Relatório Anual Centro de Estudos Africanos - CEA/ISCTE-IUL


Relatório Anual Centro de Estudos Africanos - CEA/ISCTE-IUL
 Relatório Anual Centro de Estudos Africanos/Annual Report of the Centre of African Studies 2012 O presente relatório é apresentado à Comissão Externa de Aconselhamento Científico Permanente do CEA-­‐IUL, ao Conselho Científico do CEA-­‐IUL, à Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia e ao ISCTE-­‐IUL Report submitted to the External Scientific Advisory Board of CEA-­‐IUL; to the Scientific Council of CEA-­‐IUL; to the FCT; to ISCTE-­‐IUL. 0 OBJECTIVES AND ACHIEVEMENTS Unit Description CEA-­‐IUL is a Research and Development unit (Unidade I&D) organised according to the internal rules of the ISCTE-­‐IUL, Lisbon University Institute (DL 95/2009) that follows the rules stipulated by the Foundation for Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Higher Education. The R&D Unit has a director, nominated by the ISCTE-­‐IUL dean, and two sub-­‐directors. It includes a Scientific Committee of three researchers elected by the researchers of the unit, plus the director. The Scientific Committee’s role is to oversee the scientific orientation and quality of the activities. CEA-­‐IUL also has an Advisory Board that integrates four external advisors. Currently, CEA-­‐IUL is still managing CEA association’s projects and scientific activities until their conclusion. CEA-­‐IUL has presently five hired full-­‐time researchers (Associate Researchers), five post-­‐doc and one Marie Curie researcher; during 2012 three other post-­‐doc researchers ended their grants. The hosting conditions of the CEA-­‐IUL include its infrastructures and administrative services. The centre is located at the ISCTE and has access to ISCTE-­‐IUL databases and library services. Among diverse research support activities the most important is the African Studies Central Library, funded by the FCT with a complementary fund of the Calouste Gulbenkian Fundation, supported by ISCTE-­‐IUL’s librarian services. CEA-­‐IUL has a bi-­‐annual funding from the FCT based on a strategic project (currently, 2011/2012 Strategic Project -­‐ UI 3122) that is used to support scientific events (conferences, seminars), the Central Library and publications. CEA-­‐IUL publishes, on a regular basis, the Occasional Paper Series (online, since 2005) and the scientific journal Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. In 2010 the Centre launched the monographic collection Africa em Perspectiva (Almedina editors). More information about the CEA-­‐IUL can be found at its website: General Objectives The general objective of CEA-­‐IUL is to promote interdisciplinary studies in the social sciences on Sub-­‐
Saharan Africa as a whole, while paying special attention to the Lusophone African countries. This objective is pursued mainly through research, scientific meetings and publications, teaching, dissemination of relevant information about African affairs, and through international networks. CEA-­‐IUL also offers consultant services on the domains of its specialty. a) Research The projects conducted by CEA-­‐IUL researchers comprise three main research lines plus a knowledge dissemination line: (1) States, Public Policies and International Regulation (2) Social and Cultural Dynamics (3) Globalisation, Economics and Development (4) DIKAS (library and publications). CEA-­‐IUL and CEA association have currently 20 active research projects (8 of them lead by the CEA, one by the CEA-­‐IUL), involving more than 40 PhD holders, full-­‐time or part-­‐time. Of the later, 37 of them have the status of integrated researchers. b) Teaching CEA-­‐IUL is actively involved in postgraduate programs in African Studies and Development Studies. There is a close cooperation with the School of Sociology and Public Policies (ISCTE-­‐IUL) through the MA and a PhD program on African Studies, the MA in History, Defence and International Relations, the MA in Modern and Contemporary History and the PhD program on Political Science; and with the School of Social and Human Sciences through the MA programs on Development, Local Diversities and Global Challenges; Social and Solidarity Economy; and Development and Global Health. In other universities, CEA-­‐IUL cooperates with the Master program in African History (Department of History of the Faculty of Letters, Lisbon University) and the Master program in International Relations 1 (Faculty of Economy of University of Coimbra). At the international level, CEA-­‐IUL members collaborate with other European and African universities and research institutions. c) Networking CEA-­‐IUL has developed connections with research centres, universities and individual researchers in Portugal, other European countries, Africa, Brazil, and in the US. Every project is constituted by an international team and supported by a formal agreement between the partners. CEA-­‐IUL has research protocols with institutions both in Europe and Africa and is a member of several international networks. CEA-­‐IUL is a founding member of the AEGIS -­‐ European African Studies association and participates in its Collaborative Research Groups (African History; Conflicts in Africa; Publishing Policy) as well as in other activities (Plenary and Annual Meeting, May; Cortona Summer School, June; Second Annual Meeting, December). Since 2006 CEA-­‐IUL is member of the ABORNE (African Borderland Research Network), funded by the ESF. CEA-­‐IUL is also a member of the FLUXUS network. Since 2012, CEA is part of the EARN network (Europe-­‐Africa Research Network) funded by IPAD and AECID. Finally, eight running projects are led by European R&D institutions. d) Services A Services’ Nucleus of the CEA-­‐IUL is currently offering consultancy services to a number of institutions with the intention to expand its activities over the coming years. Main areas of activity include social and economic studies in Africa, evaluation and training e) Publications and Library CEA manages the Central Library of African Studies in Portugal. The centre publishes, on a regular basis, the Occasional Paper Series and the scientific journal Cadernos de Estudos Africanos (currently on number 24). Within the monographic collection Africa em Perspectiva CEA published one book in 2012 on Decentralization in Angola and Mozambique. Main Achievements during the year of 2012 The core achievements in 2012 consisted in: a) research projects b) the Central Library of African Studies (BCEA) c) organisation of scientific meetings and conferences d) international network of research; e) publications and f) teaching and consultancy. a) CEA-­‐IUL carried out or initiated 20 research projects (8 of them lead by the CEA and one by the CEA-­‐IUL), submitted to international evaluation, involving about 100 researchers. All these projects have international and interdisciplinary research teams and many of them international funding. c) BCEA activities have increased both regarding book acquisition and indexation. Home loans’ records indicate that African studies books are either the most or the second most requested in the ISCTE-­‐IUL library. The cultural program of the BCEA carried out several activities, including exhibitions. d) CEA-­‐IUL has actively promoted the organisation of international conferences and scientific meetings. Overall, 47 of such meetings were organised in 2012 (nine of them international), including doctoral seminars, book launchings, project results’ dissemination, multimedia presentations and international conferences. CEA-­‐IUL researchers participated massively in the Iberian Congress in African Studies in Madrid, both presenting papers at panels as well as organising panels (nine panels organised by CEA researchers). e) In 2012, CEA-­‐IUL received international funding through projects where researchers participated, namely from the U of Copenhagen, the ESF, the Volkswagen Foundation, the Centre d’Études des Mondes Africains/ANR, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ESRC/DFID, the German Ministry of Education. f) In 2012 CEA published through the monographic collection Africa em Perspectiva one book. CEA maintains the scientific journal Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, having published in 2012 one thematic number and a general one (24: “Africanos e afrodescendentes em Portugal: redefinindo práticas, projetos e identidades”; 25 on print). It also publishes a series of Occasional Papers. g) In 2012 over 30 project collaborators were preparing MA or PhD thesis at the CEA-­‐IUL and actively participated on the ongoing research activities. Eight post-­‐doctoral researchers were working at the 2 CEA-­‐IUL during this period as well as a Marie Curie grantee coming from Mozambique (Luca Bussotti). CEA-­‐IUL also organized and conducted an international course for the Instituto de Estudos Superiores Militares (IESM) in September (fourth edition). In 2012, CEA-­‐IUL collaborated as a consultant for the Angola analysis of the Bertelsmann Index on Transformation (Germany). ACTIVITIES 1. Integrative/multidisciplinary activities during the year of 2012 CEA-­‐IUL aims at developing scientific research of a multidisciplinary nature in Africa, particularly in the field of social sciences, development and economics studies. This research is devised for an international audience, comprising the academy, researchers and policy-­‐makers. CEA-­‐IUL's visibility is expressed in the conferences and publications organized by CEA-­‐IUL, its strong participation in the research and diffusion activities of AEGIS and other international networks, with a global orientation of creating a discussion forum where scholars of different scientific domains, development