September 7


September 7
FLAG Biennial Meeting
Vila Velha de Ródão (Castelo Branco), Portugal
5-10 September 2010
Long term river evolution and fluvial dynamics
Organized by the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Coimbra
Edited by:
Martin Stokes, Alberto Gomes and Pedro Cunha
Conference convenors:
Pedro Cunha, Jorge Dinis (Universidade de Coimbra), António Martins (Universidade de Évora), Alberto
Gomes (Universidade do Porto), Martin Stokes (University of Plymouth) and Geert-Jan Vis (VU University
Amsterdam/TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands).
Cover photo by Jorge Gouveia (AEAT)
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Scientific Programme
Presentations abstracts
September 6
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
September 7
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Posters abstracts
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
September 6 –
Session 1
09.40 – 10.40
Gomes et al.
Evolution of Portuguese mainland Cenozoic basins (western Iberia)
from sedimentary infill to the ongoing stage of progressive fluvial
incision - relevance to the interpretation of fluvial controls
Tectonic control on the Plio-Pleistocene drainage pattern and fluvial
infilling along the Porto-Coimbra segment of the Porto-CoimbraTomar fault zone (Portugal)
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Evolution of Portuguese mainland Cenozoic basins (western Iberia) from sedimentary
infill to the ongoing stage of progressive fluvial incision - relevance to the
interpretation of fluvial controls
Pedro P. Cunha
Department of Earth Sciences, IMAR-CMA, University of Coimbra, Portugal; [email protected]
The main Portuguese Cenozoic basins (Mondego and Lower Tejo) are located in the western
border of the Iberian Massif and evolved under a compressive tectonic regime as SW-NE elongated
depressions. Onshore, their depositional records include evidence of: stage 1) endhoreic low gradient
alluvial fans dominated by gravelly sands (~50-24Ma); stage 2) vast low slope alluvial plains drained by
braided fluvial systems, grading westwards into estuaries (rich in silts and marls) near the Atlantic Ocean
(~24-9.5Ma); stage 3) endhoreic high gradient alluvial fans, consisting of heterometric slaty
conglomerates and distal silts (~9.5-4Ma); stage 4) exhoreic low gradient very coarse siliciclastic alluvial
fans, tributaries of a vast fluvial systems sourcing a delta (in the Lower Tejo basin) and fan-deltas (in the
Mondego basin) (~4-1.8Ma); stage 5) progressive fluvial incision (last ~1.8Ma).
During the Cenozoic, Iberia evolved located between the Eurasian and African plates, displaced
towards the east due to the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean: during stages 1 and 2, the geodynamic
setting promoted flexural folding and some faulting; at 9.5Ma, the climax of Betic compression was
reached (generating compressional and transpressional tectonic regimes) and started an enhanced
uplift of the Portuguese Central Range, a southwest-trending cordillera, and the Estremenho massif,
with its intervening craton, other significant topographic features (e.g. the Western Mountains and the
Arrábida chain) and offshore margin-bounding structures. Until present, the ongoing uplift is
documented by terrace staircases and river incision; several active faults (mainly NNE-SSW and NW-SE
strike-slip fault systems) can be identified and are responsible for the displacement of younger
sediments such as Pleistocene terraces or Holocene alluvium.
Eustasy also played a major role controlling the sedimentary systems and accommodation:
during stages 1 and 2, high sea-level lead to marine deposition at the modern costal zone and to low
energy fluvial systems inland. During stage 3, the enhanced uplift only allowed sedimentation along the
piedmont of the relives under uplift. During stage 4, a hot and very humid climate and a very high sealevel maximum (~35m above a.s.l) promoted an important transgression and later high sedimentation
rates (high-stand). During stage 5, glacio-eustasy played a major role in a context of continuous crustal
Bellow the (Pliocene?) culminant sedimentary unit of the Cenozoic basins, reflecting the level of
deposition before the stage of fluvial incision, a maximum of six fluvial terraces have been described.
The aggradational terraces consist mainly of coarse-grained siliciclastic gravels and sands. In the Lower
Tejo Cenozoic basin, the lower terraces have been dated by Infrared stimulated luminescence (using kfeldspar as the dosimeter and including anomalous fading correction). A detailed chronological
framework for the sedimentary sequences have been proposed and correlated with marine oxygen
isotope stages: T1, not dated; T2, not dated; T3, >?350ka (MIS11?); T4, ~340 to 140ka, (MIS9, MIS8,
MIS7 and part of MIS6); T5, ~136 to 76ka (MIS5); T6, ~61 to 30ka (MIS3); colluvium and aeolian sands,
30 to 10ka (MIS2); valley fill deposits, <~14ka (MIS1).
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Tectonic control on the Plio-Pleistocene drainage pattern and fluvial infilling along
the Porto−Coimbra segment of the Porto−Coimbra−Tomar fault zone (Portugal)
Alberto Gomes , Pedro Dinis , Pedro P. Cunha , Augusto Pérez-Alberti , M. Assunção Araujo ,
Helder I. Chaminé & L. Gama Pereira
(1) Centro de Estudos em Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Dep. Geografia – Univ. Porto, Portugal; [email protected];
[email protected]
(2) Instituto do Mar – Centro do Mar e do Ambiente, Dep. Ciências Terra - Univ. Coimbra, Portugal, [email protected];
[email protected]
(3) Dep. Xeografia, Univ. Santiago de Compostela, Spain, [email protected]
(4) Lab. Cartografia e Geologia Aplicada, DEG-ISEP, Porto; e Centro GeoBioTec|UA, Portugal, [email protected]
(5) Centro de Geofísica, Dep. Ciências Terra - Univ. Coimbra, Portugal, [email protected]
This study examines the Porto-Albergaria-a-Velha−Coimbra segment of the Porto-CoimbraTomar fault zone (PCTFZ), in an attempt to clarify the relationship between the active tectonic setting
with the fluvial drainage pattern and the Pliocene-Pleistocene fluvial infilling, especially that preserved
in subsided blocks.
The PCTFZ is a NNW-SSE imbricate thrust belt, defining a 5-6 km wide strike-slip crustal shear
corridor, along approximately 180 km in west Portugal. In satellite images it is well expressed by a
marked linear contrast along a vegetation border. The geomorphic expression includes features such as:
1) a linear topographic border, with well aligned mountains located towards the east; 2) a succession of
elongated corridors at the base of these mountain fronts; 3) the presence of elongated (N-S to NNWSSE) hills at West, known as Marginal Relief, acting as barriers to the drainage towards the Atlantic
Ocean; and 4) the deflection of the main fluvial courses, especially the Vouga and Mondego rivers, when
crossing the fault zone.
Two phases of fluvial deposition and morphogenesis are identified in the coastal plain west of
PCTFZ. The earlier phase is recorded by a widespread sediment infill with heterogeneous thickness and
facies. An axial drainage, controlled by N-S to NW-SE structures, was established during this phase. The
second phase is associated with drainage incision and the development of terrace staircases in the river
valleys. A culminant sedimentary surface marks the transition from the sedimentary basin infilling (up to
the latest Pliocene) to the ongoing stage of fluvial incision (Quaternary). The distribution of the alluvial
units (floodplain, swamp-lake channelized and non-channelized sediments) during these two phases is
clearly influenced by tectonic activity.
Field surveys allowed us to build a stratigraphic and morphotectonic mapping from Albergariaa-Velha to Anadia villages, demonstrating that large-scale relief development is strongly associated with
the existence of scarps along the inherited main displacements, while in western sectors is controlled by
vertical movements in secondary faults. In addition, relief development was mainly controlled by
tectonic vertical displacements during late Cenozoic fault reactivation.
Indicators suggesting recent fault activity include: sharply defined mountain fronts, with low
sinuosity; the offset of streams; asymmetric drainage patterns suggesting block tilting; river deflection in
the vicinity of the fault zone, steep valleys with active river incision; and preserved planar summits
(exhumed planation surfaces), pointing to crustal uplift.
Dinis, P.A., Cabral, J. & Soares, A.F. (2007) - Deformation structures affecting Plio-Pleistocene sediments in the western Portuguese
mainland (West Iberia). Genesis and seismotectonic implications, Geodinamica Acta, 20, 415-431.
Gomes A., Chaminé H.I., Teixeira J., Fonseca, P.E., Gama Pereira L.C., Pinto de Jesus A., Pérez Albertí A., Araújo M.A., Coelho A.,
Soares de Andrade A. & Rocha F.T. (2007) Late Cenozoic basin opening in relation to major strike-slip faulting along the PortoCoimbra-Tomar fault zone (Northern Portugal). In: Gary Nichols et al. (Eds.), Sedimentary Processes, Environments and Basins:
Peter Friend Tribute. Intern. Assoc. Sedimentologists Sp. Pub., pp. 137-153.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
September 6 –
Session 2
11.10 – 12.50
Benito et al.
Mather &
The NW Iberian river Miño terraces in a new perspective: tectonic
Terrace staircases in the lower section of Miño river near Ourense
(Galicia, Spain): climate variability or tectonic dynamic?
Accelerated fluvial aggradation during the Pleistocene in response to
karst dissolution (Ebro-Gállego river system, NE Spain)
Impact of near-surface juvenile faulting on an incising fluvial system
(Río Aguas SE Spain)
Schoorl et al.
Pleistocene development of the Lower Guadalhorce river (Spain).
Viveen et al.
Gomes et al.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
The NW Iberian river Miño terraces in a new perspective: tectonic implications
(1, 2)
Willem Viveen
, Ronald T. van Balen , Jeroen M. Schoorl , Antonie Veldkamp , Daniel
Fernandez Mosquera , Jorge Sanjurjo Sanchez and Juan Ramon Vidal Romani
(1) Land Dynamics group, Wageningen University, Postbox 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands; [email protected] or
[email protected]
(2) Instituto Universitario de Geologia, Edif. de S.C.I, Campus de Elviña, 15071 A Coruña, Spain
(3) Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, De Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(4) ITC, University of Twente, Hengelosestraat 99, 7514 AE Enschede, the Netherlands
Based on previous studies, which were limited by national boundaries, a focus on either
sedimentology or fluvial morphology and absence of absolute ages (see e.g. Nonn, 1967; Alves, 2004)
we re-mapped all terrace levels of the Lower Miño using a 5 m DEM, aerial photographs and field
studies. Our analysis reveals that terrace distribution is strongly controlled by both small and large scale
lineaments. Small lineaments are probably fractures in the granitic bedrock underlying the terraces. The
larger lineaments however, may represent faults. Their principal directions, N-S, NE-SW and E-W,
coincide with known fault directions in the area. Throughout the area these faults intersect, forming
small graben structures in which fluvial deposits accumulated. The termination of these structures
usually marks a step in the landscape towards a new terrace level. Some terrace levels are unusually
wide, sometimes up to 1 km.
Inspection of the many outcrops and gravel mines in the region shows that the deposits below
the terraces are made up of predominantly homogeneous course-grained quartzite conglomerates and
clay layers. Up to 30 m of deposits have been found in some quarries, without the base being visible. In
the upper part of most outcrops, sediments with fluvial characteristics are found. These include clast
imbrication, paleao-channels and channel lag deposits. Deposits in the lower part of the outcrops often
seem to lack these characteristics. Preliminary results of quartz-OSL dating of a presumably young
terrace yields minimum ages of >100 ka.
Altogether these results indicate that in the Lower Miño river basin a large number of faultbounded tectonic sub-basins are present. The sediments found in these basins might be much older
than previously assumed, i.e. predating the Miño. Correlation with other tectonic basins in NW Iberia
points towards a Tertiary age. The fluvial sediments overlying these deposits are probably more recent
alluvial deposits of the Miño terraces.
We thus speculate that the Miño originates from head ward growth along small Tertiary basins.
These basins in turn, may be the result of two over thrusting blocks on both sides of the Miño valley (De
Vicente and Vegas, 2009).
Currently we investigate whether some of the faults are still tectonically active, using
geomorphic indices and terrace correlations. Present-day seismicity and the elevated position of the
terraces do suggest recent tectonic activity.
Alves, M.I.C. (2004) - A sedimentação fluvial cenozoica na região do entre-douro-e-minho (NW de Portugal). p. 93-115, In M. A.
Araujo and A. A. Gomes, eds. Geomorfologia do Noroeste da Peninsula Iberica. Faculdade de letras da universidade do Porto,
De Vicente, G., Vegas, R. (2009) - Large-scale distributed deformation controlled topography along the western Africa Eurasia limit:
Tectonic constraints. Tectonophysics 474, issue 1-2, p. 124-143
Nonn, H. (1967) - Les terrasses du rio Mino inferieur. Localisation et etude sedimentologique. Revue de geomorphologie
dynamique 17, p. 97-108.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
The terrace staircase in the lower section of the Miño river near Ourense (Galicia,
Spain): climate variability or tectonic dynamic?
Augusto Pérez-Alberti , Horacio García-García
& Alberto Gomes
(1) Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España; [email protected]
(2) Departamento de Geografia, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Portugal; [email protected]
(3) Centro de Estudos em Geografia e Ordenamento do Território (CEGOT)
The Minho river valley between Ribadavia and Ourense is characterized by continuous direction
changes in relation to an extensive system of NNE-SSW fractures. Furthermore, changes in fluvial valley
cross-section appear to be strongly conditioned by lithology, especially in areas of transition between
granites, granodiorites and micaschists. An understanding of these features must be considered within
the context of tectonic reactivation in the Northwestern Iberian Peninsula since the Neogene (Perez
Alberti, 1993). This is an intensely deformed belt in which differential block movement has resulted in
forced adjustments to the fluvial system. This fact is quite evident as we expand the analysis scale to
examination of fluvial terrace levels. Currently in the Minho Valley between Ourense and Arnoia, there
are 4 clearly identifiable river terrace levels and associated fluvial sediments (Perez Alberti, 1978) - T4:
+4 and 10m, T3: 20 to 26m, T2: 30 to 33m and T1: 40 to 46m above the modern river course prior to
dam construction and formation of the Ribadavia reservoir. However, the variability of these heights
suggests the occurrence of post-depositional tectonic displacements. For example the T1 terrace base
occurs at + 40m, + 41m, +43 m, +45 m and +46 m, the T2 at +30m, +33 and +34 m, the T3 at +20 m, +22
m, +24 m and +26m, whereas the T4 base occurs at +4 m, +5 m, +8 m and +10 m.
Typically, the fluvial terraces outcrops are dominated by quartzite clasts and to a lesser extent
by quartz clasts, both of which are generally well rounded and embedded in a sandy matrix. The
weathering degree of these materials varies from strong to weak, with the strongest clast weathering in
the higher terrace levels and some of the lower fluvial terraces that are near the actual fluvial bed. The
exception is the T4 level, which has a brownish-gray colour whereas the other levels are dominated by
red and yellow colours. In some places the terrace levels appear to be characterized by silty-clay
accumulations and commonly observed iron-cemented horizons.
The current investigation provides a detailed map of the different terrace levels and describes
the main facies of the studied area, highlighting the differences in the architecture of these deposits.
These data are used to reconstruct paleochannel positions that in turn are used to relate valley
morphology and formation in relation to tectonic discontinuities. Furthermore, we test a methodology
to differentiate between the terrace levels in terms of the degree of weathering of quartzite and quartz
clasts using Equotip and Schmidt Hammer devices. This methodology enables a characterization of the
different terrace levels according to their degree of weathering degree. This in turn enables some
relationships of terrace formation to changes in climatic conditions to be established and placed within
a relative chronology.
Pérez Alberti, A. (1978) - Los depósitos sedimentarios del valle del Miño en la comarca del Ribeiro. In: Miscelania de Geografía en
Homenaje a Otero Pedrayo. Ed. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Pp. 253-274.
Pérez Alberti, A. (1993) - La interacción de procesos geomorfológicos en la génesis del relieve del Sudeste de Galicia: el ejemplo
del Macizo de Manzaneda y la Depresión de Maceda. In: Pérez Alberti, A., Guitian Rivera, L& Ramil Rego, P. (Eds.): La Evolución del
Paisaje en las Montañas de los Caminos Jacobeos. Xunta de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela, pp1-24.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Accelerated fluvial aggradation during the Pleistocene in response to karst
dissolution (Ebro-Gállego river system, NE Spain)
Gerardo Benito , Carlos Sancho , José Luis Peña , Maria José Machado
& Edward J. Rhodes
(1) Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales, CSIC, Serrano 115 dpdo., 28006 Madrid, Spain; [email protected];
[email protected]
(2) Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Zaragoza, Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain.
(3) Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio, Universidad de Zaragoza, Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
(4) Department of Earth and Space Science, University of California, Los Angeles, 595 Charles Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CA
90095-1567, USA.
The evolution and morpho-sedimentary features of some of the most important river systems
of the Iberian Peninsula, such as the Ebro-Gállego system, have been controlled by the karstification of
evaporitic bedrock. Along the lower Gállego river, evaporitic dissolution and volume loss underneath
the alluvial cover gave rise to a solution-induced depositional basin 30 km-long by 8 km-wide infilled by
up to 110 m of alluvial deposits (Benito et al., 1998, 2000). A detailed morpho-sedimentary analysis of
these alluvial deposits supported with OSL dating has revealed that paleokarst subsidence and
accelerated fluvial aggradation occurred at discrete time periods. An older, long-lasting period started in
the Early Pleistocene and affected terrace levels T2, T3 and T4.
A subsequent shorter-term Middle Pleistocene period affected terrace level T9 dated at 140155 kyr (end of MIS 6). Subsidence not only affected stream terraces but also the extensive
contemporaneous alluvial fans. The most important source of water enhancing surface-groundwater
interaction and flushing a large volume of salts was provided by the Gállego headwaters. Correlation of
the alluvial deposits affected by subsidence at the lower Gállego (140-150 kyr) with fluvio-glacial
deposits within the upper catchment (156±10 and 155±24 kyr) provide evidence of prevailing cold
conditions, large outwash discharges and high sediment yields associated with solution induced
subsidence in the lower reach.
