
IVA incluído à taxa em vigor
All prices are inclusive of VAT at the current rate
Strawberry Margarita
30ml Tequila
20ml Cointreau
1 Lime juice
2 Strawberries for blending
1 Strawberry for garnish
Salada de queijo fresco com tomate, alface roxa e manjericão
Soft fresh cheese salad served with fresh tomatoes, crisp lollo rosso leaves
with a basil olive oil dressing
Salada de cogumelos e camarões salteados, aromatizada com
vinagrete balsâmico (i)
Sautéed mushrooms and shrimps salad, with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing (i)
Salada de quinoa e tomate com pepino, cebola e seleção de alfaces,
aromatizada com vinagre balsâmico (V)
Quinoa and tomato salad with cucumber, onions, crisp salad leaves with
balsamic vinegar dressing (V)
Salada de espinafres com morangos, melância e nozes (i) (V)
Spinach salad with fresh strawberries, watermelon and nuts (i) (V)
Salada de polvo à Chef (i)
Chef’s octopus salad served with coriander, pickles, peppers, and a tangy
onion dressing (i)
Salada Caesar com frango
Chicken Caesar salad
Tosta mista com camarão
Traditional cheese and ham toast with shrimp
Sanduíche de atum com cebola e pimentão doce em pão chapata
Tuna, onions and sweet peppers served on fresh “chapata” bread
Sanduíche de salmão, queijo creme, alcaparras e cebolinho
Salmon sandwich with cream cheese, capers and chives
Sanduíche de legumes grelhados com pesto de tomate seco, beringela,
courgette, tomate e cebola (V)
Grilled vegetables sandwich with sun-dried tomato pesto, eggplant,
zucchini, tomatoes and onions (V)
Frango chapeado com alho em pão de sementes
Pan fried chicken with a hint of garlic in a multi seed loaf
Sanduíche Club com alface, queijo, tomate, ovo, bacon e peito de frango
Club sandwich with lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, egg, bacon and chicken breast
Clássico prego em Bolo de Caco
Traditional Portuguese beef steak in “Caco” bread
As nossas sanduíches são acompanhadas com batatas fritas e salada coleslaw.
Our sandwiches are served with french fries and coleslaw salad.
Temos ao dispor pão sem glúten para as suas sanduíches.
Gluten free bread available on request.
(i) Sem Glúten, Ovos e Lactose (V) Vegetariano | (i) Gluten, Eggs and Lactose free (V) Vegetarian
IVA incluído à taxa em vigor | All prices are inclusive of VAT
Prato de presunto Pata Negra com azeitonas marinadas e seleção de pão fatiado €16.00
Pata Negra smoked ham plate served with marinated olives and selection of
sliced bread
Seleção de queijos Portugueses, servidos com doce de abóbora e tostas
Selection of Portuguese cheeses served with pumpkin jam and crispbread
Prato de fritos Portugueses com chutney de tomate
Traditional Portuguese Fritters plate with tomato chutney dipping
Tacos vegetarianos recheados com cebola, cogumelos, pimentos, courgette,
beringela e cenoura (V)
Vegetarian tacos stuffed with onions, mushrooms, peppers, zucchini,
eggplant and carrots (V)
Fresh from the Atlantic
Torricado de sapateira com maionese de alho
Stuffed crab with garlic mayonnaise
Lulas fritas com molho tártaro
Fried squids with tartar sauce
Ceviche de bacalhau marinado em cebola, gengibre, azeite virgem
e pimenta preta (i)
Codfish ceviche with onion, ginger, virgin olive oil and black pepper (i)
Camarão à La Guilho
Shrimps “à la Guilho” served in an aromatic garlic sauce
Amêijoas à Bulhão Pato
“Bulhão Pato” clams in a lemon parsley sauce
Carne | Meat & Poultry
3 mini hambúrgueres caseiros de bife Angus servidos em pão de sementes com €13.00
salada e batatas fritas
3 mini home made grilled Angus beef burgers served in a sesame bun
with salad and french fries
Asas de frango com piri-piri
Spicy chicken wings
Kofta de borrego com salada de alface e molho de iogurte
Lamb kofta with lettuce salad and yoghurt dressing
Quesadillas de frango com dois pimentos e crème fraîche, aromatizado com cajú €18.00
Chicken quesadillas with peppers and crème fraîche, flavoured with cashew nuts
(i) Sem Glúten, Ovos e Lactose (V) Vegetariano | (i) Gluten, Eggs and Lactose free (V) Vegetarian
