loggings - Sarmento Campos


loggings - Sarmento Campos
B O L E T I M E L E T R O N I C O D O D X C B - Nº 458
Samuel Cassio Martins
Escutas de Jorge Freitas
Feira de Santana-BA , Brasil
6060 11/10 0833 CUBA, Radio Havana, EE, OM apresenta um programa sob Radio DXers Unlimited leve QRM da Super
Radio Deus é Amor com programa religioso, as 0841 UTC fim do programa de radio, as 0845 UTC sinal começa a degradar
mais rapidamente após 0850 UTC, 44433 (Jorge Freitas-B)
6170 11/10 0820 NEW ZEALAND, R New Zealand, EE, desde Rangitaiki, com 50 kW, OM talk entre curtas antigas musicas
americanas, sinal degradando, 34333.
7140 11/10 0856 NORTH KOREA, Voice of Korea, em Chinese, desde Kujang, com 200 kW, considerações finais da tx em
chinês por YL, as 0901 UTC início da tx em coreano com hino nacional, 44433.
9400 11/10 0914 PHILIPPINES, FEBC Manila, em Chinese, desde Iba, com 100 kW, YL talk com menção a bíblia, as 0915
UTC gospel pop mx, 35333.
9465 11/10 0918 TAIWAN, Family Radio, EE, desde Paochung, com 100 kW, OM apresenta o tradicional programa
“perguntas e respostas”, 35433.
7110 11/10 1925 ETHIOPIA, R Ethiopia, em Amharic/Oro. /Tig., desde Addis Ababa-Gedja, com 100 kW, tradicional mx
Etíope, as 1928 UTC OM e YL apresentam nx e citam Obama (provavelmente o assunto do momento sobre o seu contestado
premio Nobel) 35433.
7125 11/10 2046 GUINEA, R Conakry, em French/Dialects, desde Conakry-Sofon. , com 100 kW, pop mx Guinea, as 2050
UTC OM em francês talk e logo após mais pop mx, parece ser um programa musical, 35333.
7175 11/10 1932 ERITREA, Vo Broad Masses 2, desde Asmara-Selae Daro, mx pop nacional Eritrea, leve QRM de
radioamador, (não escrevi mais detalhes da recepção pois tive a satisfação de conversar pelo skype com o colega Marcio
Martins Pontes nesse momento), 35333.
7425 14/10 0144 ALBANIA, R Tirana, em EE, desde Shijak, com 100 kW, sinal ID, ID as 0145 UTC por YL, logo após nx
pela mesma, *gravado*, 25332.
7475 14/10 0150 GREECE, R Greece, em Greek, desde Avlis, com 100 kW, pop mx grega (ritmo musical muito parecido o
tema de 007), as 0152 UTC OM e YL Talk, 35433.
7505 14/10 0155 USA, WRNO New Orleans, EE, desde New Orleans, com 50 kW, pop mx, as 0156 UTC ID por OM, volta
mx por fv, 25332.
15720 14/10 0243 NEW ZEALAND, R New Zealand, EE, desde Rangitaiki, com 50 kW, parece uma entrevista no estúdio
ou a uma banda ou sobre uma banda, ocasionais pop mx, as 0244 UTC YL participa da conversa, sinal melhorou
consideravelmente, *gravado* no blog, a maior parte do ruído é da rede elétrica, percebam que algumas vezes o som fica
bem limpo, ID as 0300 UTC, 35433.
9280 15/10 2237 TAIWAN, Family Radio, em Chinese, desde Yunlin, com 100 kW, OM Talk, 45333.
9370 15/10 2210 USA, WTJC, EE, desde Morehead City, com 50 kW, sequência de hinos religiosos, voltando as 2235 UTC
OM com sermão religioso, 35333.
9385 15/10 2200 USA, WWRB The Overcomer Ministry, EE, desde Morrison TN, com 100 kW, até as 2259 UTC era
completamente sobreposta pela R Free Asia em coreano, somente o término da transmissão a WWRB foi ouvida, OM
com sermão religioso, diversas citações a Deus, em seu site não encontrei referencia a essa frequência, apesar de já te-la
sintonizado antes inclusive com a sua ID, as 2202 UTC o orador se exalta e aparecem vozes ao fundo, pode-se confirmar
a escuta pelo site http://www.overcome rministry. org/content/ view/15/40/ , 35333.
9405 15/10 2242 PHILIPPINES, FEBC Manila, em Chinese, desde Bocaue, com 100 kW, YL Talk, as 2259 UTC ID e OM
continua Talk, 35333.
9800 11/10 1919 SRI LANKA, Affia Darfur/Hello Darfur, AA, desde Irana Wila, com 250 kW, YL parece entrevistar uma
mulher, as 1920 UTC ID e início de nx por OM, 45333.
11635 11/10 1817-1830 BOTSWANA, Radio Sawa (Affia Darfur/Hello Darfur), AA, desde Selebi-Phikwe, com 100 kW, OM
e YL Talk o que parece ser nx, as 1820 UTC menção a Obama, após 1829 UTC diversas menções a Darfur, as 1830 UTC
mx árabe, fim da tx as 1830 UTC, 23332.
12105 10/10 1025 GUAM, KTWR GUAM, em Chinese, desde Agana, com 100 kW, OM com comentários da Bíblia, as 1026
UTC ID, site e e-mail por YL, 35433.
12085 10/10 1028 MONGOLIA, Voice of Mongolia, em Chinese, desde Ulaanbaatar, com 250 kW, mx tradicional, as 1029
UTC ID por OM e YL e fim da tx, as 1030 UTC inicio do px em inglês, 35443, sinal mais baixo e com menor propagação
apesar da lista Aoki informar que a tx em inglês é com a mesma potência e azimute, introdução por YL e curta mx Mongol,
12055 10/10 1036 CHINA, CNR 1, em Chinese, desde Lingshi 725, com 100 kW, OM e YL parecem apresentar nx, as 1039
UTC ID através da vinheta tradicional da CNR 1 por OM, // 12045 kHz, 25332.
11635 10/10 1101 TURKISTAN, China Radio Int, em Esperanto, desde Urumqi, com 100 kW, ID e inicio da tx por YL com
o que parece ser nx, 23332.
11590 10/10 1117 GUAM, KTWR Guam, em Chinese, desde Agana, com 100 kW, YL fala, forte QRM de apito não identificado
que é amenizado deslocando-se a frequência para 11591 kHz, 22332.
11520 10/10 1122 TAIWAN, Family Radio, tentativa, em Filipino, desde Paochung, com 100 kW, OM talk, sinal muito baixo
e fraca propagação, sem QRM,.
12160 14/10 2129 USA, WWCR Nashville, desde Nashville, com 100 kW, ID completa por OM com locução estilo VOA, as
2130 UTC OM e YL Talk, voltando as 2158 UTC ID e enquanto a ID tx termina abruptamente, 35333.
13640 14/10 2138 JAPAN, R Japan, em Japanese, desde Ibaragi-Koga-Yamata, com 100 kW, OM Talk entre mx apenas no
piano, as 2140 UTC YL inicia conversa que parece nx, as 2143 UTC interlúdio musical e OM Talk, apresenta uma entrevista
com um OM por telefone, voltando as 2215 UTC (durante a programação em inglês) pop mx japonesa e o sinal cai um
pouco, as 2220 UTC ID por OM e fim tx, 35433.
13845 14/10 2146 USA, WWCR Nashville, desde Nashville, com 100 kW, OM com comentários bíblicos e muita menção
a Jesus Cristo, não é a mesma programação da frequência 12160 kHz. Interessante a diferença de recepção entre as
duas freqüências; a 12160 kHz com azimute 40 e a de 13845 kHz com azimute 85, de volta as 2159 UTC YL segue com
comentários da bíblia, as 2226 UTC sinal continua excelente, 45444.
15720 13/10 2320 NEW ZEALAND, R New Zealand, EE, desde Rangitaiki, com 50 kW, azimute 0, OM parece entrevistar
um homem no estúdio, as 2323 uma YL participa da conversa, as 2336 UTC o que parece um correspondente via telefone
respondendo a perguntas do OM no estúdio, sinal degradando, 25332.
15720 14/10 0243 NEW ZEALAND, R New Zealand, EE, desde Rangitaiki, com 50 kW, parece uma entrevista no estúdio
ou a uma banda ou sobre uma banda, ocasionais pop mx, as 0244 UTC YL participa da conversa, sinal melhorou
consideravelmente, *gravado* no blog, a maior parte do ruído é da rede elétrica, percebam que algumas vezes o som fica
bem limpo, ID as 0300 UTC, 35433.
15415 16/10 0038 AUSTRALIA, R Australia, EE, desde Shepparton, com 100 kW, YL talk e logo após mx dos Beatles,
confirmação da escuta via site http://www.radioaus tralia.net. au/flash/ listen/default. htm , logo após a mx YL entrevista um
OM, as 0100 UTC OM e YL Talk, *gravado*, bom sinal, 35333.
17725 15/10 2320 USA, R Taiwan Int., SS, desde Okeechobee, com 100 kW, pop mx de Taiwan, as 2321 UTC YL talk, as
2325 UTC ID, sinal degradando, 25332.
17705 15/10 2340 CUBA, R Havana Cuba, em Guarani, desde La Habana, com 50 kW, OM Talk, as 2342 UTC curtos
interlúdios musicais entre falas do OM, ainda as 2342 OM soletra algo, as 2343 UTC deu para entender que o OM soletrava
o endereço da R Havana Cuba, as 2344 UTC OM e YL se revezam na fala, as 2357 UTC pop mx Cubana, as 0001 UTC
ID e logo após sinal ID, programação continua com a programação em Quéchua, 25332.
17705 16/10 0027 CUBA, R Havana Cuba, em Quéchua, desde La Habana, com 50 kW, YL Talk, as 0028 UTC pop
romantic mx Cubana, as 0031 fim da mx e logo após fim da tx, 25322.
