curriculum vitae – joão pedro carvalho nunes


curriculum vitae – joão pedro carvalho nunes
João Pedro Carvalho Nunes
E-mail: [email protected]
Date of birth: 25-Jun-1976
Nationality: Portuguese
CESAM – University of Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
Phone: (+351) 234 370200 (ext. 22636)
Researcher (post-doctoral position) in the Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies –
University of Aveiro (CESAM/UA).
2008: PhD in Environmental Engineering by the New University of Lisbon (UNL).
Thesis title: “Vulnerability of Mediterranean Watersheds to Climate Change: the
Desertification Context.”
1999: College diploma (5-year program) in Environmental Engineering by the UNL
(classification: 16/20).
Surface runoff and hydrological erosion processes.
Environmental modeling.
Climate change impacts assessment.
Geographical information analysis.
Coupled catchment and coastal systems analysis and modeling.
2008 present Researcher
Research associate
(PhD student)
Centre for Ecological Modelling, Institute
for Marine Research (CEM/IMAR)
2009 present Visiting researcher
Center for Environmental
Sustainability Research, New
University of Lisbon (CENSE/UNL)
Longline Environment Ltd. (UK)
Visiting researcher
Invited lecturer
YDreams Informatics
Visiting student (supervisor: Prof. Peter Loucks)
Cornell University (USA)
Coordinated or co-coordinated:
present ERLAND – Direct and indirect impacts of climate
change on soil erosion and land degradation in
Mediterranean watersheds (principal researcher)
EROSFIRE2 – A GIS-tool for Slope-to-catchmentscale Soil Conservation Management Following
Forest Wildfires
Other projects:
present FIRECNUTS – WildFIRE effects on topsoil Carbon
and NUTrient Stocks, dynamics and exports
Reference and funding agency
FCT (Portugal)
FCT (Portugal)
Reference and funding agency
FCT (Portugal)
IB-TWM – Iberian Trans-boundary Water
Management: experiences from the past and
approaches for the future
FCT (Portugal)
HIDRIA – A multi-stage approach for addressing
input data uncertainties in process-based rainfallrunoff modelling for small forested catchments
upstream of the Ria de Aveiro
FCT (Portugal)
CLIMWAT – Assessing and managing the impact
of climate change on coastal groundwater resources
and dependent ecosystems
MALVEO - Vulnerability Mapping to Malaria
Vector from Earth Observation Data: Anopheles
atroparvus density mapping under climate scenarios
for Southern Portugal
FCT (Portugal)
URBHI – Monitoring the Impacts of Urbanization
on Hydrological Extremes in a Small Forested
FCT (Portugal)
EROSFIRE – A Model-based, Decision-support
Tool for Soil Erosion Hazard Assessment Following
Forest Wildfires
Reference and funding agency
FCT (Portugal)
SPEAR – Sustainable options for People,
catchments and Aquatic Resources
SMILE – Sustainable Mariculture in northern Irish
Lough Ecosystems
Department of Agriculture and
Rural Development of Northern
Ireland (UK)
Modeling response of soil erosion and runoff to
changes in precipitation and cover – model
comparison exercise
IGBP: Soil Erosion Network
GENETICLAND – Discovering Future Landscapes
Using Genetic Algorithms
FCT (Portugal)
OAERRE – Oceanographic Applications to
Eutrophication in Regions of Restricted Exchange
EC: FP5 (EU)
Carrying Capacity and Impact of Aquaculture on
the Environment in Chinese Bays
ERBIC4CT 98-0291
EC: INCO-DC program (EU)
Spatial Modeling Based on Remote Sensing Data –
Application to Water Resources Analysis
JNICT (Portugal)
EUROSAM – European Salt Marsh Modelling
EC: DG XII-DC1 program (EU)
SADO2000 – Ecological Modeling of the Sado
CEM/IMAR (Portugal)
ECOTEJO98 – Environmental Analysis of the
Tagus Estuary
Solvay (Portugal)
Wildfire spread modeling using GIS
FCT/UNL (Portugal)
SARAE – Corporate environmental
responsibility evaluation system
QREN program (Portugal)
UISCE – Understanding Irish Shellfish Culture
Sea Fisheries Board (Ireland)
Hydrological and Diffuse Pollution Modeling
for Mainland Portugal
INAG – National Water Institute
Forest Fire Modeling for Environmental
“Ingenuity and Work” exhibition,
Lisbon (Portugal)
Environmental Auditing for the Colombo
Shopping Centre
SONAE/UNL (Portugal)
Environmental Education on Oceans
Expo ’98 exhibition, Lisbon (Portugal)
Environmental Auditing for the city of Cascais
Cascais Municipality /UNL (Portugal)
Portuguese: Native language.