IVA incluído à taxa em vigor | All prices are inclusive of VAT
Cheesecake de frutos silvestres
New York cheesecake
Inclui café Nespresso | Nespresso coffee included
Crepe ou Waffle com gelado e molho de chocolate quente
Crepe or Waffle with ice cream and hot chocolate sauce
Inclui café Nespresso | Nespresso coffee included
Crumble de maçã com gelado de baunilha
Apple crumble with vanilla ice cream
Inclui café Nespresso | Nespresso coffee included
Brownie de chocolate
Chocolate brownie
Inclui café Nespresso | Nespresso coffee included
Espetadas de fruta
Fruit kebabs
Inclui café Nespresso | Nespresso coffee included
Componha o seu gelado com 3 bolas:
Make your own ice cream with 3 scoops:
Nata, chocolate, morango, baunilha, sorbet de manga e sorbet de limão
Cream, chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, mango sorbet and lemon sorbet
Inclui café Nespresso | Nespresso coffee included
A experiência de harmonização do café com a sobremesa só é aplicável após refeições
The coffee paring experience is only applicable after meals
IVA incluído à taxa em vigor | All prices are inclusive of VAT
Todos os itens que compõem este menu podem conter vestígios de cereais (glúten),
nozes ou similares, sementes de sésamo, crustáceos, ovos, sementes de mostarda ou
cereais, peixe, feijões de soja, leite, tremoços, moluscos, dióxido de enxofre e sulfito em
concentrações maiores de 10mg/kg ou 10mg/ltr, ou produtos dos acima
Se sofrer de qualquer alergia ou de qualquer restrição alimentar,
por favor consulte-nos.
All the menu items may contain traces of cereals (gluten), nuts and nut products,
sesame seeds, crustaceans, eggs, mustard seed and celery, fish, soya beans, milk, lupin,
molluscs, sulphur dioxide and sulphite in concentrations 10 mg/kg or 10mg/ltr or
products of the above – mentioned thereof.
Please advise your server if you suffer from any form of allergies or for any
dietary requirements.
Das 17:00 às 24:00
From 17:00 to 24:00
Portuguese Wines
Branco ~ White
By the Glass
Quinta do Valdoeiro Chardonnay
Quinta Seara D’Ordens Reserva
Mar de Palha Sauvignon
Mar de Lisboa
Dona Maria
Allo Vinho Verde
Quinta do Valdoeiro Cabernet Sauvignon
Quinta Seara D’Ordens
Mar de Lisboa
Dona Maria
Monte do Castanheiro
Flute 12cl
Bottle 75cl
Tinto ~ Red
Conde de Monsul Rosé
Espumantes ~ Sparkling Wine
Quinta do Valdoeiro Bruto Baga/Chardonnay
Filipa Pato Blanc the Blanc
Sangrias ~ Wine Punch
Sangria de Vinho Tinto ~ Red Wine Sangria
Sangria de Vinho Branco ~ White Wine Sangria
Sangria de Vinho Rosé ~ Rose Wine Sangria
Sangria de Espumante ~ Sparkling Wine Sangria
Cerveja ~ Beer
Pressão ~ Draft Beer
Nacional e Importada ~ National and Imported
IVA incluído à taxa em vigor | All prices are inclusive of VAT
Our Specials
Frozen Margarita ~ the Mexican Lifestyle (7cl)
A great Tequila drink for grown ups
Tequila, cointreau e sumo de lima ~ morango, manga ou ananás
Tequila, cointreau and freshly squeezed lime ~ strawberry, mango or pineapple
Frozen Daiquiri ~ the Cuban Lifestyle (7cl)
A real wake up call from the heart of Cuba
Rum, sumo de lima e açúcar ~ morango, manga ou ananás
Rum, freshly squeezed lime and sugar ~ strawberry, mango or pineapple
Nespresso Martini (7cl)
Vodka, khalua e café expresso
Vodka, khalua and coffee espresso
Mangatiba & Caipirinha (20cl)
Refreshing? Icy plunge pool after sauna
Cachaça, manga fresca, sumo de lima e espuma de caipirinha
Cachaça, fresh mango, freshly squeezed lime and caipirinha foam
Raspberry & Piña Colada (20cl)
To drink anywhere but not with everyone
Rum, creme de coco, sumo de ananás e puré de framboesas
Rum, coconut cream, pineapple juice and raspberry purée
The Most Beloved in Portugal
Liquor Beirão and fresh lime
Cachaça and fresh lime muddled with sugar gives an ice-cold refreshing hit
Black Caipirinha
Wild berries vodka and fresh lime muddled with sugar gives an ice-cold
refreshing hit
Porto Rosé tónico
Rosé Port tonic
Amarguinha Sour
Portuguese sour almond liquor
