Sem título-1 - British and American


Sem título-1 - British and American
Vacation – (n) [U] – férias
Expression: On vacation = de férias
Business – (n) [U] – negócios
Expression: On business = a negócios
Actually – (adv) – na verdade; para ser honesto (-a);
para dizer a verdade…
Refurbished – (adj) – reformado(a)
To refurbish (v) = reformar; renovar uma
construção; colocar móveis novos em
“is being refurbished” = “está sendo reformado”
Available – (adj) – disponível, (tempo) = livre
(ao telefone) –“Is the manager available? = O
gerente está disponível?”
RECEPTIONIST: Good evening! Welcome to the British
and American Hotel! How can I help you?
JUAN: Good evening. I have a reservation. It's under the
name of Rodriguez.
RECEPTIONIST: And how do you spell that, sir?
JUAN: It's R – O – D – R – I – G – U – E – Z.
RECEPTIONIST: And what's your first name?
JUAN: It's Juan.
RECEPTIONIST: OK, Mr. Rodriguez. There is a
reservation for just one weekend. Is that right?
JUAN: Yes, that is correct.
RECEPTIONIST: Can you fill out this registration form,
JUAN: Sure. My last name is first name
is Juan…I'm from Mexico…I'm an engineer…here it is.
RECEPTIONIST: Are you here on vacation or on
JUAN: Well, actually I'm here to study English.
RECEPTIONIST: How interesting! But just one weekend
to study English?
JUAN: (GIGGLES…) No, it is a one-year course. But my
apartment is being refurbished.
RECEPTIONIST: I see…well, two nights…that's
JUAN: OK, is room service included?
Lobby – (noun) – saguão de hotel
Key – (noun) – chave,
(música) = clave,
(de piano, máquina de escrever, teclado de
computador) = tecla,
(em mapa) = legenda,
Key in (v) = digitar, teclar
Dial – (v) – (número) = discar
Bellboy – (de hotel) = mensageiro, boy de hotel
Luggage – (noun) [U] – bagagem
Synonyms: baggage
RECEPTIONIST: Yes, it is. But the continental breakfast
isn't. That's US$50.00 extra.
JUAN: Sorry, can you repeat, please?
RECEPTIONIST: Sure. US$50.00 extra.
JUAN: No continental breakfast…! And is internet
RECEPTIONIST: Well, it is available in the lobby 24
hours a day.
JUAN: Do you take credit card?
RECEPTIONIST: Yes, we take all credit cards.
JUAN: Here is my card.
RECEPTIONIST: Thank you. And here is your key.
Room 202. If you have any requests, dial '10' from your
room. The bellboy can help you with your luggage.
Have a nice stay at the British and American Hotel.
JUAN: OK, thanks.
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Slowly – (adv) – lentamente, devagar,
vagarosamente, Opposite: fast, quickly
Tall – (adj) alto (-a),
Short – (adj) – (pessoa) – baixo (-a); curto; (de
tempo) breve, de curta duração, (quantidade) –
insuficiente, em falta
Chubby – (adj) – roliço, gorducho
Slim – (adj) – esbelto, delgado; (chance) pequena
Skinny – (adj) – magro (-a), descarnado, (de roupa)
modelo bem justo da cintura ao calcanhar,
especialmente calças
CLERK: Good afternoon! May I help you?
HELENA: I think so. But my English is so-so. I´m not
from here. Please, speak slowly.
CLERK: Where are you from?
HELENA: I'm from Brazil.
CLERK: How fascinating! It is a big country, right?
HELENA: Yes, it is. There are about 196,655,014
inhabitants there.
CLERK: Hmm…about half of America's population
then…well, anyway…how can I help you?
HELENA: I want to buy a present for my English
CLERK: I see…how old is he?
HELENA: He? Oh, sorry. My teacher is a woman. She
is around 25.
CLERK: OK, and is she tall, medium height or short?
HELENA: Let me think… I guess she is about 5'7”.
CLERK: And is she chubby, slim or skinny?
HELENA: Sorry?
CLERK: Well, is she a fat or a thin woman?
HELENA: Hmm, she is around 130 lbs.
CLERK: So, she is 25, tall and slim. Right. I believe
this dress is a good option. What do you think?
HELENA: Cute. How much is it?