English: Good conversation, reading and writing skills.
French: Reasonable conversation and reading skills.
Castilian: Reasonable conversation and reading skills.
German: Basic conversation skills.
present Filipa Isabel
Analysis and Model-based Assessment of
Lopes Tavares
Water Yield and Quality in Mesoscale
Catchments with Different Forest
Management Strategies (A Climate
Gradient Approach) (co-supervisor)
Degree and institution
PhD, Dresden Technical
University (TUD,
Daniel Louro
Modeling surface hydrology and
groundwater recharge in the QuerençaSilves aquifer (co-supervisor)
MSc, Lisbon Technical
University (UTL,
Helga Cristiana
Medição e modelação da erosão do solo a
micro-escala, após incêndios florestais
MSc, Aveiro University
(UA, Portugal)
Peer review for SCI journals: Hydrological Processes, Water Resources Management,
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Scientific conference organization: International Conference on Ecohydrology and
Climate Change (Tomar, 2009; scientific council)
MSc jury participation: Akli Ait Benali (2008), Vânia Bento (2009)
Computer skills: GIS (ArcGIS, Idrisi), programming (Visual Basic, Delphi, C++,
MATLAB), environmental modeling (MEFIDIS, SWAT, E2K)
Nunes, J.P. 2007. Vulnerability of Mediterranean Watersheds to Climate Change: the Desertification Context.
PhD Thesis. New University of Lisbon, Lisbon.
Ferreira J.G., Hawkins A.J.S., Monteiro P., Service M., Moore H., Edwards A., Gowen R., Lourenço P.,
Mello, A., Nunes J.P., Pascoe P.L., Ramos L., Sequeira A., Simas T., Strong J. 2007. SMILE – Sustainable
Mariculture in northern Irish Lough Ecosystems – Assessment of Carrying Capacity for Environmentally
Sustainable Shellfish Culture in Carlingford Lough, Strangford Lough, Belfast Lough, Larne Lough and
Lough Foyle. IMAR – Institute of Marine Research, Coimbra.
Simas M.T., Nunes J.P. 1999. Mercúrio na matéria particulada em suspensão e nos sedimentos da Cala do
Norte do Estuário do Tejo. ECOTEJO 98, Rel. A-8503-02-99-UNL, Ed. DCEA/FCT.
Book chapters:
Nunes J.P., Nearing M.A. In press. Modelling impacts of climatic change: case studies using the new
generation of erosion models. In: “Handbook of Erosion Modelling”, Morgan R.P.C., Nearing M.A. (eds.)
Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
Seixas J., Nunes J.P., Lourenço P., Corte-Real J. 2007. GeneticLand: Modeling Land Use Change Using
Evolutionary Algorithms. In: “Simulating Land-Use Change”, Koomen E., Bakema A., Stillwell J., Scholten
H. (eds.): 181-196. Springer Verlag, Dordrecht.
Nunes J.P., Vieira G.N., Seixas J. 2006. MEFIDIS - A Physically-based, Spatially-Distributed Runoff and
Erosion Model for Extreme Rainfall Events. In: “Watershed Models”, Singh V.P., Frevert D.K. (eds.): 291314. CRC press, Boca Raton.
