cantab hall 3,1:54


cantab hall 3,1:54
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Anthony J Vitale Stable LLC
Raised at Lindy Farms, Somersville, CT
Stable 5, Row A, Stall 1
HIP NO. 14
Bay Filly. Foaled April 27, 2006. Tattoo No. 8D1080.
ABC Freight
Garland Lobell .......................... { Gamin Lobell
Amour Angus ............................ { Magna
Kenwood Scamper
Speed In Action ........................ { Speedy Scot
Dolly Mir
SAND CASSIN 1:56 ..........................
Miralga ....................................... { Super Bowl
Cassin Hanover 3,2:02.1
CONWAY HALL 3,1:53.4 ..................
Third Foal, Dam of (f) Marina Grace 4,1:59.2h-'07
(f) Momma Marie 2,Q2:02-'07
Dam of (f) Sand Cassin 1:56
(c) JJ's Stetson p,1:59.3f
Dam of (c) Trowbridge p,1:57.4
1 in 2:00h, 2 in 2:02
1 in 1:56, 2 in 2:00
1 in 1:58, 2 in 1:59
1 $100,000 Winner
1 $350,000 Winner
1 $325,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
2 Stakes Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
SAND CASSIN 2,2:06.3h; 3,2:01f; 1:56–1:59.2h by SPEED IN ACTION. Winner of 40 races and $351,129. At 2, 11-43-2; winner of 4 OHFS; second in 3 OHFS; third in 2 OHFS. At 3, winner of Ohio State Fair S. elim., 2 legs and final
of Northfield Series, OHFS and Open at Northfield; second in elim. and final of Ohio Breeders' Championship and
OHSS at Scioto Downs and Raceway Park; third in $100,000 OHSS Final at Scioto Downs; timed in 1:59.3h. At
4, winner 2 Opens at Northfield; second in OHSS at Scioto Downs; third in OHSS at Lebanon and Raceway Park;
timed in 1:56.4. At 5, 16-7-0-1; winner of 2 Preferreds at Monticello; third in Scarlet & Gray S. At 6, Preferred
Winner at Monticello; second in Scarlet & Gray S. At 7, 39-10-9-0; earnings of $122,615; winner of Scarlet & Gray
S. and 5 Opens and a Preferred at Yonkers. At 8, Open Winner at Yonkers. This is her third foal. Dam of MARINA GRACE 2,Q2:18.3h; 3,2:02h; 4,1:59.2h-'07 (m, Giant Hit). Winner of 7 races and $105,999 at 2, 3 and 4.
At 2, second in NYSS at Buffalo and Syracuse; timed in 2:01.4f. At 3, winner of NYSS at Monticello; second in
NYSS at Buffalo, Goshen and Monticello; third in NYSFS at Tioga Downs and 2 NYSS at Saratoga; timed in 2:00.1f,
2:00.4h. Now 4 and timed in 1:58.3h.
Momma Marie 2,Q2:02-'07 (f, Malabar Man). Winner of $7,242. Now 2 and fourth in 2 NYSS; timed in 2:01.1h.
2nd Dam
MIRALGA by SUPER BOWL. From 14 foals (11 fillies), dam of 7 winners, including SAND CASSIN 2,2:06.3h; 3,2:01f; 1:56–1:59.2h (m, Speed In Action). As above.
SAND DREAM 2,Q2:06.4f; 3,2:05h (m, Speed In Action). Winner of 5 races and $26,872. At 2, second in OHSS.
At 3, winner of 4 OHFS; second in 7 OHFS; third in OHFS. Dam of SAND MIRAGE 2,2:11.2h; 3,2:05.2h.
JJ's Fantasy 4,2:02.1f (m, Speedy Crown). Winner of 11 races and $11,370. Dam of FANTASY MIGHTY 3,2:02.1f;
1:56.1 ($292,355), CANACO GARLAND 3,2:05f; 1:56.2 ($117,121) and TIM TAM 2,2:01.4; 3,1:58.1 ($79,162).
Ethel Newton (Florida Pro). Dam of JAZZ NEWTON 3,2:00.3f; 1:59.4f ($108,762), SYLA GATER 2,2:02.1; 3,1:56.4
($94,254). Grandam of CENTREFOAL 4,2:00.2 ($96,185), J N MYSTERE 4,1:56.1, OH EMMA 3,1:57.4f; 4,1:57f.
Sultana (Sp.Crown). Dam of OAKLEA COUNT 3,Q2:01.2f; 1:52.1 ($636,122), OAKLEA BLAZER 3,1:58.4f, OAKLEA
AMY 2,2:04.1h. Grandam of OAKLEA HARRISON 3,1:57.1; 1:55 ($305,788), OAKLEA MOJO 3,1:58.4, OAKLEA
OAKS 2,2:01.1f, OAKLEA FRASER 3,2:04.2h (p,4,2:02.2f). Third dam of NIMBUS ONE 3,2:02.4f; 4,1:59.3f.
3rd Dam
CASSIN HANOVER 2,2:02.2; 3,2:02.1 by HOOT MON. Winner of 9 races and $42,608 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
Hanover Filly S. and 2 Breeders' Filly S. At 3, winner of Kentucky Futurity. Sister to the dam of and Triple Crown
Winner AYRES 2,2:00.1h; 3,1:56.4 ($254,027). From 15 foals, dam of 12 winners, including ELMA 2,T2:01.3; 3,T1:58.4 (m, Hickory Smoke). Winner of 24 races and $164,710 in U.S.; $326,955 internationally.
Dam of TEXAS 2,T2:00.2; 3,1:57.3 ($335,363), JAPA 2,2:06f; 3,1:56.3 ($270,905), SHEP'S PRIDE 4,T1:59.2
($114,979) and SUPER ELMA 2,T2:02.1; 3,1:58.2 ($102,608). Grandam of ELKE FRAZER 2,1:58.2; 3,Q1:56.1
($255,598), JACINTO 2,T1:59.2; 1:57.2 ($175,806), JAPA'S CROWN 2,1:59.4; 3,1:59.4h ($179,769), etc.
SUG 2,2:03.1; 3,2:03.4f (m, Hickory Smoke). Third dam of COKTAIL JET 1:55f (Sweden) ($2,500,000).
CASTA 3,T1:59.3 (m, Super Bowl). Grandam of MOI DEGLI DEI 3,2:02.4f ($538,114), etc.
Augusta 2,2:12f; 3,2:06.1 (Hickory Smoke). Dam of AUGUST PRIDE 3,2:04.2f; 4,1:58.4 ($122,973). Grandam of
TARPORT LIZZY 2,1:58; 3,T1:56.3 ($282,528), CHICKADEE NEWTON 2,T1:59; 3,1:55.3 ($246,470), BURNELL
NEWTON 2,2:00.3; 3,T1:57.2 ($145,696), etc. Third dam of MUTINEER 2,1:56.4; 3,1:54.4; 4,1:53 ($549,717),
THUNDER KRONOS 3,2:01.7; 1:58.1f (Italy) ($275,540), PRESTIGE ONE 1:55.4 ($158,941), SECRET ALERT
2,1:59.3; 3,1:59; 1:57.2 ($108,163). Fourth dam of ABANO AS 4,1:55.4f ($2,512,057), DR RONERAIL 2,1:58.3;
3,1:55.3; 4,1:53.4; 1:52.1 ($705,820), CJ'S SECRET 2,1:57.3; 3,1:56.2 ($644,489), TEJANO 3,1:53.2 ($322,723),
SIMPLE GIFTS 3,2:01.1f; 1:56 ($316,573), AMBASSADOR AS 3,1:59; 4,1:57.2 ($337,881), FASHIONABLE LIV
2,2:01.2h; 3,1:55.3 ($270,590), HAWAIIAN MUSIC MAN 3,1:59.3f; 1:59.1 ($158,580), etc. Fifth dam of MAXIMUM
SPEED 2,1:58.3; 3,1:57.2f; 4,1:56.2 ($297,252), EYE PERFECT 2,1:56.4f; 4,1:56.1f ($154,947), etc.
Ole (m, Bill Gallon). Grandam of DOMINANT 2,2:04.4h; 3,1:58.1 ($253,101), ULTIMO H 1:59.3 (Europe) ($250,000).
Dame Cassin 3,2:04f (Super Bowl). Dam of SONORAN SUNRISE 3,1:56.2; 1:54 ($542,402), BUCK NEWTON
2,T2:00.1; 3,1:58f; 4,1:55.3 ($249,494). Third dam of ROSE RUN ELVIS 3,1:56.2; 1:54.1 ($253,934).
Then To: Goddess Hanover 4,2:05.2 by Dean Hanover–LITTLE LIE 2:01 ¼ by Mr. McElwyn.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake aNo. 71
Kentucky Futurity
New York Sires
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Donna E. Croke
Raised at Mulberry Meadows Farm, Vernon Center, NY
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 1
HIP NO. 33
Bay Colt. Foaled March 21, 2006. Tattoo No. 1D1002.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
Classic Wish ............................. { Armbro
Best Of The Best
Jate Lobell ................................. {
J.R. Amy
SAND SLICORICE p,2,1:52 .............
Slick Fit p,4,1:53.3 .................... { Abercrombie
Perfect Fit p,3,T1:56.3
BETTOR'S DELIGHT p,3,1:49.4 ......
Second Foal
Dam of (f) Sand Slicorice p,2,1:52
(c) Ace Of Diamonds p,4,1:53f
(f) Slick Sensation p,3,1:58.1f
Dam of (c) Rick Walter p,4,1:53.2
(c) Clinging p,1:53.3
(f) Slick Fit p,4,1:53.3
Second Foal
2 in 1:53
3 in 1:59
2 $175,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
4 in 1:55
7 in 1:58
1 $125,000 Winner
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
SAND SLICORICE p,2,1:52–1:56.1f–1:57.3h by JATE LOBELL. Winner of 19 races and $208,742 at 2, 3 and 4. At
2, 12-9-2-0; earnings of $113,839; Season's Champion (only 3/5 off Miss Easy's world record); winner of elimination
and $130,000 final of KySS, Ohio Standardbred S. and 4 legs and final of Scioto Downs Series; second in Reynolds
Memorial and Arden Downs S. At 3, winner of Reynolds Memorial, Scarlett O'Hara S., Delaware LC and 2
Preferreds; second in Mistletoe Shalee elimination, Rose Red S. elimination, Lexington Spring Championship elim.
and KySS elim.; third in $94,958 KySS final and Breeders' Crown elim. This is her second foal. Dam of Real Slick N Sly (g Real Artist). Now 2.
2nd Dam
SLICK FIT p,3,1:56.2–1:58h; 4,1:53.3 by ABERCROMBIE. Winner of 19 races and $138,887. At 3, 29-7-11-2;
Invitational Winner at Maywood and Open Winner at Lexington; second in heat of Horseman Futurity, Lexington
Herald-Leader LC, Stable of Memories LC, 2 KySS and 3 Opens; timed in 1:55. At 4, winner 3 Opens at Lexington
and an Open at Fairmount. At 5, timed in 1:53. At 6, Open Winner at Lexington and Fairmount Park. At 7, Open
Winner at Fairmount Park. From 7 foals (all starters), dam of 4 winners (1 in 1:52, 2 in 1:53, 3 in 1:59) SAND SLICORICE p,2,1:52–1:56.1f–1:57.3h (m, Jate Lobell). As above.
ACE OF DIAMONDS p,2,1:55.1f; 4,1:53f (h, Jate Lobell). Winner of 19 races and $193,482. At 2, timed in 1:53.3.
At 4, Jr. Open Winner at Dover Downs; second in 3 Jr. Opens at Dover Downs; third in an Open and a Jr. Open.
SLICK SENSATION p,3,1:58.1f (m, Camluck). Winner of 5 races and $28,296.
Sand Chanel p,2,2:04h (m, The Panderosa). At 2, timed in 2:01h.
Flash Drive (g, Cambest). Now 2 and racing.
3rd Dam
PERFECT FIT p,2,2:00; 3,T1:56.3–1:57.2f by MEADOW SKIPPER. Winner of 7 races and $36,654. At 2, winner of
leg of Metropolitan Series; third in Batavia Filly S. and leg of Metropolitan Series; timed in 1:58.3. At 3, third in final
of Tri Cities Series, Lexington Herald-Leader LC, Stable of Memories LC and a Preferred; timed in 1:55.1. Full or
half sister to SUITCASE p,3,1:58.4; 1:56.2f ($125,068), MY MOON BEAM p,2,1:57.1f and to the dams of AMENITY
p,2,2:07.3h; 3,2:01h; 4,2:00.2f ($127,372), VERMIN p,2,2:06.1h; 3,1:58.3h, DISCO TEX p,1:59.2h, VILLAGE
TOWER p,3,1:59.2f and MIND THE MUSIC p,2,2:03.3h; 3,2:01.1h; 1:59.4f and grandam DESIRABLE LADY
p,2,Q2:01.3f; 3,1:56.3f; 1:56.2f ($117,057). From 13 foals (10 fillies), dam of 8 winners (4 in 1:55, 7 in 1:58) RICK WALTER p,3,1:55.4; 4,1:53.2 (g, Storm Damage). Winner of 12 races and $76,225. At 3, second in leg of New
Kids Series at Garden State, timed in 1:52.4. At 3, second in leg of Trendsetter Series; timed in 1:52.1.
CLINGING p,2,Q2:00.1; 3,1:55.2; 4,1:55; 1:53.3 (m, Falcon Seelster). Winner of 13 races and $74,294. At 2, third
in leg of Ezra Eads Series at Hoosier Park in first pari-mutuel start. At 3, winner leg of Genesis Series at Hoosier
Park; second in 2 legs of Genesis Series (fourth in final). Dam of SWEET TREATS p,2,2:03h-'07.
MANJESTIC p,3,1:56.1; 1:55f (g, Falcon Seelster). Winner of 33 races and $66,901. At 3, timed in 1:54.4.
FITTINGLY p,2,1:58.3h; 3,1:55.4f; 1:55.1f (m, Falcon Seelster). Winner of 16 races, $51,411. At 2, winner Delaware
LC; third in Int'l Stallion S. and Guiding Beam LC. Dam of MY CASINO FUNDS p,2,Q2:01.3f; 3,1:57f; 4,1:55f.
FASHION LIST p,3,1:56.1 (m, Precious Bunny). Winner of 10 races and $41,603. At 3, 21-9-5-3; winner of 3 legs
of Agway Series at Vernon and leg of Holiday Series at Yonkers; second in NYSS at Buffalo, leg of Agway Series,
consolation of Holiday Series and 2 Preferreds; third in NYSS and leg of Holiday Series. At 4, timed in 1:53–:27.2.
Her first foal is DAPPER MACK p,3,1:56.
MAILORDER p,2,2:05.1f; 3,1:58.4f; 1:58 (m, Abercrombie). Winner of 9 races and $13,092. Dam of RAISE THE BAR
p,2,2:02.1 3,1:56; 1:53.4 ($94,125), POSTMARK p,3,1:54.1-'07and BOB LEE p,3,1:55.4; 4,1:54.2-'07.
Smart Look (m, Abercrombie). Dam of SMART CHANCE p,4,1:55.2f.
Well Reviewed (m, Bret Hanover). Dam of MASTER AGENT p,2,1:57.1.
Perfect Legacy (Nuclear Legacy). Her first foal is Stakes Winner PERFECT TATTLER p,2,1:54h (now 3 and racing).
Then To: Suitable by Bye Bye Byrd–Sable Coat p,2,2:05f by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
New York Sires
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row G, Stall 2
HIP NO. 34
Brown Filly. Foaled April 26, 2006. Tattoo No. 4DD885.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
Classic Wish ............................. { Armbro
Best Of The Best
Artiscape ................................... {
Delinquent Account
Armbro Purse p,3,1:57.2 .......... { No Nukes
Armbro Bala p,2,1:58.1
BETTOR'S DELIGHT p,3,1:49.4 ......
First Foal
Dam of (c) Armbro Dowry p,4,1:53.1'07
(f) Armbro Cachet p,3,1:52.4
Dam of (c) Shipps Purser p,2,1:52.3
(c) Alexei Alexei p,4,1:53.1f
First Foal
2 in 1:53
4 in 1:54
1 $125,000 Winner
2 Stakes Winners
3 in 1:54, 9 in 2:00
1 $750,000 Winner
5 $100,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
CHIPMUNKS CAN SING p,3,1:53.2 by ARTISCAPE. Winner of 6 races and $49,716 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, timed in
1:59.1f. At 4, timed in 1:51.3 (finishing second by a head). This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
ARMBRO PURSE p,3,1:57.2 by NO NUKES. Winner of 2 races and $24,258. At 2, timed in 1:57.4. At 3, winner of
2 legs of Miss Vera Bars Series; second in leg of Blizzard Series; third in final of Miss Vera Bars Series and leg of
Blizzard Series; timed in 1:55.4. From 7 foals, dam of 5 winners (2 in 1:53, 4 in 1:54) ARMBRO ABSTRACT p,2,1:54.4; 3,1:53 (m, Matt's Scooter). Winner of 4 races and $126,600 at 2 and 3. At 2,
winner of NJSS at The Meadowlands; second in Kentucky Standardbred S., She's A Great Lady elim., Sweetheart
Pace elim. and NJSS at The Meadowlands; third in Champlain S.; timed in 1:53.1.
ARMBRO CACHET p,3,1:52.4 (m, Camluck). Winner of 5 races and $98,877 at 3 and 4. At 3, winner of ONTSS
Grassroots at London and Flamboro Downs and ONTSS Grassroots Semi-Final at Georgian Downs; second in
ONTSS Gold elimination at Flamboro Downs.
ARMBRO DOWRY p,3,1:57.2h; 4,1:52.1-'07 (g, Bettor's Delight). Winner of 3 races and $59,970 at 3 and 4. At 3,
timed in 1:52.4.
CHIPMUNKS CAN SING p,3,1:53.2 (m, Artiscape). As above.
Scotty Dude p,3,2:02.3h; 4,2:01.1h; 2:01h (g, Village Jiffy). Winner of 24 races and $12,363.
P L Armada (g, Camotion). Now 3 and racing; timed in 1:55.4 in first pari-mutuel start.
Shipps Destination (c, Camotion). Now 2 and racing; timed in 1:55.4.
3rd Dam
ARMBRO BALA p,2,1:58.1 by ALBATROSS. Winner of 6 races and $215,929. Half sister to the dam of DRIVEN BY
DESIGN p,2,1:55.3f; 3,1:51.2 ($616,777). From 12 living foals, dam of 10 winners (4 in 1:55, 9 in 2:00), including SHIPPS SCORCH p,2,1:54.4; 3,1:54.1 (h, Big Towner). Winner of 23 races and $755,065. At 2, winner of Champlain
S., Potomac Pace, Tompkins-Geers S. and elims. of Presidential Pace and Governor's Cup. At 3, winner of
Meadowlands Pace and North America Cup elims.; second in Windy City Pace, Cane Pace elim., etc. 1:54 sire.
SHIPPS PURSER p,2,1:52.3 (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 9 races and $323,120. At 2, winner Prix de l'Avenir, Matron
S., final of Bluegrass S., elims. of Governor's Cup, Presidential S. and Canadian Juvenile S. At 3, winner of Berry's
Creek Pace elim.; second in Burlington Pace, North America Cup and Meadowlands Pace elims., etc. 1:52 sire.
ARMBRO INTERCEPT p,2,1:56.3; 3,1:54; 4,1:53.2 (h, Direct Scooter). Winner of 23 races and $285,846. At 4,
winner leg of North American Series, leg of Four Leaf Clover Series, con. of Complex Series, 4 Preferreds and 2
Opens. At 5, winner of 2 legs of Aquarius Series; third in leg and final of Presidential Series, etc.
GRYPHON p,2,2:00.4f; 3,1:59.2f; 4,1:57.1f; 1:56.4f (g, Big Towner). Winner of 67 races and $237,523.
ALEXEI ALEXEI p,2,2:00.1f; 3,1:55f; 4,1:53.1f (h, Big Towner). Winner of 22 races and $111,801. At 2, second in
final of Montreal Series; third in leg of Montreal Series. At 5, winner of 3 Opens. At 5, winner of 2 Invitationals.
ARMBRO NEW YORK p,4,2:00.4f; 1:59.2f (g, Big Towner). Winner of 20 races and $70,757.
ARMBRO MANHATTAN p,3,1:56.2 (m, Big Towner). Winner of 2 races and $27,709 at 2 and 3. At 2, third in legs
of Trillium and Maiden Series; timed in 1:58.3f. At 3, timed in 1:54.4. Dam of ARMBRO BLACKTIE p,3,1:56.1f;
4,1:54.1f; 1:54f-'07 ($197,537), ARMBRO WALLSTREET p,2,Q2:01.3f; 3,1:57.3h; 4,1:56.1f; 1:51.4f ($197,286),
ARMBRO VERMONT p,2,1:55.2; 3,1:54.1 ($114,988), ARMBRO AFFIRM p,4,1:54.1f, ARMBRO TOPHAT
p,2,1:55.3, ARMBRO CHICAGO p,2,2:03h; 3,1:58.1f, etc. Grandam of ARMBRO BARNES p,2,1:54.1; 3,1:53.3;
4,1:51.2 ($206,859), LETS IMAGINE p,2,1:57.2f; 3,1:53.4 ($138,100), etc.
ARMBRO PURSE p,3,1:57.2 (m, No Nukes). As above.
ARMBRO SCORCH p,2,Q2:01.4h; 3,1:59.4h (m, Presidential Ball). Her first foal is ART SHERMAN p,3,1:53.4.
Armbro Verona (m, Presidential Ball). Dam of FOX VALLEY FLYBY p,2,1:56h; 1:53.2f-'07 ($136,709).
Armbro Orleans p,3,2:05.2h (m, No Nukes). Dam of PIERCE ARROW p,3,1:58.4h; 4,1:54.3f; 1:53.1f ($200,138),
COMMITMENT p,2,2:00.1; 1:55f ($95,848), CARA'S ALLAMERICAN p,2,Q1:56 and JAROMIR p,2,2:02.1; 3,1:58f.
Then To: Armbro Tosca p,2,T2:01.4 by Airliner–ARMBRO HARDY p,4,T1:58.4 by Bye Bye Byrd.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Champlain Filly
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
New York Sires
Northlands Filly Pace
Parshall Memorial
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Seelster Farms, Inc.
& 2086729 Ontario, Inc. Raised at Seelster Farms, Lucan, Ontario
HIP NO. 35
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 1
Bay Colt. Foaled May 18, 2006. Tattoo No. 5D2910.
Garland Lobell
Conway Hall .............................. { Amour Angus
Yankee Windsong ..................... { Prakas
Yankee Scottie
Supergill .................................... { Super Bowl
Winky's Gill
GRAMOLA 3,1:54.4 ..........................
Bedell 3,Q2:06.2 ........................ { Speedy Crown
So Blessed
WINDSONG'S LEGACY 3,1:53 ........
Dam of (f) World Class Image 3,1:55.2
(f) Grammy Award 3,1:57,2
(f) Gramolas Image 3,1:58.1
Dam of (f) Gramola 3,1:54.4
(c) Turbo Thrust 3,1:55.2
(c) Donerail 2,1:55.4
Dam of (c) Armbro Devona 3,1:55.3
(f) Armbro Fern 2,1:56.4
(f) Armbro Pious 3,1:58.1
1 in 1:57, 3 in 1:59
3 in 1:56, 9 in 1:59
1 in 1:56
1 $550,000 Winner
2 $475,000 Winners
4 in 2:00
2 $200,000 Winners
4 $125,000 Winners
1 $225,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
8 Stakes Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
GRAMOLA 2,1:55.2; 3,1:54.4 by SUPERGILL. Winner of 12 races and $484,208 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
$160,000 Kentucky Standardbred Sales Co. S., $100,000 NJSS final, Bluegrass S., Oakville Trot, Ohio
Standardbred S., Merrie Annabelle Trot elimination, NJSS and 2 legs of Trillium Series. At 3, winner of filly Zweig
Memorial, Buckette and Hudson Filly Trot; second in $160,420 Simcoe and Canadian Trotting Classic elimination;
third in $201,900 Canadian Trotting Classic and Colonial Lady Trot. From 5 foals, dam of 5 winners WORLD CLASS IMAGE 2,2:03.3h; 3,1:55.2 (m, Balanced Image). Winner of 7 races and $242,073. At 2, winner of
elim. and $97,500 ONTSS Gold Final at Grand River; second in leg of Trillium Series at Windsor; third in Oakville
Trot elim. (fourth in final) and ONTSS Gold elim. at Mohawk; timed in 1:57.4. At 3, winner of elim. and $106,600
ONTSS Gold Final at Mohawk and leg of Trillium Series at Flamboro Downs; second in Canadian Breeders'
Championship elim.; third in Flamboro Breeders' S. and ONTSS Gold elim. at Rideau Carleton.
GRAMOLA GRANDE 2,2:02.4f; 3,2:00f (m, Mr Lavec). Winner of 5 races and $54,175 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
ONTSS Grassroots at Kawartha Downs and leg of Trillium Series at Kawartha Downs; timed in 2:01. At 3, winner
of ONTSS Grassroots at London and Grand River; second in ONTSS Grassroots at Sudbury; third in ONTSS
Grassroots Semi-Final at Flamboro Downs; timed in 1:58. Exported to Italy.
GRAMOLAS IMAGE 3,1:58.1 (m, Balanced Image). Winner of 2 races and $42,275. At 2, third in leg of Trillium
Series at Kawartha Downs; timed in 2:01.1. At 3, second in legs of Trillium Series at London and Windsor and
ONTSS Grassroots at Kawartha Downs and Georgian Downs; third in ONTSS Grassroots at Sarnia.
DANDY DUKE 2,2:04.3h-'07 (g, Duke Of York). Winner of 1 race and $17,949. Now 2 and winner of ONTSS
Grassroots at Flamboro Downs; timed in 2:01.1.
GRAMMY AWARD 3,1:57.2 (m, Angus Hall). Winner of 2 races and $7,540 at 3. At 3, winner leg of Lexington Series;
second in leg of Lexington Series; third in Lexington LC and 2 legs of Lexington Series; timed in 1:56.4.
2nd Dam
BEDELL 3,Q2:06.2 by SPEEDY CROWN. Sister to World Champions ARMBRO DEVONA 2,1:58.3; 3,1:55.3–1:57h
($570,100) and ARMBRO FERN 2,1:56.4 ($205,701) and to the dams of ARMBRO KEEPSAKE 2,1:57.4; 3,1:54.3
($1,152,269), VAI DI JESOLO 1:57.4 (Europe) ($266,384), PRIG DI JESOLO 3,2:01.3f (Italy) ($139,000),
NUNSUCHTHING 2,1:58.1; 3,1:57.3f ($113,257), etc. From 16 foals, dam of 10 winners (3 in 1:56, 9 in 1:59) DONERAIL 2,1:55.4 (h, Valley Victory). Winner of 16 races and $703,049. At 2, 15-13-0-1; voted Trotting Colt of the
Year; winner of Peter Haughton Memorial, Valley Victory Trot, Harold Dancer Trot, NJSS Final, Harriman Trot and
4 NJSS. At 3, winner of Historic S. and 2 NJSS; third in NJSS Final and Beacon Course Trot elim. 1:53 sire.
SOULFUL HEART 2,2:00.1f; 3,1:58.4 (m, Super Bowl). Winner of 5 races, $190,384 3 in U.S.; international earnings
of $364,000. At 2, winner of Acorn S., Tompkins-Geers S., etc. Dam of ZATOPEK OK 3,1:59f ($264,431).
TURBO THRUST 3,1:55.2 (h, Supergill). Winner of 5 races and $49,397 in the U.S.; $141,064 internationally. At 3,
winner Arden Downs, final of Horseman Futy.; second in 2 KySS. At 4, in Sweden, second in Rex Rodney S.
SUYDAM 3,1:58.4 (m, Nevele Pride). Winner of 2 races and $71,773. At 3, winner of Macfarlane Memorial; third in
Tompkins-Geers. S. Dam of IMAGE QUEST 3,Q2:00.1f; 4,1:57.4; 1:57.3 ($209,249), SUYDANCE 2,Q2:02.1f;
3,Q1:57.2–1:58f and DREAM FULFILLED 2,2:04h. Grandam of PEARSALL HANOVER 2,2:01; 3,1:55.2
($332,819), POLYESTER HANOVER 2,2:01.4f; 3,1:58f ($108,431), TAKTIC CALL 4,1:57.4 (Europe) ($85,390).
MY HUCKLEBERRY 3,1:57; 4,1:56.1f-'07 (h, Angus Hall). Winner of 6 races and $77,949 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, second
in Arden Downs S.
T-BALL 2,2:01.4f; 3,1:59 (Super Bowl). Winner of 3 races, $65,887. At 2, winner Arden Downs S.; second in leg of
Vernon Series; third in PaSS Final. At 3, second in Colonial Lady Trot, Arden Downs S., filly Zweig Memorial.
Grandam of CORREGIDORE 3,2:00f; 4,1:58-'07, TAHITIEN TREAT 2,2:02h; 3,1:58f, TAHASH MAHAL 3,Q1:58.2.
MY SHOOTING STAR 2,T1:59; 3,1:59.1 (m, Malabar Man). Winner of 3 races, $23,340 at 2 and 3. Stakes Winner.
THE WIZARD 1:57.4 (h, Supergill). Winner of 4 races and $18,124.
BE AS YOU ARE 2,2:03.3 (f, Like A Prayer). Winner of 2 races and $7,510. At 2, winner of 2 KYFS; timed in 2:00.2.
Now 3 and third in 3 KYFS.
Then To: So Blessed by Noble Victory–Silk Rodney 2,2:11.1h by Rodney.
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Harold Dancer Memorial
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Kentucky Futurity
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Charles Smith Trot
Yonkers Trot
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row A, Stall 2
HIP NO. 60
Bay Filly. Foaled May 2, 2006. Tattoo No. 6D8626.
Garland Lobell
Conway Hall .............................. { Amour Angus
Go Go Lauxmont
B Cor Tamgo ............................. { A
B Cor Tamara
Supergill .................................... {
LHASA LHASA LHASA 3,1:57.4 ......
Electra Lobell 3,2:02.1h ............ { Speedy Crown
Excella Hanover 3,T1:59.3
BROADWAY HALL 2,1:56.4 .............
Dam of (c) Lhasa Muscles 4,1:52.3
Dam of (c) Current Cast 1:54.4
(f) Lhasa Lhasa Lhasa 3,1:57.4
Dam of (f) Kerry's Crown 1:55.1
(c) Awesome Victory T1:55.4
1 in 1:53
1 in 1:55, 5 in 2:00
2 in 1:56, 5 in 2:00
1 $400,000 Winner
1 $200,000 Winner
1 $300,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
2 Stakes Winners
6 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
LHASA LHASA LHASA 2,1:59.2; 3,1:57.4 by SUPERGILL. Winner of 9 races and $77,893 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
heat of Hoosier Futurity; second in KySS at Lexington; third in heat of Hayes Memorial (to Continentalvictory). At
3, 25-7-5-2; winner of Review Futurity, 3 legs and final of Future Stars Series at Lexington and an Open at The
Meadows; second in Buckette, Arden Downs S. and Horseman Futurity; third in Reynolds Memorial; timed in 1:55.1.
From 3 foals, dam of LHASA MUSCLES 3,1:57.3; 4,1:52.3 (g, Muscles Yankee). Winner of 22 races and $411,557. At 3, second in 2 legs
and final of Charles Singer Series. At 4, seasonal earnings of $117,579; winner leg of Super Bowl Series, leg of
Hiram Woodruff Series and cons. of Horse & Groom Series; second in leg of Horse & Groom Series; third in leg and
final of Hiram Woodruff Series and final of Super Bowl Series. At 5, 18-10-4-4; seasonal earnings of $188,598;
winner final of Father Foley Series, leg of Horse & Groom Series and Opens at Freehold (twice), The Meadowlands
and Yonkers; second in leg of Father Foley Series; third in leg and $89,400 final of Horse & Groom Series and leg
of Father Foley Series. Now 6 and winner of 2 Opens at Yonkers.
2nd Dam
ELECTRA LOBELL 3,2:02.1h by SPEEDY CROWN. Winner of 2 races and $70,542 at 3. At 3, winner of NYSS
at Yonkers; second in Lady Suffolk Trot and NYSS; third in 2 NYSS. From 10 foals (5 fillies), dam of 6 winners CURRENT CAST 4,1:58–2:00h; 1:54.4 (h, Supergill). Winner of 39 races and $215,590. At 3, timed in 1:57. At 6,
33-12-4-3; earnings of $104,560; winner of leg and final of Bonus Series and 3 Opens; second in leg Bonus Series.
LHASA LHASA LHASA 2,1:59.2; 3,1:57.4 (m, Supergill). As above.
EVERGLIDE 3,2:00.3f; 4,1:59.3h (g, Yankee Glide). Winner of 12 races and $42,433. At 2, third in NJSS Green
Acres; timed in 2:03.3f. At 3, timed in 1:59.2f. At 4, winner of 3 Opens at Buffalo; second in final of Vance Memorial
Series at Buffalo and 3 Opens at Buffalo; third in leg of Vance Memorial Series and an Open at Buffalo.
ETTA VOLO 3,1:59.4h (g, Supergill). Winner of 8 races and $34,000. At 3, 15-6-2-4; timed in 1:58.3h.
ELECTRIC PINE 2,Q2:03.2f; 3,2:02.2h; 4,1:58 (m, Pine Chip). Winner of 8 races and $20,996 at 2, 3 and 4. At 4,
Open Winner at Vernon; second and third in Opens at Vernon.
Playmate Encore 3,2:01.1 (m, Pine Chip). At 2, third in leg of Fresh Faces Series; timed in 2:04.3f. Her first foal is
the Stakes Winner PLAYFULL IMAGE 2,2:01.1f; 3,Q1:59f ($65,586).
Harpy (m, Pine Chip). Dam of SNAIL MAIL 2,Q2:01.1; 3,Q1:59-'07 and PRO SHOP 2,Q2:00.1–2:02.3h.
Zorgwijk Innocent (f, Dream Vacation). Now 2.
3rd Dam
EXCELLA HANOVER 2,T2:00.4; 3,T1:59.3 by FLORIDA PRO. Winner of 6 races and $36,688 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of Reynolds Memorial; third in Acorn S., Walnut Hall S., Lexington Filly S. and Breeders' Filly S. Full or half sister
to EXCEL HANOVER 2,1:59.2; 3,1:57.4f; 1:57.3f (Sweden) ($430,000), EXPRESSWAY HANOVER 2,2:03.1f;
3,1:55.2 ($339,606), EVERGLADE HANOVER 2,2:01.2f; 3,Q1:57–3,1:57.4 ($346,150), EXTREME HANOVER
2,2:03.1; 3,2:00f; 1:58.1f (Italy) and to the dams of ROTATION 3,1:54.3; 4,1:52.3 ($1,245,143) and BALTIC
ACHIEVER 2,2:00.1; 3,1:58.4; 1:54.4 ($179,674). From 14 foals, dam of 10 winners (2 in 1:56, 5 in 2:00), incl.KERRY'S CROWN 3,1:59.4, 4,1:56.2; 1:55.1 (m, Speedy Crown). Winner of 10 races and $311,912 in the U.S.;
$400,000 internationally. At 3, winner Lady Suffolk Trot. At 5, winner Speedy Scot LC and an Open; third in Nat
Ray Trot, 2 legs and final Su Mac Lad Series, etc. In Europe, winner Premio Te la March and Savoy Cup.
ELECTRA LOBELL 3,2:02.1h (m, Speedy Crown). As above.
EXMORE HANOVER 3,2:01.4f; 4,1:59.2f (r, American Winner). Winner of 11 races and $67,944. Stakes Winner.
AMERICAN REPLAY 2,2:11.1f; 3,2:04f; 4,2:00f (g, Super Bowl). Winner of 10 races, $54,350. At 2, third in PaSS.
ROYAL INSIGNIA 2,2:03.2; 3,2:01.3h (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 4 races and $46,423 at 2 and 3. S.W.
EXIT ROW HANOVER 3,1:59f (m, Yankee Glide). Winner of 5 races and $35,645. Stakes Winner.
AWESOME VICTORY 3,Q1:56.1–1:57.4f; T1:55.4 (h, Valley Victory). Winner of 4 races, $20,263. Stakes Winner.
Excella's Crown (m, Speedy Crown). Dam of Stakes Winner CROWNED VICTORY 2,1:58.2; 3,1:58 ($155,473).
Ellie S Lobell (Speedy Crown). Dam of CALLE KRONOS 1:59.4, BALTIC KRONOS 2:00.1, AEROBIC SID 2:01.3.
Then To: EXCLUSIVE WAY 3,1:59.3 by Florican–KERRY WAY 3,1:58.4 by Star's Pride.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Champlain Filly
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Stephen Perrine Dey
Raised at Heritage Hill Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row G, Stall 3
HIP NO. 61
Black Filly. Foaled April 9, 2006. Tattoo No. 6D0318.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
Classic Wish ............................. { Armbro
Best Of The Best
Falcon Seelster ......................... {
Fashion Trick
SPIRIT OF IVY p,4,1:53 ....................
Come On Ivy p,3,2:02f .............. { Royce
Ivy Dancer
BETTOR'S DELIGHT p,3,1:49.4 ......
Dam of (c) Spirit Of A Shark p,1:48.4
(c) Ghost Ring p,3,1:56.1h-'07
(f) Raise Your Spirits p,3,1:58.1f
From Three Foals,
Dam of (f) Spirit Of Ivy p,4,1:53
Dam of (c) Dansum p,3,1:59f
(f) Miss Cheesecake p,2,1:59.3f
(f) Come On Ivy p,3,2:02f
1 in 1:49
Three Foals
1 in 1:59f
4 in 2:00
1 in 1:53
2 in 2:00f
1 $575,000 Winner
1 $225,000 Winner
4 in 2:03f
1 World Champion
1 Stakes Winner
5 in 2:05
1 Stakes Winner
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
SPIRIT OF IVY p,2,1:56f–1:59h; 3,1:57.1h; 4,1:53–1:53.2h by FALCON SEELSTER. Winner of 16 races and $230,841.
At 2, 9-5-0-1; winner leg of Trillium Series at Rideau Carleton, Flamboro Breeders' S. and Robert Stewart Memorial
elimination; third in $88,500 final of Robert Stewart Memorial. At 3, winner of Cinderella S. (defeating Diamond
Sweetie); fourth in $94,867 Simcoe S.; timed in 1:54.1 (finishing second by a head). At 4, 38-9-5-7; earnings of
$109,905; winner leg of Damsel Series at Woodbine and 2 Opens at Freehold (one in 1:53.2h, by 8 ½ lengths);
second in 2 Opens at Freehold and an Open at Dover Downs; third in 2 Opens at Freehold and an Opens at
Woodbine and Mohawk. At 5, second in 2 Opens at Dover Downs. From 6 foals (all starters), dam of 4 winners SPIRIT OF A SHARK p,2,1:55.2; 3,1:49.4; 1:48.4–1:50.4h (g, Cam's Card Shark). World Champion. Winner of 21
races and $580,555. At 2, winner of NJSS at The Meadowlands; second in NJSS at The Meadowlands and
Freehold; third in $150,000 NJSS Final at The Meadowlands and Lou Babic Memorial elimination. At 3, seasonal
earnings of $150,387; winner of New Jersey Classic elimination and NJSS at The Meadowlands; second in Berry's
Creek Pace elimination and Lexington LC; third in $500,000 New Jersey Classic (to Modern Art), $260,000 Berry's
Creek Pace (to Brandon's Cowboy), North America Cup elimination and Adios S. elimination, timed in 1:51f. At 4,
winner in 1:50.3. At 5, 29-9-6-3; seasonal earnings of $250,295; winner of $150,000 First State FFA at Harrington
(setting world record for aged geldings on a ½ mile track and all-age track record), an Invitational at Freehold and
2 Opens at Chester Downs; second in 3 Invitationals and an Open; third in an Invitational and an Open. Now 6 and
an Open Winner at Yonkers (1:51.4h), Pocono Downs (1:50.4f) and Chester Downs (1:49.4f); second in 2 legs of
Levy Series and an Invitational.
RAISE YOUR SPIRITS p,3,1:58.1f (m, Cam's Card Shark). Winner of 1 race and $16,522 at 2 and 3. At 2, second
in Debutante S. (to Sure Sign) in first pari-mutuel start, timed in 1:55.4–:27.2.
GHOST RING p,3,1:56.1h-'07 (g, Western Ideal). Winner of 3 races and $10,480 at 3. At 2, timed in 2:00.1. Now
3 and second in leg of Mountain Skipper Series at Rockingham; timed in 1:54.4.
HAUNTED p,2,Q1:59.1f-'07 (f, Bettor's Delight). Now 2 and timed in 1:57.4f.
Steal Ivy (h, Rustler Hanover). At 3, timed in 1:57f.
2nd Dam
COME ON IVY p,2,2:04f; 3,2:02f by ROYCE. Winner of 3 races. From 3 foals (2 fillies) (all starters), dam of SPIRIT OF IVY p,2,1:56f–1:59h; 4,1:53–1:53.2h (m, Falcon Seelster). As above.
3rd Dam
IVY DANCER by SUNDANCE SKIPPER. From 7 foals, dam of 5 winners MISS CHEESECAKE p,2,1:59.3f (m, G.E.'s Romanero). Winner of 2 races and $14,855 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
MSRF at Rosecroft and MDSS at Rosecroft.
HANDSOME IVY p,2,2:06.3h; 3,2:04.2h (g, Handsome Sum). Winner of 5 races and $10,038 at 2 and 3. At 2, 13-4-31; winner of 4 OHFS; second in 3 OHFS; third in OHFS; timed in 2:02.3h. At 3, winner of OHFS; second in 3 OHFS;
third in 2 OHFS.
DANSUM p,2,Q2:04.1f; 3,1:59f (g, Handsome Sum). Winner of 4 races.
Come On Ivy p,2,2:04f; 3,2:02f (m, Royce). As above.
Sakra Dancer p,3,2:02.3f (g, Kouros).
4th Dam
MARY'S DECISION p,2:01.4h by INDECISION. Winner of 5 races and $14,597. Dam of 5 foals (3 starters).
Ivy Dancer (m, Sundance Skipper). As above.
5th Dam
MARY GREY by NEWPORT CHIEF. Dam of Mary's Decision p,2:01.4h (m, Indecision). As above.
Then To: Sine Mora by Goldsmith–Audition by Jack Potts.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
New York Sires
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Lindy Racing Stable
Raised at Lindy Farms, Somersville, CT
Stable 5, Row A, Stall 3
HIP NO. 62
Bay Filly. Foaled May 10, 2006. Tattoo No. 8DD894.
ABC Freight
Garland Lobell .......................... { Gamin Lobell
Amour Angus ............................ { Magna
Kenwood Scamper
Self Possessed ......................... {
Feeling Great
THE HEART OF IT ............................
Lindiliana 3,Q2:03 ..................... { Speedy Crown
Petrolianna 3,1:56.2
CONWAY HALL 3,1:53.4 ..................
Second Foal
Dam of (c) Lindy Lane 3,1:53
(f) True Diva 3,1:55.3
Dam of (c) Futile Qwest 1:55.1-'07
(c) Well Dressed 1:57.2
Second Foal
2 in 1:56, 4 in 2:00
2 $200,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:57, 4 in 1:59
1 $100,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
THE HEART OF IT by SELF POSSESSED. Bred at 3. This is her second foal. Dam of Four Starz Heart (c, Dream Vacation). Now 2.
2nd Dam
LINDILIANA 3,Q2:03 by SPEEDY CROWN. At 3, second in NYSS at Vernon. From 9 living foals, dam of 5 winners LINDY LANE 2,1:56; 3,1:53 (h, Valley Victory). Winner of 11 races and $895,110 at 2 and 3. At 2, 9-6-1-2; seasonal
earnings of $262,563; voted 2YO Trotting Colt of the Year; winner of elim. and $321,700 final of Valley Victory Trot
(over Running Sea, Kramer Boy, etc.), $100,000 final of Harold Dancer Memorial, Campbellville Trot, NJSS and
NJSS-LC; second in NJFS; third in Harold Dancer Memorial elim. and NJFS. At 3, 12-5-1-2; earnings of $632,547;
second leading money-winning 3YO trotting colt and runner-up in divisional balloting; winner of $334,500 Beacon
Course Trot (over Continentalvictory; setting Meadowlands track record), $211,440 American-National S., elim. of
Hambletonian S. and Lexington LC; second in $1,000,000 Hambletonian S.; third in heat of Kentucky Futurity.
TRUE DIVA 3,1:55.3–1:58f (m, Valley Victory). Winner of 3 races and $204,926 at 3 and 4. At 3, winner of $217,395
Simcoe S. (over Donven Promise, Family Trust and Yankee Fribble) and Matron S. elim. (defeating Applecider
Hanover); second in Lexington LC; third in $624,840 Breeders' Crown (to Syrinx Hanover and Fun And Strokes).
Her first foal is THE BOSSES LINDY 2,1:57 ($124,875 at 2; now 3; by Conway Hall).
EXPECTING MORE 3,1:58.4; 4,1:56.4–1:58.1f (h, Valley Victory). Winner of 11 races and $55,467. At 3, winner of
Arden Homestead Stable LC; second in NJSS (to Legendary Love K, timed in 1:56.3) and Canaco Farms LC.
NOLESSTHANPERFECT 3,T1:59.1–2:02.1f (m, American Winner). Winner of 3 races at 3. Dam of NO LESS THAN
LINDY 3,1:58.3. Grandam of the Stakes Winner FUEGO 2,1:59.3; 3,1:57.2f-'07 ($88,104).
Built By Lindy 2,Q2:02.1f-'07 (c, Dream Vacation). Winner of $11,457. Now 2 and second in NJSS; timed in 2:00.
Lindianapolis (m, Pine Chip). Dam of INDY'S LINDY 2,2:00f; 3,1:59.3f-'07.
3rd Dam
PETROLIANNA 2,2:00.2; 3,1:56.2 by TEXAS. Winner of 12 races and $293,764. At 2, winner of 3 NYSS; second in
NYSS. At 3, winner of Bluegrass S., Lexington Filly S., heat of Hambletonian Oaks, Hanover S. and 3 NYSS;
second in Breeders' Crown, Cradle of Liberty Trot, heat of Bluegrass S. and 2 NYSS; third in final of Hambletonian
Oaks. At 4, Invitational winner. From 12 foals, dam of 7 winners (4 in 1:59), including WELL DRESSED 3,2:00.2f; 1:57.2 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 19 races, $124,169. At 2, second/third in NYSS.
FUTILE QWEST 3,1:56.3; 4,1:56.3f; 1:55.1-'07 (h, Garland Lobell). Winner of 21 races and $117,674. At 3, winner
2 legs of Charlie Singer Series. At 4, winner of 4 Opens; second in leg Super Bowl Series; third in leg Super Bowl
Series and leg Horse & Groom Series. At 5, third in leg of Horse & Groom Series. Now 6 and winner of 3 Opens.
STRAPHANGER 3,1:58.4 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 5 races and $32,050. At 3, second in Kerry Way Trot.
CHIPMUNK 3,Q2:01; 4,1:58.1 (h, Pine Chip). Winner of 1 race and $12,700. At 4, timed in 1:57.3.
Aimee's Promise (m, American Winner). Dam of GRAIN OF TRUTH 3,Q1:57.2; 4,1:57.1h; 1:56.1h-'07 ($399,343).
Proxima (Speedy Crown). Dam of PRIMARY AS 2,1:59.4; 3,1:54-'07 ($260,763), GARLAND AS 2,Q2:05; 3,1:57.2.
Love So Right (f, Dream Vacation). Now 2 and racing; timed in 2:01.4.
4th Dam
VICTORIA REGINA 2,2:08.2h; 3,T2:02.4 by SPEEDY RODNEY. Winner of 3 races and $34,536. At 3, winner, second
and third in NYSS. Sister to the dam of INCREDIBLE NEVELE 2,1:58.1; 3,1:56 ($450,750) and grandam of
INANUTSHELL 2,2:02.4h; 3,1:57.3 ($223,997), ALMOND BARK 3,2:00.4; 2:00f ($77,266) and third dam of NO
PAN NO GAIN 2,1:58.1; 3,1:55.4; 4,1:55 ($415,630), CYRANO DE BERGERAC 2,2:07.4h; 3,1:59.3f; 1:55.3f
($304,756), COSMIC CRUNCH 3,1:59.4; 1:54.4 ($287,809), ANYTHINGS POSSIBLE 2,1:59.4f; 3,1:58.1f; 1:56.1
($247,131), RAY GUN 2,Q2:06.3h; 3,1:59f; 1:53.2 ($212,578), etc. From 9 foals, dam of 5 winners, includingVIZZI HANOVER 3,1:57.4; 4,1:56.3 (h, Super Bowl). Winner of 15 races, $156,074 in U.S.; $300,000 Internationally.
VIBES HANOVER 3,1:59.3f (h, Prakas). Winner of 12 races and $72,338. At 3, winner of 2 Opens at The Meadows.
Vickilou Who 3,Q2:01f (m, Super Bowl). Winner of 4 races. Dam of AMNESIAC 2,Q2:00.2; 3,1:57.3 ($141,143).
Vidalia Hanover (m, Texas). Dam of PASS THE AMMO 3,Q2:00.4; 1:57.3f.
Then To: Victory Prize by Victory Song–Aggie Scott by Scotland.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake aNo. 71
Kentucky Futurity
New York Sires
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 2
HIP NO. 63
Bay Colt. Foaled March 30, 2006. Tattoo No. 1D3826.
Photo Maker
S J's Photo ................................ { Sassy Jane
V Yankee
Spawning .................................. { T
Cumin ........................................ {
Ginger Lobell
PEPPERMINT SPICE 4,Q1:57 .........
Peppermint Hanover 2,T2:06.3 { Florida Pro
Pebby Hanover 2,2:06.4
SJ'S CAVIAR 3,1:53.4 ......................
First Foal
Dam of (f) Peppermint Kissed 1:56.1
(f) Peppermint Spice 4,Q1:57
(f) Bonnie's Girl 3,1:59.3
Dam of (c) Palmo Hanover 2:02.1f
(f) Piper Hanover 2,T2:02.3
(f) Peppermint H'ver 2,T2:06.3
First Foal
2 in 1:57, 4 in 2:00
1 $325,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
2 in 2:03
3 in 2:07
1st Dam
PEPPERMINT SPICE 3,2:00.4h; 4,Q1:57 by CUMIN. Winner of 6 races and $56,519. At 2, timed in 1:59.4. At 3,
winner of NJSS Green Acres Final at Freehold; second in NJSS Green Acres at Freehold; third in NJSS at Freehold
(to Victory My Way) and NJSS Green Acres at Freehold; timed in 1:57.2. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
PEPPERMINT HANOVER 2,T2:06.3 by FLORIDA PRO. From 12 foals (8 fillies), dam of 7 winners, including PEPPERMINT KISSED 4,1:58.1h; 1:56.1–1:58.2f (m, Cumin). Winner of 40 races and $346,208. At 4, 9-5-1-1. At
6, Open Winner at Freehold; second and third in Opens. At 7, second in 2 Preferreds and an Open. At 9, early
Season's Champion aged mare on a ½ mile track (1:58.1h). At 11, Open Winner at Freehold.
BONNIE'S GIRL 3,1:59.3 (m, Donerail). Winner of 3 races and $89,542 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in New Jersey
Futurity at Freehold; fourth in Harold Dancer; timed in 1:59.3. At 3, winner of NJSS Green Acres at Freehold;
second in $78,450 Helen Smith Trot, leg and final of NJSS Green Acres at Freehold and leg of Colonial Downs
Series; third in NJSS at The Meadowlands, Landmark S. and NJSS Green Acres at Freehold; timed in 1:56.
PEPPERMINT DEVIL 2,2:02.4h (h, Credit Winner). Winner of 4 races and $79,634. At 2, winner of NYSS at Yonkers
and Saratoga; second in NYSS at Syracuse, Monticello and Saratoga. At 3, second in NYSS at Buffalo and
Monticello; third in NYSS at Syracuse; timed in 1:59.1. At 4, timed in 1:58.
PEPPERMINT SPICE 3,2:00.4h; 4,Q1:57 (m, Cumin). As above.
BABY TAKE A BOW Q1:59.3 (m, Baltic Speed).
Peppermint Prince (h, Lindy Lane). At 2, second in PAFS; third in 2 PAFS.
Fancy Ribbons 2:02.3h (m, Baltic Speed). Winner of 5 races and $18,619. Dam of WASADOR 2,1:57.3, FANCY'S
HIT 2,2:14h; 3,1:59.4; 4,1:58.1f and NIFTY BUT THRIFTY 2,2:05.3h; 3,2:02f.
3rd Dam
PEBBY HANOVER 2,2:06.4 by STAR'S PRIDE. At 2, winner of leg of Greyhound Series at Vernon Downs. From 6
foals (4 fillies), dam of 3 winners, including Palmo Hanover 3,2:04.2; 2:02.1f (h, Speedy Count). Winner of 15 races and $98,916. Stakes placed.
Piper Hanover 2,T2:02.3 (m, Florida Pro). Dam of TURBULENT LADY 1:58.3. Grandam of TURBULENT VICTORIA
2,1:56.4 and BUSTO 2,Q2:04.4; 3,Q2:03; 4,2:00.4.
Phyllis Hanover (m, Florida Pro). Dam of AMITY PHYLLIS 2,2:07.2f; 4,2:00.4f ($130,402). Grandam of CRESUS
POPETTE 3,1:59.2; 1:58.2f ($185,865) and SCOUBIDOU L A 2,2:01.4; 3,1:59.1.
4th Dam
PEBBLE HANOVER by BILL GALLON. From 19 living foals, dam of 13 winners, including PERFECT FREIGHT 2,2:09.1h; 3,2:05h; 4,2:00.2h (h, Star's Pride). Winner 21 races, $310,719. At 3, second in
Yonkers Trot. At 4, winner Realization Trot. As aged, winner American Trotting Champ.,Challenge Cup, U.N. Trot.
NEVELE MAJOR 2,2:00.1 (h, Star's Pride). Winner of 14 races and $148,832. At 2, voted 2yo Trotter of the Year;
winner of Horseman S., Arden Downs S., American-National S., Reynolds Memorial, Harriman Cup, George Wilkes
Trot, Transylvania Trot and heats of Battle of Saratoga and Castleton Farm S. At 3, winner of Horseman Futurity.
PAY FREIGHT 2,2:07.3h; 3,2:06h; 4,2:00.3 (h, Star's Pride). Winner of 13 races and $34,370. Stakes Winner.
PEARSON HANOVER 2,Q2:07.4f; 3,2:04.3f (h, Super Bowl). Winner of 23 races and $26,184. Stakes Winner.
PEPITONE HANOVER 3,2:05.4f; 4,2:01.3 (h, Star's Pride). Winner of 4 races, $11,535 in the U.S. Stakes Winner.
PEPINO HANOVER 2:02.5f (h, Star's Pride). European summary; 55-27-11-0; 182,540 kr.
PAT HANOVER 2,2:08.4f; 3,2:03.2 (h, Star's Pride). 4 wins. At 3, winner of 3 legs Lexington Trot.
Peggy Hanover 2,T2:02.3 (m, Star's Pride). Dam of FLORIDA GABE 2,2:04.4f; 3,1:59.2f.
Premium Freight 3,2:07.3h (m, Titan Hanover). Dam of NEW DAY 2:03.4f. Grandam of Copenhagen Cup winner E.O.
BRUNN 1:58f ($152,706), GREVE BRUNN 1:59.4f (571,215 kr), OLIVER BRUNN 2:01f (169,950 kr), GORGEOUS
EGYPTIAN 2:03.4f, IBIS BRUNN 2:02.5f (250,725 kr), HIAWATHA BRUNN and FULL BRUNN.
Penny Hanover (m, Star's Pride). Third dam of WEN HER FINALE 3,2:00.1f; 1:58.1f ($129,670).
Then To: Paulette Hanover by Spencer Scott–Pauline Hanover 3,T2:09 ½ by Dillon Axworthy.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Seelster Farms, Inc.
& 2086729 Ontario, Inc. Raised at Seelster Farms, Lucan, Ontario
Stable 5, Row A, Stall 4
HIP NO. 64
Bay Filly. Foaled February 21, 2006. Tattoo No. 6DM203.
ABC Freight
Garland Lobell .......................... { Gamin Lobell
Amour Angus ............................ { Magna
Kenwood Scamper
Mr Lavec .................................... {
Kramer Samba
PEPI LAVEC 4,1:55.3 .......................
Next Victom 3,2:03.1h .............. { Balanced Image
Joyous Lass
ANGUS HALL 3,1:54.3 .....................
Second Foal
Dam of (f) Pepi Lavec 4,1:55.3
(c) Think Gold 3,1:56.1-'07
(f) Wanabeamillionaire 3,1:57.3f
Dam of (c) Tax Audit 3,1:57.3f
(c) Next Audit 1:58
(f) Patient Angel 4,1:58.4f
Second Foal
1 in 1:56, 2 in 1:57, 3 in 1:58
1 $625,000 Winner
3 $150,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
2 in 1:58, 3 in 1:59
1 $325,000 Winner
2 $100,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
PEPI LAVEC 2,1:58; 3,1:56f; 4,1:55.3 by MR LAVEC. Winner of 18 races and $648,888 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, 15-5-3-0;
earnings of $307,726; winner of $129,550 Canadian Breeders Championship, elimination and $100,00 ONTSS Gold
Final at Woodbine, leg of Trillium Series at Rideau Carleton and ONTSS Gold elimination at Mohawk; second in
$250,000 ONTSS Super Final at Mohawk, $100,000 ONTSS Gold Final at Flamboro Downs and Oakville Trot elim.
At 3, 20-8-3-2; earnings of $298,078; winner of elim. and $81,900 ONTSS Gold Final at Sarnia (setting ONTSS and
divisional track record, from post 8, 1/5 off Goodtimes' all-age track record), elimination and $81,900 ONTSS Gold
Final at Windsor, ONTSS Gold elims. at Mohawk and Rideau Carleton, ONTSS Gold cons. at Woodbine and
Ontario SBOA S. elim. at Mohawk; second in Hambletonian Oaks elim., $89,223 final of Ontario SBOA S. and
Elegantimage S. elim.; third in $500,000 Hambletonian Oaks (to Windylane Hanover and Cameron Hall) and
$81,900 ONTSS Gold Final at Mohawk; timed in 1:53.3–:26.4. At 4, winner final of Summertime Series at
Woodstock, leg of Summertime Series at Sarnia and a Preferred at London. This is her second foal. Dam of Pretty Pepi (f, Angus Hall). Now 2.
2nd Dam
NEXT VICTOM 3,2:03.1h by BALANCED IMAGE. Winner of 3 races and $33,552 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, third in ONTSS
Grassroots at Kingston Park. At 3, winner of ONTSS Grassroots at Woodstock; second in ONTSS Grassroots at
London; third in ONTSS Grassroots at Barrie; timed in 2:00. From 6 foals, dam of 5 winners (1 in 1:56, 3 in 1:58):
PEPI LAVEC 2,1:58; 3,1:56f; 4,1:55.3 (m, Mr Lavec). As above.
WANABEAMILLIONAIRE 2,1:59.4; 3,1:57.3f (m, Mr Lavec). Winner of 7 races and $233,674 at 2 and 3. At 2, 14-4-05; earnings of $107,038; winner of elimination and $81,900 ONTSS Gold Final at Mohawk and Canadian Breeders'
Championship elimination; third in $189,000 ONTSS Super Final at Mohawk (awarded second place money due
to disqualification), final of Canadian Breeders' Championship, ONTSS Gold elimination at Flamboro Downs, leg
of Trillium Series at Hanover and ONTSS Grassroots at Clinton. At 3, earnings of $102,066; winner of $96,200
ONTSS Gold Final at Flamboro Downs, leg of Trillium Series at Sarnia and ONTSS Gold elim. at Kawartha Downs;
second in Ontario SBOA S. elim. at Mohawk and ONTSS Grassroots at Hanover; third in $90,911 Simcoe S.,
$96,200 ONTSS Gold Final at Kawartha Downs and ONTSS Gold elim. at Flamboro Downs.
THINK GOLD 2,2:01.3h; 3,1:56.1-'07 (g, Mr Lavec). Winner of 4 races and $182,814 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
ONTSS Gold elimination at Flamboro Downs and ONTSS Grassroots at Hanover; second in $115,700 ONTSS Gold
Final at Flamboro Downs, Champlain S., William Wellwood S. elimination, ONTSS Gold elimination at Grand River
and Flamboro Breeders' S.; third in$467,428 William Wellwood S. and ONTSS Gold elim. at Mohawk; timed in 1:57.
Now 3 and winner of ONTSS Gold elimination at Mohawk; second in ONTSS Grassroots at Sarnia.
PRETTY IN PLAID 3,2:00.3f (m, Angus Hall). Winner of 3 races and $56,829 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, third in elimination
and $107,900 ONTSS Gold Final at London and ONTSS Grassroots at Kawartha Downs and Grand River; timed
in 2:00.2. At 3, winner of ONTSS Grassroots at Windsor and ONTSS Grassroots Semi-Final at Georgian Downs;
second in ONTSS Grassroots at Clinton and Flamboro Breeders' S.; timed in 1:58.1.
For Tricks (f, Kadabra). Now 2.
3rd Dam
JOYOUS LASS by SPEEDY SCOT. From 13 foals (9 fillies), dam of 8 winners (3 in 1:59) TAX AUDIT 3,2:00.3f–2:01.1h; 1:57.3f (h, Balanced Image). Winner of 20 races and $326,989. Stakes Winner.
NEXT AUDIT 3,Q1:59.3–2:02; 4,1:59; 1:58 (g, Balanced Image). Winner of 11 races and $118,358.
JOYOUS IMAGE 2,Q2:05.2; 3,2:04.3h (m, Balanced Image). Winner of 2 races and $49,349 at 2 and 3. Dam of
DRAVEN 2,2:03.3f; 3,Q1:59.2 ($124,226), MR IMAGE 2,2:02.4f; 3,2:01f; 4,1:58.3h and SPRING AUDIT 2,1:58.4.
NEXT VICTOM 3,2:03.1h (m, Balanced Image). As above.
PATIENT ANGEL 3,Q2:08.1h; 4,1:58.4f (m, Balanced Image). Winner of 9 races and $30,041 at 3 and 4. At 4, 21-95-2. Dam of the Stakes Winner ACCENTFLEX L A 2,2:01.1; 3,1:59.4; 4,1:58.3; 1:58.2h-'07 ($83,493).
Bossybutbeautiful (m, Balanced Image). Dam of HONOLULU HUNK 2,2:00f; 3,1:57.2; 4,1:54.1f-'07 ($171,441) and
BOSSY BOSS 2,1:57.4f (now 3).
Then To: Joyous Belle 4,2:06.2f by Bombs Away–Jolly Truax by Donald Truax.
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Canadian Breeders Champ.
Champlain Filly
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Kentucky Futurity
Ontario Sires
Ontario SBOA
Simcoe Filly
Yonkers Trot
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for R. Peter Heffering and T H
Stable, LLC. Raised at Tara Hills Stud, Port Perry, Ontario
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 2
HIP NO. 65
(Embryo Transfer)
Bay Colt. Foaled May 14, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D5484.
Most Happy Fella
Cam Fella ................................... { Nan Cam
Jef's Magic Trick ....................... { B.G's
Meadow Trick
Western Hanover ...................... {
Wendymae H'ver
RYE HANOVER p,2,Q1:58.3 ............
Rich N Elegant p,3,1:56.4 ......... { Direct Scooter
Proven Perfect
CAM'S CARD SHARK p,3,1:50 ........
Third Foal, Dam of (f) Treat Me Good p,2,1:54.4
(c) Canadian Rye p,3,1:56f
Dam of (c) Rocknroll H'ver p,3,1:48.3
(c) Red River H'ver p,3,1:48.4
Dam of (c) Armbro Jug p,3,1:55.4f
(f) Rich N Elegant p,3,1:56.4
1 1:55 2YO
4 in 1:51, 5 in 1:53, 6 in 1:54
2 in 1:57, 3 in 2:00
2 in 1:56
5 $550,000 Winners
1 $100,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
5 Stakes Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
RYE HANOVER p,2,Q1:58.3 by WESTERN HANOVER. Winner of $68,506. At 2, second in She's A Great Lady S.
elim.; third in $433,800 Sweetheart Pace and Countess Adios S.; timed in 1:54. This is her third foal. Dam of TREAT ME GOOD p,2,1:54.4 (f, Camluck). Winner of 1 race and $20,906 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of ONTSS Gold
elimination at Mohawk. Now 3 and racing.
CANADIAN RYE p,3,1:56f (h, Astreos). Winner of 1 race and $6,833 at 3. At 3, took record in first p.m. start.
2nd Dam
RICH N ELEGANT p,2,1:57.2f; 3,1:56.4 by DIRECT SCOOTER. Winner of 5 races, $96,244. At 2, winner leg Maiden
Series; second in final Robert Stewart Mem. and leg Trillium Series; third in Harvest S. and leg Trillium Series. At
3, winner leg Blossom Series; second in 2 NJSS; timed in 1:53.2. Half sister to ARMBRO JUG p,3,1:55.4f
($104,388). From 10 foals, dam of 7 winners (3 in 1:50, 4 in 1:51, 5 in 1:53, 6 in 1:54, 7 in 1:59) ROCKNROLL HANOVER p,2,1:49.4; 3,1:48.3 (h, Western Ideal). Winner of 15 races and $2,754,038 at 2 and 3.
World Champion. Fastest two year old ever. At 2, 8-3-1-3; earnings of $530,781; winner of $933,806 Metro S. (in
world record time) and Champlain S.; second in Breeders' Crown elim.; third in $146,801 Nassagaweya S. and
Metro S. elim. At 3, 18-12-4-2; earnings of $2,223,257; voted Horse of the Year; winner of elim. and $1,215,000
final of North America Cup, $1,000,000 Meadowlands Pace, elim. and $555,000 final of Breeders' Crown, elim. and
$500,000 final of New Jersey Classic, $235,550 Tattersalls S., $141,800 Bluegrass S., $136,400 Dancer Memorial,
$114,029 Simcoe S. and NJSS; second in $394,120 Progress Pace, $130,000 Oliver Wendell Holmes, heat of Little
Brown Jug and Meadowlands Pace elim.; third in final of Little Brown Jug and Progress Pace elim.
ROYALFLUSH HANOVER p,2,2:03.2h; 3,1:51.2f–1:54.1h; 4,1:49.3; 1:49.4f (g, Cam's Card Shark). World Champion.
Winner of 39 races and $2,153,893. At 3, 29-16-5-3; earnings of $780,514; Season's Champion on e and ½ mile
tracks; winner of Provincial Cup, Progress Pace, Motor City Pace, Mohawk Invitational, heat of Little Brown Jug,
New Jersey Futurity and elims. of Confederation Cup, Art Rooney and New Jersey Classic; second in New Jersey
Classic, Burlington S. and eliminations of Cane Pace and Progress Pace; third in final of Confederation Cup, Oliver
Wendell Holmes S. and North America Cup elimination; timed in 1:50.1. At 4, 32-9-7-4; earnings of $630,520;
winner of American-National S., Dan Patch S., final of Willowdale Series, leg of Aquarius Series and 5 FFAS;
second in Breeders’ Crown, Slot Cup at Sarnia (in 1:50f Canadian record, timed in 1:50.1f), Canadian Pacing Derby
Prep and leg of Willowdale Series; third in leg/final Aquarius Series and leg Willowdale Series; timed in 1:48–:26.3.
At 5, 26-8-5-6; earnings of $690,856; winner Nicole Hudock Memorial, Slots Cup at Sarnia (1:49.4f world record),
2 FFAs and 4 JFAs; second in elim. and final of William Haughton Memorial, leg of Classic Series and Canadian
Pacing Derby Prep; third in Canadian Pacing Derby, American-National S. and Woodbine Gold Cup.
RUSTLER HANOVER p,2,1:52.3; 3,1:51 (h, Western Hanover). Winner of 14 races and $971,638. At 2, 16-6-3-2;
earnings of $639,931; leading money-winning 2-year-old; winner Metro S., Abe Lincoln, Nassagaweya, Breeders'
Crown elim., Arden Downs, etc.; second in Governors Cup, Champlain S. and Metro S. elim. At 3, 15-8-2-0;
earnings of $331,707; winner of elim. and final Confederation Cup, elim. and final Nat Christie Memorial, Burlington
S., Meadowlands Pace elim. and a Preferred; second in elims. of North American Cup and Art Rooney. 1:50 sire.
RED RIVER HANOVER p,2,1:52.2; 3,1:48.4 (h, Western Hanover). Winner of 15 races and $965,426. At 2, winner
6 of 12 starts, including $112,800 Nassagaweya S., Champlain S. and Metro S. elim. At 3, 20-9-1-2; earnings of
$816,445; winner of elim. and final of North America Cup, Prix d'Montreal, Meadowlands Pace cons., Burlington
S., American-National elim. and PaSS; third in Prix d'Montreal elim. and Breeders' Crown elim. 1:55 sire.
RICHESS HANOVER p,2,1:53 (h, Western Hanover). Winner of 9 races and $557,537 at 2. At 2, 14-9-2-1; winner
elim. and $600,000 final of Woodrow Wilson, Niatross S., Bluegrass S., Metro S. elim. and 2 legs of Kindergarten
Series; second in Champlain S. and Ohio Standardbred S.; third in $600,000 Metro S., timed in 1:51.3. 1:50 sire.
RYE HANOVER p,2,Q1:58.3 (m, Western Hanover). As above.
RIGHTEOUS HANOVER p,3,1:54.2f; 4,1:53.2 (h, Western Hanover). Winner of 4 races and $48,358 at 3 and 4. At
3, third in Hoosier Cup elimination; timed in 1:53.1. At 4, timed in 1:50.3.
River Hanover (m, The Panderosa). Bred at 2. Her first foal is SUPER GROVER p,3,1:58.3h-'07.
Then To: Proven Perfect by Abercrombie–Shifting Sands p,3,2:02.3 by Shadow Wave.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farm
Raised at Southwind Farms, Pennington, NJ
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 3
HIP NO. 207
Bay Colt. Foaled April 10, 2006. Tattoo No. 5D9980.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
Classic Wish ............................. { Armbro
Best Of The Best
Artsplace ................................... { Abercrombie
Miss Elvira
TSUMANI HANOVER p,2,1:53.4 ......
Trini Hanover p,3,T1:51.2 ......... { Big Towner
Tara Row Gil p,3,1:59.1
BETTOR'S DELIGHT p,3,1:49.4 ......
Dam of (f) Southwind Tempo p,3,1:49.3f-'07
(c) Southwind Tennent p,4,1:53.2
Dam of (c) Trailboss H'ver p,4,1:51.1
(c) Thesis Hanover p,3,1:51.3
Dam of (f) Trini Hanover p,3,T1:51.2
(c) Tarragon H'ver p,4,1:53.2
1 in 1:50f, 3 in 1:54
7 in 1:55
2 in 1:54
1 $700,000 Winner
9 in 2:00
9 in 2:00
3 $100,000 Winners
6 $125,000 Winners
3 $100,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners, 1 World Champ. 6 Stakes Winners
5 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
TSUNAMI HANOVER p,2,1:53.4–1:57.2h; 4,1:55.1h by ARTSPLACE. Winner of 10 races and $234,900. At 2, 16-3-53; earnings of $159,658; winner of Countess Adios S. (defeating Stienam's Place) and 2 NJSS; second in $100,000
NJSS Final, Three Diamonds Pace elimination, Lou Babic Memorial elimination, Sweetheart Pace cons. and NJSS;
third in NJSS Final at Freehold, Breeders’ Crown elim. and NJSS. At 4, Preferred Winner at Yonkers; second in
a Preferred; third in an Open; timed in 1:53.1. From 5 foals, dam of 4 winners (1 in 1:50f, 3 in 1:54, 4 in 2:00) SOUTHWIND TEMPO p,2,1:55.1f; 3,1:49.3f–1:52.4h-'07 (f, Bettor's Delight). Winner of 16 races and $721,692 at 2
and 3. World Champion. At 2, undefeated in 3 starts. Now 3, 16-13-2-1; earnings of $710,742; winner of
elimination and $250,632 final of James Lynch Memorial (lowering Darlin's Delight's track record, equaling all-age
track record), $242,620 Lismore S. (lowering track record set in 1996 by 1 1/5 seconds), $222,250 Lady Catskill S.
(pacing the fastest last ½ - :55.2 - in track history), leg and final of Tender Loving Care Series, Helen Dancer
Memorial, Tarport Hap S., Valley Forge S. at Chester Downs (1:50.3f track record), Mistletoe Shalee Pace
elimination and Fan Hanover S. elimination; second in $320,000 Mistletoe Shalee Pace and leg of Tender Loving
Care Series; third in $682,670 Fan Hanover S.; voted June and July USTA Horse of the Month.
SOUTHWIND TABOR p,3,1:55.2; 4,1:53.4h-'07 (g, Bettor's Delight). Winner of 8 races and $119,007. At 2, second
in NYB-LC at Saratoga; third in NYSS and NYB-LC at Monticello; timed in 1:56.2. At 3, second in NYSS at
Monticello, Goshen and Saratoga; third in NYSS at Monticello; timed in 1:54.3h. Now 4 and winner 2 legs of
Sagamore Hill Series; second in leg of Sagamore Hill Series; third in final of Sagamore Hill Series.
SOUTHWIND TENNENT p,4,1:53.2 (g, Western Hanover). Winner of 27 races and $107,348. At 2, timed in 1:57f.
At 4, winner of 2 legs of Cicero Series at Hawthorne.
SOUTHWIND TYRANT p,2,Q2:00-'07 (c, Mcardle). Now 2 and timed in 1:52.4.
Dg S El Nina (m, Western Hanover). At 2, third in Quebec Distinction S.; timed in 1:58.4.
2nd Dam
TRINI HANOVER p,2,T1:56.2–1:56.3; 3,T1:51.2 by BIG TOWNER. World Champion. Winner of 7 races and $84,670
at 2 and 3. At 2, 9-5-1-0; winner of Hanover-Hempt S. and 2 PaSS; third in PaSS. At 3, became the fastest 3yo
filly of all time; winner leg of John Chapman Memorial Series and PaSS; third in $69,605 Lady Catskill S. and leg
of John Chapman Series. Full or half sister to GOTTA GO NOW p,2,2:03.4f; 3,2:00.2h; 1:59.3f ($135,050) and
TERRIFIC HANOVER p,2,1:55.2 ($118,664). From 13 foals, dam of 11 winners (4 in 1:53, 7 in 1:55, 9 in 2:00):
TSUNAMI HANOVER p,2,1:53.4–1:57.2h; 4,1:55.1h (m, Artsplace). As above.
TRAVIS HANOVER p,2,1:59.2f; 3,1:53f; 1:52.3f (h, Albatross). Winner of 23 races and $207,348. At 2, second in
leg of Scioto Series; third in PaSS; timed in 1:57.1f. At 3, winner of 2 Opens; second in final of Confederation Cup;
third in Motor City Pace elim. and Confederation Cup elim.; timed in 1:51.3. At 4, Open Winner at Pompano.
TRAILBOSS HANOVER p,2,1:56.1; 3,1:53.4; 4,1:51.1 (h, Western Hanover). Winner of 19 races and $170,034. At
2, winner of Lexington LC; third in Dream Away LC and Reynolds Memorial; timed in 1:53.2. At 3, third in 2 legs
of Equus Unlimited Series; timed in 1:52.1. At 4, winner final Instrument Landing Series; second in leg Trendsetter
Sr. Series; third in cons. of Trendsetter Sr. Series. At 6, winner of 3 Opens at Pocono, including 1:52.3f.
THESIS HANOVER p,2,1:59.2f; 3,1:51.3–1:53.2h (h, Artsplace). Winner of 18 races and $172,753. At 2, timed in
1:55.3f. At 3, winner of NJSS at Freehold; second in NJSS Green Acres. At 5, winner of 2 Invitationals.
KING OF THE BLUES p,2,2:04h; 3,1:57f; 4,1:53f (g, Albatross). Winner of 39 races and $146,365. At 2, second in
leg Barberry Spur Series, timed in 1:56.2. At 3, second leg Scioto Series. At 9, winner 2 legs Northfield Series.
TNT HANOVER p,2,1:58.1f; 1:55 (g, Albatross). Winner of 26 races and $125,070. At 2, winner of PaSS; third in
PaSS; second in leg of The Meadows Series; third in 2 legs of The Meadows Series; timed in 1:57.3f.
TRINI'S BEST p,2,1:59h; 3,1:54.1 (g, Cambest). Winner of 6 races and $21,885 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner leg of
Tucciarone Series at Yonkers; timed in 1:55.
AMERIFIN IDOL p,2,Q2:04.1h; 3,1:58.1h-'07 (c, Cam's Card Shark). Winner of 2 races and $12,543. At 2, timed in
2:00.2h. Now 3 and second in leg of Hopeful Series; third in leg of Hopeful Series; timed in 1:54.1.
HASEK HYLIGHT p,4,1:59.2h (g, Albatross). Winner of 2 races at 4.
Then To: TARA ROW GIL p,3,1:59.1 by Maynard Hanover–Carolann Row Gil p,3,2:06.1f by The Widower.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
New York Sires
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 3
HIP NO. 208
Brown Colt. Foaled May 19, 2006. Tattoo No. 3D3962.
Victory Dream
Self Possessed ......................... { Feeling Great
Canland Hall .............................. { Garland
Canne Angus
Pine Chip ................................... { Arndon
Pine Speed
BETTER ODDS 3,1:58 ......................
Casino Evil ................................ { Speedy Crown
Ah So 2,2:01.4
CANTAB HALL 3,1:54 ......................
First Colt, Third Foal, Dam of (f) Bether Always 2,1:57.3-'07
(f) Beat The Odds 2,Q2:04.3f
Dam of (f) Better Odds 3,1:58
(c) O T B 4,1:58.2h
Dam of (c) Rule The Wind 3,Q1:55.3
(c) Workaholic 2,1:57.1
First Colt, Third Foal
1 in 1:58, 3 in 2:00
1 in 1:56, 4 in 1:58
1 1:58 2YO, 2 2:05 2YOs
1 $125,000 Winner
4 $100,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
1 Stakes Winner
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
BETTER ODDS 2,2:00.3; 3,1:58 by PINE CHIP. Winner of 2 races and $50,914 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of an Open
at The Meadowlands; fourth in elimination, fifth in $412,000 final of Merrie Annabelle Trot (both to Rae), timed in
1:59.3 (twice). At 3, third in Del Miller consolation (to Dream On Candy and Softly Dream), timed in 1:56.1. At 4,
third in leg of Super Bowl Series at The Meadowlands. This is her first colt and her third foal. Dam of BETHER ALWAYS 2,1:57.3-'07 (f, Conway Hall). Winner of 3 races and $76,128. Now 2, 5-3-1-0; winner of Acorn
S., Reynolds Memorial and NYSS at Tioga Downs; second in $115,400 Kentuckiana Stallion S.
Beat The Odds 2,Q2:04.3f; 3,Q2:04.3f (m, Mr Lavec).
2nd Dam
CASINO EVIL by SPEEDY CROWN. From 10 foals, dam of 6 winners, including COMING UP CASH 2:00f (Italy) (m, Baltic Speed). Winner of 11 races and $142,482 in Europe.
BETTER ODDS 2,2:00.3; 3,1:58 (m, Pine Chip). As above.
O T B 2,Q2:05.2f; 3,1:59.2f; 4,1:58.2h (g, Mr Vic). Winner of 6 races and $40,602 at 2, 3 and 4.
ONEARMBANDIT 2,2:01.1f (h, Angus Hall). Winner of 1 race and $10,870 at 2. At 2, winner of ONTSS Gold elim.
Suited 2,2:01.4f; 3,2:01.1f-'07 (g, Sierra Kosmos). Winner of 2 races and $18,729 at 2 and 3. Now 3 and second in
Keystone Classic at The Meadows and PaSS at The Meadows (to Monkey Bones), timed in 1:57f.
3rd Dam
AH SO 2,2:01.4 by SPEEDY COUNT. Winner of 4 races and $47,051 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of American-National
and PaSS. Half sister to the grandams of GLORY ME 2,2:06.2f; 3,2:03.3f; 1:55 ($269,417), FOX VALLEY TRUMP
3,1:56.2; 4,1:55.4f ($204,584) and J R BROLINE 2,1:58.3; 1:56.1f (Europe) ($832,998) and the third dam of World
Champion WESGATE CROWN 2,T1:55.1; 1:52.3 ($2,574,045). From 12 foals, dam of 7 winners (4 in 1:58), incl. WORKAHOLIC 2,1:57.1 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 14 races and $870,869. At 2, Trotting Colt of the Year; winner
of Breeders' Crown, Harriman S., NYSS, Peter Haughton elim., Matron S. and Hanover-Hempt S. At 3, winner of
American-National S., Dexter Cup elim., Yonkers Trot elim. and 2 NYSS; second in Breeders' Crown.
WORKING GAL 2,2:01.2–2:03.4h; 3,1:57.1f–1:59.2h (m, Speedy Crown). Winner of 12 races and $384,650. At 2,
winner 4 NYSS. At 3, leading money-winning 3yo trotting filly; winner heat and final of Hambletonian Oaks, Lady
Suffolk Trot, Buckette, Colonial Lady Trot and 2 NYSS. Dam of EBONY KRONOS 3,1:58.4f ($753,500).
RULE THE WIND 2,1:59.2; 3,Q1:55.3 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 2 races and $180,016 at 2 and 3. At 3, earnings
of $177,846; second in heat of Hambletonian S. (to Armbro Goal), Matron S. and final of Review Futurity. 1:54 sire.
AT RISK 3,1:59.4f; 1:58 (h, Hickory Pride). Stakes Winner of $105,230 in Europe. At 3, European Champion.
Foot Loose 2,T2:04.2; 3,T2:02.2 (m, Speedy Crown). Dam of FACE GUARD 2,2:05.3; 3,1:57.3; 1:55.2 ($350,689),
PLACE KICKER 3,2:01.1 (Europe) ($121,287), DANGLE 2,2:01.1; 4,1:58.4h ($86,872) and BALLROOM DELIGHT
2,1:59.1. Grandam of FOOT BOWL 2,2:01.2; 3,1:57f ($600,000), ACTIVATION 3,2:03.1h; 1:57.3, ARTEMISIA
AMBROSIO 3,1:58.3f, etc. Third dam of VAL TAURUS 2,1:56.4; 3,1:54.3-'07 ($222,738), EURO HANOVER
2,Q2:03.4f; 3,1:55.1; 4,1:53.1f-'07 ($172,326), EDGY HANOVER 3,1:56f, BRUSCHETTE 2,1:58; 3,1:56.1f-'07, etc.
