
St. Nicholas
NEWSLETTER │ August I - 2008
Upcoming events
Sharing Cultures and Traditions (ECA)
Ms Juliana Pelluzzi and Mrs Michelle Yu
28th and 29th August
Diploma Workshops – Graded School
Friday 29th August
Casual Clothes Day
Year 1 trip to Toca da Raposa
Year 5 trip to Jardim Botânico
Year 2 Trip to Pullman Factory
Year 4 trip to Toca da Raposa
Semana do
Through an inquiry based international education in English, St Nicholas School develops
responsible, confident and caring citizens of an ever-changing world. (St Nicholas School
Mission Statement)
St Nicholas School is where students, teachers and parents from over 30 countries share
one community. This makes our school a rich ground for promoting the global thrust of our
school mission.
With this in mind, the International Committee has decided to offer an ECA in the Infant
and Junior Schools that gives everyone a chance to share their culture, traditions and
We are therefore inviting teachers, parents, students or friends to join us for a 30 or 35minute-session to share with the children aspects of their nation or culture – either through
language teaching, food sampling, songs, music, stories, dance, games or through object
or art displays.
As a start, the children will be introduced to the history of the “cirandas” which are meant
to be part of every childhood here in Brazil. The “cirandas” came from Portugal and were
adapted by women from Pernambuco. From an adult origin it became popular with the
children who can sing and play many popular chants and have great fun in circles with
their friends. The children during this ECA session will also have the chance to play and
sing with the teachers.
Everybody is welcome to present any part of their cultures to the children. Please, let us
know if you are interested or contact either one of us for details and further queries.
There are two sessions, as follows:
Juniors - Tuesdays - 12:00-12:35 ([email protected])
Infants - Wednesdays - 12:15-12:45 ([email protected])
Library Corner
No 22 de agosto comemora-se o
Dia do Folclore. O Departamento
de Português promoverá diversas
atividades para a exploração desse
mundo fantástico.
Sua riqueza e diversidade merecem
ser estudadas e exploradas sobre
todos os aspectos: intelectuais,
artísticos, educacionais e recreativos.
The Library has received new titles of
books and DVDs. Among them, we are
proud to have received a donation from
Mr. Rodi, Krystallos, his book about
gem-crystals. It is a “must-see” pictorial
tour that shows Brazilian stones and
gems and how they can be transformed
into exquisite pieces of jewellery.
Come and enjoy it!
Saving Paper
If you would prefer copies of the newsletter sent to your e mail account rather than in paper
format could you please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the following
information: name of pupil, class or form, name of parents, e-mail address.
Anderson Costa
A Perfect Machine
O Year 10 está estudando as variedades lingüísticas - das línguas em geral e da língua
portuguesa em particular. Tais variedades podem ser sociais, geográficas ou etárias (de
idade). Isto quer dizer que, como você já deve ter percebido, mesmo falando a mesma
língua que você, a maneira como seu avô fala, por exemplo, é um pouco diferente da
maneira como você fala. Ele nasceu bem antes que você, talvez em um outro lugar, e por
isso carrega com ele o “retrato” da língua com base nestas características.
A turma leu um texto, em forma de carta, de um dos maiores poetas brasileiros do século
XIX, Olavo Bilac, cujo estilo é extremamente formal. Em seguida, todos reescreveram o
texto utilizando a linguagem informal da juventude do início do século XXI, ou seja, vocês.
Veja como a língua portuguesa mudou nestes anos, comparando o texto do Olavo Bilac
com sua “ tradução”, feita pelo aluno Nikolai Frangoulidis:
Texto do Olavo Bilac
Excelentíssima Senhora:
Creio que esta carta não poderá
absolutamente surpreendê-la. Deve
ser esperada. Porque V. Excia.
compreendeu com certeza que,
depois de tanta súplica desprezada
sem piedade, eu não podia continuar
a sofrer o seu desprezo. Dizem que
V. Excia. me ama. Dizem, porque
da boca de V. Excia nunca me
foi dado ouvir essa declaração.