Articles in international journals listed in the SCI:
Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Keizer J.J., Ferreira A.J.D. 2009. Sensitivity of runoff and soil erosion to climate change
in two Mediterranean watersheds. Part I: model parameterization and evaluation. Hydrol. Process. 23 (8):
1202-1211 (DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7247).
Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Keizer J.J., Ferreira A.J.D. 2009. Sensitivity of runoff and soil erosion to climate change
in two Mediterranean watersheds. Part II: impact of changes in rainfall, antecedent soil moisture and
vegetation cover. Hydrol. Process. 23 (8): 1212-1220 (DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7250).
Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Pacheco N.R. 2008. Vulnerability of water resources, vegetation productivity and soil
erosion to climate change in Mediterranean watersheds. Hydrological Processes 22 (16): 3115-3134 (DOI:
Xiao Y., Ferreira J.G., Bricker S.B., Nunes J.P., Zhu M., Zhang X. 2007. Trophic assessment in Chinese
coastal systems – review of methodologies and application to the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary and Jiaozhou
Bay. Estuaries and Coasts 30 (6): 901-918.
Nunes J.P., de Lima J.L.M.P., Singh V.P., de Lima M.I.P., Vieira G.N. 2006. Numerical modelling of surface
runoff and erosion due to moving rainstorms at the drainage basin scale. J. Hydrol. 330 (3-4): 709-720.
Nearing M.A., Jetten V., Baffaut C., Cerdan O., Couturier A., Hernandez M., Le Bissonnais Y., Nichols
M.H., Nunes J.P., Renschler C.S., Souchère V., van Oost K. 2005. Modeling response of soil erosion and
runoff to changes in precipitation and cover. Catena 61 (2-3): 131-154.
Nunes J.P., Vieira G., Seixas J., Gonçalves P., Carvalhais N. 2005. Evaluating the MEFIDIS model for runoff
and soil erosion prediction during rainfall events. Catena 61 (2-3): 210-228.
Alvera-Azcárate A., Ferreira J.G., Nunes J.P. 2003. Modelling eutrophication in mesotidal and macrotidal
estuaries. The role of intertidal seaweeds. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 57: 715-724.
Newton A., Icely J.D., Falcão M., Nobre A., Nunes J.P., Ferreira J.G., Vale C. 2003. Evaluation of
eutrophication in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, Portugal. Continental Shelf Research 23: 1945-1961.
Nunes J.P., Ferreira J.G., Gazeau F., Lencart-Silva J., Zhang X.L., Zhu M.Y., Fang J.G. 2003. A model for
sustainable management of shellfish polyculture in coastal bays. Aquaculture 219: 257-277.
Simas T., Nunes J.P., Ferreira J.G. 2001. Effects of global climate change on coastal salt marshes. Ecological
Modelling 139 (1): 1-15.
Invited communications in international conferences:
Keizer J.J., Nunes J.P., Malvar M.C., Maia P.A.A., Varela M.E.T. 2009. Vegetation and erosion: the case of
forest wildfires with a special emphasis on Portugal (solicited talk). Geophysical Research Abstracts 11:
Keizer J., Nunes J., Malvar M., Stolte J., Coelho C., Silva J., Prats S., Ferreira R., Houmann M., Lagewaard
M., Afonso P., Lopes F., Ferreira A., Pereira V., Condesso de Melo T., Jetten V. 2006. The EROSFIRE
project - presentation and first results of a rainfall-simulation and model-based approach to soil erosion
assessment in recently burned forest areas in Portugal (invited). 14th congress of the International Soil
Conservation Organization: water management and soil conservation in semi-arid environments, 14-19 May
2006, Marrakesh.