practitioners and policy-­‐makers gather. The most significant outputs of these activities are CEA-­‐IUL multidisciplinary projects, conferences and publications, advisory reports, networked data sharing at an international scale, definition of up-­‐to-­‐date research lines, trends, themes and practices for academic teaching purposes. CEA-­‐IUL conducted throughout 2012 the following projects with a multidisciplinary approach: (1) States, Public Policies and International Regulation: Writing History in the Horn of Africa (lead by the CEMAf); Reconciliation and Social Conflict in the Aftermath of Large-­‐scale Violence in Southern Africa: the cases of Angola and Namibia (funded by the VW Foundation); Monitoring Conflicts in the Horn of Africa; Monitorization of Conflicts in Africa; Sensory Enigmas of Contemporary Urban Mobilities; Planificacion Urbana, Mobilidad Y Siniestralidad Vial En Africa Subsahariana; Usage Conflicts in Public Spaces of African Cities. (2) Social and Cultural Dynamics: Higher Education and Development in Africa: Portuguese cooperation with the PALOP; The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Education and Training: Angola, Guinea-­‐Bissau, Mozambique and S. Tome and Principe; Gender and therapeutic pluralism: women access to private health sector in Africa; Home Space in Mozambique (lead by the University of Copenhagen); Spatial Reconfigurations and Social Differentiation in Cities of Angola and Mozambique. (3) Globalisation, Economy and Development: Cape Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe: a comparative analysis of two African island states; African societies facing global dynamics: turbulences between external intervention, migration and food insecurity; The Future Okavango (led by the University of Hamburg); Identities and Borders in Africa; DESERTO – Spatial and Social Dynamics: Networks, Exchanges and Organisation in the Namibe; Mining Cities in Africa (UPIMA, led by the University of Glasgow); Organization and Representation in Informal Economy in PALOP: experiences and perspectives; The Cluster as a theoretical and practical instrument of the Portuguese International Cooperation for Development. CEA-­‐IUL also organised several international conferences and events: • Nine panels at the Iberian Congress of African Studies (13-­‐16 June), Madrid • Workshop ‘’Comparative perspectives on Researching Borders and Identities in the Horn of Africa’’, 10 de September de 2012, Alexandra Dias. • “Mujeres, ciudadanías e identidades nacionales: Angola”, no curso África en el Horizonte: Perspectivas de los procesos endógenos de las sociedades africanas, organizado pelo Grupo de Estudos Africanos de Universidade Autónoma de Madrid e Casa Encendida, Madrid, 29 November 2012, Ana Lúcia Lopes Sá. • Seminar “Tradition, Orality and Literature”, ONG CEIBA and Departamento de Espanhol da Universidade do Ghana, Legon, 27-­‐29 August 2012, Ana Lúcia Lopes Sá and Tània Muñoz (Centro de Estudos Internacionais de Biologia e Antropologia, CEIBA). 3 • “La generación de los desencantados en la literatura angoleña”, Curso de Introducción a la Realidad Africana, Grupo de Estudios Africanos de Universidad Autónoma de Madrid e Casa Encendida, Madrid, 28 March 2012, Ana Lúcia Lopes Sá. • Seminar “Emerging actors in Africa: Impact and opportunities for EU-­‐Africa and global relations”, project EARN, CEEI, Maputo, Abril, Fernando Jorge Cardoso. • Seminar “Emergent Partners in Africa: Business for Aid?, projecto EARN, NOREF, Oslo, June, Fernando Jorge Cardoso. • 14-­‐19 October – International Conference “Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence”, Windhoek, Namibia. • 13-­‐14 December -­‐ International Conference “A Parceria África-­‐Europa em Construção: que Futuro?”, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa. 2. Outreach activities during the year of 2012 The primary objective of the CEA-­‐IUL is specifically directed to the expansion and consolidation of the existing research, namely through: a) supporting projects and their relation to both an academic and a non-­‐academic public; b) supporting the relation between researchers and teaching, and investing in the internationalization of their output. a) CEA-­‐IUL’s main research areas are organized in three program lines where all projects have been cohesively integrated to: (1) States, Public Policies and International Regulation (2) Social and Cultural Dynamics (3) Globalisation, Economics and Development (4) DIKAS. Each line serves as framework to projects and international networking activities of the centre as well as its non-­‐research activities, namely the diffusion of results through conferences and publications. CEA-­‐IUL also promoted the hosting of new national and foreign researchers, within these lines of research, as well as of graduate and post-­‐graduate students. b) CEA-­‐IUL invested deeper in the relationship with postgraduate teaching at both a national and an international level. The first aim obliged to increasing the research synergies between the CEA-­‐IUL and the postgraduate programs on African Studies at the ISCTE-­‐IUL. The second was expressed by the participation in international teaching programs. Also, CEA-­‐IUL participated in CODESRIA tutoring activities, supported students’ exchanges with other institutions, hosted postgraduate and post-­‐
doctoral researchers. A key factor in this policy was the constitution of the Central Library of African Studies that offers both national and international researchers and student’s outstanding facilities for research and training. Nine Post Doc researchers were integrated into projects; ongoing projects support master and PhD students’ research (over 10 MA students and 22 PhD students in funded projects). Master thesis concluded: Name Maria Luísa Gomes Meireles Filipa Isabel de Oliveira Azevedo Cláudia Filipa Paixão Pereira Gefra Gustavo Fulane Ana Filipa Correia Barreiros Patrícia Isabel Pinto Cunha Sara Duarte Dissertation/program A vivência da doença mental e a influência da medicina tradicional. O caso Moçambique. Dissertação do Mestrado em Estudos Africanos, ISCTE-­‐IUL Cooperação Portugal-­‐PALOP (cardiologia). Dissertação do Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Saúde Global, ISCTE-­‐IUL Cooperação Sul-­‐Sul: Exemplo Cubano de Cooperação com Moçambique. prova de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Saúde Global, ISCTE-­‐IUL Percursos das Mães na Procura de Medicamentos para Doenças em Menores de Cinco Anos, num Mercado Farmacológico Múltiplo na Cidade de Xai-­‐Xai, em Moçambique. Prova de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Saúde Global, ISCTE-­‐
IUL Erradicação da poliomielite: razões e maneiras de pôr em prática – uma análise teórica. Prova de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Saúde Global, ISCTE-­‐
IUL A malnutrição infantil e em menores de cinco anos. Estudo de caso no Centro de Recuperação Nutricional do Marrere, Moçambique. Prova de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Saúde Global, ISCTE-­‐IUL Responsabilidade Social. Prova de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Saúde Tutor Clara Carvalho Clara Carvalho Isabel Craveiro Clara Carvalho Isabel Craveiro Date 18 de Janeiro 15 October 10 December Clara Carvalho 13 December Cristiana Bastos Clara Carvalho 14 December Chiara Pussetti Clara Carvalho 17 December Virginie Tallio 18 4 Ferreira Beatriz Moreiras Abril David Domingos Luís Global, ISCTE-­‐IUL Papel de los líderes comunitarios en la adhesión al TARV, a propósito de un estudio de caso: Región Norte de Mozambique (Erati, Nampula). Una mirada desde la sanidad y la antropología política.” Tese de Mestrado de Salud Internacional y Medicina tropical. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Os valores morais e civicos em sociedades vítimas de conflitos prolongados. O caso da Huíla (Angola ). Dissertação do Mestrado em Estudos Africanos, ISCTE-­‐
IUL O Ensino indígena em Angola e o Papel dos Missionários. Dissertação do Lino Tanga Mestrado em Estudos Africanos, ISCTE-­‐IUL Josep Comelles December Albert Farré Ventura Margarida Ventura, 18 January Maria Antónia Belchior Ferreira Barreto 13 December Ana Catarina Larcher das Neves Santos Carvalho 13 December Eduardo Costa Dias Martins 14 December Luís Granger Alfaro Cardoso 20 December Decrecimiento económico como proyecto político; Qué significaría para la Mari Armestro García Cooperación Internacional en África. Dissertação do Mestrado em Estudos Africanos, ISCTE-­‐IUL Envio de Remessas informais de emigrantes Guineenses. Dissertação do Jairson Carlos Indequi Mestrado em Estudos Africanos, ISCTE-­‐IUL Afonso Maria de Gouveia Durão Vaz Pinto nas Estratégias de Conservação: O caso do Grande Limpopo, em Moçambique. Quando os Elefantes Lutam, a Erva Sofre-­‐ A integração das populações Locais Dissertação do Mestrado em Estudos Africanos, ISCTE-­‐IUL FUNDING 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 126.060 88.438,52 Units FCT 124.500,00 99.618,75 179.850 Projects FCT 156.800,00 488.561,5 99.600 Other (National) 0,00 34.161,96 265.869 256.600 Other (International) 0,00 0,00 0,00 49.281 67.700 233.734,56 GENERAL INDICATORS COMPOSITION AND TRAINING 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total No. of Researchers Hired (Ciência Programme) 4 2 0 0 0 6 No. of Researchers (FTE) 35 34 37 37 37 37 Training Masters (Master thesis completed) 6 11 7 77 Training PhDs (PhD thesis completed) 2 1 0 4 53 1 5 RESEARCH GROUPS STATES, PUBLIC POLICIES AND INTERNATIONAL REGULATION Research Group Title: States, Public Policies and International Regulation Principal Investigator: Manuel João Ramos and Alexandra Dias Research Area: N/D 1. Funding, source, dates This group is funded