Como, porém, se compreende que,
amando-me V. Excia., nunca tivesse
para mim a menor palavra afetuosa,
o mais insignificante carinho, o mais
simples olhar comovido? Inúmeras
vezes lhe pedi humildemente uma
palavra de consolo. Nunca a obtive,
porque V. Excia., ou ficava calada
ou me respondia com uma ironia
cruel. Não posso compreendê-la:
perdi toda esperança de ser amado.
Separemo-nos. [...]
Texto do Nikolai Frangoulidis
E aí tudo bem? Bem, quero fazer
pequenas observações .
prepare, pois a bomba é grande.
Queria a sua atenção e você não
me deu. Me disseram por aí que
você está querendo ficar. Como
você quer ficar se você nem manda
mensagem e nem responde às
minhas? Sempre que pedia uma
ajudinha você dava respostas
escrotas. Não quero trocar mais
idéia com você.
E então, qual das duas tem a sua “ cara”? Nenhuma é melhor que a outra: a língua
não melhora ou piora, apenas... muda. Quanto mais você entender as mudanças sem
preconceito (certo/errado, inteligente/burro), mais rica nossa língua fica. Comece a prestar
atenção às diversas maneiras de falar a língua portuguesa. Você irá se surpreender.
Year 5 with Hornézio
Year 5 are studying plants as part of their first Unit of Inquiry. The
unit is called Go Green and it examines the idea that plants are
fundamental to all life on earth. The playgrounds at St. Nicholas
School are full of wonderful plants that help to create a peaceful oasis
within the concrete jungle of Sao Paulo. Mr. Hornezio Ferreira, who
is responsible for the planting and upkeep of the school’s flowerbeds,
kindly gave up some of his time to share his expertise with the Year 5
children. He explained and demonstrated the processes of preparing
the soil, separating seedlings and then planting them carefully. The
Year 5 children then had the opportunity to plant some themselves by
following his instructions. They thoroughly enjoyed the experience,
which has helped them to appreciate the gardens and to treat the
plants around the school more thoughtfully. We thank Hornezio for his
time and dedication and we hope that he can find the time to come
into the classrooms to see some more of the work that the children
have been doing.
Year 4 have begun their first unit A Perfect
Machine where they are learning all about
the human body. The students have been
extremely excited, asking lots of questions,
bringing in materials or information to
share with the class and learning all about
our body and how it works like a machine
to support life’s vital functions.
Our first guest speaker, was Mrs. Salomão
who is a psychologist and came to Year 4 to
explain how our brain and nervous system
works and also about our emotions, which
is her speciality. She brought a model of a
skull that you could open and see the brain.
The students were really interested and
asked many questions and learnt lots of
important things like : our brain is a perfect
computer, our brain has different sections
and each one is in charge of a function for
eg., movement, emotions, memory, sight,
hearing and many more. We would really
like to thank Mrs Salomão for sparing some
time to share with us her knowledge in this
area. Thank-you!
New Students
School extends a very warm welcome to the following new
New Teachers and
students who started in August 2008.
Tiny Tots 1: Antonio, Gustavo Christovam, Gustavo, Liam, Maria Cecília, Maria Luiza,
Melina, Pedro Henrique, Rebecca and Julia.
Tiny Tots 2: Isabelle, Juliana, Maria Clara, Mateo,Tatiana, Thomas and Gopolang.
Nursery: Abbas, Amanda, Catarina, Eric Wan, Fernanda, Flavia, Gabriel, Gabriel,
Guilherme, José Henrique, Lara, Nicholas, Pietra, Stella, Thomas, Tomas, Nicholas and
Kinder: Ana Luiza, Chiara, Dennis, Enzo, Luisa, Matteo, Max, Yujin, Sae Young and
Year 3: João Pedro, Min Ji (Grace), Nicholas and Riku.
