Leukodepleted Whole Blood Using a High


Leukodepleted Whole Blood Using a High
Infusion Therapy
Transfusion Medicine
. Original Article
Received: April 3. 1998
Accepted: J.nu.ry
Evaluation of Proinflammatory
27. 1999
Cytokines in Prestorage
Leukodepleted Whole Blood Using a High..Performance
Inline Filter
A. Bontadini
F. Fruet M. C. Ruscitto
S. Manfroi
R. Conte
Servizio di Immunoematologia e Trasfusianale, Policlínica S. Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna
Key Words
Leukodepletion. Filtration . Whole blood .
leukodepletion . Filtration . Vollblut .
Proinflammatorische Zytokine
Background: The efficiency of prestorage leukodep!etion
of whole blood on the production of proinflammatory
cytokines (ll-1P, Il-5, IL-8 and TNF-a) was compared in
two groups of nonfíltered and filtered whole bIcado Ma-
Hintergrund: In dieser Studie wurde die Auswirkung einer Leukozytendepletion ver Lagerung von Vollblutkon-
terial and Methods: Ten experiments were performed. 1n
each experiment we took two whole blood units drawn
serven auf .die Produktion proínflammatorisc~er
kine (ll-1~, Il-6, Il-8 und TNF-a) untersucht.
und Methoden:
10 Untersuchungen
durchgeführt. Für jede Untersuchung wurden aos einem
Pool 2 Vollblutkonserven hergestelli. Eine der Konserven
from a pool. In one group lhe units were immediately filtered by lhe new inline filter Biofil integral on NPBI Com-
line-Filter auf dem NPBI-Compoflex-System
system while in lhe second group they were
maintained, without leukodepletion at +4 oCo Results: The
filter showed a mean IOg10 depletion of 3.86 :!:0.08 (CV
2.1%) with a mean absolute number of leukocytes in lhe
postfiltration units of 0.29 :t 0.049 x 106 and a RBC recovery of 92.5 :!:1.1%. Il-6 and TNF-a remained at concentrations less than 1 pg/ml in lhe samples dufing lhe storage period both in lhe contraI and filtered units. IL-1f3
was not significantJyhigher on days O and 35 in lhe two
groups while IL-8was observed to be increased at day
35 in 2 out of lhe 10 experiments (620 and 415 pg/mt respectively). Conclusions:The inline filter Bjofilin combination with an NPBI Compoflex system has a high performance in lhe leukodep/etion of whole b/ood. Proinnammatory cytokines have a concentration in whole
)Iood less than described in platelet concentrates, and
)restorage leukodepletionseems to preveni cytokine ac:umulation.
mil einem
wãhrend die zweite Konserve ohne leukozytendepletion
hei +4 °C gefagert wurde. Ergebnisse:
Die gefilterten
Prãparate zeigten eine 10glO-Depletion von 3,86:t 0,08
(CV 2,1%) mil einer mittleren absoluten
von O,29:t 0,049 x 106 une!' einer Erythrozyten-Recovery
von 92,5:!: t 1%. Díe Werte für Il-6 und TNF-a blieben
der lagerung
in den gefilterten
und ungefilter-
ten Produkten unter 1 pg/ml. Für Il-1p zeigte sich zwischen Tag O und 35 ke-in signifikanter Unterschied
in beiden Gruppen. Bei Il-8 hingegen zeigte sich ein Anstieg
an Tag 35 in 2 der 10 Experimente (620 bzw. 415 pg!ml).