17750 15/10 2350 AUSTRALIA, R Austrália, EE, desde Shepparton, com 100 kW, OM Talk, uma longa entrevista de OM no
estúdio a outro OM via telefone, confirmação da escuta via site http://www.radioaus tralia.net. au/flash/ listen/default. htm
, sinal degradando, // 17665 kHz que apesar da potencia de 250 kW sinal não tem muita diferença, as 0015 UTC sinal em
17750 kHz quase que totalmente inaudível, em 17665 ainda se escuta, SINPO da escuta as 2350 UTC 25322.
17865 16/10 0022 SINGAPORE, DW, em Russian, desde Kranji, com 250 kW, azimute (segundo Aoki) 25, OM e YL se
alternam na fala, as 0023 UTC interlúdio musical e logo após vinheta DW e OM diz algumas vezes Deutsche Welle, 25322.
Escuta de Fabricio Andrade Silva
Tubarão - SC, Brasil
Sony 7600GR , antena Loop Blindada
Data UTC: 12/10/2009
Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba - 3310 Khz - 2321 UTC - 33333 - Programa em quechua, locutora fala algo como
“Severino Miranda,”, etc.
Rádio Sonder Grense, Meyerton - 3320 KHz - 2323 UTC - 54444 - Programa em africânder, fala de locutor.
Rádio Cultura. Araraquara - 3365 KHz - 2326 UTC - 55544 - Transmissão de missa: “como é bom poder caminhar...” etc
Provável sinal espúrio de emissora evangélica brasileira - 4130 KHz - 2330 UTC - 21111 - sermão religioso
Radio Yura, Yura - 4717 KHz - 00:05 UTC - 23222 - Musica andina cantada por mulher
Radio San Miguel, Riberalta - 4700 KHz - 0007 UTC - 32222 - Px católico: “(...) canción católica, la fé católica(...) familia
Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta - 4747 KHz - 0014 UTC - 22222 - ID Radio Huanta 2000. Homem fala “desarollada el dia
21(...)” - com fundo musical - difícil compreensão
Rádio Imaculada Conceição, Campo Grande - 4755 KHz - 0019 UTC - 55444 - Px perguntas e respostas sobre sonhos
Radio Oriental, Macas(?)/ Radio Tacana, Tumupasa (?) - 4781 KHz - 0025 UTC - 33111 - Musica com batida “dance”,
apresentador se identifica (...) Hernandez (...) “musica, canción(...)” - Restou realmente a dúvida se se tratava da emissora
equatoriana ou da peruana. Listado como 4781 KHz, mas melhor recepção nos 4782.
Rádio Difusora, Amazonas - 4805 KHz - 0043 UTC - 22211 - Mx samba, provavelmente de Alcione
Rádio Difusora, Londrina - 4815 KHz - 0046 UTC - 43322 - Oração evangélica feita por mulher “ó Senhor da fé (...) eu te
peço e te agradeço (...)”
Rádio Meteorologia Paulista, Ibitinga - SP - 4845 KHz - 0049 UTC - 32222 - Homem falando (ao telefone ?) sobre o feriado.
Depois mx.
Escuta de Rudolf Walter Grimm
São Bernardo-SP, Brasil
Rx: SDR-IQ RFSpace, Ant.: Loop circular VS (blindada) + Ampl RF VS
15650 Miraya FM, via Rimavska Sobota, AA, 11/10 1555 (um bom sinal neste momento). OM: talks, African songs, YL:
news 1600 UTC, 35543
15140 17/10 1737 Radio Sultanate Oman, Thumrait -- em árabe, com programa de entrevistas por telefone - 33333
Escutas de Rubens Ferraz Pedroso
Bandeirantes-PR, Brasil
Receptor: Degen DE1103., Antena: LW do Degen DE1103
3365 27/09 2359 B R. Cultura, Araraquara – SP, PP, mx w/ Sérgio Reis, px w/ Djalma 45333.
3320 03/10 0248 AFS R. Sondor Grense, Meyerton, afrikaans, YL, mx pop EE 45333.
3215 03/10 0250 USA WWRB, Morrison, EE, OM, relg 45233.
3185 03/10 0251 USA WWCR, Nashville, EE, mx gospel, OM, relg 35233.
2380 03/10 0256 B R. Educadora, Limeira – SP, PP, OM, anúncios 35233.
4780 04/10 0308 DJI RTV Djibouti, AA, OM, recitação do Al Corão 45333.
4885 04/10 0309 B Unid, PP, OM, relg, oração 35233.
4930 04/10 0314 BOT VOA, via Selebi Phikwe-Moepeng Hill, EE, OM, nxs 35233.
Escutas de Manuel Méndez
Lugo, Espanha
Grundig YB 400, antena telescópica, Escucha realizada en casco urbano de Lugo
6140, European Music Radio, 0915-0940 , 18-10, inglés, comentarios, Tom Taylor, identificación: “EMR, European Music
Radio” “e-mail: [email protected] “, English pop music. A las 0930 Mail Box, con Mike Taylor. 24322.
9510, Nexus IRRS, 0942- 18-10, inglés, locutor, programa religioso, sermón, comentarios, canciones religiosas. A las 1000
identificación por locutor: “IRRS, Milano, Italy”, y luego otro programa religioso en ingles. 35433.
Escutas de Anker Petersen
Skovlunde, Dinamarca
AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres longwire
3815USB 2052-2108* GRL 9+10.10 KNR, Tasiilaq Greenlandic and Danish music and songs, 2100 news in
Danish 32/5333 Occasional Russian utility calls.
N4769.98 0440-0450 fade out CLA 11.10 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan (p) Farsi (p) ann, Kurdish songs, ex 4870v
23222 jammer + heterodyne.
N4989.98 0455-0540 SUR 11.10 UNID, R Apintie heard in USA UNID language talk, music 15111, but *04560530* QRM strong utility carrier on 4989.73.
5005.89 2235-2320 UNID 05.10 UNID open carrier 15111 My UNID 04.10 on 5005.03 was R Nepal as identified
by Indian DX-ers. But this night no signal was noted on that frequency.
N5020.00 1640-1714 SLM 07+10.10 SIBC, Honiara (t) UNID language talk 15111 New, upgraded 10 kW tx
installed 25321.
7600.32 0925-1000* PIR Su 11.10 FRS-Holland English test, talk on propagation, mentioned internet, pop songs,
requests reception reports 35323 // 7685.05 (35323).
Escutas de Roberto Wilkner
Pompano Beach, FL, Estados Unidos
2379.9 Brasil Radio Educadora, Limeira, SP 0940 deep fades om in Portuguese, fair signal at best 7 October.
3375.41 Brasil R Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira 0930 - 0950 7 October.
4700 Bolivia Radio San Miguel, Riberalta 0940 with their frequency now almost 4700 on the dot. 7 October.
4746.90 Peru Radio Huanta 2000 Huanta Ayacucho 1023 instrumental music, Peruvian vocals “mucho mas......en todos
el pais...” 5 October.
4835 Australia, Alice Springs, NT 0700 poor signal //4910. 5 October.
4865 Brasil Radio Alvorada, Londrina, PR 0950 slow Portuguese om with religious message, 0953 music bridge then back
to om 1000. 7 October.
4990 Unid carrier at 1100 rlw.
5018.57 Solomon Islands, SIBC caught at 1010 to 1029 per tips from Charles Bolland and David Sharp. Good to have them
back on this frequency as they formally came in well. 7 October.
Escutas de Glenn Hauser
Enid-OK, Estados Unidos
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 14: at 1347 fair but fluttery at S9+15 levels on both 8400 and 9000, where we never ever hear a
trace of presumed target, Sound of Hope, but weak ham transmitters there are enough to tie down ChiCom jammers which
could do more damage elsewhere. At 1352, Firedrake was much better with less flutter on 10210 at S9+18, also SOHless.
Still the same at final check 1443.
** CUBA. RHC check Oct 14 at 0617: 6140 in English tonight and has phone ringing audible, otherwise // 6060 and 6010.
Then could barely hear ringing also on 6060, but not 6010. 6140 is weaker than usual. Spanish on 6120; and 6000 which is
much stronger than usual --- hmmm, have they swapped transmitters/antennas on 6140 and 6000?
5800, the spy-numbers transmitter, Oct 14 at 0622, had open carrier with hum, plus: phone ringing; irregular weak tones, not
Morse code; weak crosstalk from a voice transmission, maybe RHC. Then all this overridden by a loud tone and data burst
for a few sex, and back to the other stuff.
The 11760 transmitter still outputting spurs at multiples of plus and minus 51.2 kHz, Oct 14 at 1354, altho could not detect
23 of them as before, perhaps due somewhat weaker signal on fundamental. ``Best`` of course on nearest ones, 11708.8
and 11811.2; some others audible: 11452.8 with big tone; 11504.0; 11657.6 also with RHC audio; 12067.2.
** CYPRUS. Haven`t heard BBCWS in English on 21470 for months since they moved this frequency off Ascension, but Oct
14 at 1434 it was fairly audible while stronger Sa`udi Arabia [q.v.] was in on 21460, 21505, 21640. Current schedule has
this fittingly as Cyprus, 250 kW at 175 degrees, 14-17; preceded by Seychelles 08-14, 250 kW at 240 degrees. OTH radar
pulses also likely from nearby Cyprus site were propagating too: see UNIDENTIFIED.
** INDIA [and non]. AIR Aligarh blob on Oct 14 at 1320 with sign-on anthem Vande Mataram // 9425, centered on nominal
9470, but still a huge mess of distorted audio, and extending 9465-9490. At 1349 it was bothering at its edge R. Thailand on
9455, and covering R. Australia on 9475. At 1441, Russian on 9465 was trying to make it thru the blob which covered up to
9480. 9465 would be KFBS, Saipan, 323 degrees from Marpi per Aoki and EiBi. In case these items seem repetitive, sorry,
but we shall keep reporting the Aligarh abomination whenever monitored until fixed. Have AIR no shame? Or unmotivated
to make any repairs, instead waiting till DRM comes along and `fixes` everything.
** INDONESIA. 3976.0 fairly good with music, then soft YL talk, Oct 14 at 1318; some QRhaM from SSB on 3977. Doubtless
RRI Pontianak on its unique frequency, confirmed as such by comparing to 5975.0. My local noise level has abated, and
90m was hopping with signals too on PNG frequencies but did not take time to log them; not 120m at this hour.
4750 signal is steadily improving, peaking S9+10 today and my compliments too on their good modulation, unlike Jakarta.
