

Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Text 1- FATEC
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Text 2- Fatec
Police around the world are using technology to anticipate where
guys will strike next.
the bad
A decade ago, Bogotá had a bad name. Violent crime was out of control. Rather than
buying more guns or patrol cars, Bogotá’s cops went for something bigger: science.
The city began superimposing millions of police bulletins onto digitized city maps to
pinpoint which bandits were at work and where, down to the doorstep. By displaying
crime data on easy-to read city maps, police were able to target urban hot spots and
optimize street patrols. Murders have since fallen by a third in the past five years and
the police’s approval rating has soared. “Crime mapping has made us faster and more
efficient,” says Gen. Luiz Alberto Gómez, head of Bogotá Metropolitan Police. “We are
serving the neighborhoods better.” So are police in several countries, as the virtues of
high-tech crime fighting become clear. Spiking crime rates everywhere from Colombia
to Brazil, India to South Africa, have encouraged more and more cops to draw on
technology to anticipate where criminals are going to strike next, so their thinly
stretched forces can be at the right place at the right time. “Without computerized crime
analysis,” says Alexandre Peres, a government security strategist in Pernambuco,
northeast Brazil, “policing is guesswork.” The trend goes back to the early 1990s, when
New York City police started using CompStat, a computer-driven mapping tool. In the
next decade or so, violent crimes tumbled by 70 percent; the city now ranks 222nd in
the country in crime. Major cities across the United States and Europe followed New
York’s lead, and now the rest of the world is catching on.
(Newsweek, April 24, 2006)
1) De acordo com o texto,
a) há uma década, o índice de violência na Colômbia era mais elevado do que no
b) os policiais de Bogotá foram equipados com mais armas e carros de patrulha.
c) através de mapas computadorizados, a polícia de Bogotá incrementou o combate
ao crime.
d) o governo colombiano resolveu aumentar a frota policial na última década.
e) o número de assassinos presos em Bogotá baixou para 30 ao ano, nos últimos 5
2) Segundo o texto,
a) o Gen. Luiz Alberto Gómez está se empenhando em servir seus vizinhos cada vez
b) crimes de espionagem estão cada vez mais comuns na América do Sul, Índia e
África do Sul.
c) a polícia de Nova Iorque inspirou-se no sistema de mapeamento de crimes
colombiano no início dos anos 90.
d) o índice de crimes em Nova York aumentou 70% na última década.
e) Alexandre Peres afirma que, sem a análise computadorizada de crimes, o trabalho
da polícia torna-se mera adivinhação.
3) O advérbio “rather than” em “Rather than simply buying more guns and patrol cars,
...”, poderia ser substituído, sem prejuízo de significado, por
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
a) instead of.
b) in addition to.
c) as long as.
d) now that.
e) as far as.
Text 3-FATEC
Keep your kisses short in Tangerang
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Unrelated people who kiss each other on the lips for more than
five minutes at public places in the Indonesian city of Tangerang will face arrest, local
media said Friday.
The government in Tangerang, a suburb west of Jakarta, defended the regulation as a
practical guideline for its officers to follow up on tough and heavily criticized antiprostitution laws passed by the city council last year. “Please do not dramatize this. We
will not arrest people at will as we are not oppressors,” Ahmad Lutfi, head of the city’s
public order department, told the Koran Tempo newspaper. Lutfi declined to comment
on whether officers would be armed with stopwatches, Tempo reported. It was not
clear if the guideline referred to an uninterrupted five-minute kiss.
Kissing in public is generally frowned upon in Indonesia, especially in rural,
predominantly Muslim areas, but giving a time limit for such behavior is unheard of.
Around 85 percent of Indonesia’s 220 million people follow Islam, giving the sprawling
archipelago the largest number of Muslims of any country. Although most are
moderates, there is a growing tendency toward showing Islamic identity and
conservative attitudes.
