

Happy Days
“Our parish in Lindenhurst, New York, was called Our
Lady of Perpetual Help, and God knows we needed it. We
didn’t have enough money to go to Catholic school, but my
brother and I went to cathecism on Saturdays. It was like
crossing over to an alien universe. I was pretty convinced
that the nuns had no feet. I mean, you never saw their
feet. They seemed to glide across the floor.
The best part of Saturday after cathecism and Sunday
after church was walking across the street to Patsy’s.
Patsy’s was an Italian bakery that made the best Italian ice
on earth. When he first saw my hometown, my husband
said it looked like the set of the TV show “Happy Days.”
Everyone got along unless your dog ran free and pooped
on your neighbor’s lawn, which was not okay. We had
parades and Christmas tree lightings. The women helped
out and watched each other’s kids, and if someone’s
husband was out of work or ill, they would bring a covered
dish to your house. They gossiped at their front gates,
drank endless pots of coffee at their kitchen tables, and
cared about each other. A lot of times we didn’t have two
pennies to rub together. But we had a rich life. So much of
who I am was cultivated in that little town. They say you
can never go home again. I don’t believe it. By the way,
Patsy’s still makes the best Italian ice on earth.”
(From OUR AMERICA, HAPPY DAYS, Reader’s Digest, July
2003, pages 56 and 58 .)
17. As the young girl saw the nuns during cathecism
school she imagined they had no feet because they
0-0) used to wear a kind of gown which was rather
tight but not very short.
1-1) seemed to be quiet and strange creatures from
another planet.
2-2) moved noiselessly in a smooth continuous
3-3) looked like her own teachers at elementary
4-4) only showed their lowest body members in
special occasions.
Resposta: FVVFF
1-1) e 2-2) Verdadeiros. Quando a “então” menina ia
ao catecismo aos sábados, ao ver as freiras
vestidas com seus longos e tradicionais hábitos
religiosos, parecia-lhe que as irmãs eram
criaturas estranhas e quietas advindas de outra
galáxia ou planeta e “ se locomoviam de maneira
contínua, suave e silenciosa”.
0-0) 3-3) e 4-4 Falsos. Costumavam usar um roupão
que era apertado, mas não muito curto; pareciam
com suas professoras da escola primária; e só
mostravam a parte mais inferior do seu corpo ( os
pés ) em ocasiões especiais, não possuem
relação alguma com a mensagem textual.
18. This American family story in Lindenhurst, New York,
is characterized by
0-0) kindness
1-1) anger.
2-2) character.
3-3) jealousy.
4-4) coming together.
Resposta: VFVFV
0-0), 2-2) e 4-4) Verdadeiros. Gentileza, caráter e
solidariedade são características inerentes à família
americana neste texto.
1-1) e 3.3) Falsos. Não têm nenhuma relação com a
informação textual.
19. The expression “A lot of times we didn’t have two
pennies to rub together” is a clear statement that
0-0) everyday they had lots of pennies to spend.
1-1) very often they didn’t have any money at all.
2-2) they had to count their pennies every single
3-3) they were short of money only a few times.
4-4) most of the time they hardly had a penny.
Resposta: FVFFV
1-1) e 4-4) Verdadeiros. A expressão “A lot of times
we didn’t have two pennies to rub together” é
uma declaração explícita de que “com muita
centavo/dinheiro para nada” e que, na maioria
das vezes, eles mal tinham um centavo.
0-0), 2-2) e 3-3) Falsos.
20. It was routine for the women in their town to
0-0) chat about other people’s actions and private
1-1) take care of each other’s children.
2-2) help each other in any difficult situation.
3-3) take some coffee during their kitchen work.
4-4) work all day long at their front gate and sell
homemade stuff.
Resposta: VVVFF
0-0) 1-1) e 2-2) Verdadeiros. Naquela pequena e
tranquila cidade era rotineiro para as mulheres
“fofocar sobre as atividades e vidas privadas das
pessoas”; “cuidar das crianças de outras famílias”
e “auxiliarem-se mutuamente em qualquer
situação difícil.”
3-3) e 4.4) Falsos. Contêm informações diferentes
daquelas do texto.
4-4) have unfortunately failed in their attempt to save
the Indonesia orangutans’habitat.
Resposta: FVVFF
Cheryl Knott, Anthropologist, Gunung Palung National
Park, Indonesia
1-1) e 2-2) Verdadeiros. Mrs Knott e seu grupo de
pesquisa estão satisfeitos porque não apenas
Martina , mas também os demais orangutangos
do Parque Nacional Gulung Palung estão em
boa forma; e a antropóloga e sua equipe têm
tido uma preocupação constante com a
sobrevivência dos orangutangos do Gunung
Palung, na Indonésia.