This Middle Pleistocene subsidence episode also correlates with hydrological proxies indicating
a prolonged (149 to 141 kyr) salinity drop at the Mediterranean Iberian margin interpreted previously as
related to a Heinrich event (Martrat et al. 2004), but may instead reflect an anomalously long-lasting
period of high river discharge enhanced by seasonal melting from glaciated mountains.
Benito, G., Gutiérrez, F., Pérez-González, A., Machado, M.J. (2000) - Geomorphological and sedimentological features in
Quaternary fluvial systems affected by solution induced subsidence (Ebro Basin, Spain). Geomorphology 33, 209–224
Benito, G., Pérez-González, A., Gutiérrez, F., Machado, M.J. (1998) - River response to Quaternary large-scale subsidence due to
evaporite solution (Gállego River, Ebro Basin, Spain). Geomorphology 22, 243–263.
Martrat, B., Grimalt, J.O., Lopez-Martinez, C., Cacho, I., Sierro, F.J., Flores, J.A., Zahn, R., Canals, M., Curtis, J.H., Hodell, D.A. (2004)
- Abrupt Temperature Changes in the Western Mediterranean over the Past 250,000 Years. Science 306, 1762-1765
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Impact of near-surface juvenile faulting on an incising fluvial system
(Río Aguas SE Spain)
Anne Mather and Martin Stokes
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK; [email protected]
The Sorbas Basin in SE Spain is a Neogene sedimentary basin located within the Betic Cordillera
mountain range, a major Alpine mountain belt formed by Africa-Europe collision. Within the Betics
fluvial systems have developed within a basin and range topography that has formed by oblique
collisional tectonics created by a combination of low amplitude fold structures and strike-slip faulting.
Collectively, these form part of the Trans-Alboran shear zone, a crustal scale tectonic feature that some
consider to mark the plate boundary between Africa and Europe.
Within the centre of the Sorbas Basin the sedimentary fill and Quaternary river terrace
sequence are crossed by a major tectonic feature, the Infierno-Marchalico Structural Lineament. This is
a NE-SW orientated, ~400m wide zone of deformation, defined by metre scale faulting and localised
folding. The deformation is most intense in the centre of the zone and decreases with distance from the
centre. This zone of deformation is formed by near-surface juvenile faulting. The lineament creates
brittle (post depositional) deformation in the oldest (Tortonian) marine basin fill and soft sediment
deformation, including progressive unconformities, in the youngest (Pliocene) alluvial basin fill,
demonstrating active tectonic activity during the Pliocene. Field evidence suggests the lineament has
been active well into the younger Pleistocene, impacting on the incising Pleistocene river system (the
Río Aguas drainage). Pleistocene river terraces are affected by a combination of folding and faulting and
the deposition of anomalous terrace sedimentology (dominated by silts and sands) and morphology
(more extensive and thicker sediment sequences with terrace bases that currently lie below the modern
river profile). In addition the drainage network demonstrates strong structural alignments within the
lower order tributary and main trunk streams.
This paper will examine the impact of the deformation on the Pleistocene fluvial system using a
combination of interdisciplinary approaches which include remote analysis (geomorphic indices;
drainage alignments) and field mapping (geology; geomorphology; sedimentology) as well as attempting
to constrain the timing of the deformation using a combination of field stratigraphic relationships and
new OSL data.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Pleistocene development of the Lower Guadalhorce river (Spain)
J.M. Schoorl , A.J.A.M. Temme , J. Wallinga
and A. Veldkamp
(1) Land Dynamics Group, Wageningen University, P.O. box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands; [email protected]
(2) Netherlands Centre for Luminescence Dating (NCL), Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft, The
(3) Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, Hengelosestraat 99, 7514 AE, Enschede,
The lower Guadalhorce river system is located in the Malaga Basin, Southern Spain. Pleistocene
development in the Málaga Basin has been mainly continental. The most important fluvial deposits are
the alluvial plains of the Guadalhorce River and several tributaries with distinctive terrace levels (Schoorl
and Veldkamp, 2001). Other major tributary systems from for example the Sierra de Aguas and Montes
de Málaga have left alluvial fan complexes interfingering with these terraces. Most of the fan complexes
are severely dissected, sometimes more than 25 m. Consequently, at least 7 levels of fluvial terraces
(remnants) have been observed along the present Guadalhorce River profile. These levels of Pleistocene
terrace remnants are, contrary to those of the Pliocene deposits, all parallel to the current longitudinal
profile of the Guadalhorce River suggesting a fluvial system in dynamic equilibrium with its controlling
Up to this moment, the age control in the area is limited. Preliminary data from OSL dating
techniques reveal difficulties with the sampling and the quartz signal. However, feldspar techniques
reveal more reliable ages and indicate glacial origin of the main aggradational phases. Furthermore,
from the OSL data it becomes clear that the current incised river bed (1 to 2 meters) is of Holocene age,
probably due to the change in river dynamics after the construction of upstream reservoirs. Further
sampling and dating is needed before coming to a more comprehensive model of terrace formation and
In addition, the more detailed and more recent available DEM’s show evidence of probably
even more terrace levels in the area than originally assumed. Therefore, advancing in the age control,
new fieldwork, photo interpretation and the latest GIS techniques in combination with a more accurate
height control will allow for further development of the current Pleistocene model of the development
of the Lower Guadalhorce River.
Schoorl, J.M. & Veldkamp, A. (2001) - Linking land use and landscape process modelling: a case study for the Alora region (South
Spain). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 85, 281-292
Schoorl, J.M. and Veldkamp, A. (2003) - Late Cenozoic landscape development and its tectonic implications for the Guadalhorce
valley (South Spain). Geomorphology 50 (1-3): 43-57
Schoorl, J.M. and A. Veldkamp (2006) - Multi-Scale Soil-Landscape Process Modeling. Ed. Sabine Grunwald, In: Environmental SoilLandscape Modeling: Geographic Information Technologies and Pedometrics. CRC press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton. FL.
Temme, A.J.A.M.; Baartman, J.E.M.; Schoorl, J.M. (2009) - Can uncertain landscape evolution models discriminate between
landscape responses to stable and changing future climate? A millennial-scale test. Global and Planetary Change 69 (1-2) 48–58
See other references at or
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
September 6 –
Session 3
14.30 – 15.50
The terrace system of the Sarthe river (France), a continental
Pleistocene record in an area of moderate relief
A revised stratigraphy for the Early Pleistocene terrace sequence of
Maddy et al.
the Gediz river, Western Turkey
Van Gorp et
From basalts to badlands: Late-Quaternary landscape evolution in a
tributary of the Gediz river, Kula, Turkey
Tectonic versus climatic forcing of river terrace formation along the
Vandenberghe Huang He (Yellow River)
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
The terrace system of the Sarthe river (France), a continental Pleistocene record in an
area of moderate relief
Yoann Chantreau
(1) University of Rennes 1, UMR 6566 Centre Recherche en Archéologie, Archéosciences et Histoire ; [email protected]
Although lower and middle Palaeolithic sites have been known since the beginning of the
twentieth century, only a few studies have been undertaken in the Sarthe area but regrettably without a
stratigraphic framework. To fill this gap, especially linked to the lack of knowledge of the Quaternary
deposits, recent studies have examined the terrace staircase of the Sarthe river, a tributary to the Loire
River. This river is located in the western part of France, between the “Massif Armoricain”, a Hercynian
oldland and the “Bassin Parisien”, a sedimentary basin. As in the other parts of the “Bassin parisien”
during the Pleistocene, the Sarthe river shows a progressive incision into its bedrock in response to
uplift. However, data obtained thanks to a longitudinal profile of the terrace, reveal different behaviors
between downstream and upstream.
The lower Sarthe river, in particular, shows a decrease in the number of terraces linked to basin
subsidence basin and an influence from the Loire river. This is notably evident during the Holocene
period when the Flandrian transgression caused the rise of Loire leading to silts and clay deposition in
the Sarthe floodplain. Bedrock characteristics seem to influence the thickness and lateral extension of
alluvial sheets. For example, Cenomanian sandstone bedrock allowed the river to enlarge its valley and
incision patterns relate to avulsion. In the case of Jurassic limestone and marl bedrock, the Sarthe river
has developed a meandering pattern leaving unpaired terraces in the convex bank. Downcutting
between alluvial sheets probably includes an important lateral component. Finally, an almost terracefree “gorge” occurs where the Sarthe river flows through Carboniferous limestone for several
kilometers. This geological formation is well known by its karstic features in the Erve valley, a tributary
of the Sarthe river. This incision and gorge development seems to be linked to the resistance of the
Carboniferous limestone. During downcutting, the river cut into valley floor deposits rather than the
bedrock and therefore no lateral migration is recorded. Similar observations of bedrock influences in
fluvial system have already been recorded in the London basin (Bridgland, 1985).
The terrace staircase is associated with slope deposits and eolian sands and silts in the upper
part of the sedimentary record, similar to that observed in others valleys (e.g. Somme River Antoine,
1993). However, in the Sarthe area only, the last dry cold period is preserved in the upper parts of the
alluvial sheets. These sediments show no evidence of complex pedogenesis in comparison to the
underlying fluvial sediments. This observation can be related to the eolian landscape and formation of
an eolian pavement during the dry cold period when deflation remobilized Cenomanian sands (Mary,
1964). Thus, the Sarthe area seems to belong to a periglacial area charcaterised by erosion, where only
alluvial deposits are extensive and where limited non-fluvial overlying beds are remobilized during the
cold periods.
The low and middle Paleolithic sites are numerous in Sarthe valley, as shown by the presence of
Acheulean and Mousterian hand axes. Most of the prehistoric settlements, open air sites, are linked to
the abundance of Jurassic flints, which is the main raw material used here for knapping.
Antoine, P. (1993) - Le système de terrasses du bassin de la Somme : modèle d'évolution morpho-sédimentaire cyclique et cadre
paléoenvironnemental pour le Paléolithique. Quaternaire, 4 (1), 3-16.
Bridgland, D. R. (1985) - Uniclinal shifting : a speculative reappraisal based on terrace distribution in the London basin. Quaternary
Newsletter, 47, 26-33.
Mary, G. (1964) - Le périglaciaire des environs du Mans (Sarthe, France). Biuletyn peryglacjalny, 13, 53-98.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
A revised stratigraphy for the Early pleistocene terrace sequence of the Gediz river,
Western Turkey
Darrel Maddy , Tuncer Demir , Antonie Veldkamp , David R. Bridgland , Douwe J.J. van
Hinsbergen , Mark J. Dekkers , Chris Stemerdink , Tim van der Schriek and Danielle Schreve
(1) Department of Geography, University of Newcastle, Daysh Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU UK;
[email protected]
(2) Department of Geography, Harran University, 63300 Sanliurfa, Turkey.
(3) Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The
(4) Department of Geography, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE UK.
(5) Physics of Geological Processes (PGP), University of Oslo, Sem Sælands vei 24 ,NO-0316 Oslo, Norway.
(6) Paleomagnetic Laboratory ‘Fort Hoofddijk’, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 17, 3584 CD Utrecht, The Netherlands.
(7) Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK.
The Early Pleistocene sedimentary sequence of the Gediz River valley around Kula, Western
Turkey has recently been the subject of extensive research (Maddy et al., 2005, 2007, 2008). The earliest
fluvial sediments identified at present comprise a staircase of 11 terraces (T1-T11) buried beneath lava
flows which constrain the age of these sediments to the Early Pleistocene (prior to 1.25Ma). With the
onset of volcanism the Gediz valley is repeatedly dammed by lava flows entering the contemporary
valley floor, leading to a complex sequence of dam bursts and subsequent fluvial system adjustment
(Maddy et al., 2008) and the formation of additional, previously unrecognised, lower terrace levels.
Recent work downstream of the area reported in the earlier studies, on the Ibrahımağa
plateaux and around Palankaya, has revealed a sedimentary succession which requires a re-evaluation
of the existing stratigraphy.
Furthermore, a comprehensive programme of palaeomagnetic
measurements from the oldest flows has provided refinement of the existing geochronology, suggesting
some of the original interpretations may have been incorrect.
This paper will use this new information to propose a revised stratigraphic model for this
sequence, including a new correlation model linking the high level fluvial terrace sediments. The paper
will also consider the implications of the new model for the mechanisms of change within this fluvial
Maddy, D., Demir, T., Bridgland, D., Veldkamp, A., Stemerdink, C., van der Schriek, T., Westaway, R. (2005) - An obliquitycontrolled Early Pleistocene river terrace record from Western Turkey? Quaternary Research 63, 339-346.
Maddy, D., Demir, T., Bridgland, D., Veldkamp, A., Stemerdink, C., van der Schriek, T., Schreve, D. (2007) - The Pliocene initiation
and Early Pleistocene volcanic disruption of the palaeo-Gediz fluvial system, Western Turkey. Quaternary Science Reviews 26,
Maddy, D., Demir, T., Bridgland, D., Veldkamp, A., Stemerdink, C., van der Schriek, T., Westaway, R. (2008) - The Early Pleistocene
development of the Gediz River, Western Turkey: An uplift-driven, climate-controlled system? Quaternary International 189, 115128.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
From basalts to badlands: Late Quaternary landscape evolution in a tributary of the
Gediz river, Kula, Turkey
W. van Gorp , A.J.A.M. Temme , J.M. Schoorl , D. Maddy , T. Van der Schriek
and A.
(1) Land Dynamics Group, Wageningen University, P.O. box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands; [email protected]
(2) Department of Geography, University of Newcastle, Daysh Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK
(3) Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The
The Geren catchment, a small tributary of the Gediz River, Western Turkey, consists of badlands
which are the end result of Pleistocene-Holocene incision of the Gediz river. Early Pleistocene Gediz
incision is characterized by an uplift-driven, climate-controlled terrace record which has been disrupted
after volcanic activity started (Maddy et al., 2007). In the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, additional
controls on Gediz incision and landscape evolution have been recognized: local base-level change in the
form of basaltic lava dams, river capture and human impact. However, their relative magnitude and the
subsequent complex response of the Geren catchment are not yet known. DEM analysis and fieldwork
have been used to start clarifying Late Quaternary landscape evolution of this area.
The Geren catchment is mainly formed in readily erodible Miocene basin fills on which younger
alluvial, deltaic and lake sediments have been deposited at different levels. In the higher parts of the
Geren catchment these deposits are limestone-gravel rich sediments which now serve as cap-rocks.
Erosion-deposition phases with a gradually decreasing gradient in the lower part of the catchment
suggest Late Pleistocene-Holocene complex response to base-level changes and climatic change and,
possibly human-induced, vegetation cover changes.
Near the confluence of the Geren with the Gediz, lava streams have flowed down and dammed
the Gediz river valley and subsequently created local base level rise and fall after dam breaching. At
least four separate lava flows have been distinguished in the contemporary valley which all may have
blocked the Geren catchment. More insight into the landscape evolution and complex landscape
dynamics of this area will come from sediment (OSL) and basalt (Ar) datings, increased altitude control
and DEM accuracy and Landscape Evolution Modelling.
Maddy, D., Demir, T., Bridgland, D.R., Veldkamp, A., Stemerdink, C., van der Schriek, T., and Schreve, D. (2007) - The Pliocene
initiation and Early Pleistocene volcanic disruption of the palaeo-Gediz fluvial system, Western Turkey: Quaternary Science
Reviews, v. 26, p. 2864-2882.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Climatic versus tectonic forcing of river terrace development in the Huang Shui
catchment (NE Tibet Plateau)
Jef Vandenberghe
Inst. Earth Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
[email protected]
River terrace development is rather complex in regions of alternating uplift and subsidence. In
addition to the tectonic movements, climate changes are also steering the terrace developments. The
NE corner of the Tibet Plateau is an appropriate region to unravel the relative tectonic and climatic
impact on fluvial morphology and sedimentology. The main results until now are that:
- valley incision started already >10 Ma ago, which is unusually early;
- there is a clear difference of terrace morphology in tectonically subsiding and uplifting areas
of one and the same valley;
- there is an equivalent difference of terrace sedimentation as expressed in the sedimentary
records within erosional terraces, accumulation terraces and alluvial fans;
- tectonic influences are expressed by general, long-term trends, and by local/regional events;
- terrace development is driven by a climatic imprint on top of tectonic impact; and
- terrace incision is induced at the transition from warm to cold phases.
Wang X., Lu H., Vandenberghe, J., Chen, Z. and Li L. (2010) - Distribution and forming model of fluvial terrace in Huangshui
catchment and its tectonic indication. Acta Geologica Sinica 84, 801-840.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
September 6 –
Session 4
17.10 – 18.30
Dinis et al.
The use of aquatic biota for inferring sea-level change within
interglacials: evidence from the Thames fluvial archive
Palaeoflood Hydrology of coarse grained Quaternary river terrace
deposits (Río Almanzora, SE Spain)
Provenance evolution in a tectonically controlled Plio-Pleistocene
alluvial system (NW Portugal)
FLAG focus 1 - where next?
White et al.
Stokes et al.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
The use of aquatic biota for inferring sea-level change within interglacials: evidence
from the Thames fluvial archive
T.S. White , R.C. Preece , D.R. Bridgland
& P. Allen
(1) Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EJ, UK
(2) Department of Geography, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE UK; [email protected]
(3) Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK
The Lower Thames fluvial archive is one of the best-known in Western Europe on account of its
value as a record of the last 4 glacial–interglacial cycles. It provides evidence of biotic turnover and
human occupation, in addition to fluvial sedimentary environments. Marine incursions during
interglacial optima are apparent in all of the interglacials represented, as well as the Holocene. In
particular, new data from the famous deposits at Swanscombe enable the succession of non-marine
aquatic taxa preserved there to be related to detailed climatic records of MIS 11, from which inferences
about sea-level can be made.
Molluscan and ostracod evidence is particularly valuable; the distinctive ‘Rhenish suite’ of
molluscs demonstrate fluvial linkage between the Thames and Continental river systems, suggesting low
sea-level. The presence later in the sequence of Cyprideis torosa, an ostracod indicative of brackish
conditions indicates a marine transgression later in MIS 11, perhaps signalling the earliest phase of
British insularity. These aquatic ecological records are enhanced by the presence of charaphyte oogonia
and fish remains. The latter include remains of the European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus), a marine fish
that spawns at the tidal limit of rivers, often dying there in great numbers; thus concentrations of their
remains provide an excellent indicator of the upstream limit of marine influence in the lower reaches of
interglacial rivers.