That backdrop, along with the recent devolution of power to regional governments, has
given several regions space to create tighter rules on morality. The new antiprostitution laws in Tangerang, a city of more than one million, sparked complaints from
liberals in February after a female restaurant worker waiting for her husband on a street
at night was picked up because police officers thought she was a prostitute. At the
national level, draft legislation addressing pornography issues has been circulating for
years in parliament and debate on it is reaching a peak. The original draft proposed a
ban on public kissing on the lips but it is unclear whether the particular article will
survive in the final version.
(REUTERS, April 07, 2006)
1) O texto trata de um projeto de lei que
a) proíbe o beijo na boca por cinco minutos contínuos.
b) proíbe beijos na boca por mais de cinco minutos, contínuos ou descontínuos.
c) proíbe o beijo na boca em público por mais de cinco minutos em Tangerang.
d) requer que os policiais estejam equipados com cronômetros.
e) proíbe que mulheres desacompanhadas fiquem nas ruas à noite.
2) Assinale a alternativa correta sobre a população muçulmana na Indonésia.
a) Existem 200 milhões de muçulmanos no país.
b) O país tem a maior população muçulmana.
c) O país tem 85% dos muçulmanos em Tangerang.
d) O país tem mais de um milhão de muçulmanos em Tangerang.
e) A maioria dos muçulmanos do país é conservadora.
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
3) “We will not arrest people at will as we are not oppressors,” Nesse contexto, a
conjunção “as” pode ser substituída, sem prejuízo de sentido, por
a) like.
b) while.
c) however.
d) since.
e) therefore.
Text 4- FATEC
The condition of the teaching profession in the USA is akin to that of many
underdeveloped countries.
Time and time again we have heard how undervalued teachers are in terms of salary
and their status in American society. We have heard from teachers who overwork by
having to hold two or three jobs just to get by. After 12 years of service, the average
annual salary for teaching is approximately $30.000. Also teachers have little say in
such crucial decisions as, for example, textbook selection.
Such conditions, together with the highly decentralized educational system discourage
the best and the brightest from entering the profession or staying in it; the very people
we d like to have teaching our children. Also, there s a severe shortage of teachers in
such fields as mathematics and science: fewer than one third of U.S. high schools offer
Physics taught by qualified teachers.
The decline of education is supposed to threaten our future as a nation and as a
people. Our purpose is not to seek scapegoats, but to define the problems and find
ways to overcome them. There is no time to lose. Education may be costly, but the
costs of ignorance are infinite.
Adapted from U.S. News & World Report,March 2004
1) Nos Estados Unidos, o professor
a) é muito valorizado como profissional pela sociedade americana.
b) quando aposentado, ganha por volta de $30.000 dólares.
c) algumas vezes trabalha em mais de uma escola para sobreviver.
d) apenas influencia na seleção dos livros didáticos.
e) tem condições de trabalho de nível superior ao dos professores de países
2) De acordo com o texto
a) não há condições de exercer o magistério nos Estados Unidos.
b) apenas professores estagiários ingressam e permanecem na profissão.
c) a educação altamente descentralizada desagrada aos alunos.
d) matemática e ciências têm professores muito rígidos, o que é desestimulante.
e) mais de dois terços das escolas de ensino médio norte-americano não têm
professores de Física adequados ou eficientes.
3) Assinale a alternativa que apresente a forma correta da voz passiva da seguinte
The decline of Education threatens our future as a nation and as a people.
a) Our future is threatened by the nation and the Education s decline.
b) Our future was threatened by the decline of Education as a nation and as a people.
c) Our future is to be threatened by the people as a nation.
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
d) Our future as a nation and as a people is threatened by the decline of Education.
e) A nation and a people are threatening the Education s decline.
Text 5- FATEC
When Guangzhou resident Ma Yiyong, 57, went to renew his unemployment certificate
last month, something extraordinary happened: he did so efficiently and discreetly, with
a few keystrokes. It used to be really troublesome in the past, "says Ma." I would have
to stand in line several times, and sometimes the government officials weren´t at their
desks. Now it s fast."