SchluBfolgerungen: Der untersuchte Inline-Filter (Biom)
ist hinsichtlich der leukozytendepletion
sehr effizient.
von Thrombozu liege~, díe leukozytendepletion
ín Vollblutkonserven
unter denen
vor Lagerung der Prãparate
latiDo zu verhindern.
scheínt die Zytokinakkumu-
t\\'u t>Jgs of aboul SOO
One unil ,,"asimmcdiately filtercd whilc lhe
scc0nd was malnlained \\'ilhoul kukoc)'le depletion; both unilS were
slored aI a temperature of 4 °c. '1l1eefficiency of lhe filtcr and lhe cano
ccnlralion of c)'loki~es aI diffcrenllimes of slorage was evaluated,
Leukoreduelion of ecllular blood eomponenls mar províde
severa! advanlages. including reduced risk of primary alloim. \Ve us~d the new filler Bioril in combination with an NPBI Componex
munízation and ilS eonsequenees. removal of eell.associaled s)'slem (Biofi!. Medolla. Ilaly). designcd by lhe manufaclurer for high.ef.
viruscs, and immune modulation following lhe lransfusion óf fleiene)' leukocyle removaJ in whok blood, The filtration procedure was
performed following lhe manufacturer's instructions. We started filtration
homo!ogous blood [1-5J,
within I h eram harvesting, AlI filtralion processes were drivelÍ by gravil\',
Febrile nonhcmolytie transfusíon reactions (FNHTRs) ma}'
No pre. and poslfiltration rinsing of filter wilh salinc sOlution VIasix:;.
also be relaled 10lhe leukoeytesin lhe blood eomponents and formed Dor VIasan)' pressure applied during the fillration procedure. The
are usually attributed to immune meehanisms 'involving al- distaDa: Ixlween pre- and postfiltralion whoJe blood cell bags VIasabout
loantibodies to white-blood cells (WBCs) [6-8J. However, 120 em.
several studies have reeenl!y demonstraled that a variely of We cvaluated lhe pre- and ~Ifi!lration volumes of whole blood by di.
viding lhe nel volume by the specificity gravity (1.05). Both pre- and posto
pyrogenic and proinflammalory cytokines sueh as IL-lp, IL-6, filtralion samples were analyzed by automated counling procedures to
IL-8, TNF-a are present ínpIatelet concentrates stored for up evaluate hemoglobin and lhe plateJet counls (Genius 5eac, Florence.
to 5 days at roem temperature. Because of their biologícal ae- !taly); funhermore. lhe postfillration specimens wilh a low concenlralio'o
tívíties, many of these are patential mediators of FNHTRs if of WBCs were counled by Nageotte ehambér'analysis (16,17).
transfused in sufficiently high amounts. Hence, FNHTRs ap- BrieOy. 100 fll of lhe samples were mixed wilh 900 JlI of Turk's solution,
EvaJu.alion by lighl mieroscope was pcrformed by Iwo invesligators
pear to be reIated to lhe lével of cytokines in plalelet concen- counting one fullgrid of lhe Nageolte chamber (50111),and lhe final Te.
trates, and somedata showedlhat prestorage leukodepletion
storage. The increase ofthe cytokine leve! eram dar Oto dar 3
ís significant, suggesting that cytokines were generated during
storage and not during blood donatíon ar componenl prepa-
100.999 aC'COrding to lhe seIlsitivity of lhe lechnique
RBC r~o\'ery
fatiGo. However, il must be stated that whole blood units w:ilh
a low number of leukocytes have a generalIy low conce~tratíon of cytokines, even after 5 days of storage (11r
Whíle cytokines have becn most extensívely studied in platelel
concentrates, only few data TeCerto packed red bIood cells
(RECs) and whoIe blcxxL There seems to be no definilive ron-
days O ("ithin 6 h after blood donarion),
5ml of blood
for baclerial cultures
:or 30 mio at room temperature,
mixing in a single unir
was Iransferred
aod 35.
to tubc:s for re-
35 days of
was uscd to analyze lhe IL-lp. IL-6. IL-8. and
Standard curves were plolted by using r~eombi-
with oIhers.
tesl is specific
The detection
Mean. standard de\iation (50). and coefficient of varialion (CV) were
uscd 10show lhe results in a concisc fashion.
