The Social Media and the Fashion Business As Mídias Sociais e as


The Social Media and the Fashion Business As Mídias Sociais e as
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
As Mídias Sociais e as Empresas de Moda
Submission: Sept./1/2014 – Approval: Feb./11/2015
Gilza Iale Camelo da Cunha
Marketing and Social Media Specialist from Universidade Potiguar - UnP. Graduated in Business
Administration at the Universidade Potiguar - UnP. Professor at Universidade Potiguar - UnP.
E-mail: [email protected]
Professional address: Av. João da Escóssia, nº 1.561 - Nova Betânia, Mossoró/RN - Brasil.
Jhose Iale Camelo da Cunha
Master degree in Educational Sciences from Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
- ULHT / Lisbon. Higher education Teaching Specialist from Universidade Gama Filho and
Universidade Potiguar - UnP. Graduated in Social Sciences from Universidade Estadual do Rio
Grande do Norte - UERN. Professor at the Universidade Potiguar.
E-mail: [email protected]
Washington Sales do Monte
Master degree in Environment, Technology and Society from Universidade Federal Rural do SemiÁrido - UFERSA. Business consulting and Higher Education Teaching Specialist from
Universidade Potiguar - UnP. Marketing technologist from Universidade Potiguar – UnP. Professor
at Universidade Potiguar - UnP.
E-mail: [email protected]
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
The clothing industry companies seek, increasingly, for a competitive advantage to attract its target
audience. In order to do that, it is essential using digital marketing tools in their strategies. This
article aims to do a reflection over the importance of social networks for the clothing market and
mentions auxiliary tools to the companies in this business improve and modernize their marketing
strategies using the Internet. The study reports and analyses digital marketing activities of national
and international companies and it is the result of a research in scientific articles, websites, books
and blogs related to the thematic of digital marketing at the clothing industry. The research has
descriptive profile and qualitative approach. That were analyzed social networking platforms used
by Carmen Steffens, C & A, Levi's and Aldo Shoes companies, such as Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. After the theoretical discussion based on the concepts of social
media, emphasis on the Internet platforms and their connection with the clothing industry, it was
possible to understand that the performance of companies in this segment is absolutely important as
that provides to the brand a better market positioning which increases their visibility and generates
profits with low costs investment.
Clothing, fashion, marketing, social networking.
As empresas do segmento de vestuário buscam, cada vez mais, um diferencial competitivo para
atrair seu público-alvo. Para isso, é fundamental ter em suas estratégias o uso de ferramentas do
marketing digital. O presente artigo objetiva apresentar uma reflexão sobre a importância das redes
sociais para o mercado de vestuário e cita ferramentas de auxílio às empresas desse ramo para o
aperfeiçoamento e modernização das estratégias de marketing, por meio da internet. O estudo relata
e analisa ações de marketing digital de empresas nacionais e internacionais e é resultado de uma
pesquisa bibliográfica em artigos científicos, sites, livros e blogs referentes à temática marketing
digital no segmento de vestuário. A pesquisa é de caráter descritivo e abordagem qualitativa. Foram
analisadas plataformas de redes sociais, como Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest e YouTube
das empresas Carmen Steffens, C&A, Levi´s e Aldo Shoes. Após a discussão teórica com base nos
conceitos de mídias sociais, ênfase nas plataformas da internet e sua ligação com o segmento de
vestuário, pôde-se compreender que a atuação das empresas nesse segmento é de total importância,
pois proporciona à marca melhor posicionamento no mercado, o que aumenta a visibilidade e gera
lucros com baixo custo de investimento.
Vestuário, moda, marketing, redes sociais.
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
Social media platforms have been increasingly used in marketing strategies in fashion segment
companies. Through photos and videos, the brands of the fashion universe, disclose collections,
campaigns, products, interact with the consumers, answer questions and complaints and may even
influence the purchase through publications on corporate business profile.
This study aims to analyze the following question: what kind of digital marketing actions are the
companies Carmen Steffens, C&A, Levi's and Aldo Shoes developing in social media? This
research aims to present a reflection over the importance of the social networks to the fashion and
clothing market in general, and mentions the auxiliary tools to the companies in this business to
improve and modernize their marketing strategies using the internet.