by CEA multi-­‐annual FCT funding and through other sources (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, American Embassy, Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Fundação Luso-­‐Americana para o Desenvolvimento, British Council). It is also funded through the ongoing projects: • PTDC/AFR/100460/2008, Monitoring Conflicts in the Horn of Africa, 120.000,00€; • Reconciliation and Social Conflict in the Aftermath of large-­‐scale Violence in Southern Africa, Volkswagen Stiftung, 756,000 €; • Joint Research Programme of Centre d‘Études des Mondes Africains -­‐ Agence Nationale de Recherche Interdisciplinary Research Programme on Writing the History of the Horn of Africa, in collaboration with the Addis Ababa University, the Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, and the Centre Français d’Études Éthiopiennes, and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 400.000€; • Joint Research Programme coordinated by the Grupo de Estudios sobre Exclusión y Conflictos Sociales of the University of Barcelona on Usage Conflicts in Public Spaces of African Cities, in collaboration with various African and European research centres, 90.000€; • Joint Research Programme of CRESSON -­‐ Centre de Recherche sur l'Espace Sonore et l'Environnement Urbain (Grenoble) – Agence Nationale de Recherche Research Programme on Sensory Enigmas of Contemporary Urban Mobilities, in collaboration with Laboratorio urbano – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo -­‐ Universidade Federal da Salvador da Bahia, Departament de antropologia social i cultural, historia d'america i d'africa -­‐ Facultat de Geografia i Història -­‐ Universitat de Barcelona, Centro de Estudos Africanos – ISCTE -­‐ Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Instituto de estudios regionales y urbanos -­‐ Universidad Simon Bolivar de Caracas, Emerging securities research group – Centre de recherche “Study of Politics, International Relations & Environment (RC4SPIRE)” Keele University, 295.600€. • Joint Research Programme of GRECS, Grupo de Investigación en Exclusión y Control Sociales, Universidad de Barcelona/ CEA (ISCTE)/CRESSON (Centre de Recherche sur l’espace sonore et l’environnement urbain), Université Mendes-­‐France de Grenoble on Planificacion Urbana, Mobilidad Y Siniestralidad Vial En Africa Subsahariana, 32.400€ 2. Objectives and Achievements Objectives This line includes all research projects dealing with politics and public issues in Africa, as well as research projects relating to conflicts in Africa, with international regulation or not. The main objective is to conduct research about political processes in sub-­‐Saharan Africa and the roles of the various agents and social actors involved, from the institutional and social dynamics’ perspectives, and to promote a coherent understanding of the web of structural and conjuncture tensions and instabilities in different African regions, as well as the emergence of specific forms of war and violent conflict, and their political, social, cultural, and humanitarian impact on African populations. 6 The research aims confront the overlapping nature of internal conflicts, border warfare, and invasive military action, in correlation with demographic and economic pressures, and their overall impact on the societies concerned, whether humanitarian (massacres, genocides, forced migrations, displacements, and exodus), political and social (social re-­‐compositions, exodus to or from urban areas, changes in power relations), or cultural (the dynamics of cultural reinvention on national and regional identities and memories). The present research aims not only to produce solid scientific analytic results but also to offer informed and conclusive data to both policy makers and national and international organizations intervening in the areas concerned. The ongoing projects, together with the substantial previous research carried at the CEA-­‐IUL, constitute a main line of research that continues to absorb and integrate MA and PhD researchers. Additionally, the projects and the participants in the line regularly publish the results achieved, and participate in international scientific meetings. Main Achievements The researchers in this line have carried numerous fieldwork missions defined in the timelines of the projects they are involved with. Over 20 communications were presented at international scientific meetings and several workshops and seminars were conducted. Through individual and collective projects, the researchers carried out bibliographic research, created information databases, and developed a series of research tools (surveys, interview guidelines) in order to assure meaningful fieldwork. Previous and new international research networks were developed through the ongoing projects. Master dissertations were completed and others are ongoing. Projects as Reconciliation and Social Conflict in the Aftermath of large-­‐scale Violence in Southern Africa, apart from investing in high-­‐quality research production, promoted graduate studies (MSc and PhD) of a considerable number of their junior researchers, dominantly Africans, in Europe, generally at ISCTE-­‐Lisbon University Institute [and Africa]. Senior researchers guided their researches within the eight sub-­‐projects. On October 15-­‐19, the Angola section met at Windhoek, mostly dedicated to the presentation and discussion of research as well as to the planning of the project’s last activities. During the year, the last phase of preparation of two joint publications has been in course: one on “Angola 2007: que recomposições e reorientações” and the other based on a workshop conducted in 2009 in Omaruru (Namibia). Both will be published in early 2013 (Brill Publishers e ABI, respectively). In June a group of the Angola section participated in the Iberian Congress of African Studies in Madrid. The project Monitoring Conflicts in Africa, through its an innovative collaborative website designed to aggregate thematic and regional information on the issue of conflicts in Africa, and to develop networks of specialists, has helped to reinforce our internationally networking capacities, and has developed meaningful cooperation with international and national media (BBC World, Radio France Internationale, Deutsche Welle, RDP-­‐África, etc.). Other projects: Writing the History of the Horn of Africa Usage Conflicts in Public Spaces of African Cities Sensory Enigmas of Contemporary Urban Mobilities Mobilidad Y Siniestralidad Vial En Africa Subsahariana 3. Group Productivity Publication in peer review journals •
Ribeiro, Gabriel Mithá (2012). “É pena seres mulato!”: Ensaio sobre relações raciais. Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 23: pp. 21-­‐51. Indexação:; SciELO; Redalyc; EBSCO Fonte Académica. Other Publications International 7 •
Dias, A. M. (2012). Clans, état et société en Somalie : montée et chute des mouvements islamistes. In A. Gnanguenon (ed.) Cahier de l'IRSEM, Les défis politiques et stratégiques en Somalie, 13, IRSEM, pp. 16-­‐35. ISSN: 2110-­‐1809. ISBN: 978-­‐2-­‐11-­‐129694-­‐7. Florêncio, Fernando (2012), “Traditional authorities and Legal Pluralism: a comparative analysis of two case studies in Mozambique and Angola.” In Kyed, H.M., S. Araújo, A.N. de Souto and J.P.B.Coelho (eds.): The Dynamics of Legal Pluralism in Mozambique. State and Non-­‐State mechanisms of justice and public safety. Maputo: CESAB. ISBN: 978-­‐989-­‐97730-­‐1-­‐1 Heimer, Franz-­‐W; Udelsmann Rodrigues, C. and Lopes, C. M. (2012). “Angola Country Report”. In Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2012, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-­‐Stiftung. http://www.bti-­‐­‐reports/esa/ago/. ISBN 978-­‐3-­‐86793-­‐344-­‐5 (Print). 978-­‐3-­‐86793-­‐458-­‐9 (E-­‐
book). Nascimento, Augusto (2012). “A construção de São Tomé e Príncipe: achegas sobre a (eventual) valia do conhecimento histórico”. In Silva, Teresa Cruz, Coelho, João Paulo Borges e Souto, Amélia Neves de (orgs.) Como fazer ciências sociais e humanas em África. Questões epistemológicas, metodológicas, teóricas e políticas. Dakar: Codesria. ISBN: 978-­‐2-­‐86978-­‐505-­‐2. Internationalization Expansion of the Research Group’s international research networks both through current projects and in view to prepare new ones. Much of the group’s internationalisation is fostered by CEA-­‐IUL’s long-­‐standing participation in both European and African networks (AEGIS, CODESRIA, etc.), but our close contacts with Spanish, German, Angolan and Ethiopian research centres have increased the scope and the productivity of our internationalisation commitments. The following are some of the most relevant standing partners: Adis Ababa University, Authority for Research and Conservation of Ethiopian Cultural Heritage, Centre Français d’Études Éthiopiens, University Complutense of Madrid, Universidade Católica de Angola – Luanda, and Universidade Privada de Angola -­‐ Lubango, University of Namibia, Arnold-­‐Bergstraesser-­‐Institut, Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Laboratoire CRESSON – Université de Grenoble, School of Oriental and African Studies – University of London, CEMAF – Université de Paris 1, CEMAF – Université de Aix-­‐en-­‐Provence, African Studies Centre – Leiden University. Additionally, the researchers offered several papers at various International Conferences: Abel Paxe, A construção de comunidade e identidade em Angola: o exemplo dos tocoístas da Aldeia da Boa Fé [The Construction of Community and Identity in Angola: the Example of the Tokoístas in Boa Fé Village], Final Conference Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence, River Crossing Lodge, Windhoek, 14-­‐19 October, 2012. Alexandra Magnólia Dias, Borderless World vs Borders as Walls Insights from a borderland group in Northern Ethiopia, nº painel 7: Identidades e Fronteiras em África. CIEA8, Madrid, Junho 14-­‐16 Alexandra Magnólia Dias, International intervention in Somalia (2006-­‐2012) and the legacy of ‘the Mogadishu line’, nº painel 18: El Cuerno de África entre resistencia y transformación: la perenne formación de conflictos y los patrones de desintegración y reconfiguración del estado. