avraham Biran Volume (Rachel S. Hallote) ........................................................ 295
STETKEVYCH, JAROSLAV. Mu|ammad and the Golden Bough: Reconstructing Arabian Myth (Peter Heath)
............................................................................................................................................................ 151
STONE, PETER F. The Oriental Rug Lexicon (Robert D. Biggs) ....................................................................
SUN, HENRY T.C. - KEITH L. EADES, eds. Problems in Biblical Theology: Essays in Honor of Rolf Knierim (Dennis Pardee) .......................................................................................................................... 132
SWEENEY, MARVIN A. Isaiah 1-39 with an Introduction to Prophetic Literature (Dennis Pardee) .............
TEFNIN, ROLAND, ed. La peinture égyptienne ancienne: Un monde de signes à préserver: Actes du Colloque International de Bruxelles, avril, 1994 (William H. Peck) ........................................................ 319
TÖRÖK, LÁSZLÓ. The Kingdom of Kush: Handbook of the Napatan-Meroitic Civilization (Bruce Williams)
............................................................................................................................................................ 306
TUPLIN, CHRISTOPHER. Achaemenid Studies (Matthew Waters) ................................................................... 289
ULRICH, EUGENE - FRANK MOORE CROSS - JAMES R. DAVILA - NATHAN JASTRAM - JUDITH E. SANDERSON - EMANUEL Tov. Qumran Cave 4, VII: Genesis to Numbers (Dennis Pardee...........................
SKEHAN - EMANUEL Tov - JULIO TREBOLLE BARRERA. Qumran Cave 4, IX: Deuteronomy, Joshua,
Judges, Kings (Dennis Pardee) ......................................................................................................... 50
Urim and Thumim: A Means of Revelation in Ancient Israel (Scott B. Noegel)
............................................................................................................................................................ 220
Religion in Babylonia, Syria and Israel: Continuity and Change in the
Forms of Religious Life (Mark W. Chavalas) ................................................................................... 121
L. Onomasticon of the Hittite Pantheon. Vols. 1 and 2 (Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.) ......... 293
VITA, JUAN-PABLO. El Ejército de Ugarit (Dennis Pardee) ..........................................................................
des pharaonischen Ägypten: Die Zeitbestimmung der ägyptischen
Geschichte von der Vorzeit bis 332 v. Chr. (Edward F. Wente) ................................................................ 204
WALKER, DANIEL. Flowers Under foot: Indian Carpets of the Mughal Era (Robert D. Biggs) .................. 235
WARDINI, ELIE, ed. Built on Solid Rock: Studies in Honour of Professar Ebbe Egede Knudsen on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, April 11th, 1997 (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................... 127
WASSERSTROM, STEVEN W. Between Muslim and Jew: The Problem of Symbiosis under Early Islam (Brannon M. Wheeler) ............................................................................................................................... 66
WHITTOW, MARK. The Making of Byzantium, 600-1025 (Paul M. Cobb) ....................................................
WILDUNG, DIETRICH, ed. Sudan: Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile (Bruce Williams) ...................................... 310
YOFFEE, NORMAN - JEFFREY J. CLARK, eds. Early Stages in the Evolution of Mesopotamian Civilization:
Soviet Excavations in Northern Iraq (Christopher Edens) ............................................................... 284
ZEʾVI, DROR. An Ottoman Century: The District of Jerusalem in the 1660s (James A. Reilly) ................... 275
Books Received ............................................................................................................................................ 75,237
VOLUME LX (2001)
BARRÉ, MICHAEL L. "Wandering About" as a Topos of Depression in Ancient Near Eastern Literature
and in the Bible ................................................................................................................................. 177
GUO, LI. Arabic Documents from the Red Sea Port of Quseir in the Seventh/Thirteenth Century, Part 2:
Shipping Notes and Account Records ..............................................................................................
HOLTZ, SHALOM E. "To Go and Marry Any Man That You Please": A Study of the Formulaic Antecedents of the Rabbinic Writ of Divorce .............................................................................................. 241
MASTER, DANIEL. State Formation Theory and the Kingdom of Israel ........................................................ 117
READE, JULIAN. Assyrian King-Lists, the Royal Tombs of Ur, and Indus Origins .......................................
SCHULTZ, WARREN C. Ayyubid and Mamluk Coins Preserved in the Oriental Institute of the University
of Chicago ......................................................................................................................................... 269
STEINER, RICHARD C. The Scorpion Spell from Wadi ðammamat: Another Aramaic Text in Demotic Script
............................................................................................................................................................ 259
TAVERNIER, JAN. An Achaemenid Royal Inscription: The Text of Paragraph 13 of the Aramaic Version of
the Bisitun Inscription ....................................................................................................................... 161
WARD, SETH. Mu|ammad Said: "You Are Only a Jew from the Jews of Sepphoris": Allegations of the Jewish Ancestry of Some Umayyads ................................................................................................... 31
AMER, AMIN A.M.A. The Gateway of Ramesses IX in the Temple of Amun at Karnak (William J. Murnane†) ................................................................................................................................................... 300
BAGNALL, ROGER S. Egypt in Late Antiquity (Terry G. Wilfong) ................................................................ 201
BAILLIE, M.G.L. A Slice through Time: Dendrochronology and Precision Dating (Ron E. Tappy) ............ 214
BAUMGARTEN, JOSEPH M. Qumran Cave 4 XIII: The Damascus Document (4Q266-273) (Michael O. Wise) ...................................................................................................................................................... 151
BERLAV, OLEG - SVETLANA HODJASH. Catalogue of the Monuments of Ancient Egypt from the Museums
of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Bielorussia, Caucasus, Middle Asia and the Baltic States (Emily Teeter) ....................................................................................................................................... 193
BOURKE, S. - J.-P. DESCOEUDRES, eds. Trade, Contact, and the Movement of Peoples in the Eastern Mediterranean: Studies in Honour of J. Basil Hennessy (Alexander H. Joffe) ..................................... 292
BRACK-BERNSEN, LIS. Zur Entstehung der babylonischen Mondtheorie: Beobachtung und theoretische
Berechnung von Mondphasen (Alexander Jones) ............................................................................. 225
BRANIGAN, KEITH, ed. Cemetery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age (John G. Younger) ...................... 219
BRIQUEL CHATONNET, FRANÇOISE. Manuscrits syriaques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France (nos
356-435, entrés depuis 1911), de la Bibliothèque Méjanes d'Aix-en-Provence, de la Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon et de la Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg: Catalogue (Jerome A. Lund) .................................................................................................................... 205
BROCK, SEBASTIAN P. - SUSAN ASHBROOK HARVEY, trans. Holy Women of the Syrian Orient. New ed.
(Terry G. Wilfong) ............................................................................................................................ 204
BROSHI, MAGEN ET AL. Qumran Cave 4 XIV: Parabiblical Texts, Part 2 (Michael O. Wise) ..................... 153
CAMERON, AVERIL, ed. States, Resources and Armies (Walter E. Kaegi) .................................................... 231
CANCIK-KIRSCHBAUM, EVA CHRISTIANE. Die mittelassyrischen Briefe aus Tall Šē² ðammad (Shelley
Luppert-Barnard) ..............................................................................................................................
CURTIS, VESTA SARKHOSH, ed. The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Persia: New Light on the Parthian
and Sasanian Empires (Kamyar Abdi) ............................................................................................. 206
The Rise of Yahwism: The Roots of Israelite Monotheism. 2d ed. rev. (Anson R.
Rainey) .............................................................................................................................................. 147
DEPAUW, MARK. A Companion to Demotic Studies (Janet H. Johnson) ......................................................
Israel: Its Life and Institutions (Dennis Pardee) ..............................................
DURUSAU, PATRICK. High Places in Cyberspace: A Guide to Biblical and Religious Studies, Classics,
and Archaeological Resources on the Internet. 2d ed. (Robert D. Biggs) ....................................... 318
FITZMYER, JOSEPH A., S.J. The Semitic Background of the New Testament (Dennis Pardee) ......................
FORSBERG, STIG. Near Eastern Destruction Datings as Sources for Greek and Near Eastern Iron Age
Chronology, Archaeological and Historical Studies: The Cases of Samaria (722 B.C.) and Tarsus (696 B.C.) (Alexander H. Joffe) ................................................................................................. 218
FRANCK, DEREK. A Yemeni Passage (Li Guo) .............................................................................................. 314
FRAYNE, DOUGLAS R. The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia-Early Periods. Vol. 2. Sargonic and Gutian Periods (2334-2113 BC) (Petr Charvát) ....................................................................................
GILES, FREDERICK J. The Amarna Age: Western Asia (Mark W. Chavalas) ................................................. 141
GOSLINE, SHELDON LEE. Writing Late Egyptian Hieratic: A Beginner's Primer (Peter F. Dorman) ........... 305
GREEN, PETER. The Greco-Persian Wars (Matthew W. Waters) .................................................................. 151
GYSELEN, RYKA. Catalogue des sceaux, camées et bulles sassanides de la Bibliothèque Nationale et du
Musée du Louvre I: Collection générale (Guitty Azarpay) .............................................................. 138
HANDY, LOWELL K., ed. The Age of Solomon: Scholarship at the Turn of the Millennium (Dennis Pardee)
............................................................................................................................................................ 315
HENDEL, RONALD S. The Text of Genesis 1-11: Textual Studies and Critical Edition (Dennis Pardee) ...... 317
HODDER, IAN, ed. On the Surface: Çatalhöyük 1993-95 (Michael Rosenberg) ............................................ 285
HOERTH, ALFRED J. Archaeology of the Old Testament (Alexander H. Joffe) ............................................. 150
HOFFNER, HARRY ANGIER, JR. The Laws of the Hittites: A Critical Edition (Itamar Singer) ....................... 286
JACOB-ROST, LIANE. Die Stempelsiegel im Vorderasiatischen Museum/Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Claudia E. Suter) ...................................................................................................................................... 280
JONES, SIÂN. The Archaeology of Ethnicity: Constructing Identities in the Past and Present (Alexander H.
Joffe) ................................................................................................................................................. 211
KEDAR, BENJAMIN Z. and R. J. Zwi WERBLOWSKY, eds. Sacred Space: Shrine, City, Lana (Paul Wheatley†) .................................................................................................................................................. 229
KENDALL, TIMOTHY. Kerma and the Kingdom of Kush 2500-1500 B.C.: The Archaeological Discovery
of an Ancient Nubian Empire (Bruce Williams) ............................................................................... 196
KHAČIKJAN, MARGARET. The Elamite Language (Matthew W. Stolper) ..................................................... 275
KLENGEL-BRANDT, EVELYN. Mit sieben Siegein versehen: Das Siegel in Wirtschaft und Kunst des alten
Orients (Claudia E. Suter) ................................................................................................................. 280
LAFONT, BERTRAND - FATMA YILDIZ. Tablettes cunéiformes de Tello au Musée d'Istanbul datant de
l'époque de IIIe Dynastie d'Ur. Vol. 2. ITT II/1, 2544-2819, 3158-4342, 4708-4713 (Robert D.
Biggs) ................................................................................................................................................ 228
LEHNER, MARK. The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries (Ronald J. Leprohon) ................ 191
LLEWELYN, S.R., ed. A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri Published in 1984-1985 (Adela Yarbro Collins) ....................................................................................................................................... 318
LUCAS, ALFRED - J.R. HARRIS. Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries. 4th ed. (Emily Teeter) ............ 195
LÜDDECKENS, ERICH, ed. Ägyptische Handschriften. Vol. 4 (Richard Jasnow) ...........................................
LUNDQUIST, EVA ROHDE, ed. Saladin and Richard the Lionhearted: Selected Annals from Masālik al-ab¡ār fī mamālik al-am¡ār by al-Umarī (James E. Lindsay) ................................................................ 229
LUSTIG, JUDITH, ed. Anthropology and Egyptology: A Developing Dialogue (Douglas J. Brewer) ............. 200
MAGNESS, JODI - SEYMOUR GITIN, eds. Hesed ve-Emet: Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs (Alexander H. Joffe) ...................................................................................................................................... 234
MARCUS, MICHELLE I. Emblems of Identity and Prestige: The Seals and Sealings from Hasanlu, Iran, Commentary and Catalog (Ann C. Gunter) ............................................................................................. 283
MILLER, MARGARET C. Athens and Persia in the Fifth Century BC: A Study in Cultural Receptivity (M.W.
Waters) .............................................................................................................................................. 319
MULLEN, E. THEODORE, JR. Ethnic Myths and Pentateuchal Foundations: A New Approach to the Formation of the Pentateuch (Dennis Pardee) ........................................................................................
NEMET-NEJAT, KAREN RHEA. Daily Life in Ancient Mesopotamia (Mark W. Chavalas) ............................ 291
OSING, JÜUGEN. Aspects de la culture pharaonique: Quatre leçons au College de France (février-mars
1989) (Thomas Dousa) .....................................................................................................................
PARKER, SIMON B. Stories in Scripture and Inscriptions: Comparative Studies on Narratives in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions and the Hebrew Bible (Dennis Pardee) .................................................... 145
PARKER, SIMON B. Ugaritic Narrative Poetry (Dennis Pardee) ................................................................... 142
PEDERSÉN, OLOF. Archives and Libraries in the Ancient Near East 1500-300 B.C. (Robert D. Biggs) ....... 226
PETERSEN, ALLAN ROSENGREN. The Royal God: Enthronement Festivals in Ancient Israel and Ugarit?
(Dennis Pardee) ................................................................................................................................. 294
QAFISHEH, HAMDI A. The NTC's Gulf Arabic-English Dictionary: A Compact Dictionary of the Contemporary Arabic of the Middle East (Alan S. Kaye) ............................................................................ 313
ROCHBERG, FRANCESCA. Babylonian Horoscopes (Johannes Koch) ............................................................ 62
ROLLER, DUANE W. The Building Program of Herod the Great (Jodi Magness) ......................................... 155
RYHOLT, K.S.B. The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period, c. 1800-1550
B.C. (Anthony Spalinger) ................................................................................................................. 296
SAHRHAGE, DIETRICH. Fischfang und Fischkult im alten Ägypten (Patrick F. Houlihan) ............................ 195
SALJE, B. Der 'Common Style' der Mittani-Glyptik und die Glyptik der Levante und Zyperns in der späten
Bronzezeit (Mark B. Garrison) .......................................................................................................... 133
SALLABERGER, WALTER. Der babylonische Töpfer und seine Gefässe nach Urkunden altsumerischer bis
altbabylonischer Zeit sowie lexikalischen und literarischen. Zeugnissen (Wolfgang Heimpel) ...... 140
SCHAACK, THOMAS. Die Ungeduld des Papiers: Studien zum alttestamentlichen Verständnis des Schreibens anhand des Verbums katab im Kontext administrativer Vorgänge (Dennis Pardee) ................ 317
SCHWEMER, DANIEL. Akkadische Rituale aus ³attuša: Die Sammeltafel Kbo XXXVI 29 und verwandte
Fragmente (Robert D. Biggs) ........................................................................................................... 289
SNELL, DANIEL C. Life in the Ancient Near East, 3100-332 B.C.E. (Mark W. Chavalas) ............................ 208
STOL, M. - S.P. VLEEMING, eds. The Care of the Elderly in the Ancient Near East (Rivkah Harris) ........... 157
SWERDLOW, NOEL M. The Babylonian Theory of the Planets (Johannes Koch) ..........................................
the Eastern Mediterranean from Prehistory to Late Antiquity (Alexander H. Joffe) ....................... 209
TEETER, EMILY. The Presentation of Maat: Ritual and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt (Peter Brand) ........... 189
TESTEN, DAVID D. Parallels in Semitic Linguistics: The Development of Arabic la- and Related Semitic
Particles (Alan S. Kaye) ................................................................................................................... 312
TÖRÖK, LÁSZLÓ. Meroe City, an Ancient African Capital: John Garstang's Excavations in the Sudan (Bruce Williams) ...................................................................................................................................... 197
VARISCO, DANIEL MARTIN - G. REX SMITH, eds. The Manuscript of al-Malik al-Afÿal al-˓Abbās b. ˓Alī b.
Dāʾūd b. Yūsuf b. ˓Umar b. ˓Alī Ibn Rasūl (d. 778/1377): A Medieval Arabic Anthology from the
Yemen (Li Guo) ................................................................................................................................. 232
WEBSTER, LESLIE - MICHELLE BROWN, eds. The Transformation of the Roman World, AD 400-900 (Walter E. Kaegi) ...................................................................................................................................... 320
WEIHER, EGBERT VON. Uruk: Spätbabylonische Texte aus dem Planquadrat U 18. Part 5(Robert D. Biggs)
............................................................................................................................................................ 290
WEISMAN, ZEʾEV. Political Satire in the Bible (Gerald A. Klingbeil) ........................................................... 295
WERLINE, RODNEY ALAN. Penitential Prayer in Second Temple Judaism: The Development of a Religious
Institution (John J. Collins) ............................................................................................................... 221
WESTENHOLZ, JOAN GOODNICK. Legends of the Kings of Akkade: The Texts (J.-J. Glassner) ....................
WILHELM, GERNOT, ed. Die orientalische Stadt: Kontinuität, Wandel, Bruch: 1. Internationales Colloquium
der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, 9.-10. Mai 1996 in Halle/Saale (Robert D. Biggs) ................. 227
WILLEY, PATRICIA TULL. Remember the Former Things: The Recollection of Previous Texts in Second Isaiah (Gerald A. Klingbeil) .............................................................................................................. 159
WISE, MICHAEL OWEN. Thunder in Gemini and Other Essays on the History, Language and Literature of
Second Temple Palestine (Stanislav Segert) .....................................................................................
WURST, GREGOR. Die Bema-Psalmen (Terry G. Wilfong) ........................................................................... 203
ZAMORA, JOSÉ-ÁNGEL. Sobre "el mondo de producción asiático" en Ugarit (Dennis Pardee) ................... 222
ZEVIT, ZIONY. The Anterior Construction in Classical Hebrew (Dennis Pardee) ......................................... 308
Books Received ............................................................................................................................................. 75,235
ABDI, KAMYAR. An Egyptian Cippus of Horus in the Iran National Museum, Tehran ................................ 203
CALLENDER, V.G. Princess Inti of the Ancient Egyptian Sixth Dynasty ...................................................... 267
CANBY, JEANNY VORYS. Falconry (Hawking) in Hittite Lands .................................................................... 161
Redemption of Umayyad Memory by the ˓Abbasids. ............................................... 241
GIL, MOSHE. References to Silk in Geniza Documents of the Eleventh Century A.D. .................................
GUÉRIN, ALEXANDRINE. Interprétation d'un registre fiscal ottoman: Les territoires de la Syrie méridionale
en 1005/1596-97 ...............................................................................................................................
