pablo lobato - Bendana-Pinel | Art Contemporain


pablo lobato - Bendana-Pinel | Art Contemporain
Contact > Juan Carlos Bendana-Pinel
T > + 33 (0) 1 42 74 22 97
P > + 33 (0) 6 14 71 21 81
[email protected]
Coupure, latence
September 11th > Octobrer 25th 2014
tél. > + 33 (0) 1 42 74 22 97 | fax > + 33 (0) 1 42 74 25 29 | mail > [email protected] |
Contact > Juan Carlos Bendana-Pinel
T > + 33 (0) 1 42 74 22 97
P > + 33 (0) 6 14 71 21 81
[email protected]
Coupure, latence
Exhibition from September 11th to October 25th 2014
Before starting any reflection on Pablo Lobato´s work one can notice an urgent appeal to the touch through the
images. The artist once said that his work happens more from meetings than from searches. I believe he´s that emphatic because meetings are always open to the unpredictable and inevitably negotiate a mutual dynamic. Meetings
activate singularities both in the conscience of alterity and in self-knowledge. This also finds resonance with many
procedures by the artist in which his will is to react to the materials, not exactly intervening on them but hearing and
answering to their mute predispositions. In that case, touching would be a very sensitive quality of approaching as
much as of exchanging.
The very sensual gesture of piercing fruits to only reach for their seeds in “Muda” calls for the sense of touch just
like the beam of light that projects the film “1000 x 1” is almost tangible and is an essential part the work as is the
screening image that it reproduces. “Desvio”, for instance, establishes in the gaze the need to become tactile. The
photograph shows a very rustic barrier made of brick partially lead the water down. The ground´s flaws and stains are
subtle signs of the topography and watercourse, layers of time and memory, a long-term weaving texture printed on
the pavement. The space that announces the absent water flux is also where it is summoned. What is interesting is
that the implications of those traces although visual information, point to the limits of our comprehension, the outskirts of representation. Closer to intuitive affection, they somehow have the nature of touching.
This sense of disenchantment is also present in “Front Light”, when a conscious change on the point of view of big
advertising billboards can set aside such seductive rhetoric.By presenting the actual structure in which images take
place, such a fragile thickness, the artificiality of advertising images become finally visible. The cut here brings a
sense of materiality that confronts elusive discourses.
The intensity of the image overtakes the retinal capacities and calls for a generous phenomenological gaze. That
statement is recurrent in Pablo Lobato´s art practice. With simple gestures, low materiality and non-expressive
motifs the artist wants to intensively engage our gaze in experience, without exceeding neither the rhetoric nor the
visibility of images. However, such stealth and delicacy don’t prevent the artist from precision and assertiveness,
as we can see plenty strategies of intervening images, objects, spaces and ideas, all defined by him, radically and
simply, as cuts.
The majority of the works gathered in the exhibiton “Coupure, Latence” deal with multiple procedures of cutting,
that are understood and resorted by Pablo Lobato in its material terms and meaning possibilities. Although the
notion of cutting might have migrated from the cinema and from the editing vocabulary, so familiar to the artist,
he doesn’t understand it as a technical tool but as an expanded gesture, a thinking process. Therefore, he mobilizes
the heritage of cinema promoting a migration of this language’s instruments to the field of arts and vice versa. Most
of his artistic proposals are located in this reversibility zone between the discipline fields of cinema and arts. In this
sense, the notion of cut in Pablo Lobato´s work has been redesigned, recontextualized and expanded in many works
and it can be considered central to his artistic purpose.
tél. > + 33 (0) 1 42 74 22 97 | fax > + 33 (0) 1 42 74 25 29 | mail > [email protected] |
In critical dialogue with philosophical constructions such as the concepts of “Coupure-Flux” from Gilles Deleuze or
“Métastabilité” by Gilbert Simondon, both defining states of latent potential, Pablo Lobato operates his cuts expecting not to reduce but to achieve a multiplication effect. The word “Muda” defines a portion of a plant that can be
replanted, that has the basic elements and requirements that allow reproduction. With his own hands Pablo has
penetrated the fruits to extract the seeds from their inside. The photographs of “Muda” bring the register of this
traumatic event so far from an idealistic representation and also the very seeds that were collected, now dry and
forever trapped inside the frames as dead witnesses. To prune trees would also be a perfect image to qualify a cut
that promotes enlargements by subtracting. It´s the inspiration for the title of “Poda”, a flower vase, previously a
decent simulacrum of nature, now cut by its side having artificial consistence revealed.
