Brazil Business in Brief - Embaixada do Reino dos Países Baixos


Brazil Business in Brief - Embaixada do Reino dos Países Baixos
Brazil Business in Brief
October 2011
Brazil Business in Brief is a monthly publication of the Dutch Economic Network in Brazil composed
of the Embassy in Brasília, the Consulates-General in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and the
Netherlands Business Support Offices in Porto Alegre and Recife.
The publication provides a selection of news and developments in Dutch priority areas in the
Brazilian economy. It is shared with public and private entities with special interests in Brazil. It is
put together on the basis of publicly available information from various sources such as news
articles, press releases and third party information.
The Dutch Economic Network in Brazil, however, is not responsible for the accuracy of the
published information.
1. Algemeen
Braziliaanse staatssecretaris Heloísa Guimarães de Menezes bezoekt Nederland
Brazil in numbers
Brazilië stijgt op de Global Competitiveness Ranking
Study on Brazilian multinationals shows advanced foreign investment
Europe triples investment in Brazil
Record-export Europa naar Brazilië
Brazil raises taxes on imported cars
Sterke groei van investeringen in deelstaat Rio de Janeiro
Opportunities in equipments for energy from coal production
2. Transport en Logistiek
Brazil sets tough rules for airport concession
Trans North-eastern railway on track in Pernambuco
Construction of the West-east railroad in Bahia is expected to start soon
PACCAR Selects DAF Brasil Factory Site
3. Olie en Gas
Rio de Janeiro plans a petroleum logistic district in the northern shore of the state
4. WK 2014
Nog veel te doen voor WK 2014
5. Milieu
Bahia inaugurates its first wind energy unit
International Trade Fair on Environmental Sanitation Technologies
6. Agribusiness
Genetisch gemodificeerde zwarte bonen
Toename verkoop gewasbeschermingsmiddelen
Rio Grande do Sul State increases support for sheep production
Expointer: the biggest agro-industrial fair in Latin America and the 5th in the world.
7. Vakbeurzen in Brazilië
8. (Voorgenomen) missies naar Brazilië
Brazil Business in Brief
1. Algemeen
Braziliaanse staatssecretaris Heloísa Guimarães de Menezes bezoekt Nederland
Helóisa Guimarães de Menezes, de Braziliaanse staatssecretaris voor productie ontwikkeling van
het Ministerie van Ontwikkeling, Industrie en Buitenlandse Handel, bezoekt van 4-7 oktober
Nederland op uitnodiging van Minister Verhagen van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken,
Landbouw en Innovatie. Zij brengt onder meer een bezoek aan het Havenbedrijf in Rotterdam, de
universiteiten in Delft en Eindhoven en het Shell Technology Centre in Amsterdam. In het huis van
de burgemeester van Amsterdam, Eberhard van der Laan, spreekt zij met een groep van CEO’s,
gevolgd door een Concert in het Concertgebouw, ter gelegenheid van het Brazilië festival in
Amsterdam, Op 6 oktober is de staatssecretaris key-note spreker bij het
Netherlands Brasil Business Meet,, waar samen met het Nederlands bedrijfsleven
kansen op de Braziliaanse markt en wederzijdse handel besproken zullen worden.
Source: Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Brazil in numbers
The dollar and euro strengthened vis-à-vis the real last month. The financial market is projecting
that inflation this year will top the government’s target.
In the Central Bank’s weekly Focus survey of market analysts, the average projection for this
year’s broad consumer price index (IPCA) rose from 6.46% to 6.52%. This is above the upper limit
of 6.5% for the year’s target. The last time the market projected that inflation would top a yearly
target was in July 2008.
Source: BrasilInform, October 3.
Brazilië stijgt op de Global Competitiveness Ranking
Brazilië is vijf plaatsen gestegen van de 58ste naar de 53ste plaats op de Global Competitiveness
Ranking. Daarmee is het concurrerender dan andere Latijns Amerikaanse economieën met
uitzondering van Chili, Puerto Rico, Barbados en Panama. Binnen de BRICS is Brazilië minder
concurrerend dan China (plaats 26), India en Zuid-Afrika (beide 50), maar presteert het beter dan
Rusland (66). Nederland steeg één plaats in de ranking naar de zevende positie.