KSELMAN, JOHN S. "Wandering About" and Depression: More Examples .................................................. 275
MARAQTEN, MOHAMMED - YUSUF ABDALLAH. An Inscribed Sabean Bronze Plaque from Ma|ram Bilqis
near Mārib, Yemen ...........................................................................................................................
MARAVELIA, AMANDA-ALICE. Ancient Egyptian Inscribed Faience Objects from the Benaki Museum in
Athens ...............................................................................................................................................
VARGYAS, PÉTER. Sennacherib's Alleged Half-Shekel Coins ....................................................................... 111
WHEATLEY, PAT. Antigonus Monophthalmus in Babylonia, 310-308 B.C. .................................................
AMORAI-STARK, SHUA. Wolfe Family Collection of Near Eastern Prehistoric Stamp Seals (Claudia E. Suter) ..................................................................................................................................................... 130
ANDERSON, JUNE. Return to Tradition: The Revitalization of Turkish Village Carpets (Robert D. Biggs)
............................................................................................................................................................ 218
ANGOLD, MICHAEL. Church and Society in Byzantium under the Comneni, 1081-1261 (Walter K. Kaegi)
............................................................................................................................................................ 293
ARRAK, AMIR, trans. The Chronicle of Zuqnīn, Parts III and IV: A.D. 488-775 (Michael Morony) ............ 129
ASH, PAUL. David, Solomon and Egypt: A Reassessment (Alexander H. Joffe) ........................................... 288
BAUER, JOSEF - ROBERT K. ENGLUND - MANFRED KREBENIK. Mesopotamien: Späturuk-Zeit und frühdynastische Zeit (Robert D. Biggs) ................................................................................................... 134
BEINLICH-SEEBER, CHRISTINE, ed. Bibliographie Altägypten 1822-1946. Teil 1. Alphabetisches Verzeichnis A-I. Teil 2. Alphabetisches Verzeichnis J-Z. Teil 3. Indices (Emily Teeter) ............................... 69
BIENKOWSKI, PIOTR - ALAN MILLARD, eds. Dictionary of the Ancient Near East (Robert D. Biggs) ......... 317
BIERBRIER, MORRIS L. Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt (Frank J. Yurco) ........................................ 289
BLACK, JEREMY. Reading Sumerian Poetry (A.J. Ferrara) ........................................................................... 285
BONNER, MICHAEL. Aristocratic Violence and Holy War: Studies in the Jihad and the Arab-Byzantine
Frontier (Walter E. Kaegi) ............................................................................................................... 293
BORGER, RYKLE. Beiträge zum Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals: Die Prismenklassen A, B, C = K, D, E, F,
G, H, J und T sowie andere Inschriften (Walter Farber) .................................................................. 315
BOWERSOCK, G.W. - PETER BROWN - OLEG GRABAR. Late Antiquity: A Guide to the Postclassical World
(Paul M. Cobb) .................................................................................................................................. 298
BRETON, JEAN-FRANÇOIS - JEAN-CHARLES ARRAMOND - BRIGITTE COQUE-DELHUILLE - PIERRE GENTELLE. Une vallèe aride du Yemen antique: Le wâdî Bayhân (Christopher Edens) ............................... 279
BROWN, DANIEL W. Rethinking Tradition in Modern Islamic Thought (Brannon Wheeler) ........................ 214
BURKES, SHANNON. Death in Qoheleth and Egyptian Biographies of the Late- Period (D.M. Clemens) ...
Entdeckung von Berenike Pancrisia (Bruce Williams) …………………………………………… 147
CHAZAN, R. - W.W. HALLO - L.H. SCHIFFMAN, eds. Ki Baruch Hu: Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and
Judaic Studies in Honor of Baruch A. Levine (Robert D. Biggs) ..................................................... 150
CLAGETT, M. Ancient Egyptian Science: A Source Book. Vol. 3. Ancient Egyptian Mathematics (Leo Depuydt) ................................................................................................................................................ 290
COLE, STEVEN W. - PETER MACHINIST. Letters from Priests to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal
(Robert D. Biggs) .............................................................................................................................. 288
COLLIER, MARK - BILL MANLEY. How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Teach
Yourself (Steve Vinson) .................................................................................................................... 231
CURRID, JOHN. Doing Archaeology in the Land of the Bible (Alexander H. Joffe) ...................................... 149
DAFTARY, FERHAD. A Short History of the Ismailis: Traditions of a Muslim Community (Paul E. Walker)
DIJKSTRA, KLAAS. Life and Loyalty: A Study in the Socio-Religious Culture of Syria and Mesopotamia in
the Graeco-Roman Period Based on Epigraphical Evidence (Françoise Briquel Chatonnet) ......... 156
DION. P.-E. Les Araméens à l'àge du fer: Histoire politique et structures sociales (Françoise Briquel Chatonnet) ............................................................................................................................................... 125
DRIVER, S.R.A Treatise on the Use of the Tense in Hebrew and Some Other Syntactical Questions (Cynthia L. Miller) .................................................................................................................................... 223
DUTTON, YASIN. The Origins of Islamic Law: The Qurʾān, the Muw¥¥taʾ and Madinan ˓Amal (Brannon
Wheeler) ............................................................................................................................................ 215
EDDÉ, ANNE-MARIE. La principauté ayyoubide d'Alep (579-1183-658-1260) (Paul M. Cobb) ................... 298
FITZPATRICK-MCKINLEY, ANNE. The Transformation of Torah from Scribal Advice to Law (Raymond
Westbrook) ........................................................................................................................................ 295
FLÜCKIGER-HAWKER, ESTHER. Urnamma of Ur in Sumerian Literary Tradition (A.J. Ferrara) ................. 283
FOWDEN, ELIZABETH KEY. The Barbarian Plain: Saint Sergius between Rome and Iran (Paul M. Cobb)
Fox, MICHAEL V. A Time to Tear Down and a Time to Build Up: A Rereading of Ecclesiastes (Eric Reymond) ................................................................................................................................................ 319
FREEDMAN, SALLY M. If a City Is Set on a Height: The Akkadian Omen Series Šumma Ālu ina Mēlê Šakin.
Vol. 1 Tablets 1-21 (Robert D. Biggs) .............................................................................................. 318
GITIN, SEYMOUR - AMIHAI MAZAR - EPHRAIM STERN, eds. Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE, in Honor of Professor Trude Dothan (Rachel S. Hallote)
............................................................................................................................................................ 148
GÖTZ, MANFRED. Islamische Handschriften, Teil 1: Nordrhein-Westfalen (Li Guo) ……………………... 213
GRAMLICH, RICHARD. Der eine Gott: Grundzüge der Mystik des islamischen Monotheismus (Gerhard Böwering) .............................................................................................................................................. 57
GYSELEN, RIKA, ed. La science des cieux: Sages, mages, astrologues (Robert D. Biggs) ........................... 138
GYSELEN, RIKA, ed. Sceaux d'Orient et leur emploi (Claudia E. Suter) ........................................................ 280
HAERINCK, E. - B. OVERLAET. Chamahzi Mumah: An Iron Age III Graveyard (Kamyar Abdi) ................. 141
HAERINCK, E. - B. OVERLAET. Djub-i Gauhar and Gul Khanan Murdah: Iron Age III Graveyards in the
Aivan Plain (R.R.S. Moorey) ............................................................................................................ 282
HAWTING, G.R. The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam: From Polemic to History (Paul M. Cobb)
............................................................................................................................................................ 299
HERRMANN, GEORGINA, ed. The Forniture of Western Asia, Ancient and Traditional: Papers of the Conference Held at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, June 28 to 30, 1993 (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................................................................................................... 138
HILLENBRAND, CAROLE. The Crusades: Islamic Perspectives (Tracy Hoffman) ......................................... 300
HOFFMAN, GAIL. Imports and Immigrants: Near Eastern Contracts with Iron Age Crete (Eleanor Guralnick) .................................................................................................................................................. 159
HVIDBERG-HANSEN, FINN OVE. The Palmyrene Inscriptions, Ny Carisberg Glyptotek (Françoise Briquel
Chatonnet) ......................................................................................................................................... 127
JONES, BRIAN. Howling over Moab: Irony and Rhetoric in Isaiah 15-16 (Joel H. Hunt) ............................. 228
KALTER, JOHANNES - MARGARETA PAVALOI, eds. Uzbekistan: Heirs to the Silk Road. Trans. Stefan B.
Polter (Robert D. Biggs) ................................................................................................................... 217
KEEN, ANTONY G. Dynastic Lycia: A Political History of the Lycians and Their Relations with Foreign
Powers, c. 545-362 BC (H. Craig Melchert) .................................................................................... 158
KELLEY, PAGE H. - DANIEL S. MYNATT - TIMOTHY G. CRAWFORD. The Masorah of Biblia Hebraica
Stuttgartensia: Introduction and Annotated Glossary (Dennis Pardee) ........................................... 144
KESSLER, DIETER. Tuna el-Gebel II: Die Paviankultkammer G-C-C-2 (Gay Robins) …………………….
KLINGBEIL, GERALD A. A Comparative Study of the Ritual of Ordination as Found in Leviticus 8 and Emar 369 (Kent Sparks) ...................................................................................................................... 227
KOENIG, YVAN. Les ostraca hiératiques inédits de la Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg (Edward E Wente) ..................................................................................................................
KÖHLER, E. CHRISTIANA. Tell el Faracîn, Buto III: Die Keramik von der späten Naqada-Kultur bis zum
frühen Alten Reich (Schichten III bis VI) (Bruce Williams) ………………………………………. 146
KRAUSS, ROLF. Astronomische Konzepte und Jenseitsvorstellungen in den Pyramidentexten (James P. Allen) .................................................................................................................................................... 62
LAMBERT, W.G. - A.R. MILLARD. Atra-Hasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood (Mark W. Chavalas) ... 160
LEWIS, DAVID M. Selected Papers in Greek and Near Eastern Studies (Matthew W. Waters) ................... 230
LOPRIENO, ANTONIO, ed. Ancient Egyptian Literature: History and Forms (John L. Poster) ...................... 310
MATHIEU, BERNARD. La poesie amoureuse de l'Égypte ancienne: Recherches sur un genre littéraire au
Nouvel Empire (John L. Poster) ........................................................................................................ 309
MAZAR, AMIHAI. Timnah (Tel Batash) I: Stratigraphy and Architecture (Alexander H. Joffe) ................... 151
MERLO, PAOLO. La dea Ašratum - Atiratu - Ašera: Un contributo alla storia della religione semitica del
Nord (Dennis Pardee) ....................................................................................................................... 117
MESSICK, BRINKLEY. The Calligraphic State: Textual Domination and History in a Muslim Society (Kate
Lang) .................................................................................................................................................
MILLER, CYNTHIA L. - MICHAEL O'CONNOR, eds. The Verbless Clause in Biblical Hebrew: Linguistic Approaches (Christopher A. Rollston) .................................................................................................. 225
MOOSA, MATTI, trans, and ed. History of Syriac Literature and Sciences (Kitab al-lulu al-Mathur fi tarikh
al-ulum wa al-Adab al-Suryaniyya) by Ignatius Aphram Barsoum (1887-1957), Syrian Patriarch
of Antioch and All the East (Lamia Doumato) .................................................................................. 219
MURPHY, RHOADS. Ottoman Warfare, 1500-1700 (Mark L. Stein) .............................................................. 296
NETZER, EHUD. Die Paläste der Hasmonäer und Herodes' des Großen (Jodi Magness) …………………. 305
NORTHRUP, LINDA S. From Slave to Sultan: The Career of al-Man¡ūr Qalāwūn and the Consolidation
of Mamluk Rule in Egypt and Syria (678-689 A.H./1279-1290 A.D.) (Li Guo) ............................... 211
OSBORN, DALE J. - JANA OSBORNOVÁ. The Mammals of Ancient Egypt (Douglas J. Brewer) .................... 145
PHILLIP, THOMAS - BIRGIT SCHAEBLER, eds. The Syrian Land: Processes of Integration and Fragmentation: Bilād al-Shām from the 18th to the 20th Century (Abdul-Karim Rafeq) ................................. 216
POE, RICHARD. Black Spark, White Fire: Did African Explorers Civilize Ancient Europe? (Alexander H.
Joffe) ................................................................................................................................................. 152
PUECH, ÉMILE. Qumrân Grotte 4, XVIII: Textes hébreux (4Q521-4Q528, 4Q576-4Q579) (Dennis Pardee)
............................................................................................................................................................ 143
RADNER, KAREN. Ein neuassyrisches Privatarchiv der Tempelgoldschmiede von Assur (Robert D. Biggs)
............................................................................................................................................................ 136
RATCLIFFE, ROBERT R. The 'Broken' Plural Problem in Arabic and Comparative Semitic: Allomorphy and
Analogy in Non-Concatenative Morphology (David Testen) ........................................................... 61
ROSE, LYNN E. Sun, Moon, and Sothis: A Study of Calendars and Calendar Reforms in Ancient Egypt (Ronald A. Welis) ................................................................................................................................... 311
ROUSSEAU, PHILIP. Pachomius: The Making of a Community in Fourth-Century Egypt (Rebecca Krawiec)
............................................................................................................................................................ 306
SEFATI, YITSCHAK. Love Songs in Sumerian Literature (A.J. Ferrara) ......................................................... 131
SHANKS, HERSHEL, ed. Ancient Israel: From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple. Rev. ed.
(Alexander H. Joffe) ......................................................................................................................... 149
[SOCIETY OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE]. Society o f Biblical Literature 1998 Seminar Papers. Parts 1 and 2
(Dennis Pardee) ................................................................................................................................. 150
TOORN, KARL - BOB BECKING - PIETER W. VAN DER HORST, eds. Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, 2d ed., rev. (Robert D. Biggs) ............................................................................. 140
VAN Ess, JOSEF. Theologie und
Gesellschaft im 2. und 3. Jahrhundert Hidschra: Eine Geschichte des religiösen Denkens imfrühen Islam (Gerhard Böwering) …………………………………………....
WAGNER, GUY. Elephantine XIII: Les papyrus et les ostraca grecs d'Elephantine (Terry G. Wilfong) ….. 128
WATSON, W.G.E. - N. WYATT, eds. Handbook of Ugaritic Studies (D.M. Clemens) .................................. 221
WHITEHOUSE, DAVID. Excavations at ed-Dur. Vol. 1. The Glass Vessels (Carol Meyer) ............................ 302
WILHELM, GERNOT, ed. Zwischen Tigris und Nil: 100 Sabre Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Vorderasien und Ägypten (Robert D. Biggs) ……………………………………………. 318
WYATT, NICOLAS. Religious Texts from Ugarit: The Words of Ilimilku and His Colleagues (Dennis Pardee)
............................................................................................................................................................ 123
ZETTLER, RICHARD - LEE HORNE, eds. Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur (Zainab Bahrani) .............. 291
Books Received .............................................................................................................................................. 75,233
BÖCK, BARBARA. "When You Perform the Ritual of 'Rubbing' ": On Medicine and Magic in Ancient Mesopotamia ..........................................................................................................................................
DUCÈNE, JEAN-CHARLES. La description géographiques de la Palestine dans le Kitāb al-Masālik wa-l-Mamālik d'Abū ʿUbayd al-Bakrī (m. 487/1094) .................................................................................... 181
HUDDLESTON, JOHN R. Nahum, Nineveh, and the Nile: The Description of Thebes in Nahum 3:8-9 .........
JANÁK, JIŘÍ. Revealed but Undiscovered: A New Letter to the Dead ........................................................... 275
JIN, SHOUFU. Der Furchtsame und der Unschuldige: Über zwei sozio-juristische Begriffe aus dem alten Ägypten ................................................................................................................................................ 267
KRAVITZ, KATHRYN F. A Last-Minute Revision to Sargon's Letter to the God ...........................................
NAIDEN, F.S. The Words of the Alewife at Line 42 of Hesiod's Works and Days ........................................ 263
O'MARA, PATRICK F.† Censorinus, the Sothic Cycle, and Calendar Year One in Ancient Egypt: The Epistemological Problem ........................................................................................................................
POIRIER, JOHN C. Generational Reckoning in Hesiod and in the Pentateuch ................................................ 193
RITNER, ROBERT K. "The Breathing Permit of Hôr" among the Joseph Smith Papyri ................................. 161
WALKER, BETHANY J. Mamluk Investment in Southern Bilād al-Shām in the Eighth/ Fourteenth Century:
The Case of ðisbān ........................................................................................................................... 241
ABDULLAH, THABIT A.J. Merchants, Mamluks, and Murder: The Political Economy of Trade in EighteenthCentury Basra (Rudi Mathee) ........................................................................................................... 317
ALEXANDER, PHILIP S. - GEZA VERMES. Qumran Cave 4, XIX: Serekh Ha-Yahad and Two Related Texts
(Dennis Pardee) ................................................................................................................................. 132
ARIEL, DONALD T. ET AL. Excavations at the City o f David 1978-1985 (Alexander H. Joffe) ................... 209
ARMSTRONG, DAVID E. Alcohol and Alterca States in Ancestor Veneration Rituals of the Zhou Dynasty
China and Iron Age Palestine (Alexander H. Joffe) .........................................................................
BAUD, MICHEL. Famille royal et pouvoir sous l'Ancien Empire égyptien. Vols. 1 and 2 (Gay Robins) ......
BEHNSTEDT, PETER. Sprachatlas von Syrien, II: Volkskundiiche Texte (Alan S. Kaye) …………………... 319
BEN-ðAYYIM, ZEʾEV - ABRAHAM TAL. A Grammar of Samaritan Hebrew: Based on the Recitation of the
Law in Comparison with the Tiberian and Other Jewish Traditions (Joseph Malone) .................... 229
BEN-ZVI, EHUD. Micah (Christopher A. Rollston) ........................................................................................ 129
BENNETT, PATRICK R. Comparative Semitic Linguistics: A Manual (David Testen) ...................................
BEWLEY, ABDALHAQQ & AISHA, trans. The Noble Qur'an: A New Rendering of its Meaning in English
(Scott Lucas) ..................................................................................................................................... 112
ISSERLIN, B.S.J. The Israelites (Rachel Hallote) ........................................................................................... 126
IZRE'EL, SHLOMO. Adapa and the South Wind: Language Has the Power of Life and Death (Robert D. Biggs) ...................................................................................................................................................... 289
JONES, ALEXANDER, ed. Astronomical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus (P. Oxy. 4133-4300a) (Francesca Rochberg) ..................................................................................................................................................
KAMMERER-GROTHAUS, HELKE. Frühe Keramik und Kleinfunde aus El-Târif. Part 2. Keramik aus den
Mastabas des Alten Reiches (Bruce Williams) .................................................................................
