Estudos (Arquivo )


Estudos (Arquivo )
Bibliografia sobre gênero e desempenho escolar:
autores estrangeiros
Este não é um levantamento exaustivo, mas uma tentativa de organizar e
disponibilizar a outro/as pesquisadores e pesquisadoras as obras de autores
estrangeiros sobre gênero e desempenho escolar que vêm sendo coletadas por
nós, do EDGES - Grupo de Estudos de Gênero, Educação e Cultura Sexual,
especialmente Marília Pinto de Carvalho e Andréia Botelho de Rezende.
Trabalhando com o tema há diversos anos, reunimos um acervo até então
disperso de artigos, capítulos e livros, provenientes tanto de levantamentos,
quanto de contatos, doações, “dicas” de colegas, viagens ao exterior etc., a
maioria em inglês e em menor número em francês e espanhol. Nesta lista,
ainda em construção, serão incluídos todos os trabalhos a que tivermos
acesso, seja em papel, seja em formato eletrônico. Aqueles disponíveis na
biblioteca da FEUSP trazem essa observação. Separamos as obras por tipos:
livros, capítulos de livros, artigos de periódicos e outros (relatórios, panfletos
etc); e por tema: aquelas que abordam o desempenho escolar de ambos os
sexos, as que só tratam de mulheres e as que só abordam os homens. Demos
destaque aos estudos nos quais há articulação entre gênero e pertencimento
étnico ou racial, pelo nosso interesse na temática. Além disso, na listagem
abaixo, as obras em azul tratam também do tema desempenho escolar, mas
têm foco mais amplo.
Se você tem sugestões, obras a acrescentar ou dúvidas, escreva-nos!
Marília Pinto de Carvalho
[email protected]
1. Livros .......................................................................................... 3
1.1. homens e mulheres ................................................................. 3
1.1.a. consideram também raça/etnia .......................................... 3
1.2. homens ..................................................................................... 3
1.2.a. consideram também raça/etnia .......................................... 3
1.3. mulheres .................................................................................. 4
1.3.a. consideram também raça/etnia .......................................... 4
2. Artigos de periódicos .................................................................
2.1. homens e mulheres .................................................................
2.1.a. consideram também raça/etnia ..........................................
2.2. homens .....................................................................................
2.2.a. consideram também raça/etnia ..........................................
2.3. mulheres ..................................................................................
2.3.a. consideram também raça/etnia ..........................................
3. Capítulos de livros .....................................................................
3.1. homens e mulheres .................................................................
3.1.a. consideram também raça/etnia ..........................................
3.2. homens .....................................................................................
3.2.a. consideram também raça/etnia ..........................................
3.3. mulheres ..................................................................................
3.3.a. consideram também raça/etnia ..........................................
4. Outros .........................................................................................
4.1. homens e mulheres .................................................................
4.1.a. consideram também raça/etnia ..........................................
4.2. homens .....................................................................................
4.2.a. consideram também raça/etnia ..........................................
4.3. mulheres ..................................................................................
4.3.a. consideram também raça/etnia ..........................................
1. Livros
1.1. homens e mulheres
MINGO, Araceli. Quiém mordió la manzana? Sexo, origen, social y desempeño en la
Universidad. Ciudad de México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
ZAZZO, Bianca. Féminin – masculin à l’école et ailleurs. Paris : Presses Universitaires
de France, 1993. [livro acervo pessoal]
1.1.a. consideram também raça/etnia
ARCHER, Louise ; FRANCIS, Becky. Understanding minority ethnic achievement: race,
gender, class and “success”. London: Routledge, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
CONNOLLY, Paul. Racism, gender identities and young children: social relations in a
multi-ethnic, inner-city primary school. London: Routledge, 1998. [xerox acervo pessoal]
DAVIDSON, Ann Locke. Making and molding identities in schools: student narratives
on race, gender and academic engagement. New York: New York Press, 1996. [acervo FEUSP]
LOPEZ, Nancy. Hopeful girls, troubled boys: race and gender disparity in urban
education. New York & London: Routledge, 2003. [acervo FE-USP]
WRIGHT, Cecile; WEEKES, Debbie; MCGLAUGHLIN, Alex. “Race”, class and gender
in exclusion from school. London: Falmer Press, 2000. [acervo FE-USP]
1.2. homens
ASKEW, Sue; ROSS, Carol. Boys don’t cry: boys and sexisms in education. London:
Open University Press, 1988. . [livro acervo pessoal]
GARBARINO, James. Lost boys: why our sons turn violent and how we can save them.
New York: The Free Press, 1999. [livro acervo pessoal]
GILBERT, Rob; GILBERT, Pam, Masculinity goes to school. London: Routledge, 1998.