Oct 14 at 1324 Indonesian talk and just as I tuned in, ID in passing clearly heard as ``Radio Republik Indonesia, Makassar``.
No co-channel QRM from the other two Asians on frequency. Something much weaker audible at 1326 on 4925, presumably
Jambi, and even weaker on 4870.
9525.9, VOI in English at 1350 Oct 14, YL talking about acoustic music album, then playing something from it ``to conclude``;
fair modulation today with hum as always.
** KOREA SOUTH. Surprised to hear singing on 6730.0, as I tuned by looking for OTH radar pulses, Oct 14 at 1332, good signal
at S9+18, but before I could decide on language, in less than a minute changed to assertive YL with repetitive Korean syllables.
They were in groups of 5, but always a pause between the first triad and the second dyad. Some continuous RTTY QRM on lo
side. This is the same as the Korean numbers station previously logged several times on 6215, but nothing there now; nor on
6730 at next check 1347. Per S. Hasegawa in DXLD 9-011, 6215 was from South Korea. You will not find either frequency in
SWBC frequency references, since despite the music and the broad coverage, they are not considered broadcasts.
** SAUDI ARABIA. Sawt al-Buzz, 21505 at 1433 Oct 14 also with Arabic talk and // stronger unbuzzy 21640; different
program, Qur`an on 21460. If I were in Sofia, Bulgaria, these would be strong enough to bear several combinations of
intermodulation mixing products among them. At the moment BSKSA was dominant on 13m, while Spain was JBA on
21570, 21610; but BBC in on 21470; see CYPRUS.
** U S A [and non]. 5955 at 1329 Oct 14, VOA outroing Vietnamese, ``from Voice of America --- Washington``, open carrier
for a semi-minute, then ``Welcome to the Voice of America in Khmai`` a.k.a. Khmer, all the while mixed with CRI English, but
VOA on top. Take that, you ChiCom spoilers! Axually, CRI is aimed eastward from Beijing, and VOA aimed westward from
Tinang, PHILIPPINES, so theoretically there is no collision. Tell that to the frustrated Oklahoman.
7575 until recently was a reliable VOA English frequency here in the mornings, but nothing audible Oct 14 at 1345; instead,
VG signal on 7520. 7575 had been scheduled at 13-14 as 21 degrees usward from Tinang, but I don`t find 7520 on any
schedules yet during that hour, so cannot be sure of site; could be Philippines, Thailand or NMI. IBB keeps swapping sites
and frequencies around for no discernible reason; perhaps to demonstrate they are keeping busy in the office, and/or to
keep the overseas operators on their toes.
Speaking of which, how is VOA doing now in coping with the unnecessary site-switch at 1430 in the middle of a continuous
hour of News Now programming on 17585? Oct 14 at 1427 I start monitoring, with Today in History at 1428, in the clear
from Greenville, nor anything audible on 17575 where Botswana might be warming up. At the very end of the 2-minute TIH
feature, Greenville dropped carrier immediately at exactly the right instant; 5-7 seconds later on came weaker Botswana
with a crash-start as VOA NN continued. Neither one played a sign-off or sign-on Yankee Doodle Dandy routine.
They have finally got it together, with my congratulations, just the way it should be done, and should have been done ever
since A-09 started without any prompting from yours truly. However, there could be a relapse if uninformed personnel take
over in shift changes, so be ever-vigilant.
UNIDENTIFIED. 4800, no sign at 1325 Oct 14 of the MW harmonic(?) cutting on and off, nor at several later chex. They
could at least let it go until we could ID it.
Assuming it was from Texas, due to the clear mention of Dallas-Fort Worth when I first heard it, but that could have been the origin
of a networked program, and we know it`s not KRVA, in the Vietnamese Metroplex, the other 1600 kHz possibilities are KOGT in
Orange, which per NRC AM Log 2009-2010 has a C&W format; KOKE Pflugerville, but that`s no match with Mexican;
OR --- a new station not yet on the air as of publication, in Dalhart, 3000/250 watts. That could fit for a new station still
installing or adjusting equipment. Checking FCC AM Query, apparently not. No calls assigned yet, is still only a CP, and now
with an application by Amy Meredith to change city of license to Vega, a town known to everyone who has driven I-40 west of
Amarillo, while Dalhart is out of the way except for US-54, 87 or 385 travellers, in the extreme NW corner of the Panhandle.
Could be she`s aiming to rimshot the huge Amarillo market; hope it doesn`t upmess the NWS TIS relay on 1610. Yes, tho
day power reduced to 2.5 kW, pattern puts the major lobe toward AMA. But I digress.
UNIDENTIFIED. 6760-6865, OTH radar, presumed, or rather at least two of them on adjacent ranges, with individual center
peax, Oct 13 at 1332. As with all these OTHR logs, the exact edges are difficult to pin down, so consider the frequency
ranges approximate.
UNIDENTIFIED. 14632-14657, OTH radar pulses, presumed, Oct 14 at 1404.
Also 17790-17815 in the middle of the 16m SWBC band! Oct 14 at 1432, primarily degrading WYFR 17795. Wolfgang
Büschel says these ones covering 25 kHz are typical of the British facility on CYPRUS.
ALBANIA. 13625, R. Tirana, Tuesday Oct 13 at 1446 in mailbag from listeners in India, Ian Cattermole in New Zealand;
1448 announceress outlines the program schedule. Some of these may be titles, others general topix, so the capitalization
may not fit:
Monday, Albania in the Week; cultural events; sports
Tuesday, foreign personalities, mailbag
Wednesday, Albania under the --- process, reforms, EU, music by Albanian artists
Thursday, Albanian economy, Focus on Albania
Friday, regional development, Kosovo, analysis and opinion, --- File, the Albanian language
Saturday, week review, Albanian folk music
At 1451 went into music today as always to upwrap the semihour.
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 13 at 1456, just barely audible on 9000, 8400.
** CUBA. Anomaly chex Oct 13: at 0619, found 6140 in Spanish this time, // 6120 and 6000; English on 6060, 6010. No
phone ringing sounds audible on any of them. However:
5800.0, the spy cut-numbers (i.e. 10 letters substituting for digits) Morse code sending tones with full carrier, at 0620 Oct 13
did have phone ringing audible underneath.
For the fourth day in a row, the ailing 11760 transmitter is putting out a panoply of spurs, but this time it and they are constantly
cutting on and off the air, making as many as 24 useless transmissions! The closest two as usual are strongest with enough
modulation to listen to, 11811.2 and 11708.8. Started checking at 1349 and again playing favorite tune Guantanamera at 1353.
Quick scan found them as high as 12220.8, but not so many audible on the low side. At 1443 and 1455, still the same story
cutting on and off and on and off. At 1454, the one on 11862.4 was causing a nasty noise against WYFR Spanish 11865.0.
** EGYPT. 15255 with continuous tone Oct 13 as early as 1442, over some other station in unID language; 1459 check, just
open carrier. Finally after 1500, instead of tone, a timesignal 28 seconds late, so why bother, and then ID ``Ju Flet Qahira``,
i.e. the Albanian service opening from R. Cairo, and now the other station is off so Cairo in clear for its undermodulation.
Uplooked later in Aoki, the victim before 1500 is YFR via Nauen, in Bengali.
** FIJI. Looking for K4M, the Midway Island DXpedition supposed to be getting underway now after some setbax, found nothing
on publicized 7078 or 3799, but instead a strange accent with a strange callsign, 3D2MJ, on 7095.0-LSB, Oct 13 at 0612. Was
calling CQ40, listening on [7]185. Tuned to 7078 again briefly and when I got back he was already concluding a contact, but
said the other ham`s voice was distorted so he was shifting listening frequency on 7187. I listened for a few more minutes, and
3D2MJ never mentioned his location; how rude. So I uplook him later on qrz.com and find, what else, a Pole in Fiji:
``3D2MJ, Jacek, SP5EAQ, Viti Levu Island (IOTA OC-016), Fiji
Lookups: 11979
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Last Update: 2009-08-21 22:32:56
Latitude: -21.779905 (21° 46’ 47’’ S)
Longitude: 174.781494 (174° 46’ 53’’ E)
Grid Square: RG78jf Explore on GridMap
SP5EAQ and SP5DRH will be active from Viti Levu Island (IOTA OC-016), Fiji starting 2009, 1st October for four weeks as
3D2MJ and 3D2KJ
They will be active on all bands with focus on low bands. QSL via home calls``.
** GABON. Africa No. Un reception has improved lately, F-G on 9580, Oct 13 at 0600 with timesignal one second late, so
why bother? ANO ID, French news, first about Burkina Faso elexion. One of the better signals on 31m then.
** INDIA. 9415 the center frequency for the AIR Aligarh blob, Oct 13 at 1336, and correct frequency 9470 absent. However,
9415 distorted modulation was not // 9425 AIR Bengaluru, supposedly carrying same network. Fortunately, 9415 was not
wide enough to bother 9425 itself. At first considered it could be something else, but no // found from 9370, 9385 or anything
on 31m; besides, the intonation still sounded Hindi. 1340 it had quite slow talk with long pauses, as if dictation or maybe
language lesson. Not rechecked until 1457 when considerably weaker as was 9425, but at 1501 they were again // in music.
Are 9470-or-whatever and 9425 ever intentionally carrying separate programming?
Meanwhile, 9690 also audible, which I had not heard in a long time, at 1346 with GOS of AIR ID by YL; poor signal, weaker
than 9425 and much weaker than 9870. Aoki says 9690 is 500 kW, 108 degrees from Bangaluru at 1330-1500.
** INDONESIA. 9525.9, VOI check for another Tuesday excursion to Banjarmasin in the Exotic Indonesia series: Oct
13 at 1344 did hear the Banj guy introducing cultural talk given by YL starting with some geographical facts; but very
undermodulated and unworthy of spending any more time straining to comprehend. After the China clash, next check at
1502 in the clear again, but modulation JBA and could not be sure it was really English as scheduled. Would it be too much
to ask for decent modulation to accompany the 250 kW carrier?
