PORTUGUÊS – Ricardo Pereira


PORTUGUÊS – Ricardo Pereira
ALUNO (A): ________________________________________________________________________ Nº _______
PROFESSOR: Adalberto Soares
SÉRIE: 7º ano
TURNO: Manhã
Let’s Practice
1. Use o grau Comparativo de Superioridade nos adjetivos
DATA: ______ /______ / 2016
• Se o adjetivo termina em e, acrescenta-se somente -r para
formar o comparativo:
wise (sábio) / wiser (mais sábio que)
large (grande) / larger (maior)
a) Mike is ____________ than his _________ brother. (tal/ old)
b) This box is ________________ than that another one. (small)
c) My wife is ________________ than me. (heavy)
d) My old car was _______________ than my new one. (good)
e) That student is _______________ than another one. (smart)
f) Usean Bolt is ________________ than Bryan Hurts. (fast)
g) Nico Hosberg is _____________than Lewis Hamilton. (slow)
h) Chris is ____________ than Michael. (intelligent)
i) My dog is _____________ than your dog. (brave)
j) This music is _______________ than another one. (cool)
k) My cat is _________________ than yours. (lazy)
l) São Paulo City is ______________ than Rio. (dangerous)
m) My house is _______________ than yours. (pleasant)
n) Alter do Chão is ____________ than Mosqueiro. (marvelous)
o) I’m _____________ than my others Brothers. (thin)
p) That accident was _____________ than other one. (terrible)
• Terminando o adjetivo em y precedido de consoante, troca-se o
y por -ier para o comparativo:
dry (seco) / drier (mais seco que)
easy (fácil) / easier (mais fácil que)
pretty (bonito) / prettier (mais bonito que)
• Quando o adjetivo termina em uma única consoante precedida
de uma só vogal, dobra-se a consoante antes da terminação -er :
hot (quente) / hotter (mais quente que)
thin (magro) / thinner (mais magro que)
big (grande) / bigger (maior que)
• O adjetivo polissílabo forma o comparativo antepondo, ao
advérbio, more (mais):
intelligent (inteligente) / more intelligent than (mais inteligente
polite (educado) / more polite than (mais educado que)
interesting (interessante) / more interesting than (mais
interessante que)
boring (chato) / more boring than (mais chato que)
q) My brother is _____________ than me. (big)
r) My cat is _______________ than yours. (hungry)
s) My home is _______________than my mother-in-law. (clean)
t) My eyes is _______________ than yours. (clear)
u) My wife is _______________ than yours. (careful)
Let’s Pratice – Simple Future with “Will”
1. Passe as frases para as formas: Negativa e Interrogativa.
a) I and my wife will travel from here two weeks.
v) Board games is ___________ than videogames. (boring)
w) This food is ______________ than fat foods. (light)
x) Roller Coastre is ____________ than Ghost Train. (amazing)
y) BattlleField is ____________ than Ghost Recon. (bad)
b) I will take good grades in this 3ºth avaliation tests.
z) Learning English is _________than Math. (easy)
Comparatives (Comparativos)
Usamos os adjetivos comparativos para fazer uma comparação
entre duas coisas, pessoas ou objetos. Para transformar os
adjetivos em comparativos, preste atenção nas regras a seguir:
• O adjetivo monossílabo e o dissílabo formam seu comparativo
acrescentando –er.
tall (alto) / taller (mais alto que)
rich (rico) / richer (mais rico que)
small (menor) / smaller (menor que)
c) My sister will go to Filadelfia next year.
d) My teacher will be back next month to our classroom.

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