
2013 - 2014
School Year
Career Tech, LLC
1755 West Olive St.
Lakeland, Florida 33815
Telephone: (863) 688-8800
Fax: (863) 686-0761
Volume 4
July 1, 2013
"DREAM BIG! BECAUSE YOU CAN." is a service mark of Career Tech, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Grading System ….……..……………….....………………....… 7
Program Cost ………………….……………………………....………7
Satisfactory Academic Progress ………………...…...…..……… 8
Course Numbering System ……………….…………….….…. 8
A d m i n i s t r a t i v e S t a f f ………………… . . . …………………… . . 8
F a c u l t y ………………………………… . . ………………… . . …… 8
P r o g r a m L e n g t h ………………………………………………… . 9
Ac ade mi c Pro gram s ………………………………….……. ….. .9
B u s i n e s s S c h o o l ………………… . . …………………………… . 9
Employment, Recruitment and Placement Specialist ……….. 9
Health Professions School…………………………………..… 10
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technology ………………. 10
Medical Assistant ………………………………………....… …. 12
Patient Care Technician ………………..……………........….14
Information Technology School……………………….…...….15
Network and Computer Systems Administrator…….…..….15
Logistics School……………………..……………..…………...….17
Forklift Driver Training ………………………..….……......….17
Commercial Truck Driver Training ………………...……..….18
B a c k c o v e r s h e e t ……… . . …………………… . ……… . . … . . 2 0
School Description ……………….…………… .….......… page 2
Statement of Ownership……….……………………………......… 2
Equal Opportunity Statement……………….…………………….. 2
L i c e n s u r e . . …………… … . … . . ………………………………… 2
Mission Statement ………………………………….…….... ....…. 3
Institutional Philosophy and Purpose ………………………. .…. 3
Affiliations ……………..…………………………. ……………... . 3
Facilities ………………………………………….. ………………. … 3
Official Document……….………………..……...…………..... 3
Admissions Procedure and Requirements …………………........… 3
Class Size……………..……………………………………….………3
Academic Evaluations ………….…………………...……......…4
Clock Hours…………………….……………………………...…….. 4
Credential Issued ………………………..…… ……….............….4
Student Services ……………………………..……………………. 4
Housing ………………… ……………...….…………………….… 4
Rules and Regulations, …………………………………..…….. 4
A t t e n d a n c e ………………………………………………………… . 4
Leave of Absence………………..…….………..…………….....… 4
Grooming and Appropriate Attire ………………..…………….…....… 4
S m o k i n g ………………………………… . ……………… . … . . …… 4
Cleanliness………………………..………………………..…...….. 5
T e l e p h o n e s ……………………………………………………… . . . 5
Firearms, Drugs, Alcoholic beverages and Weapons……….…. 5
Children ……………………………………….…….…………………. 5
Books and Supplies ………………………...……….....…...… 5
T e s t s …………………………………………………… . ………… . . 5
Transcripts and Progress Records ………..…....…….… 5
Recording …………………………………..……………………….. 5
Laptop Computers……………….……………………….......... 5
V a n d a l i s m ………………………………………………………… 5
Cheating …………………..……….............................................. 5
Sexu al Haras sment ……………………………………………… 5
Re - en try ……………………………. …. .. …………………………. . 5
Cancellation and Refund Policy ……………..……………………. 5
Withdrawal Policy…………………………………………..….…...... 6
Fee Payment Schedule…………………………………………… 6
Financial Aid……….................................................................... 6
Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures…………….…… 6
Disclosure Statement………………………………..……………. 6
Reporting Tuition Payments to the IRS……………….………... 6
Graduation …………………...……………………………………… 6
Placement Assistance ………………………………….…...….. 6
Professional and Credentialing Organizations ………….…..… 7
Family Education Rights and Privacy Acts ……………….…..…7
Credit for Previous Training ……………………………………. 7
Diplomas/ Certification………………………………..………….....7
School Calendar, Class Hours and Start Dates ….………….... 7
Hol ida ys ………………………………………….………………. .. . 7
School Description
Career Tech is an adult vocational school located in Lakeland Florida,
serving students primarily from the central Florida region. Career Tech
currently offers programs for Business (Employment, Recruitment and
Placement Specialist), Health Professions (Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technology, Medical Assistant and Patient Care Technician),
Information Technology (Network and Computer Systems Administrator), and Logistics (Commercial Truck Driver Training and Forklift Driver
Statement of Ownership
Career Tech, LLC, hereinafter referred to as Career Tech, was organized in January, 2010 under the laws of the State of Florida. Mark
Jordan is the controlling person with ownership of the school.
Equal Opportunity Statement
Career Tech does not discriminate against students, faculty, or staff
and no person shall be excluded from participation in programs or be
subjected to any form of discrimination on the basis of race, color,
creed, gender, age, disability, religion, or national origin. Disability
accommodations will be made on an as needed basis beyond the minimum requirements for space and access.
Career Tech is licensed by the Commission for Independent Education,
Florida Department of Education. Additional information regarding this
institution may be obtained by contacting the Commission at 325 W.
Gaines Street, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400: toll free number 888-224-6684.
Mission Statement
ing admissions requirements and provide the following documentation:
The primary mission of Career Tech is to instruct students with career 1) Submit a Birth Certificate showing the applicant is at least 18 years
and technical education to meet the competency levels and credentials
of age.
2) Submit a picture identification card. A driver’s license or state isneeded for initial employment and/or career advancement.
sued identification card is acceptable.
3) Submit a signed Statement of General Health prior to the start of
Institutional Philosophy and Purpose
Career Tech shall provide high quality training and individual counseling
to each student to help build the student’s positive self-worth, and em- 4) Pay all fees based on the signed Enrollment Agreement.
ployment value for themselves and the community. The school's motto: 5) Submit all required forms by the designated deadlines.
"Dream Big! Because you can." proclaims the schools core belief that Students applying for entrance in the Health Professions School, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technology, Medical Assistant, and Patient
all things are possible with determination and hard work.
Goal 1 -Students will learn that they have the ability to achieve their Care Technician programs must meet the following additional admisgoals through their determined efforts and hard work to become suc- sions requirements and provide the following documentation:
cessful in their employment and responsible members of the community. 1) Submit a copy of your High School graduation diploma or general
equivalency diploma.
Goal 2 -Students will develop the skills through their technical training so
Submit a criminal background report authorization (included in the
as to exceed the levels of competency expected in the work community.
Enrollment Application) to allow the school to secure a criminal
Goal 3 -Students will learn the value of playing by the rules, doing it
background report to determine if the applicant is eligible to be
right, and building their reputation for dependability and integrity.
admitted to the program.
3) Health Clearance.
4) Complete a basic skills examination, TABE test, scoring a level
Career Tech is a member of the
10.0 or greater in Mathematics, Language and Reading.
Florida Association of PostsecStudents applying for entrance in the Commercial Truck Driver Training
ondary Schools and Colleges.
program must meet the following additional admissions requirements
Career Tech is an approved liand provide the following documentation:
censed provider of Driver
1) Submit a valid Florida driver’s license.
Training Associates, Inc. driv2) Submit a copy of the applicant’s lifetime driving report, available
from the state Department of Transportation for each state that the
er improvement courses.
student has held a driver’s license.
3) Submit a criminal background report authorization (included in the
Enrollment Application) to allow the school to secure a criminal
The school building has approximately 20,000 square feet of floor
background report to determine if the applicant is eligible to be
space, and has approximately two acres for a truck driving range and
admitted to the program.
paved parking. The school has approximately 6,000 square feet of ad4)
Must have a DOT (Department of Transportation) Physical card,
ministrative offices, reception area, and a training center with seven
available from your doctor or most walk in clinics.
classrooms totaling approximately 14,000 square feet. There are ade5) Must be eligible to take the CDL exam upon completion of the proquate parking spaces to accommodate students, faculty and staff.
Students applying for entrance in the Employment, Recruiting and
Official Document
Placement Specialist program must meet the following additional admisThe school catalog provides the academic information, school policies sions requirements and provide the following documentation:
as well as specific requirements for all students attending Career Tech. 1) Submit a copy of your High School graduation diploma or general
The catalog becomes effective at the time of the signing of the Enrollequivalency diploma.
ment Agreement is the governing document during his/her attendance. 2) Complete a basic skills examination, TABE test, scoring a level 9.0
Each student is responsible for knowing and abiding by the requireor greater in Mathematics, Language and Reading.
ments pertinent to him/her in their program.