KIENAST, BURKHART. Historische semitische Sprachwissenschaft (Robert D. Biggs) ……………………. 283
KITCHEN, K.A. Documentation for Ancient Arabia. Part 2. Bibliographical Catalogue of Texts (Robert D.
Biggs) ................................................................................................................................................ 219
KLETTER, RAZ. Economic Keystones: The Weight System of the Kingdom of Judah (Dennis Pardee) .........
KOTTEK, SAMUEL - MANFRED HORTSMANSHOFF, eds. From Athens to Jerusalem: Medicine in Hellenized
Jewish Lore and in Early Christian Literature: Papers of the Symposium in Jerusalem, 9-11 September 1996 (Robert D. Biggs) ......................................................................................................... 288
KUGLER, ROBERT A. - EILEEN M. SCHULLER, eds. The Dead Sea Scrolls at Fifty: Proceedings of the 1997
Society of Biblical Literature Qumran Section Meetings (Michael O. Wise) .................................. 224
KUTSKO, JOHN F. Between Heaven and Earth: Divine Presence and Absence in the Book of Ezekiel (Christopher A. Rollston) .......................................................................................................................... 302
LAFONT, SOPHIE. Femmes, droit et justice dans l'antiquité orientale: Contribution à l'etude du droit pénal
au Proche-Orient ancien (Joan Goodnick Westenholz) ................................................................... 155
LAUGHLIN, JOHN C.H. Archaeology and the Bible (Alexander H. Joffe) ...................................................... 124
LEAHY, ANTHONY - JOHN TAIT, eds. Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honour of H.S. Smith (Emily Teeter) .... 215
LEICK, GWENDOLYN. Who's Who in the Ancient Near East (Robert D. Biggs) ............................................ 290
LEITH, MARY JOAN WINN. Wadi Daliyah I: The Wadi Daliyah Seal Impressions (Mark B. Garrison) .......
MACKINTOSH-SMITH, TIM. Yemen: The Unknown Arabia (Alan S. Kaye) ...................................................
MAIR, VICTOR H., ed. The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia. Vol. 1. Archeology, Migration and Nomadism, Linguistics. Vol. 2. Genetics and Physical Anthropology,
Metallurgy, Textiles, Geography and Climatology, History, and Mythology and Ethnology (Karen S. Rubinson) ................................................................................................................................ 311
MANKOWSKI, PAUL V., S.J. Akkadian Loanwords in Biblical Hebrew (David M. Clemens) ...................... 290
MARKOE, GLENN. Phoenicians (Alexander H. Joffe) ....................................................................................
MARSHALL, DAVID. God, Muhammad and the Unbelievers: A Qur'anic Study (Marion Katz) ...................
MARTIN, GEOFFREY THORNDIKE. The Tomb of Tia and Tia: A Royal Monument of the Ramesside Period
in the Memphite Necropolis (Emily Teeter) .....................................................................................
MATTHEWS, ROGER J. Cities, Seals and Writing: Archaic Seal Impressions from Jemdet Nasr and Ur (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................................................................................................... 138
METCALF, WILLIAM E. The Silver Coinage of Cappadocia, Vespasian-Commodus (Stuart D. Sears) ........
MEYERS, ERIC M., ed. Galileo through the Centuries: Confluence of Cultures (Edgar Krentz) ..................
MIGLUS, PETER A. ET AL. Ar-Raqqa I: Die Frühislamische Keramik von Tali Aswad (Tasha Vorderstrasse)
............................................................................................................................................................ 212
MILLER, DOUGLAS B. - MARK SHIPP. An Akkadian Handbook: Paradigms, Heips, Glossary, Logograms,
and Sign List (Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.) ................................................................................................ 283
MURRAY, M.A. Legends of Ancient Egypt (Alexandra A. O'Brien) .............................................................. 214
NIJHOWNE, JEANNE. Politics, Religion, and Cylinder Seals: A Study of Mesopotamian Symbolism in the
Second Millennium B.C. (Mark B. Garrison) ................................................................................... 306
NIKLASSON, KARIN H., ed. Cypriote Archaeology in Göteborg: Papers Presented at a Symposium on Cypriote Archaeology Held at Göteborg 20 May 1998 (Charles M. Adelman) ...................................
OLMO LETE, G. DEL - J.-L. MONTERO FENOLLÓS, eds. Archaeology of the Upper Syrian Euphrates, The
Tishrin Dam Area: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at Barcelona, January 28th30th 1998 (Glenn M. Schwartz) ........................................................................................................ 206
OREDSSON, DAG. Moats in Ancient Palestine (Alexander H. Joffe) ............................................................. 125
OWEN, DAVID I. - GERNOT WILHELM, eds. General Studies and Excavations at Nuzi 10/2 (Robert D. Biggs)
............................................................................................................................................................ 39
OWEN, DAVID I. - GERNOT WILHELM, eds. Richard F.S. Starr Memorial Volume (Robert D. Biggs) .........
PARDES, ILANA. The Biography of Ancient Israel: National Narratives of the Bible (Alexander H. Joffe) .
PARKE-TAYLOR, GEOPFREY H. The Formation of the Book ofJeremiah: Doublets and Recurring Phrases
(Christopher A. Rollston) .................................................................................................................. 301
PARKINSON, R.B., trans. The Tale of Sinuhe and Other Ancient Egyptian Poems, 1940-1640 BC (John L.
Poster) ...............................................................................................................................................
PIKE, SCOTT - SEYMOUR GITIN, eds. The Practical Impact of Science on Near Eastern and Aegean Archaeology (Alexander H. Joffe) ........................................................................................................ 315
PONGRATZ-LEISTEN, BEATE. Herrschaftswissen in Mesopotamien: Formen der Kommunikation zwischen
Gott und König im 2. und 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. (Robert D. Biggs) ............................................... 289
POTTS, D.T. The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transfonnation of an Ancient Iranian State (Kamyar Abdi) ........................................................................................................................................... 35
RAMMUNY, RAJI M. Business Arabic. Vol. 1. Intermediate Level: Language, Culture, and Communication. Vol. 2. Advanced Level: Authentic Texts and Audiovisual Methods (Alan S. Kaye) ............... 118
RAPTOU, EUSTATHIOS. Athènes et Chypre à l'époque perse (VIe-IVe s. av. J.-C.): Histoire et données archéologiques (Matthew W. Waters) .................................................................................................. 206
RICHTER, WOLFGANG. Materialien einer althebräischen Datenbank: Nominalformen (Dennis Pardee) ....
ROBSON, ELEANOR. Mesopotamian Mathematics, 2100-1600 BC: Technical Constants in Bureaucracy
and Education (Leo Depuydt) .......................................................................................................... 231
RUDNIG, THILO ALEXANDER. Heilig und Profan: Redaktionskritische Studien zu Ez 40-48 (Lowell K.
Handy) ............................................................................................................................................... 299
SALLABERGER, WALTHER - AAGE WESTENHOLZ. Mesopotamien: Akkade-Zeit und Ur III-Zeit (Robert D.
Biggs) ................................................................................................................................................
SASSMANNSHAUSEN, LEONHARD. Beiträge zur Verwaltung und Gesellschaft Babyloniens in der Kassitenzeit (Robert D. Biggs) ....................................................................................................................... 232
SCHIFFMAN, LAWRENCE H. ET AL., eds. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Fifty Years after Their Discovery: Proceedings of the Jerusalem Congress, July 20—25, 1997 (Michael O. Wise) ................................... 224
SEEHER, JÜRGEN. Die bronzezeitliche Nekropole von Demirchihüyük-Sarıket: Ausgrabungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Museum Bursa, 1990-1991 (Maureen Basedow) ................................................................................................................................... 310
SOUČEK, VLADIMIR - JANA SIEGELOVÁ. Systematische Bibliographie der Hethitologie 1915-1995, Teilband 1-3 (Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.) ....................................................................................................... 282
SPARKS, KENTON L. Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Israel: Prolegomena to the Study of Ethnic Sentiments and Their Expression in the Hebrew Bible (Alexander H. Joffe) ........................................... 137
STONE, ELIZABETH C. - PAUL E. ZIMANSKY. The Iron Age Settlement at ʿAin Dara, Syria: Survey and
Soundings (Alexander H. Joffe) ........................................................................................................
TALSHIR, ZIPORA. 1 Esdras: From Origin to Translation (Ralph W. Klein) ................................................ 226
TEETER, EMILY - JOHN A. LARSON, eds. Gold of Praise: Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward
F. Wente (Leo Depuydt) ................................................................................................................... 147
TREISTER, MICHAIL Yu. The Role of Metals in Ancient Greek History (Thea A. Politis) .............................
ULRICH, EUGENE. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of the Bible (Michael O. Wise) ........................... 225
VANDERHOOFT, DAVID STEPHEN. The Neo-Babylonian Empire and Babylon in the Latter Prophets
(Ronald H. Sack) ...............................................................................................................................
VAUGHN, ANDREW G. Theology, History, and Archaeology in the Chronicler's Account of Hezekiah
(Christopher A. Rollston) .................................................................................................................. 303
VOLOKHINE, YOURI. La frontalité dans l'iconographie de l'Égypte ancienne (William H. Peck) ................ 141
WACHSMANN, SHELLEY. Seagoing Ships and Seamanship in the Bronze Age Levant (Hermann Genz) .....
WALKER, CHRISTOPHER - MICHAEL DICK. The Induction of the Cult Image in Ancient Mesopotamia: The
Mesopotamian mīs pî Ritual (Robert D. Biggs) ............................................................................... 286
WALSH, CAREY ELLEN. The Fruit of the Vine: Viticulture in Ancient Israel (Alexander H. Joffe) .............. 210
WATERS, MATTHEW W. A Survey of Neo-Elamite History (Jan Tavernier) ................................................. 202
WEITZMAN, M.P. The Syriac Version of the Old Testament: An Introduction (Tawny L. Holm) ................ 227
WEVERS, JOHN WILLIAM. Notes on the Greek Text of Numbers (Nathan Jastram) .......................................
WILKINSON, TOBY A.H. Early Dynastic Egypt (Douglas J. Brewer) ............................................................
Books Received ............................................................................................................................................. 5, 235
The editors wish to correct the title of the article by Jean-Charles Ducène in JNES 62/3 (2003). The correct title
is "La description géographique de la Palestine dans le Kitab al-Masālik wa-l-Mamālik d‟Abū ʿbayd al-Bakrī (m.
BARMASH, PAMELA. Blood Feud and State Control: Differing Legal Institutions for the Remedy of Homicide during the Second and First Millennia B.C.E. .......................................................................... 183
BOYLE, MARJORIE O‟ROURKE. "In the Heart of the Sea": Fathoming the Exodus .......................................
DUCÈNE, JEAN-CHARLES. Le delta du Nil dans les cartes d'Ibn ðawkal ....................................................... 241
FRANKFURTER, DAVID. The Binding of Antelopes: A Coptic Frieze and Its Egyptian Religious Context
GENTILI, PAOLO. A Catalogue of the Ishchali Texts in the Iraq Museum ..................................................... 257
GIL, MOSHE. Flax as Seen in Eleventh-Century Merchants' Letters from the Cairo Geniza .........................
KARAHASHI, FUMI. Fighting the Mountain: Some Observations on the Sumerian Myths of Inanna and Ninurta .................................................................................................................................................. 111
MOLINA, MANUEL - MARCOS SUCH-GUTIÉRREZ. On Terms for Cutting Plants and Noses in Ancient Sumer ....................................................................................................................................................
MORENZ, LUDWIG D. Apophis: On the Origin, Name, and Nature of an Egyptian Anti-God ...................... 201
REESE, DAVID S. - CATHERINE SEASE. Additional Unpublished Engraved Tridacna and Anadara Shells
SANDERS, SETH L. Performative Utterances and Divine Language in Ugaritic ............................................ 161
STEINER, RICHARD C. A Jewish Aramaic (or Hebrew) Laissez-Passer from the Egyptian Port of Berenike
........................................................................................................................................................... 277
WIDELL, MAGNUS. Reflections on Some Households and Their Receiving Officials in the City of Ur in the
Ur III Period ...................................................................................................................................... 283
ALTENMÜLLER, HARTWIG. Die Wanddarstellungen im Grab des Mehu in Saqqara (Ann Macy Roth) ....... 142
BALMUTH, MIRIAM S. Hacksilber to Coinage: New Insights into the Monetary History of the Near East
and Greece (Eleanor Guralnick) ....................................................................................................... 133
BÁRTA, MIROSLAV. Memories of 4500 Years Ago (Emily Teeter) ............................................................... 227
BETTS, A.V.G., ET AL. The Harra and the Hamad: Excavations and Surveys in Eastern Jordan (Alexander H. Joffe) ......................................................................................................................................
BINGER, TILDE. Asherah: Goddesses in Ugarit, Israel and the Old Testament (Dennis Pardee) .................
BIVAR, A.D.H. Excavations at Ghubayrā, Iran (Kamyar Abdi) ................................................................... 313
BONGENAAR, A.C.V.M. The Neo-Babylonian Ebabbar Temple at Sippar: Its Administration and Its Prosopography (Paul-Alain Beaulieu) ................................................................................................... 214
BRYCE, TREVOR. Life and Society in the Hittite World (Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.) ............................................ 305
BRYCE, TREVOR. The Kingdom of the Hittites (Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.) ......................................................... 126
CHOLIDIS, NADJA - LUTZ MARTIN. Der Tell Halaf und sein Ausgräber Max Freiherr von Oppenheim: Kopf
hoch! Mut hoch! und Humor hoch! (Robert D. Biggs) ..................................................................... 312
CLINE, ERIC H. The Battles of Armageddon: Megiddo and the Jezreel Valley from the Bronze Age to the Nuclear Age (Timothy P. Harrison) ...................................................................................................... 60
COBB, PAUL M. White Banners: Contention in ʿAbbasid Syria, 750-880 (Elton L. Daniel) ......................... 119
COHEN, SUSAN L. Canaanites, Chronologies, and Connections: The Relationship of Middle Bronze Age
IIA Canaan to Middle Kingdom Egypt (Alexander H. Joffe) ................................................................ 317
CONTENSON, HENRI DE, ET AL. Ramad: Site néolithique en Damascène (Syrie) aux VIIIe et VIIe millénaires
avant l'ère chrétienne (A.M.T. Moore) ............................................................................................. 156
DREWS, ROBERT, ed. Greater Anatolia and the Indo-Hittite Language Family: Papers Presented at a Colloquium Hosted by the University of Richmond, March 18-19, 2000 (Theo van den Hout) ............ 228
DUGGAN, MICHAEL W. The Covenant Renewal in Ezra-Nehemiah (Neh 7:72b-10:40): An Exegetical, Literary, and Theological Study (Blane W. Conklin) ............................................................................. 65
EIDEM, JESPER – JØRGEN LÆSSØE. The Shemshara Archives. Vol. 1. The Letters (Robert D. Biggs) ......... 211
ELDEM, EDHEM - DANIEL GOFFMAN - BRUCE MASTERS. The Ottoman City between East and West: Aleppo, Izmir, and Istanbul (Abdul-Karim Rafeq) .................................................................................. 71
EPIGRAPHIC SURVEY. Reliefs and Inscriptions at Luxor Temple. Vol. 2. The Facade, Portals, Upper Register Scenes, Columns, Marginalia, and Statuary in the Colonnade Hall, with Translations of Texts,
Commentary, and Glossary (Ronald J. Leprohon) ........................................................................... 43
FALK, ZE‟EV W. Hebrew Law in Biblical Times: An Introduction (Kent Sparks) ........................................ 129
FLUCK, CÄCILIA - PETRA LINSCHIED - SUSANNE MERZ. Textilien aus Ägypten. Teil 1. Textilien aus dem
Vorbesitz von Theodor Graf, Carl Schmidt und dem Ägyptischen Museum Berlin (Susan Auth)
FOSTER, JOHN L., trans. Ancient Egyptian Literature: An Anthology (David Lorton) .................................. 316
FRAYNE, DOUGLAS R. Ur III Period (2112-2004 BC) (Miguel Civil) .......................................................... 207
GALIL, GERSHON - MOSHE WEINFELD, eds. Studies in Historical Geography and Biblical Historiography
Presented to Zecharia Kallai (Alexander H. Joffe) ..........................................................................
GARRISON, MARK B. - MARGARET COOL ROOT. Seals on the Persepolis Fortification Tablets. Vol. 1. Images of Heroic Encounter (P.R.S. Moorey) ...................................................................................
GORDON, MATTHEW S. The Breaking of a Thousand Swords: A History of the Turkish Military of Samara (A.H. 200-275/815-889 C.E.) (Paul M. Cobb) ............................................................................. 120
GREENSPAHN, FREDERICK E. An Introduction to Aramaic (Joseph L. Malone) ...........................................
HAGELIA, HALLVARD. Coram Deo: Spirituality in the Book of Isaiah, with Particular Attention to Faith
in Yahweh (Lowell K. Handy) .......................................................................................................... 304
HALPERN, BARUCH. David 's Secret Demons: Messiah, Murderer, Traitor, King (Lowell K. Handy) ........ 134
HANNIG, RAINER. Die Sprache der Pharaonen: Großes Handwörterbuch Deutsch-Ägyptisch (2800-950 v.
Chr.) (James P. Allen) ...................................................................................................................... 151
HILGERT, MARKUS. Drehem Administrative Documents from the Reign of Šulgi (Bertrand Lafont) ...........