[livro acervo pessoal]
JHA, Jyotsna; KELLEHER, Fatimah. Boys’ underachievement in education: an
exploration in selected commonwealth countries. Vancouver, Canada: Ultratech Printing,
2006. [acervo FE-USP]
LINGARD, Bob; DOUGLAS, Peter. Men engaging feminisms: pro-feminism, backlashes
and schooling. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1999. [livro acervo pessoal]
MILLS, Martin. Challenging violence in schools: an issue of masculinities. Buckingham:
Open University Press, 2001. [livro acervo pessoal]
POLLACK, William, Meninos de verdade: conflitos e desafios na educação de filhos
homens. São Paulo: Alegro, 1999. [acervo FE-USP]
SKELTON, Christine. Schooling the boys: masculinities and primary education.
Buckingham: Open University Press, 2001. [acervo FE-USP]
1.2.a. consideram também raça/etnia
EPSTEIN, Debie et alli (eds.) Failing boys?: Issues in gender and achievement,
Buckingham: Open University Press, 1998. [livro acervo pessoal]
FERGUSON, Ann Arnett. Bad boys: public schools in the making of black masculinity.
Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 2000. [acervo FE-USP]
MAC AN GHAILL, Máirtín. The making of men : masculinities, sexualities and
schooling. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1994. [acervo FE-USP]
MARTINO, Wayne; PALLOTTA-CHIAROLLI, Maria. So what’s a boy? Adressing
issues of masculinity and shcooling. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2003. [acervo
SEWELL, Tony. Black masculinities and schooling: how black boys survive modern
schooling. London: Tretham Books, 2000. [livro acervo pessoal]
YOUNGER, Mike; WARRINGTON, Molly. Raising boys’ achievement in secondary
schools: issues, dramas and opportunities. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2005.
[acervo FE-USP]
1.3. mulheres
BAUDELOT, Christian; ESTABLET, Roger. Allez les filles! Paris, Seuil, 1992. [acervo
FE-USP] [acervo FFLCH-USP]
BAUDELOT, Christian; ESTABLET, Roger. Quoi de neuf chez les filles? Entre
stéréotypes et libertés. Paris : Nathan, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
BROWNE, Naima (ed.) Science and technology in the early years : an equal
opportunities approach. Buckingham, Open University Press, 1991.
DURUT-BELLAT, Marie. L’école des filles: quelle formation pour quels rôles sociaux ? .
Paris : L’Harmattan, 1990. [xerox acervo pessoal]
DURUT-BELLAT, Marie. L’école des filles: quelle formation pour quels rôles sociaux ? .
(nouvelle edition revue et actualisée). Paris : L’Harmattan, 2004. [acervo FE-USP]
PAETCHER, Carrie. Educating the other: gender, power and schooling. London,
Washington DC: Falmer Press, 1998.
1.3.a. consideram também raça/etnia
LEWIS, Maureen A.; LOCKHEED, Marlaine E. (eds.). Exclusion, gender and
education: case studies from the developing world. Washington DC: United Book Press,
2007. [acervo FE-USP].
WALKER, Stephen; BARTON, Len. Gender, class and education. London, New York,
Philadelphia: The Falmer Press, 1983. [acervo FE-USP].
2. Artigos de periódicos
2.1. homens e mulheres
ALLARD, Andrea C. Speaking of gender: teachers’ metaphorical constructions of male
and female students. Gender and Education, v. 16, n. 3, p. 348-363, set. 2004. [acervo
BAUMERT, Jürgen. Coeducación o separación por sexo. Tügingen, AL, Educación, v.
54, p. 21-42, 1996. [xerox acervo pessoal]
BENAVOT, Aaron. Education, gender and economic development: a cross-national study.
Sociology of Education, vol. 62, n. 1, (Special issue on gender and education), January,
1989, 14-32. [CD acervo pessoal]
BOUCHARD. Pierrette ; SAINT-AMANT, Jean-Claude. La réussite scolaire des filles et
l’abandon des garçons : un enjeu à portée politique pour les femmes. Recherches
Féministes, Québec, v. 6, n.2, p. 21-37, 1993. [xerox acervo pessoal]
COUPEY, Sylvie. Pratiques d’écucation physique et sportive au CP et différences de
çperformance entre filles et garçons. Revue Française de Pedagogie, n. 110, p37-50,
jan./mar. 1995. [xerox acervo pessoal]
DANIELS, Harry; CREESE, Angela; HEY, Valerie; LEONARD, Diana; SMITH,
Marjorie. Gender and learning: equity, equality and pedagogy. Support for learning. v.