China s romance with e-government is now reaching the grass-roots level, bringing
efficiency and convenience to citizens. But its biggest benefit may be in circumventing
one of the last bastions of communism: the infamous neighborhood committees. These
groups of local party members have for decades served as the authorities eyes and
ears. They were also notorious busybodies, making it their business to know who was
having marital problems, grumbling about the government or out of work.
(Newsweek, October 11, 2004)
1) De acordo com o texto, Guangzhou
a) é um cidadão chinês estudante residente.
b) é um chinês que reside na Rua Ma Yiyong.
c) é o nome de uma localidade da China.
d) é um cidadão aposentado.
e) é um chinês de 57 anos de idade.
2) Segundo o texto, o serviço eletrônico do governo chinês
a) está atingindo um nível baixíssimo agora.
b) apóia os grupos de investigação comunistas.
c) proporciona os famosos comitês de bairro.
d) atrai um maior número de bisbilhoteiros .
e) trouxe benefícios à população chinesa.
3) O advérbio so na frase "he did so efficiently and discreetly" pode ser substituído de
forma adequada e sem prejuízo de significado por
a) very.
b) too.
c) enough.
d) less.
e) a little.
Text 6- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia- IFMG
Joe has been seeing a psychoanalyst for four years for treatment of the fear that he
had monsters under his bed. It had been years since he had gotten a good night's
sleep. Furthermore, his progress was very poor, and he knew it. So, one day he stops
seeing the psychoanalyst and decides to try something different. A few weeks later,
Joe's former psychoanalyst meets his old client in the supermarket, and is surprised to
find him looking well rested, energetic, and cheerful.
"Doc!" Joe says, "It's amazing! I'm cured!" "That's great news!" the sychoanalyst says.
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
"you seem to be doing much better. How?" "I went to see another doctor," Joe says
enthusiastically, "and he cured me in just ONE session!" "One?!" the psychoanalyst
asks incredulously. "Yeah," continues Joe, "my new doctor is a behaviorist." "A
behaviorist?" the psychoanalyst asks. "How did he cure you in one session?" "Oh,
easy," says Joe. "He told me to cut the legs off of my bed."
( Acesso em: 19/11/2012.)
1- The text is a
A) joke.
B) comic strip.
C) cartoon.
D) parody.
2- According to the text, Joe suffered from a ________ illness.
A) physical
B) dangerous
C) lifelimiting
D) mental
3- According to the text, the new analyst asked Joe to cut the legs off of his bed.
A) the monsters have moved to the closet.
B) he has been living with the new psychoanalyst.
C) he had to buy a new bed in order to sleep again.
D) he got cured and started to sleep well.
4- According to the text, check the sentences about Joe True or False. Then, choose
the correct alternative:
I. He has never experienced sleeping problems.
II. He met the analyst when he was going shopping.
III. He was cured by the analyst in one session.
IV. He was satisfied with his first doctor performance.
A) F, F, T, F
B) T, T, F, F
C) F, T, T, F
D) T, F, F, T
5- The word furthermore in the sentence “Furthermore, his progress was very
poor, and he knew it.” is closest in meaning to
A) however.
B) also.
C) in addition.
D) nevertheless.
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Texts 7- ENEM – 2011
How’s your mood?
For an interesting attempt to measure cause and effect try Mappiness, a project run by
the London School of Economics, which offers a phone app that prompts you to record
your mood and situation.
The Mappiness website says: “We’re particularly interested in how people’s happiness
is affected by their local environment – air pollution, noise, green spaces, and so on –
which the data from Mappiness will be absolutely great for investigating.”
Will it work? With enough people, it might. But there are other problems. We’ve been
using happiness and well-being interchangeably. Is that OK? The difference comes out
in a sentiment like: “We were happier during the war.” But was our well-being also
greater then?
Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2011
O projeto Mappiness, idealizado pela London School of Economics, ocupa-se do tema
a) ao nível de felicidade das pessoas em tempos de guerra.
b)à dificuldade de medir o nível de felicidade das pessoas a partir de seu humor.
c) ao nível de felicidade das pessoas enquanto falam ao celular com seus familiares.
d) à relação entre o nível de felicidade das pessoas e o ambiente no qual se
d) à influência das imagens grafitadas pelas ruas no aumento do nível de felicidade
das pessoas.