RRI Makassar, 4750 had good signal Oct 13 around 1300, but soon distracted by the mess on 4800; see UNIDENTIFIED. Not
much from Jambi 4925 today. 4750 still audible with Indonesian talk at 1355; and music still detectable as late as 1429.
** KOREA SOUTH. 6095, clear frequency with very weak B-B-C- note chimes, Oct 13 at 1256. Thought it might be interesting
site, and it is per Aoki: Kimjae, Korea South, 250 kW at 290 degrees, about to start BBCWS Chinese service and no doubt
promptly to be *jammed into oblivion, but not just yet.
** LIBYA. Looked for VOA around 1432 Oct 13 when Saudi Arabia was audible on 21460, 21505, but not heard; however by
1513, 21695 had ascended to S9+10 level with undermodulated music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. There has been a lot of off-season sporadic E the last few days, surging into the FM band and even channel 7,
plus double-hopping lowband TV from Venezuela and Colombia into northeast America, but all I got here, once I belatedly
resumed monitoring open channel 2 again, was:
2257 UT Oct 12 on analog channel 2, fade-in with ad for some event in Mérida and Cancún, so likely often-seen XHY
Mérida. There were more DX signal peaks into channel 2 the next few hours, but nothing identifiable among CCI.
** OMAN. 15140, R. Sultanate of Oman audible for the second day in a row, Oct 13 at 1440 presumably just after news in
English, giving website ending in oman.om, then PSA for hotlines about something in Muscat, several numbers including
924-666-02. 1441 into popsong by YL in English. Sounds like quite a modern station; only poor signal suffering from splash
de WYFR 15130.
** SAUDI ARABIA. BSKSA making it thru on 13m for first time in a long time, Oct 13 at 1432, Qur`an very poor on 21460 and
// much better but fluttery 17895. At same time, 21505 also poor with different program in Arabic, enough level to be above
the still clearly audible buzz, no doubt the same transmitter that switches to buzz 15435 at 1500. Only other 13m signals at
this time were Spain on 21540, 21570, 21610, all JBA. See also LIBYA.
** TAIWAN. Oct 13 is another occasion RTI Japanese service is outputting spurs from 9735, at 1347, same slightly variable
pitch on CRI 9730 and BBC 9740.
UNIDENTIFIED. Never heard this before in morningly scans of 60m, but Oct 13 at 1300 a US MW station on 4800, cutting
on and off intermittently, more off than on, but when cut on was quite distorted, and cutons did not seem to correlate with
modulation level. Most likely harmonic, but 4800 could be an even multiple of all these: 600, 800, 960, 1200 and 1600!
960? That`s local KGWA x 5. So I first rule that out and the other two locals on 1390 and 1640; it could be some other mix
and not an harmonic. At 1306 I think I detect it // in mixture on 1600, but not nearby KUSHing. Not audible on 3200. 4800
spur at S9+15 QRMs CODAR and another very weak broadcast signal, possibly XERTA at QRP.
Kept listening for next semihour and it was extremely frustrating with only bits and pieces of audio. At 1314 did clearly
mention ``the Dallas-Fort Worth area`` --- but the 1600 station there, KRVA is in, what else, Vietnamese, as just reconfirmed.
In case it`s still Texan, at 1322 checked for // on 1200, but not // presumed remnant of WOAI. 1323 ad or PSA for cancer
screening. 1326 soul music; 1332 ad with dialog. Enough of that, missing other good DX.
1356 recheck, still audible cutting on and off; 1359 wrapping up show giving today`s date. Naturally was not cut on when
any legal hourtop ID might have been given. 1428, one more check, still cutting on and off. There is a loose connexion in
the transmitter or antenna somewhere, causing this harmonic, or external mixing spur.
UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 7345, R. Prague in French, Oct 13 at 0604, making slow SAH. It seemed like the other station
was in French too, but the only thing listed is Yakutsk, and that site was certainly incoming well on 7200; not knowing 7345
could be this until researched later, I did not attempt to //. Still clashing after 0630 when Prag went into German. Aoki shows
Yakutsk long hours on 7345, 19-15 at 310 degrees, R. Sakha/R. Rossii. BTW, R. Prague is facing extinxion by yearend so
that could open a lot of frequency-hours.
UNIDENTIFIED. 17460-17485, OTH radar pulses, presumed, Oct 13 at 1435, rather strong, likely from somewhere in
Europe along with many other 16m signals.
** AUSTRALIA. All three VL8s doing well Oct 12 at 1243 in // English discussion as I was on 2325 and heard a promo/ID for
``783, ABC Alice Springs``; this time it was somewhat stronger than 2310, and weakest on 2485. Do they ever announce
the SW callsigns and frequencies, or are they turned on and forgotten?.
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 12 at 1352: 8400 JBA with Spanish 2-way SSB QRM on lo side; also JBA on 9000. Has been a
few weeks since I`ve heard any of the higher OOB channels on 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17 or 18 MHz ranges; I assume FD and
Sound of Hope are still there, just not propagating.
** CUBA. RHC anomaly check Oct 12 at 0530: ops normal on 49m, English service but in music on 6140, 6060, 6010;
Spanish on 6120, 6000. 11760 Spanish JBA and so the constellation of spurs were inaudible. No phones ringing to be
heard, or squeals noted. But:
5898, Oct 12 at 0536, spy number/letter transmitter surely as powerful as any RHC broadcast outlet, 250 kW, with
phone ringing every few sex along with huge hum. 0540 briefly overridden by huger multi-tone data burst, then resumes
ringing. A theory: that`s one way of ``calling up`` the spy info, and it finally answered. The ringing sound is like what you
hear out of your phone earpiece, not what you hear coming out of the phone`s ringer (electronic anyway these days, not
mechanical), so no open mikes need to be involved. Could be crossed wires in the exchange, or wires too close, so that
the ringing circuit, always running on standby to be switched into a connexion which needs to be ringing, gets into the
line from spy-central to transmitters.
For the third day in a row, the RHC 11760 transmitter is putting out multiple spurs: Oct 12 at 1353 sufficiently modulated
to be taken as intentional, tho with hum, on 11811.2 playing Guantanamera, and 11708.8. The further ones weakening
progressively with same tone mixed in, again detectable down to 11197 and up to 12221, roughly, every 51.2 kHz. Some
had really big clashes such as 12016 with the resident RTTY.
At 1446, found 13780 still with squeal but not 13680 or the others.
** INDIA. The AIR Aligarh extremely distorted blob was centered on 9475 Oct 12 at 1327, i.e. right on top of R. Australia in
Chinese, also detectable; blob spread from 9470 to 9490, still peaking at 9475 at 1456 check.
9425, AIR Bengaluru, clear // distorted 9475v, Oct 12 at 1430 with Akashvani ID, 5+1 timesignal but one second
late compared to WWV! I wonder how it would compare to ATA. Right into news in English about Pakistan releasing
Mumbai terrorist.
** INDONESIA [and non]. 4925, RRI Jambi, Oct 12 at 1249 peaking S9+10 in Indonesian mentioning ``berita2`` and ``warta
berita`` (news), a sure tipoff as to language. Then to some choral music, with something similar on Makassar 4750 but not
// as soon one was talking and one was musicking. The two about same signal level, but 4925 has CODAR QRM. Both still
audible at 1326 but weakening.
3325, where it`s always a question whether PNG or RRI Palangkaraya, Oct 12 at 1255 the best extracontinental signal
on 90m so I stick with it a while. 3335 and 3385 PNG also audible, the latter still at 1326. On 3325, W&M dialog, rather
dramatically expressed. Sure sounds Indonesian rather than Tok-Pisin, and not English; I did not pick up any Indonesian
keywords, but did catch a reduplication which is more likely Indonesian than TP. YL kept giggling right thru hourtop with no
discernible ID, finally 1302 into song. 1319 back to phone calls and more giggling, 1324 music.
** KOREA NORTH [non]. R. Free Asia, 5810: see U S A [non]
** LIBYA [and non]. While 5810 is still holding up from the west as late as 1500 [see USA [non]], it`s also peak time for
highest frequency openings from the east: Oct 12 at 1506, 21695 in surprisingly well, muffled and lo-fi but good S9+8
signal level in discussion of aid by Western agencies to Africa, 1510 ID as Voice of Africa from the Great Jamahiyah, for the
moment a bit better than // 17725.
Only other signals on 13m were Spain on 21610 and 21570, about equal to Libya in strength but much better in modulation
during music at 1508.
** OMAN. I always look for R. Sultanate of Oman on 15140 when bandscanning between 14 and 15, and usually can`t hear
any trace of it. But on Oct 12 at 1435 weak YL in English, presumably news on the half-hour, undermodulated and suffering
from WYFR 15130 splash. 1438 started mixing with music, and 1440 just music, Western-sounding song of some sort.
** SWAZILAND. I normally find TWR rather boring to log, but they do have a nice chime IS, Oct 12 at 1452 on 9635 atop
Chile and/or Vietnam making SAH; between each three iterations every 35-40 sex, inserted ID in English as ``Trans World
Radio, Swaziland``. 1455 already opening in some obscure language, per Aoki Malagasy at 53 degrees, except on Sundays
when it`s French.
** U S A. WEWN, 12160 in English, Oct 12 at 1447 with heavy CODAR QRM, worst I have heard it on a major SWBC station.
Must have been at least two CODARS mixed in, and hard to believe 40 watts could do that to 250 kW, which is the power
FCC says WEWN is now running. Catholix vs CODAR! At this time at least weak CODAR swishes could be heard all the
way between 12100 and 12330.
** U S A. Has been quite a while since I snared the spurs from KVOH, but not to be outdone by RHC, they succeeded Oct
12 at 1514 when fundamental 17775 was VG at S9+20 level in Spanish preaching from Pedro, and could also hear // audio
in distortion but mostly big hum, centered on 17630 vs CRI English via Mali, and 17920 vs nothing but potentially harmful to
aero comms. Checked for more spurs further out at 145 kHz intervals, but none audible. One might have been weakly on
17485, but if there, overcome by too much Brother Scare via Jülich. More could show up later in day if fundamental build up
higher than only 20 over 9. Previously the spurs had been 1 kHz closer to or further from fundamental, so the exact offset
varies somewhat, why?.