16, n. 3, 2001. [CD acervo pessoal]
DUMAIS, Susan A. Cultural capital, gender, and school success : the role of the habitus.
Sociology of Education, v. 75, p. 44-68, jan. 2002. [xerox acervo pessoal]
DURU-BELLAT, Marie. Filles et garcons à l’école: approches sociologiques et psychosociales (1re partie). Revue Française de Pédagogie, Paris, n. 109, dec. 1994, p. 111-141.
[xerox acervo pessoal]
DURU-BELLAT, Marie. Filles et garcons à l’école: approches sociologiques et psychosociales (2e partie). Revue Française de Pédagogie, Paris, n. 110, mars. 1995, p. 75-109.
[xerox acervo pessoal]
DURUT-BELLAT, Marie. La « découverte » de la variable sexe et ses implications dans la
sociologie de l’education française contemporaine. Nouvelles Questions Féministes,
Paris, v. 15, n.1, p. 35-68, 1994. [xerox acervo pessoal]
GORARD, Stephen et alli. Reappraising the apparent underachievement of boys at school.
Gender and Education, v. 11, n. 4, p. 441-454, 1999. [acervo FE-USP]
JONES, Susan; MYHILL, Debra. Seeing things differently; teachers’ constructions of
underachievement. Gender and Education, V. 16, n. 4, P. 531-546, dec. 2004. [acervo
LOVELL, Peggy A. Gender, race, and the struggle for social justice in Brazil. Latin
American Perspectives, Issue 115, Vol. 27, No. 6, November 2000, 85-103. [CD acervo
MASCARENHAS, Suely; ALMEIDA, Leandro; BARCA. Alfonso. Atribuições causais e
rendimento escolar: impacto das habilitações escolares dos pais e do género dos alunos.
Revista Portuguesa de Educação, v. 18, n. 1, p. 77-91, 2005. [CD acervo pessoal]
MORIN, Christine. Contexte scolaire, mixité et performances : introduction à la
problematique de la variable sexe dans le contexte scolaire. IN : HOUEL, Annick ;
ZANCARINI-FOURNEL, Michelle (dir.) Écoles et mixités. Lyon : Presses universitaires
de Lyon, 2001. [xerox acervo pessoal]
MOSCONI, Nicole. Réussite scolaire des filles et des garçons et socialization différentielle
des sexes à l’école. Recherches Féministes, Québec, v. 11, n.1, p. 7-17, 1998. [xerox
acervo pessoal]
WARRINGTON, Molly; YOUNGER, Michael. The other side of the gender gap. Gender
and Education, London, v. 12, n. 4, p. 493-508, 2000. [acervo FE-USP]
WHITELAW, Sarah; MILOSEVIC, Lena; DANIELS, Sandra. Gender, behaviour and
achievement: a preliminary study of pupil perceptions and attitudes. Gender and
Education, v. 12, n. 1, p. 87-113, 2000. [acervo FE-USP]
2.1.a. consideram também raça/etnia
COHEN, Cathy J.; NEE, Claire E. Educational attainment and sex differentials in African
American communities. American Behavioral Scientist, v. 43, n. 7, p. 1159-1206, April,
2000. [CD acervo pessoal]
ENTWISLE, Doris R.; ALEXANDER, Karl; HORSEY, Carrie. From first grade forward:
early foundation of High School dropout. Sociology of Education, v. 70, n. 2, p. 871071997. [CD acervo pessoal]
FORD, Donna Y.; HARRIS III, John. The American achievement ideology and
achievement differentials among preadolescent gifted and nongifted African American
males and females. The Journal of Negro Education, v. 61, p. 45-64, Winter, 1992. [CD
acervo pessoal]
GOLDBERG-SALINAS, Anette ; ZAIDMAN, Claude. Les rapports sociaux de sexe et la
scolarité des enfants de parents migrants : une étude exploratoire. Recherches Féministes,
Québec, v. 11, n.1, p. 47-59, 1998. [xerox acervo pessoal]
HAMEL, Caroline. Les interactions entre le sexe, la race et l’origine sociale et les
représentations des rapports avec le personnel enseignant. Recherches Féministes,
Québec, v. 11, n.1, p. 61-81, 1998. [xerox acervo pessoal]
HONORA, Detris. Urban African American adolescents and school identification. Urban
Education, v. 38, n. 1, p. 58-76, January, 2003. [CD acervo pessoal]
KANE, Emily W.; KYYRÖ, Else K. Bates College. For whom does education enlighten?
Race, gender, education, and beliefs about social inequality. Gender & Society, v. 15, n.
