Curriculum Vitae - Faculty of Computer Science


Curriculum Vitae - Faculty of Computer Science
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Stefan Zander
Personal Data
Diplom-Informatiker (FH), MSc, M.I.T.
Born on February 5th 1978 in Würzburg, Germany
University of Vienna
Liebiggasse 4/3-4
1010 Wien
Material status: unmarried, no children
T +43-1-4277-39646
F +43-1-4277-39640
[email protected]
Währinger Straße 57/12
1090 Wien
T +43-1-9138673
M +43-681-10457876
[email protected]
Research Interests
Semantic Web Technologies and Languages
Linked Data Exploitation and Integration
Semantic Web-enhanced Context-Aware Computing
RDF Data Management and Processing on Mobile Platforms
Mobile RDF Data Replication
University Education
10/2008 – 06/2012
Doctoral program in computer science, University of Vienna, Austria.
Graduation: Doktor technicae (Dr.techn.) – passed with distinction (final grade 1,0)
Main focus: mobile RDF data replication, Semantic Web-enhanced context-aware
Computing, RDF management and processing on mobile devices
03/2004 – 05/2007
Master program in Business Administration with IT, University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Graduation: Master of Science (MSc) – passed with distinction (final grade 1,0)
Main focus: management science, research methods, strategic and business information
management systems
Curriculum Vitae Stefan Zander – Seite 1
10/2003 – 06/2006
Master program in Organizational Development with IT, University of Applied Sciences,
Würzburg, Germany. Graduation: Master of Information Technology (M.I.T.) – passed with
distinction (final grade 1,2)
Main focus: Information technology and tools for organizational development, project
05/2004 – 04/2005
Dr. Stefan Zander
Diplom-Informatiker (FH), MSc, M.I.T.
University of Vienna
Liebiggasse 4/3-4
1010 Wien
Occupational and academic education in Organizational Development and Change
Management, step Processmanagement and Technical University Darmstadt, Germany.
Graduation: Certified Organizational Developer (final grade 1,3)
10/1998 – 01/2004
Diploma study in computer science, University of Applied Sciences, Würzburg, Germany.
Graduation: Diplom-Informatiker (FH) (diploma grade 1,6)
T +43-1-4277-39646
F +43-1-4277-39640
[email protected]
Währinger Straße 57/12
1090 Wien
T +43-1-9138673
M +43-681-10457876
[email protected]
Professional Experience
10/2010 – present
University Assistant
Research Group Multimedia Information Systems, University of Vienna, Austria
Collaboration in the research group’s teaching, research, and administrative activities
(e.g., assessment of mobile RDF frameworks and mobile RDF triple stores, Linked Data
integration in mobile Augmented Reality (AR), lecture design and planing for selected
master and bachelor courses etc.)
02/2007 – 09/2010
Research Associate
Department of Distributed and Multimedia Information Systems, University of Vienna
Key researcher and technical lead in the EC-funded FP6 research project PROLIX
(development of a tool for the visualization of learning designs, Web service
development) and the FFG-founded national research project MobiSem (development of
a mobile client infrastructure for context-dependent RDF data replication)
10/2004 – 03/2006
Research Associate
Empolis Information!Management GmbH, Rimpar, Germany
Researcher in the EC-funded FP6 research project METOKIS (development of an
ontology transformation tool for the commercial Empolis ontology editor and the Protégé
ontology editor; development and extension of an ontology-based search engine)
Curriculum Vitae Stefan Zander – Seite 2
03/2002 – 11/2002
Research Associate
Collaboration with the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in the context of the “High-Tech Offensive
Zukunft Bayern” for the XML/XSLT-based generation of media-independent print
templates of the Fraunhofer research reports
09/2001 – 06/2002
Software Developer and Researcher
Dr. Stefan Zander
Diplom-Informatiker (FH), MSc, M.I.T.
University of Vienna
Liebiggasse 4/3-4
1010 Wien
T +43-1-4277-39646
F +43-1-4277-39640
[email protected]
Währinger Straße 57/12
1090 Wien
T +43-1-9138673
M +43-681-10457876
[email protected]
Development of an Internet-based search engine using XML, JSP, and Enterprise
JavaBeans for the German Ausgleichsbank, Frankfurt a. M.