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 de Junho. Alexandra Magnólia Dias, 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies (ICES18), Addis Ababa, ‘Strategies and shifting identities in Northern Ethiopia’s borderlands: perspectives of a borderland group Irob’. 29 Out a 3 Nov. Claudio Tomás, Prince, el universo de la violencia, la historia como un motor de la realidad y el Estado como la idea del tiempo nacional. O Reconciliação e esquizofrenia, nº painel 30: Impactos de conflitos violentos prolongados em Angola e Moçambique. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 de Junho. Cláudio Tomás, Reconciliation without Citizens, Nation without People: Reflections on the Process of Post-­‐Conflict National Reconciliation and Nation-­‐Building in Angola, Final Conference Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence, River Crossing Lodge, Windhoek, 14-­‐19 October, 2012. David Luís, Valores morais e cívicos antes e depois de conflitos violentos: o caso da Província da Huíla [Moral and Civic Values Before and After Violent Conflict: the Case of the Huila Province in Angola], 8 Final Conference Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence, River Crossing Lodge, Windhoek, 14-­‐19 October, 2012. Eduardo Costa Dias, Baralhar-­‐e-­‐dar-­‐de-­‐novo: a intolerável “resiliência” do etnicismo nas Forças Armadas da Guiné-­‐Bissau, nº painel 4: Diversidad cultural en África: herencias coloniales y construcción de alternativas. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 de Junho. Fernando Florêncio, Bailundo: a bipolarized political arena, Final Conference Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence, River Crossing Lodge, Windhoek, 14-­‐19 October, 2012. Franz-­‐Wilhelm Heimer, Social Identities in Angola, conference “Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence”, Windhoek, Namibia 14-­‐19 Outubro. Gabriel Mithá Ribeiro, Identidades e Relações Raciais Pós-­‐Conflito, nº painel 30: Impactos de conflitos violentos prolongados em Angola e Moçambique. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 de Junho. Gilson Lázaro, A Cobertura da imprensa nas violações dos direitos humanos. O Caso de Angola, nº painel 3: Press Coverage of violations of Human Rights. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 de Junho. Gilson Lázaro, Violência, trauma e reconciliação em Angola [Violence, trauma, and reconciliation in Angola], Final Conference Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence, River Crossing Lodge, Windhoek, 14-­‐19 October, 2012. Irina Ferreira, “Será que somos cameleões?” Autoridades tradicionais, resolução de conflitos e o Estado local: o caso da Humpata (Província da Huíla) [“Are we chameleons?”: Traditional authorities, conflict resolution and the local State in Angola: the case of Humpata (Huíla Province)], Final Conference Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence, River Crossing Lodge, Windhoek, 14-­‐19 October, 2012. João Milando, A resiliência social das sociedades rurais de Angola [The social resilience of rural societies in Angola], Final Conference Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence, River Crossing Lodge, Windhoek, 14-­‐19 October, 2012. Maria de Fátima, Resiliência social em contexto de guerra. O Caso de Quilengues (Provincia da Huíla), nº painel 30: Impactos de conflitos violentos prolongados em Angola. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 de Junho. Maria de Fátima, Resiliência social num contexto de Guerra: realidades opostas. Os municípios de Humpata e de Quilengues (Província da Huíla) [Social Resilience in a context of war: opposite realities. The municipalities of Humpata and Quilengues in the Huila Province], Final Conference Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence, River Crossing Lodge, Windhoek, 14-­‐19 October, 2012. Margarida Ventura, Relações entre trauma e religião no pós-­‐guerra -­‐ o caso da Huíla [Relations between trauma and religion in the aftermath of war: the case of the Huíla Province in Angola], Final Conference Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence, River Crossing Lodge, Windhoek, 14-­‐19 October, 2012. Manuel João Ramos, Sobre a profundidade histórica da retóricas de violência religiosa na Etiópia, nº painel 18: El Cuerno de África entre resistencia y transformación: la perenne formación de conflictos y los patrones de desintegración y reconfiguración del estado. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 de Junho. Manuel João Ramos, Planeamento urbano e vivências no espaço urbano de Gondar, Norte da Etiópia, nº de painel 20: Fluxus: Transportes e mobilidade em África, coordenado por Gerard Horta. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 de Junho. Manuel João Ramos, African Dynamics in the Global World: New powers subjectivities and social forces, AEGIS Summer School, 18 a 24 Junho. Paulo Inglês, Mudanças nas estruturas sociais depois do fim da Guerra Civil em Angola [Shifting social structures in the aftermath of the Angolan civil war], Final Conference Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence, River Crossing Lodge, Windhoek, 14-­‐19 October, 2012. Raquel Ferrão, The UNITA insurrection and the “communities of suffering” in Angola, Final Conference Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence, River Crossing Lodge, Windhoek, 14-­‐19 October, 2012. Ricardo Sousa: Subsidiarity in external interventions-­‐ a study of the UN, AU and REC/RM (IGAD, EASF) relationship, nº painel 18: El Cuerno de África entre resistencia y transformación: la perenne 9 formación de conflictos y los patrones de desintegración y reconfiguración del estado. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 de Junho. Organization of conferences (2012) •
Panel 3 -­‐ Press Coverage of violations of Human Rights, Luca Bussotti and Miguel de Barros (CIEA8, Madrid, June) •
Panel 18 – El Cuerno de África entre resistencia y transformación: la perenne formación de conflictos y los patrones de desintegración y reconfiguración del estado. Coordenado por Elsa González Aimé e Alexandra Dias. (CIEA8, Madrid, June) •
Panel 30 -­‐ Impactos de conflitos violentos prolongados em Angola e Moçambique. Franz-­‐Wilhelm Heimer and Fernando Florêncio (CIEA8, Madrid, June). •
Workshop “Constraints and challenges of Research in the Horn of Africa’’, 10 July 2012, Alexandra Dias •
Workshop ‘’Comparative perspectives on Researching Borders and Identities in the Horn of Africa’’, 10 September 2012, Alexandra Dias. •
Seminar “Emerging actors in Africa: Impact and opportunities for EU-­‐Africa and global relations”, project EARN, CEEI, Maputo, April, Fernando Jorge Cardoso. •
Seminar “Emergent Partners in Africa: Business for Aid?”, project EARN, NOREF, Oslo, June, Fernando Jorge Cardoso. •
14-­‐19 October – International Conference “Constructions of the Nation after Large-­‐Scale Violence”, Windhoek, Namibia. •
13-­‐14 December -­‐ International Conference “A Parceria África-­‐Europa em Construção: que Futuro?”, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon. •
8 February, Seminar Estudos Africanos, Gabriel Mithá Ribeiro, Repensar o racismo (CEA-­‐IUL) •
10 February, Conferências doutorais (Escola de Sociologia e Políticas Públicas), Yolanda Aixelà Cabré, La construcción poscolonial de Guinea Ecuatorial y el impacto de las migraciones transnacionales. (ISCTE-­‐IUL) •
7 March, Conferências de Estudos Africanos, Angelo Turco, Poderes territoriais na África subsaariana: Exemplos e reflexões (CEA-­‐IUL). •
16 March, Conferências de Doutorais, Le Congo Bouge: Analyse dy contexte politique pos-­‐
electoral. Theodore Trefon. •
7 May, Conferência Internacional, Os Estados Unidos em África no século XXI. Coordenação de Luís Nuno Rodrigues( CEHC/ISCTE-­‐IUL e IPRI-­‐UNL) e Alexandra Magnólia Dias (CEA/ISCTE-­‐IUL), •
4 June, Conferências de Estudos Africanos na FLUL, Golpes Militares, Tráficos e Alianças no Saara-­‐ Sahel-­‐ Noroeste africano, por Eduardo Costa Dias (ISCTE-­‐IUL) •
6 June, Conferências de Estudos Africanos, Poderes, Espaços e Territórios, situações Africanas: Inviabilidade dos Estados Sahelianos, por Ferran Iniesta (Universidade de Barcelona) •
26 November, Seminário de Projecto – Angola Namibia, As eleições gerais de 2012 em Angola, José Gonçalves. Other publications national •
Nascimento, Augusto, 2012, Vectores políticos a montante da operacionalização da segurança em África, Revista Nação e Defesa, nº131, 5ª Série, pp. 11-­‐26. ISSN: 0870-­‐757X •
Annual Report of the project PTDC/AFR/100460/2008: Monitorização de Conflitos no Corno de África. 4. Future Objectives Objectives The line of research will consolidate and expand trans-­‐European, as well as African-­‐European institutional relations through the development of multidisciplinary and international research 10 projects and integration into collaborative networks. This will include our future participation in a submitted project to the Agence Nationale de Recherche on urban conflicts in Africa, as well as in applications under preparation to European Union calls, in partnership with the African Studies Centre – Leiden University and with the Grupo de Estudios sobre Exclusión y Conflictos Sociales of the University of Barcelona, and applications under preparation to calls of the CYTED – Ibero-­‐
