curriculum vitae


curriculum vitae
Data di nascita
Ordinazione (sacerdote)
Evaldo Xavier Gomes, O. Carm.
Carmelitani - Antica Osservanza
[email protected] / [email protected]
Occupazioni Attuali
Professore Visitante (Diritto Internazionale e Diritti Umani) - Facoltà di Diritto Canonico,
Pontificia Università Urbaniana.
Post-Dottorando - European University Institute, Law Department, Firenze, ITALIA (fino a
ottobre 2010)
6 – Post-Dottorato in Diritto– Law Department – Istituto Universitario Europeo, Fiesole, Italia.
Gulbenkian Fellowship. Settembre 2009 – ottobre 2010.
5 – Master DiReCom / Istituto internazionale di Diritto canonico e Diritto comparato delle
religioni (DiReCom), Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano – Lugano, Svizzera, 2007-2009 (in corso).
4– Dottorato in Utroque Iure / Pontificia Università Lateranense – Roma / Italia (26/11/2007)
Relatore della tese: Prof. Vincenzo Buonuomo, co-relattori: Prof. Antonello Blasi e Prof. Giuseppe
DallaTorre. Summa Cum Laude.
3 – Licenza in Utroque Iure / Pontificia Università Lateranense – Roma / Italia. Summa Cum
2 - Baccellierato in Teologia – Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano, Svizzera.
1 – Baccellierato in Giurisprudenza (5 anni) / Faculdade de Direito - Universidade Federal de
Minas Gerais, Brasile.
Altri studi
Corso di Diritto Romano e Scienza dell’Interpretazione (Master) / Pontificia Università
Lateranense, Roma / Italia. Summa Cum Laude.
Amministrazione Pubblica – 2 anni – Escola de Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais – Fundação
João Pinheiro, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasile / 1994-1995
Filosofia - Centro de Estudos Superiores da Companhia de Jesus, Belo Horizonte / Minas Gerais /
Brasile /1992-1993.
Corsi e Seminari
- Diploma della Scuola Pratica di Teologia e di Diritto Canonico, CIVCSVA, 10/11/2004.
- Corso di Prassi Amministrativa Canonica, Congregazione per il Clero, 2003-2004.
- European Integration. Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt / Note 2,0, (08/2003).
- 2004 Session on “Multiculturalism and International Law”: Institute of International Public
Law and International Relations, Thessalonic / Greece (6-24/09/2004).
- 35th Session d’Enseignement: Institut International des Droits de l'Homme, Strasbourg /
France (5-30/07/2004)
- Corso sulla tutela internazionale dei diritti umani: Unione Forense per la Tutela dei Diritti
dell’Uomo et Consiglio degli Avvocati di Roma – Roma / Italia(06/11-04/12/2004).
- Specialized Course on Human Rights Law: Academy of European Law, European University
Institute, Florence (20/06-01/07/2005).
- First Decisions of the Security Council and the Organs of the Court: Salzburg Law School of
International Law, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, Salzburg, Austria (07-19/08/2005).
- Religion and International Law: Past and Present: Faculdade de Direito da Unversidade de
Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal (13-23/07/2005).
- Fourth International Summer School on Religion and Public Life: Hebrew College /
Andover Newton Theological School / Forum Bosnia, Stolac - Bosnia and Boston – USA (117/08/2006)
Lingua madre
Molto buono
Molto buono / diplomi D.E.L.F. et D.A.L.F.
Molto buono
1 - Avvocato – Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, OAB\MG
2 – Affiliato all’Instituto Superior de Direito Canônico, Rio de Janeiro, Brasile.
3 – Membro del Comitato Editoriale – Revista Brasileira de Direito Canonico – Rio de Janeiro,
4 – Ricercatore Visitante - OTEP (Oxford Theological Exchange Programme), Balliol College
- Oxford University, Regno Unito.
5 – Membro. Consorcio Latino-Americano de Liberdade Religiosa.
6 – Membro. International Law Association
Rilevanti esperienze di lavoro
1 – dal 1993 al 1997 / avvocato a Brasile presso la Società Campos e Campos. Aree di attuazione:
diritto civile, diritto comerciale, Leasing, alienazione fiduciaria, diritto bancario.
1 – 1999-2000 – economo della comunità di noviziato a Jaboticabal / São Paulo
2 – 2000 – 2001 / parocco a São Paulo (Paróquia de Santa Teresa do Itaim-Bibi)
3 – dal 2001: trasferito a Roma per studi
4– 2002-2008: direttore delle Edizioni Carmelitane, Casa Editrice della Curia Generale del Ordine
del Carmine.