Source: Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Study on Brazilian multinationals shows advanced foreign investment
Economic newspaper “Valor Econômico” published end of September a special study on Brazilian
multinationals showing the advances made by companies in the last years. In the four years since
the first edition of Brazilian Multinationals study, there has been a radical change in Brazilian
companies’ activities abroad – for the better. In 2008, 23% of companies had their own production
units on foreign soil. This year – with the data presented in this study – the figure jumped to
33.6%. Five Brazilian companies (Vale, Petrobrás, Ambev, Votorantim Cimentos and Gerdau)
showed assets of over US$ 10 billion outside Brazil. If, compared to other emerging nations, this
number may not seem significant, but it is important because it represents the consolidation of
Brazil’s global presence.
The internationalization index of Brazilian multinationals held steady at 23% after declining in
2009. Besides the troubled international scenario, one factor adding to this stability is that builders,
who always played major role in Brazil’s overseas presence, redirected investments to meet the
large demand for projects at home ahead of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Also according to this study
when choosing a new investment destination, these were the main determining factor for Brazilian
companies: 31,3% the size of the local market; 25,1% access to other international or regional
markets; 16,3% the growth of the local market; 11,7% stable investment environment; 15,6%
other reasons.
Source: Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, São Paulo.
Europe triples investment in Brazil
European companies nearly tripled productive investments in Brazil. The Brazilian Central Bank
figures indicate that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) coming from the Eurozone rose to US$ 23.4
billion in the first seven months of this year, compared with US$ 7.9 billion in the same period of
2010. The Netherlands is in the top position (1st place) with a total of US$ 12,703 million (from
January to July 2011).
Source: Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, São Paulo.
Record-export Europa naar Brazilië
De export van Europese landen naar Brazilië heeft het afgelopen half jaar opnieuw een record
bereikt. Er werd de afgelopen zes maanden voor 16,9 miljard euro uitgevoerd. In dezelfde periode
Brazil Business in Brief
vorig jaar was dat nog 14,8 miljard euro. Dat blijkt uit gegevens van het Europese statistiekbureauEurostat.
De export vanuit Europa naar het Zuid-Amerikaanse land groeit de laatste jaren erg hard. Tussen
2003 en 2008 was er al een gestage groei, maar de export bereikte een hoogtepunt in 2009 met
21,6 miljard euro. Een jaar later werd er zelfs voor 31,3 miljard uitgevoerd. Het gaat vooral om
industriële producten. De import vanuit Brazilië is de laatste jaren redelijk stabiel. Er worden vooral
grondstoffen, eten en drank ingevoerd.
Bron: NOS, september 29.
Brazil raises taxes on imported cars
On September 15, the Brazilian government announced an increase in the IPI (tax on industrial
products) for imported vehicles and domestic automakers that do not meet new investment and
domestic content requirements. The IPI went up 30 percentage points. Currently the tax ranges
from 7% to 25%, depending on the model and power of the car. Now it will be between 37% and
The measure affects all cars and trucks, without exception. For consumers, the impact varies from
25% to 28% more in the final price, according to estimates by the Finance Minister Guido Mantega.
The assessment of the requirements will be made in the next two months by the government.
During this period, the tax remains at the current levels. Those that do not follow the rules, such as
having 65% domestic content, for example, will collect the tax relating to these months afterwards.
The measure will be in effect until December of 2012 and is part of the plan to stimulate the
"Greater Brazil" industry, announced last month by President Dilma Rousseff.