Nunes J.P., Seixas M.J., Pacheco N.R. 2006. Sensitivity of water resources and soil erosion to climate change
in semi-arid watersheds (invited). 14th congress of the International Soil Conservation Organization: water
management and soil conservation in semi-arid environments, 14-19 May 2006, Marrakesh.
Ferreira J.G., Bricker S.B., Nobre A.M., Nunes J.P., Yan X., Zhang X.L., Zhu M.Y. 2005. Research and
screening models for science and management - Integrated assessment of ecological balance and
sustainability in coastal zones (invited). The Estuarine Research Federation 2005 Conference, 16-18 October
2005, Norfolk.
Other communications in international conferences:
Ferreira C.S.S., Ferreira A.J.D., Nunes J.P., Pedroso de Lima J.L. 2009. Hydrological Events in Urban Sprawl
Areas: Experimental Study of Ribeira dos Covões Catchment. ECOHCC’09: International Conference on
Ecohydrology and Climate Change. 10-12 September 2009, Tomar.
Keizer J.J., Nunes J.P., Vieira D.C.S., Varela M.E.T., Prats S.A., Pereira L.M.G., Malvar M.C., Maia P.A.A.,
Ferreira R.S.V., Fernandes I.A.C., Faria S., dos Santos A.S., 2009. Runoff and erosion from micro-plot to
catchment-scale in a recently burnt forest area in central Portugal. FuegoRed 2009: II International Meeting
on Forest Fire Effects on Soils. 4-6 November 2009, Seville.
Nunes J.P. 2009 Simulating the impacts of climate change on hydrological and erosion processes in
Mediterranean watersheds. ECOHCC’09: International Conference on Ecohydrology and Climate Change.
10-12 September 2009, Tomar.
Nunes J.P., Malvar M.C., Vieira D.C.S., Keizer J.J. 2009. Modeling soil erosion for burnt eucalyptus slopes in
Central Portugal. FuegoRed 2009: II International Meeting on Forest Fire Effects on Soils. 4-6 November
2009, Seville.
Stigter T., RibeiroL., Monteiro J.P., Nunes J.P., Oliveira R., Tavares P.C.F. 2009. Assessing and managing
the impact of climate change on coastal groundwater resources and dependent ecosystems: the CLIMWAT
project. ECOHCC’09: International Conference on Ecohydrology and Climate Change. 10-12 September
2009, Tomar.
Keizer J.J., Nunes J.P., Palacios E., Beekman W., Malvar M.C. 2008. Soil erosion modeling for two recently
burnt eucalypt slopes: comparing MEFIDIS, MMF and USLE. 15th congress of the International Soil
Conservation Organization, 18-23 May 2008, Budapest.
Malvar M.C., Prats S.A., Nunes J.P., Keizer J.J. 2008. Micro-plot scale overland flow generation and soil
erosion in two recently burnt eucalypt stands in north-central Portugal: measurement and modeling results for
simulated and natural events. 15th congress of the International Soil Conservation Organization, 18-23 May
2008, Budapest.
Nunes J.P. 2008. Response of runoff and erosion during extreme events to climate change in Mediterranean
watershed. 15th congress of the International Soil Conservation Organization, 18-23 May 2008, Budapest.
Nunes J.P., de Lima J.L.M.P., Ferreira .A.J.D. 2008. Modelling the Impact of Urbanization on Hydrological
Extremes. 12th Biennial Conference of Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative
Basins (ERB): Hydrological Extremes in Small Basins, 18-20 September 2008, Cracow.
Prats S.A., Malvar M.C., Ferreira R.S.F., Nunes J.P., Keizer J.J. 2008. Post-fire erosion measurement and
modelling using repeat rainfall simulations in two eucalypt stands in Portugal. Final COST 634 International
Conference, 30 June – 4 July 2008, Aveiro.
Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Pacheco N.R., Carvalhais N. 2006. Consequences of climate change for runoff and soil
erosion: coupled simulation at the seasonal and extreme event scales. Geophysical Research Abstracts 8:
09100; proceedings of the EGU 2006 General Assembly, April 2006, Vienna.
Nearing M.A., Jetten V., Baffaut C., Cerdan O., Couturier A., Hernandez M., Le Bissonnais Y., Nichols
M.H., Nunes J.P., Renschler C.S., Souchere V., Van Oost K. 2005. Modeling response of soil erosion and
runoff to changes in precipitation and cover. Proc. World Water and Environ. Resources Congress 2005, 1519 May 2005, Anchorage.
Nunes J.P., Pacheco N.R. 2005. Consequences of climate change for water resources in Portugal - modeling
the consequences of a Climate Change scenario for soil water availability, river runoff and reservoir recharge.
Proceedings of GIS Planet 2005: II International Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information, 30
May – 2 June 2005, Lisbon (ISBN 972-97367-5-8).
Seixas J., Lobo F., Nunes J.P., Condado P., Lourenço P. 2005. Evolving landscapes with an evolutionary
algorithm. Proceedings of GIS Planet 2005: II International Conference and Exhibition on Geographic
Information, 30 May – 2 June 2005, Lisbon (ISBN 972-97367-5-8).
Seixas J., Nunes J.P., Lourenço P., Condado P., Lobo F. 2005. GeneticLand: Modeling Land Use Change
Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Proceedings of the 45th Congress of the European Regional Science
Association – “Land Use and Water Management in a Sustainable Network Society”, 23-27 August 2005,
Nunes J.P. 2003. Assessing the sensitivity of soil erosion to increases in extreme event intensity caused by
climate change in a Mediterranean watershed. Soil Erosion Under Climate Change: Rates, Implications and
Feedbacks, 17-18 November 2003, Tucson.
Nunes J.P., Seixas J. 2003. Impacts of extreme rainfall events on hydrological soil erosion patterns:
application to a Mediterranean watershed. Proceedings of the XIVth Global Warming International
Conference and Expo: Extreme Events & Energy, Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, 27-30 May
2003, Boston.
Seixas J., Lobo F.G., Corte-Real J., Nunes J.P. 2003. GeneticLand: spatial planning supported by genetic
algorithms. Framing Land Use Dynamics reviewed abstracts: 124-125, 16-18 April 2003, Utrecht.
Carvalhais N., Nunes J., Vieira G., Seixas J. 2001. Remote sensing data to parameterise spatially distributed
erosion models – The case of Manning-Strickler's roughness coefficient. Remote Sensing Society Conference
2001, London.
Nunes J.P., Vieira G., Gonçalves P., Seixas M.J. 2001. Runoff and erosion modeling: a new approach driven
by small-scale variability. Proceedings of the ISEH 2001 – International Symposium on Environmental
Hydraulics, December 2001, Tempe.
Posters in international conferences:
Ferreira C.S.S., Ferreira A.J.D., Magalhães M.C., Coelho C.O.A., Nunes J.P., de Lima J.L.M.P. 2009.
Evaluation of the impact of land use changes on rainfall-runoff processes and sediments transport.
Geophysical Research Abstracts 11: EGU2009-11168.
Nunes J.P. 2009. Vulnerability to uncertain climate change scenarios: implications for water resources
management in two Mediterranean watersheds. Geophysical Research Abstracts 11: EGU2009-10984.
Nunes J.P., Ferreira R.S.V., Fernandes I.A.C., Varela M.E.T., Vieira D.C.S., dos Santos A.S.F., Maia P.A.A.,
Keizer J.J. 2009. Measuring erosion in burnt areas at multiple spatial scales: the EROSFIRE 2 project.
Geophysical Research Abstracts 11: EGU2009-10926.
Nunes J.P., Malvar M.C., Vieira D.C.S., Ferreira R.S.V., Keizer J.J. 2009. Modeling soil erosion in burnt
areas. Geophysical Research Abstracts 11: EGU2009-10943.