HOVANNISIAN, RICHARD G. - GEORGES SABAGH, EDS. The Persian Presence in the Islamic World (Burzine K. Waghmar) ................................................................................................................................ 121
HUNGER, HERMANN, ed. Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia. Vol. 5. Lunar and Planetary Texts (Johannes Koch) ........................................................................................................... 50
IKRAM, SALIMA. Choice Cuts: Meat Production in Ancient Egypt (J.G. Manning) ...................................... 150
JOSEPH, JOHN. The Modern Assyrians of the Middle East: Encounters with Western Christian Missions,
Archaeologists, and Colonial Powers (Joel Thomas Walker) .......................................................... 122
KANAWATI, N. The Tomb and Beyond: Burial Customs of Egyptian Offtcials (Eugene Cruz-Uribe) .......... 315
KANAWATI, N. - A. HASSAN. The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara. Vol. 2(Ann Macy Roth) ............................... 145
KOCH-WESTENHOLZ, ULLA. Babylonian Liver Omens: The Chapters Manzāzu, Pa-dānu and Pān tākalti
of the Babylonian Extispicy Series Mainly from Assurbanipal's Library (Timothy Collins) ........... 310
KOSLOVA, NATALIA. Ur III-Texte der St. Petersburger Eremitage (Robert D. Biggs) …………………… 311
KROEPER, KARLA, - DIETRICH WILDUNG. Minshat Abu Ornar II: Ein vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Friedhof im Nildelta, Gräber 115-204 (Bruce Williams) ……………...................................................... 218
LANG, BERNARD. The Hebrew God: Portrait of an Ancient Deity (Mark S. Smith) ..................................... 295
LASINE, STUART. Knowing Kings: Knowledge, Power, and Narcissism in the Hebrew Bible (Lowell K. Handy) ..................................................................................................................................................... 303
LEMAIRE, ANDRÉ, ed. Prophètes et rois: Bible et Proche-Orient (Robert D. Biggs) ……………………... 298
LEONARD, ALBERT, JR. Ancient Naukratis: Excavations at a Greek Emporium in Egypt. Part 1. The Excavations at Kom Geʾif (J.G. Manning) ................................................................................................ 149
LEWIS, BERNARD - STANLEY BURSTEIN, eds. Land of Enchanters: Egyptian Short Stories from the Earliest
Times to the Present Day (Eugene Cruz-Uribe) ............................................................................... 317
MACDONALD, BURTON. "East of the Jordan": Territories and Sites of the Hebrew Scriptures (Alexander
H. Joffe) ............................................................................................................................................ 129
MAXFIELD, VALERIE - DAVID PEACOCK. The Roman Imperial Quarries: Survey and Excavation at Mons
Porphyrites 1994-1998. Vol. 1. Topography and Quarries (James Harrell) .................................... 221
MEHO, LOKMAN - KELLY L. MAGLAUGHLIN, comps. Kurdish Culture and Society: An Annotated Bibliography (J.R. Perry) ............................................................................................................................
MERRILLEES, PARVINE H. Ancient Near Eastern Glyptic in the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne,
Australia (Mark B. Garrison) ............................................................................................................ 216
MICHEL, CÉCILE. Correspondane e des marchands de Kaniš au début du IIe millénaire avant J.-C. (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................................................................................................... 210
MILANO, L. - S. DE MARTINO - F.M. FALES - G.B. LANFRANCHI, eds. Landscapes, Territories, Frontiers
and Horizons in the Ancient Near East (Robert D. Biggs) ...............................................................
MOSCATI, SABATINO. The Face of the Ancient Orient: Near Eastern Civilizations in Pre-Classical Times
(Alexander H. Joffe) ......................................................................................................................... 128
MUSCARELLA, OSCAR WHITE. The Lie Became Great: The Forgery of Ancient Near Eastern Culture (P.R.
S. Moorey) ........................................................................................................................................ 55
NISSINEN, MARTTI, ed. Prophecy in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context: Mesopotamian, Biblical, and Arabian Perspectives (Robert D. Biggs) ................................................................................................ 298
OATES, DAVID - JOAN OATES - HELEN MCDONALD. Excavations at Tell Brak. Vol. 2. Nagar in the Third
Millennium BC (Jason Ur) ................................................................................................................ 307
OREN, ELIEZER D., ed. The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment (Hermann Genz) .................... 130
PARDEE, DENNIS. Les textes rituels. Fascs. 1 and 2 (Baruch A. Levine) .......................................................
PEDDE, FRIEDHELM. Vorderasiatische Fibeln von der Levante bis Iran (Judy Bjorkman) ………………... 158
PERSON, RAYMOND F., JR. The Deuteronomic School: History, Social Setting, and Literature (David M.
Carr) .................................................................................................................................................. 301
PHILIP, GRAHAM - DOUGLAS BAIRD, eds. Ceramics and Change in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern
Levant (Jeremy B. Rutter) ................................................................................................................. 319
POPKO, MACIEJ. Religions of Asia Minor (Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.) ................................................................. 123
PORTER, BARBARA NEVLING. One God or Many? Concepts of Divinity in the Ancient World (Steven M.
Stannish) ........................................................................................................................................... 297
QUIRING-ZOCHE, ROSEMARIE. Arabische Handschriften. Teil 5. Die Handschriften der Sammlung Oskar
Rescher in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Band 2 (Li Guo) ..................
RACHET, GUY. Dictionnaire des civilisations de l'Orient ancien (Robert D. Biggs) ……………………… 160
RADNER, KAREN. The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Vol. 1, pts. 1 and 2 (Robert D. Biggs)
ERRATUM ....................................................................................................................................................... 234
RÄISÄNEN, HEIKKI, ET AL. Reading the Bible in the Global Village: Helsinki (Gerald A. Klingbeil) .......... 138
RICHTER, WOLFGANG. Althebräische Inschriften transkribiert (Blane W. Conklin) ……………………… 299
RICHTER, WOLFGANG. Materialien einer althebräischen Datenbank: Wortfügungen (Blane W. Conklin)
Textile Industry and Its Influence: A Birthday Tribute to John Peter Wild (Robert D. Biggs) ........ 224
ROTH, SILKE. Die Königsmütter des Alten Agypten von der Frühzeit bis zum Ende der 12. Dynastie (Gay
Robins) …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 219
ROVA, ELENA, ed. Patavina Orientalia Selecta (Robert D. Biggs) ...............................................................
RUSSMANN, EDNA R., ed. Eternal Egypt: Masterworks of Ancient Art from the British Museum (William
H. Peck) ............................................................................................................................................. 140
SCHLOEN, J. DAVID. The House of the Father as Fact and Symbol: Patrimonialism in Ugarit and the
Ancient Near East (David W. McCreery) ......................................................................................... 232
SCHMID, STEPHAN G. - BERNHARD KOLB. Petra, Ez Zantur II: Ergebnisse der schweizerisch-liechtensteinischen Ausgrabungen, Teil 1: Die Feinkeramik der Nabatäer: Typologie, Chronologie und kulturhistorische Hintergründe, Teil 2: Die spätantiken Wohnbauten von ez Zantur in Petra und
der Wohnhausbau in Palästina vom 4.-6. Jh. n. Chr. (Zbigniew Fiema) ......................................... 230
Neue und alte Funde (Susan H. Auth) ..............................................................................................
SCHWEMER, DANIEL. Wettergottgestalten Mesopotamiens und Nordsyriens im Zeitalter der Keilschriftkulturen: Materialien und Studien nach den schriftlichen Quellen (Robert D. Biggs) .................... 212
SMITH, MARK S. The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israel's Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic
Texts (N. Wyatt) ................................................................................................................................ 291
SMITH, W. STEVENSON. The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt. 3d ed. (Emily Teeter) ........................ 148
STAGER, LAWRENCE E. - JOSEPH A. GREENE - MICHAEL D. COOGAN, eds. The Archaeology of Jordan
and Beyond: Essays in Honor of James A. Sauer (Ron E. Tappy) ...................................................
SWERDLOW, N.M., ed. Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination (Robert D. Biggs) ..............................
TAPPY, RON E. The Archaeology of Israelite Samaria. Vol. 2 (Daniel Master) ............................................ 136
THRANE, HENRIK. Excavations at Tepe Guran in Luristan: The Bronze Age and Iron Age Periods (Kamyar Abdi) ........................................................................................................................................... 314
VÁHALA, FRANTIŠEK - PAVEL ČERVIČEK. Katalog der Felsbilder aus der tschechoslowakischen Konzes-27-
sion in Nubien (Bruce Williams) ...................................................................................................... 141
VANDEKERCKHOVE, HANS - RENATE MÜLLER-WOLLERMANN. Die Felsinschriften des Wadi Hilâl. 2 vols.
(J.C. Damell) ..................................................................................................................................... 152
WELSBY, DEREK A. The Medieval Kingdoms of Nubia: Pagans, Christians and Muslims along the Middle
Nile (Bruce Williams) ....................................................................................................................... 225
WOLFF, SAMUEL R., ed. Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse (R.R. S. Moorey) ..........................................................................................................
YAKAR, JAK. Ethnoarchaeology of Anatolia: Rural Socio-Economy of the Bronze and Iron Ages (Harry A.
Hoffner, Jr.) ....................................................................................................................................... 127
YULE, PAUL, - GERD WEISGERBER. The Metal Hoard from ʾIbri/Selme Sultanate of Oman (D. T. Potts) ... 157
Books Received ............................................................................................................................................ 73,235
ARCHI, ALFONSO. The Head of Kura-The Head of ʾAdabal ..........................................................................
DICK, MICHAEL B. A Neo-Sumerian Ritual Tablet in Philadelphia .............................................................. 271
FARAONE, C.A. - B. GARNAND - C. LÓPEZ-RUIZ. Micah's Mother (Judg. 17:1-40) and-a Curse from Carthage (KAI 89): Canaanite Precedents for Greek and Latin Curses against Thieves ............................. 161
KAYE, ALAN S. Two Alleged Arabic Etymologies ....................................................................................... 109
KINNIER WILSON, JAMES. Notes on the Assyrian Pharmaceutical Series URU. AN.NA: MAŠTAKAL .....
KRUGER, PAUL A. Depression in the Hebrew Bible: An Update .................................................................. 187
LAUINGER, JACOB. Epigraphic Finds from the Oriental Institute's 2003 Excavations at Alalakh .................
MANSOUR, WISAM. The Reality beyond the Hyperbolic Accentuation of Self in al-Shanfarā's Poem "Lāmiyyatu'l ʿArab" ................................................................................................................................ 257
NEUJAHR, MATTHEW. When Darius Defeated Alexander: Composition and Redaction in the Dynastic Prophecy ................................................................................................................................................. 101
OLIVA, JUAN. New Collations and Remarks on Alalakh VII Tablets ............................................................
SAIDEL, BENJAMIN ADAM. On the Periphery of an Agricultural Hinterland in the Negev Highlands: Rekhes Nafha 396 in the Sixth through the Eighth Centuries C.E. ........................................................... 241
YOUNG, PHILIP H. The Cypriot Aphrodite Cult: Paphos, Rantidi, and Saint Bamabas .................................
ABU EL-HAJ, NADIA. Facts on the Ground: Archaeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in
Israeli Society (Alexander H. Joffe) ................................................................................................. 297
ABUSCH, TZVI, ed. Riches Hidden in Secret Places: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Memory of Thorkild
Jacobsen (Robert D. Biggs) ..............................................................................................................
AMADASI, MARIA GIULIA GUZZO - EUGENIA EQUINI SCHNEIDER. Petra (Zbigniew T. Fiema) .................. 212
ANNUS, AMAR. The Standard Babylonian Epic of Anzu (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................. 126
ARNOLD, BILL T. - BRYAN E. BEYER, eds. Readings from the Ancient Near East: Primary Sources for Old
Testament Study (Mark W. Chavalas) .............................................................................................. 294
Baghdader Mitteilungen 31 (2000) (Mark B. Garrison) ................................................................................ 128
BAR, SHAUL. A Letter That Has Not Been Read: Dreams in the Hebrew Bible (Joel Sweek) ...................... 137
BEN Zvi, EHUD - MICHAEL H. FLOYD, eds. Writings and Speech in Israelite and Ancient Near Eastern
Prophecy (Kent Sparks) ....................................................................................................................
BERNAL, MARTIN. Black Athena Writes Back: Martin Bernal Responds to His Critics (Alexander H. Joffe) ...................................................................................................................................................... 146
BEYER, DOMINIQUE. Emar IV: Les sceaux: Mission archéologique de Meskéne-Emar, recherches au pays
d'Aštata (M. B. Garrison) .................................................................................................................. 68
BIETAK, MANFRED, ed. The Middle Bronze Age in the Levant: Proceedings of an International Conference on MB IIA Ceramic Material, Vienna, 24th-26th of January 2001 (Aaron A. Burke) .................. 208
BOCCACCINI, GABRIELE. Roots of Rabbinic Judaism: An Intellectual History from Ezekiel to Daniel (David W. Suter) ..................................................................................................................................... 140
BRAND, PETER J. The Monuments of Seti I: Epigraphic, Historical, and Art Historical Analysis (William
H. Peck) ............................................................................................................................................. 113
BRODY, AARON JED. "Each Man Cried Out to His God": The Specialized Religion of Canaanite and Phoenician Seafarers (Dennis Pardee) ..................................................................................................... 287
BURNS, Ross. Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide (Thomas L. McClellan) ....................................... 219
CANNON, GARLAND - ALAN S. KAYE. The Persian Contributions to the English Language: An Historical
Dictionary (J. R. Perry) ..................................................................................................................... 155
CIAOLO, LEDA - JONATHAN SEIDEL, eds. Magic and Divination in the Ancient World (Robert D. Biggs) .. 227
COOK, MICHAEL. Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in Islamic Thought (Fred M. Donner) ......... 319
CRÜSEMANN, NICOLA. Vom Zweistromland zum Kupfergraben: Vorgeschichte und Entstehungsjahre
(1899-1918) der Vorderasiatischen Abteilung der Berliner Museen vorfach- und kulturpolitischen Hintergründen (Robert D. Biggs) ........................................................................................... 223
D'AGOSTINO, F. - F. POMPONIO. Umma Messenger Texts in the British Museum, Vol. 1 (Robert D. Biggs) 124
DAVIES, W.V., ed. Colour and Painting in Ancient Egypt (Marsha Hill) ..................................................... 121
Lyres from Ur (Robert D. Biggs) ................................................................ 313
DÉVÉNYI, K. - T. IVÁNYI, eds. Essays in Honour of Alexander Fodor on His Sixtieth Birthday (Alan S. Kaye) ..................................................................................................................................................... 158
DIERX, WEIL - GÜNTHER GARBRECHT. Wasser im Heiligen Lana: Biblische Zeugnisse und archäologische
Forschungen (Alexander H. Joffe) …………………………………………………………........... 142
ERBES, JOHANN E. The Peshitta and the Versions: A Study of the Peshitta Variants in Joshua 1-5 in Relation to Their Equivalents in the Ancient Versions (Dennis Pardee) .................................................. 142
EVANS, JAMES ALLAN. The Empress Theodora: Partner of Justinian (Walter E. Kaegi) ............................ 151
FEDER, FRANK, ed. Biblia Sahidica: Ieremias, Lamentationes (Threni), Epistula Ieremiae et Baruch (Hans
Förster) .............................................................................................................................................. 230
FITZMYER, JOSEPH A. Tobit (John J. Collins) ................................................................................................ 139
FODOR, ALEXANDER, ed. Proceedings of the Arabic and Islamic Sections of the 35th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies (ICANAS). Part 2 (Alan S. Kaye) ................................... 157
FREEDMAN, DAVID NOEL - MICHAEL J. MCCLYMOND, eds. The Rivers o f Paradise: Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad as Religious Founders (Kent Sparks) .............................................. 145
FREEDMAN, DAVID NOEL, ed. Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible (Dennis Pardee) ...................................... 285
GASHE, H. - J.A. ARMSTRONG - S.W. COLE - V.G. GURZADYAN. Dating the Fall of Babylon: A Reappraisal of Second Millennium Chronology (Mario Liverani) .................................................................. 214
GILES, FREDERICK J. The Amarna Age: Egypt (Peter F. Dorman) ................................................................ 305
GODDEERIS, ANNE. Economy and Society in Northern Babylonia in the Early Old Babylonian Period (ca
2000-1800 BC) (Marc Van De Mieroop) .......................................................................................... 127
GORDON, CYRUS H. - GARY A. RENDSBURG, eds. Essays on Ebla and the Ebla Archives and Eblaite Language (Robert D. Biggs) ................................................................................................................... 123
GRAFFE, ERHART. Mittelägyptische Grammatik für Anfänger, 6th ed. (J. Brett McClain) ........................... 117
HADLEY, JUDITH M. The Cult of Asherah in Ancient Israel and Judah: Evidence for a Hebrew Goddess
(Dennis Pardee) ................................................................................................................................. 281
HANNIG, RAINER. Ägyptisches Wörterbuch I: Altes Reich und Erste Zwischenzeit (James P. Allen) .......... 312
HAWTING, G.W. - J.A. MOJADDEDI - A. SAMELY, eds. Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern Texts and
Traditions in Memory of Norman Calder (Neguin Yavari) .............................................................. 153
HEEßEL, NILS P. Pazuzu: Archäologische und philologische Studien zu einem altorientalischen Dämon
(Robert D. Biggs) .............................................................................................................................. 228
Un site d 'occupation badarien (Bruce Williams) ............................................................................ 307
HÖLZL, REGINA. Reliefs und Inschriftensfeine des Alten Reiches II (Hratch Papazian) …………………… 115
HÜBNER, ULRICH - ERNST AXEL KNAUF, eds. Kein Land für sich allein: Studien zum Kulturkontakt in Kanaan, Israel/Palästina und Ebirnâri für Manfred Weippert zum 65. Geburtstag (Lowell K. Handy)
............................................................................................................................................................ 304
JASTROW, OTTO. Arabische Texte aus Kinderib (Alan S. Kaye) ................................................................... 234
JAUSSEN, A. - RAPHAËL SAVIGNAC. Mission archéologique en Arabie II: El-ʿEla, d'Hégra à Tiema, Harrah de Tabouk: Atlas (David F. Graf) ............................................................................................... 128
JONES, DILWYN. An Index of Ancient Egyptian Titles, Epithets and Phrases of the Old Kingdom. Vols. 1
and 2 (Hratch Papazian) .................................................................................................................... 206
JUNGE, FRIEDRICH. Late Egyptian Grammar: An Introduction (J. Brett McClain) ...................................... 117
KERNER, SUSANNE. Das Chalkolithikum in der südlichen Levante: Die Entwicklung handwerklicher Spezialisierung und ihre Beziehung zu gesellschaftlicher Komplexität (Alexander H. Joffe) ................ 143
KIENAST, BURKHART. iškar šēlebi: Die Serie vom Fuchs (Robert D. Biggs) ................................................ 317
KIRWAN, SIR LAWRENCE. Studies on the History of Late Antique and Christian Nubia (Bruce Williams) .. 309
KONRAD, MICHAELA. Der spätrömische Limes in Syrien: Archäologische Untersuchungen an den Grenzkastellen von Sura, Tetrapyrgium, Cholle und in Resafa (Alexander H. Joffe) ............................... 70
KRAHMALKOV, CHARLES R. Phoenician-Punic Dictionary (Dennis Pardee) ............................................... 201
LAIOU, ANGELIKI E. - ROY PARVIZ MOTTAHEDEH, eds. The Crusades from the Perspective of Byzantium
and the Muslim World (Tracy Hoffman) .......................................................................................... 232
LAMBERT, PHYLLIS, ed. Fortifications and the Synagogue: The Fortress of Babylon and the Ben Ezra Synagogue, Cairo (Tracy Hoffman) ..................................................................................................... 231
LEICK, GWENDOLYN. Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia (Robert D. Biggs) ......................................... 318
LEVINE, BARUCH A. - PHILIP J. KING - JOSEPH NAVEH - EPHRAIM STERN, eds. Frank Moore Cross Volume (Dennis Pardee) ........................................................................................................................... 196
LITVINSKIJ, BORIS A. - IGOR R. PIČIKJAN. Taxt-i Sangīn der Oxus-Tempel: Grabungsbefund, Stratigraphie und Architektur (Kamyar Abdi) ................................................................................................ 213
LOVELL, JAIMIE L. The Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods in the Southern Levant: New Data from
the Site of Teleilat Ghassul, Jordan (Alexander H. Joffe) ................................................................ 143
MASTERS, BRUCE. Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Arab World: The Roots of Sectarianism (Engin Deniz Akarh) ......................................................................................................................................... 63
MATTILA, RAIJA. Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part II: Assurbanipal through SinŠarru-iškun (Robert D. Biggs) .......................................................................................................... 317
MCCORMICK, CLIFFORD MARK. Palace and Temple: A Study of Architectural an Verbal Icons (Mark S.
