CV +


CV +
Arbitrator – MCIArb
Curriculum Vitae
1. Identification
Name/Surname: Nuno Albuquerque
Birth: Angola, July 19, 1964
Nationality: Portuguese and Angolan
Address: Rua Bernardo Sequeira, n. 78, 1º
4710-358 Braga – Portugal
Phone: 00351 253 609 310/330
Fax: 00351 253 609 311
Email: [email protected]
2. Education and Training
1. Law Degree, Faculty of Law of Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, July 1988
2. MCIArb - Superior Arbitration Course by the International Centre for Arbitration,
Mediación y Negociación (CIAMEN) University of San Pablo CEU (Madrid) and the
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), integrated into the Recognised Course
Provider (CPR), February 2014.
3. ICC Institute Masterclass for Arbitrators - Sao Paulo, May 2014
4. Certified Mediator - Mediation Public and Private Mediation ICFML, Catholic
University, Oporto, 2014.
5. Intensive Training of Arbitrators promoted by the Arbitration Center of the -Chamber
of Commerce and Industry (Centre for Commercial Arbitration), March 2013.
6. Graduate by Faculty of Law of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in Curso de Atualização
em Arbitragem (Course of Update in Arbitration), Lisboa, 2012.
3. Work Experience
1. Inscribed in Portugal’s Bar Association, as a Lawyer, in 1990, having practiced
uninterruptedly since then.
2. Inscribed in Angola’s Bar Association, since 2008.
Rua Bernardo Sequeira, 78, 1.º - Apartado 3033 – 4715-671 Braga
Telef: +351253609310 | +351253609330 Fax: +351253609311
[email protected]
Arbitrator – MCIArb
3. Inscribed in Paris’s Bar Association, since 2014.
4. Insolvency Administrator, inscribed in the oficial list of Insolvency Administrators of
Judicial District of Lisbon, Porto and Évora – Especially qualified to practice
management acts, since 1995.
5. Founding partner of the Lawyers’ Office “N-ADVOGADOS-Nuno Albuquerque,
Deolinda Ribas, Sociedade de Advogados, RL”.
6. Executive Director of the Center CAAL-Angolan Voluntary Arbitration of Disputes,
Luanda, Angola, since 2012.
7. Member of the Executive Comittee of the Portuguese Professional Soccer League,
from December 1996 to May 2002.
4. Interventions in organisms in the area of arbitration
1. MCIArb – Member of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb)
2. Arbitrator member of the arbitrators list of CAAD-Centro de Arbitragem
Administrativa (2015)
3. Mediator certificate by ICFML (Certification and Training Institute of Mediators
4. President of the General Assembly of the Institute of Certification and Training
Lusophone Mediators (ICFML).
5. Coordinating Council for Mediation Advocacy, Institute of Certification and Training
Lusophone Mediators (ICFML).
6. Member of ICC – International Chamber of Commerce (Portugal)
7. Member of ICC Institute of World Business Law
8. Member of the Spanish Club of Arbitration (CEA)
9. Member of Lisbon Commercial Association (Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and
Industry – Commercial Arbitration Centre).
10. Arbitrator in ICC Pre-Moot 2015 – 22nd Willem C Vis International Commercial
Arbitration Moot, 20-21 March 2015, Paris, France.
11. Arbitrator in VIII Moot Madrid (2015) - University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.
Rua Bernardo Sequeira, 78, 1.º - Apartado 3033 – 4715-671 Braga
Telef: +351253609310 | +351253609330 Fax: +351253609311
[email protected]
Arbitrator – MCIArb
5. University Activities
1. Moderator / Challenger in "The Mediation and Arbitration in the field of administrative
conflicts', in Colloquium "Public Administration in XXI Century in Angola ", organized
by the Catholic University of Angola, in September 2014, Luanda, Angola
2. Speaker in intensive mediation course, "MEDIATION FOR LAWYERS: do's and dont's"
NEDip / School of Law - University of Minho, 18-19 July 2014, Braga.
3. Invited Orator in the Lusophone Law Congress Law School of the University of Minho
in February 2014, where he presented a lecture on "MECHANISMS OF ALTERNATIVE
4. "I Course of Conflict Resolution" organized by CAAL Centre-Angolan Voluntary
Arbitration of Disputes, Agostinho Neto University, November 2013, Luanda, Angola.
5. Invited Orator in the Law Scholl’s day of Universidade do Minho, in December 2002
about Sports Law, where presented an exposition about “O CONTRATO DE
Employment Contract and the Compensation for Training”).