American Council for Research and Development. We also hope to further our relation with NATO, in areas relating to the study of Land and Seas’ Security in Africa. In the national context, this line of research will continue to consolidate collaborative initiatives with the following institutions: 1) the Portuguese High Institute for Military Studies (IESM), namely through its involvement in the organisation of the yearly African Studies Course in September; 2) the National Defence Institute (IDN) and 3) The Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI-­‐
UNL). The VW funded project will in 2013 mainly focus on the conclusion of the majority of the ongoing theses (3 PhD and 4 Master). Secondly, it will focus on publications already being prepared (“Angola 2007: que recomposições e reorientações”, Brill; Articles from the Omaruru/Namíbia workshop, ABI publishers). Finally, team members plan to participate in the ECAS 5 in Lisbon having organised two panels. Funding, source, dates The project on “Reconciliation and Social Conflict in the Aftermath of large-­‐scale Violence in Southern Africa: the cases of Angola and Namibia” received from the Volkswagen-­‐Stiftung a grant of 756,000 €, of which 550,000 € fall to the Angola section. Several junior researchers associated with this section have received MA, PhD and/or post-­‐doc scholarships from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and from the FCT, but these are not funds administered by the project. As to other research activities, they are either supported by the non-­‐Portuguese projects that list us as partners (University of Barcelona, University of Paris 1, etc.), or financed by FCT’s multi-­‐annual funding programme. 11 SOCIAL AND CULTURAL DYNAMICS Research Group Title: Social and Cultural Dynamics Principal Investigator: Ana Bénard da Costa and Antónia Barreto Research Area: N/D 1. Funding, source, dates This group is funded by CEA-­‐IUL bi-­‐annual FCT funding and also through the ongoing projects: •
PTDC/AFR/103240/2008, The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Education and Training: Angola, Guinea-­‐Bissau, Mozambique and S. Tome and Principe, 95.000 € •
PTDC/AFR/099057/2008, Higher Education and Development in Africa: Portuguese cooperation with the PALOP 90.000 € •
‘Home Space Maputo’, Joint Research Programme of CEA, the School of Architecture, Copenhagen, the School of the Built Environment, Heriot-­‐Watt University/Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, the Centre for Development of Habitat Studies, Development of Habitat Studies, Faculdade de Arquitectura e Planeamento Físico, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, funded by the Danish Research Council for Innovation, 500.000 € •
PTDC/AFR/108615/2008, Gender and therapeutic pluralism: women access to private health sector in Africa (February 2010-­‐January 2013), 98.000 € •
PTDC/AFR/116670/2010, Socio-­‐spatial Stratification in Cities of Angola and Mozambique, 70.000 € Objectives The main objective is to promote a deeply understanding of the multiple aspects that at different levels and in an interrelated manner influence the social and cultural dynamics of African countries and peoples. Bringing together different perspectives of analysis into the fields of education, health and culture and emphasizing a comparative perspective, this research line aims to clarify the processes underlying the social actors practices, logical and representations that influence in different local, national and international contexts, and in an micro and macro levels, the development process of African countries. The education projects of this research line, centred in the Lusophone African countries, are directed to the identification of the relations between higher education and development, to a critical analysis of Portugal’s cooperation policy in the area of education and to the understanding of the role of civil society organizations in education and training. The health project aims to enlighten the role of the private health sector in selected African countries emphasizing the access of women to health care. The cultural changes in rapidly urbanizing cities in Africa and the nature of emerging forms of ‘urbanism as a way of life’ are the themes of other project in this research line, that, using Maputo as a detailed case study investigates the nature of dwelling and places this within an analysis of past, present and future of urban areas in Sub-­‐Saharan Africa. The present research line aims not only to produce solid scientific analytic results but also to offer informed and conclusive data to both policy makers and officials of national and international organizations intervening in the areas concerned. On the other hand, the research line integrates post-­‐graduation students and researchers, willing to prepare their thesis on the subjects identified by the line or on others they might propose. Main Achievements The researchers in this line have carried fieldwork in six African countries (Mozambique, Guinea-­‐
Bissau, Angola, Niger, Sao Tome and Principe, and Mali). Through the individual projects, the researchers carried on bibliographic research, created information databases, and developed a series of research instruments (surveys, interview guidelines) in order to assure meaningful fieldwork. Ongoing international research networks were developed through the projects (Universidade 12 Politécnica, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, School of Architecture, Copenhagen, the School of the Built Environment, Heriot-­‐Watt University / Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, the Centre for Development of Habitat Studies, Development of Habitat Studies, Faculdade de Arquitectura e Planeamento Físico, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Cruzeiro do Sul – Instituto de investigação para o desenvolvimento José Negrão, CODESRIA, INEP. Master thesis and PhD thesis (more than 10) are being prepared, about different subjects, namely the impact of higher education in Angolan and Mozambican development process, Medical pluralism in Angola and Niger, Women associations in Guinea-­‐Bissau. One PhD candidate presented her project of thesis. Several international scientific meetings (congress, seminars and workshops) were organized in Portugal and other European countries (Sweden, Denmark) and in African Countries (Mozambique, Mali) and researchers participated in a number of scientific meetings. 3. Group Productivity Publications in peer review journals • Sá, Ana Lúcia (2012). Polaridades expoliadoras: La escritura sobre la colonización del cuerpo, Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, LXVII (1), pp. 297-­‐318. ( Factor de Impacto: 0,137. ISSN: 0034-­‐7981. doi: 10.3989/rdtp.2012.11. Indexação: Thompson (ISI) • Costa, Ana Bénard (2012). Formação de quadros superiores moçambicanos em Portugal: Trajectórias, identidades e redes sociais. Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 23, pp. 131-­‐158. ISBN 1645-­‐3794. Indexação:; SciELO; Redalyc; EBSCO Fonte Académica. • Liberato, Ermelinda (2012). A formação de quadros angolanos no exterior: Estudantes angolanos em Portugal e no Brasil. Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 23, pp. 109-­‐130. Indexação:; SciELO; Redalyc; EBSCO Fonte Académica. • Nascimento, Augusto (2012). O associativismo feminino são-­‐tomense em Lisboa: Uma questão de género? Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 24, pp. 117-­‐139. Indexação:; SciELO; Redalyc; EBSCO Fonte Académica. Other publications international • Bussotti, Luca (2012). Moçambique: O caso dos jornais “Notícias” e “O País” na cobertura das violações dos Direitos Humanos. Africa Media Review, 20 (2) • Bussotti, Luca; Gatti, Marzio and Nhaueleque, Laura A. (2012). La religione nel Mozambico contemporâneo. Como-­‐Pavia: Ibis Edizioni. ISBN: 978-­‐8871643694. • Bussotti, Luca (2012). “Percepções e práticas da cidadania no Moçambique urbano: serviços públicos, Estado e utentes entre comunicação e alienação”. In Teresa Cruz e Silva, João Paulo Borges Coelho & Amélia Neves de Souto (eds.) Como fazer Ciências Sociais e Humana em África: Questões Epistemológicas, Metodológicas, Teóricas e Políticas (pp. 227-­‐237). Dakar: Codesria. ISBN: 978-­‐2-­‐86978-­‐505-­‐2. • Bussotti, Luca (2012). As necessidades de formação dos operadores sociais em Moçambique. In A família entre desafios e dificuldades. Maputo: CIES-­‐MENINOS DE MOÇAMBIQUE. • Bussotti, Luca (12/12/2011). The ‘political’ meaning of the autarchic interspersed elections in Mozambique. Pambazuka News, (English version). • Carvalho, Clara (2012). “West African migrant therapeuts”. In Hansjörg Dilger, Abdoulaye Kane and Stacey Langwick (eds.) Medicine, Mobility and Power in Global Africa. Transnational Health and Healing. Indiana University Press. ISBN: 978-­‐0-­‐253-­‐22368-­‐5. • Costa, Ana Bénard e Eleonora Rocha (2012). “Formação de estudantes universitários moçambicanos em Portugal”. In Costa, Ana Bénard and Margarida Lima de Faria (eds.) Formação superior e desenvolvimento: estudantes universitários africanos em Portugal. Lisbon: Almedina. • Costa, Ana Bénard e Margarida Lima de Faria (2012). “Introdução”. In Costa, Ana Bénard e Margarida Lima de Faria (eds.) Formação superior e desenvolvimento estudantes universitários africanos em Portugal. Lisbon: Almedina. 13 • Costa, Ana Bénard (2012) “O impacto das instituições de ensino superior nos processos de desenvolvimento local de Moçambique: o caso de Nampula” in Fauré, Y. & Rodrigues C., Descentralização e Dinâmicas do Desenvolvimento Local em Angola e Moçambique • Lopes, Carlos (2012) “Centralização, Descentralização e Desconcentração em Angola. Aspectos económicos”, in Fauré, Y. e Rodrigues C., Descentralização e Dinâmicas do Desenvolvimento Local em Angola e Moçambique (forthcoming) • Soriso, José and Sá, Ana Lúcia (2012). Literatura Oral de Guinea Ecuatorial: Cuentos Y Narraciones. Barcelona: CEIBA Ediciones. 