
1) The puns ahead were all removed from http://www.punoftheday.com. Explain in what extend they are funny.
a) “The star asked the sun why the moon was always up so late. Sun responded that it was just a phase.”
b) “I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.”
c) “There was a sign on the lawn at a drug re-hab center that said ‘Keep off the Grass’.” (Dave H - Hayward CA)
d) “He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.”
e) “Atheism is a non-prophet organization.”
f) “A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two-tired.”
g) “A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was a nurse
said ‘No change yet’.”
h) “Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink.”
i) “A nut named Hazel held up a bank saying ‘give me all the cashew have’.”
2) (UFPE)
Not since the O.J. Simpson criminal trial have so many Americans been discussing one single
issue - the December 1996 resolution by the Oakland, California Board of Education requiring
its teachers to treat black English as a second language. Black English is today better known as
“Ebonics,” an abbreviation of the two words “ebony” and “phonics”. First coined in 1973, this term
refers to an African-American speech pattern with two primary characteristics: not conjugating
the verb “to be” (“I be joking,” “You a liar!”) and dropping final consonants from words (“hand”
becomes “han”). There are also some typical Ebonics expressions, such as “outta sight (out of
sight), groovin’, jivin’, I’m baaad (bad), wannabe, shades, my man.”
The origins of this roots to England, while others suggest that Ebonics arose during slave
times out of sheer necessity: blacks with different tribal tongues may have been forced to
create this common black vernacular to communicate with each other and with their Englishspeaking masters.
(The ebonics outbreak - Education - World report Speak Up.
Ano 10, n° 126, page 8)
Identify the equivalent phrases to the one which is in capital word.
“Not since the O. J Simpson criminal trial have SO MANY Americans been discussing
one single issue”.
(0) such a small number of
(1) such a large number of
(2) such a few
(3) such a considerable number of
(4) such a fair number of
More on social issue vocabulary
3) Choose the best option to fill in the gaps.
I) Although the United Kingdom has come a long way towards addressing gender ______ there are still some areas women are at a disadvantage.
( ) inconsistency ( ) inequality
( ) unfairness
( ) unevenness
II) In the old days, people without a job were forced to line a(n) _________ existence.
( ) hand to mouth
( ) foot and mouth ( ) on their feet
( ) hand over fist
III) Without a good social welfare system we are left with situation where the rich get richer while _____.
( ) the poor are no more ( ) the poor stay poor
( ) they help the poor
( ) the poor get poorer
IV) In some countries, the governments are trying to reduce the digital _______ by providing free or cheap computers to low income families.
( ) gap ( ) disadvantage
( ) inequality
( ) divide
V) My father was so moved by charity ________ on television that he sold our second car and donated the money to the earthquake victims.
( ) appeal ( ) request
( ) campaign
( ) announcement
VI) Countries like the US and the UK are very _______ societies containing people from many different races and ethnic backgrounds.
( ) divergent
( ) diverse
( ) differentiated
( ) distinct
VII) The UK is famous for having problems with football _________, who deliberately cause aggravation and disruption at soccer matches.
( ) delinquents ( ) aggressors
( ) rowdies
( ) hooligans
VIII) Many people question the theory that teenage ______ is linked to exposure the violent TV games.
( ) rampage
( ) discord
( ) delinquency
( ) disruption
IX) Most countries in Europe now have laws that require public buildings to provide wheelchair ______.
( ) allowance
( ) access
( ) operation
( ) capability
X) Medical experts are now warning of the long term consequences of ________ drinking where people drink large alcohol on one or two nights of the week.
( ) excess
( ) extreme ( ) legless
( ) binge
XI) Now that we live in a society made up of many different races and religions, we all have to adopt an attitude of “live and _________”.
( ) live alone
( ) let live
( ) die
( ) learn
XII) In the UK there are now large numbers of _________ marriages in which the two partners come from different ethnic backgrounds.
( ) diverse
( ) mixed
( ) cosmopolitan
( ) divided
4) Law and Order vocabulary – The court
Defendant, accused:
Law court:
Law suit:
5) The following sentences should be completed with few or little.
