CV of Benilde Costa - Universidade de Coimbra


CV of Benilde Costa - Universidade de Coimbra
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1. Dados pessoais
1. Personal data
2. Formação académica
2. Academic degrees
3. Actividades
3. Previous activities
4. Área de actividade
4. Area of scientific
5. Actuais interesses de
5. Present research
6. Experiência na
6. Supervising
7. Participação em
7. Participation in
research projects
8. Prémios e distinções
8. Prizes and Awards
9. Publicações
9. Publications
10. Comunicações
10. Communications
11. Línguas
11. Language skills
Nome completo
Full name
Maria Benilde Faria de Oliveira e Costa
National identity card
Local e data de Nascimento
Birth place and date
n.d. 23-04-1962
Pais de nacionalidade
Morada institucional
Institutional address
Departamento de Física da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra - Rua Larga
3004-516 Coimbra
Contact data
Telefone: 239410630
Fax: 239829158
Email: [email protected]
Endereço internet (url):
2. Formação académica
2. Academic degrees
Ano Grau académico
Year Academic degree
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Distinção e
Louvor por
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
15 valores
3. Actividades anteriores e situação actual em termos científicos e/ou profissionais
3. Previous and current scientific and/or professional activities
Cargo ou categoria
Position or category
1984 to 1985
Departamento de Física da Universidade de
1985 to 1989
Assistente estagiária
Departamento de Física da Universidade de
1989 to 1998
Departamento de Física da Universidade de
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1998 to present
Professora Auxiliar
Departamento de Física da Universidade de
4. Área de actividade científica
4. Area of scientific activity
Condensed Matter Physics, Applied Nuclear Physics, Nanostructured Materials, Mechanical
Alloying,Physical Metallurgy, Phase Transformations,Moessbauer Spectroscopy
5. Domínio de especialização
5. Domain of specialization
Domínio de especialização
Domain of specializations
Characterisation and study of nanostructured materials prepared by mechanical alloying,
Moessbauer spectroscopy applied to iron and tin alloys, phase transformations in FeCr based
Actuais interesses de investigação
Present research interests
Study of solid solutions and alloys produced by mechanical alloying. Phase transformations.
Moessbauer spectroscopy applied to iron alloys and compounds. Determination of Debye
tempertaure in sigma-FeCr alloys. Magnetic studies FeCu alloys.
Outras competências/actividades
Other skills/activities
Study of hydrides and hydrogen storage in metallic compounds. Moessbauer spectroscopy
studies in oxides.
6. Experiência na orientação
6. Supervising experience
Co-supervising of undergraduatet students:
Bert Frans Jozef Luyssaert,"Study of The influence of Sn on the phase separation of Fe-Cr by
means of Moessbauer spectroscopy", Graduation thesis in Physics, 1998.
Francisco Manuel Azevedo Lucas, "The influence of pre-milling on the microstructural evolution
during mechanical alloying of a Fe50Cu50 alloy", Graduation thesis in Physical Engineering,
Full supervising of undergraduated students:
Joao Carlos de Matos Loureiro, "Phase transformations in sigma-feCr induced by ball milling",
Graduation thesis in Physical Engineering, 2006.
Alexandre Manuel Gouvêa Falcão de Castro Carvalho, "Data aquisition and treatment in
Mössbauer spectroscopy", Graduation thesis in Physics, on going.
Co-supervising of post-graduated students:
Gilberto Gonçalves Pereira, "Cleaning techniques in iron objects and its conservation in museum
ambient; characterization study of the metallic surface by Moessbauer spectroscopy", Master
thesis in Chemistry Applied to the Cultural Patrimony, 2006.
Full supervising of pot-graduate students:
Joao Carlos de Matos Loureiro, "Phase transformations in alpha-FeCr induced by ball milling",
Master thesis in Experimental Physics, on going.
Honorata Pereira, "Physics and atmospheric conditions", Master thesis in Educational Physics,
on going.
7. Participação em projectos
7. Participation in research projects
As main researcher:
1-“Study of the influence of Sn on the microstructure of FeCr alloys and their magnetic
properties”, in collaboration with the Institute of Nuclear Techniques of Cracow, Poland, the
Laboratoire de Science et Génie des Materiaux Métalliques de Nancy, France and the Physics
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Department of the University of Porto, Portugal, in the scope of JNICT/ CNRS projects from
1991 to 1993.
2- “Moessbauer studies of extended solid solutions FeCrSn prepared by mechanical alloying”, in
collaboration with the Laboratoire de Science et Génie des Materiaux Métalliques de Nancy,
France, in the scope of JNICT and ICCTI/ French Embassy projects from 1993 to 1998.
3- “ Study of the sigma phase precipitation in FeCrSn alloys prepared by fusion and mechanical
alloying”, in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Science et Génie des Materiaux Métalliques de
Nancy, France and the Physics Department of the University of Porto, Portugal, in the scope of
JNICT and ICCTI/ French Embassy projects from 1993 to 1998.
4- “Study of phase separation in FeCrSn alloys prepared by fusion and mechanical alloying”, in
collaboration with the Laboratoire de Science et Génie des Materiaux Métalliques de Nancy,
France, in the scope of a ICCTI/ French Embassy projects from 1998 to 2002.
5- “Influence of the mixing mechanism in FeCu alloys prepared by mechanical alloying”, in
collaboration with the Laboratoire de Science et Génie des Materiaux Métalliques de Nancy,
France and the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in
the scope of a ICCTI/ French Embassy project from 2000 to 2002.
6- “Mechanical alloying of FeSi alloys”, in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Science et Génie
des Materiaux Métalliques de Nancy, France and the Mechanical Engineering Department of the
University of Coimbra, Portugal, from 2000 to 2002.
7- “Research on the milling effect in the beta-FeSi2 structure”, in collaboration with the Groupe
de Matière Condensée et Matériaux de l’ University of Rennes, France, since 2003.
8- "Moessbauer and magnetic studies on a Fe23Cu77 alloy prepared by mechanical alloying”, in
collaboration with the Groupe de Matière Condensée et Matériaux de l’ University of Rennes,
France, the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and the
Physics Department of the University of Aveiro, Portugal, since 2003.