The original forecast was that it would remain in effect until 2016, but the government opted for a
shorter period. In the plan, a tax reduction was also expected, but a tax increase was chosen
because there was resistance from industry to joining the program and passing on cost reduction
to consumers. The estimate of the Finance Ministry is that between 12 and 15 domestic
automakers will be able to count on the tax advantage. In other words, there should not be an
increase in car prices due to the increase in the IPI. In addition to the percentage of domestic
components, it is necessary to fulfill at least six of eleven component fabrication requirements
domestically, like engines.
Since Brazil has automotive agreements with Argentina and Mexico, components from these
countries will not be considered imported. Therefore, the government estimates that about half of
the imported vehicles will have the tax increase. Those mainly affected should be Chinese, Korean
and luxury cars, which have gained Brazilian market share.
Source: Folha de São Paulo, September 16.
Sterke groei van investeringen in deelstaat Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, door haar stranden, carnaval en andere attracties zoals de Suikerbroodberg vooral
bekend als toeristische hoofdstad van Brazilië, heeft zich de afgelopen jaren zeer sterk ontwikkeld
op economisch gebied.
Naast de ‘booming’ olie – en gassector, aangewakkerd door de vondst van spectaculaire reserves
voor de kust van Rio de Janeiro, is er een enorme groei waarneembaar in de scheepsbouw en
staalindustrie. Het WK voetbal in 2014 en de Olympische Spelen in 2016 zorgen daarnaast voor
aanzienlijke investeringen in de infrastructuur en veiligheid. De cijfers liegen er niet om: in
september werd bekend dat de deelstaat Rio in 2010 zowel de deelstaat São Paulo als Minas Gerais
voorbij is gestreefd als belangrijkste bestemming van investeringen (US$ 18,45 miljard ten
opzichte van respectievelijk US$ 10,4 en US$ 10,6 miljard).
Ook het huidige politieke klimaat zorgt voor wind in de zeilen van Rio; na decennia van
strubbelingen tussen gemeente, deelstaat en federale regering is er de afgelopen jaren sprake van
een hechte samenwerking tussen deze overheden.
Deze ontwikkelingen hebben ervoor gezorgd dat bij investeringen en nieuwe vestigingen van
multinationals, Rio tegenwoordig gezien kan worden als serieuze ‘concurrent’ van andere
Braziliaanse zakencentra zoals São Paulo. Rio is zich hiervan goed bewust: een speciale publiekprivate organisatie “Rio Negócios” (“Rio Business”) is vorig jaar in het leven geroepen om
(potentiële) nationale en internationale investeerders aan te trekken en te begeleiden bij hun
eerste stappen in deze miljoenenstad. Er zijn in korte tijd al enkele grote successen geboekt: na
veel lobbywerk heeft bijvoorbeeld General Electric gekozen voor Rio voor de bouw van een groot
onderzoekscentrum (investering van US$ 450 miljoen).
Bronnen: O Globo, 11 september &
Opportunities equipment for energy from coal production
Brazil wants to diminish the import of Bolivian coal and start to buy (internally import) from Rio
Grande do Sul (RS) and redirect the coal to some power plants in the north part of the country.
There are some local projects awaiting government approval for an auction for suppliers, e.g. CRM
from Rio Grande do Sul. With approximately 90% of the natural reserves in coal in Brazil (3 billion
Brazil Business in Brief
tons), the state of RS, has one of the major coal reserves in the world, the discussion of the use of
this coal embraced the politics for exploration of this valuable resource, especially because,
currently, existing technologies are available and allowed to control the emissions, and the efficient
handling of its residues. The State of RS recently defined parameters as a form to stimulate and
attract enterprises.
Recently CRM ( start the bidding process for a new processing plant for the
sulphur reduction of the coal, ashes, and increase the caloric gain. This process involves ‘new
technologies’ already developed [in Germany] and tested on an industrial scale in several parts of
the world. Export energy to Argentina will be one of the topics in a near future, if this tendency is
maintained; creates huge possibilities for the Netherlands, if the NL detains this kind of technology.
Source: Jornal do Comércio, September.