5, p. 710-733, October, 2001. [CD acervo pessoal]
SOLORZANO, Daniel G. An exploratory analysis of the effects of race, class and gender
on student and parent mobility aspirations. The Journal of Negro Education, v. 61, n. 1,
p. 30-44, Winter, 1992. [CD acervo pessoal]
2.2. homens
ALLOWAY, Nola; GILBERT, Pam. Boys and literacy: lessons form Australia. Gender
and Education, London, v. 9, n.1, march 1997, p. 49-60. [acervo FE-USP]
BENJAMIN, Shereen. Challenging masculinities: disability and achievement in testing
times. Gender and Education, London, v. 13, n1, p.39-55, 2001. [acervo FE-USP]
CONNELL, Robert W. . Teaching the boys: new research on masculinity, and gender
strategies for schools. Teachers College Record, v. 98, n. 2, p. 206-235, 1996. [CD acervo
DAVIES, Bronwyn. Constructing and deconstructing masculinities through critical
literacy. Gender and Education, London, v. 9, n.1, march 1997, p. 3-30. [acervo FE-USP]
DIXON, Caroline. Pete’s tool: identity and sex play in the design and technology
classroom. Gender and Education, London, v. 9, n.1, march 1997, p. 89-104. [acervo FEUSP]
EPSTEIN, Debbie. Boyz’ own stories: masculinities and sexualities in schools. Gender
and Education, London, v. 9, n.1, march 1997, p. 105-116. [acervo FE-USP]
HALL, Christine; COLES, Martin. Gendered readings: helping boys develop as critical
readers. Gender and Education, London, v. 9, n.1, march 1997, p. 61-68. [acervo FEUSP]
JACKSON, Carolyn. “Laddshiness” as a self-worth protection strategy. Gender and
Education, v. 14, n 1, p. 37-51, 2002. [acervo FE-USP]
KEHILY, Mary Jane; NAYAK, Anoop. ‘Lads and laughter’: humour and the production of
heterosexual hierarchies. Gender and Education, London, v. 9, n.1, march 1997, p. 69-88.
[acervo FE-USP]
KENWAY, Jane; FITZCLARENCE, Lindsay. Masculinity, violence and schooling:
challeging ‘poisonous pedagogies’. Gender and Education, London, v. 9, n.1, march
1997, p.117-134. [acervo FE-USP]
LUKE, Allan. On reading and the sexual division of literacy. The School Field, Ljubljana,
v. 4, n. 3 /4, p.113-147, 1993. [xerox acervo pessoal]
LYNG, Selma Therese. Is there more to “antischoolishness” than masculinity? On multiple
student styles, gender, and educational self-exclusion in Secondary School. Men and
Masculinities Online. First published on May 18, 2007. [CD acervo pessoal].
MARTINO, Wayne; LINGARD, Bob; MILLS, Martin. Issues in boys' education: a
question of teacher threshold knowledges? Gender and Education, v. 16, n. 4, p. 435-454,
December 2004. [acervo FE-USP]
MILLARD, Elaine. Differently literate: gender identity and the construction of the
developing reader. Gender and Education, London, v. 9, n.1, p. 31-48, march 1997.
[acervo FE-USP]
REED, Lynn Raphael. Troubling boys and disturbing discourses on masculinity and
schooling: a feminist exploration of current debates and interventions concerning boys in
school. Gender and Education, v. 11, n.1, p 93-110, 1999. [acervo FE-USP]
RENOLD, Emma. Learning the ‘Hard’ way: boys, hegemonic masculinity and the
negotiation of learner identities in the primary school. British Journal of Sociology of
Education, v. 22, n. 3, 2001. [CD acervo pessoal].
SKELTON, Christine. Feminism and research into masculinities and schooling. Gender
and Education, London, v. 10, n.2, march 1998, p.217-227. [acervo FE-USP]
2.2.a. consideram também raça/etnia
BARKER, Narviar Cathcart. Educating the black male : renewed imperatives for teachers
education. Social Behavior and Personality, v. 19, n.1, p. 65-80, 1991. [xerox acervo
CHRISTIAN, Mark. The politics of Black presence in Britain and Black male exclusion in
the British education system. Journal of Black Studies, v. 35, n. 3, p. 327-346, January,
2005. [CD acervo pessoal]
DAVIS, James Earl; JORDAN, Will J. The effects of school context, structure, and
experiences on African American males in Middle and High School. The Journal of
Negro Education, p. 570-587, Autumn, 1994. [CD acervo pessoal]
EARL, Davis James. Early schooling and academic achievement of African American
males. Urban Education, v. 38, n. 5, p. 515-537, September, 2003. [CD acervo pessoal]
GARIBALDI, Antoine M. Educating and motivating African American males to succeed.