170 pág. ISBN: 978-­‐84-­‐939826-­‐6-­‐9. Organization of conferences • Panel 35 – Reformas educativas nos PALOP: sentido do compromisso entre o local e o global. Maria Antónia Belchior Barreto and Konstantin Pantserev (CIEA8, Madrid, June). • Panel 44 – Nuevos actores en los programas de desarrollo: el caso de los cuidados de salud. Clara Carvalho and Albert Roca i Alvarez (CIEA8, Madrid, June). • Panel 45 -­‐ Ensino superior, circulação de cérebros e desenvolvimento. Ana Bénard da Costa and Margarida Lima de Faria (CIEA8, Madrid, June) • “Mujeres, ciudadanías e identidades nacionales: Angola”, no curso África en el Horizonte: Perspectivas de los procesos endógenos de las sociedades africanas, Grupo de Estudos Africanos de Universidade Autónoma de Madrid e Casa Encendida, Madrid, 29 November 2012, Ana Lúcia Lopes Sá. • Seminar “Tradition, Orality and Literature”, ONG CEIBA, Departamento de Espanhol da Universidade do Ghana, Legon, 27-­‐29 August 2012, Ana Lúcia Lopes Sá and Tània Muñoz (Centro de Estudos Internacionais de Biologia e Antropologia, CEIBA). • “La generación de los desencantados en la literatura angoleña”, Curso de Introducción a la Realidad Africana, Grupo de Estudios Africanos de Universidad Autónoma de Madrid e Casa Encendida, Madrid, 28 March 2012, Ana Lúcia Lopes Sá. • Panel 4 -­‐ Diversidad cultural en África: herencias coloniales y construcción de alternativas. Ana Lúcia Sá e Yolanda Aixelá • 20 February, Entre o Saber e o Fazer: A Educação na Cooperação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento, Patricia Magalhães Ferreira. • 20 March, Seminar Estudos Africanos, Eliane Veras Soares, Literatura e estruturas de sentimento: fluxos entre Brasil e África (CEA-­‐IUL e Universidade Federal de Pernambuco). • 18 April, Seminário de Estudos Africanos, Luca Bussotti, A comunicação do risco ambiental em África. O caso “Bypass-­‐Mozal” de Moçambique (CEA-­‐IUL) • 24 and 25 May, Journées d’Étude Arts prophétiques en Afrique, organizado por Julien Bonhomme (École Normale Supérieur) e Rámon Sarró Universidade de Oxford, ICS, CEA-­‐IUL) • 19 June, Seminário de Estudos Africanos, Slums, Museums and Urban Transformation in Ilha de Moçambique: From bairro indígena to macuti town, Silje Eroy Sollien (Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts/Gabinete de Conservação da Ilha de Moçambique) • 5 and 6 de July, II COOPEDU – II Congresso Internacional de Cooperação e Educação: África e o Mundo, ISCTE-­‐IUL • 9 July, Portugal e os Desafios Atuais da Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento, Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira. Internationalization More than 20 communications were presented at international scientific meetings and several workshops and seminars were conducted: Ana Lúcia Lopes Sá, What anonymous artists? West African vocal performers and their challenge to coloniality, Panel “Decolonial Options: the construction of contemporary popular culture in Latin America and Africa”, Crossroads 2012, 2-­‐6 Julho -­‐ Universidade Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris. 14 Ana Lúcia Lopes Sá, Terre et terroir dans rapports oraux sélectionées d’Afrique Centrale, Congresso Internacional de Literatura Oral, Universidade Abou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger. 6-­‐8 December. Albert Farré Ventura, Pluralismo terapeutico en contexto cultural Tshwa. Entre la salud comunitaria y la provacidad, nº painel 44: Nuevos actores en los programas de desarrollo: el caso de los cuidados de salud. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Aline Afonso, Desenvolvimento, saúde e solidariedade na Guiné-­‐Bissau, panel 44: Nuevos actores en los programas de desarrollo: el caso de los cuidados de salud. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Ana Bénard da Costa, Coerências e contradições nas teorias, nos instrumentos, nas práticas e nos actores da coperação para o desenvolvimentos: o caso da Ilha de Moçambique, panel 5: Western aid and african development. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Ana Bénard da Costa, Trajectórias de moçambicanos formados em Portugal. Percursos escolares e profissionais, redes sociais e cooperação, panel 45: Ensino superior, circulação de cérebros e desenvolvimento. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Ana Lúcia Lopes Sá, Intelectuais africanos e diversidade cultural: que lições e que destinatários?, Painel: Diversidad cultural en África: herencias coloniales y construcción del alternativas, VIII Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africanos, Bajo el Árbol de la Palabra, Universidade Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Ana Paula Santos Pinto, Da estratégia do ensino técnico-­‐profissional ao pirep, panel 35: Reformas educativas nos PALOP: sentido do compromisso entre o local e o global. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. António Oliveira Martelo, Respostas complementares. As políticas públicas e o papel das organizações da sociedade civil na educação/formação. O Caso de STP, nº painel 35: Reformas educativas nos PALOP: sentido do compromisso entre o local e o global. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Carlos Bavo, Rádios comunitárias, espaços de comunicação e promoção da saúde em Moçambique; panel 44: Nuevos actores en los programas de desarrollo: el caso de los cuidados de salud. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Carlos Manuel Ferreira Couto, Conceptual uncertainly between development anthropology and rural development aid, in workshop WOO9 Anthropology and development: an irrevocably awkward relationship? 10-­‐13 July -­‐ EASA 2012. Clara Carvalho, Desenvolvimento, saúde e solidariedade na Guiné-­‐Bissau, panel 44: Nuevos actores en los programas de desarrollo: el caso de los cuidados de salud. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Clara Carvalho, Estudos Africanos em Portugal, Seminário Comemorativo dos 40 anos do Programa de Pós-­‐graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 29-­‐30 October. Gefra Fulane, Percurso das mães na procura de medicamentos para crianças menores 5 anos, num mercado farmacológico múltiplo, na Cidade de Xai-­‐Xai em Moçambique, IIª Sessão do Ciclo de Seminários Interdisciplinares do Departamento de Arqueologia e Antropologia (DAA) da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), 20 March. Hans-­‐Peter Heilmair, Identidade do Crioulo de Cabo Verde e Distinção Consciente entre Crioulo e Português, comunicação oral apresentada à “III Conferência Amílcar Cabral/Paulo Freire”, Universidade de Santiago, Assomada, Cabo Verde, 18 January. Luca Bussotti, A Cobertura da imprensa nas violações dos direitos humanos. O Caso de Moçambique, nº painel 3: Press Coverage of violations of Human Rights. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Luca Bussotti, Conferência na Faculdade de FiLoSofia da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane -­‐ Direitos Humanos e Liberdade de Imprensa em Moçambique. 28 August. Luca Bussotti, Colóquio Internacional, da l’Haute Ecole de Pédagogique, Lausana, Haute Ecole Pédagogique du Canton de Vaud, Lausanne, “Lo spazio del Politico in Africa. Lo Stato africano fra pan-­‐africanismo e balcanizzazione”. 3-­‐4 October. Maria João Cardona, O papel da educação não formal na promoção do sucesso educativo, panel 35: Reformas educativas nos PALOP: sentido do compromisso entre o local e o global. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐
16 June. Margarida Lima de Faria e Carlos M. Lopes, Redes Sociais e Formação Avançada em Angola: o papel das conexões político-­‐partidárias no acesso e aquisição pelos estudantes angolanos de formação 15 avançada em Estudos Africanos no ISCTE-­‐IUL, panel 45 -­‐ Higher Education, Brain Circulation and Development. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Paula Cristina Morgado, Quando os provedores de cuidados de saúde privados se substituem à responsabilidade social estatal: o caso da clínica chinesa do Dr. Jiang Jie em Chateau 1 (Niamey-­‐ Niger), panel 44: Nuevos actores en los programas de desarrollo: el caso de los cuidados de salud. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Tcherno Djaló, O impacto da formação superior no desenvolvimento económico e mobilidade social na Guiné-­‐Bissau, panel 45: Ensino superior, circulação de cérebros e desenvolvimento. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Margarida Lima Faria, Higher Education and Development: Students from Angola in Portuguese Higher Degree Education, ISS. Other publications national • Costa, Ana Bénard and Margarida Lima de Faria (eds) (2012). Formação superior e desenvolvimento estudantes universitários africanos em Portugal, Lisboa: Almedina. • Liberato, Ermelinda (2012). Recensão de Fernando Luís Machado, Cristina Roldão, Alexandre Silva, “Vidas Plurais: Estratégias de Integração de Imigrantes Africanos em Portugal”, Lisboa: Tinta-­‐da-­‐
China, 2011, 205 pp., Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 24, pp. 189-­‐191. ISBN 1645-­‐3794. Indexação:; SciELO; Redalyc; EBSCO Fonte Académica. • Annual Report of the project PTDC/AFR/108615/2008: Género e pluralismo terapêutico: acesso das mulheres ao sector de saúde privado em África. • Costa, Ana Bénard and Adriano Biza (2012). Understanding ‘Home Space' in the African city: Ethnographic Report. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Department of Human Settlements. 206 pág.