9- "Moessbauer study of phase transformations in the sigma phase of FeCr alloys induced by
milling", in collaboration with the Groupe de Matière Condensée et Matériaux de l’ University of
Rennes, France, since 2004.
10- "Magnetic and dinamic properties of sigma-FeCr nanostructured alloys", in colaboration
with the University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, since 2004.
11- "Neutrons in hydrogenated FeCr alloys", at ILL in colaboration with CNRS, Grenoble, France
and University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, 2007
12- "Phase trnasformations in FeCr and FeV systems by high energy ball milling under argon
atmosphere and vacuum", PESSOA project between GRICES/EGIDE, 2007/2008.
Other collaborations:
1-“X-ray fluorescence spectrometry studies “, from 1986 to 1988.
2- “Study of Ti and Fe in the structure and redox equilibrium in calcium silicate glasses”, in
collaboration with the Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, E.U.A., in
the scope of a PBICT project from 1992 to 1995.
3- “Local structures and interface phenomena in metallic thin films”, in collaboration with the
Centre d’Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, France, in the scope of a STRIDE project from 1993 to
4- “Magnetic studies in intermetallic alloys based on Fe and Rare Earths by magnetization,
Moessbauer spectroscopy and neutron diffraction”, in collaboration with the Laboratoire de
Cristallographie, CNRS, Grenoble, France, the Physics Department of the University of Minho,
Portugal and the Physics Department of the University of Lisboa, Portugal, from 1996 to 1998.
5- “Hydrogen and Muons in chalcopyrites used in solar cells”, in collaboration with the HahnMeitner Institut of Berlin, Germany and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, England, in the
scope of a PRAXIS XXI project from 1997 to 1999.
6- “Studies of catalysts based on Mo and Fe supported by SiO2”, in collaboration with the
Departments of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering of the University of Coimbra, Portugal,
from 1997 to 1999.
7- “Phases identification in an austenitic steel”, in collaboration with the Department of
Mechanical Engineering of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, from 1999 to 2001.
8- “Moessbauer and Raman studies in sol-gel FeAl samples”, the Departments of Ceramic
Engineering of the University of Aveiro, Portugal, from 1999 to 2001.
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9- “Hydrogen and Muons in II-VI and chalcopyrites semiconductors”, in collaboration with the
Hahn-Meitner Institut of Berlin, Germany and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, England, in
the scope of a POCTI project since 1999.
10-“Synthesis of new Ti/based metrometrics composites of aerospace and automotive
applications”, in collaboration with the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University
of Coimbra, Portugal, in the scope of a POCTI project from 2000 to 2003.
11- “Hydrogen storage in hydrides to safe energy systems”, which principal collaboration is with
the Laboratoire de Crystallographie, CNRS, Grenoble, France, in the scope of an European
project “Energy, environment and sustainable development”, since 2002.
12- “Hydrogen storage in metallic compounds of high absorption capacity”, in collaboration with
the Laboratoire de Crystallographie, CNRS, Grenoble, France, in the scope of a SAPIENS
project, since 2003
13- “Phase investigation in sol-gel iron oxides/hydroxides”, in collaboration with the
Departments of Chemical and mechanical Engineering of the University of Coimbra, Portugal,
since 2003.
8. Prémios e Distinções
8. Prizes and awards
Nome do Prémio ou Distinção
Name of the prize or award
Nome da entidade promotora
Name of the granting entity
Prize Merit for the research
developed in 2006
Rector of Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza
9. Publicações
9. Publications
Teses / Thesis
“Síntese e caracterização de ligas Fe-Cr-Sn clássicas e nanoestruturadas. Estudo da transição
de fase alfa-sigma”, PhD thesis in speciality of Experimental Physics, Coimbra, 1998
Livros (autor) / Books (author)
“Ciência a brincar 3- Descobre a água!”, Constança Providência, Benilde Costa e Carlos Fiolhais,
Bizâncio, 2003.
Artigos em revistas de circulação internacional com arbitragem científica / Papers in
international scientific periodicals with referees
1-“X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry with Gas Proportional Scintillation Counters”, C.A.N.
Conde, J.M.F. dos Santos, Teresa H.V.T. Dias, A.J.A. Campos and Benilde F.O. Costa, Adv. XRay Anal. 31 (1988) 445-448.
2-“Window Area Effects in the Detector Efficiency for Source Excited EDXRF Geometries”, J.M.F.
dos Santos and Benilde F.O. Costa; Adv. X-Ray Anal. 31 (1988) 455-459.
3-“First 119Sn Mössbauer study of the sigma-phase in the Fe-Cr system”, S.M. Dubiel, B.F.O.
Costa, N. Ayres de Campos, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 115 (1992) 307-310.
4-“On the influence of tin on the formation of the sigma phase in the Fe-Cr system”, B.F.O.
Costa and S.M. Dubiel, Phys. Stat. Sol.(a) 139 (1993) 83-94.
5-“Intermediate phases of the alpha-sigma phase transition in the Fe-Cr system”, S.M. Dubiel
and B.F.O. Costa, Phys. Rev. B 47 (1993) 12257-12259.
6-“Magnetic and transport studies of the alpha-sigma transformation in Fe54Cr46 and
Fe52Cr46Sn2 alloys: kinetics of sigma phase formation”, B.F.O. Costa, M.M. Amado, G. Le
Caër, V.S. Amaral, M.A. Sá, J.B. Sousa, N. Ayres de Campos, Phys. Stat. Sol (a) 161 (1997)
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7-"On the role of tin solubility in the precipitation of the sigma phase in Fe-Cr-Sn alloys”, B.F.O.
Costa, G. Le Caër e N. Ayres de Campos, Phys. Stat. Sol (a) 164 (1997) 687-697.
8-“Characterization of mechanically alloyed Fe-Cr-Sn alloys”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, S.
Begin-Colin, P.J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, Journal of Materials and Processing Technology
92-93 (1999) 395-400.