0-0) 3-3) e 4-4) Não conferem com a informação
“At the current rate of habitat destruction, orangutans
could be extinct in the wild in 10 to 20 years.”
“Marissa had a baby!” The good news arrived with my field
assistant Rhanda as he dashed into our research camp in
Borneo’s Gunung Palung National Park. For three days
we hadn’t seen Marissa, one of about 50 orangutans I’ve
studied in the wild since 1994. Rhanda found Marissa
eating fruit from a Gnetum vine with the newborn female
clinging to her mother’s side. Orangutans bear young only
about once every eight years (thought to be the longest
span of any mammal), so there was much to celebrate.
That was in 1998, shortly after I first reported on my
research for NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. In several
successive trips to Borneo, I’ve been relieved to find that
Martina (as we named the new arrival ) and the other
orangutans at our site are doing well, despite the ever
expanding reach of illegal logging.
But the threat of deforestation cannot be ignored. While
our work continues to reveal new secrets about these
apes, we’re redoubling our efforts to protect their fragile
I and my team of field assistants, managers, and students
have spent more than 50,000 hours over the past decade
observing orangutan behavior and documenting the apes’
physiology. Our work investigates how the boom-and-bust
cycle of rain forest fruits affects birth intervals and the
length of juvenile dependency.
Recently we participated in a joint effort with other
scientists to look at orangutan ‘culture’ -- customs passed
from one generation to the next and often unique to
particular populations. For example, Martina will grow up
threatening strangers by making kiss-squeaking sounds
into a handful of leaves -- a behavior seen regularly only at
our site. Some 500 miles west of Borneo in Sumatra,
orangutans use sticks to find out about calorie-rich seeds
from hard-to-eat Neesia fruits, a clever trick that
youngsters pick up from the adults -- and one that
Borneo’s apes have not developed.
Populated with about 2,500 orangutans, Gunung Palung is
one of their last strongholds. Overall, however, orangutan
numbers are falling: the 15,000 to 24,000 remaining apes
(endemic to Borneo and Sumatra) could vanish within the
next 20 years.
(Adapted from CODE RED, National Geographic Research and
Exploration, October 2003, pages 76, 78 and 79.)
21. Mrs. Knott and her research team
0-0) haven’t been travelling much to Borneo, that is,
to Gunung Palung National Park.
1-1) have been satisfied that not only Martina but
also the other orangutans at Gunung Palung are
all right.
2-2) have had an ongoing concern about the
orangutans’ survival in Borneo.
3-3) have investigated whether Borneo’s apes have
been endangered by illegal logging.
22. The text mentions that Rhanda
0-0) is one of Mrs Knott’s field assistants.
1-1) gave the anthropologist the exciting news about
Marissa having had a baby.
2-2) is mainly responsible for keeping the
orangutans inside Gunung Palung National
3-3) one day saw Marissa feeding herself and caring
for Martina.
4-4) has spent over fifty thousand hours studying
orangutans’ behavior.
Resposta: VVFVV
0-0) 1-1), 3-3) e 4-4). Verdadeiros. Rhanda é um dos
colaboradores da pesquisa de Mrs Knott; ele deu
a boa nova à antropóloga, ou seja, que Marissa
havia tido um bebê; ele também , um dia, viu
Marissa se alimentando e cuidando do seu bebê,
Martina; e ele tem passado mais de cinquenta mil
horas pesquisando o comportamento dos
2-2) Falso. Não existe menção de quem deve cuidar
dos orangotangos dentro do Parque Nacional.
23. According to Mrs Knott, Martina
0-0) was moved to Borneo, ever since she was two
years old, together with her mother Marissa.
1-1) like other Sumatra’s orangutans will attract
unknown people by making a short low noise.
2-2) is growing up all by herself and uses to fight
with other orangutans especially the males.
3-3) has her unique group behavior. She frightens
unfamiliar people by making short, very highpitched noises.
4-4) is a grown-up and independent ape now and is
not very pleased with her mom’s interfering in
her life.
Resposta: FFFVF
3-3) Verdadeiro. De acordo com a antropóloga, Mrs
Knott, Martina revela um comportamento singular,
típico de sua população de orangutangos de
Gunung Palung. Ela atemoriza estranhos
emitindo um grito curto e alto.
0-0) 1-1), 2-2) e 4-4) Falsos .
24. The anthropologist, Mrs Knott has been trying to
0-0) put aside her fieldwork, because of her
parenthood activities.
1-1) do research on fully developed adult male
orangutans that stay in top physical condition
only for a few years.