Specification and development of a Web-based idea management system for the PASS
IT-Consulting Group Aschaffenburg/Frankfurt in collaboration with PASS IT-Consulting
04/2001 – 09/2001
Software Developer and Researcher – 2nd Practical Semester
PASS IT-Consulting and Application Development GmbH, Würzburg-Höchberg,
Germany. Software development using different XML-based technologies (XSLT, XSL-FO,
DOM, SAX) and XML frameworks (Cocoon) as well as JavaServer Pages (JSP) and
eXtensible Server Pages (XSP)
09/2000 – 12/2000
Research Associate
Institute for Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology, University of Würzburg, Germany.
Project for the computer-aided statistical survey of patient data for the Rehabilitationswissenschaftlichen Forschungsverband Bayern (RFB)
09/1999 – 02/2000
Research Associate –!1st Practical Semester
R&D department of the PASS IT-Consulting Group and Services in Frankfurt a. M.,
Germany. Feasibility assessments of novel Java-based technologies, message-oriented
middleware, distributed application frameworks (JINI), database applications
Stefan Zander, Context-Dependent RDF Data Replication on Mobile Devices, PhD
Thesis, University of Vienna, Austria, 2012. (passed with distinction – final grade 1,0)
Stefan Zander, The Semantic Web and Ontology-based Knowledge Management – A
Step towards the next Generation of Knowledge Management and Information Systems,
Curriculum Vitae Stefan Zander – Seite 3
Master Thesis, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, 2007. (passed with distinction – final grade 1,0)
Stefan Zander, The Semantic Web and Ontology-based Knowledge Management – A
Synthesis towards the next Generation of Intelligent Information Systems; Exemplified by
a Case Study from the EC-Research Project METOKIS, Master Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, Germany, 2006. (passed with distinction – final grade 1,0)
Dr. Stefan Zander
Diplom-Informatiker (FH), MSc, M.I.T.
Stefan Zander, Steffen Biecker, Georg Schmidt, Heiko Richter, Warum melken Ameisen
Blattläuse – Der Biokybernetische Denk- und Verhaltensansatz in organisatorischen
Veränderungsprozessen, Technical Report, Technical University Darmstadt / University of
Applied Sciences Würzburg, Germany, 2005. (final grade 1,3)
University of Vienna
Liebiggasse 4/3-4
1010 Wien
T +43-1-4277-39646
F +43-1-4277-39640
[email protected]
Stefan Zander, Steffen Biecker, Konzeption und prototypische Entwicklung eines
Workflow-Management-Systems (WMS) auf der Basis einer Geschäftsprozessdefinitionssprache mit dem Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 unter Einsatz der Programmiersprache
C#, Diploma Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, Germany, 2004. (grade
Stefan Zander, Patrick Breitenbach, Georg Schmidt, Analysis, design and prototyping of
Währinger Straße 57/12
1090 Wien
a corporate idea management system including an international, distributed software
engineering process corporate with India, Student Research Report, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg, Germany, 2002. (grade 1,0)
T +43-1-9138673
M +43-681-10457876
[email protected]
Publications 1
Stefan Zander, Chris Chiu, Gerhard Sageder, A Computational Model for the Integration
of Linked Data in Mobile Augmented Reality Applications, I-SEMANTICS – 8th International Conference on Semantic Systems – Graz, Austria, 2012.
Stefan Zander, Context-Dependent RDF Data Replication on Mobile Devices, PhD Thesis, University of Vienna, Austria, 2012.
Stefan Zander and Bernhard Schandl, Semantic Web-enhanced Context-aware Computing in Mobile Systems: Principles and Application, In: A.V. Senthil Kumar and Hakikur
Rahman: Mobile ComputingTechniques in Emerging Markets: Systems, Applications and
Services, IGI Global, 2012.
All publications are available online at:
Curriculum Vitae Stefan Zander – Seite 4
Stefan Zander and Bernhard Schandl, Context-driven RDF Data Replication on Mobile
Devices, Semantic Web Journal – Special Issue on Real-time and Ubiquitous Social Semantics, IOS Press, 2011.
Bernhard Haslhofer, Elaheh Momeni Roochi, Bernhard Schandl and Stefan Zander, Europeana RDF Store Report, Technical Report, University of Vienna, 2011.