Miss Super Star 2,Q2:04.1; 3,Q2:01.1 (m, Hickory Pride). Dam of ORION BROLINE 4,2:01.3f (Italy) ($294,000).
China Syndrome (m, Super Bowl). Dam of CHINA SMOKE 3,1:59.2h; 4,T1:55.4 ($106,313) and THE ALABAMA
SLAM R 2,2:03.1; 3,1:59h ($74,046). Grandam of SLY FOX 2,1:57; 3,Q1:54.2, G P POT LICKER 3,1:59; 4,1:57.3;
1:55.1, YANKEE FUR 3,2:00.2; 1:57.3, etc. Third dam of MIGHTY MOSES 3,1:54.2 ($434,955).
Amity Pride (m, Hickory Pride). Dam of UBY OM ($153,979), LAURITA OM 2,2:07.2f; 3,2:04.2f (Italy), GUELFO
3,2:10f; 2:06.3f (Italy), etc. Grandam of OAKLEA JULIAN 2,1:57.2; 1:53.4 ($516,113), OAKLEA BLUEJAY 2,2:00f;
3,1:59.1f; 4,1:56 ($450,000), OAKLEA CHESTER 3,1:59.1f; 1:58.3 ($251,232), OAKLEA GRANT 1:56.2
($249,483), etc. Third dam of OAKLEA HICKORY 3,2:03.4h; 1:53.4 ($245,205).
Sushi (m, Speedy Crown). Grandam of Swedish Stakes Winner PINE DUST 1:57f ($906,428).
Baltic Holiday (m, Baltic Speed). Dam of NOIFSABOUTIT 2,1:59.1f; 3,1:56.2 ($311,387), HOLIDAY FEST 2,1:56.3;
4,1:55.2 ($111,420), etc. Grandam of PARDON ME 3,1:56.4; 4,1:54.3 ($234,918), BOOM 2,1:59; 1:52.1
($190,672), CARMITA 3,1:59.1f, PEYTON WAY 2,1:59.3 (now 3 and racing), etc.
Then To: Lalita Hanover by Hoot Mon–LARK HANOVER 3,2:05.3h by Dean Hanover.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 4
HIP NO. 209
Bay Colt. Foaled March 21, 2006. Tattoo No. 0DE716.
Silent Majority
Abercrombie ............................. { Bergdorf
Miss Elvira ................................. { Albatross
Ladalia Hanover
Western Hanover ...................... { No Nukes
Wendymae Hanover
WESTERN COUNTESS p,3,1:55f ....
Two Times Three p,4,1:54f ....... { Big Towner
Three Mile Island p,2,1:56.2f
ARTSPLACE p,4,1:49.2 ...................
First Foal
Dam of (c) Six Of Diamonds p,1:49.3
(f) Western Countess p,3,1:55f
Dam of (c) Always A Threat p,1:49.2
(c) Island Glow p,1:50
First Foal
1 in 1:50, 3 in 1:57
1 $225,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
7 in 1:53, 9 in 1:54, 11 in 1:58
7 $100,000 Winners
6 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
WESTERN COUNTESS p,2,1:59f; 3,1:55f by WESTERN HANOVER. Winner of 3 races and $43,923 at 2 and 3. At
2, second in PaSS at The Meadows, Keystone Classic at The Meadows and PaSS cons. at The Meadows; third
in Debutante S.; fourth in Pa. All Stars; timed in 1:54.3f. At 3, timed in 1:52.1 (by a head). This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
TWO TIMES THREE p,2,1:56f; 3,1:54.2f; 4,1:54f by BIG TOWNER. Winner of 19 races and $235,487. At 2, 11-4-4-2;
earnings of $103,119; winner of Arden Downs, Pink Bonnet elim. and leg of Trillium Series; second in Harvest S.,
2 legs of Trillium Series and PaSS; third in Champlain S., final of Pink Bonnet S., etc. At 3, Open Winner; second
in Simcoe S., PaSS and 2 Opens; third in Adioo Volo S., Keystone Classic, PaSS, etc.; timed in 1:53.3. At 4, 39-124-6; winner of 9 Opens. From 7 foals, dam of 5 winners (1 in 1:50, 2 in 1:55, 3 in 1:57), including SIX OF DIAMONDS p,2,1:54.4; 3,1:52.4; 4,1:52.3; 1:49.3 (h, Artsplace). Winner of 17 races and $226,172. At 2,
winner of Illinois Topline S.; third in Hayes Memorial; timed in 1:53.4. At 3, winner of Lexington LC; third in Hayes
Memorial; timed in 1:51.2. At 4, Open Winner at Rockingham. At 5, set all-age track record at Rockingham.
WESTERN COUNTESS p,2,1:59f; 3,1:55f (m, Western Hanover). As above.
DRAGONS DICE p,2,1:57.3h; 3,1:56.3 (g, Dragon Again). Winner of 2 races and $16,902. At 3, timed in 1:53.1.
Twice As Pretty p,3,2:01.2h (m, Beach Towel). Dam of HURRIKANENANCYLYNN p,2,2:02.3h; 3,2:00h.
Six Of Arts (m, Artsplace). Dam of CAM TILLIS p,2,2:00.2f; 3,1:54.3; 4,1:54.1-'07, SIX PACK SUMMER p,3,1:59.1f;
1:56.1f-'07, etc.
3rd Dam
THREE MILE ISLAND p,2,1:56.2f by NO NUKES. Winner of 9 races and ($288,079. At 2, winner Canadian Series S.,
Champlain S. elim., 2 legs Trillium Series and leg of Maiden Series; second in final Champlain S. and leg of Trillium
Series; third in Breeders' Crown. At 3, winner of NJSS; second in Bronx Filly S.; third in Mistletoe Shalee, Miss New
Jersey, NJSS Final and NJSS. Half sister to MASTER IMAGE p,2,1:57.4f, 3,1:56.4f ($220,887) and dams of
DAVID'S PASS p,2,1:52.2; 3,1:50.4 ($1,652,500), COLDHEARTEDREVENGE p,2,1:54.4; 3,Q1:53.1; 1:49.2
($564,255), SHOWBIZ JOE p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:53.4; 1:51.4 ($295,619), TINTED CLOUD p,2,1:54.1f; 3,1:52.3f; 1:51.1
($270,670), BESTFOOTFOWARD p,3,1:59.2; 1:52.1 ($238,226), etc. and grandam of SPARKLER p,2,1:55;
3,1:50.2 ($495,119). From 13 foals, dam of 12 winners (7 in 1:53, 9 in 1:54, 11 in 1:58) ISLAND FANTASY p,2,1:52; 3,1:50.1 (h, Life Sign). Winner of 15 races and $1,371,525. At 2, Pacing Colt of the
Year; winner Governors Cup, Int'l Stallion S., Bluegrass S., Nassagaweya S., Champlain S., Arden Downs S.,
Breeders Crown elim. and Abe Lincoln; second in Breeders Crown; third in Metro S. At 3, winner Tattersalls S.,
Meadowlands Pace cons., Simcoe S., Art Rooney elim., etc.; second in Breeders' Crown, Art Rooney, etc.
ISLAND GLOW p,2,1:53.2; 3,1:50.4; 1:50 (h, Dragon's Lair). Winner of 24 races and $608,074. At 3, winner 3 NYSS.
At 3, winner Gaines Mem., heat Little Brown Jug and 3 legs New Faces Series; second in final Little Brown Jug,
Adios S. elim. and final New Faces Series; third in final Adios S., Berry's Creek cons., NYSS, etc.
WICKED ISLAND p,2,1:54.2; 3,1:55.4h; 1:52.2 (h, Life Sign). Winner of 18 races and $279,043. At 2, winner of Metro
S. elim.; second in International Stallion S., Bluegrass S. and Woodrow Wilson elim.; timed in 1:52.1.
TWO TIMES THREE p,2,1:56f; 3,1:54.2f; 4,1:54f (m, Big Towner). As above.
ALWAYS A THREAT p,2,Q1:59.2; 3,1:53; 1:49.2 (g, Artsplace). Winner of 13 races and $190,333. Stakes placed.
MIDNIGHT ISLAND p,2,1:54.3–1:55.4f; 3,1:52.3f; 4,1:52.1 (h, Albatross). Winner of 14 races and $179,139. At 2,
winner Arden Downs S. and Metro S. elim. (third in $531,600 final). At 3, winner of Jug Preview.
DRAGON ISLAND p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:50.3–1:54.1f (g, Dragon Again). Winner of 15 races, $105,885. Stakes Winner.
PLUM ISLAND p,3,1:56.1; 4,1:53.4; 1:53.2f–1:55.1h (h, Artsplace). Winner of 19 races and $99,198. Stakes placed.
STORM ISLAND p,2,1:52 (h, Jenna's Beach Boy). Winner 3 races, $90,400. At 2, undefeated in first 3 starts, incl.
Niatross S. and Woodrow Wilson elim.; missed world record by 3/5 second in his second p.m. start; died at 2.
ORCHID ISLAND p,2,Q2:01.2; 3,1:57.2 (m, Life Sign). Dam of JAKE OF DIAMONDS p,2,2:00.1h; 3,1:53.2f
($315,168), ISLAND DELIGHT p,2,1:53.3 ($137,198 at 2; now 3) and ORCHID BEACH p,2,1:53.4.
Then To: Racy Kathy by Race Time–Tarport Kathy p,3,2:03f by Thorpe Hanover.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Parshall Memorial
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Lindy Racing Stable
Raised at Lindy Farms, Somersville, CT
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 4
HIP NO. 210
Bay Colt. Foaled May 4, 2006. Tattoo No. 3D9688.
Victory Dream
Self Possessed ......................... { Feeling Great
Canland Hall .............................. { Garland
Canne Angus
Valley Victory ............................ {
Valley Victoria
RUM BOOGIE 3,1:55 ........................
Margarita Miss 4,1:56 ............... { Crowning Point
Santa Fe 2,T2:04.1
CANTAB HALL 3,1:54 ......................
Third Foal,
Dam of (c) Bacardi Lindy 4,1:52.4-'07
Dam of (f) Four Starz Lindy 3,1:54.3
(f) Rum Boogie 3,1:55
Dam of (c) Desert Flight 1:54.4
(c) Southwest 1:55.4 (Europe)
1 in 1:53
2 in 1:55, 3 in 1:58, 5 in 2:00
3 in 1:56, 6 in 2:00
1 $200,000 Winner
2 $150,000 Winners
4 $100,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
3 Stakes Winners
7 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
RUM BOOGIE 2,1:57.2; 3,1:55–1:57.2f by VALLEY VICTORY. Winner of 13 races and $851,662 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2,
8-5-2-0; seasonal earnings of $370,898; voted 2YO Trotting Filly of the Year (over Rae and Musical Victory); winner
of elim. and $350,000 final of Goldsmith Maid Trot, $116,203 Champlain S., $100,000 Kentucky Standardbred S.
and $75,959 Bluegrass S.; second in $110,375 International Stallion S. and Oakville Trot. At 3, winner of
elimination and final of filly Kentucky Futurity, Bluegrass S., elim. and $185,362 final of Matron S., Breeders' Crown
elim., filly Zweig Memorial and Del Miller Trot elim.; second in $588,000 final of Breeders' Crown, Coaching Club
Oaks and Hambletonian Oaks elim. At 4, winner of 2 Opens at Dover Downs. At 5, second and third in legs of
Father Foley Series. This is her third foal. Dam of BACARDI LINDY 3,1:53.3–1:55f; 4,1:52.4-'07 (h, S J's Photo). Winner of 7 races and $204,326 at 3 and 4. At 3,
winner of $95,700 Bluegrass S., Townsend Ackerman Trot and PaSS at Pocono Downs and The Meadows; second
in $120,000 Zweig Memorial (to Algiers Hall) and Keystone Classic at The Meadows.
Straight Up Lindy (c, Conway Hall). At 2, timed in 2:01.3. Now 3 and racing.
2nd Dam
MARGARITA MISS 3,1:58.2f; 4,1:56 by CROWNING POINT. Winner of 10 races and $141,927 at 2, 3 and 4 in the U.S.
International earnings of $158,000. At 3, 16-6-0-2; winner of first 5 starts, including Horseman Futurity (straight
heats) and 2 KySS at Lexington; third in heat of filly World Trotting Derby (to Almost An Angel and Gingin Hanover),
timed in 1:56.3. At 4, earnings of $91,103; winner of Titan Cup (over Giant Force and Imperfection); timed in 1:55.3
(twice). From 7 foals, dam of 6 winners (2 in 1:55, 3 in 1:58, 4 in 1:59, 5 in 2:00) RUM BOOGIE 2,1:57.2; 3,1:55–1:57.2f (m, Valley Victory). As above.
FOUR STARZ LINDY 2,Q2:03.2; 3,1:54.3 (m, Dream Vacation). Winner of 3 races and $152,155 at 3. At 3, winner
of filly Zweig Memorial, heat of filly Kentucky Futurity and Moni Make S. elimination; second in $234,500 Moni Maker
S. (to Passionate Glide) and NJSS at Freehold; third in 2 Opens at The Meadowlands.
LINDY'S RED BULL 3,1:57.1 (h, Self Possessed). Winner of 6 races and $25,289. At 3, winner leg of Lexington
Series. At 4, second in 2 legs of Lexington Series; third in an Open at Plainridge.
MEASURE UP 3,1:58.1 (m, Muscles Yankee). Winner of 3 races and $17,390 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in Lexington
LC and leg Lexington Series; third in Lexington LC; timed in 1:59.3. At 3, second in Lexington LC, timed in 1:57.1.
CALYPSO KID 3,Q2:01.4f; 4,1:59.2f (h, Lindy Lane). Winner 4 races, $12,361. At 3, second in leg of Billings Series.
Meucci Madness (f, Yankee Glide). Now 2 and racing.
3rd Dam
SANTA FE 2,T2:04.1 by TAMERLANE. Winner of 2 races and $14,640. At 2, winner of KySS; third in Lou Dillon Trot.
Full or half sister to the dams of ACUPUNCTURE 2,2:00.4 ($275,000), ZURICH SEELSTER 2,2:03.3h; 3,1:59.1f;
1:55.3 ($231,854), SPREADSHEET 2,1:58.4 ($161,843), SILENT CODE 3,2:03f; 1:59.3f ($141,944), etc. and
grandams of PLEASURE PRINCE 2,1:59.3; 3,1:59.2; 4,1:56.1 ($750,000), COIS CAF 1:58 ($479,906), PHYLLIS
DRUMMOND 2,2:01.4; 3,1:58.3 ($288,598), OX BOWL 3,2:01.3f; 1:56.4 ($252,543), BELLO CAF 1:57.1
($204,502), SOUTHWIND RISE 2,1:57.1; 3,1:58 ($153,974), etc. From 16 foals, dam of 12 winners (7 in 2:00):
SOUTHWEST 2,2:08.6f; 3,2:02f; 1:55.4 (Europe) (h, Crowning Point). Winner of $250,000. At 3, winner of 3yo Elite
Trot and Scandinavian Grand Prix elimination. As aged, winner of V-75 Gold, etc.
DESERT FLIGHT 3,2:02.1f; 1:54.4 (g, Crowning Point). Winner of 29 races and $200,640. At 4, 31-17-4-2; earnings
of $102,530; winner of 3 legs and final of Valley Victory Series and leg of Cherry Hill Series (third in final).
MARGARITA MISS 3,1:58.2f; 4,1:56 (m, Crowning Point). As above.
MESA VISTA 2,1:59.3; 1:58f–1:59.3h (Europe) (h, Crowning Point). Winner of 8 races and $23,837 in U.S.; $121,000
int'nally. At 2, winner Hoosier Futurity and NYB-LC. In Europe, winner of Premio Venezia, Premio Il Gazzettino.
MRS CLAUS 3,Q1:57.2–2:01.4h (m, Crowning Point). Winner of 1 race and $27,649 at 3. At 3, winner of NYSS at
Monticello; third in NYSS. Dam of MISSIVE HANOVER 2,1:56.2 ($229,250 at 2) and VICTORY GIFT 3,Q1:58.4.
LOVIN LASS 2,T1:59.4 (m, Power Seat). Winner of $17,167. Dam of ALPINE GOLDEN GIRL 2,1:59.4.
CHAMPAGNE ROBIN 3,2:08.1h; 4,2:02.2; 1:59.6f (Finland) (m, Nevele Pride). Winner of 14 races. Stakes Winner.
I'm For More (m, Nevele Pride). Dam of OTTOMANI 3,1:59.4f; 1:55.2 (Finland) ($152,000).
Then To: Decca Hanover by Caleb–Delicia Hanover 3,2:05.3h by Dean Hanover.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Oak Knoll Stables
Raised at Oak Knoll Stables, Campbellcroft, Ontario
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 5
HIP NO. 211
Brown Colt. Foaled March 31, 2006. Tattoo No. 3DC384.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
Classic Wish ............................. { Armbro
Best Of The Best
Jenna's Beach Boy ................... {
Five O'Clock Cindy
COLOR ME BEACHY p,2,1:53.3 ......
Almahurst Star .......................... { Nihilator
Darling Wave p,2,2:07f
BETTOR'S DELIGHT p,3,1:49.4 ......
First Colt, Second Foal,
Dam of (f) Beachy Girl p,2,1:53-'07
Dam of (c) Hewillbeastar p,4,1:51.2
(f) Color Me Beachy p,2,1:53.3
Dam of (c) Cash Asset p,3,Q1:53.3
(c) Derby Almahurst p,T1:54.3
First Colt, Second Foal
1 in 1:52, 3 in 1:55, 5 in 1:56
2 in 1:55, 8 in 1:59
1 1:53 2YO
3 $100,000 Winners
4 $125,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
2 Stakes Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
COLOR ME BEACHY p,2,1:53.3–1:55.2f by JENNA'S BEACH BOY. Winner of 8 races and $225,880 at 2 and 3. At
2, 12-6-3-1; seasonal earnings of $206,477; winner of Review Futurity, Three Diamonds elim., Matron S. elim. and
KySS elim.; second in $370,000 Three Diamonds, $186,676 Matron S. and Hoosier Futurity; third in Lexington
Breeders' Classic elim. At 3, winner of James Lynch elim. and an Open at Pocono; second in Kentucky Spring
Champ. elim.; third in Mistletoe Shalee elim., timed in 1:52.1. This is her first colt and her second foal. Dam of BEACHY GIRL p,2,1:53-'07 (f, Real Desire). Winner of 6 races and $75,820. Now 2 and undefeated in first 6 starts,
including Hanover Filly S., leg and final of Whenuwishuponastar Series at Woodbine, She's A Great Lady S.
elimination and KySS at Lexington.
2nd Dam
ALMAHURST STAR by NIHILATOR. From 10 foals (one died at 3), dam of 5 winners (1 in 1:52, 3 in 1:55, 5 in 1:56) HEWILLBEASTAR p,3,1:52; 4,1:51.2 (h, Jenna's Beach Boy). Winner of 23 races and $301,857. At 3, winner of leg
and final of Blissfull Hall Series at Hippodrome de Montreal; third in leg of Valedictory Series at Woodbine. At 4,
winner cons. of Sr. Trendsetter Series; third in leg of Sr. Trendsetter Series. Now 8, third in leg 10 Grand Series.
COLOR ME BEACHY p,2,1:53.3–1:55.2f (m, Jenna's Beach Boy). As above.
ALMAHURST SLUGGER p,3,1:57.3f; 4,1:55.4f; 1:55.2f (g, Dragon's Lair). Winner of 26 races and $101,774. At 3,
third in leg of May Flowers Series, NYSS at Buffalo and NYB-LC at Vernon, Monticello and Syracuse; timed in 1:56.
At 4, second in leg of Susquehanna River Series at Pocono Downs; third in leg of Susquehanna River Series.
LITTLESATURDAYNITE p,3,2:01.4f; 4,1:54.4 (h, Abercrombie). Winner of 7 races and $31,169.
SOLAR POWERED p,2,Q1:55.3–Q1:56.3f-'07 (c, Real Artist).
Almahurst Sterling (m, Die Laughing). From 4 foals, dam of ART BY KEENE p,2,1:55.4f; 3,1:54.3f; 1:54.1f ($208,652),
BEST OF KEENE p,2,Q2:00.2f; 3,1:53 ($97,350) and REAL KEENE p,3,1:53.
Star Table (m, Run The Table). Her first 2 foals are WHATAFINALE p,3,1:53.4 and DARLING STAR p,4,1:57.3.
3rd Dam
DARLING WAVE p,2,2:07f by SHADOW WAVE. From 19 foals, dam of 12 winners (8 in 1:59), including CASH ASSET p,2,1:56.2; 3,Q1:53.3–1:55.3h (h, Niatross). Winner of 10 races, $400,267 at 2 and 3. Stakes Winner.
DAZZLE ALMAHURST p,2,1:58.3; 3,T1:56.4 (m, Niatross). Winner of 5 races and $153,849. At 2, winner Debutante
S.; third in Sweetheart elim. At 3, winner Lady Maud S.; second in Turtle Dove S. and Adioo Volo S. Dam of
ELECTRIC SLIDE p,2,1:55.2; 3,1:52.4 ($908,792), SMOKE ROBERTSON p,2,1:55.3; 3,1:54.4f ($275,012),
ARMBRO ROMULUS p,3,1:52.3 ($159,644), MARKO p,2,Q1:58; 3,1:54.4 ($104,992), PAN DE SOLEIL p,3,1:52.3
($100,119), etc. Grandam of ELVIS HANOVER p,2,1:58f; 3,1:54.3; 4,1:52 ($235,362), EL NINO HANOVER
p,3,2:01.3h; 4,1:51 ($156,846), LEXUS TOMMY p,3,1:54.2; 4,1:52.3; 1:51.2f ($178,458), etc.
DANIELE ALMAHURST p,2,2:00.1; 3,1:58.4 (m, High Ideal). Winner of 22 races and $76,574. Stakes Winner at 2
and 3. Third dam of World Champion INCREDIBLE TILLIE p,2,1:51.4; 3,1:49.2 ($766,695).
Swing Till Dawn p, 4,2:00.1h (m, Nihilator). Dam of WHITESAND DANCER p,2,Q2:01.4; 3,1:52; 4,1:51.3 ($317,362).
Darling Almahurst p,2,2:06.2 (m, Bret Hanover). Grandam of DONOVAN p,2,2:03.2h; 3,1:58.1f; 4,1:55.1h ($354,110),
INSTANT AUSSIE p,2,1:56.3f; 3,1:53.4; 4,1:53f ($344,865), etc. Third dam of MACH THREE p,2,1:51.1; 3,1:49
($2,170,255), OMAR KHAYAM p,2,1:54.4; 1:52.1 ($263,848), OCEANS ELEVEN p,3,1:51.4 ($201,761), etc.
Dawn Almahurst (m, Golden Money Maker). Dam of 5 in 2:00, including IDEAL TANNER p,2,Q2:02.3f; 3,1:58.3; 1:54
($377,181). Grandam of WESTERN VIRGINIA p,2,1:58.2; 3,1:56.1f; 4,1:54.1f ($194,955), CALLWOOD FREDDY
p,3,1:54.4f ($144,953), PRIMUS ALMAHURST p,2,2:00f; 3,1:57.3f; 1:53.3f ($143,207), etc. Third dam of WILMA
HALL p,2,1:57.4f; 3,1:54.2; 4,1:52.2; 1:51.3f ($239,362), CREEKSIDE BECKY p,3,1:53.1 ($224,459), ROYAL
MACHINE p,3,1:55.2f; 1:54.4f ($178,564), BECKSTEAD p,2,2:06h; 3,1:58f; 1:53.2 ($157,392), etc.
Dreamy Almahurst (Bret Hanover). Dam of DANCING ALMAHURST p,2,1:58.4; 3,1:54.3 ($403,919). Grandam of
BIG GREEN MACHINE p,2,1:55; 3,1:52; 4,1:49.3 ($511,958), EVERYBODYDANCENOW p,3,1:53.3; 1:51.3
($260,127), AUTHORITATIVE p,2,1:58.1h; 3,1:55.3; 1:55f ($193,705), DAMIEN SEELSTER p,2,1:56f; 3,1:54.4h;
1:49.4 ($152,229), JEROME AVENUE p,3,1:56.3f; 4,1:55h ($110,842), etc.
Diana Almahurst (m, Niatross). Dam of SMOOTH SCOOTER p,2,Q1:59.2; 4,1:55 ($300,5769), ELASTIC p,2,2:01.1f;
3,1:56.1f; 1:54.1f ($267,333), DYING TO p,3,Q2:03f; 1:53.4f ($121,355), DI FOR YOU p,3,1:56.1; 4,1:55.4, etc.
Then To: DIANA STREAK p,4,1:58.4 by Red Streak–Diana Mite by Volomite.
Delvin Miller Adios
Breeders Crown
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Little Brown Jug
New York Sires
Art Rooney Pace
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Lindy Racing Stable
Raised at Lindy Farms, Somersville, CT
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 5
HIP NO. 212
Bay Colt. Foaled May 29, 2006. Tattoo No. 4DE874.
Photo Maker
S J's Photo ................................ { Sassy Jane
V Yankee
Spawning .................................. { T
Malabar Man .............................. {
Lady Love Mcbur
DREAM ON LINDY ...........................
Dream On Victory 3,Q1:58.2 .... { Valley Victory
Crown Dream 3,2:02f
SJ'S CAVIAR 3,1:53.4 ......................
First Foal
Dam of (c) Dream Vacation 4,1:52
(f) Dream Angel 3,1:56.2
Dam of (c) Victory Dream 3,1:53.2
(c) Mr Dream OM 3,1:54.2
First Foal
1 in 1:52, 3 in 1:57, 4 in 1:59
2 $225,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
3 in 1:56, 7 in 1:59
3 $100,000 Winners
8 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
DREAM ON LINDY by MALABAR MAN. At 2, second in leg of Lexington Series; third in leg of Lexington Series, timed
in 1:59.2. Bred at 3. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
DREAM ON VICTORY 2,Q2:01; 3,Q1:58.2–1:59.1 by VALLEY VICTORY. Winner of 1 race and $81,007 at 2 and 3.
At 3, winner of NJSS; second in final of Review Futurity (by a nose), Townsend Ackerman Trot and Speedy Scot
LC (to Trustworthy); third in heat and final of $150,000 filly World Trotting Derby (to Lookout Victory) and heat of
Review Futurity; timed in 1:55.4. From 7 foals, dam of 5 winners (1 in 1:52, 3 in 1:57, 4 in 1:59) DREAM VACATION 3,Q1:54.4–1:57.1; 4,1:52 (h, Pine Chip). Winner of 2 races and $616,257 at 3 and 4. At 3,
second in $380,000 Beacon Course Trot (by a nose), timed in 1:54.2. At 4, winner of Titan Cup elim. (lowering Pine
Chip's world record); second in $1,000,000 Breeders' Crown (to Varenne's 1:51.1 all-age world record) and
$170,000 American-National S.; third in $838,500 Maple Leaf Trot and $500,000 Nat Ray Trot. 1:52 sire.
DREAM ANGEL 2,2:02.3f; 3,1:56.2 (m, Malabar Man). Winner of 3 races and $229,010 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in
$340,000 Goldsmith Maid Trot (to Cameron Hall), timed in 1:57. At 3, winner of NJSS at The Meadowlands and
Lexington LC; second in $400,000 Del Miller Trot (by a neck, to Cameron Hall) and an Open at Lexington; third in
Del Miller Trot elim. and NJSS at The Meadowlands; fourth in Hambletonian Oaks elim.; timed in 1:54.2. Dam of
the Arden Downs S. Winner DAUNTLESS DE VIE 2,2:00.2f-'07 (timed in 1:58.4f).
DREAM N LINDY 2,1:58.2f (f, Conway Hall). Winner of 2 races and $24,672 at 2. At 2, winner of John Simpson S.
and Matron S. elimination; second in 3 legs of Lexington Series; timed in 1:56.3. Now 3 and racing.
EVER TO EXCEL 3,T1:57 (h, Pine Chip). Exported to Finland.
3rd Dam
CROWN DREAM 3,2:02f by SPEEDY CROWN. Winner of 3 races at 3. Sister to CROWN'S CRISTY 3,1:57.3
($246,805) and to the dams of World Champions AT THE TOP 2,1:58.4 ($205,039) and CORNSTALK 2,2:02.4h;
3,1:53.4 ($146,511). From 13 foals, dam of 11 winners (3 in 1:56, 7 in 1:59) VICTORY DREAM 2,1:59.2; 3,1:53.2 (h, Valley Victory). Winner of 12 races and $1,016,537 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of NJSS; second in Historic S., timed in 1:58.2. At 3, leading money-winning all-age trotter; voted Trotting Colt of
the Year; winner of $1,000,000 Hambletonian S., leg and NJSS Final, heat of Kentucky Futurity, heat of World
Trotting Derby, Historic Cup, Beacon Course Trot elim. and an Open; second in final of World Trotting Derby,
Breeders’ Crown, race-off of Kentucky Futurity and Speedy Scot LC; third in heat of Kentucky Futurity. 1:52 sire.
DREAM VALLEY OM 2,1:58.3–2:01.1h; 3,1:56 (m, Valley Victory). Winner of 18 races and $590,832 internationally.
At 2, winner Harold Dancer Memorial, 2 NJSS and NJFS; second in Breeders’ Crown elim.; third in NJSS; timed
in 1:57. At 3, winner of 2 NJSS, MSRF and NJFS; second in Del Miller Trot and NJSS Final; third in Hambletonian
Oaks elim., Breeders' Crown elim., Del Miller Trot elim., NJSS. etc.; fourth in Breeders' Crown and Hambletonian
Oaks; timed in 1:54.4. At 4, winner 4-year-old mare race at Solvalla and Enoch Karlsson's Memorial at Orebro.
At 5, winner Bjerke Cup (mares) and Momarken Grand Prix elim. (second in final to Legendary Lover K).
MR DREAM OM 2,2:00; 3,1:54.2 (h, Mr Vic). Winner of 3 races and $117,647. At 2, winner of KySS cons.; third in
Arden Downs S.; timed in 1:58f. At 3, Open Winner. At 4, second in leg of Su Mac Lad Series, leg of Father Foley
Series and leg of Horse & Groom Series; third in final of Su Mac Lad Series and leg of Horse & Groom Series.
JOIES DREAM 3,2:00.4h; 4,1:58.4 (g, Joie de Vie). Winner of 16 races and $83,054. At 3, third in NJFS Final at
Garden State at Gaitway and NJFS at Garden State. At 4, 32-10-1-2; winner leg Cherry Hill Series.
GARLAND CROWN OM 2,1:57.4; 3,Q1:56.4–1:57.2 (m, Garland Lobell). Winner of 7 races and $86,344 at 2 and 3.
At 2, winner of elimination and final of KySS at Lexington and an Open at Lexington (LBC eligibles); second in
Bluegrass S. At 3, winner of KySS elim. and Ky. Summer Championship elim.; second in an Open.
DREAM ON VICTORY 2,Q2:01; 3,Q1:58.2–1:59.1 (m, Valley Victory). As above.
CRAXI 3,1:56.3 (h, Joie de Vie). Winner of 4 races and $38,906 at 3. At 3, winner heat of Bluegrass S. and NYSS.
DE VIE'S DREAM 2:01.4f (Italy) (m, Joie de Vie). Stakes Winner of $37,640 in Italy.
Lunar Dream OM 2,Q2:03-'07 (f, Muscles Yankee). Winner of $17,052. Now 2 and second in NJSS; timed in 1:58.3.
Victory Girl 2,Q2:02.4 (m, Valley Victory). Dam of LIBERTY BALANCE 3,1:55–1:56.2f ($1,022,595).
Then To: Viva Hill 2,2:12.1h by B.F. Coaltown–Vickie Hill 3,2:07.2h by Victory Song.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 6
HIP NO. 213
Bay Colt. Foaled April 7, 2006. Tattoo No. 1D4154.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
The Road Again
Windsun Dee ............................. { On
Lap Dog
Abercrombie ............................. {
CANADIAN CULTURE p,4,1:51.1 ....
Semalu Damour p,3,1:54 .......... { Niatross
Mannart Good Duer p,2,2:03.1f
Third Foal, Dam of (c) Western Culture
Dam of (f) Canadian Culture p,4,1:51.1
(c) Grand Concourse p,4,1:52.2
Dam of (c) Boone Pickens p,3,1:53.3
(f) Semalu Damour p,3,1:54
Third Foal
6 in 1:55, 10 in 2:00
2 in 1:54, 3 in 1:55
1 in 1:53
3 $100,000 Winners
1 $875,000 Winner
2 in 1:56
6 Stakes Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
CANADIAN CULTURE p,2,1:54.4; 4,1:51.1 by ABERCROMBIE. Winner of 10 races and $138,545 at 2, 3 and 4. At
2, winner leg and final of Genesis Series at Hoosier Park; second in Hoosier Futurity, John Simpson S. and leg of
Genesis Series; third in leg of Starlet Series. At 3, winner leg of Genesis Series; second in leg of Genesis Series
and leg of Hopewell Series; third in Lexington Spring Championship elim., 2 legs of Genesis Series and leg of
Hopewell Series; timed in 1:53.3. At 4, 17-7-4-0; winner of 2 Opens at Balmoral and an Open at Hawthorne; second
in leg and final of Midwest Derby Series at Balmoral. This is her third foal. Dam of WESTERN CULTURE p,2,1:55.1; 3,1:52.1–1:54.1h-'07 (c, Western Hanover). Winner of 7 races and $21,800. Now
3 and winner 6 of 8 starts.
WESTERN TROUBLE p,2,1:55.4f-'07 (f, Western Hanover). Winner of 1 race and $6,442.
2nd Dam
SEMALU DAMOUR p,2,1:58.2f; 3,1:54 by NIATROSS. Winner of 22 races and $880,187 at 2 and 3. At 2, 16-12-1-2;
earnings $313,703; voted Canadian and New York 2yo Pacing Filly of the Year; winner John Chapman Mem., Lady
Baltimore S., Quebec S., Three Rivers S., Hippodrome Sorella S., Concordia S., 2 Canadian Series S. and leg of
Perfecta Series; second in Connaught Park S.; third in Molly Pitcher S. and John Chapman elim.; set track record
at Blue Bonnets. At 3, 19-10-4-2; earnings $566,484; voted Canadian and New York 3yo Pacing Filly of the Year;
winner of Mistletoe Shalee, Bronx Filly S., Lady Maud S., 5 Canadian S., 2 legs of Perfecta Series, etc.; second in
Simcoe S., Tarport Hap S., Mistletoe Shalee elim., etc. From 15 foals, dam of 11 winners (6 in 1:55, 10 in 2:00)CANADIAN CULTURE p,2,1:54.4; 4,1:51.1 (m, Abercrombie). As above.
LONG LAKE p,3,1:58.1f; 4,1:52.4f (g, On The Road Again). Winner of 13 races, $128,067. At 4, Preferred Winner.
SYRAH p,3,1:54.1–1:55.1h (g, On The Road Again). Winner of 18 races and $123,018. At 3, 19-7-1-3; winner of
NYSS at Buffalo and NYB-LC at Buffalo, Monticello and Vernon; second in NYSS; third in 2 NYSS; timed in 1:52.2.
BROADWAY ATRACTION p,2,Q2:01.3; 3,1:55 (m, Broadway Express). Winner of 7 races and $78,811. At 2, third
in Sportsman's Park S.; timed in 1:57.4. At 3, second in Poco Lady S. elim. at Sportsman's Park; third in elim. and
$167,200 final of Grandma Ann S. and final of Poco Lady S. Dam of FACETIOUS GAL p,3,1:59.4f-'07.
GRACIE SQUARE p,3,1:59.2f (m, On The Road Again). Winner of 12 races and $73,355. At 3, second in Lexington
Herald-Leader; third in NYSS, timed in 1:55. At 4, winner and second in Preferreds. At 5, winner 3 Preferreds and
an Open. At 6, Open Winner. From 4 foals, dam of SAMANTHA SQUARE p,2,2:01.4f; 3,1:55.4f; 4,1:51.3
($367,982), SQUARE ONE p,3,1:58f; 4,1:57.3f ($84,426) and RED STAR GRACIE p,3,1:59.4f; 4,1:57.1f.
IMINTHEMOODFORLOVE p,3,1:55.1 (m, On The Road Again). Winner of 7 races and $50,003 at 2 and 3. At 2, third
in elim. and $117,000 final of La Paloma S.; timed in 1:58.4. At 3, winner of 2 legs of Dollar Series. Dam of
PARADISE LOVER BOY p,2,Q1:58.1; 3,1:51; 1:50 ($827,339), World Champion ISABELLA BLUE CHIP
p,2,1:51.2–1:53.1h ($670,211), PARADISE CHARMER p,3,1:58.1; 4,1:54f ($96,540), DANTE'S PARADISE
p,3,1:57.1f; 4,1:53.4, PARADISE BEACH BUN p,2,1:57.1f; 3,1:56f; 4,1:55.2f, RODDICK BLUE CHIP p,3,1:59.2f.
LITTLE MORE FAITH p,2,1:55.3; 3,1:54.1 (h, Cole Muffler). Winner of 11 races and $45,578 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2,
timed in 1:53.3.
WIDE EYED WONDER p,2,2:01.4; 3,1:56.1f (m, Art's Conquest). Winner of 4 races and $30,844. At 2, winner of
ISOBA S. at Springfield.
GRAND CONCOURSE p,2,2:01.2f; 4,1:52.2 (h, On The Road Again). Winner of 8 races and $29,946.
JERRY MAGUIRE p,2,1:57 (g, Silky Stallone). Winner of 4 races and $26,177. At 2, winner of ILFS; second in ILFS.
At 3, timed in 1:53.3.
Sharethegoodnews (f, Art's Conquest). Now 2 and third in ILFS.
Cole Amour (m, Cole Muffler). Dam of AINT NO HEARSAY p,2,1:54.4-'07 and FINAL AMOUR p,2,Q1:57.3.
Lover's Lane (m, On The Road Again). Dam of EAST AVENUE p,2,Q2:04; 3,1:59h; 4,1:57.1h ($148,453), SEA
BROOKER p,2,2:02.2h; 3,1:55 ($83,599), LAUGHING AGAIN p,3,1:56, DIE WITH A SMILE p,3,1:59.3h; 4,1:56.2,
DADDY AND ME p,2,1:59f; 3,1:57.3f; 1:57f, etc. Grandam of TAYLOR'S SMILE p,4,1:57.1f and FOUR STARZ
AC p,3,1:59.1h.
Then To: Mannart Good Duer p,2,2:03.1f by Bret Hanover–Aware p,2:11.1f (t,2:14f) by Lusty Song.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row G, Stall 4
HIP NO. 214
Bay Filly. Foaled March 6, 2006. Tattoo No. 8D3490.
Artsplace ................................... { Miss Elvira
Perfect Profile ........................... { Nihilator
Rodine Hanover
Big Towner ................................ { Gene Abbe
Tiny Wave
TWO TIMES THREE p,4,1:54f .........
Three Mile Island p,2,1:56.2f .... { No Nukes
Racy Kathy
ART MAJOR p,4,1:48.4 ....................
Dam of (c) Six Of Diamonds p,1:49.3
(f) Western Countess p,3,1:55f
Dam of (c) Always A Threat p,1:49.2
(c) Island Glow p,1:50
Dam of (c) Bob Cook p,3,1:54.2
(f) Mystic Money p,4,1:55.4h
1 in 1:50
7 in 1:53, 9 in 1:54, 11 in 1:58
2 in 1:56, 4 in 1:57
3 in 1:57
1 $1,350,000 Winner
2 $200,000 Winners
1 $225,000 Winner
7 $100,000 Winners
4 $100,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
6 Stakes Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
TWO TIMES THREE p,2,1:56f; 3,1:54.2f; 4,1:54f by BIG TOWNER. Winner of 19 races and $235,487. At 2, 11-4-4-2;
earnings of $103,119; winner of Arden Downs, Pink Bonnet elim. and leg of Trillium Series; second in Harvest S.,
2 legs of Trillium Series and PaSS; third in Champlain S., final of Pink Bonnet S., etc. At 3, Open Winner; second
in Simcoe S., PaSS and 2 Opens; third in Adioo Volo S., Keystone Classic, PaSS, etc.; timed in 1:53.3. At 4, 39-124-6; winner of 9 Opens. From 7 foals, dam of 5 winners (1 in 1:50, 2 in 1:55, 3 in 1:57), including SIX OF DIAMONDS p,2,1:54.4; 3,1:52.4; 4,1:52.3; 1:49.3 (h, Artsplace). Winner of 17 races and $226,172. At 2,
winner of Illinois Topline S.; third in Hayes Memorial; timed in 1:53.4. At 3, winner of Lexington LC; third in Hayes
Memorial; timed in 1:51.2. At 4, Open Winner at Rockingham. At 5, set all-age track record at Rockingham.
WESTERN COUNTESS p,2,1:59f; 3,1:55f (m, Western Hanover). Winner of 3 races and $43,923 at 2 and 3. At 2,
second in PaSS at The Meadows, Keystone Classic at The Meadows and PaSS consolation at The Meadows; third
in Debutante S.; fourth in Pa. All Stars; timed in 1:54.3f. At 3, timed in 1:52.1 (finishing second by a head).
DRAGONS DICE p,2,1:57.3h; 3,1:56.3 (g, Dragon Again). Winner of 2 races and $16,902. At 3, timed in 1:53.1.
Twice As Pretty p,3,2:01.2h (m, Beach Towel). Dam of HURRIKANENANCYLYNN p,2,2:02.3h; 3,2:00h.
Six Of Arts (m, Artsplace). Dam of CAM TILLIS p,2,2:00.2f; 3,1:54.3; 4,1:54.1-'07, SIX PACK SUMMER p,3,1:59.1f;
1:56.1f-'07, etc.
2nd Dam
THREE MILE ISLAND p,2,1:56.2f by NO NUKES. Winner of 9 races and ($288,079. At 2, winner Canadian Series S.,
Champlain S. elim., 2 legs Trillium Series and leg of Maiden Series; second in final Champlain S. and leg of Trillium
Series; third in Breeders' Crown. At 3, winner of NJSS; second in Bronx Filly S.; third in Mistletoe Shalee, Miss New
Jersey, NJSS Final and NJSS. Half sister to MASTER IMAGE p,2,1:57.4f, 3,1:56.4f ($220,887) and dams of
DAVID'S PASS p,2,1:52.2; 3,1:50.4 ($1,652,500), COLDHEARTEDREVENGE p,2,1:54.4; 3,Q1:53.1; 1:49.2
($564,255), SHOWBIZ JOE p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:53.4; 1:51.4 ($295,619), TINTED CLOUD p,2,1:54.1f; 3,1:52.3f; 1:51.1
($270,670), BESTFOOTFOWARD p,3,1:59.2; 1:52.1 ($238,226), etc. and grandam of SPARKLER p,2,1:55;
3,1:50.2 ($495,119). From 13 foals, dam of 12 winners (7 in 1:53, 9 in 1:54, 11 in 1:58) ISLAND FANTASY p,2,1:52; 3,1:50.1 (h, Life Sign). Winner of 15 races and $1,371,525. At 2, Pacing Colt of the
Year; winner Governors Cup, Int'l Stallion S., Bluegrass S., Nassagaweya S., Champlain S., Arden Downs S.,
Breeders Crown elim. and Abe Lincoln; second in Breeders Crown; third in Metro S. At 3, winner Tattersalls S.,
Meadowlands Pace cons., Simcoe S., Art Rooney elim., etc.; second in Breeders' Crown, Art Rooney, etc.
ISLAND GLOW p,2,1:53.2; 3,1:50.4; 1:50 (h, Dragon's Lair). Winner of 24 races and $608,074. At 3, winner 3 NYSS.
At 3, winner Gaines Mem., heat Little Brown Jug and 3 legs New Faces Series; second in final Little Brown Jug,
Adios S. elim. and final New Faces Series; third in final Adios S., Berry's Creek cons., NYSS. At 4, winner Whizzer
R White S.; second in Suburban Downs Derby; third in Battle of Lake Erie. At 5, Invitational Winner.
WICKED ISLAND p,2,1:54.2; 3,1:55.4h; 1:52.2 (h, Life Sign). Winner of 18 races and $279,043. At 2, winner of Metro
S. elim.; second in International Stallion S., Bluegrass S. and Woodrow Wilson elim.; timed in 1:52.1.
TWO TIMES THREE p,2,1:56f; 3,1:54.2f; 4,1:54f (m, Big Towner). As above.
ALWAYS A THREAT p,2,Q1:59.2; 3,1:53; 1:49.2 (g, Artsplace). Winner of 13 races and $190,333. Stakes placed.
MIDNIGHT ISLAND p,2,1:54.3–1:55.4f; 3,1:52.3f; 4,1:52.1 (h, Albatross). Winner of 14 races and $179,139. At 2,
winner Arden Downs S. and Metro S. elim. (third in $531,600 final). At 3, winner of Jug Preview.
DRAGON ISLAND p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:50.3–1:54.1f (g, Dragon Again). Winner of 15 races, $105,885. Stakes Winner.
PLUM ISLAND p,3,1:56.1; 4,1:53.4; 1:53.2f–1:55.1h (h, Artsplace). Winner of 19 races and $99,198. At 3, second
in 2 legs of New Kids Series and NJFS; third in leg and final New Kids Series. At 4, timed in 1:51.4.
STORM ISLAND p,2,1:52 (h, Jenna's Beach Boy). Winner 3 races, $90,400. At 2, undefeated in first 3 starts, incl.
Niatross S. and Woodrow Wilson elim.; missed world record by 3/5 second in his second p.m. start; died at 2.
THREE CAM ISLAND p,2,2:02.4h; 3,1:57.4h (g, Cambest). Winner of 4 races and $33,314. Stakes placed.
ORCHID ISLAND p,2,Q2:01.2; 3,1:57.2 (m, Life Sign). Dam of JAKE OF DIAMONDS p,2,2:00.1h; 3,1:53.2f
($315,168), ISLAND DELIGHT p,2,1:53.3 ($137,198 at 2; now 3) and ORCHID BEACH p,2,1:53.4.
Then To: Racy Kathy by Race Time–Tarport Kathy p,3,2:03f by Thorpe Hanover.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Champlain Filly
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
New York Sires
Northlands Filly Pace
Parshall Memorial
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
HIP NO. 282
Stable 5, Row G, Stall 5
Bay Filly. Foaled March 29, 2006. Tattoo No. 1DB372.
Oil Burner
No Nukes ................................... { Gidget Lobell
Wendymae Hanover ................. { Albatross
Wendy Sue H'ver
Life Sign .................................... { Abercrombie
Three Diamonds
THREADS OF LIFE p,4,1:52.3 .........
Touch Of Silk p,3,1:54.2 ........... { Falcon Almahurst
Bola p,4,1:56.4f
WESTERN HANOVER p,3,1:50.4 ....
Second Foal
Dam of (c) Jate's Touch p,3,1:51.2
(c) Odds On Dion p,3,1:51.4
Dam of (c) Raque Bogart p,2,1:52.1
(f) Village Blues p,3,1:53.3
Second Foal
5 in 1:54, 8 in 1:56, 9 in 2:00
4 $125,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
3 in 1:55, 6 in 2:00
3 $125,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
THREADS OF LIFE p,2,1:56; 4,1:52.3–1:55h by LIFE SIGN. Winner of 15 races and $150,524 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, third
in $181,500 Matron S. and Arden Downs S.; timed in 1:55.1. At 3, second in Bluegrass S. (to Cathedra Dot Com,
last ¼ in :26.3); timed in 1:53.3. At 4, 23-13-1-0; winner 2 legs and final Petticoat Series, 2 legs and final Midwest
Derby at Balmoral and leg Midwest Derby at Maywood; second in leg Petticoat Series. This is her second foal.
2nd Dam
TOUCH OF SILK p,2,1:58f; 3,1:54.2–1:55.4f by FALCON ALMAHURST. Winner of 10 races and $147,022 at 2 and
3. At 2, winner of OHSS; third in OHSS. At 3, 17-7-2-2; earnings of $132,590; winner of $100,000 OHSS Final,
Northfield Grand Circuit S., Horseman Futurity, 2 OHSS and heat of Ohio State Fair S.; second in Adioo Volo S.
and OHSS; third in OHSS and an Open. From 12 foals, dam of 9 winners (5 in 1:54, 8 in 1:56, 9 in 2:00) WESTERN TOUCH p,2,1:55.1f; 3,1:54.4f (m, Western Hanover). Winner of 6 races and $154,159 at 2, 3 and 4. At
2, 10-3-3-1; winner of Reynolds Memorial, Keystone Classic and an Open (by 6 ¼ lengths); second in Arden Downs
S. and 2 PaSS; third in $125,000 PaSS Final. At 3, winner of 2 PaSS at The Meadows and Keystone Classic at
The Meadows; second in PaSS; third in final of Harrington Sophomore Championship; timed in 1:53.3f.
THREADS OF LIFE p,2,1:56; 4,1:52.3–1:55h (m, Life Sign). As above.
JATE'S TOUCH p,2,1:57.3; 3,1:51.2 (g, Jate Lobell). Winner of 24 races and $139,864. At 3, winner of
Tompkins-Geers S. and 4 NYSS; second and third in legs of Trendsetter Series.
SMOOTH TALKER p,3,1:54.3; 1:52.2 (g, Jate Lobell). Winner of 23 races and $137,971.
SILK ART p,2,1:59.2h; 3,1:56.2h; 1:54.4h (g, Artiscape). Winner of 19 races and $116,157. At 2, timed in 1:58h.
VILLA D'ESTE p,2,Q1:59.3f; 3,1:55.1f; 1:53.1–1:54.1f (g, Abercrombie). Winner of 16 races, $90,395. At 2, second
in Sheppard elim. At 4, winner cons. Trendsetter Series; second in legs Trendsetter and Sportschannel Series.
ODDS ON DION p,2,1:59; 3,1:51.4 (g, No Nukes). Winner 6 races, $42,727. At 3, second in leg Jr. Trendsetter Ser.
ROYAL DIENESS p,3,1:56 (m, Die Laughing). Winner of 3 races and $23,229 at 3. At 3, third in leg of Newcomer
Series at Freehold; timed in 1:53.3 (fin. second). Dam of CHESAPEAKE ROYAL p,2,1:57.2f; 3,1:53.3h ($125,095).
ANGELS TOUCH p,4,1:59.3f (m, Abercrombie). At 3, timed in 1:58.2f.
3rd Dam
BOLA p,2,2:08.3h; 3,1:59.2; 4,1:56.4f by ALBATROSS. Winner of 15 races and $72,654. At 2, third in OHSS. Half
sister to STIENAM p,2,1:55.2; 3,1:53.4 ($1,355,474), she the dam of PATRIOT STENA p,2,1:58.1f; 3,1:56.1f;
4,1:52.3 ($178,478) and grandam of STIENAMS PLACE p,2,1:53.4; 3,1:50.4 ($1,402,301) and MOVIE STAR LAAG
p,2,1:54.2; 3,1:54f; 4,1:51.2 ($440,854). From 8 foals (5 fillies), dam of 6 winners (3 in 1:55, 6 in 2:00) RAQUE BOGART p,2,1:52.1 (h, Falcon Almahurst). World Champion. Winner of 22 races and $453,500. At 2,
winner of OHSS Final, heat of Int'l Stallion S. (in 1:52.1 world record for 2yo colts), Hoosier Futurity, etc.
VILLAGE BLUES p,2,1:55; 3,1:53.3 (m, Jate Lobell). Winner of 11 races and $254,456. At 2, winner of 2 NYSS. At
3, winner of 5 NYSS. Dam of VILLAGE BLITZ p,2,1:57.3h; 3,1:55.3h; 1:50.4f-'07 ($511,735), BLUE BURNER
p,2,1:55; 3,1:51.4; 4,1:49.4 ($282,102), VILLAGE BLUSH p,2,1:56.1; 4,1:55.1h ($117,079), RIEGLE IDEAL
p,2,Q1:57.1; 3,1:53.4, VILLAGE BAROQUE p,3,1:54.3f, JUST THE BEGRINING p,2,Q1:59; 3,1:54.4-'07, etc.
TOUCH OF SILK p,2,1:58f; 3,1:54.2–1:55.4f (m, Falcon Almahurst). As above.
VILLAGE BARON p,3,2:00.1f; 4,1:58.3h (g, Nihilator). Winner of 13 races and $31,080.
VILLAGE BARONESS p,2,2:01.4h; 3,1:56.3f (m, Direct Scooter). Winner of 3 races, $18,931. At 2, third in $69,517
Harvest S. (to Hardie Hanover), timed in 1:57f. Her first foal is CHANCE PARTNERSHIP p,3,1:50.1 ($339,229).
BISTRO ALMAHURST p,2,2:00f (m, Amity Chef). Dam of ART DEALER p,2,Q1:59f; 1:53f ($114,750), CHEF SIGN
p,2,1:55.2; 3,1:54 and GIVE US A SIGN p,4,1:57.3. Grandam of RUSTLE IT UP p,2,1:56; 3,1:54; 1:50.3 ($84,814),
NINETYONE HAWKS p,3,1:58.3h; 4,1:55f-'07, MAIDSTONE DRIVE p,2,1:55.2f, MASTER CHEF p,2,1:59.2f;
3,Q1:56.2, VIRGINIA CAM p,2,Q1:58.4; 3,1:57f-'07, LADIES NIGHT OUT p,3,2:05.2h; 4,1:58.2, etc.
Valbolacella (Laag). Dam of CAMPONELLO p,3,1:59.4f; 1:56.4f, SUAVE BOLA p,2,Q2:00.4f; 3,1:57.2f. Grandam
of LAST OF BELLA p,2,1:59.1h; 4,1:51.3 ($311,216), ASTI ASTI p,3,1:56.2h, DROP OF WINE p,2,2:02.2h.
Then To: Margaux p,2,2:07f by Columbia George–Binnie Hanover by Bullet Hanover.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Champlain Filly
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Northlands Filly Pace
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farm
Raised at Southwind Farms, Pennington, NJ
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 6
HIP NO. 283
Bay Colt. Foaled April 13, 2006. Tattoo No. 6D7107.
Victory Dream
Self Possessed ......................... { Feeling Great
Canland Hall .............................. { Garland
Canne Angus
Valley Victory ............................ { Baltic Speed
Valley Victoria
SOUTHWIND RISE 2,1:57.1 .............
Really And Truly 3,Q2:01.4h .... { Crowning Point
Winter Park 3,1:59.2
CANTAB HALL 3,1:54 ......................
Dam of (f) Southwind Redbud 3,1:55.3
(f) Southwind Renata 3,1:57-'07
Dam of (f) Southwind Rise 2,1:57.1
(f) Southwind Rachel 2,2:04
Dam of (f) Winter Wonder 3,1:57.3
(f) Spreadsheet 2,1:58.4
1 1:56 3YO
1 1:58 2YO, 2 in 2:04
1 in 1:58, 2 in 1:59
2 in 1:57
1 $150,000 Winners
1 $150,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1 Stakes Winner
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
SOUTHWIND RISE 2,1:57.1; 3,1:58 by VALLEY VICTORY. Winner of 2 races and $153,974 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of International Stallion S.; second in $300,000 final of Breeders' Crown (to Continentalvictory) and Breeders' Crown
elimination (to Act Of Grace); third in Hayes Memorial, Harold Dancer Memorial and NJSS. At 3, winner of NJSS
(1:58); third in an Open (to Moni Maker) and NJSS; timed in 1:54.2. From 6 foals, dam of 3 winners SOUTHWIND REDBUD 2,Q2:02.1; 3,1:55.3 (m, Super Bowl). Winner of 4 races and $37,000 at 3. At 2, took record
by 7 ½ lengths. At 3, winner of filly Zweig Memorial; second in PaSS at The Meadows; third in PaSS at The
Meadows and Pa. All Stars at Pocono Downs; fourth in Reynolds. Dam of TSARINA 3,Q1:58.4–1:59.3f-'07.
SOUTHWIND RENATA 2,Q1:58.4; 3,1:57-'07 (f, Malabar Man). Winner of 4 races and $27,776 at 2 and 3. At 2,
timed in 1:57.3 (finishing second to Pampered Princess).
Kibibi 3,2:02h; 4,Q2:00.1f (m, Malabar Man). Winner of 7 races and $24,964. At 2, third in NJSS at Freehold; timed
in 1:59.2. At 4, second in leg of Harold Story Series at Saratoga.
Southwind Russet (c, Kadabra). Now 2.
2nd Dam
REALLY AND TRULY 2,2:02f; 3,Q2:01.4h by CROWNING POINT. Winner of 2 races at 2. At 2, second in TompkinsGeers S. From 4 foals (3 fillies), dam of 2 winners SOUTHWIND RISE 2,1:57.1; 3,1:58 (m, Valley Victory). As above.
Southwind Rachel 2,2:04 (m, Royal Troubador). At 2, third in NJSS; timed in 1:58.3.
3rd Dam
WINTER PARK 3,1:59.2 by FLORIDA PRO. Winner of 7 races and $27,177. At 3, winner of heat and final of Great
Midwest S.; third in Horseman & Fair World Trot and Illinois Topline S. From 5 living foals, dam of 5 winners, incl. SPREADSHEET 2,1:58.4 (m, Crowning Point). Winner of 5 races and $161,843 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of KySS and
Lexington LC; second in Int'l Stallion S. At 3, earnings of $122,877; winner American-National S.; second in Arden
Downs S.; third in Coaching Club Oaks, heat Bluegrass S.; timed in 1:56.1. Dam of DARLANE 3,1:57.4h.
WINTER WONDER 3,1:57.3 (m, Master Willie). Winner of 4 races and $44,616 at 2 and 3. At 3, winner of Lady Ann
Reed S. elim. Dam of ELVIS COLE 3,1:57.4f; 1:54.1f-'07 ($173,462), JOE PIKE 3,2:00 and WINTER'S RAGE
2,Q2:02.3. Grandam of SOUTHWIND WILLA 3,1:56.2 and SOUTHWIND WOODLILY 2,Q2:09; 3,1:57.2.
Madam Palm Beach (m, Super Bowl). Dam of COIS CAF 1:58 ($479,906), BELLO CAF 1:57.1 ($204,502).
4th Dam
DECCA HANOVER by CALEB. Half sister to DART HANOVER 3,T2:00.2 ($600,000. From 12 foals, dam of 7 winnersWINTER PARK 3,1:59.2 (m, Florida Pro). As above.
MYSTERIOUS EAST 2,2:06f (m, Tamerlane). Winner of 6 races and $15,342. Dam of SILENT CODE 3,2:03f; 1:59.3f
($141,944). Grandam of PLEASURE PRINCE 2,1:59.3; 3,1:59.2; 4,1:56.1 ($750,000), R PRESTIGE LO 2,2:18.1h;
3,2:04.1f; 1:58.3 ($71,652), etc. Third dam of AIM FOR THE STARS 3,1:58.1f, etc.
SANTA FE 2,T2:04.1 (m, Tamerlane). Winner of 2 races and $14,640. At 2, winner of KySS. Dam of SOUTHWEST
2,2:08.6f; 3,2:02f; 1:55.4 (Europe) ($250,000), DESERT FLIGHT 3,2:02.1f; 1:54.4 ($200,640), MARGARITA MISS
3,1:58.2f; 4,1:56 ($158,000), MESA VISTA 2,1:59.3; 1:57.1f (Europe) ($145,000), MRS CLAUS 3,Q1:57.2, LOVIN
LASS 2,T1:59.4, etc. Grandam of RUM BOOGIE 2,1:57.2; 3,1:55; 4,1:56.2f ($900,908), MISSIVE HANOVER
2,1:56.2 ($229,250), FOUR STARZ LINDY 2,Q2:03.2; 3,1:54.3 ($152,155), OTTOMANI 3,1:59.4f; 1:55.2 (Finland)
($152,000), LINDY'S RED BULL 3,1:57.1, MEASURE UP 3,1:58.1, VICTORY GIFT 3,Q1:58.4, CALYPSO KID
3,Q2:01.4f; 4,1:59.2f, ALPINE GOLDEN GIRL 2,1:59.4, etc. Third dam of BACARDI LINDY 3,1:53.3; 4,1:52.4-'07
Zodiac Lauxmont (m, Jazz Cosmos). Dam of ZURICH SEELSTER 2,2:03.3h; 3,1:59.1f; 1:55.3 ($231,854), etc.
Jersey Lily (m, Speedy Scot). Dam of RUBIUM 1:57.6 (Europe) fm) and LILLI VANILLI 2:02 (Europe). Grandam of
OX BOWL 2,2:09.2h; 3,2:01.3f; 1:56.4 ($245,538), JIMMY THE KID 2,2:05.4f; 3,2:01.3f; 4,1:59.1f ($94,802),
Punctilious (m, Speedy Crown). Dam of ACUPUNCTURE 2,2:00.4 ($275,000, U.S. and Europe). Grandam of
PHYLLIS DRUMMOND 2,2:01.4; 3,1:58.3 ($288,598), etc.
Then To: Delicia Hanover 3,2:05.3h by Dean Hanover– DELPHIA HANOVER 4,T2:01 ¼ by Truax.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Jeffrey R. Franklin &
Leblanc Racing Inc. Raised at Steve LeBlanc's, Felton, DE
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 7
HIP NO. 284
Bay Colt. Foaled April 28, 2006. Tattoo No. 3D0612.
Oil Burner
No Nukes ................................... { Gidget Lobell
Wendymae Hanover ................. { Albatross
Wendy Sue H'ver
Sportsmaster ............................ { Abercrombie
Diana Lynn Lobell
RAIN DANCE KIM p,4,1:52 ..............
Rain Dance Rose p,3,1:59.4f .... { Royce
Rose Bud Special
WESTERN HANOVER p,3,1:50.4 ....
First Foal
Dam of (f) Rain Dance Kim p,4,1:52
(f) Raindance Jen Jen p,3,1:53
Dam of (f) Rain Dance Rose
First Foal
3 in 1:53, 7 in 1:57
1 $625,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
1 in 2:00f
1st Dam
RAIN DANCE KIM p,2,2:03.2h; 3,1:54.3h; 4,1:52 by SPORTSMASTER. Winner of 48 races and $642,474. At 2, timed
in 1:57.1. At 3, winner of Maywood Pace elimination; second in Grandma Ann S. elimination and ISOBA S. at
Maywood; third in $166,200 Grandma Ann S. At 4, seasonal earnings of $109,054; winner of $125,000 Ann Vonian
S. and an Open at Balmoral; second in State Fair S., elim. and final of Ideal Angel S., Ann Vonian S. elimination,
Maywood S., 2 Preferreds and an Open; third in an Open; timed in 1:51.1. At 5, 40-10-7-8; seasonal earnings of
$82,870; winner of Ann Vonian S. elimination and 6 Preferreds at The Meadows; second in 5 Preferreds; third in
3 Preferreds. At 6, 44-11-8-9; seasonal earnings of $102,496; winner of 2 Opens at Dover Downs, an Open at
Harrington and a Preferred at The Meadows; second in 2 Preferreds and an Open; third in an Open, a Jr. Open and
a Preferred. At 7, 36-13-4-0; seasonal earnings of $170,620; winner of 9 Opens at Dover Downs and 4 Opens at
Harrington; second in 4 Opens. At 8, Open Winner at Dover Downs; second in an Open; third in 2 Opens. At 9,
third in 2 Opens. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
RAIN DANCE ROSE p,3,1:59.4f by ROYCE. Winner of 7 races and $27,201. From 9 living foals, dam of 9 winners (1
in 1:52, 3 in 1:53, 6 in 1:56, 7 in 1:57) RAIN DANCE KIM p,2,2:03.2h; 3,1:54.3h; 4,1:52 (m, Sportsmaster). As above.
RAINDANCE JEN JEN p,3,1:53 (m, Hi Ho Silverheels). Winner of 8 races and $64,499. At 2, timed in 1:56.2. At 3,
winner of 2 INSS at Indiana Downs; second in INSS at Indiana Downs.
RAIN DANCE MR KIM p,2,1:59; 4,1:54.1; 1:53 (g, Sportsmaster). Winner of 16 races and $61,638. At 2, winner of
ILBS at Balmoral; timed in 1:55.4. At 4, second in cons. of Cicero Series at Hawthorne.
RAIN DANCE JENIFER p,2,1:58.1; 1:56.3 (m, Incredible Finale). Winner of 13 races and $43,096.
RAIN DANCE STAR p,3,Q1:59.2; 4,1:55.1 (m, Incredible Finale). Winner of 5 races and $18,744. Dam of RAIN
DANCE JESSICA p,2,1:56.3; 3,1:53.1 ($75,628) and KINGS ROAD p,2,1:56; 3,1:52.4-'07.
RAIN DANCE MAN p,3,1:55.3 (g, Kentucky Spur). Winner of 2 races and $16,241. At 2, timed in 1:58.4. At 3, timed
in 1:54.1.
RAIN DANCE LEGACY p,3,1:55.2 (m, Sportsmaster). Winner of 2 races, $8,892 at 3 and 4. At 2, timed in 1:55.4.
Rain Dance Misty p,3,2:00.1 (m, Anxioous Robby). Winner of 4 races and $24,383.
Rain Dance CD p,2,Q2:02.4; 4,2:00.3h (g, IRA). Winner of 3 races and $17,941.
3rd Dam
ROSE BUD SPECIAL by NEVELE DANCER. From 3 foals, dam of 2 winners, including RAIN DANCE ROSE p,3,1:59.4f (m, Royce). As above.
4th Dam
ROSIE FARVEL p,3,2:05.3; 4,2:04.2 by FARVEL. Winner of $8,887. From 14 foals (7 fillies), dam of 11 winners (3 in
1:57, 5 in 2:00) FIVE PLUS TAX p,2,T1:59.2; 1:56.4 (h, Meadow Skipper). Winner of 23 races and $176,557.
TRIOS FOLLY p,3,1:59.1h; 1:56.2f (g, Governor Skipper). Winner of 53 races and $96,759.
SHANNON HOPE p,2,T1:57 (m, Governor Skipper). Winner of 9 races and $69,268. Dam of SHANNON
SHAMROCK p,3,2:01.3f; 4,1:56f and HOWIES HERO p,1:59.2.
RAIN DANCE BLITZ p,2,2:00.4; 3,1:58.4f; 4,1:58.1 (g, Highland Skipper). Winner of 15 races and $39,759.
SUNDREAM p,3,2:00.2f; 4,1:59.2f (g, Governor Skipper). Winner of 9 races and $29,882.
Skippa Lisa p,3,T2:00.1 (m, Flying Bret). Winner of 9 races and $34,144.
Robbie Ruler p,3,2:07.2h; 2:05f (h, Nevele Dancer). Winner of 3 races and $13,839.
Setigera p,3,2:06.2h; 2:02.4 (g, Meadow Skipper). Winner of 9 races and $12,582.
Flying Steve p,2,2:05.1; 3,2:01.3 (g, Flying Bret). Winner of 11 races and $11,232.
Ballerina Rose p,3,Q2:06f (m, Nevele Dancer). Dam of STORMIN DANCER p,3,2:05.1h; 1:58.1f. Grandam of CJ'S
BEST p,3,1:56.3; 1:55 ($79,240), CJ'S ECLIPSE p,3,1:56.3; 1:55.1, etc.
Then To: Penny Brooke p,3,2:09h by Blackhawk–Lydia S. Brooke by Flagstaff.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
HIP NO. 312
Stable 5, Row G, Stall 6
Bay Filly. Foaled April 21, 2006. Tattoo No. 4DC424.
WESTERN HANOVER p,3,1:50.4 ....
Oil Burner
No Nukes ................................... { Gidget Lobell
Wendymae Hanover ................. { Albatross
Wendy Sue H'ver
Life Sign .................................... { Abercrombie
Three Diamonds
Racy Dragon p,2,2:00.4h .......... { Dragon's Lair
Racy Kathy
Second Foal
Dam of (f) Allamerican Raquel
(c) Space Racer p,1:54.1f
Dam of (c) Bob Cook p,3,1:54.2
(f) Mystic Money p,4,1:55.4h
(f) Three Mile Island p,3,1:56.2
Second Foal
3 in 1:55
2 $125,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:55, 4 in 1:57
4 $100,000 Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
ALLAMERICAN RAQUEL p,2,1:54.1; 3,1:51.4–1:53.3h by LIFE SIGN. Winner of 8 races and $149,440 at 2, 3 and 4.
At 2, winner of Debutante S. and NJSS at The M'wlands. At 3, winner of Ladyship S., NJSS at The Meadowlands
and Freehold and Mistletoe Shalee cons.; second in NJSS at Freehold. This is her second foal. Dam of Bandolero (c, Western Hanover). Winner of $6,090. Now 2 and third in leg of Dream Maker Series, timed in 1:53.4.
2nd Dam
RACY DRAGON p,2,2:00.4h by DRAGON'S LAIR. Winner of 6 races and $20,874 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, timed in 1:57.3.
At 3, winner NYFS at Dunkirk (straight heats) and heat of NYFS at Caledonia. From 5 foals, dam of 3 winners SPACE RACER p,3,1:55; 1:54.1f–1:54.4h (g, Artsplace). Winner of 16 races and $212,227. At 3, second in cons.
Valedictory Series; third in leg of Valedictory Series, timed in 1:54. At 4, winner leg of Snowshoe Series at
Woodbine and a Preferred at Flamboro; second in final of Snowshoe Series and leg of Kempenfeldt Series.
ALLAMERICAN RAQUEL p,2,1:54.1; 3,1:51.4–1:53.3h (m, Life Sign). As above.
ALLAMERICAN RAND p,2,1:57.1; 3,1:54.3f-'07 (f, Life Sign). Winner of 3 races and $21,922. At 2, second in NJSS
Green Acres at Freehold; third in leg of A.W. Capone Series; timed in 1:56.4. Now 3 and winner leg of McNamara's
Series at Tioga Downs; third in final of McNamara's Series.
Allamerican Racy (f, Western Hanover). Now 2.
3rd Dam
RACY KATHY by RACE TIME. Half sister to the dams of SOLID FUEL p,2,1:56.2; 3,T1:54 ($348,418), KAMSACK
BLUE CHIP p,2,1:56.4; 3,1:55.1; 1:52.4 ($303,260), etc. From 11 foals, dam of 9 winners (2 in 1:56, 4 in 1:57):
THREE MILE ISLAND p,2,1:56.2f; 3,1:56.2 (m, No Nukes). Winner of 9 races, $288,079. Dam of ISLAND FANTASY
p,2,1:52; 3,1:50.1 ($1,371,525), ISLAND GLOW p,2,1:53.2; 3,1:50.4; 1:50 ($608,074), WICKED ISLAND p,2,1:54.2;
3,1:55.4h; 1:52.2 ($279,043), TWO TIMES THREE p,2,1:56f; 3,1:54.2f; 4,1:54f ($235,487), ALWAYS A THREAT
p,2,Q1:59.2; 3,1:53; 1:49.2 ($190,333), MIDNIGHT ISLAND p,2,1:54.3; 3,1:52.3f; 4,1:52.1 ($179,139), DRAGON
ISLAND p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:50.3–1:54.1f ($105,885), PLUM ISLAND p,3,1:56.1; 4,1:53.4; 1:53.2f–1:55.1h ($99,198),
STORM ISLAND p,2,1:52 ($90,400), ORCHID ISLAND p,2,Q2:01.2; 3,1:57.2, THREE CAM ISLAND p,2,2:02.4h;
3,1:57.4h, etc. Grandam of JAKE OF DIAMONDS p,2,2:00.1h; 3,1:53.2f ($315,168), SIX OF DIAMONDS
p,2,1:54.4; 3,1:52.4; 4,1:52.3; 1:49.3 ($226,172), ISLAND DELIGHT p,2,1:53.3 ($137,198 at 2; now 3), ORCHID
BEACH p,2,1:53.4, WESTERN COUNTESS p,2,1:59f; 3,1:55f, DRAGONS DICE p,2,1:57.3h; 3,1:56.3, etc. Third
dam of CAM TILLIS p,2,2:00.2f; 3,1:54.3, SIX PACK SUMMER p,3,1:59.1f; 1:56.1f-'07, etc.
MASTER IMAGE p,2,1:57.4f, 3,1:56.4f (h, Striking Image). Winner of 29 races and $220,887. Stakes Winner.
MYSTIC MONEY p,2,1:59f; 3,1:56.1f; 4,1:55.4h (Nihilator). Winner 10 races, $139,904. Open and Preferred Winner.
Dam of MYSTIC ART p,2,Q1:56; 3,1:49.3 ($421,903), MONEY SIGN p,2,1:58.2; 3,1:56; 4,1:53.3h ($90,464).
BOB COOK p,3,1:54.2 (g, Silky Stallone). Winner of 9 races and $118,917.
Cold Fusion p,2,2:01f (m, Dragon's Lair). Dam of COLDHEARTEDREVENGE p,2,1:54.4; 3,Q1:53.1; 1:49.2
($564,255), SHOWBIZ JOE p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:53.4; 1:51.4 ($295,619), JOE BOXER p,3,1:55.3; 1:52.2 ($108,731).
Pass p,2,2:00.2f (m, Strike Out). Winner of 4 races and $25,226 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in heat of Ohio
Standardbred S.; third in Arden Downs S. At 3, second in leg of Dins Skipper Series. Dam of DAVID'S PASS
p,2,1:52.2; 3,1:50.4 ($1,652,500), ABERPASS p,3,1:53.3 ($142,923), PASS N JATE p,2,1:58.2; 3,1:52.4 ($82,550),
GOALIE'S PASS p,3,1:55.2 ($81,247), etc. Grandam of SPARKLER p,2,1:55; 3,1:50.2 ($495,119), ARMBRO
TREASON p,3,1:54.2; 1:52.2 ($272,822), etc. Third dam of SECRET'S DREAMBOY p,2,1:53.1; 3,1:53 ($82,915).
Zestful Bret p,2,T2:06.1 (m, Bret Hanover). Dam of BESTFOOTFORWARD p,3,1:59.2; 1:52.1 ($238,226).
Test Ban (m, No Nukes). Dam of TINTED CLOUD p,2,1:54.1f; 3,1:52.3f; 1:51.1 ($270,670), TEST RUN p,2,2:00h;
3,1:54.2 ($177,009), CONTRAPAN p,3,1:55f ($108,993). Grandam of RITA J p,2,1:57.3h; 3,1:53.2f ($193,012).
Ready Shoes (m, Bret Hanover). Dam of CZAR BORIS p,2,1:57.1f; 3,1:53.1f ($198,521), UNDER SIEGE p,2,1:55.3;
3,1:53.4 ($83,541), etc. Grandam of BLACK CLOUD BILL p,2,1:56.1f; 3,1:52 ($202,062), GHOST TRAIN
p,2,1:57.1f; 3,1:53.1 ($194,024), GO SAILIN p,2,1:58h; 3,1:54.4; 1:52.4 ($165,923), etc.
Then To: Tarport Kathy p,3,2:03f by Thorpe Hanover–MEADOW CHEER p,2,2:05h by Adios.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Champlain Filly
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Northlands Filly Pace
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 7
HIP NO. 313
Bay Colt. Foaled May 6, 2006. Tattoo No. 2DN373.
Meadow Road
Primrose Lane ........................... { Barb's Pride
Quillo ......................................... { Trottin'
Arsenal's Dynasty
Pine Chip ................................... { Arndon
Pine Speed
CASTLETON PINE 2,T1:57 ..............
Anamosa Hanover 2,1:56 ......... { Speedy Crown
Anders Favorite 3,1:56.2
KADABRA 4,1:51.3 ..........................
Third Foal, Dam of (c) Ground Force 3,1:57.2
(c) Mick The Quick 4,2:00.2f
Dam of (f) Mostly Super 3,1:56
(f) Chip's Favorite 3,1:56.3
Dam of (f) Anamosa Hanover 2,1:56
(f) Annette Hanover 3,1:56.2f
Third Foal
4 in 1:57
1 in 1:56, 5 in 1:59
1 in 1:58
1 $500,000 Winner
1 $525,000 Winner
2 in 2:01
2 $100,000 Winners
3 $100,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
4 Stakes Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
CASTLETON PINE 2,T1:57 by PINE CHIP. Winner of 1 race and $19,209 at 2. At 2, winner of Ohio Standardbred S.;
timed in 2:00.1. This is her third foal. Dam of GROUND FORCE 3,1:57.2 (g, Malabar Man). Winner of 7 races and $28,891. At 3, winner leg of Lexington Series;
timed in 1:56.3. At 4, third in leg of Super Bowl Series.
Mick The Quick 2,Q2:03; 4,2:00.2f (h, Yankee Glide). Winner of 2 races and $6,769 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, third in NJSS
at Freehold.
2nd Dam
ANAMOSA HANOVER 2,1:56–1:59.1h by SPEEDY CROWN. Winner of 10 races and $538,942 at 2 and 3. World
Champion. At 2, 16-9-4-2; earnings of $401,413; Trotting Filly of the Year (172-74 over Nan's Catch); set world
record for 2yo fillies on a mile track and world record for 2-heats (colt or filly) on a ½ mile track (lowering Mack
Lobell's colt record by a full second and Newmarket S's filly record by 4 3/5 seconds); winner Champlain S., Ohio
Stbd. S., final Int'l Stallion S., final of Bluegrass S., final of Review Futurity, Hanover-Hempt S. and leg Trillium
Series; second in $437,500 Merrie Annabelle Trot, American-National S. and heat of Bluegrass S.; third in $385,912
Breeders' Crown (to Nan's Catch) and heat of Int'l Stallion S. At 3, winner Coaching Club Oaks; second in Hudson
Filly Trot and 2 NYSS; third in heat Hambletonian Oaks and Simcoe S. From 14 foals, dam of MOSTLY SUPER 2,2:01.3; 3,1:56 (m, Supergill). Winner of 7 races and $234,256 at 2 and 3 in U.S.; 17 races and
$500,000 internationally. At 2, winner KySS. At 3, 18-5-6-5; earnings of $226,336; winner of Hambletonian Oaks
elimination, Tompkins-Geers S., Simpson S. and KySS; second in both heats of $125,000 filly World Trotting Filly
(to Act Of Grace, timed in 1:54.1–1:53.3), Matron S. (to Moni Maker), Reynolds Memorial (by a neck, to Moni Maker,
timed in 1:56.2f) and KySS; third in $300,000 Hambletonian Oaks (to Moni Maker), $350,000 Breeders' Crown (to
Personal Banner and Moni Maker), Buckette and final of filly Kentucky Futurity. Exported and winner of Forus Open
Trot, Hotel Savoy Sto-Match and V-75 Mare Elite; third in Gran Premio UNIRE and Fina Cup.
CHIP'S FAVORITE 2,2:02.3f; 3,1:56.3 (m, Pine Chip). Winner of 6 races and $101,801. At 3, Open Winner; third in
Bluegrass S. (to Windylane Hanover) and elim. and final of Kentucky Spring Championship; timed in 1:54.2. At 4,
winner leg of General Brock Series; second in leg of Lifetime Dream Series and leg of Don Mills Series; third in leg
of General Brock Series and leg of Lifetime Dream Series.
ROCKET SMOKE 3,1:59.2; 1:57 (g, Pine Chip). Winner 17 races, $70,426. At 3, winner KYFS; timed in 1:58.3.
CASTLETON PINE 2,T1:57 (m, Pine Chip). As above.
Another Gill (m, Supergill). Dam of Hambletonian Oaks Winner JALOPY 2,Q2:01; 3,1:53.4 ($433,777), GILLNET
2,1:59.2; 3,1:57.1f ($317,575), PINE FRAME 2,Q2:00.4; 4,1:57, etc. Grandam of BENNS COWBOY 2,2:02.1f
($146,457; now 3 and racing), BENN'S CHAMPION 2,2:05.1h; 3,2:03f, etc.
Tweakster (m, Sierra Kosmos). Her first foal is LAVECSTER 2,Q2:02.4; 3,1:57.1 ($278,123).
Shavings (m, Pine Chip). Her first foal is SNOW CONE 3,T1:55.4.
3rd Dam
ANDERS FAVORITE 2,2:06.3f, 3,1:56.2 by SUPER BOWL. Winner of 8 races and $182,558 at 2 and 3. At 2, second
in final of Hoosier Futurity; third in Nancy Hanks Trot, heat of Review Futurity, heat of Hayes Memorial, Battle of
Saratoga and 3 PaSS; timed in 1:59.1. At 3, winner of Bluegrass S., Lexington Filly S. (straight heats), filly Zweig
Memorial and 2 PaSS; second in American-National S., Hambletonian Oaks elim., Lady Suffolk Trot, Batavia Filly
S. and PaSS; third in Simcoe S. elim. and Currier & Ives Trot. From 14 foals, dam of 9 winners (5 in 1:59) ANAMOSA HANOVER 2,1:56–1:59.1h (m, Speedy Crown). As above.
ANDREA S HANOVER 2,Q2:06.3; 3,T1:58.3 (m, Speedy Crown). Winner of $157,968 at 2 and 3. Died at 3.
KING ANDERS 1:58.1f (Europe) (h, Sierra Kosmos). Winner of 14 races and $120,529 Internationally. S.W.
ANDURIL HANOVER 3,1:59.2f; 4,1:56.4f (g, Lindy Lane). Winner of 15 races and $84,606. At 4, Open Winner.
AUER HANOVER 2,2:03; 2:00.2 (Europe) (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 2 races and $65,374 at 2 and 3. S.W.
ANNETTE HANOVER 3,1:56.2f (m, Sierra Kosmos). Winner of 2 races, $19,988. At 2, second in Pa. All Stars, etc.
Dam of ALTERED STATES 3,1:55.2-'07 and ARMANI BLUESTONE 2,Q1:59; 3,1:55.3.
Then To: NOBLE IMAGE 4,2:02.3 by Noble Victory–Clairecan by Florican.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Canadian Breeders Champ.
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Ontario Sires
Parshall Memorial
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
HIP NO. 314
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 8
Bay Colt. Foaled April 23, 2006. Tattoo No. 2DC311.
Valley Victory
Victory Dream ........................... { Crown Dream
Feeling Great ............................. { Mystic
Katie Almahurst
Pine Chip ................................... {
Pine Speed
MILLENNIUM CHIP 3,2:01h .............
Reel Fish 3,2:00.1 ..................... { Bonefish
Tarport Lady Ann 3,2:03f
SELF POSSESSED 3,1:51.3 ............
