

“Honoring the Past! Celebrating the Future!”
July 6th and 7th, 2016
July 6
07:30 – 08:20
08:30 – 09:00
09:00 – 10:15
10:15 – 10:45
10:45 – 12:00
12:05 – 12:20
12:30 – 14:00
Material Distribution
Opening Remarks
Understanding Our Past, Mastering The Future
Coffee Break
Teaching Thinking Skills in the Language Classroom
Commercial Presentation
Jorge Teixeira (OUP)
Coffee Break
Luciana Fernández
Highly Effective Classroom Routines for Young
Luciana Fernández
Gaming 101: Game Design for Classroom Activities
Jeff Kuhn (US Embassy)
The metaphor of the compass in the teacher’s life
Ernest Joseph Mchota
Yeah, music again!!!
Joelma Melo &
Juarez Farias (ACBEU)
4 steps to teaching culture
Conceição Rodrigues
(Escola Municipal Joir
Brasileiro) & Rodrigo
Gandini (UNEB)
Smart teachers, more efficient students
Berta Biondi (SBS)
14:00 – 15:30
Educação Sistêmica (Part 1)
15:30 – 16:00
Coffee Break
Meeting with publishers
16:00 – 16:30
Poster Session
Having fun with the Cultural Box in the English
Teaching English through Classic Literature books
The Googleverse: Using Google Tools in the
A methodology for teaching the deaf: the use of
Sign Language in ELT
Bullying e o lugar do professor na Mediação de
conflitos entre alunos
Thinking Outside the Books
16:30 – 18:00
Career education in language teaching contexts:
Exploring links between content-based instruction
and vocational development
Educação Sistêmica (Part 2)
Looking at Professional Learning Communities as
key for school improvement (Part 1)
Leo Costa (ACBEU) &
Conceição Ferreira
Coffee Break
Pearson, OUP
Tuanne França (PIBIDUNEB)
Ana Rita Santana, Marieli
Pereira &
Renata Miranda (SEC)
Jeff Kuhn (US Embassy)
Roberto César Reis da
Costa (UFBA)
Raquel Guirra (ACBEU)
Julia Bandeira (ACBEU)
Silvia Teles
(Socialize Consultoria)
Leo Costa (ACBEU) &
Conceição Ferreira
Raul Paraná (UFBA)
“Honoring the Past! Celebrating the Future!”
July 6th and 7th, 2016
July 7th
08:30 – 09:45
09:45 – 10:15
10:15 – 11:30
11:30 – 12:30
12:30 – 14:00
14:00 – 15:30
Luiz Otávio Barros
Coffee Break
Jeff Kuhn (US
Helbling, Richmond,
Macmillan, Cengage
Shifting paradigms in assessment – a matter of
Isabela Villas Boas
(CTJ - Macmillan)
Implementing Humanistic Approaches in
English language classrooms through literature
and other arts
Fernanda Mota
Pereira (UFBA)
We flip cameras for #Selfies! Shall we flip the
Silvio Campos
Teaching for Success
Sérgio Lins
Leo Costa (ACBEU)
Raul Paraná (UFBA)
Oral correction: More to it than meets the eye
Coffee Break
Meeting with publishers
Educação Sistêmica: um novo olhar para o
professor, a escola e o aluno
15:30 – 15:40
15:45 – 17:00
17:00 – 18:00
Looking at Professional Learning Communities
as key for school improvement (Part 2)
Teacher Development: All It Can Be!
Closing (Raffle, Certificate, Cocktail Party)
Special Participation: Pracatum Inglês
Isabela Villas Boas
“Honoring the Past! Celebrating the Future!”
July 6th and 7th, 2016
Plenary Sessions:
Understanding Our Past, Mastering The Future - Jorge Teixeira (Oxford University Press)
In this ever-changing world, when we talk about new high tech tools, new trends in education,
etc., a question remains unanswered: “How do I, as a teacher, fit into all this?” In this session,
participants will be invited to share insights about professional development tools as well as
practical ideas for successful classroom management, bearing in mind that the teacher is still
the main gear in the teaching and learning environment.