No classification could be comfortable, no category could be productive when we think about a work like “1000 x 1”,
eventhough the notion of cut would outline some of the complex exchanges, procedures and implications built in this
work. It consists of a real 16mm equipment projecting repeatedly and statically the same image of a lightning crossing the sky.
“Cabeça, Coração e Rabo” is how a crop of cachaça, a Brazilian typical beverage, would be categorized according to
its maturation. It´s interesting how the same material and the same process would yield distinct results. Even if the
arrangement of the title tends to an organic diagram, it is under a very tense balance that the artist probes relations
between elements like glass, fake concrete and such an aromatic drink like cachaça to strive for a formalization that
would keep the circumstance of balance in plain activity and latency. Pablo Lobato´s economy of cut besides providing embrionary conditions for forms, explores the ambivalence of materiality but also suspended states of the
Júlio Martins,
Pablo Lobato (Despacho, 1976) lives and works in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Exhibitions : « Loop Fair », Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2014) | « Janeiro », Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris France
(2014) | « Avante Brasil », Kunst Im Tunnel, Dusseldorf, Germany (2013) | « O jogo só acaba quando termina! », Museu Nacional de Brasília, DF,
Brazil (2013) | « Places of Residence », ShanghART Gallery, Shanghai, China (2012) | « Poetas en Tiempos de Escasez », Museo Caraffa, Córdoba,
Argentina - Centro Cultural de Santa Cruz, Bolivie - Galería Juan Pardo Heeren, ICPNA, Lima, Perou (2012) | « The Storytellers », Stenersen
Museum, Oslo, Norway (2012) | « Expiração 02 », Atelier Subterrãnea, Porto Alegre, Brazil (2011) | « Panorama da Arte Brasileira 2011 », Museu de
Arte Moderna– MAM, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2011) | « O Desejo da Forma », Neoconcretismo and Contemporary Art de Brazil’ Akademie der Kunst,
Berlin, Allemagne | « Cross Fade », YBCA - Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San-Francisco, United States (2010) | « O que pode a expiração »,
Museu Inimá de Paula, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2010) | « In and Out of Context », New Museum, New York, United States (2010) | « Documentary
Fortnight », MoMA – The Museum of Modern Art, New York, United States (2009) | « Panorâmica », Museu Tamayo Arte Contemporánea,
Mexico, Mexico (2009) | « Brasil », Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain (2008) | « Mostra Rumos Itaú Cultural Cinema
e Vídeo », Institut Itaú Cultural, Belo Horizonte, Sao Paulo e Campinas, Brazil (2002) | « Panorama Brasil », Mostra Vídeo Itaú Cultural, Belo
Horizonte, Brazil (2001) | Awards : Second prix à LOOP Fair 2014, Barcelona, Spain, pour sa vidéo «Corda» (2014) | 15º Mostra Tiradentes – Itinerant edition, Sao Paulo. Best film (2013) | Queda – Best Direction and Best Sound at 43º Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro, Brasília, Brésil
(2010) | Guggenheim Foundation, New York , Etats-Unis (2009) | Prêmio Marcantonio Vilaça. Funarte, Brésil (2009) | Acidente – Best documentary Iberoamericano - 22º Festival Internacional de Cinema de Guadalajara, Mexico (2007) | Outono - Honourable Mention, Festival de Cinema
Luso-brasileiro, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal (2007) | Acidente – Best Documentary - Prêmio ABDeC - Festival Internacional de Cinema do Rio,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2006) | Blind Spaces – Artistic Residency Program in Durban, South Africa. Organized by CEIA e PULSE, with suport by
RAIN - Artists’ Initiatives Network (2004) | Restos – Best Documentary at 8º Florianópolis Audiovisual Mercosul, Brazil (2004) Public collections
:Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, Arabic United Emirats | Museu de Arte da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Brazil | Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste,
Fortaleza, Brazil | Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Brazil | Museu de Arte Contemporãnea do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alergre, Brazil | Museu de Arte
Contemporãnea do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil | Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Barcelona (Screen Project), Spain
tél. > + 33 (0) 1 42 74 22 97 | fax > + 33 (0) 1 42 74 25 29 | mail > [email protected] |
Muda (Mamão #3), 2014
Mineral print on cotton paper, papaya seeds
