Workshop/Conference “Language Learning, Music and the Brain” 1


Workshop/Conference “Language Learning, Music and the Brain” 1
“Language Learning, Music and the Brain”
1 July 2014, University of Vienna, AAKH,
Spitalgasse 2-4, Romanistik, ROM 14
Music Research posters: (Christoph Reuter and teams, Department of Musicology, Univ. of Vienna)
1. "O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!" - Wandtafelkratzen auf dem Prüfstand
2. - Psychologische und physiologische Effekte unangenehmer Klänge
3. - Ein akustischer Ansatz zur Bestimmung der Durchführungsqualität von
4. - Die Wahrnehmbarkeit von Audiologos unter alltäglichen Übertragungs- und
5. - Die psychischen Auswirkungen niederfrequenten Schalls auf den Menschen
Klangfarbe und Spieldynamik
6. - Klangfarbe in 3D - Lost in Timbre Space
7. - Pegelanalysen in der Interpretationsforschung - Spektraldynamik bringt
Klangfarbe ins Spiel
22 (=8). - Beyond Helmholtz: 150 Years of Timbral Paradigms
Chill-Effekt (Gänsehaut beim Musikhören)
23 (=9). - "What a Wonderfull World" - Der Einfluss von Alkohol auf musikinduzierte Chills
Musik und Pflanzenwachstum
24 (=10). - "If this band moved in next door to you, your lawn would die" - Grenzen der
(25. + 26 – spare slots)
Musicality and Brain Research Posters (Annemarie Seither Preisler, Graz and Peter Schneider,
Heidelberg & teams)
27. “Benefit of musical ability and practice on the auditory profile ofchildren with attention deficit
(hyperactivity) disorder (AD(H)D) or dyslexia – a combined MEG- and MRI-study”. (Serralach, B.,
Parncutt, R., Seither-Preisler, A., Schneider, P.). Graz, Heidelberg.
28. “Abnormal synchronization patterns of left and right auditory cortex in children with
ADHD” (Seither-Preisler, Annemarie and Schneider Peter, Graz and Heidelberg)
“Language Learning, Music and the Brain”
1 July 2014, University of Vienna, AAKH,
Spitalgasse 2-4, Romanistik, ROM 14
POSTER SESSION – program continued
Language Learning & Music & Brain Research posters: (Susanne Reiterer, A. Rodriguez-
Fornells and teams)
15. Song and Speech: interface between singing and pronunciation aptitude (Christiner &
16. A Pavarotti is not a Mozart: singers and musicians have to be differentiated when it comes to
second language learning (Christiner & Reiterer)
17. Are you a talented mimic? A neuro-acoustic study of speech sound imitation ability (Reiterer,
Hu, Sumathi, Singh)
18. Does Bilingualism enhance Musicality? A study proposal (Maria Hörl (Mannheim) &
Susanne Reiterer)
19. Talent versus Transfer: Phonological Analysis of individual differences of second language
English in Persian L1 speakers (Ghafoorian, Dalton-Puffer, Reiterer)
20. TOM TASK 2 – EEG : individual differences in grammar learning ability and proficiency - an
EEG study (Stella Grosso, Marijan Palmovic (Zagreb), Tom Rankin & Susanne Reiterer)
21. TOM TASK 1 – a behavioral pilot study comparing L2 learners with L1 speakers of English on
grammar aptitude and grammar transfer behaviour (Hellewell, Ibitz, Kritsch, Rankin, Reiterer)
9. Brain and Speech: white matter fiber tracts and sound imitation ability of an unknown language
(Hindi) – a DTI study (Lucia Vaquero, Antoni Rodriguez-Fornells, Susanne Reiterer)
10. DTI white matter fiber tractography and music (Vaquero and Rodriguez-Fornells)
(32, 33 – spare slots)
LANGUAGE LEARNING / TEACHING / LANG. EVOLUTION research posters (various groups)
8 – 14
8. Interactional prosody in language evolution and development A comparative perspective (Piera
Filippi, Cognitive Biology Lab, University of Vienna, Life Sciences)
11. Learning with Lady GaGa and Co. - Incidental EFL vocabulary acquisition from pop songs
(Marlene Schwarz, English Department, Univ. of Vienna).
12. Towards distinct prediction mechanisms in words and chords (Zdenko Kohut, Univ. Of Bratislava)
13+14: Salience before frequency in early noun morphology (Katharina Korecky-Kröll, Ineta
Dabašinskiene and Wolfgang U Dressler, Linguistics Department, University of Vienna)
(29-31 – spare slots)
34 – 40 – spare slots general