The article is the result of a research in scientific articles, websites, books and blogs related to the
thematic of digital marketing and clothing. The current paper has descriptive profile and qualitative
approach. That were analyzed social networking platforms used by Carmen Steffens, C & A, Levi's
and Aldo Shoes companies, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube,
respectively. According to Hunt (2010), the importance of the Internet connection and adherence to
this kind of innovation is a fact and stay out of this reality is no longer an option. It is noticeable
that both types of brands designated to the upper class as the popular ones, use digital marketing
mechanisms for being a low-cost media, compared to the others.
The Portuguese word moda originates from the French language word mode, and that means to
wear, habit or a style generally accepted, variable in time and result of certain taste, idea, whim and
influences of the environment in which the individual is associated (AMARAL; FERREIRA;
VIEIRA, 2006). Fashion is also the power that the human beings have to express themselves
through clothing. In Brazil, several companies in the retail market of clothing business are using
these kind of media to attract their customers, since the power of influence and attraction to the
consumption of products, through pictures and videos resources has great strength. Digital
marketing in the fashion world has been subject of studies and research, in view of the increasing
spread of brands in social Internet networks.
(...) Fashion reaffirms the freedom to the men to recreate his own skin, not the first one,
given biologically, but the second one, generated by their imagination and fantasy and
made it real by their technical ingenuity. Clothing is a second skin that covering the first
one, makes up the final appearance of the subject. (BAITELLO, 2005 apud CASTILHO;
MARTINS, 2005, p. 31, own translation).
Thus, one notices that fashion provides that freedom to the consumer of being able to dress up with
a second skin, recreate another identity that is not the existing one, and that possibility attracts
people. According to Bergamo (1998), the sense of fashion is in the experiences, representations
and in what guides the relationship between the people and their clothes, approving and
disapproving, issuing value judgments. This is how it should be the understanding of its meaning:
as something that signals, that points daily directions, meanings and instruments of judgment for the
clothes. Moreover, this is possible only because clothing means something and that is exactly why it
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
could be as an instrument of mediation between the individual and the sense that prints in their
Fashion is something complex and in a continuous process of changing, but in a holistic point of
view, one can notice it is an attractive and fascinating universe to the consumers, which follows it in
all predetermined trends. A reliable brand, prominent, nationally and internationally known, attracts
consumers from both higher and lower purchasing power. Although most who purchase such
products have a higher purchasing power.
A brand comes to mean not just a product or service, but it also incorporates a set of values and
tangible and intangible relevant attributes to the consumer, and that contribute to differentiate it
from those that are similar. Thus, when purchasing a product, the consumer is not only buying a
good, but the whole set of values and brand attributes. (PINE, 1996, p. 43, own translation).
Being fashionable, wear a luxury item desired by others, provides the opportunity to differentiate
themselves. That is when you realize the intangibility of the brand. These are important points in
which the companies of the overall apparel market work their campaigns and develop their products
to be truly consumer objects of desire, thus aiming mainly consumption, resulting in increasingly
higher profits.
The Social networking platforms provide a closer relationship with the consumers, more than it was
previously used to. A few years ago consumers were just passive spectators. Today, brands interact
with their clients, looking for their participation and opinion for new product ideas, arrangements
and even for the layout of the brand. Internet provides to the consumer a greater autonomy from the
media of radio and television.
In these means of digital media, consumer can close banners, windows that do not interest and seek
those with a content that is most appealing to them. When a consumer becomes a fan of a brand in
the Facebook, it is not only one increasing number, but also spreading to your entire network of
contacts and recommending that company and depending on the power of influence of that
consumer, many others will start to consume that brand products.
Many people express themselves through fashion products: An outfit, a mobile phone, a laptop, a
jewel, a car. Although this type of non-verbal communication is more important to some than to
others, the fact is that certain brands are fetish. They lead the consumer to a sphere of pleasure
running through the rational consumption levels. No matter how much a fashion piece will cost,
but the pleasure it will provide, whether momentary or not. (COBRA, 2007, p. 17, own
In this sense, organizations are using the power of influence of some consumers to propagate photos
and posts, famous or not, with pieces of their brands aiming to make these products into consumers
objects of desire. Social media is like activating agents to spread content for organizations that use
this tool in a good way, given that in these platforms their consumers are connected.
As to the ads on social networks, Hunt (2010) believes that it needs to take some care to advertise
their products. It is essential that media planning is drawn and tested in advance, it is important to
check if all products are actually available to the consumer, if the team is aligned to answer
customer´s questions, both at the physical point of sale as the virtual one.