CLERK: It's US$535.00, plus taxes.
HELENA: Gee…no…any other options?
CLERK: What about this blouse? It's on sale for only
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Fat – (adj) – gordo, (-a);
(n) – gordura
Thin – (adj) – magro (-a); (fatia, linha, livro) fino (-a);
(cabelo) – fino, ralo;
(sopa e molho) – aguado (-a)
Dress – (n) – vestido; (no plural: para roupas) – traje
(v) – vestir ou vestir-se
Taxes – (n) – impostos; to tax; (v) tributar
Gold-plated earrings – (n) – brincos dourados
Silver bracelet – (n) – pulseira prateada
Floor – (n) – chão; (dance floor) – pista de dança
HELENA: Jill is a great teacher, but I don't have that
much money.
CLERK: And these gold-plated earrings?
HELENA: How much are they?
CLERK: US$135.00.
CLERK: This silver bracelet? US$112.00…
HELENA: No...tell me…is there a chocolate shop at
the mall?
CLERK: Yes, there is one on the 1 f loor.
How long – (adv) – Quanto tempo?
Traffic – (n) – 1– trânsito;
2– (air traffic) – tráfego (aéreo);
3– (illegal) – tráfico
Flat rate – (n) – preço fechado antecipadamente
Wallet – (n) – carteira
Header – (n) – (em páginas e documentos) cabeçalho
Owner – (n) – dono (-a), proprietário (-a)
Wavy – (adj) – ondulados (cabelos ondulados)
Wave – (n) – onda
Office – (n) – 1– (lugar) – escritório;
2– (espaço) – gabinete;
3– US (doctor's office) – consultório
Ride – 1– (n) – carona;
2– (v) andar de bicicleta, “a cavalo“, de moto, etc….
Synonyms: (n) trip, journey, drive, turn, tour, run
Synonyms: (v) – sit on, mount, manage (bike,
horse, motor bikes)
(no texto) – corrida de táxi
TAXI DRIVER: Where would you like to go, madam?
HELENA: I'd like to go to 359 Market Street. It's in the
city centre.
TAXI DRIVER: OK, I know where that is.
HELENA: How long will it take?
TAXI DRIVER: Well, today's traffic is not bad, so about
10 minutes. Do you have any luggage?
HELENA: No, I have no baggage. Do you use the
taximeter or is there a flat rate?
TAXI DRIVER: I normally use the taximeter. Is that
HELENA: Sounds good to me. Excuse me, is this your
TAXI DRIVER: No, it isn't mine. That one is pink and
mine is brown.
HELENA: So, whose wallet is it?
TAXI DRIVER: See if there is any identification inside
HELENA: Hmm…there is a driver's license. Its header
indicates that the owner is from Virginia.
TAXI DRIVER: What's the owner's name?
HELENA: Her name is Karen Marie Thomas.
TAXI DRIVER: What does she look like?
HELENA: Her eyes are blue, her hair is wavy and
TAXI DRIVER: I remember her. Her office is
downtown, too. After your ride, I can leave her wallet
there. Madam, you are not from London, are you?
HELENA: No, I'm not. I'm from Brazil.
TAXI DRIVER: Me too!!!
HELENA: No way! My English is so bad and yours is
TAXI DRIVER: Your English is really good, madam. I
have a brother and his is bad, but yours is beautiful.
HELENA: Thank you…
TAXI DRIVER: Here we are. Your fare is US$8.00.
HELENA: Here's US$10.00. Keep the change.
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Hope – (v) – esperar, ter esperança
(n) – esperança
Expression: I hope so / not –– Espero que sim, não.
Town – (n) – cidade
Try – (v) – (no texto) buscar, procurar, tentar,
Blocks – (n) – 1– (de endereço) - quarteirões;
2– (de madeira) – bloco;
3– (de pedra) – laje;
4– (brinquedo) – cubo
Expression: Block of flats (BRIT. ENGLISH) –
prédio (de apartamentos)
Straight – (adj) – 1– reto, esticado, (cabelo) liso;
2– (caráter) honesto;
3– (característica) franco, direto;
4– (informal) – heterossexual
Road – (n) – Estrada de rodagem, via, (figurativo)
caminho, (na cidade) rua
Underground – (n) – 1– metrô
JUAN: Excuse me, officer.