9-“Low temperature resistivity measurements of Fe-Cr-Sn alloys in alfa and sigma phases”,
B.F.O. Costa, M.M. Pereira de Azevedo, M.M. Amado, J.B. Sousa e N. Ayres de Campos, Journal
of Alloys and Compounds 297 (2000) 15-20.
10-“Elevated temperature failure of a heat treatment furnace container”, A.J.R. Loureiro e
B.F.O. Costa, Materials Science and Technology 16 (2000) 436-441.
11-“Magnetic properties of coarse-grained and nanocrystalline Fe-Cr-Sn alloys”, B.F.O. Costa,
G. Le Caër, M.M. Amado, J.B. Sousa and N. Ayres de Campos, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
308 (2000) 49-55.
12-“Crystal structure of hydrated diphenylguanidinium hexafuoroferrate (III)”, Manuela Ramos
Silva, Ana Matos Beja, Benilde F.O. Costa, José A. Paixão and Luiz Alte da Veiga, Journal of
Fluorine Chemistry 106 (2000) 77-81.
13-“Study of alpha-sigma phase transformation in mechanically alloyed Fe-Cr-Sn alloys”, B.F.O.
Costa, G. Le Caër and N. Ayres de Campos, Phys. Stat. Solidi (a) 183 (2001) 235-250.
14-“Infrared and Mössbauer studies of iron in aluminosilicate glasses”, M.G. Ferreira da Silva
and B.F.O. Costa, J. Non-Crystalline Solids 293-295 (2001) 534-538
15-“57Fe Mössbauer studies in Mo-Fe supported calalysts”, M. Castelao-Dias, B.F.O. Costa and
R.M. Quinta-Ferreira,Hyperfine Interactions 136 (2001) 9-16.
16-“A technical note on the phase transformation in furnace container material after a periodic
thermo-chemical treatment”, A.J.R. Loureiro e B.F.O. Costa, Journal of Materials and Processing
Technologies 122 (2002) 363-367.
17-“Effect of multiple electrodes TIG welding process on the metallurgical properties of the
welds in austenitic stainless steels”, M. Velindro, A. Loureiro, B.F.O. Costa, F. Jesus and A.
Lourenço, Key Engineering Materials 230-232 (2002) 140-143
18- “Mechanical alloying of Fe-Cu alloys from as-received and premilled elemental powder
mixtures”, F.M. Lucas, B.Trindade, B.F.O. Costa and G. Le Caër, Key Engineering Materials 230232 (2002) 631-634
19-“Mössbauer studies of phase separation in nanocrystalline Fe0.55-xCr0.45Snx alloys
prepared by mechanical alloying”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër and B. Luyssaert, Journal of Alloys
and Compounds, 350 (2003) 36-46.
20-“The influence of pre-milling on the microstructural evolution during mechanical alloying of a
Fe50Cu50 alloy”, F.M. Lucas, B. Trindade, B.F.O. Costa and G. Le Caër, Journal of Metastable
and Nanocrystalline Materials, 18 (2003) 49-56.
21-“Debye temperature of a nano-crystalline sigma Fe55.4Cr44.6 alloy”, J. Cieslak, B.F.O.
Costa, S.M. Dubiel, M. Reissner and W. Steiner, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16
(2004) L343-L346.
22- "Phase investigation of as-prepared iron oxide/hydroxide produced by sol-gel synthesis", L.
Duraes, B.F.O. Costa, J. Vasques, J. Campos and A. Portugal, Materials Letters 59 (2005) 859863.
23- "Magnetic properties of a nanocystalline sigma-FeCr alloy", J. Cieslak, B.F.O. Costa, S.M.
Dubiel, M. Reissner and W. Steiner, J. Phys: Cond Matter 17 (2005) 2985-2992.
24- "The Debye temperature of the Fe-Cr sigma-phase alloys", Jakub Cieslak, Benilde F.O.
Costa, Stanislaw M. Dubiel, Michael Reissner and Walter Steiner, J. Phys: Cond Matter 17
(2005) 6889-6893.
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25- “Investigation of an Cr42.2Fe57.8 alloy prepared by mechanical alloying”, B.F.O. Costa,
S.M. Dubiel and J. Cieslak, Journal Phys: Cond. Matter 18 (2006) 3263-3276.
26- "Synthesis, magnetic and Mossbauer studies of mechanically alloyed Fe0.63Si0.37 alloys",
B.F.O. Costa, V.S. Amaral and G. Le Caer, in Mater. Sci. Forum 514-516 (2006)1265-1268
27- “Kinetics of sigma-to-alpha phase transformation in the Fe-Cr system caused by ball
milling”, J. Cieslak, B.F.O. Costa, S.M. Dubiel and G. Le Caër, Phys. Rev. B 73 (2006) 184123
(7 páginas).
28- “Mechanically induced phase transformations of the sigma phase of nanograined and of
coarse-grained near-equiatomic FeCr alloys”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, J.M. Loureiro and V.S.
Amaral, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 424 (2006) 131-140.
29- “Debye temperature of quasi-equi-atomic -Fe-Cr alloys”, J. Cieślak, B. F. O. Costa and S.
M. Dubiel, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 (2006) 10899-10903.
30- -“Phase transformations of sigma-FeCr induced by ball milling”, B.F.O. Costa, J.M. Loureiro
and G. Le Caër, Hyperfine Interactions 165 (2006) 107-112
31- “Mössbauer spectrometry in near equiatomic Fe-Cr alloys: influence of preparation
method”, P. Delcroix, G. Le Caër and B.F.O. Costa, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, in
print.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 434-435 (2007) 584-586.
32- “Mössbauer spectrometry in near equiatomic Fe-Cr alloys: phase separation at high
temperature ?”, G. Le Caër, P. Delcroix and B.F.O. Costa, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, in
print.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 434-435 (2007) 586-589.
33- “X-ray and neutron diffraction and 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometry of Zr6FeSn2 and
Zr6FeSb2 compounds”, B.F.O. Costa, J.M. Greneche, D. Fruchart, H.V. Alberto, N.E. Skryabina,
L.P. Romaka and Yu. V. Stadnyk, Journal of Alloys and Compds, in print.Journal of Alloys and
Compds, 438 (2007) 88-91.
