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Celebrations Around the World
Written by Year 4 morning and afternoon students - 2015
Responsible Teachers:
Katia Cristina Castro Santos Popov
Andressa Paula Caetano da Costa
Vanessa Brites Botaro
Pictures taken from the Internet
Technical Review:
Amanda Priscila Fonseca Lima
We dedicate our book to the teachers, to the people of our school and
to everyone who likes holidays.
We would like to thank Ms. Katia, our parents and our group.
Learning a language is more than memorizing words and structures, it’s
also getting to know a new culture, people’s beliefs, their habits and traditions.
This global awareness is the main road to make kids learn values such as:
respect, love and understanding.
In the project Celebrations Around the World, students became aware
that people around the globe has different traditions and different ways of
celebrating the same festival.
We started off by asking questions about our own celebrations. “When
is Carnival celebrated? What do people do? What do people wear? Where do
people go? And what do people eat?” Students were acquiring new
language structures while talking about their own culture.
Then we moved on to other cultures and watched some videos about
different traditions, one of them was La Tomatina, in Spain. At this point,
students understood that people from abroad do different things from us.
These activities were aimed to develop students’ listening comprehension
and to broaden their linguistic repertoire.
What do people wear? Well, there are different clothes for different
occasions, and we should know that, so let’s talk about them. Students discussed
what people should wear in a wedding, in a birthday party and in other occasions
too and they also had the chance to be models in our ECCOS Fashion Week.
After researching, discussing and analyzing students made a presentation
about a celebration and told us everything we needed to learn about it.
We are happy to show here in this book the result of a work that took us to
different parts of the world and made us aware of our own culture and
that we can learn a lot about other cultures too.
Have fun!
Ms. Katia and Ms. Andressa
Year 4 Morning
Year 4 Afternoon
Anderson Costa Cabral
Bárbara Simão Medeiros
Bruna Borges Raimundo
Gustavo de Oliveira Menezes
Heloisa Souza Ruivo
Isabela Ballielo Oliveira
Isabela Fernandes Santana
Julia Reis Araujo
Lucas Kenji Kurotaki
Luther Adamczewski Heide
Marco Antonio Ribeiro Miranda
Maria Eduarda Patto Fernandes
Olivia Sander Bincoleto
Raíssa Maria de Souza Almeida
Ricardo Crivano Larsen
Samira Porto Brandão
Victor Moraes Melo
Beatriz Ayumi Ikawa Yamada
Caio Hiroshi Nishizawa
Eduardo Araujo Toledo
Giovanna Gennari Silva
Gustavo Thibes Bosco
Isabela Oliveira Lisboa
Luana Estéfani Mendes Lima
Lucas da Silva Godoy
Rafael Henrique Poli
Rafael Torres Nogueira Camillo
Rafael Vilela dos Reis Pereira
Raphael Kenichi Lopes Katayama