

Doces (Desserts)
Mil Folhas de Arroz Doce (Milfoil Sweet Rice)
Coulant de Chocolate c/Gelado de Baunilha (Coulant Chocolate w / Vanilla Ice Cream)
Pudim Flan com Calda de Tangerina (Pudding with Tangerine Sauce)
Leite Creme da Beira Alta (Custard Milk)
Tarte de Maçã à Antiga com Gelado Baunilha (Apple Pie with Ice Cream)
Cheesecake com Frutos Silvestres (Cheescake with Red Fruits)
Musse de Chocolate Negro (Dark Chocolate Mousse)
3,90 €
4,50 €
3,90 €
3,90 €
4,50 €
Panacotta c/Frutos Vermelhos (Panacota with Red Fruits)
3,90 €
3,90 €
4,10 €
Tarte de Limão Merengada (Leamon Pie with Merenge)
Encharcada do Convento de Santa Clara ( Sugary Conventual "Encharcada")
Sericaia com Ameixa de Elvas (Sugary Conventual "Sericaia" with Plums from Elvas)
4,10 €
4,40 €
4,40 €
Frutas (Fruits)
Salada de Frutas (Fruit Salad)
Papaia com Limão (Papaya with Lemon)
Manga ao Natural (Mango)
Laranja Descascada (Peeled Orange)
Carpaccio de Abacaxi (Pineapple Carpaccio)
Ananás ao Natural (Pineapple)
Ananás ao Madeira (Pineapple witch Madeira Wine)
Melão (Melon)
Maça Assada (Baked Apple)
Pera Bebeda (Pear in Wine Sauce with Cinnamon)
3,90 €
4,20 €
4,20 €
2,60 €
4,40 €
4,40 €
4,50 €
3,60 €
3,80 €
3,80 €
Gelados Häagen- Dazs (Ice Cream Häagen- Dazs)
Minicups 100ml
Macadamia Nut Brittle
Doce de Leite (Sugar Milk)
CooKies & Cream
Chocolate Belga (Belgian Chocolate)
Strawberry Cheesecake
3,90 €
3,90 €
3,90 €
3,90 €
3,90 €
Cream Crisp 90ml
Double Caramel
Baunilha &Chocolate Fudge (Vanilla & Chocolate Fudge)
4,00 €
4,00 €
Stickbars 90ml
Macadamia Nut Brittle
Praliné de Nozes (3 Bolas) (Praliné Nuts 3 Balls)
3,90 €
4,50 €
Neste Estabelecimento há Livro de Reclamações * IVA (Taxa Legal em Vigor)
This establishment has a complaints book

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