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
If in the past information and consumer complaints were before closed doors, in which
organizations only provided relationship channels such as emails or 0800 (free call), today social
media have contributed to a change. According to Cobra (2007), due to easy access, consumers
today want to have all options at their disposal; otherwise, it will address the competitor and might
still make bad brand awareness. It is noticed a greater business concern with the quality of products,
services and customer service, because these have become more active with these new media.
As Cobra (1997) explained, doing marketing means, above all, be sensitive to feel the market and
discover trends looking to develop campaigns that are not only pleasing, but above all, delight
customers. Thus, the use of social media platforms in the fashion and clothing world in general,
aims to attract the public through the images posted that, in most of the cases, are formed by looks
of the day with new trends and collections of major brands, generating buzz (large spread of
something) in social networks on the Internet.
The Social networks used by companies on the Internet, have several possibilities allowing
audience interaction through likes, comments, posts of photos and videos, suggestions, opinions
registration, among others. When a company obtains, in its social networking platform, positive
testimonials of the public, it tends to provide strengthening to the brand. Positive actions from the
users in companies’ social networks, like using like, share, comment, tweet, retweet, pin it1, among
others, drive the spread of the brand and this tends to generate future profits, as the company gets
more visibility.
In agreement with Gabriel (2010), the social network is a structure formed by individuals (or
companies), connected by one or more specific types of interdependency as friendship, kinship,
affinity, beliefs etc. It is notorious the increasing engaging of the social media in advertising
campaigns of fashion companies, since the target audience is present in these channels. This
practice is not new out of Brazil.
The Connectivity present through social networks (GABRIEL, 2010), has modified the Web user
behavior and to emerge new concepts that look to define their behavior in networks. One of those
concepts built is the engagement, currently developed in various fields of knowledge as Sociology,
Political Science and Psychology (MARRA; DAMACEMA, 2013).
Participating in an online process is presented as an intermediate variable between attitudes and
behavior, in this perspective in which the individual ceases to be passive in flux, in which often
tends to get lost, becoming involved in this process (MOLLEN; WILSON, 2010). As reported by
Rappaport (2007 apud MOLLEN; WILSON, 2010, p. 10), the engagement turns around of two keyideas: high relevance of the brands to the consumers and to the development of an emotional
connection between brands and consumers”.
Pin it, action of collect a photo to someone’s own panel.
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
Created in 2010, Instagram is nowadays available for use on platforms such as Android and iOS
(operating system implemented in Apple-branded products). Instagram's main characteristic is
mobility, as this Internet social network platform is used in mobile devices like tablets and mobile
phones. By posting photos, users also have the option to automatically share them on other
networks like Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and Flickr.
Conforming to DAquino (2014), Instagram already counts with more than 300 million users
worldwide and has become effective in digital marketing actions. This social networking platform is
free and has a different approach from other social networks like Facebook and Twitter; it requires
more creativity of companies and can be very useful in consolidating the concept of a brand.
The use of hashtags on Instagram helps in targeting the content and facilitates searches of users,
encouraging the public to post always with a hashtag that, conventionally, represented by the
symbol #, seeking engagement and meeting people and subjects of interest. Filters that the
applicative offers bring different effects. On the platform, you can make comments and mentions in
the photos as well as you like them.
Facebook was launched in 2004 and its founder is Mark Zuckerberg. In this Internet social network
platform, users have to register before using the website and, after that, can create a personal
profile, and add other users, exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they
update their profiles. Additionally, users can join groups of common interest from other users, and
like Fan Pages.
According to Sbarai (2013), Facebook platform has more than 1 billion users. Of which, over 76
million are registered only in Brazil, a number that maintains the country´s position as the second
largest market in the world, speaking about numbers of social network users (the first place is still
occupied by the United States of America). The author points out that Facebook recently announced
that 44 million Brazilians social network users, which means 57% of the total number of registered,
access the website through smartphone, tablet and desktop.
Similar to an inspiration board, Pinterest, launched in 2010, is a social network platform that
enables the sharing of images. In this Internet social network, users can share and manage photos on
their preferences such as looks, arts, gardening, and accessories, among others. Each user can share
your and other users’ images and put them in their collections or boards, as well as comment and
take other actions available on the platform.