Smith) ................................................................................................................................................ 193
NEBES, NORBERT, ed. Neue Beiträge zur Semitistik: Erstes Arbeitstreffen der Arbeits-gemeinschaft Semitistik in der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft vom 11. bis 13. September 2000 an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Robert D. Biggs) …………………............................................... 226
NILSSON, ALEXANDRA. Hama and Jabla: Watercolours 1931-1961 by the Danish Architect Ejnar Fugmann
(Robert D. Biggs) .............................................................................................................................. 222
NOVOTNY, JAMIE R. The Standard Babylonian Etana Epic (Robert D. Biggs) ............................................ 126
PARZINGER, HERMANN - NIKOLAUS BOROFFKA, eds. Das Zinn der Bronzezeit in Mittelasien I: Die sie-32-
diungsarchäologischen Forschungen im Umfeld der Zinnlagerstätten (Kamyar Abdi) .................. 311
PERDUE, LEO G., ed. The Blackwell Companion to the Hebrew Bible (David M. Clemens) ........................ 130
PERSSON, MARIA. Sentential Object Complements in Modern Standard Arabic (Alan S. Kaye) ................. 159
POLLARD, NIGEL. Soldiers, Cities, and Civilians in Roman Syria (Thomas L. McClellan) .......................... 220
POSTGATE, CAROLYN - DAVID OATES - JOAN OATES. The Excavations at Tell al-Rimah: The Pottery (Jason
Ur) ..................................................................................................................................................... 65
PROCHÁZKA, STEPHAN. Die arabischen Dialekte der Çukurova (Südtürkei) (Alan S. Kaye) ...................... 159
REDFORD, DONALD R. The Ancient Gods Speak: A Guide to Egyptian Religion (Harold M. Hays) ............ 204
REPP, HANNA. Glossar bibliothekarischer Fachtermini: Arabisch-Deutsch (Alan S. Kaye) ....................... 157
ROBERTS, J.J.M. The Bible and the Ancient Near East: Collected Essays (W. Boyd Barrick) ..................... 295
ROEDER, GÜNTHER. Egyptian Hieroglyphic Grammar: A Handbook for Beginners (Steve Vinson) ........... 207
SALJE, BEATE, ed. Vorderasiatische Museen: Gestern, Heute, Morgen: Berlin, Paris, London, New York:
Eine Standortbestimmung: Kolloquium aus Anlaß des einhundertjährigen Bestehens des Vorderasiatischen Museums Berlin am 7. Mai 1999 (Robert D. Biggs) ..................................................... 224
SALLABERGER, WALTHER - KONRAD VOLK - ANNETTE ZGOLL, eds. Literatur, Politik und Recht in Mesopotamien: Festschrift für Claus Wilke (Robert D. Biggs) ………………………………………… 315
SCHIFFMAN, LAWRENCE H. - JAMES C. VANDERKAM, eds. Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Vols. 1
and 2 (Dennis Pardee) ....................................................................................................................... 290
SCHWIDERSKI, DIRK. Handbuch des nordwestsemitischen Briefformulars: Ein Beitrag zur Echtheitsfrage
der aramäischen Briefe des Esrabuches (David M. Clemens) ……………………………………. 133
SHAHÎD, IRFAN. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century Vol. 2, Part 1. Toponymy, Monuments, Historical Geography, and Frontier Studies (Paul M. Cobb) .............................................................. 151
SMITH, JOANNA S., ed. Script and Seal Use on Cyprus in the Bronze and Iron Ages (John G. Younger) .... 215
STARBUCK, SCOTT R.A. Court Oracles in the Psalms: The So-Called Royal Psalm in Their Ancient Near
Eastern Context (Dennis Pardee) ...................................................................................................... 199
TALSHIR, ZIPORA. 1 Esdras: A Text Critical Commentary (Ralph W. Klein) ...............................................
TARACHA, PIOTR. Ersetzen und Entsühnen: Das mittelhethitische Ersatzritual für den Großkönig Tut²alija (CTU *448.4) und verwandte Texte (Alice Mouton) ………………………………………….... 209
TAYLOR, BERNARD A., ed. X Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies: Oslo, 1998 (Ralph W. Klein) ................................................................................................... 60
TOHRU, OZAKI. Keilschrifttexte aus japanischen Sammlungen (Robert D. Biggs) ………………………... 229
USICK, PATRICIA. Adventures in Egypt and Nubia: The Travels of William John Bankes (1786-1855) (William H. Peck) .................................................................................................................................... 202
WASHBOURNE, ROSE MARY. Out of the Mouths of Pots: Towards an Interpretation of the Symbolic Meaning of Cypriot Bronze Age Funerary Artefacts Including Examples in the University of Canterbury's Logie Collection (Jeremy R. Rutter) .......................................................................................... 144
WEIPERT, REINHARD. Classical Arabic Philology and Poetry: A Bibliographical Handbook of Important
Editions from 1960 to 2000 (Li Guo) ............................................................................................... 152
WILLIAMS, PRESCOTT H., JR. - THEODORE HIEBERT, eds. Realia Dei: Essays in Archaeology and Biblical
Interpretation in Honor of Edward F. Campbell, Jr. at His Retirement (Gerald A. Klingbeil) ....... 292
YON, MARGHERITE - DANIEL ARNAUD, eds. Études ougaritiques 1: Travaux 1985-1995 (Robert D. Biggs)
............................................................................................................................................................ 125
ZIADEH, FARHAT J. - R. BAYLY WINDER. An Introduction to Modern Arabic (Alan S. Kaye) .................... 320
Books Received ............................................................................................................................................. 73, 235
HUTTON, JEREMY M. Mahanaim, Penuel, and Transhumance Routes: Observations on Genesis 32-33 and
Judges 8 ............................................................................................................................................. 161
MORRIS, ELLEN F. Bowing and Scraping in the Ancient Near East: An Investigation into Obsequiousness
in the Amarna Letters ........................................................................................................................ 179
ÖKSE, A. TUBA. Early Bronze Age Graves at Gre Virike (Period II B): An Extraordinary Cemetery on the
Middle Euphrates ..............................................................................................................................
POTTS, D.T. Elamites and Kassites in the Persian Gulf ................................................................................. 111
PREVOST, VIRGINIE. La révolte de BāÐāya (358/969) : le dernier soulèvement des ibàdites maghrébins .... 197
QUACK, JOACHIM FRIEDRICH. Les mages égyptianisés? Remarks on Some Surprising Points in Supposedly Magusean Texts .......................................................................................................................... 267
RITNER, ROBERT K. The Cardiovascular System in Ancient Egyptian Thought .......................................... 99
ROLLINGER, ROBERT. The Terms "Assyria" and "Syria" Again ................................................................... 283
SASSON, JACK M. The Servant's Tale: How Rebekah Found a Spouse ......................................................... 241
SCHROEDER, CAROLINE T. Prophecy and Porneia in Shenoute's Letters: The Rhetoric of Sexuality in a Late Antique Egyptian Monastery ........................................................................................................ 81
YAKUBOVICH, ILYA. The Free-Standing Genetive and Hypostasis in Hittite ...............................................
ABOU EL FADL, KHALED. Rebellion and Violence in Islamic Law (Joseph E. Lowry) ................................. 211
Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen 9 (2002) (Peter Magee) ................................................................ 128
ASSMANN, JAN. Altägyptische Totenliturgien, Band 1: Totenliturgien in den Sargtexten des Mittleren Reiches (Harold Hays) ........................................................................................................................... 226
ATHAS, GEORGE. The Tel Dan Inscription: A Reappraisal and a New Interpretation (Dennis Pardee) ...... 289
BEAULIEU, PAUL-ALAIN. The Pantheon of Uruk during the Neo-Babylonian Period (Robert D. Biggs) .... 141
BELLELLI, GLORIA M. Vasi iranici in metallo dell'Età del Bronzo (Kaymar Abdi) …………...................... 311
BENGTSSON, PER Å. Translation Techniques in Two Syro-Arabic Versions of Ruth (Alan S. Kaye) ........... 219
BENNETT, HAROLD V. Injustice Made Legal: Deuteronomic Law and the Plight of Widows, Strangers, and
Orphans in Ancient Israel (Bruce Wells) ......................................................................................... 149
BONATZ, DOMINIK. Das syro-hethitische Grabdenkmal: Untersuchung zur Entstehung einer neuen Bild-35-
gattung in der Eisenzeit im nordsyrisch-südostanatolischen Raum (Anne Porter and Thomas McClellan) .............................................................................................................................................. 134
BOROWSKI, ODED. Agriculture in Iron Age Israel (Alexander H. Joffe) ...................................................... 232
BOTTÉRO, JEAN. Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia (Barbara Nevling Porter) .............................................. 136
BRIANT, PIERRE. From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire (Matthew Waters) ............... 124
BROWN, JOHN PAIRMAN. Israel and Hellas, Vol. 3. The Legacy of Iranian Imperialism and the Individual
(Christopher A. Rollston) .................................................................................................................. 312
CAMPBELL, EDWARD F. Shechem III: The Stratigraphy and Architecture of Shechem/Tell Balâ¥ah. Vol. 1.
Text. Vol. 2. The Illustrations (Aaron Burke) ................................................................................... 309
CANNUYER, C., ed. Les lieux de culle en Orient: Jacques Thiry, in honorem (Robert D. Biggs) ................. 306
CASSON, LIONEL. Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt. Rev. ed. (Vanessa Davies) ............................................
CAYGILL, MARJORIE. The British Museum: 250 Years (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................... 222
COHEN, YORAM. Taboos and Prohibitions in Hittite Society: A Study of the Hittite Expression natta arā
('Not Permitted') (Oğuz Soysal) ........................................................................................................ 129
COOK, MICHAEL. Forbidding Wrong in Islam: An Introduction (Brannon M. Wheeler) ............................. 210
CORRAL, MARTIN ALONSO. Ezekiel's Oracles against Tyre: Historical Reality and Motivations (Gerald A.
Klingbeil) .......................................................................................................................................... 146
DAVIAU, P.M. MICHÈLE, ET AL. Excavations at Tall Jawa, Jordan. Vol. 1. The Iron Age Town (Benjamin
Porter) ............................................................................................................................................... 229
des marchands sogdiens. 2d ed. (Ilya Yakubovich) ........................... 122
DEVER, WILLIAM G. Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From? (P.R.S.Moorey†)
............................................................................................................................................................ 124
DONNER, HERBERT - WOLFGANG RÖLLIG. Kanaanäische und aramäsche Inschriften, 5th ed., rev. (Dennis
Pardee) .............................................................................................................................................. 155
DOUDNA, GREGORY L. 4Q Pesher Nahum: A Critical Edition (Michael Wechsler) .................................... 150
DUNDES, ALAN. Fables of the Ancients? Folklore in the Qur'an (J.R. Perry) .............................................. 208
EDWARDS, JILL, ed. Historians in Cairo: Essays in Honor of George Scanlon (Jonathan M. Bloom) .........
EPHʿAL, I. - A. BEN-TOR - P. MACHINIST, eds. Hayim and Miriam Tadmor Volume (Robert D. Biggs) ..... 305
FELIU, LLUÍS. The God Dagan in Bronze Age Syria (Robert D. Biggs) ........................................................ 144
GIBSON, SHIMON. Jerusalem in Original Photographs 1850-1920: Photographs from the Archives of the
Palestine Exploration Fund (Robert D. Biggs) ................................................................................ 309
GUTGESELL, MANFRED. Die Datierung der Ostraka und Papyri aus Deir el-Medineh, Tell II: Die Ostraka der 19. Dynastie (Eugene Cruz-Uribe) ........................................................................................
HANSSEN, JENS - THOMAS PHILIPP - STEFAN WEBER, eds. The Empire in the City: Arab Provincial Capitals in the Late Ottoman Empire (Abigail Jacobson) ........................................................................
HEATH, JEFFREY. Hassaniya Arabic (Mali): Poetic and Ethnographic Texts (Alan S. Kaye) ...................... 218
HEGER, PAUL. The Three Biblical Altar Laws: Developments in the Sacrificial Cult in Practice and Theology: Political and Economic Background (Dennis Pardee) ............................................................ 296
HIRSCH, HANS. Gilgamesch-Epos und Erra-Lied: Zu einem Aspekt des Verbalsystems (Nathan Wasserman)
............................................................................................................................................................ 138
HJERRILD, BODIL. Studies in Zoroastrian Family Law: A Comparative Analysis (Ilya Yakubovich) .......... 214
HOPKINS, DAVID C., ed. Across the Anatolian Plateau: Readings in the Archaeology of Ancient Turkey
(Bradley J. Parker) ............................................................................................................................ 318
HOSTETTER, EDWIN C. An Elementary Grammar of Biblical Hebrew (Dennis Pardee) ............................... 153
HUDA, QAMAR-UL. Striving for Divine Union: Spiritual Exercises for Suhrawardī Sūfīs (Gabriel Said Reynolds) ................................................................................................................................................. 66
KALTNER, JOHN - STEVEN L. MCKENZIE, eds. Beyond Babel: A Handbook for Biblical Hebrew and Related Languages (D.M. Clemens) ........................................................................................................ 291
KEMP, BARRY J. - GILLIAN VOGELSANG-EASTWOOD. The Ancient Textile Industry at Amarna (Rosalind
Janssen) ............................................................................................................................................. 156
KHAN, GEOFFREY. Early Karaite Grammatical Texts (Dennis Pardee) ........................................................ 154
KITCHEN, K.A. On the Reliability of the Old Testament (André Lemaire) ................................................... 230
KLENGEL, HORST - EVELYN KLENGEL-BRANDT. Spät-altbabylonische Tontafeln, Texte und Siegelabrollungen (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................................................................................. 307
LAMOREAUX, JOHN C. The Early Muslim Tradition of Dream Interpretation (Everett K. Rowson) ...........
LAPP, NANCY, ed. Preliminary Excavation Reports and Other Archaeological Investigations: Tell Qarqur,
Iron I Sites in the North- Central Highlands o f Palestine (Avraham Faust) ................................... 315
LAROCCA-PITTS, ELIZABETH C. "Of Wood and Stone": The Significance of Israelite Cultic Items in the Bible and Its Early Interpreters (Uzi Avner) ....................................................................................... 51
LECLANT, JEAN, ed. Les textes de la pyramide de Pépy 1er. Part 1. Description et analyse. Part 2. Fac-similés (Hratch Papazian) ……………………………………………………………......................... 159
LENTIN, JÉRÔME - ANTOINE LONNET, eds. Mélanges David Cohen: études sur le language, les langues,
les dialectes, les littératures, offertes par ses élèves, ses collègues, ses amis (Alan S. Kaye) ……. 216
LINDENBERGER, JAMES M. Ancient Aramaic and Hebrew Letters. 2d ed. (Blane W. Conklin) ................... 295
LUUKKO, MIKKO - GRETA VAN BUYLAERE. The Political Correspondence of Esarhaddon (Robert D.
Biggs) ................................................................................................................................................ 145
MADIGAN, DANIEL A. The Qurʾān's Self-Image: Writing and Authority in Islam's Scripture (Jane Dammen
McAuliffe) ........................................................................................................................................ 207
MARSHAK, BORIS. Legends, Tales, and Fables in the Art of Sogdiana (Ilya Yakubovich) .......................... 223
MATTHEWS, ROGER, ed. Exploring an Upper Mesopotamian Regional Centre, 1994-1996 (Jason Ur) ...... 313
MILLER, NAOMI F. - KAMYAR ABDI, eds. Yeki Bud, Yeki Nabud: Essays on the Archaeology of Iran in Honor of William M. Sumner (P.R.S. Moorey†) ................................................................................... 121
MILLS, DONALD H. The Hero and the Sea: Patterns of Chaos in Ancient Myth (Scott B. Noegel) .............. 140
MINAS-NERPEL, MARTINA - GÜNTHER SIGMUND. Eine Ägypterin in Trier: Die ägyptische Mumie und der
Sarg im Rheinischen Landesmuseum Trier (Emily Teeter) ……………………………………….. 159
MORAN, WILLIAM L. Amarna Studies: Collected Writings (Robert D. Biggs) ............................................. 306
NEWMAN, ANDREW J. The Formative Period of Twelver Shīʿism: ðadith as Discourse between Qum and
Baghdad (Asma Afsaruddin) ............................................................................................................
NISSINEN, MARTTI - C.L. SEOW - ROBERT K. RITNER. Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East
(Robert D. Biggs) .............................................................................................................................. 304
NORTH, ROBERT. Bibliography 1936-2002 (Michael R. Beetley) ................................................................. 153
OLMO LETE, G. DEL - J. SANMARTÍN. A Dictionary of the Ugaritic Language in the Alphabetic Tradition,
Part One [ʾ(a/i/u)-k] and Part Two: [l-z] (Dennis Pardee) .............................................................. 232
PALMER, E.H. Simplified Grammar o f Arabic, Persian, and Hindustani (J.R. Perry) ................................. 212
PARKER, BRADLEY J. The Mechanics of Empire: The Northern Frontier of Assyria as a Case Study in Imperial Dynamics (Mark Altaweel) .................................................................................................... 316
PARKINSON, R.B. Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt: A Dark Side of Perfection (John L. Poster)
............................................................................................................................................................ 57
PARPOLA, SIMO - MICHAEL PORTER, eds. The Helsinki Atlas of the Near East in the Neo-Assyrian Period
(Seth Richardson) .............................................................................................................................. 125
POSTGATE, J.N., ed. Artefacts of Complexity: Tracking the Uruk in the Near East (Jason Ur) .................... 127
SAARI, RAMI. Milot Hayaxas Hamalteziyot (The Maltese Prepositions) (Alan S. Kaye) .............................