The Journal of Negro Education, v. 61, n. 1 , p. 4-11, 1992. [xerox e CD acervo pessoal]
GRAHAM, Mekada; ROBINSON, Gil. “The silent catastrophe” institutional racism in the
British educational system and the underachievement of black boys. Journal of Black
Studies, v. 34, n. 5, p. 653-671, May, 2004. [CD acervo pessoal]
HOOD, Denice Ward. Academic and noncognitive factors affecting the retention of Black
men at a predominantly White University. The Journal of Negro Education, v. 61, n. 1,
p. 12-23, Winter, 1992. [CD acervo pessoal]
JORDAN, Will J.; COOPER, Robert. High school reform and black male students: limits
and possibilities of policy and practice. Urban Education, v. 38, n. 2, p. 196-216, March
2003. [CD acervo pessoal]
LEAKE, Donald; LEAKE, Brenda. Islands of hope: Milwaukee’s African American
immersion schools. The Journal of Negro Education, v. 61, n.1, winter 1992, p. 24-29.
[CD acervo pessoal]
NOGUERA, Pedro A. The trouble with black boys: the role and influence of
environmental and cultural factors on the academic performance of African American
males. Urban Education, v. 38, n.4, p.431-459, jul. 2003. [Xerox e CD acervo pessoal]
POLITE, Vernon. The method in the madness: African American males, avoidance
schooling, and chaos theory. The Journal of Negro Education, v. 63, n. 4 , p. 588-601,
1994. [xerox acervo pessoal]
STEELE, Claude M. Race and the schooling of black Americans. The Atlantic Monthly,
April 1992. [xerox acervo pessoal]
SWANSON, Dena Phillips; CUNNINGHAM, Michael; SPENCER, Margaret Beale. Black
males’ structural conditions, achievement patterns, normative needs, and “opportunities”.
Urban Education, v. 38, n. 5, p. 608-633, september, 2003. [CD acervo pessoal]
2.3. mulheres
GAGNON, Claudette. La dynamique de la réussite scolaire des filles au primaire : les
motivations et les enjeux des rapports sociaux de sexe. Recherches Féministes, Québec, v.
11, n.1, p. 19-45, 1998. [xerox acervo pessoal]
MOSCONI, Nicole; DAHL-LANOTTE. C’est technique, est-ce pour elles ? Les filles dans
les sections techniques industrielles des lycées. Travail, genre et sociétés, Paris, n. 9, avr.
2003. p. 71-90. [revista arquivo pessoal]
RUBI, Stéphanie. Le comportments « déviants » des adolescentes des quartiers populaires :
être « crapuleuse », porquoi et comment ? Travail, genre et sociétés, Paris, n. 9, avr. 2003.
p. 39-70. [revista arquivo pessoal]
TERRAIL, Jean-Pierre. Réussite scolaire : la mobilisation des filles. Sociétés
Contemporaines, Paris, n. 11-12, p. 53-89, 1992. [xerox acervo pessoal]
2.3.a. consideram também raça/etnia
FORDHAM, Signithia. “Those loud black girls”: (black) women, silence, and gender
“passing” in the academy. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, v. 24, n. 1, p. 3-32,
mar. 2003. [xerox acervo pessoal]
LUTTRELL, Wendy. Working class women’s ways of knowing: effects of gender, race
and class. Sociology of Education, vol. 62, January, 1989, 33-46. [CD acervo pessoal]
MICKELSON, Roslyn Arlin. Why does Jane read and write so well? The anomaly of
women’s achievement. Sociology of Education, v. 62, n. 1, (Special issue on gender and
education), p. 47-63, January, 1989. [CD acervo pessoal]
NTIRI, Daphne. Access to higher education for nontraditional students and minorities in a
technology focused society. Urban Education, v. 36, n. 1, p. 129-144, January 2001. [CD
acervo pessoal]
3. Capítulos de livros
3.1. homens e mulheres
AEBISCHER, Verena. Styles de pensée, communautés de pensées et performances
scolaires. IN : MOSCONI, Nicole (dir.) Égalité des sexes en éducation et formation.
Paris, PUF, 1998. [xerox acervo pessoal]
ARNOT, Madeleine; DAVID, Miriam; WEINER, Gaby. Changing gender patterns in
education. IN: ____________. Closing the gender gap: postwar education and social
change. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1999. [acervo FE-USP]
ARNOT, Madeleine; DAVID, Miriam; WEINER, Gaby. New generations of girls and
boys. IN: ____________. Closing the gender gap: postwar education and social change.
Cambridge: Polity Press, 1999. [acervo FE-USP]
BEAN, John; BEAN, Beth. College student attrition and retention. IN: BANK, Barbara.