5lalÍ5licaJ analysis was performed
we toek two who1c:
lhe whole blood was divided equally inlO
Slatist;cal Analysis
\"Iyusing a paired
t tese 10 compare
in lhe Iwo groups of unils and at lhe differenl
\Vere considered
times of
for r < 0.05.
I blood units drawn frem one pool.
units of whoJc blood of the same
and TNF-a < 5pglml.
storag.e. Oifferenees
lhe expcrimenl,two
eis of lhe tests uscd are: IL-Ip < 1 pglml. IL-6 < 1 pgJml. IL.8 < 2 pglml.
MateriaIs and Methods
Jf cclls Ihroughout
for cytokine
were taken from ali units after
and does nol cioss-react
Icvels of cytokines
~roup were pooJed in a singlc bago After thorough
were cenlrifuged
laken aI the following
~nd storcd at -80 °C unlil analysis.
for one c;10kine
IL-6,IL-8,andTNF-a.,whichare alsoprobabJyimplicatedin
samples of 450 ml were laken from healthy donors and colleclcd in
I an NPBI Componex system. To mainlain the same volume and numbc:r
x vÓlume ~tfiltra.
nant C:-10kines diluled tO appropriale working ranges.
According 10 lhe manufacturer"s instruclions. each ELlSA
FNHTR, in two groups of filtered and nonfiltered whole
blood units drawn eram one pool 50 as to ensure that the only
differencewaslhenumberof leukocytesín lhe bags [15J.
I Blood
and unfiltered)
and lhe supc:malanl
Woburn. MA. USA)
TNF-a concenlralions.
as a filter of packed
In each experiment
device. sampJes were
times in balh bags (fillered
RBCs. In arder to improve our knowledge on lhe production
of proinfIammatory cytokines in RBCs, we evaluated IL1~,
ten experiments.
x 100-
For anal~=
age WBC reduction ín whole blood and claimed by lhe manu-
We pcrformed
as follows: (hemoglobin
x volume prefiltration)
By using a sterile connecling
cJusion as to whethcr difCerent storage temperalures can decrease celIul~r metaboJism and thus cytokine synthesis (12-14].
II facturer to perform a Icukodepletion
wa.s measured
I nation
In lhe presenl sludy wc lested lhe new filler Biofil in combiwith an NPBI Compol1exsystem, designed for prestorI
sults were expressed as mean of lhe Iwo evaJualions. We calculated lhe fi.
nal WBC cona:nlralions as follows: (numbér of counled cells x IO)/vol.
ume counled. were 10is lhe dilulion of lhe sampJe.
The accuracy of lhe melhod employed was confirmed by dilution studies.
A sample of WBCswas serially diluled by adding WBC-<:lepleted packed
RBCs 10 reach a final dilulion of I(}-{).OlWBCslfll. We evaluated lhe
WBC roncenlration of lhe samples by lhe Nageotte chamber method and
ploued lhe data obtained as a function of lhe expecled' concentration.
The correlation coefficienls ca!culated from Ihese data ranged eram 0.997
reduced lhe cytokine levels in lhe blood componenl5 [9, IOJ.
Accumulation of leukocyte-derived cytokines appears to be
proportional to the leukocyte contenl in lhe plateJet concentrates, and preslorage WBC reduction should reduce lhe acI cumulationofcytokínesin lhe platelets fram dar Otodar 5 of
The results of lhe 10experiments performed are shown as lhe
loglOWBC depletion, RBC recovery and platelet reduction,
and expressed as mean :t 50 of 10 experiments in each group.
The hematologicaldata are summarized in table I.
