1979. Dialectical Societies: The Gê and Bororo of


1979. Dialectical Societies: The Gê and Bororo of
Maybury-Lewis, David (ed.)
1979. Dialectical Societies: The Gê and Bororo of Central Brazil. Cambridge and
London: Harvard University Press.
Reviews: Rivière 1980; Kensinger 1981; Overing Kaplan 1981; Young 1981.
Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela.
1993. Les études Gé. L’Homme 33 (126-128): 77-94.
Maybury-Lewis, David.
1989. Social Theory and Social Practice: Binary Systems in Central Brazil. In The
Attraction of Opposites: Thought and Society in the Dualistic Mode, edited by David
Maybury-Lewis and Uri Almagor. Pp. 97-116. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Henry, Jules. (Blumensohn, J. H.)
1936. A Preliminary Sketch of the Kinship and Social Organization of the Botokudo
Indians. Boletim do Museu Nacional, Antropologia 12: 49-58. Rio de Janeiro.
Dietschy, Hans.
1958. Zur Sozialorganisation der Karajá. Korrespondenzblatt. Geographisch-Ethnologische
Gesellschaft Basel 8: 6-16.
Dietschy, Hans.
1959. Zur Sozialorganisation der Karajá. Anthropos 54: 996.
Dietschy, Hans.
1963. Le système de parenté et la structure sociale des Indiens Carajá. In VIe Congrès
International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques, Paris 30 juillet – 6 août.
T. 2. Ethnologie (Premiere Volume). Pp. 43-47. Paris: Musée de l’Homme.
Translated as “The Kinship System and Social Structure of the Caraja Indians” in Human
Relations Area Files; SP9, Caraja 3.
Donahue, George R.
1982. A Contribution to the Ethnography of the Karaja Indians of Central Brazil. Ph.D.
dissertation. University of Virginia. [Pp. 190-193: kin terminology.]
Palha, Luiz.
1942. Ensaio de Gramática e Vocabulario da Lingua Karajá: Falada Pelos Indios
Remeiros do Rio “Araguaia.” Rio de Janeiro : Gráfica Olímpica. [Pp. 28-29: kin terms.]
Pétesch, Nathalie.
1992. La Pirogue de Sable: Modes de Représentation et d’Organisation d’une Société du
Fleuve : Les Karajá de l’Araguaia (Brésil Central). Université Paris X, Nanterre
Pétesch, Nathalie.
1993. L’enfant-maître et le bien-enfant. A propos de la possession-filiation chez les
Indiens Karajá d’Amazonie brésilienne. Annales de la Fondation Fyssen 8: 83-90.
[Cultural significance of inalienable possession.]
Pétesch, Nathalie.
2000. La Pirogue de Sable: Pérennité Cosmique et Mutation Sociale chez les Karajá du
Brésil Central. Paris: Peeters. [Pp. 192-228: kin terminology, marriage alliances, descent
and residence.]
Galeote Tormo, Jesús
1993. Manitana Auqui Besüro: Gramática Moderna de la Lengua Chiquitana y
Vocabulario. Santa Cruz de la Sierra: Centro de Estudios Chiquitanos.
Riester, J.
2005. Inventario de la Cultura Intangible del Pueblo Chiquitano. Ficha No 900 e 918.
Publicación electrónica. Santa Cruz de la Sierra. [Includes kin terms.]
Santana, Á.
2005. Transnacionalidade Lingüística: A Língua Chiquitano no Brasil. M.A. thesis.
Goiânia: UFGO. [Includes kin terms.]
Silva, Renata B.
2008. Os Chiquitano de Mato Grosso: Estudo das Classificações Sociais em um Grupo
Indígena da Fronteira Brasil-Bolívia. Ph.D. dissertation. Universidade de São Paulo. [Pp.
155-180: “The Place of Kinship,” including kin terminology.]
Pinto, Estevão.
1956. Etnologia Brasileira (Fulnio – Os Últimos Tapuias). São Paulo: Companhia
Editora Nacional. [Pp. 116-134: kinship and social organization, including kin
Baldus, Herbert.
1935. Sprachproben des Kaingang von Palmas. Anthropos 30: 191-202. [Pp. 197-198:
family and kinship.]