SAGGS, W.R, ed. The Nimrud Letters, 1952 (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................................... 143
SHAW, WENDY M.K. Possessors and Possessed: Museums, Archaeology, and the Visualization of History in the Late Ottoman Empire (Yasser Tabbaa) .............................................................................. 220
SOLVANG, ELNA K. A Woman's Place Is in the House: Royal Women of Judah and Their Involvement in
the House of David (Lowell K. Handy) ............................................................................................ 148
STÖRK, LOTHAR, ed. Koptische Handschriften 4: Die Handschriften der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Teil 1:
Liturgische Handschriften 1 (L.S.B. MacCoull) .............................................................................. 157
TAGHI, SHOKOUFEH. The Two Wings of Wisdom: Mysticism and Philosophy in the Risālat-u¥-¥air of Ibn Sina (David C. Reisman) ..................................................................................................................... 59
TALAY, SHABO. Der arabische Dialekt der Khawētna II: Texte und Glossar (Alan S. Kaye) ……............. 219
TALMON, RAPHAEL. Eighth-Century Iraqi Grammar: A Critical Exploration of Pre-³alīlian Arabic Linguistics (Alan S. Kaye) .....................................................................................................................
A. - MARKHAM J. GELLER - JOACHIM OELSNER. Ur III Incantations from the Frau
Professor Hilprecht-Collection, Jena (Robert D. Biggs) ................................................................. 308
WHEELER, BRANNON M. Teaching Islam (Scott C. Lucas) ........................................................................... 209
WIESE, ANDRÉ. Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig: Die ägyptische Abteilung (Melinda K. Hartwig) ................................................................................................................................................... 225
WILLIAMS, CAROLINE. Islamic Monuments in Cairo: The Practical Guide. 5th ed., rev. (Jonathan M. Bloom)
............................................................................................................................................................ 213
WILLIS, TIMOTHY M. The Elders of the City: A Study of the Elders-Laws in Deuteronomy (Christopher A.
Rollston) ............................................................................................................................................ 303
Books Received ............................................................................................................................................. 73,235
ALSHECH, ELI. Out of Sight and Therefore Out of Mind: Early Sunnī Islamic Modesty Regulations and
the Creation of Spheres of Privacy ................................................................................................... 267
DICKSON, KEITH. Enki and Ninhursag: The Trickster in Paradise ................................................................
FEUERHERM, KARLJÜRGEN G. Architectural Features of Larsa's Urban Dwelling B 27 and Division of Inheritance ............................................................................................................................................ 193
FRANDSEN, PAUL JOHN. The Menstrual "Taboo" in Ancient Egypt ..............................................................
HOLMSTEDT, ROBERT D. The Etymologies of Hebrew ʾăšer and šeC-.......................................................... 177
KADI, WADAD. Editorial Note ....................................................................................................................... 161
LANERI, NICOLA. Burial Practices at Titriş Höyük, Turkey: An Interpretation ............................................. 241
NAʾAMAN, NADAV. The Contribution of the Su²u Inscriptions to the Historical Research of the Kingdoms
of Israel and Judah ............................................................................................................................ 107
REINER, ERICA†. Supplement to Chicago Assyrian Dictionary T (Volume 18) ...........................................
RUBIN, AARON D. On Syriac hārkā and Aramaic r<*n ................................................................................ 123
STEINER, RICHARD C. Muqdam u-Meʾu|ar and Muqaddam wa-Muʾa²²ar: On the History of Some Hebrew
and Arabic Terms for Hysteron Proteron and Anastrophe ............................................................... 33
SURIANO, MATTHEW J. The Apology of Hazael: A Literary and Historical Analysis of the Tel Dan Inscription .................................................................................................................................................... 161
ADAMEC, LUDWIG W. The A to Z of Islam (Thomas Hefter) ........................................................................ 316
ADLER, WILLIAM - PAUL TUFFIN, trans. The Chronography of George Synkellos: A Byzantine Chronicle
of Universal History from the Creation (Walter E. Kaegi) .............................................................. 318
BERTMAN, STEPHEN. Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia (Mark W. Chavalas) ............................... 148
BIANCHI, ROBERT STEVEN, ET AL. Reflections on Ancient Glass from the Borowski Collection (Carol Meyer)
............................................................................................................................................................ 133
BIENKOWSKI, PIOTR. Busayra: Excavations by Crystal-M. Bennett 1971-1980 (Aaron A. Burke) .............. 135
BIRAN, AVRAHIM, ed. Dan II: A Chronicle of the Excavations and the Late Bronze Age "Mycenaean" Tomb
(Aaron A. Burke) .............................................................................................................................. 137
BLEANEY, C.H. - G.J. ROPER. Iraq: A Bibliographical Guide (Robert D. Biggs) ........................................ 150
BOWE, PATRICK. Gardens of the Roman World (Robert D. Biggs) ............................................................... 319
BUTCHER, KEVIN. Roman Syria and the Near East (Steven E. Sidebotham) ................................................
CABALLERO-NAVAS, CARMEN. The Book of Women's Love and Jewish Medieval Literature on Women (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................................................................................................... 160
COLE, STEVEN W. Nippur in Late Assyrian Times c. 755-512 BC (A.R. George) ........................................ 66
COLE, STEVEN W. The Early Neo-Babylonian Governar's Archive from Nippur (A.R. George) .................
CORMACK, MARGARET, ed. Sacrificing the Self: Perspectives on Martyrdom and Religion (Paul Mirecki)
............................................................................................................................................................ 231
CRAWFORD, GREGORY A. Petra and the Nabataeans: A Bibliography (Zbigniew T. Fiema) ...................... 156
- F. POMPONIO - R. LAURITO. Neo-Sumerian Texts from Ur in the British Museum: Epigraphical and Archaeological Catalogue of an Unpublished Corpus of Texts and Fragments (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................................................................................................... 145
DEVER, W.G. - S. GITIN, eds. Symbiosis, Symbolism, and the Power of the Past: Canaan, Ancient Israel,
and Their Neighbors from the Late Bronze Age through Roman Palaestina: Proceedings of the
Centennial Symposium, W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and American Schools
of Oriental Research Jerusalem, May 29-May 31, 2000 (Kamyar Abdi) ......................................... 63
DIETRICH, MANFRIED. The Babylonian Correspondence o f Sargon and Sennacherib (Robert D. Biggs)
DONOHUE, JOHN J. The Buwayhid Dynasty in Iraq 334H./945 to 403H./1012: Shaping the Institutions of
the Future (Michael Morony) ........................................................................................................... 155
DUSINBERRE, ELSPETH R. M. Aspects of Empire in Achaemenid Sardis (M.B. Garrison) ........................... 138
FOLSACH, KJELD VON - JOACHIM MEYER, eds. Journal of the David Collection. Vol. 1 (Robert D. Biggs)
GAINES, JANET HOWE. Forgiveness in a Wounded World: Jonah's Dilemma (Eric D. Reymond) .............. 224
GERSTER, GEORG. The Past from Above: Aerial Photographs of Archaeological Sites (Robert D. Biggs)
GOGEL, SANDRA LANDIS. A Grammar of Epigraphic Hebrew (G.I. Davies) ............................................... 227
GONZALEZ, VALÉRIE. Beauty and Islam: Aesthetics in Islamic Art and Architecture (David J. Roxburgh) 317
GOODMAN, LENN E. Islamic Humanism (Nahyan Fancy) ............................................................................. 151
GRAHAM, M. PATRICK - STEVEN L. MCKENZIE - GARY N. KNOPPERS, eds. The Chronicler as Theologian:
Essays in Honor of Ralph W. Klein (Lowell K. Handy) ................................................................... 230
GRANDET, PIERRE. Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques non littéraires de Deîr el-Médînéh, Tome IX – Nos
831-1000 (Leo Depuydt) ................................................................................................................... 296
GUILLAUME, PHILIPPE. Waiting for Josiah: The Judges (Blane W. Conklin) ............................................... 224
HACKL, URSULA - HANNA JENI - CHRISTOPH SCHNEIDER. Quellen zur Geschichte der Nabatäer: Textsammlung mit Übersetzung und Kommentar (Zbigniew T. Fiema) …………………………………… 157
HANSEN, MOGENS HERMAN, ed. A Comparative Study of Six City-State Cultures: An Investigation Conducted by the Copenhagen Polis Centre (Kamyar Abdi) ....................................................................... 65
HORSTMANSHOFF, H.F.L. - M. STOL, eds. Magic and Rationality in Ancient Near Eastern and GraecoRoman Medicine (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................................................................. 147
HOSKINS, NANCY ARTHUR. The Coptic Tapestry Albums and the Archaeologist of Antinoé, Albert Gayet
(Robert D. Biggs) ..............................................................................................................................
JACQUET-GORDON, HELEN. Temple of Khonsu. Vol. 3. The Graffiti on the Khonsu Temple Roof at Karnak: A Manifestation of Personal Piety (Eugene Cruz-Uribe) ......................................................... 126
KALDELLIS, ANTHONY. Procopius of Caesarea: Tyranny, History, and Philosophy at the End of Antiquity (Walter E. Kaegi) .......................................................................................................................... 232
KAYE, ALAN S. - MAURO TOSCO. Pidgin and Creole Languages: A Basic Introduction (Lutz Edzard) ..... 153
KING, PHILIP J. - LAWRENCE E. STAGER. Life in Biblical Israel (Bruce Routledge) .................................... 212
LINSSEN, MARC J.H. The Cults of Uruk and Babylon: The Temple Ritual Texts as Evidence for Hellenistic
Cult Practice (Robert D. Biggs) ....................................................................................................... 145
MAGNESS, JODI. The Archaeology of the Early Islamic Settlement in Palestine (Tracy Hoffman) .............. 158
MARAVELIA, AMANDA-ALICE. Magic in Ancient Egypt: Metaphysical Quintessence of the Land of Gods
(Helen Tourna) .................................................................................................................................. 132
MARRASSINI, PAOLO, ed. Semitic and Assyriological Studies Presented to Pelio Fronzaroli by Pupils and
Colleagues (Robert D. Biggs) ...........................................................................................................
MARZAHN, JOACHIM - BEATE SALJE, eds. Wiedererstehendes Assur: 100 Jahre deutsche Ausgrabunge in
Assyrien (Robert D. Biggs) ............................................................................................................... 300
Word: Medieval Scriptural Exegesis in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Shari L. Lowin) ........... 308
MELCHERT, H. CRAIG, ed. The Luwians (Ilya Yakubovich) ......................................................................... 140
MENDENHALL, GEORGE E. Ancient Israel's Faith and History: An Introduction to the Bible in Context (Steven W. Holloway) ............................................................................................................................. 221
MENDLESON, CAROLE. Catalogue of Punic Stelae in the British Museum (Dennis Pardee) ........................ 229
MILLAR, J. GARY. Now Choose Life: Theology and Ethics in Deuteronomy (Steven W. Holloway) ........... 306
MILLER, DOUGLAS B. Symbol and Rhetoric in Ecclesiastes: The Place of Hebel in Qohelet's Work (D.M.
Clemens) ........................................................................................................................................... 216
NOEGEL, SCOTT B. - BRANNON M. WHEELER. Historical Dictionary of Prophets in Islam and Judaism
(Shari L. Lowin) ................................................................................................................................ 309
O'CONNOR, DAVID - STEPHEN QUIRKE, eds. Mysterious Lands (Jennifer Westerfeld) …………………… 295
OTTO, ECKART. Das Deuteronomium: Politische Theologie una Rechtsreform in Juda und Assyrien (Steven W. Holloway) ............................................................................................................................. 205
PORTEN, BEZALEL - JEROME A. LUND. Aramaic Documents from Egypt: A Key-Word-in-Context Concordance (Dennis Pardee) ...................................................................................................................... 209
POTTS, DANIEL. Feast of Dates (Robert D. Biggs) ........................................................................................
REDFORD, DONALD B. The Wars in Syria and Palestine of Thutmose III (J. Brett McClain) ....................... 292
RETSÖ, JAN. The Arabs in Antiquity: Their History from the Assyrians to the Umayyads (Fred M. Donner)
............................................................................................................................................................ 312
RICHARD, SUZANNE, ed. Near Eastern Archaeology: A Reader (Kamyar Abdi) .......................................... 299
SCHIFFMAN, LAWRENCE H., ed. Semitic Papyrology in Context: A Climate of Creativity: Papers from a
New York University Conference Marking the Retirement of Baruch A. Levine (Eric D. Reymond)
............................................................................................................................................................ 298
SCHRENK, SABINE. Textilien des Mittelmeerraumes aus spätantiker bis frühislamischer Zeit (Robert D.
Biggs) ................................................................................................................................................ 310
SHARP, CAROLYN J. Prophecy and Ideology in Jeremiah: Struggles for Authority in the Deutero-Jeremianic Prose (Dennis Pardee) ................................................................................................................ 226
SHIPP R. MARK. Of Dead Kings and Dirges: Myth and Meaning in Isaiah 14:4b-21 (D.M. Clemens) ....... 213
SMITH ADAM T. - KAREN S. RUBINSON, eds. Archaeology in the Borderlands: Investigations in Caucasia
and Beyond (Kamyar Abdi) .............................................................................................................. 233
SMITH MARK S. The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel. 2d ed. (Joel S.
Burnett) ............................................................................................................................................. 302
SMITH WENDY. Archaeobotanical Investigations of Agriculture at Late Antique Kom el-Nana (Tell el-Amarna) (Salima Ikram) ..................................................................................................................... 131
SOKOLOFF, MICHAEL. A Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic Periods
(Dennis Pardee) ................................................................................................................................. 208
SOKOLOFF MICHAEL. A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period. 2d ed. (Dennis
Pardee) .............................................................................................................................................. 208
SOKOLOFF, MICHAEL. A Dictionary of Judean Aramaic (Dennis Pardee) .................................................... 208
SPYCKET AGNÈS. À temps et à contretemps: une demi-siècle d'archeologie et de contacts dans le domaine du Proche-Orient (Robert D. Biggs) ........................................................................................... 144
STEINER RICHARD C. Stockman from Tekoa, Sycomores from Sheba: A Study of Amos' Occupations (Ziony Zevit) ............................................................................................................................................
STRUS ANDRZEJ. Khirbet Fattir-Bet Gamal: Two Ancient Jewish and Christian Sites in Israel (Edgar Krentz)
............................................................................................................................................................ 234
SWEENEY MARVIN A. King Josiah of Judah: The Lost Messiah of Israel (Steven W. Holloway) ............... 304
TEETER EMILY. Ancient Egypt: Treasures from the Collection of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago (Lana Troy) .............................................................................................................................. 125
TERRIEN SAMUEL. The Psalms: Strophic Structure and Theological Commentary (Kent Sparks) .............. 210
TOIVARI-VIITALA, JAANA. Women at Deir el-Medina: A Study of the Status and Roles of the Female Inhabitants in the Workmen's Community during the Ramesside Period (Emily Teeter) ................... 128
VELDHUIS NIEK. Religion, Literature, and Scholarship: The Sumerian Composition "Nanše and the Birds"
(Robert D. Biggs) .............................................................................................................................. 291
WASHBURN, DAVID L. A Catalogue of Biblical Passages in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Dennis Pardee) ...........
WHITPIELD, SUSAN. Aurel Stein on the Silk Road (Robert D. Biggs) ...........................................................
Books Received. .......................................................................................................................................... 75, 235
ACKERMAN, SUSAN. Asherah, the West Semitic Goddess of Spinning and Weaving? ................................
GIL, MOSHE. Shipping in the Mediterranean in the Eleventh Century A.D. as Reflected in Documents from
the Cairo Geniza ............................................................................................................................... 247
GURALNICK, ELEANOR. Assyrian Clay Hands from Khorsabad ................................................................... 241
KARADUMAN, AYŞE. Three Kültepe Texts Regarding the Payment of a Debt in Installments .....................
KEETMAN, JAN. Der Kampf im Haustor. Eine der Schlüsseiszenen zum Verständnis des Gilgames-Epos .. 161
KING, ANYA. The Importance of Imported Aromatics in Arabic Culture: Illustrations from Pre-Islamic and
Early Islamic Poetry .......................................................................................................................... 175
MORKOÇ, SELEN B. Reading Architecture from the Text: The Ottoman Story of the Four Marble Columns
............................................................................................................................................................ 31
RITNER, ROBERT K. Oriental Institute Museum Notes No. 15: A Coptic Lintel from Qustul ...................... 107
AKKERMANS, PETER M.M.G. - GLENN M. SCHWARTZ. The Archaeology of Syria: From Complex HunterGatherers to Early Urban Societies (c. 16,000—300 BC) (Marco Iamoni) ..................................... 138
ALIZADEH, ABBAS. Excavations at the Prehistoric Mound of Chogha Bonut, Khuzestan, Iran: Seasons
1976/77, 1977/78, and 1996 (Kamyar Abdi - Abbas Moqaddam) ..................................................
ANDREWS, WALTER G. - MEHMET KALPAKLI. The Age of the Beloveds: Love and the Beloved in EarlyModern Ottoman and European Culture and Society (Sooyong Kim) ............................................ 319
ANNUS, AMAR. The God Ninurta in the Mythology and Royal Ideology of Ancient Mesopotamia (Robert
D. Biggs) ........................................................................................................................................... 193
BABAYAN, KATHRYN. Mystics, Monarchs, and Messiahs: Cultural Landscapes of Early Modern Iran
(Ernest Tucker) ................................................................................................................................. 230
BAGNALL, ROGER S. - and DOMINIC W. RATHBONE, eds. Egypt from Alexander to the Early Christians:
An Archaeological and Historical Guide (David Frankfurter) ......................................................... 313
BAHRANI, ZAINAB. The Graven Image: Representation in Babylonia and Assyria (M.B. Garrison) ........... 195
BATTO, BERNARD F. - KATHRYN L. ROBERTS, eds. David and Zion: Biblical Studies in Honor of J. J. M.
Roberts (Mark W. Chavalas) ............................................................................................................ 310
BEHN, WOLFGANG. Concise Bibliographical Companion to Index Islamicus: An International Who's Who
in Islamic Studies from Its Beginnings Down to the Twentieth Century. 3 vols. (Li Guo) ............... 72
BIANCHI, ROBERT R. Guests of God: Pilgrimage and Politics in the Islamic World (Paul L. Heck) ........... 232
BIETAK, MANFRED, ed. Egypt and the Levant: International Journal for Egyptian Archaeology and Related Disciplines 11 (2001) (Marco Iamoni) ........................................................................................
BLENKINSOPP, JOSEPH. Treasures Old and New: Essays in the Theology of the Pentateuch (Dennis Pardee)
............................................................................................................................................................ 308
BORG, ALEXANDER. A Comparative Glossary of Cypriot Maronite Arabic (Arabic-English), with an Introductory Essay (Alan S. Kaye†) ....................................................................................................