This information can be married to the distinctive archaeological signatures from different parts
of the Swanscombe sequence, indicating that pulses of human immigration were related to sea-level.
These data provide ecological support for the hitherto uncorroborated sedimentological evidence that
the upper decalcified part of the Swanscombe sequence (Upper Loam) represents estuarine conditions.
Evidence from later interglacials (representing MIS 9, 7 and 5e) also has the potential to relate
palaeontological data with climatic and sea-level fluctuations.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Palaeoflood Hydrology of coarse grained Quaternary river terrace deposits (Río
Almanzora, SE Spain)
Martin Stokes, Anne Mather & Jim Griffiths
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK; [email protected]
The Río Almanzora is a large (2,500km2) ephemeral fluvial system within the Betic Cordillera.
This paper documents the sedimentology and palaeoflood hydrology of Pleistocene fluvial terraces
along a 7km transverse reach that cuts across an uplifted basement high of metamorphic basement, the
Sierra Almagro (≤700 m altitude). The transverse reach comprises four inset fluvial terrace levels
(highest and oldest terrace = level 1 [early Pleistocene age?]) that can be mapped along the valley
margins. Terraces are well preserved in spectacular km-scale abandoned meander loops, suggesting a
sustained pattern of high sinuosity (sinuosity = ≤4.2) valley meandering and periodic avulsions
throughout the Pleistocene.
Terrace outcrops consistently reveal up to 15m thick units of coarse gravels that unconformably
overlie metamorphic basement. Terraces can be sub-divided into two facies associations: 1) Main River
and 2) Tributary Fan. Main River facies comprise rounded cobble-boulder size clasts up to 2.5m in
diameter dominated by local and regionally sourced metamorphic basement. Gravels display well
developed planar cross-stratification with foresets up to 5m high. Integration of sedimentological
characteristics with the planform geometry of the abandoned meander loops indicates high energy,
coarse grained fluvial sediment aggradations by bank attached lateral bar forms.
A range of flow competence and regime palaeoflood reconstruction techniques (e.g. maximum
boulder size, Mannings equation etc) were applied to the Main River facies using type localities from
terrace levels 2-4. Flood discharge calculations ranged from 1,500 m3/s (max) to 295 m3/s (mean = 649
m3/s) for the level 4 terrace, with levels 3 and 2 recording lower discharge levels. Palaeoflood results
are compared with a 48 year flood gauge record (1961-2009) measured at the upstream entry point of
the transverse drainage, including the well documented 1973 event, a 1 in 350 year flood with a 3,100
m3/s peak discharge.
This dataset provides an informative starting point for discussions of 1) climate-related controls
on flood hydrology for river terrace aggradation in SE Spain and 2) the nature of flood records
preserved within the sedimentary sequence of coarse grained river terrace landforms (what flood
events do these deposits preferentially record - peak floods? smaller more frequent flows? peak or
waning flood stages?).
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Provenance evolution in a tectonically controlled Plio-Pleistocene alluvial system
(NW Portugal)
P. A. Dinis , A. Oliveira , M. Vieira , F. Rocha , P.P. Cunha
& J. Pais
(1) Department of Earth Sciences/Institute of Marine Sciences (IMAR-CMA), Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal; [email protected]
(2) Laboratório do INETI de S. Mamede Infesta, Porto, Portugal
(3) Department of Earth Sciences, Minho University, Portugal
(4) Geobiotec Centre/Depart. of Geosciences, Univ. of Aveiro, Portugal
(5) Department of Earth Sciences, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Geochemical, mineralogical and sedimentological data are integrated to access the evolution
and spatial differences in the provenance of a Pliocene to Pleistocene alluvial system at the contact
between the Iberian Massif and the Atlantic margin.
During the Pliocene, a north to northwest-directed drainage started to develop in a faultcontrolled corridor, with several isolated subsiding sectors and sills. This corridor was filled by an up to
70 m thick succession of axial-fluvial and lateral alluvial fan deposits. The mineralogical and geochemical
data reflect provenance and depositional conditions, being of limited help in the palaeoclimatic
interpretations. Tectonic activity seems to have played a major role controlling the relative importance
of the axial-fluvial and lateral alluvial fan components of the alluvial system and the devolvement of
floodplain and swamp-lake sub-environments. The geochemical and mineralogical features are partially
explained by depositional processes. However, they still reveal that the system provenance evolved
through time.
The heavy and clay mineral assemblages and the rare earth elements (REE) patterns indicate
that during earlier phases sediments were mainly derived from granitic rocks and previous cycle
sediment cover of the hinterland. The REE patterns indicate that provenance was later replaced by
mainly lateral input from the Palaeozoic and Precambrian rocks of the eastern basin edge. Sediments
derived from metapelitic rocks tend to have lower REE fractionation indexes than their source rocks.
Although a north-directed axial drainage already existed, the analysis of the chemical index of alteration
(CIA) suggests that the Silurian units found to the south had a limited role in supplying sediments.
Afterwards, the contribution of recycled Cretaceous and Cainozoic sedimentary units has
sediment sources increased progressively. This is demonstrated by the evolution of SiO2/TiO2 relation
and CIA. Tectonic activity determined local differences in provenance, namely by defining a more
diversified sedimentary and metamorphic source rocks in southern sectors and promoting sediment
recycling in uplifted sectors.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
FLAG FOCUS 1 - WHERE NEXT? Progress in the study of long-timescale fluvial
sequences and likely future developments
David Bridgland
Department of Geography, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE UK; [email protected]
Between 2000 and 2007 ‘Focus 1’, that part of FLAG devoted to research on long-timescale
fluvial archives, was synonymous with successive IGCP (International Geological Correlation Programme)
projects that sought to accumulate and synthesize data on such records from around the world. The
success (or otherwise) of this can be judged from the series of publications that contributed to and
arose from those projects and the online database (
If nothing else the data amassed revealed some hitherto unsuspected patterns that link fluvial
records with crustal type and provide new insights into landscape evolution during the past few million
years. These findings have yet to filter into text books, however, and the value of research on fluvial
sedimentary sequences is not widely appreciated beyond those closely involved. It is important that the
wider implications of some of the key findings are appreciated by those seeking to interpret more
localized research (i.e. on single fluvial systems or localities). Of paramount importance are the clear
links between fluvial activity and climate, between river terrace formation and uplift and, more
controversially perhaps, between climate and uplift.
The last of these three provides an explanation for the pattern, seen widely around the world
from the vertical spacing and general disposition of terraces: a pattern of wide, open valleys in the
Pliocene–Early Pleistocene that changed, in the Middle Pleistocene, into much more deeply incised,
narrower valleys, often with regularly spaced terraces representing each 100 ka climate cycle. This is
interpreted as indicating increased uplift as a response (though coupling of surface and crustal
processes) to the changes in climatic fluctuation (in particular, following the ‘Mid-Pleistocene
A valuable technique that has greatly aided understanding of these records is mathematical
modelling of fluvial incision as a response to the uplift recorded in sequences of terraces. Such
modelling can be calibrated by means of whatever dating is available and then data from well
constrained sequences can be used in the interpretation of others that lack dating evidence. The study
of faunal archives from fluvial sequences can provide biostratigraphy (of value in calibrating the abovementioned modelling) as well as palaeoenvironmental evidence, the latter including climatic and sealevel signals, both of which can help link local (single system) studies with the global record. Palaeolithic
archaeology has provided much impetus for recent research on fluvial sequences in Britain, in the form
of Aggregates Levy–funded projects, which have included regional syntheses.
Palaeolithic-inspired research on fluvial archives will continue in the future, through the
developer-funding mechanism, albeit generally on a site by site basis. Past experience has shown that
localized (site-based) study provides much valuable data but that full interpretation requires a wider
understanding of context, extending to the river system level and beyond that to comparison with
regional and global archives.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
September 7 –
Session 1
09.10 – 10.40
The Holocene infill o f a coastal lagoon: marine to fluvial clastic
Dinis et al.
The late Quaternary Tagus depositional system: fluvial and marine
Vis et al.
sedimentation at a passive continental margin.
Rozema et al. Holocene flooding history of the Lower Tagus Valley
Reconstructing late Pleistocene and Holocene landscape evolution in
Baartman et SE Spain: internal river dynamics versus regional drivers and natural
versus human induced erosion.
Evolution of Loire River in Burgundy through the last 8000 Years - A
Garcia &
geomorphological and geoarcheological study of Holocene alluvial
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
The Holocene infill of a coastal lagoon: marine to fluvial clastic interplay
Jorge L. Dinis , M. Conceição Freitas , César Andrade
& Virgínia Henriques
(1) Department of Earth Sciences, University of Coimbra & Instituto do Mar-CMA, Portugal; [email protected]
(2) Centro de Geologia & Departamento de Geologia, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
(3) Department of Geosciences, University of Évora, Portugal.
In the coastal region of Central Portugal, the Pederneira lagoon was created by the Holocene
flooding of the Caldas da Rainha valley. The depression occupies the eroded core of a diapiric anticline
and is composed of two sectors, separated by a rocky narrowing. The lagoon has had a high regional
socio-economic importance since the Neolithic, especially after the establishment of the Alcobaça
Cistercian abbey in the early 12th cent. AD, whose domain included most of the watersheds and the
lagoon, and sheltered a shipyard, import during the Discoveries Era. However, the lagoon was almost
fully silted by the end of the 17th cent. (Dinis et al., 2006). This work is a preliminary presentation of a
sedimentological, ecological, and age study of 4 boreholes, coupled with two interpretative crosssections based in data from geothecnical cores (mainly lithologic description and SPT tests; Henriques
and Dinis, 2006).
In the inlet cross-section, the deposits over the valley axis evolve from marine (32 ? to 9 m bsl)
to fluvial dominated (9 to 1 m bsl,), and a final marine to brackish silting; out of the axis (above 8 m bsl),
marine sands are overlaid by brackish sandy mud to palustrine mud. In the narrowing cross-section, over
the initial coarse alluviation, the lagoonal deposits dominate up to c. 4 m bsl, but with significant fluvial
sands in the south; the upper coarser deposits are probably the prograding alluvium in the northern
half, while palustrine/floodplain deposition prevails in the south. So far, only one core was studied
(NZS2), located in the centre of the narrowing cross-section, close to the S201 geotechnical borehole,
showing a similar succession: Unit I - 17.4 m bsl to the bottom of the core (20 m bsl) is a fining upward
and increasingly muddy sand unit (from gravel to fine sand) with a slightly acid pH. Unit II is a muddy
unit. Up to 5.4 m bsl (IIA) it includes shells and has a pH average between 8 and 9. The 5.4 m to 2.1 bsl
interval (IIB) has a higher content in bioclasts (whole mollusc shells and shell fragments, sometimes
lumachellas) that are responsible by the coarser textural signal of this subunit. Between 2.1 m bsl and
0.4 m asl, unit III is composed by organic mud to slightly sandy mud alternating with peat, without
shells. The topmost 4 m (unit IV) consist of medium sand, occasionally fine or muddy.
Unit I, deposited before 9550 cal BP, corresponds to a terrestrial environment, probably fluvial
paralic, coeval of a low sea-level (likely c. the Younger Dryas) and consequently a distal shoreline. It was
followed by fine-grained marine sedimentation (unit II), presumably when the rising of the sea level
drowned the valley. Subunit IIA was deposited between 9550 and 4980 cal BP, during the fastest sea
level rise after the Younger Dryas, with the highest depositional rate (2,6 mm/year). However, the
maximal marine influence is identified in subunit IIB (4980 and 3630 cal BP). Unit III shows a decrease of
marine influence and the beginning of terrestrialization of the lowland, including the formation of peats
in swampy floodplains, and a shift in the main fluvial axis to the north. Unit IV results from the
progradation of the fluvial deposition by the Alcôa and Areia rivers (after 790 cal BP; 12th cent. AD),
which ultimately led to the complete silting of the depression. The high rates of progradation and
aggradation of this unit result probably from the intense farming and deforestation of the watershed
following the Christian reconquest and the above-mentioned establishment of the Alcobaça abbey.The
depositional architecture is complex, reflecting two clastic feeding apexes – the marine inlet systems
and the axial river - and the lagoonal settling. Throughout the core most of the sands are well calibrated,
probably due to a dominant component of reworked fluvial to brackish Cretaceous and Quaternary
aeolian dunes feeding the lagoon northern margin. The age vs. depth of the infill and the deduced
environments fits quite well with the regional sea-level curve of Dias et al. (2000).
Acknowledgement: contribution to the Projecto PaleoNaz - PTDC/CTE-GEX/65789/2006, funded
by FCT.
Dias, J.M.A.; Boski, T.; Rodrigues, A. & Magalhães, F. (2000) - Coastline evolution in Portugal since the Last Glacial Maximum until
present-a synthesis. Marine Geology 170, 177-186.
Dinis, J.L.; Henriques, V.; Freitas, C.; Andrade, C. & Costa, P. (2006) - Anthropological and natural forcing mechanisms in the
Holocene evolution of three coastal lagoons of Central Portugal. Quaternary International 150, 41-51.
Henriques, M.V. & Dinis, J.L. (2006) - Avaliação do enchimento sedimentar holocénico na planície aluvial da Nazaré (Estremadura
Portuguesa). Proceedings X Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia, Évora, PDF079, 16p.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
The late Quaternary Tagus depositional system: fluvial and marine sedimentation at
a passive continental margin
Geert-Jan Vis
, Cornelis Kasse , Jef Vandenberghe , Dick Kroon
& Sjoerd Bohncke
(1) Geological Survey of the Netherlands, Princetonlaan 6, PO Box 80015, 3508 TA Utrecht, the Netherlands,
[email protected]
(2) VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Department of Climate Change and Landscape Dynamics, De
Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands
(3) School of Geo Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Grant Institute, The King's Buildings, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JW,
United Kingdom
The Tagus River is the 12th largest European river. The river rises in eastern Spain and enters
the Atlantic Ocean in Portugal. The final 100 km of the river are encased in a deeply incised valley: the
Lower Tagus Valley. The depositional history and palaeogeographic changes occurring in the Lower
Tagus Valley since the Last Glacial Maximum (20 ka BP) have been chiefly controlled by relative sea level
and fluvial sediment supply. Around 20 ka BP a low relative sea level caused deep incision, enhanced by
a canyon in the narrow (~30 km) continental shelf. Fluvial sediments were efficiently bypassing the
largely exposed continental shelf to the Tagus Abyssal Plain. The subsequent rise of relative sea level, as
a result of the termination of the glaciation, caused transgression in the deeply incised valley. Around 7
ka BP, the transgression created tidal and marine environments up to ~100 km inland. Rising sea level
relocated the Tagus sediment depocentre from the deep-sea abyssal plain, via the continental shelf to
the Lower Tagus Valley. Sediments were efficiently trapped in the valley, causing a sediment-starved
situation on both the continental shelf and the abyssal plain.
A stable relative sea level since 7 ka BP and continued fluvial sediment supply resulted in
regression marked by bayhead delta progradation and the build-up of a fluvial sediment wedge in the
Lower Tagus Valley. As the fluvial wedge migrated downstream and progressively filled the valley,
sediment export to the continental shelf commenced again. Since ~2 ka BP the Tagus fluvial-marine
depositional system increasingly reflects land-use changes in the catchment. Using the detailed
knowledge of the depositional system, the migration of sediment depocentres during the last ~20 ka
was quantified. This shows an up to 2.5 times higher sediment flux and storage of sediment during the
last 7 ka when compared with the 12-7 ka BP period. The increased flux was controlled by a combination
of more arid climate conditions and land-use changes. Smaller scale climatic controls on fluvial
deposition in the Lower Tagus Valley are difficult to establish.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Holocene flooding history of the Lower Tagus Valley
Jouke Rozema , Koen Zuurbier
& Geert-Jan Vis
(1) VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Department of Climate Change and Landscape Dynamics, De
Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands, [email protected], [email protected]
(2) Geological Survey of the Netherlands, Princetonlaan 6, PO Box 80015, 3508 TA Utrecht, the Netherlands
Recent studies of the Lower Tagus Valley in Portugal have resulted in a thorough understanding
of the depositional history and palaeogeographic changes in the valley during the last 20 ka. The fluvial
activity and flooding history of the Tagus River have been studied in the Spanish reach of the river by
Benito and co-workers. However, for the Lower Tagus Valley such a study was lacking. The newly
constructed depositional framework of the Lower Tagus Valley, allows for the identification of suitable
sites for the reconstruction of the flooding history for the lowland reach of the river.
The Holocene flooding history of the Lower Tagus River has been reconstructed using lowenergy flood basin deposits in a tributary valley (Vale de Atela) and distal backswamp (Paul do
Boquilobo). Cross-sections based on manual corings were used to identify sedimentary flooding units
and suitable sample locations. Cores were dated using radiocarbon dating and analysed in detail on
grainsize, C/N-ratio, loss-on-ignition, carbonate, magnetic susceptibility and pollen.
Analyses of the two sites located ~18 km apart in distal, low-energy backswamps on both sides
of the Tagus channel show synchronous lithological intervals. Three phases of high fluvial activity (6.55.5 ka, 4.9-3.5 ka and 1.0-0 ka cal BP) and two phases of low fluvial activity (5.5-4.9 ka and 3.5-1.0 ka cal
BP) have been identified. Two periods with dominant allogenic controls on fluvial activity in the Lower
Tagus Valley were identified: relative sea level (6.5-5.5 ka cal BP) and human impact (1.0-0 ka cal BP).
During the intermediate period, changes in fluvial activity were caused by climate (5.5-1.0 ka cal BP), but
unambiguous correlations are difficult to make. This may be attributed to the way allogenic controls are
translated through the fluvial system, to the geomorphological differences between upstream and
downstream studies and to autogenic processes. The use of palynological data to support the
reconstruction of flooding phases turned out to have a limited added value.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Reconstructing Late Pleistocene and Holocene landscape evolution in SE Spain:
internal river dynamics versus regional drivers and natural versus human induced
Jantiene E. M. Baartman
, Tom Veldkamp , Jeroen M. Schoorl , Jakob Wallinga
& Erik
(1) Land Dynamics Group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands;
[email protected]
(2) Land Development & Degradation Group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands.