6. Post-graduation Course “Management Desportivo” (“Sports Management”), in the
INDEG/ISCTE – Instituto para o Desenvolvimento da Gestão Empresarial, July 2003,
where ministered the theme “DESPORTO E UNIÃO EUROPEIA” (“Spots and European
7. “Execução de Contratos de Empreitada Pública e Privada” (Public and Private
Construction Contracts’ Execution), conference presented in the Scientific Journeys of
the Universidade de São Tomás de Moçambique, Maputo, Moçambique, October 2011
6. Publications
A. Articles and Books
1. Member of the Editorial Council of the Magazine “DESPORTO E DIREITO” (“Sport and
Law”), Coimbra Editora, 2003-2007
2. Compilation of sports legislation, “Desporto. Legislação” (Sport. Legislation”), Porto
Editora, 2002
Rua Bernardo Sequeira, 78, 1.º - Apartado 3033 – 4715-671 Braga
Telef: +351253609310 | +351253609330 Fax: +351253609311
[email protected]
Arbitrator – MCIArb
3. Co-author off the anual report of the portuguese professional football ’s finances, in
cooperation with the company Deloitte & Touche, 2001-2002
4. “Nota à Sentença do 4º Juízo Criminal do Tribunal Judicial de Braga, de 20 de Outubro
de 2004 (Violência associada ao desporto – Crime de resistência e de coacção sobre
funcionário – Agente da PSP – Cumprimento de regras de conduta)” (Note to the
Sentence of the 4th Criminal Court of the Judicial Court of Braga, 20 October of 2004
(Violence associated with the sport – Crime of resistance and coercion on
employee)”) - Desporto & Direito, Legal Sports Periodical, Year I, n. 5, January/April
2005, pp.263-279.
5. “A reserva de jurisdição para as instâncias desportivas prevista na Lei de Bases do
Desporto e a limitação de acesso aos tribunais para a composição de eventuais
diferendos desportivos quando estejam em causa “questões estritamente
desportivas” (Parecer).” (The restriction of jurisdiction for the sports instances
foreseen in the primary sport law and the access limitation to the courts to the
composition of possible sports’ disputes refered to “strictly sports issues”
(Opinion)”), Desporto&Direito, Legal Sports Periodical, Year V, September/December
2007, n.13, pp. 49-89. .
6. "Intellectual Property: A compelling investment," with Vera Alves Correia, Special
Intellectual Property, Economic Journal, January 28, 2013.
7. "Court of Arbitration for Sport: the important thing was not to justify the error but
prevent it from being repeated", Desporto&Direito, Legal Sports Periodical, Year X,
January / 2013, n. 29.
8. "Investing in Palop - The Role of Intellectual Property," with Vera Alves Correia,
Special Intellectual Property, Economic Journal, January 27, 2014.
B. Opinions about legal texts in sports area
1. Author of the opinion “Projecto-lei Regime Segurança Social” (“Bill Social Security
Regimen”), presented by the Portuguese Professional Soccer League – December
Rua Bernardo Sequeira, 78, 1.º - Apartado 3033 – 4715-671 Braga
Telef: +351253609310 | +351253609330 Fax: +351253609311
[email protected]
Arbitrator – MCIArb
2. Author of the opinion presented by the Portuguese Professional Soccer League called
Specificity”) – October 2000
3. Co-Author of the dossier presented by the Portuguese Handball League to the
Superior Council of Sports refered to the recognition of the professional character of
handball professional competitions – May 2003.
4. Author of the opinion “LEI DE BASES DO DESPORTO - Lei n.º 30/2004 de 21 de Julho –
Análise”, refered to the reform of the Basic Law of the Sports Sistem – March 2006
5. Author of the opinion presented by “Os Beleneneses”-Sociedade Desportiva de
Futebol, SAD”, in the Mateus case (CASO MATEUS) and called “A reserva de jurisdição
para as instâncias desportivas prevista na Lei de Bases do Desporto, e a limitação de
acesso aos tribunais para a composição de eventuais diferendos desportivos quando
estejam em causa “questões estritamente desportivas” – May 2006
6. Author of the opinion requested by the Football Trainers Labor Union called
“Comentários ao Projecto de Diploma que Estabelece o Regime Jurídico das
Federações Desportivas e Condições de Atribuição do Estatuto de Utilidade Pública
Desportiva” – January 2008
C. Legal texts in sports area
1. Author of the bill of work accidents’ insurance for the professional practitioners
presented by the Portuguese Professional Soccer League – May 1999
2. Author of several articles published in magazines and newspapers in the sports area
3. Co-Author of the alterations to the Statues of the Portuguese Soccer Federation
approved in November 1997
4. Author of the study “Seguro de Acidentes de Trabalho - A Necessidade de Um Regime
Específico Para o Desporto Profissional” – Sports periodical “O JOGO” – July 2002
5. Member of the commission of reform of the portuguese football structures created
by the Portuguese Football Federation
Rua Bernardo Sequeira, 78, 1.º - Apartado 3033 – 4715-671 Braga
Telef: +351253609310 | +351253609330 Fax: +351253609311
[email protected]
Arbitrator – MCIArb
6. President of the commission which accomplished the conception and elaboration of
the study about portuguese soccer called “Olhar o Futuro – o Futebol Português no
Sec. XXI”