So that users can interact more broadly with other communities, the site is integrated with Twitter
and Facebook, so the user also has the option to share the image in these platforms. Pursuant to
Morris (2014), the Pinterest platform has over 70 million users worldwide. With easy layout and
rapid growth, has become a new mean of sharing images on the Internet and the fashion and
clothing market companies in general share are adhering to this platform in order to interact with
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
According to Diniz (2013), this platform has proven to be much more than a photo-sharing tool.
Known for its famous wish lists, has attracted a large number of followers. The use of this social
networking platform for a fashion market company is crucial, since the power of the images on the
Internet provides a perspective of attraction to users’ consumption. A media plan is necessary to
develop a content of attractive pieces and get a campaign that can generate profits through the
disclosure of collections.
Twitter was launched in 2006, the microblogging allows users to send and receive personal updates
from other contacts (in texts up to 140 characters, called tweets). The retweet is a function of
Twitter consisting of replicate some given message from one user to the list of followers, giving
credit to the original author.
For businesses, this retweet feature is important, since the company by receiving a compliment,
uses the retweet to propagate its followers that consumer is praising the brand, which automatically
subtends as recommended and it has a great importance when it aims to acquire visibility and
strengthening of the brand.
In keeping with Quadros (2015), Twitter is already used today by more than 284 million people
around the world to communicate short messages and relay online content. The tool enables gather
user interest affairs on the timeline, since, by follow a profile, this starts to receive information from
the followed profile.
Businesses use Twitter as a way of maintain customer relationships, because in that platform it is
possible to suggest situations, companies complain, ask questions, knowing products, among other
features, aiming thereby the interaction with the consumer. In June 2006, the platform started to
offer a Brazilian Portuguese language version.
YouTube was founded in 2005, a social media website that allows users to upload and share videos.
YouTube is the second largest Web social network and in 2006 it was incorporated into Google.
YouTube has popularized the sharing of videos on the Internet, allowing the Internet user to register
productions, create playlists and comment materials from other users. In consonance with Morris
(2014), YouTube already passes the remark of more than 15 billion page views per month.
The ability to store video files sent by Internet users is another feature responsible for the success of
YouTube, regardless of the quality of the video, the subject or the existence of prior authorization
for the release of the material. Thus, it is possible to post home videos, movies and personal graphic
works as well as professional ones, in other words, high quality image definition.
It is also observed that this video social network has been widely used in marketing campaigns for
advertising agencies, since the cost to transmit a VT is pretty expensive, especially in some so
called noble hours of Brazilian television. Whereas the advertising of videos published on social
network platforms has advantages over vehicles on the television for being available to access,
independent of time and space.
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
This article is the result of a literature research in scientific articles, Websites, books, social network
platforms and blogs related to digital marketing topics in companies from clothing segment in
general. The research is descriptive and has qualitative approach, since it seeks to understand a set
of meanings about the theme. As reported by Hymann (1967), descriptive research is the one that
describes a phenomenon and records the way it occurs. Regarding the qualitative approach,
Apolinário (2006), states that it is the identification of the categories, patterns and relationships
between the collected data in order to unravel its meaning by interpreting and comparing the results
with other studies and theoretical references.
This study has analyzed digital marketing actions carried out by the companies: Carmen Steffens, C
& A, Levi's and Aldo Shoes from the concepts and studies of authors such as Bravim (2012) Strategic Digital Marketing, Vieira (2012) - Return on Investment in Marketing Digital, Lerina
(2013) - interactivity on social networks of the Internet, Rocha (2013) - interaction to the media
consumers and Castellón (2012) - digital consumers.
For this study we used a script based on the concepts of the authors above to record the interactions
between consumers with brands, observing the following variables: number of likes, pins, shares,
tweets and video views. For the analysis of the article, we used the observational method over the
period of two months, starting on 2013/09/01 up to 2013/01/11 in social network platforms:
Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube of the four chosen brands.
The choice of the campaigns of the listed companies was motivated by the positive impact of
actions both online and offline. These were mentioned by several authors working with digital
marketing theme as well as marketing experts. It was also observed that the campaigns videos
reached records of views and shares making them really relevant for analysis.
C&A is one of the largest fashion retail chains in the world. From a Dutch origin, the brothers
Clemens and August, whose union of the initials resulted in the brand C&A., founded it in 1841. In
this success path, the first store in Brazil was opened in 1976, at the Ibirapuera Shopping, Sao
Paulo. Currently, C&A is present in most of the country.