34- - “X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectrometry studies of molecular iron compounds”,
B.F.O. Costa, J.M. Greneche, M. Ramos Silva, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Sciences A, 580 (2007)408-411.
35- “Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction Studies of Ball-Milling Induced
Transformations of Near Equiatomic FeV Sigma Phase: Influence of Oxygen”, B.F.O. Costa, G.
Le Caër, B. Malaman, A.C. Batista, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Sciences A, 580
36- “Fe2O3/Aluminum thermite reaction intermediate and final products identification”, L.
Durães, B.F.O. Costa, R. Santos, a. Correia, J. Campos and A. Portugal, Materials Science and
Engineering A, in print.Materials Science and Engineering A, 465 (2007) 199-210.
37- "In situ Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles in Carrageenan Gels", A.L. Daniel Da Silva, T.
Trindade, B. Goodfellow, B.F.O. Costa, R. Correia, A. Gil,465 (2007) 199-210.
38- “Ball milling of the beta-FeSi2 phase”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër and M. Ramos Silva,
submetido a Materials Science Forum.
39- “Transport, Mössbauer and X-ray diffraction studies of the alpha-sigma transformation in an
equiatomic Fe-V alloy”, B.F.O. Costa, M.E. Braga, M.M. Amado, J.B. Sousa, G. Le Caër and V.S.
Amaral, submetido a Materials Science Forum.
40- “Hydrogen effect on sigma phase in Fe54Cr46 alloy”, J. Cieslak, B.F.O. Costa, S.M. Dubiel,
D. Fruchart, N.E. Skryabina, Journal of Alloys and Compds, in print.
41- “Chemical study of cleaning techniques of museologic instruments based on Fe.
Characterisation of the metallic surface by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy”, G.G. Pereira, B.F.O.
Costa and F.M. Costa, submitted to Journal of Cultural Heritage
42- “Ball milling in vacuum of alpha and sigma phases of near-equiatomic FeCr alloys”, B.F.O.
Costa, G. Le Caër and J.M. Loureiro, submitted to Journal of Alloys and Compds
43- “Phase Transformations in the Sigma Phase of a Fe48.1V51.9 at% Alloy induced by Ball
Milling”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, B. Malaman, accepted in Hyperfine Interactions
44- “Ball Milling of an equiatomic FeCr Alloy in Vacuum”, B.F.O. Costa, J.M. Loureiro, G. Le Caër
and P. Delcroix, submitted to Hyperfine Interactions
45- “Synthesis Structure and Magnetic Behaviour of Mixed Metal Leucophosphite”, Fa Nian Shi,
António Moreira dos Santos, Luís Cunha-Silva, Benilde F. O. Costa, Jacek Klinowski, Filipe A.
Almeida Paz, Vítor S. Amaral, João Rocha and Tito Trindade, submitted to Journal of Solid State
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Publicações em actas de encontros científicos / Papers in conference proceedings
1-“Influência do estanho na formação da fase sigma nas ligas Fe-Cr”, B.F.O. Costa, S.M. Dubiel,
P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, V Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de
Materiais, Lisboa, Novembro de 1991, pg.289-293.
2-“Characterization of mechanically alloyed Fe-Cr-Sn alloys”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, S.
Begin-Colin, P.J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, Advances in Materials and Processing
Technologies, edited by M. Andritschky, 1997, Universidade do Minho, pg.731-736.
3-“Low temperature resistivity measurements of Fe-Cr-Sn alloys in alpha and sigma phases”,
B.F.O. Costa, M.M. Pereira de Azevedo, M.M. Amado, J.B. Sousa e N. Ayres de Campos,
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, edited by M. Andritschky, 1997,
Universidade do Minho, pg. 714-720.
4-“Phase transformations in as-cast and as-milled Fe-Cr-Sn alloys”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, B.
Luyssaert, P.J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, vol II of Proceedings of Conference on Materials in
Oceanic Environment, edited by L. Faria, 1998, pg 183-190.
Outras publicações / Other publications
1-"Espectroscopia de Mössbauer na investigação de interacções hiperfinas", for theorecticalpractical classes of Nuclear Techniques discipline, Departamento de Física da Universidade de
Coimbra, 1989.
2-"Aplicações da Espectroscopia Mössbauer em metalurgia: 1- Determinação dos estados de
valência de ferro e suas populações relativas na hematite e na magnetite; 2- Determinação das
populações relativas das posições dos átomos de ferro na estrutura do Fe3Si" for theorectical
classes of Nuclear Techniques discipline, Departamento de Física da Universidade de Coimbra,
3-“Search for cold-fusion in Ti-D”, J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, L.P. Ferreira, B.F.O. Costa, H.V. Alberto
and N. Ayres de Campos, Report to financial identities, Departamento de Física da Universidade
de Coimbra, 1990.
4-"Electrónica", for the discipline of Electronics of the Physics course, 1989
5-“Microscopias Electrónicas”, for the discipline of Experimental Methods in Condensed Matter
of the Master Degree course in Experimental Physics, 2000
6- "Elementos de Física", 2006
5-“Brincar com água, brincar com ciência!”, Constança Providência, Benilde Costa e Carlos
Fiolhais, Sociedade Portuguesa de Física, 2001.
6- "Elementos de Física para Engenharia Geográfica", 2for the discipline of Physics of
Geographic engeneering, 2005
10. Comunicações
10. Communications
Comunicações orais por convite / Oral communications by invitation
- “Mössbauer studies of intermixing during mechanical alloying in the Fe-Cu and Fe-Si systems”,
B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër B. Trindade and F.M. Lucas, II Congresso Ibérico de Espectroscopia,
Coimbra, Portugal, September 2002. Abstract book IL 6.
- “Local chemical order in near equiatomic Fe-Cr alloys: effect of plastic deformation”, G. Le
Caër, P. Delcroix and B.F.O. Costa, 12th International Symposium on Metastable and nano
Materials (ISMANAM), Paris, França, Julho de 2005, (book of abstracts pp.5-C-II-k2).