First Foal
Dam of (c) Fishing Clinic 1:53.1
(c) Chipmate 3,1:55.3
(c) Rigged Right 3,1:55.4
Dam of (c) Flying Scot 1:55.2f (Eur.)
(f) Model Home 3,1:55.3
(f) Home Court 4,1:57.1
First Foal
3 in 1:56, 4 in 1:58
4 $125,000 Winners
7 Stakes Winners
2 in 1:56, 5 in 2:00
2 $125,000 Winners
5 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
MILLENNIUM CHIP 3,2:01h by PINE CHIP. Winner of 2 races and $5,550 at 3. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
REEL FISH 3,2:00.1 by BONEFISH. Winner of 7 races and $44,070 at 2 and 3. At 3, winner of Breeders' Filly S., KySS
and Gay Acres EC. Half sister to FLYING SCOT 2,1:59.4; 1:55.2f (Europe) ($300,000), MODEL HOME 2,1:58.3;
3,1:55.3 ($276,608) and to the dams of TARPORT FRENZY 2,2:03.2f; 3,1:56.1 ($763,977), TARPORT BRIDGET
2,2:01.3; 3,1:59f ($532,626), MR EERO 3,1:54.2 ($506,603), SWAGGER HANOVER 2,2:01.1f; 3,1:59f; 1:55.4f
($422,378), MISS ELINA 3,1:56.4; 1:56.2 ($314,454), TARPORT RAMEY 2,1:58; 3,T1:56.3 ($268,442), TARPORT
MARK 2,Q2:06.1f; 3,1:56.3 ($269,563), MY ROYAL AIM 3,2:04h; 4,1:54 ($244,139), CLASSIC MODEL 1:55.3f
($198,336), MEADOW SWIGERT 2,2:07.1h; 3,2:05.3h; 4,2:01.3 ($141,464), E L GLIDE 2,2:01; 3,1:54.3 ($133,544),
TARPORT DEAN 3,2:02.1f; 1:58.3f ($127,338) and HARBOR SPRINGS 2,2:01.4f; 3,2:00.2f; 4,1:57.2f ($122,592)
and grandams of SJ'S CAVIAR 2,1:58f; 3,1:53.4 ($1,288,466), EARTHQUAKE 2,1:59.2; 3,1:56.2 ($409,301), IT'S
MADE TO ORDER 2,1:58.1f ($314,218), KING LAVEC 2,1:58; 3,1:57 ($279,396), SOLICITOR HANOVER 3,1:56f;
Q1:55f ($250,819), GLAD YOU ASKED 2,2:00f; 3,1:59.3f ($187,381), FREEZING COLD 3,1:56 ($168,287), etc.
From 17 foals (10 fillies), dam of 14 winners (4 in 1:58), including FISHING CLINIC 2,Q1:59.3; 3,1:55.3; 1:53.1 (g, Armbro Goal). Winner of 15 races, $390,686. At 2, winner New
Jersey Futurity and NJSS; second in Historic S.; third in Harold Dancer Memorial, NJSS Final, Reynolds Memorial
and 2 NJSS; timed in 1:58.1. At 3, winner of NJSS (over Diamond Goal) and an Open; second in $150,000 NJSS
Final and NJSS; third in Zweig Memorial, Yonkers Trot elim. and New Jersey Futurity; timed in 1:54.2.
RIGGED RIGHT 2,2:02.1; 3,1:55.4 (h, Armbro Goal). Winner of 5 races and $233,117 at 2 and 3. At 2, 8-3-2-1;
winner of KySS at Lexington; second in Arden Downs S. and heat of Review Futurity; third in Hanover-Hempt S.;
timed in 2:00.2. At 3, winner final of Review Futurity and KySS at Lexington; second in heat of World Trotting Derby
and heat of Review Futurity; third in $107,690 Colonial Trot and Townsend Ackerman Trot. Exported.
CHIPMATE 2,1:58.3; 3,1:55.3 (h, Pine Chip). Winner of 5 races and $226,035 at 2 and 3. At 3, winner of KySS
elimination; second in Review Futurity and Player's Classic; third in $460,000 Peter Haughton Memorial and
$111,706 KySS Final (to Chip Chip Hooray), timed in 1:57.1. At 3, winner of $124,842 KySS Final, Historic S. and
Ky. Spring Championship elim.; second in Review Futurity; third in Hambletonian S. elim. and KySS elim.
REELING 2,2:02f (m, Super Bowl). Winner of 7 races and $149,593 at 2 and 3. At 2, 10-4-2-0; seasonal earnings
of $90,453; winner of $74,986 Champlain S., Hanover-Hempt S. and PaSS at Pocono and The Meadows; second
in heat of International Stallion S. and PaSS at The Meadows; timed in 1:58.4. At 3, second in $89,602 Simcoe S.
and Hanover Filly S.; third in $98,267 Bluegrass S. and Hudson Filly Trot; timed in 1:57.1. Exported.
TOP BAIT 3,Q2:00.4f (m, Speedy Crown). Winner of 2 races, $92,160. At 2, second in 2 NYSS; third in 2 NYSS.
At 3, winner 2 NYSS. Dam of MADISON RIVER 3,2:02.2f; 4,1:57f and FISHING FRENZY 3,Q2:03.2f; 1:59.3h.
YELLOWTAIL 2,2:04f; 3,T1:57.3–2:00.1 (m, Super Bowl). Winner of 2 races and $45,235 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of PaSS; third in Arden Downs S and PaSS; timed in 2:01.2. At 3, second in Hanover Filly S. and PaSS. Exported.
CLASS BASS 2,2:04h (m, Royal Prestige). Winner of 2 races and $42,804 at 2. At 2, winner of NYSS at Yonkers
and Batavia; third in heat of Bluegrass S. and NYSS at Saratoga; timed in 2:00.3. Exported.
Royal Bait 2,2:02.4f; 3,2:01.4f; 4,Q2:00.3–2:00.4 (m, Royal Prestige). Winner 6 races, $24,715. Dam of PEACEFUL
WAY 2,1:56.2; 3,1:52.3; 4,1:51.4 ($2,746,240) and STONEBRIDGE CROWN 2,2:12h; 3,2:02.1f; 4,1:59.2f.
Fox Harbor 4,Q2:01.3-'07 (h, Angus Hall). Now 4 and timed in 1:57.2.
Real Crown 3,Q2:05.3h; 4,2:03.4h (m, Speedy Crown). Her first foal is DRILL SERGEANT SAM 3,1:57.2.
Fastest Action (Baltic Speed). Dam of QUICKDRAW CHIP 3,1:57.1; 1:56.1 ($168,871), SCOTT'S ROCKET 1:57.2f.
Foreign Waters (m, Homesick). Dam of TOSS OUT 2,2:00.1; 3,1:54.1; 1:55.1f (Europe) ($1,600,000), FLAWLESS
BLUESTONE 2,1:58.3; 3,Q1:53.4 ($589,935), CRUISE TEAM 3,1:55.1 ($187,113), ALIEN CHIP 3,1:57f; 4,1:55.4f
($107,478) (Norway), PINE SCHOONER 3,1:55.1, OVERSEAS CHIP 3,1:58.2, etc. Grandam of SOUTHWIND
CALIFON 3,1:58f; 1:54.1 ($309,435), SOUTHWIND CATLIN 2,1:57.2 ($203,734), ADRIANO 2,2:01; 3,Q1:55, etc.
Then To: TARPORT LADY ANN 3,2:03f by Jamie–LADY ANN REED 3,2:02.1h by Wayward.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman Stakes No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Parshall Memorial
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Charles Smith Trot
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Stan Klemencic
Raised at Rolling Acres Farm, Trenton, Ontario
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 10
HIP NO. 315
Bay Colt. Foaled February 5, 2006. Tattoo No. 5DM973.
ABC Freight
Garland Lobell .......................... { Gamin Lobell
Amour Angus ............................ { Magna
Kenwood Scamper
Speedy Crown ........................... {
Missile Toe
LOOMING FAVORITE 2,2:03.2h ......
Bold Gal 2,1:59.3 ....................... { Super Bowl
Jean's Gal
ANGUS HALL 3,1:54.3 .....................
Dam of (c) Whitesand Joey 4,1:56.2
(f) Fan Favourite 3,1:56.3
(f) All Time Favorite 3,1:58.1-'07
Dam of (c) Brazen 1:55f-'07
(c) Woody Wood Ya 1:55.3
(c) Fall In Line 1:58.1f
Dam of (f) Jean Bi 3,1:56.2
(f) Bold Gal 2,1:59.3
(c) Captain Blackheart 2:00
1 in 1:57, 3 in 2:00
2 in 1:56, 5 in 2:00
2 in 1:57, 3 in 1:59
1 $600,000 Winner
2 $175,000 Winners
1 $450,000 Winner
2 Stakes Winners
4 Stakes Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
LOOMING FAVORITE 2,2:03.2h by SPEEDY CROWN. Winner of 1 race and $39,239 at 2. At 2, winner of Flamboro
Breeders’ S.; second in leg of Trillium Series at Kawartha Downs; third in $82,100 final of Robert Stewart Memorial
(to Elegantimage), leg of Trillium Series at London (to Elegantimage) and Goldsmith Maid Trot elimination (to Prime
Yankee); fourth in NYSS (to Vernon Blue Chip and Grill Now) and Yonkers; fourth in leg of Trillium Series and
Robert Stewart elim.; timed in 2:01.1, 2:02f. From 4 foals, dam of 3 winners (2 in 1:57, 3 in 1:59) FAN FAVOURITE 2,1:59.2; 3,1:56.3 (m, Angus Hall). Winner of 6 races and $450,387. At 2, seasonal earnings of
$167,368; winner of $252,000 ONTSS Super Final at Woodbine; second in elimination and $102,700 ONTSS Gold
Final at Mohawk and leg of Lexington Series; third in Canadian Breeders' Championship elimination; timed in 1:58.
At 3, seasonal earnings of $283,019; winner of $252,000 ONTSS Super Final at Woodbine, $108,993 Simcoe S.,
Ontario SBOA S. elimination at Mohawk, Canadian Breeders' Championship elimination and ONTSS Gold
elimination at Mohawk; second in ONTSS Gold elimination at Flamboro Downs; third in $123,109 Canadian
Breeders' Championship, $162,733 Ontario SBOA S. at Mohawk and $105,300 ONTSS Gold Final at Windsor.
ALL TIME FAVORITE 3,1:58.1-'07 (f, Angus Hall). Winner of 3 races and $51,420. At 2, timed in 1:59.3. Now 3 and
winner of Canadian Breeders' Championship elim.; third in ONTSS Gold elim. at Georgian Downs; timed in 1:57.1.
WHITESAND JOEY 3,2:02f; 4,1:56.2 (h, Balanced Image). Winner of 5 races and $32,274 at 3 and 4.
2nd Dam
BOLD GAL 2,1:59.3–2:00.4f by SUPER BOWL. Winner of 2 races and $54,722 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of Arden
Downs S. and Merrie Annabelle Trot cons.; third in PaSS at The Meadows; fourth in Review Futurity (timed in
1:58.4–1:59.2). At 3, second in PaSS. From 9 foals, dam of 6 winners (2 in 1:56, 5 in 2:00) BRAZEN 2,1:59; 3,1:56.2; 1:55f-'07 (h, Balanced Image). Winner of 16 races and $238,455. At 2, winner 4 of 6 starts,
including elimination and $98,800 ONTSS Gold Final at Woodbine and ONTSS Gold eliminations at Windsor and
Rideau Carleton. At 3, winner of ONTSS Gold elim. at Woodbine; second in $102,700 ONTSS Gold Final at
Woodbine; third in $114,030 Simcoe S. and an Open at Lexington; timed in 1:54.3. At 4, winner in 1:56.1f.
VILLAGE BARRISTER 2,1:59.1 (h, Balanced Image). Winner of 3 races, $198,517 at 2. At 2, winner of $100,000
Campbellville Trot and elim. and $100,000 ONTSS Gold Final at Woodbine; second in $134,757 Champlain S. (to
Banker Hall); third in elim. and $100,000 ONTSS Gold Final at Windsor and ONTSS Gold elim.; timed in 1:59.2f.
BOLD SPEED 1:59.1f (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 15 races and $62,721.
FALL IN LINE 3,2:02.3f; 4,2:00.2f; 1:58.1f (g, Balanced Image). Winner of 17 races and $62,343.
WOODY WOOD YA 3,Q2:04.2; 1:55.3 (h, King Conch). Winner of 13 races and $43,863. At 4, timed in 1:58.2. At
5, winner 2 legs Billings Series; second in leg Valley Victory Series; third in Lexington LC and 2 legs Billings Series.
LOOMING FAVORITE 2,2:03.2h (m, Speedy Crown). As above.
3rd Dam
JEAN'S GAL by NOBLE VICTORY. Sister to NOBLE GAL 2,2:02.2, 3,1:58.2 ($99,196) and to the dams of RON B
HANOVER 2,Q2:02.4f, 3,1:56.4–1:58f ($706,301 at 2 and 3), NEWFI HANOVER 2,2:02.3f; 3,1:59.1; 1:58.2f (Italy)
($200,000) and NEIL HANOVER 3,1:57.4; 4,1:55.3 ($159,594) and grandams of COLUMNIST 2,2:02.1f; 3,1:55.1
($403,981), NARVA HANOVER 3,1:58.3f–1:59h ($142,606), NINJA HANOVER 3,1:58.1–1:59.2f ($105,802), etc.
and third dam of BADFELLA 3,1:58f; 1:54.4 ($259,972). From 10 foals, dam of 4 winners (3 in 2:00) JEAN BI 2,1:59.1f; 3,1:56.2 (m, Super Bowl). Winner of 13 races and $614,135. At 2, 2YO Trotting Filly of the Year;
winner of 9 of 14 starts, including Breeders' Crown, American-National S., Acorn S., Hanover Filly S., HanoverHempt S. and 3 PaSS; second in Kentucky Standardbred S. and heat of Ohio Standardbred S.; timed in 1:59.3h.
At 3, winner of Hambletonian Oaks, Hanover-Hempt S. and PaSS at Pocono (setting track record); second in
Coaching Club Oaks. Dam of VALLEY JEAN BI 2:00.1f ($112,146) and ZUANITA BI 4,1:58.4f ($95,786) (Italy).
BOLD GAL 2,1:59.3–2:00.4f (m, Super Bowl). As above.
CAPTAIN BLACKHEART 2:00 (h, Super Bowl). Winner of 11 races and $16,899. At 5, winner of 30-10-2-3; winner
leg of Hoosier Park Series; second in leg of Hoosier Park Series.
Jesse D Lobell (m, Super Bowl). Her first foal is BEAZY GUMP 2,Q2:01.2; 3,Q1:59.1 ($110,568).
Then To: JEAN SAMPSON 2,2:02.3 by Sampson Hanover–Scotch Claire 2,T2:06 by Scotland.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Canadian Breeders Champ.
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
Ontario Sires
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Donald Budden & Stefan
Dorosz. Raised at Sterlingbrook Farm, Pittstown, NJ
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 11
HIP NO. 382
Bay Colt. Foaled April 3, 2007. Tattoo No. 8DC615.
Valley Victory
Muscles Yankee ........................ { Maiden Yankee
de Vie
Astoria Lobell ............................ { Joie
Armbro Witch
Malabar Man .............................. {
Lady Love Mcbur
OUR SAMANTHA ROSE 4,2:00 .......
Shoshone Kash 4,1:58.1 .......... { Uptown
Cherokee Kash 2,2:05.2h
TOM RIDGE 3,1:50.2 ........................
First Foal
From Three Foals,
Dam of (c) War Paint 1:53
(f) Our Samantha Rose 4,2:00
(c) Eurorail 3,Q2:00.1
Dam of (f) Shoshone Kash 4,1:58.1
(c) Wampum Kash 4,2:01
(c) Dances With Rain
First Foal
Three Living Foals
1 in 1:53
2 in 2:00
3 in 2:01
1 $350,000 Winner
2 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:59
2 in 2:01
3 in 2:03
1 $175,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
OUR SAMANTHA ROSE 3,Q2:00; 4,2:00 by MALABAR MAN. Winner of 1 races and $7,567 at 3 and 4. At 4, timed
in 1:58.1. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
SHOSHONE KASH 2,2:02.4; 3,1:59.4h; 4,1:58.1 by UPTOWN. Winner of 12 races and $184,835. At 2, winner of
NYSS at Monticello and NYB-LCs at Syracuse and Monticello; third in NYB-LC final at Yonkers and NYB-LC at
Yonkers. At 3, 11-5-2-0; earnings of $150,478; winner of $200,000 NYSS Final at Yonkers and NYSS at Buffalo,
Batavia and Yonkers; second in NYSS at Vernon; timed in 1:58.4. From 3 living foals, dam of 2 winners WAR PAINT 4,1:55.2; 1:53 (h, Malabar Man). Winner of 17 races and $360,477. At 4, 9-7-0-1. At 5, 20-8-2-1;
seasonal earnings of $238,875; winner of $180,000 Art Cutler Memorial (defeating Approved Action and Elegant
Man), a FFA at Mohawk and an Open at Woodbine; second in an Open; third in an Open; fourth in $300,000 Nat
Ray Trot (to Revenue S). At 6, Open Winner at Woodbine; second in leg of Classic Series at Dover Downs. At 7,
third in leg and final of Father Foley Series.
EURORAIL 2,2:01.3; 3,Q2:00.1–2:01.3; 4,2:00.1 (h, Donerail). Winner of 24 races and $72,114. At 2, second in
Arden Downs S.; timed in 2:00.2, 2:00.4f. At 3, timed in 1:58.3. At 4, Open Winner; timed in 1:58. At 5, winner leg
of World Cup Series at Freehold; second in leg of Billings Series at Goshen; third in leg of World Cup Series and
leg of Billings Series at Vernon. At 6, second in leg of Bonus Series at Yonkers.
OUR SAMANTHA ROSE 3,Q2:00; 4,2:00 (m, Malabar Man). As above.
3rd Dam
CHEROKEE KASH 2,2:05.2h by NEVELE DIAMOND. At 2, winner of NYB-LC at Saratoga. From 10 foals (7 starters),
dam of 4 winners SHOSHONE KASH 2,2:02.4; 3,1:59.4h; 4,1:58.1 (m, Uptown). As above.
WAMPUM KASH 2,2:05.2h; 3,Q2:03.4; 4,2:01 (h, Uptown). Winner of 9 races and $29,900. At 2, winner of NYSS
at Saratoga and Batavia; second in leg of Vernon Downs Series. At 3, third in NYB-LC; timed in 2:01.
KIOWA KASH 2,2:08.3h (m, Uptown). Winner of 1 race and $11,034 at 2. At 2, winner of NYSS at Buffalo; timed in
2:02. Dam of the Stakes Winners KASHEQUA 2,2:03.3h; 3,Q2:02.1; 4,1:56.4 ($137,657) and KASHEQUE
2,2:02.4; 3,1:59.1, and TOMAHAWK KASH 1:59.4f.
Dances With Rain p,4,Q2:02.1 (h, Call For Rain).
4th Dam
CHEROKEE FIRE 2:02 by CIRCO. Winner of 27 races and $113,019. From 7 foals, dam of 4 winners KING OF THE HILL 3,2:04.2f; 1:59f (h, Hickory Pride). Winner of 13 races and $55,663.
CHEROKEE KASH 2,2:05.2h (m, Nevele Diamond). As above.
Kash Warrior 2:01.3 (g, Nevele Diamond). Winner of 14 races and $20,586.
Kash Brave 2:00.1h (g, Uptown). Winner of 8 races and $11,554.
5th Dam
INDIAN RED GIRL 4,2:00.2 by MIGHTY SNOW. Winner of $24,606. From 5 foals, dam of 5 winners CHEROKEE FIRE 2:02 (m, Circo). As above.
Apache Fire 2:03.2f (p,2:06h) (h, Circo). Winner of $54,000.
Red Intruder 3,2:10f; 4,2:05.2f (h, The Intruder). Winner of $15,394.
Scottys Red Girl 2:08.1f (m, Proud Scot).
Flaming Chip 2:09.1 (g, All Aflame).
Then To: Easter Pointer by Pegasus Pointer–Daycita 3,T2:10 ¾ by Guy Day.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Seelster Farms, Inc.
Raised at Seelster Farms, Lucan, Ontario
Stable 5, Row A, Stall 5
HIP NO. 414
Bay Filly. Foaled May 20, 2006. Tattoo No. 7D2783.
Victory Dream
Self Possessed ......................... { Feeling Great
Canland Hall .............................. { Garland
Canne Angus
Rule The Wind ........................... {
Ah So
BAMBINO ROSE ..............................
Follow My Dust ......................... { Yankee Bambino
My Tutu p,3,2:05.2h (t,2,T2:08)
CANTAB HALL 3,1:54 ......................
Dam of (f) Blossom Seelster 3,1:56f
(c) Broadway Seelster 3,1:56.1
(c) Brawn Seelster 4,1:57f
Dam of (c) Pompous Rascal 1:56
(c) Go Go Bambino 3,1:59.2
(f) Our Foxy Lady 4,2:00.3
Dam of (c) Court Clown 4,1:55.1
(c) Rambo Bambino 1:57.4f
(c) Bambino Wrangler 1:59.2
1 in 1:56f, 5 in 1:58, 6 in 1:59
1 in 1:56
1 in 1:56
1 $300,000 Winner
2 in 2:00
3 in 2:00
3 $100,000 Winners
1 $175,000 Winner
4 $150,000 Winners
7 Stakes Winners
5 Stakes Winners
5 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
BAMBINO ROSE by RULE THE WIND. From 8 foals, dam of 8 winners (1 in 1:56, 3 in 1:57, 6 in 1:59) BLOSSOM SEELSTER 2,1:59.2f; 3,1:56f (m, Tagliabue). Winner of 14 races and $318,349. At 2, winner leg of
Trillium Series at Georgian Downs, Reynolds Memorial and PaSS; timed in 1:56.4. At 3, winner of $100,000 PaSS
Final at The Meadows, leg of Trillium Series at Flamboro Downs, Elegantimage S. cons. and 2 PaSS; second in
leg of Trillium Series at Kawartha Downs and Sarnia, Flamboro Breeders' S. and Duenna Invitational; third in
Breeders' Crown elim. and Casual Breeze S.; fourth in $500,000 Breeders' Crown. At 4, Preferred Winner.
BAMBINO LAU 2,1:58.4; 3,1:57.2 (m, A Go Go Lauxmont). Winner of 9 races and $127,877 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2,
winner of NYSS, 2 legs of Colonial Downs Series and heat of NYFS; second in NYSS, leg and final of Colonial
Downs Series and heat of NYFS; third in 2 NYSS. At 3, winner of NYSS at Saratoga, Buffalo and Goshen and an
Open at Vernon; second in 2 NYSS at Yonkers and NYSS at Syracuse; third in 2 NYSS; timed in 1:56.2.
BRAWN SEELSTER 3,1:57.4; 4,1:57f; 1:57h-'07 (g, Berndt Hanover). Winner of 14 races and $124,561. At 3, winner
final of Tie Silk Series at Woodbine and ONTSS Grassroots at Woodstock and Sarnia; third in leg of Tie Silk Series
and ONTSS Gold elimination at Woodbine; timed in 1:55.4.
BAMBINO RAY 2,1:59.3; 3,1:57.4 (h, A Go Go Lauxmont). Winner of 6 races and $91,161. At 2, winner of NYSS
and 2 legs of Movie Mogul Series; second in NYSS and final of Movie Mogul Series; third in NYSS. At 3, winner
2 legs of Super Bowl Series; second in final of Super Bowl Series and NYSS; third in leg of Hiram Woodruff Series.
BAMBINO MON AMI 2,2:01.2; 3,1:58.3 (m, Kawartha Mon Ami). Winner of 7 races and $61,952 at 2 and 3. At 2,
winner of 2 NYB-LC; second in NYFS; third in 3 NYSS and NYFS. At 3, winner 3 legs Lotto S Collins Ser.; second
in 4 NYSS; third in 2 NYSS. Dam of SHANNON MON AMI Q1:59.2f-'07 and JUST GREY 2,Q2:08.1h; 3,2:03-'07.
BROADWAY SEELSTER 2,2:00.2; 3,1:56.1 (g, Angus Hall). Winner of 5 races and $78,750 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, third
in ONTSS Gold elimination at Mohawk. At 3, winner of ONTSS Grassroots at Clinton and Kawartha Downs; second
in leg of Tie Silk Series at Mohawk, ONTSS Grassroots at Grand River and Mohawk, Dream Of Glory Trot
elimination at Hanover and ONTSS Grassroots Semi-Final at Flamboro Downs; third in final of Tie Silk Series.
BAMBINO AR 2,2:02.2 (m, A Go Go Lauxmont). Winner of 2 races and $11,980 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of NYB-LC
at Syracuse and NYFS at Goshen. At 3, timed in 1:59.
Iminitforlove 3,2:05.3h-'07 (f, Striking Sahbra). Now 3 and timed in 2:00.4, 2:01.1f.
2nd Dam
FOLLOW MY DUST by YANKEE BAMBINO. Sister to TNT'S BAMBINO 2,2:03.4; 3,2:03.2h; 4,2:01.2 ($243,311).
From 11 foals, dam of 7 winners (1 in 1:56, 2 in 2:00) POMPOUS RASCAL 3,2:00.4h; 4,1:59; 1:56 (h, Royal Prestige). Winner of 22 races and $199,177. At 2, third in 2
NYSS; timed in 2:01.4. At 3, winner of NYSS; second in NYSS and 2 legs of Quality Inn Series; third in 2 NYSS;
timed in 1:58.2. At 4, winner leg of Vernon Series; second in final of Vernon Series; third in leg Vernon Series..
OUR FOXY LADY 3,2:01.2; 4,2:00.3 (m, Royal Prestige). Winner of 9 races and $50,400. At 2, second in 3 NYSS;
third in NYSS; timed in 2:01. At 3, winner of NYB-LC; second in leg of Erie Canal Series at Vernon Downs; third
in NYSS and NYB-LC at Batavia; timed in 2:00.2. At 4, second and third in legs of Vernon Series; timed in 1:59.3.
Dam of IMA LUCKY LADY 2,1:59.2, ROSE RUN EDITOR 2,2:02.2h and EDDY RAY 2,2:07.2h.
DUSTAURUS 2,2:02.1 (g, Sir Taurus). Winner of 4 races, $40,271. At 2, winner 3 legs Movie Mogul Series.
DUSTY GIRL 2,2:05.2h (m, Sir Taurus). Winner of 3 races and $37,707 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner NYSS and NYFS;
second in NYSS; third in NYSS. At 3, third in leg Oak Ridge Series. Dam of DUST ON BY 2,2:10.1h (now 3).
DUSTY WINNER 3,2:02.3h (h, Credit Winner). Winner of 1 race and $32,696 at 2 and 3. At 2, timed in 2:00. At 3,
winner of NYSS at Buffalo; third in final of Virginia Breeders' S. at Colonial Downs and NYSS; timed in 1:58.2.
GO GO BAMBINO 2,Q2:03; 3,1:59.2 (g, A Go Go Lauxmont). Winner of 2 races and $25,242 at 2 and 3. At 2, third
in NYSS at Yonkers; timed in 1:59.4. At 3, second in NYB-LC at Syracuse; third in 2 NYB-LC.
Super Dust 4,2:01h (g, BJ's Super Star). Winner of 4 races and $22,839. At 2, third in NYSS. At 3, third in NYB-LC.
Royal Sweep (Royal Prestige). Dam of KID CONWAY 2,2:07.4h; 3,1:56.4f; 4,1:56.2-'07 ($139,695), ROYAL PHOTO
2,1:59.3; 1:57.1 ($99,702), ROYAL SUGAR 2,2:03.3f; 3,2:00.4f; 1:59.1f ($83,324), SWEET SWEEP 3,2:02.3h, etc.
Then To: My Tutu p,3,2:05.2h (t,2,T2:08) by Speedy Count–Obia by Hoot Mon.
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Champlain Filly
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Kentucky Futurity
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
Yonkers Trot
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Lawrence S. Dumain
Raised at Dumain Haven Farm, Pine Bush, NY
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 12
HIP NO. 415
Bay Colt. Foaled April 12, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D3406.
Victory Dream
Self Possessed ......................... { Feeling Great
Canland Hall .............................. { Garland
Canne Angus
Promising Catch ....................... {
Crown Thy Good
PONDO TRISITY 1:57.4f ..................
Pondo Cillin 4,1:58.4f ............... { Balanced Image
Pondo Pat 3,2:02.2f (p,2:10.3f)
CANTAB HALL 3,1:54 ......................
First Foal
Dam of (f) Pondo Trisity 1:57.4f
(f) Pondo Holly 3,1:58.2f-'07
(c) Pondo Abe 1:58.2f
(c) Pondo King 4,1:59f
Dam of (f) Pondo Cillin 4,1:58.4f
(f) Gracious Pleasure 2:01.2h
First Foal
1 in 1:58f
4 in 1:59f
1 $100,000 Winner
1 in 1:59f
2 in 2:02
1 $150,000 Winner
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
PONDO TRISITY 3,1:59; 1:57.4f by PROMISING CATCH. Winner of 11 races and $121,419. At 2, second in ONTSS
Grassroots at Belleville (in first pari-mutuel start). At 3, second in ONTSS Gold elimination at Mohawk and ONTSS
Grassroots at Kawartha Downs; third in ONTSS Grassroots at Dresden; timed in 1:58.3 (finishing second). At 5,
timed in 1:56.1. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
PONDO CILLIN 2,2:05.4f; 3,2:00.1; 4,1:58.4f by BALANCED IMAGE. Winner of 10 races and $152,585 at 2, 3 and
4. At 2, second in ONTSS Grassroots at Hanover; timed in 2:01.4 (twice). At 3, seasonal earnings of $126,716;
winner of $101,720 ONTSS Gold Final at Mohawk, $78,275 Canadian Breeders' S. at Quebec and ONTSS Gold
elimination at Barrie; second in ONTSS Gold elimination at Mohawk and a Preferred at Kawartha Downs; third in
ONTSS Gold elimination at Woodbine; timed in 1:57.4. At 4, winner of 5 Preferreds at Kawartha Downs; second
in a Preferred at Kawartha Downs; third in 2 Preferreds at Kawartha Downs. From 5 foals, dam of 4 winners PONDO TRISITY 3,1:59; 1:57.4f (m, Promising Catch). As above.
PONDO ABE 1:58.2f (g, Incredible Abe). Winner of 7 races and $53,851.
PONDO HOLLY 2,Q2:05.1; 3,1:58.2f-'07 (f, Angus Hall). Winner of 3 races and $29,674. At 2, second in ONTSS
Gold elimination at Windsor and ONTSS Grassroots at Georgian Downs; timed in 2:01.2f (finishing second). NOW
3 and timed in 1:56.3.
PONDO KING 3,Q2:00; 4,1:59f (g, King Conch). Winner of 2 races and $11,252.
3rd Dam
PONDO PAT 3,2:02.2f (p,2:10.3f) by BRISCO HANOVER. Winner of 6 races and $46,325. At 3, winner of ONTSS at
Mohawk. From 4 foals, dam of 2 winners PONDO CILLIN 2,2:05.4f; 3,2:00.1; 4,1:58.4f (m, Balanced Image). As above.
GRACIOUS PLEASURE 4,2:04.4f; 2:01.2h (m, Super Pleasure). Winner of 9 races and $47,044. At 5, winner leg
of Sudbury Series; third in leg and final of Sudbury Series.
4th Dam
STEVE'S HONEY 2:06.2f by STEVES PRIDE. Winner of 4 races. From 5 foals (4 starters), dam of 3 winners PONDO LEE 3,2:04.1f; 1:59.4f (g, Bone Meal). Winner of 15 races and $85,531.
PONDO PAT 3,2:02.2f (p,2:10.3f) (m, Brisco Hanover). As above.
Sue Rose Blaze 2,2:08.1f (m, Ways To Win). Winner of 1 race and $6,750 at 2 and 3. At 2, fourth in ONTSS at
5th Dam
HOOT VALLEY 3,2:14f; 2:07.2f by HOOT FROST. Winner of 2 races and $20,370. From 8 foals, dam of 6 winners HOOTS BLAZER 3,2:07.1f; 2:01.3f (g, Steves Pride). Winner of 31 races and $133,298.
Hoot N Holler 3,2:11.1f; 2:06.3h (g, Gaylord Hanover). Winner of 7 races and $7,248.
Steve's Honey 2:06.2f (m, Steves Pride). As above.
Governor Hoot 3,2:07.3f; Q2:06.3f (g, Gaylord Hanover). Winner of 4 races.
Hoots Flyer 3,2:08.4f (g, River Circle Pride). Winner of 2 races.
Deana Valley 4,2:11.3f (m, Harlan Dean).
6th Dam
SHAM ROCK VALLEY by BIG GUN. From 11 foals, dam of 5 winners, including Irish Pride 3,2:08.4f; 4,2:06f (g, Steves Pride). Winner of 10 races and $21,793.
Hoot Valley 3,2:14f; 2:07.2f (m, Hoot Frost). As above.
Then To: Lola Lee by Lee Harvester–Lolie K.T. p,4,2:12 ¼ h (t,4,2:23.2h) by Kentucky Todd.
Arden Downs
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Old Oaken Bucket
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Beechwood Acres
Raised at Beechwood Acres, Milton, Ontario
HIP NO. 416
Stable 5, Row H, Stall 1
Bay Filly. Foaled April 3, 2006. Tattoo No. 2DD772.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
The Road Again
Windsun Dee ............................. { On
Lap Dog
Rustler Hanover ........................ {
Rich N Elegant
VILLAGE JANGLE p,3,1:54.3 ..........
Village Jingle p,2,1:57.1 ........... { Life Sign
Village Jig p,3,1:56f
First Foal
From Three Foals, Dam of (c) Village Jolt p,3,1:50.4f
(c) Village Jiggle p,3,1:54
Dam of (c) Village Jove p,3,1:49.4
(c) Village Jiffy p,1:50
First Foal
1 in 1:51f
3 in 1:55
1 $1,625,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
2 in 1:50, 4 in 1:55, 6 in 1:58
1 $1,525,000 Winner
2 $275,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
VILLAGE JANGLE p,3,1:54.3 by RUSTLER HANOVER. Winner of 3 races and $21,213 at 3. At 3, winner of ONTSS
Grassroots at Kawartha Downs. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
VILLAGE JINGLE p,2,1:57.1 by LIFE SIGN. Winner of 2 races and $11,216 at 2. From 3 foals, dam of 3 winners VILLAGE JOLT p,2,1:51.1; 3,1:50.4f (h, Cam's Card Shark). Winner of 11 races and $1,634,220 at 2 and 3. At 2,
10-6-2-0; earnings of $918,577; voted Pacing Colt of the Year (195-15 over Rocknroll Hanover); leading moneywinning 2YO (colt or filly, trotter or pacer); winner of $663,200 Breeders' Crown, elim. and $432,000 final of
Woodrow Wilson, $119,600 Goshen Cup, NJSS at The M'wlands and Metro S. elim.; second in $933,086 Metro S.
(to Rocknroll Hanover) and Breeders' Crown elim.; timed in 1:50. At 3, 18-5-3-3; earnings of $715,643; winner elim.
and $321,800 final of Adios S., heat of Little Brown Jug, NJSS at The Meadowlands and Progress Pace elim.;
second in $1,000,000 Meadowlands Pace (to Rocknroll Hanover), $136,400 Dancer Memorial and final of Little
Brown Jug; third in $394,120 Progress Pace, $346,000 Cane Pace and New Jersey Classic elim.; timed in 1:49.1.
VILLAGE JIGGLE p,3,1:54 (g, Cam's Card Shark). Winner of 2 races and $32,273 at 3 and 4. At 3, timed in 1:52.2.
VILLAGE JANGLE p,3,1:54.3 (m, Rustler Hanover). As above.
3rd Dam
VILLAGE JIG p,2,1:56; 3,1:56f by DIRECT SCOOTER. Winner of 21 races and $342,505 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, voted
OJC 2-year-old Pacer of the Year; winner of 3 legs and final of Canadian Series, 5 legs of Trillium Series, 2 NJSS
and Champlain S. elim.; second in final of Champlain S. At 3, winner Fan Hanover S. elim. and Simcoe S. elim.;
second in Bronx Filly S. and Lady Maud S. Half sister to VILLAGE JOE p,2,1:59f; 3,1:56h ($154,906), VILLAGE
JUNO p,3,1:55.4f; 4,1:54.4f ($148,160), VILLAGE NAT p,3,1:57.4; 4,1:56f ($82,563), VILLAGE JUPITER
p,2,Q1:57.3; 3,1:54.4, VILLAGE JUSTICE p,2,1:58f and to the dam of RUN AROUND JATE p,2,1:58.1f;
3,1:52.3–1:54.4f; 1:52 ($357,512). From 10 living foals, dam of 7 winners (2 in 1:50, 4 in 1:55, 6 in 1:58) VILLAGE JIFFY p,2,1:53.2f; 3,1:52.4f; 1:50 (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 22 races and $1,527,683. At 2, 15-7-1-3;
earnings of $294,405; winner of $300,000 Breeders’ Crown, Prix de l'Avenir, New Jersey Futurity, Governor's Cup
elim. and 2 legs and final of Kindergarten Series; third in Garden State S., Champlain S. and Nassagaweya S. At
3, earnings of $317,653; winner of American-National S. and Burlington S.; second in Simcoe S., Oliver Wendell
Holmes elim. and both heats of Tattersalls S.; third in North America Cup cons. At 4, 28-8-6-5; earnings $578.585;
winner $334,000 Breeders’ Crown, Stewart Fraser Memorial, William Haughton Memorial and Beckwith Memorial;
second in U.S. Pacing Championship and Des Smith Classic; third in 2 legs of U.S. Pacing Championship,
Canadian Pacing Derby, American-National S., Battle of Lake Erie and Frank Ryan Memorial. At 5, earnings of
$337,040; winner leg and final of Driscoll Series; second in Canadian Pacing Derby elim., Battle of Lake Erie, U.S.
Pacing Champ., Dan Patch S. and Des Smith Classic. 1:50 sire, incl. Dreamfair Vogel p,4,1:49.3 ($871,132).
VILLAGE JOVE p,2,1:51.4; 3,1:49.4 (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 6 races and $284,365 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner of
Governor's Cup elim.; second in Abe Lincoln S., American-National S. and Nassagaweya S.; third in Champlain S.
At 3, winner of Meadowlands Pace consolation and American-National S. elimination; second in Burlington S.; third
in final of American-National S., Simcoe S. and North America Cup elimination. 1:52 sire.
VILLAGE JEKYLL p,4,1:58.3; 1:55 (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 31 races and $66,071.
VILLAGE JARGON p,2,2:02.4h (m, Camluck). Winner of 1 race and $48,576 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of ONTSS
Grassroots at Belleville; second in ONTSS Grassroots at Sarnia; third in ONTSS Grassroots Semi-Final at London.
and ONTSS Grassroots at Woodstock; timed in 1:58.3f. At 3, second in ONTSS Grassroots at Elmira and London;
third in Flamboro Breeders' S., ONTSS Grassroots; timed in 1:54.3. Her first foal is VILLAGE JEST p,3,1:55.1f.
VILLAGE JEFFERSON p,2,1:54.4 (h, Presidential Ball). Winner of 3 races and $25,262 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
American-National S. consolation; third in Metro S. elimination.
VILLAGE JINGLE p,2,1:57.1 (m, Life Sign). As above.
VILLAGE JATO p,2,1:57.3f; 3,Q1:56.1-'07 (f, Dexter Nukes). Winner of 1 race and $8,081 at 2 and 3.
Then To: JUNO LOBELL p,2,T1:58.1 by Nero–JAMBO BELLE p,2,1:59.3 by Good Time.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Champlain Filly
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Little Brown Jug
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Progress Pace
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Stephen Perrine Dey
Raised at Heritage Hill Farm, Allentown, NJ
HIP NO. 417
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 13
Chestnut Colt. Foaled April 15, 2006. Tattoo No. 4DP995.
Super Bowl
Supergill .................................... { Winky's Gill
Supreme Sahbra ....................... { Speedy
Ready Sahbra
Sierra Kosmos .......................... {
Sunkiss Bel
T V STAR KOSMOS 3,1:59.1f ..........
TV Hotline 4,2:01.1f .................. { T V Yankee
Annabel Lobell 3,Q1:58.1
STRIKING SAHBRA 3,1:56 ..............
Second Foal
Dam of (c) T V Show Kosmos 4,1:55.4f
(f) T V Star Kosmos 3,1:59.1f
Dam of (f) Annabelle Hall 1:55f
(f) Melissa Hall 3,1:55.3
Second Foal
1 in 1:56f, 2 in 2:00
2 $100,000 Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:56, 3 in 1:59
3 $125,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
T V STAR KOSMOS 2,2:00.2f; 3,1:59.1f by SIERRA KOSMOS. Winner of 18 races and $102,450 at 2 and 3. At 2,
23-8-8-3; winner PaSS at The Meadows, PaSS cons. at Pocono and 6 PAFS; second in Tompkins-Geers S., Pa.
All Stars, Keystone Classic and 4 PAFS; third in PAFS Final and PAFS; timed in 1:58.1. At 3, 27-10-6-6; winner
of PAFS Final and 7 PAFS (including all-age track record at Bloomsburg); second in Arden Downs S. and PaSS
at Pocono; third in PaSS at The Meadows and PAFS; timed in 1:58, 1:58.3f. This is her second foal. Dam of Keystone Teddy (g, Lindy Lane). Winner of $7,066. Now 2 and second in Reynolds Memorial; timed in 2:01.4f.
2nd Dam
TV HOTLINE 3,2:04.2f; 4,2:01.1f by T V YANKEE. Winner of 4 races and $14,775. From 9 foals, dam of 4 winners T V SHOW KOSMOS 2,2:00.4f; 3,1:59.1f; 4,1:55.4f; 1:55.4f (h, S J's Photo). Winner of 50 races and $233,992. At
2, winner PaSS, PAFS. At 3, 28-8-2-2; winner 7 PAFS; second in 2 PAFS; third in PAFS. At 5, Open Winner at
Pocono Downs; timed in 1:54.2. At 6, third in leg of Colonial Downs Series. Now 9, winner of 3 Opens.
T V STAR KOSMOS 2,2:00.2f; 3,1:59.1f (m, Sierra Kosmos). As above.
Big Z Tammy 3,2:04h (m, Royal Troubador). Winner of 6 races and $10,269. At 2, third in Reynolds Memorial.
SJ's Hotline (c, S J's Photo). Now 2.
3rd Dam
ANNABEL LOBELL 2,1:59; 3,Q1:58.1 by SPEEDY SOMOLLI. Winner of 8 races, $159,052. At 2, winner NJSS Final,
Arden Downs, heat Bluegrass S. and 3 NJSS; second in final Bluegrass S. and NJSS; third in NJSS. At 3, winner
NJSS Final and NJSS; second in 2 NJSS, New Jersey Futurity; timed in 1:57. From 10 living foals, 5 winners ANNABEL ROAD 2,2:05.2h; 3,1:58.2 (m, Meadow Road). Winner of 7 races and $183,357 at 2 and 3 in the U.S.;
$367,357 internationally. At 2, earnings of $76,203; winner of Tompkins-Geers S. and NYSS; second in Hanover
Filly S. and 4 NYSS; third in NYSS; timed in 2:01.3. At 3, earnings of $107,154; winner of 2 NYSS; second in
$200,000 NYSS Final; third in heat of filly Kentucky Futurity and 2 NYSS; timed in 1:56.2. In Europe, winner Premio
Cascine, Gran Premio Napolitani and Premio Bellino; second in Trofeo Trot Sabatino, Premio dei Fuimi.
ANNABELLE HALL 3,1:58.1; 1:55f (Europe) (m, Balanced Image). Winner of 3 races, $11,850 at 3; $233,875 int'l.
At 3, winner LC. At 6, winner Sto Elite. At 7, winner V-75 Silver division; second in Sto Elite.
MELISSA HALL 2,2:02f; 3,1:55.3 (m, Super Bowl). Winner of 8 races and $148,546 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of PaSS.
At 3, 18-7-4-3; earnings of $129,548; winner of Horseman Futurity, 3 legs and final of Harness Horse Youth
Foundation Series and PaSS; second in $123,900 Bluegrass S., Currier & Ives Trot elim. and leg of Harness Horse
Youth Foundation Series; third in $160,420 Simcoe S. and Arden Downs S. and PaSS. Dam of MAGENTA HALL
2,1:55.2 ($396,875), MADISON HALL 4,1:55.3f (Europe) ($126,888) and MATRIX HALL 3,1:59.4f-'07.
STAGE STRUCK 2,2:04f; 3,2:03.2f (m, Meadow Road). Winner of 2 races and $41,730 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
MSRF; second in NYSS; timed in 2:02.2. At 3, third in NYSS and NYB-LC ; timed in 2:00.1. Dam of SHARK
KOSMOS 2,2:00.3f; 3,1:56.4f; 4,1:54.1f ($442,637) and SILHOUETTE KOSMOS 2,2:05.3f; 3,2:01.3f; 4,2:01h.
4th Dam
AMOUR HILL 2,2:06.4f; 3,T2:01 by B.F. COALTOWN. Winner of 10 races and $31,812. At 2, winner of 2 OHSS. Full
or half sister to ASTRO HILL 2,Q2:06.1; 3,T1:57.2 ($205,009), ANTHEM HILL 2,2:03.2; 3,T2:00 ($138,150) and
to the dams of AMERICAN KASH 2,2:04.1h; 3,2:01.2h; 4,1:59h ($267,274), MOMENT OF MAGIC 2,2:03.3; 1:56.3f
(Sweden) ($152,911), MYSTIC VIRTUE 2,T1:58; 3,T1:57 ($168,738), LILYAD 2,Q2:04.4f; 3,1:59.3f; 4,1:57.3
($146,556) etc. and grandam of BALTIC REGION 2,1:57.4; 3,1:55 ($528,124). From 8 foals, 5 winners ANNABEL LOBELL 2,1:59; 3,Q1:58.1 (m, Speedy Somolli). As above.
ALLAIRE LOBELL 2,2:01; 3,Q1:57.2 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 5 races and $45,038. At 3, winner of NYSS.
THAT'S AMORE 3,1:59.1 (m, Speedy Crown). Winner 2 races, $15,405. At 2, second in leg Marie Monahan Series;
timed in 1:59.4. Dam of LEBLON FLAT 2,2:01.1; 3,1:56.2 ($79,246), BROWARD COUNTY 3,1:58.2f; 4,1:58f.
Angela Lobell (m, Speedy Crown). Dam of SPECTACULAR SCORE 2,Q2:04f; 3,1:58.2f; 1:57.1h ($597,798).
Atlanta Lobell (m, Speedy Somolli). Dam of OSO DI JESOLO 3,2:03f (Europe) ($176,000).
Amity Lobell (m, Speedy Somolli). Dam of STELVIO OK 1:59.4 (Italy) ($267,965).
Then To: ANOTHER LOVE 3,T2:00.2 by Blaze Hanover–Allie Song 2:03.3 by Peter Song.
Arden Downs
Breeders Crown
Canadian Breeders Champ.
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Ontario Sires
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Hamstan Farm, Inc.
Raised at Hamstan Farm, Russell, Ontario
Stable 5, Row A, Stall 6
HIP NO. 418
Bay Filly. Foaled May 3, 2006. Tattoo No. 6DM559.
ABC Freight
Garland Lobell .......................... { Gamin Lobell
Amour Angus ............................ { Magna
Kenwood Scamper
Supergill .................................... {
Winky's Gill
TROPHY BASS 3,2:00.4 ..................
Royalty Rates ............................ { Royal Prestige
Tarport Lady Ann 3,2:03f
ANGUS HALL 3,1:54.3 .....................
Dam of (f) Trophy Hall 3,1:55.4
(c) Four Starzzzz Bass 1:58.2h
Dam of (c) Redington Shores 1:53.2
(c) My Royal Aim 4,1:54
Dam of (c) Flying Scot 1:55.2f (Eur.)
(f) Model Home 3,1:55.3
1 in 1:56, 3 in 1:59
2 in 1:54, 4 in 2:00
2 in 1:56, 5 in 2:00
1 $125,000 Winner
2 $125,000 Winners
2 $125,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
4 Stakes Winners
5 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
TROPHY BASS 3,2:00.4 by SUPERGILL. Winner of 2 races at 3. At 3, winner leg of Future Stars Series; third in KySS
and leg Future Stars Series; timed in 1:59.4. From 5 foals, dam of 3 winners (1 in 1:56, 3 in 1:59) TROPHY HALL 2,Q2:03.3; 3,1:55.4 (m, Angus Hall). Winner of 3 races and $127,337 at 2 and 3. At 3, seasonal
earnings of $126,143; winner of Flamboro Breeders' S. and Canadian Breeders' Championship elim.; second in
$103,938 Simcoe S., Canadian Breeders' Championship and ONTSS Gold elims. at Windsor and Rideau Carleton;
third in ONTSS Gold elims. at Flamboro Downs and Mohawk. Exported to Finland.
FOUR STARZZZZ BASS 3,2:04h; 4,2:02h; 1:58.2h (g, Sierra Kosmos). Winner of 13 races, $77,235. At 5, winner
leg Saratoga Series and an Open at Saratoga; second in leg/final Saratoga Series. At 6, Open Winner at Saratoga.
BEAUTIFUL MERMAID 3,1:59 (m, Mr Vic). Winner of 6 races and $24,756 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, second in 2 KYFS;
third in 2 KYFS. At 3, winner of KYFS Final and KYFS; second in 2 KYFS; third in 4 KYFS; timed in 1:58.1.
De La Mer (c, King Conch). Now 2.
2nd Dam
ROYALTY RATES by ROYAL PRESTIGE. From 13 foals (6 fillies), dam of 9 winners (5 in 2:00), including MY ROYAL AIM 3,2:04h; 4,1:54 (g, Armbro Goal). Winner of 27 races and $244,139. At 3, winner of 2 KYFS; second
in Malabar Man LC, KYFS Final and KYFS; third in KYFS; timed in 1:59.2–:28.2. At 4, 26-15-5-0; earnings of
$95,428; winner final of Jerald Sulky Series, 3 legs of Bluegrass Staking Service Series, Illinois Topline S. and 2
Opens; second in final of Bluegrass Staking Service Series, leg of Jerald Sulky Series, etc. At 5, Open Winner.
REDINGTON SHORES 3,1:56.4; 1:53.2 (g, Pine Chip). Winner of 9 races and $173,350.
PRINCESS GILL 1:59.1 (Europe) (m, Supergill). Winner of 6 races and $44,572.
PRIMACY 3,2:00 (m, Armbro Goal). Winner of 2 races and $24,673 at 2 and 3. At 3, winner leg of Harness Horse
Youth Foundation Series; second in Peace Corps LC and leg of Harness Horse Youth Series, timed in 1:58.3. Dam
of PRIMAL 2,Q2:03.3; 3,Q1:59.1, LIKE THE TWINS 2,2:04.2; 3,1:59.3 and PRIME STRIKE 3,2:04.2f; 4,2:00f.
PRINCESS PAN 2,2:01.1 (m, Supergill). Winner of 2 races and $14,205 at 2. At 2, winner of 2 NJSS-LC; second in
NJFS; fourth in Harold Dancer Mem., timed in 1:58.4. Dam of INSTANT PHOTO 2,1:59.4f; 3,1:55.2; 4,1:54.2f-'07
($155,237), PAN CHIP 4,1:59.2; 1:57.3, PERUVIAN PRINCE 3,2:00h and IMAGE OF GRACE 2,2:04; 3,2:00.3.
CHIP'S COMMISSION 2,Q2:05.3f; 3,1:59.3 (m, Pine Chip). Winner of 2 races and $13,522. At 3, timed in 1:57.2.
Dam of the Stakes Winner JUST SAY THE WORD 2,2:00.3f (timed in 1:58.3 at 2; now 3).
TROPHY BASS 3,2:00.4 (m, Supergill). As above.
Willie Rates (c, Like A Prayer). Now 2.
3rd Dam
TARPORT LADY ANN 2,2:07f; 3,2:03f by JAMIE. Winner of 15 races and $26,378. At 3, winner of PaSS. Full or half
sister to LEANDER BLUE CHIP 1:58.2 (Finland) ($200,000) and to the grandam of WINKY'S GILL 2,1:57.2;
3,1:55.2 ($472,154) and third dam of SUPERGILL 2,1:58.2; 3,1:53.3 ($664,194). From 17 foals, 12 winnersMODEL HOME 2,1:58.3; 3,1:55.3 (m, Homesick). Winner of 16 races and $276,608 at 2 and 3. Stakes Winner. Dam
of CLASSIC MODEL 1:55.3f ($198,336) and VICTORY CRUISE 2,1:57.1; 3,1:56.3; 4,1:53.3 ($184,611).
REEL FISH 3,2:00.1 (Bonefish). Dam of RIGGED RIGHT 2,2:02.1; 3,1:55.4 ($409,916), FISHING CLINIC 2,Q1:59.3;
3,1:55.3; 1:53.1 ($390,686), etc. Grandam of PEACEFUL WAY 2,1:56.2; 3,1:52.3; 4,1:51.4 ($2,746,240), TOSS
OUT 2,2:00.1; 3,1:54.1 ($1,145,360), FLAWLESS BLUESTONE 2,1:58.3; 3,Q1:53.4 ($589,935), etc.
TARPORT LEAH 2,T2:03.3; 3,T2:00.3 (Hickory Pride). Winner of $22,441. Dam of TARPORT BRIDGET 2,2:01.3;
3,1:59f ($532,626), TARPORT MARK 2,Q2:06.1f; 3,1:56.3 ($253,612), TARPORT DEAN 3,2:02.1f; 1:58.3f
($127,338), etc. Grandam of EARTHQUAKE 2,1:59.2; 3,1:56.2 ($409,301), EXPO BI 1:56f ($439,825) (Italy).
Sweet Laughter 2,2:05.2 (m, Speedy Scot). Dam of SWAGGER HANOVER 2,2:01.1f; 3,1:59f; 1:55.4f ($422,378).
Mistress Ann 2,2:06.4f (m, Armbro Goal). Dam of MR EERO 3,1:54.2 ($462,253), MISS ELINA 3,1:56.4; 1:56.2
($314,454) and EL GLIDE 2,2:01; 3,1:54.3 ($133,544). Grandam of E L MIKKO 2,1:57.4; 3,1:53.4 ($296,885).
Frenzy (m, Speedster). Dam of TARPORT FRENZY 2,2:03.2f; 3,1:56.1 ($763,977), etc.
Trout (m, Bonefish). Grandam of World Champion SJ'S CAVIAR 2,1:58f; 3,1:53.4–1:54.1f–1:56.1h ($1,087,678).
Then To: World Champion LADY ANN REED 3,2:02.1h by Wayward–Lady Ann Potempkin by Peter Potempkin.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Canadian Breeders Champ.
Champlain Filly
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Ontario Sires
Ontario SBOA
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 1
HIP NO. 419
Bay Colt. Foaled May 26, 2006. Tattoo No. 2DB701.
Artsplace ................................... { Miss Elvira
Rodine Hanover ........................ { Big
Romona Hanover
No Nukes ................................... {
Gidget Lobell
MAMA NUKES p,2,1:54.2 .................
Ladypop p,3,1:54.2f .................. { Albatross
Light The Night p,2,T2:00
REAL ARTIST p,3,Q1:51 ..................
Third Foal,
Dam of (c) Parklane Art p,2,Q1:56.1-'07
Dam of (c) Hawaiian Hunk p,3,1:51.2
(c) Natural Cam p,1:51.3
Dam of (c) Lantern Light p,3,1:52.3f
(f) Ladypop p,3,1:54.2f
Third Foal
1 1:57 2YO
2 in 1:52, 3 in 1:55
2 $100,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
2 in 1:55f, 5 in 2:00
2 $125,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
MAMA NUKES p,2,1:54.2 by NO NUKES. Winner of 5 races and $112,642 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner of Sweetheart
Pace elim.; second in $101,560 American-National S., Pink Bonnet S. and NJSS at The Meadowlands; third in
$136,000 Int'l Stallion S., $120,000 Kentucky Standardbred S., Hanover Filly S., American-National S. elim. and
She's A Great Lady elim. At 3, third in leg of Town Pro Series at Woodbine. This is her third foal. Dam of PARKLANE ART p,2,Q1:56.1–1:59.1-'07 (c, Artsplace). Winner of 1 race and $14,626. Now 2 and second in
Tompins-Geers S.; fourth in Review Futurity, timed in 1:53.
Papa Nukes (c, Artsplace). At 2, timed in 1:56.4 (finishing second). Now 3.
2nd Dam
LADYPOP p,2,1:55.4–1:56.4f; 3,1:54.2f by ALBATROSS. Winner of 7 races and $165,038. At 2, winner of Matron S.
and leg Follow My Star Series; third in Matron S. elim. At 3, earnings $111,525; winner of Adioo Volo S., 2 PaSS;
second in Matron S.; third in $108,000 PaSS Final; timed in 1:52.4. From 4 living foals, dam of 3 winners in 1:55HAWAIIAN HUNK p,2,1:57; 3,1:51.2 (g, Jenna's Beach Boy). Winner of 14 races and $168,256. At 2, third in Hayes
Memorial and Lexington LC; timed in 1:52.2. At 3, winner of Hanover Colt S. and Horseman Futurity; third in Review
Futurity. At 4, winner leg Tioga Downs Series. Now 5, winner of 2 Preferreds at Monticello; timed in 1:49.2.
MAMA NUKES p,2,1:54.2 (m, No Nukes). As above.
NATURAL CAM p,3,1:57.1h; 1:51.3 (g, Cam's Card Shark). Winner of 21 races and $97,809. At 2, timed in 2:00f.
At 3, winner leg of Holiday Series at Yonkers; timed in 1:53. Now 7 and winner leg and final of Stewart Hanover
Series at Freehold; second in leg of Stewart Hanover Series.
3rd Dam
LIGHT THE NIGHT p,2,T2:00 by BRET HANOVER. Winner of 2 races at 3. From 7 foals (5 fillies), dam of 5 winners LANTERN LIGHT p,2,1:59.1f; 3,1:52.3f–1:54h (h, Tyler B). Winner of 15 races and $143,032. At 2, timed in 1:56.1f.
At 3, 19-12-2-2; earnings of $124,280; winner of Confederation Cup elim. (third in final to Broadway Blue).
LEAPFIRE p,3,1:58.4h; 4,1:58.1f (m, Precious Bunny). Winner of 7 races and $18,414. At 3, timed in 1:57.3f. Her
first 2 foals are FIREFIT p,3,1:54.1 and BRUCESTREOS p,3,1:55.2f.
LEAPFIRE p,3,1:58.4h; 4,1:58.1f (m, Precious Bunny). Winner of 7 races and $18,414. At 3, timed in 1:57.3f.
ANOTHER HALO p,2,Q1:59.3–2:03.4h; 3,2:00.2h (m, Niatross). Winner of $10,893. At 2, winner of Landmark S.;
third in NYSS. At 4, timed in 1:56.1. Dam of HELLO HALO HELLO p,2,1:57.4f; 3,1:55.2; 4,1:52.3 ($137,305),
DRAGON'S GEORGETTE p,2,1:57.1f; 4,1:53.3 ($80,305), SAINT GEORGE p,3,2:00h; 1:54.2f, THE MAGIC PAN
p,2,1:55.3 and PT CRUISER p,3,1:58f; 4,1:57.2f. Grandam of CAN U HEAR ME p,2,1:55.2.
Moonlit Path (Niatross). Dam of STRAIGHT PATH p,3,1:51.2 ($660,830), MOONLIT BAY p,2,1:57.2; 3,1:55f;
4,1:53.2f, SYMPHONY BAY p,3,1:55.4f, ROMANTIC WALK p,3,1:58.3f; 4,1:56.1, PSYCHOPATH p,4,1:59.1h.
Grandam of FIFTH AVE ROCKET p,2,2:02.4f; 3,1:57f, BRING IT ON PREZ p,2,1:59h; 3,1:57h; 4,1:56.3h-'07.
4th Dam
LANTERN p,2,2:05; 3,T1:57.2 by MEADOW SKIPPER. Winner of 9 races and $96,952 at 2 and 3. Stakes Winner at
2 and 3. Full or half sister to HOME MOVIE p,3,1:56.3f; 1:54.3f and to the dam of CONCUSSION p,2,1:54.2;
4,1:54.1 ($734,388). From 14 foals (9 fillies), dam of 10 winners (4 in 1:54, 6 in 1:57, 10 in 2:00), including SOFT LIGHT p,3,1:56.3f; 4,1:52.3 (g, Storm Damage). Winner of 55 races and $691,220. Stakes Winner.
SAVE FUEL p,1:51.1 (h, Bret Hanover). World Champion. Winner of 23 races and $325,377. As aged, FFA Winner.
GUIDING BEAM p,2,1:59.1; 3,1:53.4 (m, Bret Hanover). World Champion. Winner of 25 races and $205,854. Dam
of LAZER BEAM p,2,1:55 ($179,979), TOWN GUIDE p,2,1:58.1f; 3,1:57.2f ($153,672), etc. Grandam of
HORSELAUGHTER p,2,1:58.2f; 3,1:53.1f; 1:50.2 ($640,738), FOUR STARZZZ KING p,2,1:56.1f; 3,1:51
($372,615), DAY OF THE DRAGON p,3,1:52.2f; 4,1:51 ($208,053), PRETTY SMILE p,2,1:59.4f; 3,1:54.1; 4,1:53.2
($133,947), etc. Third dam of STORM GO p,2,2:10.3h; 3,1:54.3; 4,1:50.3 ($218,412), etc.
STEELY GLOW p,3,1:54.4; 1:54f (h, Bret Hanover). Winner of 24 races and $201,001. At 3, winner Billy Direct S.
NEW REFLECTIONS p,3,2:00 (m, Bret Hanover). Dam of LISA REFLECTION p,2,1:59.1f; 1:54.4f ($200,191).
Then To: Flicker by Poplar Byrd–Schatzie p,2,2:16h by Walter McKlyo.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Howard Klohr, Phyllis Smith
& Lindy Farms of Conn. Raised at Lindy Farms, Somersville, CT
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 2
HIP NO. 537
Roan Colt. Foaled March 7, 2006. Tattoo No. 1D2000.
Artsplace ................................... { Miss Elvira
Perfect Profile ........................... { Nihilator
Rodine Hanover
Laag ........................................... { Abercrombie
MAXINES BANDIT p,4,1:53.1f .........
Maxine's Love p,4,2:00h ........... { Walton Hanover
Maxine's Delight p,4,1:58.3f
ART MAJOR p,4,1:48.4 ....................
From Three Foals, Dam of (c) Lindy's Bandit p,3,1:52.3f-'07
(c) Maxine's Menace p,4,1:54.2f-'07
From Three Foals, Dam of (f) Maxines Bandit p,4,1:53.1f
(f) Love Ticket p,4,1:56.4f
Dam of (c) Apache Max p,3,1:51
(f) Apache Delight p,4,1:57.2f
Three Foals
Three Foals
1 in 1:51
1 in 1:53f
1 in 1:54f
4 in 2:00
2 in 1:55f
2 in 1:57f
1 $275,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
2 Stakes Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
MAXINES BANDIT p,3,1:56.4f; 4,1:53.1f by LAAG. Winner of 10 races and $43,113 at 3 and 4. At 3, 10-4-3-3. At 4,
13-6-1-1; winner 2 legs and final of Miss Easy Series at Pompano and 2 Opens at Pompano; second in an Open
at Pompano. From 3 foals, dam of 3 winners (1 in 1:53f, 2 in 1:55f) LINDY'S BANDIT p,2,1:56.2f; 3,1:52.3f-'07 (c, Bettor's Delight). Winner of 4 races and $89,970 at 2 and 3. At 2,
winner of NYB-LC at Tioga Downs; second in NYSS at Monticello and NYB-LC at Tioga Downs. Now 3 and winner
of Stan Bergstein Pace elimination at Plainridge; second in Empire Breeders' Classic elimination at Tioga Downs
and NYSS at Vernon and Saratoga (to Kenneth J); third in $133,625 Empire Breeders' Classic (to Kenneth J) and
Battle of Brandywine elimination; timed in 1:51.2f.
MAXINE'S MENACE p,3,1:56; 4,1:54.2f-'07 (g, Cambest). Winner of 6 races and $25,912 at 3 and 4.
Maxine's Lindy p,2,Q2:01.3-'07 (f, Bettor's Delight). Now 2 and took record in first start.
2nd Dam
MAXINE'S LOVE p,2,2:09.4h; 3,2:00.2h; 4,2:00h by WALTON HANOVER. Winner of 9 races and $35,263 at 2, 3 and
4. From 3 foals (2 fillies), dam of 2 winners (1 in 1:54f, 2 in 1:57f) LOVE TICKET p,3,1:58.2f; 4,1:56.4f (m, Ticket To Heaven). Winner of 14 races and $50,351. At 3, third in NJFS at
Showplace, timed in 1:57f. At 4, winner leg of Kehm Oil Series at The Meadows; second in final of Kehm Oil Series.
At 5, winner of 5 Opens at Buffalo. Her first foal is JATES THE TICKET p,3,1:56.3f; 1:53f ($144,048).
MAXINES BANDIT p,3,1:56.4f; 4,1:53.1f (m, Laag). As above.
3rd Dam
MAXINE'S DELIGHT p,2,2:03.3h; 3,2:01.2h; 4,1:58.3f by MOST HAPPY FELLA. Winner of 7 races and $94,487 at
2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner of NYSS. From 8 foals (7 fillies), dam of 6 winners (1 in 1:51, 2 in 1:58, 4 in 2:00) APACHE MAX p,2,1:54.1; 3,1:51 (h, Apache Circle). Winner of 20 races and $275,865. At 2, 6-3-1-0; winner of 2
NYB-LC at Syracuse; second in NYSS. At 3, 21-10-8-2; earnings of $131,030; winner of NYSS at Vernon and
Syracuse and 2 legs of Sportschannel Series; second in Berry's Creek Pace elim. (to Cam's Card Shark); third in
Motor City Pace elim. At 4, Invitational Winner at Pocono Downs and Syracuse and Open Winner at Pocono and
The Meadows; second in leg and final of Presidential Series. At 5, Preferred and Open Winner. 1:56 sire.
MAXINE'S LOVE p,2,2:09.4h; 3,2:00.2h; 4,2:00h (m, Walton Hanover). As above.
MAXINE'S FANCY p,3,1:59.2f; 4,1:59.1f; 1:58.4f (m, Curragh). Winner of 13 races and $22,161. At 3, winner leg of
Bunker Hill Series at Foxboro. At 4, Open Winner at Foxboro. At 5, winner of 4 Opens at Foxboro.
SOLVAY p,2,2:00.1 (m, Dorunrun Bluegrass). Winner of 2 races and $18,293 at 2 and 3. At 3, winner NYB-LC Final
at Yonkers and NYB-LC at Vernon; second in NYB-LC at Saratoga; third in NYSS and NYB-LC; timed in 1:58.2.
APACHE DELIGHT p,3,1:59; 4,1:57.2f (m, Apache Circle). Winner of 4 races and $14,536 at 3 and 4.
Maxine's Jewel p,2,2:01.4f; 3,2:01f (m, Walton Hanover). Winner of 15 races and $13,949. At 4, Open Winner at
Summerfield. Dam of the Stakes Winner TURBO MAN p,2,2:03h; 3,2:01.1h.
Curragh's Delight (m, Curragh). Dam of FIRST LOOK p,3,1:57.2f; 4,1:57f; 1:55f ($130,204) and MAKE THE MOST
4th Dam
IMMINENCE p,4,1:59.3 by BRET HANOVER. Winner of 4 races and $21,580 at 3 and 4. From 11 foals, dam of 9
winners (3 in 1:59, 6 in 2:00), including MAXINE'S DELIGHT p,2,2:03.3h; 3,2:01.2h; 4,1:58.3f (m, Most Happy Fella). As above.
DEVILLAND p,3,1:59.3; 1:59.3 (m, Landslide). Winner of 15 races and $57,103. Dam of NOONDAY HARDBALL
p,3,2:00.1f; 1:51.4 ($261,344) and DEVILLAND'S IMAGE p,3,1:58.1f; 4,1:57.3f; 1:55.4 ($91,992).
BOUND TO BE HAPPY p,1:58.3h (h, Most Happy Fella). Winner of 10 races and $52,329. 1:59f sire.
HOLLY HILL HITTER p,2,2:02.2f; 3,1:59.4; 4,1:59.1 (g, Hit The Bid). Winner of 7 races and $27,796. S.W.
SIMON SAYS BYE BYE p,3,1:58.4f (h, Landslide). Winner of 5 races and $16,973.
HOLLYS DAYBREAK p,4,1:59.3h (m, Henry Letsgo). Winner of 2 races and $12,423. At 4, timed in 1:58.4.
Then To: Worthy Eleda by Worthy Boy–Eleda 3,2:02 by Hollyrood Prince.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Little Brown Jug
New York Sires
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Lindy Racing Stable
Raised at Lindy Farms, Somersville, CT
Stable 5, Row A, Stall 7
HIP NO. 538
Bay Filly. Foaled May 22, 2006. Tattoo No. 2DN878.
Meadow Road
Primrose Lane ........................... { Barb's Pride
Quillo ......................................... { Trottin'
Arsenals Dynasty
Speedy Crown ........................... { Speedy Scot
Missile Toe
LINDILIANA 3,Q2:03 ........................
Petrolianna 3,1:56.2 .................. { Texas
Victoria Regina 3,T2:02.4
KADABRA 4,1:51.3 ..........................
Dam of (c) Lindy Lane 3,1:53
(f) True Diva 3,1:55.3
Dam of (c) Futile Qwest 1:55.1-'07
(c) Well Dressed 1:57.2
Dam of (f) Petrolianna 3,1:56.2
(c) Vizzi Hanover 4,1:56.3
1 in 1:53, 3 in 1:57, 4 in 2:00
1 in 1:56
2 in 1:57
1 $875,000 Winner
4 in 1:59
3 in 2:00
2 $200,000 Winners
2 $100,000 Winners
2 $275,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1 Stakes Winner
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
LINDILIANA 3,Q2:03 by SPEEDY CROWN. At 3, second in NYSS at Vernon. From 9 living foals, dam of 5 winners LINDY LANE 2,1:56; 3,1:53 (h, Valley Victory). Winner of 11 races and $895,110 at 2 and 3. At 2, 9-6-1-2; seasonal
earnings of $262,563; voted 2-year-old Trotting Colt of the Year; winner of elim. and $321,700 final of Valley Victory
Trot (defeating Running Sea, Kramer Boy, etc.), $100,000 final of Harold Dancer Memorial, $59,333 Campbellville
Trot, NJSS and NJSS-LC; second in NJFS; third in Harold Dancer Memorial elim. and NJFS. At 3, 12-5-1-2;
seasonal earnings of $632,547; second leading money-winning 3-year-old trotting colt and runner-up in divisional
balloting; winner of $334,500 Beacon Course Trot (defeating Continentalvictory and setting Meadowlands track
record), $211,440 American-National S., $100,000 elim. of Hambletonian S., an Open at The Meadowlands and
Lexington LC; second in $1,000,000 Hambletonian S. and an Open; third in heat of Kentucky Futurity. 1:51 sire.
TRUE DIVA 3,1:55.3–1:58f (m, Valley Victory). Winner of 3 races and $204,926 at 3 and 4. At 3, winner of $217,395
Simcoe S. (over Donven Promise, Family Trust, etc.) and Matron S. elim. (over Applecider Hanover); second in
Lexington LC; third in $624,840 Breeders' Crown (to Syrinx Hanover and Fun And Strokes; defeating Yankee
Fribble, Ariane Du Haras, Spellbound Hanover, etc). Dam of THE BOSSES LINDY 2,1:57 ($124,875 at 2 and 3).
EXPECTING MORE 3,1:58.4; 4,1:56.4–1:58.1f (h, Valley Victory). Winner of 11 races and $55,467. At 3, winner of
Arden Homestead Stable LC; second in NJSS (to Legendary Love K, timed in 1:56.3) and Canaco Farms LC.
NOLESSTHANPERFECT 3,T1:59.1–2:02.1f (m, American Winner). Winner of 3 races at 3. Dam of NO LESS THAN
LINDY 3,1:58.3. Grandam of the Stakes Winner FUEGO 2,1:59.3; 3,1:57.2f-'07 ($88,104).
Built By Lindy 2,Q2:02.1f-'07 (c, Dream Vacation). Winner of $11,457. Now 2 and second in NJSS; timed in 2:00.
Lindianapolis (m, Pine Chip). Dam of INDY'S LINDY 2,2:00f; 3,1:59.3f-'07.
2nd Dam
PETROLIANNA 2,2:00.2; 3,1:56.2 by TEXAS. Winner of 12 races and $293,764. At 2, winner of 3 NYSS; second in
NYSS. At 3, winner of Bluegrass S., Lexington Filly S., heat of Hambletonian Oaks, Hanover S. and 3 NYSS;
second in Breeders' Crown, Cradle of Liberty Trot, heat of Bluegrass S. and 2 NYSS; third in final of Hambletonian
Oaks. At 4, Invitational winner. From 12 foals, dam of 7 winners (1 in 1:56, 4 in 1:59), including WELL DRESSED 3,2:00.2f; 1:57.2 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 19 races and $124,169. At 2, second in NYSS.
FUTILE QWEST 3,1:56.3; 4,1:56.3f; 1:55.1-'07 (h, Garland Lobell). Winner of 21 races and $117,674. At 3, winner
2 legs of Charlie Singer Series. At 4, winner of 4 Opens; second in leg Super Bowl Series; third in leg Super Bowl
Series and leg Horse & Groom Series. At 5, third in leg of Horse & Groom Series. Now 6 and winner of 3 Opens.
STRAPHANGER 3,1:58.4 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 5 races and $32,050. At 3, second in Kerry Way Trot.
CHIPMUNK 3,Q2:01; 4,1:58.1 (h, Pine Chip). Winner of 1 race and $12,700. At 4, timed in 1:57.3.
Aimee's Promise (m, American Winner). Dam of GRAIN OF TRUTH 3,Q1:57.2; 4,1:57.1h; 1:56.1h-'07 ($399,343).
Proxima (Speedy Crown). Dam of PRIMARY AS 2,1:59.4; 3,1:54-'07 ($260,763), GARLAND AS 2,Q2:05; 3,1:57.2.
Love So Right (f, Dream Vacation). Now 2 and racing; timed in 2:01.4.
3rd Dam
VICTORIA REGINA 2,2:08.2h; 3,T2:02.4 by SPEEDY RODNEY. Winner of 3 races and $34,536. At 3, winner, second
and third in NYSS. Sister to the dam of INCREDIBLE NEVELE 2,1:58.1; 3,1:56 ($450,750) and grandam of
INANUTSHELL 2,2:02.4h; 3,1:57.3 ($222,787), ALMOND BARK 3,2:00.4; 2:00f ($77,266) and third dam of NO
PAN NO GAIN 2,1:58.1; 3,1:55.4; 4,1:55 ($415,630), CYRANO DE BERGERAC 2,2:07.4h; 3,1:59.3f; 1:55.3f
($309,449), COSMIC CRUNCH 3,1:59.4; 1:54.4 ($287,809), ANYTHINGS POSSIBLE 2,1:59.4f; 3,1:58.1f; 1:56.1
($247,131), RAY GUN 2,Q2:06.3h; 3,1:59f; 1:53.2 ($212,578), etc. From 9 foals, dam of 5 winners, includingVIZZI HANOVER 3,1:57.4; 4,1:56.3 (h, Super Bowl). Winner of 15 races, $156,074 in U.S.; $300,000 Internationally.
PETROLIANNA 2,2:00.2; 3,1:56.2 (m, Texas). As above.
VIBES HANOVER 3,1:59.3f (h, Prakas). Winner of 12 races and $72,338. At 3, winner of 2 Opens at The Meadows.
Vickilou Who 3,Q2:01f (m, Super Bowl). Winner of 4 races. Dam of AMNESIAC 2,Q2:00.2; 3,1:57.3 ($141,143).
Vidalia Hanover (m, Texas). Dam of PASS THE AMMO 3,Q2:00.4; 1:57.3f.
Then To: Victory Prize by Victory Song–Aggie Scott by Scotland.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Canadian Breeders Champ.
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horse Stake No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Ontario Sires
Ontario SBOA
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farm
Raised at Southwind Farms, Pennington, NJ
Stable 5, Row A, Stall 8
HIP NO. 539
Brown Filly. Foaled May 25, 2006. Tattoo No. 3D4309.
Garland Lobell
Conway Hall .............................. { Amour Angus
Yankee Windsong ..................... { Prakas
Yankee Scottie
Pine Chip ................................... { Arndon
Pine Speed
WINKY'S STAR 3,2:00.2 ..................
Winky's Gill 3,1:55.2 ................. { Bonefish
Lassie Blue Chip 3,2:03.4
WINDSONG'S LEGACY 3,1:53 ........
Third Foal, Dam of (f) Southwind Wake 2,2:00.4
(f) Winky's Magik 2,2:04.2f-'07
Dam of (c) Supergill 3,1:53.3
(f) Winky's Goal 3,1:54.4
Dam of (f) Winky's Gill 3,1:55.2
(c) Super Flakt 2,2:03.4
Third Foal
1 2:01 2YO, 2 2:05 2YOs
1 Stakes Winner
1 in 1:54, 2 in 1:55, 3 in 1:56
2 $650,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:56, 2 in 2:04
1 $450,000 Winner
1 World Champion
1st Dam
WINKY'S STAR 3,2:00.2 by PINE CHIP. At 3, timed in 1:58.4 (twice). This is her third foal. Dam of SOUTHWIND WAKE 2,2:00.4 (m, Muscles Yankee). Winner of 1 race and $5,120 at 2. At 2, winner leg of Lexington
Series; third in leg of Lexington Series, timed in 1:59. Exported to Italy.
Winky's Magik 2,2:04.2f-'07 (f, Muscles Yankee). Now 2 and took record in first pari-mutuel start.
2nd Dam
WINKY'S GILL 2,1:57; 3,1:55.2 by BONEFISH. Winner of 15 races and $472,154 at 2 and 3. World Champion.
At 2, 11-9-1-0; seasonal earnings of $144,897; set world record for 2-year-old trotting fillies (twice, 1:57 and 1:57.2);
set single season record for most 2:00 wins by a 2-year-old trotter, colt or filly (6, two more than the colt record);
runner-up in divisional balloting (to Armbro Blush) and third leading money-winning 2-year-old trotting filly; winner
of Acorn S., Merrie Annabelle Trot, Review Futurity (straight heats), Hayes Memorial (straight heats), Lexington Filly
S. (straight heats) and KySS; second in Breeders Filly S. At 3, 16-6-4-4; earnings of $327,257; runner-up in
divisional balloting (to Duenna); lowered Ginger Belle and Duchess Faye's world record for 3-year-old filly trotters
on a mile track (by a full second) and lowered Colonial Charm's 1:56.1 world record for all-age female trotters (set
19 years earlier); winner of Coaching Club Trotting Oaks, Breeders Filly S., Simcoe S. elimination, Review Futurity
(straight heats over colts, defeating Astro Hill, Neil Hanover, etc.) and KySS; second in final of $1,080,000
Hambletonian S. (to Duenna, defeating Astro Hill, Joie de Vie, T V Yankee, etc.; third in the summary), final of
$580,090 World Trotting Derby (to Power Seat, defeating Joie de Vie), heat of Bluegrass S. and heat of Lexington
Filly S.; third in final of Simcoe S., heat of Hambletonian S., final of Bluegrass S. and final of Lexington Filly S. From
9 living foals (6 fillies), dam of 6 winners (1 in 1:54, 2 in 1:55, 3 in 1:56), including WINKY'S GOAL 2,1:57.2–1:59f; 3,1:54.4–1:58.1h (m, Armbro Goal). Winner of 17 races and $844,690 at 2 and 3
in the U.S.; international earnings of $879,690. At 2, 9-7-0-0; earnings of $319,819; voted Trotting Filly of the Year
(231-38 over Lady Starlet); season's champion on mile and e mile tracks; winner of and $300,000 final of Breeders'
Crown, $153,700 Kentucky Standardbred S. (by 13 ¼ lengths), heat and final of Bluegrass S. and heat and final
of International Stallion S. At 3, 19-10-3-1; earnings of $525,105; voted 3-year-old Trotting Filly of the Year; leading
money-winning 3YO trotting filly; season's champion on mile and ½ mile tracks; winner of and $356,046 final of
Hambletonian Oaks, $120,740 filly World Trotting Derby, heat and race-off (last ¼ in :26.3) of filly Kentucky Futurity,
Buckette (over Beat The Wheel), Hanover Filly S., Hudson Filly Trot, Coaching Club Oaks and an Open; second
in $300,000 Breeders' Crown (in 1:55.4f world record, timed in 1:55.4f), Bluegrass S. and Beacon Course Trot
elimination; third in $174,000 American-National S. In Italy, winner of Premio dei Minerali, Premio Po Tesio, Premio
delle Alpi, Premio Degli Dei, etc.; second in Gran Premio della Lotteria elim., Premio Citta di Treviso, etc. Dam of
the Stakes Winners DOUBLE EAGLE 3,1:55.4; 1:54.2 ($141,414), SUN SENTINEL 2,2:02.2; 3,1:56.4-'07
($106,500) and SHARE THE PROMISE 2,1:56.3-'07. Grandam of TESSEL 2,2:00.2h; 3,Q2:00.1-'07 ($148,807).
SUPERGILL 2,1:58.2; 3,1:53.3 (h, Super Bowl). Winner of 8 races and $664,194 at 2 and 3. At 2, 6-5-1-0; seasonal
earnings of $328,122; second leading money-winning 2-year-old trotting colt and runner-up in divisional balloting
(both to Firm Tribute); winner of elimination and $600,750 final of Peter Haughton Memorial; second in Harriman
Cup. At 3, seasonal earnings of $336,072; season's champion on a mile track; winner heat of Review Futurity (by
6 lengths, last ¼ in :27.4) and Ben White EC at Lexington; second in $393,506 Breeders' Crown, heat of Kentucky
Futurity, final of Bluegrass S., final of World Trotting Derby (third in summary), Beacon Course Trot and elimination
and final of Founders Gold Cup; third in heat of Bluegrass S. Multiple 1:54 sire, including Malabar Man, Supergrit,
Running Sea, Supertoy, Super High Test, Divinator and Sand Chaser.