.::.~ ...'(,)d~:::':~~'~~"",,~
Table 1. Ilcrn~lol()gic~lú:lla(lfl'rc."ndp(ls!.
fill r~ljon unils
mean :t 5D
\\'BC counl
mean :t SD
I. 'XJ-.3 DO
0.29:t 0.05 x tO'>
4.290:t 527
:\.4 00-
0.5:t 0.1
3.86.:t 0.08
:; . 'XX)
Volume. ml
515.0:t 25.6
10.9:t 1.6
1O.8:t 0.7
RBC reco\ery. %
Plalclets x 10"
0.73 :t 0.10
. Tab. 2. Conccnlrations of proinnammalor)'
IL-8. TNF.cx)'
period IL-6.
in liltcrcd
and unfiltered
Blood unir
nol liltered
no! liltercd
nol lillered
no! liltcred
nol filtcred
no! fillered
not liltered
no! fillercd
3.4 :t 1.0
33 :tO.9
4.5 :t 1.6
4.2:t 1.4
.1.1:t 1.6
4.4 :t 21
3.6:t I.7
4.4 :t 1.1
4.5 :t 1.8
4.4 :t 21
4.0 :t I.7
-I.7:t 1.6
-I.0:t IA
6.1 :t 1.6
6.4 :t 2.1
7.3:t 21
92.5 :!: 1.]
0.05 :!:0.01
TNF -a
3.4:t 0.9
4.2:t 0.9
5.0:t 2.2
10.6:t 7.2
9.6.:t 6.9
8.7:t 5.2
6.6:t 2.5
9.2:t 6.9
42.0:t 59.0
7.8:t 3.2
61.0:t 95.0
7.4:t 3.5
J02.0:t 164.0
< I
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< I
< 1
< 1
< 1
< 1
< I
< 1
IL-6.IL-S. Th'F-a are cxpres.sed as pgJml.
cIL-8: p > 0.05.
WBC Reduc/ion and RBC Recovery
In lhe prefiltration units lhe absolute number of leukocytes
""as 2.19:t 0.29 x 109 while in lhe postfíltr~tion s.amples lhe
mean WBC countlJlI was 0.5:t 0.1 with a mean number of
,residual WBCs in lhe units of 0.29:t 0.049 x Iet. The mean
loglOdeplelion was 3.86:t 0.08 (CY 2.1%).
The mean volume of lhe prefiltration units was 515 :t 25.6 ml
while that of lhe poslfiltration units was 482 :t 313 ml. Hemo.
globin was evalualed in lhe samples before and afterJiltration
by an aulomated counler to calculale RBC recovery. The he.
moglobin couot was 1O.9:t1.6gldl and 1O.8:t0.7 g/dl in lhe
pre- and postfiltralion samples. respectively. and lhe RBC re.
:overy was 925:t 1.1%.
Plare/erReduction and TImeof Filrfnrion
me mean abs~lute number of platelets in lhe prefiltration
.vhole blood units was 0.73:t 0.1 x 1011while in lhe poslfiltraíon units it was 0.054:t 0.01x 1011wilh a mean deplelion of
/2.6 :t 4.1%.
The time of filtration with a continuous constant now ranged
from 10 to 11 mio.
Derermillarion Cytokine concentrations obtained in lhe lwo different groups
on lhe days O, 1,3. 7, 14,21, 28, and 35 are summarized in
lable 2.
lL-6 and TNF-o: \Vere nol detected in lhe samples during lhe
storage penod, neither in lhe control unils Dor in lhe fillered
unit$.. The concentralions of bolh proinf1aminatory cytokines
were less than 1 pglml in a1l samples tested.
Our results did not show any s~nificativc difference of IL11~
concentrations in both groups during storagc lime. Moreover,
IL-l~ was no! significantly higher in lhe twogroups
comparing dar O and dar 35 (p > 0.05). Its concentration in
lhe fiJtered and unfiltered unils was 3.4:t 1.0pg/ml and
3.3 :t 0.9 pg/ml, respectively, at dar O and 6.4 :t 2.1 pg/ml and
7.3 :t 2.2 pglml, respectively, at dar 35.
Io two out of lhe ten experiments, lhe leveI of IL-8 in t~e un-
..~,,;';:.: .,~.},)i;;'/.~::;'>..:
. '. '::;\::{~.