(3) ITC, Faculty of Geo-Information, Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente, P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The
(4) Netherlands Centre for Luminescence Dating (NCL), Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 15, 2629 JB Delft, The
(5) Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, Physical Geography, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166,
1018 WV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Landscapes in South-eastern Spain have developed in response to tectonics, climate
fluctuations and, more recently, human activity. Fluvial and colluvial sediments found in the valleys
reflect a complex interplay between landscape forming processes. Investigating these sediment
archives, we reconstructed Late Pleistocene and Holocene landscape evolution for the Upper
Guadalentín Basin, SE Spain. Driving forces of sedimentation and erosion can be external (e.g. tectonics,
climate) or internal (e.g. complex response) and have a regional or more local character. By correlating
episodes of sedimentation and erosion to past climate fluctuations and human impact on the land,
insight is gained of the relative influence of both on landscape dynamics. For chronological control,
sediments were dated using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL; 13 samples) and radiocarbon
dating (AMS; 9 samples). Both river terrace sediments and finely layered, varve-type sediments,
deposited directly over coarse gravels, were encountered in the study area. The latter are interpreted as
having been deposited in a (palaeo) lake, formed as a consequence of a sudden blockage of the
Guadalentín river between ~17 and ~13.8 ka. Differences in relative height above the floodplain and age
between the river terraces of parts of the Guadalentín river indicate that they have not been in
equilibrium at least for some time. Deposition of river terraces along the upstream part of the river is
recorded at ~13 and ~9.5 ka, whereas no evidence of deposition is found for that period along the lower
part of the river. There, episodes of sedimentation occur at ~7.5 – 5 ka, ~3.4, ~1.6, ~0.7 and ~0.4 ka. This
discrepancy is explained by the palaeo-lake and its influence on erosion and sedimentation processes
through base level changes. We propose a schematic model of Late Pleistocene and Holocene landscape
evolution for the area. From the model we can conclude that i) the influence of the palaeo-lake on
deposition and erosion processes both upstream and downstream is evident; and for the younger river
terraces that ii) episodes of deposition seem to coincide in time, but iii) episodes of erosion in between
terrace level aggradation do not coincide and neither do terrace level heights and iv) no evidence of
deposition is found for the upstream part of the river. Correlation of erosion and sedimentation
episodes with climate change and human impact is discussed. Although some correlations can be made,
there is strong evidence that climate was not the main driver of landscape processes. Besides the
mentioned asynchrony of erosion episodes in the lower parts of the river and the absence of younger
terraces in the upstream parts, no sediments for the Late Glacial – Holocene transition were found. We
suggest that internal river dynamics and local processes are more important drivers for landscape
dynamics in the Upper Guadalentín Basin than external and regional factors.
Besides this long-term landscape reconstruction, research is being conducted to gain insight in
the more recent erosion processes, with timescales from decades to individual rainfall events, using the
soil erosion model LISEM. With these insights, our aim is to eventually bridge the gap between these
timescales, i.e. 100 – 1 000 years of landscape reconstruction on the one hand and rainfall events on the
other. Questions like whether the main erosion in this SE Spanish catchment is caused by relatively rare
but large events or by the sum of all smaller events (i.e. average rainfall per year) are assessed. The
insights gained from landscape reconstruction are used for calibration, while information on human
versus natural drivers can be used for scenarios about e.g. tillage erosion.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Evolution Of Loire River In Burgundy Through The Last 8000 Years – A
geomorphological and geoarcheological study of Holocene alluvial terraces
Jean-Pierre Garcia & Ronan Steinmann
Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France ; [email protected] ; [email protected]
The watershed of the Loire Rivers covers some 20% of France's surface. This fluvial system
presents different styles along its length. Upstream, the confluence between the Loire and the Allier
rivers, at the boundary between Burgundy and Auvergne, shows a complex network of alluvial terraces.
The study of these terraces and their deposits using different methods has enabled long-term valley
changes to be determined and an assessment of the controls that have produced the observed
morphologies. The integrated use of GIS mapping methods (LIDAR treatments, ancient maps,
photographs and archaeological data maps) and field investigations (core drillings in abandoned
channels, sedimentologic observations in trenches and geophysical mapping) has lead us to the
conclude that significant climatic changes during Holocene induced rapid changes to the fluvial
dynamics of the Loire River.
Indeed, since the end of Würm period, at least four periods of fluvial incision have occurred
creating new terraces. These can be linked to climatic degradations including the 8200 BP event, the
sub-boreal degradation and the beginning of the Little Ice Age. The incision events start by the
replacement of a meandering channel by a relative straight river system that erodes the valley floor,
creating a new terrace. High-frequency alluvial cycles can also be strongly linked to Holocene climatic
changes. An Alpine tectonic control is highly suspected to be at the origin of differential preservation of
west vs east terraces.
Such a study also introduces new investigation fields for archaeologists by the creation of a
pattern of predictive eroded vs preserved well-dated areas along the upstream Loire valley.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
September 7 –
Session 2
11.10 – 12.40
Fontana &
Cohen et al.
Kasse et al.
Schoorl et al.
Post-LGM fluvial incisions in NE Italy
The Rhine's Holocene deltaic re-annexation of the Ijssel valley
(Pleistocene, Netherlands)
Climate-driven fluvial changes in the Oude IJssel (Rhine) valley during
the last glacial-interglacial transition.
Sediment source and sink: the role of the river Rhine trunk valley
[Germany] in Holocene sediment transfer
Late Cenozoic dynamics of the upper Tana river in response to the
volcanic activity of Mount Kenya
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Post-LGM fluvial incisions in NE Italy
Alessandro Fontana & Paolo Mozzi
Department of Geography - University of Padua, Via Del Santo 26 -35123 Padova Italy; [email protected]
Recent geological surveys, high-resolution DEM analysis and stratigraphic cores enabled
identification of several incised valleys in the distal sector of the alluvial megafans between Venice
Lagoon and the Karst Range. These data showed that 5 incisions are present in the Tagliamento and
Piave megafans, at least 2 incisions in the Isonzo-Torre River megafan and 1 in the Brenta River
A major depositional phase occurred in the area during the LGM (30-17 ka cal. BP), when
sedimentary supply fed by glaciers supported widespread aggradation. Along the present coastal plain,
LGM deposits are mud-dominated and have an average thickness of 20-30 m. These sediments are cut
by the valleys, which have a depth of 12-30 m and a width of 500-2000 m. The studied incised-valley fills
(IVF) display similar internal architectures, characterized by coarse gravel deposits at their base and a
general fining-upwards trend. Several phases of abandonment and re-activation are recorded, but
gravels are typically lacking in the upper part of the IVF, with their distribution being considerably less
than the gravel occurrences in the basal IVF.
Radiocarbon datings and archaeological constraints demonstrate that fluvial entrenchment and
coarse-gravel transport had already started in the Tagliamento megafan during the final part of LGM
and developed in all the Alpine fluvial systems during the Lateglacial and early Holocene. Deep erosive
processes stopped around 8.0-7.0 ka cal. BP with the incised paths of the Alpine rivers being maintained
up until 4-3 ka cal. BP. Since 7.0 ka cal. BP some abandoned incisions were drowned by the marine
transgression, which led to the formation of 15-km long tidal inlets and to the deposition of lagoon and
estuarine sediments. The interfluve areas located in between valleys (considered as large terraced
surfaces) were characterized by pedogenesis of LGM alluvial deposits. This resulted in the formation of
well developed soils characterized by thick calcic horizons. In the distal plain a large portion of LGM
surfaces still crop out, partly covered by late Holocene fluvial ridges, which in many cases re-occupied
and completely filled the former incisions.
Valley formation has been mainly controlled by the dramatic change of sedimentary supply
occurred at the LGM/post-LGM boundary, due to the transition from fluvio-glacial to fluvial processes.
Also. valley lakes formed, triggered by large landslides in the mountain catchments after deglaciation.
These reduced / stopped the sedimentary flux towards the plain. The IVFs have been affected by the
internal evolution of the fluvial systems and especially by avulsions, which activated and/or deactivated
different sectors of the megafans, and, thus, different incisions. Sea-level rise has influenced the filling
of the valleys only since 8.0 ka cal. BP, but this factor had a paramount importance in the last millennia.
Fontana, A.; Mozzi, P.; Bondesan, A. (2008) - Alluvial megafans in the Venetian–Friulian Plain (north-eastern Italy): Evidence of
sedimentary and erosive phases during Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Quaternary International 189, 71-90.
Carton, A.; Bondesan, A.; Fontana, A.; Meneghel, M.; Miola, A.; Mozzi, P.; Primon, S.; Surian, N. (2009) - Geomorphological
evolution and sediment transfer in the Piave River watershed (north-eastern Italy) since the LGM. Géomorphologié: Relief,
Processus, Environment 3/2009, 37-58.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
The Rhine's Holocene deltaic re-annexation of the IJssel valley (Pleistocene,
Kim M. Cohen , Gilles Erkens , Esther Stouthamer & Wim Hoek.
(1) Utrecht University, Dept. of Physical Geography, POBOX 80.115, 3508 TC Utrecht; [email protected]
The Gelderse IJssel is the youngest natural distributary of the Rhine delta. When it came into
existence at some point between 300 and 700 AD, it involved the annexation of a valley that had not
been part of the Holocene delta plain before. The initiation of the IJssel is of archeological-historical
interest as it is a key event in the ‘dark’ early medieval period (Franks, Saxons, Vikings, Christianization)
between the demise of Roman influence and the rise of the Hanze trading cities, which used the IJssel as
the main shipping route connecting the Rhine valley to the German Bight and beyond. The timing is
iconic for the major sedimentary changes that occurred in Rhine valley and delta at the time, triggered
when excess erosion induced by human deforestation was delivered to the delta apex in great quantities
(Erkens, 2009).
Understanding the drainage configuration of the valley and the position of the main divide that,
prior to the formation of the IJssel, separated ‘Rhine tributaries’ from ‘drainage going north’, is key
when reconstructing the timing and mechanics of the annexation process. In a 5-year campaign covering
the full river length and valley width, we mapped and dated landscape features related to the IJssel
diversion and the area’s many dissected older elements (Cohen et al. 2009). This allowed us to pin-point
the position of the palaeodivide and to explain how it formed: Local periglacial sedimentary systems
buried the valley floor after the Rhine abandoned this pathway 60,000-40,000 years ago. The outcomes
falsify previous palaeodrainage reconstructions that did not recognize the lower most right-hand Rhine
tributaries as such and assumed that the divide was further south. The mapping also revealed the
architecture of deposits related to the annexation event.
The IJssel annexation is of fluvial geomorphological interest in three ways.
(1) It is a subrecent avulsion of which the sedimentary traces from an initial stage with multiple
channels (300-700 AD) and subsequent traces from a matured meander belt (700-1350 AD) are well
preserved, thanks to embankment activities and loss of discharge to other delta branches (1350-1650
AD). This gives important information on how fast avulsion proceeds and what controls this.
(2) The flooding regime in the rest of delta importantly changed with the annexation,
contributing to the success of delta land reclamation and the economic rise of Holland. In the area
between Rhine-IJssel bifurcation and the breached drainage divide, the geomorphology of the 300-700
AD initial stage provides water level markers that offer a great opportunity to quantify extreme flood
magnitude of the Rhine in that period.
(3) The breached drainage divide was gradually formed during a 30,000 year period of local
river activity by periglacial local rivers. In the LGM, Late Pleniglacial and Late Glacial, these orphan
tributaries to the abandoned Rhine valley built out low gradient alluvial fans from the two sides of the
valley. These buried the former valley floor and through deposition raised the surface. Around 20,000
years ago, the largest two fans had built out so much that they met in the axis of the abandoned valley.
This created the drainage divide saddle topography and associated drainage network which stayed in
function until the Rhine deltaic annexation event. The creation of the drainage divide is consistent with
the climatic, hydrological and vegetational development of surrounding periglacial Europe. It is a welldocumented, mechanistically-explained example of what happens after a valley of a major low land river
abandons and local fluvial activity takes over.
Cohen, K.M., E. Stouthamer, W.Z. Hoek, H.J.A. Berendsen & H.F.J. Kempen (2009) - Zand in banen. Zanddieptekaarten van het
Rivierengebied en het IJsseldal in de provincies Gelderland en Overijssel. 3rd fully revised edition. Arnhem: Provincie Gelderland.
130 pp. + CD-ROM + Digital Maps. In Dutch. With a summary in English.
Erkens, G. (2009) - Sediment dynamics in the Rhine catchment: Quantification of fluvial response to climate change and human
impact. Netherlands Geographical Studies, 388, 256 p.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Climate-driven fluvial changes in the Oude IJssel (Rhine) valley in Germany during the
last glacial-interglacial transition
C. Kasse , M.M. Janssens , W.Z. Hoek
& H. Greaves
(1) Climate change and landscape dynamics, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV
Amsterdam, The Netherlands; [email protected]
(2) Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht, The
During the last glacial the Rhine occupied three courses in the Dutch-German border area. The
Niers-Rhine course and Oude IJssel-Rhine course were abandoned during the last glacial – interglacial
transition and only the present-day course persisted. The present study focuses on the fluvial
development of the Oude IJssel-Rhine course at its bifurcation point with the main Rhine course in the
eastern Netherlands and adjacent Germany. The aim was to reconstruct the Late Pleniglacial and Late
Glacial fluvial evolution and its relation to climate change, to date and explain the final abandonment
and to compare the Oude IJssel system with the previously studied Maas and Rhine systems. Coring
transects enabled the construction of the channel geometry and fluvial architecture. Pollen analysis of
the fine-grained organic fill of abandoned channels provided the biochronostratigraphic framework and
vegetation development over time.
Three Late Pleniglacial and Late Glacial palaeofloodplains have been distinguished: an
oldest braided system with gravel at shallow depth mostly covered by loams; a meandering system with
sinuous channels and a multi-channel system, intermediate between meandering and braiding.
The full valley width was occupied by an aggrading braided river system, probably during the
Late Pleniglacial. The pollen results indicate that the braided system was abandoned shortly before the
Early Dryas (c. 12.1 ka 14C BP). A channel pattern change occurred and river flow became concentrated
in meandering channels, probably due to the early Late Glacial climatic amelioration (c. 12.5 ka 14C BP).
In the course of the Allerød several meandering channels still existed that migrated laterally on the
former braidplain. The Younger Dryas age of the base of a meander channel fill indicates that the
meandering system was active during the early Younger Dryas and Allerød. The Younger Dryas Stadial (c.
10.9-10.1 ka 14C BP) is reflected by a change of the meander channel morphology to a broader and
shallower multi-channel system, accompanied by a slight incision of several meters. Aeolian dune sands
(source-bordering dunes) accumulated along this system and on islands within the system. The age of
the basal fill of this multi-channel system shows that the Oude IJssel-Rhine system was abandoned in
the very early Holocene, similar to the Niers-Rhine course (Kasse et al., 2005). The abandonment of both
the Oude IJssel and Niers-Rhine courses at the Late Glacial to Holocene transition suggests a common
climate-driven cause. It is probably related to faster and deeper incision of the main Rhine course in
comparison with the smaller Oude IJssel and Niers-Rhine courses. By incision and lateral migration of
the main Rhine branch a terrace scarp developed between the Holocene Rhine floodplain and the
fossilized Oude IJssel-Rhine course.
Kasse, C., W.Z. Hoek, S.J.P. Bohncke, M. Konert, J.W.H. Weijers, M.L. Cassee & R.M. Van der Zee (2005) - Late Glacial fluvial
response of the Niers-Rhine (western Germany) to climate and vegetation change. J. Quaternary Science 20: 377-394.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Sediment source and sink: the role of the river Rhine trunk valley [Germany] in
Holocene sediment transfer
Gilles Erkens
Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80115, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands;
[email protected]
The trunk valley within the Rhine catchment is characterised by large basins, notably the
northern Upper Rhine Graben (nURG) and the Lower Rhine Embayment (LRE). Regarding sediment
fluxes, these basins have a dual role during the Holocene: they are sources for bed load due to
progressive incision and dissection by the Rhine channel, and simultaneously they are sinks for
suspended load because they provide sediment storage capacity in large floodplains. This paper utilises
the fluvial archive of both stretches of the Rhine trunk valley to investigate the magnitude of the sources
and sinks in relation to the total sediment transfer through the fluvial system. We quantified
accumulation of sediment, loss of storage and reworking of sediment, by applying a budget approach
using time slices of a few millennia duration spanning the Holocene. Over 3.1 Gton (1012 kg) of bed load
was released from the LRE and 0.7 Gton from the nURG owing to progressive incision of the Rhine
channel during the Holocene. This forms a considerable part (~30 %) of the gross amount of bed load
delivered to the downstream Rhine delta. Regarding storage and transfer of fine sediment carried in
suspension, the functioning of the trunk valley is more complex. In total 2.3 (LRE) and 1.0 (nURG) Gton
of suspended load has been deposited during the Holocene in the study area. Significant parts of these
fines were later reworked by migrating meanders, and the reworked fines form an internal source of
sediment. This internal sediment source can in theory explain up to 80 % of Holocene suspended load
storage in the trunk valley stretches, but explains only ~ 12 % in the most likely trap efficiency scenario.
Despite the great width of the floodplains, the LRE and nURG have fairly low trap efficiency for
suspended load (~ 15 ± 10 % of incoming flux in all time slices). Their great width, however, did result in
a good preservation of the suspended sediment deposits (on average 55 %) over the Holocene
millennia. Accumulation of fine sediment of a definite upstream source varied strongly between time
slices and was more important in the early Holocene (+7 % in LRE, +27 % in nURG) and late Holocene
(+150 % in LRE, +27 % in nURG) than in the middle Holocene. The relatively high early Holocene
sediment delivery value in the nURG may represent a reworking phase (by upstream channel incision) of
sediment produced during the last glacial. Increased late
Holocene suspended sediment delivery to the trunk valley is due to increased agricultural land
use in the hinterland, which induced widespread soil erosion and increased sediment transport
downstream. Compared to the sediment flux on catchment scale, the amounts of suspended sediment
trapped, stored and released within the trunk valley stretches are minor, and the Rhine trunk valley
seems to be predominantly a sediment transport zone. The trunk valley is thus incapable of buffering or
delaying catchment-scale sediment fluxes or significantly affecting sediment delivery ratios.