2. Transport en logistiek
Brazil sets tough rules for airport concession
Brazil's government will set out an ambitious timeline and maintain veto rights over public-private
projects to expand the country's airports by the 2014 soccer World Cup, a senior official has told
Reuters September 21. Brazil announced in May that it would tap the private sector to help it
modernize crowded airports in time for the big sporting event. The move was an ideological U-turn
as it effectively would end a state monopoly running airports. But the state-owned airport company
Infraero, which currently runs most major airports, will hold a veto right over "strategic and
relevant issues" in future joint ventures, Wagner Bittencourt, minister of the civil aviation
secretary, told Reuters late on Tuesday. The proposal could put off private investors, who will hold
a majority stake in the joint ventures but be required to agree with Infraero. Infraero is widely
seen as inefficient and investors have said they are wary of signing a concession contract with the
agency, which was long run by the military. Domestic air traffic in Brazil has been growing at
double-digit rates and airports are frequently over-crowded.
A tender for rights to expand and operate the airport in the capital Brasilia, and the Guarulhos and
Viracopos airports in São Paulo state will be held December 2011. Together the three airports
require investments of 3 billion reais (US$1.64 billion). Regulations for the tender were announced
by the end of September, including partnership agreements and details on Infraero's veto rights,
Bittencourt said. "All balanced shareholder agreements are like this," said Bittencourt. Investors,
who will also have the option to build and operate hotels or restaurants at or near the airports, will
be held to a tight schedule.
The Federal Government indeed published on September the 30th the minute of the tender for the
3 airports in an extra edition of the “Diário Oficial da União”, which text can be found on and will be available for
one month for public consult before the final text will be published.
The three airports are due to be completed by the end of 2013, only 6 months before the beginning
of the World Cup. This means there is little room for the usual delays that shadow large
infrastructure projects in Brazil. The construction of hydroelectric dams and roads, for instance, are
frequently held up by red tape or legal challenges in court. Regulatory uncertainty and government
meddling in state companies are other investor concerns.
Last week the government said all major infrastructure projects planned for the Cup would be
ready on time, following reports this year by government watchdogs and FIFA, the world soccer
body, warning of serious delays. However, urban transport does no longer seem to have the
priority that it used to have according to the President. Planning Minister Miriam Belchior suggested
to declare the weeks of the CUP a national holiday in order to decrease traffic jams.
The President of National Agency for Civil Aviation (ANAC), Marcelo Guaranys, stated, in a recent
interview (September 26) that São Paulo does not need a third airport. According to the President,
Congonhas can meet the demand for the next 20 years with proper investments in the existing
airports of Guarulhos and Viracopos.
International companies will have the chance to enter the bids for Guarulhos, Brasilia and
Viracopos-Campinas airports from November through to December 22, with the winners possibly
taking over the management of the gateway as early as February 2012. In an interview on Friday
30 September with the Correio Braziliense, the Minister of SAC, Wagner Bittencourt, stated that the
Brazilian government will not only gains with the concessions of the 3 airports, but also will stay
with part of the profits of the exploitation of the terminals. These recourses will be used for
regional or not lucrative airports. However, information on the percentage of the profits the future
companies will have to pay and the minimum value for the tenders where not announced. The
period of the concessions is also not clear, but will vary between 20 and 30 years.
The auction for the 3 airports will be occur simultaneously and a company or investment group can
only take one of the three major airport concessions expected at auction in December.
Brazil Business in Brief
"The idea is to have different operators in those three airports, so we can have a basis for
comparison to better regulate the system," Cleverson Aroeira da Silva, another official with the civil
aviation authority said at an event in Rio de Janeiro earlier in the day.
Airlines may not hold more than a 1 per cent stake in groups bidding for airport concessions in Sao
Paulo and Brasilia in order to avoid a conflict of interest, the head of the Brazil's civil aviation
authority, Wagner Bittencourt, said.
Sources: Reuters, September 21, Folha de São Paulo, September 26, Correio Braziliense,
September 30 and
Trans North-eastern railway on track in Pernambuco
The much cherished (especially by former President Lula) Transnordestina Railway project, one of
the main infrastructure works of the PAC programme for the North-east, is on track in Pernambuco.