Baldus, Herbert.
1937. O culto aos mortos entre os Kiangang de Palmas. In Ensaios de Etnologia
Brasileira. Pp. 29-69. São Paulo,
Creatini da Rocha, Cinthia.
2011. From Socio-Politics to Kinship Dynamics Among the Kaingang. Vibrant: Virtual
Brazilian Anthropology 8 (2): 359-374. Brasília. (Special Issue: “Dossier «Anthropology
of Kinship».”)
Fernandes, Ricardo C.
2003. Política e Parentesco entre os Kaingang: Uma Análise Etnológica. Ph.D.
dissertation. Universidade de São Paulo.
Henry, Jules.
1941. Jungle People: A Kaingáng Tribe of the Highlands of Brazil. Richmond, VA:
William Bird Press. 215 P. [Pp. 175-179: kinship system and terminology.]
Review: Gillin 1942.
Hicks, David.
1971. A Comparative Analysis of the Kaingang and Aweikoma Relationship
Terminologies (Brazil). Anthropos 66 (5-6): 931-935.
Hicks, David.
1982. “Jungle People”: A Problem of Identity. In Structural Analysis in Anthropology:
Case Studies from Indonesia and Brazil, by David Hicks. Pp. 15-25. St.Augustin bei
Bonn: Verlag des Anthropos-Instituts. [Differences in kinship structures between
Kaingang and Xokleng/Aweikoma.]
Metraux, Alfred.
1946. The Caingang. In Handbook of South American Indians, edited by Julian Steward.
Vol. 1. Marginal Tribes. Pp. 445-476. Washington: Government Printing Office. [Pp.
461-462: social organization, marriage and kinship.]
Tempski, Edwino D.
1986. Caingângues: Gente do Mato. Curitiba: Imprensa Oficial.
Urban, Gregory P.
1978. A Model of Shokleng Social Reality. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Chicago. [Pp.
287-304: kin terminology in Xokleng and Kaingang.]
Urban, Gregory P.
1996. Metaphysical Community: The Interplay of the Senses and the Intellect. Austin:
University of Texas Press. [Pp. 99-133: Kaingang kinship.]
Veiga, Juracilda.
1994. Organização Social e Cosmovisão Kaingang: Uma Introdução ao Parentesco,
Casamento e Nominação em uma Sociedade Jê Meridional. M.A. thesis. Campinas:
Wiesemann, Ursula.
1972. Die Phonologische und Grammatische Struktur der Kaingáng-Sprache. The
Hague: Mouton. [PP. 112-113: kin terms as part of nominal classes 1 and 2.]
Weisemann, Ursula.
1978. Os dialetos da língua Kaingáng e o Xokléng. Arquivos de Anatomia e Antropologia
3: 197-217. [Includes data on kin terms.]
Lowie, Robert H.
1941. A Note on the Northern Ge Tribes of Brazil. American Anthropologist 43 (2, pt. 1):
188-196. [Pp. 190-195: kinship and social organization.]
Maybury-Lewis, David.
1958. Kinship and Social Organization in Central Brazil. In Proceedings of the 32d
International Congress of Americanists, Copenhagen, 8-14 August 1956. Pp. 123-135.
Copenhagen: Munksgaard. [Gê, and specifically Serente kinship. Nimuendaju’s data and
Levi-Strauss’s theory.]
Maybury-Lewis, David.
1971. Some Principles of Social Organization among the Central Gê. In Verhandlungen
des XXXVIII. Internationalen Amerikanistenkongresses, Stuttgart-München, 12 bis. 18.
August 1968. Bd. 3. Ss. 381-386. München: Klaus Renner.
Maybury-Lewis, David C.
1979. Cultural Categories of the Central Gê. In Dialectical Societies: The Gê and Bororo
of Central Brazil, edited by David Maybury-Lewis. Pp. 218-246. Cambridge and
London: Harvard University Press.
Brüggemann, Wolf.
1986. Die Verwandtschaftsterminologie der Bororó-Indianer: Rekonstruktion und
Analyse mit Methoden der Kognitiven Anthropologie. Münster: Lit. 500 S.