POLICE OFFICER: Yes, can I help you?
JUAN: I hope so. I'm new in town and I don't know where
I can find a gas station.
POLICE OFFICER: Well, there is a petrol station on the
corner of Trafalgar Road and Hoskins Street.
JUAN: Sorry, but where are those streets? I could try on
Google Maps, but my tablet is not here.
POLICE OFFICER: They are about 9 blocks straight
from here.
JUAN: Is there any reference?
POLICE OFFICER: At the end of this road , there is a bus
stop. At the bus stop, there is an underground entrance
for the Maze Hill station. And there is also a big park. Its
name is Greenwich.
JUAN: Is that an interesting park?
POLICE OFFICER: Yes. Indeed it is. In the park, there
are many deer, birds and foxes. There is a beautiful
observatory, too. There are gardens at the front and rear
of the observatory.
JUAN: It sounds really interesting. Are there restaurants in
the park?
POLICE OFFICER: Yes, there are. And there are also
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2– (adj) – subterrânea;
3– (adv) (para trabalho) embaixo da terra
Deer – (n) – veado, cervo
Foxes – (n) (plural form) – raposas
Gardens – (n) – jardins
Rear – (adj) traseiro, de trás
(n) – traseira, traseiro; (informal) traseiro;
Steak – (n) filé
Yummy – (adj) (informal) – delicioso
Bottle – (n) – garrafa; (de perfume) frasco;
(do bebê) mamadeira
Pavement – (n) – calçada; pavimento
Keep – (v) – (no texto) ficar com, manter, reter; (da
casa) cuidar; preservar;
(família) sustentar; (promessas) cumprir
Indeed it is – Claro que sim! Com certeza!
Glove compartment – (n) – (automóvel) porta-luvas
Step out of – (v) – sair de, descer de, ir em direção à
parte de fora
some restaurants on Trafalgar Road. At Othello, you can
have very good steak . At Yummy Yummy, you can have
yummy Chinese food. Sir, sorry to ask you, but what is that
on your back seat?
JUAN: Well, that is a Mexican flag.
POLICE OFFICER: Are you from Mexico?
JUAN: Yes, I am.
POLICE OFFICER: My family are from Mexico, too! I really
like Mexican tequila!
JUAN: I think I have a bottle in the glove compartment.
POLICE OFFICER: You carry alcohol in your car…can I
see your driving licence, please?
JUAN: Yes, Sir. It is in my wallet…Here it is.
POLICE OFFICER: Can you step out of the car, now?
JUAN: Sure.
POLICE OFFICER: Please, walk on the pavement to that
wall…Okay, you can go now, Mr. Rodriguez. I will keep
that bottle of tequila.
JUAN: Thank you, Sir.
On behalf of – em nome de; em favor de;
representando (___)
Safety – (no texto) (adj) – de segurança
(n) – segurança
At all times – (no texto) – por todo o tempo (de
passeio / deslocamento)
Fasten your seatbelts
Fasten – (v) – fixar, prender, (casaco) fechar; (cinto
ou cinto de segurança) apertar
Seatbelts – (n) – cinto de segurança
Major – (adj) – principal, dos melhores
Northeastern – (n) – nordeste; northeasterner – (adj) –
TOUR GUIDE: Good afternoon, everyone. My name is
Charles. On behalf of British and American Tours, I'd like
to welcome you all to our tour around London. The ride
will take about 2 hours. Before we start it, let me present
some safety precautions. Please, remain seated at all
times, fasten your seatbelts and do not smoke on the
bus or in the lavatory.
JUAN: Can we take some pictures?
TOUR GUIDE: Of course! If you have any questions
about any specific place you can ask me. Any queries?
No…OK. Right now, you are looking at the Piccadilly
Circus, a major tourist attraction in the heart of London.
There is a beautiful fountain at the centre and a shopping
arcade on the northeastern side called London
HELENA: Pardon me, but what is an arcade?
TOUR GUIDE: That's like a shopping mall.
HELENA: OK…I love shopping malls…
TOUR GUIDE: Alright, now we are passing by Trafalgar
Square. At its centre is Nelson's Column. The name
commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar, a British naval
victory over France during the Napoleonic Wars …
JUAN: What are those people doing there?