WINKY'S PINE 2,Q2:04; 3,1:55.2 (h, Pine Chip). Winner of 2 races and $9,530 at 3. At 2, timed in 2:02. At 3, winner
of Lexington LC (by 15 lengths).
Winky's Chip 3,2:04.1f (m, Pine Chip). Dam of the Stakes Winner SCORPION KING 2,2:02.1f; 3,1:58.4f.
Winky's Valentine 4,2:04.2 (Italy) (m, Super Bowl). Dam of VESPONE BI 2:02.4 (Italy) and ZUMBO BI 2:03 (Italy).
Winky's Trophy (m, Super Bowl). Dam of Stakes Winners GLIDE PATH 2,1:59.1; 3,1:56.2 ($224,415) and APPEAL
TO REASON 2,2:01.3; 3,1:57.2 ($89,982), and REWARDING WINK 3,T1:59.
Then To: Lassie Blue Chip 3,2:03.4 by Speedy Scot–LADY JAMIE 3,2:04h by Jamie.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Harold Dancer Memorial
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Charles Smith Trot
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MARKETING, INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 3
HIP NO. 540
Bay Colt. Foaled March 20, 2006. Tattoo No. 3D8524.
Artsplace ................................... { Miss Elvira
Perfect Profile ........................... { Nihilator
Rodine Hanover
No Nukes ................................... { Oil Burner
Gidget Lobell
A SONG FOR SARA p,4,1:55 ...........
Sara Lawrence p,4,1:57.1 ......... { Bret Hanover
Loren Messenger p,3,2:01.4f
ART MAJOR p,4,1:48.4 ....................
First Colt,
Third Foal
Dam of (c) Master Lawrence p,3,1:51.1
(c) Must B Fury p,4,1:51.3
Dam of (c) Storm Compensation p,1:50.3
(f) Artifice p,3,1:55.4
First Colt
Third Foal
2 in 1:52, 4 in 1:55, 5 in 1:56
2 $200,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
2 in 1:56, 4 in 1:58
1 $475,000 Winner
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
A SONG FOR SARA p,2,Q2:00.3; 3,1:55.2; 4,1:55 by NO NUKES. Winner of 6 races and $85,668 at 2, 3 and 4. At
2, took record in first start defeating Woodsie And Buster, last ¼ in :27.4. At 3, winner leg of Green With Envy
Series; second in leg of Clara Barton Series; third in NJSS; timed in 1:52.1. This is her first colt and her third foal.
2nd Dam
SARA LAWRENCE p,2,T1:59; 3,1:57.3; 4,1:57.1 by BRET HANOVER. Winner of 5 races and $51,900. At 3, winner
leg of Blossom Series; second in KySS at Lexington; third in leg of Blossom Series, KySS at Lexington and an Open
at The Meadowlands; timed in 1:55.3. From 10 foals, dam of 6 winners (2 in 1:52, 4 in 1:55, 6 in 1:57) MASTER LAWRENCE p,3,1:51.1–1:55.4f (g, No Nukes). Winner of 17 races and $442,776. At 3, 15-8-2-2; seasonal
earnings of $179,536; winner of 2 legs and $100,000 NJSS Championship at The Meadowlands (defeating Hi Ho
Silverheel's), $90,000 Jersey Cup and Motor City Pace elimination; second in NJSS at The Meadowlands; third in
$138,400 Gaines Memorial; winner in 1:51.1 (twice), 1:51.4, 1:52, etc. At 6, seasonal earnings of $102,920.
MUST B FURY p,3,1:53–1:54.3f; 4,1:51.3 (h, No Nukes). Winner of 12 races and $204,945. At 3, winner leg of
Youthful Series and New Jersey Classic cons.; second in North American Cup elim., leg of Youthful Series and leg
of Mohawk Series; third in $100,000 Burlington S., NJSS and leg and final of Youthful Series; timed in 1:51.3.
A SONG FOR SARA p,2,Q2:00.3; 3,1:55.2; 4,1:55 (m, No Nukes). As above.
LADY LAWRENCE p,3,1:56.1 (m, Western Hanover). Winner of 3 races, $34,525 at 3 and 4. At 3, timed in 1:55.3.
DEADLY CHARMING p,3,1:59.3f; 4,1:55.3f (g, Die Laughing). Winner of 6 races and $19,990.
WESTERN SARA p,2,Q2:03.2; 3,1:54.1 (m, Western Hanover). Winner of 3 races and $18,900 at 2 and 3. At 2,
timed in 1:57.3. At 3, third in Coupe Quebec Plus S.
Fancy Art (m, Artsplace). Dam of WISHING ZONE p,2,1:57f; 3,1:56.3 and FIRE AND ART p,2,1:57.3f; 3,1:57f-'07.
3rd Dam
LOREN MESSENGER p,3,2:01.4f by MEADOW SKIPPER. Winner of $7,220. From 6 living foals, dam of 4 winners STORM COMPENSATION p,3,1:54.3–1:57.2h; 1:50.3 (h, Storm Damage). Winner of 21 races and $492,220. At 3,
winner leg and final Lenni Lenape Series, NYB-LC and an Open; third in leg of Lenni Lenape Series. At 4, winner
NYSS, 2 legs and final Complex Series, leg of Cam Fella Series and leg of Aquarius Series; second in final of
Mohawk Gold Cup (to Topnotcher), leg of Complex Series, leg of Cam Fella Series and 2 legs of Graduate Series
(to TK's Skipper and Dorunrun Bluegrass); timed in 1:51.1. At 5, winner of 2 legs and final of Aquarius Series;
second in final of Driscoll Series, leg and final of Presidential Series and leg Canadian Pacing Derby (to Odds
Against); third in leg of Driscoll Series and leg of Graduate Series. Sire of Sass Newton p,1:51 ($607,466).
SARA LAWRENCE p,2,T1:59; 3,1:57.3; 4,1:57.1 (m, Bret Hanover). As above.
GABRIELLE DE MAI p,2,1:57.3f; 3,1:57.2f (m, Camtastic). Winner of 5 races and $10,046 at 2 and 3. Dam of
MAUDIT BONHEUR p,3,2:02.2h; 4,1:56.1.
ARTIFICE p,3,1:55.4 (m, Artsplace). Winner of 1 race and $8,434 at 2 and 3. Dam of LADY ARTEMISE p,3,1:55.
Sign From Above (m, Bret Hanover). Dam of CAMS SIGN p,1:56.1f, ME TARZAN p,3,2:02f; 4,1:58.4f and
HOWESTREET MORGAN p,4,2:01f; 1:59.2f.
4th Dam
MEADOW ELVA p,2,2:00.3; 3,2:00; 4,1:59.2h by THORPE HANOVER. Winner of 40 races and $356,071. At 2, winner
of La Paloma S., Hanover S., Almahurst Farm S., etc. At 3, winner of Bronx Futurity, Hanover S., Reynolds
Memorial, Flora Temple S., etc. At 5, voted Aged Pacing Mare of the Year. From 7 living foals, dam of 6 winnersTHORPE MESSENGER p,2,T1:59.1; 3,1:57.2f; 4,1:54 (h, Meadow Skipper). Winner of 10 races and $146,295.
MEADOW MESSENGER p,1:57.3f (m, Good Time). Winner of 13 races and $71,306.
Elva Messenger p,3,2:06.3f; 4,2:02.3 (m, Bye Bye Byrd). Winner of $21,320. Dam of PENNY MESSENGER
p,2,2:04.4f; 3,2:01f; 4,1:59.2f. Grandam of ASSAULT WEAPON p,3,1:54.1f and DIAMOND MILES p,2,1:55.4.
Delores Messenger (m, Meadow Skipper). Dam of S O S p,3,2:00.1f; 1:57.3f ($91,235). Grandam of MAGI-CAM
p,3,1:58.3f; 1:54.3 ($91,487), GENTLE BRET p,3,1:58.3; 4,1:53.3, MAGIC MARKER p,3,1:55.2, etc.
Then To: JULIA FROST p,3,2:04.3h by Adios–Jackie Frost p,2,T2:07 by King's Counsel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
New York Sires
Parshall Memorial
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farm
Raised at Southwind Farms, Pennington, NJ
Stable 5, Row A, Stall 9
HIP NO. 541
Bay Filly. Foaled March 11, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D4677.
Victory Dream
Self Possessed ......................... { Feeling Great
Canland Hall .............................. { Garland
Canne Angus
Lindy Lane ................................. {
NEW YORK TO PARIS 4,1:59 ..........
Wesgate Princess ..................... { Royal Prestige
Armbro Gaelic 4,2:00.4f
CANTAB HALL 3,1:54 ......................
Second Foal,
Dam of (f) Southwind Nova 3,2:00.2f-'07
Dam of (f) New York To Paris 4,1:59
(c) Yogi 3,1:59.4f
Dam of (c) Wesgate Crown 1:52.3
(f) Roisin 3,1:56.1
Second Foal
1 in 2:01f
1 in 1:59
2 in 2:00
2 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:53, 7 in 2:00
1 $2,550,000 Winner
2 $200,000 Winners
7 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
NEW YORK TO PARIS 3,1:59.1; 4,1:59 by LINDY LANE. Winner of 8 races and $50,375 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, second
in Arden Downs S.; third in 2 PaSS at The Meadows; fourth in Reynolds Memorial, PaSS, Keystone Classic and
PaSS cons.; timed in 2:01f. At 3, 13-6-4-0. This is her second foal. Dam of Southwind Nova 2,2:03f; 3,2:00.2f-'07 (f, Varenne). Winner of 4 races and $16,943. At 2, second in Arden Downs
S., timed in 2:01.1f. Now 3 and timed in 1:58.4f.
2nd Dam
WESGATE PRINCESS by ROYAL PRESTIGE. From 8 foals, dam of 7 winners, including NEW YORK TO PARIS 3,1:59.1; 4,1:59 (m, Lindy Lane). As above.
YOGI 3,1:59.4f (h, Muscles Yankee). Winner of 5 races and $48,536. At 2, second in 2 NJSS Green Acres at
Freehold (one to Sugar Trader); third in Harold Dancer Memorial elimination (to Sugar Trader); timed in 2:01.2. At
3, second in NJSS Green Acres at Freehold; third in NJSS Green Acres Final at Freehold.
CELEBRITY MISTRESS 2,2:09h; 3,2:03.4h-'07 (f, Meadowbranch Mike). Winner of 9 races and $31,951 at 2 and
3. At 2, winner of 3 ILFS; second in 5 ILFS; third in ILFS. Now 3, 10-6-3-0; winner of Downstate Classic and 5
ILFS; second in 3 ILFS.
I'M LIKE MIKE 2,2:07.3h-'07 (g, Meadowbranch Mike). Winner of 3 races and $6,271. Now 2 and winner of 3 ILFS;
second in 2 ILFS; third in ILFS; timed in 2:01.4.
3rd Dam
ARMBRO GAELIC 3,2:03.1f; 4,2:00.4f by DREAM OF GLORY. Winner of 9 races and $64,055 at 3 and 4. From
12 foals (7 fillies) (9 starters), dam of 9 winners (1 in 1:53, 7 in 2:00), including WESGATE CROWN 2,T1:55.1; 1:52.3 (h, Royal Prestige). Winner of 29 races and $2,574,045. World Champion at
2 and 5. At 2, voted Canadian and USTA Trotting Colt of the Year; became the fastest 2yo colt Trotter of all-time;
winner of elim. and final of Peter Haughton Memorial, Valley Victory Trot, Breeders' Crown, Champlain S.,
Campbellville Trot and Bluegrass S.; third in Valley Victory Trot elim. At 3, second in Yonkers Trot elim., Beacon
Course Trot elim., Old Oaken Bucket and Bluegrass S.; third in Zweig Memorial and Lexington LC; timed in 1:54.2.
At 4, winner Pine Chip LC, 3 Opens and 3 JFAs; second in 2 Opens and an Invitational; third in Nat Ray Trot elim.
At 5, set world record for older trotters; winner of Maple Leaf Trot and Nat Ray Trot elim.; third in American-National
S. At 6, voted Canadian and USTA Aged Trotter of the Year; winner of Breeders' Crown (defeating Moni Maker),
Nat Ray Trot elim. and an Invitational; third in Nat Ray Trot. In Europe, winner of elim. and final of Lotteria in
Naples; second in Elitlopp, elim. and final of Premio d'Locarelli, Premio d’ San Palo, etc. 1:54 sire.
CAPER CAILLIE 2,2:00; 3,Q1:59.3 (m, Donerail). Winner of 2 races and $209,882 at 2 and 3. At 2, earnings of
$146,470; winner of Kentucky Standardbred S. and Merrie Annabelle elim.; second in Acorn S. and NJSS at The
Meadowlands and Garden State; third in Merrie Annabelle Trot, $100,000 NJSS Final and elim. and final of Harold
Dancer; timed in 1:58.3. At 3, second in Helen Smith Trot, Reynolds Memorial and NJSS; timed in 1:56.1.
WESGATE FREEDOM 2,Q2:02; 3,Q1:59.1 (m, Royal Prestige). Winner of 3 races and $77,814. At 2, winner of 2
NYSS. At 3, second in filly Zweig Memorial; third in 2 NYSS; timed in 1:56.3. At 4, third in leg of Lifetime Dream
Series. Dam of WESGATE LEGACY 2,Q2:04.3; 3,2:02.1h; 1:59.4h ($101,591), SJ'S STORMTROOPER 3,1:58.
COLLEEN 2,2:00.1 (m, Donerail). Winner of 2 races and $50,638 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of Hoosier Futurity and
NJFS; second in NJSS at Garden State and Freehold; third in Harold Dancer Memorial, Hayes Memorial, Acorn
S. and NJSS at Garden State; timed in 1:57.1. At 3, second in Reynolds Memorial; timed in 1:57.4, 1:59.4f.
NEELY DUNN 2,1:58.4f; 3,1:58.1f-'07 (c, Andover Hall). Winner of 4 races and $35,239. At 2, winner of PaSS at
Pocono Downs; second in PaSS at The Meadows and leg of Beinhauer Series; third in Arden Downs S.
SAORSE 2,1:59.3f-'07 (f, Andover Hall). Winner 2 races and $22,963. Now 2 and winner Reynolds Mem. and PaSS.
WESGATE FAME 4,Q1:59f (m, Royal Prestige). Winner of $19,219 at 3 and 4. At 3, second and third in NYSS.
ROISIN 2,2:02.3; 3,1:56.1 (m, Donerail). Winner of 3 races and $11,976. At 2, winner leg of Lexington Series; second
in 3 legs of Lexington Series; third in 2 legs of Lexington Series; timed in 1:59. At 3, winner 2 legs of Lexington
Series; second in leg of Lexington Series; third in leg of Lexington Series.
Then To: Armbro Stacey by Speedy Crown–Ladyship Hanover 2,2:13.4f by Star's Pride.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Joe Mar Farm LLC
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 4
HIP NO. 542
Brown Colt. Foaled March 20, 2006. Tattoo No. 4D8860.
Life Sign .................................... { Three Diamonds
Deadly Desire ............................ { Troublemaker
Mystical Mood
No Nukes ................................... { Oil Burner
Gidget Lobell
RADAR TRACKING ..........................
Toylee Hanover p,1:54.2h ........ { Albatross
Talia Hanover p,3,T1:57
REAL DESIRE p,4,1:48.2 .................
Dam of (c) Radar Sign p,3,1:50.1
(c) C C's Rojan p,3,1:56.4-'07
(f) Beamer p,3,1:57.3f
Dam of (c) Powerful Toy p,3,1:51.1
(f) Binions p,4,1:51.2f-'07
(c) Morrissey Treasure
(c) Amazing Toy p,4,1:53.3h
Dam of (c) Tally Hanover p,4,1:53.1
(f) Toylee Hanover p,1:54.2h
(f) Talent Hanover p,3,T1:56.1
(f) Tropical Hanover
1 in 1:51
2 in 1:52
6 in 1:57
3 in 1:58
6 in 1:56
9 in 1:58
1 1:56 2YO
1 $850,000 Winner
1 $500,000 Winner
1 $750,000 Winner
2 $175,000 Winners
2 $150,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
3 Stakes Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
RADAR TRACKING by NO NUKES. Bred at 3. From 5 foals (4 starters), dam of 3 winners (1 in 1:51, 3 in 1:58) RADAR SIGN p,2,1:55.3; 3,1:50.1–1:51.4f (h, Life Sign). Winner of 31 races and $767,233. At 2, winner of NJSS
Green Acres; third in American-National S. elim.; timed in 1:53.1. At 3, 27-13-4-1; earnings of $580,928; winner
of elim. and $350,060 final of Progress Pace, $75,000 NJSS Final at Freehold, Flamboro Breeders' S., New Jersey
Classic elim., Matron S. elim., 3 NJSS at The Meadowlands and 2 NJSS at Freehold; second in $500,000 New
Jersey Classic, $275,720 Dancer Memorial, etc. At 4, Invitational Winner. At 5, Preferred Winner at London.
BEAMER p,3,1:57.3f (m, Life Sign). Winner of 2 races and $8,456 at 3. At 3, timed in 1:55.3.
C C'S ROJAN p,3,1:56.4-'07 (c, Dragon Again).
Pretty Daring (m, Falcon Seelster). At 2, third in NJSS Green Acres at The Meadowlands in first pari-mutuel start,
timed in 1:58.1. Dam of RED IN THE FACE p,2,1:55.2-'07.
2nd Dam
TOYLEE HANOVER p,2,T1:57–1:58; 3,1:55.4; 1:54.2h by ALBATROSS. Winner of 42 races and $516,322. At 3,
second in PaSS; third in Turtle Dove, Ladyship, Bronx Filly and Adioo Volo. As aged, multiple Open Winner; set
world record for aged mares (1:54.2h); winner leg of Cape And Cutter Series and leg of Rancocas Series; third in
leg of Cape And Cutter Series. Sister to TALLY HANOVER p,3,1:54.4; 4,1:53.1 ($155,701) and to the dams of
THEATRICAL HANOVER p,2,1:57.1f; 3,1:55.1f; 4,1:53f ($291,822), TRICKSTER ACTING UP p,2,Q1:55.2; 1:52.1f
($212,188), EMERALD FORREST p,3,1:55; 1:53.1 ($205,498), TRICKSTER HANOVER p,2,1:55.2; 3,Q1:53.3;
4,1:52.4 ($197,466), O NARUTAC PAT p,2,1:55.3f; 3,1:52.3f; 4,1:49.3; 1:48.1 ($347,684), THE SECOND TALENT
p,2,2:01.3f; 3,1:54; 4,1:51.4 ($130,290), etc. From 8 foals, dam of 6 winners (2 in 1:52, 5 in 1:54, 6 in 1:56) POWERFUL TOY p,2,1:52.4f; 3,1:51.1–1:51.4h–1:52.2f (h, Jate Lobell). Winner of 10 races and $868,657 at 2, 3 and
4. At 2, 14-4-5-2; seasonal earnings of $298,637; winner of $224,300 Matron S., $126,500 International Stallion
S. and final of Barberry Spur Series at Garden State; second in $131,968 final of Smullin Memorial, Matron S.
elimination, Breeders' Crown elimination and 2 legs of Barberry Spur Series; third in $106,200 Bluegrass S. and
Smullin Memorial elim. At 3, seasonal earnings of $536,840; winner of $331,350 Cane Pace (1:51.4h, equaling
track record), elimination and $228,00 final of Progress Pace, $186,712 Matron S. and $166,000 Bluegrass S.;
second in heat of Little Brown Jug, Cane Pace elimination, Matron S. elim. and an Open at Woodbine. At 4, second
in an Invitational at Freehold; third in an Open at Freehold and a FFA at Maywood. 1:52f sire.
BINIONS p,2,2:01.3h; 3,1:52.2f; 4,1:51.2f-'07 (m, Bettor's Delight). Winner of 11 races and $178,273. At 2, second
in NYSS at Buffalo. At 3, 10-6-2-1; winner of NYSS at Buffalo, Batavia and Monticello, NYSFS at Tioga Downs and
a Jr. Open at Dover Downs; second in NYSS at Goshen; third in NYSS at Saratoga. Now 4 and a Jr. Open at Dover
Downs; second in leg of Jersey Girls Series; third in leg of Jersey Girls Series.
MORRISSEY TREASURE p,2,1:59.2h; 3,1:52.3–1:56.4h (g, Cam Fella). Winner of 13 races and $77,532. At 2, timed
in 1:55.2. At 3, second in consolation of New Kids Series; third in 2 legs of New Kids Series.
INCREDIBLE TOY p,2,1:55.4 (g, Jate Lobell). Winner of 2 races and $74,148 at 2. At 2, second in Smullin Memorial
and KySS elimination; third in $127,000 KySS Final, Arden Downs S. and Matron S. elim.; timed in 1:52.3f.
AMAZING TOY p,4,1:53.3h (g, Western Hanover). Winner of 4 races and $47,738. At 2, third in leg of Curly Smart
Series at Scioto Downs; timed in 1:56.4f. At 3, timed in 1:54.2. At 4, timed in 1:52.3f.
ROCKET PAN p,2,Q1:55.3; 3,Q1:54.3–1:56; 4,1:54–1:55f (h, No Nukes). Winner of 8 races and $33,011 at 2, 3 and
4. At 3, winner of NJFS; third in NJFS; timed in 1:54. At 4, 27-7-3-1; winner of 3 legs of Bustout Acres Series, 3
legs of Neighborhood Series and leg of Lou Mellert Memorial Series; second in final of Bustout Acres Series, leg
of Lou Mellert Memorial Series, leg of Neighborhood Series and an Open at Hoosier Park; timed in 1:52.3.
Jen's Beach Toy (m, Jenna's Beach Toy). Dam of JOHN DILINGER p,2,1:56; 3,1:51.2; 4,1:51-'07 ($112,069).
Then To: TALIA HANOVER p,3,T1:57 by Best Of All–Tarport Dottie p,2,T2:04.1 by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Kentucky Sires
Little Brown Jug
Parshall Memorial
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derbys
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farm
Raised at Southwind Farms, Pennington, NJ
Stable 5, Row C, Stall 14
HIP NO. 543
Bay Colt. Foaled February 17, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D4719.
Victory Dream
Self Possessed ......................... { Feeling Great
Canland Hall .............................. { Garland
Canne Angus
Super Bowl ................................ {
Pillow Talk
SOUTHWIND REDBUD 3,1:55.3 ......
Southwind Rise 2,1:57.1 .......... { Valley Victory
Really And Truly 3,Q2:01.4h
CANTAB HALL 3,1:54 ......................
Dam of (f) Tsarina 3,Q1:58.4-'07
(c) Southwind Rew 2,Q2:02.3-'07
Dam of Dam of (f) Southwind Redbud 3,1:55.3 (f) Southwind Rise 2,1:57.1
(f) Southwind Renata 3,1:57-'07 (f) Southwind Rachel 2,2:04
1 in 1:59
1 1:56 3YO
1 1:58 2YO, 2 in 2:04
2 in 2:03
2 in 1:57
1 $150,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
SOUTHWIND REDBUD 2,Q2:02.1; 3,1:55.3 by SUPER BOWL. Winner of 4 races and $37,000 at 3. At 2, took
record by 7 ½ lengths. At 3, winner of filly Zweig Memorial; second in PaSS at The Meadows; third in PaSS at The
Meadows and Pa. All Stars at Pocono Downs; fourth in Reynolds. From 3 foals, dam of 2 winners TSARINA 3,Q1:58.4–1:59.3f-'07 (f, Andover Hall). Winner of 2 races and $17,729 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in leg of
Kindergarten Series at Tioga Downs; timed in 2:01f. Now 3 and winner 2 legs of Southern Tier Series at Tioga
Downs; third in PaSS at Pocono Downs and leg of Tioga Country Club Series; timed in 1:56.1.
Southwind Rew 2,Q2:02.3-'07 (c, Kadabra).
2nd Dam
SOUTHWIND RISE 2,1:57.1; 3,1:58 by VALLEY VICTORY. Winner of 2 races and $153,974 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of International Stallion S.; second in $300,000 final of Breeders' Crown (to Continentalvictory) and Breeders' Crown
elimination (to Act Of Grace); third in Hayes Memorial, Harold Dancer Memorial and NJSS. At 3, winner of NJSS
(1:58); third in an Open (to Moni Maker) and NJSS; timed in 1:54.2. From 6 foals, dam of 3 winners SOUTHWIND REDBUD 2,Q2:02.1; 3,1:55.3 (m, Super Bowl). As above.
SOUTHWIND RENATA 2,Q1:58.4; 3,1:57-'07 (f, Malabar Man). Winner of 4 races and $27,776 at 2 and 3. At 2,
timed in 1:57.3 (finishing second to Pampered Princess).
Kibibi 3,2:02h; 4,Q2:00.1f (m, Malabar Man). Winner of 7 races and $24,964. At 2, third in NJSS at Freehold; timed
in 1:59.2. At 4, second in leg of Harold Story Series at Saratoga.
Southwind Russet (c, Kadabra). Now 2.
3rd Dam
REALLY AND TRULY 2,2:02f; 3,Q2:01.4h by CROWNING POINT. Winner of 2 races at 2. At 2, second in TompkinsGeers S. From 4 foals (3 fillies), dam of 2 winners, including SOUTHWIND RISE 2,1:57.1; 3,1:58 (m, Valley Victory). As above.
4th Dam
WINTER PARK 3,1:59.2 by FLORIDA PRO. Winner of 7 races and $27,177. At 3, winner of heat and final of Great
Midwest S.; third in Horseman & Fair World Trot and Illinois Topline S. From 5 living foals, dam of 5 winners, incl. SPREADSHEET 2,1:58.4 (m, Crowning Point). Winner of 5 races and $161,843 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of KySS and
Lexington LC. At 3, winner American-National S.; second in Arden Downs S. Dam of DARLANE 3,1:57.4h.
WINTER WONDER 3,1:57.3 (m, Master Willie). Winner of 4 races and $44,616 at 2 and 3. At 3, winner of Lady Ann
Reed elim. and 2 ILFS. Dam of ELVIS COLE 3,1:57.4f; 1:54.1f-'07 ($173,462), JOE PIKE 3,2:00 and WINTER'S
RAGE 2,Q2:02.3. Grandam of SOUTHWIND WILLA 3,1:56.2 and SOUTHWIND WOODLILY 2,Q2:09; 3,1:57.2.
Madam Palm Beach (m, Super Bowl). Dam of COIS CAF 1:58 ($479,906), BELLO CAF 1:57.1 ($204,502).
5th Dam
DECCA HANOVER by CALEB. Half sister to DART HANOVER 3,T2:00.2 ($600,000. From 12 foals, dam of 7 winnersWINTER PARK 3,1:59.2 (m, Florida Pro). As above.
MYSTERIOUS EAST 2,2:06f (m, Tamerlane). Winner of 6 races and $15,342. Dam of SILENT CODE 3,2:03f; 1:59.3f
($141,944). Grandam of PLEASURE PRINCE 2,1:59.3; 3,1:59.2; 4,1:56.1 ($750,000), R PRESTIGE LO 2,2:18.1h;
3,2:04.1f; 1:58.3 ($71,652), etc. Third dam of AIM FOR THE STARS 3,1:58.1f, etc.
SANTA FE 2,T2:04.1 (m, Tamerlane). Dam of SOUTHWEST 2,2:08.6f; 3,2:02f; 1:55.4 (Eur.) ($250,000), DESERT
FLIGHT 3,2:02.1f; 1:54.4 ($200,640), MARGARITA MISS 3,1:58.2f; 4,1:56 ($158,000), MESA VISTA 2,1:59.3;
1:57.1f (Europe) ($145,000), etc. Grandam of RUM BOOGIE 2,1:57.2; 3,1:55; 4,1:56.2f ($900,908), MISSIVE
HANOVER 2,1:56.2 ($229,250), FOUR STARZ LINDY 2,Q2:03.2; 3,1:54.3 ($152,155), OTTOMANI 3,1:59.4f; 1:55.2
(Finland) ($152,000), etc. Third dam of BACARDI LINDY 3,1:53.3; 4,1:52.4-'07 ($204,326).
Zodiac Lauxmont (m, Jazz Cosmos). Dam of ZURICH SEELSTER 2,2:03.3h; 3,1:59.1f; 1:55.3 ($231,854), etc.
Jersey Lily (m, Speedy Scot). Grandam of OX BOWL 2,2:09.2h; 3,2:01.3f; 1:56.4 ($245,538), etc.
Punctilious (m, Speedy Crown). Dam of ACUPUNCTURE 2,2:00.4 ($275,000, U.S. and Europe). Grandam of
PHYLLIS DRUMMOND 2,2:01.4; 3,1:58.3 ($288,598), etc.
Then To: Delicia Hanover 3,2:05.3h by Dean Hanover– DELPHIA HANOVER 4,T2:01 ¼ by Truax.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farms
Raised at Southwind Farms of NY, Gilbertsville, NY
Stable 5, Row H, Stall 2
HIP NO. 591
Brown Filly. Foaled May 14, 2006. Tattoo No. 1D8858.
Silent Majority
Abercrombie ............................. { Bergdorf
Miss Elvira ................................. { Albatross
Ladalia Hanover
Jate Lobell ................................. { No Nukes
J.R. Amy
MUSICAL DREAMER p,3,1:50.4 ......
Hotgeorgianite p,2,1:59f ........... { Dragon's Lair
Armbro Georgia p,3,1:56.4
ARTSPLACE p,4,1:49.2 ...................
Dam of (c) Southwind Mallory p,3,1:52.4
(c) Southwind Majestic
Dam of (f) Musical Dreamer p,3,1:50.4
(c) Hotindiananite p,1:51.3
(f) JJ's Dreamer p,3,1:54.4
Dam of (f) Sweetgeorgiabrown
(f) Great Georgia p,1:56f
1 in 1:53, 2 in 1:54
1 in 1:51, 3 in 1:55, 4 in 1:58
1 in 1:51, 5 in 1:57, 7 in 1:59
1 $100,000 Winner
2 $100,000 Winners
1 $250,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
2 Stakes Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
MUSICAL DREAMER p,2,1:52.1; 3,1:50.4 by JATE LOBELL. Winner of 11 races and $532,828 at 2 and 3. At 2,
7-6-1-0; winner of including Hayes Memorial, Hanover Filly S., KySS at Thunder Ridge and 2 legs and final of Starlet
Series at Hoosier Park; second in John Simpson S. (to Eternal Camnation). At 3, 17-5-3-1; seasonal earnings of
$468,353; winner of $250,000 Breeders' Filly S., $131,400 American-National S., Cinderella S. and elim. and final
of Harrington Sophomore Championship; second in $783,484 Breeders' Crown, American-National S. elimination
and Nadia Lobell elim.; third in $208,250 Nadia Lobell Pace. From 4 foals, dam of 2 in 1:54 SOUTHWIND MALLORY p,2,1:53.4; 3,1:52.4 (g, Western Ideal). Winner of 15 races and $106,625. At 3, winner leg
of 30th Anniversary Series at Flamboro Downs; timed in 1:51.4.
SOUTHWIND MAJESTIC p,2,Q2:00.3; 3,1:53.3f-'07 (g, Artsplace). Winner of 4 races and $32,669. At 2, took record
in first start, last ¼ in :27.2. Now 3 and third in NJSS at The Meadowlands (to Always A Virgin), timed in 1:52.3.
Bella Musica (f, Art Major). Now 2.
2nd Dam
HOTGEORGIANITE p,2,1:59f–2:00.3h by DRAGON'S LAIR. Winner of 2 races and $28,693 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
leg of Trillium Series at London; timed in 1:57.4f. From 5 foals, dam of 4 winners (1 in 1:51, 3 in 1:55, 4 in 1:58) MUSICAL DREAMER p,2,1:52.1; 3,1:50.4 (m, Jate Lobell). As above.
HOTINDIANANITE p,3,1:57.1; 4,1:53.4; 1:51.3 (g, Townation). Winner of 22 races and $115,661. At 3, winner of 2
INFS; second in INFS; third in final of Indiana Downs Mini Series.
JJ'S DREAMER p,3,1:54.4 (m, Jate Lobell). Winner of 3 races and $16,282 at 3 and 4. At 4, third in leg of Early Bird
Series at Northlands Park.
MACON UP p,2,Q1:57.1 (f, Western Hanover). Winner of $8,540 at 2. At 2, second in Hanover Filly S.; timed in
1:55.1. Now 3.
3rd Dam
ARMBRO GEORGIA p,3,1:56.4–1:59.1f by DIRECT SCOOTER. Winner of 8 races and $78,841. At 3, winner of NJSS
and leg of Princess Series; second in NJSS; third in 2 NJSS. At 4, Invitational Winner. Half sister to ARMBRO
IMITATION p,2,1:58.1f ($167,587), ARMBRO HASSLE p,1:55.3h and to the dam of ELECTRIC TIME p,2,Q2:00.4;
3,1:57.1; 4,1:57-'07 and DISCO QUEEN p,2,Q2:00. From 11 living foals, dam of 10 winners (1 in 1:51, 7 in 1:59)SWEETGEORGIABROWN p,2,1:55.2–1:58.3h; 3,1:52.3–1:55f; 4,1:50.1 (m, Jate Lobell). Winner of 14 races and
$257,323. World Champion. 14 wins. At 2, 10-6-1-1; winner of 6 NYSS; second in Three Diamonds elimination;
third in Kentucky Standardbred S. At 3, winner of Miller Memorial elimination, Nadia Lobell elimination and 2 NYSS;
second in Tarport Hap S., Mistletoe Shalee elimination and Fan Hanover S. elimination. At 4, became the fastest
female ever in a race (1:50.1), lowering Ellamony's 1:50.3 all-age world record.
GREAT GEORGIA p,2,2:09h; 3,1:59.3f; 1:56f (m, Dragon's Lair). Winner of 8 races and $78,103. At 6, second in leg
and final (by a nose) of Miss Conna Adios Series at Ocean Downs; third in leg of Miss Conna Adios Series. Dam
of MAIN-A-DIEU p,2,1:55.2f (now 3 and racing).
MISTER TWISTER p,2,2:00.4h; 3,1:58.4h; 1:56.3h (g, Gothic Dream). Winner of 8 races and $54,111. At 2, winner
leg of Middlesex County Series; second in leg, third in final of Middlesex County Series; timed in 1:59.1f. At 3, third
in ONTSS Grassroots at Sarnia
ASTRO p,3,1:54.4 (g, Astreos). Winner of 3 races and $36,206 at 3 and 4. At 2, timed in 1:59.4. At 3, second in
ONTSS Grassroots at Hanover; third in ONTSS Grassroots at Sarnia; timed in 1:53.4 (finishing second).
HOTGEORGIANITE p,2,1:59f–2:00.3h (m, Dragon's Lair). As above.
GEORGIA DRAGSTER p,1:57–1:57.1f (g, Dragon's Lair). Winner of 4 races and $20,752.
GEORGIAONOURMIND p,2,1:57.1 (m, Die Laughing). Winner of 3 races and $10,687 at 2, 3 and 4. Dam of FOUR
STARZZZ PEACH p,3,1:58.4f; 4,1:57.2f; 1:52.3 ($73,516), FIVE CARD ATLANTA p,3,2:00f; 4,1:52.2 and MONBAK
p,2,1:56; 3,1:56f-'07.
Georgia Peach (f, Astreos). Now 2.
Then To: Armbro Diamond by Meadow Skipper–Maya Hanover by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
Northlands Filly Pace
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for K R Breeding, LLC
Raised at Lindy Farms, Somersville, CT
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 14
HIP NO. 592
(Embryo Transfer)
Bay Filly. Foaled May 3, 2006. Tattoo No. 4D1840.
ABC Freight
Garland Lobell .......................... { Gamin Lobell
Amour Angus ............................ { Magna
Kenwood Scamper
Harmonious ............................... { Crowning Point
Rhapsody In Blue
PEACE N HARMONY 3,1:57.1 .........
Peace A Pie ............................... { Valley Victory
Armbro Eclair 2,1:59
CONWAY HALL 3,1:53.4 ..................
Dam of (c) Lindy's Maestro 1:55.3-'07
Dam of (f) Pizza Dolce 3,1:52.4
(f) Mars Bar 3,1:56
Dam of (c) Cake Rattle N Roll 4,1:55.3
(f) Echo Hanover 3,1:56
1 in 1:56
3 in 1:57, 4 in 1:58
2 $375,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
2 in 1:56, 4 in 2:00
3 $150,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
PEACE N HARMONY 3,1:57.1–2:00f by HARMONIOUS. Winner of 5 races and $23,391 at 3. At 2, timed in 2:02.3.
At 3, third in NJSS at The Meadowlands. From 4 foals, dam of LINDY'S MAESTRO 3,1:59.3h; 1:55.3-'07 (g, Malabar Man). Winner of 11 races and $80,079. At 3, third in NJSS
at The Meadowlands; timed in 1:56.1. Now 5, 12-9-1-0; timed in 1:53.1 (finishing second).
2nd Dam
PEACE A PIE by VALLEY VICTORY. Untrained and bred at 2. From 8 foals (all fillies), dam of 4 winners in 1:58 PIZZA DOLCE 2,1:57f; 3,1:52.4 (m, Conway Hall). Winner of 14 races and $668,824. At 2, winner 8 of 9 starts; voted
2-year-old Trotting Filly of the Year (167-16); winner of elimination and $370,000 final of Goldsmith Maid Trot,
elimination and $224,452 final of Matron S. (setting track record), elimination and $100,000 final of Lexington
Breeders' Classic, $82,000 Bluegrass S. and $77,500 Kentucky Standardbred S. (last ¼ in :27.1). At 3, 12-6-2-0;
winner of heat and race-off (1:52.4–1:53.1) of filly Kentucky Futurity, elim. and $100,000 KySS Final, Bluegrass S.
and Hambletonian Oaks elim. (fourth in final); second in an Open at The Meadowlands.
MARS BAR 2,1:58.3; 3,1:56 (m, Malabar Man). Winner of 7 races and $390,176 at 2 and 3. At 2, 12-4-3-0; winner
of $98,300 Robert Stewart Memorial, Merrie Annabelle Trot elimination and Oakville Trot elim.; second in $536,550
final of Oakville Trot, $150,000 NJSS Final (by a head) and leg of Trillium Series at Kawartha Downs; timed in
1:57.4. At 3, earnings of $101,915; winner of Colonial Lady Trot, Hambletonian Oaks elim. and Del Miller Trot elim.;
second in NJSS at The Meadowlands; third in elim. and $369,243 final of Elegantimage S.; timed in 1:54.3.
MACKADAMIAN 1:56.4 (m, Mack Lobell). Winner of 10 races and $64,076. In Europe, winner V-75.
PEACE N HARMONY 3,1:57.1–2:00f (m, Harmonious). As above.
Cream Puff (m, Pine Chip). At 3, timed in 1:59. Dam of the Stakes Winner CREAMY MIMI 2,1:57-'07.
3rd Dam
ARMBRO ECLAIR 2,1:59 by SPEEDY CROWN. Winner of 1 race and $187,443 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of TompkinsGeers S.; second in $514,303 Breeders' Crown (to Jef's Spice, by a neck) in her fourth lifetime start; third in
$124,760 Matron S. At 3, second in NYSS; third in NYSS. Full or half sister to ARMBRO FLORI 2,2:00.3; 3,1:57
($571,711), ARMBRO VANQUISH 2,1:58.1; 3,1:55.4 ($321,522), ARMBRO SCORPION 2,1:57.3 ($308,800),
ARMBRO ROTARY 3,Q1:57; 4,1:54.3 ($131,238), ARMBRO PROPELLER 3,1:57.2 ($107,245) and FAMILY FIRM
2,Q2:00.4; 3,2:00.3f; 1:58 ($100,423) and to the dam of ARMBRO MONARCH 2,1:57.4; 3,1:54.3 ($670,374),
ARMBRO OFFICER 2,1:58.3; 3,1:55 ($631,144) and ARMBRO LASER 4,1:57.4 ($108,090) and grandam of DUKE
OF YORK 2,1:57.3; 3,1:55.4 ($863,050), FALLS FOR YOU 2,1:56; 3,1:54.3-'07 ($412,835), GOOD TO BE KING
2,Q2:00; 3,1:55.3; 4,1:54 ($211,977), MONARCHY 3,2:00.3h; 4,1:56.1 ($117,530), SOVEREIGN FIRE 3,2:00f;
1:55.4f ($114,005), etc. From 11 foals (9 fillies), dam of 6 winners (4 in 2:00) ECHO HANOVER 2,1:58.2; 3,1:56 (m, Balanced Image). Winner of 4 races and $304,538 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of Oakville Trot and ONTSS Gold elim.; second in Breeders’ Crown elim.; third in Goldsmith Maid Trot. At 3, winner
of Coaching Club Oaks; second in Simcoe S. and Buckette; third in Breeders' Crown and heat filly Kentucky Futy.
CAKE RATTLE N ROLL 4,1:55.3 (g, Meadow Road). Winner of 44 races and $220,475. At 4, winner leg and final
of WIXT Series at Vernon Downs; second in Kerry Way Late Closer at Lexington and leg of WIXT Series.
CHOCOLATE LAYERED 2,1:59.4f (m, Valley Victory). Winner of 3 races and $167,306 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
Champlain S., Arden Downs S. and leg of Trillium Series; second in Merrie Annabelle Trot elim. and Hanover Filly
S.; third in NJSS at Garden State. At 3, second in Coaching Club Oaks, Charles Smith Trot elim. and NJSS at
Freehold and Garden State; third in Smith Trot; timed in 1:56.4. Dam of CHOCO CHIP HANOVER 3,1:54.2,
CRABCAKE HANOVER 3,1:59.2f, GIANT WINNER 3,1:59.3 and GODIVA HANOVER 2,Q2:04.1f; 3,1:59.4f.
ARTICULATE HANOVER 2,2:00.3; 3,1:59f (m, Balanced Image). Winner of 3 races and $95,040. At 2, winner
Oakville S.; third in Merrie Annabelle cons. (to Moni Maker) and Ohio Stbd. S.; timed in 1:59.3. Her first 2 foals are
SOUTHWIND ALLAIRE 2,1:58.1f; 3,1:53.4 ($733,534) and ARIANE DU HARAS 2,2:01.1; 3,1:54.2 ($403,736).
Eclat Hanover (m, Sierra Kosmos). Dam of EDGESTONE HANOVER 2,2:00.2; 3,1:56.2-'07.
Au Course (Sierra Kosmos). Dam of ARSENAL HALL 3,1:56.3-'07 and AU BON HALL 2,Q2:08.3; 3,2:00.3; 1:58.1.
Then To: ARMBRO WHIRL 3,T2:01.2 by Super Bowl–Catherine Lobell by Noble Victory.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake aNo. 71
Kentucky Futurity
New York Sires
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 5
HIP NO. 593
Bay Colt. Foaled May 1, 2006. Tattoo No. 3D3889.
No Nukes
Western Hanover ...................... { Wendymae H'ver
Leah Almahurst ........................ { Abercrombie
Liberated Angel
Life Sign .................................... { Abercrombie
Three Diamonds
GIFT OF LIFE p,3,1:53.4 ..................
Because I Said So ..................... { Jate Lobell
Loving Proof p,3,1:55.2
WESTERN IDEAL p,1:48 .................
Dam of (c) Western Prize p,3,1:52.1
(c) Magnificent Gift p,2,1:54.1f
Dam of (c) I've Got Life p,3,1:50.4
(c) Lifes KG Guy p,1:53
Dam of (f) Juliet's Fate p,3,1:50.1
(c) Lies The Truth p,3,1:50.4
1 in 1;53, 2 in 1:55
1 in 1:51, 3 in 1:54
8 in 1:55, 10 in 2:00
1 1:55f 2YO
3 $150,000 Winners
5 $100,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
1 Stakes Winner
6 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
GIFT OF LIFE p,2,1:58.4; 3,1:53.4 by LIFE SIGN. Winner of 6 races and $140,838 at 2 and 3. At 3, seasonal earnings
of $127,322; second in Bluegrass S. (by a head, timed in 1:52.3), leg and final of Blizzard Series, leg of Miss Vera
Bars Series and leg of Princess Series; third in Lady Maud S. and leg of Princess Series; fourth in Courageous Lady
S., heat of Jugette, etc.; timed in 1:54.3h. From 5 foals (4 starters), dam of 3 winners WESTERN PRIZE p,3,1:52.1 (h, Western Ideal). Winner of 10 races and $37,190 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, fourth in NJSS
Green Acres at Freehold, timed in 1:58.4h. At 3, 24-9-5-2; winner leg of March Madness Series at Buffalo; second
in leg and final of March Madness Series; timed in 1:52.4.
MAGNIFICENT GIFT p,2,1:54.1f (c, Cam's Card Shark). Winner of 2 races and $7,328. Now 3 and a winner.
Western Gift p,3,2:00.4f (m, Western Hanover). At 3, timed in 1:57.4f.
Brimsheen (c, Cam's Card Shark). Now 2 and racing; timed in 1:55 in first pari-mutuel start.
2nd Dam
BECAUSE I SAID SO by JATE LOBELL. From 7 foals, dam of 6 winners (1 in 1:51, 3 in 1:54, 5 in 2:00), including I'VE GOT LIFE p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:50.4 (g, Life Sign). Winner of 44 races and $440,482. At 2, winner Reynolds Mem.;
second in Smullin Memorial elim. At 3, winner of Jersey Cup; third in Meadowlands Pace cons., North America Cup
elim. and Prix d'Montreal cons. At 4, winner 2 legs of Willowdale Series; second in 2 legs Cam Fella Series.
LIFES KG GUY p,3,1:53.3; 1:53 (g, Life Sign). Winner of 28 races and $166,699. At 2, timed in 2:00.2f.
GIFT OF LIFE p,2,1:58.4; 3,1:53.4 (m, Life Sign). As above.
BECAUSE IM KG p,3,1:59.4f (m, Artsplace). Winner of 2 races and $9,602 at 3 and 4.
KG MEISTER p,3,Q2:02f; 4,1:59.4f (g, Jenna's Beach Boy). Winner of 4 races and $9,156.
Orders (f, Real Desire). Winner of $7,583. Now 2 and third in Tompkins-Geers S. and KySS; timed in 1:56.2.
3rd Dam
LOVING PROOF p,2,2:01; 3,1:55.2–1:55.3f by CAM FELLA. Winner of 5 races and $107,402 at 2 and 3. At 2, timed
in 1:59.1. At 3, winner of Adioo Volo S.; second in Lady Maud S., Miller Memorial elim. and NJSS; third in Helen
Dancer Mem.; timed in 1:53.1. Full or half sister to CAMTASTIC p,2,1:53; 3,1:51; 4,T1:49.3 ($2,117,619), LUSH
LIMBAUGH p,2,1:54.2; 3,1:52.2 ($212,534), CENTER COURT p,2,1:56.1; 1:54.3 ($196,483) and to the dams of
QUENTIN HANOVER p,2,1:58h; 3,1:53.3; 4,1:50.4 ($512,936), YANKEE LARIAT p,3,1:50.4 ($421,560), CRYSTAL
ART p,2,1:55f; 3,1:53; 4,1:52f ($400,192), QUANTUM HANOVER p,2,2:01.1f; 3,1:52.2 ($114,522), SHAHBASH
p,3,1:58.3f; 1:54.1f ($123,486), etc. From 11 foals, dam of 10 winners (8 in 1:55, 10 in 2:00)JULIET'S FATE p,2,1:52–1:54f–1:56h; 3,1:50.1 (m, Jate Lobell). Winner of 8 races and $682,094. At 2, winner
Breeders' Crown, Matron S., Bluegrass S., Ohio Stbd. S., Miss Rosecroft S., Three Diamonds elim.; second in Three
Diamonds, Int'l Stallion S., Breeders’ Crown elim. At 3, season's champion (2/5 off world record); third in elim./final
Breeders' Filly S., Bluegrass S., Fan Hanover elim. Dam of SOUTHWIND JASON p,2,1:57.4f; 3,1:52f.
BEACH ROMEO p,2,Q1:59.4h; 3,1:54.2; 4,1:54.2f; 1:51.4f–1:55h (h, Beach Towel). Winner of 37 races and
$405,907. At 3, second in leg of Summertime Series. At 4, Open Winner at Rosecroft. At 5, Open Winner.
RIGHTEOUS RENEE p,2,1:53.3 (m, Western Ideal). Winner of 3 races and $163,393. At 2, winner of Harvest S. and
Champlain S.; second in Review Futurity. At 3, second in leg Blossom Series; third in leg/final Blossom Series.
LIES THE TRUTH p,2,Q1:59.1; 3,1:50.4 (g, The Panderosa). Winner of 19 races and $132,387. At 2, third in PaSS.
RETURN TO ME p,3,1:53.1f (m, Jate Lobell). Winner of 6 races and $104,393. At 2, third in 2 legs of Scioto Series.
At 3, winner Reynolds Memorial and KySS elim.; second in KySS Final, Courageous Lady S., Horseman Futurity.
BERNIE'S BUCK p,2,1:54.3; 4,1:54.3f (g, Jate Lobell). Winner of 13 races and $69,448. At 2, winner of KySS.
JATED LOVE p,2,1:53.3 (m, Jate Lobell). Winner of 3 races and $36,078. At 2, winner of Sweetheart Pace cons.
MONTANA BOUND p,2,2:01.1f; 3,1:59.2f (m, Beach Towel). Her first foal is MISS WORLD p,3,1:53 ($112,318).
PROVEN LOVER p,2,1:55; 3,1:51.3-'07 (c, Real Desire). Winner of 2 races and $24,300 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg
of Lexington Series; second in KySS; third in KySS; timed in 1:54. Now 3 and second and third in KySS.
MAJORED IN LOVE p,2,1:58.3h-'07 (f, Art Major). Now 2 and took record in first pari-mutuel start; timed in 1:56.
Then To: LUSHKARA p,3,1:54.3 by Albatross–Perta Hanover by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Parshall Memorial
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row H, Stall 3
HIP NO. 594
Bay Filly. Foaled March 31, 2006. Tattoo No. 2D3543.
Silent Majority
Abercrombie ............................. { Bergdorf
Miss Elvira ................................. { Albatross
Ladalia Hanover
Precious Bunny ........................ { Cam Fella
Bunny's Wish
HARE TRAP p,4,1:51.2 ....................
Sabra Almahurst p,3,1:55.4h ... { Bret Hanover
Turn The Tide p,3,1:53.2
ARTSPLACE p,4,1:49.2 ...................
Dam of (f) Switchfoot p,3,1:54.3
(f) Major Trap p,2,1:59.1f-'07
Dam of (c) Flow Control p,4,1:51
(f) Hare Trap p,4,1:51.2
Dam of (c) Tidewater p,4,1:49.2
(c) Freshfromthestart p,1:50.3
1 in 1:55
2 in 2:00
5 in 1:54, 8 in 2:00
2 $200,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
5 in 1:55, 7 in 1:57
4 $125,000 Winners
5 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
HARE TRAP p,2,1:58.2; 3,1:57.4h; 4,1:51.2 by PRECIOUS BUNNY. Winner of 12 races and $211,843. At 2, winner
of NYB-LC; second in NYB-LC Final and leg Magical Mike Series; third in 3 NYB-LC and leg Magical Mike Series.
At 3, winner of 3 NYSS and NYB-LC; second in NYSS Final (by a neck) and NYB-LC; third in leg of May Flowers
Series and 3 NYSS; timed in 1:56, 1:56.1h. From 3 foals, dam of 2 winners SWITCHFOOT p,3,1:54.3 (m, Artsplace). Winner of 2 races and $9,925 at 2 and 3. At 2, timed in 1:58.1.
MAJOR TRAP p,2,1:59.1f-'07 (f, Art Major). Now 2 and took record in first pari-mutuel start.
2nd Dam
SABRA ALMAHURST p,2,1:56.1; 3,1:55.4h by BRET HANOVER. Winner of 9 races and $125,545 at 2 and 3. At 2,
winner heat of Bluegrass S.; third in final of Bluegrass S. At 3, winner Cinderella S., KySS and 2 Invitationals; third
in heats Review Futy. and Horseman Futy.; timed in 1:54.1. From 13 foals, dam of 8 winners (5 in 1:54, 8 in 2:00):
FLOW CONTROL p,2,1:56h; 4,1:51 (g, Precious Bunny). Winner of 28 races and $291,589. At 2, winner of Ohio
Standardbred S. and Garden State S. elim.; second in Arden Downs S.; third in final of Garden State S.; timed in
1:55.1f. At 3, winner leg Holiday Series; second in NYSS and leg Holiday Series; third in leg Holiday Series.
HARE TRAP p,2,1:58.2; 3,1:57.4h; 4,1:51.2 (m, Precious Bunny). As above.
FRONT PAGE NEWS p,2,1:57.4; 3,1:52.3f (m, Real Artist). Winner of 5 races and $92,506. At 2, winner of Pa. All
Stars; second in Arden Downs S. and 2 PaSS; third in Bluegrass S., timed in 1:52.4. At 3, winner of PaSS.
TROTTING RABBIT p,4,1:53.4 (g, Precious Bunny). Winner of 15 races and $41,603. At 4, timed in 1:53 (neck).
PRIME IDEAL p,3,1:53.3f-'07 (g, Western Ideal). Winner of 3 races and $26,388 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in NJSS
at The Meadowlands, timed in 1:54.1 (finishing second).
FUNDAMENTAL p,3,1:56.1 (h, Abercrombie). Winner of 7 races and $19,621.
MORE THAN MOST p,2,Q1:59.3 (m, Abercrombie). At 2, second in leg of Scioto Series; third in Hoosier Futurity.
CODE p,3,1:59f (m, No Nukes). Dam of KEEP MUM p,3,1:51.2 ($92,361), YELLOWSTONE KELLY p,2,Q2:02.1;
3,1:55.4-'07, MORSE p,2,1:59h; 3,1:56.4f, GHETTO FABULOUS p,3,1:58.4, TOMMY'S FAME p,3,1:59.1, etc.
Grandam of JIFFYS SECRET p,2,2:00.3f; 3,1:55.2f; 4,1:52 ($174,507), CANUCK LUCK p,2,1:57.4; 3,1:55.1f;
4,1:54.1f and SHARP SUZIE SUSHI p,3,1:56.1.
Jewel Princess (Prec. Bunny). Dam of ROYAL ART p,2,1:55.2; 3,1:52.2; 4,1:51.4 ($697,162) and PECOS PRINCE
p,3,Q1:59.2f. Grandam of THIRD DAY p,2,1:56.3; 3,1:50.4 ($156,944), ALL IS SAIDANDDONE p,3,1:55.3-'07..
Falcon's Sword (Falcon Seelster). Dam of LEASE AGREEMENT p,2,2:03; 3,1:58.1f and STOCKINGS p,2,2:02.3h.
My Ideal (f, Western Ideal). Now 2.
3rd Dam
TURN THE TIDE p,2,1:57.2; 3,1:53.2 by ALBATROSS. Winner of 23 races and $860,993 at 2 and 3. World Champion.
At 2, winner Countess Adios, Hanover Filly, Molly Pitcher, etc.; second in Sweetheart. At 3, winner Lady Maud,
Jugette, Tarport Hap, Bronx Filly S., Bluegrass, Ladyship, etc. Half sister to 10 in 2:00, incl. KILDAVIN p,3,1:56
($244,673), BALLYBAY p,3,1:55.1 ($122,443), SIZZLING ALMAHURST p,2,2:00.3h; 3,1:58.3h ($120,901) and the
dams of LIFE SIZZLES p,2,1:55.3; 3,1:50.4 ($839,002), BAYSIDE HALL p,2,1:54; 3,1:51; 4,1:50 ($590,303), RED
HOT SCOOTER p,2,1:55.1; 3,1:55.4f; 1:53.2f ($250,837), BALLYCARNEY p,3,1:58.2f; 1:52 ($151,108),
LILMISSCANTDOWRONG p,3,1:54.1; 3,1:53.3 ($143,767), etc. From 14 living foals, 9 winners (7 in 1:57) SHORE PATROL p,2,1:53.4–1:54.4f; 3,1:51.2 (h, Nihilator). Winner of 16 races and $1,112,211. 1:51 sire.
FRESHFROMTHESTART p,2,1:56.1; 3,1:54; 1:50.3 (g, Presidential Ball). Winner of 21 races and $439,926.
CATCH THE TIDE p,3,1:54.4 (h, Dragon's Lair). Winner 17 races, $195,939. At 3, winner of NYSS; third in 4 NYSS.
TIDEWATER p,2,1:52.4; 3,Q1:51.1–1:52.3; 4,1:49.2 (g, The Panderosa). Winner of 9 races and $78,296.
KATIE DOODLES p,2,1:56.2 (Dr. Lair). At 2, winner NYSS. Dam of DRAWS OFF p,2,Q1:58.4; 3,1:57.4h; 1:55.4f
SPECTACULAR TIDE p,2,Q1:58.4; 1:55 (g, Nihilator). Winner of 4 races and $30,696.
Huricane Almahurst p,2,Q2:00.2 (m, Tyler B). Dam of STAND ALONE p,2,1:52.4 ($333,337), SEADOG MAN
p,2,Q1:57.3f; 3,1:54.3; 4,1:51.1 ($279,767), HURRICANE SIGNS p,3,1:59.2h; 1:51.2 ($264,335), GALVESTON
p,2,1:55.4 ($62,891), etc. Grandam of MATTNA CARTER p,2,Q1:53.3; 4,1:53 ($167,736), etc.
Then To: PRETTY TRICKY p,4,T2:00 by Overtrick–Tarport Jazz p,3,2:04 by Thorpe Hanover.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Champlain Filly
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Northlands Filly Pace
Parshall Memorial
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Stephen Perrine Dey
Raised at Heritage Hill Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 14
HIP NO. 595
Bay Colt. Foaled March 21, 2006. Tattoo No. 1DC222.
Baltic Speed
Valley Victory ............................ { Valley Victoria
Maiden Yankee .......................... { Speedy
Wistful Yankee
Conway Hall .............................. {
Amour Angus
BUNDLE OF GOLD 3,Q1:56.2 .........
Golden Express 3,2:00.4 .......... { Sir Taurus
Sandshu Gold 3,2:03.2
MUSCLES YANKEE 3,1:52.2 ...........
First Foal
Dam of (f) Bundle Of Gold 3,Q1:56.2
(c) Smashed 4,1:57.2-'07
Dam of (f) Howard's Sister 1:56.4
(c) H S Dan 4,1:59.3f
(c) Howard's Express 4,2:00.1
First Foal
1 in 1:57
2 in 1:58
1 Stakes Winner
1 in 1:57, 5 in 2:01
1 $325,000 Winner
2 $125,000 Winners
6 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
BUNDLE OF GOLD 2,1:58.2; 3,Q1:56.2 by CONWAY HALL. Winner of 2 races and $68,883 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner
of KySS elimination at Lexington; second in $78,750 Kentucky Standardbred S. (in her first 2 pari-mutuel starts).
At 3, second in Hudson Filly Trot and MSRF at Rosecroft. At 4, second in 2 legs of Super Bowl Series; third in
$75,000 final of Super Bowl Series. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
GOLDEN EXPRESS 3,2:00.4 by SIR TAURUS. Winner of 10 races and $78,682. At 2, second in NYSS at Yonkers;
third in NYSS at Monticello; timed in 2:01.3. At 3, winner of NYB-LC at Syracuse and leg of Bennett Series at
Vernon; third in NYSS at Monticello and Batavia, leg and final of Bennett Series, NYB-LC at Buffalo and Yonkers
and leg and cons. of Quality Inn North Series at Vernon; timed in 1:58.2. From 3 foals (2 fillies), dam of 2 winners BUNDLE OF GOLD 2,1:58.2; 3,Q1:56.2 (m, Conway Hall). As above.
SMASHED 3,2:00f; 4,1:57.2-'07 (h, Garland Lobell). Winner of 5 races and $56,553 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, second in
KYFS. Now 4 and timed in 1:56.3.
Golden Harvest (m, Garland Lobell). At 2, timed in 2:02.1f in first start. Dam of O Narutac Spirit 2,Q2:06.4f (now 3).
3rd Dam
SANDSHU GOLD 2,2:06.2; 3,2:03.2 by EASTER BUD. Winner of 7 races and $109,708. At 2, 12-3-3-4; winner of
NYSS at Buffalo; second in NYSS at Monticello and Saratoga; third in NYSS at Batavia, Syracuse and Yonkers;
timed in 2:04. At 3, second in NYSS at Batavia and Roosevelt; third in NYSS at Buffalo, Yonkers and Saratoga;
timed in 2:00.2. At 4, winner of NYSS at Roosevelt; third in NYSS at Syracuse, Vernon, Buffalo and Batavia. From
12 foals (8 fillies), dam of 9 winners (1 in 1:57, 2 in 2:00) HOWARD'S SISTER 2,2:01.3–2:02h; 3,1:58.4–1:59f; 4,1:58; 1:56.4 (m, Sir Taurus). Winner of 38 races and
$332,157. At 2, 10-7-3-0; seasonal earnings of $147,828; winner of Landmark S., 2 NYSS at Yonkers and NYSS
at Monticello, Syracuse, Saratoga and Vernon; second in $150,000 NYSS Final at Yonkers (to Rae) and NYSS at
Buffalo. At 3, 18-5-4-1; earnings of $114,411; winner of NYSS at Buffalo, Monticello and Goshen and an Open at
Pocono; second in $150,000 NYSS Final at Yonkers, Vernon and Yonkers (twice). At 4, 27-9-5-2; winner of 3
Opens at Vernon Downs; second in 3 Opens at Vernon Downs and a Preferred at Yonkers. At 5, Open Winner at
Pocono and Vernon Downs (twice); second in 2 Opens at Vernon Downs; third in an Open at Vernon Downs. At
8, Open Winner at Saratoga; third in Opens at Vernon Downs and Saratoga.
H S DAN 3,2:07.3h; 4,1:59.3f (g, Flak Bait). Winner of 35 races and $137,444. At 3, timed in 2:00.2. At 11, winner
leg of Spring Training Series at Pocono Downs; second in leg of Spring Training Series.
GOLDEN EXPRESS 3,2:00.4 (m, Sir Taurus). As above.
SUPER GOLDDIGGER 2,2:06.2h; 3,2:04.4h; 4,Q2:04.2f (m, Super Perfect). Winner of 11 races and $35,727. At 2,
14-6-3-2; winner of NYFS Final, NYB-LC and 4 NYFS; second in NYB-LC and 2 NYFS; third in leg and final of NYBLC; timed in 2:04.2. At 3, winner of 4 NYFS; second and third in several NYFS; timed in 2:02.3.
SHU'S EXPRESS 3,2:02.3; 4,2:01 (m, Giant Victory). Winner of 7 races and $14,467. At 4, winner 2 legs Backus
Series at Vernon; second in leg of Backus Series; timed in 1:59.1. Dam of Dirty Dylan 3,Q2:04.3.
PERFECT GOLD 2,2:20h; 3,2:02 (g, Super Perfect). Winner of 5 races and $10,013. At 2, winner heat of NYFS;
second in NYB-LC and heat of NYFS; timed in 2:04.2.
Howard's Express 3,2:04h; 4,2:00.1 (g, Meadow Road). Winner of 18 races and $85,936. At 2, second in Landmark
S. and NYSS at Monticello and Yonkers; third in NYSS at Saratoga. At 3, third in Landmark S.
Perfect Golddiger (m, Super Perfect). At 2, third in heat of NYFS. Her first foal is the Stakes Winner MISS RAMBO
3,2:08.1h; 4,2:03.1h.
Sandy Gold 3,2:11.3h; 2:01.1f (p,4,2:06.2h) (m, Super Perfect). Winner of 9 races and $22,964.
Ladydottie Tarus 4,2:03.1f (m, Sir Taurus). Winner of 2 races.
Sister Shuzy (m, Sir Taurus). Dam of the Stakes Winner MATCHSTICK MAN 2,1:57.1; 3,1:55.2 ($240,044).
Then To: Gold Wave p,2:01.2 (t,2:02.2) by Gold Worthy–Johanna Hanover 2,2:13 ¼h by Dean Hanover.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Harold Dancer Memorial
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stakes No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Charles Smith Trot
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 6
HIP NO. 596
Bay Filly. Foaled February 16, 2006. Tattoo No. 8D2278.
Oil Burner
No Nukes ................................... { Gidget Lobell
Wendymae Hanover ................. { Albatross
Wendy Sue H'ver
Big Towner ................................ { Gene Abbe
Tiny Wave
KINDLY HANOVER p,3,1:51.3 .........
Keystone Hera p,3,T1:55.4 ....... { Albatross
Keystone Hula p,4,T1:59.3
WESTERN HANOVER p,3,1:50.4 ....
Dam of (c) Syncro's Z Tam p,4,1:50.1
(c) Western Kind p,3,1:53.3
Dam of (c) Camdevin p,1:51
(c) Kinney Hanover p,1:51
Dam of (c) Key. Humphrey p,4,1:53.4f
(c) Keystone Hero p,4,1:55.1
3 in 1:55, 4 in 1:59
5 in 1:55, 11 in 2:00
4 in 1:56, 7 in 1:59
1 $425,000 Winner
3 $150,000 Winners
2 $100,000 Winners
2 Stakes Winners
6 Stakes Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
KINDLY HANOVER p,2,1:55.1; 3,1:51.3–1:54.1f by BIG TOWNER. Winner of 19 races and $331,525. At 2, winner
Hanover Filly S. and Review Futurity. At 3, 18-5-7-2; earnings $189,310; winner $181,500 American-National S.,
heat Review Futurity (setting track record), Hanover Filly S. and 2 PaSS; second in Hayes Memorial, Keystone
Classic, PaSS. At 4, 24-10-3-4; winner Pretty Direct S., 2 Preferreds, 2 Opens. From 7 foals, dam of 4 winnersSYNCRO'S Z TAM p,2,1:53.1; 3,1:52.4f; 4,1:50.1 (g, Blissfull Hall). Winner of 11 races and $436,647. At 2, earnings
of $217,208; winner of $237,400 Governor's Cup and Lexington LC; second in $298,800 Matron S.; third in
Champlain S., timed in 1:52.1. At 3, earnings of $107,775; winner of Keystone Classic at The Meadows; second
in $169,940 Max Hempt Memorial and Confederation Cup elim.; third in Max Hempt Memorial elim.; timed in 1:49.2.
WESTERN KIND p,2,1:53.4; 3,1:53.3 (h, Western Hanover). Winner of 12 races and $91,140. At 3, timed in 1:52.2.
NUKES VICTORY p,3,1:55–1:56.1f–1:59.1h (h, No Nukes). Winner of 18 races and $31,564. At 2, fourth in NJSS
at The M'wlands (to Kett's Rebellion and Aces N' Sevens), timed in 1:55. At 3, 19-12-1-1; winner of Mcphl Pace.
KINDLY JENNA p,3,1:58.2f (m, Jenna's Beach Boy). Winner of 2 races and $8,380 at 3. At 2, timed in 1:59.4 in first
start. At 3, timed in 1:55.4. Dam of DOCTOR J HOLIDAY p,2,1:58.1h-'07 (timed in 1:54.1).
Lymmer (c, Western Hanover). Now 2 and racing; timed in 2:01.3 in first start.
2nd Dam
KEYSTONE HERA p,2,1:58.3f; 3,T1:55.4 by ALBATROSS. Winner of 7 races and $101,470 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
leg of Canadian Series and 2 legs of Maiden Series; second in final of Canadian Series, leg and final of Maiden
Series and leg of Trillium Series. At 3, Open Winner at Greenwood; second in Fan Hanover S. elim. and an Open;
third in Batavia Colt & Filly S., PaSS and 2 Opens. From 15 foals, dam of 11 winners (5 in 1:55, 11 in 2:00) KINNEY HANOVER p,2,1:54.2–1:58.1h–1:58.1f; 3,1:52.1; 1:51–1:53f (h, No Nukes). Winner of 30 races and
$777,170. At 2, winner 8 of 13 starts, including NJSS Final, Reynolds Memorial, Winbak Farm LC, NJSS and 2
NJFS. At 3, earnings $367,086; winner Meadowlands Pace elim., NJSS, an Open and FFA; second in $1,000,000
Meadowlands Pace, NJSS Final and Jug Preview; third in Woodbine Gold Cup; timed in 1:51. At 4, winner leg and
final of Aquarius Series and 2 FFAs; second in leg of Aquarius Series. At 5, second in leg Toronto Series.
KINDLY HANOVER p,2,1:55.1; 3,1:51.3–1:54.1f (m, Big Towner). As above.
CAMDEVIN p,2,Q2:02f; 3,1:59.1f; 1:51–1:52.3f (g, Cam's Card Shark). Winner of 26 races and $173,573. At 2, third
in 2 legs Royal Travel Series; timed in 1:57f. At 4, 41-12-11-4; winner leg Sharp Kosmos Series; second in leg/final
Sharp Kosmos Series. At 5, Open Winner. At 6, winner 2 Opens. At 8, second and third in legs 10 Grand Series.
KELSEY BAY HANOVER p,2,1:57.1; 3,1:55.2; 4,1:55 (m, Jenna's Beach Boy). Winner of 6 races and $86,465 at 2,
3 and 4. At 2, winner of Quebec Merite S.; second in Quebec Plus Final; third in Quebec Distinction S.; timed in
1:56. At 3, winner of Quebec Elite S. and Quebec Distinction S.; third in an Open at Hippodrome de Montreal.
I'M PRIME TIME p,3,2:00.1f; 4,1:56.4f (m, Kentucky Spur). Winner of 10 races and $76,031. At 2, third in PaSS. Dam
of GRISSINI p,2,1:55.4; 3,1:54.4h; 4,1:52.4 ($227,777), JUAREZ p,3,1:53f and LAUREN ORDER p,2,1:54.
KEYLA HANOVER p,2,1:59.1f; 3,1:57.3f (No Nukes). Winner of 7 races, $51,841. At 2, winner 2 legs Maiden Series
and leg Trillium Series; second in Champlain S., Flamboro Breeders' S., etc. At 3, winner 2 legs London Series.
Dam of TWIN B KAYLA p,2,2:06.2f; 3,1:58.1; 4,1:55f ($259,872), TWIN B KARTER p,3,1:54.2; 4,1:54.1h, TWIN
B KNOCKOUT p,2,1:57.1; 3,1:54.2 and TWIN B JENNA p,3,1:59.1f. Grandam of KNOCKOUT CHAMP
p,3,Q1:57.2, CLASSIC GRIN p,3,1:59h; 1:57.2h and TWINSCAPE p,2,Q1:59.4.
KEVIN HANOVER p,2,1:59.1h; 3,1:56h; 4,Q1:54.1 (g, Big Towner). Winner of 7 races and $40,736. At 2, third in
PaSS at The Meadows; timed in 1:56.4f. At 3, timed in 1:54.4f (twice).
KLAXON HANOVER p,3,1:58f (h, Big Towner). Winner of 23 races and $29,381.
I’M THE PAN p,3,2:03.3h; 1:59.1f (g, Direct Scooter). Winner of 4 races and $28,419.
KREPLACH HANOVER p,3,2:00h (m, The Panderosa). Winner of 3 races and $16,691. At 3, timed in 1:53f.
KORSAR HANOVER p,2,Q2:01.1h; 4,1:57.2-'07 (h, Arturo). Winner of 4 races and $15,632. Stakes Winner.
Khadiva Hanover (m, No Nukes). Dam of KHADCAM p,3,1:56.3f.
Kasecky Hanover (c, Badlands Hanover). Now 2.
Then To: KEYSTONE HULA p,4,T1:59.3 by Bye Bye Byrd–Helen Sand by Farvel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Champlain Filly
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Northlands Filly Pace
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farm
Raised at Southwind Farms, Pennington, NJ
HIP NO. 597
Stable 5, Row H, Stall 4
Bay Colt. Foaled April 17, 2006. Tattoo No. 2DD657.
Most Happy Fella
Cam Fella ................................... { Nan Cam
Jef's Magic Trick ....................... { B.G's
Meadow Trick
The Panderosa .......................... {
Daisy Harbor
VILLAGE JOVIAL .............................
Village Jig p,3,1:56f .................. { Direct Scooter
Juno Lobell p,2,T1:58.1
CAM'S CARD SHARK p,3,1:50 ........
Third Foal
Dam of (c) Village Jove p,3,1:49.4
(c) Village Jiffy p,1:50
Dam of (c) Village Jupiter p,3,1:54.4
(c) Village Juno p,4,1:54.4f
Third Foal
2 in 1:50, 4 in 1:55, 6 in 1:58
1 $1,525,000 Winner
2 $275,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
2 in 1:55, 5 in 1:56
1 $325,000 Winner
3 $125,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
VILLAGE JOVIAL by THE PANDEROSA. Bred at 2. This is her third foal. Dam of Southwind Viper (c, Artsplace). Now 3 and racing; timed in 1:57.4f in first pari-mutuel start.
Southwind Vanna (f, Artsplace). Now 2.
2nd Dam
VILLAGE JIG p,2,1:56; 3,1:56f by DIRECT SCOOTER. Winner of 21 races and $342,505 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, voted
OJC 2-year-old Pacer of the Year; winner of 3 legs and final of Canadian Series, 5 legs of Trillium Series, 2 NJSS
and Champlain S. elim.; second in final of Champlain S. At 3, winner Fan Hanover S. elim. and Simcoe S. elim.;
second in Bronx Filly S. and Lady Maud S. From 10 living foals, dam of 7 winners (2 in 1:50, 4 in 1:55, 6 in 1:58)VILLAGE JIFFY p,2,1:53.2f; 3,1:52.4f; 1:50 (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 22 races and $1,527,683. At 2, 15-7-1-3;
earnings of $294,405; winner of $300,000 Breeders’ Crown, Prix de l'Avenir, New Jersey Futurity, Governor's Cup
elim. and 2 legs and final of Kindergarten Series; third in Garden State S., Champlain S. and Nassagaweya S. At
3, earnings of $317,653; winner of American-National S. and Burlington S.; second in Simcoe S., Oliver Wendell
Holmes elim. and both heats of Tattersalls S.; third in North America Cup cons. At 4, 28-8-6-5; earnings $578.585;
winner $334,000 Breeders’ Crown, Stewart Fraser Memorial, William Haughton Memorial and Beckwith Memorial;
second in U.S. Pacing Championship and Des Smith Classic; third in 2 legs of U.S. Pacing Championship,
Canadian Pacing Derby, American-National S., Battle of Lake Erie and Frank Ryan Memorial. At 5, earnings of
$337,040; winner leg and final of Driscoll Series; second in Canadian Pacing Derby elim., Battle of Lake Erie, U.S.
Pacing Champ., Dan Patch S. and Des Smith Classic. 1:50 sire, incl. Dreamfair Vogel p,4,1:49.3 ($871,132).
VILLAGE JOVE p,2,1:51.4; 3,1:49.4 (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 6 races and $284,365 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner of
Governor's Cup elim.; second in Abe Lincoln S., American-National S. and Nassagaweya S.; third in Champlain S.
At 3, winner of Meadowlands Pace consolation and American-National S. elimination; second in Burlington S.; third
in final of American-National S., Simcoe S. and North America Cup elimination. 1:52 sire.
VILLAGE JEKYLL p,4,1:58.3; 1:55 (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 31 races and $66,071.
VILLAGE JARGON p,2,2:02.4h (m, Camluck). Winner of 1 race and $48,576 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of ONTSS
Grassroots at Belleville; second in ONTSS Grassroots at Sarnia; third in ONTSS Grassroots Semi-Final at London.
and ONTSS Grassroots at Woodstock; timed in 1:58.3f. At 3, second in ONTSS Grassroots at Elmira and London;
third in Flamboro Breeders' S., ONTSS Grassroots; timed in 1:54.3. Her first foal is VILLAGE JEST p,3,1:55.1f.
VILLAGE JEFFERSON p,2,1:54.4 (h, Presidential Ball). Winner of 3 races and $25,262 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
American-National S. consolation; third in Metro S. elimination.
VILLAGE JINGLE p,2,1:57.1 (m, Life Sign). Winner of 2 races and $11,216 at 2. Her first 3 foals are Woodrow
Wilson Winner VILLAGE JOLT p,2,1:51.1; 3,1:50.4f ($1,634,220), VILLAGE JIGGLE p,3,1:54 and VILLAGE
JANGLE p,3,1:54.3.
VILLAGE JATO p,2,1:57.3f; 3,Q1:56.1-'07 (f, Dexter Nukes). Winner of 1 race and $8,081 at 2 and 3.
3rd Dam
JUNO LOBELL p,2,T1:58.1 by NERO. Winner of 3 races and $36,572. At 2, second in leg of Trillium Series and 2
Canadian Series S.; third in 2 legs of Trillium Series. At 3, third in Flamboro Breeders. S. Half sister to ARMBRO
INCOME p,2,1:57f; 3,1:56.4f; 1:54 ($338,637). From 8 foals, dam of 6 winners (2 in 1:55, 5 in 1:56, 6 in 1:58) VILLAGE JIG p,2,1:56; 3,1:56f (m, Direct Scooter). As above.
VILLAGE JOE p,2,1:59f; 3,1:56h (h, No Nukes). Winner of 21 races and $154,906. At 2, second in 2 legs of
Kindergarten Series; third in Prix de l'Avenir. At 3, winner 2 legs Battle of Saratoga Series; second in Simcoe S.
VILLAGE JUNO p,3,1:55.4f; 4,1:54.4f (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 35 races and $148,160. Stakes placed at 3.
VILLAGE NAT p,3,1:57.4; 4,1:56f (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 17 races, $82,563. At 4, winner leg Senatorial Series.
VILLAGE JUSTICE p,2,1:58f (g, Legal Notice). Winner of 22 races and $74,515. At 2, winner of 4 ONTSS.
VILLAGE JUPITER p,2,Q1:57.3; 3,1:54.4 (g, Direct Scooter). Winner of 15 races and $46,513. Stakes placed at 2.
Village Junoesque (Jate Lobell). Dam of RUN AROUND JATE p,2,1:58.1f; 3,1:52.3–1:54.4f; 1:52 ($357,512).
Then To: JAMBO BELLE p,2,1:59.3 by Good Time–MARYELLEN HANOVER p,4,2:02.1h by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Lou Babic Pace
Bluegrass Series
Cane Pace
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 13
HIP NO. 598
Bay Colt. Foaled March 2, 2006. Tattoo No. 3DN280.
Meadow Road
Primrose Lane ........................... { Barb's Pride
Quillo ......................................... { Trottin'
Arsenal's Dynasty
Balanced Image ........................ {
Well Molded
SPICEY IMAGE 3,Q2:01 ...................
Spicey Soup 3,2:01 ................... { Baltic Speed
KADABRA 4,1:51.3 ..........................
First Foal
Dam of (c) Super Spicy 1:53.2
(f) Spicey Image 3,Q2:01
Dam of (c) Speedy Tomali 3,1:56.4
(c) Only Make Believe 3,1:58.2
First Foal
1 in 1:54, 3 in 2:02
1 $450,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1 in 1:57, 3 in 2:00
2 $100,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
SPICEY IMAGE 2,Q2:02.3; 3,Q2:01 by BALANCED IMAGE. Winner of $12,706 at 2. At 2, second in ONTSS Gold
elimination at Mohawk; third in Champlain S., timed in 1:58.4. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
SPICEY SOUP 3,2:01 by BALTIC SPEED. Winner of 5 races and $22,676. At 3, winner of NJFS at Garden State;
timed in 2:00.2h. From 3 foals, dam of 3 winners SUPER SPICY 2,1:59.1f; 3,Q1:55.4; 1:53.2 (h, Super Bowl). Winner of 24 races and $481,904. At 2, 16-9-2-1;
earnings of $178,073; winner of $100,000 PaSS Final, Historic S., Breeders' Crown elim. (over Credit Winner),
Northfield Grand Circuit S., Review Futurity, Pa. All Stars and 3 PaSS; second in Ohio Standardbred S.; third in
Reynolds Memorial; timed in 1:58. At 7, earnings of $118,649; FFA and Open Winner at Woodbine.
Spicey Image 2,Q2:02.3; 3,Q2:01 (m, Balanced Image). As above.
Spicy Hot 2,Q2:02 (m, Armbro Goal). At 2, second in Balanced Image LC; third in Keystone Pioneer LC.
3rd Dam
VICHYSSOISE by CHRISTOPHER T. From 12 foals, dam of 7 winners (3 in 2:00), including SPEEDY TOMALI 2,1:58.2; 3,1:56.4 (h, Speedy Somolli). Winner of 11 races and $173,515 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of 10 of 12 starts; seasonal earnings of $154,061; winner of $100,000 NJSS Championship, $65,380 Matron S.,
2 NJSS at The Meadowlands, 3 NJSS at Garden State and NJFS; second in Peter Haughton Memorial consolation.
ONLY MAKE BELIEVE 2,Q2:04; 3,1:58.2–1:58.3f (h, Prakas). Winner of 5 races and $104,121 at 2 and 3. At 2,
second in Hanover Colt S. (to Uconn Don); third in $102,000 PaSS Championship, Peter Haughton Memorial
elimination and 2 PaSS; timed in 1:57.4. At 3, winner of Townsend Ackerman Trot and 2 PaSS; second in $125,000
Macfarlane Memorial (to Super Pleasure); timed in 1:55.2. At 4, exported to Belgium.
SPICEY SOUP 3,2:01 (m, Baltic Speed). As above.
GLORIOUS SOUP 2,2:06.2h; 3,2:04.3h; 4,Q2:03.3f (h, Baltic Speed). Winner of 3 races and $10,231 at 2 and 3. At
2, winner of Flamboro Breeders’ S.; timed in 2:03.1f.
CHOCOLATE SOUP 3,1:59.4 (m, Speedy Crown). Dam of CHOCOLATE DIPPED 2,2:02.1h; 3,1:58.4f.
Fish Chowder 3,T2:00.4 (m, Bonefish). Dam of MIGHTY IRISH MIKE 2,2:00.3f; 4,1:59.2f ($71,962) and BERRY
SOUP 4,1:55.1. Grandam of SOUP OF THE DAY 3,2:00.4f; 1:59.2f, TREAD MILL 3,1:59.2, CAT WALK 4,1:59.4h,
INDIA'S PROGRAM 2:00f and MR JOSHUA 2,2:05h; 3,2:04.2h.
4th Dam
CLORINDA HANOVER 2,2:04.2 by HOOT MON. Winner of 6 races and $11,671. At 2, winner consolation of Acorn
S.; third in Hanover-Hempt S. From 16 foals (10 fillies), dam of CLAYT HANOVER 3,2:01.1f (h, Star's Pride). Winner of 6 races and $36,096 at 3. At 3, winner Reynolds Memorial.
Clementine Hanover 3,Q2:04.2f (Super Bowl). Winner of $12,613. Dam of CLEM LAUXMONT 3,2:04.2f; 1:58.3f.