Students applying for entrance in the Network and Computer Systems
Administrator program must meet the following additional admissions
requirements and provide the following documentation:
Admissions Procedure and Requirements
An Admissions Representative or Program Director will discuss the 1) Submit a copy of your High School graduation diploma or general
equivalency diploma.
program, including the applicant's individual motivation and potential for
success in training and subsequent employment. Prospective students 2) Complete a basic skills examination, TABE test, scoring a level 9.0
or greater in Mathematics, Language and Reading.
shall complete an Enrollment Application which is reviewed by the Program Director and the School Director. Applicants are notified whether
they have been accepted prior to the start date of the program and must Class Size
Classes average 8 students, for the Employment, Recruitment and
sign the Enrollment Agreement and pay the required fees.
Placement program, Network and Computer Systems Administrator,
All students applying for entrance in any program must meet the follow- Commercial Truck Driver Training program and the Forklift Driver Train3
ing program. Classes average 20 students in the Health Professions
Academic Evaluations
All grades are determined by the faculty of Career Tech.
Clock Hours
Classes are measured in clock hours, which are defined as 50-minutes
of instructor led training within a 60 minute period plus a 10 minute
Credential Issued
A diploma or certificate will be issued to each student who successfully
completes the program and satisfies all financial requirements. A written
record of a student's academic progress will be made available to a
student while the student is enrolled and after the student has withdrawn or graduated and satisfied all his/her financial obligations to the
Tardiness is defined as arrival to class 15 minutes after the scheduled
class time. Three events of tardiness are considered as one absence.
Habitual tardiness shall be cause for dismissal from the program by the
school director.
Absence is defined as failing to attend a scheduled class. Students
Student Services
shall not be absent from more than 10% of the clock hours of the proCareer Tech faculty members voluntarily offer students advisement on gram for which they are enrolled. Absenteeism will negatively affect a
interviewing skills, employment skills and professional behaviors to help student’s grade point average in the program, and may subject the stuour students secure employment and keep their job.
dent to disciplinary action for violating school rules and regulations. In
the event of illness, family emergency or other inability to attend class,
the student must notify the school in writing, presenting a valid and veriThe school does not maintain or offer housing for students. The school fiable excuse. A student may make up missed time by attending anothcouncilors can refer students to housing options that may or may not er class that covers the same material with the instructor's permission.
suit their personal needs and preferences.
Students who have not completed a segment of study may not be able
to complete a program of study when originally scheduled.
Rules and Regulations
Failure to cooperate with school rules and regulations may result in up
to a three day suspension or dismissal from the school. Students may
appeal the dismissal in writing within 72 hours to the School Director.
The School Director shall make a determination and respond to the
student with a written decision letter within 72 hours after receiving the
written appeal. The written appeal letter should include a statement
describing the students actions that led to the dismissal and a statement about the students promise to correct the behavior if allowed
back into the school. In the absence of an appeal, the student shall
be considered dismissed from the school.
Leave of absences shall be reasonable in length and unless approved by the School Director are not to exceed 60 calendar days. Request for a leave of absence must be formally made to the School Director in writing and include a reason for a leave of absence request date
and signature of the student. A leave of absence may be granted for
hospitalization, illness, death in the immediate family, military leave, or
for an extreme personal problem. An approval will be sent in writing.
While every effort will be made to schedule the student to enter the program of study at a point concurrent with the point at which the student
left or withdrew from the institution, it may not be possible for the student
to complete the program as scheduled.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner
at all times. Foul language, possession of illegal drugs and or alcohol,
and any or all behavior construed to be unbecoming or disrespectful will
be considered unsatisfactory and might result in dismissal. A student
whose behavior is determined to be detrimental to the school, staff or
other students will be dismissed. Theft of property from the school or
other students is grounds for immediate dismissal.
Grooming and Appropriate Attire is required to be worn by all
students. All students should wear the approved uniform for the program that they are enrolled in. For programs that do not require a
uniform, long pants, close toed shoes, and sleeve shirts are always
required while on campus. Students are expected to maintain a high
level of cleanliness and grooming. All clothing must be clean and neat.
Male students must be clean-shaven and maintain their beards or
mustaches. Fingernails should be trimmed and long nails or highly
decorated nails will be considered inappropriate. All tattoos must be
Students must attend all classes regularly and arrive punctually. Stu- covered by clothing, jewelry must be modest and any jewelry that
dents must arrive to class at the scheduled times and return to class pierces the skin is not acceptable except small ear rings for women.
immediately after all breaks and lunch periods.
Smoking is not permitted in the Career Tech facility. A designated
smoking area is located outdoors. Smoking materials must be properly
disposed of in the appropriate receptacles. The student lounge is
open for use during specified lunch and break periods. This is the only
area where students may have food or beverage. Water bottles may
be brought to class with the instructor’s permission.
Cheating - Academic Dishonesty of any type is grounds for a student's immediate dismissal from the program and entry on the transcript
of a letter grade that denotes the academic dishonesty reason for dismissal. Students are expected to adhere to an honor system that encourages them to relate to the faculty or administration any episode of
cheating of which they are aware. Cell Phones are not permitted in the
classroom without special permission from the instructor. Cell phones
may be used during break and lunch time.
All students shall help keep inside and other common areas clean and
free from litter. If you see litter, please pick it up. Classes will be dismissed only after the rooms have been inspected by the instructor.
Sexual Harassment
Telephones within the school offices are for school use only. Incom-
Career Tech strongly defends and strictly enforces a student's right to be
free from sexual harassment while attending classes. Students are
strongly encouraged to abide by this regulation.
ing calls for students will be accepted in cases of extreme emergency.
Students are allowed to carry a cell phone, but not to be used during
Firearms, Drugs, Alcoholic beverages and Weapons are strict- A student who has canceled or has been dismissed and desires to re-
ly prohibited. Students are prohibited from playing games of chance, enter the program must notify the school and follow the required admisusing offensive language, making unnecessary noise or engaging in an sion procedures. A student who was dismissed for any reason must
unprofessional manner.
have an interview with the School Director and show cause why he/she
should be reinstated. The School Director will make the final decision for
Children are not allowed in the training a student to reenter the program.
areas, driving range, or classrooms. Children under the direct supervision of their Cancellation and Refund Policy
parents are allowed in the student lounge An applicant may cancel his/her enrollment at any time before the comand admissions office.
mencement of classes. An applicant who wishes to cancel his/her enrollment should notify the admissions office in writing of his/her intenBooks and Supplies are provided by tion of cancelling from the school. Notice of cancellation can be made
the school, and remain the property of the in person, by electronic mail, or by Certified Mail. If the applicant notischool. Books that have been loaned to fies the admissions office in writing of future enrollment interest, the
the student are the responsibility of the background fee will be held valid toward re-registration for one year.
student. Students that have lost or dam- Applicants who have not visited the school prior to enrollment will have
aged their text books are required to pay the opportunity to cancel without penalty within three business days
following either the first day of class start or following a tour of the
the cost of replacements.
school facilities and inspection of equipment where training and serTests will be given after all required lessons have been presented per vices are provided. Career Tech, LLC reserves the right to cancel or
curriculum. Make-up tests are expected to be taken the first day back reschedule any start of the program.
after an absence unless otherwise arranged with the instructor.
1. All monies will be refunded if an applicant cancels within three (3)
Transcripts and Progress Records are maintained permanently in business days after signing an enrollment agreement.
a fireproof file cabinet or vault. Students may examine their academic 2. All monies will be refunded if the school does not accept the applirecords by scheduling an appointment with the registrar. There is no cant.
guarantee that credits earned at Career Tech will be accepted at other 3. All monies will be refunded if the school cancels the program before
or during the student's enrollment period.
4. Cancellation after the third (3rd) Business Day, but before the first
Recording, including audio and video recording cannot be made on class, results in a refund of all monies paid, with the exception of the
background fee (not to exceed $150.00).
the school’s premises without the instructor’s permission. Personal radi5. Cancellation after attendance has begun, but prior to 40% completion
os, headsets, CD players, etc. are not allowed on the premises.
of the program, will result in a Pro Rata refund computed on the number
of clock hours completed to the total program clock hours.
Laptop Computers are allowed in class with permission from the 6. Cancellation after completing 40% of the program will result in no
instructor. However, due to their value and small size allowing easy refund.
concealment, Career Tech cannot be responsible for student's lost or 7. Termination Date: In calculating the refund due to a student, the last
stolen property.
date of actual attendance by the student is used in the calculation unless
earlier written notice is received.