According to officials of TLSA - Trans Nordestina Logística S.A., a private owned company which
belongs to CSN (Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional) group, practically all main goals set for this year
will be met by Odebrecht, the leading engineering contractor responsible for the construction of the
new wide railway track. The new part of the track is 1.6 m wide and will allow the cargo carriages
to transport 110 tons. The whole train can go up to 104 carriages, and total cargo can reach
11.400 tons. Bulk cargo will consist mainly of iron ore, grains, gypsum and fertilizers. The full
extension of the new tracks under construction will amount to 1.728 km, being 730 in Pernambuco,
607 in Ceará and 391 in Piaui. Of all these stretches, the Pernambuco part has advanced the most.
According to the latest plans, after a long delay, the railway should start operations in 2013. It was
planned to link the north-eastern states to the centre-west regions of Brazil and is expected to
become a new alternative to transport the soy-bean production to the world markets through the
ports of Pecém and Suape.
Source: Diretoria da Ferrovia Transnordestina and Netherlands Business Support Office, Recife.
Construction of the West-east railroad in Bahia is expected to start soon
Approximately 1500 km to the south of the Trans North-eastern railway, the State of Bahia with
support of the Federal government is initiating the construction of a 1.526 long railroad which will
connect Ilhéus in Bahia to Figueirópolis in Tocantins. On its way it will pass through the
municipality of Caetité in the interior of Bahia where the exploration of a new iron ore mine is being
started, by a new company called Bamin. This mine´s output will rely on the new railroad to reach
the coastal region of Ilhéus, from where it will reach the world markets on board iron ore bulk
carriers. The project is coordinated by Valec Engenharia, a federal government owned company,
and will be built by a private construction consortiums, which will each be responsible for 6
different parts of the railway. The public tenders have already happened and the 7 winning
consortiums were officially announced by the Official Press on September 22nd and October 1st of
2010. Besides the iron ore, other key products that are expected to benefit from the new railway
are soy, corn, ethanol, sugar and cotton. This project is part of the federal government´s PAC
(Accelerated Growth Programme) and is conceived to create transport alternatives from the
hinterland to the ocean waterways. Considered a key structural venture, in the long run it is
expected to boost the economy of a large region. Total costs are so far being estimated at R$ 6
billion, however the final amount may overshoot the original estimates.
Source: Netherlands Business Support Office, Recife.
PACCAR Selects DAF Brasil Factory Site
PACCAR announced plans to construct its new DAF Brasil assembly facility on a 500-acre site in the
city of Ponta Grossa in the state of Paraná. “PACCAR is pleased to invest $200 million in its DAF
facility in the dynamic and progressive state of Paraná,” commented Mark Pigott, chairman and
chief executive officer. “Ponta Grossa has an excellent workforce and proximity to strategic
supplier partners and the port of Paranaguá. We appreciate the outstanding support from the state
of Paraná and the city of Ponta Grossa in partnering with PACCAR to bring this major economic
investment to the area,” said Pigott.
Construction of the 330,000-square-foot assembly facility is projected to begin in 2011 and be
completed in 2013. The new facility will be designed to assemble the DAF LF, CF and XF models, to
meet current and future requirements of the Brasilian transport industry. “This will be one of
PACCAR’s most technologically advanced and environmentally friendly facilities,” shared Bob
Christensen, executive vice president. The Brasil truck market over six tons is 170,000 units and is
expected to grow in the coming years. “Over time, as production levels increase, the facility is
expected to hire up to five hundred employees. Additional employment opportunities, which will
generate economic benefits to the region, will be created during the construction phase and as our
suppliers expand their capacity in the area,” added Christensen.
“The commitment to construct the DAF assembly facility in Brasil marks a strategic milestone and
we are pleased to be working closely with the state and local agencies on the planning of the
infrastructure for the business,” stated Richard Bangert, PACCAR vice president. “PACCAR has an
Brazil Business in Brief
excellent record of community involvement at all of the company’s major manufacturing locations.