Crocker, J. Christopher
1967. The Social Organization of the Eastern Bororo. Ph.D. dissertation. Harvard
Crocker, J. Christopher.
1969. Reciprocity and Hierarchy among the Eastern Bororo. Man 4 (1): 44-58.
Crocker, J. Christopher.
1971. The Dialectics of Bororo Social Inversions. In Verhandlungen des XXXVIII.
Internationalen Amerikanistenkongresses, Stuttgart-München, 12 bis. 18. August 1968.
Bd. 3. Ss. 387-391. München: Klaus Renner.
Crocker, J. Christopher
1976a. Reciprocidade e hierarquia entre os Bororo Orietais. In Leituras de Etnologia
Brasileira, edited by Egon Schaden. Pp. 164-185. Sao Paulo: Companhia Editora
Crocker, J. Christopher
1976b. Why Are Bororo Matrilineal? In Actes du XLIIe Congrè International des
Américanistes. Paris, 2-9 Septembre 1976. Vol. 2. Social Time and Social Space in
Lowland South American Societies. Pp. 245-258. Paris: Société des Américanistes.
Crocker, J. Christopher
1979. Selves and Alters among the Eastern Bororo. In Dialectical Societies: The Gê and
Bororo of Central Brazil, edited by David Maybury-Lewis. Pp. 249-300. Cambridge and
London: Harvard University Press.
Dupire, Marguerite.
1962. Des nomades et leur bétail. L’Homme 2 (1): 22-39. [The role of cattle in two
nomadic societies – Bororo and Tuareg – in the context of the differences in their lineage
structure. Cross-listed in AFROASIATIC.]
Levak, Zarko D.
1973. Kinship System and Social Structure of the Bororo of Pobojari. Ph.D. dissertation.
Yale University.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude.
1936. Contribution a l’étude de l’organisation sociale des Indiens Bororo. Journal de la
Société des Américanistes 28 (2): 269-304.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude.
1944. Reciprocity and Hierarchy. American Anthropologist 46 (2): 266-268.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude.
1984. État actuel des études Bororo (année 1972-1973). In Paroles Données, par Claude
Lévi-Strauss. Pp. 181-188. Paris: Plon.
Montenegro, Olmar P.
1963. Estrutura e ritmo da sociedade Boróro. Boletim do Museu Nacional 22: 1-26.
Oosten, Jarich G.
1981. Filiation and Alliance in Three Bororo Myths: A Reconsideration of the Social
Code in the First Chapters of “The Raw and the Cooked.” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Landen Volkenkunde 137 (1): 106-125.
Viertler, R.
1976. As Aldeias Bororo: Algunos Aspectos de Sua Organizacao Social. Sao Paulo:
Museu Paulista.
Maybury-Lewis, David.
1967. Akwẽ-Shavante Society. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 356 P. [Pp. 214-239: kin
Reviews: Ortiz 1967; Leacock 1968; Shapiro, W. 1971.
Farias, A.
1996. An Anthropological Approach to the Demography of Central Brazil Gê Societies.
International Journal of Anthropology 11 (2-4): 43-55. [Akwen Xerente.]
Nimuendajú, Curt.
1942. The Šerente, translated from the manuscript by Robert H. Lowie. Los Angeles:
Southwest Museum (Southwest Museum Publications 4). [Pp. 23-25: kin terms.] HAVE
Reviews: Steward 1943; Long 1945.
Fisher, William H.
1998. The Teleology of Kinship and Village Formation: Community, Ideal and Practice
among the Northern Ge of Central Brazil. South American Studies 5: 52-59.
Bamberger, Joan.
1974. Naming and the Transmission of Status in a Central Brazilian Society. Ethnology
13: 363-378.
Bamberger, Joan.
1979. Exit and Voice in Central Brazil: The Politics of Flight in Kayapó Society. In
Dialectical Societies: The Gê and Bororo of Central Brazil, edited by David MayburyLewis. Pp. 130-146. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press.
Dreyfus, Simone.
1963. Les Kayapo du Nord, État de Para-Brésil: Contribution à l’Étude des Indiens Gé.
Paris: Mouton.
Reviews: A.A. 1965; Turner, T. 1965.
Fisher, William H.