Year 4: Frankie and Bryan.
Year 5: In Sun, Ami, Morgan, Pedro and Matthew.
Year 6: Rishav, Lucas and Raunak.
Year 7: Taylor.
Year 8: Sujhan, Angelo and Kevin.
Year 10: Obeida, Debora, Esther, Yuki and Mateo.
Year 11: Déborah and Alice.
Along with the new students St.
Nicholas School would like to welcome
the following new staff to the school.
Suzanne Thirlwell – Year 3X Class teacher
Amy Broome – Senior Geography teacher
Neil Holden – Senior Maths teacher
Twyla Bueno – Nursery X teaching
Vivianne Annunciação – Nursery Z
teaching assistant
Paula Yuri Mukai – Year 1X teaching
Roberta Martins – Year 6Y teaching
Eliana Deckij – Year 3Y assistant
Josinéia Brandão Fogaça – Nurse
Cleide Matos dos Santos – Nursery nurse
Nicholas Beeby did himself proud by winning
a gold medal in Badmington Championship
hold in July at the Championship São
Bernardo Tênis Club. Congratulations!
St. Nicholas pupils took part in Mr. Ken’s Judo Tournament. Stephano Pedrinola is
on the top of the podium! Congratulations to all!
English X Portuguenglish
Here is your chance to get an R.O.A.! Fill in this quiz with the correct English phrases and sentences that correspond to the ones in
Portuguese and hand it in to Mrs. Toffoli (ESL) or Mr. Harrison (Year 5Y). The answer to this quiz will be published in the next issue
of the school Newsletter. This quiz is open for Infants, Juniors and Seniors.
1. Na minha escola temos que usar gravata.
2. Não estou com meu P.E. kit aqui.
3. Não tenho nada para fazer...
During the winter holidays many areas of
the school were refurbished, built, and
modified. The busiest area was the corridor
beside the lunchroom that now holds a new
nurse room, a third ICT room, a centralized
Marketing and Reprographics Centre
and a new staff room. The Year 1-3 block
underwent a major facelift and got all its
windows replaced, new blinds and overall
look revamped. The office looks spic’ n’
span after a complete woodwork replacing
and relaying. Two new classrooms were
added to the senior block and a new covered corridor is now in place and stretches
from the main gate all the way to the library.
Our sincere thanks to all the maintenance
staff, particularly Mr. Fletcher, for a fantastic
job well done.
Information technology continues to be a
prime focus here at St.Nicholas and to keep
our standards high the school has signed a
contract with Dell Computers initially changing over 70 computers during the months of
August/September 2008. A final purchase
of projectors was made placing one projector in each classroom throughout the later
infant, all junior and senior classrooms.
The ICT drive will continue with various
smart boards to be purchased by October
this year.
Commemorations, Celebrations And Fun Events Around The World
Action Committee / International Committee
6th August – Tōrō nagashi is celebrated by the Japanese to
mark the last evening of the Buddhist Obon festival. It is also
a commemoration of those who lost lives during the Hiroshima
bombing. Traditionally, white paper lanterns are sent floating
down a river to guide the spirits back to the other world.
8th – 24th August – Beijing Olympics 2008
9th August – The International Day of the World’s Indigenous
People is observed to promote the prevention of discrimination
and the protection of minorities by the United Nations Commission
on Human Rights.
10th August – Fathers’ Day is celebrated in Brazil by family
gatherings and gift giving. Most countries celebrated Father’s
Day on 15th of June.
12th August – International Youth Day is promoted by the United
Nations to raise people’s awareness towards youth issues
worldwide. Concerts, workshops, cultural events, and meetings
between government officials and youth organizations take place
around the world on this day.
30th August - The International Day of the Disappeared is an
annual commemoration created to draw attention to the fate of
individuals who are imprisoned secretly or “disappear”.