We look forward to developing close relationships with Ponta Grossa State University, Paraná
Federal Technology University and other technical colleges to provide ongoing educational
opportunities for our employees,” added Bangert.
PACCAR is a global technology leader in the design, manufacture and customer support of high
quality light-, medium-, and heavy-duty trucks under the DAF, Kenworth, and Peterbilt
nameplates. PACCAR also designs and manufactures advanced diesel engines and provides
financial services and information technology and distributes truck parts related to its principal
business. PACCAR shares are traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market, symbol PCAR. Its
homepage is
3. Olie en gas
Rio de Janeiro plans a petroleum logistic district in the northern shore of the state
The municipalities of Cabo Frio and Arraial do Cabo, located in the “lake regions”, northeast of the
State of Rio de Janeiro, are expected to have a logistic and industrial district focused on the oil&gas
activities. The state government analyses a viability project to create this district with a customs
area of 2.5 million square meters, near the Cabo Frio’s international airport. The airport itself has
become a base for cargo distribution in the sector. The establishment of an industrial and logistic
district can strengthen this operation. In the neighbourhood of Arraial do Cabo there is also the
port of Forno which will benefit from this new entrepreneurship. The port belongs do the
municipality since 1999 and also operates logistically in the region. The expectation is that by 2012
the Government will start clearing the area and the construction should start in 2013. The
government believes that the oil&gas industry will not be the only to take advantage of this district.
Other sectors such as airspace, electronics and pharmaceuticals can benefit from it. Cabo Frio’s
airport is expected to handle 25 thousand cargo materials in 2011, which represents a 130%
increase when compared to 2010. These numbers will increase drastically with the new compound.
Source: Jornal Valor Econômico, September 20th.
4. WK 2014
Nog veel te doen voor WK 2014
Met nog minder dan 1000 dagen te gaan tot de opening van het WK voetbal in 2014 is er nog veel
te doen in de 12 speelsteden. Volgens een regeringsrapport zijn er van de 81 grote infrastructurele
werken 52 nog niet eens gestart. Ook de FIFA heeft eerder kritiek geuit op het langzame ritme van
de voorbereidingen voor het WK. President Dilma heeft op 3 oktober in Brussel een gesprek gehad
met FIFA-voorzitter Joseph Blatter. Tussen Brazilië en de Wereldvoetbalbond lijkt onenigheid te zijn
ontstaan over een wetsontwerp dat het WK in 2014 moet regelen.
Bron: Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en Volkskrant 2 oktober 2011.
5. Milieu
Bahia inaugurates its first wind energy unit
As a result of the Federal Government´s policy to stimulate investments in alternative energy,
Bahia is inaugurating its first wind energy complex in Brotas de Macaúbas, in the hinterland. This
project is the first of an initial 18 sites which are expected to become operational in Bahia by the
end of 2012. The northeast of Brazil is identified as the region with the highest wind energy
potential, estimated at 75 thousand MW. This represents approximately 50% of the country´s total
potential. The Brotas de Macaúbas project was executed by Desenvix (a Brazilian company related
to Engevix Group) and demanded an investment of R$ 400 million (approx. US$ 225 million).
Approximately 70% of the amount was financed by BNDES, Brazil´s Federal Development Bank.
Engevix won the rights to generate energy and feed it into Brazil´s electricity grid in an auction
made by Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica - ANEEL - in December 2009. Electricity production
of the new complex is expected to amount to 90 MW.
Source: Revista Bahia Oportunidade - Informativo da Secretaria da Indústria, Comércio e
Mineração da Bahia and Netherlands Business Support Office, Recife.
International Trade Fair on Environmental Sanitation Technologies
One of the largest and most reputable environmental sanitation trade fair in Latin America
(Fitabes), took place in Porto Alegre, between 15 and 28 of September. This fair brought leading
companies in the industry to exhibit new technologies, products, services and equipment to a
highly qualified audience. The trade show is the meeting point for decision makers, environmental
Brazil Business in Brief
sanitation policymakers, equipment suppliers and service providers. Simultaneously with Fitabes
2011 occurred the 26th Congress International Brazilian Sanitation and Environmental Engineering.
