curriculum vitae em ingles - Child Support Worldwide Network


curriculum vitae em ingles - Child Support Worldwide Network
Rua Igarapava 14, ap. 301
Leblon – Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Brazil. 22450-200
+ 55 (21)2512-4673
na dia
Curriculum Vitae
Nadia de Araujo
Doctoral’s Degree in International Law; University of Sao Paulo Law School.
Master's Degree in Comparative Law; The National Law Center; George
Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Permanent Academic Positions
Full Professor of Law; Private International Law; Pontifical Catholic University of
Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Brazil.
Professor of Law; LLM Program of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de
Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Brazil.
Professional Experience
Chief Adviser for Constitutional Appeals to the District Attorney’s Office. Rio de
Janeiro/RJ. Brazil.
Public Prosecutor for Courts of Rio de Janeiro; position obtained through civilservice examination given by Office of District Attorney, State of Rio de Janeiro.
Other Relevant Professional and Academic Activities
Member of the Brazilian National Group at the Pemanent Court of Arbitration, the
Hague, since 2004.
Alternate Arbitrator in the Mercosur’s Permanent Tribunal of Revision for Brazil,
from 2003/2008, having served as member of Panel in Decision n. 2.
Arbitrator of the Ad Hoc Brazilian list of the Mercosur’s Brasilia Protocol, having
served as arbitrator in the 11th Award.
Brazilian Delegate to The Hague Conference Special Commission on Child
Maintenance Obligations, from 2004 to 2007.
Brazilian Delegate to the XXI Diplomatic Conference on the Hague Convention on
the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family
Maintenance and a Protocol on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations,
adopted by the Hague Conference on Private International Law.
Nadia de Araujo
Vice-Chairman of the II Committee on the Protocol of Applicable Law.
Professor at the seminar “The protection of the child in international law”, by the
Hague Academy of International Law, June 14-20, 2009.
Visiting Professor; University of Florida; Law School; Gainesville; USA. Course:
International Contracts (fall 2008).
Member of Editorial Boards
Journal of Private International Law, Hart Publishing, London
Jus Gentium, University of Baltimore, Baltimore.
Revista Direito Estado e Sociedade (RDE), Rio de Janeiro, Renovar.
Main Publications
- “Private International Law: Brazilian theory and practice”; Ed.
Renovar, Rio de Janeiro, 2003, now at its 4th edition, in 2008.
- “Mercosul’s Code”, Ed. Renovar, Rio de Janeiro, 1998 .
- “Party Autonomy and International Contracts” Ed. Renovar, 1997,
now in its 4rd edition, in 200 9.
- "Civil Liability in Brazilian Air Transportation." Study prepared for "A Panorama
of Brazilian Law", coordinated by Professor Jacob Dolinger, North-South
Center, University of Miami, 1992.
- "Mercosur/Alca: quel processus I´ integration possible?", Droit et
Société, Paris, n. 59, pp. 57 -64, 2005. (autores: ARAUJO, N.;
- “Derecho Internacional Privado de los Estados del MERCOSUR”, coordinator
Diego Arroyo, Zavalia, Buenos Aires, 2003.
- "A arbitragem internacional nos contextos interamericanos
brasileiro", DeCitta, Buenos Aires, 0/1/2004, pp. 341 -362.
- “The Status of Brazilian Legal Education” in 51, Journal of Legal Education,
2001, p. 325.
- "Dispute resolution in Mercosur: the protocol of Las Leñas and the
case law of the brazilian Supreme Court.", Inter -American Law
Review, The University of Miami, Miami, v. 23, n. 1, pp. 25 -56,
"O Direito Internacional Privado e a proteção da pes soa humana:
evolução do método conflitual e a observância dos direitos
Rua Igarapava 14, ap. 301 – Leblon – Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil. 22450-200.
+ 55 (21)2512-4673 n a di a @ i n f o l i n k . c o m . br
Nadia de Araujo
fundamentais", Curso de Direito Internacional - XXVIII 2001 ,
Washington , Organização dos Estados Americanos - OEA, v. 21,
pp. 461-548, 2002.
- "A criação do Tribunal Permanente de revisã o e seu papel na
consolidação do sistema de revisão e interpretação das normas do
Mercosul", Anuário Brasileiro de Direito Internacional, Belo
Horizonte, 2008, pp. 204 -215.
“O Projeto de Convenção sobre cobrança de alimentos da
Conferência de Haia de Dire ito Internacional: análise e resultados
da participação brasileira", RDE, Revista de Direito do Estado,
Renovar, Rio de Janeiro, v. 2, n. 6, pp. 247 -268, 2007.
Rua Igarapava 14, ap. 301 – Leblon – Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil. 22450-200.
+ 55 (21)2512-4673 n a di a @ i n f o l i n k . c o m . br

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