C&A has a strong presence in social networks on the Internet, where is possible to see that it seeks
interaction and the engagement of the public. In 2012, C&A has mas a partnership with Google
through YouTube channel sponsoring the ytmoda, a YouTube channel dedicated to the world of
fashion, promoting campaigns, collections, famous bloggers tutorials as Joanna Moura, Mariana
Santarem, the duo Paula Martins and Chris Francini, and Helô Gomes.
The company had market vision to invest in this tool in which billions of people watch videos and
share experiences. C&A has selected famous bloggers to write and assemble videos directed by
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
themselves offering fashion tips. Some of these bloggers advocate not over-consumption, there are
those who speak of accessories and display makeup and fashion tutorials, all inserted in a subtle
way and aiming to encourage consumers readers to purchase the C&A brand products. The
company pioneered this action in Brazil (Figure 1).
Source: Available in: <>. Access in: 11 Jul. 2013.
YouTube Channel Fashion and partnership with C&A.
The five bloggers disclose trends and tips in short videos not tiring access to the channel. This
material is produced in the fashion experiences of these bloggers universe. Is noticed that the
company does not interfere in the production of the videos and you can see by this that the
consumer perceives that the YouTube Fashion channel (ytmoda) is a social network platform
produced by normal people, not by a large digital marketing agency who just wants to sell products.
According to Castellon (2012), Elio France, marketing director of C&A, this channel is in line with
the strategies of providing greater visibility for fashion in a different way. Through this sponsorship
to the channel the company can better understand what the public wants, looking for to do more
than just advertising in the digital environment, "and, believing on it, we invest in content avoiding
develop campaigns just to raise likes" explains the director. C&A also has a channel on the
YouTube platform the cea that keeps the videos with a considerable number of views and access.
The Internet is a powerful search tool; disclosure and relationship with consumers and fashion
bloggers know it. The company bet in this market niche and invested in this fashion action. It is
well known the power to influence the purchasing decision that these bloggers have. This action
with bloggers is positive. It affects and contributes to the positioning and affirmation of the brand.
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
In the period from 2012/04/18 to 2012/05/13, on its Mother's Day campaign, C&A held a marketing
action using Facebook. As Bravim (2012) explained, the brand sought an audience interaction
linking the hangers of the C&A store (Figure 2), from Iguatemi in São Paulo to the Fan Page of the
brand on Facebook. Each hanger contained an electronic display that showed how many likes in the
social network that piece had received. The hangers were hanged on a special rack (place where you
hang hangers) connected to a computer that processed the information sent by the C&A Facebook
Source: Available in: <>. Access in: 11 Jul. 2013.
Hangers of the Fashion Like campaign.
According to C&A, the action considered the fact that women use to ask for a second opinion to her
friends. The project was developed by DM9DDB agency. According to Vieira (2012), the number
of views of the Fan Page was 53,674 and 7,138 likes in ten pieces available on the hangers
connected to the Facebook platform brand. The result of the campaign was 76,622 new fans in 20
different countries and half of the collection sold out in just 24 hours of release. Analyzing these
numbers, it is correct to say that the campaign was a success; so much that it had its second edition
on Mother’s day in 2013. The company managed visibility and attracted your audience to the new
Conforming to Bravim (2012), comparing the C&A Fan Page numbers of fans with the direct
competitors as Riachuelo and Renner, in May 2012 the number of fans was as follow: first C&A
with 284,788, second Riachuelo with 259 368 and, third, Renner with 138,637. It is important to
mention the updated numbers of conquered fans of these three major fashion retails brands in Brazil
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
until the month of August 2014. C&A remains in the first place with 5,728,933, rising to the second
place is Renner with 4,884,450 of fans on the Fan Page and falling to third place, is the Riachuelo
with 4,039,372 fans on Facebook.
Such numbers show that C&A has good public acceptance and has active presence in the Facebook
platform, because it is above of its direct competitors in number of Facebook fans. The company
invests in social media, considering that is where consumers are. It is an understanding that it is
necessary to plan different strategies and actions to continue attracting and retaining the public that
every day becomes more demanding. This action has provided national and international visibility
to the brand and allowed their customers to interact and influence the purchasing decisions of
This proves that the company is listening to what people say (crowdsourcing) and giving its
customers power, making them feel valuated by the brand. It is important to mention that, for
effective digital marketing strategy it is necessary that the whole process and operation behind the
action to be well defined, to keep up with demand. The front line (service) must be well trained and
aligned with the operational, because in case of any misshapen, such strategy, rather than help the
brand consolidation could have a negative effect on networks.