** U S A [non]. Usually hear VOA English on 7575, which is Thailand at 14-16, but Oct 12 at 1457 nothing audible, instead
7545 which is Tinang, PHILIPPINES, outro to VOA Editorial, previewing plenty of frequencies following hour for Border
Crossings, but could not copy all of them due fades. 7545 has some ute digital QRM on lo side mixed with SSB voice.
After an open carrier a few minutes earlier, at 1500 found VOA English also on 7520, which is supposed to be Tinang too
with 2 x 250 kW at 200 and 270 degrees. Announcer gave wrong timecheck as 1400, then news. This was an echo apart
from 7545 despite being same site.
One last check of 50m at 1503 Oct 12 to see if anything is still making it from Asia: yes, peaking S9, Korean on 5810, which
is almost Asia, TINIAN, RFA just starting a 4-hour midnight broadcast to Juche victims huddled under the covers secretly
monitoring the Outside World with their earbuds or barely audible pillow speakers, instead of getting some much-needed
sleep in their miserable lives as slaves of The Dear Leader. Or so RFA hopes.
UNIDENTIFIED. 15895-15925, OTH radar pulses, presumed Oct 12 at 1445; at 1512 also 17515-17545, both fortunately
clear of SWBC victims.
** BIAFRA [non]. After barely a month on 17520 via WHRI, V. of Biafra International found back on 15665 which it had used
during most of the summer, Oct 9 at 1915 check and heard immediate ID by The Orator. This lower frequency is somewhat
more reliable here, but what about Biafraland, where the audience is not even given the correct current frequency on
website or in announcements? VOBI is Fridays only at 19-20.
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 10 at 1318: very poor on 8400, JBA on 9000.
5075 at 1305 Oct 10, weak talk vying with ute beeps on hi side. Has to be V. of Pujiang, Shanghai, the only broadcaster on 5075.
** CUBA. RHC anomalies were especially rich on Oct 10:
At 0539, found 6000 in English // 6010, 6060, 6140 instead of Spanish. Normally, 6000 switches from English to
Spanish at 0500.
``Travers DeVine``, circa Maryland had reported phone-ringing sounds on RHC frequencies as early as 0405, and I soon
heard them too:
At 0541 on 6140 during English discussion of baseball, phone ringing mixed in, but not on // English channels as
above; then also became audible on 6000. Meanwhile 6120 in Spanish without phone ringing. BTW, 6000 and 6010
when both in English were an echo apart as usual, from two different transmitter sites, while 6140 and 6010 were
synchronized, from same site.
At 0547 also heard phone ringing on 5898! That`s the spy-numbers frequency which runs open carrier for long periods (not
5900 as you might assume without measuring it). So this had no RHC audio, just phone ringing and some hum. And the
ringing was synchronized with that on RHC frequencies, so further clincher they are at same site!
At 0549, 6000 had switched to Spanish, signal was stronger, and no phone ringing. 6140 still in English with ringing.
At 0604, 6060 had phone ringing audible under English talk, and this transmitter also with a squeal. I quit for the night.
Next check at 1300, no phone ringing audible on 5965 or 6180, so it must have been `answered` sometime in the night.
Now RHC entertains us with a different messup: Oct 10 at 1325 I find RHC (all Spanish at this hour of course) on 11811.2.
Is 11800 off frequency? No, it`s there too, and an echo apart. 11811.2 turns out to be a spur from 11760, and in next few
minutes found numerous other spurs at multiples of approx. 51.2 kHz from 11760!
They all had the same tone on them plus RHC audio, not as I first thought making a het with victims, thus making them
easier to spot. Found on all these frequencies: I did not measure each one, but calculated them later, and the further ones
may be a fraxion of a kHz off depending on what the spur differential was exactly:
11504.0 - this one especially strong
11145.6 – the lowest detectable
Going upward:
11811.2 - where first discovered
11862.4 - blown away by WYFR 11865, but het detectable
12323.2 – highest detectable when I finished at 1405. So RHC has attained a new level of efficiency, providing 24 frequencies
for the price of one!.
** INDIA. On Oct 9, the AIR Aligarh blob had been fixed, and ops were normal on 9470, but it was too good to be true. Next
day Oct 9 checking just after sign-on at 1320: the blob again! Covering 9480-9490 at least, extremely distorted FMy but //
clear 9425 Bengaluru, playing rustic wind instrument. And nothing on 9470. It was proven the day before that this transmitter
is capable of operating correctly, but AIR allows it to go haywire yet again.
** NIGERIA. 4770, R. Nigeria, Kaduna had not been heard in quite a while, but audible Oct 10 at 0552 with show
choral lite music, bonker on the hi side, evitable by tuning to lo side, and not much CODAR. Just before 0600 went to
announcement, timesignal seemed about right, and more talk, I think in English but too poor to be sure. Signal averaged
S9, fluxuating S6 to S9+10, better than Perú 4790, but quite undermodulated. Kaduna could be quite listenable if they
would modulate adequately.
** SAO TOME [and non]. 9600, as I tuned in at 0530 Oct 10 heard heavy SAH and mix of VOA YDD and R. Bulgaria theme,
then opening in German. It was the tail of VOA Hausa overlapping which then went off; and I could still hear the mystery het
from around 9600.4.
** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, SIBC, on reactivated frequency, Oct 10 at 1302 with BBCWS news in English, running
about 2 words behind Singapore 9740; poor with Cuba-5025 splash. That`s all one needs for a definite ID of this, but rather
unsatisfying; one must listen before 1205 to hear genuine Solomonic programming.
** TAIWAN [non]. Someone found it odd to hear RTI on 6915 in Chinese via WYFR. But I notice it`s in the B-09 schedule
at 03-04 only, so that part is already in effect. Checked at 0343 Oct 10 and there it is, Chinese on 6915. Aoki says this only
started on Sept 21, at 355 degrees, toward Toronto?.
** U S A. 9370, WTJC with hymn and unusually strong signal for the nightmiddle when it is sometimes JBA or inaudible,
0523 Oct 10, S9+22, bringing with it spurs circa 9340 and 9400. O o, on 9340 I could also hear WYFR Arabic // also strong
9355, which means *this* spur could have been dentro-receiver FRG7 overload; and I really could not hear them on YB-400
or DX-398 with lesser antennas onclipped.
BTW at this time 25m was bearing only a few S Hemisphere signals, 11725, 11690, while 31m was open to Europe, e.g.
Greece 9420.
** ANGUILLA. Caribeacon, 6090 off the air again Oct 9 but did not notice until 0556 when no other carriers were audible
around 6090, not even Brasil or Nigeria; were they off too? CB 11775 on the air as usual at next check 1343 with PMS.
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 8 circa 1130 and 1352: poor on both 8400, 9000. Oct 9 at 1329 during drumming passage, JBA on
9000 but very poor on 8400.
** CUBA. Another day, another anomaly to report at RHC. Oct 8 at 0547, 6140 was off the air, so impossible to tell whether
it would have been in English or Spanish. 6120 was on in Spanish as well as 6000, whilst 6060 and 6010 were in English.
11760 now with light squeal degrading it, Oct 9 at 1343, Entre Cubanos program, fascinating interview with 82-year-old
former Cubana de Aviación pilot, José Antonio de C. Domínguez, who flew hundreds of times each to México, Miami, New
York and Madrid, starting with DC3s, both pre- and post-revolution.
** INDIA. AIR Aligarh extremely distorted blob from 9470 transmitter, still going Oct 8 at 1353 check covering 9480-9500, but
at least just far enough away not to bother Radio Australia 9475 this time.
But it`s fixed! Oct 9 at 1319, normally modulated on 9470 very much like Bengaluru on // 9425, just a reverb apart. Both
signals rather weak today with flutter; 9870 as usual better with VBS. Let`s hope 9470 transmitter will STAY fixed.
** INDONESIA. 4750, RRI Makassar, nice S9+10 signal, no co-channel this time, 1315 Oct 9, Indonesian music and talk;
best SW broadcast signal below 5 MHz. I should take time to pause and listen for content, but I am drawn to bandscan as
much as possible upon upwaking.
VOI, 9525.9, Oct 9 at 1324 with ID, URL, three frequencies, two of which are always imaginary and none of which is
``9525.9`` or even 9526; modulation this time at fair level, but nowhere near what it should be on an S9+20 signal. 1325
starting Indonesian Wonders about some restaurant dish, sounding like babarji; but too much accent and flutter noise to
follow content, anyway accompanied by nice flutish music.
** MEXICO. I was starting to get bits of Spanish conversation again from RASA Mérida, XEQM, 6104.8, Oct 9 at 0558, but
blocked from *0559:30 by BBC Ascension in French, which thinx it owns 6105.0 for a semihour; XEQM still succeeded in
hetting it. Then at 1337 XEQM also poking thru the ACI and CCI with some Spanish, but I was distracted by classical music
on 6045, meaning XEXQ was back? Unfortunately, not; see RUSSIA.
** NEW ZEALAND. 6170, RNZI, Friday Oct 9 at 1329 announcing a road closure due to weather, DST timecheck for 2:30,
and into program of award-winning Maori traditional music. English-speaking announcer throws in Maori phrases as if we
were bilingual on this RNZ domestic program relayed, but nice and exotic from an overseas standpoint.
This show featured cuts from the album ``Ancient Maori Music``, including ``Creation of the World``, ``Call of the Whales``.
At 1336 program was referred to as ``your morning music fix``. Schedule grid shows it as Waiata. Found the program
page including those on the playlist and already the content of next week`s show starting Oct 11: http://www.radionz.co.nz/
national/programmes/waiata But it shows the wrong time, Saturday 4:30 am, so is the Sunday time wrong too?
Which raises the question, why doesn`t RNZI broadcast specifically in Maori-only during certain hours? Or maybe it does?
But then, any modern Maori and probably most of the old-timers also speak Enzedenglish.
The 24/7 program grid at http://www.rnzi.com/pages/schedules.php has the word Maori nowhere on it, tho it does specify
French, Hindi, Niuean, Samoan, Tongan!
Altho EiBi`s comprehensive language list at
includes COK for Cook Islands Maori, and MAO for NZ Maori, those abbrs appear nowhere in the entire schedule at
RNZI leavens its English with Maori program titles such as Tagata o te Moana but apparently the show is actually in English?
