Untitled - Moreira Congelados


Untitled - Moreira Congelados
Field Roast chicken from the Alentejo
Ingredients for 6 people:
1 chicken whole field
300g streaky bacon strips diced
700g peeled potatoes for roasting
7 cloves of garlic
3 teaspoons full of dough and Pepper
3 bay leaves
125 ml of white wine
qs salt
20g margarine
Orange slices
1. Cut the garlic into pieces and place them in a mortar.
Add a little salt, taking into account that the ground pepper is already salty, especially if it is homemade.
Crush all very well until a paste.
Mix the garlic paste with ground pepper.
2. Barre and the chicken inside and out with 3/4 of the seasoning.
Put it in a baking breasts with upturned board.
3. In a bowl mix the potatoes well with the remaining seasoning and with interspersed.
Around the chicken, spread the mixture of potatoes with streaky.
Also spread bay leaves.
Drizzle with white wine.
Finally, add the margarine.
4. Bring to a preheated oven at 190 º C and bake about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
When all is well established and blondie sauce, remove from oven.
Serve with slices of orange and purple with a salad of lettuce, coriander leaves and onion.
The Mexican Meatballs
Ingredients for 5 persons:
500g de carne de vaca picada
260g de feijão encarnado cozido (1 lata pequena)
150g de milho doce cozido
Meio pimento vermelho pequeno cortado em cubinhos
Meio pimento verde pequeno cortado em cubinhos
1 malagueta cortada em rodelas
1 cebola picada
2 dentes de alho picados
2 tomates médios maduros cortados em cubos
Salsa picada
4 colheres de sopa de azeite
4 colheres de sopa de polpa de tomate
150 ml de vinho branco
1 cubo de caldo de carne natural
Sal q.b.
1. Tempere a carne com sal e misture bem. Retire pedaços de carne e faça almôndegas do mesmo tamanho.
2. Num tacho leve ao lume 2 colheres de sopa de azeite, a cebola e os alhos.
Mexa e deixe refogar sem deixar alourar. Ao refogado junte a malagueta, os pimentos e o tomate cortado em
cubos. Mexa e deixe refogar bem aproximadamente 10 minutos.
3. Ao refogado junte a polpa de tomate, o caldo de carne, o feijão, o milho e a salsa picada.
Tempere com sal. Adicione o vinho branco e por fim, 200 ml de água.
Mexa, tape e deixe cozinhar em lume médio durante 20 minutos até que tudo fique apurado.
4. Entretanto, numa frigideira leve ao lume o restante azeite e deixe aquecer. Frite as almôndegas de ambos os
lados até que ganhem cor.
Por fim, espalhe o molho por cima e deixe apurar entre 5 a 10 minutos. Quando tudo estiver bem apurado, está
pronto a servir.
Roast lamb
Ingredients for 4 people:
1.5 kg lamb
1 heaped tablespoon of ground pepper
4 cloves garlic, minced
3 bay leaves
1 onion, cut into half-moon slices
Sprigs of parsley
500 ml of white wine
qs salt
qs pepper
1 kg of potatoes for roasting
30 ml of oil
2 tablespoons lard
200 ml of broth
1. In a bowl, season the lamb with salt, pepper, chopped garlic and ground pepper.
Mix all together.
Add the bay leaves, onion slices and parsley sprigs.
Drizzle everything with the white wine and refrigerate for one day to another.
2. Next day, season the potatoes with salt, pepper and half the olive oil.
Mix all together.
3. On a baking tray, place in bottom sprigs of parsley, onion and bay leaves.
On top, place the meat and meat spread around the potatoes.
Drizzle everything with marinated beef, broth and remaining olive oil.
On top, sprinkle bits of lard.
4. Carry the preheated oven at 200 º for 1 hour and 10 minutes.
The half the time, turn the meat to be blonde both sides.
After the roast kid, accompany with greens and serve.
Baked Pork Chops in the Oven
Ingredients for 4 people:
4 pork chops with rind
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 heaped teaspoon of ground pepper
1 bay leaf halved
1 teaspoon cumin shallow coffee powder
500 ml (0.5 l) of green wine
qs coriander
qs salt
qs pepper
1 kg of peeled potatoes for roasting
1 tea spoon of paprika
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon margarine
chopped coriander
1. On clay or glass pan, place the chops.
Season both sides with salt, pepper, ground pepper and cumin.
Spread the garlic, bay leaf and sprigs of coriander.
Finally, drizzle it with white wine.
Marinate in a refrigerator overnight.
2. On the day of cooking, season the potatoes with salt, paprika and olive oil.
Mix all together.
Spread around the meat.
Add the marinated potatoes and margarine.
3. Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees and bake for 40 minutes.
Last 40 minutes, turn the meat with rind side up so it stays toasty.
Bring back in the oven and bake about 20 minutes until the rind becomes parched.
After the meat and baked potatoes, remove.
Serve this dish with chopped coriander on top and accompanied by turnip greens or cooked cabbage.
Steak with Pepper Sauce
Ingredients for 2 people:
2 sirloin steaks cow with approximately 180g each
Flower of salt qs
50g butter
100 ml broth natural meat (half cube natural juice)
2 tablespoons well-filled mixture of peppercorns
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
200 ml of fresh cream
1. Rather a mortar crush the peppers.
When more esmgadas have, the stronger is the sauce.
2. Season steaks on both sides with a little sea salt, taking into account that the broth is already salty.
In a frying pan, let it boil butter and let heat through.
Fry the steaks on both sides to taste.
After the fried steaks put them in a dish.
3. Was for fat, mix pepper, Worcestershire sauce and broth.
Simmer a few minutes until the sauce reduces by half.
Beat the cream with a stick wires until they gain some consistency and volume.
Add the cream to the sauce and mix well.
Cook a few seconds until the sauce becomes creamy.
Serve the steak with the sauce on top.
Sirloin Peru Wrapped in French Garlic and Carrot
Ingredients for 4 people:
8 steaks turkey
1 white part of leek cut into strips
1 large carrot, grated
4 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 chicken bouillon cube (optional)
300g fresh mushrooms cut into quarters
250 ml of white wine
1 tablespoon cornstarch
200 ml of soy cream
qs salt
qs pepper
1. Season the steaks on both sides with salt and pepper.
Over each steak, place a mound of leeks and a pile of grated carrot.
Wrap the steak and secure the rolls with toothpicks.
Repeat the process with all the steaks.
2. In a large pan, bring to boil the oil and let it warm up a bit.
Join the rolls and fry a little of both sides to gain color.
Add mushrooms, bouillon cube chicken and white wine.
Cover and cook for 2 minutes.
3. In a bowl, combine the mustard and flour.
Gradually add 300 ml of water and stir.
4. Affiliate meat, the flour mixture with the mustard.
Finally, add the cream soy.
Mix everything carefully, cover and cook about 25 minutes over medium heat.
After the calculated sauce is ready to serve.
Accompany this dish with butter rice.

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