Clarene Hanover 2,2:08.3 (m, Star's Pride). Dam of CAMI ALMAHURST 2,2:00.1; 3,1:59f ($235,748). Grandam of
CARIES CREDIT 2,2:02.4h; 3,1:56.3; 4,1:54 ($372,225), NELIDA CAF 2:01.1f ($220,000), OMAR CAF 2:03.3f
($208,955), CHEESECAKE 2,2:03.2f; 3,2:00.3f; 4,1:55.2 ($164,105), CHAMPAGNE COMANCHE 2,2:00.2; 1:59.2
($171,286), LOST TWO 2,2:04.2f; 3,1:59.1f; 1:59f ($136,546), LOST QUARTER 3,2:01f; 1:58.1f ($125,447), etc.
Third dam of TOM BRUCE 2,1:59f; 1:54.3 ($159,512), MAGNUM LAUXMONT 2,2:00; 3,1:58 ($84,347), etc.
Clarissa Hanover (m, Star's Pride). Dam of CRANFORD 2,2:03.3h, 3,2:01.1 ($305,297), CORAL BELLE 3,2:03.3,
2:01 ($187,602), HYMCAN 2,Q2:06.1, 3,2:01.4f ($152,180), etc. Grandam of BON SPORT 2,1:59.3, 3,1:57.3
($385,342), LADY BELLE 2,2:01.2; 1:57 ($181,371), CIDER HILL 2,2:03.2f, 3,2:02h, 2:01.4h ($101,592), CHINITO
3,1:58.2f; 4,1:56.2, HOPELAND TRIBUTE 3,1:58.3f, etc. Third dam of DOCTOR DARIUS 2,2:05.2, 3,2:00.2; 1:59.
Classy Hanover (m, Star's Pride). Grandam of BERKSHIRE BUDDY 2,2:06.2; 3,1:57.2 ($227,426). Third dam of
SHANNON BRIGHT 2,1:59; 3,1:58; 1:56 ($225,811), FENCE POST 2,2:06.2h; 3,2:00.2h; 1:57f ($236,942), BACK
TO CLASS 3,2:03.1h; 1:58.2f ($182,802), INDY CAR 2,2:00, etc. Fourth dam of FETTAH JACOB 1:59.3, etc.
Clove Hanover (m, Super Bowl). Dam of CLOVE VOLO 2,2:08.4; 3,2:01.4 ($111,129).
Clorita Hanover (m, Star’s Pride). Dam of CHIOLA HANOVER 2,2:04.4h; 3,1:57.4 ($684,958).
Then To: Clotilde Hanover 3,T2:11.2h by Dean Hanover–Charm Hanover 3,T2:17 ½ by Peter The Brewer.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Canadian Breeders Champ.
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Ontario Sires
Parshall Memorial
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE, MKT., INC., Agent for Lindy Racing Stable
Raised at Lindy Farms, Somersville, CT
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 12
HIP NO. 657
(Embryo Transfer)
Bay Colt. Foaled June 11, 2006. Tattoo No. 3D7906.
ABC Freight
Garland Lobell .......................... { Gamin Lobell
Amour Angus ............................ { Magna
Kenwood Scamper
Victory Dream ........................... { Valley Victory
Crown Dream
DREAM ON CANDY 3,1:55.2 ...........
Candy Crown 2,Q2:04.3h ......... { Lindy's Pride
Speedy Toe 3,2:01.1f
CONWAY HALL 3,1:53.4 ..................
Dam of (c) Blessed Victory 3,1:58.4f-'07
(c) Do The Lindy 4,1:59.1f-'07
Dam of (f) Family Trust 4,T1:53.3
(f) Dream On Candy 3,1:55.2
Dam of (c) Lindy's Crown 4,1:54.4
(c) Shogun Lobell 3,1:55.1
1 in 1:59f
3 in 2:00f
3 in 1:56, 6 in 1:59
4 $125,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:55, 4 in 1:59
4 $125,000 Winners
6 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
DREAM ON CANDY 2,1:58.1; 3,1:55.2–1:57.3f by VICTORY DREAM. Winner of 9 races and $283,516 at 2, 3 and 4.
At 2, winner of Hoosier Futurity; second in $100,000 Kentucky Standardbred S. and Bluegrass S. At 3, earnings
of $191,392; winner of Hambletonian Oaks elim., Matron S. elimination and Del Miller Trot consolation; second in
$185,362 Matron S.; third in $588,000 Breeders' Crown, $135,000 American-National S. and heat of filly Kentucky
Futurity. At 4, winner of Malabar Man LC and Pine Bush Equine Clinic LC. From 4 foals, dam of 3 in 2:00f CADILLAC LINDY 3,1:59.4f (g, Enjoy Lavec). Winner of 8 races and $23,532.
DO THE LINDY 2,Q2:01.3; 4,1:59.1f-'07 (g, Pine Chip). Winner of 1 race and $7,176. At 2, timed in 1:57.4.
BLESSED VICTORY 3,1:58.4f-'07 (c, Conway Hall). Now 3 and winner 2 of 3 starts.
Lindy For Life (c, Angus Hall). Now 2.
2nd Dam
CANDY CROWN 2,Q2:04.3h–2:06.1 by LINDY'S PRIDE. Winner of 2 races at 2. At 3, winner of OHSS at Lebanon
in first start; timed in 2:01.4. From 9 foals, dam of 7 winners (3 in 1:56, 4 in 1:59) DREAM ON CANDY 2,1:58.1; 3,1:55.2–1:57.3f (m, Victory Dream). As above.
FAMILY TRUST 3,1:58.2; 4,T1:53.3–1:56.1 (m, Victory Dream). Winner of 5 races and $251,273 at 2, 3 and 4. At
2, second in Matron S. elimination; third in Champlain S., Oakville Trot, Bluegrass S. and International Stallion S.,
timed in 1:58. At 3, winner of Spring Championship elimination at Lexington and KySS at Lexington; second in heat
and final of filly World Trotting Derby, heat of filly World Trotting Derby and an Open; third in $217,395 Simcoe S.,
final of filly Kentucky Futurity and Townsend Ackerman Trot; timed in 1:55.1 (twice).
CANDY VICTORY 2,1:58.2 (Valley Victory). Winner 4 races, $212,841 at 2 and 3. At 2, earnings $209,782; winner
$300,000 Goldsmith Maid Trot, Harold Dancer Memorial, NJSS at Garden State and NJFS; second in NJSS. At
3, third in NJSS. Dam of BIT O CANDY 2,Q2:02.2; 3,1:53.4 ($345,089) and WHYMESSWITHSUCCESS 2,2:02;
3,1:56.4. Grandam of SELF INDULGENT 2,2:00; 3,1:53.3 ($223,228), MANOPOLY 2,1:57 ($125,803), BJ'S
CHINOOK 2,2:01.2h; 3,Q1:56.4; 4,1:54.2f-'07 ($110,750) and FORCE NINE 2,2:02.2h (now 3 and racing).
NANA'S BEST 2,1:59; 3,1:54 (m, Muscles Yankee). Winner of 4 races and $135,228 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner of
Lexington LC (in first pari-mutuel start); fourth in Goldsmith Maid Trot. At 3, winner heat of filly Kentucky Futurity;
second in $108,993 Simcoe S. and Review Futurity; third in final of filly Kentucky Futurity.
KNIGHTS TAIL 2,Q2:01; 3,1:56.2 (h, Lindy Lane). Winner of 3 races and $81,602 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in
elimination and $184,126 final of Matron S.; third in Breeders' Crown elimination; timed in 1:57.3f.
BIG VICTORY 3,1:55.4 (h, Valley Victory). Winner of 3 races and $15,592. 1:59f sire.
3rd Dam
SPEEDY TOE 3,2:01.1f by SPEEDY SCOT. Winner of 4 races and $7,963. World Champion at 3. At 3, second in
American-National S.; third in 2 Breeders' Filly S. Sister to SPEEDY CROWN 2,T2:01.2; 3,1:57.1 ($545,495); half
sister to GLENCOE PRIDE 2,2:01h; 3,2:03.3f; 4,1:57.1 ($276,774). From 15 foals, dam of 8 winners (4 in 1:59) SHOGUN LOBELL 3,1:55.1 (h, Super Bowl). Winner of 7 races and $409,291 in the U.S.; $1,000,000 internationally.
At 3, winner of Review Futurity, Historic Cup and heat of World Trotting Derby; second in final World Trotting Derby,
Beacon Course Trot, Transylvania Trot, etc.; third in heat of Hambletonian. In Europe, winner of Elitlopp.
LINDY'S CROWN 3,1:57.1; 4,1:54.4 (h, Lindy's Pride). Winner of 13 races and $262,048. World Champion. At 3,
winner Greyhound S. and Leland Stanford Trot; second in Arden Downs S. At 4, set world records on both mile and
e mile tracks; winner of American-National Maturity and Maple Leaf Trotting Classic. 1:55 sire.
CROWN'S PRIDE 3,1:58.3; T1:58.1 (Italy) (h, Lindy's Pride). Winner of 6 races, $17,943; $200,000 Internationally.
SPEEDY FLAIK 2,2:00.1; 3,1:58.2 (m, Flak Bait). Winner of 6 races, $139,023. At 2, winner 2 NYSS. At 3, winner
Hudson Filly Trot. Dam of JUSTICE DONE 3,Q1:58.4. Grandam of POKEY REESE 3,1:57f; 1:55.1 ($140,117).
CANDY CROWN 2,Q2:04.3h (m, Lindy's Pride). As above.
CROWN VELVET 2,2:06.2f (m, Star's Pride). At 2, winner PaSS. Grandam of BERYL 2,1:58 ($150,940). Third dam
of AJ'S SAMMY 2,2:03.4; 3,1:57.3; 4,1:55.3 ($375,845), BRIGGIE HANOVER 2,Q1:59.1; 3,Q1:56.4 ($171,162).
Then To: Missile Toe 3,2:05.2h by Florican–Worth A Plenty 3,T2:02.2 by Darnley.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
New York Sires
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Warrawee Farm
Raised at Warrawee Farm, Rockwood, Ontario
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 13
HIP NO. 658
Bay Filly. Foaled April 16, 2006. Tattoo No. 4DD935.
Baltic Speed
Valley Victory ............................ { Valley Victoria
Gratis Yankee ............................ { Speedy
Yankee Flight
King Conch ............................... {
WARRAWEE FOURLEAF ................
Cloverleaf Kosmos ................... { Jurgy Hanover
Caterina 2,2:07.3
YANKEE GLIDE 3,1:55.1 .................
Second Foal
Dam of (c) King Of Trot 4,1:55.4
(f) Warrawee Duchess 4,1:58.2
(f) Warrawee Kirra 4,1:58.3f
Dam of (c) Condor Kosmos 1:55.3
Second Foal
1 in 1:56, 3 in 1:59
3 $150,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:56
1 $350,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
WARRAWEE FOURLEAF by KING CONCH. At 2, third in ONTSS Grassroots. This is her second foal. Dam of Warrawee June (f, Angus Hall). Now 2.
2nd Dam
CLOVERLEAF KOSMOS by JURGY HANOVER. From 11 living foals (7 fillies), dam of 5 winners KING OF TROT 2,2:01.3h; 3,1:56.1; 4,1:55.4 (g, King Conch). Winner of 14 races and $338,404. At 2, winner of
Ontario Sires S. Gold elim. at London; second in $100,000 ONTSS Gold Final at London and ONTSS at Dresden.
At 3, 17-10-1-1; earnings of $254,806; early season's champion; winner of elim. and $103,440 ONTSS Gold Final
at Woodbine (twice), $92,650 Simcoe S., Flamboro Breeders’ S. and ONTSS Gold eliminations at Flamboro Downs
and London; second in ONTSS Gold elim. at Rideau Carlton. At 4, Open Winner at Windsor; timed in 1:55.2.
WARRAWEE KIRRA 2,2:06h; 3,1:59f; 4,1:58.3f (m, Dream of Glory). Winner of 25 races and $305,718. At 2, 10-3-31; winner of ONTSS at Elmira and Kingston Park; second in Windsor Riverfront S.; third in leg of Trillium Series at
Kawartha Downs. At 3, 19-13-1-1; seasonal earnings of $148,431; voted Canadian 3YO Trotting Filly of the Year;
winner of Flamboro Breeders' S., Canadian Breeders' Championship elim. and ONTSS at Greenwood (twice),
Flamboro Downs, Sudbury, Kawartha Downs, Dresden, Barrie and Rideau Carleton; second in ONTSS at
Orangeville; third in final of Canadian Breeders' Championship. At 4, 24-9-2-5; seasonal earnings of $100,112;
winner of elimination and final of Provenzano Mem.; fourth in Breeders' Crown elimination (to Peace Corps). Dam
of FUN AND STROKES 2,1:57.2; 3,1:55 ($735,556), RICH REWARDS 2,2:00.2; 3,1:55.4 ($137,603), WHERE ARE
WE NOW 3,1:58.4 ($104,438), ASHLEY'S CAROUSEL 3,2:02h; 1:56.2, KIRRAS COLT 3,1:57.4 and OUR BELLA
ELLA 2,2:00.2. Grandam of AROUND AND OVER 2,Q1:58.4; 3,Q1:56.1-'07, UP DOWN N AROUND 3,2:00f;
4,Q1:57.3–1:58f-'07 and REPOED 3,1:59.4f; 4,1:59.1f-'07.
GAELIC 3,2:01h; 4,2:00.3f (m, Angus Hall). Winner of 10 races and $157,865. At 2, second in $252,000 ONTSS
Super Final at Woodbine and Flamboro Breeders; third in ONTSS Gold eliminations at Grand River and London,
leg of Trillium Series at Windsor and Canadian Breeders' Championship elimination at Woodbine, timed in 1:57.4.
At 3, winner of ONTSS Grassroots at Grand River and Dream Of Glory S. elim. at Hanover; second in ONTSS
Grassroots at Hanover and leg of Trillium Series at Flamboro Downs; third in leg of Trillium Series at Sarnia
WARRAWEE DUCHESS 3,2:01.4f; 4,1:58.2 (m, Earl). Winner of 2 races and $16,832 at 3 and 4. At 3, timed in
1:58.2. At 4, winner leg of Super Bowl Series.
Warrawee Yarri (Dr. Of Glory). Dam of WAY CON TROT 2,2:00.3. Grandam of ARMBRO CHRONICLE 2,2:04.1h;
3,1:57.1; 1:53.1-'07 ($333,438), ARMBRO BJORN 3,2:02f; 4,1:59f and HONEYCONCH 2,2:04.2h; 3,Q2:01.4f-'07.
3rd Dam
CATERINA 2,2:07.3 by NOBLE VICTORY. From 4 foals, dam of CONDOR KOSMOS 2,2:02.3; 3,1:57.2; 1:55.3 (h, Jurgy Hanover). Winner of 45 races and $364,120. At 3, winner
of NJSS at The Meadowlands (twice) and three Vernon Downs Early Closers. Fast Class Winner at 5.
Classy Kosmos (m, Speedy Somolli). Dam of CLASSIC APPROACH 1:58.4f ($120,849) and HIGH COUNSEL 2,2:05;
3,2:03.1h; 2:00 ($76,093). Grandam of BAR ROOM STEVIE 2,2:07.2h.
4th Dam
FANTASTIC 3,2:05.2 by DARTMOUTH. Sister or half sister to LATEST RECORD 2,2:00.2f; 1:59f (Europe) ($250,000),
BEST RECORD 2,2:13.3f; 3,2:09.1h; 2:00.1f ($118,400), COLLEGE RECORD 2,2:07.2h; 3,2:01.2h ($100,000),
RECORD HOLDER 2,2:14h; 3,2:06.4h; 2:03.1h, FIRST STAR 2,T2:05.4 and to the dam of COCK OF THE WALK
2,2:09.4f; 3,2:01.4f; 4,1:59.3f ($103,944) and THE DUSTMAN 2,2:07.3f; 3,2:05.1f; 4,2:01 ($251,550) and grandam
of TORY SWEEP 2,2:03.1f; 3,2:00.2f ($139,775). Dam of SUPER DART 2,2:04; 3,T2:02.1; 4,2:02 (h, Super Bowl). Winner of 10 races and $35,823. At 2, winner of PaSS.
CARTAGINE 2,2:06.3; 3,T2:04.2 (m, Noble Victory). At 2, Early Closer Winner. Exported.
Erika Kosmos 2,T2:01.3; 3,Q2:00.1f (Speedy Crown). Winner of $37,799. Dam of EMLEN KOSMOS 2,2:00.1h.
Then To: Record First by Hoot Mon–RECORD EXPRESS 4,T2:04 by Phonograph.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Harold Dancer Memorial
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Horseman Stake No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Charles Smith Trot
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farm
Raised at Southwind Farms, Pennington, NJ
HIP NO. 659
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 12
Bay Filly. Foaled April 19, 2006. Tattoo No. 3D8854.
Victory Dream
Self Possessed ......................... { Feeling Great
Canland Hall .............................. { Garland
Canne Angus
Valley Victory ............................ {
Valley Victoria
SOUTHWIND SEASONS ..................
Speedy Beauty 2,2:02.2 ............ { Speedy Crown
Perfect Beauty 2,1:57.3
CANTAB HALL 3,1:54 ......................
Dam of (f) Bucato 3,1:57.1f-'07
(f) Southwind Sasha 3,1:57.2
Dam of (f) Southwind Sabina 4,1:58.2f
(f) Ms Erica B 3,2:01.1f
Dam of (f) La Chevalle 4,1:58.2h
(c) Perfect Bowl 1:58.2f
2 in 1:58
1 in 1:59f
2 in 1:59, 5 in 2:03
3 in 2:02
2 in 2:02
2 $100,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
3 Stakes Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
SOUTHWIND SEASONS by VALLEY VICTORY. From 4 foals, dam of 3 winners (2 in 1:58) SOUTHWIND SASHA 3,1:57.2 (m, Conway Hall). Winner of 11 races and $85,860. At 3, third in KySS consolation
at Lexington. At 4, winner leg of Lifetime Dream Series at Woodbine; third in leg of General Brock Series at
Woodbine and leg of Lifetime Dream Series; timed in 1:54.3.
BUCATO 3,1:57.1f-'07 (f, Malabar Man). Winner of 5 races and $19,106 at 2 and 3. At 2, fourth in leg of Trillium
Series at Sudbury; timed in 2:01.3f.
Southwind Sierra 4,2:01.3-'07 (m, Malabar Man).
Four Starz Play (c, Broadway Hall). Now 2.
2nd Dam
SPEEDY BEAUTY 2,2:02.2 by SPEEDY CROWN. Winner of 6 races and $45,735 at 2. At 2, winner of 6 of 8 starts,
including Acorn Trot and NYSS at Vernon, Saratoga and Syracuse. From 8 foals (6 fillies), dam of 3 winners SOUTHWIND SABINA 2,1:59.4f; 3,1:59.1f; 4,1:58.2f (m, Malabar Man). Winner of 4 races and $58,532 at 2, 3 and
4. At 2, winner of Arden Downs S.; second in 2 NJSS at Freehold and Harold Dancer Memorial elimination; third
in NJSS at The Meadowlands (twice) and Freehold; timed in 1:59.
MS ERICA B 3,2:01.1f (m, CR Commando). Winner of 2 races and $16,875 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in DSBF at
Dover Downs, timed in 2:00.3f. At 3, winner of 2 DSBF at Dover Downs.
HAPPY TO DANCE 2,2:12h (m, Dancer's Victory). At 2, 5-1-2-2; winner of ILFS; second in Illinois Topline S. and
ILFS; third in 2 ILFS; timed in 2:02–:28.4 (finishing second by a nose). Exported to Norway.
Victorys Secret (m, Valley Victory). Dam of VICTORIA VOLO 2,1:59.4h; 3,1:56.4-'07 ($142,521) and HIDE IN THE
PINE 4,1:57.3.
3rd Dam
PERFECT BEAUTY 2,1:57.3; 3,1:58.1–1:59.4f by PERFECT HARRY. Winner of 28 races (in 35 starts) and $191,892.
At 2, undefeated in 10 starts; became second fastest 2YO filly of all time (behind Winky's Gill); winner of Hunterton
Farm Late Closer at Lexington and Delaware Development Fund S. at Brandywine and Harrington (twice). At 3,
winner of 16 of 20 starts; earnings of $166,500; third in divisional balloting (to Duenna and Winky's Gill); winner of
American-National S. (over Anders Favorite), Martha Washington Trot, final of Capitol Hill Series, leg and final of
Penn's Landing Series, 2 legs and final Showcase Series at Brandywine, 2 Delaware Dev. Fund S., 3 Meadowlands
Opens (over Astro Hill, Coleman Lobell, etc.) and an Invitational; second in $100,000 Beacon Course Trot (to Joie
de Vie). At 4, Preferred Winner. Full or half sister to DIAMOND JIM B 2,2:09.4f; 1:59.3f and to the dam of DESERT
RAGE 2,Q2:06.1f; 3,2:00.1f; 4,1:59.4f ($103,839) and grandam of HEDAMAN 3,2:00.2; 1:55.1 ($139,898), MAYA
BABY 2,2:00.1f; 3,1:58f ($125,329), BUDDHA BABY 2,1:59.4f; 4,1:55.4, TV STAR 2,2:05.2f;1:59.1f, YANKEE
ACTION 3,2:02.3f; 2:00.3 and BRANDON WILLIE 2,Q2:05.2f. From 6 foals, dam of 5 winners PERFECT BOWL 2,2:00.2f; 1:58.2f (g, Speedy Crown). Winner of 22 races and $178,223. At 2, 14-3-6-1; earnings
of $89,348; winner of Reynolds Memorial and NYSS at Syracuse; second in $150,000 NYSS Final, Landmark S.
and NYSS at Monticello, Saratoga and Yonkers; third in NYSS at Vernon Downs. At 3, winner of NYSS at Buffalo
and leg of Barasch Series at Yonkers; third in Dexter Cup elim., Landmark S. and 3 NYSS; timed in 1:57.3.
LA CHEVALLE 3,1:59.2; 4,1:58.2h (m, Joie de Vie). Winner of 8 races and $108,154. At 2, second in NJSS, Smith
Trot elim. and NJFS; third in NJSS and Frank Ervin LC; timed in 1:59.2. At 3, winner of 2 NJFS; second in Hudson
Filly Trot, NJFS Final and NJFS; third in Lady Suffolk. At 4, Preferred Winner. Dam of ANGELA LANE 2,Q2:04.3;
3,1:59.2f ($84,535) and LA CONWAY 2,Q2:04.1; 3,2:01; 4,1:57. Grandam of ADONIS B 3,1:54.4 ($138,054) and
KEEP TRYIN 3,1:56.1 ($67,624).
SPEEDY BEAUTY 2,2:02.2 (m, Speedy Crown). As above.
SWEDAM CROWN 3,2:00.1f (Sweden) (h, Speedy Crown). Exported and a multiple Stakes Winner in Sweden
winning 5 or 7 starts at 3 including the T & E Johansson Memorial, Male Open, etc.
Crown Beauty 3,2:01f (m, Speedy Crown). Dam of Breeders' Trophy Winner TROPHY AS 1:58.1 (Europe) ($94,000)
and GIVE ME LOVE 1:59.4. Grandam of FAKIR LAVEC 3,2:01.3; 1:59.4; 1:58.4 (Europe) ($150,708).
Then To: FLOWING BEAUTY 3,2:03.1f by Carlisle–MISS REGAL 4,2:08h by Regal Pick.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row H, Stall 5
HIP NO. 694
Bay Filly. Foaled March 23, 2006. Tattoo No. 0DE500.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
The Road Again
Windsun Dee ............................. { On
Lap Dog
Artsplace ................................... {
Miss Elvira
BELLA BALUCCHI ...........................
My Bell Ami ............................... { Nihilator
Farm Bell p,3,2:05.2f
Second Foal
Dam of (c) Deamon's Bell p,3,1:51.4
(c) Pilgrim's Thunder p,4,1:53.3
Dam of (f) Chartist p,3,1:57.2
(c) Audio p,4,1:57.3f
Second Foal
5 in 1:54, 7 in 1:56
3 $100,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
3 in 1:58, 7 in 2:00
1 $150,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
BELLA BALUCCHI by ARTSPLACE. This is her second foal. Dam of Aidans Paige (f, No Pan Intended). Now 2 and racing; timed in 2:01 in first start.
2nd Dam
MY BELL AMI by NIHILATOR. From 12 foals (10 starters), dam of 8 winners (5 in 1:54, 7 in 1:56, 8 in 1:57) TALLULAH BELLE p,2,1:54.2–1:56.1h; 3,1:54f (m, Artsplace). Winner of 8 races and $204,468 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2,
13-6-3-0; earnings of $188,422; winner of elim. and final of La Paloma, Lou Babic elim. and 2 NJSS; second in Lou
Babic Memorial, Molly Pitcher S. and Sweetheart Pace elim. (fourth in $665,400 final). At 3, Open Winner; third
in elim. of Miss Pocono Downs. Her first 3 foals are METROPOLITAN p,2,1:52.1f; 3,1:50.1 ($1,175,630), WILDCAT
FEVER p,2,1:54.4f; 3,1:52.4; 4,1:50.1; 1:50 ($176,915) and SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA p,2,1:55.
PILGRIM'S THUNDER p,2,1:56.2; 3,1:54.4; 4,1:53.3 (g, In The Pocket). Winner of 28 races and $126,727. At 2,
second in Arden Downs S. (to Stand Alone) and NYSS at Buffalo (by a neck). At 3, second in John Simpson S.
LIVIN THE LIFE p,2,1:57.3f; 3,1:55.1f (g, Life Sign). Winner of 13 races and $111,083. At 2, 9-4-3-0; winner leg and
final of Primary Series at Stampede Park; second in final of Kindergarten Series at Northlands Park. At 3, second
in leg of Silver Buckets Series; third in leg of Rocky Mountain Series and Classic Pace elim. at Northlands Park.
SWEET ROSA BELLE p,2,1:57; 4,1:54.4 (m, Albatross). Winner of 6 races and $94,237. At 2, winner leg of Follow
My Star Series; second in Pa. All Stars, PaSS and La Paloma elimination; third in PaSS Final, Molly Pitcher S. and
final of Follow My Star Series; timed in 1:55.3. At 4, winner consolation of Petticoat Series; third in leg of Night
Styles Series and leg of Petticoat Series. Her first 4 foals are WESTERN LAD p,2,Q1:56.3; 3,1:54, SWEET
CUPCAKE p,3,1:56.1, BEDAZZLED p,3,1:56.2 and ISLAND BOY p,3,2:00h.
MY BELL BOY p,3,1:57.2; 1:52.1 (g, Abercrombie). Winner of 19 races and $86,531. At 2, second in KYFS.
DEAMON'S BELL p,2,2:01.1h; 3,1:51.4 (h, Big Towner). Winner of 11 races and $66,564. At 3, winner heat of
Review Futurity; third in leg of Hopeful Series at Yonkers.
HIGH IN THE SKY p,4,1:58h; 1:56.2f (g, Pacific Rocket). Winner of 10 races and $43,691.
BELL AMI'S LOVE p,2,Q2:00.4; 3,1:53 (m, Artsplace). Winner of 2 races and $28,903. At 2, timed in 1:54.3.
2nd Dam
FARM BELL p,3,2:05.2f by BRET HANOVER. Half sister to COUNTRY DON p,3,1:57.4 ($234,149). From 15 foals,
dam of 8 winners (3 in 1:58, 7 in 2:00), including CHARTIST p,2,2:01f; 3,1:57.2 (Albatross). Winner of $154,570. Dam of CHART THE COURSE p,3,2:00.3h; 1:57.3h
($122,897). Grandam of MOTHER EARTH p,2,1:56.4; 3,1:55.4; 1:52 ($338,996), LOVE NOT WAR p,2,1:55.4;
3,1:54.3f ($138,825), FEDEX CONCEPTION p,3,1:56.3; 4,1:50.4 ($178,072), ROMANTIC LOBELL p,3,2:02.1h;
1:58.2h ($125,409), etc. Third dam of MONDO HANOVER p,2,1:54.1f; 3,1:52.4f ($139,799), etc.
Park Ave Bell p,2,Q2:02.1 (m, Albatross). Dam of CENTRAL PARK WEST p,2,1:53.3f ($534,863), GUIDELINE
p,2,1:58.3; 1:56.1f ($159,713), TRUMP CITY p,2,1:57.3h; 3,1:57.2h; 4,1:55.4h ($137,515), etc. Grandam of CPW
p,2,1:52.2; 3,1:53; 4,1:49.1 ($650,303), MANHATTAN KILLEAN p,2,1:56.2f; 3,1:53; 4,1:51.3 ($291,798), KICKIN
LASS p,2,2:02.4h; 3,1:56.4f; 1:54.2 ($149,770), ALWAYS A PRINCESS p,2,1:55 ($136,166), SPARKLING TOWN
p,1:54.4f ($135,220), etc. Third dam of WHITESAND JEWEL p,2,1:55.4; 3,1:55.4; 4,1:50.4 ($272,463), UP FRONT
TORNADO p,2,1:54.1f; 3,1:53.3h ($182,828), INSIDE PITCH p,3,1:53.4; 4,1:52 ($171,731), JOHN BALL JONES
p,2,1:55.2h; 3,1:53.4 ($177,969), LIBERAL ARTS p,3,1:55.1; 4,1:52.1 ($151,099), etc.
Norah Bell (m, Albatross). Dam of NADIA LOBELL p,2,1:55; 3,1:53.4f ($1,007,119), MISS NADIA p,2,1:55.2
($298,757), SUSAN LOBELL p,2,1:55.4; 3,1:54.4 ($165,236), NADIA'S SISTER p,2,1:56.3 ($162,887), etc.
Grandam of FEELIN FRISKIE p,2,1:54.3; 3,1:49.1 ($775,560), WHODUNIT p,3,1:52.3; 4,1:50 ($275,527),
TROJANESQUE p,2,1:58.2f; 3,1:57.2f; 1:54.4f ($201,707), NOAHS ART p,3,1:57h; 1:55.3h ($153,074), CIANO
p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:54f ($142,407), etc. Third dam of ARTICULATOR p,2,1:52.3; 3,1:52.3; 4,1:49.2 ($439,107),
JERSEY BOUNCER p,2,Q1:58; 3,1:51.2; 1:51 ($388,222), DR HANNIBALL p,2,Q1:57.2; 3,1:52.1; 1:51.1
($275,459), MATTSCAPE SEELSTER p,3,1:50.4; 4,1:49.4 ($251,775), ARTIOVASCULAR p,3,1:53.4; 4,1:52.3
($184,404), CIVIL WARRIOR p,3,1:51.2 ($143,897), FALCONSTOR p,2,1:55.3; 3,1:53 ($122,313), etc.
Then To: Miss Norah p,3,2:08.2h by Wilmington–Nora Adele by The Senator.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Champlain Filly
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Northlands Filly Pace
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Deanna Dumain &
Carlo Lattinelli. Raised at Dumain Haven Farm, Pine Bush, NY
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 11
HIP NO. 695
Bay Filly. Foaled April 13, 2006. Tattoo No. 7DD953.
Super Bowl
American Winner ...................... { B J's Pleasure
Lawn Tennis .............................. { Armbro
Yankee Glide ............................. {
Gratis Yankee
LIKEABLE LES .................................
Likeable ..................................... { Supergill
Arnies Likeness 3,T2:00.1
CREDIT WINNER 3,1:54 ..................
First Foal
Dam of (c) Livorno 2,1:56
(f) Likely Volo 2,1:57
Dam of (f) Super Arnie 3,1:54.1
(c) Awesome Pine 2:00.2f
First Foal
2 1:57 2YOs
1 $150,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:55
1 $375,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
LIKEABLE LES by YANKEE GLIDE. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
LIKEABLE by SUPERGILL. From 6 foals, dam of 4 winners (1 in 1:56, 2 in 1:57) LIVORNO 2,1:56 (h, Yankee Glide). Winner of 2 races and $160,083 at 2. At 2, winner leg and final of Lexington
Series; second in $475,499 Breeders' Crown (to Broadway Hall), $81,000 Bluegrass S. and Arden Downs S.; third
in $77,000 International Stallion S. (to Power To Charm). Exported.
LIKELY VOLO 2,1:57 (f, Yankee Glide). Winner of 3 races and $93,467 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of $80,500 Bluegrass
S. and legs of Trillium Series at Kawartha Downs and Georgian Downs; third in $96,300 Champlain S. and $73,200
International Stallion S. (to Possess The Magic), timed in 1:56.1. Now 3 and a winner.
LIKELY AFFAIR 3,2:03.3f; 2:01.4h (g, Dancer's Victory). Winner of 5 races and $14,216. At 3, took record by 11
lengths. At 5, winner 2 legs of Northfield Series; second in leg of Northfield Series; timed in 1:59.1h.
Yankees Go Home 4,2:00.2f-'07 (h, Yankee Glide). Winner of 2 races and $11,426 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, third in NJSS
Green Acres at Freehold; timed in 2:01.
Loveable Volo (f, Yankee Glide). Now 2.
3rd Dam
ARNIES LIKENESS 2,2:02.1f; 3,T2:00.1 by ARNIE ALMAHURST. Winner of 2 races and $19,612 at 2 and 3. At 2,
winner of Nancy Hanks Trot; second in Richelieu Trot and Breeders' Filly S.; third in Battle of Saratoga and Matron
S.; timed in 2:01. From 13 living foals, dam of SUPER ARNIE 2,1:56.3; 3,1:54.1 (h, Super Bowl). Winner of 11 races and $393,464 at 2 and 3. At 2, 14-6-3-3;
earnings of $164,214; Season's Champion; winner final of Review Futurity (over Royal Troubador), heat and final
Int'l Stallion S. and Breeders' Crown elim.; second in heats Hayes Memorial and Bluegrass S. and Sanders Russell
EC; third in final of Hayes Memorial, final of Bluegrass S. and heat of Review Futurity. At 3, earnings of $229,250;
winner heat and final of Review Futurity (1:55–1:54.1), World Trotting Derby elim., leg of Debut Series and an Open;
second in final of Kentucky Futurity and race-off of World Trotting Derby (to Harmonious). Sire in Sweden.
Awesome Pine 3,2:02h; 2:00.2f (h, Pine Chip). Winner of 9 races and $73,305. At 2, third in KySS at Lexington (to
Dreamaster and Monte Hall), timed in 1:59.4. At 3, timed in 1:59.4h in final of Dexter Cup (to Armbro Trick).
Miss Pine Chip (m, Pine Chip). Dam of the Stakes Winners MR PINE CHIP 2,Q1:56.3f–1:58f; 3,1:52 ($635,875 at
2 and 3) and GILDONE 2,1:59.3; 3,Q1:56.2 ($105,383 at 2, 3 and 4).
4th Dam
PICTURE DART by DARTMOUTH. Half sister to SPECTATOR 2,2:01.2; 3,1:59.4 ($84,993). From 14 foals, dam of
10 winners (1 in 1:57f, 2 in 1:59f, 3 in 2:00), including ARNIES AIM 2,T2:01.4; 3,1:58; 1:57f (Europe) (h, Arnie Almahurst). Winner of 8 races and $325,690; $441,560
internationally. At 3, winner of Historic Cup, etc. In Europe, winner heat of Finnish Stoop, St. Michael's Trot, etc.
ARNIES DART 2,T2:01.4; 3,2:03.1f; 1:58.2f (g, Arnie Almahurst). World Champion. Winner of 21 races, $140,007.
PUNCTURE 2,Q2:06.4f; 3,T2:01.4–2:04.3f; 4,2:01.4f; 2:00.3f (h, Arnie Almahurst). Winner of 27 races and $116,469.
DOUBLE TIP 3,2:02.1h; 2:00.3f (h, Homesick). Winner of 4 races and $38,631. At 3, winner of KySS.
ARNIES LIKENESS 2,2:02.1f; 3,T2:00.1 (m, Arnie Almahurst). As above.
Arnies Arrow 3,Q2:06f (m, Arnie Almahurst). Grandam of EXPLORER ONE 3,2:00.3f; 4,1:57.3 ($110,000), ARMBRO
SUPER 3,1:59.2, etc. Third dam of EARL OF BRANT 3,Q2:02.2f; 4,1:55.4; 1:54.1-'07 ($381,653).
Purple Arrow (m, Royal Prestige). Dam of PROTECTION 3,1:57.2 ($152,000), PURPLE FLASH 1:56.3 ($142,912)
and LASOTA 3,2:01.3f; 1:58f. Grandam of B THE SNITCH 3,2:00.4f; 4,1:57.2f ($159,955).
Photo From Home 2,2:04.1 (m, Homesick). Dam of PICTURE SEELSTER 2,2:04.3h; 3,2:00.3; 4,1:59f; 1:54.1
($436,879), FOR THE LUVA MONI 2,2:01.2f; 3,1:54.4 ($400,469), PAIGE SEELSTER 3,1:56.4 ($166,936),
PATRICE SEELSTER 2,2:01.3f ($128,624), PAUL SEELSTER 2,Q2:06.3f; 4,2:00.3f; 1:57.4 ($104,701), PAMELLA
SEELSTER 3,Q2:02.3f; 1:59.2, PHOEBE SEELSTER 3,2:02.2h, etc. Grandam of A HAY LUVA PAIGE 3,2:01.4f;
4,1:58.4f ($122,068), BALANCE THE PAIGE 3,Q1:58.2; 4,1:57.1 ($105,563), STONEBRIDGE IMAGE 3,Q2:03;
1:58.1f ($104,309), PENNY DREAM 2,1:58.2f; 3,1:56 ($82,890), SON OF PAIGE 3,1:57-'07, HAY RYAN 1:59.1f.
Then To: Picturesque by Worthy Boy–Josie Scot by Scotland.
Arden Downs
Champlain Filly
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
New York Sires
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 7
HIP NO. 696
Bay Colt. Foaled April 5, 2006. Tattoo No. 7D6263.
Life Sign .................................... { Three Diamonds
Deadly Desire ............................ { Troublemaker
Mystical Mood
Goalie Jeff ................................. { Cam Fella
Jill Elane Hanover
ATHENA BLUE CHIP p,4,1:50.3 ......
Athens Blue Chip p,4,2:00.2h .. { On The Road Again
A J Cedarwood p,3,1:59.4f
REAL DESIRE p,4,1:48.2 .................
Dam of (c) Art's Chip p,4,1:49.3
(f) Athena's Art p,3,1:56.4f
Dam of (f) Athena Blue Chip p,4,1:50.3
(f) Melina Mercouri p,4,1:51.1
Dam of (f) Dana Blue Chip p,3,1:55.2
(c) Pan Blue Chip p,4,Q1:57.1
1 in 1:50, 4 in 1:58
4 in 1:54, 7 in 1:59
1 in 1:56
1 $725,000 Winner
3 $125,000 Winners
6 in 2:00
1 Stakes Winner
3 Stakes Winners
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
ATHENA BLUE CHIP p,2,1:54.2; 3,1:51.4; 4,1:50.3 by GOALIE JEFF. Winner of 18 races and $457,118. World
Champion. At 2, 7-4-2-0; winner of American-National S., International Stallion S. and Hayes Memorial; second
in Bluegrass S. At 3, 18-8-4-3; earnings $268,868; winner of $141,500 Courageous Lady S., heat Hayes Memorial,
Hanover Filly S. and elims. Mistletoe Shalee and Scarlett O'Hara; second in $406,000 Mistletoe Shalee (to She's
A Great Lady) and final of Scarlett O'Hara; third in American-National S., Tarport Hap S. and Cinderella S. At 4,
20-6-1-3; earnings $109,910; set world record for 4yo mares; winner of 4 Opens. From 8 foals, dam of 4 winners ART'S CHIP p,2,Q1:59.1; 3,1:52.2–1:52.3f; 4,1:49.3 (h, Artsplace). Winner of 13 races and $726,999. At 2, timed
in 1:56.1. At 3, earnings of $277,189; winner of Simpson S. (by 10 ¼ lengths, last ¼ in :26.1), Jug Preview and an
Invitational Winner at Indiana Downs; second in Review Futurity (by a nose, to Yankee Cruiser), Horseman Futurity,
American-National S. elim. and North America Cup cons.; third in elim. and $542,500 final of Breeders' Crown (to
No Pan Intended), $285,000 American-National S., North America Cup elimination (to Yankee Cruiser), Provincial
Cup elimination, Messenger S. elimination and an Invitational; timed in 1:50.1 (by a nose). At 4, earnings of
$217,844; winner of $200,000 U.S. Pacing Championship, an Open at Hoosier Park and a Preferred at Lexington;
third in William Haughton elimination (to Four Starzzz Shark) and Canadian Pacing Derby elim., timed in 1:48.4.
At 5, 8-3-4-0; earnings of $231,966; winner of 3 Invitationals at Hoosier Park; second in elim. and $673,110 final
of Canadian Pacing Derby (by a neck, to Ponder), Haston Memorial and an Open; timed in 1:48.2.
ATHENA'S ART p,3,1:56.4f (m, Artsplace). Winner of 4 races, $20,072. At 2, timed in 1:59h. At 3, timed in 1:54.2.
SHREDDER p,3,Q1:57.3 (g, Artsplace). Winner of $12,541 at 3. At 3, timed in 1:54.1.
WESTERN SAPPHIRE p,3,1:57.3f (m, Western Ideal). Winner of 2 races and $9,257. At 2, timed in 1:56.
Saddle Ridge (f, Artsplace). Now 2 and racing.
2nd Dam
ATHENS BLUE CHIP p,3,2:02.3h; 4,2:00.2h by ON THE ROAD AGAIN. Winner of 5 races and $13,700. Full or half
sister to DANA BLUE CHIP p,3,1:55.2, PAN BLUE CHIP p,2,1:58.3; 3,1:57.2h; 4,Q1:57.1, AFTON BLUE CHIP
p,2,1:59f; 4,1:59h, ALTERNATIVE INCOME p,3,1:59.3f, ANCASTER BLUE CHIP p,3,2:02.1; 1:59.3h and to the
dams of INCOMING CALL p,3,2:02.2f; 4,1:55.3–1:56.1; 1:54.2 ($94,958), SORRY BOUT YR LUCK p,3,1:56.4f,
RARD BLIZZARD p,3,1:59h; 4,1:58.3f and DOLLAR SIGN p,2,2:02.2f; 3,1:59.1f; and out of a half sister to
CEDARWOOD CHIPS p,2,2:04.2f; 3,1:59.1f; 1:56f ($532,564), FARLEY ALMAHURST p,2,1:58.2f; 4,1:58.1f
($203,795), CEDARWOOD FLIGHT p,2,1:55.4 ($201,526 at 2 and 3) and to the dams of KATES NUKE p,3,1:55.1;
1:50.3 ($314,279), SHAQUILA O NEALA p,2,1:56.4f; 4,1:54.3 ($134,891), CLOUT HANOVER p,2,2:01f; 3,1:59.3h,
etc. From 10 foals (6 fillies), dam of 8 winners (1 in 1:51, 2 in 1:52, 4 in 1:54, 6 in 1:57, 7 in 1:59) ATHENA BLUE CHIP p,2,1:54.2; 3,1:51.4; 4,1:50.3 (m, Goalie Jeff). As above.
MELINA MERCOURI p,2,1:54.3–1:57.1h; 3,1:55; 4,1:51.1 (m, Goalie Jeff). Winner of 14 races and $234,174 at 2,
3 and 4. At 2, 11-8-1-0; earnings of $188,050; winner of $150,000 NYSS Final at Yonkers, La Paloma elimination
and 5 NYSS; second in $103,000 La Paloma Pace. At 3, winner of NYSS and Opens at The Meadowlands and
Pompano; timed in 1:52.3. At 4, early season's leader for all-age mares. Dam of MISTER MERCOURI p,3,1:58.2f.
SEAFOOD LOVER p,2,2:00.4h; 3,1:55.1–1:57.4h; 4,1:53.3f (m, Goalie Jeff). Winner of 11 races and $138,294 at 2,
3 and 4. At 3, 13-8-1-1; seasonal earnings of $95,728; winner of NYSS at Syracuse, Yonkers, Buffalo (twice) and
Monticello; third in $78,837 Lady Maud S., timed in 1:56h. Her first 2 foals are SEAFOOD ATHENA p,3,1:53.2 and
THE BIG SOW p,2,Q1:57.4; 3,1:56.3.
SAMPRAS BLUE CHIP p,2,1:57; 4,1:53f (h, Western Ideal). Winner of 9 races, $62,509. At 2, timed in 1:55.3.
STELLA BLUE CHIP p,2,Q2:01.3f; 3,1:54.1f-'07 (f, Pro Bono Best). Winner of 3 races and $44,078. At 2, timed in
1:57.3f. Now 3 and second in NYSS at Saratoga; third in leg of May Flowers Series.
ALCATRAZ BLUE CHIP p,4,1:56.3 (g, The Panderosa). Winner of 15 races and $33,603. At 3, timed in 1:58f.
THATCH BLUE CHIP p,4,1:58.3f (g, Magical Mike). At 2, timed in 2:00.3. At 3, timed in 1:56.4–:27.4.
Flute Blue Chip p,2,2:06.1h (m, Magical Mike). Dam of FOUR STARZ DLIVERY p,3,1:56.3h; 4,1:56h.
Grecian Formula (m, Artsplace). Dam of CASPIAN PRINCE p,3,1:55.4h-'07.
Then To: A J CEDARWOOD p,3,1:59.4f by Super Wave–Farmstead Birgita by Bret Hanover.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Kentucky Sires
Little Brown Jug
Parshall Memorial
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for D.C.P.M. Racing Stable
Raised at Eternal Farm, Colts Neck, NJ
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 8
HIP NO. 745
Bay Colt. Foaled April 9, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D1566.
Silent Majority
Abercrombie ............................. { Bergdorf
Miss Elvira ................................. { Albatross
Ladalia Hanover
Falcon Seelster ......................... { Warm Breeze
Fashion Trick
GIFT FROM ABOVE p,3,1:55.3f .......
La Strega ................................... { Storm Damage
Reach For Glory
ARTSPLACE p,4,1:49.2 ...................
First Colt,
Second Foal
Dam of (f) Reach For Eternity p,3,1:51.3
(f) Gift From Above p,3,1:55.3f
(c) Preciouslife p,1:56.1h
(f) Reach For Life p,3,Q2:02h
Dam of (c) Scoot Outa Reach
(c) Reach The Beach p,1:53f
(f) Born Famous p,3,1:55
First Colt
Second Foal
1 in 1:52
3 in 1:57
1 $225,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
4 in 1:56, 7 in 2:00
1 $750,000 Winner
4 $100,000 Winners
6 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
GIFT FROM ABOVE p,2,2:00.3f; 3,1:55.3f by FALCON SEELSTER. Winner of 6 races and $15,057 at 2, 3 and 4. At
2, fourth in Hopefulette S. elimination. At 4, third in leg of Star Search Series at Plainridge. This is her first colt and
her second foal. Dam of Gift's Western (f, Western Ideal). Winner of $9,693. Now 2, second in NJSS at The Meadowlands; timed in 1:56.2.
2nd Dam
LA STREGA by STORM DAMAGE. From 5 foals (3 fillies), dam of 4 winners (1 in 1:52, 2 in 1:56, 3 in 1:57) REACH FOR ETERNITY p,2,Q1:56.3; 3,1:51.3 (m, Falcon Seelster). Winner of 15 races and $235,726. At 2, second
in Debutante S., timed in 1:54.3. At 3, winner leg of Blossom Series, leg of Tender Loving Care Series, Miss New
Jersey elimination and NJSS at Freehold; second in Shady Daisy S., 2 NJSS at The Meadowlands and NJSS at
Freehold; third in final of Blossom Series and Lexington LC. At 4, winner of 2 Opens at Pocono (including 1:52f).
PRECIOUSLIFE p,3,1:57.1h; 4,1:56.3h; 1:56.1h (g, Life Sign). Winner of 18 races and $57,990. At 4, second in leg
of Saratoga Series; third in 2 legs of Saratoga Series.
GIFT FROM ABOVE p,2,2:00.3f; 3,1:55.3f (m, Falcon Seelster). As above.
Reach For Life p,3,Q2:02h (m, Life Sign). Her first foal is LIFES LIKEAROSE p,2,1:58.1; 3,1:55.4h; 4,1:54.3.
3rd Dam
REACH FOR GLORY by MOST HAPPY FELLA. Half sister to HOLIDAY MOUNTAIN p,2,2:00.2h; 3,1:57.2f; 1:55.2f
($160,462), BEDMINSTER p,2,2:03.3h; 4,2:00 ($81,510). From 12 foals (9 fillies), 9 winners (4 in 1:56, 7 in 2:00) SCOOT OUTA REACH p,2,1:54.3; 3,1:53.2; 4,1:51.4 (h, Direct Scooter). Winner of 23 races and $757,436. At 2,
winner 2 NJSS; second in Goshen Cup and NJSS; third in NJSS Final. At 3, winner of New Jersey Futurity, NJSS,
elims. of Meadowlands Pace and Art Rooney Pace and an Open; second in Art Rooney Pace, Prix d'Ete, Cane
Pace elim., Adios S. elim., Jersey Cup and NJSS; third in Meadowlands Pace and Oliver Wendell Holmes elim.;
timed in 1:52.1. At 4, winner 2 Invitationals and an Open; third in leg of Graduate Series; timed in 1:50.3. 1:51 sire.
RED HEAD p,3,1:59.2h; 1:55.1 (m, Direct Scooter). Winner of 43 races and $372,240. As aged, winner of 7 Opens.
Dam of INAUGURAL BALL p,3,1:53.2h ($315,696), GAMBLERS GLORY p,3,1:56.4f; 1:55.3f ($128,093), EN
FUEGO p,2,1:56.3f; 3,Q1:54.1, etc. Grandam of COOL CHARACTER p,2,1:57.3f; 3,1:53.1f, 4,1:52.3 ($143,753),
SEAYOUINSEPTEMBER p,2,2:02h; 3,1:57.4f; 1:54.1f, PRINCESS CHARACTER p,2,1:55.1f; 3,1:54.1.
REACH THE BEACH p,3,1:53.1; 1:53f (h, Beach Towel). Winner of 33 races, $210,864. At 3, third in NJSS; timed
in 1:52.4. At 3, winner legs Chill Factor and Exit 16W Series; second in legs Chill Factor and Exit 16W Series.
REACH THE ROCKET p,2,2:01.3h; 4,1:59.2h; 1:57.2h (g, Pacific Rocket). Winner of 22 races and $116,852.
BORN FAMOUS p,3,1:55 (m, Direct Scooter). Winner of 6 races and $56,750. At 3, winner of 2 NJSS. Dam of BALL
OF FAME p,2,Q1:59.1; 3,1:56f; 1:52.3 ($283,983), PRIVATE BEACH p,3,1:54.3 ($234,589), WASHINGSON
p,2,1:54 ($204,075), MS SILVER SPOON p,2,1:59.2f; 3,1:54.1 and NF DEBUTANTE p,2,1:56.2f; 3,1:56f-'07.
CARMELA'S GLORY p,2,2:04.1h (m, Direct Scooter). Winner of 4 races, $22,378. At 2, winner 4 NJFS; second in
2 NJFS; third in NJSS. Dam of MO NONGAHELA RD p,2,2:01.1; 3,1:57.4h; 4,1:53.2; 1:53f ($176,065), JOE THE
LEG p,2,2:04.1h; 3,1:54f ($156,401), MALOCCHIO p,3,1:58.3h; 4,1:58.2h ($71,676), BEACHED WHALE
p,3,1:59.3; 4,1:55.3, DENISE ANN p,4,1:59.1f, etc. Grandam of LAMBRETTA p,3,1:53–1:53.4f–1:54.1h
($133,096), SYMPHONY IN MOTION p,3,Q1:55.1-'07 and SOUNDING p,2,2:04.4h; 3,1:59.3h; 4,1:56.3h.
SCOOTER'S GLORY p,2,1:59.1f (Direct Scooter). Winner $20,299. At 2, winner 5 NJFS. Dam of ELITE SCOOTER
p,2,1:56.3; 3,1:55.4; 4,1:51.2 ($290,228), DOWNTHESHORE p,2,1:59, PLUSH SCOOTER p,2,2:00; 3,1:59f.
B J'S BLITZ p,2,2:00.3h (h, Precious Bunny). Winner of 2 races and $13,566 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner of NYSS.
HEY MACARENA p,3,1:57.1 (m, Artsplace). Dam of JOLENE'S PRINCESS p,2,1:56.1.
Glory's Place (m, Artsplace). Dam of MATT'S PLACE p,3,1:52.4 and ONE FOR CHRISTA p,2,Q2:02h; 3,Q1:58.1.
Homeportadvantage (St. Damage). Dam of ANYTHING ANYTIME p,2,1:58.4f; 3,1:57.4f, IMPEACHMENT p,3,1:58.4f.
Then To: LANA HILL p,2,T2:00.1 by Knight Time–Leta Hill p,3,T2:01.4 by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 8
HIP NO. 752
Bay Colt. Foaled April 6, 2006. Tattoo No. 6D6307.
No Nukes
Western Hanover ...................... { Wendymae H'ver
Leah Almahurst ........................ { Abercrombie
Liberated Angel
Albatross ................................... { Meadow Skipper
Voodoo Hanover
SWEET ROSA BELLE p,4,1:54.4 ....
My Bell Ami ............................... { Nihilator
Farm Bell p,3,2:05.2f
WESTERN IDEAL p,1:48 .................
Dam of (c) Western Lad p,3,1:54
(f) Sweet Cupcake p,3,1:56.1
Dam of (c) Deamon's Bell p,3,1:51.4
(c) My Bell Boy p,1:52.1
Dam of (f) Chartist p,3,1:57.2
(c) Audio p,4,1:57.3f
1 in 1:54
5 in 1:54, 7 in 1:56, 8 in 1:57
3 in 1:58, 7 in 2:00
3 in 1:57
3 $100,000 Winners
1 $150,000 Winner
4 in 2:00
3 Stakes Winners
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
SWEET ROSA BELLE p,2,1:57; 4,1:54.4 by ALBATROSS. Winner of 6 races and $94,237 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, 14-3-34; winner leg of Follow My Star Series; second in Pa. All Stars, PaSS and La Paloma elim.; third in $108,000 PaSS
Final, Molly Pitcher S. and final Follow My Star Series; timed in 1:55.3. At 4, winner consolation of Petticoat Series;
third in leg of Night Styles Series and leg of Petticoat Series; timed in 1:53.2. From 6 foals, dam of 6 winners WESTERN LAD p,2,Q1:56.3; 3,1:54 (h, Western Ideal). Winner of 2 races and $30,564. At 3, timed in 1:53.
ISLAND BOY p,3,2:00h (g, Island Fantasy). Winner of 4 races and $19,439 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, third in ONTSS
Grassroots at Dresden, Sudbury and Clinton; timed in 1:59.2h. At 3, timed in 1:55.2f.
SWEET CUPCAKE p,3,1:56.1 (m, Rustler Hanover). Winner of 1 race and $17,184 at 3. At 3, third in leg of Princess
Series at Mohawk; timed in 1:54.3. Bred at 3.
BEDAZZLED p,3,1:56.2 (g, Abercrombie).
Sweet Velocity p,3,2:01.2h-'07 (f, Mach Three). Winner of 3 races and $16,876. Now 3 and timed in 1:56.1.
2nd Dam
MY BELL AMI by NIHILATOR. From 12 foals (10 starters), dam of 8 winners (5 in 1:54, 7 in 1:56, 8 in 1:57) TALLULAH BELLE p,2,1:54.2–1:56.1h; 3,1:54f (m, Artsplace). Winner of 8 races and $204,468 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2,
13-6-3-0; earnings of $188,422; winner of elim. and final of La Paloma, Lou Babic elim. and 2 NJSS; second in Lou
Babic Memorial, Molly Pitcher S. and Sweetheart Pace elim. (fourth in $665,400 final). At 3, Open Winner; third
in elim. of Miss Pocono Downs. Her first 3 foals are METROPOLITAN p,2,1:52.1f; 3,1:50.1 ($1,175,630), WILDCAT
FEVER p,2,1:54.4f; 3,1:52.4; 4,1:50.1; 1:50 ($176,915) and SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA p,2,1:55.
PILGRIM'S THUNDER p,2,1:56.2; 3,1:54.4; 4,1:53.3 (g, In The Pocket). Winner of 28 races and $126,727. At 2,
second in Arden Downs S. (to Stand Alone) and NYSS at Buffalo (by a neck). At 3, second in John Simpson S.
LIVIN THE LIFE p,2,1:57.3f; 3,1:55.1f (g, Life Sign). Winner of 13 races and $111,083. At 2, 9-4-3-0; winner leg and
final of Primary Series at Stampede Park; second in final of Kindergarten Series at Northlands Park. At 3, second
in leg of Silver Buckets Series; third in leg of Rocky Mountain Series and Classic Pace elim. at Northlands Park.
SWEET ROSA BELLE p,2,1:57; 4,1:54.4 (m, Albatross). As above.
MY BELL BOY p,3,1:57.2; 1:52.1 (g, Abercrombie). Winner of 19 races and $86,531. At 2, second in KYFS.
DEAMON'S BELL p,2,2:01.1h; 3,1:51.4 (h, Big Towner). Winner 11 races, $66,564. At 3, winner heat Review Futy.
HIGH IN THE SKY p,4,1:58h; 1:56.2f (g, Pacific Rocket). Winner of 10 races and $43,691.
BELL AMI'S LOVE p,2,Q2:00.4; 3,1:53 (m, Artsplace). Winner of 2 races and $28,903. At 2, timed in 1:54.3.
3rd Dam
FARM BELL p,3,2:05.2f by BRET HANOVER. From 15 foals, dam of 8 winners (3 in 1:58, 7 in 2:00), including Park Ave Bell p,2,Q2:02.1 (m, Albatross). Dam of CENTRAL PARK WEST p,2,1:53.3f ($534,863), GUIDELINE
p,2,1:58.3; 1:56.1f ($159,713), TRUMP CITY p,2,1:57.3h; 3,1:57.2h; 4,1:55.4h ($137,515), etc. Grandam of CPW
p,2,1:52.2; 3,1:53; 4,1:49.1 ($650,303), MANHATTAN KILLEAN p,2,1:56.2f; 3,1:53; 4,1:51.3 ($291,798), KICKIN
LASS p,2,2:02.4h; 3,1:56.4f; 1:54.2 ($149,770), ALWAYS A PRINCESS p,2,1:55 ($136,166), SPARKLING TOWN
p,1:54.4f ($135,220), etc. Third dam of WHITESAND JEWEL p,2,1:55.4; 3,1:55.4; 4,1:50.4 ($272,463), UP FRONT
TORNADO p,2,1:54.1f; 3,1:53.3h ($182,828), INSIDE PITCH p,3,1:53.4; 4,1:52 ($171,731), JOHN BALL JONES
p,2,1:55.2h; 3,1:53.4 ($177,969), LIBERAL ARTS p,3,1:55.1; 4,1:52.1 ($151,099), etc.
Norah Bell (m, Albatross). Dam of NADIA LOBELL p,2,1:55; 3,1:53.4f ($1,007,119), MISS NADIA p,2,1:55.2
($298,757), SUSAN LOBELL p,2,1:55.4; 3,1:54.4 ($165,236), NADIA'S SISTER p,2,1:56.3 ($162,887), etc.
Grandam of FEELIN FRISKIE p,2,1:54.3; 3,1:49.1 ($775,560), WHODUNIT p,3,1:52.3; 4,1:50 ($275,527),
TROJANESQUE p,2,1:58.2f; 3,1:57.2f; 1:54.4f ($201,707), NOAHS ART p,3,1:57h; 1:55.3h ($153,074), CIANO
p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:54f ($142,407), etc. Third dam of ARTICULATOR p,2,1:52.3; 3,1:52.3; 4,1:49.2 ($439,107),
JERSEY BOUNCER p,2,Q1:58; 3,1:51.2; 1:51 ($388,222), DR HANNIBALL p,2,Q1:57.2; 3,1:52.1; 1:51.1
($275,459), MATTSCAPE SEELSTER p,3,1:50.4; 4,1:49.4 ($251,775), ARTIOVASCULAR p,3,1:53.4; 4,1:52.3
($184,404), CIVIL WARRIOR p,3,1:51.2 ($143,897), FALCONSTOR p,2,1:55.3; 3,1:53 ($122,313), etc.
Then To: Miss Norah p,3,2:08.2h by Wilmington–Nora Adele by The Senator.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Parshall Memorial
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Howard Zingboim
Raised at Ferme Gabe Inc., Mirabel, Quebec
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 10
HIP NO. 766
Bay Colt. Foaled May 5, 2006. Tattoo No. 5DC389.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
The Road Again
Windsun Dee ............................. { On
Lap Dog
Artsplace ................................... {
Miss Elvira
TEMPTING DELIGHT .......................
Shirlene Temple p,1:52.4 ......... { Nihilator
Shirlene Lobell p,3,1:59.1h
Third Foal,
Dam of (c) Big Stack p,3,1:53f-'07
From Two Foals, Dam of (f) Whitesand Dimples
Dam of (f) Shirlene Temple p,1:52.4
(f) Red Star Kelsey p,4,Q1:54.4
Third Foal
1 in 1:53f
Two Foals
1 in 1:57h
1 in 1:53, 5 in 2:00
2 $225,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
TEMPTING DELIGHT by ARTSPLACE. At 2, timed in 2:01.1. Bred at 3. This is her third foal. Dam of BIG STACK p,2,1:58.3h; 3,1:53f-'07 (g, Cam's Card Shark). Winner of 5 races and $32,850. Now 3 and second in
Standardbred Retirement Fund S. at Freehold; timed in 1:51.4.
Cuzzin Sid (c, Mach Three). Now 2.
2nd Dam
SHIRLENE TEMPLE p,3,1:53.2; 1:52.4–1:55.1f by NIHILATOR. Winner of 38 races and $256,040. At 3, 33-11-4-2;
winner of NJFS Final at Garden State and NJFS at Showplace and Gaitway. At 4, 19-7-2-2; Open Winner at The
Meadowlands (defeating Panhattan and Pacific Flight N); second in an Open (to Kindly Hanover); third in an Open
at The Meadowlands (to Empty Feeling). At 5 and 6, a multiple Open winner. From 2 foals, dam of WHITESAND DIMPLES p,2,2:00f; 3,1:58.4h; 4,1:56.3h (m, Grinfromeartoear). Winner of 23 races and $63,492. At
2, timed in 1:58.2f. At 4, second/third in legs of Girls Night Out Series. Now 6 and winner of 2 Preferreds.
3rd Dam
SHIRLENE LOBELL p,2,2:00.3f; 3,1:59.1h by NO NUKES. Winner of 3 races and $22,784 at 2 and 3. At 2, second
in NJSS; timed in 1:58.4. From 9 foals (all fillies), dam of 6 winners (1 in 1:53, 2 in 1:55, 3 in 1:59, 4 in 2:00) SHIRLENE TEMPLE p,3,1:53.2; 1:52.4–1:55.1f (m, Nihilator). As above.
RED STAR KELSEY p,2,2:01.3f; 3,1:55.1f; 4,Q1:54.4–1:55f (m, Brace Yourself). Winner of 16 races and $239,134.
At 2, second in British Columbia Breeders' S. elim. At 3, 24-11-7-2; earnings $161,441; winner elim. and $111,120
final of Northlands Filly Pace, final of Compass Rose Series at Northlands Park and British Columbia S. at Fraser
Downs; second in leg and final of Fraser Downs Stallion S., Delta S. at Fraser Downs, final of Cinderella S. at
Northlands Park, leg of Princess Series at Stampede Pk. and British Columbia S.; third in Nat Christie Memorial
elim. and Cinderella S. elim. At 4, winner of 4 Opens; second in Ms. Valentine S., Ms. Cloverdale S., etc.
DAL REO SCOOTER p,3,1:58.2f (m, Matt's Scooter). Winner of 10 races and $57,476. At 3, second in leg and final
of Cloverdale Series and leg and final of Edmonton Series; timed in 1:56.3, 1:57.2f. At 4, third in leg of Cloverdale
Series, leg of Edmonton Series and an Open at Sandown Park. At 5, timed in 1:56.
SEA TO SKY p,3,2:00f; 4,1:59.4f (m, On The Road Again). Winner of 6 races, $18,305. Dam of RED STAR CLOUDY
p,3,1:55.3f-'07, RED STAR OCEAN p,3,1:56.4f, RED STAR SKYLIGHT p,2,Q2:02f; 3,1:57.2f; 4,1:57f.
WHISPER WHAT THEN p,2,2:01.3f (m, Scruffy Hanover). Winner of 1 race and $9,637 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
BC Sales S. elim. at Fraser Downs; second in BC Breeders' S. at Sandown Park; timed in 1:58.1.
Truly Scrumtious p,3,2:01f (m, Scruffy Hanover). Winner of 1 race and $16,748. At 2, third in leg and final of Sales
S. at Fraser Downs; timed in 2:03.3f. At 3, second in British Columbia S. at Fraser Downs; third in British Columbia
S. at Sandown Park, timed in 1:58.4f. Her first foal is the Stakes Winner DAL REO REBEL p,2,1:58.1f; 4,1:55.2f.
4th Dam
SECRETARY HANOVER by BEST OF ALL. Half sister to TIME TREASURE p,2,2:10h; 3,2:01.4f (dam of RUTH'S
TREASURE p,3,1:58f). From 10 foals (7 fillies), dam of 6 winners (1 in 1:57f, 5 in 2:00) SARABETH LOBELL p,3,1:58.1f; 4,1:56.1f (m, Troublemaker). Winner of 10 races and $99,385. At 3, winner leg
of Niagara Series; second in leg and final of Niagara Series. At 4, winner leg of Blizzard Series; timed in 1:55.1f.
SATIN STRIKE p,2,1:59.4 (m, Strike Out). Winner of 2 races and $41,650 at 2. At 2, winner final Terry's Woe Series
and KySS; second in heat of Review Futurity and heat of Ohio Standardbred S.; third in final of Review Futurity, heat
and final of Hoosier Futurity and 2 legs of Terry's Woe Series; timed in 1:57.2 in Hit Parade's world record. Dam
of ROYAL VIKING QUEEN p,2,2:01.3f; 4,1:56.1, SITKA p,3,1:57.3; 4,1:56.4, HONG KONG JADE p,3,1:58.2.
TOTAL PROFIT p,3,2:00f (g, Fundamentalist). Winner of 10 races and $21,492.
SACHET LOBELL p,2,1:58.4f (m, Bret Hanover). Dam of MASTER FUND p,2,1:57.2f; 4,1:55.2 ($152,784), SAND
MY FIRE p,3,1:56.4f; 1:53.3 ($86,552), SAND FLAMIN DRAGON p,2,2:02h; 3,1:58.4h and B W LEGS p,3,1:59.1f.
Spokeswoman (m, Slapstick). Her first foal is SECOND CHANCES p,2,1:57.2f; 1:53.2 ($283,173).
Lady Fax (m, Cam Fella). Dam of FOX VALLEY ERICA p,4,1:57.2, FOX VALLEY MYLADY p,3,1:57.3; 4,1:57.3h and
Then To: Skipper Wave p,3,2:02f by Meadow Skipper–Poplar Wave p,3,2:03.3h by Shadow Wave.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Canquest Stables
Raised at Ferme Gabe Inc., Mirabel, Quebec
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 11
HIP NO. 771
Bay Colt. Foaled April 28, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D9726.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
The Road Again
Windsun Dee ............................. { On
Lap Dog
Abercrombie ............................. {
THOMASINA .....................................
Code p,3,1:59f ........................... { No Nukes
Sabra Almahurst p,3,1:55.4h
Dam of (c) Canuck Luck p,1:53.2-'07
(f) Sharp Suzie Sushi p,3,1:56.1
Dam of (c) Keep Mum p,3,1:51.2
(c) Yellowstone Kelly
Dam of (c) Flow Control p,4,1:51
(f) Hare Trap p,4,1:51.2
(f) Front Page News p,3,1:52.3f
1 in 1:54
1 in 1:52
5 in 1:54, 8 in 2:00
2 in 1:57
5 in 2:00
2 $200,000 Winners
1 $100,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
THOMASINA by ABERCROMBIE. Starter at 2 and 3. From 3 foals, dam of 2 winners (1 in 1:54, 2 in 1:57) CANUCK LUCK p,2,1:57.4; 3,1:54.4f; 4,1:54.1f; 1:53.2-'07 (h, Northern Luck). Winner of 20 races and $103,113.
At 2, second in ONTSS Grassroots at Kawartha Downs; timed in 1:53.4. At 3, 23-11-3-4; third in ONTSS Grassroots
at Rideau Carleton.
SHARP SUZIE SUSHI p,3,1:56.1 (m, Presidential Ball). Winner of 6 races and $33,157 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, timed in
1:59. At 3, winner 3 Quebec Merite S.; second in 2 Quebec Merite S.; third in Quebec Merite S.; timed in 1:55.3.
Real Steal (f, Rustler Hanover). Now 3 and racing; timed in 1:57.3 (finishing second).
2nd Dam
CODE p,3,1:59f by NO NUKES. From 9 foals (8 starters), dam of 6 winners (1 in 1:52, 3 in 1:57, 5 in 2:00) KEEP MUM p,3,1:51.2 (h, Life Sign). Winner of 10 races and $92,361. At 3, winner of Horseman Futurity, John
Simpson S. and an Open; third in Hayes Memorial. At 4, Open Winner; third in 2 Opens.
MORSE p,2,1:59h; 3,1:56.4f (g, Abercrombie). Winner of 9 races and $47,576. At 2, timed in 1:56.2.
GHETTO FABULOUS p,3,1:58.4 (m, Northern Luck). Winner of 5 races and $14,532.
YELLOWSTONE KELLY p,2,Q2:02.1; 3,1:55.4-'07 (g, Big Tom). Winner of 3 races and $11,973 at 2 and 3. At 2,
timed in 1:56.2. Now 3 and timed in 1:53.3 (finishing second).
TOMMY'S FAME p,3,1:59.1 (g, Apaches Fame). At 3, timed in 1:57.
Decode (m, Abercrombie). Dam of JIFFYS SECRET p,2,2:00.3f; 3,1:55.2f; 4,1:52 ($174,507).
Radigan (c, Big Tom). Now 2.
3rd Dam
SABRA ALMAHURST p,2,1:56.1; 3,1:55.4h by BRET HANOVER. Winner of 9 races and $125,545 at 2 and 3. At 2,
winner heat of Bluegrass S.; third in final Bluegrass S. At 3, winner Cinderella S., KySS, etc.; third in heats Review
Futy. and Horseman Futy.; timed in 1:54.1. Half sister to SHORE PATROL p,2,1:53.4; 3,1:51.2 ($1,112,211),
FRESHFROMTHESTART p,2,1:56.1; 3,1:54; 1:50.3 ($439,926), CATCH THE TIDE p,3,1:54.4 ($195,939),
TIDEWATER p,2,1:52.4; 3,Q1:51.1; 4,1:49.2 and to the dam of STAND ALONE p,2,1:52.4 ($333,337), SEADOG
MAN p,2,Q1:57.3f; 3,1:54.3; 4,1:51.1 ($272,362), HURRICANE SIGNS p,3,1:59.2h; 1:51.2 ($257,362), etc. and
grandam of MATTNA CARTER p,2,Q1:53.3; 4,1:53 ($167,736). From 13 foals, dam of 8 winners in 2:00 FLOW CONTROL p,2,1:56h; 4,1:51 (g, Precious Bunny). Winner of 28 races and $291,589. At 2, winner of Ohio
Standardbred S. and Garden State S. elim.; second in Arden Downs S.; third in final of Garden State S.; timed in
1:55.1f. At 3, winner leg Holiday Series; second in NYSS and leg Holiday Series; third in leg Holiday Series.
HARE TRAP p,2,1:58.2; 3,1:57.4h; 4,1:51.2 (m, Precious Bunny). Winner of 12 races and $211,843. At 2, winner
of NYB-LC; second in NYB-LC Final and leg Magical Mike Series; third in 3 NYB-LC and leg Magical Mike Series.
At 3, winner of 3 NYSS and NYB-LC; second in NYSS Final (by a neck) and NYB-LC; third in leg of May Flowers
Series and 3 NYSS; timed in 1:56, 1:56.1h. Dam of SWITCHFOOT p,3,1:54.3 and MAJOR TRAP p,2,1:59.1f-'07.
FRONT PAGE NEWS p,2,1:57.4; 3,1:52.3f (m, Real Artist). Winner of 5 races and $92,506. At 2, winner of Pa. All
Stars; second in Arden Downs S. and 2 PaSS; third in Bluegrass S., timed in 1:52.4. At 3, winner of PaSS.
TROTTING RABBIT p,4,1:53.4 (g, Precious Bunny). Winner of 15 races and $41,603. At 4, timed in 1:53 (neck).
PRIME IDEAL p,3,1:53.3f-'07 (g, Western Ideal). Winner of 3 races, $26,388. At 2, second in NJSS, timed in 1:54.1.
FUNDAMENTAL p,3,1:56.1 (h, Abercrombie). Winner of 7 races and $19,621.
MORE THAN MOST p,2,Q1:59.3 (m, Abercrombie). At 2, second in leg of Scioto Series; third in Hoosier Futurity.
CODE p,3,1:59f (m, No Nukes). As above.
Jewel Princess (Prec. Bunny). Dam of ROYAL ART p,2,1:55.2; 3,1:52.2; 4,1:51.4 ($697,162) and PECOS PRINCE
p,3,Q1:59.2f. Grandam of THIRD DAY p,2,1:56.3; 3,1:50.4 ($156,944), ALL IS SAIDANDDONE p,3,1:55.3-'07..
Falcon's Sword (m, Falcon Seelster). Dam of the Stakes Winners LEASE AGREEMENT p,2,2:03; 3,1:58.1f and
STOCKINGS p,2,2:02.3h (now 3).
My Ideal (f, Western Ideal). Now 2.
Then To: TURN THE TIDE p,3,1:53.2 by Albatross–PRETTY TRICKY p,4,T2:00 by Overtrick.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farm
Raised at Southwind Farms, Pennington, NJ
HIP NO. 791
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 11
Brown Colt. Foaled May 4, 2006. Tattoo No. 3D4069.
Valley Victory
Victory Dream ........................... { Crown Dream
Feeling Great ............................. { Mystic
Katie Almahurst
Pine Chip ................................... {
Pine Speed
VIE AGRA WORKS ...........................
Bedell 3,Q2:06.2 ........................ { Speedy Crown
So Blessed
SELF POSSESSED 3,1:51.3 ............
Dam of (f) Gramola 3,1:54.4
(c) Turbo Thrust 3,1:55.2
Dam of (c) Armbro Devona 3,1:55.3
(f) Armbro Fern 2,1:56.4
3 in 1:56, 9 in 1:59
4 $125,000 Winners
8 Stakes Winners
2 in 1:57, 3 in 1:59
2 $200,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
VIE AGRA WORKS by PINE CHIP. From 4 foals, dam of Southwind Vertical (c, Angus Hall). Now 2 and racing; timed in 2:01.3.
2nd Dam
BEDELL 3,Q2:06.2 by SPEEDY CROWN. From 16 foals, dam of 10 winners (3 in 1:56, 9 in 1:59) DONERAIL 2,1:55.4 (h, Valley Victory). Winner of 16 races and $703,049 at 2 and 3. At 2, 15-13-0-1; voted Trotting
Colt of the Year; winner of Peter Haughton, Valley Victory Trot, Harold Dancer Trot, NJSS Final, Harriman Trot and
4 NJSS. At 3, winner of Historic S. and 2 NJSS; third in NJSS Final and Beacon Course Trot elim. 1:55 sire.
GRAMOLA 2,1:55.2; 3,1:54.4 (m, Supergill). Winner of 12 races and $484,208 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of Kentucky
Standardbred Sales Co. S., $100,000 NJSS final, Bluegrass S., Oakville Trot, Ohio Standardbred S., Merrie
Annabelle Trot elimination, NJSS and 2 legs of Trillium Series. At 3, winner of filly Zweig Memorial, Buckette and
Hudson Filly Trot; second in Simcoe and Canadian Trotting Classic elim.; third in $201,900 Canadian Trotting
Classic, Colonial Lady Trot. Dam of WORLD CLASS IMAGE 2,2:03.3h; 3,1:55.2 ($242,073), GRAMMY AWARD
3,1:57.2, GRAMOLAS IMAGE 3,1:58.1, GRAMOLA GRANDE 2,2:02.4f; 3,2:00f and DANDY DUKE 2,2:04.3h-'07.
SOULFUL HEART 2,2:00.1f; 3,1:58.4 (m, Super Bowl). Winner of 5 races and $190,384 at 2 and 3; international
earnings of $364,000. At 2, winner of Acorn S., Tompkins-Geers S., PaSS and Merrie Annabelle Trot elim.; second
in Kentucky Stbd. S. and PaSS; third in $357,250 Merrie Annabelle, Champlain S. and heats of Bluegrass S. and
Int'l Stallion S.; timed in 1:59.4. At 3, second in PaSS; third in Simcoe S., Colonial Lady Trot, heat Bluegrass S. and
PaSS; timed in 1:56.1. In Italy, winner Premio Capasta. Dam of ZATOPEK OK 3,1:59f ($264,431).
TURBO THRUST 3,1:55.2 (h, Supergill). Winner of 5 races and $49,397 in U.S.; International earnings of $141,064.
At 3, winner Arden Downs S. and final of Horseman Futurity; second in 2 KySS. At 4, second in Rex Rodney S.
SUYDAM 3,1:58.4 (m, Nevele Pride). Winner of 2 races and $71,773. At 3, winner of Macfarlane Memorial; third in
Tompkins-Geers. S. Dam of IMAGE QUEST 3,Q2:00.1f; 4,1:57.4; 1:57.3 ($209,249), SUYDANCE 2,Q2:02.1f;
3,Q1:57.2–1:58f and DREAM FULFILLED 2,2:04h. Grandam of PEARSALL HANOVER 2,2:01; 3,1:55.2
($332,819), POLYESTER HANOVER 2,2:01.4f; 3,1:58f ($108,431), TAKTIC CALL 4,1:57.4 (Europe) ($85,390).
MY HUCKLEBERRY 3,1:57; 4,1:56.1f-'07 (h, Angus Hall). Winner 6 races, $77,949. At 2, second in Arden Downs.
T-BALL 2,2:01.4f; 3,1:59 (Super Bowl). Winner of 3 races, $65,887. At 2, winner Arden Downs S.; second in leg
Vernon Series; third in PaSS Final. At 3, second in Colonial Lady Trot, Arden Downs S., filly Zweig Memorial, etc.
Grandam of CORREGIDORE 3,2:00f; 4,1:58-'07, TAHITIEN TREAT 2,2:02h; 3,1:58f, TAHASH MAHAL 3,Q1:58.2.
MY SHOOTING STAR 2,T1:59; 3,1:59.1 (m, Malabar Man). Winner of 3 races and $23,340 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
KYFS; second in Hanover Filly S. (in first 2 starts); timed in 1:59.1. At 3, winner KYFS; third in KYFS.
THE WIZARD 1:57.4 (h, Supergill). Winner of 4 races and $18,124.
BE AS YOU ARE 2,2:03.3 (f, Like A Prayer). Winner of 2 races and $7,510. At 2, winner of 2 KYFS; timed in 2:00.2.
Now 3 and third in 3 KYFS.
3rd Dam
SO BLESSED by NOBLE VICTORY. From 10 living foals (7 fillies), dam of 5 winners (3 in 1:59), including ARMBRO DEVONA 2,1:58.3; 3,1:55.3–1:57h (m, Speedy Crown). Winner of 17 races, $570,100. World Champion.
At 2, winner Bluegrass S. At 3, Trotting Filly of the Year; winner of Breeders' Crown, American-National S., heat
of Kentucky Futurity, etc. Dam of VAI DI JESOLO 1:57.4 (Europe) ($266,384), PRIG DI JESOLO 3,2:01.3f (Italy)
($139,000), THOR DI JESOLO 1:59.6 (Italy). Grandam of BOSS DI JESOLO 1:57.4f (Europe) ($570,057).
ARMBRO FERN 2,1:56.4 (m, Speedy Crown). Winner of 8 races and $205,701. World Champion. Dam of ARMBRO
KEEPSAKE 2,1:57.4; 3,1:54.3 ($1,152,269), ARMBRO MARINO 2,2:02.3f; 3,2:00.4f; 4,1:58 ($86,572), ARMBRO
2,1:58.4, etc. Grandam of SWEET ALABAMA 2,1:57; 3,Q1:54.2-'07 ($104,275), etc. Third dam of MUSCLE
MEMORY 2,1:57.4; 3,1:55.1 ($443,556) and BERNIES BABE 2,1:58.4f; 3,T1:57.2 ($139,631).
ARMBRO GRANDEUR 3,2:03.1f; 2:02.3f (Finland) (h, Speedy Crown). Exported and winner of Solvalla S. at Lahti.
Armbro Nun (Speedy Crown). Dam of NUNSUCHTHING 2,1:58.1; 3,1:57.3f ($113,257), HEART OF GRACE 2,1:59.4.
Then To: Silk Rodney 2,2:11.1h by Rodney–Pure Silk by Volomite.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Harold Dancer Memorial
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stakes No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Charles Smith Trot
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for 30 Plus Stable
Raised at Rolling Acres Farm, Trenton, Ontario
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 12
HIP NO. 795
Bay Colt. Foaled April 13, 2006. Tattoo No. 2D5555.
Most Happy Fella
Cam Fella ................................... { Nan Cam
Jef's Magic Trick ....................... { B.G's
Meadow Trick
Artsplace ................................... {
Miss Elvira
VIRGINIA DARE p,4,1:52 .................
Meadow Ginny p,3,1:58.4f ........ { Tyler B
J.B. Regina
CAM'S CARD SHARK p,3,1:50 ........