. ... ':., ;.,;;~.~;
1, I
fillcrcd unit was significantly highcr aI dar 35 in comparison
wilh lhe levelsal the days O, 1,3.7, and 14.AI lhe slorage dar
21 weobscrved in one experimenl an increase of the !L-8conccnlralion (250pglml) that reached lhe highest quanlity at
dar 35 with a concentration of 620 pglml whife in anothcr experimenllhe IL-8 conccntration was 156pglml and 415 pglml
at the days 21 and 35, respectively. In lhe olheI eight experimenls lhe concentration of IL-8 did not increase during storage lime and lhe quantities were similar in the two groups
wilhout significative difference (p > 0.05).
BaCleria/ eu/fures
In neilher of lhe samples laken from whole blood units afIeI
35 days of storage growth of bacterial cultures could be s~own.
In Ihis study we evaluated lhe efficiency of lhe new filter
Biofil in combination with'lhe NPBI Compot1ex bag designed
by lhe manufacturer for fillration of whoIe blood after
harvesling. The WBC counting melhod for lhe postfillration
unils was lhe Nageotte chamber validated by lhe BEST group
The results showed that this filter is able to reduce WBCs by
10glO3.86:t 0.08 (CV 2.1%) with a mean number of residual
WBCs in lhe postfi!tration units of 0.29:t 0.049 x 1()6.In ali
experiments lhe mean absoIute number of leukocytes in lhe
postfiltration unit was less than 0.5 x 1()6.confirming a high
reproducibility performance comparable to that described in
The recovery of RBCs was92.5 :t 1.1% and thus similar to data previously rcportcd usingfilters for packed RECs. This is in
accordance with lhe AABB standards that require a rescoe of
at least 80% of lhe original RBCs [18J and with lhe new
guidelines regarding leukoreduction of blood recently promulgaled by lhe US Food and Drug Administration which reporl Ihat leukodepletion devices should not sacrifice more
Ihan 15% of lhe therapeutic blood eIements. '
The number of platelets is reduced in lhe postfillration unil.S,
wilh a mean depletion of92.6 :f:4.1% in comparison to lhe absolule number of platelets in lhe prefiltration units. This datum is important because packed RBCs separated from lhe
plasma afIeI centrifugation are depleted fram WBCs and
platelets, assuring an optimal blood component in aIJoimmunized patients with a higb tireI of anti-HLA that must be
transfused with'rnore units of packed RBCs.
In pIate/et concentrares high leveIs of prointJammalory cytokines were detected afIeI 3 days of storage. and their presence is one of the possible causes of FNHTRs. Several studies
have shown thal in prestorage leukodepleted platelet concentrates a prevenlion of lhe cytokine accumulation couId be
achieved. suggesling that tbis accumulation is caused by cylokine synthesisand secretion or leukocyles in lhe blood componenls.
Howcver, in packed RBCs lhe cold slorage condition should
have an inhibilory effecI on celfular metaboliSI1lwitha reduc.
tiDo in cytokin~ synthesis in contrast 10 platelel concentrales
where cytokine'accumulalion occurs. Nonetheless, a (cwsludies have described lhe presence of IL-l~ and IL-8 in slored
packed RBCs, though with lowcr concentrations than in
platelet concentrales. ln particular, Stack el aI. [11] dcscribed
a mean IL-8 concentration of 512:t 543 pg/ml in units of
packed RBCs storcd for 42 days in which 20% of lhe uni[s
had a concentralion of >1,000pglml and 40% or >500pg/ml:
in contrast, lhe group of WBC-filtered units showed a mean
IL-8 eoncentration of 49 pglml.Thc results of Smith el aI. [12]
wen: also in Iine wilh reduced amounts of IL-8 in leukodepIeted RBCs.
ane aim of this study was 10 investigare whelher or nol lhe
accumulation of cytokines in whole bIood was prevented 'by
lhe prestorage leukodepletion. The results showed Ihal IL-6
and TNF~a were not detected in any unit tesled while IL-lp
and IL-8 were detected in low concentrations in units af bolh
groups: in only Iwo experirnents in lhe group of unfiltered
units we did observe an increment of lhe IL-8 concentration
afIeI 35 days of storage with 620and 415 pglml, respeclively.