66,1 x 50 cm
Unique work
Desvio A, 2014
Mineral print on cotton paper
80 x 80 cm
Edition : 5 + 2 EA
Cabeça, coração e rabo, 2014
1 aircrete block, 3 Lagoinha tumblers, cachaça
10 x 30 x 88 cm
Edition : 10 + 1 AP
Mil vezes um, 2014
Installation, 16mm Projector, black & white film
41’’ in loop
Edition : 5 + 2 AP
Pablo Lobato
Born in Despacho, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Communication - PUC Minas
Specializing in films - PUC Minas /UFMG
Studies in photographs Guignard School - UEMG
Lives and works in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Coupure, latence, Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France
Loop Fair, Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Barcelona, Spain
Do Corte, Luciano Brito Galeria, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Expiração 02, Atelier Subterrânea, Porto Alegre, Brazil
O que pode a expiração, Museu Inimá de Paula, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Janeiro, Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France
Paris Photo, Paris, France
Avante Brasil, Kunst Im Tunnel, Dusseldorf, Germany
O jogo só acaba quando termina!, Museu Nacional de Brasília, DF, Brazil
Ambiguações, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Obra como arquivo. Arquivo como obra., OVO, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sharjah Biennial, Sharjah, United Arabs Emirates
Convite à Viagem, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes, Tiradentes, Brazil
Convite à viagem, Casa das Onze Janelas, Belém, Brazil
Convite à viagem, MAJ - Museu de Arte de Joinville, Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Além da Vanguarda, Bienal Naifs do Brasil, Piracicaba, Brazil
Places of Residence, ShanghART Gallery, Shanghai, China
Videoformes - International Video and Digital Art Festival, Clermont-Ferrand, France
O Triunfo do Contemporâneo, Santander Cultural, Porto Alegre, Brazil
O Fio do Abismo, Casa das Onze Janelas, Belém, Brazil
Rumos Arte Visuais, Convite à Viagem, Itaú Cultural, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Poetas en Tiempos de Escasez, Museo Caraffa, Córdoba, Argentina
Poetas en Tiempos de Escasez, Centro Cultural de Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Poetas en Tiempos de Escasez, Galería Juan Pardo Heeren – ICPNA, Lima, Peru
The Storytellers, Stenersen Museum, Oslo, Norway
Panorama da Arte Brasileira 2011, Museu de Arte Moderna– MAM, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Poetas em Tiempos de Escasez, SUBTE, Montevidéo, Uruguay
Panoramas do Sul, 17º Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporânea Sesc-VideoBrasil,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Estratégias para Luzes Acidentais, Luciana Brito Galeria, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Bienal de Cerveria, Cerveira, Portugal
Sismógrafo, Palácio das Artes - Galeria Alberto da Veiga Guignard, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
14º Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes, Tiradentes, Brazil
O Desejo da Forma, Neoconcretismo and Contemporary Art de Brazil’ Akademie der Kunst,
Berlin, Germany
O que exatamente vocês fazem, quando fazem ou esperam fazer curadoria?, Centro Cultural
Banco do Nordeste, Fortaleza, Brazil
Cross Fade’, YBCA - Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San-Francisco, United States
43º Festival de Brasília du Cinéma Brésilien, Brasilia, Brazil
In and Out of Context’, New Museum, New York, United States Cartas/Trajetos, Usina Cultura
Energisa, João Pessoa, Brazil
Documentary Fortnight, MoMA – The Museum of Modern Art, New York, United States
Convite Cordial, Plataforma Revólver, Lisbonne, Portugal
Panorâmica, Museu Tamayo Arte Contemporánea, Mexico, Mexico
Oferenda, Rhys Mendes Gallery, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Preparatória, MAP - Museu de Arte da Pampulha, Brazil
Prêmio Atos Visuais, Galeria Fayga Ostrower, Brasilia, Brazil
55º Sydney Film Festival’, Sydney, Australia
23º Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara, Mexico
Brasil, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain
Contraditório - Panorama da Arte Brasileira, MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
52º Corona Cork Film Festival’, Cork, Irlande
13º Encounters Short Film Festival, Bristol, United Kingdom
29º Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, La Havane, Cuba
Copenhagen International Film Festival, Copenhague, Denmark
Festival de Cinema do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
60º Film Festival Locarno, Locarno, Switzerland