From Three Foals,
Dam of (c) Truth Or Dare p,3,1:56.3f-'07
(c) Don't You Dare p,3,1:59h
Dam of (c) Zero Inflation p,4,1:51.1
(f) Virginia Dare p,4,1:52
(f) Graceful Motion p,1:52
Dam of (c) Jason Manor p,1:58f
(f) Meadow Ginny p,3,1:58.4f
(f) Discus Champ p,4,1:59f
Three Foals
1 in 1:57f
2 in 1:59
3 in 1:52, 5 in 1:55
2 $300,000 Winners
4 $150,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:58
5 in 2:00
1 $175,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
VIRGINIA DARE p,3,1:54; 4,1:52 by ARTSPLACE. Winner of 15 races and $324,587. At 2, fourth in NJSS at
Freehold; timed in 2:00.1, 2:02.2h. At 3, 23-8-4-0; seasonal earnings of $151,111; winner 2 legs and final of
Princess Series at Mohawk; second in 2 legs of NJSS at the Meadowlands (to Delta Shuttle – by a head, and Shifty
B – by a nose; defeating Art Virtue; second in $100,000 NJSS Final at The Meadowlands (to Delta Shuttle by a
neck; timed in 1:52.1; second in NJSS at Garden State. At 4, Open Winner at The Meadowlands (defeating Rons
Girl, last ¼ in :25.4). At 5, third in a Preferred at Woodbine; timed in 1:51.3. From 3 foals, dam of 2 winners TRUTH OR DARE p,3,1:56.3f-'07 (c, Camluck). Winner of 5 races and $17,199. At 2, timed in 2:00.4f.
DON'T YOU DARE p,3,1:59h (g, Camluck). Winner of 4 races and $12,303 at 3 and 4. At 3, timed in 1:57.3h.
Dare And Compare (f, The Panderosa). Now 2.
2nd Dam
MEADOW GINNY p,2,2:00.4f; 3,1:58.4f by TYLER B. Winner of 7 races and $24,747 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, timed in
1:59.4f. At 3, second in 2 legs of Terry's Woe Series. At 4, winner of an Open at The Meadows; second in 2 Opens.
From 13 foals (one died at 2), dam of 9 winners (3 in 1:52, 5 in 1:55, 6 in 1:57), including ZERO INFLATION p,2,1:56.4f; 3,1:53.2; 4,1:51.1 (g, Kentucky Spur). Winner of 28 races and $489,258. At 2, winner
PaSS and leg Royal Travel Series; third in Northfield GC S. and Keystone Classic; timed in 1:55.4f. At 3, 26-8-6-3;
earnings of $140,357; winner of PaSS and an Open; second in Woodbine Invitational (to Pacific Rocket), Jug
Preview (to Falcons Future), PaSS and leg and final of Advanced Telecomm Series; third in Keystone Classic. At
4, earnings of $169,985; winner of New Year's Invitational at Woodbine and 3 FFAs; second in leg of Toronto
Series. At 5, second in leg of Toronto Series; third in final of Toronto Series (to Lusty Leader and Ball And Chain).
VIRGINIA DARE p,3,1:54; 4,1:52 (m, Artsplace). As above.
GRACEFUL MOTION p,3,1:56; 4,1:52.1; 1:52 (m, Beach Towel). Winner of 10 races and $183,489. At 3, winner leg
Niagara Series; second in leg of Princess Series; third in leg and final Niagara Series; timed in 1:54.1. At 4, second
in $121,000 final of Damsel Series (to Art's Secret); second in a Preferred; third in leg Damsel Series, 2 Opens.
At 5, Preferred Winner at Elmira; second in an Open at Woodbine; third in an Open at Woodbine.
RONSPLACE p,3,1:54.3; 4,1:52.1 (g, Artsplace). Winner of 15 races and $161,025. At 2, timed in 2:00.4. At 3,
second in Virginia Breeders’ S. elimination; third in final of Virginia Breeders’ S.; timed in 1:53.4.
MEADOW DENNIS p,2,2:01f; 3,1:55.4h; 4,1:54.3 (h, Mr Dalrae). Winner of 21 races and $91,654. At 2, winner leg
of Tunnel Hill Series; second in Pennsylvania-bred elim. and leg Tunnel Hill Series; third in Northfield Grand Circuit
S. and Reynolds Mem.; timed in 1:57.2f. At 4, second in leg Chill Factor Series; third in leg of Chill Factor Series.
KENTUCKY GIN p,2,2:01.1f; 3,1:57.1f; 4,1:57f (h, Kentucky Spur). Winner 12 races, $58,962. At 2, timed in 1:59.1f.
FOUR STARZZZZ TMGB p,2,Q2:03.1h; 3,2:01.1h; 4,1:59.1h (h, Jenna's Beach Boy). Winner of 4 races and $23,470.
At 3, timed in 1:54.3.
Catch The Wind (c, Dragon Again). Now 2.
3rd Dam
J.B. REGINA by ADIOS VIC. Sister to the dam of GYPSY BLACK p,2,2:10.3h; 3,1:57.3h, HOMER'S GAL p,2,2:05.1h;
3,1:57.4f, SURREAL p,2,2:03.2h; 3,1:58.4h; 1:58.3h and HOMER'S PAL p,2,Q2:07.2f; 3,2:02.4h; 1:59f and
grandam of MICHAEL AARON p,2,2:01.3f; 3,1:56.4. From 9 foals, dam of 7 winners, including JASON MANOR p,2,2:04.4f; 3,2:02.2f; 1:58f (g, Tarport Adios). Winner of 41 races and $193,679. At 2, winner heat
of PAFS at Bedford; second in PAFS at Butler. At 3, 34-7-3-5. At 4, 39-9-6-6; third in an Open; timed in 1:57.1.
DISCUS CHAMP p,2,1:59.2f; 4,1:59f (m, Keystone Ore). Winner of 10 races and $38,500 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner
PaSS. At 3, second in leg of Starlet Series; third in Hanover Filly S. (to Lucky Lady); timed in 1:57.4f. Dam of
OLYMPIC MARK p,2,1:58f; 3,1:57.2h ($105,250), OLYMPIC POWER p,2,1:57.4h; 3,1:55 ($77,154), I'M THE
CHAMP p,3,2:01.2f; 1:57.2f, SILVER DISK p,2,2:03.2f; 3,1:58.2h and NICE DEAL p,2,Q2:07f; 3,1:59.2f.
BOBANJON p,3,2:01.1f; 4,1:59.1f (g, Colt Fortysix). Winner of 9 races and $19,879.
Then To: Sunday Hanover p,3,T2:06.2f by Torpid–Susie Black p,2,2:06.3h by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Little Brown Jug
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Howard Zingboim
Raised at Ferme Gabe Inc., Mirabel, Quebec
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 13
HIP NO. 807
Chestnut Colt. Foaled April 13, 2006. Tattoo No. 3DD630.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
The Road Again
Windsun Dee ............................. { On
Lap Dog
Western Hanover ...................... {
Wendymae H'ver
YANKEE ARTBREAK .......................
Artbreak Hotel p,2,1:57 ............ { Artsplace
Just Like Joanna p,3,1:54.3f
First Foal
Dam of (c) Y'kee Advent p,4,1:53.4-'07
(c) Yankee Accolade p,2,1:57f
Dam of (c) Falconlike p,1:52.4
(f) Nukes Magic p,3,1:53.3
First Foal
1 in 1:54, 2 in 1:57, 3 in 1:58
2 2:00 2YOs
1 Stakes Winner
2 in 1:54, 5 in 1:57
1 $250,000 Winner
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
YANKEE ARTBREAK by WESTERN HANOVER. At 2, timed in 2:01.1. At 3, timed in 1:58.3. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
ARTBREAK HOTEL p,2,1:57; 3,1:57.1h by ARTSPLACE. Winner of 11 races and $67,068 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner
of Review Futurity. At 3, Open Winner at Northfield. From 6 foals (5 fillies), dam of 3 winners YANKEE ADVENT p,2,1:59.2h; 3,1:56.1h; 4,1:53.4-'07 (m, Western Hanover). Winner of 7 races and $53,391. At
2, second in Reynolds Memorial and PaSS; timed in 1:55.3f. At 3, winner leg of May Flowers Series.
YANKEE ACCOLADE p,2,1:57f (h, Cam's Card Shark). Winner of 2 races and $6,833 at 2.
YANKEE ABBY p,3,1:57.1-'07 (f, Cam's Card Shark). Winner of 3 races and $6,438. At 2, timed in 2:01.
Able Yankee (f, Mcardle). Now 2.
3rd Dam
JUST LIKE JOANNA p,2,Q2:00.1; 3,1:54.3f by FALCON ALMAHURST. World Champion at 3. Winner of 11 races
and $82,648 at 2 and 3. At 3, winner of 10 of 16 starts, including Ohio First Lady S. (lowering Pacific's world record
for 2-heats by a full second; 1:55f–1:54.3f), 3 OHSS, 2 legs of Scioto Downs Series, OHFS and 2 Preferreds at
Scioto Downs; second in $70,635 Tompkins-Geers S. Full or half sister to FALCON'S WARRIOR p,2,2:01.2f;
3,1:54.1f; 1:53.4 ($128,996), MERRY MAKER p,2,2:02.4h; 3,1:54.2f–1:56h ($125,116), CAMTIME FELLA
p,3,Q2:02.2f, 4,1:55.3, LUCKY COMBO p,2,Q2:00; 3,1:57.4; 1:56.3f and to the dams of LADY JOANNA p,2,1:57.2f;
3,1:55.3; 4,1:53.3f ($393,805), REIMBURSE p,2,1:56.4; 3,1:51 ($374,515), CAM'S PRIMETIME p,3,1:50.2; 1:49.1
($335,957), DAGS p,2,1:56.2f; 3,1:54.4f; 4,1:53f ($214,619), LADY JATE p,2,1:56.2f; 3,T1:54.1 ($171,619),
MYSTICAL SIGN p,2,1:55; 3,1:54.2 ($113,305), LADYS LUCK p,3,1:56.2h; 4,1:55f, COWAN ESQ p,2,1:55f;
3,1:55h, BERNIE'S FOLLY p,2,1:55.2; 3,1:55.2f, JUST LIKE JEFF p,2,1:59; 1:55.4f, etc. and grandam of
STONEBRIDGE REGAL p,3,1:49.3; 1:48.1-'07 ($950,968), LEASE ON LIFE p,2,1:52.3; 3,1:54.2f; 1:48.1
($290,136), FOX RIDGE JAMIE p,3,1:55.2f; 1:55.2h ($83,955), JATE'S JOANNA p,2,1:57.2; 3,1:55.3,
STONEBRIDGE MADONA p,2,1:57, etc. From 9 foals (7 fillies), dam of 6 winners (2 in 1:54, 5 in 1:57) NUKES MAGIC p,2,1:54.3; 3,1:53.3 (m, No Nukes). Winner of 7 races and $270,305 at 2 and 3. At 2, 14-4-3-0;
seasonal earnings of $132,903; winner final of International Stallion and NJSS at The Meadowlands; second in
$106,000 Countess Adios S. (to Immortality), $80,450 Bluegrass S. and Tompkins-Geers S.; fourth in $300,000
Breeders’ Crown. At 3, seasonal earnings of $137,402; winner of $100,000 American-National S., Hanover-Hempt
S. and NJSS at The Meadowlands; third in $71,085 Ladyship S., Miss New Jersey elim. and Fan Hanover S. elim.;
timed in 1:52.2. Dam of UNDER YOUR SPELL p,2,1:53.2; 3,1:51 ($465,876), ART'S TRIBUTE p,2,1:59.2f;
3,1:50.3; 4,1:50.1 ($300,325), MAGIC SIGN p,2,2:01.1h; 3,1:56f–1:57.1h; 1:55h ($213,514), UNDER HER SPELL
p,2,1:55.4; 3,1:54.1 ($91,333), MAGIC CIRCLE p,4,1:55.2; 1:55.2h, STONEBRIDGE DESIRE p,2,1:58.2 and
MAGIC ACT p,3,1:59.4f. Grandam of LOAD THE DICE p,2,1:53.3; 3,1:51; 4,1:49.1 ($606,610), CARDMASTER
p,2,1:55; 3,1:51.3 ($123,271) and MAREMMA HANOVER p,2,1:58f; 3,1:54.3f; 4,1:53.3f-'07 ($102,190).
FALCONLIKE p,3,1:56.1; 1:52.4 (g, Falcon Seelster). Winner of 12 races and $80,044. At 3, timed in 1:54.1.
ARTBREAK HOTEL p,2,1:57; 3,1:57.1h (m, Artsplace). As above.
MATTERSALLS p,3,1:55.1 (m, Matt's Scooter). Winner of 8 races and $52,515. At 3, third in leg of Newcomer Series
at Freehold. Dam of ALONG CAME POLLY p,2,1:55.2h; 3,1:52f-'07 ($83,495), CAPTAIN KODA p,2,2:01.4h;
3,1:58h; 4,1:54.2h, THAT'S JUST GREAT p,4,1:58.1f, etc.
JUST LIKE IKE p,2,2:02h; 3,1:58.2h; 4,1:54.4 (h, Presidential Ball). Winner of 8 races and $28,334.
Joanna's Image p,2,Q2:02.4h (m, Matt's Scooter). Dam of JOANIE J p,2,Q2:00.1h; 3,1:58h, WESTERN SUN
p,2,Q2:00.4; 1:58.3h, JOANNA'S DEAL p,3,Q2:02h; 4,1:58.4f, IMAGE OF TOMORROW p,2,Q2:02.2h; 3,1:59.4h.
Matt About You (m, Matt's Scooter). Dam of NETANYAHU p,2,Q1:59.2; 3,1:54.1; 4,1:54.1f ($78,731), MATT ABOUT
NU p,3,1:58.1f and MY FOOLISH ART p,3,2:00f. Grandam of SOUTHVIEW SALLY p,2,1:58.3h; 3,1:56h-'07,
SOUTHVIEW SAM p,2,2:00.2h; 3,1:57h, SECRET DREAM p,3,1:59.1f, etc.
Justice For Ball (m, Presidential Ball). Dam of REAL PLATINUM p,2,1:59.1f; 3,1:55f-'07, ISCAPEFROMJUSTICE
p,2,Q2:00.3; 3,1:56.4, MATTONEMENT p,2,1:57.1f, etc.
Then To: JOANNAS TIME p,3,1:59.1f by Race Time–Mamie Tar p,3,2:03.2h by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Hamstan Farm, Inc.
Raised at Hamstan Farm, Russell, Ontario
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 10
HIP NO. 832
Bay Colt. Foaled May 30, 2006. Tattoo No. 5DM296.
ABC Freight
Garland Lobell .......................... { Gamin Lobell
Amour Angus ............................ { Magna
Kenwood Scamper
Speedy Crown ........................... { Speedy Scot
Missile Toe
ARMBRO PROPELLER 3,1:57.2 .....
Armbro Whirl 3,T2:01.2 ............ { Super Bowl
Catherine Lobell
ANGUS HALL 3,1:54.3 .....................
Dam of (c) Armbro Defender 3,1:59.4f
Dam of (c) Armbro Rotary 4,1:54.3
(f) Armbro Vanquish 3,1:55.4
Dam of (c) Nevele Paydirt 3,T1:59.4
(c) D J Jackson 3,Q1:59.4
1 in 2:00f
4 in 1:57, 8 in 1:59
1 $550,000 Winner
7 $100,000 Winners
8 Stakes Winners
2 in 2:00
1 $125,000 Winner
2 $100,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
ARMBRO PROPELLER 3,1:57.2 by SPEEDY CROWN. Winner of 3 races and $107,245 at 2 and 3. At 2, second
in NYSS at Yonkers, Hall Of Fame LC at Lexington and Frank Ervin LC at Lexington; timed in 1:59.4. At 3, winner
of Zweig Memorial and 2 NYSS at Yonkers. From 4 foals, dam of ARMBRO DEFENDER 3,1:59.4f (h, Striking Sahbra). Winner of 4 races and $30,682 at 3 and 4. At 3, third in Currier
& Ives Trot and Geers S.; fourth in Arden Downs S.; timed in 1:58.4f.
2nd Dam
ARMBRO WHIRL 2,T2:02.3; 3,T2:01.2 by SUPER BOWL. Winner of 5 races and $149,355 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of Hanover, 3 legs of Trillium S. and 2 PaSS. Stakes placed at 3. Half sister to the dams of IMPECCABLE IMAGE
3,2:00.3f; 1:53.4 ($1,288,593), ARMBRO FLING 2,1:59; 3,1:55.3 ($1,334,936), ARMBRO LEXICON 2,2:02.3;
4,1:56.4f ($211,873), ARMBRO PRESTIGE 2,2:01; 3,1:57.2f ($122,029), etc. From 13 foals, 11 winners (8 in 1:59):
ARMBRO FLORI 2,2:00.3; 3,1:57 (m, Speedy Crown). Winner of 14 races and $571,711 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner
of Scotch Love LC. At 3, winner of Coaching Club Trotting Oaks and 4 NYSS; second in final of filly World Trotting
Derby, Simcoe S. and final of Bluegrass S.; third in Breeders' Crown, heats of Hambletonian Oaks, filly World
Trotting Derby and Bluegrass, Hudson Filly Trot, etc.; timed in 1:54.4. At 4, winner of Breeders' Crown; second in
Maple Leaf Trot elim. Dam of ARMBRO MONARCH 2,1:57.4; 3,1:54.3 ($670,374), ARMBRO OFFICER 2,1:58.3;
3,1:55 ($631,144), ARMBRO LASER 4,1:57.4 ($108,090), ARMBRO ARISTOCRAT 3,2:08h; 1:55.4 ($92,615),
ARMBRO NIAGARA 2,Q2:05f; 3,T1:57.3, etc. Grandam of DUKE OF YORK 2,1:57.3; 3,1:55.4 ($863,050), FALLS
FOR YOU 2,1:56; 3,1:54.3-'07 ($402,335), GOOD TO BE KING 2,Q2:00; 3,1:55.3; 4,1:54 ($211,977), MONARCHY
3,2:00.3h; 4,1:56.1 ($117,530), SOVEREIGN FIRE 3,2:00f; 1:55.4f ($114,005), etc.
ARMBRO VANQUISH 2,1:58.1–2:03.2h; 3,1:55.4-1:57.4h (m, Garland Lobell). Winner of 9 races and $321,522 at
2 and 3. At 2, winner of International Stallion S. and NYSS at Yonkers; second in 2 NYSS; third in $150,000 NYSS
Final at Yonkers. At 3, 12-6-1-1; winner of Buckette, Hudson Filly Trot and 4 NYSS (including track record at
Monticello); second in $150,000 NYSS Final at Yonkers. Her first foal is ARMBRO DEJA VU 3,1:55.2.
ARMBRO SCORPION 2,1:57.3–1:58.3f (h, Balanced Image). Winner of 7 races and $308,800 at 2 and 3. At 2,
winner 7 of 14 starts; voted Canadian 2yo Colt Trotter of The Year; winner of elimination and $103,440 ONTSS Gold
Final at Mohawk, $101,720 ONTSS Gold Final at Windsor, elimination and $96,560 ONTSS Gold Final at Elmira,
Campbellville Trot and ONTSS Gold elimination at Woodbine; second in $103,440 ONTSS Gold Final at Woodbine;
third in Flamboro Breeders' S.; timed in 1:56.1. At 3, third in $96,700 Colonial Trot. 1:55f sire.
ARMBRO ECLAIR 2,1:59 (m, Speedy Crown). Winner of 1 race and $187,443 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner TompkinsGeers S.; second in $514,303 Breeders' Crown (to Jef's Spice, by a neck) in her fourth lifetime start; third in
$124,760 Matron S. At 3, second in NYSS; third in NYSS. Dam of ECHO HANOVER 2,1:58.2; 3,1:56 ($204,538),
CAKE RATTLE N ROLL 4,1:55.3 ($220,475), CHOCOLATE LAYERED 2,1:59.4f ($167,306 at 2 and 3) and
ARTICULATE HANOVER 2,2:00.3; 3,1:59f. Grandam of SOUTHWIND ALLAIRE 2,1:58.1f; 3,1:53.4 ($733,534),
PIZZA DOLCE 2,1:57f; 3,1:52.4 ($668,824), ARIANE DU HARAS 2,2:01.1; 3,1:54.2 ($403,736), MARS BAR
2,1:58.3; 3,1:56 ($390,176), MACKADAMIAN 1:56.4 (Norway) ($140,000), CHOCO CHIP HANOVER 3,1:54.2,
EDGESTONE HANOVER 2,2:00.2; 3,1:56.2-'07, ARSENAL HALL 3,1:56.3-'07, PEACE N HARMONY 3,1:57.1,
AU BON HALL 2,Q2:08.3; 3,2:00.3; 1:58.1, CRABCAKE HANOVER 3,1:59.2f, GIANT WINNER 3,1:59.3, etc. Third
dam of LINDY'S MAESTRO 3,1:59.3h; 1:55.3-'07 ($80,079) and CREAMY MIMI 2,1:57-'07.
ARMBRO ROTARY 3,Q1:57–1:59h; 4,1:54.3 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 3 races and $131,238. At 2, third in 3
NYSS; timed in 2:00. At 3, winner of NYSS at Saratoga; second in $100,000 Hambletonian elim. (to Muscles
Yankee), NYSS at Yonkers and Reynolds Memorial; third in a 3yo Open at The Meadowlands; timed in 1:55.
ARMBRO PROPELLER 3,1:57.2 (m, Speedy Crown). As above.
FAMILY FIRM 2,Q2:00.4; 3,2:00.3f; 1:58–1:58.3f (Speedy Crown). Winner of 13 races and $100,423.
ARMBRO KAISER 2,2:00.3; 3,1:56.2 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 7 races and $76,265 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of Hoosier Futurity. At 3, winner of Hanover Colt S. and Horseman Futurity.
Armbro Adored (m, Balanced Image). Her first foal is the Stakes Winner FOUR STARZ EYE VAN 3,1:55.3.
Then To: Catherine Lobell by Noble Victory–CANNY IMP 2,2:04.2 by Florican.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Canadian Breeders Champ.
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Ontario Sires
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for K R Breeding LLC
Raised at Lindy Farms, Somersville, CT
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 8
HIP NO. 855
Bay Colt. Foaled May 22, 2006. Tattoo No. 4D8043.
Victory Dream
Self Possessed ......................... { Feeling Great
Canland Hall .............................. { Garland
Canne Angus
BJ's Mac .................................... {
B J's Pleasure
BOBBI JO MAC 2,1:57.3 ..................
Gracious Lobell ........................ { Speedy Crown
Glory Lobell
CANTAB HALL 3,1:54 ......................
Dam of (c) Bulle Rock 4,1:56.2f
Dam of (f) Mom's Millionaire 3,T1:54.4
(c) Crowne Skipper p,2,1:56.2f
Dam of (f) Ginger Belle 3,1:56.2
(c) Gambit Lobell 1:58h
1 in 1:57f
1 2:00 2YO
1 in 1:55, 4 in 1:59
1 $100,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:57, 2 in 1:58
2 $150,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
BOBBI JO MAC 2,1:57.3 by BJ'S MAC. Winner of 3 races and $122,469 at 2. At 2, 8-3-2-0; winner of elimination and
$90,000 final of Harold Dancer Memorial (over Baltic Region, etc.) and Goldsmith Maid Trot elim.; second in elim.
and $122,100 final of Matron S.; fourth in $351,800 Goldsmith Maid Trot; timed in 1:58.4f. From 4 foals (one
exported at 2), dam of BULLE ROCK 2,1:59.1; 3,1:57.4; 4,1:56.2f (h, Muscles Yankee). Winner of 11 races and $55,559. At 2, second in
Peter Haughton consolation (to Bebop), timed in 1:57.2.
Lindy Online (c, Lindy Lane). Now 2.
2nd Dam
GRACIOUS LOBELL by SPEEDY CROWN. From 11 foals (7 fillies), dam of 7 winners (4 in 1:59), including BOBBI JO MAC 2,1:57.3 (m, BJ’s Mac). As above.
MOM'S MILLIONAIRE 2,2:00.1; 3,T1:54.4 (m, Pine Chip). Winner of 3 races and $56,815 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of Champlain S.; second in Hoosier Futurity; timed in 1:58.1. At 3, winner of MSRF at Rosecroft and KySS
elimination. Dam of NJSS Champion and Season's Champion SNOW WHITE 2,1:55.4-'07 ($209,751).
CROWNE SKIPPER p,2,1:56.2f (h, Forrest Skipper). Winner of 28 races and $42,596.
BILLIE JEAN MAC 2,2:00.1–2:02.1f (m, BJ’s Mac). Winner of 3 races and $34,200 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of NJSS
at The Meadowlands and 2 NJFS at Showplace; second in NJSS; third in NJSS at Freehold; timed in 1:59.4.
GRACIOUS MARLA 3,1:59f (m, Malabar Man). Winner of 4 races and $11,628 at 3 and 4. At 4, timed in 1:57.3f.
Candlewick (m, BJ’s Mac). Dam of YANKEE CANDLE 2,1:57.3.
Hostesswithmostess (f, Conway Hall). Now 2.
3rd Dam
GLORY LOBELL by NOBLE VICTORY. Full or half sister to HEALEY LOBELL 3,2:01.1f, 1:55.1, GUS LOBELL 1:59.1
(Europe), STEIN LOBELL 3,1:59.2, GRAHAM LOBELL 2:00.1f (Europe) and GUTSY LOBELL 2,2:00.2 ($183,511),
she the dam of SUPERGRIT 3,1:56.3; 1:53.1 ($1,487,118), GUTSY CAST 2,Q2:05.2; 3,1:58.2 ($74,188) and PAN
FARE 2,1:59.1 ($75,949). From 13 foals (9 fillies), dam of 6 winners, including GINGER BELLE 2,1:59; 3,1:56.2 (m, Speedy Crown). World Champion. Winner of 22 races and $227,263. At 2,
equalled world record for 1 and 2 heats for 2YO fillies on a ½ mile track; winner Ohio Stbd. S., Breeders' Filly S.,
Hanover Filly S., etc. At 3, equalled world record for 3YO filly trotters; winner of Hanover-Hempt S., Lady Suffolk
Trot, Bluegrass S. and Lexington Filly S.; third in final Hambletonian Filly S. Dam of GINGIN HANOVER 2,2:00.1f,
3,1:55 ($269,556), GIRONDE HANOVER 2,1:58f, 3,1:55.1 ($359,522), HOLY BOWL 2,Q2:00.2; 1:58.1 (Europe),
GEO HANOVER 3,1:58.2f and EBANKS 3,2:00.4f. Grandam of BOMBAY 2,2:00.2; 3,1:58; 4,1:57.3f ($170,000),
GODESS OF CHAOS 2,2:00.1f; 3,1:57f; 4,1:54.4 ($324,242), GINGERLY 2,T1:59.1. Third dam of INCREDIBLE
HULK 2,2:00.3; 3,1:56.1f ($307,025) and ARMBRO ACUNAR 2,Q2:06.2f; 3,2:00.1f; 4,1:58.4 ($77,311).
GLADSTONE LOBELL 2,2:03.1; 3,Q2:02.1 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 5 races and $154,923. Stakes Winner.
GAMBIT LOBELL 1:58h (h, Speedy Crown). World Champion. Winner of 12 races and $69,750 in the U.S.
SILVER STAR LOBELL 2,2:00.4 (Speedy Crown). Winner $21,749. Dam of ZULA VICTORY 2,Q2:04.3; 3,1:59.3h.
Gale Lobell 2,T2:06 (m, Speedy Somolli). Dam of HEZA REDNECK 3,1:59f; 4,Q1:58.3; 1:56.2f ($257,561), GULF
TALK 2,2:02; 1:58.3f ($107,085) and R FIRST ENQUIRER 2,2:05.4h; 3,1:59.4f. Grandam of BLUES CHIP
2,2:01.1; 3,Q1:58; 4,1:56.1f ($123,177), WALLSTREET VICTORY 3,1:59.4h; 4,1:58.2; Q1:57.3 ($78,614), etc.
Gelsey Lobell (m, Speedy Crown). Her first foal is ARNOLD LOBELL 3,2:03.1f; 4,1:59f ($148,536).
Gwen Lobell (m, Speedy Rodney). Third dam of MONTE HALL 2,1:57.4; 3,1:56.1; 1:53.2 ($834,513).
Geisha Lobell (m, Speedy Somolli). Dam of ANOTHER GEISHA 2,2:01.2; 3,Q2:00.1. Grandam of EMANTEE
2,1:59.2h; 3,1:55.3 ($465,159), LOUIE LAVEC 3,1:59.4; 4,1:57.3 ($183,679), AFFARO HANOVER 2,2:01.2h;
3,1:57.4f; 4,1:55.2f ($165,523), TONI'S DELIGHT 3,2:04.3h; 4,1:58f ($72,566), ARIGATO HANOVER 3,Q1:58.2f,
ACKERMAN HANOVER 4,1:59.2; 1:58.4, JA PAN ESE 3,Q1:59.3, ALDYTH HANOVER 2,Q2:00.4, etc. Third dam
of JUJITSU HANOVER 2,Q2:03.2; 3,1:57.4; 4,1:56.2f ($418,156) (Italy), ARCTIC HANOVER 2,1:57.1 ($100,344),
ALDO HANOVER 2,2:03.3f; 3,2:00f; 1:58.3 ($80,518), etc. Fourth dam of Hambletonian Winner DONATO
HANOVER 2,1:55; 3,Q1:51.3-'07 ($1,707,587) and HERE COMES HERBIE 2,1:56f; 3,1:52 ($365,541).
Then To: GLEE HANOVER 3,2:05.1h by Hoot Mon–Gleeful Hanover 3,T2:06.2 by Dean Hanover.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Phillip R. Hunt
Raised at Phil Hunt's, Littlestown, PA
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 7
HIP NO. 862
Bay Colt. Foaled March 21, 2006. Tattoo No. 5DD080.
Victory Dream
Self Possessed ......................... { Feeling Great
Canland Hall .............................. { Garland
Canne Angus
Sierra Kosmos .......................... {
Sunkiss Bel
BRISTLE HANOVER ........................
Bridle Path 3,Q2:05.2 ................ { Speedy Crown
Garden Path 2,2:04
CANTAB HALL 3,1:54 ......................
First Foal
Dam of (f) Imperfection 4,1:54.1
(c) Lights Out 1:58.2f
Dam of (c) Botanic 1:59.4 (Finland)
(f) Latticework 2,2:00
First Foal
1 in 1:55, 3 in 2:00
1 $925,000 Winner
2 Stakes Winners
2 in 2:00
4 in 2:02
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
BRISTLE HANOVER by SIERRA KOSMOS. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
BRIDLE PATH 3,Q2:05.2 by SPEEDY CROWN. From 10 foals (8 fillies), dam of 4 winners IMPERFECTION 2,2:01.1f; 3,1:55–1:56.4f; 4,1:54.1 (m, Nearly Perfect). World Champion. Winner of 21 races and
$795,204 in the U.S.; $932,331 internationally. At 2, 11-5-4-0; winner of Autumn S.; second in PaSS EC Final,
Tompkins-Geers and PaSS; timed in 1:59.2f. At 3, 20-11-5-1; earnings of $633,908; voted Trotting Filly of the Year
(over Armbro Keepsake); leading money-winning 3yo trotting filly; winner of Breeders Crown, American-National,
Coaching Club Oaks, Northfield GC S., PaSS, Beacon Course elim. (over Sierra Kosmos), heat of World Trotting
Derby, Greyhound LC and an Invitational; second in Beacon Course Trot, Hudson Filly Trot and heat and final of
World Trotting Derby (to Sierra Kosmos and Alf Palema); third in Lexington LC. In Italy, second in Grand Premio
Mangelli Trot. At 4, set world record for mares winning an Open. Dam of IMMINENT HANOVER 3,T1:59.1.
Grandam of SOUTHWIND UTICA 2,1:59.2; 3,Q1:56.3f ($91,866) and SOUTHWIND URSALIN 4,1:59.2-'07.
BRAVURA HANOVER 3,1:59.4h (m, Balanced Image). Winner of 4 races and $74,276. At 2, third in 2 ONTSS Gold
elims. At 3, winner of Canadian Breeders S. elim. Dam of FEEL THAT MUSCLE 1:57.1f.
LIGHTS OUT 3,2:02.4h; 1:58.2f (g, Sierra Kosmos). Winner of 9 races and $39,927. At 2, second in PaSS at The
Meadows (by a nose); fourth in Review Futy. and Pa. All Stars; timed in 2:01.1, 2:02.2f. At 3, timed in 1:59.1.
Grand Reception 2,2:06.2f; 4,2:06h (m, Master Willie). Winner of 2 races and $7,205. Dam of ITS GO TIME 2,2:02.2f;
2:01.1h ($134,130) and RECEPTION HALL 2,2:05h; 3,1:58.3f.
Utter Confusion (m, Nearly Perfect). Dam of the Stakes Winner UTOPIAN HANOVER 3,1:58.3; 4,1:57.2 ($86,451).
Grandam of the Stakes Winner MOUNTAINVIEW GIRL 2,1:59.1; 3,1:57.2 ($80,216).
3rd Dam
GARDEN PATH 2,2:04 by FLORICAN. Winner of 9 races and $73,883 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of Proximity Trot,
Nancy Hanks Trot, Reynolds Memorial, Hanover-Hempt S. and heat of Lexington Filly S.; second in Hanover Filly
S., Battle of Saratoga, International Stallion S., etc. At 3, second in Reynolds. From 11 foals, 8 winners, includingLATTICEWORK 2,2:00 (Arndon). Winner 5 races, $52,809 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner Hoosier Futurity and TompkinsGeers S. Dam of MR COMMISSIONER 2,1:58.4 ($85,375), LEI 2,2:05.3h; 3,T2:01 and ON THE SLOPES 2,2:04h.
Grandam of STROKE PLAY 2,1:58.2; 3,1:54.2f ($760,713), BANK EMBLEM 2,2:12h; 3,2:02.1h, etc.
BONE LOVER 2,2:07.3; 3,2:01.3h (h, Bonefish). Winner of 3 races and $51,306. At 2, second in KySS; third in
Walnut Hall Cup and KySS. At 3, winner of KySS; second in heat of Bluegrass S.; third in Beacon Course Trot.
BOTANIC 1:59.4f (Finland) (Crowning Point). Winner of $23,581. At 2, third in Hoosier Futy. Finnish Stakes Winner.
NIGHT PASSAGE 2:02.3f (Finland) (h, Super Bowl). Stakes Winner in Finland, inc. final of Vermo Topic S.
Chloris (m, Balanced Image). Dam of the Stakes Winner SWEET ON YOU 2,2:02f; 3,Q2:01 ($75,831).
4th Dam
LOVESTER 2,T2:02.2; 3,2:01.1 by SPEEDSTER. Winner of 9 races and $42,250. At 2, winner Hanover Filly S. At
3, winner of Arden Downs S., Almahurst, Walnut Hall, Breeders Filly. Half sister to the grandam of fastest 4YO in
Finnish history BETTER BETTER BEST 4,1:55.2. From 11 foals, dam of 8 winners, including ROSEMARY 2,2:04.3; 3,1:57.2 (m, Nevele Pride). Winner of 20 races and $223,647 at 2 and 3. Dam of ROYAL
PRESTIGE 2,1:56.3; 3,1:55.1 ($1,234,279), GIANT DYNASTY 3,Q1:57.3, SPELLCASTER 2,1:58.3, CLASSIC
TRADITION 2,T1:59.3, etc. Grandam of VISCOUNTESS 2,1:59.2; 3,Q1:57.1 ($124,198), COLONEL DARBY 1:58.1
($200,000) and CLASSIC MAROON 1:59f. Third dam of COUNT THE GOAL 3,1:56.4; 3,1:54.3 ($502,737).
LONG LEGEND 2,1:59.2; 3,1:55.3 (h, Super Bowl). Winner of 4 races and $90,319 at 2 and 3. Stakes Winner.
Rose Bower (m, Florlis). Grandam of ALMOST AN ANGEL 2,1:57.1; 3,1:56 ($959,695), FLUTTERING WINGS
2,1:58.2; 3,Q1:58.1 ($305,971), LOVELYTOBEHOLD 2,Q2:00; 3,1:54.3 ($443,928), etc. Third dam of AL DENTE
HANOVER 2,Q2:01.1; 3,1:54.3 ($349,746), MICHELLE'S ANGEL 2,1:56.2f; 3,1:54-'07 ($286,885), BROKE EVEN
2,Q2:05.4; 3,1:56.1; Q1:55.1 ($252,190), FLASH LIGHTNING 2,1:58.4; 3,1:55-'07 ($97,713), etc.
Then To: Lover's Walk 2:02.3 by Worthy Boy–Sweet Talk 3,2:02 by Darnley.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Manitoba Great Western
Old Oaken Bucket
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 10
HIP NO. 866
Bay Filly. Foaled May 6, 2006. Tattoo No. 1D1176.
Reve D Udon ............................. { Mavia Du Vivier
Hazel Sund ................................ { Sugarcane
Rare Chance
Armbro Goal .............................. {
Armbro Flight
BUTTERFLY BALLOT ......................
Kimberly Lobell ......................... { Speedy Somolli
Killbuck Rose 3,2:04.1f
REVENUE S 1:51.3 ...........................
Dam of (f) Stop The Whining 2,2:03h
(c) Keep Counting 2,Q2:05f-'07
Dam of (c) River's Edge 1:53.4
(f) Water Star 1:54
Dam of (c) Keyser Lobell 2,1:58
(c) Gibor p,3,2:00.1f
1 in 2:03h
2 in 2:08h
1 Stakes Winner
2 in 1:54
2 $150,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1 1:58 2YO
1 $600,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
BUTTERFLY BALLOT by ARMBRO GOAL. From 3 foals, dam of 3 winners STOP THE WHINING 2,2:03h (f, Malabar Man). Winner of 2 races and $10,150. At 2, winner of NJSS Green Acres
at Freehold; second in NJSS Green Acres at Freehold. Now 3 and racing; timed in 1:59.2.
Keep Counting 2,Q2:05f-'07 (g, Andover Hall). Now 2 and fourth in PaSS; took record in first start.
Cry Baby 3,2:08h (m, Striking Sahbra). Winner of 1 race and $6,367 at 3.
2nd Dam
KIMBERLY LOBELL by SPEEDY SOMOLLI. From 6 foals, dam of 5 winners (2 in 1:54), including WATER STAR 3,Q2:02.4f; 4,1:56.3; 1:54 (m, Supergill). Winner of 12 races and $209,640. At 3, timed in 2:01.2. At
4, 34-7-4-4; seasonal earnings $85,405; winner leg and final of General Brock Series at Woodbine; timed in 1:55.4.
At 5, seasonal earnings of $123,065; Invitational Winner at The Meadowlands; second in 2 legs and final of Father
Foley Series at The Meadowlands. Dam of RIGHT ON RENEE 2,2:00.4f; 3,Q1:59f-'07.
RIVER'S EDGE 3,1:57.1; 1:53.4 (h, Supergill). Winner of 16 races and $163,678. At 3, winner of NJFS; third in 2
NJFS; timed in 1:56.3. At 4, second in 2 legs of Super Bowl Series. At 5, Open Winner. At 7, timed in 1:52.4.
UNSCHEDULED 2,Q2:05; 3,2:01f (Europe) (h, Armbro Goal). Winner of 3 races and $35,290 at 2 and 3. At 2, fourth
in Hanover Colt S.; timed in 1:59.3. At 3, exported to Sweden; winner of Trearingslopp, Tidia Talanger III and IV.
Reef 3,Q2:03.4f (m, Supergill). Dam of Hambletonian Oaks runner-up RAPID RAIL 2,2:01f; 3,1:54.2 ($275,891),
ROSSCARBERY 2,2:02.3f; 3,2:01.3; 4,1:57.1 ($135,434) and VODKA NO FRUIT 2,2:00.4.
3rd Dam
KILLBUCK ROSE 2,2:06h; 3,2:04.1f by B.F. COALTOWN. Winner of 12 races and $55,870. At 2, winner 4 OHSS,
Ohio State Fair S.; second in OHSS final. At 3, winner 2 OHSS; second in OHSS Final. From 7 foals, dam of KEYSER LOBELL 2,1:58; 3,1:58.2h (h, Speedy Somolli). Winner of 9 races and $610,965. At 2, 14-8-2-1; earnings
of $515,229; leading money-winning 2YO trotting colt; winner of Peter Haughton Memorial, NJSS Final, Harriman
Cup, Harold Dancer Memorial elim. and NJSS; second in Harold Dancer Memorial and Breeders' Crown elim.; third
in heat of Walnut Hall Cup. At 3, winner heat of Old Oaken Bucket; second in final of Canadian Trotting Classic.
Kara Lee Lobell (m, Speedy Somolli). Dam of OUISER 2,2:00; 3,1:58.3 ($312,087), KEROGEN 2,1:58.3f; 4,1:56.2-'07
($174,583), FRED LEBOW 2,2:07.1h; 3,2:00.1f; 4,1:58 ($125,701), SAL THE BARBER 3,2:00.4h; 1:58.2
($114,887), A LUV SO BEAUTIFUL 3,1:56.4, KEYSER'S COUSIN 3,1:59, etc. Grandam of GUTSY CALL
2,2:01–2:01.3f; 3,Q1:57.4; 4,1:54.3 ($423,506), CON MAN 2,1:59.3; 3,1:55.1 ($143,620), THIRD REEF 3,1:55.3
($139,152), LUVSAMUST 2,1:56 ($90,911), BAY HEAD 2,2:02f; 3,1:59.2f ($90,447), BREEZER TEE 3,1:59f;
4,1:58.1f, MANASQUAN 2,1:59, TEARLING 3,2:00.3f; 2:00f, BRYNDERWYN 2,2:01.4; 3,Q2:01.2f, etc. Third dam
of LOVELY 2,1:59h; 3,1:57.3f ($99,172), YANKEE CALYPSO 3,1:56.1 and CHILLING YANKEE 3,1:57.2; 4,1:57.
4th Dam
ROSELLA by FLORICAN. Half sister to KILLBUCK MARY 2,2:03.3f; 3,2:01.4h; 1:59.1 ($517,877); the dams of ATTILA
3,1:58.2 and ANVIL 2,2:02; 3,1:58.4; and the grandams of GIANT MERMAID 2,1:59.1; 3,1:56.3f; 4,1:54.4
($365,039), SIROCCO SPUR 2,Q2:02.4f; 3,1:56.1f ($497,758), DR TROTTA 3,1:59.2h; 1:56 ($344,916) and ELGIN
ALMAHURST 2,2:05.3; 3,Q2:00.3 ($394,600). From 12 foals, dam of 7 winners, including ROSALIE 2,T2:05 (Hickory Smoke). Grandam of SCOTIAN REBEL 2,2:02f; 3,2:00.4f; 4,1:58.1 ($105,032).
Killbuck Rosella (m, Noble Victory). Dam of DR FABE 2,2:00; 3,1:58.3f ($302,847). Grandam of MC CLUCKEY
2,2:01; 3,1:54.1 ($430,388), CLASSIC ADAM 2,Q2:01.3f; 3,1:56; 4,1:54.3 ($204,053), CLASSICAL BURT 3,1:58.4;
1:56f ($196,772), VICTROLA 2,1:57.2 ($178,179), CLASSICAL MARY 2,1:58.1; 3,1:55.2-'07 ($181,164), CNIVEL
BLUEGRASS 2,2:03.4h; 3,1:59h; 1:58.1 ($126,532), CLASSIC HOGAN 2,1:57.4; 3,1:55.4 ($118,040), SIDNEY'S
CADET 2,2:01.1; 3,1:56.1f ($75,566), FUB 3,Q2:00.2, 4,1:58.1f, CLASSICAL GINNY 2,T1:59.1, etc. etc. Third
dam of MED VAC 2,1:58f; 3,1:57.3h; 4,1:53.1; 1:52.2-'07 ($776,185), MISS WISCONSIN 2,1:56.3; 3,1:55
($515,074), MISS NITTANY 2,1:59.3; 3,1:57.1f ($224,263), REAL LIVE WOMAN 2,1:59 ($136,186), MISS ATHENS
2,2:00.1f; 3,1:57.3f ($83,419), MISS MILWAUKEE 2,Q2:00.2; 3,Q1:57.1, etc.
Then To: DEMON MARY 2:04.3 by Demon Hanover–Princess Warwell 3,2:06.1 by Worthy Boy.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Champlain Filly
Currier & Ives
Harold Dancer Memorial
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Kentucky Futurity
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Parshall Memorial
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Charles Smith Trot
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 6
HIP NO. 883
Brown Colt. Foaled May 28, 2006. Tattoo No. 5D6903.
Garland Lobell
Conway Hall .............................. { Amour Angus
Go Go Lauxmont
B Cor Tamgo ............................. { A
B Cor Tamara
Speedy Crown ........................... {
Missile Toe
CHOCOLATE SOUP 3,1:59.4 ...........
Vichyssoise ............................... { Christopher T.
Clorinda Hanover 2,2:04.2
BROADWAY HALL 2,1:56.4 .............
Dam of (c) Chocolate Dipped 3,1:58.4f
Dam of (c) Speedy Tomali 3,1:56.4
(c) Only Make Believe 3,1:58.2
Dam of (c) Clayt Hanover 3,2:01.1f
(c) Claypool Hanover 2:03
1 in 1:59f
1 in 1:57, 3 in 2:00
1 in 2:02
1 2:03h 2YO
2 $100,000 Winners
4 in 2:05
1 Stakes Winner
4 Stakes Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
CHOCOLATE SOUP 3,1:59.4 by SPEEDY CROWN. From 3 foals (one exported), dam of CHOCOLATE DIPPED 2,2:02.1h; 3,1:58.4f (h, Self Possessed). Winner of 3 races and $68,089 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2,
winner of $91,225 Harold Dancer Memorial; second in NJSS at Freehold. At 3, second in NJSS at The
Meadowlands (to New York Yank), timed in 1:55.2.
2nd Dam
VICHYSSOISE by CHRISTOPHER T. From 12 foals, dam of 7 winners (3 in 2:00), including SPEEDY TOMALI 2,1:58.2; 3,1:56.4 (h, Speedy Somolli). Winner of 11 races and $173,515 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of 10 of 12 starts; seasonal earnings of $154,061; winner of $100,000 NJSS Championship, $65,380 Matron S.,
2 NJSS at The Meadowlands, 3 NJSS at Garden State and NJFS; second in Peter Haughton Memorial consolation.
ONLY MAKE BELIEVE 2,Q2:04; 3,1:58.2–1:58.3f (h, Prakas). Winner of 5 races and $104,121 at 2 and 3. At 2,
second in Hanover Colt S. (to Uconn Don); third in $102,000 PaSS Championship, Peter Haughton Memorial
elimination and 2 PaSS; timed in 1:57.4. At 3, winner of Townsend Ackerman Trot and 2 PaSS; second in $125,000
Macfarlane Memorial (to Super Pleasure); timed in 1:55.2. At 4, exported to Belgium.
SPICEY SOUP 3,2:01 (m, Baltic Speed). Winner of 5 races and $22,676. At 3, winner of NJFS; timed in 2:00.2h. Her
first foal is the multiple Stakes Winner SUPER SPICY 2,1:59.1f; 3,Q1:55.4; 1:52.3 ($481,904).
GLORIOUS SOUP 2,2:06.2h; 3,2:04.3h; 4,Q2:03.3f (h, Baltic Speed). Winner of 3 races and $10,231 at 2 and 3. At
2, winner of Flamboro Breeders’ S.; timed in 2:03.1f.
CHOCOLATE SOUP 3,1:59.4 (m, Speedy Crown). As above.
Fish Chowder 3,T2:00.4 (m, Bonefish). Dam of BERRY SOUP 4,1:55.1 and MIGHTY IRISH MIKE 2,2:00.3f; 4,1:59.2f
($71,962). Grandam of SOUP OF THE DAY 3,2:00.4f; 1:59.2f, TREAD MILL 3,1:59.2, CAT WALK 4,1:59.4h,
INDIA'S PROGRAM 2:00f and MR JOSHUA 2,2:05h; 3,2:04.2h.
3rd Dam
CLORINDA HANOVER 2,2:04.2 by HOOT MON. Winner of 6 races and $11,671. At 2, winner consolation of Acorn
S.; third in Hanover-Hempt S. From 16 foals (10 fillies), dam of CLAYT HANOVER 3,2:01.1f (h, Star's Pride). Winner of 6 races and $36,096 at 3. At 3, winner Reynolds Memorial
and Reading Futurity; second in USHWA Trot and Hambletonian Preview. At 4, winner of Premio Costellazione.
CLETE HANOVER (h, Super Bowl). Exported and a Stakes Winner as aged in Finland.
Clementine Hanover 3,Q2:04.2f (Super Bowl). Winner of $12,613. Dam of CLEM LAUXMONT 3,2:04.2f; 1:58.3f.
Clarene Hanover 2,2:08.3 (m, Star's Pride). At 2, third in Flora Temple S. Dam of CAMI ALMAHURST 2,2:00.1;
3,1:59f ($235,748). Grandam of CARIES CREDIT 2,2:02.4h; 3,1:56.3; 4,1:54 ($372,225), NELIDA CAF 2:01.1f
($220,000), OMAR CAF 2:03.3f ($208,955), CHEESECAKE 2,2:03.2f; 3,2:00.3f; 4,1:55.2 ($164,105),
CHAMPAGNE COMANCHE 2,2:00.2; 1:59.2 ($171,286), LOST TWO 2,2:04.2f; 3,1:59.1f; 1:59f ($136,546), LOST
QUARTER 3,2:01f; 1:58.1f ($125,447), COSTA LOBELL 3,Q1:58.1, LOST MY COOKIES 2,2:02.1f, 3,1:58.4f,
ALEX LOBELL 3,T1:59.1, MC’S MAGNUM 3,1:59.4, PAVER MAN 2,2:01.1, etc. Third dam of TOM BRUCE
2,1:59f; 1:54.3 ($159,512), MAGNUM LAUXMONT 2,2:00; 3,1:58 ($84,347), MISS SENSATION 3,1:59.2f; 1:59f.
Clarissa Hanover (m, Star's Pride). Dam of CRANFORD 2,2:03.3h, 3,2:01.1 ($305,297), CORAL BELLE 3,2:03.3,
2:01 ($187,602), HYMCAN 2,Q2:06.1, 3,2:01.4f ($152,180), etc. Grandam of BON SPORT 2,1:59.3, 3,1:57.3
($385,342), LADY BELLE 2,2:01.2; 1:57 ($181,371), CIDER HILL 2,2:03.2f, 3,2:02h, 2:01.4h ($101,592), CHINITO
3,1:58.2f; 4,1:56.2, HOPELAND TRIBUTE 3,1:58.3f, CRIMSON LOBELL 2,2:01.4, 3,Q1:59, etc. Third dam of
DOCTOR DARIUS 2,2:05.2, 3,2:00.2; 1:59, SHARED EMOTION 2,2:03.2f, 3,2:01f, etc.
Classy Hanover (m, Star's Pride). Grandam of BERKSHIRE BUDDY 2,2:06.2; 3,1:57.2 ($227,426). Third dam of
SHANNON BRIGHT 2,1:59; 3,1:58; 1:56 ($225,811), FENCE POST 2,2:06.2h; 3,2:00.2h; 1:57f ($236,942), BACK
TO CLASS 3,2:03.1h; 1:58.2f ($182,802), INDY CAR 2,2:00, etc. Fourth dam of FETTAH JACOB 1:59.3, etc.
Clove Hanover (m, Super Bowl). Dam of CLOVE VOLO 2,2:08.4; 3,2:01.4 ($111,129).
Clorita Hanover (m, Star’s Pride). Dam of CHIOLA HANOVER 2,2:04.4h; 3,1:57.4 ($684,958).
Consuela Hanover (m, Super Bowl). Grandam of PROUD VICTORY 3,Q2:04.1f; 4,1:56.3.
Then To: Clotilde Hanover 3,T2:11.2h by Dean Hanover–Charm Hanover 3,T2:17 ½ by Peter The Brewer.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Joseph Faraldo
Raised at Blue Chip Farms, Wallkill, NY
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 8
HIP NO. 886
Bay Filly. Foaled April 9, 2006. Tattoo No. 2D6116.
Super Bowl
American Winner ...................... { B J's Pleasure
Lawn Tennis .............................. { Armbro
Armbro Classic ......................... {
Armbro Pageant
CLASS DOLL 3,2:05.2h ...................
Classmate 4,2:03.1h ................. { Jurgy Hanover
Stonegate Class
CREDIT WINNER 3,1:54 ..................
Third Living Foal,
Dam of (c) Ten Speed Joe 3,2:02.3h-'07
Dam of (c) Classic Bob 2,Q2:01.1f
(c) Classy Jake 4,2:03.3
Dam of (c) Senior Class 1:59.3h
(f) Princeton Preppie 2:01.1h
Third Living Foal
1 in 2:03h
1 in 2:02f
3 in 2:04
5 Stakes Winners
1 in 2:00h, 3 in 2:04h
1 $100,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
CLASS DOLL 2,2:07.3h; 3,2:05.2h by ARMBRO CLASSIC. Winner of 24 races and $37,523 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, 14-104-0; winner of 5 IAFS, 3 ILFS and MOFS; second in 2 IAFS, ILFS and MOFS. At 3, 23-13-5-1; winner of 5 IAFS,
4 ILFS and MOFS; second in ILFS; third in ILFS. At 4, winner leg of Billings Series at Monticello; third in leg of
Wyoming Valley Series at Pocono Downs; timed in 2:01. This is her third living foal. Dam of Ten Speed Joe 3,2:02.3h-'07 (g, Credit Winner). Winner of 1 race and $34,869 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in Landmark
S.; third in NYSS at Monticello; timed in 2:03.1f. Now 3 and third in NYSS at Vernon; timed in 2:00.3h.
Eyewitness (f, Giant Hit). Now 2 and racing.
2nd Dam
CLASSMATE 2,2:09.1h; 3,2:03.3f; 4,2:03.1h by JURGY HANOVER. Winner of 10 races and $48,307. At 2, winner
of NJFS at Big Z; second in 2 NJFS; third in 2 NJFS; timed in 2:04.4f. From 8 living foals, dam of 5 winners CLASS DOLL 2,2:07.3h; 3,2:05.2h (m, Armbro Classic). As above.
CLASSIC BOB 2,2:21.1h; 3,Q2:01.1f (g, Armbro Classic). Winner of 8 races and $23,302 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner
of ILFS; second in IAFS; third in 2 IAFS and MOFS. At 3, winner of 2 ILFS, IAFS and MOFS; second in 2 ILFS;
second in IAFS; third in 2 ILFS and IAFS; timed in 2:00.4f (second by a neck).
CLASSY JAKE 3,2:08.1h; 4,2:03.3 (g, Armbro Classic). Winner of 3 races and $13,745 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, third in
IAFS. At 3, winner of IAFS; second in 2 ILFS and MOFS; timed in 2:02.2.
CLASSIC BILL 2,2:15.4h; 3,2:04 (g, Armbro Classic). Winner of 3 races and $9,020 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of 2
ILFS; second in ISOBA Fall Preview at DuQuoin, Big 10 S. at Decatur and ISOBA Spring Preview at Springfield;
third in Illinois State Fair S. elim. at Springfield, Big 10 S. and ILFS; timed in 2:01.1.
CLASSY DON 2,2:15h (g, Armbro Classic). At 2, winner ILFS; second in 3, third in 2 ILFS.
3rd Dam
STONEGATE CLASS by YANKEE BAMBINO. From 4 foals, dam of 3 winners, including SENIOR CLASS 3,2:03.2f; 4,1:59.4f; 1:59.3h (g, Kawartha Mon Ami). Winner of 27 races and $120,911.
CLASSMATE 2,2:09.1h; 3,2:03.3f; 4,2:03.1h (m, Jurgy Hanover). As above.
4th Dam
STONEGATE ELEGANT by SPEEDY SCOT. From 8 foals, dam of SONG OF DAVID 2,2:09h (g, Yankee Bambino). At 2, winner of NJFS; third in 2 NJFS.
5th Dam
COLOGNE HANOVER 2,2:10.4h by HOOT MON. Dam of 7 foals.
6th Dam
CLOTILDE HANOVER 3,T2:11.2h by DEAN HANOVER. From 13 foals, dam of 12 winners, including CLOTINA HANOVER 2,2:09.4h; 3,2:06.2f; 4,2:01.2h (m, Caleb). Winner of 15 races and $143,955. Stakes placed.
NEWPORT PHIL 2,T2:17; 3,2:05.4; 2:03f (g, Axomite). Winner of 41 races and $146,353. At 3, stakes placed.
CLORINDA HANOVER 2,2:04.2 (m, Hoot Mon). Winner of 6 races and $11,617 at 2. At 2, EC Winner. Grandam
of CHIOLA HANOVER 2,2:04.4h; 3,1:57.4 ($684,958), CRANFORD 2,2:03.3h, 3,2:01.1 ($305,297), CAMI
ALMAHURST 2,2:00.1; 3,1:59f ($235,748), CORAL BELLE 3,2:03.3, 2:01 ($187,602), SPEEDY TOMALI 2,1:58.2;
3,1:56.4 ($173,515), HYMCAN 2,Q2:06.1, 3,2:01.4f ($152,180), CLOVE VOLO 2,2:08.4; 3,2:01.4 ($111,129), ONLY
MAKE BELIEVE 2,Q2:04; 3,1:58.2 ($104,121), etc. Third dam of SUPER SPICY 2,1:59.1f; 3,Q1:55.4; 1:52.3
($481,904), BON SPORT 2,1:59.3, 3,1:57.3 ($385,342), CARIES CREDIT 2,2:02.4h; 3,1:56.3; 4,1:54 ($372,225),
BERKSHIRE BUDDY 2,2:06.2; 3,1:57.2 ($227,426), NELIDA CAF 2:01.1f ($220,000), OMAR CAF 2:03.3f
($208,955), LADY BELLE 2,2:01.2; 1:57 ($181,371), CHAMPAGNE COMANCHE 2,2:00.2; 1:59.2 ($171,286),
CHEESECAKE 2,2:03.2f; 3,2:00.3f; 4,1:55.2 ($164,105), LOST TWO 2,2:04.2f; 3,1:59.1f; 1:59f ($136,546), LOST
QUARTER 3,2:01f; 1:58.1f ($125,447), CIDER HILL 2,2:03.2f, 3,2:02h, 2:01.4h ($101,592), etc. Fourth dam of
FENCE POST 2,2:06.2h; 3,2:00.2h; 1:57f ($236,942), SHANNON BRIGHT 2,1:59; 3,1:58; 1:56 ($225,811), BACK
TO CLASS 3,2:03.1h; 1:58.2f ($182,802), TOM BRUCE 2,1:59f; 1:54.3 ($159,512), etc.
Then To: Charm Hanover 3,T2:17 ½ by Peter The Brewer–MISS BERTHA H'VER 4,T2:00 by Peter Volo.
Arden Downs
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
International Stallion
New York Sires
Reynolds Memorial
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farm
Raised at Southwind Farm, Otega, NY
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 7
HIP NO. 889
Bay Filly. Foaled April 1, 2006. Tattoo No. 4D9744.
Reve D Udon ............................. { Mavier Du Vivier
Hazel Sund ................................ { Sugarcane
Rare Chance
Armbro Goal .............................. {
Armbro Flight
CONTROLLED GOAL 3,1:58 ...........
Delmary Hanover ...................... { Florida Pro
Delicious 3,2:04.3
REVENUE S 1:51.3 ...........................
Dam of (c) Southwind Covenant 4,1:57.1
(f) Southwind Carroll 3,2:02.4
Dam of (f) Personal Banner 3,1:54.1
(c) Baltic Connection 2,1:57
Dam of (c) Delvin G Hanover 3,1:56.2
(c) Devil Hanover 3,T1:58.1
1 in 1:58
2 in 1:57, 4 in 2:00
1 in 1:57, 3 in 2:00
3 in 2:04
1 $300,000 Winner
3 $225,000 Winners
4 in 2:05
5 Stakes Winners
7 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
CONTROLLED GOAL 3,1:58–1:59.3h by ARMBRO GOAL. Winner of 2 races and $26,215 at 3. At 3, winner of
NJSS at Freehold and NJFS at Garden State; second in Hudson Filly Trot. From 6 foals, dam of 4 winners SOUTHWIND COVENANT 2,2:03.4f; 4,1:57.1 (h, Donerail). Winner of 2 races and $41,896 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, fourth
in Harriman S. and NJSS at The Meadowlands; timed in 1:59.1. At 4, timed in 1:55.3.
Dominant Goal 3,2:03.2f (h, Muscles Yankee). Winner 2 races, $9,858. At 3, timed in 2:01.1f. At 4, timed in 1:59.4.
Southwind Carroll 3,2:02.4f (m, Malabar Man). At 2, timed in 2:02.1f.
Southwind Candie 2,Q2:04.2; 3,Q2:04.1f (m, Malabar Man).
Tropical Sun (f, Broadway Hall). Now 2.
2nd Dam
DELMARY HANOVER by FLORIDA PRO. From 10 living foals, dam of 8 winners (3 in 1:58, 4 in 2:00), including PERSONAL BANNER 2,2:00.4; 3,1:54.1 (m, Royal Prestige). Winner of 7 races and $300,535. At 2, second in
Bluegrass S. (to Continentalvictory), 2 NYSS; timed in 1:57. At 3, earnings $276,014; winner of Breeders’ Crown,
Bluegrass S., filly Kentucky Futurity and NYSS; third in heat and final of filly World Trotting Derby, filly Zweig
Memorial, NYSS. Dam of EQUINOX BI 3,1:58.4; 1:54.4f-'07 ($674,331) and DAKOTA BI 1:56f ($184,707) (Italy).
BALTIC CONNECTION 2,1:57 (h, Baltic Speed). Winner of $25,807 at 2. At 2, winner, second and third in NJSS.
MEADOWBRANCH MITCH 3,2:00.4 (h, Royal Prestige). Winner of 4 races and $8,820 at 3, incl. leg Quality Inn S.
DELRAY CHIP 4,2:00f (g, Pine Chip). Winner of 3 races and $7,518. At 4, winner leg of Billings Series.
Kindling 3,Q2:04 (m, Pine Chip). At 3, timed in 2:00.2. Her first foal is EDGEWOOD 3,Q1:57.1.
Red Attack 3,2:07.2h (Baltic Speed). Dam of MISS AMERICAN SPY 2,2:05.2h; 3,2:00.2h ($154,952), JET RANGER
2,1:59.2f; 3,Q1:59f ($137,776). Grandam of TOO HOT FOR ME 2,Q2:03.3; 3,Q1:57.2 and CHIACCIO 4,Q1:57.2f.
Dreamland's Gold (m, Royal Prestige). Her first foal is SOUTHWIND DIAMOND 2,2:06.3h; 3,1:59.1h.
3rd Dam
DELICIOUS 2,2:06.1; 3,2:04.3 by KIMBERLY KID. At 2, early season's champion and winner of Acorn S. Half sister
to the Stakes Winner LIVELY RODNEY 2,2:03.2. From 17 foals, dam of 13 winners, including DELMONICA HANOVER 2,2:00.3; 3,2:00.1f; 1:59.2 (m, Speedy Count). World Champion. Winner of 53 races and
$834,073. Dam of PARK AVENUE JOE 3,1:55.3 ($666,311), DELMEGAN 2,2:00; 3,1:58.1; 4,T1:55.3 ($469,593),
EASY LOVER S 3,1:58.1f (Sweden) ($216,084), etc. Grandam of DELIBERATE SPEED 3,1:55 ($519,225),
ARMBRO TEMPLE 2,1:58.1; 3,1:54 ($406,901), KEYSTONE QUAZAR 3,Q2:01.2f; 1:57f ($160,072), ARMBRO
GARNSEY 2,2:04; 3,1:55.4 ($130,000), ARMBRO HILARY 2,2:00.1; 3,1:57 ($128,699), ARMBRO MEGAN 2,2:03f;
3,1:59 ($122,824), ARMBRO VARIABLE 2,Q1:59.1f; 1:55.1 ($117,650), KEYSTONE QUEENIE 2,2:03.3; 3,2:00.3h
($105,995), etc. Third dam of ARMBRO MARSHALL 2,1:59.3h; 3,1:55.1 ($947,288), AMITY LB 4,1:56.4f (Europe)
($419,679), PARLIAMENT 2,2:04.2h; 3,1:59; 1:55 ($336,724), DELMARTHA 2,1:58.1; 3,1:55.1 ($324,484), HOLY
GUACAMOLIE 3,1:54.2; 1:52.3 ($220,581), VINO CAMIELLE 2,1:58; 3,1:54 ($154,388), ELENA VICTORY
2,2:00.1; 3,1:56.3 ($144,826), SUGAR SAMPLE 2,2:00; 3,1:57.3f ($117,662), ARMBRO WARDEN 2,2:02h; 1:58f
($102,320), etc. Fourth dam of IFHALLSCOULDTALK 2,1:58; 3,1:55.2 ($331,051), etc.
DELVIN G HANOVER 2,2:01.3f; 3,1:56.2 (h, Super Bowl). Winner of 7 races and $554,240 at 2 and 3. 1:56f sire.
DEVIL HANOVER 2,T2:00.4; 3,T1:58.1 (h, Speedy Count). Winner of 8 races and $241,747 at 2, 3 and 4.
DEBRA HANOVER 2,T2:05.4; 3,T2:00.2 (m, Speedy Count). Winner of 3 races and $19,648. At 3, winner of PaSS.
Dam of DOLLFACE HANOVER 2,Q2:01.3; 3,1:59.3f ($113,862). Grandam of MAYON BOWL 2:00.2f ($202,792).
DEVONA HANOVER 2,2:07.1; 3,2:03.3h (Speedy Count). Winner 3 races, $60,075. Grandam of CONDOMINIUM
2,2:00.1f ($103,471), CONTINENTAL SPIRIT 2,2:00.2f ($523,571). Third dam OOMPAH 3,1:59.1; 1:57f ($148,709).
Delcie Hanover 3,T2:04.2 (m, Ayres). Dam of GLENN KOSMOS 1:57.1f (Europe) ($393,247) and DELVIN KOSMOS
2,2:02; 3,2:01.4h; Q2:01.3 ($201,344). Grandam of EASTER WEST 2,2:04.4h; 3,1:56.3 ($399,690).
Delicacy Hanover 2,2:13.1f; 3,2:06.3f (Harlan Dean). Third dam of YOURWORSTNIGHTMARE 2,2:03.3f; 3,1:56.3f
($1,000,000), WARRAWEE KES 2,2:01.1h, 3,1:57.3 ($312,838), WARRAWEE KARRI 4,1:58.4f ($132,876).
Della Hanover (m, Speedy Count). Dam of DENNISON HANOVER 2,T2:00.4; 1:56.2f (Europe) ($513,488). Grandam
DANAE 2,1:57.3; 3,1:54.2-'07 ($516,141) and TASTY CHIP 2,Q2:02.1; 3,1:55.1 ($153,080).
Then To: LIVELY LADY 2,2:05 by Nibble Hanover–Belle Jean 3,2:11 ¾ by Protector.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Harold Dancer Memorial
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Charles Smith Trot
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Windsun Farm, Inc.
& Catherine Varcoe. Raised at Windsun Farm, Uxbridge, Ontario
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 14
HIP NO. 893
Brown Colt. Foaled March 25, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D4024.
Most Happy Fella
Cam Fella ................................... { Nan Cam
Jef's Magic Trick ....................... { B.G's
Meadow Trick
Run The Table ........................... {
Hustlers Best
CUELESS p,4,1:52 ...........................
You Missed Me p,3,1:58f .......... { No Nukes
Lucky Lucky
CAM'S CARD SHARK p,3,1:50 ........
First Foal
Dam of (f) Cueless p,4,1:52
(c) Runs With Scissors
(c) Shell Game p,1:53f
Dam of (c) Mt Oak Mulligan p,1:55.3f
(f) You Missed Me p,3,1:58f
(c) Mt Oak Mischief
First Foal
3 in 1:53
4 in 1:57
5 in 2:00
1 $375,000 Winner
2 $275,000 Winners
3 $125,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:56f
2 in 1:58f
3 in 1:59
1 $125,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
CUELESS p,3,1:54; 4,1:52 by RUN THE TABLE. Winner of 13 races and $376,599. At 2, timed in 2:00.1 (finishing
second) in first pari-mutuel start. At 3, earnings of $199,058; winner final of Silver Reign Series at Woodbine, final
of Princess Series at Mohawk, leg of Miss Vera Bars Series at Woodbine, ONTSS Grassroots at Woodstock and
ONTSS Gold elims. at Woodbine and Mohawk; second in elim. and $100,000 ONTSS Gold Final at Windsor and
final of Miss Vera Bars Series; third in leg of Miss Vera Bars Series, leg of Silver Reign Series, Canadian Breeders'
Championship elim. and ONTSS Gold elim. at Kawartha Downs; timed in 1:52.2, 1:52.3f. At 4, timed in 1:51
(finishing second by a head, from post 10). At 5, seasonal earnings of $102,302. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
YOU MISSED ME p,2,2:05.2h; 3,1:58f by NO NUKES. Winner of 4 races and $21,192 at 2 and 3. At 2, timed in
2:01.1f. At 3, second in final of Clara Barton Series; third in NJSS at Freehold and leg of Clara Barton Series; timed
in 1:55.3 (finishing second). From 8 foals, dam of 6 winners (1 in 1:52, 3 in 1:53, 4 in 1:57, 5 in 2:00) CUELESS p,3,1:54; 4,1:52 (m, Run The Table). As above.
SHELL GAME p,2,1:58.2f; 3,1:55.2; 1:53f (g, Run The Table). Winner of 35 races and $282,703. At 2, winner of
ONTSS Gold elimination at Barrie and ONTSS Grassroots at Rideau Carleton; timed in 1:56.3. At 3, winner of
ONTSS Grassroots at Kawartha Downs; second in ONTSS Gold elimination at Woodbine; timed in 1:53.2. At 5,
Open Winner at Hazel Park.
RUNS WITH SCISSORS p,3,1:54.1; 1:52.3f (h, Run The Table). Winner of 17 races and $141,230. At 2, timed in
1:58. At 3, second in ONTSS Grassroots at Kawartha Downs. At 5, winner final of Resto Bar Series at Hippodrome
de Montreal; second in 2 legs of Resto Bar Series, Exhibition Cup at Truro and McCain Memorial at Woodstock;
third in ally Hennessy Pace at Charlottetown and Fredericton Exhibition Pace.
BABYSITTER BLUES p,3,1:56.4 (m, Ralph Hanover). Winner of 5 races and $21,930 at 3. At 3, timed in 1:55.2.
Her first foal is FLEETWOOD JIFFY p,3,1:59.4f; 1:54.4f.
WONTGETFOOLEDAGAIN p,2,2:04.1h; 3,2:03.3h; 2:00h (g, Armbro Aussie). Winner of 6 races and $20,296. At 2,
third in leg and final of Dresden Series.
M Lady p,3,2:02.2f (m, Carlsbad Cam). Winner of 2 races at 3. At 3, timed in 2:00.2h.
3rd Dam
LUCKY LUCKY by WARM BREEZE. From 5 foals, dam of 4 winners (1 in 1:56f, 2 in 1:58, 3 in 1:59) MT OAK MULLIGAN p,3,1:57.1h; 1:55.3f (g, Forrest Skipper). Winner of 33 races and $139,561. At 4, second in leg
and final of Chill Factor Series.
MT OAK MISCHIEF p,2,Q2:06.1h; 3,1:58.2h (g, Umbrella Fella). Winner of 7 races and $50,896.
LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY p,2,2:04.4f; 3,2:01f (m, No Nukes). Winner of 3 races and $50,016. At 2, second in leg of
Perfecta Series; third in leg of Perfecta Series. At 3, winner 2 legs of Jeanne Mance Series at Blue Bonnets. Dam
of PHILLYPHANTOM p,3,2:00f; 1:59f.
YOU MISSED ME p,2,2:05.2h; 3,1:58f (m, No Nukes). As above.
4th Dam
JOLLY JOLLY by MOST HAPPY FELLA. Half sister to the dam of THREE MILE ISLAND p,2,1:56.2f; 3,1:56.2
($288,079) and grandam of DAVID'S PASS p,2,1:52.2; 3,1:50.4 ($1,652,500). From 2 foals, dam of SOLID FUEL p,2,1:56.2; 3,T1:54 (h, Warm Breeze). Winner of 15 races and $348,418. At 2, winner of Matron S.,
Tom Hal S., Hayes Memorial and Ohio Standardbred S. At 3, winner of American-National S.
Then To: Tarport Kathy p,3,2:03f by Thorpe Hanover–MEADOW CHEER p,2,2:05h by Adios.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent, Briarcliff Manor, NY
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row E, Stall 15
HIP NO. 900
Bay Colt. Foaled May 23, 2006. Tattoo No. 1D4741.
Artsplace ................................... { Miss Elvira
The Road Again
Delinquent Account .................. { On
Al Dente
Jenna's Beach Boy ................... {
Five O'Clock Cindy
DARLIN MELISSA p,4,1:57.2h .........
My Melissa p,3,T1:53 ................ { Sonsam
Barbi Sarnel p,2,2:05
ARTISCAPE p,3,1:49.3 .....................
First Colt,
Third Foal,
Dam of (f) Melissa's Life p,3,1:54f-'07
Dam of (f) Eveninsummerbreeze p,3,1:53.2
(c) Jammin Almahurst p,4,1:53.4
(c) Talon Almahurst p,2,1:54.3
Dam of (f) My Melissa p,3,T1:53
(f) China Beach p,3,1:54.4
(c) Cam Foolery p,3,1:55.3
First Colt
Third Foal
1 in 1:54f
3 in 1:55, 9 in 1:59
1 $125,000 Winner
6 Stakes Winners
3 in 1:56, 6 in 1:59
1 $175,000 Winner
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
DARLIN MELISSA p,2,1:58.4; 3,1:58h; 4,1:57.2h by JENNA'S BEACH BOY. Winner of 11 races and $52,185. At 2,
4-2-0-1; timed in 1:56.3. At 3, timed in 1:57h. At 4, winner leg of Swing Back Series at Freehold; second in leg of
Swing Back Series. This is her first colt and her third foal. Dam of MELISSA'S LIFE p,2,1:57.3; 3,1:54f-'07 (f, Life Sign). Winner of 9 races and $49,103 at 2 and 3.
Darlin Escape (f, Artiscape). Now 2 and racing.
2nd Dam
MY MELISSA p,2,2:01.4f; 3,T1:53–1:55.1 by SONSAM. Winner of 10 races and $183,305 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of Hanover Filly S. (by 7 lengths); third in NYSS at Buffalo. At 3, 12-8-2-0; earnings of $169,734; winner of $95,500
Tarport Hap S., Bronx Filly S., NYSS at Syracuse, Saratoga and Batavia, Mistletoe Shalee Pace elimination and
an Open at The Meadowlands; second in heat of Jugette and Lady Maud S.; timed in 1:55.4h. Defeated Don't Dally,
Milynn Hanover, etc. Full or half sister to 5 in 1:59, including TRUE SOPHOMORE p,3,1:58.2f; 1:58h ($84,614),
CHINA BEACH p,2,1:57.2; 3,1:54.4, CAM FOOLERY p,2,Q1:57.3; 3,1:55.3 and to the dam of L-CHINA BEAUTY
p,3,1:58.2h; 4,1:55.1. From 12 foals (8 fillies), dam of 9 winners in (2 in 1:54, 6 in 1:57, 9 in 1:59) CINDY B p,2,1:59; 3,1:56.1f–1:57h (m, Dragon's Lair). Winner of 12 races and $132,458. At 2, third in Debutante
S., Reynolds Memorial and Sweetheart Pace cons.; timed in 1:55, 1:55.1, etc. Raced against She's A Great Lady,
CR Daniella, Efishnc, Yankee Cashmere, etc. At 3, 31-9-4-3; winner NYSS at Monticello and Buffalo and an Open
at Flamboro Downs; timed in 1:54.2 (twice). At 4, winner and third in Opens at Pompano. At 5, third in 2 Opens
at Pompano. Dam of World Champion CURRENT HANOVER p,2,1:52.2f; 3,1:50.3-'07 ($307,194), CANCUN
HANOVER p,2,1:55.4–1:56.3f; 3,1:52.4f; 4,1:52.1h ($194,335), RUNOVER AGAIN p,2,1:54.4f; 3,1:51f ($175,521)
and CINCH HANOVER p,2,Q1:55–1:58h; 3,1:53.3–1:54h; 1:53.1f ($149,337).
TALON ALMAHURST p,2,1:54.3–1:57.2f (h, Dragon's Lair). Winner of 5 races, $87,373 at 2. At 2, 6-5-1-0; winner
$84,746 Potomac Pace and Goshen Cup (over In The Pocket); second in Woodrow Wilson elim. Died at 2.
EVENINSUMMERBREEZE p,3,1:53.2–1:55.3f (m, Dragon's Lair). Winner of 5 races and $44,098 at 3. At 3, winner
5 of 11 starts, including Adioo Volo S.; timed in 1:56h. Took her record from post 10, last ¼ in :26.1. Her first 2
foals are MOROCKA p,2,1:58.3f; 3,1:56.4h; 1:54.3 ($100,946) and CHATTANOOGA p,2,Q2:01; 3,1:54.1f.
JAMMIN ALMAHURST p,3,2:00f; 4,1:53.4 (g, Nihilator). Winner of 13 races and $40,684.
DAEMON'S WAY p,3,1:56.2f (g, Dragon's Lair). Winner of 9 races and $39,754 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, second in Miller
Lite LC at Lexington and leg of Royal Travel Series at The Meadows; third in Keystone Classic (to Badlands
Hanover) and leg of Royal Travel Series; timed in 1:56.2, 1:56.4f.
NUKE RIDER p,3,2:01.2h; 4,1:58.4f; 1:57.2 (g, No Nukes). Winner of 7 races and $19,861.
MOIRA ALMAHURST p,2,1:57.2 (m, Nihilator). Winner of 2 races and $12,491 at 2. At 2, winner of KySS at
Lexington; timed in 1:55.4. Dam of A B SPUR p,2,1:53.4, LADY HI HO p,3,1:58.4; 4,1:54.1; 1:54 and MY MOIRA
p,3,1:59.4f. Grandam of LADY SUSAN B p,2,1:57.2; 3,1:54.4, FREENFAST p,2,Q2:01.4h; 3,1:56.1h, JEFFERSON
ROCKET p,3,1:56.3f, LADY ANN SPUR p,2,2:04.3h; 3,1:56.4 and POKER OAK p,3,1:56.3h.
DRAGON'S WINKIE p,3,1:57f (m, Dragon's Lair). Winner of 1 race and $7,970 at 3. At 3, winner final of Lady
Legislator Series; second in leg of Lady Legislator Series. Her first foal is FLIRTNTELL p,2,1:59; 3,1:56.1.
Marissa Almahurst (m, Tyler B). Dam of MISS LAAG p,2,Q2:01.2f; 3,1:56 ($110,450), BALL 'Z' PRINCESS
p,2,2:00.3h; 1:54.1 ($85,827), MO LAAG p,2,1:57.1f; 3,1:53.3f ($86,065), SPOONMAN p,3,2:04.2h; 4,1:59.2h;
1:58.1h and HEATHER LAAG p,3,1:58.4h. Grandam of ESTHERDAYS NEWS p,2,Q2:00.2; 3,1:58.3h; 1:51.4
($314,876), TERRIFIC DEAL p,2,1:57.3 and WEISE p,4,1:59f.
Melanie Almahurst (m, Nihilator). Dam of ALEX' E MEL p,3,1:56.1; 4,1:53, SAM AND MEL p,2,2:03h; 4,1:56.1f, ALL
RIGHT SAM p,2,2:00.2h and NO TROUBLE p,2,2:03.1h.
Miss Talon (m, Dragon's Lair). Her first 2 foals are MISS GRADY WHITE p,2,1:56.3; 4,1:52.1 and CAM'S
CHALLENGER p,4,1:59.2h; 1:58f.
Then To: Barbi Sarnel p,2,2:05 by Armbro Nesbit– BARBICA HANOVER p,2,2:10h by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Parshall Memorial
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Stan Klemencic
Raised at Rolling Acres Farm, Trenton, Ontario
Stable 5, Row G, Stall 7
HIP NO. 904
Bay Filly. Foaled February 8, 2006. Tattoo No. 4D8555.
No Nukes
Western Hanover ...................... { Wendymae H'ver
Daisy Harbor ............................. { Coal
J.R. Daisy
Abercrombie ............................. {
DON'T DO WINDOWS p,4,1:55.2 .....
Chicole p,1:53.4 ........................ { Cam Fella
Armbro Utrillo p,2,2:05.3f
THE PANDEROSA p,3,1:49.3 ..........
From Three Foals,
Dam of (c) Don't Do It Again p,4,1:54.1f-'07
(c) Windows Update p,3,1:54.4-'07
Dam of (c) Escape The Wind p,1:48.3
(c) Don't Do Windows
Dam of (c) Cams Coal p,3,1:51
(f) Chicole p,1:53.4
(c) Sam Fella p,4,1:54.3
Three Foals
2 in 1:55
3 in 2:00
1 in 1:49, 2 in 1:56, 3 in 1:58
1 $1,425,000 Winner
2 $100,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
1 in 1:51
7 in 1:59
3 $100,000 Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
DON’T DO WINDOWS p,3,1:55.3; 4,1:55.2 by ABERCROMBIE. Winner of 12 races and $104,797. At 4, timed in
1:54.1. At 5, Preferred Winner at Sarnia. From 3 foals, dam of 3 winners (1 in 1:55, 2 in 1:56, 3 in 2:00) DON'T DO IT AGAIN p,3,1:56.1; 4,1:54.1f-'07 (g, Rustler Hanover). Winner of 6 races and $38,726 at 3 and 4. At
2, timed in 1:58 in first pari-mutuel start. At 3, timed in 1:52.4.
WINDOWS UPDATE p,3,1:54.4-'07 (g, Presidential Ball). Winner of 2 races and $33,407 at 2 and 3. At 2, timed in
2:00.4f. Now 3 and timed in 1:52.4.
WOODYS REVENGE p,3,1:59.1f (g, Rustler Hanover). Winner of 1 race and $5,939. At 3, timed in 1:54.2.
2nd Dam
CHICOLE p,3,1:59.4f; 4,1:55.4f; 1:53.4 by CAM FELLA. Winner of 19 races and $167,326. At 2, 5-0-2-3; third in leg
of Mohawk Series; timed in 2:01.3f. At 3, third in leg of Niagara Series at Greenwood; timed in 1:57.2f. At 4, second
in 2 legs of Blizzard Series. At 5, second in a Preferred; third in an Open. From 6 foals, dam of 4 winners ESCAPE THE WIND p,3,1:50.2–1:52f; 4,1:49.1; 1:48.3 (g, Artiscape). Winner of 39 races and $1,440,495. At 3, 1610-3-2; seasonal earnings of $468,934; winner of elim. and $281,570 final of Provincial Cup, $153,000 Tattersalls
S., $83,000 Bluegrass S. and leg and final of Summertime Series at Woodbine; second in elimination and $542,500
final (by a head) of Breeders' Crown (to No Pan Intended). At 4, 24-9-2-4; earnings of $266,070; winner of 2 legs
and final of Aquarius Series (over Boulder Creek) and 3 Opens at Woodbine; second in $285,000 Graduate S. (to
Four Starzzz Shark); timed in 1:49–:26.3. At 5, 28-8-4-5; earnings of $410,174; winner $250,000 American-National
S., leg of Classic Series at Woodbine (over Holborn Hanover and Maltese Artist), 4 Opens at Woodbine (over
Admiral's Express, etc.), an Invitational at Woodbine and an Open at Mohawk; third in $92,340 final of Spring
Championship at Woodbine, American-National S. elimination, etc. At 6, 27-5-2-5; earnings of $147,852; winner
of 3 Opens at Woodbine. Now 7, seasonal earnings of $147,465; winner of 3 Opens at Woodbine.