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Text 8 – Simulado ENEM Guia do Estudante
RENT FREE ROOM modern comfortable flat, furnished, near London, share kitchen,
bathroom, TV, near tube, bus, shops, offered by bachelor musician to quiet, friendly,
non-smoking girl. SUTDENTS preferred, references essential, exchange
housekeeping. $35 per month plus deposit. Tel. 732-4367 after 6:00 p.m.
O texto acima:
a) faz propaganda de venda de um apartamento moderno e confortável, com quarto e
cozinha, em Londres;
b) refere-se a anúncio de venda de uma confortável casa, toda mobiliada, com quarto,
cozinha, sala com TV, em Londres
c) trata de um anúncio que oferece a troca de uma casa por um apartamento moderno
e confortável, perto de Londres
d) refere-se a anúncio de um quarto vago para alugar, num apartamento mobiliado,
com uso compartilhado da cozinha
e) é o anúncio de aluguel de um quarto confortável, numa casa moderna e grande,
toda mobiliada, em Londres
Leia as afirmações referentes ao texto:
I - O proprietário do apartamento dá preferência a jovem solteiro, bacharel em música
II - Exigem-se referências e depósito para se alugar o quarto, dando-se preferência a
III - O aluguel mensal da acomodação é de 35 libras, exigindo-se pagamento
IV - O apartamento citado no anúncio localiza-se perto de lojas, do metrô, de ônibus e
Estão corretas apenas as afirmações:
a) I e IV
b) II e IV
c) I, II e III
d) II e III
e) I, III e IV
Text 9- Simulado ENEM – Guia do Estudante
Rio to stage 2016 Olympic Games
Brazil will become the first South American country to host the Olympics after the city
of Rio de Janeiro was chosen to stage the 2016 Games. Rio won a majority of the 95
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
votes at the meeting in Copenhagen, eliminating Madrid in the final round. Tokyo and
Chicago had already been knocked out. "The world has recognised that the time has
come for Brazil," said President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
Chicago's early exit was a surprise, after bookmakers made them favourites. US
President Barack Obama had flown to Denmark on Friday morning to join his wife,
Michelle, and make an emotional address to the International Olympic Committee
But the gesture - the first time a current US president had addressed the IOC in an
attempt to win the Games - failed to persuade the voters as Chicago became the first
city to see its dream of hosting the biggest sporting event in the world fall by the
wayside. Speaking to reporters at the White House on his return, Mr Obama said he
wished he had come back with better news, but congratulated Brazil for a "truly
historic" win. "As friends to the Brazilian people, we welcome this extraordinary sign of
progress," he said.
The president said he had no doubt that Chicago's bid had been the strongest
possible, could not be prouder of the city, and insisted that he had no regrets about
travelling to Denmark. "I believe it is always a worthwhile endeavour to promote and
boost the United States of America," he
De acordo com o texto:
a) O Rio de Janeiro será a primeira cidade sul-americana a sediar os Jogos Olímpicos.
b) Cidades dos cinco continentes candidataram-se à vaga de sede dos Jogos
Olímpicos e 2016.
c) Barack Obama viajou para a Dinamarca a fim de sortear qual cidade sediaria os
jogos de 2016.
d) A esposa de Obama viajou junto com o marido para o evento.
e) Tóquio era a cidade favorita para sediar os Jogos Olímpicos.
Qual a maior surpresa do processo de escolha da sede para os Jogos de 2016?
a) O fato de, pela primeira vez, um presidente norte-americano ter viajado para
interceder pela candidatura de seu país.
b) A reação emocional do presidente brasileiro ao saber do resultado positivo para o
c) A eliminação de Chicago da disputa de sediar os Jogos.
d) O fato de uma cidade sul-americana ter sido escolhida.
e) O fato de um presidente ter escolhido qual será a sede de uma competição
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
The sentence "Rio de Janeiro was chosen to stage the 2016 Games" is in the Passive
Voice. Which other sentence in the text presents the same structure?
a) The world has recognised that the time has come for Brazil".
b) "Mr Obama said he wished he had come back with better news."
c) "Chicago became the first city to see its dream of hosting the biggest sporting event
in the world fall by the wayside."
d) "Tokyo and Chicago had already been knocked out."
e) "US President Barack Obama had flown to Denmark on Friday morning to join his
wife, Michelle."