2001. Age-Based Genders among the Kayapo. In Gender in Melanesia and Amazonia:
An Exploration of the Comparative Method, edited by T. Gregor and D. Tuzin. Pp. 115140. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Fisher, William H.
2003. Name Rituals and Acts of Feeling among the Kayapo (Mebengokre). Journal of the
Royal Anthropological Institute 9: 117-135. [Naming, kinship, residence, ritual.]
Lea, Vanessa.
1986. Nomes e Nekrets Kayapó: Uma Concepçao de Riqueza. Ph.D. dissertation. Museu
Nacional, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro.
Lea, Vanessa.
1992. Mẽbengokre (Kayapó) Onomastics: A Facet of Houses as Total Social Facts in
Central Brazil. Man 27: 129-153.
Lea, Vanessa.
1995a. Casa-Se do Outro Lado: Um Modelo Simulado da Aliança Mẽbengokre (Jê). In
Antropologia do Parentesco: Estudos Ameríndios, edited by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro.
Pp. 321-359. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ.
Lea, Vanessa.
1995b. The Houses of the Mebengokre (Kayapó) of Central Brazil: A New Door to Their
Social Organization. In About the House: Lévi-Strauss and Beyond, edited by Jane
Carsten and Stephen Hugh-Jones. Pp. 206-225. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lea, Vanessa.
2002. Multiple Paternity among the Mẽbengokre (Kayapó , Jê) of Central Brazil. In
Cultures of Multiple Fathers: The Theory and Practice of Partible Paternity in Lowland
South America, edited by S. Beckerman and P. Valentine. Pp. 105-122. Gainesville, FL:
University of Florida Press.
Lea, Vanessa.
2004. Aguçando o entendimento dos termos triádicos Mẽbengokre via aborigines
australianos: Dialogando com Merlan e outros. Liames 4: 29-42.
Murphy, Isabel.
1997. Kayapó Kinship and Two-Way Radios. Notes on Anthropology and Intercultural
Community Work 27: 3-16.
Soarez-Diniz, Edson.
1962. Os Kayapo-Gorotĩre: Aspectos sócio-culturais do momento atual. Boletim do
Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi 18: 1-39. [Pp. 36-38: kin terminology.]
Turner, Terrence S.
1965. Social Structure and Political Organization among the Northern Cayapo. Ph.D.
dissertation. Harvard University.
Turner, Terrence S.
1971. Northern Kayapó Social Structure. In Verhandlungen des XXXVIII. Internationalen
Amerikanistenkongresses, Stuttgart-München, 12 bis. 18. August 1968. Bd. 3. Ss. 365372. München: Klaus Renner.
Turner, Terrence S.
1979. Kinship, Household, and Community Structure among the Kayapó. In Dialectical
Societies: The Gê and Bororo of Central Brazil, edited by David Maybury-Lewis. Pp.
179-217. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press.
Verswijer, G.
1982. ‘Les femmes peintes’: Une cérémonie d’imposition de nom chez les KayapóMekragnotí du Brésil central. Bulletin de la Société Suisse de Américanistes 46: 41-59.
Verswijer, G.
1983. Cycles in Kaiapo Naming Practices. Communication and Cognition 16: 301-323.
Vidal, Lux B.
1977. Morte e Vida de uma Sociedade Indígena Brasileira: Os Kayapó-Xikrin do Rio
Cateté. São Paulo: Editora HUCITEC. [Pp. 51-59: kin terminology. Also an extensive
discussion of naming and triadic kin terms.]
Ewart, Elizabeth J.
2000. Living with Each Other: Selves and Alters amongst the Panará of Central Brazil.
Ph.D. dissertation. London School of Economics. 364 P. [Moieties, names, clans. No kin
classification. Theoretical discussion of dual organizations.]
Heelas, Richard H.
1979. The Social Organisation of the Panara, a Ge Tribe of Central Brazil. Ph.D.
dissertation. Oxford: University of Oxford. 405 P.
Schwartzman, Stephan.
1988. The Panara of the Xingu National Park: The Transformation of a Society. Ph.D.
dissertation. University of Chicago. [Pp. 103-170: “Clan, Kinship, and Naming: Relations
of Production in Panara Society.”]
Seeger, Anthony.