It`s UT Sat at 1308-1330, Sun 1308-1400, 1815-1900. Others, suspected to be Maori, but are they Maori-only? M-F 17351740 Waatea News; UT Sat 1708-1800 Te Ahi Kaa.
The redesigned website also no longer shows the Maori name of RNZI which used to be prominently displayed, and I can`t
remember how it went. Fortunately, WRTH 2009 quotes the Maori ID on page 451: ``Te reo irirangi o Aotearoa, o te Moananui-a-Kiwa``. But it shows no specific times for any languages but English.
From Oct 25, RNZI will be on 7440-AM instead of 6170 for the 1330 programs (and DRM still taking a break). On Oct 9, I
was not hearing any het from DZRM 6170.4.
** RUSSIA. Indians may have been saved from the horrible Aligarh blob covering 20 kHz or more as of Oct 9 (see INDIA),
but now they are plied with DRM noise falling neatly between the two AIR National Channels 9425 and restored 9470: i.e.,
9440-9445-9450, the VOR service via Irkutsk also roaring lightly into the opposite worldside, OK, Oct 9 at 1328. I suspect
the frequency band was originally chosen so Indians tuning between AIR and AIR could not help but notice the noise. But
how many DRM receivers of any kind can possibly be funxioning there to resolve the noise, otherwise sheerly annoying?
Doesn`t matter; VOR has bought into the DRM myth, as have the authorities in India.
6045 with classical music at 1337 Oct 9, especially after just hearing a bit of Mexico on 6104.8, made me suspect XEXQ
San Luís Potosí had finally reactivated --- until I heard a Chinese tonal announcement one minute later. Therefore, VOR as
scheduled via Vladivostok. One must search for SLP before that starts at 1300.
** SPAIN. REE, 11680, Oct 9 at 0547, surprised to find here as scheduled only at 2300-0200. Noblejas probably forgot to
change to correct frequency when firing up transmitter again! Perhaps should have been on 11895 or 12035, often audible
here, but I did not think to check for them. Now 11680 is badly QRMed by RNZI DRM 11670-11675-11680. No doubt about
ID as REE was announcing its address in Castilian.
** U S A. Squeal is building up again on the WWCR-2 transmitter. Oct 8 at 1130 I tuned in 5935 during one of the pregnant
pauses by PMS, and heard nothing but squealing, which does not need any intentional modulation to set it off.
UNIDENTIFIED. OTH radar pulsing presumed at 1346 Oct 8, covering 6530-6580, neatly bookended by the Juche jamming
noise against S Korean clandestine V of the People on 6518 and 6600. Lots more OTHR audible at: 6430-6480, 6965-7040
oops extending into hamband, NB intruder watchers; 7345-7360, 7660-7710, 6790-6830, 6890-6940.
** AUSTRALIA. 120m VL8s all audible Oct 7 at 1228, and seemed // in music, then YL talk: best on 2325, then 2485 and
worst on 2310. Really all JBA vs local noise level. Later dates and monitoring earlier hours should improve them.
** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 7: at 1251, good on 8400, poor on 9000. At 1425, still good on 8400, JBA on 9000.
** CUBA. RHC Oct 7: at 0540, English on 6140, 6060, 6010; Spanish on reactivated 6120 and JBA 6000. Another frequency
missing yesterday was back Oct 7, 11800 distorted at 1315 in Spanish.
Several of the DCJC frequencies are accompanied by jamming spurs on each side. While the center frequency is a wall
of noise, perhaps only one transmitter is doing the spurs, at a rate of 2 pulses per second, such as at 1256 Oct 7 covering
10-15 kHz each side of 9805 and 9955. Same setup observed around 7405 earlier circa 0530.
RHC 13780 transmitter still squealing, Oct 7 at 1337, very strong and much more noticeable here than on WWCR 13845.
** INDIA. The AIR 9470 Aligarh extremely distorted blob covered 9475-9485 opening at 1318 Oct 7, initially cutting on and
off // clear Bengaluru 9425 with AIR IS. Now it`s blocking R. Australia in Chinese on 9475. Has RA filed a complaint with
AIR? That might get some axion after four months of this nonsense! By 1427, the blob ranged 9470-9490 and RA was
undetectable under it.
The AIR 11585 transmitter had a big signal at 1430 Oct 7 but also a big hum marring the Sindhi service via Delhi-Khampur.
Wiggle that patchcord!.
** INDONESIA. VOI, 9525.9, good carrier but no modulation audible at all during the alleged English hour, Oct 7 at 1302
and several more chex, e.g. 1328. See PHILIPPINES.
** KOREA NORTH. The sole occupant of the 105m band, KCBS 2850, with martial orchestral music, Oct 7 at 1230, VP vs
noise level, slightly better than the 120m Strines.
** PHILIPPINES. 9520 with instrumental music at 1325 Oct 7. Dialing by feel, at first assumed I was on 9525.9 for VOI, but
that was an open carrier. At 1327, 9520 went to ID in English as Radio Veritas Asia, Quezon City, the next broadcast at 1330
to be in Sinhala, repeated at 1328; 1329 into Sinhala announcement, 1330 IS and march theme, 1333 giving P O Box in Q.C.
Fair signal for something so far off-target, per Aoki, 250 kW, 280 degrees from Palauig-Zambales site at 1330-1357, balanced
during following semihour by Tamil on same parameters. During the few minutes I listened, nothing overtly Catholic.
** RUSSIA. 7320, R. Rossii via Magadan, Oct 7 at 0525 with circus music, a bit of it reminding us of Looney Tunes & Merrie
Melodies; 0530 brief announcement introducing a pizzicato piece; 0533 into the Vladimir Danov show, discussion with an
academic about organ music? But no more music for 2+ minutes so I move on. Good signal.
** RUSSIA. 9440-9450 noise blob, Oct 7 at 1304: could it be the Aligarh transmitter on early? No, that appeared on 94759485 at 1318, see INDIA, and 9445 noise still there at 1322. Looked up later in Aoki, it`s DRM! VOR to S Asia via IrkutskOdinsk, 15 kW, 234 degrees at 1200-1600 in Russian, Hindi this hour, then English and more Hindi, and the DRM DX
schedules have it too on 9445.
** U S A. Usually takes a very strong signal from WWCR to detect any squeal, but Oct 7 at 1337, PMS was less than solid
on 13845, but squeal still audible.
UNIDENTIFIED. OTH radar pulse observations Oct 7, all ranges approximate: at 1245, 5740-5790 bothering AFN GUAM on
5765; also 6910-6960 and 6785-6825; at 1340, 14385-14410. The last was quite strong peaking around 14395.
Escutas de Rubens Ferraz Pedroso
Bandeirantes-PR, Brasil
RFP = Escutas realizadas com um Sony ICF SW 7600G + antena RC3-FM.
RFP* = Escuta realizada com um Kchibo KK-C37 + antena telescópica.
RFP** = Escutas realizadas com um Smartphone Nokia N73 + fone de ouvido (funcionando como antena).
97.1 ZDK – Liberty Radio International, Saint John’s, EE, 2318, 17/10, OM, mx caribenha variada 45344 RFP
102.7 ZJF Radio, Saint John’s, EE, 2342, 17/10, mx pop internacional variada. Obs: ela ficou no ar por um bom tempo e
com uma boa qualidade de sinal 45333 RFP**
91.9 Hitz FM, Saint John’s, EE, 0007, 17/10, mx caribenha 33333 RFP
96.7 Nice FM, Kingstown, EE, 2328, 17/10, mx caribenha, OM 43333 RFP
107.5 NBC, Kingstown, EE, 2331, 17/10, OM, nxs 55344 RFP*
105.7 Praise FM, Kingstown, EE, 2335, 17/10, OM/YL, mx gospel, relg 54344 RFP
103.7 Hitz FM, Kingstown, EE, 2338, 17/10, mx caribenha 45333 RFP**
99.9 WE FM, Kingstown, EE, 2354, 17/10, mx caribenha 44333 RFP
101.4 Unid (provável da Martinica), FF, 2346, 17/10, mx pop, OM às 00:21 horas UTC 45333 RFP
100.9 Unid, idioma unid, 2351, 17/10, mx caribenha 45333 RFP
91.5 Unid (provável Jamaica), EE??, 0005, 17/10, mx reggae “One more night” 45333 RFP
93.7 Unid (The Wave – Castries South/LCA??), EE, 0010, 17/10, mx caribenha 33333 RFP
94.1 Unid, EE, 0013, 17/10, mx caribenha 35333 RFP
92.7 FAME FM, Coopers Hill, EE, 2329, 17/10, mx reggae variada 34333 RFP
97.3 Radio Saint Lucia, Castries, EE, 0000, 17/10, OM, nxs 32332 RFP
91.2 RCI Martinique, Martinique, FF, 0003, 17/10, YL, nxs, mx 34333 RFP
106.6 RCI Guadeloupe, Guadeloupe, FF, 0023, 17/10, mx caribenha, OM 34333 RFP
Escutas de Ivan Dias
Sorocaba-SP, Brasil
Sintonizador Sony XDR-F1HD, Antenna Performance APS-9B
89,9 14/10 0418 B Cana Verde FM, Siqueira Campos/PR, mx "Pra ser sincero" w/ Engenheiros do Hawaii 44444
Um relato muito interessante (com direito a áudio) de tal escuta em meu blog:
103,5 06/10 0430 B Rede Aleluia, Ribeirão Preto/SP, px rlg IURD 55555
Escutas de Flávio A. Archangelo
Jundiaí- SP, Brasil
105,9 Rádio Novo Tempo - Louveira/SP - ZYM755.
94,3 - Clube FM - Rio Claro/SP - agora com RDS.
95,5 - Rádio Flor da Montanha - Amparo/SP - voltou com ID antigo, ZYM919, ex-Objetiva FM.
97,3 - Delta FM - Atibaia/SP - Em alguns momentos // 1300 kHz Rádio Universo ZYK535.
98,1 - Antiga Terra FM - Jundiaí/SP - Agora rlg evangélico.
100,5 - Terra FM - Sorocaba - Antiga Tupi FM.
105,9 - Capela FM - Vinhedo/SP - ZYU604, radcom.