Teaching Thinking Skills in the Language Classroom - Luciana Fernández (Cengage)
The world of education is increasingly using the term Critical Thinking and focusing their
attention on it as one of the key skills for our 21st century learners. The aim of this
presentation is to define what Critical Thinking is, what it comprises, why it is vital to integrate
it into the classroom and how to do so.
Modern Language methodology suggests using communicative tasks in the classroom for
which learners have to use personalisation, thinking and solve creatively using the target
language. Such tasks, as in real life, require use of language through critical thinking.
The presenter will focus on the use of authentic meaningful texts and audio visuals in the
language classroom in order to:
• Present, practice and apply vocabulary and structures in meaningful contexts.
• Enhance interaction.
• Develop speaking, listening, reading and writing.
• Develop comprehension and thinking skills.
Oral correction: More to it than meets the eye - Luiz Otávio Barros (Richmond)
Most of us tend to correct students while they're trying to get their grammar right (accuracy)
and avoid or delay correction when they're trying to convey their own meanings (fluency). Is
that the right thing to do or the easiest thing to do? Come to this session and find out.
Makerspaces - Jeff Kuhn (US Embassy)
A recent trend in American educational contexts is the Makerspace movement. This
movement seeks to connect educational materials through project--‐based activities. These
activities incorporate math, science, art, and even English to get students engaged in a learnby-doing approach. This workshop will provide participants with a variety of makerspace ideas
and how to start their own makerspace.
Teacher Development: All It Can Be! - Isabela Villas Boas (CTJ / Macmillan)
How can teachers be all they can be? An answer that immediately comes to mind is teacher
development, or continuing professional development. But what is teacher development? Is it
the same as CPD? What “counts” as teacher development? Why do teachers want and need
to develop? Who is responsible for teacher development? These and other intriguing
questions are going to be explored in this talk, which will also bring to life a variety of teacher
development stories.
06/07 - 2:00 to 3:30pm
Highly Effective Classroom Routines for Young Learners - Luciana Fernández (Cengage)
Successful teachers invest time on planning, establishing and rehearsing routines which permit
instruction to proceed fluently and efficiently. It is really important that students know what is
expected from them in the classroom and that teachers engage them in specific procedures
“Honoring the Past! Celebrating the Future!”
July 6th and 7th, 2016
and routines that will ensure smooth transitions and will keep learners focused, on task and
In addition, language teachers have to use as much as the target language as possible and
challenge their learners to do so as well. Teachers can take the opportunity to use daily
routines to maximize and promote language use.
When teaching young learners, teachers need to be aware of the importance of routines for
them. Routines make young learners feel safe, help them know what to expect and make it
easier for teachers to manage the class, minimizing discipline issues and boredom and
maximizing motivation, attention and productivity.
Gaming 101: game Design for Classroom Activities - Jeff Kuhn (US Embassy)
This presentation explores how to use game design theories to create more effective
classroom activities for language learning. Attendees will learn the theory and research behind
enhanced engagement and motivation and how these are implemented in game design
The metaphor of the compass in the teacher’s life - Ernest Joseph Mchota (ACBEU)
This work workshop aims at helping teachers to constantly reflect on their teaching practices.
What are the underlying beliefs that guide us as teachers to adopt certain teaching practices at
the expense of others? The metaphor of the compass will definitely inspire us to embrace
“Practical Theorizing” as a way of life (Haggel & Hazel, 2006).
Yeah, music again!!! - Joelma de Oliveira Melo & Juarez Araújo Farias (ACBEU)
Music has always played a very important role on learners’ motivation. Even nowadays when
technology has taken over the classrooms, there is still place for songs in our classes. The aim
of this workshop is to share some interesting and meaningful ideas with those who believe
that music is much more than filling in the gaps.