1974. Nature and Culture and Their Transformations in the Cosmology and Social
Organization of the Suya, a Ge-Speaking Tribe in Central Brazil. Ph.D. dissertation.
University of Chicago.
Seeger, Anthony.
1981. Nature and Society in Central Brazil. The Suya Indians of Mato Grosso.
Cambridge, MA, and London: Harvard University Press. [Pp. 121-145: kin terminology
and naming.]
Reviews: Rivière 1982b; Shapiro 1982d.
Seeger, Anthony.
1989. Dualism: Fuzzy Thinking or Fuzzy Sets. In The Attraction of Opposites: Thought
and Society in the Dualistic Mode, edited by David Maybury-Lewis and Uri Almagor.
Pp. 191-208. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. [A theoretical discussion of
dualism with a defense of structuralism against Marxism; Suya examples; cross-listed in
Coelho de Souza, Marcela.
2004. Parentes de sangue: Incesto, substância e relação no pensamento Timbira. Mana:
Estudos de Antropologia Social 10 (1): 25-60.
Ladeira, Maria E.
1982. A Troca de Nomes e a Troca de Cônjuges: Uma Contribução ao Estudio do
Parentesco Timbira. M.A. thesis. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo.
Lave, Jean C.
1971. Some Suggestions for the Interpretation of Residence, Descent and Exogamy
among the Eastern Timbira. In Verhandlungen des XXXVIII. Internationalen
Amerikanistenkongresses, Stuttgart-München, 12 bis. 18. August 1968. Bd. 3. Ss. 341346. München: Klaus Renner.
Nimuendajú, Curt.
1946. The Eastern Timbira. University of California Publications in American
Archaeology and Ethnology 41: 1-358. [P. 105: kin terminology.]
DaMatta, Roberto.
1971. Uma breve reconsideração da morfologia social Apinayé. In Verhandlungen des
XXXVIII. Internationalen Amerikanistenkongresses, Stuttgart-München, 12 bis. 18.
August 1968. Bd. 3. Ss. 355-364. München: Klaus Renner.
DaMatta, Roberto C.
1979. The Apinayé Kinship System: Terminology and Ideology. In Dialectical Societies:
The Gê and Bororo of Central Brazil, edited by David Maybury-Lewis. Pp. 83-127.
Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press.
Da Matta, Roberto.
1976. Uma reconsideração da morphologia social Apinayé. In Leituras de Etnologia
Brasileira, edited by Egon Schaden. Pp. 164-185. Sao Paulo: Companhia Editora
DaMatta, Roberto.
1976. Um Mundo Dividido: A Estrutura Social dos Indios Apinaye. Petrópolis: Editora
Review: Rivière 1978.
Translated into English as A Divided World: Apinayé Social Structure. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1982. [Pp. 100-130: kinship system and terminology.] HAVE
Reviews: Seeger 1983; Shapiro 1983.
Giraldin, Odair.
2011. Creating Affinity: Formal Friendship and Matrimonial Alliances Among the Jê
People and the Apinaje Case. Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology 8 (2): 403-426.
Brasília. (Special Issue: “Dossier «Anthropology of Kinship».”)
Maybury-Lewis, David.
1960. Parallel Descent and the Apinayé Anomaly. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology
16: 191-216.
Nimuendajú, Curt.
1942. The Apinaye’, translated by Robert H. Lowie, edited by Robert H. Lowie and John
M. Cooper. Washington: Catholic University of America Press (Anthropological Series
8). [Pp. 110-112: kin terms.]
Trindade-Serra, Ordep J.
1978. Dualismo e harmonia: A propósito do caso Apinayé. Anuário Antropológico 77:
Zuidema, R. T.
1969. Hierarchy in Symmetric Alliance Systems. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en
Volkenkunde 125 (1): 134-139. [Apinaye and Inca.]
Crocker, William H.
1976. Canela “Group” Recruitment and Perpetuity: Incipient “Unilineality.” In Actes du
XLIIe Congrè International des Américanistes. Paris, 2-9 Septembre 1976. Vol. 2. Social
Time and Social Space in Lowland South American Societies. Pp. 259-275. Paris: Société
des Américanistes.
Crocker, William H.