Vieira D.C.S., Malvar M.C., Nunes J.P., Keizer J.J. 2009. Mapping soil erosion hazard in a recently burnt
forest area in north-central Portugal. Geophysical Research Abstracts 11: EGU2009-8389.
Ferreira A.J.D., Ferreira C.S.S., Esteves T., Pedroso de Lima J.L., Nunes J.P., Nunes M., Pato L.R. 2008.
Flash Floods in urban sprawl areas. Experimental Design and first results from the Ribeira dos Covões
Catchment. Final COST 634 International Conference, 30 June – 4 July 2008, Aveiro.
Ferreira A.J.D., Nunes J.P., de Lima J.L.M.P., Ferreira C., Esteves T., Nunes M. 2008. URBHI – Urban Flood
Risk and Pollutant Relocation as a Result of Global Change. 12th Biennial Conference of Euromediterranean
Network of Experimental and Representative Basins (ERB): Hydrological Extremes in Small Basins, 18-20
September 2008, Cracow.
Keizer J.J., Nunes J.P., Sande Silva J., Malvar M.C., Maia P.A.A., Ferreira R.S.F., dos Santos A.S.F., Vieira
D.C.S., Fernandes I. 2008. EROSFIRE II – presentation. Final COST 634 International Conference, 30 June –
4 July 2008, Aveiro.
Malvar M.C., Ferreira R.S.F., Prats S.A., Nunes J.P., Keizer J.J. 2008. Micro-plot scale erosion in two
recently burnt eucalypt stands in north-central Portugal. Final COST 634 International Conference, 30 June –
4 July 2008, Aveiro.
Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Keizer J.J. 2008. Response of runoff and soil erosion patterns to changes in storm
characteristics, soil moisture patterns and vegetation cover for Mediterranean watersheds. Geophysical
Research Abstracts 10: EGU2008-A-10887; proceedings of the EGU 2008 General Assembly, April 2008,
Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Pacheco N.R., Benali A. 2008. Sensitivity of soil erosion to climate change in
Mediterranean watersheds. Final COST 634 International Conference, 30 June – 4 July 2008, Aveiro.
Prats S.A., Malvar M.C., Nunes J.P., Ferreira R.S.V., Keizer J.J. 2008. Repeat rainfall simulation experiments
for post-fire erosion risk assessment and modeling in two eucalypt stands in Portugal. Geophysical Research
Abstracts 10: EGU2008-A-11958; proceedings of the EGU 2008 General Assembly, April 2008, Vienna.
Keizer J., Malvar M., Nunes J., Oñate M., Prats S., Palacios E., Menci S., Coelho C., García-M. A., et al.
2007. The EROSFIRE project - a model-based, decision-support tool for soil erosion hazard assessment
following forest wildfires. 4th International Wildland Fire Conference, 13 – 17 May 2007, Seville.
Keizer J., Nunes J., Malvar M., Palacios E., Prats S., Coelho C., Silva J., Ferreira A., Pereira V., Stolte J.
2007. Modeling soil erosion in commercial forest plantations following wildfire and subsequent land
management. International Conference “Soil and Hillslope Management using scenario analysis and runofferosion models: a critical evaluation of current techniques”. 7 – 9 May 2007, Florence.
Keizer J., Nunes J., Malvar M., Prats S., Coelho C., Garcia-M. A., Herrera D., Onãte M., Ferreira R., Silva J.,
Ferreira A., Lucena J., Cascão P., Pereira V., Condesso de Melo T., Stolte J. 2007. Micro-plot-scale
measurement and modeling of soil erosion in recently burnt eucalypt stands in North-Central Portugal.
International Meeting of Fire Effects on Soil Properties. 31 January – 3 February, Barcelona.