“Los Acuerdos entre la Santa Sede y Brasil”, Revista General de Derecho Canónico y Derecho
Eclesiástico del Estado, Iustel, Madrid, ISSN:1696-9669, nº 22 Enero 2010, p. 1-51.
The Brazilian state and the Holy See in 2008 have concluded a historic agreement that regulates affairs
between the two powers. Even been not the unique, the latter is the most important agreement with the
Apostolic See in the recent history of Brazil. For the analysis of international treaties between Brazil and
the Holy See, at first the author makes a journey through the legal history of relations in Church and
State in Brazil. Then he analyzes the existing agreements, addressing main aspects and contents.
"The Implementation of Inter-American Norms on Freedom of Religion in the National Legislation
of OAS Member States", BYU Law Review, Volume 2009, Issue nº. 3 & 4, p. 575- 596, ISSN
On Nov 22, 1969, members of the Organization of American States (OAS) met in San Jose, Costa Rica, to
adopt the American Convention on Human Rights. After its eleventh ratification, deposited by Grenada
on Jul 18, 1978, the treaty went into force. Through this Pact of San Jose, the OAS established two
organs to supervise the implementation and enforcement of the rights contained therein. These organs,
namely, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Commission) and the Inter-American Court
of Human Rights (Court), have protected the right to exercise religious freedom in the American
hemisphere by vigorously promoting the defense of all human rights. In this article, the author discusses
the legal instruments enacted to expand and enforce human rights among the member states of the OAS.
The author also summarizes examples of specific cases brought before the Commission and the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights.
“Church-State relations from a catholic perspective: general considerations on Nicolas Sarkozy's
new concept of Laïcité Positive”, Journal of Catholic Legal Studies (formerly The Catholic
Lawyer), vol. 48, Number 2, 2009, ISSN: 0008-8137, p. 201-218.
What are the consequences and the impacts of the new concept of Laïcité recently proposed? In three main
occasions, in Rome, in Riad and in Paris, the French President Nicolas Sarkozy lunched a new concept
of Church and State relations that he calls Laïcité Positive. It is a radical change considering the
traditional French conception of Laïcité. Initially the author gives a general overview of Church and
State relations on Catholic prospective. Next he analyses the speeches of Sarkozy in Rome, Paris and
Riad in which the new concept had been launched and its repercussion in religious, national and
international spheres.
“La tutela della Libertà di Religione nel Sistema Interamericano di Protezione dei Diritti Umani”, in
Il Diritto Ecclesiastico, Milano, vol. 2007/3-4, ISSN: 1128-7772.
Although not very well know the Inter-American Human Rights System has important interventions in the
protection of freedom of religion. This article shows the protection of this right since the firsts forms of
regional unions till the actual Inter-American Human Rights System. In a exhaustive study the author
analyses the protection of the right to freedom of religion in the documents, jurisprudence, reports and
measures of the System, its special features and innovations.
“Possibilidades de Exercício de um ofício eclesial por parte de um fiel leigo”, in Revista Brasileira
de Direito Canônico - "Direito & Pastoral", ano XXII, 2008, nº 53, Pontifício Instituto Superior de
Direito Canônico, Rio de Janeiro, ISSN: 1981-7096 (forthcoming).
“A Liberdade de Religião e o Cristianismo - considerações de ordem bíblica, patristica e
canonistica”, in Forum Canonicum, vol IV/ 1-2 - 2009. Instituto Superior de Direito Canónico,
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa, ISSN: 0872-0835, p. 237 - 254.
“Cooperação do Fiel Leigo no Exercício da Potestas Regiminis / EX CÂNONE 129, §2 - Com
especial referência aos tribunais colegiais.”, in Forum Canonicum, vol II/ 1-2007. Instituto
Superior de Direito Canónico, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa, ISSN: 0872-0835,
“Liberdade Religiosa: estudo comparativo entre o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e o direito
canônico.”, in Revista Eletrônica de Direito do Estado, Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Público, nº6
abril/maio/junho/2006, Salvador, pp.1-11. revista/REDE-6ABRIL-2006-EVALDO.pdf (ISSN 1981-187X).