The following countries participated with a stand on the fair: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Singapore,
United States and Germany. The NBSO paid a visit to the fair as a visiting country. The 2012
edition of this fair will be held in Goiania, between 15 and 18 of September.
Source: Netherlands Business Support Office, Porto Alegre.
6. Agribusiness
Genetisch gemodificeerde zwarte bonen
De Braziliaanse toelatingscommissie voor genetisch gemodificeerde organismen (CTNbio) heeft op
15 september voor de eerste maal een genetisch gemodificeerde zwarte bonensoort goedgekeurd.
De laatste jaren heeft Brazilië meer dan 20 soorten ggo-mais, -katoen en -soja goedgekeurd van
mais, soja en katoen. De bonensoort, met rijst een standaard onderdeel van elke Braziliaanse
maaltijd, is ontwikkeld door het landbouwkundig onderzoeksinstituut Embrapa. De eerste
commerciële toepassing zal naar verwachting in 2014 zijn.
Bron: Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.
Toename verkoop gewasbeschermingsmiddelen
De verkoop van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen zal dit jaar in Brazilië boven de 8 miljard US dollar
uitkomen. Daarmee streeft de Zuid-Amerikaanse reus de VS voorbij als belangrijkste afzetmarkt
van deze middelen voor bedrijven als Monsanto, Bayer, Basf, DuPont en Syngenta. De groei heeft
voornamelijk te maken met de uitbreiding van het areaal, het gebruik per hectare neemt iets af.
Het belangrijkste gewas is soja (44% van het totale gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen),
gevolgd door katoen (11%) en rietsuiker (10%). Het gebruik per hectare ligt het hoogst bij katoen.
Bron: Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.
Expointer: the biggest agro-industrial fair in Latin America and the 5th in the world.
Expointer covers an area of 141 hectares and is located in the city of Esteio, alongside roadway
BR116, very close by of Porto Alegre, the capital of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The grounds
are the headquarters of one of the largest and most important exhibition trade fairs in the world
Over a period of nine days, from August 27 to September 4, Rio Grande do Sul showed the world
its exceptional wealth. Expointer 2011 surpasses its previous edition with the sales of 1.84 billion
of reais. In this edition the ‘family farming’ had a prominent growing, 27% compared from last
year. Farmers (vegetables sector, grains) also grew to a BRL 1.5 million in comparison with BRL
827.000 from last year. In the equipment’s sector (machines, tractor) the numbers rose from BRL
827 million to BRL 834 million.
Source: Netherlands Business Support Office, Porto Alegre.
7. Vakbeurzen in Brazilië
Tot eind 2011 worden in Brazilië o.m. de volgende internationale vakbeurzen gehouden:
Boatshow (yacht and boat fair)
São Paulo, 13-18 October
Mercopar (industrial innovation fair)
Caixias do Sul/RS, 18-21 October
Fenatran (transport industry trade fair)
São Paulo, 24-28 October
Fimai (International Industrial Environment and Sustainability Fair)
São Paulo, 8-10 November
FIMMEPE (industrial machinery, metallurgy and electric components)
Recife, 17-21 October
TranspoQuip Latin America (transportation infrastructure fair)
Brazil Business in Brief
São Paulo, 22-24 November
Soccerex (football business fair)
Rio de Janeiro, 26-30 November
Verdere informatie over beurzen en tentoonstellingen in Brazilië zijn te vinden via de volgende link:
Voor vakbeurzen op het gebied van agro-business, zie:
8. (Voorgenomen) missies naar Brazilië
Economische missie o.l.v. Henk Bleker, Staatssecretaris van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en
Brasília, São Paulo en Rio de Janeiro, 24-30 november (tentatief)
Brazil Business in Brief