Menci S., Keizer J., Malvar M., Moretti S., Nunes J., Catani F. 2007. Modelling interrill erosion in recently
burnt forest areas. Geophysical Research Abstracts 9: 10023; proceedings of the EGU 2007 General
Assembly, April 2007, Vienna.
Nunes J.P. 2007. Sensitivity of hydrological parameters to changes in climate in two temporal and spatial
scales. Geophysical Research Abstracts 9: 10712; proceedings of the EGU 2007 General Assembly, April
2007, Vienna.
Nunes J.P., Ferreira J.G., Zhu M.Y., Stigebrandt A., Lan D.Z., Smits J., de Wit M., Groom S., Hawkins T.,
Telfer T., Yan X.J. 2007. Modelling the transport of nutrients and carbon from catchment to coast – the
SPEAR project. Geophysical Research Abstracts 9: 10622; proceedings of the EGU 2007 General Assembly,
April 2007, Vienna.
Nunes J.P., de Lima J.L.M.P., Singh V.P., de Lima M.I.P. 2007. Consequences of storm movement direction
for surface runoff and erosion at two scales: plot and watershed. Geophysical Research Abstracts 9: 10652;
proceedings of the EGU 2007 General Assembly, April 2007, Vienna.
Keizer J.J., Malvar M., Nunes J., Silva J., Coelho C., Prats S., Ferreira R., Houmann M., Lagewaard M.,
Ferreira A.J.D., Lucena J., Pereira V., Condesso de Melo T., Afonso P., Stolte J., Jetten V. 2006. The role of
land management practices in soil erosion hazard in eucalypt stands in north-central Portugal following forest
wildfires. Vth International Conference on Forest Fire Research, 27-30 November 2006, Coimbra.
Keizer J., Nunes J., Coelho C., Malvar M., Prats S., Ferreira R., Silva J., Ferreira A., Pereira V., Condesso de
Melo T., Stolte J., Jetten V. 2006. EROSFIRE - A model-based, decision-support tool for soil erosion hazard
assessment following forest wildfires. COST634 conference: remote sensing and spatial analysis tools on
erosion processes. 26–28 May 2006, Samos Isl.
Keizer J., Nunes J., Malvar M., Prats S., Ferreira R., Coelho C., Houmann M., Lagewaard M., Herrera D.,
Oñate M., Menéndez I., Bravo E., García-Monge A., Pereira V., Condesso de Melo T., Silva J., Ferreira A.,
Lucena J., Robeiro C., Stolte J., Jetten V. 2006. The EROSFIRE project – preliminary results of small-scale
and slope-scale runoff plots. Geophysical Research Abstracts 8: 10373; proceedings of the EGU 2006 General
Assembly, April 2006, Vienna.
Nunes J.P., de Lima J.L.M.P., Singh V.P., de Lima M.I.P., Vieira G.N. 2006. Numerical modelling of surface
runoff and erosion due to moving rainstorms at the drainage basin scale. Geophysical Research Abstracts 8:
08828; proceedings of the EGU 2006 General Assembly, April 2006, Vienna.
Keizer J., Nunes J., Silva J., Ferreira A., Coelho C., Lopes F., Melo T., Pereira V., Stolte J., Jetten V. 2005.
The EROSFIRE project – presentation. Geophysical Research Abstracts 7: EGU05-A-07222; proceedings of
the EGU 2005 General Assembly, April 2005, Vienna.
Nunes J.P., Seixas J. 2003. Simulating the effects of climate change on soil erosion for a Mediterranean
watershed. COST 623 – Soil Erosion and Global Change conference, 5-8 July 2003, Budapest.
Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Vieira G. 2003. Choosing between lower spatial resolution and lower information
content in providing data for spatially-distributed models. Geophysical Research Abstracts 5: 12732;
proceedings of the EGS-EGU-AUG Joint Assembly, 6-11 April 2003, Nice.
Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Vieira G. 2003. MEFIDIS - a process-based hydrological and soil erosion model.