-“Ball milling in vacuum of alpha and sigma phases of near-equiatomic FeCr alloys”, B.F.O.
Costa, G. Le Caër and J.M. Loureiro, 14th International Symposium on Metastable and nano
Materials (ISMANAM07), Corfu, Greece, August 2007, (book of abstracts, pp.24).
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Outras comunicações orais / Other oral communications
1-“Window area effects in the detector efficiency for source excited EDXRF geometries”, J.M.F.
dos Santos e B.F.O. Costa, 36th. Annual Denver X-Ray Conference, Denver, E.U.A., August
2-“X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry with Gas Proportional Scintillation Counter”, C.A.N.
Conde*, J.M.F. dos Santos, Teresa H.V.T. Dias, A.J.A. Campos and Benilde F.O. Costa, 36th.
Annual Denver X-Ray Conference, Denver, E.U.A., August 1987.
3-“Influência do estanho na formação da fase sigma nas ligas Fe-Cr”, B.F.O. Costa, S.M. Dubiel,
P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de Campos, V Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de
Materiais, Lisboa, Portugal, November 1991, Proceedings 289-293.
4-“Influência do Sn na microestrutura e transições de fase do sistema Fe-Cr”, Seminário
proferido no Departamento de Física da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, April 1992.
5-“Espectroscopia de Mössbauer no estudo da formação da fase sigma em ligas Fe-Cr e Fe-CrSn preparadas por mecanosíntese”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, P.J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos,
X Conferência Nacional de Física, Faro, Portugal, September 1996. Abstract book pp 444.
6-“Aplicação da espectroscopia Mössbauer ao estudo de transições de fase em ligas Fe-Cr”,
Intensive course about “Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Thin Films and Magnetic Solids” in IFIMUP,
Porto, Portugal, February 1996.
7-“Characterization of mechanically alloyed Fe-Cr-Sn alloys”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, S. BeginColin, P.J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, International Conference on Advances in Materials and
Processing Technologies, Guimarães, Portugal, July 1997.Proceedings pp731-736.
8-“Low temperature resistivity measurements of Fe-Cr-Sn alloys in alfa and sigma phases”,
B.F.O. Costa, M.M. Pereira de Azevedo, M.M. Amado, J.B. Sousa e N. Ayres de Campos,
International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Guimarães,
Portugal, July 1997. Proceedings pp714-720.
9-“The sigma phase in as-cast and as-milled alloys: properties and kinetics of formation”, B.F.O.
Costa, N. Ayres de Campos, G. Le Caër, M.M. Amado e J.B. Sousa, 4th. Workshop on Magnetism
and Intermetallics, Lisboa, Portugal, November 1997.
10-“Estudo por espectroscopia Moessbauer do 57Fe e do 119Sn da transformação alfa-sigma em
ligas nanoestruturadas Fe-Cr-Sn”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër and N. Ayres de Campos, XI
Conferência Nacional de Física, Porto, Portugal, September 1998. Abstract book pp 273-274.
11-“Estudo de transformações de fase em ligas Fe-Cr-Sn preparadas por fusão e por
mecanosíntese”, Seminar in the Physics Department of the University of Aveiro, Portugal,
January 2000.
12-“Mechanical alloying of Fe and Si powders”, B.F.O. Costa, B. Trindade and G. Le Caër, High
Performance Powder Metallurgy Components, Coimbra, Portugal, May 2002. Abstract book (no
page indicated).
13-“Magnetic and dynamic properties of a nano-crystalline sigma.FeCr alloy”, J. Cieslak, B.F.O.
Costa, S.M. Dubiel*, M. Reissner and W. Steiner, Moessbauer spectroscopy in Materials Science,
Vsemina, Czech Republic, June 2004. Abstract book (no page indicated).
14-"Magnetic and dynamic properties of the sigma-FeCr alloys", J. Cieslak, B.F.O. Costa, S.M.
Dubiel*, M. Reissner and W. Steiner, International Symposium on the Industrial Applications of
the Moessbauer Effect, Madrid, Spain, October 2004. Abstract book pp T5 03.
15- "Study of Zr6FeSn2 and related compounds by nuclear methods", B.F.O. Costa, H.V.
Alberto, N. Ayres de Campos, J.M. Gil*, D. Fruchart, L.P. Romaka, N.E. Skryabina and Yu. V.
Stadnik, 11th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, November 2004, Coimbra, Portugal.
Abstract book (no page indicated)
16- “Mechanically induced phase transformations in sigma phases of FeCr and FeV systems”,
B.F.O. Costa and G. Le Caër, 12th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, Lisboa, Portugal,
Página Web 9 de 12
February 2006, (abstract book, pp. F2).
17- “Investigation of a Cr42.2Fe57.8 alloy prepared by mechanical alloying”, B.F.O. Costa, S.M.
Dubiel, and J. Cieslak, 6th Seeheim Workshop on Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Seeheim, Alemanha,
Junho de 2006.
18- “Kinetics of the sigma-to-alpha phase transformation in the Fe-Cr system caused by ball
milling”, J. Cieslak, B.F.O. Costa, S.M. Dubiel and G. Le Caer, Polish Seminar on Mossbauer
Spectroscopy, Czestochowa, Poland, June 2006 (Abstract book, pp.9).
19- “Investigation of a Cr42.2Fe57.8 alloy prepared by mechanical alloying”, B.F.O. Costa, S.M.
Dubiel and J. Cieslak, Polish Seminar on Mossbauer Spectroscopy, Czestochowa, Poland, June
2006 (Abstract book, pp.10).
20- “Synthesis and chemical stability of magnetite nanoparticles stabilized in gelling
polysaccharides”, A.L. Daniel-da-Silva, T. Trindade, B.J. Goodfellow, B.F.O. Costa, R.N. Correia,
A.M. Gil, IV Jornadas CICECO, Universidade de Aveiro, January 2007, (abstract book, pp. 37l).
21- “Study of Hf7Ni10 hydride by PAC”, J.M. Gil, B.F.O. Costa, J. Charbonnier, P. de Rango, D.
Fruchart, S. Miraglia and N.E. Skryabina, 13th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics,
Porto, Portugal, February 2006, (Abstract book, pp. 8).