As these consumers are connected, these grievances can be spread with a lot of speed and the
company also must be prepared to manage crises.
Keep interacting with customers on social networks in the fashion segment, goes beyond just likes,
comments and post pictures, you must have a 24 hours team to respond and interact with the public,
providing approach and engagement, targeting a spell by brand, instigating to form not only
followers of the brand, but ambassadors.
Aldo Shoes, international footwear company, was established in 1972 by a shoe merchant's son and
grandson of a shoemaker, Aldo Bensadoun, which now has the Aldo Group, one of the world's
largest fashion retailers, with over 20,000 team members and about 200 million customers who visit
the stores regularly. By the end of 2012, Aldo Group had more than 1,600 stores worldwide
operating on every continent, except Antarctica.
According to Paula (2012), the company used the Instagram in a creative marketing action. With
the help of Smoys agency, the company presented women with shoes pairs in one of the busiest
streets of Tel Aviv, Israel. They put a plate with instructions on the sidewalk and women who
passed by should stand on a carpet and take pictures of what they were wearing at the time.
After that, they needed to post the picture on the social network with the hashtag #Aldo, write the
number of shoes and then ring a bell. Immediately a motorized box approached the participants and
gave a couple of shoes of the brand. The bell ringed for 457 times and more than 500 photos sent to
Instagram. After gifted, most women returned to the carpet to take pictures of their new shoes, now
wearing the brand Aldo Shoes (Figure 3).
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
Source: Available in: <>. Access in: 11 Jul. 2013.
Consumers in Aldo Shoes Action.
As an analysis of the action, which had a great impact on the electronic media, it was clear that the
company's strategy was a long-term return, since, after this action, the brand gained visibility in the
country and worldwide, reviewed by various digital marketing studious as well as in retail
magazines and websites. Many other companies have replayed this action, however the pioneer idea
was from Aldo Shoes and this provided a restatement of the brand strength.
Founded in 1852 Levi's is now present in over 110 countries with authentic products and from
multiple influences that combine style and functionality to the most original trends in the fashion
universe. While everyone ran looking for gold in California, the young Levi built a fortune selling
jeans. The company employs approximately 1,300 people at its headquarters in San Francisco,
California, and around 17,000 people worldwide. Currently, there are 21 production centers and 25
customer service centers, worldwide. Levi Strauss usually manufactures its products in the regions
where the markets are.
In consonance to Lerina (2013), to follow market trends, Levi's has developed an action using social
network on the Internet to show creative ways to use your jeans and how it is used by people of
many different styles and personalities all around the world. In 2013 embarked with the campaign
called "Interpretations 501" to celebrate its 140 years. The action brought the question, "What is
your interpretation?" The brand put Levi's 501 in the hands of its fans, young and old, famous and
not so famous for them to show, through photos on social networks, their interpretation of this
original icon.
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
The live marketing action presented in the Website a digital photo gallery of the best interpretations
of the style 501 worldwide and featured images of friends and fans of Levi's, including famous
faces from the world of music, sport, cinema and TV. To participate in the action it was just need to
insert on the photo posting the hashtag #501. The promotional marketing action was valid for
photos posted on Twitter, Instagram or directly on the website (Figure 4). From this enormous stock
of photos of interpretations, Levi's selected the best ones to be part of a limited edition of the Book
of 501, as a legacy for the future.
Young people around the world recorded interpretations 501 both on Twitter as on Instagram. You
can analyze that the company sought engagement with the public and brand visibility in view of
such a special date, the celebration of 140 years. In social networks, it is possible to develop
campaigns aimed at an audience who can express their opinions about the product, for such thing it
is necessary that this brand have all its processes well aligned in order to avoid the opposite effect to
the planned.
Source: Available in: <>. Access in: 11 Jul. 2013.
Levi's Twitter page.
According to Rocha (2013), ten thousand Brazilians took part in this action by sending photos. Of
the many images chosen for the book edition, the brand elected three Brazilians: the designer Dudu
Bertholini and bloggers Vini Uehara and Giovanna Rouvier. The profit on the sale of the 501 copies
was given for students from California College of Art in San Francisco.