(ed.) Gender and education: an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
BIHR, Alain ; PFEFFERKORN, Roland. L’éducation et l’école. IN : ___________.
Hommes/femmes introuvable égalité : école, travail, couple, espace public. Paris : Les
Editions de L’Atelier, 1996. [xerox acervo pessoal]
BOALER, Jo; SEGUPTA-IRVING, Tesha. Nature, neglected and nuance: changing
accounts of sex, gender and mathematics. IN: SKELTON, Christine ; FRANCIS, Becky ;
SMULYAN, Lisa (eds.). The SAGE handbook of Gender and Education. London:
SAGE, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
BURGE, Stephanie Woodham. Academic majors. IN: BANK, Barbara. (ed.) Gender and
education: an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
CALLENDER, Christine; WRIGHT, Cecile. Discipline and democracy: race, gender,
school sanctions and control. IN: ARNOT, Madeleine ; DILLABOUGH, Jo-Anne (eds.).
Challenging democracy: international perspectives on gender, education and citizenship.
London: Routledge Falmer, 2000. [acervo FE-USP]
CAMPBELL, Patricia; GREENBERG, Selma. Gender in research, achievement and
tecnology. IN: BIKLEN, Sari; POLLARD, Diane (org.). Gender and Education: ninetysecond yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Chicago: NSSE,
1993. [acervo FE-USP]
COULTER, Rebecca Priegert. Gender equality policies in Canadian schooling. IN: BANK,
Barbara. (ed.) Gender and education: an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo
DARLING, John ; GLENDINNING, Anthony. Pupils and outcomes. IN: ____________ .
Gender matters in schools: pupils and teachers. London: Cassel, 1996. [acervo FE-USP]
DAVID, Miriam. Gender equality policies in British schooling. IN: BANK, Barbara. (ed.)
Gender and education: an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
DAVIDSON, Kevin G.; FRANK Blye W. Masculinities and femininities and secondary
schooling. IN: SKELTON, Christine ; FRANCIS, Becky ; SMULYAN, Lisa (eds.). The
SAGE handbook of Gender and Education. London: SAGE, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
DELAMONT, Sara. Gender and higher education. IN: SKELTON, Christine ; FRANCIS,
Becky ; SMULYAN, Lisa (eds.). The SAGE handbook of Gender and Education.
London: SAGE, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
ELWOOD, Jannette. Gender issues in testing and assessment. IN: SKELTON, Christine ;
FRANCIS, Becky ; SMULYAN, Lisa (eds.). The SAGE handbook of Gender and
Education. London: SAGE, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
FOSTER, Victoria. Is female educational « success » destabilising the male learnercitizen ? IN: ARNOT, Madeleine ; DILLABOUGH, Jo-Anne (eds.). Challenging
democracy: international perspectives on gender, education and citizenship. London:
Routledge Falmer, 2000. [acervo FE-USP]
GINSBERG, Alice E.; SHAPIRO, Joan Poliner; BROWN, Shirley P. The gender politics
of student achievement and urban school reform. IN: _____. Gender in urban education:
strategies for student achievement. Portsmouth: Heinemann, Cap. 6 , 2004. [acervo FEUSP].
GUIONNET, Christine ; NEVEU, Erik. Filles et garçons à l’école. _________________.
Féminins/masculins : sociologie du genre. Paris : Armand Colin, 2004. [acervo FE-USP]
HELLAND, Patricia A. Graduate and professional education. IN: BANK, Barbara. (ed.)
Gender and education: an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
HOENE, Linda M. von. Gender and modern language education. IN: SKELTON,
Christine ; FRANCIS, Becky ; SMULYAN, Lisa (eds.). The SAGE handbook of Gender
and Education. London: SAGE, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
JORDAN, Ellen; COWAN, Angela. Warrior narratives in the kindergarten classroom:
renegotiating the Social Contract? IN: KIMMEL, Michael; MESSNER, Michael (eds.).
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KIMMEL, Michael S. The gendered classroom. In: ____. The gendered society. New
York: Oxford University Press, 2004. 1ª edição 2000, cap. 7, p. 159-179. [livro acervo
LACACI, Rafael Prieto. Acerca de la feminizacion de la poblacion universitaria. IN :
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Akal, 1987. [xerox acervo pessoal]
LEDER, Gilah. Mathematics performance. IN: BANK, Barbara. (ed.) Gender and
education: an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
LICHTNBERGER, Elizabeth O.; KAUFMAN, Alan. Intelligence tests. IN: BANK,
Barbara. (ed.) Gender and education: an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo
MACNAUGHTON, Glenda. Constructing gender in early-years education. IN:
SKELTON, Christine ; FRANCIS, Becky ; SMULYAN, Lisa (eds.). The SAGE
handbook of Gender and Education. London: SAGE, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
MARRY, Catherine. Filles et garçons à l’école. IN : VAN ZANTEN, Agnés (dir.) L’école:
l’état des savoirs. Paris: La Découverte, 2000. [livro acervo pessoal]
MICKELSON, Roslyn Arlin; JONES, LaTasha. Curricular tracking. IN: BANK, Barbara.