The present data and those reported by Stack et aI. [11]and
Smith et aI. [12] suggest considerable variations in lhe measured IL-8 concentrations. MelhodoIogic factors mighl piar a
role. and varialions in lhe sensitivity of different commerciaf
immunoassay kirscannol be excluded.
However, 'biological variabilities of dono r leukocyte characlerislics alIowingnew synthesis ar release of preexisling inlracellular cytokines despjle lhe low slorage temperature should
also be considered. A possible effecl of mixing whole blood
cells obtained from two donors on activation of ceIls and production 9f cytokines as possible altemative to lhe production
of IL-8, is unlikely since lhe slimulation rcquires melabolicalIy active and viable Iymphocyles.However, in blood camponents slored at 4 °C,lymphoc)'les are not proliferative and are
induccd 10 apoplosis by cold slorage condilions, which is in
contrast 10 plaleJeI concentrales produced eram buffy coals
stored at 20 °C [19-21J.
In condusion, despite tIl; limited number of experimenls
performed, our data suggesl some conclusions. 111enew filler
Biofil in combinalion wilh an NPBI Compot1ex system has a
high performance in lhe leukodeplelion of whole blood like
Ihat described for lhe last gencration of fillers for packed
RBCs. Proinflammatory cylokines are presenl in lower concentralions in whofe bJood Ihan in plalelet concentrares;
prestorage leukodepletion ofwhoIe blood could be employed
in lhe preparalion of blood components in blood banks lha I
need filtered packed RBCs for hematological patients. Even
though only Iwo experiments in lhe group of unfiltered unils
showed an increase of lhe IL-8 cylokine levei, preslorage
leukodepletion seems 10 prevenI cytokine accumulalion in
cases where lhe danar Ieukocytesdo not reduce their metabolism during cold slorage.
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Conte R: \\ 'bile ali apoplos;s in paeked rcd eclls.
]! Helland Go ~oflnes TE, Bergh K. Hogascn K.
Bergcrutl L'E, Solheim BG: Elfcd 01 filtmion and
slora~e 01 rblc!el coneentralCS on lhe prodUCtion
01 lhe chem,>ta,ins C5.. inlcrlcukin 8, IUmor
nccr(1$h C1..Jntl kokotriene B.o Translusion 1993:
2. Kasseler Trm;isfusionsgesprache
(vormaIs Hannoveraner Transfusionsgesprãche)
Ort: Universitat Gesarnthochschule Kasse!, Hollãndischer Platz, Kassei
Termin: 3J4. Marz 2000
Themen:. Praklische Probleme und akluelle Themen der Transfllsionsmedizin
1m Hinblick auf die Aktualitãt werden °dic Themcn erst Endc des Jahres festgelegt. Jedcr kann noch Vorschlage
Bisher anvisÍerte Themen:
1. NoveUierte Richtlinien
2. In-linc-Leukozytendepletion - aktueller Stand
3. Eignung von verschiedenen Labormethoden für(Qualitatskontrollen. Ringversuchc usw.
4. Transfusionsvorbereitung bei ilTegularen Antikõrpem
5. Fort- und Weiterbildung - Umsetzung in der Praxis.
Weitere Wormationen:
'ProL Dr. G. Holzberger
DRK-Blutspendedienst Kassel
MõnchebergstraBe 57
D-34125 Kassel
Te!. +49 561 'ó/93-201, Fax -203
ProL Dr. V. Kretschmer
Abteilung für Transfusionsmedizin und GerinnungsphysioIogie
Klinikum Marburg
0-35033 Marburg
Te!. +496421 286-6282. Fax -56 55