Thus, it is also possible to analyze that the company sought to interact with the public, giving the
brand, propagation and dissemination of products, both for ordinary consumers as by famous
selected to participate in the campaign just to boost the action, causing consumers to inspire
themselves to repeat what they were doing, spreading the jeans from Levi's brand.
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
The brand Carmen Steffens started in 1993 by the businessperson Mario Spaniol. It works with
bags and shoes leather made, but they recently launched clothing line. Headquartered in São Paulo,
the factory produces 80% of the products sold in 20 countries. Currently, it is one of the Brazilian
brands with largest international expression.
The presence of Carmen Steffens in social Internet networks is also something that is making it
gaining prominence and visibility. Pinterest is one of the many social networks that spread over the
Internet. However, this brings a different proposal and what makes it stand out from the others is
that in this social network it is possible to pin photos, saving them on someone’s own webpage.
The company's grip on this platform is important, because this makes it possible to advertise
products, collections, new campaigns, and attract the target audience since 80% of the social
network are female users, aged between 25 and 44 years. The company initiative to join this
relationship channel with the customer tends to make the business much more lucrative because
urges consumers to buy products released on the platform.
In Pinterest Carmen Steffens platform, you can search for images of consumers and bloggers who
post pictures of the products, influencing many purchasing power and save the page itself on the
platform (Figure 5). According to analysis carried out in the period from September to November
2013 it was observed that, in the panel named cs lovers, that brand pin (pin, action to capture the
picture to someone’s own panel) images of consumers who enjoyed the products and post on social
network the acquisition and use of the company products.
Source: Available in: <>. Access in: 11 Jul. 2013.
Carmen Steffens page on Pinterest.
Also under analysis, we could see on the panel look blogger cs that the brand pin photos of bloggers
who disclose Products spontaneously, without gaining anything for it as commercially. As well as
in exchange for some value or for brand products, as franchise stores of Carmen Steffens also work
PMKT – Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion, and Media Research (ISSN 2317-0123 Online), São Paulo, Brasil, V. 16, p. 28-44, April, 2015
The Social Media and the Fashion Business
Gilza Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Jhose Yale Camelo da Cunha/ Washington Sales Monte
on their digital marketing strategies, partnership with bloggers to influence the purchasing power of
consumers accompanying Carmen Steffens on the Internet social network.
In this sense, it is possible to reflect on the following question: who does not want to be in the social
network platform of the brand that you like? It is thought that this has been one of the strategic
thinking of the brand to create such action, because there was the satisfaction of consumers and
bloggers who had their photos pinned to the page of Carmen Steffens on Pinterest. That is what the
company wants to conquer and surprise the customer and, to that end, it is worth to use all tools,
including social network platforms on the Internet.
After the theoretical discussion based on the concepts of media and social networks, and emphasis
on the Internet platforms and its direct link with fashion, we could to understand that the
performance of companies in the fashion segment and clothing in general is totally important,
considering mobility, instant interactivity and the proportionality of greater visibility of the brand in
question. Through the data collection and the cases mentioned above, that made possible a better
understanding of digital marketing actions in social network platforms on the Internet.
Based on the study it was possible to understand that, fashion companies, inserted in networks
platforms and social media, have ease of interaction with the target audience, because the
relationship between client and brand is constant. Companies who view in these media new
business opportunities have more possibility to be found because it was noted that these platforms
provide the brand, a better positioning in the market generating profits at a low cost.
The considered variables were interaction and engagement. About interaction, it was noticeable,
since the number of questions and answers in the observed platforms was significant, also, the
return was immediate, but not necessarily are positive comments; some interactions of consumers
were complaints, criticism and suggestions for improvements. In the variable engagement, that was
positive, once the companies analyzed have great public acceptance.
It is essential to have a specialized professional in the online marketing, to work in creation and
implementation of digital marketing strategies to the company. A well-made marketing can take the
company to a high level of profitability. In this sense, the study of marketing and innovation
strategies for companies in the fashion segment and clothing in general aims to work better and
strengthen the image in consumer memory, strengthening and narrowing relationships. The role of
digital marketing professional for fashion brands is of essential importance, as it will draw
competitive strategies for the tight market of fashion and retail clothing that currently exists.
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