(ed.) Gender and education: an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
PETERSON, Shelley Stag. Writing. IN: BANK, Barbara. (ed.) Gender and education: an
encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
POLLARD, Diane. Gender and achievement. IN: BIKLEN, Sari; POLLARD, Diane (org.).
Gender and Education: ninety-second yearbook of the National Society for the Study of
Education. Chicago: NSSE, 1993. [acervo FE-USP]
PORCHE, Michelle V. Reading. IN: BANK, Barbara. (ed.) Gender and education: an
encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
REAY, Diane. Compounding inequalities: gender and class in education. IN: SKELTON,
Christine ; FRANCIS, Becky ; SMULYAN, Lisa (eds.). The SAGE handbook of Gender
and Education. London: SAGE, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
RIEGLE-CRUMB, Catherine. Science achievement. IN: BANK, Barbara. (ed.) Gender
and education: an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
ROBINSON-PANT, Anna. Literacy. IN: BANK, Barbara. (ed.) Gender and education:
an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
SANDERS, Joe. Gender and technology: what the research tells us. IN: SKELTON,
Christine ; FRANCIS, Becky ; SMULYAN, Lisa (eds.). The SAGE handbook of Gender
and Education. London: SAGE, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
SARA-LAFOSSE, Violeta, Coeducational settings and educational and social outcomes in
Peru IN: STROMQUIST, Nelly (ed.). Women and Education in Latin America:
knowledge, power and change. London: Lynne Rienner, p. 87-105, 1992. [xerox acervo
SKELTON, Christine. Boys and girls in the elementary school. IN: SKELTON, Christine ;
FRANCIS, Becky ; SMULYAN, Lisa (eds.). The SAGE handbook of Gender and
Education. London: SAGE, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
SMYTH, John. Attrition from schools. IN: BANK, Barbara. (ed.) Gender and education:
an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
WISEMAN, Alexander; BAKER, David. Educational achievement in international
context. IN: BANK, Barbara. (ed.) Gender and education: an encyclopedia. London:
Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
YELLAND, Nicola. Making sense of gender issues in mathematics and technology. IN:
YELLAND, Nicola (ed.). Gender in early childhood. London: Routledge, 1998. [xerox
acervo pessoal]
WEINER, Gaby; ARNOT, Madeleine; DAVID, Miriam. Is the future female? Female
success, male disadvantage, and changing gender patterns in education. IN: HALSEY, A.
H. et al. Education: culture, economy and society. UK: Oxford University Press, p. 620630, 1997. [acervo FE-USP].
3.1.a. consideram também raça/etnia
HUDLEY, Cynthia. Issues of race and gender in the educational achievement of African
American children. IN: BANK, Barbara; HALL, Peter (ed.). Gender, equity, and
schooling: policy and practice. New York: Garland, 1997. [acervo FE-USP]
WARD, Janie Victoria; ROBINSON-WOOD, Tracy L. Room at the table: racial and
gendered realities in the schooling of black children. IN: SKELTON, Christine ;
FRANCIS, Becky ; SMULYAN, Lisa (eds.). The SAGE handbook of Gender and
Education. London: SAGE, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
3.2. homens
CONNELL, Robert W. Teaching the boys. IN: _____________ . The men and the boys.
Berkeley: UC Press, 2000. [xerox acervo pessoal]
CONNELL, Robert W. Disruptions: improper masculinities and schooling. IN: KIMMEL,
Michael; MESSNER, Michael (eds.). Men’s lives. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998. [livro
acervo pessoal]
MARTINO, Wayne. The “right” way to educate boys: interrogating the politics of boys’
education in Australia. IN: SKELTON, Christine ; FRANCIS, Becky ; SMULYAN, Lisa
(eds.). The SAGE handbook of Gender and Education. London: SAGE, 2006. [acervo
WEAVER-HIGHTOWER, Marcus B. The “boy problem”. IN: BANK, Barbara. (ed.)
Gender and education: an encyclopedia. London: Praeger, 2007. [acervo FE-USP]
3.2.a. consideram também raça/etnia
BHANA, Deevia. Violence and the gendered negotiation of masculinity among young
black school boys in South Africa. IN: OUSGANE, Lahoucine; MORRELL, Robert (ed.).