4 steps to teaching culture - Conceição Rodrigues (Escola Municipal Joir Brasileiro) and
Rodrigo Gandini (UNEB)
During the workshop the participants will have the opportunity to get familiar with an
approach to teaching culture in a public school. The presentation is a result of partial studies of
a PIBID project in which a framework was adapted to plan lessons in four steps with the
objective of developing the intercultural competence in a research group of students.
Smart teachers, more efficient students – Berta Biondi (SBS)
The aim of this workshop is to present, in an efficient way, how classes can be involving and
meaningful to all kinds of students. Starting with the theory of Hower Gardner and then on to
new approaches of the Coaching methodology, we are going to explore the multiple abilities of
the students today using technology. These theories are going to be highly prioritized and
presented through interesting and up-to-date techniques.
06/07 - 4:30 to 6:00pm
The Googleverse: Using Google Tools in the Classroom - Jeff Kuhn (US Embassy)
While most teachers are aware of the basic Google tools, they may be unaware at the variety
of materials Google provides. In this workshop, participants will learn how to integrate Google
Translate, Google N--‐Gram viewer, Google Speech to Text, and the Google Cultural Institute
into classroom practice.
“Honoring the Past! Celebrating the Future!”
July 6th and 7th, 2016
A methodology for teaching the deaf: the use of Sign Language in ELT - Roberto César Reis da
Costa (UFBA)
The purpose of this workshop is to demonstrate how Brazilian deaf learners are able to learn
English despite their hearing impairment. Assuming that Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) is
their first language, they might learn English as a foreign/second language. So come and join us
to understand an adequate methodology to use with deaf students.
Bullying e o lugar do professor na Mediação de conflitos entre alunos - Raquel Cardoso
Guirra (ACBEU)
Os conflitos nas relações escolares têm se tornado mais um desafio para o professor em sua
prática pedagógica. Encontrar elementos de mediação de conflitos e reconhecer o seu lugar no
processo de formação do aluno é um importante fator para a minimização destes episódios e
para que o professor se fortaleça na sua prática.
Thinking Outside the Books – Julia Kissy França Bandeira (ACBEU)
Most of the teachers use pedagogical material chosen by the institutions they work at.
Therefore, there is always the feeling of having to cover the expected content, keep up with
the schedule, and prepare the students for the tests. Thus, teachers might find no way out
other than sticking to the book’s activities, in what we call “bookish” classes. This workshop
aims at sharing some ideas in order to use the book as a guide, but still cover its content in a
way students have fun, use their creativity and expand not only their linguistics skills but also
critical thinking.
07/07 – 2:00 to 3:30pm
Shifting paradigms in assessment – a matter of mindset - Isabela Villas Boas (CTJ /
This workshop begins with a review of the terminology related to assessment, such as
formative and summative, formal and informal, traditional and alternative. Next, the presenter
describes a paradigm shift from traditional, summative assessment of adults to an authentic,
formative system in an EFL setting, also showing examples of the assessment tools used. She
then discusses challenges and resistance faced to implement the project and the solutions
found. Managing change and nurturing a school that learns is the focus of this session.
Implementing Humanistic Approaches in English language classrooms through literature and
other arts - Fernanda Mota Pereira (UFBA)
This workshop aims to raise reflections on Humanistic Approaches in English language
classrooms, on the grounds of theories by the American psychologist Carl Rogers and the
Brazilian thinker Paulo Freire, and discuss strategies to implement them through literature and
other arts, such as: music, movies, painting and so forth.
