Ata de Reunião do Conselho de Administração


Ata de Reunião do Conselho de Administração
Company Registry (NIRE): 35.300.374.801
Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF): 61.189.288/0001-89
Publicly-Held Company
Date, Time and Venue: November 6, 2014, at 5:00 p.m., at Rua dos Pinheiros, nº 870, 20º
andar, conjuntos 203/204, in the city and state of São Paulo.
Call Notice: The call notice was waived given the presence, via telephone conference call,
of all of the members of the Company’s Board of Directors.
Presiding Board: Israel Vainboim – Chairman; and Cláudio Escribano – Secretary.
Agenda: Consideration of the resignation of Paulo Sérgio Borsatto from the position of
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer and election of a new member of the
Company’s Executive Board. Resolutions: After analyzing and discussing the item on the
agenda, the members of the Board of Directors acknowledged the resignation of Paulo
Sérgio Borsatto from the position of Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer,
in accordance with the resignation letter filed at the Company’s headquarters, and elected
Adalberto Pereira dos Santos, Brazilian, married, economist, bearer of Identity Card no.
1.144.400 SSP/GO, inscribed in the roll of individual taxpayers (CPF/MF) under number
147.882.841-20, resident and domiciled at SQSW 300, bloco S, Apto. 203 Setor Sudoeste,
CEP 70673-600, Brasília, in the Federal District, for the position of Chief Financial Officer
and Investor Relations Officer, to hold office for the remainder of the 3-year term of the
other Executive Officers, elected on April 11, 2013. The elected Executive Officer states,
under penalty of law, that he meets all of the requirements under Article 147 of Law
6,404/76 for his investiture as a member of the Company’s Executive Board, that he is not
prevented from exercising business activities and that he has not been convicted of
bankruptcy crimes, malfeasance, bribery, graft, embezzlement or crimes against public
welfare, public faith or property, or any criminal penalty that would prevent, even
temporarily, access to public office. The elected Executive Officer will assume office
through the signature of (i) the Instrument of Appointment, filed in the Book of Minutes
of the Meetings of the Executive Board; (ii) the statement cited in CVM Instruction
367/02; (iii) the Instrument of Adherence to the Regulations of the Novo Mercado of the
BM&F Bovespa – Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange of São Paulo; and (iv) the
Instrument of Adherence to the Company’s Material Fact and Act Disclosure Policy and
the Company’s Securities Trading Policy.
Closure and Drawing Up of the Minutes: There being no further business to discuss,
these minutes were drawn up, read, found to be in compliance, approved and signed by
all attending members. Signatures: Presiding Board: Israel Vainboim – Chairman; and
Cláudio Escribano – Secretary. Members of the Board of Directors: Israel Vainboim, Marcio
Luiz Goldfarb, Cassio Casseb Lima, Décio Goldfarb, Denise Goldfarb Terpins and Gustavo
Josef Wigman.
São Paulo, November 6, 2014.
This is a free English translation of the original minutes drawn up in the Company’s
records – Book 5, pages 91 and 92
Presiding Board:
Israel Vainboim
Cláudio Escribano

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