1- Read the cartoon and answer. a


1- Read the cartoon and answer. a
Ensino Médio – Unidade São Judas Tadeu
Professor (a):
Aluno (a):
Série: 1ª
Alessandra Rezende
Data: _____/ _____/ 2014.
1- Read the cartoon and answer.
a- Observe the cartoon and choose the Best answer, than explain your answer.
The animals and the people are facing.
b- The bears and the penguins´world is_____________ now.
c- In “theirs is re-frosting” theirs means.__________________________________________________
d- “their world refers to_______________________________________________________________
2- Read and answer.
Fone: Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205 – 4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected]
a- O homem está afirmando aberta e publicamente o que pensa de um fenômeno atual. Qual?
Considere as regras de utilização de computadores que seguem.
I. Como regra básica de segurança, todo e qualquer acesso, tanto ao servidor, quanto aos computadores da
rede ficará documentado, em arquivos de eventos (LOG).
II. Ao efetuar LOGIN, você terá acesso a duas unidades de rede identificadas pela letra H:, sua unidade
pessoal, acessível somente com sua senha, e Y:, de acesso público.
III. É expressamente proibido o uso dos computadores para fins não relacionados à atividade da empresa, tais
como, visitas a sites de entretenimento, salas de bate-papo, download de músicas, jogos, vídeos etc.
IV. Sua caixa postal poderá, também, ser acessada por meio de webmail.
V. Na elaboração de textos, planilhas, slides etc, deverá ser utilizado o Microsoft Office, única suite de
automação de escritório instalada nos computadores da rede.
No contexto do item V existe o recurso de criação de macros para automatizar tarefas comuns em programas do
Microsoft Office e, também, a possibilidade de se ajustar o nível de segurança desses macros, pois, os hackers
podem se utilizar dessa mesma conveniência para criar vírus de macro e comprometer o funcionamento do
computador. No Microsoft Office, as macros podem ser criadas
a - Retire do texto todas as palavras que estão em inglês e faça outra frase usando as mesmas.
4- Fill in the blanks with Simple Present or Simple Future:
a- He will wash up before he_______ (to go) to bed.
b- When it ______ (to get) cold I 'll light the fire.
c- When the Queen ______ (to arrive) the audience will stand up.
d- She_____(to give) the children their dinner before he comes home.
e- I will pay you when I ______ (to get) my cheque.
f- She ______ (to stay) in bed till the clock strikes seven.
g- He'll have to behave better when he_____ (to go) to school.
h- When he ______ (to return) I'll give him the key.
-Complete com o verbo no Simple Present ou no Simple Past:
I ______ (to stop) working after my car ______ (to break) down.
As soon as I _____ (to finish) eating dinner, I went to bed.
When I ______ (to finish) my lunch, we will play golf.
I ______ (to watch) TV until my eyes watered up.
After we ______ (to play) golf, we are going to go to a party.
As soon as we ______ (to arrive) at the party, they will put the steaks on.
Leia o texto abaixo com atenção e responda o que se pede a seguir:
Capt. Neil Hollenbeck declines to second guess whether America should have invaded Iraq. What he will say is
this: “The reason we invaded Iraq to begin with and the reason we’re fighting now are different. We’re fighting
different enemies now.” He pauses to think.
“The threat we’re fighting now is instability and terrorism.” Another pause. “The fight that we are in now is not
one of our choosing. It’s just one we’re choosing not to walk away from.” Questions of winning and losing are
above his rank, he adds, although he thinks a stable Iraq, with a government that can grow into its
responsibilities, is “obtainable.”
That’s why he’s here, hunting down the last Al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in the rural Arab Jabour district, south of
Baghdad. Hollenbeck and his troops live in an abandoned farmhouse with no running water or electricity, only a
generator to run their radios and a light or two. He doesn’t mind roughing it; that’s part of the strategy. The
Fone: Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205 – 4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected]
main thing is to protect the people: you have to live among them, not on heavily fortified bases, as Gen. David
Petraeus’s counterinsurgency manual says. When the book first came out, Hollenbeck was at Fort Benning,
taking classes in conventional warfare between deployments to Iraq. He remembers how good it felt to read
something that actually applied to the unconventional conflict he had seen in Iraq.