Vandalism will result in immediate dismissal and contract termination 8. Refunds will be made within 30 days of termination of students’ enwithout a recourse or appeal.
rollment or receipt of Cancellation Notice from student.
Students will be responsible for all property they destroy or damage.
Withdrawal Policy
local workforce development board. Career Tech participates in workforce development programs in Polk, Hillsborough, Pasco, and Highlands counties. Veterans assistance programs, vocational rehab and
welfare to work programs are also available to qualified applicants. Any
student needing financial aid should contact the School Director for
more information.
A student who wishes to withdraw his/her enrollment should submit a
letter in writing to the School Director or the Registrar of his/her intention
to withdraw from the school. The letter should be signed and dated by
the student. The official withdrawal date is the date the student delivers
the written withdrawal letter informing the appropriate school official, the
date the school receives the official withdrawal notification, or the date
the student is administratively withdrawn. The date under these circumstances is considered to be the Date of Determination of the withdrawal.
Students who stop attending and fail to notify the school of their intention
to withdraw (includes not returning on the expected return date from an
approved Leave of Absence) will be unofficially withdrawn within 14
calendar days of the last date of attendance or an academically related
activity. The date under these circumstances is considered to be the
Date of Determination of the withdrawal. If a Student withdraws or is
dismissed, a $100.00 administrative fee will apply. Students whose
tuition is paid by a third party funding agency should check with the
School's business office for the refund policy that may be required by the
agency. All refunds will be made within 30 days of the Date of Determination that the student has officially or unofficially withdrawn from Career
If a student officially or unofficially withdraws or is dismissed before the
completion of 100% of the total program, the following refund policy will
Background Fees are non-refundable.
Books and Supplies must be returned to the school, or their replacement cost will be charged to the student.
Tuition is refundable subject to the following:
Withdrawal or dismissal after attendance has begun, but prior to 40%
completion of the program, will result in a Pro-Rata tuition refund computed on the number of hours completed to the total program hours.
Withdrawal or dismissal after completing 40% of the program will result
in no refund. Withdrawal or dismissal after completing 80% of a course
(s) in the program will result in the grade earned in the course(s) at the
time of withdrawal being posted to the students grade record, which will
effect the students GPA.
Termination date: In calculating the tuition refund due to a student, the
last date of actual attendance by the student is used in the calculation,
or later, if an academically related activity is noted.
Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures
Students with grievances must make a reasonable effort to resolve the
grievance on an informal basis, within seven (7) days of the incident,
with the instructor. If the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved, a formal letter of grievance shall be submitted to the Program Director, with
a copy sent to the School Director, within ten (10) days of the incident.
The Program Director shall have seven (7) days to respond either verbally or in writing to the formal letter of grievance within 30 days of
initial reporting of grievance. Any concerns, not satisfactorily removed,
may be brought to the attention of the school's licensing board at the
following address and telephone number:
Commission for Independent Education,
Florida Department of Education
325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 245-3200 or toll free (888) 224-6684
Disclosure Statement
The school reserves the right to change start dates, tuition, or to cancel
start dates for the program. Currently enrolled students will not be affected by tuition increases or program changes.
Reporting Tuition Payments to the IRS
Based on the 2011 instructions from the Internal Revenue Service, Career Tech LLC is not an “eligible educational institution” that would be
required to provide students with a form 1098T, or to submit that information to the IRS. Please check with your tax preparation advisor to
see if your tuition payment is tax deductable if it was a course “taken to
acquire or improve job skills.” See IRS Publication Cat. No. 27990J,
2011 Instructions for Forms 1098-E and 1098-T.
Fee Payment Schedule
The Background fee is due at the time of signing the Application for
Enrollment Agreement. The Background fee covers the cost of securing various public information about your background, and the cost of
evaluating the information and is not refundable. The full payment of
the balance of the total program cost is required before the first class
begins. Students have the option for a payment plan as listed in the
enrollment agreement, subject to approved credit.
Students may be referred for counseling opportunities in the community
by faculty or staff of the school. Faculty will have office hours posted.
Upon completion of all prescribed subjects of instruction with a cumulative average of 80 percent or better, demonstrating the ability to perform
all required competencies, satisfaction of all financial obligations to the
school, the student will be awarded a Diploma or certificate and will be
eligible for placement assistance, providing all graduation requirements
have been met.
Financial Aid
Financial aid, in the form of student loans, are available to qualified
and credit worthy students from commercial lenders and direct from
the school. Applications for direct school loans are available at the
school. The amount of the loan and the terms of the loan are determined by the lender. Financial aid in the form of partial scholarships
and WIA vouchers may be available to qualified students through their
Placement Assistance
Students are encouraged to continue their job search while enrolled at
Career Tech and participate in various voluntary training and counseling
Satisfactory Academic Progress
opportunities that may be offered from time to time. Employment advisement, including resume preparation and interviewing tips are available. Career Tech assists graduates with finding employment in the field
they have been trained. The placement staff makes every effort to assist
graduates with part-time or full-time employment; however, the school
does not guarantee employment.
Copies of diploma/certificates may be obtained by submitting a written
request to the school. A fee of $10.00 is charged. Please allow ten (10)
days for processing time.
School Calendar, Class Hours and Start Dates
Career Tech is committed to the protection of students' rights and privacy of information. In accordance with Public Law 93380, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 20 USC 1232g and section
1002.22 of the Florida Statutes. The school allows students access to
their educational records to challenge records they believe to be inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading and to limit the release of such information. Records will not be released without the written consent of the
student. The parent(s) of a dependant student as defined in the title 26
USC 152 (Internal Revenue Code) has the right to inspect records,
which are maintained by the school on behalf of the student.
The schedule for classes offered varies by program.
Commercial Truck Driver Training program classes are offered on a year
round basis, with new classes beginning every Monday morning at 8:00
am. Regular classes are held Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm.
Make-up classes are offered on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Forklift Driver Training program classes are scheduled as needed, at the
time of receipt of applications from four students willing to attend the
class at the same time.
Employment, Recruiting and Placement Specialist program classes
begin at 8:30am on the first Monday of each month, year round, and are
offered on a continuing basis, 8:30 to 3:00 Monday—Thursday.
Network and Computer Systems Administrator program classes start at
the beginning of each semester. Fall: August 19, 2013, Winter: January
6, 2014, Spring: May 5, 2014. 8:30 to 3:00 Monday—Thursday. Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technology, Medical Assistant, and Patient
Care Technician program classes start at the beginning of the Fall semester, August 19, 2013, 8:30 to 3:00 Monday—Thursday. Externship
hours may vary based on the requirements of the externship site.
Credit for Previous Training
Professional and Credentialing Organizations Student are
encouraged to associate themselves with the occupational and credentialing organizations in their respective career fields for the purposes of
continuing education, certification, employment opportunities and
awareness of industry trends.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Acts
Health Professions School:
Dr. Nicolas Bordas M.D. - Health Professions Programs Director - University National Pedro Hernandez Urena, Doctor in Medicine, Univ.
APECU, The Boston Institute
Students are required to maintain a grade average of 80% and attendance of 100% in the program clock hours and satisfactorily perform all
required competencies. If a student falls below the criteria listed above,
consultation with a school official will be scheduled. The student will be
given the opportunity to do extra home study work, repeat failed test up
to three times, and attend make-up training sessions not to exceed 20%
of the clock hours of the program. At the sole discretion of the School
Director, a student may be allowed to repeat a course by joining a class
group that has not yet taken the course. Students will not be allowed to
graduate from the program until they have satisfied the specified deficiencies and met the minimum academic and attendance requirements
for the program.
If the student does not make a diligent effort to correct the deficiencies,
the student may be dismissed from the program by the School Director.
Students may appeal the academic decisions to the School Director, in
writing, within three (3) days. The written appeal letter should include a
statement describing the students actions that led to the dismissal and a
statement about the students promise to correct the behavior if allowed
back into the school. In the absence of an appeal, the student shall be
considered dismissed from the school.
Karen Captain - Instructor - Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technology - Ross Univ. School of Medicine RDMS - Thomas Jefferson Univ. PhD Level Education, Carnegie Mellon Univ. M.A. Sociology / Anthropology, Duquesne Univ. B.A. Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh
Josephine Santos - Instructor - Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technology - Sulfolk Community College - Certificate - Ultrasound Diagnostic
Paula Melvin - Instructor - Medical Assistant and Instructor - Patient
Care Technician - Polk Community College, Diploma, Nursing, Polk
State College, Diploma, Healthcare Administration, Travis Technical
Center, Diploma, Massage Therapy, Valdosta Technical College, Diploma, Cosmetology.