I) Many of us tried but very ____ succeeded.
II) To our surprise, changes in foreign policy were _____.
III) That school is so expensive that only _____ children can attend it.
IV) That crane can lift objects weighing a _____ hundred pounds.
V) We had _____ chance of success.
The sentences which must be completed with few are:
a) I and IV, only.
b) II and III, only.
c) I, II and V, only.
d) I, II, III and IV, only.
e) II, III, IV and V, only.
6) (UFSM) No segmento “A LOT OF these goods”, a expressão em maiúsculo pode ser substituída, sem alteração do sentido, por:
a) a great deal of
b) a few of
c) more of
d) the majority of
e) much of
Texto para as questões 7 e 8.
7) (UEL)
When the first men arrived in Samoa they found blind men who could see well (...I...) to
describe things in detail just by holding their hands over objects. In France, JUST after the
First World War, Jules Romain tested hundreds of blind people, and found a (...II...) that
could tell the difference between light and dark. He narrowed their photosensitivity down to
the nose or in the fingertips.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna (...I...) do texto.
a) so
b) very
c) enough
d) little
e) less
8) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna (...II...) do texto.
a) some
b) any
c) one
d) plenty
e) few
9) (FUVEST) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:
Give me..........tea with..........sugar.
a) many -much b) some - a lot of c) short - many
d) bit - a lot of
e) some - many
10) (FUVEST) Use os equivalentes a “muito”, “muita”, “muitos”, “muitas”.
a) “He had .... hair from the time he was a baby.”
b) “The girl read .... books and knew .... about the subject, but she didn’t have .... practice. “
1) (UERJ)
I work at a retail store where employees are required to wear an ID badge with the company logo on it so we’re easily recognizable to our customers.
One day a man approached me, motioned for my attention and asked, “Do you work
here?” Smiling, I pointed to my badge in response. He read it, then paused. “Oh, I,m sorry,”
he said genuinely. “Nicole, do you work here?”
(NICOLE M. KOZIEL. Reader’s Digest, September, 1999)
A reação da funcionária da loja, após ouvir a pergunta pela primeira vez, é descrita de uma
maneira que pode ser interpretada como:
a) calorosa b) ambígua
c) impulsiva
d) espantosa
2) After reading the text, one can say that the man who talks to Nicole sees what is around him
in the following way:
a) wise
c) acute
b) clear d) blurred
3) (UFRS)
§1 For American women in the workplace, 1938 was an important year. That was the year
the U.S. Fair Labour Standards Act was passed, creating working-conditions protection and
the minimum wage. Though the law applied to both men and women, it was women who stood
to benefit the most. The Act, in combination with World War II -during which women were
“drafted” to work in factories and offices - forever changed American women’s work roles.
§2 In the postwar decades, two phenomena further advanced the role of women in the
workplace. The first was the women’s movement beginning in the late 1960’s; leaders like Betty
Friedan and Gloria Steinem immensely changed the corporate consciousness of America.
Discrimination and double standards can still be found, but these pioneers began a revolution that has culminated in a firmly established belief among most American employers that
women can do the job -any job -as well as men. Many thought that day would never come.
§3 The second phenomenon is the advent of the personal computer. It has been a great
equalizer in offices, among other things, getting executives to type! Moreover, PCs and
telecommunications technologies have enabled more women and men to work at home,
increasing employment options and bringing the perennial kids-and-career battle to an end.
§4 Certainly, challenges remain, and the struggle goes on. But as the millennium approaches, the pace of women’s progress is undeniably accelerating.
Na frase “Many thought that day would never come” (fim do parágrafo 2), a palavra mais
adequada para completar o sentido de many é:
a) beliefs.
d) standards.
b) most.
e) discrimination.
c) women.
4) (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta.
It is not easy to learn a foreign language. It requires __________ years of study.
a) many
b) much
c) little
d) lot of
e) any
5) (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase a seguir:
Do politicians work..... and earn.....money?
a) little - many
b) very - much
c) much – few
d) little – much
e) hard - many