In these croplands and orchards along the Tigris, the war is less about good and evil than about managing
ambiguities (although the “wanted” list at the farmhouse is headed “Bad Dudes”). “As a counterinsurgent,
you’re winning when more and more of the people in the middle are leaning to you.” Hollenbeck’s father, an
Army Ranger officer, saw close-up how Vietnam turned into a disaster. Compared to that war, Iraq these days is
looking good.
a - De acordo com o texto, o que Hollenbeck afirma que razão inicial para se invadir o Iraque é diferente
daquela de agora? Comprove a sua resposta com a passagem do texto em
b - Segundo o texto, podemos afirmar que “Hollenbeck” se importa em viver com conforto? Justifique sua
resposta com o trecho em
Read the text and answer.
The Earth
The surface of the Earth is covered by land and water. Only about one third (1/3) of the surface of the Earth is
covered by land. There are six big areas of areas of land called continents. They are: America, Europe, Asia,
Africa, Oceania and Antarctica.
Water (rivers, seas, oceans, lakes, etc.) covers about two thirds (2/3) of our planet. There are five oceans on
Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Artic and the Southern Ocean.
1 – Acording to the text America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and Antarctica are called :
2- What is the main idea of the text? ______________________________________________________
5- Leia o texto a seguir:
As the 2007 X Games begin this week, you or your kids might be inspired to take your deck out to the skate
park. Beyond the competitions, skateboarding is a very popular hobby, particularly among youths; however,
it can also be dangerous. According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, skateboarding
injuries are responsible for 104.000 emergency room visits per year, most skateboarding injuries can be
prevented by taking a few simple precautions.
Here are some tips to help keep your next skateboarding excursion fun and injury-free:
- Always wear protective gear. Helmets, along with elbow and knee pads, are essential.
- Learn the correct way to fall. Fortunately.
- Ride on smooth pavement, free of debris, and NEVER ride in the street.
- Make sure your board is in good condition, with no loose or broken parts, sharp or slippery edges.
Adapted from: < http://safety.amw.com/category/sports-recreation/page/4/>
Na segunda linha do texto a palavra however expressa uma ideia de: ____________________________
6- Observando as quatro dicas que se encontram no texto, podemos concluir que o termo X Games
se refere a: ___________________________________________________________________________
7- O skateboarding é mencionado no texto como um hobby popular, explique:
Fone: Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205 – 4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected]
8- compleite with the verb continuous.
He practice________________________________________________________________________
She write ____________________________________________________________________
He ____________________________do a lot work.
9- Read.
Bob´s Vacation
Tess – What did you do on your vacation?
Bob – I visited my cousins in the countryside.
Tess – Did you enjoy your trip?
Bob – Yes, I did. In fact I did a lot of things that I never do here.
Tess – Really?! What did you do?
Bob – In the morning I walked along a lake. In the afternoon I watched the birds and the sunset. And at night I
played cards.
Tess - Did you do the same every day?
Bob – Of course not. On weekends we organized parties. My cousins played the guitar and I prepared the food.
Tess – Prepared the food on weekends?! Thank God I didn’t go with you.
country – campo, interior
along the lake – ao longo do rio.
sunset – pôr do sol
parties – festas
food – comida.
Answer the questions in English:
a) What did Bob do on his vacation?_____________________________________________
b) Who prepared the food? ____________________________________________________
9- Answer the question in Portuguese:
a) Diga duas coisas que Bob fazia de manhã ou à noite:
10- Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the Simple Past.
a) I __________________ a film yesterday. (to watch).
b) She __________________ her friends last weekend. (not / to visit).
c) They _________________ the guitar at the party (not / to play).
d) We _________________ hard last month (to work)
e) You _________________ your room very well! (to clean).
Fique atento ao prazo de entrega das listas!!!
Bom Final de Semana!!!
Fone: Unid. São Judas Tadeu (62) 3205 – 4833 – www.colegiointerativa.com.br – e-mail: [email protected]

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