Information Technology School:
Benjamin Morgan - Instructor - Network and Computer Systems Administrator - Indiana State Univ. B.S. IT, Univ. of Phoenix M.S. Business
Administration, Univ. of Phoenix, M.S. Psychology.
Course Numbering System
The course numbers are comprised of numbers and letters that symbolize the program and sequence of the courses listed.
Logistics School:
Kevin M. Wynne, Logistics Programs Director - Tampa College A.S.
1994; Pinellas Technical Education Center 1999 State of Florida Certified third party CDL Examiner – 2007 CDL Testing Model Training;
HAZOPER (40 Hr.) Certifications; Modem Safety Mgmt. Certification
(1997, 2000), Material Handling Equipment Certification, Career Tech
2010 Certified OSHA Forklift driver trainer.
The school will be closed and classes will not be held on the following
holidays: New Years Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence
Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Any normal
class day that falls on a holiday will be made up at the instructor’s discretion.
Career Tech evaluates request for credit transfer for other training completed at other institutions and may recognize verifiable certifications,
professional licenses, competency test results and life experience on an
individual basis. A written request for credit transfer along with official
transcripts, grade reports, and any other supporting documents should
be submitted to the School Director, before the first day of class, for
verification and evaluation. The School Director will notify the student of
the decision within thirty days after the date of the written request. The
maximum amount of credit which can be obtained in this manner shall
not exceed 25% of the clock hours for the program. Transfer of any
credit hours from Career Tech to another school is in the discretion of
the accepting institution, and it is the student’s responsibility to confirm
whether or not credit hours will be accepted by another school.
Grading System:
Michael E. Kackritz, Road Trainer, Commercial Truck Driver Training Polk VoTech – Fire fighting, Thirty years experience as a professional
truck driver.
94% to 100%
Above Average
87% to 93%
80% to 86%
Below 80%
Academic Dishonesty
Jack Taylor, Instructor - Commercial Truck Driver Training and Forklift
Driver Training - State Licensed 3rd party CDL examiner and ASE
Master Diesel Mechanic, and OSHA Forklift Trainer.
Program Cost
Fee (nonrefundable)
Other Cost Total Program
Commercial Truck Driver Training
Forklift Driver Training
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technology
Employment, Recruitment and Placement Specialist
Medical Assistant
Network and Computer Systems Administrator
Patient Care Technician
Fabio Paz, Instructor - Commercial Truck Driver Training - University
Libre, Cali, Columbia - B.S. Accounting. CDL instructor since 2004.
Administrative Staff
Mark F. Jordan, School Director and Registrar - University of Florida
1975 B.S. Business Administration - Finance
Kenneth Martino, Instructor - Commercial Truck Driver Training - Career
Tech, Lakeland, FL - Commercial Truck Driver Training
David B. Lamb, Student Services Director - Recruiting and Placement
University of California at Berkley, B.A.
Additional qualified faculty members will be hired as needed based on
student enrollment and other work load requirements.
Business School:
John DeLeon, Program Director - Employment, Recruitment and Placement Specialist - Florida Metropolitan University, B.S., Fortis Institute,
Diploma, National Business Institute, Commercial Truck Driver Diploma.
Program Length
Number of hours
per week
Number of
weeks to
Commercial Truck Driver Training
40 (8 hours/day)
10 days
4 weeks
Professional Truck Driver
40 (8 hours/day)
10 days
15 weeks
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Employment, Recruiting, and
Placement Specialist
Forklift Driver Training
20 days
69 weeks
10 days
40 weeks
2 (days)
2 days
Medical Assistant
Network and Computer Systems
Patient Care Technician
20 days
10 days
58 weeks
46 weeks
10 days
27 weeks
Program Title
Minimum time to complete
Maximum Number of
Holidays (10 days per year)
Academic Programs
Business School
Employment, Recruitment and Placement Specialist
Program Objective: To train students for a career in the human resources field, as an Employment, Recruiting and Placement Specialist,
supporting other workers in business and government organizations
helping them meet their staffing needs.
Course Title
Strategic Staffing
Training & Development
Interpersonal Communications
Job Analysis
Employment Law
Compensation and Benefits
Understanding Media
Program Description: The Employment, Recruiting and Placement
Specialist program prepares students to work in the human resources
field, working to match workers with job openings that are appropriate
for the worker to be successful in their new job. Students will learn
about recruiting, staffing, training, job analysis, personality assessment,
ees. Learning Objectives: Avoid online recruiting trouble, Discriminate
interviewing techniques, employment law, compensation and benefits.
between online career sites, Write an effective online job advertisement,
Understand how your company career site can help your recruiting efProgram Completion Time: The standard, minimum completion time
forts, Protect your organization from headhunters.
for the Employment, Recruiting and Placement Specialist program is 40
weeks, but can vary due to factors such as holidays, availability of exERPS 02 Strategic Staffing
75 Clock hours
ternship sites and other factors.
In a global economy, recruitment has become a competitive and complex pre employment process essential to a successful selection of comCourse Descriptions:
petent candidates. Recruitment efforts have extended the applicant pool
to an international arena. Recruitment options will be explored as well
ERPS 01 Recruiting
150 Clock hours
as opportunities for selection of the most capable and available candiThis course presents the ins and outs of using Internet career sites and dates. Effective and efficient interviewing requires advanced preparation
resume listings to find new employees. Students will learn how these and a structured approach. In addition to carefully constructing job relatsites operate and what you can do to protect your organization from ed questions, interviewers must ensure compliance with applicable laws
headhunters and to use your organization’s website to attract employ- and must also make certain that their assessments and recommenda9
tions remain unbiased. Students will learn how to prepare for job interviews, create a positive interviewing environment, conduct legal and
unbiased interviews, and identify the best qualified candidate for the
selves on a daily basis. Students will learn that in order to understand
media, they must be able to understand themselves. By better understanding themselves, students will become better media creators, users,
and communicators.
ERPS 03 Training and Development 75 Clock hours
This course includes the most up to date developments in training and
research and in practice, including the strategic role of training and the
use of new technologies in training. Students will discover a real balance between research and real company practices. They will receive a
solid background in the fundamentals of training and development
needs assessment, transfer of training, designing a learning environment, methods, and evaluation. In addition, the role of training is broadened to include its strategic nature, the changing nature of the workplace, and availability of technology.
ERPS 09 Internship
160 Clock hours
This course allows students to practice their skills and knowledge in a
real world setting, documenting their efforts and outcomes for analysis.
Health Professions School
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technology
Program Objective:
This program is designed to prepare students for employment as diagnostic medical sonographers. Diagnostic Medical Sonographers work
with a medical practitioner in the management, control and care of paERPS 04 Interpersonal Communications 75 Clock hours
Provides an introduction to the communication process that occurs be- tients referred for ultrasound studies.
tween people. Students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to
develop, maintain, and evaluate dyadic relationships through language, Program Description:
perception, self-disclosure, listening and nonverbal communication. The Student will learn anatomy and physiology, pathology, of the abEmphasis will be placed on building effective interpersonal relations in a dominal, pelvic, physics, biological effects of ultrasound, diagnostic procedures, image evaluation, OB/GYN Sonography and echocardiogbusiness environment.
raphy. The student will perform clinical practice in a local hospital or
clinic under the supervision of the doctor.
ERPS 05 Job Analysis
150 Clock hours
This course will teach students how to perform job analysis from the
ground up. The result of this work will be written job descriptions that are Program Completion Time: The standard, minimum completion time
used for many personnel tasks, including job evaluation, hiring, and for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technology program is 69
setting salaries. Students will learn how job analysis questionnaires can weeks, but can vary due to factors such as holidays, availability of clinibe used to update your organization’s job documentation for legal com- cal or externship sites and other factors.
pliance with FLSA overtime laws, the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA), and comparable worth legislation. Learning Objectives: Differen- Course Descriptions:
tiate between various methods of job analysis, collect appropriate infor- CORE001 Healthcare Worker Basics 90 Clock hours
mation, write clear and concise job descriptions, recognize the job- Knowledge of the health care delivery system and health occupations,
oral and written communications skills, professional ethics and legal
description requirements set forth in wage and employment laws.
responsibilities, understanding the concept of applying wellness and
diseases concepts, emergency situations response, infection control,
ERPS 06 Employment Law
75 Clock hours
This course examines the developing body of modern employment law, employability skills, resume writing, blood borne disease, basic math
its impact on human resource functions, and its history and its legal skills, critical thinking skills and leadership skills within the health team.
framework. The course addresses the importance of the employment
relationship. Students will examine the statutory, regulatory, and com- SNAP01 Anatomy and Physiology I 75 Clock hours
mon law requirements which govern employment law. The legal issues This course will cover the function, and chemistry of the human body
underlying the selection, hiring, promotion, and termination of employ- considering the following topics: body organization, the cell, memees will be addressed along with equal opportunity, discrimination issues, affirmative action, contract negotiations, workers’ compensation,
occupational health and safety, immigration laws, and major acts such
as Title VII or Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Family Medical Leave Act,
and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
ERPS 07 Compensation And Benefits 75 Clock hours
This course introduces the compensation and benefits concept of Human Resources by highlighting the importance of aligning an organization’s compensation plan to its strategic goals. The compensation and
benefits options of various types of employment opportunities is considered with emphasis on appropriateness in various human resource settings.