Consequently, the trunk valley and the delta function as strongly coupled components in the larger
fluvial sedimentary system.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Late Cenozoic dynamics of the upper Tana river in response to the volcanic activity of
Mount Kenya
A. Veldkamp , J.M. Schoorl , J.R. Wijbrans
& L. Claessens
(1) ITC faculty, University of twente, P.O. 6, 7500 AA Enschede, the Netherlands; [email protected]
(2) Land Dynamics, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
(3) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Earth science department. De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam
Fluvial dynamics of the upper Tana river have been reconstructed for the Mount Kenya region.
The oldest dated phonolite flow that interacts with the palaeo Tana river is 6.05 Ma old (40Ar/ 39Ar)
placing the initiation of the Mount Kenya volcanics within the Miocene. The major eruptive phase
causing the build up of the main volcanic body lasted from 4.43 to 3.9 Ma (40Ar/ 39Ar). During this build
up periods with relatively high and low base level occurred, which may be linked to global sea level
change. The final phase from the main vent lasted from 2.8 to 2.7 Ma when the rift valley up doming
was also prominent. From 2.65 Ma to 0.80 Ma (40Ar/ 39Ar) no major volcanic eruptions occurred and
the Tana responded only to changes in uplift and climate change. A large basaltic eruption on the South
flank of Mount Kenya of the Thiba basalts happened at 0.80 Ma (40Ar/ 39Ar) caused a significant change
in the course and response of the Upper Tana basin.
The terrace record of the current Tana valley registers an accelerated Tana incision in response
to an increased uplift rate post 0.8 Ma. Our reconstruction demonstrates that not only major tectonic
events but also significant base-level changes occurred during the Pliocene as witnessed by both incision
and depositional records in the upper Tana basin.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
September 7 –
Session 3
14.20 – 15.50
Anton et al.
Ilott et al.
Cordier et al.
Martins et al.
Wallinga et
Duero river incision and drainage reorientation in west-central Iberia
through tectonic, geomorphic and cosmogenic nuclide dating
Cosmogenic dating of Plio/Quaternary (?) fluvial terraces and straths
in the Sorbas Basin, SE Spain
OSL and ESR chronology of the Sarre valley terraces and correlations
with the Moselle valley (NE France, SW Germany)
The Lower Tejo River terraces of the Alpiarça – Benavente area:
relevance to the interpretation of fluvial controls and human
occupation in western Iberia
Where to sample fluvial deposits for optical dating?
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Duero river incision and drainage reorientation in west-central Iberia through
tectonic, geomorphic and cosmogenic nuclide dating
L. Antón , A. Rodés , R. Pallàs , G. De Vicente , D. Garcia-Castellanos , A. J. Oláiz , R. Braucher ,
D. Bourlès & F. Stuart
(1) Grupo de Tectonofísica Aplicada, Dept. de Geodinámica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain.
[email protected]
(2) RISKNAT Group, Dept. Geodinàmica i Geofísica, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain.
(3) Group of Dynamics of the Lithosphere, Institute of Earth Sciences "Jaume Almera", CSIC, 08028 Barcelona, Spain.
(4) CEREGE UMR 6635, Plateau de l’Arbois 13545, Aix en Provence, France.
(5) SUERC, Rankine Avenue, Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, East Kilbride, G75 0QF
The Duero basin, in northern Spain, is the largest of the intraplate Cenozoic basins in Iberia. This
basin is drained by the Duero River, which flows westward through Variscan basement before reaching
the Atlantic Ocean. The western border of the Duero Cenozoic Basin, is an uplifted low relief landscape
where the basement crops-out. This area has played an important role in the current configuration of
Iberia. It acted as a passive margin for the closed Cenozoic Duero Basin, and it controls the Atlantic
capture and drainage reorientation, acting as a local base level for the inner basin. Morpho-structure in
the area is dominated by deeply incised fluvial valleys, and by a drainage pattern strongly controlled by
the main fault systems. The Duero river forms a deep (up to 400 m) gorge called “Arribes del Duero”,
incised mainly in granitic bedrock.
The timing of drainage reorientations and the processes responsible for
them can be constrained by combining tectonic, geomorphic and dating techniques. Analysis of the
present drainage network reveals changes in main trunk direction and in the concavity and the
steepness of longitudinal profiles in the study area. Quantifying incision rates is fundamental to
constraining the evolution of drainage in W Iberia, and to improve numerical models of drainage
network evolution. 15 surface samples and 3 depth samples were collected from three bedrock erosive
terraces in the “Arribes del Duero”, which are generally attributed to fluvial erosion. However, 10Be
concentration data revealed contrasted patterns of denudation between different spots on the same
terraces. Combined 10Be and 21Ne analysis will help to elucidate the origin and evolution of the
terraces, and their relation with fluvial incision.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Cosmogenic dating of Plio/Quaternary (?) fluvial terraces and straths in the Sorbas
Basin, SE Spain
Sam Ilott , Martin Stokes , Anne Mather
& Christoph Schnabel
(1) School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK
[email protected]; [email protected]
(2) SUERC, Rankine Avenue, Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, East Kilbride, G75 0QF, Scotland
Within this presentation we describe the application of 10Be / 26Al / 21Ne insitu cosmogenic
exposure dating to fluvial terraces and bedrock strath within the Río Aguas catchment of the Sorbas
basin in SE Spain.
The Río Aguas has a long term drainage history whose origins can be traced back to the Late
Miocene. Two stages of drainage evolution have occurred: 1) a Miocene/Pliocene early drainage record
represented by the final stages of basin infilling represented by the Gochar Formation and 2) a
Quaternary drainage system represented by basin dissection and terrace formation. Within this paper
we focus upon the chronology of the top basin fill surface of the Gochar Fm and the subsequent inset
terrace levels.
Terrace deposits in the Sorbas basin comprise coarse clastic fluvial gravels sequences with sand
lenses deposited by braided processes. Terraces can be up to 20 m in thickness and are capped by red
soils and cemented calcrete crusts. There are four main terrace levels (labelled A [oldest to D
[youngest]) inset into a top basin fill surface of the Gochar Fm representing 160 m of Plio-Quaternary(?)
incision. Currently, the river terraces have been dated using U-series techniques producing ages of 280
Ka (Terrace B) and 100ka (Terrace C). However, these ages are derived from pedogenic calcretes that
cap the terrace surfaces and thus represent time for soil formation after terraces have been incised.
Furthermore, U-series dating is limited to ~300 Ka and therefore the application of cosmogenic exposure
dating by this study provides an opportunity for a more accurate and long term absolute chronology.
Using this time framework of long-term drainage evolution, we can explore more fully the relative
controls on fluvial system development (climate, tectonics, river capture etc).
Cosmogenic dating of a landform involves determining the exposure date of a rock to cosmic
rays and works by measuring the amount of cosmogenic nuclides that have accumulated in the top few
meters of the of the Earth’s surface . Cosmic rays are sourced from the sun and also from super novas
that are in and beyond the Milky Way. The rays consist of high energy particles (mostly protons) which
interact with the nuclei of atoms in the Earth’s atmosphere to produce a secondary flux of radiation
which cascades via a series of spallation reactions to the earth’s surface. When the particles of the
secondary flux impact rocks on the earths surface they interact with atoms of target element in the
rocks and spallation reactions produce isotopes. The process of spallation continues in the target
nucleus until energy dissipation leads to a fall in energy below the binding energy of the particles which
make up the nucleus. The production of cosmogenic nuclides decreases with depth as attenuation of the
cosmic rays occurs and production ceases at a depth of 3 m below the surface. The cessation of nuclide
production at 3 m is an important consideration as the principal technique used in this study is a depth
concentration profile technique. This technique involves taking samples of quartz pebbles at regular
intervals (from 0 m down to 2 m depth) through a man made cut in a terrace in order to create a
concentration profile. Greater then 30 quartz clasts of > 2cm are collected every 0.5 m down to a depth
of 2 m. The quartz clasts are then crushed and an equal sample from each interval is taken. These are
amalgamated into one sample which is then purified and carrier solutions (10Be & 26Al) are added to
the sample. The sample is run through AMS (accelerated Mass Spectrometry) to determine the 10Be
and 26Al concentrations. In order to calculate ages for the terrace profiles the concentrations profiles
are run though a chi squared inversion equation which minimises the difference between vertical
profiles predicted by theory and the observed 10Be / 26Al concentrations. We have also applied 21Ne to
bedrock strath terraces which involves bulk sampling of the surface, extracting the quartz and use of a
mass spectrometer to provide a dataset from which 21Ne ages can be modelled.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
OSL and ESR chronology of the Sarre valley terraces and correlations with the
Moselle valley (NE France, SW Germany)
Stéphane Cordier , Dominique Harmand , Manfred Frechen , Pierre Voinchet
& Jean-Jacques
(1) Département de Géographie, Université Paris Est Créteil, 61 avenue du Général de Gaulle, F-94010 Créteil Cedex;
[email protected]
(2) Laboratoire de Géographie, Université Nancy 2, BP 33-97, F-54000 Nancy
(3) Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Stilleweg 2, D-30655 Hannover
(4) Département de Préhistoire, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 1 rue René Panhard F-75013 Paris
The Moselle River and its main tributary the Sarre River flow through the Vosges Massif, the
Paris basin and the Rhenish Massif, before joining the Rhine. The Moselle fluvial archives have been
extensively studied for ca one decade, allowing the reconstruction of its terrace staircase, and
establishment of a chronostratigraphic framework for the middle and lower terraces. These terraces
have been correlated with the Middle and Upper Pleistocene climate cycles but the number of absolute
dates remains weak.
To improve this framework and to get a better understanding of the influence of both internal
and external forcing on the fluvial terrace formation, new geomorphological and geochronological
research has been undertaken, focusing on the Sarre valley (length of ca 250 km). This research has
reconstructed the terrace staircase of the Sarre River in its middle (Paris basin) and lower (Rhenish
Massif) reaches. More specifically a detailed relative chronology of meander downcutting in the lower
reach has been established. The geomorphological mapping was complemented by the absolute dating.
These include the OSL dating of the young terraces and ESR dating of the middle and high terrace of
both the Sarre and the Moselle.
The aim of this communication is to present these new results, providing a first general
reconstruction of the terrace staircase formation in the Moselle catchment.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
The Lower Tejo River terraces of the Alpiarça – Benavente area: relevance to the
interpretation of fluvial controls and human occupation in western Iberia
António A. Martins , Pedro P. Cunha , Jan-Pieter Buylaert , Andrew S. Murray
& Luis Raposo
(1) Centro de Geofísica, Dep. Geociências, University of Évora, Portugal; [email protected]
(2) Department of Earth Sciences, IMAR-CMA, University of Coimbra, Portugal
(3) Radiation Research Division, Risø DTU, Denmark
(4) Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating, Aarhus Unversity, Risø DTU, Denmark
(5) Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, Portugal
The study focuses on the Vale do Forno area (Alpiarça, central Portugal) where Palaeolithic
artefacts have been identified since the 1940s. The area is ~50 km upstream of the Tejo estuary. The
river runs in the Lower Tejo Cenozoic basin, with a sedimentary infill consisting of sands, silts and
gravels; the main active tectonics are NNE-SSW and NW-SE strike-slip fault systems. Topographically, the
relief is dominated by a dissected plateau, 120-130 m.a.s.l., corresponding to the surface of a Pliocene
sedimentary unit reflecting the level of the Tejo River before the stage of progressive fluvial incision.
Below the plateau, six fluvial terraces have been described in the immediately upstream reach, near the
town of Chamusca. However, in the Alpiarça area only five terraces are identified above the modern
alluvial plain because the lowest is buried by the Holocene infilling. Their surfaces are: T1 – 90-100
m.a.s.l.; T2 – 70-80 m.a.s.l.; T3 – 50-60 m.a.s.l.; T4 – 25-45 m.a.s.l., T5 – 10-15 m.a.s.l. and the modern
alluvial plain – 10-11 m.a.s.l.
Here, the T4 terrace is made up of ~6 m of a Lower Gravels unit (LG) and 10 m of an Upper
Sands (US) unit. The LG unit, deposited by a gravelly braided river, was ascribed to environmental
conditions of the penultimate glaciations (MIS 6), while the US unit, comprising a complex of sands and
silts, to the last interglaciation (MIS 5). According to typological features, the industries collected from
the LG unit were considered Clactonian-Abbevilian and those from the US unit ranging from middle
Acheulian to uppermost Acheulian (Micoquian). For the US unit, there has been some controversy
concerning the chronological framework: either late Mindel to initial Riss, ca. 400 ka; or late Riss to early
Würm, ca. 150–70 ka. The later interpretation was based on the presence of Micoquian industries
(mainly handaxes) and on three thermoluminescence (TL) dating results: 117 ka (-26 ka + infinite), 119
ka (-32 ka + infinite) and >124 ka. These ages must be considered as minimum estimates, as the TL
signals were found to be in saturation (indicated by the + infinite uncertainties).
As a first attempt for dating these deposits, K-feldspar ages based on a conventional IR at 50ºC
signal were obtained. The uncorrected K-feldspar ages are considered to be minimum ages because the
equivalent doses are >500 Gy; most fading correction models are not expected to work in such a high
dose region and in any case all correction models have inherent limitations. It is thus desirable to work
with a more stable high temperature IRSL signal (the so called post-IR IRSL signal, blue detection), that is
less prone to anomalous fading.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Where to sample fluvial deposits for optical dating?
Jakob Wallinga , Noortje Hobo
, Alastair C. Cunningham , Alice J. Versendaal , Bart Makaske
and Hans Middelkoop
(1) Netherlands Centre for Luminescence dating, TUDelft, The Netherlands; [email protected]
(2) Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
(3) Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands.
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL, optical) dating determines the time of deposition and
burial of sediments. The OSL signal of sand-sized quartz grains is reset by light exposure, and builds up
due to natural background radiation after burial. If light exposure is too limited to completely reset the
OSL signal of all grains, this may affect the accuracy and robustness of OSL age estimates. Especially for
young fluvial deposits the OSL age may overestimate the burial age. There are two complementary
routes towards a solution: 1) Measuring small subsamples (single grains?) and employing advanced
statistical methods to select the youngest population; 2) Taking samples from places with the greatest
chance of complete OSL resetting.
In this study we investigate what factors influence the degree of resetting of the OSL
signal in the fluvial system. We concentrate on the importance of the depositional environment (e.g.
overbank, channel) and the age of sediments that are eroded by the river upstream. Our study is based
on OSL dating results on a large number of samples taken from young (<500 years) fluvial deposits of the
Waal and IJssel rivers. Our results are helpful in optimizing sampling strategies for optical dating of
fluvial deposits.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
September 7 –
Session 4
17.00 – 18.20
Lauer et al.
Martins and
Optically stimulated luminescence and Infrared radiofluorescence
dating for unravelling fluvial archives – challenges and methodological
Luminescence dating of fluvial archives: new methodological aspects
Introduction to fieldtrip
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Infrared Radiofluorescence Dating for
Unraveling Fluvial Archives – Challenges and Methodological Progress.
T. Lauer
, M. Frechen , M. Krbetschek
& S. Tsukamoto
(1) Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Stilleweg 2, D-30655 Hannover; [email protected]
(2) Saxon Academy of Scs. at Leipzig, Quaternary Geochronology Section, Inst. of Appl. Physics TU Freiberg, Leipziger Straße 23, D09596 Freiberg
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and Infrared Radiofluorescence (IR-RF) dating
methods are important tools for establishing chronologies of Quaternary sediments. The methods are
able to determine the time elapsed since the last sunlight exposure of sediments and therefore the time
of deposition. This information is mandatory to reconstruct palaeo-landscape evolution controlled by
climatic changes, tectonics and human impact.
The mineral of choice for luminescence dating for fluvial deposits is normally quartz (Lauer et
al. 2010) as it bleaches faster than feldspar (Wallinga 2002). However, the datable age range for quartz
is restricted by a saturation limit at 200-300 Gy, which is equivalent to ~100- 150 ka. To date older
sediments, the infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) can be applied to feldspar as it saturates at
much higher doses. One problem is that the trap charges which means that the IRSL signal may suffer
from anomalous fading (Kars et al. 2008, Huntley and Lamothe 2001). This effect has to be quantified
and a correction factor should be applied to avoid age underestimations. However, the correction for
fading is still problematic especially for old sediments showing a non linearity in the dose response
curve. An alternative tool is the IR-RF dating for K-feldspar measuring the density of free optically active
traps (Krbetschek et al. 2000).
This presentation will provide an overview about the possibilities and challenges related with
the dating of fluvial deposits using these three luminescence methods. Results from quartz OSL dating
and IRSL- and IR-RF dating of K-feldspar, which were applied to Holocene, Weichsealian and PreWeichsealian fluvial deposits of the Rhine system will be shown. For some of the dated sediments,
independent age controls was given by volcanic tephra, radiocarbon data or historical artefacts. Hence,
the accuracy of the methods could be tested. The results yield important information about the phases
of fluvial activity for the last 685 ka.
Huntley, D.J. & Lamothe, M. (2001) - Ubiquity of anomalous fading in K-feldspars and the measurement and correction for it in
optical dating, Can. J. Earth Sci. 38: 1039-1106.
Kars, R.H., Wallinga, J. & Cohen, K.M. (2008) - A new approach towards anomalous fading correction for feldspar IRSL dating –
tests on samples in field saturation. – Radiation Measurements, 43/2-6: 786-790.
Krbetschek, M.R., Trautmann, T., Dietrich, A., Stolz, W. (2000) - Radioluminescence dating of sediments: Methodological aspects. Radiation Measurements 32, 493-498.