Stefan Zander and Bernhard Schandl, A Framework for Context-driven RDF Data Repli-
Dr. Stefan Zander
cation on Mobile Devices, 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems (ISemantics) - Graz, Austria, 2010.
Diplom-Informatiker (FH), MSc, M.I.T.
Bernhard Schandl and Stefan Zander, Adaptive RDF Graph Replication for Mobile SeUniversity of Vienna
Liebiggasse 4/3-4
1010 Wien
mantic Web Applications, Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal, Special
T +43-1-4277-39646
onto Mobile Devices, Proceedings of the 6th European Semantic Web Conference on
F +43-1-4277-39640
[email protected]
The Semantic Web - Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2009.
Währinger Straße 57/12
1090 Wien
T +43-1-9138673
M +43-681-10457876
[email protected]
Issue on Managing Data with Mobile Devices, 2009.
Stefan Zander, A Context-Aware Approach for Integrating Semantic Web Technologies
Bernhard Schandl and Stefan Zander, Autonomous RDF Replication on Mobile Devices
(Demo and Poster), 8th International Semantic Web Conference - Washington, DC, USA,
Bernhard Schandl and Stefan Zander, A Framework for Adaptive RDF Graph Replication
for Mobile Semantic Web Applications, Joint Workshop on Advanced Technologies and
Techniques for Enterprise Information Systems (Session on Managing Data with Mobile
Devices), Milan, Italy, 2009.
Susanne Neumann, Stefan Zander, Petra Oberhuemer, Der Graphical Learning Modeller:
eine intuitive Modellierungsumgebung zur Erstellung IMS Learning Design konformer
Lehr-/Lernabläufe, DeLFI 2008: 6th e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft
für Informatik e.V. - Lübeck, Germany, 2008.
Susanne Neumann, Petra Oberhuemer, Stefan Zander, Philipp Prenner, Making Sense of
IMS Learning Design Level B: From Specification to Intuitive Modeling Software, EC-TEL
2007 - Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning - Crete,
Greece, 2007.
Curriculum Vitae Stefan Zander – Seite 5
Scientific Activities and Community Services
International Journal of Computers and Applications, ACTA Press
Mobile Computing Techniques in Emerging Markets: Systems, Applications and
Services, IGI Global
Dr. Stefan Zander
Diplom-Informatiker (FH), MSc, M.I.T.
University of Vienna
Liebiggasse 4/3-4
1010 Wien
T +43-1-4277-39646
F +43-1-4277-39640
[email protected]
Knowledge discovery practices and emerging applications of data mining: Trends and
new domains, IGI Global
Program Committee Membership
Workshop on Ubiquitous Personal Data – PUD 2012
World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies – WCIT 2011
2nd Workshop on Personal Semantic Data – PSD 2011
Währinger Straße 57/12
1090 Wien
T +43-1-9138673
M +43-681-10457876
[email protected]
Workshop on Personal Semantic Data on the Desktop and on the Web – PSD 2010
Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Image Processing and
Applications – IJIPA
33rd International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2007), Vienna, Austria
Member of the local organizing committee – assembly and coordination of the local
conference support team
Invited Talks
Applications of Semantic Technologies on Mobile Platforms, Austrian Android Developers
Day, Vienna, Austria, May 2009.
Der Biokybernetische Denk- und Verhaltensansatz in organisatorischen Veränderungsprozessen, T-Systems, Darmstadt, May 2005.
“Was bringt das Semantic Web? Chancen und Entwicklungspotentiale“ and “Wie lassen
sich die unzähligen Web-Inhalte passgenau und gezielt für konkrete Aufgaben nutzen?”,
Summerschool IT, University of Applied Sciences, Würzburg, Germany, September 2006.
(Keynote Speaker)
Curriculum Vitae Stefan Zander – Seite 6
Hemmnisse des Wandels – Der Umgang mit Widerständen in Veränderungsprozessen,
Lufthansa Systems, Frankfurt a. M. / Kelsterbach, Germany, January 2002.
Teaching Experience
Dr. Stefan Zander
Multimedia Information Retrieval – Master Level, since 10/2011
Diplom-Informatiker (FH), MSc, M.I.T.