38º Tampere Film Festival, Tampere, Finland
Sundance Film Festival, Park City, United States
36º International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
22º Mar Del Plata International Film Festival. Mar Del Plata, Argentina
24º Miami International Film Festival, Miami, United States
22º Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico
59º Film Festival Locarno, Locarno, Netherlands
Festival de Cinema do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
30º Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
10º Festival do Filme Documentário e Etnográfico, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Espaços Cegos, Sesc Pinheiros, Sao Paulo, Brazil
15º Videobrasil - Festival Internacional de Arte Eletrônica, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Fokus Südamerika - KunstFilmBiennale Köln, Cologne, Germany
K.O. Video Festival, Durban, South Africa
7º Cine las Américas - International film Festival, Austin, United States
8º Florianópolis Audiovisual Mercosul – FAM’, Florianópolis, Brazil
26º Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, La Havane, Cuba
14º Festival Internacional de Arte Eletrônica Videobrasil’ Laboratório Arte Alameda, Mexico,
Cinema Marginal: Um Cinema de Invenção, Centro Cultural Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte,
Mostra Curta Minas, FUNCEB - Fundación Centro de Estudos Brasileiros, Buenos Aires,
En:doze,Galeria de arte da Cemig, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
14º Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
7º Florianópolis Audiovisual Mercosul – FAM, Florianópolis, Brazil
Indie - Mostra do Cinema Mundial, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Mostra Teia. Itaú Cultural, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
6º Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes, Tiradentes, Brazil
14º Festival Internacional de Arte Eletrônica Videobrasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Mostra Rumos Itaú Cultural Cinema e Vídeo. Institut Itaú Cultural, Belo Horizonte,
Sao Paulo e Campinas, Brazil
12º Curtacinema - Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro’, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
5ª Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes, Tiradentes, Brazil
Festival Internacional de Documentários - É Tudo Verdade, Sao Paulo et Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Panorama Brasil, Mostra Vídeo Itaú Cultural, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
13 º Festival Internacional de Arte Eletrônica Videobrasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Second prize at LOOP Fair 2014, Barcelona, Spain for his video «Corda»
15º Mostra Tiradentes – Itinerant edition, Sao Paulo. Best film
64º Salão Paranaense – Acquisition Award
9º Prêmio Sergio Motta de Arte e Tecnologia, Categoria Início de Carreira, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Rumos Artes Visuais Program
Queda – Best Direction and Best Sound at 43º Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro,
Brasília, Brazil
Guggenheim Foundation, New York , United States
Prêmio Marcantonio Vilaça. Funarte, Brazil
29º Salão Nacional de Arte de Belo Horizonte - Bolsa Pampulha, Brazil
Prêmio Atos Visuais. Funarte, Brazil
Fundo Municipal de Incentivo a Cultura de Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Acidente – Best documentary Iberoamericano - 22º Festival Internacional de Cinema de
Guadalajara, Mexico
Outono – Best Direction, 7ª Goiânia Mostra Curtas, Goiânia, Brazil
Outono - Honourable Mention, Festival de Cinema Luso-brasileiro, Santa Maria da Feira,
Prêmio Estímulo – By Curta Minas/ABD-MG, Brazil
Acidente – Best Documentary - Prêmio ABDeC - Festival Internacional de Cinema do Rio, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil
Blind Spaces – Artistic Residency Program in Durban, South Africa. Organized by CEIA e
PULSE, with suport by RAIN - Artists’ Initiatives Network
Cerrar a porta – Best Film, Mostra do Filme Livre, CCBB, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Restos – Best Documentary at 8º Florianópolis Audiovisual Mercosul, Brazil
Cerrar a porta – Best Film, 3º Mostra Curta Minas, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, United Arabs Emirates
Museu de Arte da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste, Fortaleza, Brazil
Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Brazil
Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
Museo de Arte Contemporanea de Barcelona (Screen Project), Spain

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