Lauer, T., Frechen, M., Hoselmann, C. & Tsukamoto, S. (2010) - Fluvial aggradation phases in the Upper Rhine Graben—New
insights by quartz OSL dating. Proceedings of Geologists´ Association.
Wallinga, J. (2002) - Optically stimulated luminescence dating of fluvial deposits: a review. Boreas 31, 303–322.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Luminescence Dating of Fluvial Archives: New Methodological Aspects
A.K.Singhvi and N.Chauhan
Geosciences Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad 380009; [email protected]
In recent years, considerable effort has been expended on luminescence dating of fluvial
archives ranging from floodplain sediments, point bar deposits, strath terraces and gravels, slack water
deposits, source proximal dunes etc. All of these present challenges in respect to establishing their predepositional bleaching and subsequent radiation environment change. The advent of single grain
methods has offered prospects of isolating the most bleached grains. However, studies on the radiation
dosimetry aspects indicate that at a single grain level, the radiation environment is spatially
heterogeneous due to the spatial distribution of K bearing feldspars. This leads to a distribution in single
grain paleodoses even for fully bleached samples and implies that the minimum dosed signal
corresponds to both the most bleached and least dosed signals. This fact puts into jeopardy, the current
use of average annual dose in computing single grain ages. A revised age equation considering this dose
heterogeneity has been developed by us (Mayya et al., 2006) and is being refined for natural sediments.
Another aspect of radiation dosimetry is the prospects of using large ~cm size grains such that
the outer skin of such grains that receives dose from external beta particles can be removed either
chemically or isolated optically. In this case the interior of grains receive only the gamma dose implying
about 60-70% reduction in the total dose and hence 3 fold increases in the age upper limit. Monte Carlo
simulations indicated that the beta skin is 2 mm and hence grains in the range of 6mm diameter or more
should provide sufficient material for dating (Chauhan et al., 2009). This is being evaluated on real
A third aspect is the use of SAR protocol. We have considered an improvement in the
conventional SAR protocol via the use of the measurement of sensitivity changes during the preheat and
readout of the natural OSL. The standard SAR protocol does not take into account this sensitivity change
leading to deviation from the correct dose values. Extensive measurements on samples from diverse
depositional environments suggest that correction of sensitivity changes during the read out of natural
OSL, results in a tighter paleodose distribution and often somewhat lower ages. We suggest that this
corrections be carried out routinely, as otherwise that SAR ages may have, small to significant,
undetected systematic errors (Singhvi et al., 2009).
Finally, several case studies on the use of luminescence in the geochronology of fluvial
sediments will be presented, with emphasis on the issues that luminescence can resolve.
Mayya, Y.S., Morthekai, P., Murari, M.K. and Singhvi, A.K. (2006) - Towards quantifying beta microdosimetric effects in single
grain quartz dose distribution,. Radiation Measurements 41, 1032-1039.
Chauhan, N., Anand,S., Selvam, P., Y.S. Mayya and Singhvi, A.K. (2009) - Extending the upper age limits in the Luminescence dating
of sediments: A feasibility study of using large quartz grains, Radiation Measurements 44, 629-633.
Singhvi, A.K., Chauhan, N. Nagar, Y.C. and Jaiswal, M. (2009) - Luminescence Dating : new improvements in SAR protocol. In
Abstracts, Second Asia Pacific Conference on Luminescence Dating, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Nov. 2009, p.111112
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Alle et al.
Almeida et
Baartman et
3D Modelling of fluvial terraces
Sedimentary records of the Tejo River and human occupation in the
Arneiro depression (eastern central Portugal) during the Pleistocene
Quantifying Holocene erosion and sedimentation dynamics for a
Mediterranean semi-arid catchment using LAPSUS
Fluvial geomorphology of the Dades River, Morocco: Implications for
Boulton et al. fault activity along the Southern Atlas Fault
Integrating sieving and laser data to obtain bulk grain-size
Dinis et al.
Sedimentological characterization of the Pleistocene-Holocene
Gomes et al. transition in archaeological sites of Alto Ribatejo region (Lower Tejo
Basin, central Portugal
Hans von
Fluvial sediments in eastern Transcaucasia as palaeoenvironmental
Suchodoletz archives
et al.
The Mondego river terrace staircase at Figueira da Foz area (central
Ramos et al. Portugal)
Schoorl et al. Landscape - Riverscape Evolution Modelling: LAPSUS
Gravel Terraces in the semi arid Mahi River Basin, India: A chronicle of
river response to Holocene hydrology
Stange et al. Tectono-morphological investigation of the Pliocene to Quaternary
evolution of the fluvial network in the Southern Central Pyrenees
Toonen et al. Sedimentary architecture of abandoned channel fills
Van Gorp et
LAPSUS: modelling river capture and complex response to local base
level change
Viveen et al. Sediment yield assessment in a low-land catchment using the
landscape process model LAPSUS
Documentation of Late Cenozoic fluvial terrace staircases using
differential GPS and SRTM topographic imagery: application to Syria
and southeast Turkey
Rio Jarama and Rio Guadalete – Suitable for palaeo-environmental
Wolf & Faust reconstruction ?
Zielhofer &
Durations of soil formation and soil development indices in a
Holocene Mediterranean floodplain
Zielhofer et
Flood frequencies reveal Holocene Rapid Climate Changes (Lower
Moulouya River, NE Morocco)
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
3D Modelling of fluvial terraces
E. Alle , L. Oosterbeek , P. Rosina
& G. Velho
(1) Latvia University of Agriculture
(2) Geosciences Center – Quaternary and Prehistory Group; Instituto Politécnico de Tomar – Portugal; [email protected]
In this work we present the results of a 3D dynamic reconstruction of a landscape, for an
improved understanding of fluvial terrace formation as part of an ongoing geo-archaeological research
project. The reconstruction provides an explanation about archaeological material dispersion and
archaeological site formation in an alluvial environment.
Our study involves a small valley (Ribeira de Atalaia – Central Portugal) as case study. In this
area, several archaeological artefacts were discovered and an excavation is ongoing in the fluvial and
colluvial deposits. Luminescence dating of these deposits has yielded ages of between 300 and 25
thousand years.
For the modelling we have utilised a free software/open source approach called the GRASS GIS
environment and the Blender 3D modelling software.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Sedimentary records of the Tejo River and human occupation in the Arneiro
depression (eastern central Portugal) during the Pleistocene
Nelson A.C. Almeida , Pedro P. Cunha , Thierry Aubry , António A. Martins , Andrew S. Murray
, Jan-Pieter Buylaert , Leonor Rocha & Luis Raposo
(1) IGESPAR I.P., Extensão do Crato, rua 5 de Outubro, 33, 7430-137 Crato, Portugal; [email protected]
(2) Dep. Earth Sciences, IMAR-Marine and Environmental Research Centre, Univ.Coimbra, Portugal; [email protected]
(3) IGESPAR I.P.; Parque Arqueológico do Vale do Côa; [email protected]
(4) Centro de Geofísica, Dep. Geociências, University of Évora, Portugal; [email protected]
(5) Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating, Aarhus University, Risø DTU, Denmark; [email protected]
(6) Radiation Research Division, Risø DTU, Denmark; [email protected]
(7) University of Évora, Portugal; [email protected]
(8) Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, Portugal; [email protected]
In the most upstream sector of the Lower Tejo Basin (eastern central Portugal), the Tejo River
crosses two quartzite ridges that separate the depressions of Ródão (upstream) and Arneiro
(downstream). Geomorphological analysis indicates that the Tejo is superimposed onto the quartzite
ridges and the hanging wall block of the Ponsul-Arneiro reverse fault (consisting of hard metamorphic
rocks). In contrast, the Arneiro depression, with a soft Cenozoic infill, was excavated by a small tributary
draining towards north. Six Pleistocene fluvial terraces were identified (T1 to T6), located below the
Pliocene culminant sedimentary unit. The three lower terraces (T4, T5 and T6) contain evidence of
Lower to Middle Palaeolithic industries and have been dated by luminescence and U-Series techniques.
Taking in account all the available data, the probable age intervals, as recorded by the
sedimentary environments, are as follows: T4 – 280 to 140ka; T5 – 130 to 80ka; T6 – 60 to 30ka.
Geoarchaeological research has recently focused on the Arneiro depression, making use of
geomorphological, sedimentological, and archaeological excavations, technological and typological
studies of the lithic industries and luminescence dating. The younger sedimentary records characterised
by quartz rich fluvial sands without a clay matrix (probable age range: 60-30ka) and a cover unit of
aeolian sand (probable age range: 30-3ka), are studied in more detail in this work. Optically Stimulated
Luminescence dating of these deposits is in progress. An area of ~3x3 km near the village of Monte do
Arneiro (at which 12 open-air sites were found) provided evidence of Lower to Upper Palaeolithic,
Neolithic and Roman occupations. The main results of the study of two new Palaeolithic sites are
presented as follows:
The Tapada do Montinho site (125 m above sea level, m.a.s.l.) has provided a large quantity of
knapped material (mainly quartzite). The top bed (C1), 20cm-thick, is composed of coarse quartz sand
with organic material. The second layer (C2), 10cm-thick, is a conglomerate, with angular to subrounded
quartzite pebbles in a pebbly sandy grey/brown matrix; two burned clasts were identified and will be
dated by luminescence. The C3 bed consists of reddish coarse pebbly sand, corresponding to the T4
terrace top (14m thick). The C1 bed contains some Upper Palaeolithic and Neolithic artefacts, but shows
evidence for disturbance by agricultural activities. The C2 bed provided a lithic assemblage of flakes
produced by a discoïde and more rarely Levallois operative scheme and an opportunistic unidirectional
production of short flakes on pebble edges; the raw material is quartzite, flint is residual. We can
identify some cores, two Kombewa flakes, some faceted butt flakes and scrappers made from an
elongated flake with lateral notches (probably for hafting); based on its technological characteristics, the
C2 material can be assigned to the Middle Palaeolithic.
The Castelejo site (121 m.a.s.l.), near the Tejo River (river bed at ~76 m.a.s.l.), shows a 1m-thick
upper unit of fine aeolian sands, covering the T4 terrace. Neolithic artefacts were found in the upper
30cm. Two levels containing Upper Palaeolithic industries were identified intercalated in the lower
70cm; these are now being studied. The base of the aeolian sands has a conglomeratic pavement of
rounded cobbles; a core corresponding to a Levallois operative scheme was recovered at this level. The
aeolian sands were transported from the exposed alluvial plain by NW winds mainly during cold and dry
conditions - probably since 30ka ago, when the Tejo River commenced its last period of down cutting.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Quantifying Holocene erosion and sedimentation dynamics for a Mediterranean
semi-arid catchment using LAPSUS
Jantiene E.M. Baartman
, Jeroen M. Schoorl , Arnaud J.A.M. Temme
& Tom (A.) Veldkamp
(1) Land Dynamics Group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands;
[email protected]
(2) Land Development & Degradation Group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands.
(3) ITC, Faculty of Geo-Information, Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente, P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The
Erosion and sedimentation processes play an important role in shaping a landscape. In this
study, these processes of landscape development are quantified using the landscape evolution model
LAPSUS (Landscape Process Modelling at Multi-Dimensions and Scales). LAPSUS is a multi-process model
operating on a volume balance basis and includes the following processes: water erosion and
deposition, biological and frost weathering, soil creep, solifluction, landsliding, dust deposition and
erosion due to tillage. Processes can be de-activated if they are considered to be unimportant.
Calibration of the model is done using data from an earlier study conducted in the Torrealvilla
catchment, located in the Guadalentín Basin, Murcia, SE Spain. River terrace sediments have been
investigated and dated using OSL and radiocarbon methods.
Three terrace levels have been identified, showing a Holocene age ranging from ~7.5 ka to
modern. With this information, palaeo-DEMs are created and sediment volumes can be calculated for
validation of LAPSUS. Furthermore, besides quantification of erosion and sedimentation, we can
investigate whether the amounts of erosion and sedimentation calculated for the study area can be
simulated using only (natural) water erosion within realistic parameterization or whether other
processes, such as erosion by tillage are important. This gives insight in the relative influence of human
versus natural activity on erosion processes over time. Another important question is whether average
annual rainfall as used by LAPSUS is a suitable parameter for long-term erosion and sedimentation
modeling in a semi-arid environment such as our study area in South-east Spain.
Alternatively, single low-frequency, high intensity rainfall events might be responsible for a
relative large amount of the observed erosion, even over the long term (i.e. 1000s of years).
Investigating this can give valuable insight in erosion and sedimentation dynamics in semi-arid
environments. Once calibrated for this area, future climate predictions can be evaluated in terms of
erosion and sedimentation while also scenarios of e.g. land abandonment or (de)forestation can be
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Fluvial geomorphology of the Dades River, Morocco: Implications for fault activity
along the Southern Atlas Fault
S.J. Boulton , M. Stokes , A.E. Mather , A. Belfoul
& F. Faik
(1) School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Devon, UK; [email protected]
(2) Department of Geology, Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco
Within Africa, the Moroccan High Atlas Mountains are the highest (2-4km elevation)
topographic relief formed by Alpine tectonics. The range is part of an extensive ENE-WSW orientated,
2400km long mountain belt system that has developed by diffuse Africa-Europe plate collision and sits
on an anomalously thin crust. Mechanical crustal shortening via thrust faulting and folding alone,
however, cannot account for the excessively high topography. Thus, a component of mantle-related
thermal support and uplift has been inferred to have occurred during the Late Cenozoic relief
generation (see Stokes et al 2008 and references therein). This poster explores the role of active
tectonics on the geomorphological development of the Dades River in the south-central High Atlas
region, an area that coincides with topography of >3.5km.
Geomorphological data including channel width and depth, channel gradient and rock mass
strength measurements were made from the Dades River in foredeep, wedge-top basin and fold-thrust
belt locations of the High Atlas orogenic system. These field observations are compared to the river
long profile that was extracted from an SRTM derived DEM (resolution ~ 90m). The long profile exhibits
non-equilibrium features, with a prominent over-steepened reach upstream of the intersection of the
river and the Southern Atlas fault (a major thrust fault marking the boundary between the foredeep and
wedge top basin areas of the orogen). This over-steepened reach corresponds to changes in the
geometry of the river, principally valley narrowing resulting in the formation of the Dades Gorges
(Stokes et al 2008), and also a loss of hydraulic scaling, i.e., the concept that width and depth of the
channel will change in a predictable way downstream depending on the drainage area. There were no
major changes in the bedrock strength indicating that lithological differences are not the cause of these
changes in channel geometry. However, these observations are characteristic features of rivers that
have been shown to be undergoing a transient fluvial response to acceleration in the slip rate on the
crossing fault. This indicates that the slip-rate of the Southern Atlas fault has probably increased within
the last 1 Myr; estimated slip rates for the last 5 Ma have been estimated at ~ 0.1 mmyr-1, which might
underestimate the current rate of motion.
Furthermore, previous work using fluvial geomorphology for tectonic purposes has mainly
concentrated on responses of rivers crossing normal faults. Our data suggests that similar fluvial /
tectonic geomorphological responses may also occur in response to thrust faulting.
Stokes, M., Mather, A.E., Belfoul, A., Farik, F. (2008) - Active and passive tectonic controls for transverse drainage and river gorge
development in a collisional mountain belt (Dades Gorges, High Atlas Mountains, Morocco). Geomorphology 102, 2-20.
We acknowledge the financial support of the National Geographic for the fieldwork component
of this research.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Integrating sieving and laser data to obtain bulk grain-size distributions
P.A. Dinis , A.M. Castilho
& A. Machadinho
(1) Department of Earth Sciences/Institute of Marine Sciences (IMAR-CMA), Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal; [email protected]
(2) Department of Earth Sciences/Geosciences Centre, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Coimbra
It is not always possible to use a single technique to determine complete grain-size distribution
of natural sediments, namely when dealing with fluvial successions with sediments of different grainsizes or with sediments that contain silt-clay and sand-gravel populations. In this work we assess the
feasibility of using laser diffraction in measuring sand-size particles by analysing the representativeness
of laser samples and quantifying the deviations between sieving and laser diffraction results of natural
Four groups of sediments with different grain-size distributions and particle densities were
compared: (1) Fine to medium sands with mean finer than 0.5mm; (2) Medium to coarse sands with
mean coarser than 0.5 mm and mode finer than 2 mm. (3) Medium to coarse sands with mean coarser
than 0.5 mm and mode coarser than 2 mm. (4) Heavy mineral-enriched sediments (> 10 % in some size
fractions) and dominated by fine to medium sand-size particles. It is demonstrated that the risk of laser
sample under-representativeness is higher when measuring grains coarser than 1 mm, in particular
when clay-silt particles are also frequent. Unequal particle shapes and densities affect frequency results.
Depending on the class size, the differences between sieving and laser results are variable, but can be
significant and it is not easy to quantitatively predict the effects of shape and density properties. Hence,
when it is necessary to combine laser and sieving results, the complete grain-size distribution will be
affected by the size (XØ) that truncates the fractions of the distribution measured by each techniques
(particles coarser than XØ measured by sieving and particles finer than XØ measured by laser
diffraction). Because laser software tends to create normal distributions, truncation of a grain-size
should be avoided (Blott & Pye, 2006). One way of reducing the truncation effect is to adopt a
computational threshold diameter in a finer grain-size than the truncation diameter. This implies that
part of the distribution is measured both by sieving and laser diffraction. We developed a flexible
computer application that allows users to visually compare different possibilities of integrated lasersieving grain-size distribution curves and to choose the best option of threshold diameter. With this
application the user can still have access and exploit the original sieving and laser diffraction data.