TOUR GUIDE: I don't know, but they are probably using
the area for a political demonstration. That is something
very common in that square.
JUAN: I see…
HELENA: Look! There are some people walking in
that…how can I say that labyrinth in English, Juan?
(no texto) – ao nordeste da cidade de Londres
Wars – (adj) – (pl.) guerras
Heading for – (v) – dirigir-se à
Highest – (adj) – o mais alto, o de maior altitude
Sights – (n) – vista, (de espetáculo) espetáculo; (de
revolver) mira
Expression: (love at first sight) – amor à primeira
Happening – (v) – acontecendo; (no infinitivo –
happen) – acontecer
JUAN: That is a maze, Helena.
HELENA: OK…that maze is amazing!
TOUR GUIDE: Can I continue? Thank you. We are
driving north on Fleet Street. We are heading for St.
Paul's Cathedral. It is located at the top of the highest
point in London. We'll stop there for some minutes so you
can take some pictures and have a beautiful view of the
city. After St. Paul's, we are going south again toward the
Houses of Parliament, the Big Ben, the Westminster
Abbey and the Buckingham Palace.
JUAN: Are we taking pictures at those sights?
TOUR GUIDE: Yes, you will have some minutes to do
that. The last attraction of our ride is the Hyde Park. I think
there is a famous rock concert happening there this
HELENA: Rock? I love rock! I want to go there right now.
TOUR GUIDE: Well, madam. I said this week, but not
right now. I believe the concert is at night…
HELENA: I don´t like this guide. He is always being ironic!
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Order – (n) – (no restaurante) pedido; (no trabalho)
solicitação; encomenda; (de uma lista, fila) sequência;
ordem (= organização)
Bring – (v) – trazer;
Main course – (n) prato principal
Beverages – (n) – bebidas
Want – (v) – querer; desejar
(n) – desejo, necessidade, ânsia, falta, ausência
With or without – Expression: com ou sem
(no texto) – com ou sem gelo?
Wine list – (n) – carta de vinhos
Appetizers – (n) – (no restaurante, bar) prato de
entrada; aperitivo; antepasto; tira gosto
SERVER: Hello, I'm Anne. Can I take your
JUAN: What do you suggest?
SERVER: Today's special is the Cowboy
Steak, but before I bring your main course,
why don't you order the beverages first.
HELENA: Right, I want some Coke.
SERVER: Do you want it with or without ice?
HELENA: Ice, please.
SERVER: And you, sir?
JUAN: Do you have a wine list?
SERVER: Yes, we do, sir. There you go.
JUAN: Thank you…let me see…a bottle of California
Cabernet Sauvignon, please.
SERVER: Right away!
SERVER: Coke with ice for
you ma'am and a bottle of
Sauvignon for you sir.
JUAN: Thank you. We'll have
the special…
SERVER: Why don't you try one of our appetizers first.
HELENA: OK. What do you recommend?
SERVER: We have olives and we also serve cubed
HELENA: OK…cubed cheese sounds good.
JUAN: I agree.
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Olives – (n) – (pl) – azeitona
Cubed – (adj) – em cubos; em forma de cubo. No texto:
cortado em cubo
Agree – (v) – concordar; aceitar, ter a mesma opinião
Servings – (n) – porções
Side dishes – (n) – acompanhamentos do prato
Coleslaw – (n) – (prato) – salada de repolho
Herbs – (n) – ervas; ervas finas
HELENA: I'll be right back.
SERVER: Here we go. Two servings of cubed cheese.
JUAN: Can we order the main course now?
JUAN: Great. We want the steak…
SERVER: Do you prefer the steak rare, medium or well
HELENA: What kind of question is that? I prefer a
common, large size and well prepared steak!
JUAN: Well, Helena…these words are related to the
aspect of the steak: rare is really pink, medium is
intermediate and well done is brown.
HELENA: Oh…I see…I prefer
my steak well done, please.
JUAN: Very rare for me. Does
it come with any side dishes?
JUAN: And…what are the
SERVER: It comes with
coleslaw or mashed potatoes.
JUAN: What do you think, Helena?
HELENA: I think I don't understand these words…
JUAN: Coleslaw is a kind of salad and mashed potatoes
seem like purée.