ERPS 08 Understanding Media
75 Clock hours
Students will be introduced to using media to create extensions of our10
branes, glands, the Integurmentary System, the Muscular System,
the Nervous System, Respiratory System, and the special senses.
Course Title
Healthcare Worker Basics
Anatomy and Physiology I
Applied Physics I
Anatomy and Physiology II
Applied Physics II
Principle and Protocols of Sonography
(includes 15 hours laboratory)
Sonography of the Circulatory System
(includes 15 hours laboratory)
Medical Sonographic Physics I
(includes 15 hours laboratory)
Abdominal Sonography I (includes 15
hours laboratory)
Obstetrics and Gynecology in Sonography I (includes 15 hours laboratory)
Practical Aspect of Sonography I
(includes 15 hours laboratory)
Sonographic Clinical I
SONO13 Sonography of the Circulatory System 60 Clock hours
An introduction to the hemodynamics of the circulatory systems and
the imaging and Doppler assessment of the cardiac and vascular
systems. (Includes 15 hours of laboratory practice)
Medical Sonographic Physics II
(includes 15 hours laboratory)
Abdominal Sonography II (includes 15
hours laboratory)
SONO14 Medical Sonographic Physics I 60 Clock hrs
A study of the principles of diagnostic ultrasound, ultrasonic physics,
tissue interactions and interface. (Includes 15 hours of laboratory
Obstetrics and Gynecology in Sonography II (includes 15 hours laboratory)
Practical Aspects of Sonography II
(includes 15 hours laboratory)
Sonographic Clinical II
Small Parts Sonography (includes 15
hours laboratory)
Sonographic Clinical III
Sonography of Heart/Chest I (includes
15 hours laboratory)
Sonographic Clinical IV
Neonatal Neurosonology (includes 15
hours laboratory)
Sonography of Heart/Chest II
(includes 15 hours laboratory)
Sonographic Externship
SPHY011 Applied Physics I
70 Clock hours
This course is accompanied by a laboratory. The contents of this
course are basic skills of mathematic, and mechanics, electricity, and
magnetism. This lab will meet for two hours a week for the purpose
of demonstrating and verifying the theories of mechanics, electricity
and magnetism. The concept of heat is introduced and experiments
are performed to illustrate the concept.
SNAP02 Anatomy and Physiology II 75 Clock hours
A continuation of the Anatomy and Physiology sequence, including
the following topics; the Circulatory System, the respiratory System
the Digestive System, the Urinary System, fluid and Electrolytes and
Reproductive System.
SPHY012 Applied Physics II
70 Clock hours
This course is accompanied by a laboratory. The contents of this
course are Intermediate skills of mathematic, and mechanics, electricity, and magnetism. This lab will meet for two hours a week for the
purpose of demonstrating and verifying the theories of mechanics,
electricity and magnetism. The concept of heat is introduced and
experiments are performed to illustrate the concept.
SONO12 Principle and Protocols of Sonography 60 Clock hours
An introduction to the basic approaches to sonographic scanning
protocols for the abdomen and pelvis. (Includes 15 hours of laboratory practice)
SONO15 Abdominal Sonography I
60 Clock hours
An introduction to the transverse anatomy of the abdominal area and
its recognition on sonographic visualization systems. (Includes 15
hours of laboratory practice)
SONO16 Obstetric and Gynecology in Sonography I 60 Clock hours
An introduction to the anatomy of the female reproductive system
with and without and existing pregnancy. The representation of the
normal throughout all terms of pregnancy is presented. (Includes 15
hours of laboratory practice)
SONO17 Practical Aspect of Sonography I 50 Clock hours
A study of the principles of diagnostic ultrasound and practical aspects of scanning, film critique, patient care and handling. (Includes
15 hours of laboratory practice)
SONO18 Sonographic Clinical I
50 Clock hours
Clinical education requiring application of the knowledge learned.
Professionalism and personal interaction are stressed along with tech- SONO29 Sonography of Heart/Chest II 70 Clock hrs.
nical abilities.
An in-dept presentation of the intricacies of diagnostic ultrasound as it
applies to the heart and the chest stressing its capabilities and its limitaSONO19 Medical Sonographic Physics II 70 Clock hours
tions. (Includes 15 hours of laboratory practice)
A continuation of the study of the properties of diagnostic ultrasound
stressing the operation of equipment, the display systems, biological SONO30 Sonographic Externship
190 Clock hours
effects, and quality assurance methods. (Includes 15 hours of laboratory Course requires the student to interact in a professional manner, under
the guidance of a preceptor, to make judgment decisions regarding the
technical aspects, and to generally progress to the point where he/she
SONO20 Abdominal Sonography II
50 Clock hours
may be accepted as a competent sonographer. Further mastering of all
An in-depth presentation of sonographs of the abdominal area stressing skills gained, emphasizing echocardiography and cardiovascular examideviations from the norm and the studies to make a diagnostically ac- nations techniques.
ceptable study. (Includes 15 hours of laboratory practice)
SONO21 Obstetric and Gynecology in Sonography II 50 Clock hours
The detection of anomalies, pathology, deviation from normal, and the
planes which must be sonographically imaged for accurate diagnosis.
(Includes 15 hours of laboratory practice)
Medical Assistant
SONO22 Practical Aspects of Sonography II 50 Clock hours
Offering more advanced principles of diagnostic ultrasound, adding
knowledge of pathological processes. Further presenting the practical
aspects of scanning, film critique, and film identification. Stressing the
correlation of all patient data and sonographic images in assisting in the
diagnosis process. (Includes 15 hours of laboratory practice)
SONO23 Sonographic Clinical II
50 Clock hours
A continuation of the learning by doing process where more responsibility in the form of decision making regarding anatomical areas and resultant imaging.
SONO24 Small Parts Sonography
60 Clock hours
A general introduction to the areas of carotid, eye, thyroid, prostate,
scrotum, breast, and other superficial structures. (Includes 15 hours of
laboratory practice)
SONO25 Sonographic Clinical III
50 Clock hours
Application of all the material presented requiring the student to make
judgmental choices regarding technical aspects, and to interact in a
professional manner.
SONO26 Sonography of Heart/Chest I 70 Clock hours
Anatomy of the heart and the procedures used in screening are introduced stressing recognition of the normal verses abnormal. (Includes 15
hours of laboratory practice)
SONO27 Sonographic Clinical IV 50 Clock hours
Course is designed to add additional clinical competencies to those
gained in the specialties mastered in the first year. Emphasis on specialty of echocardiography with clinical application of classroom material
presented. To continue to make judgment decisions regarding the technical aspects of diagnostic sonographic exams.
Program Objective:
This program is designed to prepare students to work as Medical Assistants. The student will be able to work at a Doctors Office or Clinic. The
student will be able to assist the Doctor in office medical procedures,
schedule patient appointment and bill patients. Medical Assistants are
multi-skilled professionals who assist a doctor, students learn to perform
duties under the direction of a doctor in all area of the private office
medical practice. Students learn clinical skills, ranging from vital signs,
perform phlebotomy and EKG. The student will learn how to function on
an administrator capacity in the doctors office. The student will learn
office skills like billing, basic accounting, filing, computer and Insurance
Program Description:
This program is designed to prepare students to work as Medical Assistants. The student will be able to work at a Doctors Office or Clinic. The
student will be able to assist the Doctor in office medical procedures,
schedule patient appointment and bill patients. Students will be trained
in the areas of communications, legal and ethical responsibilities, adSONO28 Neonatal Neurosonology I 60 Clock hours
An introduction to the sonographic imaging of the neonatal and infant ministrative and clinical duties, health and illness concept, anatomy and
brain. Emphasis is placed on normal brain anatomy congenital and physiology, and will learn to perform basic nursing procedures under the
acquired pathological conditions, as well as sonographic scanning tech- doctors supervision. The student will learn how to manage the doctors
office and will perform clinical skills under the supervision of the doctor.
niques. (Includes 15 hours of laboratory practice)
Program Completion Time: The standard, minimum completion time
for the Medical Assistant program is 58 weeks, but can vary due to factors such as holidays, availability of clinical or externship sites and other
Course Descriptions:
HLTWK01 Healthcare Worker Basics 90 clock hours
Knowledge of the health care delivery system and health occupations,
oral and written communications skills, professional ethics and legal
responsibilities, understanding the concept of applying wellness and
diseases concepts, emergency situations response, infection control,
employability skills, resume writing, blood borne disease, basic math
skills, critical thinking skills and leadership skills within the health team.