Blott, J.S & Pye, K. (2006) - Particle size distribution analysis of sand-sized particles by laser diffraction: an experimental
investigation of instrument sensitivity and the effects of particle shape. Sedimentology, 53, 671-685.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Sedimentological characterization of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in
archaeological sites of the Alto Ribatejo region (Lower Tejo Basin, central Portugal)
Hugo Gomes , Pedro P. Cunha , Pierluigi Rosina
& Luiz Oosterbeek
(1) Centro de Geociências da Univ. Coimbra, Bolseiro FCT proj. "Paisagens de Transição" Povoamento, Tecnologia e CronoEstratigrafia da Transição para o Agro-Pastoralismo no Centro de Portugal (PTDC/HAH/71361/2006); [email protected]
(2) Department of Earth Sciences, Marine and Environmental Research Centre; Univ. Coimbra; [email protected]
(3) Centro de Geociências da Univ. Coimbra; Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Escola Superior de Tecnologia, Dep. Território,
Arqueologia e Património; [email protected], [email protected]
Archaeological studies suggest technological and settlement patterns recurrences and/or
convergences during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. In order to better understand the sequence of
human occupations in the Alto Ribatejo region of the Lower Tejo River, a geoarchaeological study has
been conducted, including the sedimentological characterization of deposits, stratigraphic analysis and
their connection with the archaeological contexts. The study primarily involved field work and
laboratory work (grain.-size analysis and X-Ray diffraction of orientated aggregates for the identification
of clay minerals.
It was considered that the study sites should be representative of the entire region, with
relative preservation to be carried out field work in detail. The study sites have a varied timeline as a
result of human occupation in the Upper Paleolithic, Epipaleolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic and historical
epochs. Archaeological sites in the study area that are attributable to the Pleistocene and late Holocene
are: Occupations Outdoor - Ribeira da Atalaia (Pleistocene), Amoreira and Santa Margarida da Coutada
(Holocene); Megalithic monuments - Anta da Laginha, Anta 1 de Val da Laje and Monumento 5 Jogada
(Holocene); and Alvega alluvium (Historic).
The main result of this study is the establishment of a chronostratigraphic framework for the
archaeological sites of the Alto Ribatejo region (central Portugal). The data support the hypothesis that
in the period between 25000- 8000 BP there were several cold episodes that generated colluvial and
aeolian deposits. The data indicate that human actions on the environment had significant importance
after the Neolithic Age.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Fluvial sediments in eastern Transcaucasia as palaeoenvironmental archives
Hans von Suchodoletz , Dominik Faust , T. Urushadze , B. Kalandadze , Peter Kühn , Ludwig
Zöller , Ulrich Hambach , S. Hoth , N. Kukowski , E. Narimanidze-King & Christoph Zielhofer
(1) Department of Geography, Leipzig University, Germany; [email protected]
(2) Department of Geography, Dresden University, Germany
(3) Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili State University, Tbilisi/Georgia
(4) Institute of Geography, Tübingen University, Germany
(5) Institute of Geography, Bayreuth University, Germany
(6) Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam, Germany
(7) Statoil ASA, Stavanger/Norway
(8) Institute of Geography, Giessen University, Germany
Eastern Transcaucasia (the eastern part of the Republic of Georgia) is an intramontane basin
situated between the Greater Caucasus in the north and the Lower Caucasus in the south. Its climate is
continental, separated from the Mediterranean climate by the Surami Mountain Range with a maximum
altitude of ~1000 m. Due to its proximity to the “Fertile Crescent, Neolithic activity started quite early,
beginning at the latest from 7.5 ka. Fluvial sediments found in the lowermost terraces along several
larger (Khrami, Alazani, Algeti) and smaller (Tesami, Alondere, Shulaverichai) rivers reveal up to 12m
high outcrops that record alternations of fine and coarse fluvial material with intercalated soils. These
sequences form excellent palaeoenvironmental archives, ranging from the Latest Pleistocene until the
Mid-/Late Holocene. Using a multiproxy approach (e.g. sedimentology, pedology, radiocarbon and
luminescence dating, palaeo and environmental magnetics and tectonomorphometric analyses) ongoing
research will analyse terrace sediments and their environment from different catchment areas in order
to compile climatic, anthropogenic and/or tectonic impacts on the system.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
The Mondego River terrace staircase at Figueira da Foz area (central Portugal)
Anabela M. Ramos , Pedro P. Cunha , Lúcio S. Cunha
& Alberto Gomes
(1) Centro de Geofísica da Univ. Coimbra, bolseira de pós-Doutoramento da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; [email protected]
(2) Department of Earth Sciences, Marine and Environmental Research Centre; Univ. Coimbra; [email protected]
(3) Dep. de Geografia da Univ. de Coimbra; CEGOT – Centro de Estudos em Geografia Física e Ordenamento do Território;
[email protected]
(4) Dep. de Geografia da Univ. do Porto; CEGOT – Centro de Estudos em Geografia e Ordenamento do Território;
[email protected]
The Mondego River is the longest river located exclusively in Portuguese territory. It has its
source (1425m a.m.s.l.) on the northern slopes of the Estrela Mountains, the highest mountain range in
mainland Portugal, running 234 km to its mouth into the Atlantic Ocean next to the town of Figueira da
Foz. It has a drainage basin of 6,770 km2 and the river is tidal to Montemor-o-Velho, 26 km of distance
from is mouth.
A geomorphological and sedimentological characterization of the Mondego River terraces, in
particular those located between Maiorca and Vila Verde (Figueira da Foz area; central western
Portugal), is here presented.
In the study area of the Mondego River, below the culminant unit of the sedimentary infill of
the basin (surface top at 258m altitude and considered Pliocene age) and above the modern floodplain
(3m of altitude a.m.s.l), six terraces, strath or sedimentary, can be distinguished: M1 – 126m; M2 –
115m; M3 – 90-100m; M4 – 50-75m; M5 – 12-25m; M6 – 4-8m (Ramos, 2008; Ramos et al., 2009). These
staircases record successive episodes of fluvial excavation and dynamic equilibrium (followed [or not] by
The facies associations that characterize the older terraces deposits (M1, M2 and M3) consist of
fluvial sandy-gravels and silts, but also some top levels of aeolian very fine sand and colluvium. In some
places it is difficult to distinguish the terrace deposits from the underlying Cretaceous substratum, also
formed by similar lithologies.
The sedimentary record of the younger terraces (M4, M5 and M6) are better preserved and the
facies associations are clearly distinguishable from those of the older terraces. Facies associations are
indicative of fluvial, estuarine and beach environments.
Ramos, A. M. (2008) - O Pliocénico e o Plistocénico da Plataforma Litoral entre os paralelos do Cabo Mondego e da Nazaré.
Dissertação de doutoramento. Fac. Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra.329p.
Ramos, A.; Cunha, P.P.; Gomes, A. (2009) - Os traços geomorfológicos da área envolvente da Figueira da Foz e a evolução da
paisagem durante o Pliocénico e o Plistocénico. Publicações da Associação Portuguesa de Geomorfólogos, vol. VI, Braga, p.916. ISBN 978-989-96462-0-9
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Landscape - Riverscape Evolution Modelling: LAPSUS
J.M. Schoorl , A.J.A.M. Temme , L. Claessens , M.P.W. Sonneveld , W. Viveen
J.E.M. Baartman and A. Veldkamp
, W. van Gorp ,
(1) Land Dynamics Group, Wageningen University, P.O. box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands; [email protected]
(2) International Potato Center (CIP), P.O. Box 25171, Nairobi 00603, Kenya
(3) Instituto Universitario de Xeoloxia Isidro Parga Pondal, Edif. de Servicios Centrales de Investigación
Campus de Elviña, ES-15071, A Coruña, Spain
(4) Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, Hengelosestraat 99, NL-7514AE,
Enschede, The Netherlands
LAPSUS has been used for erosion and landscape evolution studies in many landscapes in many
countries in recent years. The development of LAPSUS started in 2000 with the programming,
calibration and validation of the LAPSUS model and applications concerning land use in Spain and
Ecuador (Schoorl et al., 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006; Schoorl and Veldkamp, 2001, 2006). Later, the model
has been extended in order to include soil redistribution by landsliding in New Zealand and Taiwan
(Claessens et al., 2005, 2006a, 2006b, 2007a, 2007b). In addition, issues of DEM resolution and the
treatment of sinks and pits in the landscape have been investigated (Temme et al., 2006, 2009a) as well
as stretching the models time scale to landscape evolution time spans, for example in South Africa
(Temme and Veldkamp, 2009; Temme, 2009b). Different applications with individual processes
have been developed, for example, the model has been used in regional nutrient balance studies in
Africa (Haileslassie et al., 2005, 2006, 2007; Roy et al., 2004; Lesschen et al., 2005). The model has also
been applied in desert environments in Israel (Buis and Veldkamp, 2008) as well as being used in
combination with geostatistical tools and tillage in Canada (Heuvelink et al, 2006), and to investigate the
fate of phosphor in the landscapes of the Netherlands (Sonneveld et al., 2006). Recent developments
and research directions with the LAPSUS model are:
- Connectivity, agricultural terraces and land abandonment (Lesschen et al., 2007, 2009); Interactions and feedback mechanisms between land use and soil redistribution (Claessens et al., 2009);
- Effects of hydrological engineering on soil redistribution in large fluvial systems (Viveen et al., 2009); Erosion in a landscape evolution context, comparing event based and long term based models: LISEM
and LAPSUS (Baartman et al., 2009); - Refining the LAPSUS temporal resolution. Modelling daily
sediment yield from a meso-scale catchment, a case study in SW Poland. (Coevert-Keesstra et al., 2009);
- Land sliding in mountainous areas. Landscape Dynamics: Calibrating landscape process modelling with
Caesium-137 data, separating water driven erosion from landslides (Schoorl et al., 2009); - 3D river
gradient modelling. Quaternary tectonics, sea level and climate change: the case of the river Miño
(Viveen, W. et al., 2009); - Coupling and interaction with TOA modelling. A novel site-specific
methodology to assess the supply curve of environmental services (Stoorvogel, J.J. et al., 2009;
Claessens et al., in prep).
Landscape evolution modelling allows for confirmation, falsification or improvement of
landscape evolution hypotheses and can make the consequences temporally and spatially explicit.
Ideally, landscape evolution models (LEMs) combine the results of all relevant landscape forming
processes into an ever-adapting digital landscape model These processes may act and interact on
different spatial and temporal scales. The LAPSUS modelling framework is an example of a LEM that has
embedded multiple landscape forming processes and their interactions in a generic tool that can be
used to study many landscapes of the world at multiple temporal and spatial scales.
Claessens, L., Heuvelink, G.B.M., Schoorl, J.M., and Veldkamp, A. (2005) - DEM resolution effects on shallow landslide hazard and
soil redistribution modelling. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 30, 461-477
Claessens, L., Schoorl, J.M., and Veldkamp, A. (2007a) - Modelling the location of shallow landslides and their effects on landscape
dynamics in large watersheds: an application for Northern New Zealand: Geomorphology 87 (1-2) 16-27
Claessens, L., J.M. Schoorl, P.H. Verburg, L. Geraedts and A. Veldkamp (2009) - Modelling interactions and feedback mechanisms
between land use change and landscape processes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 129 (1-3) 157-170
Schoorl, J.M., Sonneveld, M.P.W., and Veldkamp, A. (2000) - Three-dimensional landscape process modelling: the effect of DEM
resolution: Earth Surf.Proc.Landforms 25, 1025-1034
Schoorl, J.M., Veldkamp, A., and Bouma, J. (2002) - Modeling water and soil redistribution in a dynamic landscape context: Soil
Science Society of America Journal 66, 1610-1619
Temme, A.J.A.M., Schoorl, J.M., and Veldkamp, A. (2006) - Algorithm for dealing with depressions in dynamic landscape evolution
models: Computers and Geosciences 32, 452 - 461
Temme, A.J.A.M., Baartman, J.E.M., Schoorl, J.M. (2009) - Can uncertain landscape evolution models discriminate between
landscape responses to stable and changing future climate? A millennial-scale test. Global and Planetary Change 69 (1-2), 48-58
See other references at or
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Gravel Terraces in the semi arid Mahi River Basin, India: A chronicle of river response
to Holocene hydrology.
Alpa Sridhar
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, The M.S.University of Baroda, Vadodara 390 002; [email protected]
Gravels exposed in the middle reaches of the Mahi basin located at the southern fringe
of the Thar desert in India, provide evidence of a change in hydrological conditions during the Holocene.
The Mahi River Basin has preserved a record of sediments since the late Pleistocene commencing from
marine clays, overlain by gravels and finer fluvial and aeolian facies. Studies on these sediments have
revealed that flood plain aggradations occurred during enhanced monsoon periods. Changes from a
meandering to braided river pattern occurred during weaker monsoons corresponding to the gravel and
finer facies deposition respectively. The Holocene sediment record is available in the lower reaches of
the basin in the form of exposed terraces comprising point bar and flood plain facies. These sediments
indicate enhanced climatic conditions resulting in vertical fluvial aggradation. However, the gravel
terraces observed in the middle reaches appear to have been deposited in a different climatic regime.
The gravel terraces exposed along the banks and inland have been mapped. These
terraces are 3-4 m thick and comprise a variety of lithofacies including Gcm, Gm, Gp, Gh. The clast sizes
vary from a few millimeters to about 5 cm and are predominantly composed of quartzite and
carbonates. The gravels rest directly on basaltic bedrock. The lithofacies association reveals at least four
units of gravel separated by channel sand. The variations in the sediment sequence indicate fluctuating
hydrological conditions changing from a high discharge, high energy regime to a low discharge regime.
Ongoing studies of the sedimentology, stratigraphic position and chronology of these gravel terraces will
reveal the process of deposition and related climatic history of the area possibly during the Early to Mid
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Tectono-morphological investigation of the Pliocene to Quaternary evolution of the
fluvial network in the Southern Central Pyrenees
Kurt Martin Stange , Ronald van Balen
and Jef Vandenberghe
(1) VU University Amsterdam, Earth Sciences, Amsterdam, Netherlands; [email protected]
Although geological structures and climatic circulation patterns of the Pyrenees have been
studied thoroughly, there are still some challenges remaining. The ongoing controversial debate about
the origin of highly elevated, low relief surfaces within the Pyrenean chain (Babault et al. 2005, Gibson
et al. 2007, Sinclair et al. 2009) led us to address this issue in the course of our ESF Euro-cores project,
PYRTEC. We thereby aim to quantify the controlling factors driving fluvial incision. Subsequently, the
results are used to extend existing landscape evolution models to model river incision, not just as a
function climate change, but also incorporating neo-tectonic motions and internal dynamics of the
fluvial systems. To approach this goal, a detailed tectono-morphological investigation of the region is
currently under way. First results are presented within this paper.
A striking pattern of the Pyrenean fluvial system is the regular spacing of transverse rivers
draining the elevated chain towards its fore-land basin. In particular, the Southern Pyrenean streams
show this pattern and feature auspicious terrace records. Some of the major tributaries, like the rivers
Cinca and Gallego, have already provided good age controls on their fluvial terrace levels by OSL and
TCN analyzes (Lewis et al. 2009, Sancho et al. 2010 in press). However, most of the catchments and their
fluvial terraces are lacking detailed information and an integrated analysis of the fluvial network has not
been carried out yet. The aim of our study is to quantify the relative importance of inherited
topography, neo-tectonic motions, as well as climatic circulation patterns that control the fluvial incision
and accumulation of fluvial terraces. Therefore we perform a DEM based topographic analysis using
geomorphic markers like river terraces, river captures and course deviations, as well as geomorphic
indices like stream-gradients and valley-shapes to assess the response of stream courses to neo-tectonic
forcing and to calculate sediment fluxes within the fluvial system.
We will extend the detailed terrace records of Cinca and Gallego rivers by sampling the fluvial
terraces of the Segre river. In the process, we apply TCN and OSL methods to obtain age controls on the
single fluvial terrace levels. These ages will enable to model sediment fluxes throughout PlioceneQuaternary times. Combining the fluvio-sedimentary records of the Segre river with those from the
Cinca and Gallego rivers will reveal a detailed picture of the late stage landscape evolution of the
Southern Central Pyrenean region. New integrated data gathered from the Segre catchment will enable
to perform an unprecedented correlation of the major fluvial systems of the Southern Central Pyrenees.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Sedimentary architecture of abandoned channel fills
Willem H.J. Toonen , Tiuri Y.M. Konijnendijk, Maarten G. Kleinhans & Kim M. Cohen
(1) Utrecht University, Dept. of Physical Geography, POBOX 80.115, 3508 TC Utrecht; [email protected]
Abandoned river channels function as archives of palaeo-flooding, as flood deposits are trapped
and preserved in former channel depressions. Channel fills provide sedimentary and biological proxies
for reconstructions of fluvial, climatic and environmental change. However, intra-channel sedimentary
processes that operate ‘during’ and ‘following’ channel abandonment lack theoretical framework. This
complicates using the full channel fill as a recording archive and makes interpretation of proxy records
from their basal parts difficult.
High-resolution lithological analysis of a sub-recent channel fill (pre-Roman Waal, Nijmegen)
and a modern abandoned channel fill (cut-off 1707 AD, Rijnstrangen, Zevenaar) from the Rhine delta in
the Netherlands are presented. Cores are collected in multiple transects across and along the
abandoned channels, providing a detailed channel deposit stratigraphy for both former meandering and
avulsive rivers. The inter-core reproducibility of flood lamination signals is determined with Loss On
Ignition measurements at high-resolution and with continuous subsampling. Tailored numerical
modeling of the hydraulic conditions at, and beyond the feeding bifurcation, provides a tool to link intrachannel facies change to the pacing of discharge loss.
Understanding the sedimentary architecture is particularly important for the reconstruction of
extreme palaeo-floods of the river Rhine in the last 5000 years. Ultimately, we intend to use the channel
fill records to constrain return periods of rare-magnitude floods. The framework developed in this study
aims to point out the sweet spot within the residual channel architecture: those locations that record a
maximum of individually identifiable flood layers. For the subrecent and modern case presented here,
direct linkage with historic observational flood records and bifurcation dynamics can be made and
allows to validate theory. Robust understanding than aids to use channel fill flood records from other
locations, with partial overlap spanning the last 5000 yrs. Using the network of sites, the spatial extent
of past rare-magnitude floods can be reconstructed and frequency-magnitude relations explored (PhD
project; Toonen). Without a theoretical framework for the architecture of channel fills, variation
between channel fills due to differences in abandonment style are likely to result in erroneous
correlations between individual sites and misinterpretation of flooding proxies.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
LAPSUS: modelling river capture and complex response to local base level change.