22- “Kinetics of the sigma-to-alpha phase transformation in the FeCr system caused by ball
milling”, B.F.O. Costa, J. Cieslak, S.M. Dubiel and G. Le Caer, 13th Workshop on Magnetism and
Intermetallics, Porto, Portugal, February 2007, (Abstract book, pp. 23).
23- “Synthesis of iron nanoparticles stabilized in gelling polusaccharides”. A.L. Daniel da Silva,
T. Trindade, B.J. Goodfellow, B.F.O. Costa, R.N. Correia and A.M. Gil, IV International Materials
Symposium, Porto, Portugal, Abril de 2007, (livro de resumos, pp. 113).
24- “Transport, Mössbauer and X-ray diffraction studies of the alpha-sigma transformation in an
equiatomic Fe-V alloy”, B.F.O. Costa, M.E. Braga, M.M. Amado, J.B. Sousa, G. Le Caër and V.S.
Amaral, IV International Materials Symposium, Porto, Portugal, Abril de 2007, (livro de resumos,
pp. 180).
25- “Comparative study of the techniques used for removal of corrosion on iron museologic
instruments. Characterization of the metallic surface by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy.”, G.G.
Pereira, B.F.O. Costa and F.M. Costa, TECHNART, Non-destructive and microanalytical
techniques in art and cultural heritage, Lisboa, Portugal, Abril de 2007, (livro de resumos,
26- “Evidence for magnetic order above room temperature in a sigma-FeV alloy”, J. Cieslak,
B.F.O. Costa, M. Reissner, S.M. Dubiel and W. Steiner, Third Seeheim Conference on Magnetism,
Seeheim. Alemanha, Agosto de 2007, (livro de resumos, sem página).
27- “Hydrogen loading a Fe54Cr46 alloy of sigma phase type”, B.F.O. Costa, S. Dubiel, D.
Fruchart, N.E. Skryabina, X International Conference on Crystal Chemistry of Intermetalic
Compounds; Lviv, Ucrania, Setembro de 2007, (livro de resumos, pp. O11)
Comunicações em painel ("poster") / Posters in conferences
1-"Uma experiência didáctica de ciência dos materiais utilizando um espectrómetro de
Mössbauer", B.F.O. Costa, N. Ayres de Campos, P.J. Mendes e J.M. Gil, VII Conferência Nacional
de Física, Lisboa, Portugal, September 1990. Abstract book pp 560.
2- "Aplicação da Espectroscopia Mössbauer ao estudo de vidros comerciais", H.V. Alberto, B.O.
Mysen, J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, B.F.O. Costa, L.P. Ferreira e N. Ayres de Campos, VII Conferência
Nacional de Física, Lisboa, Portugal, September 1990. Abstract book pp. 241.
3- "Investigação de "Fusão a Frio" no sistema Ti-D", J.M.Gil, P.J. Mendes, L.P. Ferreira, B.F.O.
Costa, H.V. Alberto e N. Ayres de Campos, VII Conferência Nacional de Física, Lisboa, Portugal,
September 1990. Abstract book pp.122.
4- "Medidas de Correlações Angulares Perturbadas em Hidretos de LaNi5", N. Ayres de Campos,
J.M. Gil, P.J. Mendes, L.P. Ferreira, B.F.O. Costa e H.V. Alberto, VII Conferência Nacional de
Física, Lisboa, Portugal, September 1990. Abstract book pp.240.
5- "First 119Sn Mössbauer-effect study of the sigma-phase in the Fe-Cr system", S.M.Dubiel,
B.F.O.Costa and N.Ayres de Campos, Conference of the German Physical Society, Regensburg,
Germany, March 1992. Abstract book pp.724.
6- "57Fe Mössbauer study of the influence of Sn on the formation of the sigma phase in Fe-Cr
alloys", B.F.O. Costa and S.M. Dubiel, 12th European Physics Society Conference - Condensed
Matter Division, Praga, Czech Prepublic, April 1992. Abstract book pp.156.
Página Web 10 de 12
7- "A transport study of the alpha to sigma phase transformation in Fe-Cr-Sn alloys", M.M.
Amado, J.B. Sousa, B.F.O. Costa, N. Ayres de Campos and S.M. Dubiel, 12th European Physics
Society Conference - Condensed Matter Division, Praga, Czech Republic, April 1992. Abstract
book pp.146.
8- "Fenómenos de segregação e inibição da fase sigma em soluções sólidas Fe1-xCrx diluídas
com Sn; Um estudo com medidas de resistividade eléctrica e espectrometria Mössbauer", M.M.
Amado, J.B. Sousa, B.F.O. Costa e N. Ayres de Campos, VIII Conferência Nacional de Física, Vila
Real, Portugal, September 1992. Abstract book pp.193-194.
9- "Estudo da evolução da fase sigma em ligas Fe-Cr-Sn, utilizando a espectroscopia
Mössbauer", B.F.O. Costa, P.J. Mendes, S.M. Dubiel e N. Ayres de Campos, VIII Conferência
Nacional de Física, Vila Real, Portugal, September 1992. Abstract book pp.202.
10- "Influence of tin on the formation of the sigma phase in Fe-Cr", S.M. Dubiel and B.F.O.
Costa, International Conference on the Applications of Mössbauer Espectroscopy ICAME 93,
Canada, September 1993. Abstract book pp.77.
11- “Kinetics of sigma phase formation in FeCrSn alloys”, B.F.O. Costa, N. Ayres de Campos,
M.M. Amado, J. B. Sousa, G. Le Caër, 14th European Physics Society Conference - Condenced
Matter Division, Madrid, Spain, March 1994. Abstract book pp.Po.009.
12- “Transport studies on the kinetics of sigma phase formation in the FeCrSn alloys”, M.M.
Amado, J. B. Sousa, B.F.O. Costa, N. Ayres de Campos, G. Le Caër, International Conference on
Magnetism, Warsaw, Poland, August 1994. Abstract book pp.803.
13- “Estudos de resistividade eléctrica em transformações de fase do sistema Fe-Cr-Sn”, M.M.