Escutas de Luiz Tresso
Jundiaí-SP, Brasil
Receptor: Sony XDR-F1HD, Antena: Yagi - Thevear 416C banda II
88,5 15/10 0005 Laser FM, Mogi das Cruzes, SP?, id, mx sertaneja
93,5 15/10 0025 Cristal FM, Itapeva, SP, id, talk abt Itapeva
95,5 16/10 0010 95FM, ??, id, mx Beatles, 12212 QSB
88,5 16/10 0130 Unid, ??, px religioso, talks om/yl, info "Igreja Universal mudando vidas no Paraná", 22222 QSB
(provavelmente Rede Aleluia em Curitiba)
Escutas de Rubens Ferraz Pedroso
Bandeirantes-PR, Brasil
Sony 7600G e Degen DE 1103, Antena RC3-FM
107.5 NBC, Kingstown, EE, 0311, 12/10, OM/OM, talks 45333 RFP
96.7 Unid (Antares FM – pareceu-me ser caribenha – Nice FM), 0321, 12/10, mx (caribenha??) 45333 RFP
99.9 99FM, QTH??, PP, 0327, 12/10, mx variada, YL/OM, jingle: “99 FM” 35233 RFP
91.3 Nossa Voz FM, Fartura – SP, PP, 0331, 12/10, mx 45333
107.5 12/10 0311 VCT NBC, Kingstown, EE, OM/OM, talks 45333 RFP
99.9 12/10 0327 B 99 FM, QTH??, mx variada, YL/OM, jingle: "99 FM" 35233 RFP
103.7 14/10 0052 B Super Cambará FM, Cambará - PR, id OM: "Essa rádio só toca sucesso, Super Cambará FM" 45333 RFP
107.5 15/10 0000 VCT NBC, Kingstown, EE, OM 25232 RFP
96.9 15/10 0002 B 96 FM, Bauru - SP, advs de Bauru "Viva cidade" 55344 RFP
103.7 15/10 0005 B 103 FM, Presidente Prudente - SP, advs: "Uniesp"45333RFP
94.1 15/10 0040 B Humaitá FM, Paranavaí - PR, mx variada 45344 RFP
97.3 15/10 0043 LCA Radio Saint Lucia, Castries, EE, OM/OM, talks 43343 RFP
102.7 16/10 0001 ATG ZJF Radio, Saint John's, EE, mx, YL 43333 RFP
97.1 16/10 0008 ATG ZDK - Liberty Radio International, Saint John's, EE, mx caribenha, OM44333RFP
107.5 16/10 0130 VCT NBC, Kingstown, EE, mx caribenha 45333 RFP
Escutas de Samuel Cássio Martins
São Carlos-SP, Brasil
Degen 1103, antena telescópica
88,3 12/10
89.7 13/10
99.9 13/10
100.7 13/10
Rádio Classic Hits, Mogi-Guaçu, SP, mx pop, slogan, 25332
Rádio Mania FM, provavel Uberlândia-MG, 33433
Rádio Jornal Fernandópolis, Fernandópolis-SP, ID, px religioso (Igreja Universal), 33433
Rádio Cidade, Lins-SP, mx variada, 34433
Escutas de Wilson Rodrigues
zona rural de Itatiaiuçu - MG, Brasil
Receptor, TECSUN PL300WT, Antena, Telescópica e direcional de 8 elementos
Pessoal, para dar minha contribuição aos logs de FM, sem me ater a detalhes da programação, abaixo segue a relação de emissoras ouvidas.
Onde não consegui identificar o nome da emissora coloquei apenas a freqüência, o nome da cidade também é algo difícil de se
identificar, nem sempre pelas propagandas, pois muitas emissoras fazem comerciais de cidades bem distantes. Muitas estações
deixaram de ser identificadas pois com a propagação aberta, as vezes 3 ou 4 emissoras se misturam num entra e sai constante. Mas é
interessante ressaltar como o Tecsun PL-300WT é sensível. Onde a emissora entrava mal com a antena telescópica usei uma antena
externa direcional de 8 elementos, ligando apenas o fio central do coaxial, pois ao conectar a malha o sinal era muito atenuado!
Onde fiquei em dúvida, qual o QTH da emissora coloquei (?). Qualquer informação adicional quanto as emissoras será sempre bem vinda!
87,5 06/10 0820 Central FM, Betim - MG
87,9 06/10 0825 Crucilãndia FM, Crucilândia - MG (comunitária)
87,9 06/10 0827 Marimbá FM, Betim MG (?)
87,9 06/10 0830 Máxima FM, Rio Manso - MG
88,5 06/10 0832 Fama FM, Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG
88,7 06/10 0840 Trans-américa FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
89,1 06/10 0842 89,1FM Betim - MG (?)
89,3 06/10 0846 Nova Veredas FM, ( Afiliada da R.Itatiaia) Bom Despacho - MG (?)
89,5 06/10 0849 Band News FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
89,9 06/10 0855 89,9FM, Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG
90,1 06/10 0900 Santana FM, Itaúna - MG
90,3 06/10 0910 Alternativa FM, Brumadinho - MG
90,7 06/10 0903 Rede Aleluia, Belo Horizonte - MG
91,1 06/10 0906 Blitz FM, Betim - MG
91,2 06/10 0910 Alternativa FM, João Monlevade - MG
91,5 06/10 0912 Onda FM, Pitangui - MG
91,7 06/10 0916 Gerais FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
91,9 06/10 0918 Alternativa FM, Brumadinho - MG
91,1 06/10 0924 Muzirama FM, Sete Lagoas - MG
92,5 06/10 0930 92,5FM, Betim - MG
92,9 06/10 0933 Liberdade FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
93,1 06/10 0935 Sucesso FM, Divinópolis - MG
93,3 06/10 0940 Show FM, Barbacena - MG
93,3 06/10 1000 93,3FM, Formiga - MG (?)
93,5 06/10 1002 Clube FM, Itaúna - MG
93,9 06/10 1005 Oi FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
94,1 06/10 1007 Espacial FM, Para de Minas - MG
94,5 09/10 1025 94,5 FM, Divinópolis - MG
94,9 06/10 1010 Alvorada FM - Belo Horizonte - MG
95,3 06/10 2210 Nova FM, (?)
95,5 06/10 2210 Divinal FM, (?)
95,7 06/10 1028 Itatiaia FM - Belo Horizonte - MG
96,1 06/10 1030 Vale FM, Piedade do Paraopeba - MG
91,1 06/10 1300 Popular FM, Nova Serrana - MG
96,3 06/10 1310 Nossa FM, Oliveira - MG
96,5 06/10 1313 Guarani FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
96,7 06/10 2300 Panorama FM, Juiz de Fora - MG (?)
96,9 09/10 0900 Emboabas FM, (?)
97,1 06/10 1320 Máxima FM, Bom Despacho - MG (?)
97,3 06/10 1400 Nossa Rádio FM, (evangélica) (?)
97,5 07/10 0900 Educativa FM, Congonhas - MG
97,7 07/10 0910 Vertentes FM. São João Del Rei - MG
98,0 07/10 0914 98,0 FM, Betim - MG (?)
98,3 07/10 0918 98,3 FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
98,7 07/10 0920 Alternativa FM, Itaúna - MG
98,7 07/10 0922 Evangélica, (não identifica nome, nem cidade!)
98,9 07/10 0930 Cidade FM, (não identifica cidade!)
99,1 07/10 0933 Jovem Pan, Belo Horizonte - MG
99,3 07/10 0940 99,3 FM, Divinópolis - MG
99,5 0710 0950 Sintonia FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
99,7 07/10 1010 Amiga FM, Itapecerica - MG
99,9 07/10 1015 Carijós FM, Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG
100,3 07/10 0850 Tropical FM (?)
100.5 07/10 1020 Candidés FM, Divinópolis - MG
100,7 07/10 1025 Onda Sul FM, Alfenas - MG (?)
100,9 07/10 1031 Inconfidência FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
101,3 07/10 1045 Ritmos FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
101,3 07/10 1100 Nova FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
101,7 08/10 0900 Sucesso FM, Barbacena - MG
101,7 08/10 0915 Estilo FM, Pará de Minas - MG
102,1 08/10 0920 BH FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
102,3 08/10 0926 102,3 FM, Santo Antonio do Monte - MG (?)
102,5 08/10 0930 Líder FM, Formiga - MG
102,9 08/10 0933 CDL FM Belo Horizonte - MG
103,00 08/10 0940 Montense FM,(?) Santo Antonio do Monte - MG
103,1 08/10 0950 Vanguarda FM, Varginha - MG
103,5 08/10 1000 Evangélica, (não identifica nome nem QTH)
103,9 08/10 1005 Extra FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
104,3 08/10 1100 Comunitária FM, Betim - MG (?)
104.3 08/10 1110 104,3 FM, Piui - MG
104,5 08/10 1120 UFMG Educativa, Belo Horizonte - MG
105,1 08/10 1400 Antena 1 FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
105,3 08;10 1410 FM Itatiaia, Juiz de Fora - MG
105,3 08/10 1415 Alfenas FM, Alfenas - MG
105,5 08/10 1420 105,5 FM Ibirité - MG (?)
105,7 08/10 1435 Gospelmira FM, (?)
105,7 08/10 1442 105,7FM, Lavras - MG
105,9 08/10 1450 Voz Piedadense FM (?) Piedade dos Gerais - MG
106,1 08/10 1455 CBN, Belo Horizonte - MG
106,7 08/10 1458 Favela FM, Belo Horizonte - MG
107,1 08/10 1410 Índi FM, Cláudio - MG
107,3 08/10 14 20 Ouro FM, Entre Rios de Minas - MG
107,5 08/10 1433 Góspel FM, (?)
107,8 08/10 1500 Evangélica, ( não identifica nome nem cidade!)
570 kHz - R. Difusora - Taubaté - SP
Recebido E-QSL.
21 dias.
V/S: Tom (Departamento comercial).
O e-mail do V/S é: [email protected] .
O V/S informa que a emissora no mês que vem irá aumentar a potência do transmissor da emissora.