“Capacidade dos leigos para assumirem ofícios eclesiásticos”, in Revista Brasileira de Direito
Canônico - "Direito & Pastoral", ano XX, 2006, nº 51, Pontifício Instituto Superior de Direito
Canônico, Rio de Janeiro, ISSN: 1981-7096.
“Readmissão de candidatos à vida religiosa”, in Direito e Pastoral, ano XVII, 2003, nº15, Instituto
Superior de Direito Canônico, Rio de Janeiro, ISSN: 1981-7096, pp.45-53.
Relazioni in Conferenze o Seminari
“The European Court of Human Rights and proselytism – recent developments”. Panel: Religious
Persuasion, Proselytism and Human Rights - Oxford Conference on Law and Religion. Oxford
Society for Law and Religion; Focus on FORB; the Centre for Christianity and Culture at Regent’s
Park College, Oxford; the School of Law, University of Bristol; Brunel Law School, Oxford
Brookes University; and the International Center for Law and Religion Studies at Brigham Young
University, Oxford - United Kingdom, 7-9 June 2010 (forthcoming).
“Freedom of Religion and Terrorism”. International Symposium on The Monotheistic Religions and
the Human Liberties. The Centre for Religious, Canon and Juridical Studies and Research of the
Three Monotheist Religions (Mosaic, Christian, and Islamic), Constanta - Romania, 31 May - 1
June 2010 (forthcoming).
“Indigenous Peoples of South America´s Rainforest and Media – Regional and Nationals
Frameworks”. International Conference: An alternative self-representation? Ethnic minority media,
between hegemony and resistances, University of Poitiers, Poitiers – France, 18 - 19 March 2010.
“La Libertad Religiosa en el Derecho Interamericano”. IX Coloquio Anual - Religión en la
Educación Pública y Coloquio sobre Derecho y Religión. Consorcio Latinoamericano de Libertad
Religiosa, Montevideo, Uruguay, 6 - 7 August 2009.
“La Libertad de Creencias en Brasil”. Simposio de Derecho Ecclesiastico: Libertad religiosa y de
creencias en Latinoamérica y Europa: una perspectiva comparada. Real Academia de
Jurisprudencia y Legislación, Madrid, 21 November 2008.
“The implementation of Inter-American norms on freedom of religion in the national legislation of
OAS Members States”. Conference on International Protection of Religion Freedom: National
Implementation, October 5-8, 2008, at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, and October 9-10,
2008, at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
“Inter-American Perspectives on Freedom of Religion and Belief”. Conference on Freedom of
Religion and Belief in a Global Perspective – Challenges and Opportunities. Promoted by "Focus
on Freedom of Religion or Belief". Chairman: Prof. Malcolm Evans, Berlin, 9-11 December 2007.
“O direito canônico: fundamento, instrumentos e perspectivas”. Faculdade de Direito, Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais. Chairman: Prof. Arthur José de Almeida Diniz, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 20
August 2005.
Monograph provisionally entitled Law and Religion in Brazil, commissioned by Prof Rik Torfs,
Editor-in-Chief, manuscript to be submitted 2010, to the Encyclopaedia for Religion and to be
published as part of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws. Publisher: Kluwer Law
International, The Netherlands.. Approx. pp. 250 (in preparazione).
Liberdade de Religião no Sistema Interamericano de Proteção dos Direitos Humanos.
Pontificia Università Lateranense, Roma 2008, pp. 252.
(Editor). The Carmelite Rule (1207-2007) – Proceedings of the Lisieux Conference, Edizioni
Carmelitane, Roma 2008, pp. 629.
Eventi Realizatti
CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN SEMINAR - Minorities and Indigenous Peoples: Lessons from the past and
Openings for the future. 17 to 18 May 2010. History and Law Department, European University
Institute, Florence, Italy.
1 – Prof. Giuseppe Dalla Torre Del Tempio di Sanguinetto
Magnifico Rettore e docente ordinario presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta
Via della Traspontina, 21
00193 Roma
[email protected]
tel. 06.684221 / Fax 06.6878357
2 – Prof. Vincenzo Buonomo
docente di Diritto Internazionale e di Organizzazione Internazionale
Pont. Università Lateranense
Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4
Tel: 06.698.95.688 / Fax: 06.698.95.501
3 – Prof. P. Vincenzo Mosca, O. Carm.
docente di Diritto Missionale e di Amministrazione dei Beni della Chiesa
consultore della Congregazione del Clero
Via Sforza Pallavicini, 10
00193 – Roma / Italia
[email protected]
tel. 06.68100863

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