IVA incluído à taxa em vigor | All prices are inclusive of VAT
G’ Vine Divine
Aromatizado com lima e zimbro, servido com tónica Schweppes
ginger & cardamomo
Flavoured with lime and juniper, served with ginger & cardamom
tonic Schweppes
Gin & Citrus
Aromatizado com casca de lima, limão e laranja servido com tónica
Schweppes original Indian
Flavoured with lime, lemon and orange peel served with
original indian tonic Schweppes
Gin & Mint
Aromatizado com casca de lima e hortelã, servido com tónica Schweppes
ginger & cardamomo
Flavoured with lime and mint, served with ginger & cardamom tonic
Gin & Raspberry
Aromatizado com framboesas e manjericão servido com tónica Schweppes
original indian
Flavoured with raspberries and basil served with original indian Schweppes
Gin of Your Choice
Aromas de frutas cítricas com notas florais e zimbro
Floral tones that stand over the botanicals
Bombay Sapphire
Sabor equilibrado, com um toque de zimbro, aromas cítricos e especiarias
Opens with a touch of juniper, a ripe citrus and hints of spice in the fragrance
Beefeater 24
Notas de zimbro seguidas por um toque de citrinos e especiarias
Juniper, coriander, angelica and seville orange combined with sencha and
chinese green tea
Martin Miller
Suave e delicado, com longas notas cítricas duradouras
Citrus flavours with juniper overtones with a hint of peppercorn
IVA incluído à taxa em vigor | All prices are inclusive of VAT
Passion Mojito (20cl)
Lima, açúcar, maracujá, hortelã e rum, preenchido com soda
Lime, fine sugar, passion fruit, mint leaves and rum, filed with soda water
Crushed Strawberry Fizz (20cl)
Gin, puré de morangos frescos e sumo de limão, preenchido com soda
Gin, fresh strawberry purée and freshly squeezed lemon, topped with soda
Long Berry Mix (20cl)
Lima, açúcar, hortelã, vodka frutos do bosque e puré de morango com
um splash de soda
Lime, sugar, mint, wild berry vodka and strawberry purée with
a splash of soda
Poncha from Madeira Island (20cl)
Limão, laranja, mel caseiro e aguardente de cana
Lemon and orange juice, home made honey and rum from Madeira Island
Virgin Strawberry Colada (20cl)
Morangos frescos, creme de coco e sumo de ananás
Fresh strawberries, coconut cream and pineapple juice
Mango & Bilberry (20cl)
Mirtilo, manga fresca e sumo de lima
Bilberry, fresh mango and freshly squeezed lime
Apple Virgin Mojito (20cl)
Sumo de maçã, sumo de lima, hortelã e açúcar
Apple juice, freshly squeezed lime, mint and sugar
Pineapple Mint (20cl)
Sumo de ananás natural com hortelã fresca
Pineapple juice with fresh spring mint leaves
IVA incluído à taxa em vigor | All prices are inclusive of VAT
Milk Shake & Smoothies (20cl)
Piña Colada milk shake
Milk shake de chocolate com banana
Chocolate and banana milk shake
Milk shake de framboesa e laranja
Raspberry & orange milk shake
Mango and orange smoothie
Iogurte grego, leite, manga e laranja
Greek yogurt, milk, mango and orange
Raspberry smoothie
Framboesas, iogurte natural e leite fresco
Raspberry, yogurt and fresh milk
Coffee Experience
Cappuccino Mokka
Banana Split de café
Coffee Banana Split
Água Mineral, Refrigerantes e Sumos Naturais
Mineral Water, Soft Drinks and Freshly Squeezed
Água Mineral (25cl)
Mineral Water (25cl)
Refrigerantes (20cl)
Soft Drinks (20cl)
Sumos Naturais (20cl)
Freshly Squeezed (20cl)
Limão, ananás, laranja e manga
Lemon, pineapple, orange and mango
IVA incluído à taxa em vigor | All prices are inclusive of VAT
Café americano
American coffee
Café Nespresso
Nespresso Coffee
Café Nespresso duplo
Double Nespresso Coffee
Caffé latte
Café com leite
Coffee with milk
Seleção de chás
Selection of teas
IVA incluído à taxa em vigor | All prices are inclusive of VAT

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LOUNGE Mangatiba & Caipirinha (20cl) Refreshing? Icy plunge pool after sauna Cachaça, Manga fresca, sumo de Lima e espuma de caipirinha Cachaça, fresh Mango, freshly squeezed Lime and caipirinha foam

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