Includes 4 hours HIV/Aids Training.
Course Title
Healthcare Worker Basics
Medical Assistant Medical
Medical Assistant Office
Medical Assistant Phlebotomy
Medical Assistant EKG
Anatomy & Physiology
Pharmacology I
Medical Assistant I
Medical Assistant II
Pharmacology II
Medical Assistant Lab I
Medical Assistant Clinical I
Medical Assistant Lab II
MAMT02 Medical Assistant Medical Terminology
60 clock hours
The student will learn to identify word parts of medical terminology, build
words, spell and pronounce them correctly. Learn the appropriate terms
from word parts and their meaning. Spell and use medical abbreviations, recognize and identify terminology of hospital and clinic forms.
Learn how to use basic medical terminology.
MAOF03 Medical Assistant Office Skills 75 clock hrs.
The student will learn appropriate methods of preparing and organizing
and maintaining medical records, select appropriate procedure and
diagnostic codes, process insurance date and claims, develop and
maintain billing and collection system, keyboards documents using Medical Office Software, perform various financial procedures, billing and
collection procedure, and payroll procedures.
MAPH04 Medical Assistant Phlebotomy 90 clock hrs.
The student will learn the relation of phlebotomy to the healthcare setting, the anatomic structure and function of body systems in relations to
services performed by a phlebotomist, identify collection reagents supplies, equipment and interfering chemical substances, knowledge of
skills to perform phlebotomy, practice infection control following universal precautions, the process of collecting specimens, quality assurance
in phlebotomy, using the correct equipment for blood drawing, performing the correct procedure to collect a blood sample and making a blood
Medical Assistant Clinical
Medical Assistant Lab III
Medical Assistant Clinical
III Externship
Pharmacology Clinical
Basic X-ray Clinical
human growth.
MAEG05 Medical Assistant EKG Technology 85 hrs.
This course will teach the student to identify the cardiovascular system,
legal and ethical responsibilities of an EKG aide, maintain a safe environment, maintain the EKG equipment, three types of lead systems,
proper lead placement, perform a 12 lead EKG, perform a rhythm strip,
calculate the QRS complex and PR interval, trace and mount an EKG
strip, recognize a cardiac emergency as seen on the EKG, verify the
requisition order, prepare patient for EKG testing and use precautions
required to perform an EKG.
MAAP06 Anatomy & Physiology
80 clock hours
Describe the relationships of body systems in providing client care.
Describe the structure and function of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, muscular-skeletal systems, nervous, skin, and sensory
systems, reproductive system, urinary systems, digestive systems, and
endocrine system. Teaching the client how the body functions. Understanding the human development process and the different stages of
MAPC07 Pharmacology I
100 clock hours
The student will learn the accurate dosage calculations, demonstrate
the six rights of medication administration, observe and respond to the
clients need for medication and monitor and document use of controlled
MAAS08 Medical Assistant I
110 clock hours
Demonstrate communication skills used by medical assistant, use medical terminology, the role of the medical assistant, knowledge of the medical assistances legal responsibilities, distinguish the staff and physicians liabilities, how to prevent liability, understanding the anatomy and
physiology of the human body, use proper sanitation, disinfection and
sterilization procedures, sterilize and maintain instruments, wrap articles
for autoclave, chemically disinfect articles, safely handle contaminated
equipment and supplies, create and maintain sterile fields for dressing
and minor surgery, hand washing, prepare for minor surgical proce-
dures, remove sutures, and disposing of contaminated materials.
This course will teach the student how to position patients for basic xray, how to process x-ray film and maintain film files, evaluate x-ray film
MAAS09 Medical Assistant II
110 clock hours
quality, x-ray principles and safety practices, instruct patients in x-ray
The student will learn to operate emergency equipment, perform occult preparation, provide appropriate protection for patients and staff in the
blood test, prepare specimens for outside lab tests, test urine, instruct presence of ionizing radiation and maintain a safe working environment
patients in how to obtain specimen of fecal, urine, and sputum test, per- in radiological work areas.
form urinalysis, do blood type for ABO and Rh, perform hematocrit, do
hemoglobin tests, perform serum cholesterol test, perform glucose testing, perform urine pregnancy slide agglutination test, assist the physicians with physical examination, measure and record vital signs, recognize abnormal and danger signs of vital signs, record patient data, apply
all types of roller bandages, perform visual and auditory screening and
perform minor treatments as directed by the physician.
MAPC10 Pharmacology II
100 clock hours
The student will learn how to administer various type of medication such
as topical medication, inhalants, oral medications, sublingual medication, rectal medication, vaginal medication, eye medications, ear drops,
nose drops, intramuscular injection (including Z-tract), intra-dermal injection and subcutaneous injection.
MACL11a Medical Assistant Lab I
The student will practice in the lab setting all the skills learned in
MAAS08 – Medical Assistant I.
MACL11b Medical Assistant Clinical I 40 clock hours
The student will practice in the clinical setting all the skills learned in
MAAS08 – Medical Assistant I
Patient Care Technician
MACL12a Medical Assistant Lab II
60 clock hours
The student will practice 50 hours in the lab setting all the skills learned
in MAAS08 – Medical Assistant I, and practice 10 hours in a laboratory
setting all EKG and Phlebotomy Skills.
Program Objective:
The program is designed to prepare students for employment as advanced cross-trained Nursing Assistant, Home Health Care, Phlebotomy, EKG Aide, Allied Health Assistant and Patient Care Assistant with
transferable skills. This program offers a broad foundation of knowledge
and skills expanding the role of the nursing assistant.
MACL12b Medical Assistant Clinical II 40 clock hours
The student will practice all the skills learned in MAAS08 – Medical Assistant I, and practice 10 hours in a laboratory setting all EKG and Phlebotomy Skills. The student will do a 40 hour externship clinical rotation
in this course.
Program Description:
The student will train in the area of Nursing Assistant, Home Health
Aide, Allied Health Assistant, Phlebotomy, and EKG. The student will
demonstrate the following elements of the health care industry, planning, management and technical skills. The student will be able to perMACL13a Medical Assistant Lab III
60 clock hours
form patient care, take vital signs, perform a 12-lead EKG, and draw
The student will practice 60 hours all advance skills learned in MAAS09 blood for testing.
– Medical Assisting II, in the laboratory setting.
Program Completion Time: The standard, minimum completion time
MACL13b Medical Assistant Clinical III Externship 40 clock hours
for the Patient Care Technician program is 27 weeks, but can vary due
The student will practice all advance skills learned in MAAS09 – Medical to factors such as holidays, availability of clinical or externship sites and
Assisting II, and practice 40 hours in clinical externship.
other factors.
MAPC14 Pharmacology Clinical
70 clock hours
Demonstrate accurate dosage calculations, demonstrate the six rights of
medication administration observe and respond to the clients need for
medication and monitor and document use of controlled substances.
How to administer various type of medication such as topical medication, inhalants, oral medications, sublingual medication, rectal medication, vaginal medication, eye medications, ear drops, nose drops, intramuscular injection (including Z-tract), intra-dermal injection and subcutaneous injection.