African masculinities: men in Africa from the late nineteenth century to the present. New
York: Palgrave Mac Millan, 2005. [livro acervo pessoal]
DAVIDSON, Kevin G. et alii. Boys and underachievement in the Canadian context: no
proof for panic. IN: ALI, Suki; BENJAMIN, Shereen; MAUTHNER, Melanie (ed.) . The
politics of gender and education: critical perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
2003. [acervo FE-USP]
ENTWISLE, Doris R.; ALEXANDER Karl L.; DAUBER, Susan L. Characteristics and
competencies of repeaters: who is held back? In: ____. On the success of failure: a
reassessment of the effects of retention in the primary grades. Cambridge University Press,
2ª edição 2003, cap.5, p. 63-81. [livro acervo pessoal]
ENTWISLE, Doris R.; ALEXANDER, Karl L.; OLSON, Linda Steffel. The pluses and
minuses of being male. In: ____. Children, schools and inequality. US: Westview Press,
1997, cap. 6, p 121-144. [livro acervo pessoal]
POLITE, Vernon C. Reproduction and resistance: an analysis of African-American males’
responses to schooling. IN: SHUJAA, Mwalimu J. (ed.). Too much schooling, too little
education: a paradox of black life in White societies. Africa World Press, 1998. [acervo
REED, Rodney. Education and achievement of young black males. In: GIBBS, Jewelle
Taylor (org.). Young, Black and male in America. US: Aurburn House, 1988, cap. 2, p.
37-96. [livro acervo pessoal]
3.3. mulheres
ANYON, Jean. Intersections of gender and class: accommodation and resistance by
working-class and affluent females to contradictory sex-role ideologies. IN: Gender, class
and education. London, New York, Philadelphia: The Falmer Press, 1983. [acervo FEUSP].
ARNOT, Madeleine. A cloud over co-education: an analysis of the forms of class and
gender relations. IN: Gender, class and education. London, New York, Philadelphia: The
Falmer Press, 1983. [acervo FE-USP].
BARTON, Angela Calabrese; BRICKH0USE, Nancy. Engaging girls in science. IN:
SKELTON, Christine ; FRANCIS, Becky ; SMULYAN, Lisa (eds.). The SAGE
handbook of Gender and Education. London: SAGE, 2006. [acervo FE-USP]
GARCIA, Marta I. González; SEDEÑA, Eulalia Pérez. Ciência, tecnologia e gênero. IN:
SANTOS, LUCY Woellner dos et alii (org.). Ciência, tecnologia e género: desvelando o
feminino na construção do conhecimento. Londrina, PR: IAPAR, 2006. [livro acervo
HANMER, Trudy J. The gender gap in schools: girls losing out. Enslow Publishers Inc.,
1996. [acervo FE-USP].
HOUSTON, Barbara. Should public education be gender free? IN: STONE, Lynda (org.).
The education feminism reader. New York, London: Routledge, cap. 8, 1994.
McKELLAR, Barbara. Only the fittest of the fittest will survive: black women and
education. IN: STONE, Lynda (org.). The education feminism reader. New York,
London: Routledge, cap. 15, 1994.
3.3.a. consideram também raça/etnia
MIRZA, Heidi Safia. Black womanhood in British educational research: towards a new
understanding. IN: ARNOT, Madeleine; WEILER, Kathleen. Feminism and social justice
in education: international perspectives. London, Washington, DC: The Falmer Press,
ZAMBRANA, Ruth E. Toward understanding the educational trajectory and socialization
of Latina women. IN: STONE, Lynda (org.). The education feminism reader. New York,
London: Routledge, cap. 9, 1994.
4. Outros
4.1. homens e mulheres
4.1.a. consideram também raça/etnia
GILLBORN, David; MIRZA, Heidi Safia. Educational inequality: mapping race, class
and gender. A synthesis of research evidence. London: Office for Standards in Education,
November, 2000. [CD acervo pessoal]
4.2. homens
KIMMELL, Michael. “What about the boys?”: what the current debates tell us and don’t
tell us about boys in school. Wellesley, MA: Center for Research on Women’s 6th Annual
Gender Equity Conference, Special Report, jan. 2000. [acervo FE-USP]
4.2.a. consideram também raça/etnia
4.3. mulheres
AMERICAN Association of University Women Educational Foundation. Gender gaps:
where schools still fail our children. New York: Marlowe & Company, 1999. [acervo FEUSP].
UNTERHALTER, Elaine. Global inequalities in girls and women’s education: how can
we measure progress? Paper prepared for the ISA Conference, Durban, 2006-06-30. [CD
acervo pessoal]
4.3.a. consideram também raça/etnia