BOTHMER, BERNARD V. Egypt 1950: My First Visit (William H. Peck) ...................................................... 136
BOUD'HORS, ANNE. Ostraca grecs et coptes: desfouilles de Jean Maspero à Baouit: O. Bawit IFAO 1-67
et O. Nancy (T.G. Wilfong) .............................................................................................................. 208
BRAUN, ELIOT. Early Beth Shan (Strata XIX-XIII): G.M. FitzGerald 's Deep Cut on the Tell (Gabrielle Novacek) ................................................................................................................................................ 302
BRIANT, PIERRE, ed. Irrigation et drainage dans l'Antiquité, qanāts et canalisations souterraines en Iran,
en Egypte et en Grece: séminaire tenu au College de France sous la direction de Pierre Briant
(Hermann Gasche) ............................................................................................................................ 298
CAMPBELL, ANTONY F., S.J. 1 Samuel (Dennis Pardee) ............................................................................... 211
CHADWICK, ROBERT. First Civiliwtions: Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. 2d ed. (Mark W. Chavalas) ................................................................................................................................................. 192
CHAVALAS, MARK W. - K. LAWSON YOUNGER, JR., eds. Mesopotamia and the Bible: Comparative Explorations (Gerald A. Klingbeil) ............................................................................................................ 56
CLARK, DOUGLAS R. - VICTOR H. MATTHEWS, eds. 100 Years of American Archaeology in the Middle
East: Proceedings of the American Schools of Oriental Research Centennial Celebration, Washington, DC, April 2000 (Aaron A. Burke) ..................................................................................... 142
CODY, MADELEINE E. - PAUL EDMUND STANWICK - MARSHA HILL, eds., Egyptian Art: Selected Writings
of Bernard V. Bothmer (William H. Peck) ....................................................................................... 136
COHEN, GETZEL M. - MARTHA SHARP JOUKOWSKY, eds. Breaking Ground: Pioneering Women Archaeologists (Gabrielle Novacek) .............................................................................................................. 226
CROSS, FRANK MOORE. Leaves from an Epigrapher 's Notebook: Collected Papers in Hebrew and West
Semitic Palaeography and Epigraphy (Dennis Pardee) ...................................................................
DARNELL, JOHN COLEMAN. The Enigmatic Netherworld Books of the Solar-Osirian Unity: Cryptographic
Compositions in the Tombs of Tutankhamun, Ramesses VI and Ramesses IX (Anthony Spalinger)
............................................................................................................................................................ 134
DREWS, ROBERT. Early Riders: The Beginnings of Mounted Warfare in Asia and Europe (Aaron A. Burke)
............................................................................................................................................................ 140
DUNAND, FRANÇOISE - CHRISTIANE ZIVIE-COCHE. Gods and Men in Egypt, 3000 BCE to 395 CE (Eugene
Cruz-Uribe) ............................................................................................................................................ 133
ELGIBALI, ALAA, ed. Investigating Arabic: Current Parameters in Analysis and Learning (Alan S. Kayef)
............................................................................................................................................................. 233
ELITZUR, YOEL. Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History (Robert H. Holmstedt)
............................................................................................................................................................ 307
EMPEREUR, JEAN-YVES - MARIE-DOMINIQUE NENNA, eds. Nécropolis 2 (Paul Edmund Stanwick) ........... 202
Fox, JOSHUA. Semitic Noun Patterns (Dennis Pardee) .................................................................................. 125
FRIEDMAN, RENÉE, ed. Egypt and Nubia; Gifts of the Desert (Bruce Williams) .......................................... 206
MARK D. FUTATO. Beginning Biblical Hebrew (Dennis Pardee) .................................................................. 309
GEVA-KLEINBERGER, AHARON. Die arabischen Stadtdialekte von Haifa in der ersten Halfte des 20 Jahrhunderts (Alan S. Kaye†) ................................................................................................................
GRANT, JAMIE A. The King as Exemplar: The Function of Deuteronomy's Kingship Law in the Shaping
of the Book of Psalms (Kent Sparks) ................................................................................................ 305
GUO, LI. Commerce, Culture, and Community in a Red Sea Port in the Thirteenth Century: The Arabic
Documents from Quseir (John L. Meloy) ......................................................................................... 314
HAAK, MARTINE - RUDOLPH DE JONG - KEES VERSTEEGH, eds. Approaches to Arabic Dialects: A Collection of Articles Presented to Manfred Woidich on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday (Alan S.
Kaye†) .............................................................................................................................................. 73
HARRIS, RIVKAH. Gender and Aging in Mesopotamia: The Gilgamesh Epic and Other Ancient Literature
(Amanda Podany) ............................................................................................................................. 293
HASSELBACH, REBECCA. Sargonic Akkadian: A Historical and Comparative Study of the Syllabic Texts
(Robert D. Biggs) .............................................................................................................................. 194
HAZENBOS, JOOST. The Organization of the Anatolian Local Cults during the Thirteenth Century BC: An
Appraisal of the Hittite Cult Inventories (Oğuz Soysal) ................................................................... 117
HEIDE, BIRGIT - ANDREAS THIEL, eds. Sammler, Pilger, Wegbereiter: Die Sammlung des Prinzen Johann
Georg von Sachsen: Katalog zur Austellung herausgegeben vom Landesmuseum Maini und dem
Arbeitsbereich christliche Archäologie und byzantinische Kunstgeschichte am Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Robert D. Biggs) ..................................... 224
HEURTEL, CHANTAL. Les inscriptions coptes et grecques du temple d'Hathor à Deir al-Médina, suivies
de la publication des notes manuscrites de François Daumas, 1946-1947 (T.G. Wilfong) ............ 207
HUOT, JEAN-LOUIS. Larsa: travaux de 1987 et 1989 (Hermann Gasche) ..................................................... 295
KAEGI, WALTER E. Heraclius, Emperor of Byzantium (Nadia El Cheikh) ................................................... 152
KEEL-LEU, HILDI - BEATRICE TEISSIER. The Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals of the Collections "Bible+Orient" of the University of Fribourg (M.B. Garrison) ............................................................. 200
KESWANI, PRISCILLA. Mortuary Ritual and Society in Bronze Age Cyprus (John G. Younger) .................. 191
from the Kist Collection: Three Millennia of Miniature Reliefs (M.B. Garrison) ............................ 145
KLINGBEIL, GERALD A. Inicios, paradigmas y fundamentos: estudios teológicos y exegéticos en el Pentateuco (Lowell K. Handy) ..................................................................................................................
LEE, WON W. Punishment and Forgiveness in Israel's Migratory Campaign (Bruce Wells) ...................... 122
Culture of Sufism: Naqshbandīs in the Ottoman World, 1450-1700 (Colin Paul Mitchell)
............................................................................................................................................................ 316
LEHMANN, CLAYTON MILES - KENNETH G. HOLUM. The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Caesarea Maritima (Edgar Krentz) .......................................................................................................................... 63
LILYQUIST, CHRISTINE. The Tomb of Three Foreign Wives of Tuthmosis III (Patricia A. Bochi) ................
MAMAN, AHARON. Comparative Semitic Philology in the Middle Ages from Saʿadiah Gaon to Ibn Barūn
(10th-12th C.) (Alan S. Kaye†) ......................................................................................................... 233
MILLARD, ALAN. Reading and Writing in the Time of Jesus (Nancy Pardee) ............................................... 222
MUFFS, YOCHANAN. Studies in the Aramaic Legal Papyri from Elephantine (Dennis Pardee) ................... 311
NAKHAI, BETH ALPERT, ed. The Near East in the Southwest: Essays in Honor of William G. Dever (Aaron
A. Burke) ........................................................................................................................................... 49
NEVILLE, LEONORA. Authority in Byzantine Provincial Society, 950-1100 (Jonathan Harris) ..................... 154
NURMI, JANNE J. Die Ethik unter dem Druck des Alltags: Die Impulse der gesellschaftlichen Änderungen
und Situation zu der sozialkritischen Prophetie in Juda im 8. Jh. v. Chr. (Lowell K. Handy) ........ 304
PARZINGER, HERMANN, ET AL. Der große Kurgan von Bajkara: Studien zu einem skythischen Heiligtum
(Kamyar Abdi) ..................................................................................................................................
RENARD, JOHN. Historical Dictionary of Sufism (Colin Paul Mitchell) ........................................................ 317
Res Antiquae 1 (2004) (Robert D. Biggs) ...................................................................................................... 224
RICE, MICHAEL. Egypt's Making: The Origins of Ancient Egypt 5000-2000 BC. 2d ed. (Bruce Williams)
RUETHER, ROSEMARY RADFORD. Goddesses and the Divine Femmine: A WesternReligious History (Esther
Puchs) ................................................................................................................................................ 201
SACK, RONALD H. Images of Nebuchadnezzar: The Emergence of a Legend. 2d ed. rev. and expanded
(Mark W. Chavalas) .......................................................................................................................... 150
SARTRE, MAURICE. The Middle East under Rome (James G. Keenan) ......................................................... 151
SCHABERG, JANE - ALICE BACH - ESTHER PUCHS, eds. On the Cutting Edge: The Study of Women in Biblical Worlds: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (Barbara Miller) .........................
SCHMIDT-COLINET, ANDREAS, ed. Palmyra: Kulturbegegnung im Grenzbereich, 3d ed., rev. (Robert D.
Biggs) ................................................................................................................................................ 312
SHAKED, SHAUL, ed. Officina Magica: Essays on the Practice of Magic in Antiquity (Robert D. Biggs) .. 300
SIJPESTEIJN, PETRA M. - LENNART SUNDELIN, eds. Papyrology and the History of Early Islamic Egypt (Li
Guo) .................................................................................................................................................. 227
SIMPSON, ELIZABETH - KRYSIA SPIRYDOWICZ. Gordion Wooden Furniture: The Study, Conservation, and
Reconstruction of the Furniture and Wooden Objects from Gordion, 1981-1998 (Robert D. Biggs)
............................................................................................................................................................ 199
SINGER, RITAMAR. Hittite Prayers (Theo van den Hout) .............................................................................. 120
STROLA, GERMANA. Il desiderio di Dio: Studio dei Salmi 42-43 (Dennis Pardee) ………………………... 219
SWEENEY, MARVIN A. Zephaniah: A Commentary (Dennis Pardee) ............................................................ 211
SWEENEY, MARVIN A. - EHUD BEN Zvi, eds. The Changing Face of Form Criticism for the Twenty-First
Century (Dennis Pardee) ................................................................................................................... 211
TETLEY, M. CHRISTINE. The Reconstructed Chronology of the Divided Kingdom (Ralph W. Klein) .......... 221
TSAFRIR, NURIT. The History of an Islamic School of Law: The Early Spread of Hanafism (Christopher
Melchert) ...........................................................................................................................................
UCKO, PETER - TIMOTHY CHAMPION, eds. The Wisdom of Ancient Egypt: Changing Visions through the
Ages (Susan J. Allen) ........................................................................................................................ 130
VAUGHN, ANDREW G. - ANN E. KILLEBREW, eds. Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: The First Temple
Period (Tristan Barako) .................................................................................................................... 67
WALKER-JONES, ARTHUR. Hebrew for Biblical Interpretation (Michael Beetley) ....................................... 123
WELSBY, DEREK A. - JULIE R. ANDERSON, eds. Sudan: Ancient Treasures: An Exhibition of Recent Discoveries from the Sudan National Museum (Geoff Emberling) ........................................................... 209
WESTBROOK, RAYMOND, ed. A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vols. 1 and 2 (Kyle Lakin) ............ 146
WIESE, ANDRÉ - ANDREAS BRODBECK, eds. Tutanchamun: Das goldene Jenseits: Grabschätze aus dem
Tal der Könige (Emily Teeter) .......................................................................................................... 204
WISNOVSKY, ROBERT. Avicenna's Metaphysics in Context (Amos Bertolacci) ............................................ 155
Books Received ............................................................................................................................................ 77, 235
OREN TAL. On the Identification of the Ships of kzd/ry in the Erased Customs Account from Elephantine
WADĀD AL-QĀþĪ The Salaries of Judges in Early Islam: The Evidence of the Documentary and Literary
Sources ..............................................................................................................................................
SARIEL SHALAV. Swords and Daggers in Late Bronze Age Canaan (Aaron A. Burke) ...............................
BRUCE ROUTLEDGE. Moab in the Iron Age: Hegemony, Polity, Archaeology (Peter R.W. Popkin) ............
P. PAOLETTI - G. SPADA. Testi še-ur5-ra da Girsu conservati al British Museum (Robert D. Biggs) ..........
J. POLITI - L. VERDERAME. The Drehem Texts in the British Museum (DTBM) (Robert D. Biggs) .............
M. MOLINA - M. SUCH-GUTIÉRREZ. Neo-Sumerian Administrative Texts in the British Museum (Robert D.
Biggs) ................................................................................................................................................ 35
KLAUDIA ENGLUND. Nimrud und seine Funde: Der Weg der Reliefs in die Museen und Sammlungen (Julia M. Asher-Greve) ..........................................................................................................................
ERAN COHEN. The Modal System of Old Babylonian (Rebecca Hasselbach) ...............................................
DAVID B. WEISBERG. Neo-Babylonian Texts in the Oriental Institute Collection (Hermann Hunger) ........
ROGER D. WOODARD, ed. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World 's Ancient Languages (Ilya Yakubovich) .................................................................................................................................................. 41
RAPHAËL GÉRARD. Phonétique et morphologie de la langue lydienne (Ilya Yakubovich) ..........................
HANS-DIETER BIENERT - JUTTA HÄSER, eds. Men of Dikes and Canals: The Archaeology of Water in the
Middle East: International Symposium Held at Petra, Wadi Musa (H. K. of Jordan) 15-20 June,
1999 (Tony Wilkinson) .....................................................................................................................
HALET ÇAMBEL - ASLI ÖZYAR. Karatepe-Aslantaş, Azatiwataya: Die Bildwerke (Timothy P. Hamson) ...
ANTONY F. CAMPBELL, S.J. 2 Samuel (Blane Conklin) ................................................................................
G. DEL OLMO LETE - J. SANMARTÍN. A Dictionary of the Ugaritic Language in the Alphabetic Tradition,
Part One: [ʾ(a/i/u) - k] and Part Two: [l - z]. 2d ed. rev. (Adam Miglio) ........................................
MAYER LAMBERT. Termes massorétiques, prosodie hébraïque et autres études: appendices à la grammaire hébraïque (Dennis Pardee) ........................................................................................................... 52
SAMUEL DAVID LUZZATTO. Prolegomena to a Grommar of the Hebrew Language (Dennis Pardee) ........
ODED BOROWSKI. Daily Life in Biblical Times (Christopher A. Rollston) ...................................................
SIGMUND MOWINCKEL. He That Cometh: The Messiah Concept in the Old Testament and Later Judaism
(Christopher A. Rollston) ..................................................................................................................
RICHARD ELLIOTT FRIEDMAN - WILLIAM H.C. PROPP, eds. Le-David Maskil: A Birthday Tribute for David Noel Freedman (Dennis Pardee) .................................................................................................
ULRICH HARTUNG ET AL. Umm El-Qaab II: Importkeramik aus dem Friedhof U in Abydos (Umm el-Qaab)
und die Beziehungen Ägyptens zu Vorderasien im 4. Jahrtausend vor Chr. (Bruce Williams) ....... 56
PETER DER MANUELIAN. Slab Stelae of the Giza Necropolis (Hratch Papazian) ..........................................
JOACHIM LATACZ. Troy and Homer: Towards a Solution of an Old Mystery (Eleanor Guralnick) .............
LISA KEALHOFER, ed. The Archaeology of Midas and the Phrygians: Recent Work at Gordion (Eleanor Guralnick) .............................................................................................................................................. 62
HÉLÈNE CUVIGNY, ed. La route de Myos Hormos: l'armée romaine dans le désert Oriental d 'Égypte (Carol Meyer) ......................................................................................................................................... 63
DENISE KIMBER BUELL. Why This New Race: Ethnic Reasoning in Early Christìanity (Blane Conklin) ....
SCOTT BRADBURY, trans. Selected Letters of Libanius: From the Age of Constantius and Julian (Carolina
López-Ruiz) ......................................................................................................................................
PHILIPPE BORGEAUD. Mother of the Gods: From Cybele to the Virgin Mary (Carolina López-Ruiz) .........
WIEBKE WALTHER. Kleine Geschichte der arabischen Literatur von der vorislamischen Zeit bis zur Gegenwart (Hilary Kilpatrick) .................................................................................................................... 70
JONATHAN BROWN. The Canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim: The Formation and Function of the Sunnī ðadīth Canon (Josef van Ess) ...................................................................................................... 72
GEORGE F. BASS ET AL. Serçe Limanı: An Eleventh-Century Shipwreck. Vol. 1. The Ship and Its Anchorage, Crew, and Passengers (Tracy Hoffman) .................................................................................
Books Received ..............................................................................................................................................
TATIANA V. KORNIENKO, Notes on the Cult Buildings of Northern Mesopotamia in the Aceramic Neolithic Period .........................................................................................................................................
JEREMY M. HUTTON, Avith Revisited (So to Speak): A Note on Gen. 36:35 ............................................... 103
A. NIGEL GORING‐MORRIS - ANNA BELFER‐COHEN, More Than Meets the Eye: Studies on Upper Paleoli-52-
thic Diversity in the Near East (Yorke Rowan) ................................................................................ 109
OLOF PEDERSÉN, Archive und Bibliotheken in Babylon: Die Tontafeln der Grabung Robert Koldeweys
1899–1917 (Robert D. Biggs) ........................................................................................................... 111
MARIO LIVERANI, Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography (Karljürgen G. Feuerherm)
............................................................................................................................................................ 112
DOMINIQUE COLLON - ANDREW GEORGE, Nineveh: Papers of the XLIXe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, London, 7–11 July 2003 Vols. 1 and 2. (Piotr Michalowski) .......................................... 114
JOHN ALAN HALLORAN, Sumerian Lexicon: A Dictionary Guide to the Ancient Sumerian Language (Nicole Brisch) ....................................................................................................................................... 116
ANNE P. CHAPIN, ed. ΧARIΣ: Essays in Honor of Sara A. Immerwahr. Hesperia, Supplement 13 (Cynthia
S. Colburn) ........................................................................................................................................ 117
IZAK CORNELIUS, The Many Faces of the Goddess: The Iconography of the Syro‐Palestinian Goddesses
Anat, Astarte, Qedeshet, and Asherah, c. 1500‐1000 BCE
IZAK CORNELIUS - HERBERT NIEHR, Götter und Kulte in Ugarit: Kultur und Religion einer nordsyrischen
Königsstadt in der Spätbronzezeit (Dennis Pardee) .......................................................................... 120
JOHN BARTON - JULIA BOWDEN, The Original Story: God, Israel, and the World (Christopher A. Rollston)
............................................................................................................................................................ 129
JOHN VAN SETERS, The Edited Bible: The Curious History of the ―Editor‖ in Biblical Criticism (Joel S.