hic_Report_text.pdf • Final Report of the project PTDC/AFR/099057/2008: Formação superior e desenvolvimento: Cooperação Portuguesa com os PALOP, 1 de Março 2010 -­‐ 31 de Julho 2012, CEA-­‐IUL, ISCTE-­‐IUL, FCT. 4. Future Objectives Objectives The project Gender and therapeutic pluralism has approved a new structure for its research in 2012 and beyond. Team members conducted fieldwork in Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-­‐Bissau, and Niger; initiated research on CSR, organised an international conference on Therapeutic Pluralism and Gender (January 2013) and prepared the final publication. In addition, the ongoing investigation and the analyses of data from the different projects, this research line will also integrate new approaches on the fields of education, health and culture. Funding, source, dates New project applications were presented to the FCT and will be reviewed throughout 2012: Youth and Education in Africa, Vocational Training and Development in Africa. 16 GLOBALISATION, ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT Research Group Title: Globalisation, Economics and Development Principal Investigator: Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues and Gerhard Seibert Research Area: N/D 1. Funding, source, dates • PTDC/AFR/104597/2008, 110,000 € (FCT, 2010-­‐2013) • TFO-­‐The Future Okavango, 38,500 € (German Ministry of Education, University of Hamburg, 2010-­‐
2013) • PTDC/AFR/98339/2008, 95,000 € (FCT, 2009-­‐2012) • UPIMA, 41,500 € (DFID/ESCR, University of Glasgow, 2010-­‐2013) • ABORNE, 505,000 € (ESF, 2008-­‐2013) • PTDC/AFR/110095/2009, 50,000 €, (FCT, 2011-­‐2013) • PTDC/AFR/113992/2009, 95,366 € (FCT, 2011-­‐2013) 2. Objectives and Achievements Objectives The main objective of this line is to develop research related to global change, economics and development in general with a particular focus in Africa. The line integrates several projects within these areas: Cape Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe: a comparative analysis of two African island states; African Societies Facing Global Dynamics: turbulences between external intervention, migration and food insecurity; The Future Okavango; Identities and Borders in Africa; DESERTO: spatial and social dynamics, networks, exchanges and organisation in the Namibe; Mining Cities in Africa (UPIMA); Organization and Representation in Informal Economy in PALOP: experiences and perspectives; Brazil-­‐
Africa Relations: political-­‐strategic, economic, historical and cultural aspects). These projects integrate several researchers and all have an international nature. Other objectives of this line comprise the integration of post-­‐graduate researchers; deepening and broadening international partnerships and research networks; and scientific production. In addition, there is a set of new projects in this area being structured, conducted by CEA-­‐IUL researchers and collaborators. Main Achievements The researchers in this line have conducted bibliographic research, created information databases, and developed a series of research instruments (surveys, interview guidelines) and have done fieldwork in Africa within the projects’ activities. They also participated in several scientific events and meetings throughout the year. Ongoing international research networks were developed through the projects (CEDO, U Glasgow, U Ghana, U Copenhagen, U Hamburg, U Leiden, Unicamp/Campinas, U Pres. Mackenzie/São Paulo). Several Master theses were completed and others are ongoing; PhD thesis are being prepared, The project Identities and Borders in Africa finalised fieldwork activities and analysis and organised, with the ABORNE, panels for conferences. Several publications were reviewed and sent for publication. The project organised an international conference at ISCTE-­‐IUL in December 2012. The project African Societies Facing Global Dynamics has achieved most of what it proposed to do and is now in the middle of the phase of data gathering. Team members also presented communications at a number of conferences and published papers on different aspects of the project's central questions. The master and doctoral grantees Philip Jung and Lucia Bayan conducted their research programs. The Future Okavango project continued its networking activities between Angola, Portugal and Germany. The master student completed the first year of the program and conducted fieldwork in Angola within the team’s activities. 17 For the project DESERTO, CEA and CEDO established collaborative activities with the EU Comenius project, led by a Portuguese secondary school. In January 2012 CEA and the partners organised an international conference at the ISCTE-­‐IUL with students and teachers from 12 European countries participating in the project. Within the ABORNE network, CEA members participated in several ABORNE planned activities, namely at the Annual Meeting in Edinburgh in June and co-­‐organised a conference in December at the ISCTE-­‐IUL. In the project UPIMA/Mining Cities in Africa, team members conducted fieldwork in Angola (Lunda, August) and organised two events in Lunda (with students) and in Luanda (FIMA – Luanda Mining Fair exhibition). Several publications were prepared and published and CEA participated in the general meeting of the UPIMA project in Glasgow (October). The project Organization and Representation in Informal Economy in PALOP organised methodological meetings to prepare fieldwork and missions have been initiated in 2012. Finally, the project Brazil-­‐Africa Relations developed fieldwork. Publications resulting of this line are in significant number and several others are being prepared. 3. Group Productivity Publication in peer review journals • Gerhard Seibert, “Creolization and Creole communities in the Portuguese Atlantic. São Tomé, Cape Verde, the Rivers of Guinea and Central Africa in comparison”, accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the British Academy Series, Oxford University Press (2012) • Gerhard Seibert, “São Tomé and Príncipe: the first plantation economy in the tropics”, accepted for publication by the German Historical Institute London for the James Currey/Ohio University Press (2012) • Udelsmann Rodrigues, C. and Tavares, A. P. (2012). Angola’s Planned and Unplanned Urban Growth: diamond mining towns in the Lunda provinces. Journal of Contemporary African Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02589001.2012.724874. ISSN 0258-­‐9001. Indexação: SCOPUS. Organization of conferences (2012) • 13 January, Project presentation and international meeting of the Eusola in Njambasana, ISCTE-­‐
IUL/Comenius program of the EC • 9 February, Conferências doutorais (Escola de Sociologia e Políticas Públicas), Conferência internacional: As sociedades africanas face a dinâmicas globais. Migrações. Migrações em sociedades agrárias. Stephan Dünnwald (CEA-­‐IUL) and Ulrich Schiefer (ISCTE-­‐IUL) • 27-­‐29 March, International Conference São tomé e Príncipe numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, diacrónica e sincrónica. Gerhard Seibert (CEA/ISCTE-­‐IUL) e IICT • 9 May, Seminário de Estudos Africanos, Marina Temudo, BLACK RICE, RED CASHEWS. Transformations in an agricultural frontier in Guinea-­‐Bissau, IICT (CEA-­‐IUL). • 17 May, Conferências de Estudos Africanos, António Santamaria, A Economia de Subsistência Rural e a segurança alimentar (Universidade Autónoma de Madrid). • 23 May, Book launching and conference Descentralização e Desenvolvimento Local em Angola e Moçambique: Processos, Terrenos e Atores, Cristina Rodrigues (CEA-­‐IUL) • 27-­‐29 March, Documentary São Tomé e Príncipe (CEA/ISCTE-­‐IUL) and IICT • Panel 7 – Identidades e Fronteiras em África. Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues and Marta Patrício (CIEA8, Madrid, June) • Panel 9 -­‐ Peasants on the move. African migration and peasant population under global conditions. Stephan Dünnwald e Ana Larcher Carvalho (CIEA8, Madrid, June). • 5-­‐6 June, II Conferência Internacional sobre o Desporto em África, Desporto e lazer no continente africano: práticas e identidades; CEA and Nuno Domingos and Augusto Nascimento. • 5 June, Conferências de Estudos Africanos, As Sociedades Africanas Face a Dinâmicas Globais. Clientelismo e corrupção em África, por Ferran Iniesta (Universidade de Barcelona) 18 • 15 November, Book launching and conference Crise e resgate dos Valores Morais, Cívicos e Culturais na Sociedade Angolana -­‐ Um contributo para inversão dos valores éticos. João da Cruz Kundongende, Clube ISCTE. • 20 November, Traços e Rabiscos: Ambiente, Educação e Desporto em África -­‐ Semana da Ciência e da Tecnologia 2012, CEA-­‐IUL, Câmara Municipal de Loures, Escola Básica 1/JI do Infantado – Loures. • 10-­‐12 December, International Conference Fronteiras e Identidades em África (Paul Nugent, Wolfang Zeller and Gregor Dobler), ISCTE-­‐IUL. Other publications international • Dünnwald, Stephan (2012). The deportee in a country where migration is always successful, EASA 2012,
METype=application/pdf • Farré, Albert (2012). Mercado de Trabalho em Massinga: entre a acumulação e a informalidade. Conference paper nº 36, III Conferência do IESE , Maputo, 4-­‐5 de Setembro. • Udelsmann Rodrigues, C. (2012). Pobreza em Angola: efeito da guerra, efeitos da paz. Revista Angolana de Sociologia, 9, pp. 113-­‐123. • Udelsmann Rodrigues, C. and Salvador, C. (2012). “Colonial Architecture in Angola: past functions and recent appropriations”. In Demissie, Fassil (ed.) Colonial Architecture and Urbanism in Africa: Intertwined and Contested Histories (pp. 407-­‐426). Surrey: Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 978-­‐0-­‐7546-­‐
