Pronomes vs. Anomalos


Pronomes vs. Anomalos
.: AULA 1 :.
01) (ACAFE) - Select the alternative in which the underlined word(s) can be
replaced by the pronoun in parentheses:
a) The text is about animals. (He)
b) We met Paul yesterday. (him)
c) The kangaroos are interesting animals. (Them)
d) We can meet camels in the desert. (it)
e) I saw a chimpanzee in the zoo. (she)
02) (ITA - SP) Our friends insist that there is something _______________.
a) between her and I
b) between she and me
c) between hers and I
d) between her and me
e) between she and I
* os chamados Subject Pronouns são usados como SUJEITO de frases. Eles são colocados na frente do verbo.
I study French every Saturday.
She needs Mark.
* os chamados Object Pronouns são usados como OBJETOS (direto e
indireto). São colocados após o verbo.
We love her.
He loves us.
* He é um pronome masculino da 3ª pessoa do singular.
She é um pronome feminino da 3ª pessoa do singular.
It é um pronome neutro da 3ª pessoa do singular é geralmente usado
para referir-se a coisas e animais.
* They corresponde ao plural de He, She e/ou It.
Watch Out!
Os pronomes objetivos também aparecem após preposições,
com função de objeto:
John writes to her.
to = preposição
her = objeto.
03) (F.E.M. STA. CASA - SP) Are you looking for Dr. Getwell?
_______________ office is on the 2nd floor.
a) He’s
b) Her
c) Hers
d) Your
e) Ours
04) (CEFET - PR) “The lifesaving remedy replaces the body’s lost fluids
and salts.” O possessivo que substitui a expressão em negrito é:
a) her
b) their
c) our
d) its
e) my
05) Ecology means the study of the relationship of plants and animals, or
people and institutions, in _______ natural surroundings. But for all practical purposes it means you in your environment and what you think of the
world you live in.
Relationship: _______________
Environment: _______________
a) their
b) our
c) its
d) your
e) his
Exercícios Propostos
* os chamados Possessive Adjectives são usados quando, após eles,
há um substantivo.
This is my wallet.
* Os chamados Possessive Pronouns são usados quando após eles
não há substantivos
That pen is mine.
Para indicar posse em inglês, temos ainda a forma:
Substantivo + of + pronome possessivo
É o chamado double possessive (duplo possessivo) e se traduz
“um de, um dos, uma das”.
A cousin of ours = one of our cousins.
A relative of mine = one of my relatives.
01) Peter’s wife said: “my husband wants me to sell my bicycle, but he won’t
sell _______________”.
a) hers
b) his
c) yours
d) its
e) theirs
02) Put into English: “Uma das tias dela é médica”.
a) An aunt of herself is a doctor.
b) An aunt of her is a doctor.
c) One of hers aunt is a doctor.
d) One of her aunt is a doctor.
e) An aunt of hers is a doctor.
03) My wife was so hungry that she ate all_______________ cake and
_______________, too.
a) herself - my
b) hers - myself
c) her - mine
d) hers - mine
e) her - my
04) John and Mary are my best friends, and I often go to the movies with
a) their
b) her
c) him
d) them
e) they
05) Every man has _______________ own rights and obligations.
a) its
b) him
c) he
d) his
e) himself
06) Let’s call some friends of _______________ and have a party.
a) us
b) himself
c) their
d) ours
e) your
07) Since that is not _______________ booklet, will you please give
_______________ back to whom _______________ really belongs?
a) your - its - it
b) yours - it - it
c) your - it - it
d) yours - it - its
e) your - its - its
08) My brand new transistor radio just broke. Could your brother try to fix
a) it me
b) for me it
c) it for me
d) me it
e) for it me
09) (UFPR) Com base no texto a seguir, responder às questões 9 e 10.
“Old Sally Gibbs was a very strange woman. The fine house in which she
had lived overlooked a lovely valley. But she hardly ever went out. Though a
servant looked after her, her only real companions were two cats. For years
she had refused to see any of her relations as she felt all they were interested in her money.”
In the sentence: “For years she had refused to sec any of her relations as...”
the underlined pronoun she could be substituted by:
(01) The servant.
(02) Sally Gibbs.
(04) The companion.
(08) The old woman.
(16) Her cat.
Soma: _______
10) According to what we may infer from the text:
(01) Sally Gibbs was not a very friendly woman.
(02) Sally Gibbs liked to meet people.
(04) Sally Gibbs hated pets.
(08) Sally Gibbs was a rich woman.
(16) There was a beautiful view from Sally Gibbs’s house.
Soma: _______
01) b
02) e
03) c
04) d
05) d
06) d
07) c
08) c
09) 10
10) 25
.: AULA 2 :.
* não têm “to” na forma infinitiva: CAN, MAY, MUST.