Amado, J.A. Mendes, V.S. Amaral, J.B. Sousa, B.F.O. Costa e N. Ayres de Campos, IX
Conferência Nacional de Física, Covilhã, Portugal, September 1994. Abstract book pp.303-304.
14- “Isochronic and isothermal electrical resitivity studies of phase transitions in Fe-Cr alloys”,
B.F.O. Costa, N. Ayres de Campos; M.M: Amado, J.B. Sousa, G. Le Caër, 2nd. Patras University
Euroconference on Spectroscopic Studies of Advanced Materials, Patras, Greece, September
1994. Abstract book pp. 39.
15- “A Mössbauer and MuSR study of RFe9.5Mo2.5 alloys (R= Y, Dy, Er, Nd, Sm)”, J. Ayres de
Campos, I.C. Ferreira, B.F.O. Costa, H.V. Alberto, L.P.Ferreira, P.J. Mendes, J.M. Gil, N. Ayres de
Campos, G. Le Caër, E. Tomey, D. Fruchart, J.L. Soubeyroux, 2nd. Patras University
Euroconference on Spectroscopic Studies of Advanced Materials, Patras, Greece, September
1994. Abstract book pp.41.
16- "Magnetic and transport studies of the alpha-sigma transformation in Fe54Cr46 and
Fe52Cr46Sn2 alloys”, B.F.O. Costa, M.M. Amado, V.S. Amaral, M.A. Sá, G. Le Caër, N. Ayres de
Campos, J.B. Sousa, 6th European Magnetic Materials and Applications Conference, EMMA 95,
Viena, Austria, September 1995. Abstract book pp.229.
17- “Mössbauer study of mechanically alloyed Fe-Cr-Sn alloys: sigma phase formation”, B.F.O.
Costa, G. Le Caër, P.J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, International Conference on the
Applications of Mössbauer Spectroscopy, ICAME 95, Rimini, Italy, September 1995. Abstract
book pp. C11.
18- "57Fe and 119Sn Moessbauer studies of the alpha-sigma transformation in nanostructured
FeCrSn alloys", B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caer and N. Ayres de Campos, Summer School- Applications
of Synchroton Radiation in Matrials Science and Physics, May 1998, Portugal.
19- “Comparision of sigma phase formation in coarse-grained and in nanocrystaline Fe-cr-Sn
alloys”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër and N. Ayres de Campos, Nano’98, International Conference on
Nanostructured Materials, Stockolm, Sweden, July 1998. Abstract book pp.526.
20- “Phase transformations in as-cast and as-milled Fe-Cr-Sn alloys”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër,
B. Luyssaert, P.J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, Euromat’98, Conference on Materials in Oceanic
Environment, Lisboa, Portugal, July 1998. Proceedings pp. 183-190.
21- “Moessbauer studies of phase separation in mechanically alloyed FeCrSn alloys”, B.F.O.
Costa, G. Le Caër, B. Luyssaert, P.J. Mendes, N. Ayres de Campos, JRFM’99, 4iemes Journeés du
Reseau Français de Mécanosynthèse, Dijon, France, July 1999. Abstract book (no page
22- “Using Moessbauer Spectroscopy in the choice of Materials for Mo-Fe supported catalysts”,
M. Castelão-Dias, B.F.O. Costa and R.M. Quinta-Ferreira, International Conference on Applied
Moessbauer Spectroscopy, ICAME’99, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, September 1999.
Abstract book pp.T3/8.
23- “Deactivation of Mo-Fe catalysts on the formaldehyde synthesis using methanol
contaminated with sea water”, Margarida Castelão-Dias, Benilde F.O. Costa, Rosa M. QuintaFerreira, EUROPCAT4, Rimini, Italy, September 1999. Abstract book pp.512.
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24- “Infrared and Moessbauer studies of iron in aluminosilicate glasses”, M.G. Ferreira da Silva
and B.F.O. Costa, 8th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials,
Aberystwyth, England, August 2000. Abstract book pp.106.
25- “Estudos por espectroscopia de Moessbauer da separação de fases em ligas Fe-Cr-Sn”,
B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caer e N. Ayres de Campos, XII Conferência Nacional de Física, Figueira da
Foz, Portugal, September 2000. Abstract book pp.184.
26- “Mechanical alloying of Fe-Cu alloys from as-received and from premilled elemental powder
mixtutes”, F.M. Lucas, B. Trindade, B.F.O. Costa and G. Le Caer, 1st International Materials
Symposium, Coimbra, Portugal, April 2001. Abstract book pp.A 255.
27- “Moessbauer studies of intermixing during mechanical alloying of as-received and of
premilled Fe and Cu powder mixtures”, B.F.O. Costa, F.M. Lucas, B. Trindade and G. Le Caer,
6th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Orlando, Florida, EUA, June 2002.
Abstract book pp.85.
28- “Estudos por espectroscopia de Moessbauer de soluções sólidas FeSi preparadas por
mecanosíntese”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caer e B. Trindade, XIII Conferência Nacional de Física,
Évora, Portugal, September 2002. Abstract book pp.263.
29- “Estudos por espectroscopia de Moessbauer da separação de fases em ligas nanocristalinas
Fe-Cr-Sn preparadas por mecanosíntese”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caer e B. Luyssaert, XIII
Conferência Nacional de Física, Évora, Portugal, September 2002. Abstract book pp.279.
30- “Estudos por espectroscopia de Moessbauer de ligas Fe-Cu preparadas por mecanosíntese”,
B.F.O. Costa, F.M. Lucas, B. Trindade e G. Le Caer, XIII Conferência Nacional de Física, Évora,
Portugal, September 2002. Abstract book pp.262.
31- “Magnetic and dynamic properties of a nano-crystalline sigma-FeCr alloy”, J. Cieslak, B.F.O.
Costa, S.M. Dubiel, M. Reissner and W. Steiner, Seminar in Moessbauer Spectroscopy, Wisla,
Poland, June 2004. Abstract book pp. Lp11.
32- “Moessbauer spectroscopy and magnetic studies on mechanically alloyed Fe23Cu77”, B.F.O.