7512-­‐9. Internationalization The research group participated in several international scientific meetings: Albert Farré Ventura, Mercado de trabalho em Massinga. Entre a acumulação e as informalidades, III Conferência do IESE -­‐ Moçambique: Acumulação e Transformação num Contexto de Crise Internacional, Maputo 4-­‐5 September. Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues, ABORNE annual conference, Cas@50: cutting edges and retrospectives Universidade de Edinburgh, 6-­‐8 June Gerhard Seibert, Brazil: an ambitious reemerging player on the African continent, nº painel 14: The BRICS States: Images and Prospects in Africa. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Gerhard Seibert, A Cooperação Brasileira em África: atores, práticas e parceiros. Fórum Brasil – África. Universidade de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, 9-­‐11 May. Gerhard Seibert, Brazil returns to Africa, 29 November to December 1, 55th African Studies Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia. Maria Manuela Cardoso, Serão as migrações espaços de oportunidade para os pequenos Estados Insulares em Desenvolvimento?, panel 9: Peasants on the move. African migration and peasant population under global conditions. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Stephan Dünnwald, The deportee in a country where migration is always successful -­‐ Panel: Deportation, justice and anxiety (EN), 10-­‐13 July -­‐ EASA 2012. Stephan Dünnwald, Migration, development, and no hype in sight, Panel: The ‘migration & development-­‐hype’ and its implications for geographical research. IGC. Stephan Dünnwald, The Anthropology of Flows: Effects of Migration in Mali, Conference Ethnologisches Kolloquium, 10 January 2012, University of Bayreuth, Germany. Stephan Dünnwald, Peasants on the Move. Transnational Spaces in Rural Mali, CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. 19 Victor Manuel Vaia dos Reis, Fontes de rendimento das famílias rurais e a segurança alimentar em Cabo Verde, panel 9: Peasants on the move. African migration and peasant population under global conditions. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Virginie Tallio, The corporate Social Responsibility programs and their inputs in the field of public health, panel 44: Nuevos actores en los programas de desarrollo: el caso de los cuidados de salud. CIEA8, Madrid, 14-­‐16 June. Other publications national • Fauré, Yves-­‐André and Udelsmann Rodrigues Cristina (2012). Descentralização e Desenvolvimento Local em Angola e Moçambique. Lisboa: Almedina. 358 pág. ISBN: 978972404829. • Roque, Ana; Seibert, Gerhard e Marques, Vítor (2012). Actas do Colóquio Internacional sobre São Tomé e Príncipe numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, diacrónica e sincrónica. Lisboa: CEA-­‐IUL e IICT. 630 pág. ISBN: 978-­‐989-­‐732-­‐089-­‐7. • Annual Report of the project The Future Okavango, Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues. • Annual Report of the project Urbanization and Poverty in Mining Africa (UPIMA), Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues. • Annual Report of the project PTDC/AFR/098339/2008: Identidades e Fronteiras em África. • Annual Report of the project PTDC/AFR/103240/2008: O papel das organizações da sociedade civil na educação e formação: o caso de Angola, Guiné-­‐Bissau, Moçambique e São Tomé e Príncipe. • Annual Report of the project PTDC/AFR/104597/2008: Sociedades africanas face a dinâmicas globais: turbulências entre intervenções externas, migrações e insegurança alimentar. • Annual Report of the project PTDC/AFR/110095/2009: Relações Brasil-­‐África: aspectos político-­‐
estratégicos, económicos e histórico-­‐culturais. • Annual Report of the project PTDC/AFR/113992/2009: Organização e Representação na Economia Informal nos PALOP: experiências e perspectivas. • Annual Report of the project PTDC/AFR/111680/2009: O cluster como instrumento teórico e prático da Cooperação internacional para o Desenvolvimento portuguesa: o caso de Moçambique, Timor Leste, São Tomé e Príncipe e Angola. Government/Organization contract research Consultancy for the Bertelsmann Index on Transformation (Germany). 4. Future Objectives Objectives The current projects' activities will be completed throughout the following years while new ones will be prepared, mainly in the areas of Development. The project Borders and Identity in Africa will organise one publication from the articles presented at the ABORNE conference (January 2013). The team will organise one workshop in Lisbon and dissemination activities (presentation of documentary included). In the project UPIMA, two new publications are currently being prepared and in 2013 the team will participate in the ECAS 5 with a panel. Within the project The Future Okavango the master student will complete the theoretical part of his studies and start the second stage of fieldwork together with the German, Angolan and Namibian partners and complete his master thesis. The project Spatial Reconfigurations will proceed with fieldwork in 2013, finalise the mapping and start data analysis. The foreseen workshops in Luanda and Maputo will also be organised this year while the doctoral researcher hired will continue her thesis work. 20 The project Organisation and Representation in Informal Economy will continue fieldwork and proceed to data analysis. Mid-­‐term outputs will start to be diseeminated. CEA-­‐IUL researchers in the project Borders and Identity as well as others will continue to participate actively in the activities of the ABORNE, namely in the Saint-­‐Louis/Senegal summer school and workshop (January 2013) and the Leiden workshop (June 2013). Funding, source, dates Researchers within this group currently manage research funding from different sources (through national and international projects) and will continue, in 2013 seeking for further financing sources. 21 DIKAS Research Group Title: Dissemination of Interdisciplinary Knowledge in African Studies Principal Investigator: Manuel João Ramos (and Isabel Boavida) Research Area: N/D 1. Funding, source, dates FCT financing program (Strategic Project) was the main source of funding for the activities developed within this line. 2. Objectives and Achievements Objectives The main objective of this line is to promote the dissemination of scientific interdisciplinary knowledge in African Studies, by developing the Africana collection of the BCEA / CLAS (Biblioteca Central de Estudos Africanos / Central Library of African Studies), and the publication and diffusion of the on-­‐going research production. Other objectives comprise the broadening of national and international partnerships, promoting networks of knowledge between libraries, archives and research institutes. This line works in close connection with all research teams, directing and flowing information on new publications. Main Achievements 3. Group Productivity Film exhibition AFRIKPlay • 10 May, AFRIKPlay, Fambul Tok, (Sara Terry. 82’ 2011) Pedro Pombo and Paulo Granjo. • 16 May, AFRIKPlay, Luanda: Fábrica da música, (Inês Gonçalves e Kiluange Liberdade. 56’, 2009) Inês Gonçalves. • 24 May, AFRIKPlay, Cemetery State (Filip de Boeck. 72’, 2010), Ramon Sarró (ICS-­‐IUL) • 30 May, AFRIKPlay, Stocktown X South Africa (Teddy Goitom & Benjamin Taft. 29’, 2011) Shooting Freetown (Kieran Hanson. 29’, 2011)a Lorenzo Bordonaro (CRIA-­‐IUL) • 5 June, AFRIKPlay, Town of Runners (Jerry Rothwell. 80’, 2012) Nina Tiesler (ICS-­‐UL) • 11 June, AFRIKPlay, Where are you taking me? (Kimi Takesue. 72’, 2012), Fernando Florêncio (UC) • 20 June, AFRIKPlay, Holy Hustlers (Richard Werbner. 53’, 2009), Ruy Blanes (ICS-­‐IUL) • 27 June, AFRIKPlay, Yesterday Slaves: Democracy and Ethnicity in Benin (Camilla Strandbjerg e Eric Hahonou. 29’, 2011). Pedro Osório (FCSH-­‐UNL) • Other activities • 4-­‐8 June, Photographic Exhibition Onde está a Bola?: Campos de Futebol em São Tomé e Príncipe ISCTE-­‐IUL, Edificio II, Átrio 1º piso. Augusto Nascimento • 13-­‐16 June, Book Fair 8º Congreso Ibérico de Estudios Africanos-­‐Universidad Autónoma de Madrid • 26-­‐27 October, Encontro de Mestrandos em Estudos Africanos • 23-­‐30 November, Book Fair, CIDAC -­‐ Centro de Intervenção para o Desenvolvimento Amílcar Cabral / Livraria Pó dos Livros. Internationalization 4. Future Objectives 22 Objectives The current activities will be completed throughout the following years, including the publication and publicizing of new books in African Vistas and Africa in Perspective collections, and new issues of the CEA journal Cadernos de Estudos Africanos. The BCEA / CLAS Africana collection will continue to be developed both by acquisitions and exchanges. New proposals of exchange of publications between CEA and research centres will follow, especially with Lusophone African countries and Latin American universities and libraries. A collaborative project between BCEA / CLAS and the National Library and the National Archives of Angola, eventually involving the Universidade Agostinho Neto, for cataloguing, digitizing and repatriation of the Banco de Angola colonial collection (postponed this year for technical reasons) will finally be prepared and discussed at higher level. The Occasional Papers series will restart by giving publishing opportunities both to junior and senior researchers. Funding, source, dates The main funding source of the line is FCT. Researchers within this group are aware of the need to diversify the funding sources, and are attentive to the opening of calls and opportunities of sponsorship. 23