HELENA: Thank you, Juan. Does the purée taste like
SERVER: No, it doesn't. We cook it with a lot of herbs.
HELENA: OK, then. Mashed potatoes for me.
JUAN: Two, please.
Bound for – (adj) – destinado (-a) a; direcionado (-a) a
Crew – (n) – tripulação
Pleasure – (n) – prazer
Synonyms: happiness, delight, joy, gladness, glee,
satisfaction, gratification, enjoyment, amusement
Law – (n) – lei; legislação em vigor, norma; regras e
regulamentos; jurisdição
Requires – (v) – exigir; requerer; solicitar; mandar
Synonyms: command, demand, request, ask, order
(no texto) (-s ) requires indica terceira pessoa do
singular, ou seja, ele exige, ele requer, ele
solicita, ele pede…
Compliance – (n) – observância, complacência,
atendimento, cumprimento
Signs – (n) – sinais
Upright position – (n) – posição vertical; de pé;
Buckle – (n) – fivela de cinto
(no texto) – fivela do cinto de segurança
Release – (v) – soltar, liberar, desatar
Lift – (v) – levantar, elevar, erguer, suspender
(n) – elevador, ascensor, elevação, levantamento,
Synonyms: raise, rise, lift up, elevate, increase,
enhance, make better, upgrade
Faceplate – (n) – chapa de metal, lâmina de metal
Tray – (n) – bandeja
Devices – (n) (pl) – aparelhos; equipamentos
Take-off – (v) – decolar
Landing – (n) – pouso de aeronaves
Exits – (n) (pl) – saída (-s)
Wings – (n) (pl) – asas
Unlikely – (adj) – improvável
Reach – (v) – alcançar, atingir, chegar a
Slip – (v) – escorregar, deslizar
(n) – deslize, escorregadela, passo em falso,
erro, lapso
Strap – (n) – tira, alça, correia, cinta
Cushion – (n) – almofada
Concerning – (prep) – em relação a, referente a, sobre,
a cerca de, a respeito de
Synonyms: about, regarding on, relating to, referring
to, with reference to, with respect to
Ground – (n) – chão, piso, terra
Cloudy – (adj) – nublado, obscuro, confuso, sem brilho
Under – (prep.) – embaixo, debaixo
Above – (prep.) – acima; sobre
Over – (adv) – 1– sobre; acima de; por cima; 2–
demasiado; excessivo; 3– além de; 4– de um lado
para o outro;
Closest to – (adj) – o mais próximo de; superlativo de
Around – (prep.) – em torno de; em volta de; ao redor
Beside – (prep.) – ao lado de
Along – (prep.) – ao longo; ao comprido; para frente.
Next to – (idiom) – próximo de
From London to Paris = de Londres a Paris
from – (prep.) – (origem / remetente)
to – (prep.) – (destino / destinatário)
Near – (prep.) – perto de; junto a
Far from – (adv/prep.) – longe; distante
Below – (prep.) – abaixo de; abaixo; inferior
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emergency lights along the aisle, on the ceiling and next to
the emergency exits. Please, read the safety instruction
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome on board
card that is located in the pocket of the seat in front of you.
British and American Air flight 994 bound for Paris. From
We thank you for your attention and British and American
Captain Thomas and the crew, it is our pleasure to serve
Air wishes you a pleasant flight.
you today. The captain has estimated our flying time to be
1 hour and 20 minutes. Thank you for your attention while
After some minutes…
important safety information is reviewed. Federal law
requires your compliance with all lighted signs and crew-
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain
member instructions.
speaking. Welcome on board of British and American Air
Place your hand luggage in the overhead compartment or
flight number 994 from London to Paris. I would like to give
under your seat. Please, observe the non-smoking sign
you some information concerning our flight. We are
located above you. There is no smoking in the aircraft,
presently flying over French airspace, near Paris, at the
including the lavatories. The lavatories are equipped with
altitude of 36000 feet which is approximately 11000
smoke detectors. Return your seat back to the upright
meters in height, really far from the ground… our speed is
position and observe the fasten seat belts sign. To fasten
850 kilometers per hour. We are estimating to arrive in
your seatbelt, place the flat metal end into the buckle. To
Paris at 8:50 local time. The reported weather in Paris is
release, lift the faceplate of the buckle. Make sure your
partly cloudy and the outside temperature is below
tray table is closed and locked. All electronic devices such
0 Celsius. On behalf of British and American Air and entire
as computers, tablets and video games must be turned off
crew, I would like to thank you for flying with us and we
during take-off and landing and mobile phones must not
wish you nice and pleasant flight. Thank you for your
be used at any time. There are six exits on this aircraft...
two doors at the front of the cabin, two window exits
over the wings, and two doors at the rear of the
The cabin is pressurized for your comfort and safety.