Practical Courses in Media Informatics – Master Level, since 10/2011
University of Vienna
Liebiggasse 4/3-4
1010 Wien
T +43-1-4277-39646
F +43-1-4277-39640
[email protected]
Practical Courses in Multimedia Information Systems – Master Level, since 10/2009
Multimedia Information Systems – Master Level, since 03/2009
Modeling Techniques and Methods – Bachelor Level, since 03/2009
Practical Courses in Media Informatics with Bachelor Thesis – Bachelor Level, since 03/
Währinger Straße 57/12
1090 Wien
Practical Courses in Information Systems Development and Media Informatics – Bachelor Level, since 10/2009
T +43-1-9138673
M +43-681-10457876
[email protected]
Supervised Theses
Peter Kalchgruber, Propagation of Updates in the Web of Data, PhD Thesis (mentoring),
University of Vienna, ongoing
Evelyn Hinterramskogler, A Framework for Integrating Linked Data in Mobile Augmented
Reality Applications, Master Thesis, University of Vienna, ongoing
Carina Christ, Towards a Mobile Semantic Desktop Infrastructure for Situation-Sensitive
Assistance of Mobile Users, Master Thesis, University of Vienna, ongoing
Silvia Fürst, Integrating Linked Data in Mobile Augmented Reality Interfaces Development of a Mobile AR Mountain Guide, Master Thesis, University of Vienna,
Evelyn Imrek, Context-Driven Annotation of Multimedia Objects: Towards a Mobile
Framework for Automated Image Annotations, Master Thesis, University of Vienna,
Curriculum Vitae Stefan Zander – Seite 7
Administrative Tasks
Administration and management of the library of the research group Multimedia
Information Systems, University of Vienna, since 2008.
Coordination and technical administration of the Web presence of the Faculty of
Computer Science, University of Vienna, 07/2008 – 11/2009.
Dr. Stefan Zander
Diplom-Informatiker (FH), MSc, M.I.T.
University of Vienna
Liebiggasse 4/3-4
1010 Wien
T +43-1-4277-39646
F +43-1-4277-39640
[email protected]
Währinger Straße 57/12
1090 Wien
T +43-1-9138673
M +43-681-10457876
[email protected]
Further Educational Training
University of Vienna, Austria
“Straight to the Point” – Effective Presentation and Communication (11/2011)
Communication Strategies (10/2011)
Successful Negotiation Strategies – Debating Convincingly (12/2008)
Project Management – The Instantiation and Management of Research Projects
Scientific Writing and Publication (10/2007)
University of Applied Sciences, Würzburg, Germany
Cooperation and Communication in Computer Science Projects (09/2001)
Elocution and Presentation Techniques (03/2001)
Rhetorics (03/2001)
Data Processing and Internet Legislation (02/2001)
Moderation of a Meta Plan Sequence (07/2000)
PASS Academy, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
Presentation Techniques (10/2000)
Communication Techniques (10/2000)
Curriculum Vitae Stefan Zander – Seite 8
Technical Skills
Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, JavaServer Pages, JFace, Swing, SWT
Semantic Web Technologies: RDF/S, OWL, SPARQL, Jena, Androjena, TDBoid, ARQoid
Mobile Operating Systems: Android, J2ME, CLDC, MIDP, RMS
Dr. Stefan Zander
Diplom-Informatiker (FH), MSc, M.I.T.
University of Vienna
Liebiggasse 4/3-4
1010 Wien
Web Technologies: AJAX, XML, XPath, XQuery, XSLT, XSL-FO, JDOM, DOM4J, SAX
Programming Techniques: Software design patterns, concurrent programming
Data Processing: R, Data Graph, SPSS
Other: LaTeX, UML, Object oriented analysis and design (OOA/OOD)
T +43-1-4277-39646
F +43-1-4277-39640
[email protected]
Währinger Straße 57/12
1090 Wien
Language Skills
German – native language
English – fluent in reading and writing
T +43-1-9138673
M +43-681-10457876
[email protected]
Other Skills and Interests
Hardware and programming of electronic devices, new media, sports (badminton,
swimming, cycling, volleyball, soccer), helicopter model flight
Curriculum Vitae Stefan Zander – Seite 9

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