Since the rise of the Designer Methods and the contributions of the American psychologist Carl
Rogers, there have been attempts to tailor learner-centered classes in which learners are
conceived in a holistic light rather than as reproducers of a language that is foreign to their
culture, needs, and profile. The search for learner-centeredness has paved the way for
approaches that provide learners with opportunities to be vocal about their experiences, thus
adding a humanistic component to the classes, in a Paulo Freirean fashion. Some of these
approaches are Humanistic Education, Content and Language Integrated Learning, Task-Based
Learning and Teaching, to name but a few. An underlying feature in these approaches is the
central role that motivation plays to keep learners engaged. Motivation has manifold
definitions and it certainly derives from, at least two main components, identification and
creativity, which can be easily found on the pages of literary texts and other arts. In the view of
“Honoring the Past! Celebrating the Future!”
July 6th and 7th, 2016
that, the arts are fruitful resources that can be used by teachers not only to enhance linguistic
competence, but also intercultural and humanistic competence.
We flip cameras for #Selfies! Shall we flip the classroom? - Silvio Campos (Pearson)
Selfies are everywhere: on your social media timelines, in your camera, in the dictionary, in
your classro...Oh wait! If we flip cameras for pictures nowadays, isn't it time for flipping our
classroom to teach English? In this workshop, we are going to see how to create a studentcentered environment to increase their engagement.
Teaching for Success – Sérgio Lins (Macmillan)
The EFL world has been immersed with lots of technology and new trends in the last years.
There are, however, some basic (and new) concepts which should always be kept in mind if we
want to deliver successful lessons. From planning to reflection – what has changed and what
should not be changed. Come and share with us!
Introdução à Educação Sistêmica – Leo Costa (ACBEU) & Conceição Ferreira
Nesse mini-curso de 3:00 horas apresentaremos as três Leis do Amor, descobertas por Bert
Hellinger e como elas podem ser aplicadas no contexto escolar, permitindo os professores, alunos,
famílias e direção escolar possam encontrar o seu lugar de força dentro das escolas, promovendo
mais leveza na relação de ensino e aprendizagem.
Looking at Professional Communities as key for school improvement – Raul Paraná (UFBA)
This minicourse aims at presenting the concept of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and its
core principles. We will also look at how implementing PLCs can affect the entire school community
and lead to general improvement. Participants will be encouraged to share experiences, as well as
contribute actively in discussions and activities in which we will analyze certain school practices and
think about how one can change them to achieve better results.
Poster Session:
Having fun with the Cultural Box in the English classroom – Tuanne França (PIBID-UNEB)
The Cultural Box was developed by the presenter, who is an undergraduate student at UNEB,
as a result of her experience in the PIBID program (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação
à Docência) of the Language Arts Course of UNEB, through the subproject: "The Intercultural
Approach in English Teaching in Public School of Salvador.
The Cultural Box project is based on the Intercultural Approach with the aim of raising students
awareness to other cultural practices, values, beliefs and relating them to their own culture.
Visiting the poster the participants will have the opportunity to get to know practical ways to
get students in the process of developing the intercultural competence in a relaxing
Teaching English through Classic Literature books - Ana Rita Santana, Marieli Pereira &
Renata Miranda (SEC)
The purpose of English classes goes beyond helping students to develop their language
abilities, it also provides learners with the opportunity to know and think critically about their
own context as well as about other cultures. Considering it, we used Literature as a tool to
teach English language and foreign cultures in a creative and fun way, taking advantage of it as
an expression of historical, cultural and social events. So, this poster aims to show our
experiences in using classic books in English classes in order to study the language and develop
the learners’ critical thinking and creativity.
“Honoring the Past! Celebrating the Future!”
July 6th and 7th, 2016
Career education in language teaching contexts: Exploring links between content-based
instruction and vocational development - Silvia Teles (Socialize Consultoria)
The noticeable expansion of career education programs reflects a worldwide attempt to help
students become more aware of work and careers through systematic approaches and
guidance for schools. This session is about ways to connect content-based instruction with the
world of work. The underlying belief is that language classes can also foster students´
aspirations and exploration of a variety of careers and therefore become a medium of
vocational development as well.