W. van Gorp , J.M. Schoorl , A.J.A.M. Temme , D. Maddy
& A. Veldkamp
(1) Land Dynamics Group, Wageningen University, P.O. box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands; [email protected]
(2) Department of Geography, University of Newcastle, Daysh Building, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK
(3) Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The
To understand long term landscape evolution, quantification of landscape processes and
landscape response to driving forces is important. This quantification is usually impossible to obtain
from fieldwork alone. Landscape Evolution Modelling (LEM) is a promising tool for this purpose, as it has
the potential to reveal interactions of different drivers and the resulting complex response of a
We will use LEM LAPSUS (Landscape Process Modelling at Multi-Dimensions and Scales, Schoorl
et al., 2002, Temme et al., 2009) to further explore the potential of LEM. LAPSUS is a multi-process LEM
in which the following processes can be used: runoff erosion and sedimentation, landslide erosion and
deposition, tillage soil redistribution, dust deposition, creep, solifluction, biological and frost weathering.
Calibration and validation of LAPSUS and LEM’s in general requires data of drivers and processes acting
upon a real landscape for both contemporary landscape as well as palaeolandscapes.
In the Kula basin, Western Turkey, two neighbouring tributary catchments of the Gediz river
(Geren and Hudut) show remarkably different landscape expression as a result of apparently similar
external drivers and having evolved from broadly similar Late Pleistocene paleolandscapes. The Geren
catchment consists of badlands and the Hudut catchment shows low-relief topography despite both of
them being developed in the same Miocene parent material. Consequently, both catchments show signs
of adaptation to changes in catchment size and origin e.g. river capture. Additionally, evidence of
different phases of response to local base-level changes, probably due to damming by lava flows, is
These fieldwork results, in the form of sediment sequences, will be used as calibration and
validation data for LAPSUS, together with age control from basalts and sediments, and DEM information
about palaeolandscapes. The other way around, LAPSUS will be used to investigate how the Geren and
Hudut catchments evolved since the Late Pleistocene into their present state, under conditions of local
base level change, climate variability, river capture, and, for the most recent part of their evolution, land
use change. Furthermore, we aim to add sub-surface flow and piping to the list of available processes in
Schoorl, J.M., Veldkamp, A., and Bouma, J. (2002) - Modeling water and soil redistribution in a dynamic landscape context: Soil
Science Society of America Journal, v. 66, p. 1610-1619.
Temme, A.J.A.M., Baartman, J.E.M., Schoorl, J.M. (2009) - Can uncertain landscape evolution models discriminate between
landscape responses to stable and changing future climate? A millennial-scale test. Global and Planetary Change 69 (1-2), pp. 4858.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Sediment yield assessment in a lowland catchment using the landscape process
model LAPSUS
Willem Viveen
(1, 2)
, Gilbert J. Maas
& Jeroen M. Schoorl
(1) Land Dynamics group, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, the Netherlands; [email protected]
(2) Alterra, Wageningen UR, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, the Netherlands
In the absence of catchment wide sediment flux measurements for the Dutch-German Vecht
river, a numerical modelling approach was used to constrain the relative amount of sediment going
through the Vecht and related subcatchments. LAPSUS (Schoorl et al, 2000; 2002) is a grid based run-off
model that relies on a combination of geological, soil scientific and land use data, water balances and a
Digital Elevation Model as important input data. Per gridcel and per time-step the water balance and
total amount of erosion and sedimentation is calculated and serves as additional data for the next
model run. Based on a downscaling approach using catchment size-hill slope erosion dependencies
(Asselman et al., 2003; Hoffmann et al., 2007), a maximum total amount of 1.5 ton/ha of soil erosion per
year was established for the Vecht catchment. Sediment redistribution for the various subcatchments
was then calculated using this amount as upper limit.
Results indicate that there is a large difference in sediment redistribution for the 13
subcatchments. The mean erosion per gridcel is largest in the German headwaters of the Vecht. Here a
combination of steep slopes and shallow soils on bedrock cause strong run-off induced erosion. In the
flat, sandy Dutch part of the Vecht, erosion is much less important. Especially in the entire northern
area, where a large peat-covered till plateau is present, erosion is non-existent. The middle reaches of
the Vecht show a medium amount of mean erosion. Overall, in the Netherlands three times less erosion
is present when compared to Germany.
The German upper reaches also display the highest mean sedimentation rates. In addition, the
main Vecht channel in Germany receives a significant amount of sediment and probably acts as a
temporary sediment trap for the upstream derived sediments. Surprisingly enough, the downstream
Dutch part of the Vecht receives only a moderate amount of sediment.
If we look at the erosion-sedimentation balance, we find a negative ratio for all subcatchments,
with the strongest negative values again for the German upper reaches. This implies that the Vecht as a
whole is an actively degrading river system.
These results are of importance to future projects focusing on nature restoration in the Vecht
catchment. They give insight where in the catchment the more important sediment sources are located.
The results also show that nature restoration in the downstream Dutch part is dependant on the
German upper reaches. A strong international collaboration is therefore desirable.
Asselman, N.E.M., Middelkoop, H., Dijk, P.M., van (2003) - The impact of changes in climate and land use on soil erosion, transport
and deposition of suspended sediment in the River Rhine. Hydrological processes 17, p. 3225-3244
Hoffmann, T., Erkens, G., Cohen, K.M., Houben, P., Seidel, J., Dikau., R. (2007) - Holocene floodplain sediment storage and hillslope
erosion within the Rhine catchment. The Holocene 17, 1, p. 105-118.
Schoorl, J.M., Sonneveld, M.P.W., Veldkamp, A. (2000) - Three-dimensional landscape process modelling: the effect of DEM
resolution. Earth surface processes and landforms 25, p. 1025-1034.
Schoorl, J.M., Veldkamp, A., Bouma, J. (2002) - Modelling water and soil redistribution in a dynamic landscape context. Soil sci. soc.
Am. J., 66, p. 1610-1619.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Documentation of Late Cenozoic fluvial terrace staircases using differential GPS and
SRTM topographic imagery: application to Syria and southeast Turkey
Rob Westaway
& David R. Bridgland
(1) Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology, The Open University, Abbots Hill, Gateshead NE8 3DF, UK.
Also at: IRES, Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 7RU, UK; [email protected]
(2) Department of Geography, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE
The study of long-timescale fluvial terrace staircases is emerging as a key method for
understanding the interactions between vertical crustal motions, climate change, and physical
properties of the underlying continental crust. In parts of northwest Europe (e.g., France, Germany, and
southern England), fluvial sequences are extremely well-documented, as a result of research efforts
spanning the past two centuries or so. The task of establishing whether the patterns evident in Europe
(for example, the occurrence of phases of vertical crustal motion that correlate with times of global
climate change, such as the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution circa 0.9 Ma) are also characteristic worldwide,
requires documentation - to a similar standard - of fluvial sequences in other regions. Until recently, this
would have been a daunting task; however, this presentation will demonstrate that fieldwork making
use, in co-ordination, of two recently-developed technologies, differential GPS surveying and SRTM
topographic imagery, can establish a standard of documentation in days or weeks that would previously
have required many months of work.
The application of these technologies will be demonstrated using as case studies the rivers of
the northern Arabian Platform, the Orontes, Kebir, Euphrates and Tigris, in Syria and southeast Turkey.
There is a long history of investigations of fluvial terrace staircases in both these countries; however,
much of this work is not up to modern standards. A French team has worked for decades in both
countries, and has formed the view that rivers in the region always have six terraces, representing the
same points in time, since when the same amounts of fluvial incision have occurred in all localities. In
contrast, a leading Turkish geomorphologist deduced decades ago that rivers in Turkey always have four
terraces; because the study of fluvial terrace staircases in Turkey was regarded as a problem that had
already been solved, little or no detailed work was done before many river-reaches were flooded to
create reservoirs for hydroelectricity or irrigation. A particular problem has proved to be the existence
of ‘false’ terraces, where previous workers have interpreted - as terraces of each of these rivers - the
surfaces of colluvial deposits or tributary deposits. To avoid repetition of such mistakes, ground truthing
is essential; thus, the investigations have included both sedimentological studies (to demonstrate a
fluvial origin of sediments) and clast lithological analyses (to distinguish deposits of the main rivers from
those of tributaries). Age control is also essential; this has been achieved in the Euphrates and Tigris by
K-Ar and Ar-Ar dating of basalt flows that cap fluvial terraces, in the Kebir by correlation with dated
marine terraces, and in the Orontes to a limited extent using OSL dating and biostratrigraphy.
In contrast with previous work, our results indicate dramatic variations in uplift rates, ranging
from ~0.4 mm a-1 in the Kebir, where fluvial terraces from successive climate cycles are ~40 m apart in
height, to ~0.01 mm a-1 in parts of NE Syria. For example, in the latter locality a Euphrates terrace
dating from the late Early Pleistocene is barely 10 m above the modern river, whereas in SE Turkey the
corresponding terrace is ~60-70 m above the modern river, indicating tapering in regional uplift, onto
which localised disruption of the terrace deposits by active faulting has been observed. Age-height
relationships indicate phases of climatic forcing of vertical crustal motions, with patterns consistent with
known lateral variations in crustal properties. Furthermore, the age control now available, when applied
to the Palaeolithic sites in the region, demonstrates human occupation of the region since ~2 Ma.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Rio Jarama and Rio Guadalete – Suitable for palaeo-environmental reconstruction ?
Daniel Wolf & Dominik Faust
Technical University of Dresden, Institute of Geography; [email protected]
The Rio Jarama and Rio Guadalete are meandering rivers with wide valley floors (Vegas)
showing a high-grade dynamic component inherent in their Holocene fluvial history. Especially in the
Mid and Younger Holocene extensive sedimentation processes took place within these river systems
differing from the known morphological aspects of the temperate zone in a way of extent and intensity.
This contribution is fundamentally based on numerous gravel pit sequences that we studied in
order to get a better insight into fluvial architecture and Mid to Late Holocene fluvial history. The
research focused upon the comparability of the two river catchments situated in Central Spain (Madrid)
and South-western Andalucia (Cadiz). The stratigraphical findings are discussed with the further aim of
distinguishing between different sedimentation and incision patterns and to support them with a
chronological framework.
In an extended request the spatially divided fluvial archives are proven due to their suitability
for palaeo-environmental reconstruction on a regional scale.
We are grateful to DFG for funding this project (FA 239-14/1).
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Durations of soil formation and soil development indices in a Holocene
Mediterranean floodplain
Christoph Zielhofer
& Dominik Faust
(1) Department of Geography, Leipzig University, Germany; [email protected]
(2) Department of Geography, Dresden University, Germany
Holocene and Late Pleistocene alluvial sequences of the mid-Medjerda floodplain (N. Tunisia)
reveal three types of soils with gradual transitions: Fluvisols (calcaric), Cambisols (calcaric) and Calcic
Luvisols (chromic). Stratigraphic cross correlations, palaeomagnetic secular variation analyses and 14C
and IRSL dating enable detailed information about ages and durations of soil formation in the floodplain.
Weak-developed Fluvisols (calcaric) reveal often late Holocene ages with soil formation
durations lasting between one hundred and three hundred years. Hence, Holocene soil formation is
detectable in the exposures from durations of around one hundred years onwards. Cambisols show
predominantly mid-Holocene ages. The durations of soil formation of these soils ranges from eight
hundred and five thousand years. Calcic Luvisols (chromic) reveal late Pleistocene ages with durations of
soil formation between 10 and 40 thousand years.
We computed Profile Development Indices from simple field parameters including soil
structure, soil colour, horizon thickness and leaching features. The resultant soil development indices
reveal a good correlation (R2 = 0,804) with the calculated durations of soil formation. Field parameters
are well-suited for a quantitative development index of Holocene soil formation, even if very weak
developed soils are predominant. The study shows that maturity stages of Holocene alluvial soils in a
homogeneous Mediterranean environment are predominantly driven by soil formation durations.
Zielhofer, C., Recio Espejo J.M., Núnez Granados, M.A. & Faust, D. (2009) - Durations of soil formation and soil development
indices in a Holocene Mediterranean floodplain. Quaternary International 209, 44-65.
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Flood frequencies reveal Holocene Rapid Climate Changes (Lower Moulouya River,
NE Morocco)
Christoph Zielhofer , Jens Bussmann
& Hanoun Ibouhouten
(1) Department of Geography, Leipzig University, Germany; [email protected]
(2) Department of Geography, Osnabrück University, Germany
(3) Department of Geology, Meknes University, Morocco
Current high-resolution palaeoenvironmental records reveal short-term Holocene coolings. One
of these major Holocene rapid climate changes occurred between 3.2 and 2.5 ka cal BP. The sensitivity
of river systems to these slight and short-term Holocene climatic variations is subject of a controversy
and discussion in the scientific community. In this paper, we present a 4.0 to 1.4 ka cal BP palaeoflood
record from the Lower Moulouya River (NE Morocco) to demonstrate the high sensitivity of semiarid
rivers in the SW Mediterranean towards Holocene environmental changes. The Lower Moulouya flood
deposits are characterized by thick, well-stratified, predominantly clayey to silty overbank fine
sediments. These cohesive sediments show evidence of excellent preservation conditions against fluvial
erosion and contain a continuous record of Mid to Late Holocene flood frequencies. The Moulouya
palaeoflood record can be interpreted in the context of regional and global high resolution proxy data,
revealing a strong coupling with Holocene rapid climate changes.
The centennial-scale of the Moulouya palaeohydrological history will be discussed with
palaeoenvironmental data from the same record (palaeomagnetics, sedimentary charcoal record,
anthracological analyses, molluscan analyses) to generate new ideas about the Mid- to Late Holocene
hydrological cycle in the SW Mediterranean. The deduced features of pronounced Lower Moulouya
flooding and the decreased fire recurrences during Holocene cooling remain somewhat inconsistent
with the interpretation of other palaeohydrological and paleaoecological records from the SW
Mediterranean. However, enhanced Lower Moulouya flood frequencies between 3.2 and 2.7 ka cal BP
coincide with increased floodplain aggradation in other major Mediterranean river systems of North
Zielhofer, C., Bussmann, J., Ibouhouten, H. & Fenech, K. (2010) - Flood frequencies reveal Holocene Rapid Climate Changes (Lower
Moulouya River, NE Morocco). Journal of Quaternary Science (in press)
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
A. Gomes
9, 13, 59
H. Gomes
33, 54, 60
37, 38
19, 24, 27, 66
J. Dinis
45, 53
40, 60
31, 38
37, 63
L. Cunha
P. Cunha
8, 9, 26, 45, 53, 57, 59
De Vicente
37, 39
58, 67, 68
19, 20, 66
45, 53
15, 25, 43, 55
44, 48
45, 53
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
52, 57
31, 32
P. Dinis
9, 26, 56
9, 13
12, 60, 65
16, 33, 46
58, 68, 69
45, 53
F. Rocha
L. Rocha
52, 57
12, 16, 20, 33, 40, 54, 60, 64, 65
19, 20
15, 25, 43, 55
16, 20, 54, 60, 64
van Balen
12, 62
Van Gorp
20, 60, 64
21, 31, 62
A. Veldkamp
T. Veldkamp
12, 16, 19, 20, 40, 57, 60, 64
33, 54
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
List of Participants
Alberto Gomes
Alessandro Fontana
Alpa Sridar
Anabela Ramos
Anne Mather
António Martins
United Kingdom
Ashok Singhvi
Augusto P. Alberti
César Andrade
Christoph Zielhofer
Daniel Wolf
Darrel Maddy
David Bridgland
Dominikus Faust
Geert-Jan Vis
Gerald Nanson
Gerardo Benito
Gilles Erkens
Hugo Gomes
Jakob Wallinga
Jantiene Baartman
Jef Vandenberghe
Jeroen Schoorl
Jorge Dinis
Jouke Rozema
Kees Kasse
Kim Cohen
Kohen Zuurbier
Kurt Martin Stange
Liliana Freitas
Loreto Anton Lopez
Lúcio Cunha
Luis Raposo
Luiz Oosterbeek
Manfred Frechen
Maria Assunção
Maria Conceição
Maria Isabel
Caetano Alves
Martin Stokes
Universidade do Porto
University of Padua
University of Baroda
Universidade de Coimbra
University of Plymouth
Universidade de Évora
Geosciences Division, Physical Research Laboratory,
Universidad Santiago de Compostela
Universidade de Lisboa
Leipzig University
Desden University
University of Newcastle
University of Durham
Desden University
TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands
Univ. Wollongong, School of Earth & Environmental
Centro de Ciências Medioambientales
Utrecht University
Universidade de Coimbra
Netherlands Centre for Luminescence dating, TUDelft
Wageningen University
VU University Amesterdam
Wageningen University
Universidade de Coimbra
VU University Amesterdam
VU University Amesterdam
Utrecht University
VU University Amesterdam
VU University Amesterdam
Universidade do Porto
UNED-Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Universidade de Coimbra
Museu Nacional de Arqueologia
Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics
Universidade do Porto
Universidade de Lisboa
Universidade do Minho
University of Plymouth
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010
40 Mrs. Gerald Nanson Companion
41 Mrs. Vandenberghe Companion
Nelson Miguel
Paolo Mozzi
Pedro Cunha
Pedro Dinis
Pierluigi Rosina
Raquel Lopes
Roland Mausbacher
Ronan Steinman
Samantha Ilott
Sara Canilho
Sara Cura
Stefano Grimaldi
Stephane Cordier
Teresa Azevedo
Tobias Lauer
Tom White
Willem Toonen
Willem Viveen
Wouter Van Gorp
Yoann Chantreau
University of Padua
Universidade de Coimbra
Universidade de Coimbra
Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
Câmara Municipal Vila Velha de Rodão
University of Bourgogne
University of Plymouth
Universidade de Coimbra
Museu de Arte Pré-Histórica de Mação
Trento University
Université Paris Est Créteil
Universidade de Lisboa
Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics
University of Cambridge
Utrecht University
Wageningen University
Wageningen University
University of Rennes
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Vila Velha de Rodão, Portugal
5-10 September, 2010

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