Course Descriptions:
PCTHW01 Basic Healthcare Worker: 90 clock hours
This course will teach ethics and laws, work ethics, communication,
assisting with the nursing process, body structure, safety, preventing
falls, care of the older person, moving and transferring a patient, personal care, bed making, grooming, urinary & bowel elimination, admission
and discharge, Oxygen need, confusion and dementia and restorative
MABX15 Basic X-ray Clinical
PCTHW02 Nursing Assistant:
30 clock hours
75 clock hours
Student will work on career planning and resume preparation, direction
will be given the students on how to seek employment. (Includes 25
hours of Lab) (Includes 35 hours of externship)
Course Title
Basic Healthcare Worker
Nursing Assistant ( includes 4
hours HIV / AIDS)
Advanced Home Healthcare
Aid (Includes 25 lab hours)
Patient Care Assistant
(Includes 25 lab hours)
Allied Health Assistant
(Includes 50 lab hours)
(Includes 30 externship hours)
Advanced Health Assistant
(Includes 25 lab hours)
(Includes 30 externship hours)
Patient Care Technician
(Includes 25 lab hours)
(Includes 35 externship hours)
Desktop Information Management
NCSA 05 Applied Word Processing
Applied Word Processing
Spreadsheet Applications I
37.5 Instructional Clock Hours
Focuses on basic word processing applications, with an emphasis on term papers, reports and resumes. Prerequisite for this course is ability to type 20 wpm
or permission of instructor.
MCAS 2007 – Microsoft Certified
Application Specialist
MOS 2010 Microsoft Office Suite
Introduction to Internet
PCTHW06 Advanced Health Assistant: 100 clock hours
The student will get all skills checked off by instructors in the laboratory
Clock Hours
and (Includes 25 hours of Lab) (Includes 30 hours of externship)
Provides students with an introductory overview of the Internet, World Wide
60 clock hours
Structured Cabling
Network and Computer Systems Administrator
Course Descriptions:
NCSA 01 Introduction to Computers and Technology 132.5 Instructional
Web, impact of computer on society and business, historic development of data
Provides the student with the basic concepts in a complete cabling system.
Topics include cable types and their characteristics, connector types, cable
layouts for a simulated system backbone, cross connects, etc. and cable installation, testing and troubleshooting of a cable system.
Program Description: The Network and Computer Systems Administrator program prepares students for a career in information technology.
The program will teach the student to troubleshoot computer hardware
and operating systems, administer Local Area Networks (LAN) and related information systems, install and configure software programs and
applications, manage and update web technologies, assist with network
operations analysis, and support technical users in organizations. ManPCTHW04 Patient Care Assistant:
75 clock hours
agement duties include the rolling out and testing of new computer hardPerform all Nursing Assistant and Home Health Aide skills and nursing
ware and software, performing corrective and preventative measures on
assistant care for the adult patient in the nursing home setting. This
existing equipment, and/or working in a helpdesk support environment.
course requires the student to do a 20 hours Nursing Home rotation.
Online delivery of instruction is used to supplement classroom instruc(Includes 25 hours of Lab)
tion and for the student to earn IT industry standard certifications. Students will be provided with an on campus, structured orientation proPCTHW05 Allied Health Assistant:
150 clock hours
gram and instruction in how to use the online delivery system.
The student will learn all laws and ethics of phlebotomy, how to perform
all skills in phlebotomy, the different types of test and test tubes used to
Program Completion Time: The standard, minimum completion time
perform a blood draw, and Electro Cardiogram. This course will include
for the Network and Computer Systems Administrator program is 46
a 25 hour lab practice for phlebotomy and 25 hours lab practice for Elecweeks, but can vary due to factors such as holidays, availability of clinitro Cardiogram. (Includes 50 hours of Lab) (Includes 30 hours of externcal or externship sites and other factors.
NCSA 03 Structured Cabling 37.5 Instructional Clock Hours
Information Technology School
PCTHW03 Advanced Home Healthcare Aide: 50 hours
The student will learn the theory behind these procedures and how to
perform them, wound care, heat and cold application, respiratory support, hearing and speech problems, development disabilities, sexuality,
assisted living skills. There will be 30 hours of externship in this course.
(Includes 25 hours of Lab)
Course Title
cation test. Laboratory exercises are included.
Introduction to Computers and
Computer Upgrading and Repair
The student will learn the various area of nursing assistant, nutrition,
measuring vital signs, medical terminology, assisting with the physical
Program Objective: To train students for a career in information techexam, the dying person, collecting and testing specimen, disorders of
nology, managing a computer network and supporting other workers
the human body systems. Laboratory practice and externship. This
who use a computer and other electronic information management decourse includes a 4 hour Aids/HIV training.
vices and software in the work place.
PCTHW07 Patient Care Technician:
NCSA 07 MCAS 2007 – Microsoft Certified Application Specialist
Information Technology: Ethical/
Legal Issues
Introduction to Management Information Systems
MCDST – Microsoft Certified
Desktop Support Technician
Introduction to Database Design
Introduction to Web Database
Network Administrator Capstone I
NCSA 06 Spreadsheet Applications I
37.5 Instructional Clock Hours
A general introduction to the basic capabilities of a desktop information management program, such as Outlook. Topics covered include organizing information,
managing your time and schedule, and communicating with other people.
37.5 Instructional Clock Hours
Focuses on basic spreadsheet applications such as replication, automatic recalculation, financial modeling, analysis and projection, and general mathematical
Introduction to Computer Operating Systems
CompTIA Server+
NCSA 04 Desktop Information Management
100 Instructional Clock Hours
Blends online learning with on campus and distance learning methods to apply
knowledge required to pass MCAS 2007 Microsoft Certification Exam. The
Microsoft MCAS Training Package include expert instructor-led training modules
with customized presentations, practice exam simulators and learning supplements for an all-inclusive training program that provides all the benefits of classroom training at your own pace. The Microsoft Certified Application Specialist
(MCAS) credential, part of the Microsoft Business Certification program, identifies specific skills covering the most in-demand 2007 Microsoft Office system
products—Microsoft Office Word 2007, Excel 2007, PowerPoint 2007, Access
2007, and Outlook 2007—as well as the Windows Vista operating system. The
MCAS certification is replacing the Microsoft Office Specialist or MOS certification for the Office 2007 Suite. To earn MCAS certification you need to pass one
of the five exams available. After passing an individual exam, a person becomes
an MCAS in the particular software application they took the exam in.
MOS 2010 – Microsoft Office Suite Certification
processing, basic functions and use of word processing, spreadsheet, database,
and presentation system and desktop publishing software applications, basic
skills using a Web browser and search engine, and careers in the field of
computer science.
NCSA 02 Computer Upgrading and Repair 37.5 Instructional Clock Hours
Covers the knowledge and skills necessary for upgrading and repairing the
hardware of a typical personal computer (PC). Includes the study of microprocessors, basic bus and input/ output (I/O) interface types, and the types of semiconductor memories found in a typical PC. Also studied is the layout of the
drives set up by a disk operating system and how the operating system works
with the hardware. This course will further prepare the student for the A+ Certifi-
100 Instructional Clock Hours
Blends online learning with on campus and distance learning methods to apply
knowledge required to pass MOS 2010 Microsoft Certification Exam. The Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Training Package include expert instructor-led
training modules with customized presentations, practice exam simulators and
learning supplements for an all-inclusive training program that provides all the
benefits of classroom training at your own pace. The Microsoft Office Specialist
(MOS) credential, part of the Microsoft Business Certification program, identifies
specific skills covering the most in-demand 2010 Microsoft Office system products—Microsoft Office Word 2010, Excel 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Access 2010,
and Outlook 2010. The MCAS certification is replacing the Microsoft Office Specialist or MOS certification.
Office 2010 MOS Certification training courses
prepare students for the MOS exams by teaching greater skill mastery in each of
the individual Microsoft Office 2010 programs. Candidates must pass one or
more certification exams in order to earn the MOS credential. The MOS exams
provide a valid and reliable measure of technical proficiency and expertise in
Microsoft Office 2010 by evaluating the ability to use the advanced features in
the products to solve real-world business problems.
NCSA 09 Introduction to Internet
end users and troubleshoot desktop environments running on the Microsoft Windows operating system. This
online certification preparation program will prepare
students to sit for the national certification exam to become a Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician.
37.5 Instructional Clock Hours
An introductory course designed to teach
the basics of navigating the Internet and
the World Wide Web. Students participate
in online and off- line activities such as
accessing the Internet, sending electronic
mail, browsing newsgroups, and completing research activities. Also discussed is
Internet etiquette acceptable behaviors and
standards of conduct.
NCSA 15 Introduction to Database Design
75 Instructional Clock Hours
Focuses on the use and development of a database
program, with an emphasis on loading, modifying and
querying capabilities. Topics include storage devices,
data design, administration, analysis and implementation,
data structures, indexed and direct file organizations, and
hierarchical network and relational models. Students
enrolled in a degree or college credit certificate program
must complete all prerequisites.