2-2) ensure that the orangutans living at Borneo and
Sumatra will have enough food as natural plant
cycles cause severe fluctuations in fruit
3-3) help preserve Gunung Palung’s overall
orangutans population of 15,000 to 24,000
remaining apes.
4-4) find out in what ways the rapid growth and fail of
jungle fruits influence birth intermissions and the
span of youngster dependence.
Resposta: FFFFV
4-4) Verdadeiro. O projeto de pesquisa de Mrs Knott
está tentando descobrir de que maneira(s) o
crescimento rápido dos frutos silvestres e o seu
desaparecimento, influenciam no espaço/período
de nascimento dos orangutangos e na duração
da dependência materna dos filhotes.
0-0) 1-1), 2-2) e 3-3) Falsos. Estas alternativas não
são verdadeiras neste contexto.
New enlightenment
Astronomy has undergone a revolution over the past few
decades. The more obvious part of this revolution has
been caused by the introduction of telescopes that use
mirrors of previously unthinkable dimensions to collect
light. Several, such as the two Keck telescopes on the
peak of Mauna Kea, in Hawaii, have (or will have) mirrors
that are ten metres across. The bigger the mirror, the
easier it is to see faint (ie, distant) objects.
Less obvious, but more profound, is the replacement of
photographic film by charge-coupled devices (CCDS) as
the preferred way of detecting the light that is collected.
Film gets saturated, so the real difference in magnitude
between bright and faint objects is lost. CCDS (the
detection elements used in video and digital cameras)
capture every photon. Telescope area is doubling every
25 years. The number of CCD “pixels” is doubling every
two years.
Telescopes are gregarious instruments. They need special
conditions (an absence of city lights; reliably clear skies;
and still air, to reduce twinkling). Where one settles, others
often follow. At the moment, the most fashionable places
on earth for telescopes to hang out are the Atacama
desert of northern Chile, and Mauna Kea. Being in
opposite hemispheres, these two sites allow the whole sky
to be observed. For a telescope called Gemini, that
advantage has been exploited by building identical
instruments (with eight-metre mirrors) in both places.
Such toys are not cheap. Gemini cost $184m; the Kecks
were more than $140m. However, the Kecks, and many
others, are paid for not by taxpayers but by rich individuals
or charitable foundations. This tradition goes back at least
as far as the Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin (the best in
the world, a century ago), which was paid for by the
builder of the Chicago elevated railway.
The best place of all to put a telescope for observing outer
space, though, is outer space itself. Increasingly, earthbound observations are being backed up by satellite
telescopes of various kinds.
The best-known is probably the Hubble Space Telescope,
which operates at optical frequencies. X-rays are served
by Chandra, an American satellite, and XMM, a European
one. Cosmic gamma rays, which are even more energetic,
have been invisible to science since the Compton
Gamma-Ray Observatory was “desorbited” in June 2000.
But June 2001 saw the launch of what is, cosmologically,
the most important telescope in orbit now: the Microwave
Anisotropy Probe (MAP), which will examine the cosmic
microwave background.
MAP’s predecessor, COBE, was a relatively crude
instrument. It could map the kinks in the background with
an accuracy of only 7º of arc; MAP should manage 0.2º.
The detailed geography of the early universe, including the
layout of the ripples suspected of seeding the formation of
galactic superclusters will thus be laid bare when MAP
reports later this year.
Mapping the modern distribution of these superclusters is
one of the tasks of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (another
foundation-funded instrument, based in New Mexico),
which is scanning a quarter of the sky in unprecedented
detail. It should pinpoint the positions of 1m galaxies, and
has already produced a map of their local distribution.
The database produced by the Sloan survey will form one
element of the so-called Virtual Observatory. When this is
complete, it will link the Sloan’s database with those of
Hubble, Chandra and several other sky surveys now being
conducted. Soon astronomers may no longer need to look
at the sky at all. They will have an unbeatable
representation of the universe a mere mouse-click away.
2-2) together they allow observations of the entire
3-3) they both use identical telescopes to exploit
outer space.
4-4) their number of CCD “pixels” is doubling every
two years.
Resposta: FVVVF
(From New enlightenment, a survey of the universe, The
Economist, January 5th, 2002, page 50.)
1-1), 2-2) e 3-3) Verdadeiros. Ambos observatórios
respectivamente na Pacífico Norte (EUA) e na
América do Sul (Chile).
0-0) e 4-4) Falsos. Essas informações são
pertinentes às câmeras e aos tipos de alcance dos
25. According to the text, “Astronomy has undergone a
revolution over the past few decades.” This revolution
has definitely been characterized by:
0-0) the substitution of photographic film for chargecoupled devices.