In the unlikely event of a cabin depressurization,
oxygen masks will appear overhead. Reach up and
pull the mask closest to you, fully extending the
plastic tubing. Place the mask over your nose and
mouth, and slip the elastic strap around your head.
If you are seated beside a small child or someone
needing assistance, secure your own mask first,
and then assist the child. Your seat-bottom cushion
serves as a flotation device. This aircraft has
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Backpack – (n) – mochila
Theft – (n) – roubo; furto
Charges – (n) – 1– despesas; custo; preço; taxa; 2–
carga, carregamento; peso; fardo; responsabilidade
to charge – (v) – cobrar; carregar; responsabilizar-se
Invoice – (n) – fatura; conta; fatura comercial
Synonyms: (restaurante, em casa) bill; account
Full – (adj) – completo; cheio; pleno; inteiro; lotado
Synonyms: complete; whole; entire
(adv) – completamente; plenamente; totalmente;
(v) – (completar) encher
Synonyms: fill; (formulários / questionários) fill out;
(líquidos: jarras, copos, tanques, baldes): fill up
Unlimited mileage – quilometragem ilimitada
RENTAL CAR AGENT: Bienvenue au British and
American Car Rental. Je peux vous aider?
JUAN: Do you speak English?
RENTAL CAR AGENT: Yes, sir. Welcome to British and
American Car Rental. May I help you?
JUAN: I am traveling to Brussels tomorrow and I am
coming back in 5 days, so I need to rent a car for a week.
RENTAL CAR AGENT: Do you have a reservation?
JUAN: No, I don't. Is that a problem?
RENTAL CAR AGENT: No, that's alright. What size are
you looking for?
JUAN: What are my options?
RENTAL CAR AGENT: We work with economy cars,
compact cars, mid-size cars and minivans. How many
people are with you?
JUAN: It is only me.
RENTAL CAR AGENT: And do you have a lot of luggage?
JUAN: No, I don't. I just have this backpack.
RENTAL CAR AGENT: So, I suggest an economy car. It
seats only 2 passengers and little baggage.
JUAN: How much is the daily rate for that?
RENTAL CAR AGENT: It's £24.49 per day plus taxes
with unlimited mileage . Total charges include theft
protection, third party liability, road fund licence, and
value added tax.
JUAN: Is it manual or automatic?
Third party liability – “Responsabilidade Civil”, que
corresponde ao nosso SEGURO AUTOMÓVEL
Road fund license – "carteira que mostra que os
impostos referentes a um veículo motorizado já
estão pagos"
Value added tax – V.A.T. ou Vat. É o nome inglês dado
ao imposto sobre movimentação de produtos na
União Européia. Ele é cobrado toda vez que algo é
vendido. Nos Estados Unidos ele é chamado “sales
tax”, ou seja, imposto sobre vendas. No Brasil, o
imposto sobre circulação e movimentação de
serviços e produtos é o ICMS
Fill up – (v) – encher; completar
Anything else – Algo mais?; Gostaria de mais alguma
RENTAL CAR AGENT: It's automatic.
JUAN: Don't you have manual cars? I really prefer them.
RENTAL CAR AGENT: Sorry, sir. All our cars are
JUAN: OK, then.
RENTAL CAR AGENT: What is your full name, sir?
JUAN: It's Juan Pablo Rodriguez.
RENTAL CAR AGENT: And what is your address?
JUAN: It's 1080 West Main Street. That's in London.
RENTAL CAR AGENT: Can I see your driving licence
and a credit card?
JUAN: Sure. Here you go. Please, charge everything on
this card.
RENTAL CAR AGENT: OK. Your expected time to return
the car is 28thMarch. And when you return the car, please
show this invoice to the attendant. The gas tank is full
and you have to fill up the tank before you return. Is
there anything else I can do for you?