Text 10 (Unemat-2007/2)
Airports have resumed flights in Brazil after air traffic controllers suspended a strike
called to protest about their working conditions. Government negotiators and trade
unions reached an agreement to end the strike, which briefly halted all flights out of all
of the country's 49 airports.
Action had spread across Brazil after air traffic controllers began a hunger strike in
the capital, Brasilia. Thousands of passengers were left stranded by the protest. The
striking controllers had said they had lost all confidence in their commanders and the
equipment at their disposal. Air traffic controllers in Brazil have staged similar protests
since last September, when 154 people were killed in the country's worst air disaster.
The BBC's Tim Hirsch in Sao Paulo says internal flights have been in a state of
chaos since the crash.
Fonte: BBC NEWS, 31 March 2007 – UK
A locução verbal “have resumed” significa:
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Text 11- (Unesp-2009)
Brazilian ethanol is not causing deforestation
Ethanol production in Brazil is not causing deforestation in the Amazon region, says
Peter Zuurbier, Associate Professor and Director of the Latin America Office of
Wageningen University, the world’s leading center of expertise on tropical agriculture.
According to him, the notion often held by NGO’s that sugarcane is displacing cattle
and soybean production into the Amazon is inaccurate. “The real problem lies in illegal
deforestation and lack of property rights, as around 50 percent of the Amazon region
has disputed titles and this is an invitation for timber companies,” he says.
Prof. Zuurbier tries to explain a dynamic process between illegal activities in the
Amazon rainforest and the expansion of agricultural lands towards that region. NGO’s
often state that sugarcane production is displacing cattle and soybean production
towards and into the Amazon, burning down the area to make it suitable for agriculture
and pastures.
According to Zuurbier, however, the process is slightly different. “Well organized
groups and corporations with questionable land titles, but also official land owners
began to chop down large acreages of forest to trade timber, both legally and illegally,”
he says. “Usually, after the empty strips of land were abandoned, cattle owners would
move into these cheap lands. However, after 3 to 4 years of cattle breeding, the thin
soil of the Amazon is completely useless without any form of fertilization and livestock
owners usually move into the next abandoned area. Soybean farmers meanwhile
replace the livestock in these areas, recognizing the opportunity to fertilize the area for
soybean production.”
Prof. Zuurbier says the cause of deforestation and agricultural production in or near the
Amazon, is simply illegal deforestation itself. According to him, the fact that Brazil still
has questionable land titles, no set-aside policy and great difficulty to enforce existing
laws to counter illegal timber trade, are the real reasons why the Amazon rainforest is
in danger.
(Ethanol Statistics - January 21st 2008, Wageningenexpert-Brazilian)
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Indique a alternativa que completa a sentença:
Prof. Zuurbier ................ the cause of deforestation and agricultural production
................ simply illegal deforestation ................ .
said ... was ... himself
has said ... was ... himself
believed ... was ... itself
believes ... were ... itself
asserted ... were ... himself
Text 13 - (Fuvest-2009)
Two in every three people on the planet–some 4 billion in total–are “excluded from the
rule of law.” In many cases, this begins with the lack of official recognition of their birth:
around 40% of the developing world’s five-yearold children are not registered as even
Later, people will find that the home they live in, the land they farm, or the business that
they start, is not protected by legally enforceable property rights. Even in the rare cases
when they can afford to go to court, the service is poor. India, for example, has only 11
These alarming statistics are contained in a report from a commission on the legal
empowerment of the poor, released on June 3rd at the United Nations. It argues that
not only are such statistics evidence of grave injustice, they also reflect one of the main
reasons why so much of humanity remains mired in poverty. Because they are outside
the rule of law, the vast majority of poor people are obliged to work (if they work at all)
in the informal economy, which is less productive than the formal, legal part of the
The Economist, June 7th 2008.