Geophysical Research Abstracts 5: 11817; proceedings of the EGS-EGU-AUG Joint Assembly, 6-11 April,
2003, Nice.
Alvera-Azcárate A., Ferreira J.G., Nunes J.P. 2002. Modelling macroalgae productivity in an estuary. A
biorremediation to nutrient discharges in the ecosystems. Geophysical Research Abstracts 4: EGS02-A05502_1; proceedings of the EGS XXVIIth General Assembly, April 2002, Nice.
Communications in national conferences:
Keizer J., Malvar M., Nunes J., Coelho C., Prats S., Menci S., Herrera D., Garcia-M. A., Oñate M., Palacios
E., Cascão P., Martín C., Ferreira R., van Broeckhuysen P., Seck A., de Vos D., Sande Silva J., Lucena J.,
Ferreira A., Magalhães C., Pereira V., Condesso de Melo T., van den Elsen E., Stolte J. 2007. O projecto
EROSFIRE. 9ª Conferência Nacional do Ambiente, 18 – 20 April 2007, Aveiro.
Prats S.A., Keizer J.J., Malvar M., Nunes J.P, Ferreira A.J.D. 2007. A produção de escorrência superficial e
de sedimentos em dois eucaliptais recentemente ardidos no Distrito de Aveiro, medidas e modeladas com
base em simulações de chuva. Encontro anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciência do Solo, 4 – 6 July, Vila
Keizer J., Nunes J., Coelho C., Silva J., Lopes F., Brinkhof T., Nijsingh E., Stolte J., Jetten V., Ferreira A.,
Melo T., Pereira V., Mateus V., Malvar M. 2005. EROSFIRE – Ferramenta de apoio para identificação, com
base em modelação, de risco de erosão do solo após incêndios florestais. 5º Congresso Florestal Nacional, 1619 May 2005, Viseu.
Nunes J.P., Pacheco N.R. 2004. Informação Geográfica e Modelação para a Gestão de Bacias Hidrográficas.
Consequências das alterações climáticas para os processos hidrológicos e erosivos: potenciar a informação
geográfica para a gestão ambiental. Encontro de utilizadores de SIG ESIG 2004, 2-4 June 2004, Oeiras.
Nunes J.P., Vieira G.N., Seixas M.J., Gonçalves P., Carvalhais, N. 2002. Informação Geográfica e Modelação
Ambiental. Encontro de utilizadores de SIG ESIG 2002, 13-15 November 2002, Oeiras.
Posters in national conferences:
Keizer J.J., Nunes J.P., Fernandes I.A.C., Ferreira R.S.F., Pereira L.M.G., Varela M.E.T., Pereira V.M.F.G.,
Santos A.S.F., Malvar M.C., Maia P.A.A., Fernandes H., Faria S., Coelho C.O.A., Vieira D.C.S., Prats S.A.,
Benali A., Sande Silva J., Magalhães M.C.F.S., Ferreira A.J.D. 2009. Erosão do Solo após Incêndios
Florestais a Múltiplas Escalas Espaciais. Actas do 6º Congresso Florestal Nacional, 6 – 9 October, Ponta
Delgada: 193-201.
Pacheco N.R., Nunes J.P., Seixas J., Corte-Real J. 2004. Changes in hydrological and soil erosion patterns in
a Mediterranean watershed due to climate change. Seminar IGBP 2004: Global Change and Sustainability,
15-17 April 2004, Évora.
Other scientific publications:
Nunes J.P., Seixas J. 2003. Impacts of extreme rainfall events on hydrological soil erosion patterns:
application to a Mediterranean watershed. World Resource Review 15 (3): 336-351.
Other scientific communications:
Nunes J.P., Seixas, J. 2007. Alterações Climáticas – Perspectivas de Futuro. Seminário do Algarve sobre
Alterações Climáticas, 27 July 2007, Olhão.

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