* não têm “s” nas terceiras pessoas do singular:
- I must go.
- They can write.
- She must go.
- He can write.
* Quando combinados com outros verbos, não são seguidos de “to”:
- I must study.
- She may die.
Ought to
I ought to go.
1- Necessidade
Everybody must have money to live. (Todos precisam ter dinheiro
para viver.)
2- Obrigação
The maid must clean the house. (A empregada deve limpar a casa.)
3- Dedução
She must be very intelligent. (Ela deve ser muito inteligente.)
Must not - Proibição
You mustn’t step on the grass. (Você não deve pisar a grama.)
The students mustn’t smoke during the classes. (Os alunos não
devem fumar durante as aulas.)
1- Capacidade
He can swim well. (Ele pode nadar bem.) (Ele sabe nadar bem.)
2- Habilidade
She can speak English fluently. (Ela sabe falar inglês fluentemente.)
Passado: Could
He could skate when he was a kid. (Ele podia patinar quando era
criança/ Ele sabia patinar quando era criança).
1- Permissão
May I dance with your wife? (posso dançar com sua esposa?)
2- Probabilidade
Betty may come tomorrow. (Betty pode chegar amanhã)
Passado: Might
He said he might go. (Ele disse que podia (poderia) ir.)
Ought to - Should
1- Conselho
You ought to stop drinking. You’ll get ill.
You should stop drinking.
(Você deveria parar de beber. Ficará doente.)
2- Lembrança de um dever
You ought to pay your bills.
You should pay your bills.
(Você deveria pagar suas contas.)
01) (UFRGS) - In my school _______________ many foreign students.
a) has
b) have
c) there is
d) there are
e) there have
02) (UNESP) - Doctors and dentists should always _______________
with their training.
a) continued
b) continue
c) continuing
d) will continued
e) have continue
03) (UCPR) - Complete com o verbo certo.
“My vacation is over. I _______________ get back to work immediately,
otherwise I’II lose my job.”
a) may
b) should
c) can
d) might
e) must
04) (F.C.CHAGAS) Brazil _______________ one of the oldest national libraries in South America.
a) has
b) have
c) is having
d) had had
e) would have
05) (Fatec) There are fewer suicides in New York City when it rains. But
when the sun is shining and New Yorkers seem happy, the depressed
person sinks deeper into depression, and the police department gets more
suicide calls.
to rain
to shine
to seem
to sink
to get
According to the text above:
a) more people in New York City attempt suicide when the weather is good.
b) the New York police department receives more suicide telephone calls at
c) a depressed person in New York City becomes more depressed when
the weather is cloudy.
d) in rainy weather, more people who live in New York City try to kill themselves.
e) people in New York City who seem happy actually get more depressed in
sunny weather.
Exercícios Propostos
01) He _______________ speak Italian when he was ten years old.
a) may
d) could
b) might
e) should
c) can
02) She _______________ study hard now, because she has no chance to
a) mustn’t
b) can’t
c) shouldn’t
d) needn’t
e) won’t do
03) (UEL) _______________ any good news in the paper today?
a) Is
b) Has
c) Have
d) Is there
e) Are there
04) (UBERABA) Ask him whether _______________ any bus running at
this time.
a) it is
b) there is
c) is has
d) there has
e) is
05) The fact that we have the power to destroy nature _______________ us
the moral right to do so.
a) give
b) not give
c) gives not
d) do not give
e) does not give
06) (F. C. CHAGAS) Bad news _______________ fast.
a) travel
b) are traveling
c) do travel
d) traveling
e) travels
07) (ITA) Qual das orações abaixo indica obrigação?
a) I can learn how to speak English well.
b) I may learn how to speak English well.
c) I must learn how to speak English well.
d) I want to learn how to speak English well.
e) I will learn how to speak English well.
Janet: Look, our boat is sinking!
Peter: Oh, dear! Can you swim?
Janet: Yes, but we won’t have to, there’s a life boat on board.
In the above dialogue the underlined verbs express respectively
_______________ and _______________.
a) ability - obligation
b) permission - prohibition
c) possibility - prohibition
d) permission - possibility
e) ability - necessity
Atenção: as questões de números 9 e 10 referem-se ao texto a seguir.
Dear Diary.
Our school friend Jane came to sleep over last night. She slept in the bed
with us. Lucy on the outside because she is brave - it never occurs to her that
if in her sleep her hand hangs over the edge of the bed “something” will
crawl out from under it and bite her fingers off. I sleep near the wall because
that thought has occurred to me. Jane, therefore, 9 to sleep in the middle.
a) had
d) should
b) must
e) would
c) can
10) a palavra brave, no texto, significa:
a) forte
d) boba
b) corajosa
e) inconsciente
c) mal humorada
01) d
02) d
03) d
04) b
05) e
06) e
07) c
08) e
09) a
10) b