O relatório citado no texto observa que:
a ilegalidade é uma condição combatida em países subdesenvolvidos.
os dados estatísticos sobre a pobreza no mundo são incompletos.
o fortalecimento do poder legal dos pobres melhoraria sua condição econômica e
a pobreza só poderia ser combatida com a intervenção das Nações Unidas.
a economia informal está em vias de ser abolida.
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Text 14 - (Mackenzie-2009)
Read the text
According to the story above
a) Snoopy is feeling down due to the box of cookies he got
b) the coffee Snoopy is having is likely to make him depressed.
c) although Snoopy is lovely, his girl is surely coming back to him.
d) we can say that Snoopy must not have a liking for coconut.
e) Snoopy realizes that if his girl loved him, she would be sitting and having coffee with
him now.
Text 15- UFG 2009/1
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Os cartuns têm em comum o fato de os objetos personificados serem
colocados em uma relação de tensão entre si.
revoltados com sua condição inanimada.
mostrados como conscientes de seus direitos.
felizes com as funções que desempenham.
afetados por conflitos interiores.
Text 16 - (UECE-2008/1)
By Bill Gates
Last year my wife, Melinda, and I visited an AIDS clinic in Durban, South Africa. We
met women who walked miles from nearby townships. When they arrived, they were
greeted by a well-trained staff. There was an ample supply of antiretroviral drugs,
which can help people with AIDS stay healthy for years. Patients were receiving
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
As we chatted with one of the doctors in the clinic, it struck me: something was
Nearly a decade ago, when Melinda and I started our foundation, we would go to subSaharan Africa or developing countries in other regions and see health workers
struggling with broken equipment and empty medicine chests. We walked down dirty
hallways packed with exhausted mothers holding sick children. (…) But that’s starting
to change. Today governments, aid groups and communities are simply refusing to
accept the notion that diseases like malaria and tuberculosis will haunt us forever. The
The world can point to a number of victories already. Smallpox is gone, of course, and
polio nearly so. Thanks to the leadership of the Carter Center, we’ve virtually
eliminated guinea-worm disease, an excruciatingly painful parasite that is ingested with
tainted water. There are new treatments available for visceral leishmaniasis, also called
black fever, which is second only to malaria as the world’s deadliest parasite killer.
[…] Some lifesaving solutions can be extremely simple – iodized salt to prevent stunted
growth, for example, or oral rehydration solutions to fight diarrhea. Consider that
one of the easiest ways to cut down on infant mortality is to keep babies warm and dry.
Earlier this year, Save the Children recruited knitters through the internet to knit and
Other solutions will arise from pioneering research now underway. Researchers are
hard at work developing vaccines that don’t need refrigeration or needles, which could
make it easier and cheaper to deliver immunization in poor countries. Scientists are
making important progress on new tools, like microbicide gels, to help women protect
themselves against HIV. And clinical trials around the world are now testing what may
be the greatest scientific breakthroughs of our time: vaccines for malaria, Tb and
(…) At the same time, I’m amazed by the work of the Nothing But Nets campaign,
which has managed through Web-based marketing to raise $13 million – mostly from
I believe we stand at a moment of unequaled opportunity. Governments must now step
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
up to the plate with more money – wisely targeted – to expand effective global health
programs to reach all those in need. Businesses, community groups and individuals all
play a role as well. When Melinda and I visited that PEPFAR clinic in South Africa, we
were thrilled to see the progress we’ve made against one deadly disease. I’m now
more convinced than ever that we can create a healthier world for everyone.
As to the AIDS clinic in Durban, we can say that it
a) is a hundred miles away from nearby townships
b) has a well trained staff and a large supply of drugs to help people with AIDS
c) n.d.a.
d) uses microbicide gels to keep mosquitoes away
e) is packed with broken equipments and empty medicine chests
Text 17 - (UFMG-2009)
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Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
From the text, we can infer that salt
has become a reference in cooking
has been found to be unlimited.
has debatable physiological action
has influenced social practices
has influenced nothing.