1-1) the capture of every photon by CCDS as the
preferred way of detecting light.
2-2) the emergence of telescopes that use mirrors of
greater dimensions.
3-3) the surge of telescopes that are bigger, better
and more accurate.
4-4) the loss of the real difference in magnitude
between bright and faint objects.
Resposta: VVVVF
0-0), 1-1), 2-2) e 3-3) Verdadeiros. Essa revolução
na Astronomia se caracteriza pelo aparecimento de
telescópios que são maiores, melhores e mais
precisos; que usam espelhos de maior dimensão e
alcance. Ademais, é caracterizada pela substituição
de filmes que captam elementos usados em vídeos e
em câmeras digitais.
4-4) Falso. Contradiz a realidade textual.
26. Regarding telescopes, it is clear in the text that they:
0-0) need special environmental conditions to work
1-1) are highly effective instruments, independently
of the site’s conditions.
2-2) attract crowds when they are installed at city
3-3) tend to be installed on desert areas and on
4-4) are produced in large scale for big cities.
Resposta: VFFVF
0-0) e 3-3) Verdadeiros. Os telescópios precisam de
condições especiais do meio-ambiente, como céu
claro e ar parado, para funcionarem bem. Também
são, geralmente, instalados em áreas desérticas e
em picos.
1-1, 2-2) e 4-4) Falsos. Não retratam a realidade
27. The peak of Mauna Kea and the Atacama desert are
now considered the best places to put a telescope
0-0) their telescope area is doubling every twentyfive years.
1-1) they are located in opposite directions, northern
and southern, respectively.
28. Throughout
times, several sites have been
considered as the best places to hang out
telescopes. In fact, the best site of all is:
the Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin.
the Microwave Anisotropy Probe.
the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory.
the American satellite Chandra.
outer space itself.
Resposta: FFFFV
4-4) Verdadeiro. O próprio espaço sideral é o melhor
local para instalar-se um telescópio.
0-0), 1-1), 2-2) e 3-3) Falsos. O Observatório de
Yerkes foi o melhor do mundo há cem anos atrás.
Chandra é um satélite americano e the Microwave
Anisotropy Probe é o telescópio em órbita mais
importante do momento. O Observatório de Compton
Gamma-Ray foi desativado em 2000.
29. The characteristics that apply to the Sloan Digital Sky
Survey are:
0-0) It is a relatively crude instrument whose base is
located in Mexico city.
1-1) It has produced a somewhat incomplete
description of the 1m galaxies.
2-2) It possesses high data-collecting capacity.
3-3) It has mapped the modern distribution of
4-4) It has depicted the universe in a highly complete
Resposta: FFVVV
2-2), 3-3) e 4-4) Verdadeiros. Essas observações
possuem alta capacidade para a coleta de dados; já
mapearam a moderna distribuição de super grupos
de satélites; e representam o universo de forma
bastante complexa.
0-0) e 1-1) Falsos. Essas observações têm como
base os Estados Unidos (New Mexico) e as
descrições realizadas são bastante precisas.
30. Concerning the monetary value of the telescopes
Kecks and Gemini, one can say that:
the former is cheaper than the latter.
the latter is cheaper than the former.
the former is not so expensive as the latter.
the latter is as expensive as the former.
the former is more expensive than the latter.
Resposta: VFVFF
0-0) e 2-2) Verdadeiros. Os valores dos telescópios
Kecks e Gemini são, respectivamente, $140m e
$184m; portanto, o primeiro é mais barato que o
último, ou seja, o primeiro não é tão caro quanto
1-1), 3-3) e 4-4) Falsos. Essas assertivas não
correspondem à realidade textual.
31. In the sentence “Film gets saturated, so the real
difference in magnitude between bright and faint
objects is lost.”, “so” has a meaning similar to:
0-0) consequently.
1-1) thereabouts.
2-2) thus.
3-3) likewise.
4-4) therefore.
Resposta: VFVFV
0-0), 2-2) e 4-4) Verdadeiros. Consequently, thus e
equivalentes: conseqüentemente, por conseguinte,
por isso e portanto.
1-1) e 3-3) Falsos. Thereabouts (aproximadamente)
e likewise (também, além disso, igualmente) não
possuem conotação adequada ao contexto.)
32. Earth-bound observations are being financed by
well-off people.
government budgets.
astronomy associations.
charitable organizations.
Resposta: FVFFV
1-1) e 4-4) Verdadeiros. As observações a partir da
Terra estão sendo financiadas por pessoas ricas e
por organizações de caridade.
0-0), 2-2) e 3-3) Falsos. Os recursos não são
governamentais nem de associações de Astronomia.