JUAN: No, I don't think so.
RENTAL CAR AGENT: OK, Mr. Rodriguez. Have a nice
trip to Brussels.
JUAN: Thank you.
seventy-seven | 77
Seems – (v) – parecer; dar a impressão de; dar a impressão
de ser
Tired – (adj) – cansado; fatigado; farto
Expression: to be sick and tired of something: estar
farto e aborrecido com algo
Exemplo: I am sick and tired of this situation
Pain – (n) – dor; sofrimento; incômodo; agonia
Flu – (n) – gripe
Headache – (n) – 1– dor de cabeça; 2– enxaqueca;
3– amolação, pertubação
Fever – (n) – febre
Running nose – (sintoma físico): coriza; nariz
Cough – (n) – tosse; (v) – tossir
Backache – (n) – dor nas costas; dor
Prescribed – (v) – (passado) do verbo prescrever;
prescreveu; (médico) receitou; ordenou, estabeleceu;
Thirst – (n) – sede; ânsia; desejo ardente
Strong – (adj) – forte; firme; sólido; vigoroso; corpulento
Synonyms: hard; firm; solid; vigorous; tough
Blurred – (adj) – névoa; borrão; mancha; nódoa
No texto: visão turva, nublada
Unusual – (adj) – incomum; invulgar; raro; inusitado; não
costumeiro; extraordinário; excepcional
Synonyms: uncommon, unique, rare, exceptional,
extraordinary, scarce, infrequent
Loss – (n) – perda; redução; dano, prejuízo
Synonyms: defeat, reduction, injury, harm, damage,
Gain – (n) – ganho; aumento; melhora; benefício; proveito
(v) – ganhar, aumentar, melhorar, alcançar, obter,
atingir, lucrar
Synonyms: obtain, earn, win, make better, improve,
get, reach, succeed
chegar a
win, gain, earn, make, get, acquire
get, obtain, gain, secure, acquire, attain
get, obtain, make, gain, succeed, attain
achieve, reach, attain, obtain, gain, catch up
reach, attain, hit, strike, get, gain
gain, earn
improve, better, upgrade, ameliorate, advance, gain
reach, come to, enter into, gain
progress, advance, make progress, move, develop, gain
seventy-eight | 78
gain, profit, return, acquisition, lucre, plunder
profit, gain, benefit, return, yield, interest
increase, rise, growth, raise, enlargement, gain
advantage, benefit, lead, vantage, gain, good
advantage, benefit, profit, avail, gain, good
benefit, advantage, profit, good, gain, boon
prosperity, wealth, welfare, success, good, gain
loss, waste, forfeiture, leakage, damage, bereavement
prejudice, injury, loss, damage, harm, impairment
defeat, loss, overthrow, rout, discomfiture, route
damage, harm, injury, hurt, loss, impairment
waste, wastage, loss, rubbish, prodigality, offscourings
jackpot, haul, kick, stake, heaps of money, loss
não usual
unusual, uncommon, freakish, prodigious
unusual, uncommon, unique, rare, exceptional, extraordinary
rare, uncommon, unusual, unique, scarce, infrequent
unusual, unused
exceptional, extraordinary, unusual, special, remarkable, rare
extraordinary, remarkable, amazing, unusual, tremendous, extra
unusual, hunker, unwonted, uncommon, worm-eaten
seem, appear, sound, show, purport
seem, appear
dar a impressão de
dar a impressão de ser
tired, weary, jaded, strained, done, whacked
tired, weary, jaded, faint, haggard, strained
tired, done, satiate, worn-out
jaded, tired, worn-out, done
overwrought, tired, worn-out, spent, done
com sono
sleepy, tired, worn-out
boring, annoyed, dull, disgusted, tedious, tired
seventy-nine | 79
pain, grief, sorrow, ache, sore, suffering
suffering, pain, sorrow, hardship, hurt, agony
penalty, feather, pity, sentence, punishment, pain
hurt, sorrow, grief, heartache, pain, regret
affliction, distress, grief, sorrow, trouble, pain
effort, endeavor, exertion, strain, work, pain
regret, grief, sorrow, sadness, chagrin, pain
punishment, chastisement, penalty, retribution, discipline, pain
work, job, labor, employment, works, pain
punishment, penalty, discipline, castigation, fine, pain
hurt, ache, pain, sting, tingle, ail
hurt, pain, bruise, stab, huff, weigh