Educação Sistêmica: um novo olhar para o professor, a escola e o aluno – Leo Costa (ACBEU)
Como as “Leis do Amor”, descobertas pelo filósofo alemão Bert Hellinger, atuam no sistema
escolar? Como, a partir da consciência dessas leis, podemos tornar o cotidiano escolar mais
leve e produtivo? Qual o lugar da família e do professor no sistema educacional? Essas e outras
questões serão abordadas durante essa apresentação introdutória à Educação Sistêmica, que
propõe um novo olhar para o fazer pedagógico e tem se consolidado como uma ferramenta de
grande utilidade para a educação em muitos contextos escolares pelo Brasil e pelo mundo.
Ana Rita Santana has expertise in Teaching Methodology. She is a public school teacher and
attended PSTDP courses at ACBEU.
Berta Biondi (SBS) é licenciada em Letras pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (Unicap).
Possui vasta experiência no ensino da língua inglesa como segundo idioma e na educação
bilíngue. Atuou como coordenadora e diretora pedagógica em cursos e escolas particulares de
Pernambuco, tendo participado de encontros nacionais e internacionais. Hoje, é orientadora
pedagógica e Coach em escolas particulares do Recife. Também atua como consultora
acadêmica de editoras internacionais.
Conceição Ferreira é Educadora Sistêmica e Consteladora, com formação pelo Instituto Bert
Hellinger Brasil Central. Atua também há 18 anos como Psicoterapeuta.
Conceição Rodrigues is currently teaching English at a public school. Her main interests are
teacher development programs and teaching adolescents at public school settings.
Elisa Vitoreli has a BA in advertising, specialized in events management. Elisa has been a
teacher and teacher trainer. She is the marketing assistant at Helbling Languages.
Ernest Joseph Mchota graduated in Philosophy (University of Malawi –Africa 1993- 1997) and
in Theology (Pontifical University of Lima- Peru 1999- 2003). He is licensed in Pedagogy
(UNIFACS – Salvador - BA 2011- 2014) and post-graduated as a specialist in English Teaching
(Universidad Cândido Mendes - BH 2014-2016). Currently he is an English teacher at ACBEU
and pursues a Master’s Degree in Education (Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana).
Fabricio Zavarise Correia - Richmond´s Academic Coordinator, BA in Language Arts, University
of Cambridge CELTA.
Fernanda Mota Pereira holds a Master’s and Doctorate degree in literature from the Program
of Linguistics and Literature at the Federal University of Bahia. She is a professor at the
Institute of Letras, at the Federal University of Bahia. She teaches English, teaching practice,
“Honoring the Past! Celebrating the Future!”
July 6th and 7th, 2016
and literature. Before her current position, she had experiences in primary and secondary
education as an English teacher and in free courses.
Isabela Barbosa has always been passionate about teaching. She has worked for over 10 years
as a teacher and since joining Pearson has been working to bring to the market high quality
tools to help teachers do their jobs with excellence. She has MBA in Marketing and Sales at
Fundação Getulio Vargas and is currently Sales supervisor for the North and Northeast at
Isabela Villas Boas holds a Master's Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language from
Arizona State University and a Doctorate in Education from Universidade de Brasília. She is the
Academic Superintendent at Casa Thomas Jefferson, Brasília. She has presented in various ELT
conferences and published journal articles and book chapters. Her latest book is Teaching
English in a Binational Center in Brazil, by TESOL Press. She is also a supervisor of distance M.A.
dissertations for the University of Birmingham, U.K.. Isabela blogs at
Jeff Kuhn is a PhD candidate in the Educational Technology division of the Patton College of
Education at Ohio University. Jeff taught EFL in Japan and served in Peace Corps Mongolia as a
teacher trainer before receiving his MA in Linguistics. He worked as a consultant on the U.S.
Department of State’s Trace Effects, a video game for English language learners around the
world. Jeff has presented extensively on games and learning both nationally and
internationally. His research interests include: Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL),
games and learning, and second-language writing.