1979. Canela Kinship and the Question of Matrilinearity. In Brazil: Anthropological
Perspectives: Essays in Honor of Charles Wagley, edited by Maxine L. Margolis and
William E. Carter. Pp. 225-249. New York: Columbia University Press.
Crocker, William H.
2002. Canela “Other Fathers”: Partible Petrnity and Its Changing Practices. In Cultures of
Multiple Fathers: The Theory and Practice of Partible Paternity in Lowland South
America, edited by Stephen Beckerman and Paul Valentine. Pp. 86-104. Gainesville:
University Press of Florida.
Crocker, William H., and Jean Crocker.
1994. The Canela: Bonding Through Kinship, Ritual, and Sex. Fort Worth: Harcourt
Brace College Publishers. 202 P.
Crocker, William H., and Jean Crocker.
2004. The Canela: Kinship, Ritual, and Sex in an Amazonian Tribe. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. 153 P.
Nimuendajú, Curt.
1938. Review of The Social Structure of the Ramko’kamekra (Canella). American
Anthropologist 40 (1): 51-74.
Nimuendajú, Curt, and Robert H. Lowie.
1937. The Dual Organizations of the Ramko’kamekra (Canella) of Northern Brazil.
American Anthropologist 39 (4, pt. 1): 565-582.
Chiara, V.
1981-1982. Parentesco Krahô: Espaço e dinâmica. Revista do Museu Paulista 28: 435444.
Melatti, Julio C.
1971. Nominadores e genitores: Um aspecto do dualismo Krahó. In Verhandlungen
Amerikanistenkongresses, Stuttgart - München, 12, bis 18, August 1968. Bd. 3. Pp. 347353. München.
Melatti, Julio C.
1971. Nominadores e genitores: Um aspecto do dualismo Krahó. In Verhandlungen des
XXXVIII. Internationalen Amerikanistenkongresses, Stuttgart-München, 12 bis. 18.
August 1968. Bd. 3. Ss. 347-354. München: Klaus Renner.
Melatti, Julio C.
1976. Nominadores e genitores: Um aspecto do dualismo Krahó. In Leituras de
Etnologia Brasileira, edited by Egon Schaden. Pp. 139-148. Sao Paulo:
Companhia Editora Nacional.
Melatti, Julio C.
1979. The Relationship System of the Krahó. In Dialectical Societies: The Gê and
Bororo of Central Brazil, edited by David Maybury-Lewis. Pp. 46-79. Cambridge and
London: Harvard University Press.
Lave, Jean C.
1979. Cycles and Trends in Krĩkatí Naming Practices. In Dialectical Societies: The Gê
and Bororo of Central Brazil, edited by David Maybury-Lewis. Pp. 16-45. Cambridge
and London: Harvard University Press. [Especially pp. 21-24: “Naming Relationship
Lave, Jean C.
1973. A Comment on a “Study of Structural Semantics: The Siriono Kinship System.”
American Anthropologist 75 (1): 314-317. [Krikati naming with regard to Scheffler’s and
Lounsbury’s “parallel transmission rule.” Critique. Cross-listed in REVIEWS.]
Arnaud, Expedito, Roberto Cortez, and Anna Rita Alves.
1976. A Terminologia de Parentesco dos Indios Gaviões de Oeste (Parkateyê) –
Tocantins, Pará. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi 63: 1-15.
Métraux, Alfred.
1942. The Native Tribes of Eastern Bolivia and Western Mato Grosso. Bureau of
American Ethnology Bulletin 134. Washington: Government Printing Office. [P. 141:
brief description of Guató kin terminology.]
Popovich, Frances B.
1980. The Social Organization of the Maxakalí. M.A. thesis. University of Texas at
Arlington. 95 P.
Hahn, Robert A.
1976. Rikbakca Categories of Social Relations: An Epistemological Analysis. Ph.D.
dissertation. Harvard University. [Pp. IV-1-IV-5: kin terminology.]
Hahn, Robert A.
1978. Negotiated Kinship among the Rikbakca. In Social Correlates of Kin Terminology,
edited by Kenneth M. Kensinger and David J. Thomas. Pp. 37-53. Working Papers on
South American Indians 1. Bennington, VT: Bennington College.