Costa, V.S. Amaral, N.J.O. Silva and G. Le Caer, 7th International Conference on Nanostructured
Materials, Wiesbaden, Germany, June 2004. Abstract book pp. 73.
33- "Magnetic and dynamic properties of a nano-crystalline sigma-FeCr alloy", J. Cieslak, B.F.O.
Costa, S.M. Dubiel*, M. Reissner and W. Steiner, XIII International Conference on Hyperfine
Interactions, Bonn, Germany, August 2004. Abstract book pp.P-B7.
34- "Synthesis, magnetic and Moessbauer studies of mechanically alloyed Fe0.63Si0.37 alloys",
Benilde F.O. Costa, Vitor S. Amaral and Gerard Le Caer, XII Portuguese Materials Society
Meeting ans III International Materials Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal, March 2005. Abstract book
35- "Structural analysis and 57Fe Mossbauer spectrometry of Zr6FeSn2 and related
compounds", B.F.O. Costa, H.V. Alberto, J.M. Greneche, D. Fruchart, N.E. Skryabina, L.P.
Romaka and Yu.V. Stadnik, International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer
Effect, Montpellier, France, September 2005. Abstract book pp.T3-P11.
36- "Phase transformations of sigma-FeCr induced by ball milling", B.F.O. Costa, J. Loureiro and
G. Le Caer, International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect, Montpellier,
France, September 2005.
Abstract book pp.T1-P19.
37- “Properties of the sigma-phase in the Fe-Cr system”, J. Cieslak, M. Reissner, S.M. Dubiel, W.
Steiner and B.F.O. Costa, International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect,
Montpellier, França, Septembre, 2005, (Abstract book, pp. T8-P27).
38- “Hydrogen effect on sigma phase in Fe54Cr46 alloy”, J. Cieslak, B.F.O. Costa, S.M. Dubiel,
D. Fruchart, N.E. Skryabina, 15th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition
Elements”, Krakow, Poland, July, 2006, (Abstract book, pp. 28)
39- “Kinetics of the sigma-to-alpha phase transformation in the Fe-Cr system caused by ball
milling”, J. Cieslak, B.F.O. Costa, S.M. Dubiel and G. Le Caer, 15th International Conference on
Solid Compounds of Transition Elements”, Cracóvia, Polónia, Julho de 2006, (Abstract book,
40- “X-ray and neutron diffraction and 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometry of Zr6FeSn2 and Zr6FeSb2
compounds”, B.F.O. Costa, J.M. Greneche, D. Fruchart, H.V. Alberto, N.E. Skryabina, L.P.
Romaka and Yu. V. Stadnyk, 15th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition
Elements”, Krakow, Poland, July, 2006, (Abstract book, pp.211).
Página Web 12 de 12
41- “PAC study of hydrogen diffusion in Hf7Ni10 combined with TiV0.8Cr1.2”, J.M. Gil, B.F.O.
Costa, J. Charbonnier, P. de Rango, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia, N. Skryabina, 15th International
Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements”, Krakow,Poland,July, 2006, (Abstract
book, pp.242).
42- “Laser selectivity on cleaning museologic iron artefacts”, G. Pereira, M. Pires, B.F.O. Costa,
F.M. Costa, XVI International Symposium on gas flow and chemical lasers & High power lasers
Conference, Gmunden, Austria, September 2006, (Abstract book, pp. 63)
43- “Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction studies of ball-milling induced
transformations of near equiatomic FeV sigma phase”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caer, A.C. Batista,
10th International Symposium on Radiation Physics, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2006,
(Abstract book, pp. C-4)
44- “X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectrometry studies of molecular iron compounds”, B.F.O.
Costa, J.M. Greneche, M. Ramos Silva, L.C.J. Pereira, 10th International Symposium on
Radiation Physics, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2006, (Abstract book, pp. C-5)
45- “Synthesis of iron Oxide Nanoarticles Stabilized in Gelling Polysaccharides”, A.L. Daniel da
Silva, T. Trindade, B.J. Goodfellow, B.F.O. Costa, R.N. Correia, A.M. Gil, International School on
Characterization of Nanostructires, Aveiro, Portugal, January 2007, (Abstract book, pp. 59)
46- “Ball milling of the beta-FeSi2 phase”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër and M. Ramos Silva, IV
International Materials Symposium, Porto, Portugal, Abril de 2007, (livro de resumos, pp. 372).
47- “The record-high Curie temperature of a sigma-FeV alloy”, J. Cieslak, B.F.O. Costa and S.M.
Dubiel, XIV International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil, Agosto de
2007, (livro de resumos, pp. 81).
48- “Composition and Crystalline Size Dependence of the Debye Temperature in bcc-FeCr
Alloys”, B.F.O. Costa, J. Cieslak and S.M. Dubiel, XIV International Conference on Hyperfine
Interactions, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil, Agosto de 2007, (livro de resumos, pp. 140).
49- “Phase Transformations in the Sigma Phase of a Fe48.1V51.9 at% Alloy induced by Ball
Milling”, B.F.O. Costa, G. Le Caër, B. Malaman and A. C. Batista, International Conference on the
Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, Kanpur, Índia, Outubro 2007, (livro de resumos, pp. T1P7).
50- “Ball Milling of an equiatomic FeCr Alloy in Vacuum”, B.F.O. Costa, J.M. Loureiro, G. Le Caër
and P. Delcroix, International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, Kanpur,
Índia, Outubro 2007, (livro de resumos, pp. T1-P19).
51- “Composition Dependence of the Debye Temperature in the Bcc-FeCr Alloys”, B.F.O. Costa,
J. Cieslak and S.M. Dubiel, International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect,
Kanpur, Índia, Outubro 2007, (livro de resumos, pp. T2-P2).
52- “Unspected-High Curie Temperature of a sigma-Fe66V44 alloy”, J. Cieslak, B.F.O. Costa, M.
Reissner, S.M. Dubiel and W. Steiner, International Conference on the Applications of the
Mössbauer Effect, Kanpur, Índia, Outubro 2007, (livro de resumos, pp. T8-P29).
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