Text 18 - (PUC-SP-2007)
ENVIRONMENT-BRAZIL: The Amazon Jungle as Vast Savannah
Mario Osava - IPS/IFEJ
RIO DE JANEIRO, Apr 10 (IPS) - An Amazon region that is less lush, where the forest
will be replaced by grasslands, is the image drawn by the latest scientific reports in
which meteorologists are taking the lead, going beyond even the direst warning of
If current trends continue, deforestation, which in the last 30 years claimed nearly
600,000 square kilometres in the Brazilian Amazon alone -- an area equivalent to
Germany and Italy combined -- will have destroyed more than 30 percent of the jungle
by 2050, according to the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC). This process could "convert into savannah" as much as 60 percent of
the Amazon region, says a 2003 study by Carlos Nobre and Marcos Oyama, of Brazil's
National Institute of Space Research (INPE). Global warming "will greatly amplify"
those effects, says the IPCC in the second volume of its 2007 report.
Average temperatures in the Amazon region could rise an average of 8 degrees
Celsius by the end of the century if the climate change factors continue, says
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Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
meteorologist José Antonio Marengo, in a report presented to Brazil's Environment
Ministry in February. In some areas, the average temperature could increase as much
as 12 degrees, said Philip Fearnside, a U.S. ecologist and Amazon expert who for the
last 30 years has been working with Brazil's National Institute for Amazonian Research,
INPA. This will happen if nothing is done to contain deforestation or global climate
change, he added.
Warmer temperatures mean that trees consume more water to carry out
photosynthesis, which is why it has such a big effect on forests. But climate change's
great threat to the Amazon is that it could generate a permanent El Niño phenomenon
(a now cyclical warming of surface waters in the Pacific Ocean), manifested in more
heat and longer periods of scant rains north of the Amazon River, says Fearnside, also
a contributor of the IPCC report. That was the case in 1997-1998, when drought
triggered devastating fires in the northern Brazilian state of Roraima. And in 2006, a
moderate El Niño greatly curbed rainfall along the Rio Negro, a main tributary of the
Amazon River.
Se o desmatamento continuar no ritmo atual, até 2050:
a degradação ambiental que se iniciou em 2003 atingirá a Amazônia.
600.000 km2 da floresta Amazônica se transformarão em savana
o cerrado do planalto central avançará sobre a Amazônia.
cerca de um terço da floresta amazônica desaparecerá.
a Alemanha e a Itália juntas caberão na área devastada
Text 19 - (UFG-2006)
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Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
A resposta de Lucy a Charlie Brown subentende que ela é
Ver resultado
Texts 20 to 12 – Simulado ENEM English PNV
Text 20
Amy Winehouse, British Soul Singer With a Troubled Life, Dies at 27
Amy Winehouse, the British singer who found worldwide fame with a sassy, hip-hopinflected take on retro soul, yet became a tabloid fixture as her problems with drugs
and alcohol led to a strikingly public career collapse, was found dead on Saturday in
her apartment in London, the police said. She was 27.
The cause was not immediately known. The police said that they were investigating the
circumstances of the death, but that “at this early stage it is being treated as
A notícia vinculada pelo jornal americano The New York Times trouxe como manchete
a morte da cantora britânica Amy Winehouse que faleceu aos 27 anos de idade.
Muitos tabloides vêm comentando o uso de drogas pela cantora e suas ações que se
compararam a outros grandes ícones da música como Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan e Jim
Morrison que morreram também aos 27 anos. A respeito da manchete:
O causa da morte da cantora ainda é incerta.
Segunda a polícia, as circunstâncias da morte de Winehouse já está
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
sendo solucionado: overdose de drogas e álcool.
Amy foi encontrada morta em sua mansão, no sul da Inglaterra.
Com uma vida turbulenta ela morreu aos 27 anos na madrugada de
domingo, em Londres.
Ela já apresentou alguns colapsos de saúde durante a carreira e já
permanecera seis meses de reabilitação.