Baden) ............................................................................................................................................... 129
JEAN‐CLAUDE HAELEWYCK, Grammaire comparée des langues sémitiques: éléments de phonétique, de
morphologie et de syntaxe (Rebecca Hasselbach) ............................................................................ 131
DAVID INSTONE‐BREWER, Traditions of the Rabbis from the Era of the New Testament. Vol. 1. Prayer
and Agriculture (Adam C. McCollum) ............................................................................................. 134
GUNVOR LINDSTRÖM, Uruk: Siegelabdrücke auf hellenistischen Tonbullen und Tontafeln (Mark B. Garrison) .................................................................................................................................................... 137
FRÉDÉRIC SERVAJEAN, Les formules des transformations du Livre des Morts à la lumière d’une théorie de
la performativité, XVIIIe–XXe dynasties (Stephen Quirke) .............................................................. 139
ANNIE GASSE, Catalogue des ostraca littéraires de Deir al‐Médîna. Vol. 5. Nos 1775–1873 et 1156 (Richard Jasnow) .................................................................................................................................... 142
SOFIA HÄGGMAN, Directing Deir el‐Medina: The External Administration of the Necropolis (Leonard Lesko) ..................................................................................................................................................... 144
ELLEN FOWLES MORRIS, The Architecture of Imperialism: Military Bases and the Evolution of Foreign Policy in Egypt’s New Kingdom (Eugene Cruz‐Uribe) ......................................................................... 145
CHRISTOPHE THIERS - YOURI VOLOKHINE, Ermant I: les cryptes du temple ptolémaïque (Eugene Cruz‐Uribe) ................................................................................................................................................... 147
HORST EHRINGHAUS, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften: Die Felsreliefs der hethitischen Großreichszeit in
der Türkei (H. Craig Melchert) ........................................................................................................ 148
SUSANNE ZEILFELDER - ESTHER‐MIRIAM WAGNER, Hittite Exercise Book (Dennis Campbell) .................. 149
JAMES C. WRIGHT, The Mycenaean Feast (John G. Younger) ...................................................................... 150
SABINE SCHRENK, Textiles in Situ: Their Find Spots in Egypt and Neighbouring Countries in the First Millennium CE (Robert D. Biggs) .......................................................................................................... 152
REGULA SCHORTA, Central Asian Textiles and Their Contexts in the Early Middle Ages (Robert D. Biggs)
............................................................................................................................................................ 154
GARTH FOWDEN, Qu ayr Amra: Art and the Umayyad Elite in Late Antique Syria (Paul M. Cobb) ........... 156
JOHN WANSBROUGH, Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation (Paul M. Cobb)
............................................................................................................................................................ 157
ABOUBAKR CHRAÏBI, Les mille et une nuits en partage (Li Guo) ................................................................. 157
RICHARD N. FRYE, Ibn Fadlan’s Journey to Russia: A Tenth‐Century Traveler from Baghdad to the Volga
River (John R. Perry) ........................................................................................................................ 159
CHRISTOPHER WOODS, Editor‟s Note ............................................................................................................ 161
JACK CHENG, A Review of Early Dynastic III Music: Man‟s Animal Call .................................................. 163
ISAAC KALIMI, Placing the Chronicler in His Own Historical Context: A Closer Examination .................. 179
LUC RENAUT, Recherches sur le henné antique ............................................................................................. 193
F. AR‐RAWI - F. D‟AGOSTINO, Neo‐Sumerian Administrative Texts from Umma Kept in the British Museum: NATU I (Robert D. Biggs) ...................................................................................................... 213
GARY BECKMAN - RICHARD BEAL - GREGORY MCMAHON, Hittite Studies in Honor of Harry A. Hoffner,
Jr. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Alice Mouton) ................................................................. 213
GABRIELLE BOCCACCINI, Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection (Dennis Pardee) .................................................................................................................................................... 215
ROBERT D. MILLER II, Chieftains of the Highland Clans: A History of Israel in the 12th and 11th Centuries
STEPHEN L. COOK, The Social Roots of Biblical Yahwism (Adam Miglio) .................................................. 216
HORST KLENGEL, Hattuschili und Ramses: Hethiter und Ägypter — ihr langer Weg zum Frieden (Theo
van den Hout) .................................................................................................................................... 218
ARIEL LEWIN, The Archaeology of Ancient Judea and Palestine (Aaron A. Burke) .................................... 219
CLAIRE L. LYONS et al, Antiquity and Photography: Early Views of Ancient Mediterranean Sites (Robert
D. Biggs) ........................................................................................................................................... 221
PETER MAGEE, Excavations at Tepe Yahya, Iran, 1967–1975: The Iron Age Settlement (Kamyar Abdi) ... 221
FRANCESCA ROCHBERG, The Heavenly Writing: Divination, Horoscopy, and Astronomy in Mesopotamian
Culture (Lorenzo Verderame) ........................................................................................................... 223
EDNA R. RUSSMANN - NIGEL STRUDWICK - T.G.H. JAMES, Temples and Tombs: Treasures of Egyptian
Art from the British Museum (William H. Peck) .............................................................................. 223
M. SIGRIST - R. ZADOK - C.B.F. WALKER, Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum.
Vol. 3 (Robert D. Biggs) ................................................................................................................... 224
MOHAMMAD AFIFI et al., Sociétés rurales ottomanes (Abdul‐Karim Rafeq) ............................................... 224
PETER BEHNSTEDT - MANFRED WOIDICH, Arabische Dialektgeographie: Eine Einführung (Alan S. Kaye)
............................................................................................................................................................ 226
KURT FRANZ, Kompilation in arabischen Chroniken: Die Überlieferung vom Aufstand der Zan zwischen
Geschichtlichkeit und Intertextualität vom 9. bis ins 15. Jahrhundert (Kaya Şahin) ....................... 226
und die Kreuzfahrer: Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium in den Reiss‐Engelhorn‐Museen Mannheim
zur Vorbereitung der Ausstellung ―Saladin und die Kreuzfahrer‖ 3. bis 4. November 2004 (Tracy
Hoffman) ........................................................................................................................................... 227
ROBERT GLEAVE, Religion and Society in Qajar Iran (Negin Nabavi) ........................................................ 229
OTTO JASTROW, Glossar zu Kinderib (Anatolisches Arabisch) (Alan S. Kaye) ........................................... 230
MICHAEL MAAS, Glossar zu Kinderib (Anatolisches Arabisch) (Walter E. Kaegi) ..................................... 231
A.H. MORTON, The Saljūqnāmā of Zahīr al‐Dīn Nīshāpūrī: A Critical Text Making Use of the Unique Manuscript in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society (Sholeh A. Quinn) ........................................... 232
ECKEHARD SCHULZ, A Student Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic (Alan S. Kaye) ............................... 233
Books Received .............................................................................................................................................. 235
WADĀD AL‐QĀ Ī, In the Footsteps of Arabic Biographical Literature: A Journey, Unfinished, in the Company of Knowledge ………………………………………………………………………………... 241
S.H. WINTER, The Province of Raqqa under Ottoman Rule, 1535–1800: A Preliminary Study …………... 253
MARINUS ANTHONY VAN DER SLUIJS, HLL: Lord of the Sickle …………………………………………… 269
STEVE VINSON, The Names “Naneferkaptah,” “Ihweret,” and “Tabubue” in the “First Tale of Setne
Khaemwas” ………………………………………………………………………………….…….. 283
STEPHANIE LYNN BUDIN, The Origin of Aphrodite (John G. Younger) …………………………………… 305
Mitteilungen des deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo 60 (2004)
Mitteilungen des deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Abteilung Kairo 61 (2005) (Foy Scalf) …...……… 306
FREDRIK T. HIEBERT - KAKAMURAD KURBANSAKHATOV, A Central Asian Village at the Dawn of Civilization, Excavations at Anau, Turkmenistan (Kamyar Abdi) …………………………………..… 308
WILLIAM M. SUMNER, Early Urban Life in the Land of Anshan: Excavations at Tal‐e Malyan in the Highlands of Iran (Kamyar Abdi) ………………………………………………………………………. 310
BARBARA NEVLING PORTER, Trees, Kings, and Politics: Studies in Assyrian Iconography (Davide Nadali)
……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 313
MICHAEL PFROMMER, Königinnen vom Nil (Alexandra A. O‟Brien) ……………………………..………. 315
CHRISTOPHE THIERS, Tôd: les inscriptions du temple ptolémaïque et romain II. Textes et scènes nos 173–
329 III. Relevé photographique (J.‐Fr. Gout) (clichés nos 244–28 et 305–315: A. Lecler) (J. Brett
McClain) …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 316
TIMOTHY POTTS - MICHAEL ROAF - DIANA STEIN, Culture through Objects: Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of P.R.S. Moorey (Mark B. Garrison) …………………………………………...….. 319
MATHIEU TILLIER - THIERRY BIANQUIS, Vies des cadis de Misr (237/851–366/976) (Paul M. Cobb) ….
BÉATRICE MULLER, Les ―Maquettes Architecturales‖ du Proche‐Orient Ancien (Marco Iamoni) ….…… 322
T.G. WILFONG, Women of Jeme: Lives in a Coptic Town in Late Antique Egypt (Rebecca Krawiec) …..
MARCEL SIGRIST, Old Babylonian Account Texts in the Horn Archaeological Museum (Karljürgen Feuerherm) …………………………………………………………………………………………..…….. 326
BEATRICE GRUENDLER, Medieval Arabic Praise Poetry: Ibn al‐Rûmî and the Patron’s Redemption (Jocelyn Sharlet) ……………………………………………………………………………………...… 328
VOLUME LXIX/1 (2010)
CHRISTOPHER WOODS, Editor‟s Note .............................................................................................................
MARTHA T. ROTH, How We Wrote the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary ........................................................
JONATHAN KAPLAN, The Mesha Inscription and Iron Age II Water Systems ..............................................
KHALED KESHK, When Did Mu„āwiya Become Caliph? ..............................................................................
ALI ANOOSHAHR, Writing, Speech, and History for an Ottoman Biographer ...............................................
STEVEN A. ROSEN - BENJAMIN A. SAIDEL, The Camel and the Tent: An Exploration of Technological Change among Early Pastoralists ......................................................................................................... 63
AARON MICHAEL BUTTS, The Etymology and Derivation of the Syriac Adverbial Ending –ɔ‟iθ ...............
Psalms in Community: Jewish and Christian Textual, Liturgical, and Artistic Traditions, edited by HAROLD
W. ATTRIDGE - MARGOT E. FASSLER. (Joel S. Burnett) .................................................................. 87
John Marco Allegro: The Maverick of the Dead Sea Scrolls, by JUDITH ANNE BROWN. (Dennis Pardee) ..
Die hethitischen Tontafelkataloge aus Hattuša (CTH 276–282), by PAOLA DARDANO. (Dennis R. M. Campbell - Ilya Yakubovich) ..................................................................................................................... 90
Current Issues in the Analysis of Semitic Grammar and Lexicon I: Oslo-Göteborg Cooperation 3rd–5th June 2004, edited by LUTZ EDZARD - JAN RETSÖ (Alan S. Kaye†) ..................................................... 93
Song of Songs: A Commentary, by J. CHERYL EXUM. (Dennis Pardee) ........................................................
Biblical Interpretation at Qumran, edited by MATTHIAS HENZE. (Dennis Pardee) ......................................
From Ancient Writings to Sacred Texts: The Old Testament and Apocrypha, by S.A. NIGOSIAN. (Christopher A. Rollston) ...............................................................................................................................
Trajectories in Near Eastern Apocalyptic: A Postrabbinic Jewish Apocalypse Reader, by JOHN C. REEVES.
(Thomas Scott Cason) ....................................................................................................................... 97
Teaching the Bible: Practical Stategies for Classroom Instruction, edited by MARK RONCACE – PATRICK
GRAY. (Jason Bembry) .....................................................................................................................
Hethitische Texte in Transkription KBo 45, by HANNA ROSZKOWSKA-MUTSCHLER. (Dennis R.M. Campbell) ...................................................................................................................................................
Studies in Iranian Linguistics and Philology, by WOICIECH SKALMOWSKI. (John R. Perry) ....................... 100
Homicide in the Biblical World, by PAMELA BARMASH. (Bruce Wells) ....................................................... 102
The Michal Affair: From Zimri-Lim to the Rabbis, by DANIEL BODI. (Mark W. Chavalas) ........................ 103
The Kingdom of the Hittites, by TREVOR BRYCE. (Ilya Yakubovich) ........................................................... 104
Babylon, Memphis, Persepolis: Eastern Contexts of Greek Culture, by WALTER BURKERT. (Matthew W.
Waters) .............................................................................................................................................. 107
Cleopatra: Beyond the Myth, by MICHEL CHAUVEAU
Cleopatra: A Sourcebook, by PRUDENCE J. JONES. (Foy Scalf) .................................................................... 108
The Quick and the Dead: Biomedical Theory in Ancient Egypt, by ANDREW H. GORDON - CALVIN W.
SCHWABE. (W. Benson Harer Jr. M.D.) ........................................................................................... 109
Military Practice and Polemic: Israel’s Laws of Warfare in Near Eastern Perspective, by MICHAEL G. HASEL. (Kent Sparks) ............................................................................................................................ 110
Sanctified Violence in Homeric Society: Oath-Making Rituals and Narratives in the Iliad, by MARGO KITTS.
(Scott Noegel) ................................................................................................................................... 113
De la domestication au tabou: Le cas des suidés dans le Proche-Orient ancien, edited by BRIGITTE LION CÉCILE MICHEL. (Robert D. Biggs) .................................................................................................. 115
Households and Holiness: The Religious Culture of Israelite Women, by CAROL MEYERS. (Charles Halton)
............................................................................................................................................................ 116
The Seleukid Royal Economy: The Finances and Financial Administration of the Seleukid Empire, by G.G.
APERGHIS. (Tom Boiy) ..................................................................................................................... 118
Egypt and the Levant: Interrelations from the 4th through the Early 3rd Millennium b.c.e., edited by EDWIN
C. M. VAN DEN BRINK - THOMAS E. LEVY. (Benjamin Porter) ........................................................ 119
Ornamental Wall Painting in the Art of the Assyrian Empire, by PAULINE ALBENDA. (Davide Nadali) ..... 121
The Ilkhanid Heartland: Hasanlu Tepe (Iran) Period I, by MICHAEL D. DANTI. (Kamyar Abdi) ............... 123
The Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara: The Falcon Complex and Catacomb: The Archaeological Report, by SUE DAVIES - H.S. SMITH. (Emily Teeter) ................................................................ 124
Rad und Wagen: Der Ursprung einer Innovation Wagen im Vorderen Orient und Europa, edited by MAMOUN FANSA - STEFAN BURMEISTER. (Kamyar Abdi) .................................................................... 126
Soleb III: Le temple: Description; Soleb IV: Le temple: Plans et photographies; Soleb V: Le temple: Basreliefs et inscriptions, by MICHELA SCHIFF GIORGINI, in collaboration with CLÉMENT ROBICHON –
JEAN LECLANT. Edited by NATHALIE BEAUX. (Peter F. Dorman) ................................................... 127
Die Metallindustrie Mesopotamiens von den Anfängen bis zum 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr.: Katalog, Tabellen,
Tafeln, Katalog der untersuchten Metallobjekte aus dem Iraq und Syrien und Ergebnisse der Röntgenfluoreszenz- und Neutronenaktivierungsanalysen, edited by HARALD HAUPTMANN - ERNST PERNICKA. (Kamyar Abdi) ...................................................................................................................... 132
Les Architraves du temple d’Esna: Paléographie, by DIMITRI MEEKS. (François Gaudard) ....................... 133
Bronzekunst Urartus, by URSULA SEIDL (Tuğba Tanyeri-Erdemir) ............................................................. 135
Ägyptische Mumienmasken in Würzburg, by MARTIN ANDREAS STADLER. (Christina Riggs) .................... 136
Archaeological Landscapes of the Near East, by T.J. WILKINSON. (Kamyar Abdi) .................................... 137
Leshono Suryoyo: First Studies in Syriac, by JOHN F. HEALEY. (Marica Cassis) ......................................... 142
Late Punic Epigraphy: An Introduction to the Study of Neo-Punic and Latino-Punic Inscriptions, edited by
KAREL JONGELING - ROBERT M. KERR. (Dennis Pardee) ................................................................ 143
Discourse Connectives in Arabic Lecturing Monologue, by HELÉNE KAMMENSJÖ. (Alan S. Kaye†) ......... 143
ðarsūsi Texts from Oman Based on the Field Materials of T.M. Johnstone, by HARRY STROOMER. (David
Testen) ............................................................................................................................................... 144
Paradise of Submission: A Medieval Treatise on Ismaili Thought: A New Persian Edition and English
Translation of Na¡īr al-Dīn ¦ūsī’s Rawÿa-yi taslīm, edited by S. J. Badakhchani. (SHAFIQUE N.
VIRANI) ............................................................................................................................................. 146
Bayt al-„Aqqad: The History and Restoration of a House in Old Damascus, edited by PEDER MORTENSEN.
(Robert D. Biggs) .............................................................................................................................. 147
The Iconography of Islamic Art: Studies in Honour of Robert Hillenbrand, edited by BERNARD O‟KANE.
(Persis Berlekamp) ............................................................................................................................ 148
The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection, by JANE IDLEMAN SMITH - YVONNE YAZBECK
HADDAD. (Nahyan Fancy) ................................................................................................................ 150
Al-Bazdawī: Livre où repose la connaissance des preuves légales, edited by MARIE BERNAND - ÉRIC
CHAUMONT. (Devin J. Stewart) ........................................................................................................ 152
The Origins and Evolution of Islamic Law, by WAEL B. HALLAQ. (Mohammad Hassan Khalil) ................ 153
Bosra: Islamische Architektur und Archäologie, by MICHAEL MEINECKE - FLEMMING AALUND. (Tracy
Hoffman) ........................................................................................................................................... 155
Les églises d’époque byzantine et umayyade de Jordanie (provinces d’Arabie et de Palestine) Ve–VIIe siècle: Typologie architecturale et aménagements liturgiques (avec catalogue des monuments), by ANNE MICHEL. (Zbigniew T. Fiema) ..................................................................................................... 156
Changing Social Identity with the Spread of Islam: Archaeological Perspectives, edited by DONALD WHITCOMB. (Neil Asher Silberman) ......................................................................................................... 158
Barcelone et le grand commerce d’Orient au Moyen Âge: Un siècle de relations avec l’Égypte et la SyriePalestine (ca. 1303–ca. 1430), by DAMIEN COULON. (Olivia Remie Constable) ............................ 160

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