D. Legal acts in the tax area / finance
1. Co-author of the draft Legal System for Broadcast and Public Debt Management Direct
and Indirect law - Ministry of Finance of Angola, June 2012
7. Oral Interventions
Conferences and Seminares
1. Speaker at many conferences, seminaries and similar initiatives as invited orator.
2. “Congresso do Desporto - A Reforma do Sistema Desportivo Português” (“Congress
of the Sports – The Portuguese Sports System Reform”), where presented the
exposition “Olhar o Futuro – A Reforma do Sistema Desportivo Português – Um
Contributo“ (“View to the Future - The Portuguese Sports System Reform – a
Contribution”) - March 2006
3. “Insolvência: Dificuldades e Oportunidades” (“Insolvency – Difficulties and
Opportunities”), Amares, Portugal, February 2012
4. “Regime Fiscal na Industria Mineira Angolana” (“Fiscal Regimen in the Angolan Miner
Industry”), Hotel de Convenções de Talatona, Luanda, Angola - March 2012
5. “Aumentar a eficiência na Gestão de Cobranças – Como prevenir e como agir” (“To
increase the efficiency in the Collections’ Management – to prevent and to proceed”),
Associação industrial do Minho, Braga, March de 2012.
6. “Angola- Alterações à legislação cambial angolana, Operações de Invisíveis correntes”
("Angolan Amendments to exchange legislation, Operations Invisible chains",
Industrial Association of Minho Braga, November 2013.
7. “Investimento em Angola” ("Investment in Angola"), College of Economists
Barcelona, Spain, November 2013.
8. "Practical aspects of insolvency proceedings", CDL Bar Association, Barreiro, June
Rua Bernardo Sequeira, 78, 1.º - Apartado 3033 – 4715-671 Braga
Telef: +351253609310 | +351253609330 Fax: +351253609311
[email protected]
Arbitrator – MCIArb
9. "Practical aspects of insolvency proceedings", CDL Bar Association, Mafra, July 11
7. Participations in
Symposia, Conferences and Seminars
1. I Encontro Internacional de Arbitragem (First International Meeting of Arbitration),
Coimbra , October 2011.
2. The New Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC ),
Lisbon Commercial Association , February 2012 .
3. Second Matchday Luso - Brazilian Arbitration , May 4, 2012 .
4. VII International Congress of Spanish Arbitration Club , June 2012
5. First International Conference on Arbitration of Luanda , December 2012
6. VIII International Congress of Spanish Arbitration Club , 23 to 25 June, 2013.
7. III International Meeting of Arbitration , Coimbra , 24 , 25 and 26 October 2013 .
8. II International Conference on Arbitration of Luanda , November 7, 2013
9. The New Rules of Arbitration , Arbitration Centre , Lisbon Commercial Association ,
January 2014 .
10. "HKIAC in Paris: Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre in Paris - China 's Business
Giants : Understanding the Chinese State Owned Enterprise ", February 2014, Paris;
11. The Allocation of Costs in International Arbitration , International Chamber of
Commerce ( ICC ) , Paris , 13 February 2014.
12. 2014 ICC Brazilian Arbitration Day, São Paulo, 15th May 2014.
13. IX International Congress of Spanish Arbitration Club, June 2014.
14. VIII Congress of the Portuguese Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, 10 and July 11, 2014.
15. "Advanced Seminar in Arbitration ICC" , International Court of Arbitration of the ICC
and ICC Portugal , 02-03 October , Luanda , Angola .
16. CIMAS(Corte Civil Y mercantil de Arbitraje) International Arbitration Congress, 5 and 7
October 2014, Madrid, Spain.
Rua Bernardo Sequeira, 78, 1.º - Apartado 3033 – 4715-671 Braga
Telef: +351253609310 | +351253609330 Fax: +351253609311
[email protected]
Arbitrator – MCIArb
17. 30th annual ICC SIA QMC Joint Symposium of Arbitrators on Parallel proceedings in
international arbitration, 18 March 2015, Paris, France.
18. ICC YAF: ICC Vis-Pre-moot Conference, 19 March 2015, Paris, France.
Rua Bernardo Sequeira, 78, 1.º - Apartado 3033 – 4715-671 Braga
Telef: +351253609310 | +351253609330 Fax: +351253609311
[email protected]

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