QTH: Rua Dr Souza Alves, 960 - Centro - Taubaté - SP - CEP.: 12020-030
(Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Bandeirantes, PR, Brasil)
6060 KhZ - R. Nacional da Argentina - General Pacheco - ARG
Recebido bonito QSL full data, carta pessoal, schedule e adesivo.
72 dias.
V/S: Julieta Galván (Equipe Português) e Luis Maria Barassi (Diretor).
QTH: C.C. 555 - Correo Central - 1000 - Buenos Aires - República Argentina
(Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Bandeirantes, PR, Brasil)
9870 kHz - Voz da Turquia (em espanhol).
87 dias.
V/S: ilegível.
Informe enviado por e-mail para [email protected]
(Ivandro da Cruz Neves, Martinópolis, SP, Brasil)
9755 kHz - R. Romênia Internacional (em espanhol)
98 dias.
V/S: sem assinatura.
Informe enviado por e-mail para [email protected]
(Ivandro da Cruz Neves, Martinópolis, SP, Brasil)
15455 kHz - R. Canadá Internacional (em espanhol)
73 dias.
V/S: sem assinatura.
Informe enviado por e-mail para [email protected]
(Ivandro da Cruz Neves, Martinópolis, SP, Brasil)
Facilite o trabalho dos editores:
Envie seus dados de QSL com formatação próxima da publicada.
Por Célio Romais
Colaborações para:
[email protected]
Todos os horários são no Tempo Universal Coordenado (UTC);
ALEMANHA VIA RUANDA – Entre 25 de outubro e 27 de março de 2010, os programas em português da DW para o
continente africano vão ao ar no seguinte esquema: das 0530 às 0600, no Tempo Universal, em 12045 kHz, via retransmissor
de Kigali, em Ruanda, e em 15600 kHz, via retransmissor de Dhabayya, nos Emirados Árabes Unidos; das 1930 às 2000,
em 9735 kHz, via retransmissor de Kigali, em Ruanda, e em 13780 kHz, via retransmissor de Trincomalle, no Sri Lanka.
ANGOLA – O sinal da Rádio Nacional de Angola foi monitorado, em Itaipuaçu (RJ), pelo Sarmento Campos, em 17 de
outubro, às 2050, no Tempo Universal, com sinal regular, em 4950 kHz. Na oportunidade, ele ouviu programação musical
e locução em português.
BRASIL – A Rádio Record, de São Paulo (SP), está a pleno vapor, nas ondas curtas, nas frequências de 6150 e 9505
kHz. A constatação foi feita pelo Sarmento Campos, em Itaipuaçu (RJ). Ele a captou em diversos momentos, sempre com
excelente sinal, principalmente durante as jornadas esportivas e até mesmo nas madrugadas brasileiras.
BRASIL – A Rádio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, de Belém (PA), foi reativada, na frequência de 5045 kHz, após 11 anos
de silêncio. A iniciativa é do Governo do Estado do Pará. A transmissão em ondas tropicais é uma ferramenta que faz
parte da política de integração do Estado defendida pela governadora Ana Júlia Carepa, do Partido dos Trabalhadores.
O Governo investiu R$ 1,1 milhão na recuperação da emissora. A proposta é atender o público do interior paraense, com
informações relevantes, comunicados e programação musical especial. As informações são do Blog do Paulo Henrique
Lima, de Santarém (PA). O endereço da emissora é o seguinte: BR-316, Estrada da Pirelli, na Área de Proteção Ambiental
da antiga Fazenda da Pirelli, Bairro Marituba, CEP: 67105-740, Ananindeua (PA).
BRASIL – A hora brasileira de verão começou neste dia 18 de outubro e vai até o dia 21 de fevereiro de 2010. Durante a
sua vigência, a diferença é de duas horas a menos em relação ao Tempo Universal Coordenado.
BRASIL – Com a compra das freqüências do Sistema Globo de Rádio, a Super Rádio Deus é Amor, de Curitiba (PR), aumentou
sensivelmente sua penetração nas ondas curtas. Na faixa de 31 metros, a programação evangélica da Igreja Pentecostal
Deus é Amor pode ser ouvida em canais próximos: 9565 e 9585 kHz. O último canal era da Rádio Globo paulista.
BRASIL – A Super Rede Boa Vontade de Rádios, de Porto Alegre (RS), transmite alguns jogos de futebol em cadeia com a
Rádio Brasil AM, do Rio de Janeiro (RJ), em suas frequências de 6160 e 9550 kHz. Foi assim em 11 de outubro, por volta
de 1938, no Tempo Universal, para acompanhar a partida entre Brasil e Bolívia.
BRASIL – A Rádio Difusora do Amazonas, de Manaus (AM), foi captada, em Itaipuaçu (RJ), pelo Sarmento Campos, em
4805 kHz, às 2255, no Tempo Universal, transmitindo programa esportivo.
BRASIL – Em 18 de outubro, a Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, de Brasília (DF), estava em cadeia com a Rádio Inconfidência,
por volta de 2120, no Tempo Universal, transmitindo a partida entre Botafogo e Cruzeiro, pelo campeonato brasileiro de
futebol. Portanto, a transmissão dos 6010 kHz também estava em paralelo com 6185 e 11785 kHz. Ambos possuíam boa
sintonia no Sul do Brasil, conforme monitoria feita em Porto Alegre (RS).
BRASIL - Além Fronteiras é o nome do programa que fala de dexismo e ondas curtas na Rádio Canção Nova, de Cachoeira
Paulista (SP). Vai ao ar, nos sábados, entre 2100 e 2200, no Tempo Universal, Durante a vigência da hora brasileira de verão, nas
frequências de 4825, 6105 e 9575 kHz. O programa conta com a participação especial do dexista Antonio Kosta Oliveira. Confira!
BRASIL – A propagação melhorou muito, nos últimos dias, principalmente para a sintonia de emissoras na faixa de 31
metros, em todo o Brasil. O sinal da Rádio Bandeirantes, de São Paulo (SP), por exemplo, tem sido captado, inclusive, nas
madrugadas brasileiras, na freqüência de 9645 kHz.
BÉLGICA – A RTBF International é uma emissora belga cujo sinal tem chegado com relativa facilidade, no Brasil, pela
freqüência de 9970 kHz. A programação musical da emissora é muito boa. Foi ouvida, em Porto Alegre (RS), em 10 de
outubro, às 2055, com notícias em francês. Em Itaipuaçu (RJ), foi monitorada pelo Sarmento Campos, em 17 de outubro,
com bom sinal, quando reproduzia músicas.
BULGÁRIA - A partir de 25 de outubro, a programação em espanhol da Rádio Bulgária irá ao ar no seguinte esquema: entre 0000
e 0100, em 7300 e 9400 kHz; das 0200 às 0300, em 7300 e 9400 kHz; das 0700 às 0730, em 6200 e 7300 kHz; das 1730 às
1800, em 5900 e 9400 kHz; das 2230 às 2330, em 5900 e 9400 kHz. Todos os horários são no Tempo Universal Coordenado.
CHADE – O Chade é um país localizado no centro-norte do continente africano que foi colônia da França. O deserto do
Saara cobre três quartos do território do país. Nas ondas curtas, a Rdiff. Nat. Tchadienne está presente, transmitindo
na frequência de 4905 kHz, sempre em francês. No entardecer brasileiro, a emissora tem sido monitorada com relativa
sintonia, no Sul do Brasil, por volta de 2030, no Tempo Universal. Foi monitorada, em Porto Alegre (RS), em 10 de outubro,
quando transmitia notícias em francês e músicas em estilo rap.
CHINA – Aos poucos, a Rádio Internacional da China tem ocupado os canais e freqüências que emissoras ocidentais
deixaram nas ondas curtas. A constatação é o Sarmento Campos, do Rio de Janeiro (RJ). A emissora tem usado, em
diversas emissões e idiomas, sempre mais de um canal.
ESPANHA – De terças a sábados, entre 0300 e 0400, no Tempo Universal, vai ao ar pela Rádio Exterior de Espanha a 2ª
edição do programa Españoles en la mar. O segmento fala do mundo da pesca, do mar e das navegações. Com a melhora
na propagação nos últimos tempos, o programa pode ser acompanhado, no Sul do Brasil, em 9620 kHz, em 31 metros.
MARROCOS – Uma emissora que teve sensível melhoria em sua sintonia, nos últimos dias, em 31 metros, em 9575 kHz,
foi a Rádio Medi Un, do Marrocos. A estação transmite boas músicas árabes e canções internacionais e pode ser ouvida
já ao entardecer brasileiro.
OMÃ – A programação em árabe da Rádio do Sultanato do Omã chega com relativa facilidade, no Sul do Brasil, por volta de 1737,
no Tempo Universal, em 15140 kHz, em 19 metros. Foi ouvida, em Tubarão (SC), pelo Fabricio Andrade, em 17 de ouubro.
ROMÊNIA - O próximo dia primeiro de novembro será o Dia do Ouvinte na programação em espanhol da Rádio Romênia. Os
ouvintes interessados podem enviar colaborações escritas ou gravadas abordando os 20 anos da queda do comunismo e as
mudanças políticas implementadas nos países do leste europeu. As 25 melhores redações sobre o tema vão receber selos
que comemoram a revolução política ocorrida na Romênia. As participações devem ser enviadas para o e-mail: [email protected].
TURQUIA - A partir de 25 de outubro, a programação em espanhol da Rádio Voz da Turquia agregará mais uma frequência
para a emissão destinada para as Américas, entre 0200 e 0255, no Tempo Universal. A programação poderá ser monitorada
em 9410 e 9650 kHz. Já das 1730 às 1825, transmite em 9495 kHz.
“Amigos do Radio”
Produção: DX Clube do Brasil
Apresentação: Carlos Felipe da Silva e convidados
Dias / horários local: Quartas-feiras: 12h30 - Sábados: 23h30 - Domingos: 20h30
Frequencias: 11735 kHz (25 m), 9530 kHz (31 m), 5965 kHz (49 m), 800 kHz (ondas médias)
Contato: Caixa Postal 18.113, 04626-970 São Paulo-SP, BRASIL
O programa ‘Amigos do Rádio’ e a programação geral da RTM também podem ser sintonizados
pela Internet acessando pelo link: www.transmundial.com.br (Clicar em ‘Ouça agora a RTM’).

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