DON’T DO WINDOWS p,3,1:55.3; 4,1:55.2 (m, Abercrombie). As above.
COED BLUES p,2,Q1:57.2f (f, Arturo). Winner of $17,202. At 2, second in PaSS at Pocono Downs; third in Keystone
Classic at The Meadows; timed in 1:55.3f (finishing second) in first pari-mutuel start. Now 3 and racing.
Over Charge (m Abercrombie). At 3, timed in 1:59.3f. Her first 2 foals are WINDSUN BEN p,2,1:52.3; 3,1:51-'07
($123,994) and WINDSUN RACHEL p,3,1:54.4
3rd Dam
ARMBRO UTRILLO p,2,2:05.3f by HORTON HANOVER. At 2, winner of ONTSS. Half sister to the dam of World
Champion ALBATROSS p,2,1:57.4; 3,1:54.4; 4,1:54.3f ($1,201,470). From 11 foals, dam of 8 winners CHICOLE p,3,1:59.4f; 4,1:55.4f; 1:53.4 (m, Cam Fella). As above.
CAMS COAL p,3,1:51 (g, Cam Fella). Winner of 19 races and $163,783. At 3, 19-5-4-0; earnings of $105,366; winner
of leg and $100,000 NJSS Final (1/5 off world record); second in Motor City Pace elimination and NJSS.
CAM TUFF p,1:54.3f (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 24 races and $117,707.
SAM FELLA p,2,2:00h; 3,1:56.3; 4,1:54.3 (g, Brand New Fella). Winner 17 races, $87,995. At 2, winner NYSS and
3 legs and final Red Jacket Series; second and third in NYSS; timed in 1:57.1. At 3, winner leg Niagara Frontier
Series and Autumn EC; second in 2 Opens; third in NYSS. At 4, winner 7 Opens; second in NYSS; timed in 1:53.
LADYSHOOTER p,3,1:58f; 1:56f (m, Cam Fella). Winner of 3 races and $40,144. At 3, timed in 1:56.
CAMS CAPE p,3,1:59.2; 4,1:57.4f (g, Cam Fella). Winner of 8 races and $17,025.
VIBRANT DREAM p,2,2:03f; 1:59f (m, Dream Maker). Winner of 6 races and $15,340.
Armed Blue Chip p,2,Q2:03.1f; 3,2:02.4h; 2:00.4h (h, Most Happy Fella). Winner of 22 races and $32,706.
Alma Blue Chip (m, Most Happy Fella). Dam of ALMA'S HAWK p,2,2:02.2; 3,1:55.2; 4,1:54.4 ($143,164), COULD
THIS B MAGIC p,2,1:54.4; 3,1:52.3 and SMOOTH OPERATOR p,3,Q1:57.1f. Grandam of BINGO BEACH
p,4,1:56.3, WANDERING SPIRIT p,3,2:00.1h; 1:58.1 and COMICAL KIWI p,1:59.4f.
Alert Blue Chip (m, Brand New Fella). Dam of TOMS ARRIVAL p,2,2:00.3f; 1:54.3f.
Then To: Vibrant Hanover by Tar Heel–Vivian Hanover by Guy McKinney.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Champlain Filly
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Little Brown Jug
Northlands Filly Pace
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Phillip R. Hunt
Raised at Phil Hunt's, Littlestown, PA
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 5
HIP NO. 909
Bay Colt. Foaled April 4, 2006. Tattoo No. 3DC533.
Super Bowl
American Winner ...................... { B J's Pleasure
Lawn Tennis .............................. { Armbro
Donerail ..................................... {
EXCUSE MY FRENCH .....................
Xqsmwa 3,1:56.3 ....................... { Royal Prestige
C'est Moi 3,Q2:02.3
CREDIT WINNER 3,1:54 ..................
First Colt, Third Foal,
Dam of (f) Amazing Grace 3,1:59.1h-'07
Dam of (c) Xactly H'ver 3,Q1:52.3-'07
(c) Prego H'ver 4,2:00.1f-'07
Dam of (f) Xqsmwa 3,1:56.3
(c) French Spice p,1:56.1f
Third Foal
1 in 1:53, 2 in 2:01
3 in 1:58, 8 in 2:00
1 in 2:00h
1 $150,000 Winner
3 $125,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
1 Stakes Winner
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
EXCUSE MY FRENCH by DONERAIL. Bred at 3. This is her first colt and her third foal. Dam of AMAZING GRACE 2,Q2:06.3h; 3,1:59.1h-'07 (f, Credit Winner). Winner of 3 races and $44,846. Now 3 and winner
of NYSS at Saratoga.
Hand Over All (f, Andover Hall). Now 2.
2nd Dam
XQSMWA 2,2:00.2–2:02.1h; 3,1:56.3–2:00.1 by ROYAL PRESTIGE. Winner of 11 races and $247,348 at 2 and 3.
At 2, winner of 3 NYSS; second in 2 NYSS; third in $150,000 NYSS Final; timed in 1:58.4. At 3, 11-7-0-1; seasonal
earnings of $174,006; winner of $150,000 NYSS Final, 4 NYSS and elim. and final of Sophomore Championship
S. at Harrington; third in NYSS. Took her record by 11 ¾ lengths. From 4 foals, dam of 3 winners XACTLY HANOVER 2,1:58.3; 3,Q1:52.3–1:53.2-'07 (c, SJ's Caviar). Winner of 5 races and $155,317. At 2, winner
leg and final of Kindergarten Series at Vernon Downs; second in $79,500 International Stallion S. and Breeders'
Crown elim.; third in $82,800 Bluegrass S. and PaSS at Pocono Downs; timed in 1:57.1. Now 3 and winner of
Goodtimes S. elim. and an Open at Lexington; second in Hambletonian S. elim.; third in $314,524 Goodtimes S.
Prego Hanover 4,2:00.1f-'07 (h, S J's Photo).
Ziegler Hanover 2,Q2:04.4-'07 (c, Andover Hall).
3rd Dam
C'EST MOI 2,2:03.2; 3,Q2:02.3 by SPEEDY SOMOLLI. Winner of 5 races and $42,819 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
NJSS at The Meadowlands and Freehold; second in NJSS at Freehold; third in NJSS at The Meadowlands. At 3,
winner 2 NJFS; second in 3 NJFS; third in NJSS and NJFS. From 14 foals, dam of 10 winners (8 in 2:00) XQSMWA 2,2:00.2–2:02.1h; 3,1:56.3–2:00.1 (m, Royal Prestige). As above.
COMPLEX SEA 2,2:01h; 3,1:59.1f (h, Joie de Vie). Winner of 9 races and $139,575. At 2, winner heat of Ohio
Standardbred S.; second in New Jersey Futurity; third in 2 NJSS at Freehold. At 3, winner of New Jersey Futurity;
second in elimination and final of Charles Smith Trot and 2 NJSS at The Meadowlands; third in NJSS.
C'EST QUOI 2,2:01; 4,1:58.2f (m, Lindy's Crown). Winner 7 races and $134,646. At 2, winner of 2 NJSS; second
in NJSS Final, NJSS, Goldsmith Maid Trot elim.; third in $287,500 Goldsmith Maid Trot; timed in 2:00. At 3, winner
of New Jersey Futurity; second in Hanover-Hempt S. and NJSS; timed in 1:58.4. Dam of CARAMBA KOSMOS
3,1:57f; 1:56f (Europe) ($304,575), PANAGE A TROIS 2,2:01f; 3,1:59.2f ($75,728), COME HOME KOSMOS
3,1:59.4f; 4,1:57.3, GINGER TREE SHAYNA 2,Q2:06f; 3,Q1:58.3f, C'EST CHEZ 2,2:02.1f; 3,Q2:00.1, etc.
FRENCH SPICE 3,2:00.2f; 1:57.4f (p,1:56.1f) (g, Cumin). Winner of 25 races and $92,192.
ABOVE THE BAR 2,Q1:58.1f–2:01.1f (h, Malabar Man). Winner of 8 races and $84,706. At 2, winner 2 legs and final
of Route 315 Series and New Jersey Futurity; second in leg and NJSS Final; third in NJSS; timed in 1:58. At 3,
second in Dexter Cup elim. and NJSS Green Acres. At 4, Preferred Winner; second in leg of Billings Series.
FROMAGE 3,2:09.4h; 1:59 (g, Cumin). Winner of 26 races and $22,912. At 5, 23-17-2-2.
CHINABERRY 3,2:01.1f; 4,1:59.3f-'07 (g, Lindy Lane). Winner of 4 races and $18,445.
MY OH MOI 3,Q1:58.3–1:58.4f (m, BJ's Mac). Winner of 2 races and $9,387 at 3. At 3, timed in 1:58.2.
C'Est Mac (m, BJ's Mac). Dam of MY PHILLIP 4,1:59.1-'07.
French Elocin (m, Joie De Vie). Dam of CANACO ROUGEMONT 3,1:59.4 and the Stakes Winners CANACO
MOROCO 2,2:02.4, FRENCH DYNAMO 2,2:07.4h; 3,Q2:05.4f. Grandam of MISS CLOSING 2,2:07.4 ($125,767).
4th Dam
LIDA LISA p,3,2:06.2h; 4,2:05.3h (t,2:05.4h) by HICKORY SMOKE. Winner of 18 races and $39,978. Half sister to
the dam of RAY DONDER 3,2:01.2f; 2:00.1f ($111,768), ROD DONDER 3,2:02.3f; 2:00.2 ($101,528) and RONNIE
DONDER 2,2:09; 3,1:57.4 and grandams of MACMAN 3,1:58.2; 1:53.3 ($483,122), NATURAL BALANCE 1:57.1
($291,537) and CYBERSPACE 3,1:58.2; 1:57.1 ($173,672). From 13 foals (8 fillies), dam of 8 winners, including AT ARMS 2,2:11.2h; 3,2:03.3f; 4,2:01 (g, Super Bowl). Winner of 26 races and $279,313. At 3, winner of PaSS.
SHACK 2,2:01.2; 3,1:58.4 (h, Speedy Somolli). Winner of 10 races and $245,580. At 2, winner of NJSS.
Unshackled 2,2:10.3f (m, Joie De Vie). Dam of JACKIE THUNDER 2,2:07.1f; 3,1:58.3f ($205,112), etc.
Then To: Lida Hanover by Bill Gallon–Larkspur Hanover 2,T2:10.2 by Spencer Scott.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Manitoba Great Western
New York Sires
Old Oaken Bucket
Parshall Memorial
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Joanne M. Morrison
Raised at Morrison Farm, Beeton, ON
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 6
HIP NO. 930
Bay Filly. Foaled May 9, 2006. Tattoo No. 7DD698.
Victory Dream
Self Possessed ......................... { Feeling Great
Canland Hall .............................. { Garland
Canne Angus
Muscles Yankee ........................ { Valley Victory
Maiden Yankee
HAWAIIAN VIVA 4,1:57.3 .................
Thrill Hill 3,Q1:58.3 ................... { Supergill
High Hill
CANTAB HALL 3,1:54 ......................
First Foal
Dam of (f) Hawaiian Delight 2,1:57.3
(f) Thrill A Minute 2,Q1:57.3
(f) Hawaiian Viva 4,1:57.3
Dam of (f) Thrill Hill 3,Q1:58.3
(c) At The Top 2,1:58.4
(c) Hill Gates 3,1:59.3f
First Foal
3 in 1:58
1 $100,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
2 in 1:59, 3 in 2:00
2 $100,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
HAWAIIAN VIVA 3,1:58.4; 4,1:57.3 by MUSCLES YANKEE. Winner of 8 races and $85,708 at 3 and 4. At 3, winner
leg of Sheik Of Babylon Series at Flamboro Downs; second in Flamboro Breeders' S. and leg of Sheik Of Babylon
Series; third in leg of Celia's Counsel Series at Mohawk; timed in 1:55.3. At 4, winner leg of Don Mills Series at
Woodbine; second in final of Don Mills Series; third in leg of Lifetime Dream Series. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
THRILL HILL 3,Q1:58.3 by SUPERGILL. Winner of $26,260 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in New Jersey Futurity and NJFS;
third in International Stallion S., timed in 2:00.2. At 3, timed in 1:57. From 5 foals, dam of 3 winners in 1:58 HAWAIIAN DELIGHT 2,1:57.3; 3,Q1:57.3–1:58.1 (m, Muscles Yankee). Winner of 3 races and $107,667 at 2 and
3. At 2, winner of $100,500 Bluegrass S. and Merrie Annabelle Trot Prep; third in NJSS at The Meadowlands; fourth
in $450,620 Merrie Annabelle Trot. At 3, third in Simpson S.; timed in 1:56.2.
HAWAIIAN VIVA 3,1:58.4; 4,1:57.3 (m, Muscles Yankee). As above.
THRILL A MINUTE 2,Q1:57.3–1:59.1 (m, Muscles Yankee). Winner of 1 race and $62,377 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner
of NJSS at The Meadowlands; second in $150,000 NJSS Final at The Meadowlands (to Luby); third in NJSS at
Freehold; timed in 1:57.2. At 3, timed in 1:57.
3rd Dam
HIGH HILL by SPEEDY CROWN. From 16 living foals (one died at 3), dam of 7 winners (3 in 2:00), including AT THE TOP 2,1:58.4–2:00.4h (g, Lindy's Crown). Winner of 7 races and $205,039 at 2 and 3. At 2, 17-7-3-2;
earnings of $179,635; winner of elim. and $100,000 final of Harold Dancer Memorial, 2 NJSS at Freehold and NJSS
at The Meadowlands; second in $100,000 NJSS Final at The Meadowlands and $60,000 NJSS Final at Freehold;
third in Harriman Cup (to Sierra Kosmos) and NJSS; set track record at Freehold. At 3, timed in 1:57.2.
HILL GATES 3,1:59.3f (h, Program Speed). Winner of 17 races and $107,969. At 2, second in MDSS; third in
$58,430 MDSS Final at Rosecroft and MDSS Final at Rosecroft, timed in 2:01.3. At 3, winner leg and MDSS Final
at Rosecroft; second in MDSS Final at Rosecroft; third in 2 MDSS at Rosecroft; timed in 1:58.4f.
LEADER OF THE PEAK 2,Q2:04.3; 3,2:03.4h; 4,2:02h; 2:01.2h (h, BJ's Mac). Winner of 18 races and $89,383. At
2, second in final of Tucciarone Series; fourth in NJSS Final; timed in 1:59.1, 2:02.2h. At 4, winner consolation #2
of Bonus Series; third in 2 legs of Bonus Series. At 5, second and third in legs of World Cup Series at Yonkers.
Nine And A Half (m, Nearly Perfect). Her first foal is the Stakes Winner SMILE 2,2:12.1h; 3,2:10h.
KDK Piper (c, Boy Band). Now 2.
4th Dam
VIVA HILL 2,2:12.1h by B.F. COALTOWN. At 2, third in Excelsior S. and Blue Bonnets Grand Circuit S. Sister to the
grandam of SIR TAURUS 2,1:56.3 ($484,810). From 16 foals, dam of 13 winners, including CROWN'S CRISTY 3,1:57.3 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 6 races and $246,805. At 3, winner of Beacon Course.
OCEAN BI 4,2:01.4f (Italy) (h, Speedy Somolli). Stakes Winner of $135,800 in Europe.
SUPER CROWN 3,2:00.2 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 4 races and $76,517. Stakes Winner at 3.
VISTA LOBELL 2,2:01.4f; 1:58.4 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 7 races and $65,854. At 2, second in Matron S.
VANITY LOBELL 3,1:59 (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 3 races and $24,119 in the U.S.; $48,000 Internationally.
VENTURA LOBELL 3,2:02.3f (h, Speedy Crown). Winner 2 races, $43,058. At 3, winner NYSS; second in NYB-LC.
Crown Viva 2,T2:03.4 (Speedy Crown). Dam of CORNSTALK 2,2:02.4h; 3,1:53.4 ($146,511), JADE RING 3,1:57.
Grandam of JEF'S BARGAIN 3,2:02.2h; 1:58.4 ($130,912), GENERAL THREE 3,2:01.1h; 4,1:58f ($81,098) and
DEFIANT DREAM 1:59.1f (Europe). Third dam of CHOYOTE'S MISS 2,2:10.4h; 3,1:59.3; 4,1:59.1 ($121,785).
Crown Dream 3,2:02f (m, Speedy Crown). Dam of VICTORY DREAM 2,1:59.2; 3,1:53.2 ($1,016,537), DREAM
VALLEY OM 2,1:58.3; 3,1:56 ($590,832), MR DREAM OM 2,2:00; 3,1:54.2 ($117,647), GARLAND CROWN OM
2,1:57.4; 3,Q1:56.4 ($86,344), CRAXI 3,1:56.3, DREAM ON VICTORY 2,Q2:01; 3,Q1:58.2, etc. Grandam of
LIBERTY BALANCE 3,1:55 ($1,022,595), DREAM VACATION 3,Q1:54.4; 4,1:52 ($616,257), DREAM ANGEL
2,2:02.3f; 3,1:56.2 ($229,010), EVER TO EXCEL 3,T1:57 and DREAM N LINDY 2,1:58.2f.
Then To: Vickie Hill 3,2:07.2h by Victory Song–Scotch Hill T2:06.1 by Hoot Mon.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Champlain Filly
Currier & Ives
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKTG., INC., Agent for Phillip R. Hunt
Raised at Dowd Farm, Fairfield, PA
HIP NO. 936
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 5
Bay Filly. Foaled March 26, 2002. Tattoo No. 4D6302.
Photo Maker
S J's Photo ................................ { Sassy Jane
V Yankee
Spawning .................................. { T
Balanced Image ........................ {
Well Molded
IMAGE OF A LADY 3,2:02.2f ...........
Lady Jane 4,2:03.2f ................... { Formal Notice
Black Jane 3,2:06.3
SJ'S CAVIAR 3,1:53.4 ......................
Third Living Foal,
Dam of (c) Axis Of Evil 3,2:00.4
Dam of (c) Photo Express 3,1:55.4f
(f) Lady Of The Trade
Dam of (f) Lady Jane 4,2:03.2f
(c) Count Roister 2:04.1f
Third Living Foal
1 in 2:01
1 2:02 2YO
1 Stakes Winners
3 in 1:58f, 7 in 2:03
1 $150,000 Winner
2 $100,000 Winners
5 Stakes Winners
2 in 2:04
3 in 2:05f
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
IMAGE OF A LADY 2,Q2:05.3f; 3,2:02.2f by BALANCED IMAGE. Winner of 1 race and $10,450 at 2 and 3. At 2,
third in Northfield Grand Circuit S. and MSRF at Rosecroft and Ocean Downs; timed in 2:02.4f. Bred at 3. This is
her third living foal. Dam of AXIS OF EVIL 2,2:01.1; 3,2:00.4 (g, Credit Winner). Winner of 3 races and $22,465 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner of
NYB-LC at Saratoga and Syracuse; second in NYB-LC at Batavia. At 3, second in leg of Vernon Downs Series;
timed in 1:59.3. Now 4 and timed in 1:58.2 (finishing second by a neck).
2nd Dam
LADY JANE 2,2:06.4f; 3,2:05.1f; 4,2:03.2f by FORMAL NOTICE. Winner of 12 races and $74,645 at 2, 3 and 4.
At 2, 19-7-3-3; winner of NYSS, Laurel S. and Pa. Fair S. (straight heats); second in Hanover Filly S. and NYSS;
third in Bloomsburg Fair S. (straight heats). At 3, winner of Laurel S. and heat of Bloomsburg Fair S.; second in
NYSS and final of Bloomsburg Fair S. At 4, timed in 2:01.4. From 16 living foals (11 fillies), dam of 9 winnersTIMANE JANE 2,2:04.1; 3,2:00.2 (m, Kawartha Mon Ami). Winner of 14 races and $174,132. At 2, 19-6-2-4; winner
of New Jersey Futurity and NJFS at Egyptian Acres, Gaitway and East Lynne; second in NJFS Final at Showplace
and NJFS at Big Z; third in MSRF at Rosecroft and Ocean Downs and NJFS at Showplace and Capital Hill; timed
in 2:02.3f. At 3, 20-7-3-3; seasonal earnings of $109,594; winner of Martha Washington Trot, NJSS at The
Meadowlands, MSRF at Freestate and Rosecroft and an Open at Brandywine; second in New Jersey Futurity, NJSS
at Garden State and an Open at Freestate; third in $100,000 NJSS Final at The Meadowlands and NJSS Final at
Garden State; timed in 1:59.2. At 4, second in NJSS at Garden State and an Open at Brandywine; third in an Open
at Brandywine; timed in 1:58.2. At 5, second in an Open at Brandywine; third in 2 Opens at Freestate and an Open
at Brandywine. Dam of T J'S T V 2,2:02f; 3,1:59.1f; 4,1:56.4f ($120,692), BLUE LOVE 1:59.4f (Sweden) ($75,677),
etc. Grandam of TJ'S ROYAL TIGRESS 2,2:09f; 3,1:56.3f; 4,1:55.3 ($152,899).
PHOTO EXPRESS 2,2:00.1f; 3,1:55.4f (g, Photo Maker). Winner of 11 races and $101,453 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner
of MSRF and MDSS; second in MSRF; third in leg and $50,000 MDSS Final. At 3, 20-8-3-0; Season's Champion
(3/5 off world record); winner of $58,310 MDSS Final at Rosecroft, MSRF at Rosecroft, leg of Spring Trotting Series
at Pocono Downs, 2 MDSS at Rosecroft and an Open at Pocono Downs; second in leg of Spring Trotting Series
and 2 MDSS at Rosecroft.
LADY PENTAX 2,2:03.2f; 3,2:01.1f (m, Photo Maker). Winner of 2 races and $40,745 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of
MDSS Final at Rosecroft; third in MDSS. At 3, winner of MDSS; second in MDSS; third in MSRF; timed in 2:00.
LADY OF THE TRADE 2,Q2:03.1f; 3,1:57.4f (m, Trade Balance). Winner of 4 races and $37,804 at 2, 3 and 4. At
2, winner MSRF; second in leg of Route 315 Series and 2 MSRF; timed in 1:58.2. At 3, second in MSRF; third in
Reynolds Memorial. At 4, winner and second in legs of Wyoming Valley Series.
SASSY JANE 2,Q2:07.4f; 3,2:03.1f (m, Kawartha Mon Ami). Winner of 5 races and $22,442. At 3, winner of NJFS;
third in MSRF. Dam of World Champion S J'S PHOTO 2,1:58.3f; 3,1:53.4; 1:53 ($1,473,946), GUYBO 2,2:01.4f;
3,1:57.1f ($101,419), DOUBLE XPOSED 3,1:59.4f; 4,1:57f, HOYDEN 3,2:02f; 1:57.4f, S J'S DOUBLE TAKE
2,2:04.3f; 3,2:00.2f; 4,Q1:59, SASSY'S RULE 3,2:00.1f, S J'S IMAGE 2,2:00.1f, NORTH EASTERLY 2,2:03.4f, etc.
Grandam of LOCKKEEPER 2,1:58.1 ($166,295 at 2 and 3), CERINO PELLEGRINO 4,1:54.1, SEXPOT HALL
2,2:00; 3,Q1:58f-'07, AHEAD OF SCHEDULE 3,1:58f, LASER PRINT 2,2:01.2f; 1:58.2f, MUSCLES RULE
2,1:58.2f-'07, MO FUNNER 1:59.2f, U CAN CRUISE 2,2:01.4; 3,Q2:01.3-'07, etc.
ANNIE'S RULE 3,Q2:02.2f; 4,1:57.4f (m, Rule The Wind). Winner of 6 races and $17,751. At 3, third in MSRF at
Delmarva; timed in 2:02.1f. At 5, Open Winner at Rosecroft. Dam of ANDIRON SPRINGS 2,1:58.4-'07.
Image Of A Lady 2,Q2:05.3f; 3,2:02.2f (m, Balanced Image). As above.
Rocky Knoll 2,Q2:09.1f; 4,2:02f (g, Bambino's Rocky). Winner of 3 races and $8,444.
Lady Destiny 2,Q2:06.4f (m, T V Yankee).
L J's Yankee (m, T V Yankee). Dam of FUJI 2,Q2:01.3f; 3,1:59f; 1:58.4f ($124,884), PENNY LANE 2,2:03.4f; 3,1:59.1f
and HALE BOPP COMET 3,2:00.4f; 4,2:00.3f.
Then To: Black Jane 3,2:06.3 by Sharpshooter–Armbro Carol by Hoot Mon.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Champlain Filly
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Parshall Memorial
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Warrawee Farm
Raised at Warrawee Farm, Rockwood, Ontario
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 4
HIP NO. 940
Bay Filly. Foaled February 15, 2006. Tattoo No. 5DM866.
ABC Freight
Garland Lobell .......................... { Gamin Lobell
Amour Angus ............................ { Magna
Kenwood Scamper
Brisco Hanover ......................... {
Brief Romance
Witsends Robin ........................ { Meadow Road
Robintron 4,2:02.4f
ANGUS HALL 3,1:54.3 .....................
Dam of (c) Pacopaco 4,1:58.1f
Dam of (c) Independent Lad 4,1:58.3f
(f) Independent Dame 3,1:58.4f
(f) Independent Lassie 4,1:59.1h
Dam of (f) Meadow Robin 3,2:00.2h
(c) Witsends Lucky 3,2:02.3h
(f) Witsends Grace 3,Q2:07.2h
1 in 1:59f
2 in 1:59, 4 in 2:00
4 $150,000 Winners
5 Stakes Winners
2 in 2:01, 3 in 2:03
1 $125,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
INDEPENDENT LASSIE 2,2:04.4h; 3,2:01h; 4,1:59.1h by BRISCO HANOVER. Winner of 13 races and $186,952. At
2, winner of ONTSS Grassroots at Woodstock, Clinton and Dresden; second in ONTSS Grassroots at Elmira; third
in leg of Trillium Series at Windsor; timed in 2:00.3. At 3, seasonal earnings of $139,790; winner of ONTSS
Grassroots Final at Kawartha Downs, ONTSS Gold eliminations at Elmira and Flamboro Downs and ONTSS
Grassroots at London and Dresden; second in elimination and $100,000 ONTSS Gold Final at Woodbine, legs of
Trillium Series at Flamboro Downs and Windsor and ONTSS Gold elimination at Mohawk; third in ONTSS
Grassroots Semi-Final at Kawartha Downs and 2 Preferreds at Elmira; timed in 1:56.3 (finishing second by a neck).
At 4, third in a Preferred at Flamboro Downs. From 3 foals, dam of PACOPACO 3,2:00.1; 4,1:58.1f (g, Yankee Paco). Winner of 9 races and $68,564. At 3, timed in 1:57.4 (finishing
second). At 4, third in leg of General Brock Series at Woodbine; timed in 1:55.4.
Muchacho Grande (g, Yankee Paco). Winner of $11,166. Now 3 and second in leg of Central Huron Series at
Clinton, leg of City Of London Series and ONTSS Grassroots at London; timed in 2:00.4h.
Photogenic Lassie (m, S J's Photo). At 2, third in Flamboro Breeders' S. At 3, timed in 2:01.4. Now 4 and exported
to Sweden.
2nd Dam
WITSENDS ROBIN by MEADOW ROAD. Sister to MEADOW ROBIN 2,2:02.4; 3,2:00.2h ($125,474) and to the dams
of TIHEMON 2,2:02.3; 3,2:00.3; 1:57.3f-'07 ($213,362), COME AND DO RUN 1:59.3f (Sweden) ($110,040),
MADEMOISELLE P V 2,2:06.3; 3,2:03.1h, MARIA SPEED 2,2:04, etc.; and out of a half sister to CROWNTRON
2,2:01; 3,1:59.4; 4,1:58.2 ($396,671). From 10 foals (8 fillies), dam of 6 winners (2 in 1:59, 4 in 2:00) INDEPENDENT DAME 2,2:00.2f; 3,1:58.4f (m, Royal Strength). Winner of 7 races and $231,359 at 2 and 3. At 2,
seasonal earnings of $101,657; winner of $100,000 ONTSS Gold Final at Rideau Carleton; second in legs of Trillium
Series at Kawartha Downs and Windsor and ONTSS Gold elim. at Rideau Carleton; third in $100,000 ONTSS Gold
Final at Flamboro Downs and ONTSS Gold elim. at Elmira. At 3, 18-6-0-4; seasonal earnings of $129,702; winner
of ONTSS Gold elims. at Flamboro Downs and Elmira, Flamboro Breeders' S. and ONTSS Grassroots at Kawartha
Downs and London; third in elim. and $100,000 ONTSS Gold Final at Windsor, leg of Trillium Series at Flamboro
Downs and ONTSS Gold elim. at Rideau Carleton.
INDEPENDENT LAD 2,2:02f; 3,2:01h; 4,1:58.3f (g, Brisco Hanover). Winner of 31 races and $198,780. At 2, 9-4-2-1;
winner ONTSS Grassroots at Sarnia and Clinton; second in ONTSS Grassroots at London and Sudbury. At 3,
winner ONTSS Grassroots at London and Elmira; third in ONTSS Grassroots at Barrie and Sarnia. At 4, 30-11-4-4.
At 6, second in leg of Rideau Carleton Series.
INDEPENDENT LASSIE 2,2:04.4h; 3,2:01h; 4,1:59.1h (m, Brisco Hanover). As above.
INDEPENDENT WOMAN 2,2:00.1h; 3,1:59.3h (m, Royal Strength). Winner of 9 races and $159,943 at 2 and 3. At
2, 11-6-1-2; earnings of $139,154; winner of elim. and $81,900 ONTSS Gold Final at Flamboro, elim. and $81,900
ONTSS Gold Final at Rideau Carleton, leg of Trillium Series at Hanover and ONTSS Gold elim. at Woodbine;
second in ONTSS Gold elim. at Mohawk; third in $81,900 ONTSS Gold Final at Woodbine and leg of Trillium Series
at Sudbury. At 3, winner ONTSS Grassroots at Hanover and Dresden; second in ONTSS Grassroots at Windsor.
INDEPENDENT GIRL 2,2:02.2h; 3,2:00.2f (m, Brisco Hanover). Winner of 8 races and $76,826 at 2 and 3. At 2, 126-5-0; winner of Flamboro Breeders’ S. and ONTSS Grassroots at Clinton, Hanover and Belleville; second in
ONTSS Grassroots at Woodstock, Sudbury and Elmira and ONTSS Grassroots Semi-Final at Barrie. At 3, winner
of ONTSS Grassroots at Sarnia and Woodstock; second in ONTSS Grassroots at Hanover (twice) and Rideau
Carleton; third in ONTSS Grassroots Semi-Final at Flamboro Downs and ONTSS Grassroots at London. Dam of
the Stakes Winners MEADOWCROFT MAN 2,2:04.2h; 4,1:59f; 1:57.2f-'07 ($83,948) and MY REBELIOUS WAYS
2,Q2:03.2h; 3,2:03.2h-'07.
Mystic Meadow 3,2:03.3f (h, Brisco Hanover). Winner of 6 races and $8,236.
Tymal Abracadabra (f, Kadabra). Now 2.
Then To: Robintron 4,2:02.4f by Speedy Somolli–Nessanda 2:06.4f by Rodilo.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Canadian Breeders Champ.
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Horseman Stake No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Ontario Sires
Ontario SBOA
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Stephen Perrine Dey
Raised at Heritage Hill Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row G, Stall 9
HIP NO. 961
Brown Filly. Foaled May 18, 2006. Tattoo No. 1D6175.
Most Happy Fella
Cam Fella ................................... { Nan Cam
Jef's Magic Trick ....................... { B.G's
Meadow Trick
Dexter Nukes ............................. {
Viking Princess
KESONS DELIGHT p,4,1:53.4 .........
Kesons Beauty p,1:58.2f .......... { Armbro Splurge
Son Deal
CAM'S CARD SHARK p,3,1:50 ........
Second Living Foal
Dam of (f) Kesons Delight p,4,1:53.4
(f) Kesons Charm p,3,1:59.4h
Dam of (c) Kesons Tzar p,4,1:53
(c) Kesons Beau p,1:53.3
Second Living Foal
1 in 1:54, 2 in 2:00
1 $200,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
2 in 1:54, 8 in 1:59
3 $125,000 Winners
4 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
KESONS DELIGHT p,2,1:56.4; 3,1:55; 4,1:53.4 by DEXTER NUKES. Winner of 14 races and $204,207 at 2, 3 and
4. At 2, winner 3 of 4 starts. At 3, 21-7-3-3; seasonal earnings of $115,247; winner leg and final of Silver Reign
Series at Woodbine, 2 legs and final of Blizzard Series at Mohawk, and 2 legs of Miss Vera Bars Series at
Woodbine; second in leg of Silver Reign Series and leg of Princess Series; third in ONTSS Gold elimination at
Mohawk, ONTSS Grassroots at Barrie and final of Princess Series; timed in 1:54. At 4, timed in 1:52.3 (finishing
second). This is her second living foal. Dam of Miss Kitty Shark (f, Cam's Card Shark). Now 2.
2nd Dam
KESONS BEAUTY p,2,2:01.1f; 3,1:59h; 1:58.2f by ARMBRO SPLURGE. Winner of 12 races and $129,796. At 2, 6-21-2; winner of ONTSS at Mohawk; third in leg and final of Miss Vera Bars Series at Mohawk. At 3, winner of ONTSS
at London, Greenwood and Barrie and leg of Matchmaker Series at Flamboro Downs; second in Flamboro Breeders'
S., ONTSS at Orangeville and Greenwood and an Open. At 4, winner leg of Matchmaker Series; second in an
Open; third in an Open. From 7 foals (all starters), dam of 5 winners (1 in 1:54, 2 in 2:00), including KESONS DELIGHT p,2,1:56.4; 3,1:55; 4,1:53.4 (m, Dexter Nukes). As above.
KESONS CHARM p,2,2:02.3h; 3,1:59.4h (m, Bret Hanover). Winner of 3 races and $10,535 at 2 and 3. Her first 4
foals are KESONS GALAXY p,2,1:56.1; 1:52.4 ($246,416), KESONS CHALLENGE p,2,1:57.1; 3,1:55.2; 4,1:52;
1:51.3 ($242,927), KESONS MAXIMA p,2,Q2:02.2; 3,1:56.4f; 4,1:53.3 ($121,726) and KESONS LUCKY CHARM
p,2,2:01f; 1:57.1h ($81,176).
Red Star Charisma p,3,2:01h (m, Threefold). Winner of 13 races and $21,785 at 3 and 4. Her first foal is
WESTCOAST CAM p,2,1:59.3f; 3,1:55f ($102,725).
Kesons Adonis p,3,2:00.2h (g, Goalie Jeff). Winner of 6 races and $11,826.
3rd Dam
SON DEAL by HIGH IDEAL. From 10 foals, dam of 9 winners (2 in 1:54, 8 in 1:59), including KESONS BEAU p,2,2:06.1h; 3,1:56.1f; 4,1:55.3f; 1:53.3 (h, Armbro Splurge). Winner of 42 races and $398,193. At
3, 28-11-7-2; seasonal earnings of $166,819; winner of elimination and $121,920 final of Rothmans Summer
Championship at Greenwood, 2 legs and final of Summertime Series at Greenwood, ONTSS at Greenwood and
a Preferred at Flamboro Downs; second in ONTSS at Flamboro Downs and Dresden; third in ONTSS at Windsor
and Greenwood. At 4, 33-17-2-5; seasonal earnings of $119,541; winner of 7 Invitationals at Blue Bonnets, 3 FFAs
at Greenwood, 2 Preferreds at Flamboro Downs and Invitationals at Windsor and Lewiston. At 5, Invitational Winner
at Blue Bonnets. At 6, Invitational Winner at Blue Bonnets; third in leg of Rideau Carleton Series.
KESONS TZAR p,3,1:56.4f; 4,1:53 (g, Nihilator). Winner of 29 races and $152,006. At 4, winner leg of Snowshoe
Series at Woodbine.
KESONS BEAUTY p,2,2:01.1f; 3,1:59h; 1:58.2f (m, Armbro Splurge). As above.
IDEAL WESTERN p,2,2:02f; 3,1:58.4h; 4,1:55.1h; 1:54.4 (h, Western Hanover). Winner of 18 races and $97,854.
At 2, second in Pa. All Stars at Pocono Downs, timed in 1:55.4f. At 3, second in leg of Newcomer Series at
Freehold; third in leg of Trendsetter Series and consolation of New Kids Series at Garden State; timed in 1:54.
KESONS LIBERTE p,2,2:06.3h; 3,2:01.4f; 4,1:57.1f (g, Freedom Fella). Winner of 30 races and $56,944.
KESONS CAMSON p,3,1:59f; 4,1:56f (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 8 races and $33,922.
KESONS EXOTIKA p,3,1:58.2f (m, Western Hanover). Winner of 12 races and $30,845. At 3, third in Northlands Filly
S. elimination, timed in 1:56.4f. Dam of BARONA BREEZE p,3,1:54f ($241,541), BARONA EMERALD p,3,1:54.4f
and GTS DIAMONDS p,4,1:58.2f.
KESONS SONSHINE p,2,2:01f; 3,1:58.4h (m, Armbro Splurge). Winner of 3 races and $19,364 at 2 and 3. At 2,
winner leg of Newcomers Series at Flamboro; second in leg of Miss Vera Bars Series at Mohawk; third in leg of
Newcomers Series; timed in 1:59.3f. At 3, winner of Flamboro Breeders' S.; second in final of Newcomers Series;
third in leg of Princess Series; timed in 1:56.1. Dam of KESONS SONRISE p,2,1:56; 1:53.2 ($159,815), KESONS
SONSPREE p,2,2:01f; 3,2:00h; 1:56f ($77,151) and KESONS SONSATION p,3,1:56f; 4,1:55.4f ($69,715).
Then To: Berthmor Sonya by Hoot Mon–Gay Romance 2:04.2h by Florican.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Jetset Stable
Raised at Heritage Hill Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 15
HIP NO. 965
Bay Colt. Foaled March 11, 2006. Tattoo No. 4DR801.
Most Happy Fella
Cam Fella ................................... { Nan Cam
Lindwood Sapphire .................. { Abercrombie
Lindwood Gem
Western Hanover ...................... { No Nukes
Wendymae H'ver
KEYSTONE TIARA p,4,1:53.2 ..........
Keystone Tigress ...................... { Big Towner
Timely Lobell p,3,T2:02.3
E DEE'S CAM p,1:48.3 .....................
First Colt,
Second Foal
Dam of (f) Keystone Trinidad p,1:53.2
(f) Keystone Tiara p,4,1:53.2
(f) Keystone Tenderly p,3,1:57.3f
Dam of (c) Keyst. Timmy p,3,1:57.3f
(c) Keystone Twist p,1:58.1h
(f) Keystone Tamarind p,1:58.3f
First Colt
Second Foal
3 in 1:54, 5 in 1:59
2 $100,000 Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:58f, 5 in 2:00
1 $100,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
KEYSTONE TIARA p,2,2:00.3f; 3,1:54.4f; 4,1:53.2 by WESTERN HANOVER. Winner of 10 races and $117,468 at 2,
3 and 4. At 2, third in leg of Walnut Ridge Series at The Meadows, timed in 1:59f. At 3, winner of Pa. All Stars at
Pocono Donws and leg of Paris Spur Series at The Meadows; second in PaSS cons. at The Meadows and leg of
Paris Spur Series; third in Keystone Classic at The Meadows and PaSS at The Meadows; fourth in Adioo Volo S.
At 4, winner leg of Jersey Girls Series and an Open at Yonkers. This is her first colt and second foal. Dam of Tiaras Bluff (f, Artiscape). Now 2.
2nd Dam
KEYSTONE TIGRESS by BIG TOWNER. From 11 foals (6 fillies), dam of 5 winners (2 in 1:54, 3 in 1:55, 5 in 2:00) KEYSTONE TRINIDAD p,2,1:57f; 4,1:54.1; 1:53.2 (m, Albatross). Winner of 21 races and $181,787. At 2, winner
Arden Downs S. and Pa. All Stars at The Meadows; timed in 1:56.4. At 5, timed in 1:52.2. At 6, Preferred Winner
at Sarnia. Dam of INVITRO p,2,1:53; 3,1:50.3; 4,1:50 ($1,773,365) and BIG TIME BALL p,3,1:50.4-'07 ($235,431).
KEYSTONE TIARA p,2,2:00.3f; 3,1:54.4f; 4,1:53.2 (m, Western Hanover). As above.
LOAN SHARK p,3,Q1:58.3h; 4,1:53 (g, Cam's Card Shark). Winner of 8 races and $65,969.
ROAD TIGER p,3,Q2:00h; 1:58.2h (g, On The Road Again). Winner of 7 races and $16,360.
KEYSTONE TENDERLY p,2,Q2:00f; 3,1:57.3f (m, Western Hanover). Winner of 2 races, $10,426 at 2, 3 and 4.
Keystone Trinity (m, Albatross). Her first 3 foals are PRESIDENTIAL BRAT p,2,2:10h; 3,1:58.3h; 4,1:56.1f; 1:53.4h,
TOWNERS WILDCAT p,2,2:03.3h; 3,1:56.4 and OH YOU DIDNT KNOW p,4,1:58.4h.
3rd Dam
TIMELY LOBELL p,3,T2:02.3 by ADIOS VIC. Full or half sister to TYLER LOBELL p,2,T1:59.3; 3,1:57.3; 4,1:56.1h
($205,919), TOWER LOBELL p,2,2:03.3h; 3,1:59f ($109,082) and to the dams of CAJUN BROTHER p,2,1:55.4;
3,1:54.1 ($222,650), TYPHOON B p,2,2:03.1f; 3,1:54.4f ($134,523), TASSEL LOBELL p,2,Q2:07.2h; 3,1:54.4f
($89,204), APROMISE p,2,Q2:02.3f; 3,1:56.2 ($88,086), INNOCENT FELLA p,4,1:54.2f, etc. and grandam of
CAROLE'S COOKIEJAR p,3,1:58.3; 1:53.4 ($93,859) and GIUSEPPI P p,3,1:58f; 1:55f ($90,040) and third dam
of KILLER PEAS p,2,Q2:07.2h; 3,1:55 ($176,213). From 11 foals (8 fillies), dam of 6 winners (5 in 2:00), incl.LUCINDA CEDAR p,2,2:05h; 3,1:59.4h (m, Keystone Ore). Winner of 9 races and $105,157. At 2, winner of NYSS;
second in 2 NYSS; third in 2 NYSS, timed in 1:58.4. At 3, winner of 2 legs and consolation of Hopeful Series; third
in Landmark S. and leg Petticoat Series. Dam of TYLER'S BEST p,2,1:57.2f; 3,1:54.3f; 4,1:53.4 ($435,741), ITZ
SUGARTIME p,3,1:56.4h; 1:54.3f ($118,162), TYLER'S BETTER p,2,2:00.4f; 3,1:56f; 4,1:54 ($84,554), LAND OF
DREAMS p,2,1:56.3; 3,1:56.1; 4,1:55.2f, LUCY K p,3,1:58.1f; 4,1:57, HICKOK p,4,1:59f, MY LOVE p,3,1:59.1f,
BLACK MAGIC K p,3,1:59.3h; 4,1:59.1h, NUKE'S BEST p,3,1:59.2f, GYPSY PLAYER p,2,2:07.4h, etc. Grandam
of TOWN GAMBLER p,2,1:57.1; 3,1:54.4f ($177,148), ALWAYS LUCKY K p,2,1:56.4f; 3,1:53.3f; 1:51.4f
($164,636), MYSTICAL MAIDEN p,3,1:55.3 ($104,299), NUKES LUCK p,3,1:53.1; 4,1:52.2 ($81,776), LADY
STEEL K p,2,1:56.2f; 3,1:55.4f, LOVELY ARTIST K p,2,2:02h; 3,1:57.3f; 4,1:56.2, LUCYS FAME p,2,1:57.2f, THE
RIGHT PLACE K p,3,1:57.3f, LUCKY RABBIT p,2,2:01.1h; 3,1:58.1f, etc.
KEYSTONE TAMARIND p,2,2:01.2h; 3,1:59.3f; 1:58.3f (m, Keystone Ore). Winner of 11 races and $84,898. Stakes
Winner. Dam of THE NOTORIOUS p,3,2:04.4h; 4,1:57.1. Grandam of ROGER NELSON p,2,1:59.2h; 3,1:57.2.
KEYSTONE TWIST p,1:58.1h (g, Keystone Ore). Winner of 24 races and $51,998.
KEYSTONE LOVER p,2,T1:58.4–2:00f (h, Keystone Ore). Winner of 8 races and $44,150 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of $31,460 Blue Bonnets Late Closer. Died at 3.
KEYSTONE TIMMY p,2,Q2:07.1f; 3,1:57.3f (g, Big Towner). Winner of 7 races and $20,212.
Keystone Tomboy (m, Keystone Ore). Dam of ROCKHALL RENO p,2,2:01f; 3,1:58.4f; 4,1:55.3f, GEORGES RENO
p,3,1:56.4f; 4,1:55.4f, RENO'S TOMBOY p,3,2:05.2f; 4,1:58f, BEST OF RENO p,3,1:58.3f, etc.
Precious Joyce (m, Most Happy Fella). Dam of SPECIAL JOYCE p,2,2:02.3f; 3,1:55.2f ($82,836), TRENDY
TRAVELER p,2,Q2:10.3h; 1:58, etc. Grandam of ROSE STREET DOLL p,3,1:55.2f ($125,400), AUDIE K
p,2,2:04.4h; 3,1:58.1f; 1:53.1f ($92,708), BLACK NUKE p,3,1:52.1, SNOREHOUND p,3,2:01h; 4,1:54.3,
WINDSONG GIRL p,2,2:01.4f; 3,1:59f; 4,1:57.3f, LOCK AND KEY p,3,2:01.1f; 4,1:57.4h, etc.
Then To: TIGER LILY LOBELL p,2,T1:59.2 by Overtrick–TARBEL HANOVER p,3,T2:01.4 by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Canadian Breeders Champ.
Cane Pace
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Ontario Sires
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Warrawee Farm
Raised at Warrawee Farm, Rockwood, Ontario
HIP NO. 970
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 14
Bay Colt. Foaled May 5, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D8520.
Tyler B
Dragon's Lair ............................ { Sandy's Sable
Big Guy
Ever And Again ......................... { Towner's
Ever Shining
Life Sign .................................... {
Three Diamonds
LA BELLA VITA ................................
Good As Goalie p,3,1:53.1 ....... { Goalie Jeff
Miles End Denise p,3,T1:54.3
DRAGON AGAIN p,1:48.3 ................
From Three Foals, Dam of (f) Warrawee Happy p,3,1:56.1f
(c) Warrawee Iceman p,3,Q1:59-'07
Dam of (c) Signatory p,3,1:51.2f
(f) Love The Game p,4,1:53f
Dam of (f) Cohiba Mary p,1:50.3
(c) Cornas p,1:53.1f
Three Foals
4 in 1:54, 6 in 1:57
5 in 1:55, 6 in 1:57
1 in 1:57f
3 $225,000 Winners
3 $225,000 Winners
2 in 1:59
3 Stakes Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
LA BELLA VITA by LIFE SIGN. From 3 foals, dam of 2 winners (1 in 1:57f, 2 in 1:59) WARRAWEE HAPPY p,2,2:00f; 3,1:56.1f (m, Dragon Again). Winner of 3 races and $48,906 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2,
second in leg and final of Whenuwishuponastar Series at Mohawk; third in leg of Whenuwishuponastar Series; timed
in 1:54.3 (finishing second).
WARRAWEE ICEMAN p,3,Q1:59-'07 (g, Camluck). Winner of $7,494. Now 3 and timed in 1:54.4.
Warrawee Jake (c, Camluck). Now 2 and racing.
2nd Dam
GOOD AS GOALIE p,2,1:55.2; 3,1:53.1 by GOALIE JEFF. Winner of 10 races and $245,867 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2,
winner Simpson S. and 3 NYSS; second in NYSS; third in 3 NYSS. At 3, winner Adioo Volo S. and 4 NYSS; second
in NYSS Final and Fan Hanover elim.; third in Simcoe S. From 7 foals, dam of 6 winners in 1:57 HAVE A GOOD LIFE p,2,1:53.3 (h, Life Sign). Winner of 34 races and $540,539. At 2, earnings $144,681; winner
of $127,500 International Stallion S. and $105,200 Bluegrass S.; third in Metro S. cons. and Governor's Cup elim.;
timed in 1:52.4. At 3, third in Cleveland Classic and Max Hempt elim.; timed in 1:51.3. At 4, winner of 3 Opens.
SIGNATORY p,2,1:53.2; 3,1:51.2f (g, Life Sign). Winner of 24 races and $264,633. At 3, took record by 10 ¼ lengths;
second in Bluegrass S. and leg of Matt's Scooter; third in Lexington LC. At 5, winner of 3 Invitationals.
LOVE THE GAME p,3,1:53.2f; 4,1:53f (m, The Panderosa). Winner of 29 races and $233,909. At 2, third in Lexington
LC; timed in 1:54.3. At 3, 32-13-7-3; earnings of $111,552; winner leg and final of Hopeful Series, leg of Swing Back
Series, Landmark S. and 3 Preferreds at The Meadows; second in 2 legs of Hopeful Series, Keystone Classic and
PaSS; third in final of Swing Back Series and Adioo Volo S. At 4, winner of 15 Preferreds.
GOOD GOALIE p,3,1:54.3f (g, The Panderosa). Winner of 6 races and $55,353 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, third in PaSS and
leg of Watson Provost Series; timed in 1:56.3f. At 3, third in leg of Oil Burner Series; timed in 1:51.4.
RED STAG p,2,2:01h; 3,1:56.3f (g, The Panderosa). Winner of 6 races and $21,434. At 2, timed in 1:59.1. At 3, third
in leg and final of Robert Cotton Memorial Series at Ocean Downs.
KILLER CARSON p,2,1:56.4f; 3,Q1:53.3-'07 (c, Artsplace). Winner of 1 race and $12,050. At 2, winner leg of
Kindergarten Series at Tioga Downs; timed in 1:55.4. Now 3 and timed in 1:52 (finishing second).
3rd Dam
MILES END DENISE p,2,Q2:05.3h; 3,T1:54.3–1:57f by NIATROSS. Winner of 5 races and $32,000 at 2 and 3. At 3,
winner leg of Courtney J. Series at Scioto Downs and 2 Opens at Lebanon; second in NYSS, leg of Courtney J.
Series and an Open at Lexington; third in NYSS; timed in 1:55.2. From 10 foals, dam of 6 winners (5 in 1:55) COHIBA MARY p,2,1:56.3f; 3,1:54.1h; 1:50.3–1:52.3h (m, Artsplace). World Champion. Winner of 25 races and
$413,389. At 2, winner 3 legs Loto Perfecta S.; second in leg and final Loto Perfecta S; third in 4 legs Loto Perfecta
S. At 3, winner Courageous Lady S. and NJSS; second in Rose Red S.; third in Tarport Hap S. and Rose Red S.
elim.; timed in 1:52. At 5, equaled world record for aged mares on ½ mile track. Dam of Little Brown Jug Winner
P-FORTY-SEVEN p,2,1:52.3f; 3,1:48.2 ($707,660) and CANYON HANOVER p,2,1:59f; 4,1:54.4h.
CORNAS p,2,2:01.3h; 3,1:54.3f; 1:54.2h; 1:53.1f (g, Life Sign). Winner of 20 races and $252,026. Stakes placed.
GOOD AS GOALIE p,2,1:55.2; 3,1:53.1 (m, Goalie Jeff). As above.
ESCAPE NOTICE p,2,1:59.3; 3,1:54.4h (h, Artiscape). Winner of 8 races and $48,334 at 2 and 3. Undefeated at 2.
At 3, 17-7-2-3; winner of 2 NJSS at Freehold and an Open at Saratoga; second in leg of Star Search Series at
Plainridge and Stan Bergstein elim. at Plainridge; third in final of Stan Bergstein and final of Star Search Series.
JUMPIN' JASON p,2,Q2:02; 3,1:54.2 (g, On The Road Again). Winner of 14 races and $34,689.
PROMISING SIGN p,2,1:58f; 3,1:57h (g, Life Sign). Winner of 4 races and $19,470. At 3, timed in 1:52.4.
D R C (m, On The Road Again). Dam of A K A p,3,1:58h; 4,1:57.4h; 1:57.1 ($169,973), BREEZY KNOLL BLUE
p,2,2:07.2h; 3,1:56.2f; 1:55.4 ($106,633), REVERENCE p,3,1:56.1-'07, E T A p,2,Q2:00.3f; 3,1:56.3f; 4,1:56.3h-'07,
FORCE OF NATURE p,3,1:58.3f; 4,1:56.4f and DOVE p,3,2:00h.
Kramer's Rule (m, Magical Mike). Dam of FAULKNER BLUE CHIP p,2,2:06.3h; 3,1:58.2h and FORTE BLUE CHIP
p,2,2:02.1h; 3,2:00h-'07.
Then To: MILES END DIANNE p,2,Q2:05.2f; 3,1:56.3 by Most Happy Fella–Nib's Sister p,4,2:02.4f by Specialty.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Little Brown Jug
Manitoba Great Western
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Lindy Racing Stable
Raised at Lindy Farms, Somersville, CT
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 4
HIP NO. 986
Bay Colt. Foaled May 16, 2006. Tattoo No. 1D1663.
Baltic Speed
Valley Victory ............................ { Valley Victoria
Maiden Yankee .......................... { Speedy
Wistful Yankee
Pine Chip ................................... {
Pine Speed
LUSCIOUS HALL 2,1:58.3 ...............
L V Goldie 4,1:57 ....................... { Joie de Vie
Miss Piranha 3,T2:00.3
MUSCLES YANKEE 3,1:52.2 ...........
Third Living Foal,Dam of (c) Sir Lindy 3,2:01.2-'07
Dam of (c) L'Argent Hall 3,1:56.4
(f) Luscious Hall 2,1:58.3
From Two Foals, Dam of (f) L V Goldie 4,1:57
(c) Topminnow 3,1:57.2
1 in 1:57
2 in 1:58
Third Living Foal
3 in 2:00
1 $150,000 Winner
1 in 2:02
2 Stakes Winner
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
LUSCIOUS HALL 2,1:58.3 by PINE CHIP. Winner of 4 races and $31,439 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of KySS cons. At
3, winner in 1:59; second in Reynolds Memorial; timed in 1:57.4. This is her third living foal. Dam of Sir Lindy 3,2:01.2-'07 (g, Sir Taurus). Winner of 1 race and $7,064. Now 3 and timed in 1:59.2 (finishing second).
Lindy's Gigilo (c, Lindy Lane). Now 2.
2nd Dam
L V GOLDIE 3,1:57.3–1:59.2h; 4,1:57 by JOIE DE VIE. Winner of 13 races and $160,146 at 3 and 4. At 3, 18-6-3-1;
earnings $103,406; winner Lady Suffolk Trot and NJSS at The Meadowlands, Freehold and Garden State; second
in NJSS at The Meadowlands (twice) and Freehold. At 4, winner of a Preferred at Freehold, an Open at Yonkers
and Hall of Fame Trot at The Meadowlands; timed in 1:56.2. From 8 foals (5 fillies), dam of 4 winners L'ARGENT HALL 2,2:09.1h; 3,1:56.4 (h, Conway Hall). Winner of 14 races and $95,646. At 2, winner of ILFS;
second in ILFS; third in ILFS; timed in 2:03.3. At 3, Open Winner at Lexington; third in Ky. Spring Championship
elim. At 4, second in leg of Super Bowl Series; third in leg of Bonus Series.
LUSCIOUS HALL 2,1:58.3 (m, Pine Chip). As above.
GOLDEN HALL 2:00f (g, L V Glory Bound). Winner of 2 races and $6,291. At 5, timed in 1:59f.
Goldies Glory (m, L V Glory Bound). Dam of YANKEEOGRAPHY 3,1:57.2.
3rd Dam
MISS PIRANHA 2,2:04.4; 3,T2:00.3 by BONEFISH. Winner of 5 races and $47,741 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in Acorn
S., Richelieu S. and KySS at Latonia; third in Merrie Annabelle Trot consolation. At 3, winner of KySS at Audubon;
second in Matron S.; third in KySS at Lexington. From 2 foals, dam of 2 in 1:58 L V GOLDIE 3,1:57.3–1:59.2h; 4,1:57 (m, Joie de Vie). As above.
TOPMINNOW 3,1:57.2 (h, Speedy Somolli). Winner of 1 race and $27,796 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in heat of
Horseman Futurity (to Crysta's Best), Harold Dancer Memorial elim. (neck), Valley Victory Trot elim. and NJSS at
Garden State; third in NJSS at The Meadowlands (to Wall Street Banker) and NJFS; timed in 1:58.1.
4th Dam
CLEVER DILLER by DILLER HANOVER. Half sister to the dam of KEYSTONE HAREM 2,1:59.4; 3,1:53.4 ($431,833)
and grandam of AMIGO HALL 2,2:04.3h; 3,1:54 ($928,183). From 17 foals, dam of 10 winners, including SAND SMILEY 2,2:07h; 3,2:02.2f; 1:59.3f–2:01h (m, Speed In Action). Winner of 32 races and $113,586. At 2,
winner of 7 OHFS; timed in 2:04.2f. At 3, starts; winner of 2 OHFS; second in OHSS at Lebanon; third in OHSS.
HOLLYS MARGEO 2,2:08.3; 3,2:03.3; 4,2:01 (m, Blaze Hanover). Winner of 33 races and $98,846. Dam of
HARMONY LOBELL 2,2:03.3; 3,1:59 ($222,814), HELOISE LOBELL 2,2:01.3 ($125,658), etc. Grandam of
WAIKIKI BEACH 2,1:59; 3,1:56.1 ($344,004), ARMBRO NIKE 2,2:03.4; 3,1:57.4 ($180,191), ARMBRO VOLCANO
2,2:04.1h; 3,Q2:00.1 ($179,653), ARMBRO LIMBO 2,1:58.4 ($176,938), GIANT VOLCANO 2,2:00.4; 4,1:58.1f
($165,628), ARMBRO ORBITAL 2,2:05h; 3,2:00.1h ($149,769), ADVICE AND CONSENT 2,2:00.3; 3,1:57
($147,420), ARMBRO TROPICANA 2,Q2:03.4; 3,1:58.2 ($131,161), ARMBRO WAIKIKI 2,2:02.3f; 3,Q1:58.4
($100,446), ARMBRO POMPEI 3,2:00.1h ($96,079), SWEET ADELINE 2,2:01.1; 3,1:58.3, ARMBRO KANAKA
2,2:05.1; 3,2:00. Third dam of IMAGE OF SPEED 2,1:58.2 ($258,196), SPINNING REEL 2,2:00.3f; 3,T1:56.3
($206,682), VICTORY IS MINE 2,Q2:00.2; 3,1:55.3 ($174,030), SOUTHWIND LUSTRE 3,1:56; 4,1:54 ($131,465),
BOW RIVER 3,2:03.2h; 4,1:55.2 ($128,576), AMOUR KOSMOS 2,2:02; 3,1:57.2 ($118,589), SONG DANCE
2,2:01.1f; 3,Q2:00.2f ($105,782), ANGELO KOSMOS 3,1:57.3f, ARMBRO VAGABOND 3,Q1:58.3, CHUTNEY
1:58.3f, ARMBRO AFICIONADO 3,1:58.4f, NIKES IMAGE 3,2:04.1f; 1:59f, FISH OR CUT BAIT 3,1:59, etc. Fourth
dam of BALANCED PORTFOLIO 3,2:02f; 4,1:59.4f; 1:57.2f ($203,277), FIFTY POUND TROUT 3,1:58; 4,1:57
($202,332), PACIFIC CENTERFOLD 2,1:58.4f; 3,1:56 ($99,208), PERSONAL PC 2,1:57.2, etc.
SUNSHINE BARB 3,Q2:08.2f; T1:59.4 (m, Arnie Almahurst). Winner of 17 races, $86,152. Dam of RESPECT LESS
2:01.2 (Europe) ($133,603). Grandam of GIANT TOUCHDOWN 2,Q2:01.2; 3,1:57.1; 4,1:53.4 ($315,000), ANNA
STELLA 3,Q1:57.3, BOURBON TRAIL 2,Q2:03.2; 3,1:57.4, DEL VALLE 3,1:57.4 and B AMERICAN 3,1:58f.
MISS PIRANHA 2,2:04.4; 3,T2:00.3 (m, Bonefish). As above.
Next Dam: Hoot Nimble by Hoot Mon–NIMBLE COLBY 3,T1:59 by Colby Hanover.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Harold Dancer Memorial
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stakes No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
Old Oaken Bucker
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Charles Smith Trot
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Joseph Faraldo
& Peter Venaglia. Raised at Blue Chip Farms, Wallkill, NY
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 3
HIP NO. 987
Bay Colt. Foaled April 6, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D6292.
Garland Lobell
Conway Hall .............................. { Amour Angus
Go Go Lauxmont
B Cor Tamgo ............................. { A
B Cor Tamara
Lindy Lane ................................. {
MAIDEN LANE ..................................
Honey Bee Hanover 3,1:59.2 .... { Super Bowl
Honeysuckle Rose 3,2:00.3
Dam of Dam of From Three Foals,
(f) Honey Bee Hanover 3,1:59.2
(c) Huggie Hanover 3,1:55
Dam of (f) Honey Rose Hanover 4,2:00.2f
(c) Hobbes Hanover 3,1:55.3
(f) Conway Maid 3,1:57.1-'07
(c) Hart Hanover 3,2:05f
(c) Hoof Beats Hanover 1:56
(c) Conway Lane 3,1:57.2
BROADWAY HALL 2,1:56.4 .............
Three Foals
3 in 1:56, 5 in 1:59
1 in 2:00
2 in 1:58
1 $600,000 Winner
2 in 2:01
1 $125,000 Winner
2 $125,000 Winners
3 in 2:05
2 Stakes Winners
5 Stakes Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
MAIDEN LANE by LINDY LANE. At 3, timed in 2:03.3f. From 3 foals, dam of 2 winners in 1:58 CONWAY MAID 2,Q2:03.1; 3,1:57.1–1:59.2h-'07 (f, Conway Hall). Winner of 8 races and $128,878. Now 3 and
winner 2 legs and final of Celia's Counsel Series at Woodbine, NYSS at Yonkers and Vernon and Empire Breeders'
Classic elimination; second in NYSFS at Tioga Downs; third in NYSS at Saratoga.
CONWAY LANE 3,1:57.2 (h, Conway Hall). Winner of 7 races and $24,885 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, timed in 2:01.1. At
3, 12-6-1-2; winner 3 legs of Lexington Series; third in Horseman Futurity.
Winner's Lane (f, Credit Winner). Now 2 and racing.
2nd Dam
HONEY BEE HANOVER 2,2:03; 3,1:59.2 by SUPER BOWL. Winner of 4 races and $76,731 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
Hunterton Farm S. At 3, winner filly Zweig Memorial.; second in Hanover-Hempt, La Belle Province, Batavia S.,
Hanover Filly, heat of Lexington Filly and PaSS; third in Hudson Filly Trot. From 15 foals, dam of 10 winners, inc. HUGGIE HANOVER 2,2:01.1f; 3,1:55 (Florida Pro). Winner of 16 races and $311,983 at 2 and 3 in North America;
International earnings of $600,000. At 2, winner Hanover Colt S.; second in Champlain S. and Arden Downs S.;
third in Champlain S. elim.; timed in 1:59. At 3, winner Kentucky Futurity (1:56.2–1:55), Zweig Mem. and Colonial
Trot; second in Yonkers Trot elim. and Arden Downs S.; third in Simcoe S. At 4, European Stakes Winner.
HOOF BEATS HANOVER 1:56 (g, Prakas). Winner of 38 races and $128,536.
HUG ME HANOVER 2,2:02.1; 3,2:01h (m, Speedy Crown). Winner of 3 races and $66,429 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of NYB-LC; third in Frank Ervin LC at Lexington; timed in 2:00f. At 3, winner of Hudson Filly Trot; second in 3
NYSS; timed in 1:57.3. Dam of STORMONT CARESS 3,1:58.3 and STORMONT BEARHUG 4,1:58.4.
HONEYDEW HANOVER 2,2:02.4f (Prakas). Winner of 2 races, $21,286. At 2, winner/second in PaSS. Dam of
SANTO SPUR 2,Q2:06.1f; 3,2:02.1f; 1:56.3f ($174,165), HUNTSMAN HANOVER 1:55.4 ($99,073), HONEYDONT
HANOVER 3,1:57.1, HAIL MARY HANOVER 2,Q2:02.1f; 3,1:57.2, HASSE HANOVER 2,2:05.3f (Europe), etc.
AND I LOVE HER 3,Q1:58.3 (m, Donerail). Winner of 1 race and $20,325 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in Charles Smith
Trot elim.; third in $100,000 final of Smith Trot (from post 10) and Merrie Annabelle Trot cons.; timed in 1:59.1.
HARDWOOD HANOVER 2,2:07.3h; 3,2:01.3f-'07 (c, SJ's Caviar). Winner of 12 races and $17,199. At 2, 12-6-2-0;
winner of 6 PAFS; second in 2 PAFS. Now 3, 10-6-3-0; winner of 5 PAFS; second in 2 PAFS.
HEARTBEAT HANOVER 3,1:58.3 (m, Donerail). Winner of 2 races, $13,960 at 3. At 3, third in NJSS Green Acres.
HONEYMOON HANOVER 2,2:04.3f (m, Prakas). Winner of 7 races and $11,818 at 2. At 2, 11-7-1-2; winner
Bloomsburg Fair S. and 6 Pa. Fair S.; second in Pa. Fair S.; third in 2 Pa. Fair S.
HOBBES HANOVER 3,1:55.3 (h, Crowning Point). Winner of 1 race and $10,430 at 3. At 3, second in NYSS.
Hildy Hanover (Sp. Crown). Dam of FERN 2,2:02.4f; 3,1:54.4; 4,1:52.3 ($1,245,502), HILDY GILDY 2,2:05.2; 1:59.3
(Italy) ($474,308), CASURINA 2,2:03.3f; 3,1:55.4; 4,1:55.3 ($285,483), EDINBORO ROAD 2,2:07.2h; 3,1:58.4f
($242,022), PRAGUE 3,1:58.2f; 4,1:56.2f ($120,434), CANEEL BAY 3,1:58.2; 1:55.3f ($107,894), BILBAO 3,1:59f.
Grandam of FROND 2,Q1:58.2; 4,1:56f-'07, WHITE HOLLOW BOB 2,Q2:02.2h; 3,2:00h; 4,1:57.3f.
Huggable Hanover (m, Prakas). Dam of Swedish Stakes Winner UGH 1:58f (Europe) ($261,608).
Judy Foster (Sierra Kos.). Dam of COBBLESTONE LANE 3,2:00; 1:59.2h ($86,304), ANN'S PROMISE 2,2:07.3h.
3rd Dam
HONEYSUCKLE ROSE 2,2:07f; 3,2:00.3–2:01.1f by FLORICAN. World Champion. Winner of 22 races and $196,093.
At 2, winner Batavia Downs S. At 3, winner Hudson Filly Trot, Old Oaken Bucket, etc. Sister to the grandams of
FLAK BAIT 2,2:01.2f; 3,1:55.2($880,576), PEACH PIT 2,2:01.1; 3,1:55.3 ($817,902), SPICE ISLAND 2,2:03;
3,Q1:59; 4,1:57.1 ($750,000), BLOSSOM'S PRIDE 2,1:59.3; 3,1:59.2 ($449,000), etc. and third dam of SCOTT S
HANOVER 2,1:58.1; 3,1:56.4 ($308,440). From 7 foals, dam of HONEY BEE HANOVER 2,2:03; 3,1:59.2 (m, Super Bowl). As above.
HONEY ROSE HANOVER 2,2:05.2h; 4,2:00.2f (m, Texas). Winner of 8 races and $35,009. Dam of HOGAN
LOBELL 1:59.1f (Sweden), etc. Grandam of ROSE STREET JEWEL 3,2:05h; 4,1:56.3f, IMAGINABLE 3,2:02.4h;
1:59.1f, etc. Third dam of World Champion CORLEONE KOSMOS 3,Q1:56.3f; 4,1:51.3; 1:51.2-'07 ($540,043).
Then To: ROSE QUEEN 3,2:02.4 by Worthy Boy–Rose Dean 3,T2:04 ¾ by Dean Hanover.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Yonkers Trot
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Stephen Perrine Dey
Raised at Heritage Hill Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 2
HIP NO. 988
Bay Colt. Foaled March 15, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D3489.
Super Bowl
American Winner ...................... { B J's Pleasure
Lawn Tennis .............................. { Armbro
Balanced Image ........................ {
Well Molded
MAKINYEN 2,2:01.1 .........................
Yentl 2,2:05.1f ........................... { Joie de Vie
Streisand Lobell 2,T2:01.3
CREDIT WINNER 3,1:54 ..................
From Three Foals, Dam of (f) NY Wampum 2,2:02.1h
(f) Credityen 3,Q2:06.4h-'07
Dam of (c) Yentl's Iceman 4,1:54.3
(c) Yentl's Image 4,1:55.4
Dam of (f) Camargue OM 1:59.1 (Italy)
(c) Poldi OM 2:00.3f (Italy)
1 2:03h 2YO
1 in 1:55, 3 in 1:56
1 in 2:00
2 in 2:07h
3 $225,000 Winners
3 in 2:01
1 Stakes Winner
3 Stakes Winners
2 $150,000 Winners
1st Dam
MAKINYEN 2,2:01.1 by BALANCED IMAGE. Winner of 1 race and $21,772 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg of Fresh
Faces Series; second in Hanover Filly S., leg and final of Fresh Faces Series and ONTSS Grassroots at Sarnia;
third in leg of Fresh Faces Series; timed in 1:59.2. At 3, timed in 1:59. From 3 foals, dam of 2 winners NY WAMPUM 2,2:02.1h (m, Donerail). Winner of 1 race and $6,700 at 2. At 2, winner of NJSS Green Acres at
Freehold; third in NJSS Green Acres at Freehold.
Credityen 3,Q2:06.4h-'07 (f, Credit Winner).
Income De Vie (f, Donerail). Now 2 and racing; timed in 2:00.3f in first pari-mutuel start.
2nd Dam
YENTL 2,2:05.1f by JOIE DE VIE. 2 wins. From 7 foals, dam of 5 winners (1 in 1:55, 3 in 1:56) YENTL'S ICEMAN 3,2:00.1; 4,1:54.3 (g, Balanced Image). Winner of 28 races and $443,925. Undefeated at 3. At
4, 20-12-3-1; earnings of $136,500; winner of 2 legs and final of General Brock Series, leg of Hiram Woodruff
Series, 2 FFAs and a Preferred; second in 3 FFAs. At 5, earnings of $102,270; winner leg of Su Mac Lad Series
(over Supergrit) and a FFA; second in Breeders Crown elim. (to Wesgate Crown), leg of Su Mac Lad Series, leg
of Classic Series (to B Cor Pete), etc.; third in $228,500 final of Maple Leaf Trot (to Supergrit and Glorys Comet);
timed in 1:53. At 6, winner $77,000 final of Su Mac Lad Series (over Supergrit); third in leg of Su Mac Lad Series.
AMESBURY 2,2:04.3f; 3,1:56.1–1:57.4f; 4,1:56h (h, S J's Photo). Winner of 22 races and $264,060. At 2, winner of
Reynolds Memorial. At 3, 25-8-5-6; earnings of $100,938; winner of PaSS at Pocono Downs and leg and final of
Yankee Bambino Series at Rockingham; second in PaSS; third in $109,150 Zweig Memorial, $100,000 PaSS Final,
Landmark S. and Keystone Classic. At 4, winner of 3 Opens at Freehold; second in 3 Opens; third in 4 Opens. At
5, winner of 2 Opens at Freehold; second in 2 Opens; third in 2 Opens. Now 6 and second in 3 Opens.
YENTL'S IMAGE 3,1:57.4; 4,1:55.4 (h, Balanced Image). Winner of 14 races and $234,909. At 2, timed in 2:01.4f.
At 3, second in $100,000 ONTSS Gold Final at Woodbine; third in ONTSS Gold elimination at Woodbine. At 4,
earnings of $94,490; second in 2 FFAs; third in a FFA. At 6, second in a Preferred.
MAKINYEN 2,2:01.1 (m, Balanced Image). As above.
Excuse My Face 3,2:02.2f (m, Balanced Image). Winner of 3 races and $7,000 at 3 and 4. Her first 2 foals are the
Stakes Winner EXCUSEZ MOI 3,1:56.1 ($95,341 at 3 and 4) and FACE VALUE 2,Q2:06.4; 3,1:56.4.
She’s Got It All 3,2:02.2f (m, Balanced Image). Her first foal is SARAHS CROWN 2,2:03.4h; 3,2:02.4f; 2:00.2h.
3rd Dam
STREISAND LOBELL 2,T2:01.3 by SPEEDY CROWN. At 2, second in 2 NYSS. From 14 foals (1 in the U.S., 13 in
Italy), dam of 13 winners, including:
POLDI OM 1,14.9 (2:00.3f) (Italy) (E196,280) (h, Zebu).
SILVA OM 1,15.0 (2:00.3f) (Italy) (E150,052) (m, Indro Park). Dam of 2 winners.
CAMARGUE OM 1,14.1 (1:59.1) (Italy) (E39,392) (m, Lemon Dra).
4th Dam
SPOTLITE HILL 2,2:01.1 by B.F. COALTOWN. Winner of 17 races and $95,863. At 2, winner of Review Futurity,
OHSS Final and 5 OHSS; second in Scioto Challenge S. At 3, winner of Ohio Filly S.; second in Ohio Filly S.; third
in Laurel Filly S. Sister to the dam of SUMMER HOME 2,1:58.2 ($233,713) and grandam of MESSAGE FROM DAN
3,2:05f; 1:58.2f ($108,437), FAT TOY 3,1:58.3f; 4,1:54.3 ($83,699), etc. From 5 foals, dam of 5 winners SPOTLITE LOBELL 2,1:57.4; 3,1:55–1:59.1f (h, Speedy Somolli). Winner of 4 races and $555,962 at 2 and 3. At
2, winner NJSS Final (over Mack Lobell) and NJSS; second in final Hayes Memorial and heat Int'l Stallion S.; third
in Matron S., Horseman Futurity, Peter Haughton elim. and heat Hayes Memorial; timed in 1:56.1. At 3, winner
Macfarlane Memorial and final Review Futurity; second in NJSS Final, Beacon Course Trot, Old Oaken Bucket, heat
Review Futurity, Hanover-Hempt S., heat Hambletonian S., etc.; third in Hambletonian S.; timed in 1:54.1.
LIGHT YEAR 2,Q2:05.2f; 3,2:04.3h; 1:59.1 (h, Speedy Somolli). Winner of 10 races and $45,252. Stakes Winner.
Shipps Spotlite 3,2:04h (m, Dream Of Glory). Dam of SPOT PRICE HANOVER 4,1:57.3; 1:55.4 ($191,411), SARA
LU HANOVER 2,2:01f; 3,1:58.4f ($131,111), RED HERRING 2,2:05.2h. Grandam of ABUNDASPIN 3,2:03.1f;
4,1:56; 1:55.2 ($187,974), CANACO MONVIEL 2,2:00.1; 4,1:56.4 ($138,412) and CANACO LACHANCE 3,2:03.1h.
Then To: Sweeping Light by Speedster–Torchlight 2,2:11.1 by Worthy Boy.
Arden Downs
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stake No. 71
New York Sires
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Joseph Faraldo
& Peter Venaglia. Raised at Blue Chip Farms, Wallkill, NY
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 3
HIP NO. 1016
Bay Filly. Foaled April 4, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D7670.
Garland Lobell
Conway Hall .............................. { Amour Angus
Go Go Lauxmont
B Cor Tamgo ............................. { A
B Cor Tamara
Pine Chip ................................... {
Pine Speed
MS PIGGY PINE ...............................
Playful Aunt ............................... { Speedy Crown
Aunt Hilda
BROADWAY HALL 2,1:56.4 .............
From Three Foals, Dam of (f) West Texas Gal 3,1:59.1-'07
(c) Mr Pignaroni 2,2:01.2f-'07
Dam of (f) Timberlassie 3,1:55.4
(f) Reflected Glory 2,Q2:12h
Dam of (f) Worth Beein' 3,1:58.3
(c) Linebacker 1:59.1f
1 in 2:00
1 in 1:56
1 in 1:59, 2 in 2:00
3 in 2:03
1 Stakes Winner
2 $100,000 Winners
1 Stakes Winner
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
MS PIGGY PINE by PINE CHIP. From 3 foals, dam of 3 winners MR PIGNARONI 2,2:01.2f–2:04.1h-'07 (c, Credit Winner). Winner of 2 races and $24,974 at 2. Now 2 and winner
of NYSS at Buffalo and Tioga Downs; second in Landmark S.; third in Tompkins-Geers S.
WEST TEXAS GAL 2,2:03.2; 3,1:59.1-'07 (f, El Paso Kash). Winner of 2 races and $21,950 at 2 and 3. At 2, second
in NYB-LC at Tioga Downs and leg of Vernon Mania Series; third in final of Vernon Mania Series and NYB-LC at
Monticello. Now 3 and second in NYSS at Goshen; timed in 1:58.3.
El Paso Pig 3,2:02.4h (m, El Paso Kash). Winner of 2 races at 3. At 3, winner 2 of 3 starts.
2nd Dam
PLAYFUL AUNT by SPEEDY CROWN. At 2, timed in 2:02.4. From 6 foals (4 fillies, one died at 2), dam of TIMBERLASSIE 2,Q2:03; 3,1:55.4 (m, Pine Chip). Winner of 2 races and $20,150 at 2 and 3. At 2, timed in 2:02.
At 3, winner Duenna LC; second in Review Futurity and Stable of Memories LC. Dam of WORKOUT DOLL
2,1:56.1; 3,1:55.2 ($194,515 at 2 and 3) and SPINNING CLASS 3,1:56.4-'07 (timed in 1:54.2).
Reflected Glory 2,Q2:12h (m, Malabar Man).
3rd Dam
AUNT HILDA by NOBLE VICTORY. From 10 foals, dam of WORTH BEEIN' 2,Q2:09.4f; 3,1:58.3 (m, Super Bowl). Winner of 11 races and $204,078 at 2 and 3. At 3, winner of
Martha Washington Trot, Coaching Club Trotting Oaks and 3 PaSS; second in Cradle of Liberty Trot and PaSS.
From 2 foals, dam of World Champion, 4-time Breeders' Crown Winner and Trotter of the Year PEACE CORPS
2,1:56.2; 3,1:52.4 ($4,137,737 in the U.S. and Europe) and SELF SUPPORTING 3,1:59.2. Grandam of SAN
PELLEGRINO 2,1:59.3f; 3,Q1:57.3 ($403,796), ON THE SONNY SIDE 3,1:58.4; 4,1:57.3f; 1:56f,
MEADOWBRANCH QUEEN 3,T1:57.4, EGOCENTRIC 1:59 and HERMIT 2:00.2 (Europe).
LINEBACKER 1:59.1f (h, Super Bowl). Winner of $100,000. At 3, stakes winner in Denmark. As aged, winner of
Karsten Buers Trot, Danish Masters Trot, Charlottenlund Trot, etc.; second in Royal Copenhagen Trot, etc.
4th Dam
WORTH SEEIN 2,T2:00.2; 3,T1:58 by WORTHY BOY. Winner 41 races, $286,366. At 2, winner of Nancy Hanks S.
and Proximity S. At 3, winner American-National S., Excelsior S., Hanover Filly S., Martha Washington T., Hudson
Filly Trot, etc. Aged winner Hilltop Trot, Excelsior S., Pennsylvania Governor's Cup, etc. Dam of 4 foals (3 fillies).
5th Dam
JEN HANOVER 3,T2:02.2 by DEAN HANOVER. At 3, third in Breeders' Filly S. Half sister to the dam of BUTCH
LOBELL 2,2:01.4 ($205,552), OLD GLORY 2:00f ($154,957) and MARY DONNER 3,2:01.1 ($107,343) and
grandam of HOT DOG ROCKY 3,2:00.3; 1:56.2 ($337,119), SEGRIFF 3,2:00.2 ($180,341), etc. and third dam of
RAZZLE DAZZLE TOM 2,2:00.2; 3,1:57.4f ($573,921), NAZCA 3,2:05.4h; 1:58f ($261,097), AUNT FERNIE
2,2:02.4; 3,1:56.2 ($186,082) and NOBODY TOLD ME 3,2:02.1; 1:56.4f ($153,193). From 8 foals, 7 winners WORTH SEEIN 2,T2:00.2; 3,T1:58 (m, Worthy Boy). As above.
FLIGHT SONG 2,2:14.3f; 3,2:02.4; 4,2:00.1 (h, Victory Song). Winner of 9 races and $36,029. Stakes Winner.
SPICY SONG 3,2:06.4; 4,T1:57.4 (Victory Song). Winner of 11 races, $8,652. World Champion. Dam of SAVOIR
2,2:00.2; 3,1:58.1 ($1,365,145) and ALLWOOD'S FEATURE 3,2:00f; 4,1:57.2 ($126,039). Grandam of
CROWNOPRINCE HARALD 2,2:06h; 3,2:01.4h ($186,549), SAMANTHA LOBELL 2,2:01; 3,1:59 ($184,113),
SONORA KASH 2,2:06.3h; 3,Q2:03.1; 1:56.2 ($153,546), SHARLENA LOBELL 3,1:58.4 ($105,476), GOOD DAY
LUV 2,1:59.3 ($115,614), etc. Third dam of MAD MILTON 2,Q2:07.2; 3,1:57.4f ($137,805), etc. Fourth dam of
CHIP CHIP HOORAY 2,1:56.2; 3,1:53.3 ($1,095,001). Fifth dam of SEA SONG 3,2:00.4; 1:56.2 ($150,858).