Text 21
Bring Your A Game
Published: July 16, 2011
I WAS born in Fort Wayne, Ind., and moved to Dayton, Ohio, when I was 6. I colored
paper doilies as a child and sold them around the neighborhood. In high school, I
worked as a temp, which gave me experience in different companies. I also worked at
McDonald’s and as a babysitter.
Novo século, novas mudanças de hábitos e, também, de gêneros textuais. No entanto,
falar sobre si, ainda, continua sendo algo atual e um pré-requisito pra muitas
oportunidades de emprego. O memorial é um gênero textual bastante recorrente para
seleção de novos funcionários na área de trabalho. O texto acima traz um breve
memorial de Kathy Calvin, publicado em julho desse ano. Segundo o texto, Kathy:
Kathy atualmente trabalha como babá em Ohio.
Ela nasceu em Fort Wayne e se mudou para Ohio na infância.
No ensino médio ela trabalhou em várias companhias, o que lhe
proporcionou experiência para ingressar na área de trabalho.
No mesmo período em que trabalhou no McDonald’s também trabalhou
como babá.
Hoje Kathy mora em Ohio, juntamente com sua família, e continua
trabalhando no McDonald’s.
Text 22
About Consults
Have questions about health and medicine? In Consults, we pose readers’ inquiries
about health and the latest research findings to leading experts. Please be aware that
we can respond only to a very limited number of questions. We cannot provide
personal medical advice. Questions for researchers in the news should be left as
comments following posts introducing them. General health questions can be sent via
the box at the top of this column or e-mailed to [email protected].
Diversas profissões tem se adequado as diferentes tecnologias que vão surgindo.
Entrevistas via internet, reuniões de negócios via Skype, planejamentos com colegas
de trabalho via MSN. Outras áreas como a saúde tem se aproveitado bastante desses
novos dispositivos de comunicação. O texto acima é um exemplo de uma consultoria
via internet. Essa consultoria:
Faz cobertura apenas de assuntos relacionados à saúde psicológica.
Todas as perguntas serão respondidas, a demora se dá pela grande
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
quantidade de e-mails recebidos.
As perguntas também se direcionam a consultoria de medicamentos.
Questões gerais relacionadas à saúde podem ser enviadas para o email dessa coluna.
A consultoria também prescreve medicamentos, se for o caso.
Text 23
Paul Brady
I like to go places. I work at Aol Travel and right now I'mTraveling the American
Here's my work email address, my other email address, my RSS feed and my
Tumblr archive.
You can also find me on Twitter, Flickr and Matador.
Muitos especialistas afirmam que, hoje, o que se tem de redes sociais e dispositivos
de comunicação online representam uma nova era de socialização da humanidade. O
que se tem visto são “diários online” que mantem uma comunicação com o leitor,
aceitando sugestões e este podendo se “intrometer” (através de comentários) nas
ações cotidianas dos autores. Paul Brady se utiliza dessa ferramenta, assim pode-se
dizer que
A atividade atual de Brady é viajar pela América, quer seja de avião,
trem ou navio.
Nesse perfil pode-se encontrar, segundo o jovem, seu e-mail de
trabalho, outros e-mails, Facebook, Twitter e arquivos do Tumblr.
Twitter, Flickr e Matador são espécies de e-mails que Paul Brady possui
para manter contato com quem quer que esteja interessado.
Podemos classificar o perfil acima como texto publicitário.
Pode se inferir que Brady gosta de viajar e que, no presente momento,
está viajando pelas rodovias americanas.
Text 24
for Logan International Airport
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Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas
Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750
Courtesy shuttles and moving walkways
Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority public subway and
buses, scheduled, charter, express and tour buses, shared
vans, water shuttle and taxi, area shuttles, hotel shuttles,
available. Transportation services are available for persons
with disabilities.
Boston, MA 02128
O gênero apresentado acima é:
Cartão postal simples
Anúncio de passagens aéreas
Cartão postal aéreo
Panfleto informativo
Colégio Anglo de Sete Lagoas - Professora: Patrícia - (31) 2106-1750