fixar de antemão
prescribe, dictate, assign, superannuate
determine, ascertain, set, order, define, prescribe
establish, set, lay down, set up, make, prescribe
order, sort, command, ordain, prescribe, direct
lapse, dote, prescribe, superannuatenoun
desejo ardente
headquarters, thirst, head office, focus
eagerness, craving, longing, yearning, desire, thirst
greed, avidity, eagerness, thirst
yearning, hunger, hankering, thirst
eighty | 80
strong, hard, heavy, high, sharp, robust
firm, steady, strong, tight, steadfast, solid
solid, sound, strong, firm, hard, massive
resistant, tough, strong, durable, robust, proof
vigorous, strong, robust, strenuous, lively, sturdy
intense, strong, deep, high, vivid, profound
robust, sturdy, strong, hefty, stout, tough
consistent, solid, strong
energetic, strong, forceful, vigorous, strenuous, pithy
pronounced, strong
decided, determined, resolved, decisive, settled, strong
hard, stiff, tough, wiry, strong, stalwart
clear, distinct, marked, neat, pronounced, strong
sincere, honest, heartfelt, earnest, candid, strong
healthy, sound, wholesome, healthful, robust, strong
burly, corpulent, stout, portly, fat, strong
aspecto confuso
blur, blot, smudge, smear, blob, spot
stain, spot, blot, blemish, smudge, blur
fog, mist, haze, cloud, blur, vapor
stain, spot, taint, blur, soil, splotch
steam, vapor, reek, fume, blur, packet-boatverb
obscure, blur, darken, cloud, overshadow, dim
stain, taint, sully, soil, smudge, blur
overshadow, obfuscate, outshine, dazzle, dim, blur
fog, blur, haze
embarrass, hinder, hamper, entangle, impede, blur
eighty-one | 81
DR. JONES: Please, have a seat Miss Ostrovsky. What
seems to be the problem?
HELENA: Well, Dr. Jones. I feel hot and tired. And I
don't sleep well at night. And I have a sensation of pain
in my head. I guess it's the flu. I hope it's not something
more serious.
DR. JONES: Are you already taking anything for your
HELENA: Headache?
DR. JONES: Yes, that sensation of pain in your head.
HELENA: No, I'm not taking anything yet.
DR. JONES: When did these symptoms start?
HELENA: They started about 2 days ago.
DR. JONES: OK, let me check your temperature….yes,
you have a fever…101 degrees. Do you have a running
nose and a cough?
HELENA: *Cough, cough, cough…
DR. JONES: Alright, I think you're right about your
guess. I think you have the flu.
HELENA: What medicine can I take?
DR. JONES: Just drink a lot of water and rest as much
as you can.
HELENA: OK. I hope I can be good by Friday.
HELENA: I want to go to the cinema with my boyfriend,
DR. JONES: Now I remember. Do you still have that
pain in your back when you play the piano?
HELENA: No, I don't have that backache anymore. That
medicine you prescribed me was really efficient.
DR. JONES: I wish I had more patients like you, Miss
HELENA: What do you mean?
DR. JONES: I mean, I wish all my patients respected all
my advice.
HELENA: Dr. Jones, there is one more thing. I feel like
drinking water and eating chocolate all the time. Do you
think it can be diabetes?
DR. JONES: Well, excessive thirst and appetite are
symptoms. Are there already other cases of diabetes in
your family?
HELENA: Yes, there are already some cases. My greatgrandpa, Paulo, and my dad, Antonio, have diabetes.
DR. JONES: How about your grandpa or other
HELENA: Pedro, no….he is a very strong man. And my
uncle, my mom, my nephew, my niece and my
cousin…no, I think they don't have diabetes.
DR. JONES: I see…and do you have blurred vision and
unusual weight loss or gain?
HELENA: I don't think so.
DR. JONES: Well, I guess you don't have diabetes, but
I'm asking for a blood test, just in case.
HELENA: Thank you, Dr. Jones.
DR. JONES: As soon as you have the results, please
see me again. I hope you get better by Friday. Bye.