Joelma Melo graduated in English as a foreign language from UFBA in 2005 and she has been
working as an English teacher since 2006. She is an English teacher at ACBEU.
Jorge Teixeira - Teacher trainer, passionate user effective use of technology. Degree in Letras,
Postgrad in Materials Design (University of Southampton); 35 year-teaching and learning
experience. Educational Consultant for Oxford University Press.
Juarez Farias graduated in English as a foreign language from UFBA in 2010. Juarez has been
teaching English for 17 years and he has presented several workshops on the field. He is
currently an English teacher at ACBEU.
Julia Bandeira has been a teacher at ACBEU for 8 years. She is graduated in English and has a
specialization in Education. She focuses her studies on Young Learners.
Leo Costa é educador sistêmico com formação pelo Instituto Bert Hellinger Brasil Central e
atualmente Coordenador Acadêmico da ACBEU Pituba.
Leonardo Roxo graduated from UESC and post graduate degree in teaching methodology from
Olga Mettig. Currently, a student at Estacio de Sá. As a teacher he worked for 20 years
teaching English in various private and public schools, as well as acting as a coordinator in
language schools. He has been an Educational Consultant from Oxford University Press for five
Luciana Fernández is a teacher educator. She has specialized in Methodology and Teaching
Practice and holds a Diploma in Educational Research from the University of Cambridge,
Faculty of Education. She has designed courses for Professional Development and presented at
conferences and congresses in Argentina and abroad.
“Honoring the Past! Celebrating the Future!”
July 6th and 7th, 2016
Luiz Otávio Barros (M.A. Hons, Lancaster University) is an experienced materials writer,
teacher, teacher educator and CELTA tutor. Formerly academic coordinator at Cultura Inglesa
São Paulo, head of research and development at Associação Alumni and BRAZ-TESOL’s second
vice president, he is co-author of Richmond’s English ID / Identities series.
Marieli Pereira has a PhD in Literature. She is a public school teacher and attended PSTDP
courses at ACBEU.
Raquel Cardoso Guirra - Psicóloga, Psicopedagoga, Educadora Sistêmica, Orientadora
Psicopedagógica Acbeu.
Raul Paraná is a teacher and teacher trainer. He holds a BA in Languages and Literature (UFBA)
and a CELTA (U of Cambridge). He is currently a professor at UFBA and pursues an MA in
Educational Leadership from University of Jyväskylä (Finland).
Renata Miranda has expertise in Special Education. She is a public school teacher and
attended PSTDP courses at ACBEU.
Roberto César Reis da Costa is an Assistant Professor at UFBA. Currently attending PhD
Program in Language and Culture (UFBA), he holds an MA in Language and Culture; holds a BS
in Speech and Language Therapy; has a degree in English Language and Literature; and, holds a
BA in Brazilian Sign Language.
Rodrigo Gandini is an undergraduate student in Language Arts, UNEB (Universidade do Estado
da Bahia).He has internship experience at Center of Canadian Studies (NEC/UNEB). Currently
he is one of the fellows of Programa de Incentivo de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docencia - PIBID /
UNEB under the project: The intercultural approach to teaching English in a public school in
Sérgio Lins works as an academic and digital consultant for Macmillan Education Brasil. He has
been a teacher, (online) trainer and consultant for over 15 years.
Silvia Teles is a psychologist and develops professional activitites on language teaching, career
education programs/counseling. Coordinator of curricular language program at Colégio
Cândido Portinari; member of Associação Brasileira de Orientação Profissional.
Silvio Campos has been involved in ELT since 1991 having taught, coordinated and managed
language institutes. He holds a BA in English and in Business Administration, a Specialization
Degree in Marketing from California State University and the ICELT Certificate from the
University of Cambridge. He is currently an ELT Consultant for Pearson.
Tuanne França - Undergraduate student of the Language Arts Course of UNEB. CAPES/ PIBID
(Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência) scholarship student - project "The
Intercultural Approach in English Teaching in Public School of Salvador”.

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