NCSA 10 Introduction to Computer
Operating Systems
37.5 Instructional Clock Hours
This course provides a basic history and overview of computer operating systems. Basic theories, concepts and terminology, and evolution of computer operating systems are covered. Development, function, and comparisons of common operating systems such as DOS, Windows 9x, Windows NT/2000, Unix/
Linux, AS/400, and Mac OS are discussed. In particular, this class is meant to
introduce processes such as the processing unit, file systems, process management, synchronization, memory management and I/O management.
NCSA 11 CompTIA Server+
50 Instructional Clock Hours
Blends online learning with on campus and distance learning methods to apply
knowledge required to pass CompTIA Server+ Certification Exam. The CompTIA Server+ Training Course includes expert instructor-led training modules with
customized presentations, practice exam simulators and learning supplements
for an all-inclusive training program that provides all the benefits of classroom
training at your own pace. CompTIA's Server+ is a vendor-neutral certification
that validates the competency of advanced IT technicians. The Server+ Certification confirms a technician's knowledge of Industry Standard Server Architecture (ISSA) technology, technologies such as RAID, SCSI and multiple CPUs, as
well as capabilities with server issues, including disaster recovery. The CompTIA Server+ Certification Training Course measures the necessary competencies for network administrators working in the IT industry. Students will learn the
knowledge and skills needed to manage multi-platform support, changing user
needs, increased server demand, maintenance, setting control, and disaster
planning on a variety of operating systems.
NCSA 16 Introduction to Web Database
75 Instructional Clock Hours
Provides an overview of the relationship of databases to ecommerce. The advantages and disadvantages of different database models will be explored.
Students will develop an online database
using a scripting language or an application
program such as Cold Fusion or Microsoft
NCSA 17 Network Administrator Capstone I - Internship
80 Instructional Clock Hours
The capstone course is designed for the
student to demonstrate his/her knowledge
and skills applicable to the degree core
competencies and outcomes. The course
is designed as a project-based experience.
The student's project requirements will be
designed in concern with his/her area of
curriculum emphasis.
37.5 Instructional Clock Hours
Focuses on privacy laws, ethical issues, data security standards and laws, and Forklift Driver Training
Internet etiquette including opt in– opt out rules for email marketing and email list
Program Objective:
The Forklift Driver Training program
NCSA 13 Introduction to Management Information Systems
will equip the student with the neces37.5 Instructional Clock Hours
sary skills to operate a forklift safely
Focuses on the role of information systems in the management process, with and efficiently in the workplace and
emphasis on the various aspects of processing data, characteristics of communimeet the standards for OSHA certificacation and information, and problem solving.
NCSA 14 MCDST – Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician
100 Instructional Clock Hours
Blends online learning with on campus and distance learning methods to apply
knowledge required to pass MCDST Microsoft Certification Exam. Student will
learn skills needed to support the common computer and network problems
encountered by users of the network computers in the enterprise. The Microsoft
MCDST Combo Training Package includes expert instructor-led training modules with customized presentations, practice exam simulators and learning supplements for an all-inclusive training program that provides all the benefits of
classroom training at your own pace. The Microsoft Certified Desktop Support
Technician credential is the premier certification for IT professionals who support
FT 2 - Loading & Unloading 4 Clock hours
Students will learn proper approach techniques to pallet positions and
operations of lever controls. This class will cover loading and unloading from a truck and from a warehouse rack. Students will demonstrate their understanding and ability to load and unload by performing
a skills test.
FT 3 - Pallet Placement
4 Clock hours
This class will provide students with basic warehouse storage techniques that include straight stacking, side stacking, pushing, and
product rotation. Students will demonstrate their understanding and
ability to perform proper pallet placement by performing a skills test.
FT 4 - Powered Equipment Skills
4 Clock hours
This class will educate students about powered equipment such as
electric pallet jacks and high lifts and safe operating practices. They
will review which type of equipment is used for specific or unique
tasks. Students will demonstrate their understanding of each by a
written test.
Logistics School
NCSA 12 Information Technology: Ethical/Legal Issues
FT 1 - Forklift Safety
4 Clock hours
This class will educate students to the design and balance of the forklift.
Students will learn how to properly mount and dismount the forklift.
Students will learn how to properly change a propane tank with personal protective equipment and proper storage of tanks. Students will learn
traffic safety while working around others who are on forklifts or on foot.
This class will be delivered by video and classroom instructor. Students
will demonstrate their understanding of forklift safety by taking a written
Program Description:
The Forklift Driver Training program consists of four modules of lecture
and operation courses that provide training in forklift safety, loading and
unloading, pallet placement, and powered equipment skills.
Program Completion Time: The minimum completion time for the
Forklift Driver Training program is 2 days, 8 hours per day.
FT I Forklift Safety
FT 2 Loading & Unloading
FT 3 Pallet Placement
FT 4 Powered
Equipment Skills
Total Hours
Program Description:
The Commercial Truck Driver Training program consists of eleven modules of classroom lecture, safety theory, hands on training, yard skills,
and vehicle inspection and vehicle operation.
Course Descriptions:
Program Objective:
To train students to successfully pass the Florida Commercial Drivers
License (CDL) Test and equip them to function as a licensed professional commercial truck driver upon completion.
Program Completion Time: The minimum completion time for the
Commercial Truck Driver Training program is 4 weeks, 8 hours per day
for a total of 160 clock hours.
Practical Total
hours Hours
Commercial Truck Driver Training
DT 1 - CDL Program Overview
8 hours
This is an overview on the implementation of the Commercial Drivers
License. Students will leave this class having an understanding of the
development of the program and the rationale for each part of the program.
DT 2 - Commercial Vehicle Classification 8 hours
This class will give students a clear understanding of commercial classifications as it relates to vehicles which require such. This will include
combination vehicles, straight vehicles, buses, and coaches. Students
will be able to identify each type of vehicle classification with the appropriate license needed for driver operation.
DT 3 - Endorsements and Restrictions
8 hours
This class will identify endorsements needed for specific vehicle classifications. This will include such endorsements as: Hazardous Material,
Doubles / Triples, School, and Passenger. The class will also provide
details regarding Restrictions which can be listed on a license by the
Division of Drivers License for specific needs that may need to be identified.
Course Descriptions:
DT I CDL Program Overview
DT 2 Commercial Vehicle Classification
DT 3 Endorsements &
DT 4 CDL General
DT 4 - CDL General Knowledge
10 hours
This class will cover the complete written portion of the General DT 5 CDL Combination
Knowledge Test that will be administered by the Division of Drivers Service / Logs
License. This is an in-depth study of the questions and rationale perDT 6 Air Brakes
taining to each.
DT 7 Driver Hours of
DT 5 - CDL Combination Service / Logs
10 hours
Service / Logs
This class will cover the complete written portion of the Combination
Test that will be administered by the Division of Drivers License. This DT 8 Driver Safety
is an in-depth study of the questions and rationale pertaining to each. DT 9 Pre-trip Inspection
DT 6 – Air-Brakes
4 hours
DT I0 Basic Controls
This class will cover the complete written portion of the Air Brakes
DT II Basic Road Skills
Test that will be administered by the Division of Drivers License. This
is an in-depth study of the questions and rationale pertaining to each. Total
Classroom Practical
DT 7 - Driver Hours of Service I Logs
4 hours
This class will review federal and state law as it relates to driver hours
of service. The class will also provide instruction on how to properly fill
out a driver log book.
DT 8 - Driver Safety
8 hours
This class will teach professional driver safety and techniques. This
includes proper entry into the vehicle and exit from the vehicle. An
overview of safety equipment required for commercial vehicles and
application for each.
DT 9 - Pre-Trip Inspection
30 hours
This portion of training will be hands-on as students will learn each
part of the vehicle and it's required inspection points. This will include
location, identification, and explanation of each item on the CDL PreTrip Test.
Career Tech, LLC
1755 West Olive St.
Lakeland, Florida 33815
Telephone: (863) 688-8800
Fax: (888) 542-7931
DT 10 - Basic Controls
30 hours
This portion of training will include instruction on how to maneuver the
commercial vehicle through and around set boundaries. This will include straight line backing, parallel parking, off-set parking, and alley
dock parking.
DT 11 - Basic Road Skills
40 hours
This portion of training will involve actual road time driving. This will
include observation of "real time" traffic situations and best practices
to avoid accidents. Students will observe urban and rural street driving as well as highway driving. Students will learn to observe street
signs, bridge clearances, and how to make an emergency roadside
Volume 4
July 1, 2012
"DREAM BIG! BECAUSE YOU CAN." is a service mark of Career Tech, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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