Worthy Jen (m, Worthy Boy). Dam of NATIVE REEL 3,1:59.1 ($125,018). Grandam of SUPERIOR SWEEP 2,2:02.2;
3,1:58.3 ($225,257), JANO JADE 2:00.4f ($194,364), BARBIE RENGO 2,2:05.2; 3,1:59.2; 4,1:57.1 ($134,411),
SPEED ON 2,T2:01.4 ($108,040), etc. Third dam of CROWN SWEEP 2,1:59.4; 3,1:56.3 ($497,448), JEANNE'S
SOMOLLI 2,1:59.3; 3,1:54.2 ($455,843), SUPERIOR'S SPELL 2,T2:00.3; 4,2:00.2h ($217,669), JEANNE'S
CROWN 2,2:04.1h; 3,T1:58 ($151,807), SUPERIOR'S CHAMP 1:58.2f ($115,006), etc.
Then To: Brenda Hanover 4,T2:02¾ by Mr. McElwyn–MISS BERTHA HANOVER 4,T2:00 by Peter Volo.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 13
HIP NO. 1019
Bay Colt. Foaled April 3, 2006. Tattoo No. 1DA176.
Artsplace ................................... { Miss Elvira
Rodine Hanover ........................ { Big
Romona Hanover
Nihilator ..................................... {
Margies Melody
MY BELL AMI ...................................
Farm Bell p,3,2:05.2f ................. { Bret Hanover
Miss Norah p,3,2:08.2h
REAL ARTIST p,3,Q1:51 ..................
Dam of(c) Deamon's Bell p,3,1:51.4
(c) My Bell Boy p,1:52.1
Dam of (f) Chartist p,3,1:57.2
(c) Audio p,4,1:57.3f
Dam of (c) Country Don p,3,1:57.4
(f) Joan's Joy p,T2:00.2
5 in 1:54, 7 in 1:56, 8 in 1:57
3 in 1:58, 7 in 2:00
1 in 1:58, 3 in 2:01
3 $100,000 Winners
1 $150,000 Winner
1 $225,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
1 Stakes Winner
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
MY BELL AMI by NIHILATOR. From 12 foals (10 starters), dam of 8 winners (5 in 1:54, 7 in 1:56, 8 in 1:57) TALLULAH BELLE p,2,1:54.2–1:56.1h; 3,1:54f (m, Artsplace). Winner of 8 races and $204,468 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2,
13-6-3-0; earnings of $188,422; winner of elim. and final of La Paloma, Lou Babic elim. and 2 NJSS; second in Lou
Babic Memorial, Molly Pitcher S. and Sweetheart Pace elim. (fourth in $665,400 final). At 3, Open Winner; third
in elim. of Miss Pocono Downs. Her first 3 foals are METROPOLITAN p,2,1:52.1f; 3,1:50.1 ($1,175,630), WILDCAT
FEVER p,2,1:54.4f; 3,1:52.4; 4,1:50.1; 1:50 ($176,915) and SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA p,2,1:55.
PILGRIM'S THUNDER p,2,1:56.2; 3,1:54.4; 4,1:53.3 (g, In The Pocket). Winner of 28 races and $126,727. At 2,
second in Arden Downs S. (to Stand Alone) and NYSS at Buffalo (by a neck). At 3, second in John Simpson S.
LIVIN THE LIFE p,2,1:57.3f; 3,1:55.1f (g, Life Sign). Winner of 13 races and $111,083. At 2, 9-4-3-0; winner leg and
final of Primary Series at Stampede Park; second in final of Kindergarten Series at Northlands Park. At 3, second
in leg of Silver Buckets Series; third in leg of Rocky Mountain Series and Classic Pace elim. at Northlands Park.
SWEET ROSA BELLE p,2,1:57; 4,1:54.4 (m, Albatross). Winner of 6 races and $94,237. At 2, winner leg of Follow
My Star Series; second in Pa. All Stars, PaSS and La Paloma elimination; third in PaSS Final, Molly Pitcher S. and
final of Follow My Star Series; timed in 1:55.3. At 4, winner consolation of Petticoat Series; third in leg of Night
Styles Series and leg of Petticoat Series. Her first 4 foals are WESTERN LAD p,2,Q1:56.3; 3,1:54, SWEET
CUPCAKE p,3,1:56.1, BEDAZZLED p,3,1:56.2 and ISLAND BOY p,3,2:00h.
MY BELL BOY p,3,1:57.2; 4,1:55.4; 1:52.1 (g, Abercrombie). Winner of 19 races and $86,531. At 2, second in KYFS,
timed in 2:02.3. At 3, timed in 1:54.2.
DEAMON'S BELL p,2,2:01.1h; 3,1:51.4 (h, Big Towner). Winner of 11 races and $66,564. At 3, winner heat of
Review Futurity; third in leg of Hopeful Series at Yonkers.
HIGH IN THE SKY p,4,1:58h; 1:56.2f (g, Pacific Rocket). Winner of 10 races and $43,691.
BELL AMI'S LOVE p,2,Q2:00.4; 3,1:53 (m, Artsplace). Winner of 2 races and $28,903 at 2 and 3. At 2, timed in
1:54.3 in first pari-mutuel start.
2nd Dam
FARM BELL p,3,2:05.2f by BRET HANOVER. Half sister to COUNTRY DON p,3,1:57.4 ($234,149). From 15 foals,
dam of 8 winners (3 in 1:58, 7 in 2:00), including CHARTIST p,2,2:01f; 3,1:57.2 (Albatross). Winner of $154,570. Dam of CHART THE COURSE p,3,2:00.3h; 1:57.3h
($122,897). Grandam of MOTHER EARTH p,2,1:56.4; 3,1:55.4; 1:52 ($338,996), LOVE NOT WAR p,2,1:55.4;
3,1:54.3f ($138,825), FEDEX CONCEPTION p,3,1:56.3; 4,1:50.4 ($178,072), ROMANTIC LOBELL p,3,2:02.1h;
1:58.2h ($125,409), etc. Third dam of MONDO HANOVER p,2,1:54.1f; 3,1:52.4f ($139,362), etc.
DANCER BELL p,2,2:03.1; 3,T1:59.3 (m, Albatross). Dam of I’VE GOT RHYTHM p,3,2:00.4h; 1:57.1h ($163,824).
Park Ave Bell p,2,Q2:02.1 (m, Albatross). Dam of CENTRAL PARK WEST p,2,1:53.3f ($534,863), GUIDELINE
p,2,1:58.3; 1:56.1f ($159,713), TRUMP CITY p,2,1:57.3h; 3,1:57.2h; 4,1:55.4h ($137,515), etc. Grandam of CPW
p,2,1:52.2; 3,1:53; 4,1:49.1 ($650,303), MANHATTAN KILLEAN p,2,1:56.2f; 3,1:53; 4,1:51.3 ($291,798), KICKIN
LASS p,2,2:02.4h; 3,1:56.4f; 1:54.2 ($149,770), ALWAYS A PRINCESS p,2,1:55 ($136,166), SPARKLING TOWN
p,1:54.4f ($135,220), etc. Third dam of WHITESAND JEWEL p,2,1:55.4; 3,1:55.4; 4,1:50.4 ($272,463), UP FRONT
TORNADO p,2,1:54.1f; 3,1:53.3h ($182,828), INSIDE PITCH p,3,1:53.4; 4,1:52 ($171,731), JOHN BALL JONES
p,2,1:55.2h; 3,1:53.4 ($177,969), LIBERAL ARTS p,3,1:55.1; 4,1:52.1 ($151,099), etc.
Norah Bell (A'batross). Dam of NADIA LOBELL p,2,1:55; 3,1:53.4f ($1,007,119), MISS NADIA p,2,1:55.2 ($298,757),
SUSAN LOBELL p,2,1:55.4; 3,1:54.4 ($165,236), NADIA'S SISTER p,2,1:56.3 ($162,887), etc. Grandam of
FEELIN FRISKIE p,2,1:54.3; 3,1:49.1 ($775,560), WHODUNIT p,3,1:52.3; 4,1:50 ($275,527), TROJANESQUE
p,2,1:58.2f; 3,1:57.2f; 1:54.4f ($201,707), NOAHS ART p,3,1:57h; 1:55.3h ($153,074), CIANO p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:54f
($142,407), etc. Third dam of ARTICULATOR p,2,1:52.3; 3,1:52.3; 4,1:49.2 ($439,107), JERSEY BOUNCER
p,2,Q1:58; 3,1:51.2; 1:51 ($388,222), DR HANNIBALL p,2,Q1:57.2; 3,1:52.1; 1:51.1 ($275,459), MATTSCAPE
SEELSTER p,3,1:50.4; 4,1:49.4 ($251,775), ARTIOVASCULAR p,3,1:53.4; 4,1:52.3 ($184,404), CIVIL WARRIOR
p,3,1:51.2 ($143,897), FALCONSTOR p,2,1:55.3; 3,1:53 ($122,313), etc. Fourth dam of LADY MATTGALANE
p,2,1:53; 3,1:51-'07 ($360,917), MARYMATT HANOVER p,2,Q2:04.2h; 3,1:49.4 ($119,445), etc.
Then To: Miss Norah p,3,2:08.2h by Wilmington–Nora Adele by The Senator.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Stephen P. Dey &
Ann Marie Parolari. Raised at Heritage Hill Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row G, Stall 10
HIP NO. 1022
Bay Filly. Foaled April 2, 2006. Tattoo No. 2D7510.
Most Happy Fella
Cam Fella ................................... { Nan Cam
Jef's Magic Trick ....................... { B.G's
Meadow Trick
Artsplace ................................... { Abercrombie
Miss Elvira
MY TRUE ART p,4,1:57.2f ...............
D'Elegance p,3,Q1:57.1 ............ { Escape Artist
Echo Brook Pattie p,4,2:02.1h
CAM'S CARD SHARK p,3,1:50 ........
Dam of (f) My True Delight p,4,1:53.1f-'07
(c) Tick Tock p,3,1:55.2h-'07
Dam of (c) Warlock Apprentice p,1:49.3
(f) True Art p,1:49.3
Dam of (c) Sporty p,1:57
(f) D'Elegance p,3,Q1:57.1
1 in 1:54f, 2 in 1:56, 1 1:58 2YO
1 $125,000 Winner
2 Stakes Winners
3 in 1:51, 6 in 1:58
3 $125,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1 in 1:57
4 in 1:59
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
MY TRUE ART p,3,2:00.2h; 4,1:57.2f by ARTSPLACE. Winner of 4 races and $19,033 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, third in
Standardbred Retirement Fund S. elim. at Freehold; timed in 1:58.1. At 3, timed in 1:55. At 4, Open Winner at
Pocono Downs; third in 2 Opens at Pocono; timed in 1:55.3f. From 3 foals, dam of 2 winners in 1:56 MY TRUE DELIGHT p,2,1:57.2–1:59.2h; 4,1:53.1f-'07 (m, Bettor's Delight). Winner of 11 races and $139,853. At 2,
7-5-1-1; winner of Landmark S. and NYSS at Buffalo, Monticello and Syracuse and Batavia; second in NYSS at
Saratoga; third in Reynolds Memorial, timed in 1:56.1f. At 3, second in NYSFS at Tioga Downs, Landmark S. and
NYSS at Saratoga; third in 2 NYSS; timed in 1:54.3, 1:54.4f. Now 4, winner leg and final Tioga Tyranny Series and
2 Opens at Tioga Downs; third in leg of Tioga Tyranny Series; set track record at Tioga Downs for 4YO mares.
TICK TOCK p,3,1:55.2h-'07 (c, Bettor's Delight). Winner of 3 races and $45,980. Now 3 and winner of NYSS at
Monticello; second in NYB-LC at Yonkers; third in NYSS at Batavia; timed in 1:53.
True Deluxe (f, Western Ideal). Now 2 and fourth in NJSS; timed in 1:55.4 in first pari-mutuel start.
2nd Dam
D'ELEGANCE p,2,1:59.2; 3,Q1:57.1 by ESCAPE ARTIST. Winner of 10 races and $41,077 at 2 and 3. At 2, 9-6-1-0;
winner of NJFS Championship at Showplace Farms and NJFS at Freehold, Big Z, Flemington, Johnson Park and
Gaitway; second in NJFS at Gaitway. At 3, winner of NJSS at Freehold and NJFS at Capital Hill; third in NJFS at
Johnson Park. From 10 foals, dam of 6 winners (1 in 1:50, 3 in 1:51, 4 in 1:54, 5 in 1:57, 6 in 1:58) WARLOCK APPRENTICE p,3,1:51.4; 1:49.3 (g, Northern Luck). Winner of 22 races and $272,071. At 3, timed in
1:51.1. At 4, winner leg of Sr. Trendsetter; third in final of Sr. Trendsetter Series. At 6, timed in 1:49.4.
TRUE ART p,2,Q1:59.1; 3,1:57.1h; 4,1:55.4; 1:49.3 (m, Artsplace). World Champion. Winner of 14 races and
$220,910. At 2, third in 2 NJSS at The Meadowlands; timed in 1:55.3. At 3, third in $98,713 Helen Dancer
Memorial (to Galleria) and NJSS at Freehold; timed in 1:54.2 (finishing second). At 4, timed in 1:53.1. At 5, 21-8-51; earnings of $158,865; equaled world record for Aged Pacing Mares (last ¼ in :26.1); winner of 2 Opens at
Mohawk. Dam of TRUEYS LEGACY p,2,1:53.4; 3,1:52.2f-'07 ($98,417).
ELEGANT ALBERT p,3,1:51; 1:50.4 (h, Albert Albert). Winner of 13 races and $143,563. At 2, third in NJSS at The
Meadowlands, timed in 1:57.2. At 3, winner of NJSS at The Meadowlands; second in NJSS at The Meadowlands
and NJSS at Freehold.
THINK SMART p,3,1:56.2 (g, Smartest Remark). Winner of 11 races and $49,869. At 3, timed in 1:55.4. At 5, timed
in 1:53.4 (finishing second).
PETRIFIED FORREST p,3,1:55.4; 4,1:53.2 (h, Forrest Skipper). Winner of 6 races and $40,841 at 3 and 4. At 4,
winner leg of West Wind Series at The Meadowlands; second in leg of Chill Factor Series at The Meadowlands;
third in Chill Factor Series consolation and leg of Exit 16W Series at The Meadowlands.
MY TRUE ART p,3,2:00.2h; 4,1:57.2f (m, Artsplace). As above.
Pleasures (m, Armbro Aussie). Her first foal is ONE GOOD DAY p,3,2:00h; 1:56.1h ($93,853).
3rd Dam
ECHO BROOK PATTIE p,2,2:15h; 4,2:02.1h by TORPID. Winner of 14 races and $35,396. From 8 foals, dam of 6
winners (1 in 1:57, 2 in 1:58, 4 in 1:59) D'ELEGANCE p,2,1:59.2; 3,Q1:57.1 (m, Escape Artist). As above.
SPORTY p,1:57 (g, Armbro Aussie). Winner of 7 races and $35,474.
GIRL ABOUT TOWN p,3,1:58.3h (m, Towner's Big Guy). Winner of 3 races and $12,547 at 3 and 4. At 4, third in leg
of Jersey Girls Series at The Meadowlands.
BUSHMASTER p,1:58.2f (g, B.G.'s Bunny). Winner of 5 races and $9,055.
Hey Hey Paula p,3,2:00.2h (Albert Albert). Winner 4 races, $18,117. At 3, timed in 1:56.1. Her first 3 foals are HEY
CAM p,3,1:58.1h; 4,1:55f, HEY GOOD FELLA p,2,2:00.1h; 3,1:57.2h, TONITE TONITE p,2,1:58.4h; 3,Q1:58h.
4th Dam
GREENTREE SUSAN p,3,2:04.4h by ADIOS. From 9 foals, dam of 6 winners, including FORTUNE RHONA p,3,2:03h; 4,1:59.3h (m, Fortune Jim). Winner of 11 races and $33,739.
ECHO BROOK JOE p,3,2:05.1f; 2:00.4h (h, Thorpe Hanover). Winner of 30 races and $133,764.
Then To: Sabette Wick p,2,2:10h by Chief Long–Shangri La by Billy Direct.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Stephen Perrine Dey
Raised at Heritage Hill Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row G, Stall 11
HIP NO. 1034
Bay Filly. Foaled April 25, 2006. Tattoo No. 0D0261.
Most Happy Fella
Cam Fella ................................... { Nan Cam
Jef's Magic Trick ....................... { B.G's
Meadow Trick
Artsplace ................................... {
Miss Elvira
PAIGIE PIE Q p,3,1:56.2f .................
Paige Nicole Q p,3,1:52 ............ { Beach Towel
Turn To Stone p,2,1:56.3
CAM'S CARD SHARK p,3,1:50 ........
Second Foal
Dam of (c) Cue The Paige p,2,1:54.2
(c) Western Paige p,4,1:55
Dam of (c) Sea Man p,1:50.4-'07
(c) Fred's Pride p,3,1:51.1
Second Foal
2 in 1:55, 3 in 1:57
1 $125,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
3 in 1:52, 5 in 1:55, 6 in 2:00
3 $150,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
PAIGIE PIE Q p,3,1:56.2f by ARTSPLACE. Winner of 4 races and $11,221. At 2, timed in 1:59.4. Second foal Money Paige (c, Cam's Card Shark). Now 2.
2nd Dam
PAIGE NICOLE Q p,2,1:53.4; 3,1:52–1:53.1h by BEACH TOWEL. Winner of 14 races and $712,801 at 2, 3 and 4.
At 2, 8-4-3-0; earnings of $303,000; winner of elim. and $470,300 final of Breeders’ Crown and final of Follow My
Star Series; second in $141,600 Matron S. (timed in 1:54.1f) and leg of Follow My Star Series. At 3, 20-9-3-0;
earnings of $398,701; season's champion on a ½ mile track; second leading money-winning 3YO pacing filly; winner
heat and final of Jugette, $200,000 Miss New Jersey, Bronx Filly S., Breeders' Crown elim., Garnsey Memorial, 2
NJSS at The Meadowlands and NJSS at Freehold; second in Bluegrass S., Mistletoe Shalee elim. and Miss New
Jersey elim. At 4, Open Winner at Freehold. From 5 foals, dam of 3 winners (2 in 1:55, 3 in 1:57) CUE THE PAIGE p,2,1:54.2 (g, Real Desire). Winner of 3 races and $135,972. At 2, 6-3-3-0; winner of 2 KySS and
leg of Lexington Series; second in $200,000 KySS Final, Bluegrass S. and International Stallion S., timed in 1:50.4.
Now 3 and second in Berry's Creek Pace elimination; timed in 1:51.
WESTERN PAIGE p,3,1:57f; 4,1:55 (g, Western Hanover). Winner of 5 races and $13,668. At 2, timed in 2:04.4f.
PAIGIE PIE Q p,3,1:56.2f (m, Artsplace). As above.
Needles And Pans (m, Artsplace).
Her first 2 foals are PAN CUSHION p,2,1:55.3f; 3,1:53f-'07 and
SHEENAISAPANKROCKR p,2,1:59.4f; 3,1:58f.
Teenage Paige (f, Real Desire). Now 2 and racing; timed in 1:57.4.
3rd Dam
TURN TO STONE p,2,1:56.3 by CAM FELLA. Winner of 6 races and $36,409. At 2, winner of NJSS; second in NJSS;
third in Breeders' Crown elim. From 10 living foals (5 fillies), dam of 6 winners (3 in 1:52, 5 in 1:55, 6 in 2:00) PAIGE NICOLE Q p,2,1:53.4; 3,1:52–1:53.1h (m, Beach Towel). As above.
SEA MAN p,3,1:54.1; 4,1:51.2; 1:50.4-'07 (h, Beach Towel). Winner of 23 races and $275,899. At 3, winner leg Jr.
Trendsetter Series; timed in 1:52.2. At 4, winner 2 legs Sr. Trendsetter Series; second in leg Clyde Hirt Series; third
in cons. Clyde Hirt Series, leg Fox Sports New York Series; timed in 1:50.2. At 7, Open Winner at Pocono.
FRED'S PRIDE p,2,2:01.1h; 3,1:51.1 (g, Artsplace). Winner of 28 races and $162,855. At 2, timed in 1:57. At 3,
winner of 2 NJSS; third in $100,000 NJSS Final; fourth in Art Rooney elimination. At 4, Preferred Winner at Elmira.
STONE COLD FEVER p,3,1:57.3; 4,1:53.3 (g, Rustler Hanover). Winner of 14 races and $48,253.
BLOODSTOCK'S RUFF p,3,2:03.1h; 2:00h (m, Niatross). Her first foal is MADE IN AMERICA p,3,1:56.2f; 4,1:54.3f.
IT'S ARTS TURN p,3,1:54.4f (g, Artsplace). Winner of 2 races at 3.
Calcified (m, Forrest Skipper). Her first foal is AZERBAIJAN p,3,1:59.2f; 1:56.
Bryn Michelle T (m, Beach Towel). Bred at 3. Her first 3 foals are BRYN TIN TIN p,2,Q2:05f; 3,1:53f, BRINNIE THE
POOH p,3,1:55 and UP FRONT BOODA p,2,1:58.2h.
4th Dam
MADAM MADUSA p,2,2:07.3h; 3,T1:58.2; 4,T1:55.1 by ALBATROSS. Winner of 15 races and $174,755. Stakes
Winner at 3 and 4. From 15 living foals, dam of 14 winners (4 in 1:54, 7 in 1:56, 10 in 1:58), including FAKE LEFT p,2,1:54; 3,1:51.2 (h, Cam Fella). Winner of 17 races and $314,417. At 3, winner Little Brown Jug.
CAMARADERIE p,1:52.4 (g, Cam Fella). Winner of 45 races and $261,578. As aged, winner final Exit 16W Series.
FAKE PASS p,2,1:56.1; 3,1:53.1 (g, Direct Scooter). Winner of 27 races and $258,607. Stakes placed at 2 and 3.
WANTED MAN p,3,1:56.1; 1:53.3 (g, Cam Fella). Winner of 43 races and $159,763.
PETRIFIED p,2,2:00.1f; 3,Q1:58.4f; 1:56f (m, Cam Fella). Winner of 15 races and $108,042. Dam of CABLE BEACH
p,3,1:56.4h, MATE FOR LIFE p,3,1:57.2f; 4,1:56.4f, LAUGHING LADY p,3,1:59.2f; 1:57.1h, etc.
MORAL ISSUE p,3,1:58.1f; 4,1:57.1 (g, Bret Hanover). Winner of 14 races and $94,007. Stakes Winner.
BREATHING FIRE p,2,Q1:59.4f; 3,1:56f (g, Pacific Fella). Winner of 18 races and $54,345.
MAN OF STEEL p,4,1:55.2 (h, Storm Damage). Winner of 24 races and $50,701. 1:53f sire.
Bobbi Mcgee p,2,2:01.3f (Direct Scooter). Dam of TWIN B GODDESS p,2,1:58.4h; 3,1:57.2h; 1:51.4 ($169,836).
Then To: Miss Exceptional p,3,2:06.1 by Greentree Adios–Miss Uhleen Fingo by Calumet Fingo.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
HIP NO. 1040
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 12
Bay Colt. Foaled April 8, 2006. Tattoo No. 0DE294.
Artsplace ................................... { Miss Elvira
Rodine Hanover ........................ { Big
Romona Hanover
No Nukes ................................... {
Gidget Lobell
PARADE OF LOVE p,3,Q1:55.4 .......
Easter Love p,3,1:57.4 .............. { Sonsam
J M Valinda p,4,T1:58
First Foal
Dam of Dam of (c) I Married A Witch p,4,1:51.3
(c) Hot Lead p,4,1:49.3
(c) Very Sentimental p,4,1:52
(c) Midnight Heat p,1:53.1f
REAL ARTIST p,3,Q1:51 ..................
First Foal
3 in 1:53, 7 in 1:59
3 $200,000 Winners
5 Stakes Winners
2 in 1:54, 7 in 2:00
1 $1,325,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
PARADE OF LOVE p,2,1:57.2; 3,Q1:55.4 by NO NUKES. Winner of 1 race and $23,900 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner leg
of Lexington Series; second in NJSS Green Acres at The Meadowlands and final of Lexington Series; third in
Sweetheart Pace elimination (to So Artsi), timed in 1:55.1. At 3, timed in 1:53.1. This is her first foal.
2nd Dam
EASTER LOVE p,3,1:57.4 by SONSAM. Winner of 8 races and $40,497. At 3, winner 2 legs Comforter Series; second
in cons., third in leg of Night Styles Series; timed in 1:56.4. From 10 foals, dam of 7 winners (3 in 1:53, 7 in 1:59) I MARRIED A WITCH p,2,1:53.1; 4,1:51.3 (g, Falcon Seelster). Winner of 15 races and $421,651. At 2, 7-5-1-1;
earnings of $103,149; winner of 2 legs and $100,000 NJSS Final (over Shady Character), NJSS at Garden State
(over Shady Character) and NJFS; second in NJSS; third in Arden Downs S. At 3, second in $500,000 New Jersey
Classic and Berry's Creek cons.; third in Reynolds Memorial; timed in 1:51.1. At 4, Open Winner at The
Meadowlands; second in 2 legs of Complex Series, leg of Nihilator Series, etc.; third in leg Four Leaf Clover Series.
VERY SENTIMENTAL p,2,1:55.1; 3,1:53f; 4,1:52 (h, Walton Hanover). Winner of 21 races and $292,604. At 2, Open
Winner at The Meadowlands; second in 2 PaSS and Dignity Pace elim.; timed in 1:54.4f. At 3, winner leg of
Trendsetter Series, 2 legs of Hopeful Series, leg of Sagamore Hill Series, PaSS and Keystone Classic; second in
$310,500 Berry's Creek (timed in 1:52.2–:26.4) and leg of Trendsetter Series; third in Joseph Banks Memorial elim.
and Berry's Creek elim.; fourth in James Dancer Memorial elim. (to Western Dreamer); timed in 1:52.1.
LOVINGLY YOURS p,2,Q1:59; 3,1:53.3; 1:52.2–1:55f (g, Walton Hanover). Winner of 28 races and $217,126. At
2, timed in 1:54.1. At 3, second in Fayette County LC; third in Billy Direct LC; fourth in Review Futurity (to Trump
Casino); timed in 1:52.1. At 4, third in leg of Exit 16W Series. At 7, winner leg of Haddonfield Series.
PARADE OF LOVE p,2,1:57.2; 3,Q1:55.4 (m, No Nukes). As above.
BIG DISCOUNT p,4,1:56.3h; 1:56.1-'07 (h, Life Sign). Winner of 5 races and $20,442. At 3, timed in 1:54.3.
EASTER ART p,2,1:56.3 (h, Artsplace). Winner of 1 race and $16,993 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner of NJSS cons. at The
Meadowlands; third in NJSS at Freehold; timed in 1:55, 1:57.2h. At 3, third in leg of Trendsetter Jr. Series.
TITAN ART p,3,1:58.2f (g, Artsplace). Winner of 2 races at 3.
Presidential Love (m, Presidential Ball). At 2, timed in 1:57.3. At 3, timed in 1:56.2. Dam of LOVES ART p,3,1:58.4f.
3rd Dam
J M VALINDA p,3,T1:59.3; 4,T1:58 by BYE BYE BYRD. Winner of 3 races and $35,024. From 10 living foals, dam
of 9 winners (1 in 1:50, 2 in 1:54, 6 in 1:58, 7 in 2:00), including HOT LEAD p,2,1:56; 3,1:50.2; 4,1:49.3 (g, Jaguar Spur). Winner of 22 races and $1,341,662. At 2, 4-2-2-0; timed
in 1:55.2. At 3, 20-11-6-1; earnings $987,687; voted Pacing Colt of the Year (over Armbro Operative and Stout);
leading money-winning 3YO Pacer; set earnings record for 3YO geldings; winner of elim. and $1,000,000 final
Meadowlands Pace, $303,250 Berry's Creek, leg and NJSS Final, leg and final New Faces Series, 2 legs Exit 16W
Series and 2 legs Trendsetter Series; second in elim. and $500,000 final New Jersey Classic, final Trendsetter
Series, final Exit 16W Series, NJSS and an Open; third in Berry's Creek elim. At 4, 23-8-4-3; earnings $334,175;
winner Dan Patch S., 3 legs and final Aquarius Series, leg Graduate Series, an Invitational and an Open; second
in leg of Graduate Series, leg of Driscoll Series, etc.; third in final of Driscoll Series, final of Graduate Series, etc.
MIDNIGHT HEAT p,2,2:00.2f; 3,1:55.1f; 4,1:54.4f; 1:53.1f (g, Sonsam). Winner of 13 races and $74,429. At 2, timed
in 1:59.1. At 3, winner leg of Stoney Creek Farm Series at Scioto Downs; second in 3 legs and final of Stoney
Creek Farm Series and Billy Direct LC at Lexington; timed in 1:54f (finishing second).
CALLING ALL ANGELS p,3,1:59.2h; 1:57.1h (m, Sonsam). Winner of 18 races and $62,205. Her first 4 foals are
NOTTHATKINDAANGEL p,3,1:53.3; 4,1:52.1; 1:50.2 ($264,905), ALBERT'S ANGEL p,3,2:00.4h; 1:56.1h,
ESCAPE THE NIGHT p,2,2:04h; 3,1:57.1f and NUCLEAR ANGEL p,3,1:59h.
EASTER LOVE p,3,1:57.4 (m, Sonsam). As above.
JM'S VISION p,4,2:00.4h; 2:00h (g, Albatross). Winner of 7 races and $22,493.
HOT SPELL p,3,1:57.2; 1:56.4f (h, Jaguar Spur). Winner of 5 races and $12,887. At 3, 6-3-2-0.
J M JENNIFER p,3,T1:57.2(m, Sonsam). Winner of $7,788.
Then To: H.T. Emily p,4,2:04h by Henry T. Adios–Lady Emily p,3,2:03.1h by Hillsota.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row G, Stall 12
HIP NO. 1052
Brown Filly. Foaled May 12, 2006. Tattoo No. 4D5361.
No Nukes
Western Hanover ...................... { Wendymae H'ver
Leah Almahurst ........................ { Abercrombie
Liberated Angel
Artsplace ................................... { Abercrombie
Miss Elvira
PRINCESS CHABLIS p,4,1:56 .........
Margaux p,2,2:07f ..................... { Columbia George
Binnie Hanover
WESTERN IDEAL p,1:48 .................
Dam of (c) Western Leader p,1:52.3h
(c) Anderlecht p,2,Q1:58-'07
Dam of (f) Stienam p,3,1:53.4
(c) Archie Almahurst p,3,1:54f
Dam of (f) Bianca Hanover p,3,T2:00
(c) Bing Hanover p,2:02.2f
1 in 1:53h, 3 in 2:00
4 in 1:55, 7 in 1:57
1 in 2:00
1 $100,000 Winner
4 $175,000 Winners
2 in 2:03
2 Stakes Winners
5 Stakes Winners
5 in 2:07
1st Dam
PRINCESS CHABLIS p,3,1:56.1; 4,1:56 by ARTSPLACE. Winner of 3 races and $27,255 at 3 and 4. At 3, second in
leg of Comforter II Series, timed in 1:55.1. At 4, winner leg of White Ruffles Series; second in leg of White Ruffles
Series. From 5 foals, dam of 4 winners (1 in 1:53h, 3 in 2:00), including WESTERN LEADER p,3,1:56.2h; 1:52.3h (g, Western Hanover). Winner of 18 races and $101,840. At 3, timed in
1:53.2. At 4, winner final of Northfield Series; third in 2 legs of Northfield Series.
PRINCESS MERLOT p,2,1:59.2f (m, Western Hanover). Winner of 2 races and $6,409 at 2. At 2, winner 2 legs of
Walnut Ridge Series at The Meadows; third in PaSS at The Meadows; timed in 1:57.4f. Bred at 3.
ANDERLECHT p,2,Q1:58-'07 (c, Cam's Card Shark).
2nd Dam
MARGAUX p,2,2:07f by COLUMBIA GEORGE. Stakes placed at 2. From 11 foals, dam of 8 winners (7 in 1:57) STIENAM p,2,1:55.2; 3,1:53.4 (m, Falcon Almahurst). Winner of 17 races and $1,355,474 at 2 and 3. At 2, 19-9-8-0;
earnings of $662,155; set earnings record for a 2yo filly; winner of Lady Baltimore S., Lexington Filly S., Bluegrass
S., 2 OHSS, Chapman elim.; second in Breeders' Crown, Sweetheart Pace, Chapman Memorial, Countess Adios
S., OHSS Final, Matron S. and American-National S. At 3, earnings of $693,319; Pacing Filly of the Year; winner
of Breeders' Crown, Tarport Hap S., Adioo Volo S., heat Tattersalls S., etc.; second in Mistletoe Shalee. Dam of
SLEEK STYLE p,2,1:58.3f; 3,1:55.4h; 4,1:53h ($191,971), PATRIOT STENA p,2,1:58.1f; 3,1:56.1f; 4,1:52.3
($178,478), VILLAGE SOVEREIGN p,2,1:58h ($104,244), STIENAM’S GIRL p,2,1:56.3; 3,1:53.2 ($102,282), MR
SUPERCHARGER p,2,1:58h; 3,Q1:57; 4,1:54.3f, OBJECT OF DESIRE p,2,Q1:59.3f; 3,1:55.2, etc. Grandam of
STIENAMS PLACE p,2,1:53.4; 3,1:50.4 ($1,402,301), MOVIE STAR LAAG p,2,1:54.2; 3,1:54f; 4,1:51.2 ($440,854),
MR J B B p,2,1:53.2 ($259,483), BEACH CHARGER p,2,2:02.2h; 3,1:57f; 4,1:53 ($118,710), ARTFUL LEGS
p,3,1:55.1f; 1:54.3f ($93,112), OSCARNIGHT p,3,1:51, ARMBRO ACE p,3,Q1:57.4f; 1:54.2h. MOVIE LEGEND
p,3,1:55, VILLAGE SURFER p,2,Q1:59.1f; 3,1:55.1, etc. Third dam of MR DELITE p,2,1:57.4h; 3,1:51.4; 4,1:50.3
($234,675), I GIVE DIAMONDS p,2,1:54.1; 3,1:53 ($164,969), DONKEYS CAN TALK p,2,1:54.2; 3,1:51.1
($153,164), RICH N DANDY p,2,1:55.3f; 3,1:54.1f; 4,1:53.1h ($148,627), JAYNE'S CHARACTER p,2,1:55f;
3,1:54.3f-'07 ($124,593), ARMBRO BEACHBABY p,3,1:58.2; 4,1:53 ($111,323), RUN FOR GOLD p,2,Q1:58.2;
3,1:51.4, STRADA'S CHARACTER p,2,1:58.3h; 3,1:52.3, GRIN'S DELIGHT p,2,Q2:00.2; 3,1:56.2f, etc.
JOSS p,2,2:03.3h; 3,2:01h; 1:54.3 (h, Falcon Almahurst). Winner 39 races, $620,843. Aged winner in Levy Series.
L'EGGINS p,2,1:59f; 3,1:54.2 (m, Falcon Almahurst). World Champion. Winner of 14 races and $188,882. At 2,
winner of Champlain S., OHSS Championship, etc. At 3, winner of Ohio Standardbred S. (equalled 2-heat world
record) and heat of Bluegrass. Dam of NO ESCAPE p,2,1:58.4f; 3,1:54.3 ($107,794), ARMEGGEDON p,2,1:57.4f;
3,1:54.2 ($105,736), CALITERRA p,2,Q2:03.2f; 3,1:54.2f, ARROWHEAD p,3,1:54.2, etc. Grandam of DR NO
p,2,1:57; 3,1:51.1; 4,1:48.2 ($982,744), RED STAR ROSCOE p,2,Q2:00.2; 3,1:53.1; 1:52.3 ($341,101),
IMPOWERED p,1:52.3f ($268,849), BEN BEN P p,3,2:00.1; 1:55.4f ($122,542), DETAILED p,2,1:55, etc.
ARCHIE ALMAHURST p,2,2:01.3f; 3,1:54f (h, Ralph Hanover). Winner of 10 races and $184,810. Stakes Winner.
BOLA p,2,2:08.3h; 3,1:59.2; 4,1:56.4f (m, Albatross). Winner of 15 races and $72,654. Dam of RAQUE BOGART
p,2,1:52.1 ($453,500), VILLAGE BLUES p,2,1:55; 3,1:53.3 ($254,456), TOUCH OF SILK p,2,1:58f; 3,1:54.2
($147,022), etc. Grandam of VILLAGE BLITZ p,2,1:57.3h; 3,1:55.3h; 1:50.4f-'07 ($511,735), CHANCE PARTNERSHIP p,3,1:50.1 ($339,229), BLUE BURNER p,2,1:55; 3,1:51.4; 4,1;49.4 ($282,102), WESTERN TOUCH
p,2,1:55.1f; 3,1:54.4f ($154,159), THREADS OF LIFE p,2,1:56; 4,1:52.3 ($150,524), JATE'S TOUCH p,2,1:57.3;
3,1:51.2 ($139,864), SMOOTH TALKER p,3,1:54.3; 1:52.2 ($137,971), VILLAGE BLUSH p,2,1:56.1; 4,1:55.1h
($117,079), ART DEALER p,2,Q1:59f; 1:53f ($114,750), VILLA D'ESTE p,2,Q1:59.3f; 3,1:55.1f; 1:53.1 ($90,395),
ODDS ON DION p,2,1:59; 3,1:51.4, etc. Third dam of LAST OF BELLA p,2,1:59.1h; 4,1:51.3 ($311,216),
CHESAPEAKE ROYAL p,2,1:57.2f; 3,1:53.3h ($125,095), RUSTLE IT UP p,2,1:56; 3,1:54; 1:50.3 ($83,086), etc.
Magnetic Almahurst p,2,2:03h; 3,2:00.3h (m, Nihilator). Winner of 6 races and $28,475. Dam of MAGNETIC
KILLEAN p,2,1:58; 3,1:54; 1:50.2 ($318,639), MAGNETIZED p,2,1:56.2; 3,1:55.2f; 4,1:53.1; 1:53f ($265,364).
Danalove (m, Falcon Almahurst). Dam of OUR LAAG CABIN p,2,1:56.1; 3,1:55f; 1:52.2 ($307,213), etc.
Then To: Binnie Hanover by Bullet Hanover–Beppy Hanover p,3,2:05.2h by Titan Hanover.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Champlain Filly
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Northlands Filly Pace
Parshall Memorial
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farm
Raised at Southwind Farms, Pennington, NJ
Stable 5, Row D, Stall 1
HIP NO. 1058
Bay Colt. Foaled May 1, 2006. Tattoo No. 7D0126.
Reve D Udon ............................. { Mavia Du Vivier
Hazel Sund ................................ { Sugarcane
Rare Chance
Armbro Goal .............................. { Speedy Crown
Armbro Flight
RAGING GOAL 3,1:57.2 ...................
Raging Sam 2,2:03.4 ................. { Lindy's Crown
Min Flicka
REVENUE S 1:51.3 ...........................
Dam of (c) Southwind Rome 4,1:56
(f) Southwind Rose 3,1:56.2
Dam of (f) Raging Samantha 4,1:53.4
(c) Victory Sam 3,1:54.1
Dam of (c) Dream Of Goal 1:57.1 (Eur.)
(c) Shaun's Best Boy 2,1:59.2
2 in 1:57, 4 in 2:02
2 in 1:55, 6 in 1:58
1 in 1:58, 2 in 2:00
1 $125,000 Winner
4 $225,000 Winners
2 $175,000 Winners
3 Stakes Winners
6 Stakes Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
RAGING GOAL 2,1:59.1–2:00.2f; 3,1:57.2 by ARMBRO GOAL. Winner of 9 races and $258,219 at 2 and 3. At 2, 15-54-2; earnings of $151,579; winner of $78,207 Matron S., Merrie Annabelle cons. and 2 NJSS; second in $100,000
NJSS Final, New Jersey Futurity and 2 NJSS; third in Merrie Annabelle elim. and NJSS. At 3, earnings of $106,640;
winner Hambletonian Oaks elim., Colonial Lady Trot and 2 Opens; second in NJSS; third in $300,000 final of
Hambletonian Oaks, Coaching Club Oaks, etc.; timed in 1:55.4. From 7 living foals, dam of 4 winnersSOUTHWIND ROME 3,Q2:02.3; 4,1:56 (g, Muscles Yankee). Winner of 8 races and $125,011. At 4, 17-7-5-1; winner
2 legs and final of General Brock Series at Woodbine and leg of Don Mills Series at Woodbine; second in 2 legs
of Molson Series at Georgian Downs; timed in 1:55.1f. Now 5 and third in leg of Glory's Comet Series.
MAKIN A GO OFIT 2,Q2:00.1f–2:00.4f (h, Lindy Lane). Winner of 1 race and $24,637 at 2. At 2, winner of Arden
Downs S.; second in PaSS at Pocono Downs; third in PaSS at The Meadows (twice); timed in 1:59.1f.
SOUTHWIND ROSELLE 2,2:03.4h; 3,2:01.4 (m, Malabar Man). Winner of 11 races and $20,133. At 2, winner of 2
KYFS (by a combined 46 lengths); second in KYFS; timed in 2:01.3. At 3, 14-9-0-3; winner of 8 KYFS.
SOUTHWIND ROSE 3,1:56.2 (m, Muscles Yankee). Winner of 3 races and $15,948 at 3 and 4.
Southwind Rubra (m, Valley Victory). Winner of $9,985 at 2. At 2, second in NJSS at Freehold, timed in 2:03.4h.
2nd Dam
RAGING SAM 2,2:03.4 by LINDY'S CROWN. From 10 foals, dam of 8 winners (2 in 1:55, 6 in 1:58) VICTORY SAM 3,1:54.1 (h, Valley Victory). Winner of 9 races and $558,789. At 2, third in $71,250 Bluegrass S. and
Review Futurity, timed in 1:58.1. At 3, earnings of $163,554; winner of Hambletonian S. elimination, Review
Futurity, NJSS at The Meadowlands and an Open at The Meadowlands; second in Ohio Standardbred S.; third in
$150,000 NJSS Final and Breeders' Crown elim. At 4, Open Winner at Freehold; timed in 1:53.3. At 5, second in
$800,000 Breeders' Crown (to Fool's Goal); second in leg and $250,000 final Classic Series (to Magician).
RAGING SAMANTHA 2,2:01; 3,1:57.3h; 4,1:53.4–1:56.3f (m, Armbro Goal). Winner of 21 races and $488,788 at 2,
3 and 4. At 2, winner of Hoosier Futurity and Hanover Filly S.; second in 2 NJSS-LCs; third in American-National
S., Reynolds Mem. and Harold Dancer elim.; timed in 1:59.4. At 3, winner NJSS Final, Galt Trot and Arden Downs
S.; second in Charles Smith Trot, Buckette and NJSS; third in Horseman Futurity; timed in 1:56.1. At 4, 23-12-4-1;
earnings of $335,237; second leading money-winning aged mare; winner 5 legs and $275,000 Final of Classic Oaks
Series, Frank & Elizabeth Ervin LC, 2 Preferreds and an Open; season's champion on mile track. Exported.
RAGING GOAL 2,1:59.1–2:00.2f; 3,1:57.2 (m, Armbro Goal). As above.
VICTORY PARTY 2,2:01.1; 3,1:55.2f (h, Valley Victory). Winner of 3 races and $225,927 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner
of NJFS at Garden State; second in Historic S., 2 NJSS at The Meadowlands and NJFS; timed in 1:58.3. At 3,
winner of NJSS Final at Freehold and Matron S. elimination; second in Beacon Course Trot elim.; third in $662,948
Breeders' Crown, $213,600 Matron S., Review Futurity and 2 NJSS; fourth in Hambletonian elim.; timed in 1:54.4.
ROCK THE UNIVERSE 3,1:56 (g, Donerail). Winner of 1 race and $23,405. At 3, winner of NJSS.
CURRENT RAGE 2,2:04; 3,1:56.4 (h, Supergill). Winner of 3 races and $17,636 at 2 and 3. At 2, timed in 2:02.1.
At 3, second in KySS at Lexington. Exported.
AFTER HOURS 2,2:01.3-'07 (f, Conway Hall). Winner of 1 race and $11,223. Now 2 and winner of NYB-LC at
Vernon; second in NYSFS at Tioga Downs.
3rd Dam
MIN FLICKA by ARNIE ALMAHURST. Half sister to CHARMY SKEETER 1:54.3 (Germany), MAGIC PRINCE 1:59f,
HIEMASTER 2:01.1 and MYSTRY WILD 2:01.3f (Germany), she the dam of DECAMERON 4,2:01.1. From 14
foals in the U.S. and Europe, dam of 6 winners, including DREAM OF GOAL 1:57.1 (Europe) (h, Armbro Goal). Stakes Winner of $554,154. In Europe, winner of 3 V-75 S.
SHAUN'S BEST BOY 2,1:59.2 (h, Lindy's Crown). Winner of 4 races and $185,864 in U.S.. At 2, winner of Peter
Haughton elim., NJSS and heat Int'l Stallion S.; second in NJSS Final and NJSS; third in Peter Haughton Memorial.
Paula's Crown (m, Lindy's Crown). Dam of HEZA HUNK 2,2:02.3f; 3,2:00.1f, CARRY THE CROWN 2,2:08.2h;
3,2:02.1f and RAISING TIDE 2,2:11h. Grandam of INDASIA 2,2:07.3h; 3,1:59.4.
Then To: Misty Charm by Nevele Pride–Lumber Princess 3,2:05.4 by Lumber Boy.
Arden Downs
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Currier & Ives
Harold Dancer Memorial
Dexter Cup
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Horseman Stakes No. 71
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
John Simpson
Charles Smith Trot
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MARKETING, INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 11
HIP NO. 1070
Bay Colt. Foaled April 19, 2006. Tattoo No. 7DA819.
No Nukes
Western Hanover ...................... { Wendymae H'ver
Rich N Elegant .......................... { Direct
Proven Perfect
Bret Hanover ............................. {
Brenna Hanover
SARA LAWRENCE p,4,1:57.1 .........
Loren Messenger p,3,2:01.4f ... { Meadow Skipper
Meadow Elva p,4,1:59.2h
RED RIVER HANOVER p,3,1:48.4 ...
Dam of (c) Master Lawrence p,3,1:51.1
(c) Must B Fury p,4,1:51.3
(f) Western Sara p,3,1:54.1
Dam of (c) Storm Compensation p,1:50.3
(f) Artifice p,3,1:55.4
(f) Sara Lawrence p,4,1:57.1
Dam of (c) Thorpe Messenger p,4,1:54
(c) Prime Messenger p,1:56.4f
(c) Meadow Messenger p,1:57.3f
2 in 1:52, 4 in 1:55, 6 in 1:57
2 in 1:56
1 in 1:54
1 $425,000 Winner
4 in 1:58
4 in 2:00
2 $200,000 Winners
1 $475,000 Winner
1 $125,000 Winner
3 Stakes Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
SARA LAWRENCE p,2,T1:59; 3,1:57.3; 4,1:57.1 by BRET HANOVER. Winner of 5 races and $51,900. At 3, winner
leg of Blossom Series; second in KySS at Lexington; third in leg of Blossom Series, KySS at Lexington and an Open
at The Meadowlands; timed in 1:55.3. From 10 foals, dam of 6 winners (2 in 1:52, 4 in 1:55, 6 in 1:57) MASTER LAWRENCE p,3,1:51.1–1:55.4f (g, No Nukes). Winner of 17 races and $442,776. At 3, 15-8-2-2; seasonal
earnings of $179,536; winner of 2 legs and $100,000 NJSS Championship at The Meadowlands (defeating Hi Ho
Silverheel's), $90,000 Jersey Cup and Motor City Pace elimination; second in NJSS at The Meadowlands; third in
$138,400 Gaines Memorial; winner in 1:51.1 (twice), 1:51.4, 1:52, etc. At 6, seasonal earnings of $102,920.
MUST B FURY p,3,1:53–1:54.3f; 4,1:51.3 (h, No Nukes). Winner of 12 races and $204,945. At 3, 27-6-6-7; seasonal
earnings of $103,820; winner leg of Youthful Series at Mohawk and New Jersey Classic consolation; second in
North American Cup elimination, leg of Youthful Series and leg of Mohawk Series; third in $100,000 Burlington S.,
NJSS at The Meadowlands and leg and final of Youthful Series; timed in 1:51.3. At 4, 30-6-6-3; seasonal earnings
of $87,910; second in a FFA (to Arrive At Five) and a Preferred at Mohawk; third in a FFA at Woodbine.
A SONG FOR SARA p,2,Q2:00.3; 3,1:55.2; 4,1:55 (m, No Nukes). Winner of 6 races and $85,668 at 2, 3 and 4. At
2, took record in first start defeating Woodsie And Buster, last ¼ in :27.4. At 3, winner leg of Green With Envy
Series; second in leg of Clara Barton Series; third in NJSS at Garden State; timed in 1:52.1.
LADY LAWRENCE p,3,1:56.1 (m, Western Hanover). Winner of 3 races, $34,525 at 3 and 4. At 3, timed in 1:55.3.
DEADLY CHARMING p,3,1:59.3f; 4,1:55.3f (g, Die Laughing). Winner of 6 races and $19,990.
WESTERN SARA p,2,Q2:03.2; 3,1:54.1 (m, Western Hanover). Winner of 3 races and $18,900 at 2 and 3. At 2,
timed in 1:57.3. At 3, third in Coupe Quebec Plus S.
Fancy Art (m, Artsplace). Dam of WISHING ZONE p,2,1:57f; 3,1:56.3 and FIRE AND ART p,2,1:57.3f; 3,1:57f-'07.
2nd Dam
LOREN MESSENGER p,3,2:01.4f by MEADOW SKIPPER. Winner of $7,220. From 6 living foals, dam of 4 winners STORM COMPENSATION p,3,1:54.3–1:57.2h; 1:50.3 (h, Storm Damage). Winner of 21 races and $492,220. At 3,
winner leg and final Lenni Lenape Series, NYB-LC and an Open; third in leg of Lenni Lenape Series. At 4, winner
NYSS, 2 legs and final Complex Series, leg of Cam Fella Series and leg of Aquarius Series; second in final of
Mohawk Gold Cup (to Topnotcher), leg of Complex Series, leg of Cam Fella Series and 2 legs of Graduate Series
(to TK's Skipper and Dorunrun Bluegrass); timed in 1:51.1. At 5, winner of 2 legs and final of Aquarius Series;
second in final of Driscoll Series, leg and final of Presidential Series and leg Canadian Pacing Derby (to Odds
Against); third in leg of Driscoll Series and leg of Graduate Series. Sire of Sass Newton p,1:51 ($607,466).
GABRIELLE DE MAI p,2,1:57.3f; 3,1:57.2f (m, Camtastic). Dam of MAUDIT BONHEUR p,3,2:02.2h; 4,1:56.1.
ARTIFICE p,3,1:55.4 (m, Artsplace). Winner of 1 race and $8,434 at 2 and 3. Dam of LADY ARTEMISE p,3,1:55.
Sign From Above (m, Bret Hanover). Dam of CAMS SIGN p,1:56.1f, ME TARZAN p,3,2:02f; 4,1:58.4f and
HOWESTREET MORGAN p,4,2:01f; 1:59.2f.
3rd Dam
MEADOW ELVA p,2,2:00.3; 3,2:00; 4,1:59.2h by THORPE HANOVER. Winner of 40 races and $356,071. At 2, winner
of La Paloma S., Hanover S., Almahurst Farm S., etc. At 3, winner of Bronx Futurity, Hanover S., Reynolds
Memorial, Flora Temple S., etc. At 5, voted Aged Pacing Mare of the Year. From 7 living foals, dam of 6 winnersTHORPE MESSENGER p,2,T1:59.1; 3,1:57.2f; 4,1:54 (h, Meadow Skipper). Winner of 10 races and $146,295.
MEADOW MESSENGER p,1:57.3f (m, Good Time). Winner of 13 races and $71,306.
Elva Messenger p,3,2:06.3f; 4,2:02.3 (m, Bye Bye Byrd). Winner of $21,320. Dam of PENNY MESSENGER
p,2,2:04.4f; 3,2:01f; 4,1:59.2f. Grandam of ASSAULT WEAPON p,3,1:54.1f and DIAMOND MILES p,2,1:55.4.
Delores Messenger (m, Meadow Skipper). Dam of S O S p,3,2:00.1f; 1:57.3f ($91,235). Grandam of MAGI-CAM
p,3,1:58.3f; 1:54.3 ($91,487), GENTLE BRET p,3,1:58.3; 4,1:53.3, MAGIC MARKER p,3,1:55.2, etc.
Then To: JULIA FROST p,3,2:04.3h by Adios–Jackie Frost p,2,T2:07 by King's Counsel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Great Mid-West
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Parshall Memorial
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace
W. Canada Pacing Derby
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for D.C.P.M. Racing Stable
Raised at Eternal Farm, Colts Neck, NJ
Stable 5, Row G, Stall 13
HIP NO. 1078
Bay Filly. Foaled March 3, 2006. Tattoo No. 5D9378.
Cam Fella
Cam's Card Shark ..................... { Jef's Magic Trick
The Road Again
Windsun Dee ............................. { On
Lap Dog
Western Hanover ...................... {
Wendymae H'ver
SERAPE HANOVER p,2,1:57.1f ......
Sachi Hanover p,3,1:59.3f ........ { Tyler B
Sandylu Hanover
Dam of (c) Vivere p,1:53.4h-'07
(f) Exciting Life p,1:56.2f
Dam of (c) I Saw Him First p,3,1:51.1
(c) Bronze Stena p,1:52.3
Dam of (c) Sandston H'ver p,3,1:53.3
(f) Saidee Jo Hanover p,4,1:55
1 in 1:54h
2 in 1:53, 8 in 2:00
1 in 1:54
2 in 1:57
2 $200,000 Winners
8 in 2:00
1 Stakes Winner
4 Stakes Winners
1 Stakes Winner
1st Dam
SERAPE HANOVER p,2,1:57.1f by WESTERN HANOVER. Winner of 4 races and $39,053 at 2 and 3. At 2, winner
of PaSS at The Meadows in her first lifetime start; third in $66,500 Countess Adios S. and PaSS at Pocono; timed
in 1:55.2. At 3, second in leg of Comforter II Series. From 5 foals, dam of 3 winners (1 in 1:54h, 2 in 1:57) VIVERE p,3,1:55.2; 4,1:54; 1:53.4h-'07 (g, Life Sign). Winner of 9 races, $46,448. At 3, timed in 1:51.2 (by a nose).
EXCITING LIFE p,3,1:59.4f; 1:56.2f (m, Life Sign). Winner of 4 races and $11,065.
RIDERE p,2,2:02.2h (f, Grinfromeartoear). Winner of 1 race and $10,012. At 2, winner of ONTSS Grassroots at
Woodstock; timed in 1:58.1f. Now 3.
Forpurposeintended (c, No Pan Intended). Now 2.
2nd Dam
SACHI HANOVER p,3,1:59.3f by TYLER B. Winner of 2 races and $23,789 at 3. From 11 foals, 9 winners (8 in 2:00) I SAW HIM FIRST p,2,1:53.4f; 3,1:51.1–1:54.2h (h, Direct Scooter). Winner of 13 races and $532,732. At 2, earnings
of $108,990; winner of Matron S.; second in NJSS; third in Governor's Cup elim. At 3, earnings $338,912; winner
of Burlington S., James Dancer Memorial elim., North American Cup elim., NJSS and an Open; second in Cane
Pace and final of Miller Memorial (to Jenna's Beach Boy); third in Matron S. and Miller Memorial elim.
BRONZE STENA p,3,1:54.3–1:56.1f; 4,1:54.2; 1:52.3 (r, Artsplace). Winner of 20 races and $199,885. At 3, 21-11-24; third in Quebec Plus Elite S.; fourth in leg of Valedictory Series.
SCALAWAG HANOVER p,2,Q1:57.1h; 3,1:55.1f; 4,1:53.1f (g, The Panderosa). Winner of 8 races and $79,323. At
2, second in Abe Lincoln S.; third in Lexington LC; fourth in Simpson S.; timed in 1:53.4h. At 3, timed in 1:51. At
4, Preferred Winner at Kawartha Downs.
SMARTIE HANOVER p,2,2:03.4h; 3,1:58.3f, 4,1:58.1f (m, Big Towner). Winner of 15 races and $39,957. At 2, winner
of 7 of 17 starts, all Pa. Fair S.; timed in 1:59.2f. At 3, 28-5-10-2; winner of 2 Pa. Fair S.
SASHAY HANOVER p,3,1:58.1f (m, Albatross). Winner of 9 races and $24,464 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, stakes placed
in several Pa. Fair S.; timed in 2:01.2f. At 3, 39-9-8-10; winner of 7 Pa. Fair S.; second and third in several PAFS.
Her first foal is REALISTIC ABILITY p,2,1:56; 3,1:53.3f ($128,335).
SIDEKICK HANOVER p,2,1:57.3f (g, Western Hanover). At 2, second in Lexington LC; timed in 1:56.3.
DREAMLAND'S SACHI p,2,1:59.4f (m, Western Hanover). At 2, third in Lexington LC, timed in 1:56.
3rd Dam
SANDYLU HANOVER by BRET HANOVER. Half sister to DRAGON'S LAIR p,2,1:54.1f, 3,1:55.4h; 1:51.3 ($1,085,317),
BRUCE'S LADY p,2,1:54.3, 3,1:53.3 ($772,607), COLE MUFFLER p,2,1:54.3; 3,1:53.3f ($682,380) and the dams
of ALWAYS CAM p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:52f; 1:49.2 ($969,333), NUCLEAR LEGACY p,2,1:56.2h; 3,1:52 ($556,122),
SABLEVISION p,2,1:56.3; 3,1:53.1 ($376,587), MATTDUFF p,2,1:53.2f; 3,1:51.2 ($362,024) and SCOOTER
HANOVER p,2,1:56.4; 3,1:52 ($332,472) and grandams of ROYAL MATTJESTY p,2,1:50.3; 3,1:50.2; 1:48.4
($1,652,730), GEORGIA PACIFIC p,2,1:53f; 3,1:49.1f ($1,257,464), HIS MATTJESTY p,2,1:52.1f; 3,1:51
($1,038,861), DOONBEG p,2,1:52.1; 3,1:49.3 ($717,075), etc. From 13 foals, 10 winners (2 in 1:55, 8 in 2:00):
SANDSTON HANOVER p,2,2:00.2h; 3,1:53.3 (h, Albatross). Winner of 18 races and $90,472. Stakes Winner.
SAIDEE JO HANOVER p,2,2:05.2h; 3,1:58.3f; 4,1:55–1:55.4h (m, On The Road Again). Winner 16 races, $69,219.
At 2, second in NYSS. At 3, third in 3 legs Seashore Series. Dam of SIP OF CHERRYCOLA p,3,1:55.3.
STAGECOACH HANOVER p,3,1:59.2f; 1:56.3 (g, Western Hanover). Winner of 14 races and $47,909.
SANFRAN HANOVER p,2,1:59.4; 3,1:57.2 (m, Albatross). Winner of 2 races and $31,507. Dam of CELEBRITY
BALL p,2,1:56.3; 3,1:52.1 ($239,297), CAMEGA MAN p,2,Q1:58f; 3,1:54.1 ($93,220), KING OF PAIN p,2,1:57f;
3,1:52.4, SANFRANCINE p,2,1:56.1; 3,1:55, INVISIBLE SUN p,2,2:01.1; 3,1:57.1f, etc. Grandam of C B TOWER
p,3,1:52.4f; 4,1:52.3f ($180,430), LIGHTNING APOLLO p,2,1:54.1, END THE DROUGHT p,2,1:57.4f; 3,1:55.1f.
SANTOS HANOVER p,4,1:57.3f (g, Western Hanover). Winner of 6 races and $26,604.
SANFORD HANOVER p,4,1:58.1f (g, Presidential Ball). Winner of 5 races and $20,995.
Sanbelle Hanover p,2,2:02.3f (m, Tyler B). Dam of SANABELLE ISLAND p,2,1:55.2f; 1:51 ($1,607,301), SCOOTIN
BELLE p,2,1:58.1; 3,1:51.3 ($169,135), WINBAK HOTSHOT p,2,1:54.2; 4,1:53.1f; 1:52.4h ($146,690), etc.
Then To: SANDY'S SABLE p,2,2:00.1 by Race Time–Carolonda by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
Champlain Filly
Cleveland Classic
James Dancer Memorial
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
Little Brown Jug
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Tattersalls Pace
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for White Birch Farm
Raised at White Birch Farm, Allentown, NJ
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 2
HIP NO. 1083
Bay Filly. Foaled May 12, 2006. Tattoo No. 8D7152.
Photo Maker
S J's Photo ................................ { Sassy Jane
V Yankee
Spawning .................................. { T
Baltic Speed .............................. {
Sugar Frosting
SHEZA LILY 1:58.1 ..........................
Honor Lily 3,2:04.3 .................... { Honor Rodney
Stradivari 2:08h
SJ'S CAVIAR 3,1:53.4 ......................
From Four Foals, Dam of (f) Shezatramp 3,1:58.2f
(c) CC's Tagabooyourit 4,1:59.2h
(f) Shezastonishing 3,2:04.1f
Dam of (c) Speedy Bandito 4,1:57.2
(f) Sheza Lily 1:58.1
(c) Somolli's Boy 4,1:59.1f
Dam of (c) Joey's Champ p,2:01.2f
(c) Richies Dream p,2:01.3f
(c) Fiddle Champ p,2:03f
Four Foals
1 in 1:58
2 in 2:02
2 in 2:00
2 in 1:59
3 in 2:03
3 in 2:05
6 in 2:04
4 in 2:05
2 Stakes Winners
3 Stakes Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
SHEZA LILY 3,2:05h; 4,2:03.2h; 1:58.1 by BALTIC SPEED. Winner of 9 races and $44,935. At 3, timed in 2:00. From
4 foals (one exported as a yearling), dam of 3 winners (1 in 1:59f, 2 in 2:00) SHEZATRAMP 3,1:58.2f (m, Balanced Image). Winner of 6 races and $63,856 at 3 and 4. At 3, winner 2 legs and
final of Middlesex County Series at London and leg of City Of London Series; second in ONTSS Grassroots at
Georgian Downs; timed in 1:57.1. Now 4 and second in leg of Flemington's Jane Series and leg of Lifetime Dream
Series; third in leg of Lifetime Dream Series; timed in 1:56.3f (finishing second by a neck).
CC'S TAGABOOYOURIT 2,2:00.4f; 4,1:59.2h (g, Tagliabue). Winner of 5 races and $62,478. At 2, early Season's
Champion winning PaSS at The Meadows (in his first pari-mutuel start); second in PaSS at The Meadows; third in
PaSS at Pocono; fourth in Peter Haughton Memorial cons. (to Bebop); timed in 1:59.1f. At 3, timed in 1:57.3.
Shezastonishing 3,2:04.1f (m, Balanced Image). Starter at 2. At 3, timed in 1:59.3.
2nd Dam
HONOR LILY 2,2:08.1h; 3,2:04.3 by HONOR RODNEY. Winner of 16 races and $97,745. At 2, 17-7-3-4; winner of
2 NJSS at The Meadowlands, NJSS at Freehold, NJFS, final of Bloomsburg Fair S. and Rosecroft S.; second in
NJFS at Freehold and heat of Bloomsburg Fair S.; third in 3 NJSS at Freehold and NJFS at The Meadowlands. At
3, winner of 3 NJSS at The Meadowlands; third in NJSS at The Meadowlands, NJSS at Freehold, Laurel Futurity
and NJFS at Egyptian Acres. From 12 foals (8 fillies) (9 starters), dam of 6 winners (4 in 2:00) SOMOLLI'S BOY 2,2:10.4h; 3,2:01.2h; 4,1:59.1f (h, Speedy Somolli). Winner of 11 races and $96,396. At 2, winner
of NJFS at Cowtown; second in NJFS at Showplace and Scenic View; third in NJFS Championship at Showplace;
timed in 2:02.2f. At 3, winner of NJSS at Freehold, NJFS Championship at Showplace and NJFS at Showplace,
Gaitway and Big Z; second in NJSS at Freehold and NJFS at Scenic View; third in NJSS at The Meadowlands and
NJFS at Willowbrook; timed in 1:59.2. At 4, winner leg of Broward Trotting Series at Pompano and an Invitational
at Pompano; third in final of Broward Trotting Series.
SPEEDY BANDITO 2,2:04.4f; 3,2:00.2h; 4,1:57.2 (h, Speedy Somolli). Winner of 10 races and $65,751. At 2, second
in 2 NJFS; third in NJFS; timed in 2:02.4. At 3, winner NJSS at Freehold and NJFS at Freehold.
SPEED PORT 2,2:03.4 (m, Speedy Somolli). Winner of 2 races and $45,250. At 2, winner of Matron S. and New
Jersey Futurity at Freehold; second in NJSS at The Meadowlands and Freehold; third in Hanover-Hempt S., NJSS
at The Meadowlands and NJFS at Showplace; timed in 2:01.1. Dam of the Stakes Winners VINTAGE PORT
3,2:00.2f ($101,460) and CHAPMAN 2,Q2:01.1.
SHEZA LILY 3,2:05h; 4,2:03.2h; 1:58.1 (m, Baltic Speed). As above.
ANOTHER BANDITO 1:59.3 (h, Rule The Wind). Winner of 10 races and $20,419. At 5, third in 2 legs of Ron Chase
Series at Vernon Downs.
Scarlett Bow (m, Speedy Somolli). Winner of $37,035. At 2, second in NJSS at The M'dowlands (to Colette Lobell);
third in $100,000 NJSS Final at The M'dowlands (to Triangle Park) and Acorn S. (to Perfect Mate); timed in 2:00.4.
Ah Lily 4,2:02.2h (m, Baltic Speed).
Sweet Sweet Lily (m, Prakas). Dam of the Violet S. Winner PRINCESS APRIL 3,2:01.3.
Honor Molly (m, Speedy Somolli). Dam of Dublin Soul 3,2:00.1f.
3rd Dam
STRADIVARI 3,2:10.1h; 2:08h by GAY SONG. Winner of $8,003. From 10 foals, dam of 7 winners, including HONOR LILY 2,2:08.1h; 3,2:04.3 (m, Honor Rodney). As above.
FIDDLE CHAMP p,2,2:08.4h; 3,2:08h; 2:03f (h, Buckeye Champ). Winner of 29 races, $33,451. At 3, winner OHCS.
Joeys Champ p,2,2:06.2f; 3,2:02f; 2:01.2f (h, Buckeye Champ). Winner of 17 races and $55,295.
Richies Dream p,3,2:07.1h; 2:01.3f (g, Buckeye Champ). Winner of 26 races and $40,903.
Nardines Champ p,2,2:16.3h; 3,2:10.1h; 2:07.4 (m, Buckeye Champ). Winner of 15 races and $14,628.
Peggy Boots (m, Honor Rodney). Grandam of RUNNING BOOTS 3,2:01.4h.
Then To: Silver Wyn 2:11.2h by Wyn Volo–Volo Silver by Double Great.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Champlain Filly
Currier & Ives
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Hoosier Stake
Horseman No. 100
International Stallion
Kentucky Futurity
Old Oaken Bucket
Parshall Memorial
Penna. Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
Penna. Sires (Fair)
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MARKETING, INC., Agent for Michael R. Wilson &
Kenneth R. Ewen. Raised at Warrawee Farms, Rockwood, Ontario
Stable 5, Row B, Stall 1
HIP NO. 1085
Bay Filly. Foaled April 14, 2006. Tattoo No. 1D4865.
Garland Lobell
Conway Hall .............................. { Amour Angus
Yankee Windsong ..................... { Prakas
Yankee Scottie
S J's Photo ................................ { Photo Maker
Sassy Jane
S J COUNTESSA 3,1:57.1f ..............
Anken Countessa 4,2:00.3f ...... { Dream Of Glory
Golden Victory
WINDSONG'S LEGACY 3,1:53 ........
From Three Foals,
Dam of (f) Highnmighty 3,2:00.1f
Dam of (f) Worthy Countessa 3,1:56.3
(f) S J Countessa 3,1:57.1f
(c) Anken Imperial 1:57.3
Dam of (f) Anken Countessa 4,2:00.3f
(c) K D Eddy 2:02.3f
(f) K.D. Edwina 3,2:06.2f
Three Foals
3 in 1:58, 4 in 2:00
1 in 2:01f
1 in 2:01f
1 $250,000 Winner
2 in 2:03f
1 2:06 2YO
3 $100,000 Winners
1 $125,000 Winner
1 Stakes Winner
3 Stakes Winners
2 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
S J COUNTESSA 3,1:57.1f by S J'S PHOTO. Winner of 6 races and $109,827 at 3. At 3, 15-6-1-2; seasonal earnings
of $109,827; winner of Matron S. elimination; second in $203,850 final of Matron S. (to Syrinx Hanover); third in an
Open at Mohawk. From 3 foals, dam of HIGHNMIGHTY 2,Q2:05.4; 3,2:00.1f (m, Striking Sahbra). Winner of 2 races and $87,670 at 2 and 3. At 2, second
in leg of Trillium Series at Hanover, Flamboro Breeders' S. and ONTSS Gold elimination at Mohawk; third in
$109,200 ONTSS Gold Final at Mohawk and Robert Stewart Memorial; timed in 1:57.4. At 3, winner of ONTSS
Grassroots at Georgian Downs and Sarnia; second in ONTSS Grassroots at London; third in ONTSS Grassroots
at Sarnia and ONTSS Grassroots Semi-Final at Flamboro Downs; timed in 1:58.4.
Countess Julieanna (f, Angus Hall). Now 2.
2nd Dam
ANKEN COUNTESSA 3,2:03f–2:03.2h; 4,2:00.3f by DREAM OF GLORY. Winner of 11 races and $136,874. At 3, 178-2-3; seasonal earnings of $97,320; winner of ONTSS at Mohawk, London, Clinton, Belleville, Flamboro Downs,
Dresden and Barrie; second in ONTSS at Rideau Carleton and Windsor; third in ONTSS at Greenwood, Elmira and
Orangeville; timed in 2:02f. From 8 living foals (5 fillies), dam of 4 winners (1 in 1:57, 3 in 1:58, 4 in 2:00) WORTHY COUNTESSA 3,1:56.3–1:58f–1:58.4h (m, Worthy Bowl). Winner of 11 races and $266,212 at 3 and 4. At
3, 12-7-1-1; earnings of $219,092; winner of elim. and $101,720 ONTSS Gold Final at Woodbine, $101,720 ONTSS
Gold Final at Windsor, elim. and $100,000 ONTSS Gold Final at Barrie, Flamboro Breeders' S. and ONTSS Gold
elim. at Flamboro Downs; second in $100,000 ONTSS Gold Final at Flamboro Downs; third in ONTSS Gold elim.
at Windsor. At 4, timed in 1:56. Dam of TORRID TAG 3,1:56.1 and J M BATTAGLIA 3,1:58.2.
ANKEN IMPERIAL 3,1:57.4; 1:57.3 (g, Brisco Hanover). Winner of 18 races and $168,966. At 5, timed in 1:55.1.
S J COUNTESSA 3,1:57.1f (m, S J's Photo). As above.
WARRAWEE ANKEN 3,2:00.4; 4,1:59.1 (m, Balanced Image). Winner of 4 races and $45,383 at 3 and 4. At 3, third
in $77,525 Canadian Breeders’ S. (to Imageofa Clear Day and Jailhouse Rock), timed in 1:57.4. At 4, winner leg
of General Brock Series at Woodbine; second in leg and final (to Oaklea Count) of General Brock Series. Dam of
the Stakes Winners GREEN DOT 2,1:56.3; 3,1:55.4f ($286,751), ANNIES S J 2,1:57.3; 3,Q1:55.3 (winner of
Breeders' Crown elimination and Reynolds Memorial at 2) and MR MONET 3,2:00f.
Warrawee Winsome (m, Balanced Image). Dam of ZORGWIJK FALLON 3,2:01h; 4,1:55.4; 1:54.3-'07 ($100,025)
and KENT'S ON LAVEC 3,2:05.3f; 1:57-'07 ($86,185).
3rd Dam
GOLDEN VICTORY by NOBLE VICTORY. From 14 foals (9 fillies), dam of 5 winners ANKEN COUNTESSA 3,2:03f–2:03.2h; 4,2:00.3f (m, Dream Of Glory). As above.
K.D. EDWINA 2,2:18.3f; 3,2:06.2f (m, Speedy Crown). Winner of 5 races and $6,866 at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, second in
Canadian Series S. at Blue Bonnets. At 3, winner of Canadian Series S.; third in Canadian Series S.
K.D. Eddy 3,2:11f; 2:02.3f (h, Speedy Crown). Winner of 16 races and $63,096.
Glittering 3,2:14h (m, Dream Of Glory). Dam of GLITTERINGS GAL 4,1:58.4 ($104,226).
Instant Victory (m, Speedy Crown). Dam of the Stakes Winners SHESELLSSEASHELLS 2,2:00.4; 3,T1:56
($174,317) and MANOR VICTORY 2,1:59.3 ($132,186). Grandam of MACARONE 1:58.4f (Europe) ($150,703).
4th Dam
GOLDDUST HANOVER by HOOT MON. Sister to GLIDDEN HANOVER 2,2:04.3; 3,1:59.4 ($168,393). From 10 living
foals, dam of 5 winners, including Beechtree Becky 3,2:08.1f (m, Worthy Bowl). Winner of $26,230 at 2 and 3. At 2, second in Richelieu Trot at Blue
Bonnets, Canadian Series S. at Quebec and ONTSS at Flamboro Downs; third in ONTSS at Belleville.
Gensing 3,2:06.4; 2:00.2 (g, Noble Victory). Winner of 24 races and $91,961.
Beechtree Glory 3,2:04.3f; 2:02.3f (g, Dream Of Glory). Winner of 21 races and $71,437.
Then To: Golda p,2:08 ¾ by Spencer–Belvedere 2,2:08 ½ by Peter The Brewer.
Arden Downs
Bloomsburg Fair
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Champlain Filly
Currier & Ives
Harold Dancer Memorial
Dexter Cup
Flamboro Downs Breeders
Historic Series
Horseman Stake No. 71
Kentucky Futurity
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
Old Oaken Bucket
Reynolds Memorial
Simcoe Filly
John Simpson
Charles Smith Trot
Yonkers Trot
Zweig Memorial
Consigned by PREFERRED EQUINE MKT., INC., Agent for Southwind Farm
Raised at Southwind Farms, Pennington, NJ
Stable 5, Row F, Stall 10
HIP NO. 1093
Bay Colt. Foaled February 21, 2006. Tattoo No. 3D8821.
No Nukes
Western Hanover ...................... { Wendymae H'ver
Leah Almahurst ........................ { Abercrombie
Liberated Angel
Artsplace ................................... { Abercrombie
Miss Elvira
Merci p,3,1:55.3 ......................... { Royce
Dam of Dam of Dam of (f) Mystical Maddy p,4,1:50
(c) Mighty Mite Morgan p,1:51
(f) Southwind Miata p,2,1:58.4f
(f) Southwind Mercy p,4,1:54.1
(c) Laag Hav Merci p,4,1:52
(f) Four Starz Kt p,4,1:59.2h-'07
WESTERN IDEAL p,1:48 .................
1 in 1:59f
5 in 1:53, 9 in 2:00
1 in 1:50, 2 in 1:55, 7 in 1:56
2 in 2:00
5 $100,000 Winners
5 $100,000 Winners
3 in 2:03
4 Stakes Winners
6 Stakes Winners
1st Dam
SOUTHWIND MIRANDA p,2,1:56.4h; 3,1:54.4f; 4,1:52.2–1:54h by ARTSPLACE. Winner of 7 races and $208,194
at 2, 3 and 4. At 2, winner Lou Babic elim.; fourth in Countess Adios S.; fifth in Sweetheart Pace, timed in 1:54.3.
At 3, winner of Adioo Volo S.; second in elim. and final of James Lynch Memorial and an Open; third in Tarport Hap
S. and Fan Hanover elim. (fourth in final); timed in 1:51.4. At 4, Open Winner. From 4 foals, dam of 3 winners SOUTHWIND MIATA p,2,1:58.4f (f, Camluck). Winner of 1 race and $38,128. At 2, third in Lucien Bombadier
elimination (fourth in final); timed in 1:53.3. Now 3 and third in leg of Town Pro Series; timed in 1:53.2.
FOUR STARZ KT p,3,2:00.4h; 4,1:59.2h-'07 (m, Bettor's Delight). Winner of 5 races and $15,802. At 3, winner of
NYFS; second in NYFS; third in NYB-LC at Tioga Downs and Monticello and 2 NYFS.
Southwindmerrianne p,2,Q2:02.3 (m, Western Ideal). At 2, timed in 2:00.4 in first pari-mutuel start.
Southwind Magpie (f, No Pan Intended). Now 2.
2nd Dam
MERCI p,2,1:57.3; 3,1:55.3 by ROYCE. Winner of 10 races and $264,938. At 2, winner of First Lady S. elim. and heat
Bluegrass S.; second in final First Lady S. and heat Lexington Filly S.; third in Molly Pitcher S. and final Lexington
Filly S., timed in 1:55. At 3, winner 2 Opens; second in Lady Catskill S., elims. of Fan Hanover S. and Mistletoe
Shalee, etc.; third in Helen Dancer, Bronx Filly S., etc. From 13 foals, dam of 10 winners (5 in 1:53, 9 in 2:00)SOUTHWIND MOUNTAIN p,3,1:52.3; 1:52 (h, Life Sign). Winner of 30 races and $245,245. At 2, timed in 1:58.3.
At 4, winner leg of Pine Tree Series at Bangor and a FFA at Scarborough. At 5, Open Winner; second in final of
Pine Tree Series and an Open; third in 2 legs of Pine Tree Series and 4 Opens.
SOUTHWIND MIRANDA p,2,1:56.4h; 3,1:54.4f; 4,1:52.2–1:54h (m, Artsplace). As above.
MIGHTY MITE MORGAN p,3,1:54.2; 4,1:51.1; 1:51 (g, Artiscape). Winner of 18 races and $173,434. At 2, third in
Reynolds Memorial and NJSS at Freehold; timed in 1:55.3, 1:56.4f. At 3, winner 2 legs of Jr. Trendsetter Series;
third in final of Jr. Trendsetter Series and leg of Matt's Scooter Series. At 4, Open Winner at Pocono (1:52.2f).
LAAG HAV MERCI p,2,1:55.3–1:59h; 4,1:52–1:55.3h (g, Laag). Winner of 30 races and $156,189. At 2, winner of
5 of 6 starts, including 3 legs/final NJSS-LC (over Little Steven). At 3, third in NJSS, timed in 1:52. At 4, second
in legs Exit 16W and Sportschannel Series; third in leg Exit 16W Series. At 8, third in leg Fight The Foe Series.
LYONS MANDI p,3,1:53 (m, The Panderosa). Winner of 9 races, $115,925. At 3, second in 2 legs Princess Series.
SOUTHWIND MESQUITE p,3,1:59.2h; 4,1:56h (g, Artsplace). Winner of 10 races and $62,473. At 3, timed in
1:57.3h. At 5, third in final of Stretch The Stretch Series at Yonkers.
MERCIFUL RULER p,2,2:02.3h; 3,1:56.3f (g, Radiant Ruler). Winner of 26 races and $60,572.
SOUTHWIND MAGNOLIA p,2,Q1:59.1; 3,1:56.2 (m, Beach Towel). Winner of 5 races and $21,773. At 2, fourth in
Molly Pitcher S. and Lou Babic elimination; timed in 1:54.4–:27.3 (finishing second) in first pari-mutuel start.
MONTREUX p,2,2:00f (g, Direct Scooter). Winner of 4 races and $17,096. At 3, timed in 1:56.4.
Merci's Girl (Artsplace). Dam of ARTISIAN GLORY p,2,1:56.1f; 3,1:52, CENTENNIAL PATCH p,2,1:59.2f; 3,1:59.1f.
3rd Dam
MOSSY by MOST HAPPY FELLA. From 15 foals (12 fillies), dam of 11 winners (2 in 1:55, 6 in 1:56, 8 in 1:58), incl. MYSTICAL MADDY p,2,1:55.1; 3,1:51.1; 4,1:50 (m, Matt's Scooter). Winner of 29 races and $1,436,325. At 3, winner
19 of 21 starts; Pacing Filly of the Year; winner of Mistletoe Shalee, Breeders’ Crown, Nadia Lobell, Matron S., etc,
At 4, set all-age race record for females. Dam of KUBLAI PAN p,2,1:55.2f; 3,1:49.4 ($265,619), THE PAN THE
MYTH p,3,1:55.3; 1:53.2f ($171,319), PANAMA CANAL p,2,1:57.1f; 3,1:55.2f and GENGHIS PAN p,4,1:55.4.
PANTICIPATION p,2,1:58.3h; 3,1:55.1f–1:56h (m, Western Hanover). Winner of 5 races and $167,198.
MISS MARPOLE p,3,1:57.1; 4,1:55.2f (m, Radiant Ruler). Winner of 13 races and $151,120. Stakes Winner.
THE PAN I LOVE p,2,Q2:01; 3,1:55.1h (g, Life Sign). Winner of 19 races and $101,705. At 3, timed in 1:52.4.
SOUTHBROOK MATTY p,2,1:58f (m, Matt's Scooter). Dam of SOUTH PARK HANOVER p,2,Q1:59.1f; 3,1:53.4;
4,1:50.1f ($179,338), UP FRONT GEORGIA p,2,1:58.1f; 3,1:56h; 4,1:53.3 ($135,484), etc.
Mystical Moonbeam (m, Matt's Scooter). Dam of LUCKY LIFE p,2,1:56.3; 3,1:52.2; 4,1:49.2–1:52.4h ($193,880).
Monette (m, Royce). Grandam of LIGHTNING PEGASUS p,3,1:52.4; 1:52.3 ($133,496), etc.
Then To: Soul Seeker by Bye Bye Byrd–CAROLINA RHYTHM p,3,1:59.2 by Tar Heel.
Delvin Miller Adios
Arden Downs
Lou Babic Pace
Bluegrass Series
Breeders Crown
Cane Pace
James Dancer Memorial
Max Hempt Memorial
Historic Series
Hoosier Cup
International Stallion
Little Brown Jug
NJ Classic
NJ Sires (Pari-Mutuel)
NJ Sires (Green Acres)
NJ Stdb. Futurity
Progress Pace
Reynolds Memorial
Art Rooney Pace
John Simpson
Wayne Smullin
Tattersalls Pace

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