Generate Condolence Booklet


Generate Condolence Booklet
Theodore J Stephans
Provided by Leonardis Memorial Home
Posted by: Pedro
& Sofia
Tue January 03,
Querida Tia Cathy & Tio Jack
Os nossos mais sinceros sentimentos!
Estamos muito tristes!
Era uma pessoa muito especial, que estará sempre nos nossos corações.
Recordaremos com muita ternura e carinho todo o tempo que passamos com
ele, todas as peripécias, todas as viagens.
Sentiremos muito a sua falta.
Deixou a sua marca, com o exemplo de Homem que foi, de Marido, de Pai,
de Amigo.
Que Deus o tenha, a zelar por todos nós.
Deus foi bondoso, pois partiu de forma calma e serena.
Muita coragem neste momento difícil!
Um grande beijinho e um forte abraco,
Pedro & Sofia
Posted by:
Tue January 03,
I will forever remember you as a sensitive man and loving grandfather who:
always made a fuss about how pretty I looked in my Easter dress
for every visit, stocked his freezer with a treat and never said “Good-bye”
without slipping a couple of dollars in my hand
played board games with me from sun up to sun down and never tired of
honored our Thanksgiving tradition by carving the turkey and never failed to
hand out samples
would tease me with my Christmas gift and bellow in his best Santa voice,
“HO! HO! HO! Meerryy Christmas!”
For all this and so much more, thank you, Grandpa.
Your love has left its mark on my heart forever.
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Theodore J Stephans
Provided by Leonardis Memorial Home
Your loving granddaughter,
Posted by:
Kathleen Macedo
Tue January 03,
When God made Grandpa, he threw away the mold! He is the most sensitive,
sweet, kind, and loving man. I am so glad my son got to know him and vice
versa. I know that he is at peace and in Heaven with Grandma now, the love
of his life. And they will live happily ever after....
Posted by: Joanne
& Augie
Wed January 04,
We will always remember Mr. Stephans' endearing personality. Although
our meetings were few, whenever we did get together, he always greeted us
with a smile and a warm handshake.
He will be missed here; but for sure he is at peace in Heaven.
Our heartfelt condolences to you, Cathy, and to your family.
Joanne & Augie Marcoccia
Posted by:
Thu January 05,
Dedicated to the best grandfather I could have ever asked for...
I miss you Grandpa...memories of you that always make me smile...
like the way you cared for Tim Tim and showed me how to pet him the "right
way" and show him love and affection like you did for me
the way you brought the bird that was trapped in the wire mesh over the
plants outside into the house and wanted my help in cutting away the wire
mesh to help save it...and we did!
the way you would take me to my orthodontic appointments in that big blue
boat with the single front seat listening to AM radio
the way you would give that finger by finger wave with a gigantic smile on
your face every time you saw me
the way you would jump up and put dollar bills into every new purse or
wallet that was gifted to me for good luck
the way you would fix any watch I ever had with that big eye magnifier and
tiny tools
How lucky every child would be if they had a grandfather like you to
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Theodore J Stephans
Provided by Leonardis Memorial Home
remember...the way you lived your life was nothing shy of pure love for
others and I felt every ounce of that.
I love you so much,
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